diff --git a/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/fonctions.py b/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/fonctions.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f0e3b77d75315d4978157ed592e6ff2167257b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/fonctions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import numpy as np 
+from src.forward_model import CFA
+import cv2 as cv2
+def hamilton_adams(y, input_shape):
+    n,p = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]
+    z = np.copy(y)
+    for i in range(2 , n-2): #green interpolation by gradient comparison for every red and blue pixels
+        for j in range(2, p-2):
+            if z[i,j,1] == 0 and z[i,j,0] != 0:   #red pixel
+                #Vertical and horizontal gradient
+                grad_y = np.abs(z[i-1,j,1] - z[i+1,j,1]) + np.abs(2*z[i,j,0] - z[i-2,j,0] - z[i+2,j,0])
+                grad_x = np.abs(z[i,j-1,1] - z[i,j+1,1]) + np.abs(2*z[i,j,0] - z[i,j-2,0] - z[i,j+2,0])
+                if grad_x < grad_y:
+                    z[i,j,1] = (z[i,j-1,1] + z[i,j+1,1])/2 + (2*z[i,j,0] - z[i,j-2,0] - z[i,j+2,0])/4
+                elif  grad_x > grad_y:
+                    z[i,j,1] = (z[i-1,j,1] + z[i+1,j,1])/2 + (2*z[i,j,0] - z[i-2,j,0] - z[i+2,j,0])/4
+                else:
+                    z[i,j,1] = (z[i-1,j,1] + z[i+1,j,1] + z[i,j-1,1] + z[i,j+1,1])/4 + (2*z[i,j,0] - z[i,j-2,0] - z[i,j+2,0] + 2*z[i,j,0] - z[i-2,j,0] - z[i+2,j,0])/8
+            elif z[i,j,1] == 0 and z[i,j,2] != 0:    #blue pixel
+                #Vertical and horizontal gradient
+                grad_y = np.abs(z[i-1,j,1] - z[i+1,j,1]) + np.abs(2*z[i,j,2] - z[i-2,j,2] - z[i+2,j,2])
+                grad_x = np.abs(z[i,j-1,1] - z[i,j+1,1]) + np.abs(2*z[i,j,2] - z[i,j-2,2] - z[i,j+2,2])
+                if grad_x < grad_y:
+                    z[i,j,1] = (z[i,j-1,1] + z[i,j+1,1])/2 + (2*z[i,j,2] - z[i,j-2,2] - z[i,j+2,2])/4
+                elif  grad_x > grad_y:
+                    z[i,j,1] = (z[i-1,j,1] + z[i+1,j,1])/2 + (2*z[i,j,2] - z[i-2,j,2] - z[i+2,j,2])/4
+                else:
+                    z[i,j,1] = (z[i-1,j,1] + z[i+1,j,1] + z[i,j-1,1] + z[i,j+1,1])/4 + (2*z[i,j,2] - z[i,j-2,2] - z[i,j+2,2] + 2*z[i,j,2] - z[i-2,j,2] - z[i+2,j,2])/8
+    for i in range(1 , n-1): #red/blue interpolation by bilinear interpolation on blue/red pixels
+        for j in range(1, p-1):
+            if z[i,j,2] != 0 :
+                 z[i,j,0] = (z[i-1,j-1,0] + z[i-1,j+1,0] + z[i+1,j-1,0] + z[i+1,j+1,0]) / 4
+            elif z[i,j,0] != 0:
+                 z[i,j,2] = (z[i-1,j-1,2] + z[i-1,j+1,2] + z[i+1,j-1,2] + z[i+1,j+1,2]) / 4
+            else:
+                z[i,j] = z[i,j]
+    for i in range(1 , n-1): #blue and red interpolation by bilinear interpolation on green pixels
+        for j in range(1, p-1):    
+            if z[i,j,0] == z[i,j,2]:
+                z[i,j,0] = (z[i-1,j,0] + z[i,j-1,0] + z[i+1,j,0] + z[i,j+1,0]) / 4             
+                z[i,j,2] = (z[i-1,j,2] + z[i,j-1,2] + z[i+1,j,2] + z[i,j+1,2]) / 4  
+    return z
+# def SSD(y, cfa_img, input_shape):  #SSD algo
+#     n,p = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]
+#     hlist = [16,4,1]
+#     res = np.copy(y)
+#     for h in hlist:
+#         res = NLh(res, cfa_img ,n,p,h)
+#         res = CR(res,n,p)
+#     return res
+# def NLh(y, cfa_img, n, p, h):  #NLh part
+#     res = np.copy(cfa_img)
+#     for i in range(4,n-3):
+#         for j in range(4,p-3):
+#             if cfa_img[i,j,0] != 0:
+#                 res[i,j,1] = NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, 1, h)
+#                 res[i,j,2] = NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, 2, h)
+#                 print((i,j))
+#             elif cfa_img[i,j,1] != 0:
+#                 res[i,j,0] = NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, 0, h)
+#                 res[i,j,2] = NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, 2, h)
+#                 print((i,j))
+#             else:
+#                 res[i,j,0] = NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, 0, h)
+#                 res[i,j,1] = NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, 1, h)
+#                 print((i,j))
+#     return res
+# def NLh_calc(y, cfa_img, i, j, channel, h):   #aux function to calculate the main sum for each pixel
+#     sum = 0
+#     norm = 0
+#     for k in range(-2,3):
+#         for l in range(-2,3):
+#             if k!=0 and j!=0:
+#                 a = poids(y, channel, i,j,k,l,h)
+#                 sum += a * cfa_img[i+k,j+l,channel]
+#                 norm += a
+#     return sum / norm
+# def poids(y, channel, i,j,k,l,h):  #aux function to calcultate the weight for a given p=(i,j) , q=(k,l)
+#     som = 0
+#     # for tx in range(-1,2):
+#     #     for ty in range(-1,2):
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i-1 , j-1, channel] - y[k+1 , l-1, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i-1 , j, channel] - y[k+1 , l, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i-1 , j+1, channel] - y[k+1 , l+1, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i, j-1, channel] - y[k, l-1, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i, j, channel] - y[k, l, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i, j+1, channel] - y[k, l+1, channel]))**2   
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i+1 , j-1, channel] - y[k+1 , l-1, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i+1 , j, channel] - y[k+1 , l, channel]))**2
+#     som += (np.abs(y[i+1 , j+1, channel] - y[k+1 , l+1, channel]))**2
+#     res = np.exp((-1/h**2) * som)
+#     return res
+# def CR(img_rgb):  #Chrominance median 
+#     res = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2YUV)
+#     y, u, v = cv2.split(res)
+#     U_med = cv2.medianBlur(u, 3)
+#     V_med = cv2.medianBlur(v, 3)
+#     y = cv2.cvtColor(y, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
+#     u = cv2.cvtColor(u, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
+#     v = cv2.cvtColor(v, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
+#     res = np.vstack([y, u, v])
+#     return res
diff --git a/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/reconstruct.py b/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/reconstruct.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6ff7632e3245c495850183afbda773daf51ea2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/reconstruct.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+"""The main file for the reconstruction.
+This file should NOT be modified except the body of the 'run_reconstruction' function.
+Students can call their functions (declared in others files of src/methods/your_name).
+import numpy as np
+from src.forward_model import CFA
+from src.methods.ramanantsitonta_harizo.fonctions import hamilton_adams #, SSD 
+def run_reconstruction(y: np.ndarray, cfa: str) -> np.ndarray:
+    """Performs demosaicking on y.
+    Args:
+        y (np.ndarray): Mosaicked image to be reconstructed.
+        cfa (str): Name of the CFA. Can be bayer or quad_bayer.
+    Returns:
+        np.ndarray: Demosaicked image.
+    """
+    # Performing the reconstruction.
+    # TODO
+    input_shape = (y.shape[0], y.shape[1], 3)
+    op = CFA(cfa, input_shape)
+    cfa_img = op.adjoint(y)
+    res = hamilton_adams(cfa_img, input_shape)
+    #res = SSD(res,  cfa_img, input_shape)
+    return res
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+# 2023
+# Authors: Mauro Dalla Mura and Matthieu Muller
diff --git a/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/report_ramanantsitonta.pdf b/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/report_ramanantsitonta.pdf
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Binary files /dev/null and b/src/methods/ramanantsitonta_harizo/report_ramanantsitonta.pdf differ