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  • chetouae/open-research-data-monitor-back
  • mlarrieu/open-research-data-monitor-back
2 results
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......@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ df_type = df["resourceTypeGeneral"].value_counts()
#define Seaborn color palette to use
# a set of color via plt
#define a color palette to use
### see color palett
colors = [ for i in range(len(df_type))]
colors = [ for i in range(len(df_type))]
random.shuffle(colors) ## so that blue is not more the first item
plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
# plt.subplots_adjust(1, 0.01 , 0.9, 0.2) # pour modifier la taille du pie
plt.pie(df_type, colors = colors, autopct=lambda p: '{:.0f}%'.format(round(p)) if p > 1 else '', startangle = 160)
## auto pct only if value > 1
plt.legend(df_type.index, loc = (0.7, -0.1) )
plt.legend(df_type.index, loc = (0.80, 0.2), framealpha = 0.95)
plt.title(f"Type of datasets", fontsize = 20, x = 0.5, y = 1.03, alpha = 0.6)
plt.suptitle(f"n = {len(df)}", fontsize = 11, x = 0.5, y = 0.9, alpha = 0.6)
plt.title(f"Type of research data", fontsize = 20, x = 0.5, y = 1.03, alpha = 0.6)
plt.suptitle(f"n = {len(df)}", fontsize = 11, x = 0.5, y = 0.87, alpha = 0.6)
plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 0)
print(f"\ngraph produced pie--datacite-type.png")
# print(len(df))
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ df = my_fct.load_and_treat_csv()
df_client_raw = df["client"].value_counts()
## regroup small values in "other"
treshold = 20
......@@ -31,9 +30,11 @@ colors = [ for i in range(len(df_client))]
#colors = sns.color_palette('pastel')[0:len(df_client)]
plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
plt.pie(df_client, labels = df_client.index, colors = colors, autopct='%.0f%%')
plt.title(f"Distribution of datasets by DataCite client", fontsize = 20, x = 0.5, y = 1.03, alpha = 0.6)
plt.suptitle(f"n = {len(df)}", fontsize = 11, x = 0.5, y = 0.90, alpha = 0.6)
plt.title(f"Distribution of research data by DataCite client", fontsize = 20, x = 0.5, y = 1.03, alpha = 0.6)
plt.suptitle(f"n = {len(df)}", fontsize = 11, x = 0.5, y = 0.88, alpha = 0.6)
plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 0)
print(f"\ngraph produced pie--datacite-client.png")
# Codes for the UGA Open research data monitor
# Scripts & codes for the UGA Open research data monitor
view contextualized results on the website : [](
See contextualized results on the website : [](
<br />
<br />
## Sources
## Sources & identification methods
(so far)
### Recherche Data Gouv
| | UGA perimeter |
|RDG |contact, auteurs, producteur et contributeurs avec "UGA" OR "Grenoble" |
|DataCite |creator et contributor avec ROR + clients & publisher |
|Zenodo |creator et contributor avec "grenoble" |
|Nakala |UGA user identifiers |
|BSO via HAL|NA |
|... | |
- Recherche en format texte de `UGA` et `grenoble AND alpes` dans les champs suivants : `author`, `contributor`, `datasetContactAffiliation`, `producerAffiliation`
### DataCite
- recherche avec les clients Datacite de l'UGA : `inist.osug`, `client.uid:inist.sshade`, `client.uid:inist.resif`, `client_id:inist.persyval`
- avec les ROR de l'université sur les champs `creators` et `contributors`
- en format texte `grenoble AND alpes` sur le champs `publisher`
- instruire l'UGA comme financeur
### Zenodo
- recherche en format texte `"(\"grenoble alpes\" OR \"grenoble alps\" OR \"grenoble INP\" OR \"polytechnique de grenoble\" OR \"Grenoble Institute of Technology\" OR \"univeristé de grenoble\" )"` sur les champs `author` et `contributor`
- veille sur l'API car demain il devrait être possible de requêter par ROR ?
### Nakala
- recherche par les déposants relevant de l'UGA. Liste obtenues via HumaNum et enrichie manuellement
- instruire côté `dcterms:publisher`
### Barometre de la science ouverte UGA
- a faire annuellement à chaque MAJ du jeux de données
- récupérer la liste de publications, filter sur celles où des jeux de données ont été produits
- passer par HAL pour retrouver les DOI de ces jeux de données (champs `researchData_s`)
## Filters
- we remove the following datacite types `["Book", "ConferencePaper", "ConferenceProceeding", "JournalArticle", "BookChapter", "Service", "Preprint"]`
- we remove the following datacite clients `["rg.rg", "inist.epure"]`
## Comment sont comptées les données de la recherche ?
Le monitor prend en compte les données dotées d'un DOI de l'agence DataCite, c'est-à-dire qu'elles sont Findable. Un dépôt de données comprend des métadonnées conformes au schéma de données DataCite et un ou plusieurs fichiers pouvant être organisés en arborescence. Ce sont les dépôts qui sont comptés et non les fichiers intégrés aux dépôts : un DOI compte donc pour une donnée de recherche.
Le schéma de Datacite permet de déclarer des relations entre DOI, ce que nous utilisons pour gérer les versions ou les doublons de données.
Afin d'éviter de compter deux pour un même dépôt, ou bien pour un dépôt mis à jour, le monitor est doté d'une fonction qui navigue entre les DOIs dont la relation est de type `isVersionOf` ou `isIdenticalTo`. Dans le premier cas, la fonction "remonte" les versions jusqu'à la version parente, c'est-à-dire un DOI stable qui redirige vers la version la plus récente.
Dans le deuxième cas, la fonction garde simplement la version signalée comme étant identique. Cette relation n'étant pas symétrique, le DOI conservé n'aura pas de relation "isIdenticalTo" et la redondance est évitée.
<br />
<br />
## Data schema
Les champs du tableau produit reprennent ceux du schéma de données de DataCite (cf., auquel deux champs sont ajoutés :
- `all_relation`
toutes les relations attachées au DOI identifié.
- `traveled_dois`
liste des DOIs parcourus par le script pour obtenir le DOI de concept
<br />
<br />
## Credits
......@@ -24,4 +74,4 @@ view contextualized results on the website : [mlarrieu.gricad-pages.univ-grenobl
* Élias Chetouane: collecting data, program automation
* Maxence Larrieu: collecting data, enrichment & visualisation
as members of GRICAD & CDGA
\ No newline at end of file
as members of GRICAD & CDGA
10.5281/zenodo.15064810,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-21,Zenodo,CeCILL-B Free Software License Agreement,
10.15778/resif.f1,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-03-21,Epos-France Seismological Data Centre,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"['Approximately 80 active stations with one channel each', '2GB/day']"
10.5281/zenodo.15058310,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-03-20,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.15778/,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-03-20,Epos-France Seismological Data Centre,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"['3 stations', '+15GBi/year', '90GBi in 2025']"
10.5281/zenodo.15040084,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-03-20,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.1173103,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.15052860,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.15002702,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-19,Zenodo,"BSD 3-Clause ""New"" or ""Revised"" License,Apache License 2.0,MIT License",
10.5281/zenodo.15045197,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.15045097,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_hb_20220422_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-18,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['3 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20250228_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-18,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['7 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20250226_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-18,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['4 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20250224_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-18,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['6 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_mr_20241002_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-18,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.13151800,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-03-17,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.14470/3v875927,tib.gfz,Dataset,2025-03-14,GFZ Data Services,"embargoed access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",['495GB']
10.5281/zenodo.15023210,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-03-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14876809,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-03-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.15016412,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-13,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.15016334,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-13,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20250307_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-11,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['4 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.14833853,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-03-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.15778/resif.2l2018,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-03-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['96 stations, 555Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.6j2018,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-03-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['341 stations, 1723Go (miniseed format)']"
10.21427/3yhz-9j83,tudublin.arrow,Other,2025-03-10,Technological University Dublin,,
10.15778/resif.z82016,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-03-07,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['10 stations, 10Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.9m2022,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-03-07,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['48 stations, 138Go (miniseed format)']"
10.24350/cirm.v.20308503,inist.cirm,Audiovisual,2025-03-07,CIRM,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.18709/perscido.2025.03.ds417,inist.persyval,Dataset,2025-03-07,PerSCiDO,,['500 Mo']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20240821_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-06,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['15 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20240904_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-03-06,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['18 spectra']
10.34847/nkl.1f17wf88,inist.humanum,Text,2025-03-04,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International,['1768524 bytes']
10.57745/g02zxz,,Dataset,2025-03-03,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14959913,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-03-03,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/ci0k9g,,Dataset,2025-02-28,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.57745/mwv5h4,,Dataset,2025-02-28,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14929747,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-02-26,Zenodo,Apache License 2.0,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20130103_004,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-25,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['5 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20130129_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-25,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['6 spectra']
10.5061/dryad.w9ghx3g12,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2025-02-25,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['6712125 bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14918002,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14917193,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-02-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14916232,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14901514,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-21,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_cn_20051102_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-21,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['7 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.14894695,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14639609,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14870477,cern.zenodo,InteractiveResource,2025-02-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20250131_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-17,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['25 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20250127_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-17,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['12 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_aa_20180509_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-17,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['4 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.14872215,cern.zenodo,Text,2025-02-17,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14872096,cern.zenodo,Text,2025-02-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14871992,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14866244,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_mk_20230604_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-14,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['5 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_mk_20220405_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-14,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['8 spectra']
10.34847/nkl.0795425x,inist.humanum,Dataset,2025-02-13,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,['1516717 bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14866164,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-02-13,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14859639,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-02-12,Zenodo,Open Government Licence - Canada,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_gi_2022_0421_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-02-12,SSHADE/Mirabelle (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7668913,figshare.ars,Collection,2025-02-12,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.28396567,figshare.ars,Text,2025-02-12,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['492403 Bytes']
10.6084/m9.figshare.28396564,figshare.ars,Text,2025-02-12,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['625940 Bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14848819,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.17632/zk4cjx8cpk,bl.mendeley,Dataset,2025-02-11,Mendeley Data,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14849381,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14824156,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14823936,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14824423,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14844185,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-10,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14833746,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-09,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.13127/sfit/hsfit-2024,crui.ingv,Collection,2025-02-08,"ArcGIS Online, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)","Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['5 earthquakes', '325 coseismic observations', '110 coseismic traces', '13 coseismic zones']"
10.5281/zenodo.14824026,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-06,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14808936,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-06,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14811394,cern.zenodo,Text,2025-02-05,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/nj15ir,,Dataset,2025-02-05,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14801189,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-04,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14800883,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-02-04,Zenodo,GNU General Public License v3.0 only,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20060709_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-31,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['1 spectrum']
10.5281/zenodo.14762346,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.3217/g02q8-b8531,tug.openlib,Text,2025-01-30,Graz University of Technology,,
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7649617,figshare.ars,Collection,2025-01-30,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.28307725,figshare.ars,Text,2025-01-30,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['278182 Bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14768220,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-29,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14754876,cern.zenodo,Text,2025-01-28,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_oa_20241004_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-28,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['8 spectra']
10.17178/emaa_para-h3o-plus_rotation_76df9536,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-h2co_rotation_d6660421,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-d2o_rotation_9bafef1a,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-ch3nc_rotation_8826bc0d,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-ch3cn_rotation_9b09f4b0,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_para-c3h2_rotation_91f1794b,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-h3o-plus_rotation_2031c86e,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_rotation_fe91d2c4,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_hyperfine_6f2fb42f,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-d2o_rotation_ca298faa,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-ch3nc_rotation_ffce225a,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-ch3cn_rotation_f295392c,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ortho-c3h2_rotation_cd49c787,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_nh_hyperfine_9946dda8,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_nd_hyperfine_207bdee0,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hn(13c)_rotation_633c9fef,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hdo_rotation_970556ed,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hcnh-plus_rotation_96da3ce2,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hcnh-plus_hyperfine_b6c64b5a,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_hc(15n)_rotation_a05523a2,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_h2_rovibration_21dc48b2,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_h(13c)n_rotation_5d5db045,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_e-ch3oh_rotation_7f7bea3d,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_e-ch3(18o)h_rotation_19d8c1f0,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_e-(13c)h3oh_rotation_e36b64aa,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_dnc_rotation_0eccd706,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_dcn_rotation_2600b325,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_dcn_hyperfine_b334e710,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_d(13c)n_rotation_0a5e68c6,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ch_hyperfine_c8735926,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_rotation-hot_ee89e18f,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_hyperfine-hot_b5b79323,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_c2h_hyperfine_ff7c7676,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_c2d_hyperfine_06a7f7c4,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_a-ch3oh_rotation_154b5af9,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_a-ch3(18o)h_rotation_657b3900,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.17178/emaa_a-(13c)h3oh_rotation_5f1338ad,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication:
This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database ( EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20250114_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-27,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['5 spectra']
10.34847/nkl.be3b2f21,inist.humanum,Dataset,2025-01-27,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International,['1399078 bytes']
10.34847/nkl.cd4d36m5,inist.humanum,Text,2025-01-27,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International,['153033064 bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14502341,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14724211,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14624101,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-23,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14024478,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-23,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14726443,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-23,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14725490,cern.zenodo,Other,2025-01-23,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20250122_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-22,SSHADE/BYPASS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['5 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.14720001,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-22,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.12799096,cern.zenodo,Model,2025-01-22,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14659271,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-20,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14699203,cern.zenodo,Text,2025-01-20,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.48380/fg5k-st46,mcdy.dohrmi,Text,2025-01-18,Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung e.V. (DGGV),,
10.48380/h5qm-xt03,mcdy.dohrmi,Text,2025-01-18,Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung e.V. (DGGV),,
10.15778/resif.zn2021,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-01-17,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['99 stations, 874Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.xh2018,inist.resif,Dataset,2025-01-17,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,
10.34692/34fz-6q37,inist.inrap,Audiovisual,2025-01-17,Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,['13:50']
10.5281/zenodo.14674742,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-01-17,Zenodo,GNU General Public License v3.0 or later,
10.5281/zenodo.14191006,cern.zenodo,PeerReview,2025-01-16,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.8382919,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-15,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.28208970,figshare.ars,Text,2025-01-15,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['34929 Bytes']
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10.5281/zenodo.14646459,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-01-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20241126_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-10,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['17 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.11395334,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-09,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.18709/perscido.2025.01.ds416,inist.persyval,Dataset,2025-01-09,PerSCiDO,,['10 Mo']
10.5281/zenodo.13354072,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-08,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14036011,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-31,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7602799,figshare.ars,Collection,2024-12-29,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.28104922,figshare.ars,Text,2024-12-29,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['4584520 Bytes']
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10.6084/m9.figshare.28104916,figshare.ars,Dataset,2024-12-29,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['5091 Bytes']
10.6084/m9.figshare.28104913,figshare.ars,Dataset,2024-12-29,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['15827 Bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14562024,cern.zenodo,Model,2024-12-27,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_kalicinite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-27,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_nahcolite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-27,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_coalingite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-26,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.26302/sshade/bandlist_raman_brugnatellite,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-26,SSHADE/BANDLIST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",
10.26302/sshade/experiment_jb_20090211_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-20,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['6 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_pg_20100623_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-20,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['4 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.14527715,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-12-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14527557,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.28058712,figshare.ars,Text,2024-12-19,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['1211266 Bytes']
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10.26302/sshade/experiment_pc_20060304_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-12-18,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['6 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.14508391,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-12-17,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14501398,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-16,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.34847/nkl.d1eab0qz,inist.humanum,Image,2024-12-16,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International,['142396847 bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14499308,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-16,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14167823,cern.zenodo,Other,2024-12-13,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14410833,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-12,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/exo0jy,,Dataset,2024-12-11,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.1594/pangaea.971995,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['19211 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.971993,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['16415 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.971990,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['14951 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.971989,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['30792 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.971988,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['27433 data points']
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10.1594/pangaea.971919,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['176 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.971918,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['210 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.971916,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-12-11,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['188 data points']
10.5281/zenodo.14339958,cern.zenodo,Image,2024-12-09,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.17617/3.taxlee,tib.mpdl,Dataset,2024-12-09,Edmond,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,"['733811', '355292', '180981', '852218', '613950', '52746', '47841', '8400', '614618', '8456', '8512', '78752', '894', '923307', '8344', '512264', '8400', '275329', '8512', '8512', '200589', '83282']"
10.5061/dryad.280gb5mvx,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-12-09,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['12624044 bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.14280087,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-08,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14291987,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-12-07,Zenodo,MIT License,
10.6084/m9.figshare.27958021,figshare.ars,Text,2024-12-04,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['149756 Bytes']
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10.34847/nkl.d4b27275,inist.humanum,Text,2024-12-03,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Etalab Open License 2.0,['115964 bytes']
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10.5281/zenodo.14262713,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-12-03,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/ojbtse,,Dataset,2024-12-02,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.34927/ccj.epi.401,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-29,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.34927/ccj.epi.399,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-29,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14202764,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-28,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.34927/ccj.epi.807,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-28,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.5061/dryad.rbnzs7hkc,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-11-28,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['4445350302 bytes']
10.34927/ccj.epi.1299,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-28,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.34927/ccj.epi.1298,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-28,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.34927/ccj.epi.1427,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-28,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14228280,cern.zenodo,ComputationalNotebook,2024-11-27,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.11145291,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-11-27,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/dihvsb,,Dataset,2024-11-26,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14219214,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-11-25,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20241125_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-11-25,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['6 spectra']
10.1594/pangaea.967492,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-11-23,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['1824 data points']
10.34927/ccj.epi.14,inist.ccj,Collection,2024-11-22,Centre Camille Jullian,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,
10.57745/ytsbgl,,Dataset,2024-11-22,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14199068,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-21,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14199080,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-21,Zenodo,"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
10.5061/dryad.8sf7m0czw,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-11-21,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['2055300 bytes']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20221013_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-11-19,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['34 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.13904472,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-11-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13628539,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14170819,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-15,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14163781,cern.zenodo,Audiovisual,2024-11-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14151075,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-13,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14147172,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-11-13,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/olbxkt,,Dataset,2024-11-13,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14106550,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-11-12,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14100474,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-11-12,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.18709/perscido.2024.11.ds415,inist.persyval,Dataset,2024-11-12,PerSCiDO,,['10 Mo']
10.1594/pangaea.971917,pangaea.repository,Collection,2024-11-12,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['9 datasets']
10.5061/dryad.ht76hdrqg,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-11-11,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['2124418312 bytes']
10.57745/xnjb5k,,Dataset,2024-11-07,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14051167,cern.zenodo,Other,2024-11-07,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14045604,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-07,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7528784,figshare.ars,Collection,2024-11-07,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.27627620,figshare.ars,Dataset,2024-11-07,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['208073 Bytes']
10.57745/jjwoys,,Dataset,2024-11-06,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.14039282,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-05,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14038923,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-05,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14036125,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-11-04,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14035431,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-04,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/ylciph,,Dataset,2024-11-04,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.57760/sciencedb.16149,cnic.sciencedb,Dataset,2024-11-04,Science Data Bank,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International,"['2433253276 bytes', '4 files']"
10.5281/zenodo.14003384,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-11-01,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14016979,cern.zenodo,Other,2024-10-31,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14016634,cern.zenodo,Other,2024-10-31,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14013195,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/rvc6wq,,Dataset,2024-10-30,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.1594/pangaea.972515,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-10-30,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['264 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.972514,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-10-30,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['9249 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.972510,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-10-30,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['20736 data points']
10.1594/pangaea.972508,pangaea.repository,Dataset,2024-10-30,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['17667 data points']
10.5281/zenodo.14008283,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-29,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14006429,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-10-29,"Université Grenoble Alpes, UGA",Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13987040,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-29,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.25577/fr1v-0577,inist.eost,Dataset,2024-10-28,"EOST UAR830, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS",Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.14002372,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-10-28,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13996908,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-26,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13919736,cern.zenodo,ComputationalNotebook,2024-10-25,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7507882,figshare.ars,Collection,2024-10-24,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.27289282,figshare.ars,Text,2024-10-24,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['783979 Bytes']
10.6084/m9.figshare.27289279,figshare.ars,Dataset,2024-10-24,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['117985 Bytes']
10.18709/perscido.2024.10.ds414,inist.persyval,Dataset,2024-10-22,PerSCiDO,,['10 Mo']
10.5281/zenodo.13961002,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-22,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13951667,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13940200,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-10-16,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13932813,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-10-15,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/owexy1,,Dataset,2024-10-14,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.13927580,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-10-14,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/izde4q,,Dataset,2024-10-11,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.57745/4vsxwh,,Dataset,2024-10-09,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.15778/resif.zp2020,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-10-08,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['10 stations, 41Go (miniseed format)']"
10.5281/zenodo.13899342,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-07,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13898563,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-10-07,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_ag_20140716_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-10-07,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20170316_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-10-07,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_ll_20110720_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-10-07,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.13886070,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-10-03,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13881754,cern.zenodo,ComputationalNotebook,2024-10-02,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.1594/pangaea.972502,pangaea.repository,Collection,2024-10-01,PANGAEA,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['4 datasets']
10.5281/zenodo.13865906,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-10-01,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_pa_20140919_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-30,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['5 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_jb_20131205_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-30,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_ll_20110727_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-30,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20241809_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-28,SSHADE/CSS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['55 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20241810_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-28,SSHADE/CSS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['33 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.13852037,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-09-27,Zenodo,MIT License,
10.5281/zenodo.13851910,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-09-27,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13851908,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-09-27,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13851842,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-09-27,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_soc_20120921_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-27,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
10.57745/pbf5nh,,Dataset,2024-09-25,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.18709/perscido.2024.09.ds413,inist.persyval,Dataset,2024-09-24,PerSCiDO,,['10 Mo']
10.5281/zenodo.13828220,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-09-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13827994,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-09-24,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13805976,cern.zenodo,Image,2024-09-21,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
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10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20240830_002,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-09-05,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
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10.18709/perscido.2024.09.ds375,inist.persyval,Dataset,2024-09-02,PerSCiDO,,['10 Mo']
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10.26302/sshade/experiment_hm_20240726_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-08-29,SSHADE/DOCCD (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
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10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20230508_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-08-19,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['10 spectra']
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10.5281/zenodo.13135091,cern.zenodo,Image,2024-07-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13135089,cern.zenodo,Image,2024-07-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.13135087,cern.zenodo,Image,2024-07-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.12919126,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-07-26,Zenodo,Affero General Public License v1.0 or later,
10.5281/zenodo.12790568,cern.zenodo,Model,2024-07-21,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20240717_002,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-19,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['80 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.12774358,cern.zenodo,Model,2024-07-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20240717_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-17,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['15 spectra']
10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20240713_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-16,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['27 spectra']
10.5281/zenodo.12742967,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-07-15,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/gbynan,,Dataset,2024-07-14,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.57745/pzrg1b,,Dataset,2024-07-13,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.15778/resif.yz2022,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-12,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['62 stations, 868Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.1f2018,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-12,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['198 stations, 409Go (miniseed format)']"
10.5281/zenodo.12733192,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-07-12,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.15778/resif.z42023,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-12,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['21 stations, 163Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.1b2020,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-12,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['18 stations, 704Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.xs2024,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-12,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['100 stations, 684Go (miniseed format)']"
10.18709/perscido.2024.07.ds410,inist.persyval,Dataset,2024-07-11,PerSCiDO,,['10 Mo']
10.5281/zenodo.12723294,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-07-11,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5061/dryad.wm37pvmvq,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-07-11,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['44862452 bytes']
10.15778/resif.yr2022,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['5 stations, 72Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.xt2024,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['100 stations, 710Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.9l2022,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International","['1 station, 12Go (miniseed format)']"
10.26302/sshade/experiment_bs_20240605_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-07-10,SSHADE/DRIMS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['41 spectra']
10.15778/resif.9f2023,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['82 stations, 622Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.xr2024,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['5 stations, 18Go (miniseed format)']"
10.15778/resif.xf2024,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-07-10,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['29 stations, 20Go (miniseed format)']"
10.5281/zenodo.12697960,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-07-09,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.12664035,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-07-08,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/ikymka,,Dataset,2024-07-08,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5061/dryad.v6wwpzh2j,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-07-05,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['1556461926 bytes']
10.5281/zenodo.12662313,cern.zenodo,InteractiveResource,2024-07-05,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.12620977,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-07-04,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.34847/nkl.344e6396,inist.humanum,Text,2024-07-02,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),,['240022 Bytes']
10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7306419,figshare.ars,Collection,2024-06-28,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.6084/m9.figshare.26122626,figshare.ars,Text,2024-06-28,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['882103 Bytes']
10.57745/j3xipw,,Dataset,2024-06-26,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.12528242,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-06-25,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.7914/ts1a-7g40,iris.iris,Dataset,2024-06-21,International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks,,['500000 MB']
10.5281/zenodo.12205981,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-06-21,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.57745/qg9n3a,,Dataset,2024-06-20,Recherche Data Gouv,,
10.5281/zenodo.12170086,cern.zenodo,Other,2024-06-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.7981221,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-06-19,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.5281/zenodo.7031228,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-06-18,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
10.34847/nkl.46d78788,inist.humanum,Report,2024-06-18,NAKALA - (Huma-Num - CNRS),Etalab Open License 2.0,['12199 bytes']
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
2024-03-14 presentation Matrice
Journées Mathrice à Grenoble, les 13 et 14 Mars 2024
## Trois questions
- que se passe-t-il en cas de doubon de DOI ?
- Y a t il une variation disciplinaire par rapport aux formats (xml, csv)
- nous faut il répliquer nos DOI dans Recherche Data Gouv pour plus de visibilité ?
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ collec_dois_prgm = [
#to depug : run only one script
collec_dois_prgm = ["", "", "", ""]
[run_py_file(file, "0-collect-data") for file in collec_dois_prgm]
# exit()
# # ______1______ Concatenate and enrich DOIs w DataCite
## ______1______ Concatenate and enrich DOIs w DataCite
run_py_file("", "1-enrich-with-datacite")
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ produce_graph_prgm = [
[run_py_file(file, "2-produce-graph") for file in produce_graph_prgm]