diff --git a/src/methods/laporte_auriane/Project_report_LAPORTE.pdf b/src/methods/laporte_auriane/Project_report_LAPORTE.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a60362af40c78f667e3dbb1b1cf15a849c8ef585
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/methods/laporte_auriane/Project_report_LAPORTE.pdf differ
diff --git a/src/methods/laporte_auriane/fct_to_demosaick.py b/src/methods/laporte_auriane/fct_to_demosaick.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22c383c97dd108a10b58c5be6cbc5b991eafd422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/laporte_auriane/fct_to_demosaick.py
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+"""This file contains all the functions that are used in order to perform a Kimmel algorithm demosaicking"""
+##### Importations #####
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from src.forward_model import CFA
+##### Some functions used #####
+def neigh(i, j, colour_chan, img):
+    """Finds the neighbours of the pixel (i, j) of a colour channel
+    Args:
+        i: column of the pixel
+        j: line of the pixel
+        colour_chan: colour channel chosen
+        img: image
+    Returns:
+        List of the neighbours of the pixel (i, j) and the pixel (i, j)
+    """
+    X = img[:, :, colour_chan].shape[0]
+    Y = img[:, :, colour_chan].shape[1]
+    # Place each Pi compared to P5 (i horizontal and j vertical)
+    # See P1 to P9 drawing, page 2 of http://ultra.sdk.free.fr/docs/Image-Processing/Demosaic/An%20Improved%20Demosaicing%20Algorithm.pdf
+    # % (modulo) to make sure it is a multiple (avoid error index 1024 out of bounds)
+    P1 = img[(i-1)%Y, (j-1)%X, colour_chan]
+    P2 = img[i%Y, (j-1)%X, colour_chan]
+    P3 = img[(i+1)%Y, (j-1)%X, colour_chan]
+    P4 = img[(i-1)%Y, j%X, colour_chan]
+    P5 = img[i%Y, j%X, colour_chan]
+    P6 = img[(i+1)%Y, j%X, colour_chan]
+    P7 = img[(i-1)%Y, (j+1)%X, colour_chan]
+    P8 = img[i%Y, (j+1)%X, colour_chan]
+    P9 = img[(i+1)%Y, (j+1)%X, colour_chan]
+    #print(f'Size of P1: {P1.size}') # 1
+    return [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9]
+def derivat(neighbour_list):
+    """Compute directional derivatives of pixel
+    Args:
+        neighbour_list: list of neighbours
+    Returns:
+        List of the directional derivatives
+    """
+    # Must be 9 (9P neigbours)
+    #print(f'neighbour_list len to derivate: {len(neighbour_list)}') # 9
+    # Assign P neighbours to the neighbour_list (to then compute the derivatives)
+    [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9] = neighbour_list
+    # Compute the derivatives (independant of the colour component)
+    Dx = (P4 - P6) / 2
+    Dy = (P2 - P8) / 2
+    Dxd = (P3 - P7) / (2 * np.sqrt(2))
+    Dyd = (P1 - P9) / (2 * np.sqrt(2))
+    # Formula given at the top of page 3 (but very long computing time, and does not provide better results)
+    #Dxd = np.max( ( np.abs((P3 - P5) / (np.sqrt(2))), np.abs((P7 - P5) / (np.sqrt(2))) ) )
+    #Dyd = np.max( ( np.abs((P1 - P5) / (np.sqrt(2))), np.abs((P9 - P5) / (np.sqrt(2))) ) )
+    # Store the computed values in deriv_list
+    deriv_list = [Dx, Dy, Dxd, Dyd]
+    #print(f'Len de deriv_list: {len(deriv_list)}') # 4
+    return deriv_list
+def weight_fct(i, j, neighbour_list, deriv_list, colour_chan, img):
+    """Compute the weights Ei
+    Args:
+        i: column of the pixel
+        j: line of the pixel
+        neighbour_list: neighbour_list: list of neighbours
+        deriv_list: list of derivatives
+        colour_chan:colour channel chosen
+        img: image
+    Returns:
+        List of the weights
+    """
+    # Assignment
+    [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9] = neighbour_list
+    [Dx, Dy, Dxd, Dyd] = deriv_list
+    X = img[:,:,colour_chan].shape[0]
+    Y = img[:,:,colour_chan].shape[1]
+    # E list to complete (weighting function)
+    E = []
+    # Fix the start
+    cur = 1
+    # Neighbourhood
+    for step in range(-1, 2): # from -1 to 1 (2-1)
+        for step in range(-1, 2): # otherwise only 3 values in E
+            # Find the neigbours
+            n = neigh(i+step, j+step, colour_chan, img)
+            # Derivatives
+            d = derivat(n)       
+            # See P1 to P9 drawing, page 2 of http://ultra.sdk.free.fr/docs/Image-Processing/Demosaic/An%20Improved%20Demosaicing%20Algorithm.pdf
+            if cur==4 or cur==6:
+                E.append( 1 / np.sqrt(1 + Dx**2 + d[0]**2) )
+            elif cur==2 or cur==8:
+                E.append( 1 / np.sqrt(1 + Dy**2 + d[1]**2) )
+            elif cur==7 or cur==3:
+                E.append( 1 / np.sqrt(1 + Dxd**2 + d[2]**2) )
+            else: # 1 or 9
+                E.append( 1 / np.sqrt(1 + Dyd**2 + d[3]**2) )
+            cur = cur+1
+    #print(f'Len of E: {len(E)}') # 9
+    # other way to code (Page 3/6 of http://elynxsdk.free.fr/ext-docs/Demosaicing/more/news0/Optimal%20Recovery%20Demosaicing.pdf, method 1)), but I did not understand what is or how T was chosen?
+    return E
+def clip_extreme(img):
+    """Clip the values of the image, so they are between 0-1
+    Args:
+        img: image
+    Returns:
+        The clipped image
+    """
+    #max_val = np.amax(img)
+    #min_val = np.amin(img)
+    #print(f'Max value before clipping: {max_val}')
+    #print(f'Min value before clipping: {min_val}')
+    # Put extreme values between 0 and 1
+    img = np.clip(img, 0, 1)
+    return img
+def quad_to_bayer(img, op):
+    """Performs a conversion from Quad_bayer to Bayer pattern
+    Args:
+        img: image
+        op: CFA op
+    Returns:
+        The image Bayer pattern
+    """
+    # Based on p28/32 https://pyxalis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/PYX-ImageViewer-User_Guide.pdf
+    ### 1. Swap 2 col every 2 columns
+    # Start: 2nd col --> 1 (bc start counting at 0) / Step: 4 (look at drawing of 1st swap p28 Pyxalis) / End: input_shape[0]-2 --> input_shape[0]-1
+    for j in range (1, img.shape[0]-1, 4):
+        store = np.copy(img[:, j]) # Store col j of the img
+        img[:, j] =  np.copy(img[:, j+1])  # Col j becomes like col j+1
+        img[:, j+1] = store # Col j+1 become like col j (previously saved otherwise value lost)
+        store_op = np.copy(op.mask[:, j])
+        op.mask[:, j] =  np.copy(op.mask[:, j+1])
+        op.mask[:, j+1] = store_op
+    ### 2. Swap 2 lines every 2 lines (same process for the lines)
+    for i in range (1, img.shape[1]-1, 4):
+        store = np.copy(img[i, :])
+        img[i, :] =  np.copy(img[i+1, :])
+        img[i+1, :] = store
+        store_op = np.copy(op.mask[i, :])
+        op.mask[i, :] =  np.copy(op.mask[i+1, :])
+        op.mask[i+1, :] = store_op
+    ### 3. Swap back some diagonal greens
+    # Starts: 0 and 2 / Steps: 4 / End: img.shape[nb]-1 --> img.shape[nb]
+    for k in range(0, img.shape[0], 4):
+        for l in range(2, img.shape[1], 4):
+            store = np.copy(img[k, l])
+            img[k, l] = np.copy(img[k+1, l-1])
+            img[k+1, l-1] = store
+            store_op = op.mask[k, l]
+            op.mask[k, l] = np.copy(op.mask[k+1, l-1])
+            op.mask[k+1, l-1] = store_op
+    return img
+##### 1. Interpolation of green colour #####
+def interpol_green(neighbour_list, weights_list):
+    """Interpolates missing green pixel 
+    Args:
+        neighbour_list: list of neighbours
+        weights_list: list of weights
+    Returns:
+        The interpolated pixel
+    """
+    # Assignment
+    [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9] = neighbour_list
+    [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9] = weights_list
+    # Compute missing green pixel (combination of 4 nearest neighbours)
+    G5 = (E2*P2 + E4*P4 + E6*P6 + E8*P8) / (E2+E4+E6+E8)
+    #print(f"G5 size: {G5.size}") # 1
+    return G5
+##### 2. Interpolation of red and blue colours #####
+def interpol_red_blue(neighbour_list, weights_list, green_neighbour):
+    """Interpolates missing blue/red pixel
+    Args:
+        neighbour_list: list of neighbours in blue/red channel
+        weights_list: list of weights
+        green_neighbour: list of the neighbours in green channel
+    Returns:
+        The interpolated pixel (in blue/red channel)
+    """
+    # Assignment
+    [P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9] = neighbour_list
+    [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9] = weights_list
+    [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9] = green_neighbour
+    # Compute missing red/blue pixel (combination of 4 nearest neighbours)
+    R5_num = E1*(P1/G1) + E3*(P3/G3) + E7*(P7/G7) + E9*(P9/G9)
+    R5_denom = E1+E3+E7+E9
+    R5 = G5 * R5_num / R5_denom
+    #print(f"R5 size: {R5.size}") # 1
+    return R5
+##### 3. Correction stage #####
+def green_correction(red_neighbour, green_neighbour, blue_neighbour, weights_list):
+    """Correction of green pixels
+    Args:
+        red_neighbour: neighbours in red channel
+        green_neighbour: neighbours in green channel
+        blue_neighbour: neighbours in blue channel
+        weights_list: list of weights
+    Returns:
+        Corrected green pixel
+    """
+    # Assignment
+    [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9] = green_neighbour
+    [R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9] = red_neighbour
+    [B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9] = blue_neighbour
+    [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9] = weights_list
+    # Compute correction
+    GB5_num = E2*(G2/B2) + E4*(G4/B4) + E6*(G6/B6) + E8*(G8/B8)
+    GR5_num = E2*(G2/R2) + E4*(G4/R4) + E6*(G6/R6) + E8*(G8/R8)
+    G5_denom = E2+E4+E6+E8
+    GB5 = B5 * GB5_num / G5_denom
+    GR5 = R5 * GR5_num / G5_denom
+    #print(f"GB5 size: {GB5.size}") # 1
+    print(f"GB5: {GB5}")
+    #print(f"GR5 size: {GR5.size}") # 1
+    print(f"GR5: {GR5}")
+    G5 = (GR5 + GB5) / 2
+    print(f"G5 size: {G5.size}") # 1
+    print(f"G5: {G5}")
+    return G5
+def blue_correction(green_neighbour, blue_neighbour, weights_list):
+    """Correction of blue pixels
+    Args:
+        green_neighbour: neighbours in green channel
+        blue_neighbour: neighbours in blue channel
+        weights_list: list of weights
+    Returns:
+        Corrected blue pixel
+    """
+    # Assignment
+    [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9] = green_neighbour
+    [B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9] = blue_neighbour
+    [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9] = weights_list
+    # Compute correction
+    B5_num = 0
+    B5_denom = 0
+    print(f'Len de weights_list: {len(weights_list)}')
+    for i in range(len(weights_list)):
+        if i != 5:
+            B5_num += weights_list[i] * blue_neighbour[i] / green_neighbour[i]
+            B5_denom += weights_list[i]
+    B5 = G5 * B5_num / B5_denom
+    #print(f"B5_denom size: {B5_denom.size}") # 1
+    print(f"B5_denom: {B5_denom}") # number
+    #print(f"B5_num size: {B5_num.size}") # 1
+    print(f"B5_num: {B5_num}") # nan
+    #print(f"B5 size: {B5.size}") # 1
+    print(f"B5: {B5}")
+    return B5
+def red_correction(red_neighbour, green_neighbour, weights_list):
+    """Correction of red pixels
+    Args:
+        red_neighbour: neighbours in red channel
+        green_neighbour: neighbours in green channel
+        weights_list: list of weights
+    Returns:
+        Corrected red pixel
+    """
+    # Assignment
+    [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9] = green_neighbour
+    [R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9] = red_neighbour
+    [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9] = weights_list
+    # Compute correction
+    R5_num = 0
+    R5_denom = 0
+    for i in range(len(weights_list)):
+        if i != 5:
+            R5_num += weights_list[i] * red_neighbour[i] / green_neighbour[i]
+            R5_denom += weights_list[i]
+    R5 = G5 * R5_num / R5_denom
+    return R5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/methods/laporte_auriane/reconstruct.py b/src/methods/laporte_auriane/reconstruct.py
index a97bd3f6e3c68df763b36c46b2727461af078bd2..bac96a08738de8d3540462cc6617090ea910a210 100644
--- a/src/methods/laporte_auriane/reconstruct.py
+++ b/src/methods/laporte_auriane/reconstruct.py
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ This file should NOT be modified except the body of the 'run_reconstruction' fun
 Students can call their functions (declared in others files of src/methods/your_name).
 import numpy as np
 from src.forward_model import CFA
+from src.methods.laporte_auriane.fct_to_demosaick import *
 def run_reconstruction(y: np.ndarray, cfa: str) -> np.ndarray:
@@ -19,12 +18,121 @@ def run_reconstruction(y: np.ndarray, cfa: str) -> np.ndarray:
         np.ndarray: Demosaicked image.
-    # Performing the reconstruction.
-    # TODO
+    #print(f'y shape: {y.shape}') # (1024, 1024)
     input_shape = (y.shape[0], y.shape[1], 3)
     op = CFA(cfa, input_shape)
+    ########## TODO ##########
+     # Colour channels
+    red = 0
+    green = 1
+    blue = 2
+    correction = 0
+    # In case of Quad_bayer op
+    if op.cfa == 'quad_bayer':
+        print("Transformation into Bayer pattern")
+        y = quad_to_bayer(y, op)
+        print('Quad_bayer to Bayer done\n\nDemoisaicking processing...')
+    z = op.adjoint(y)
+    # 1st and 2nd dim of a colour channel
+    X = z[:,:,0].shape[0]
+    Y = z[:,:,0].shape[1]
+    #print(f"X: {X}") # 1024
+    #print(f"Y: {Y}") # 1024
+    ### Kimmel algorithm ###
+    # About 3 to 4 minutes
+    # Interpolation of green colour
+    for i in range (X):
+        for j in range (Y):
+            # Control if value 0 in green channel
+            if z[i,j,1] == 0:
+                # Find neigbours
+                n = neigh(i, j, green, z)
+                # Derivatives
+                d = derivat(n)
+                # Weighting fct
+                w = weight_fct(i, j, n, d, green, z)
+                # Green interpolation (cross)
+                z[i,j,1] = interpol_green(n, w)
+    # Clip (avoid values our of range 0-1)
+    z = clip_extreme(z)
+    # 2 steps for the blues
+    # Interpolate missing blues at the red locations
+    for i in range (0, X, 2):
+        for j in range (1, Y, 2):
+            # Find neigbours + green
+            n = neigh(i, j, blue, z)
+            n_G = neigh(i, j, green, z)
+            d = derivat(n_G)
+            w = weight_fct(i, j, n, d, green, z)
+            # Blue interpolation (4 corners)
+            z[i,j,2] = interpol_red_blue(n, w, n_G)
+    # Interpolate missing blues at the green locations
+    for i in range (X):
+        for j in range (Y):
+            # Control if value 0 in blue channel
+            if z[i,j,2] == 0:
+                # Find neigbours
+                n_B = neigh(i, j, blue, z)
+                d = derivat(n_B)
+                w = weight_fct(i, j, n_B, d, blue, z)
+                # Blue interpolation (cross)
+                z[i,j,2] = interpol_green(n_B,w)
+    z = clip_extreme(z)
+    # 2 steps for the reds
+    # Interpolate missing reds at the blue locations
+    for i in range (1, X, 2):
+        for j in range (0, Y, 2):
+            # Find neigbours + green
+            n = neigh(i, j, red, z)
+            n_G = neigh(i, j, green, z)
+            d = derivat(n_G)
+            w = weight_fct(i, j, n_G, d, green, z)
+            # Red interpolation (4 corners)
+            z[i,j,0] = interpol_red_blue(n, w, n_G)
+    # Interpolate missing reds at the green locations
+    for i in range (X):
+        for j in range (Y):
+            # Control if value 0 in red channel
+            if z[i,j,0] == 0:
+                # Find neigbours
+                n_R = neigh(i, j, red, z)
+                d = derivat(n_R)
+                w = weight_fct(i, j, n_R, d, red, z)
+                # Red interpolation (cross)
+                z[i,j,0] = interpol_green(n_R,w)
+    z = clip_extreme(z)
+    # Correction step (repeated 3 times)
+    if correction == 1:
+        for i in range(3):
+            n_G[4] = green_correction(n_R, n_G, n_B, w)
+            n_B[4] = blue_correction(n_G, n_B, w)
+            n_R[4] = red_correction(n_R, n_G, w)
+            # nan
+    #print(f'Image reconstructed shape: {z.shape}') # 1024, 1024, 3
-    return np.zeros(op.input_shape)
+    return z