diff --git a/datacite-clients.txt b/datacite-clients.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ca366a0df4ac5ecf62c58366c7907fac4c37ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/datacite-clients.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3057 +0,0 @@
-{'id': 'gesis.rki', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "'Health Monitoring' Research Data Centre at the Robert Koch Institute", 'symbol': 'GESIS.RKI', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': 'Research Data Centre of the Robert Koch Institute', 'description': "The Research Data Centre of the Robert Koch Institute (FDZ RKI) publishes the data of population-representative health surveys in the form of public use files (PUFs).The main purpose of health surveys is to generate a maximum amount of information on the state of health and health-related behaviour of Germany's resident population while ensuring an optimum use of funds. The methodology - i.e. the sample design, the principles on operationalization and measurement, and data-collection techniques - is largely modelled on the tried-and-tested methods of empirical social research. Health interview surveys (HIS) use established survey techniques such as filling out questionnaires, computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI), computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI), and online polling via the internet or email. The main difference compared to purely sociological surveys lies in the additional biomedical examinations, tests and medical-biochemical measurements, which generate significant added value in addition to the results of the surveys; this part is referred to internationally as the health examination survey (HES).", 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3K31G', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/Forsch/FDZ/FDZ_node.html', 'created': '2012-11-15T15:21:43Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'epua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7797', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17886', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18444', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.ubasojs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': '027.7 - Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.UBASOJS', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://0277.ch/', 'created': '2013-03-21T11:02:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:19:17Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'hdh.uohkwb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': '1', 'symbol': 'HDH.UOHKWB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-19T09:39:17Z', 'updated': '2023-12-19T09:39:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hdh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60777', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psu.dmr-first', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': '2DCC - DMR-FIRST', 'symbol': 'PSU.DMR-FIRST', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-22T19:35:44Z', 'updated': '2023-09-07T20:48:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60551', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.data4tu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': '4TU.ResearchData', 'symbol': 'DELFT.DATA4TU', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': '4TU.ResearchData, previously known as 4TU.Centre for Research Data, is a research data repository dedicated to the science, engineering and design disciplines. It offers the knowledge, experience and the tools to manage, publish and find scientific research data in a standardized, secure and well-documented manner. 4TU.ResearchData provides the research community with: Customised advice and support on research data management; A long-term repository for scientific research data; Support for current research projects; Tools to enhance reuse of research data.', 'language': ['nl', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*,data.4tu.nl', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3VG6N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.4tu.nl/portal', 'created': '2011-09-30T09:18:16Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hnye', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4121', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'akbild.arepository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': ']a[repository', 'symbol': 'AKBILD.AREPOSITORY', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The ]a[repository is a digital asset management system of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, which enables the digital storage, management and presentation of digital media objects from the arts & sciences. The repository offers access to a number of digital collections, e.g. the Academy’s publication series and the graduates' catalog.", 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.akbild.ac.at', 'created': '2019-12-15T13:24:46Z', 'updated': '2022-05-21T16:04:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'akbild', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21937', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dk.aau', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aalborg University Library', 'symbol': 'DK.AAU', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'vbn.aau.dk,journals.aau.dk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-11-28T08:22:41Z', 'updated': '2022-06-07T10:45:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ejij', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5278', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'csc.aalto', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aalto University', 'symbol': 'CSC.AALTO', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-27T07:34:01Z', 'updated': '2022-05-22T01:18:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'acjp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cscco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24342', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.amku', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University', 'symbol': 'RADS.AMKU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-04T11:10:07Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T15:35:37Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34672', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'avqt.hxlqvd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Abertay Datasets', 'symbol': 'AVQT.HXLQVD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://rke.abertay.ac.uk/', 'created': '2022-10-31T15:09:57Z', 'updated': '2023-03-30T10:26:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'avqt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57995', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.aber', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aberystwyth Research Portal', 'symbol': 'BL.ABER', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'Porth Ymchwil Aberystwyth', 'description': "The Aberystwyth Research Portal makes the very best of Aberystwyth University's staff and postgraduate research openly available online, free of charge.\n\nContent in the portal includes published outputs, postgraduate theses, project details, as well as records for other esteem activities. The portal also includes Personal Profiles of all current staff and research students. This allows browsers of the Portal to view on one page all related research content linked to that person. Browsing is also possible by department.", 'language': ['en', 'cy'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.aber.ac.uk,*.elsevierpure.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research.aber.ac.uk', 'created': '2016-02-17T15:36:23Z', 'updated': '2023-04-25T14:32:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hbvj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20391', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ydsr.vdzmrk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ABMI-Repo', 'symbol': 'YDSR.VDZMRK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://abmi.ca/home/data-analytics', 'created': '2023-12-15T19:16:48Z', 'updated': '2023-12-15T19:31:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ydsr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60759', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.ei-efb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Abteilung für europäische Forschungs- und Bildungspolitik', 'symbol': 'DLR.EI-EFB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-18T07:58:39Z', 'updated': '2023-11-28T10:39:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60886', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.agl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Abteilung Germanistische Linguistik GAU', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.AGL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-02T12:16:12Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T13:49:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48406', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.acl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Academia das Ciências de Lisboa', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ACL', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'RC - Academia das Ciências de Lisboa', 'description': 'A **Academia das Ciências de Lisboa** é uma das mais antigas instituições científicas nacionais de existência contínua. Fundada em 1779, é atualmente uma instituição científica de utilidade pública, dotada de personalidade jurídica e de autonomia administrativa. Tem à sua guarda um vasto e rico património bibliográfico, arquivístico e museológico, promove e incentiva a investigação científica, o estudo da língua e demais formas de cultura nacional, colabora em atividades de educação e extensão cultural.\n\nO Repositório Aberto da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, publica e divulga a produção intelectual e científica institucional, e promove a divulgação do seu acervo bibliográfico. Sempre que possível permite o acesso livre e integral dos documentos.\n\n(www.acad-ciencias.pt/)', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/43690', 'created': '2023-03-06T14:07:30Z', 'updated': '2023-04-27T10:51:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58164', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.anc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Académie Nationale de Chirurgie', 'symbol': 'INIST.ANC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-20T07:29:13Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:26:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aakn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26299', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.acathens', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Academy of Athens', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.ACATHENS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.academyofathens.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T07:51:49Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:04:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kgio', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26109', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'assa.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia', 'symbol': 'ASSA.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.socialsciences.org.au,*.seriouslysocial.org.au,*.seriouslysocial.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-21T05:05:51Z', 'updated': '2023-11-21T05:20:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'assa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60651', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fude.acatech', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften', 'symbol': 'FUDE.ACATECH', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'About acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering\n\nacatech advises policymakers and the general public, supports policy measures to drive innovation, and represents the interests of the technological sciences internationally. In accordance with its mandate from Germany’s federal government and states, the Academy provides independent, science-based advice that is in the public interest. acatech explains the opportunities and risks of technological developments and helps to ensure that ideas become innovations – innovations that lead to greater prosperity, welfare, and quality of life. acatech brings science and industry together. The Academy’s Members are prominent scientists from the fields of engineering, the natural sciences and medicine, as well as the humanities and social sciences. The Senate is made up of leading figures from major science organisations and from technology companies and associations. In addition to its headquarters at the acatech FORUM in Munich, the Academy also has offices in Berlin and Brussels.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.acatech.de', 'created': '2021-07-12T08:35:47Z', 'updated': '2024-02-14T07:15:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fude', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48669', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.abpa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ABPA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'abpa.ektf.hu,publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-10-06T14:48:25Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T11:41:57Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21406', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.aogp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Acta Obstétrica e Ginecológica Portuguesa', 'symbol': 'IVUW.AOGP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SciELO.PT-Acta Obstétrica e Ginecológica Portuguesa', 'description': 'A Acta Obstétrica e Ginecológica Portuguesa (AOGP) é uma revista editorialmente independente, propriedade da Federação das Sociedades Portuguesas de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia (FSPOG)', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'http://www.fspog.com/pt/acta-obstetrica-e-ginecologica-portuguesa/', 'created': '2021-10-26T10:04:40Z', 'updated': '2021-10-26T10:52:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48749', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.regrurum', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Acta Regionis Rurum', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.REGRURUM', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'archivum.szie.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-17T14:46:01Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:51:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21408', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qpcj.lluyfa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ACTRIS', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.LLUYFA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dc.actris.nilu.no/', 'created': '2023-10-30T13:37:42Z', 'updated': '2023-10-30T13:39:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60618', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uwsn.gfdbdw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Adattar', 'symbol': 'UWSN.GFDBDW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Adattar', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-19T09:42:22Z', 'updated': '2021-02-10T10:20:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uwsn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48428', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'skud.addi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ADDI', 'symbol': 'SKUD.ADDI', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': "Alzheimer's Disease Data Initiative", 'description': 'The Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative (ADDI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing scientific breakthroughs and accelerating progress towards new and meaningful diagnostics, treatments, and cures. With the AD Workbench, AD Connect, and partnerships with organizations advancing bold and innovative projects, ADDI supports researchers around the world to share data, collaborate, and inspire new ideas.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.alzheimersdata.org/', 'created': '2023-02-03T16:05:07Z', 'updated': '2023-12-08T17:00:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'skud', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58085', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iufq.kqknhl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Advocacy Unified Network', 'symbol': 'IUFQ.KQKNHL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aunetwork.org', 'created': '2022-09-01T09:03:09Z', 'updated': '2024-01-24T10:55:04Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57939', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qpcj.aeolus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AEOLUS', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.AEOLUS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'AEOLUS', 'description': 'AEOULS / EVDC - ESA Atmospheric Validation Centre https://evdc.esa.int', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://evdc.esa.int/', 'created': '2023-08-01T10:22:00Z', 'updated': '2023-09-26T12:42:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60621', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.aeris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "AERIS -  Pôle français de données et services pour l'atmosphère", 'symbol': 'INIST.AERIS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aeris-data.fr', 'created': '2017-06-06T10:17:29Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:26:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ypnj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25326', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ahri', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Africa Health Research Institute', 'symbol': 'GESIS.AHRI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-07T14:36:00Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T11:50:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23664', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.amjau', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'African and Mediterranean Journal of Architecture and Urbanism', 'symbol': 'CNRST.AMJAU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'AMJAU', 'description': 'African and Mediterranean Journal of Architecture and Urbanism (AMJAU) is an International peer-reviewed Journal for Communications, Papers and Reviews, specialized in publishing research activities carried out in the field of Architecture and Urbanism and related disciplines. It aims to encourage research and development, promote the exchange of knowledge and scientific outcomes related to the three themes: -History, theory and criticism and epistemology of architecture; -Composition and / or modeling of the architectural and urban project; -Sustainability in architecture and urbanism.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2665-7953'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/amjau', 'created': '2020-10-23T09:51:39Z', 'updated': '2020-10-23T09:54:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48399', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.acj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'African Cities Journal', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.ACJ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-14T08:23:59Z', 'updated': '2021-01-28T12:15:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kimy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34915', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ajlpgs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences', 'symbol': 'CNRST.AJLPGS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'AJLP&GS', 'description': "African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences is a journal specialized in publishing research activities carried out in the field of geo-spatial sciences and land governance. It aims to encourage innovation, promote the exchange of knowledge and scientific outcomes related to its themes. The journal's target community is made-up of researchers, professors and professionals working in the newspaper field. The journal also aims to promote scientific articles and productions at the African, regional and global levels. The institutions as well as the international universities will enrich by their contribution the scientific level of the journal. The journal can, among other things, deal with professional themes and good practices in the field of land governance.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2657-2664'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/AJLP-GS/', 'created': '2020-09-21T11:25:16Z', 'updated': '2020-09-21T11:27:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48346', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.aphrc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'African Population and Health Research Centre', 'symbol': 'CRUI.APHRC', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aphrc.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-21T09:10:56Z', 'updated': '2021-05-27T15:22:38Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20369', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ohzx.lpmcab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Afrischolar Discovery', 'symbol': 'OHZX.LPMCAB', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'afrischolarrepository.net.ng', 'created': '2024-01-08T14:12:56Z', 'updated': '2024-01-08T19:44:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ohzx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60787', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'mtakik.agrar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Agrárminisztérium', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.AGRAR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['hu'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'alapterkep.termeszetem.hu,termeszetem.hu,termeszetvedelem.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-07T09:27:31Z', 'updated': '2022-01-13T12:46:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34811', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'heallink.aua', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Agricultural University of Athens', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.AUA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.aua.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://www.aua.gr', 'created': '2019-03-12T07:57:13Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:14:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'djma', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26216', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'aafc.repository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada', 'symbol': 'AAFC.REPOSITORY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-05T00:25:53Z', 'updated': '2024-01-19T15:32:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aafc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23684', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.victoria', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Agriculture Victoria', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.VICTORIA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'vro.agriculture.vic.gov.au,*.agriculture.vic.gov.au,agriculture.vic.gov.au,*.vic.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:02Z', 'updated': '2024-02-09T04:35:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26279', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qxco.aifdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AIFdb', 'symbol': 'QXCO.AIFDB', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Argument Interchange Format Database', 'description': 'This repository will be composed of corpora of linguistic data and argument structures in the form of the argument interchange format.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*aifdb.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aifdb.org', 'created': '2022-10-06T11:52:09Z', 'updated': '2022-10-06T12:00:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qxco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57972', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.aims', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AIMS Data Repository', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.AIMS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'formerly: AIMS Data Centre', 'description': 'The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a tropical marine research centre. The AIMS Data Repository preserves experimental and survey data, sensor data, research analyses and other types of data collected by projects conducted by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). Contributors to the repository are primarily AIMS researchers from various science disciplines including ecology, biology, environmental sciences, microbiology, geosciences and oceanography, geochemistry, biodiversity conservation, evolutionary environmental studies, climate and oceanic change, fisheries, biochemistry and molecular biology, limnology and functions of inland waters, genetics and hereditary, observing network', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'apps.aims.gov.au,*.aims.gov.au', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3X908', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.aims.gov.au/data', 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:05Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:47:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25845', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'aip.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AIP Publishing', 'symbol': 'AIP.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aip.figshare.com,figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-26T05:08:54Z', 'updated': '2023-10-26T05:11:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60893', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'estdoi.ojs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ajakirjad. Journals by UT', 'symbol': 'ESTDOI.OJS', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.utlib.ee,*.ut.ee,*.ijitis.org,sjlas.org,handle.net,ijitis.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-11-25T07:29:14Z', 'updated': '2023-04-20T13:02:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tawj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15157', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.23675', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.23674', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.afibv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Akademia Finansów I Biznesu Vistula', 'symbol': 'PSNC.AFIBV', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'i.vistula.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-10-16T13:14:16Z', 'updated': '2020-12-10T15:49:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34765', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'agh.ohbfbo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie', 'symbol': 'AGH.OHBFBO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.rodbuk.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-05T10:01:12Z', 'updated': '2023-06-28T08:27:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'agh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58032', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.apsl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Akademia Pomorska w SÅ‚upsku', 'symbol': 'PSNC.APSL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'apsl.edu.pl', 'created': '2019-12-18T19:44:48Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T09:10:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mhbu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34858', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'awf.kr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie', 'symbol': 'AWF.KR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'awf.rodbuk.edu.pl,awf.rodbuk.pl,*.awf.krakow.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-27T11:58:21Z', 'updated': '2023-08-01T08:31:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'awf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58145', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.adwgoe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.ADWGOE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-12T14:37:26Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:22:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26015', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivory.akofena', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Akofena', 'symbol': 'IVORY.AKOFENA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication', 'description': 'Akofena symbolise le courage, la vaillance et l’héroïsme. En pays Akan, les épées croisées représentent les boucliers protecteurs du Roi. La revue interdisciplinaire Akofena des Lettres, Langues et Civilisations publie des articles inédits, à caractère scientifique. Ils auront été évalués en double aveugle par des membres du comité scientifique et d’experts selon leur(s) spécialité(s).\n\nAkofena est une revue scientifique du Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et la Culture (CRAC) de l’Institut National Supérieur des Arts et de l’Action Culturelle (INSAAC). Akofena est une revue à comité de scientifique et de lecture qui publie des articles de recherche originaux et de haute qualité. Pour être publié, tout projet d’article est doublement évalué, puis soumis à une détection anti plagiat. Les articles publiés sont originaux selon qu’ils proviennent des sciences du langage, de l’analyse du discours, littérature, grammaire linguistique, communication, et des disciplines connexes. En tant que revue scientifique universitaire pour les apprentis-chercheurs (étudiants), chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, nous souhaitons être une plateforme de vulgarisation des productions scientifiques avancées, et surtout faciliter les échanges universitaires entre chercheurs.\n\nAkofena est une revue au confluent des Sciences du Langage, des Lettres, Langues et de la Communication. Les textes publiés sont des contributions théoriques ou des résultats de recherches de terrain des Chercheurs, Enseignants-Chercheurs et Étudiants. Pour éliminer toute velléité de collision avec des textes existants en ligne et en version imprimée, donc déjà publiés, et obtenir un texte publiable ayant une grande qualité scientifique, valorisant tant le Contributeur que la revue Akofena, depuis octobre 2021, le Comité scientifique et l’Éditeur imposent à tout projet d’article une soumission à la détection anti-plagiat. Notons que le score obtenu ne devra pas excéder 20%. Akofena n’est ni une revue nationale ni régionale, mais une revue ouverte et accessible aux chercheurs de tous les horizons. C’est à ce titre que les différents numéros publiés par Akofena font l’objet d’appel à contributions internationales sur les canaux de diffusions existantes. Outre, pour se départir des revues prédatrices, qui pullulent le monde universitaire, la soumission et les évaluations des projets d’article sont entièrement gratuites. Les seuls frais perçus par nos services restent les frais liés à l’insertion/ publication des textes acceptés après évaluation. Pour terminer, conformément à la politique de libre accès, les articles publiés peuvent être copiés et distribués sans autorisation, à condition qu’une citation correcte de la publication originale soit fournie. Nous nous engageons à faire progresser la science et les applications à travers nos publications. Akofena veut s’assurer que votre expérience éditoriale se déroule le mieux possible afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur ce qui compte vraiment.', 'language': ['fr', 'en', 'es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2706-6312', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2708-0633'}, 'url': 'https://www.revueakofena.com', 'created': '2021-10-05T08:40:19Z', 'updated': '2024-02-05T18:37:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivory', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48734', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.aps', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V.', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.APS', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-20T16:12:09Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T09:24:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21960', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.awi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Alfred Wegener Institute', 'symbol': 'TIB.AWI', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'TIB-Portal Betrieb', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-11-24T12:21:02Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T15:03:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ruwk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48433', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cpws.bdvdbl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aliased DOIs', 'symbol': 'CPWS.BDVDBL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Aliased DOIs', 'description': 'One aliased DOI with prefix 10.11585 to Crossref.\nAlso 7 DOIs with prefix 10.5164 to Crossref.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-15T09:28:47Z', 'updated': '2023-10-24T16:40:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cpws', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TXVT', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11585', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'omcf.zcqqoh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'aliceOpen', 'symbol': 'OMCF.ZCQQOH', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Publikationsserver der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-ash/home', 'created': '2023-03-01T13:34:54Z', 'updated': '2023-03-01T13:43:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'omcf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58123', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.alknyelv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ALKNYELV', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'alkalmazottnyelvtudomany.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-02-08T12:52:19Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:52:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18460', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.alkpsich', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Alkalmazott Pszichológia', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ALKPSICH', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'ap.elte.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-05-07T06:02:22Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:54:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17627', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'rads.bpp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection', 'symbol': 'RADS.BPP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-03T14:27:47Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T15:08:17Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25992', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.aric', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'All-Russian Research Institute of Corn', 'symbol': 'RADS.ARIC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'vniikukuruzy.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-22T08:19:41Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25715', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ethz.bopalt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ALT Proceedings / UB Bern', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.BOPALT', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'unibe.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': ''}, 'url': 'https://bop.unibe.ch/baf/', 'created': '2013-04-17T13:23:27Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:19:59Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
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-{'id': 'rads.astu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Altai State Technical University', 'symbol': 'RADS.ASTU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-20T10:18:19Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T09:58:28Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25712', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ame', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Alternatives Managériales Economiques', 'symbol': 'CNRST.AME', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'AME', 'description': '« Alternatives Managériales et Economiques (AME) »  est une revue en  " Open Access", dédiée à la recherche scientifique dans les domaines de l’entrepreneuriat, du management et de l’économie territoriale. La revue AME est éditée trimestriellement, et destinée à recevoir des contributions concernant le contexte marocain, avec une large ouverture sur les expériences africaines et internationales, en relation avec le champ de recherche défini. Elle fait appel à des chercheurs (séniors et juniors, marocains et étrangers, enseignants, doctorants et professionnels, …), avec un intérêt particulier pour les équipes pluridisciplinaires, aux recherches appliquées et aux études comparatives. La revue vise la valorisation des travaux de recherche originaux, et répondant à un gap scientifique en termes conceptuel, méthodologique et/ou empirique.', 'language': ['fr', 'ar'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2665-7511'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/AME', 'created': '2020-10-14T09:06:27Z', 'updated': '2020-10-14T12:09:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48374', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.alterrurales', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Alternatives-rurales', 'symbol': 'CNRST.ALTERRURALES', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Alternatives Rurales est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture  qui a pour objectif d’offrir un espace de communication, réflexion et débat sur le développement rural et agricole au Maghreb et à l’international.\n\nCette revue s’adresse aux acteurs du développement agricole et rural, aux acteurs institutionnels, aux chercheurs, aux organisations professionnelles, aux étudiants et au grand public (voir plus d’information dans la présentation plus détaillée de la revue). Cette revue est disponible gratuitement en ligne et chaque numéro est imprimé et diffusé au Maroc, grâce à un soutien de l’Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2421-9037'}, 'url': 'https://alternatives-rurales.org/', 'created': '2023-06-20T07:55:44Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T09:29:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60569', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.alveo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Alveo', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.ALVEO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'alveo.edu.au,*.alveo.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:03Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:01:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25947', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ama', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AMA Service GmbH', 'symbol': 'TIB.AMA', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ama-science.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-11-04T07:06:54Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:20:14Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'bisold.amad', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AMAD', 'symbol': 'BISOLD.AMAD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-06T12:21:27Z', 'updated': '2023-09-07T16:36:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bisold', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26012', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'au.dra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'American University Digital Research Archive', 'symbol': 'AU.DRA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dra.american.edu/', 'created': '2018-10-26T15:45:00Z', 'updated': '2024-02-09T13:13:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'au', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'aubh.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'American University of Bahrain', 'symbol': 'AUBH.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aubh.figshare.com,*.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-16T08:13:40Z', 'updated': '2023-01-14T08:28:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aubh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58014', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'au.ir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'American University Research Archive', 'symbol': 'AU.IR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'AURA', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.figshare.com,american.figshare.com,aura.american.edu,dra.american.edu,*.handle.net,*.primo.exlibrisgroup.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aura.american.edu/', 'created': '2022-08-09T16:37:04Z', 'updated': '2024-02-09T13:13:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'au', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17606', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.57912', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uyey.amsdottorato', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AMSDottorato. Institutional Doctoral Thesis Repository', 'symbol': 'UYEY.AMSDOTTORATO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'AMS Tesi di Dottorato', 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'it'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'amsdottorato.unibo.it, *.unibo.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/', 'created': '2021-07-22T12:06:08Z', 'updated': '2021-09-14T13:45:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uyey', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48676', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.ams', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.AMS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ams.figshare.com,knowledge.ams-institute.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-02T12:35:30Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T09:50:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25409', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'udaz.symubx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg', 'symbol': 'UDAZ.SYMUBX', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-02T08:21:36Z', 'updated': '2022-06-02T09:15:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'udaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57829', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'amured.amu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AMURED', 'symbol': 'AMURED.AMU', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*amu.edu.pl*amu.edu.pl/en', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-02-12T10:55:47Z', 'updated': '2024-02-12T10:55:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'amured', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60629', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.whsnqq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Anais de História de Além-Mar', 'symbol': 'IVUW.WHSNQQ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'SARC-A.H. Além-Mar', 'description': 'Os Anais de História de Além-Mar (AHAM) são uma revista científica, publicada pelo CHAM - Centro de Humanidades (FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Universidade dos Açores), referenciada e indexada em bases de dados internacionais.\nOs AHAM têm por objetivo principal a divulgação de trabalhos académicos originais e relevantes sobre a expansão portuguesa, desde as primeiras «grandes navegações» (século XV) até ao final do «Império Ultramarino» (século XX), no seu enquadramento histórico, contemplando a comparação com fenómenos paralelos e as articulações entre as histórias e as sociedades dos espaços envolvidos.\n\nOs AHAM acolhem propostas de publicação de artigos originais, documentos/fontes inéditas, recensões críticas e notícias, em português, espanhol, francês, inglês e italiano. Aceitam, igualmente, propostas de dossiers de carácter temático.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0874-9671', 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.rcaap.pt/aham/index', 'created': '2022-04-07T10:32:40Z', 'updated': '2023-08-30T16:01:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57759', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.anaisihmt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Anais IHMT', 'symbol': 'FCT.ANAISIHMT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'anaisihmt.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '', 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://anaisihmt.com/index.php/ihmt', 'created': '2018-07-23T14:20:50Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T13:33:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25761', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.asocial', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Análise Social', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ASOCIAL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SARC - Análise Social - Revista do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa', 'description': 'A Análise Social é a principal revista portuguesa em ciências sociais e na área dos estudos sobre Portugal. Durante mais de meio século, a revista manteve o seu cariz inovador devido à capacidade para atrair trabalhos que resultam de investigação de topo, tanto teórica como empiricamente, e à originalidade e importância dos temas abordados.\n\nA Análise Social é uma revista multidisciplinar, especializada nas áreas da Sociologia, da História, da Antropologia, da Ciência Política e da Psicologia Social. Dá prioridade à publicação de artigos que em cada uma destas áreas:\n\nApresentem investigação empírica baseada em formulações e modelos teóricos;\nDesenvolvam novos métodos de análise e investigação;\nUsem conceitos heurísticos para a interpretação da realidade;\nContenham implicações teóricas da investigação empírica;\nContribuam para o desenvolvimento de perspectivas comparadas sobre os temas estudados.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.rcaap.pt, revistas.rcaap.pt,', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0003-2573', 'electronic': '2182-2999'}, 'url': 'http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/', 'created': '2021-02-18T21:59:43Z', 'updated': '2022-03-24T14:55:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48486', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.31447', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'smf.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Analysis & Policy Observatory', 'symbol': 'SMF.REPO', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'apo.org.au,*.apo.org.au,archive.apo.org.au,apo001.prod.acquia-sites.com,*.apo001.prod.acquia-sites.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-02-06T07:03:53Z', 'updated': '2024-02-09T04:10:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'smf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60836', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'swin.repo2', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Analysis and Policy Observatory', 'symbol': 'SWIN.REPO2', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'apo.org.au,*.apo.org.au,archive.apo.org.au,apo001.prod.acquia-sites.com,*.apo001.prod.acquia-sites.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:17Z', 'updated': '2021-10-08T02:39:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'swin', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25916', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.aida', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena', 'symbol': 'SND.AIDA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-18T10:06:17Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:06:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zudu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SNDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23698', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.zhaw-aniuris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ancilla Iuris', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.ZHAW-ANIURIS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-02-27T13:26:01Z', 'updated': '2020-11-20T12:02:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnar', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26031', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.andrassy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Andrássy Gyula Budapesti Német Nyelvű Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ANDRASSY', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'real-phd.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-10-11T01:42:33Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:46:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15772', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.anet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ANeT (Network for the study of Asian Ants)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.ANET', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.asian-myrmecology.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-03-18T07:32:54Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T09:25:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20362', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.acv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ACV', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The principal objective of the journal Angiologia e Cirugia Vascular is the publication of scientific articles on angiology and vascular surgery, short news articles and new techniques for diagnosis and treatment. Contributions may take the form of editorials, original articles, reviews, clinical reports, therapeutic notes, new techniques and technologies, original short articles and letters to the editor. Leader articles, tributes, reviews and updates are published at the request of the journal’s editorial board. The division of each issue of the journal Angiologia e Cirugia Vascular into a number of sections is the responsibility of the same.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '1646-706X', 'electronic': '2183-0096'}, 'url': 'https://acvjournal.com', 'created': '2021-10-26T10:09:29Z', 'updated': '2021-12-28T10:45:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48750', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.aru', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Anglia Ruskin', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.ARU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aru.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-25T06:56:42Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:00:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'irad', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25411', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.animwelf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Animal Welfare. Etológia és tartástechnológia', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ANIMWELF', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'animalwelfare.szie.hu,real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-04-08T11:08:24Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:39:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17205', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wisc.amrdc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center Repository', 'symbol': 'WISC.AMRDC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center Repository hosts and provides public access to a range of Antarctic meteorological and campaign data. The disciplinary repository is a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Madison College.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ssec.wisc.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://amrdc.ssec.wisc.edu/repository', 'created': '2021-04-22T22:11:59Z', 'updated': '2021-05-12T20:26:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48567', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'srbap.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Anthropologica et Praehistorica', 'symbol': 'SRBAP.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Anthropologica et praehistorica : bulletin de la Société royale belge d'anthropologie et de préhistoire = bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Maatschappij voor Antropologie en Prehistorie", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-08-30T15:06:28Z', 'updated': '2022-09-12T18:57:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'srbap', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57937', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.arbarg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria/Genes', 'symbol': 'YSEI.ARBARG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria/Genes', 'description': 'Treated wastewater, sewage sludge and other solid matrices are increasingly identified as reliable alternative sources for a range of applications. Although the reuse practice is accompanied by a number of benefits, a number of questions are still open regarding the release of contaminants of emerging concern. Current open challenges include the spread of chemicals and biological contaminants (e.g. viral genetic material, antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria). The occurrence and the effects of these new type of contaminants is unknown.\n\nThe NORMAN ARB&ARGs database is an effort to aggregate information regarding the occurrence of these contaminants and associate their occurrence with organic contaminants of emerging concern. The data that will be contributed is expected to establish baseline concentration levels in wastewater intended for reuse and in other matrices. The database was initiated by the ITN MSCA ANSWER project (http://www.answer-itn.eu/) and was handed over to NORMAN association WG5.\n\nTherefore, NORMAN ARB&ARG database is expected to support\n\nautomated prioritisation of biological risk factors\nuse of data in models for large scale projections\nuse of data for policy development\nderivation of transparent science-based emission limit values (ELVs) for the target microcontaminants in matrices intended for reuse', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/bacteria/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:22:27Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:22:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60700', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nesi.agdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aotearoa Genomic Data Repository', 'symbol': 'NESI.AGDR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'AGDR', 'description': 'The Aotearoa Genomic Data Repository (AGDR) is an online resource for the storage and sharing of digital genomic data. \n\nThe repository has been jointly developed by Genomics Aotearoa and the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) to provide a secure place for the New Zealand research community to store and to share genomic data within a Māori values context, following the principles of Māori Data Sovereignty.  \n\nResearchers can deposit, browse and request access to data sets via the data repository.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.agdr.org.nz/', 'created': '2022-03-29T21:23:41Z', 'updated': '2022-03-29T21:26:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nesi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'doinzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57748', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ap2-uxuc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AP2 Journals', 'symbol': 'IVUW.AP2-UXUC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://journals.ap2.pt', 'created': '2021-05-31T14:04:32Z', 'updated': '2023-10-20T21:40:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48619', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xvkwutad.qsoqry', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'APEDUC Journal', 'symbol': 'XVKWUTAD.QSOQRY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'APEDUC Revista', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-28T10:03:44Z', 'updated': '2023-02-28T10:11:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xvkwutad', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58152', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.apeiron', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Apeiron WSBPI', 'symbol': 'TIB.APEIRON', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'security-dimensions.pl,kultura-bezpieczenstwa.pl,security-economy-law.pl,apeiron-wydawnictwo.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-23T08:50:06Z', 'updated': '2021-03-16T09:11:42Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24356', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uva.aperio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'aperio', 'symbol': 'UVA.APERIO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aperio.press/site/journals/', 'created': '2020-02-05T08:30:00Z', 'updated': '2022-05-24T02:05:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uva', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25894', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25895', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fbtk.dmxfnr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aperta Turkey Open Archive', 'symbol': 'FBTK.DMXFNR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Aperta - TÜRKİYE  Açık Arşivi', 'description': 'Aperta is the open access repository of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).  To further advance open access and open data, TUBITAK ULAKBIM is developing and endorsing Aperta Turkey Open Archive, national open access and open data repository for research data management.', 'language': ['tr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMV8', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aperta.ulakbim.gov.tr', 'created': '2021-05-31T12:05:26Z', 'updated': '2022-06-20T16:09:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fbtk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48623', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jhu.sre', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'APL Planetary Exploration Group', 'symbol': 'JHU.SRE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://lib.jhuapl.edu/', 'created': '2021-09-30T20:26:51Z', 'updated': '2022-01-28T17:20:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jhu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48732', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.cam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Apollo', 'symbol': 'BL.CAM', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': 'DSpace@Cambridge', 'description': 'Apollo (previously DSpace@Cambridge) is the University of Cambridge’s institutional repository, preserving and providing access to content created by members of the University. The repository stores a range of content and provides different levels of access, but its primary focus is on providing open access to the University’s research publications.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.cam.ac.uk,www.repository.cam.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3SW4D', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/', 'created': '2015-08-11T10:56:25Z', 'updated': '2023-05-25T14:27:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lpsw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17863', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.22025', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.apparat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Apparatus - Film, Media and Digital Cultures in CEE', 'symbol': 'GESIS.APPARAT', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2365-7758'}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-10-15T11:53:43Z', 'updated': '2021-01-20T08:45:42Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ajees', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science', 'symbol': 'CNRST.AJEES', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'AJEES', 'description': 'Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci) is a free of charge open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of physical chemistry. Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science was founded in 2015 by Professor Rachid SALGHI, University Ibn Zohr, Agadir Morocco. This journal is published by the University Ibn Zohr, Agadir Morocco.\n\nApplied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science is under evaluation by Scopus and Thomson Reuters (ISI).\n\nApplied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science is abstracted and indexed by DOAJ, Google Scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Science Library Index, Turkish Education Index and International Society for Research Activity (ISRA) Journal-Impact-Factor (JIF) (ISRA-JIF)', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2509-2065'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/ajees', 'created': '2020-11-23T09:01:45Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T09:05:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48422', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.ar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Applied Rheology', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.AR', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-11-16T13:32:12Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T12:07:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3933', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.aquilo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aquilon Ltd', 'symbol': 'RADS.AQUILO', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-10T08:53:47Z', 'updated': '2018-08-29T09:31:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21267', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ajmap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arabian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants', 'symbol': 'CNRST.AJMAP', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'AJMAP', 'description': 'Arabian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (AJMAP) is quarterly peer-reviewed Journal. AJMAP publishes original papers, Critical reviews, surveys, commentaries and essays, brief communications, related to every aspect of MAP.\nAJMAP aims to create a global communication space among scientists and health care professionals and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, research and experiences in all areas of MAP fields. Open Access Journals are freely accessible via the internet for immediate worldwide, open access to the full text of articles serving the best interests to the scientific and economic communities.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2458-5920'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/AJMAP', 'created': '2020-09-22T10:06:29Z', 'updated': '2020-09-22T10:27:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48347', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbw.afm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing', 'symbol': 'ZBW.AFM', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-04-05T09:07:17Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T14:33:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15459', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'anbe.sfiyeb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arcadia Science', 'symbol': 'ANBE.SFIYEB', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-09T16:09:26Z', 'updated': '2022-06-16T17:08:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'anbe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57844', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nu.arch', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arch', 'symbol': 'NU.ARCH', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Arch is an open access repository for the research and scholarly output of Northwestern University. Log in with your NetID to deposit, describe, and organize your research for public access and long-term preservation. We'll use our expertise to help you curate, share, and preserve your work.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMGT', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://arch.library.northwestern.edu/', 'created': '2019-06-19T15:50:30Z', 'updated': '2019-06-20T14:50:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21985', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.ads', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Archaeology Data Service', 'symbol': 'BL.ADS', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': 'ADS', 'description': 'The ADS is an accredited digital repository for heritage data that supports research, learning and teaching with freely available, high quality and dependable digital resources by preserving and disseminating digital data in the long term. The ADS also promotes good practice in the use of digital data, provides technical advice to the heritage community, and supports the deployment of digital technologies.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'archaeologydataservice.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3MW23', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk', 'created': '2011-03-07T17:35:22Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mqkk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5284', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'arf.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arctic Research Foundation Data Catalogue', 'symbol': 'ARF.DATA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://arf-test-features.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/data-catalogue', 'created': '2021-10-28T19:16:17Z', 'updated': '2021-11-01T21:03:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48760', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pdc.arcnet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ArcticNet', 'symbol': 'PDC.ARCNET', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'www.polardata.ca', 'created': '2020-03-05T22:24:26Z', 'updated': '2020-03-10T15:24:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pdc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5884', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'chop.arc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arcus', 'symbol': 'CHOP.ARC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-03T14:20:00Z', 'updated': '2020-12-03T14:24:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'chop', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24371', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ardcx.ardc2', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ARDC Shared Repository', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.ARDC2', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-04-19T00:30:26Z', 'updated': '2023-03-22T00:49:44Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4225', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.4227', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.4226', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'aridhia.services', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aridhia Informatics Ltd.', 'symbol': 'ARIDHIA.SERVICES', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-06T08:48:33Z', 'updated': '2019-05-08T21:08:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aridhia', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34688', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.auth', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aristotle University of Thessaloniki', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.AUTH', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.auth.gr', 'created': '2019-03-08T10:07:23Z', 'updated': '2024-01-29T09:43:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vclv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26262', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'asu.asul', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arizona State University Library', 'symbol': 'ASU.ASUL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-22T19:56:13Z', 'updated': '2020-09-22T20:21:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'asu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48349', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'its.arolsen', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Arolsen Archives', 'symbol': 'ITS.AROLSEN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-17T11:19:18Z', 'updated': '2022-12-05T12:05:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'its', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57815', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'arts.ytcmws', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Artskart_invalid', 'symbol': 'ARTS.YTCMWS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-01-24T11:00:15Z', 'updated': '2022-01-24T11:00:15Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arts', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'arxiv.content', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'arXiv', 'symbol': 'ARXIV.CONTENT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-29T15:47:29Z', 'updated': '2022-03-17T15:27:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arxiv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48550', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.aezq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.AEZQ', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.aezq.de,*.arztbibliothek.de,*.versorgungsleitlinien.de,*.patienten-information.de,*.leitlinien.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-03-29T13:43:58Z', 'updated': '2021-03-26T11:12:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6101', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'inist.ascoorg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ascomycete.org', 'symbol': 'INIST.ASCOORG', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-25T16:40:42Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:27:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25664', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'spbpu.npoape', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association "PAAS"', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.NPOAPE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repository.kvantor.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repository.kvantor.org/', 'created': '2019-01-16T12:23:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-25T10:17:38Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26140', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'faaa.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France', 'symbol': 'FAAA.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'AAAF Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France', 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-13T13:52:42Z', 'updated': '2023-11-13T13:52:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'faaa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60711', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.atief', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Association des Technologies et l'Information pour l'Education et la Formation", 'symbol': 'INIST.ATIEF', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-09T15:12:04Z', 'updated': '2023-05-05T09:25:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23709', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.aria', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association en Recherche d’Information et Applications', 'symbol': 'INIST.ARIA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ARIA (Association Francophone de Recherche d’Information (RI) et Applications) est une société savante, association loi 1901, ayant pour but de promouvoir le savoir et les connaissances du domaine de la Recherche d’Information (RI) et des divers domaines scientifiques en jeu dans la conception, la réalisation et l’évaluation des systèmes de Recherche d’Information. ARIA est membre du conseil des associations de la Société Informatique de France (SIF).\n\nARIA offre aux chercheurs et praticiens du domaine un lieu d’échange et de savoir via l’organisation ou le soutien de manifestations scientifiques.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.asso-aria.org/', 'created': '2017-01-27T10:39:27Z', 'updated': '2021-06-21T07:09:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24348', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.asfera', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Association Française d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Aérosols", 'symbol': 'INIST.ASFERA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-11-15T14:15:55Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:29:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25576', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.afh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association Française d’Histotechnologie', 'symbol': 'INIST.AFH', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "L'Association Française d’Histotechnologie régit sous la loi du 1er juillet 1901, et le décret du 16 août 1901 à but non lucratif et à caractère purement technique, se fixe pour objectif de promouvoir les flux d’informations et la communication dans tous les domaines de la technique histologique par l’organisation de journées de rencontres, ainsi que l’édition d’une revue, et ce annuellement. L’association se compose de membres d’honneur, de membres associés et de membres adhérents. Sont membres d’honneur ceux qui ont rendu des services signalés à l’association ; ils sont dispensés de cotisation. Sont membres associés, les personnes autres que techniciens et étudiants, ils ne sont ni électeurs ni éligibles.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0997-6434', 'electronic': '2679-5132'}, 'url': 'https://www.afhisto.fr/', 'created': '2019-08-07T13:23:49Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:29:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25830', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.afz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association Française de Zootechnie', 'symbol': 'INIST.AFZ', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-15T09:37:24Z', 'updated': '2021-10-28T13:09:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25719', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'anfe.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association Nationale Française des Ergothérapeutes', 'symbol': 'ANFE.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://anfe.fr/', 'created': '2023-09-28T13:58:05Z', 'updated': '2023-10-11T08:24:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'anfe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60856', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'admee.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association pour le Développement des Méthodologies d’Évaluation en Éducation - Europe', 'symbol': 'ADMEE.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'ADMEE-Europe', 'description': 'L’ADMEE-Europe est une association internationale francophone qui réunit des chercheurs, enseignants, formateurs, cadres et autres personnes intéressées par les questions d’évaluation en éducation et en formation. L’évaluation des acquis des élèves, l’évaluation des formations, des dispositifs, des outils, des programmes et l’évaluation des systèmes de formation… sont autant de thèmes qui motivent nos échanges, nos rencontres et nos productions.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://admee.org/', 'created': '2021-11-26T16:23:31Z', 'updated': '2022-01-04T13:45:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'admee', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48782', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'atala.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues', 'symbol': 'ATALA.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'L’ATALA est l’association savante qui se consacre depuis 1959 au développement du Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL).', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.atala.org/', 'created': '2022-07-20T09:38:03Z', 'updated': '2023-09-28T12:10:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'atala', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57896', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'arisf.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association pour les Rencontres Internationales en Science Fondamentale', 'symbol': 'ARISF.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-27T08:02:39Z', 'updated': '2022-09-27T08:02:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arisf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57963', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'citg.qualirel', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'association QualiREL Santé', 'symbol': 'CITG.QUALIREL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'L’association QualiREL Santé (Qualité-Risques-Evaluation – établissements Ligériens) est une Structure Régionale d’Appui (SRA) à la qualité et la sécurité des soins.\nElle a pour vocation de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité, l’évaluation et la gestion des risques, dans les établissements sanitaires et médico-sociaux de la région Pays de la Loire.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.qualirelsante.com/', 'created': '2021-04-20T08:04:31Z', 'updated': '2021-05-31T08:01:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'citg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48562', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.augc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Association Universitaire de Génie Civil', 'symbol': 'INIST.AUGC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Fondée en 1981, l'AUGC a pour mission de développer et de promouvoir l'enseignement et la recherche dans le domaine large du Génie Civil. Elle exerce ses missions dans les Établissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche qui dépendent du Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation. Elle établit des liaisons avec les autres groupements ou associations qui participent au développement du Génie Civil et de ses spécialités. Elle facilite la coopération internationale, identifie les débouchées professionnelles des diplômés et stimule les contacts entre tous ses membres", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-29T07:38:35Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:31:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ycrr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26168', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.aston', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aston Data Explorer', 'symbol': 'BL.ASTON', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Aston University's Eprints data repository", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.aston.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://researchdata.aston.ac.uk/', 'created': '2015-03-25T14:15:35Z', 'updated': '2021-11-10T10:30:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fdnh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17036', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25600', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fdnh.publications', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Aston Publications Explorer', 'symbol': 'FDNH.PUBLICATIONS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Aston University's Eprints publications repository", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://publications.aston.ac.uk/', 'created': '2021-11-10T10:28:40Z', 'updated': '2021-11-10T10:49:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fdnh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48780', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.astrakhan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Astrakhan State Medical University', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.ASTRAKHAN', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'astmedj.ru,kaspmed.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-19T07:33:49Z', 'updated': '2022-04-07T10:50:41Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocsj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17021', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nasa.ahed', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database', 'symbol': 'NASA.AHED', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'AHED', 'description': 'The Astrobiology Habitable Environments Database (AHED) is a new data system being developed as a long-term, open-access repository for astrobiology data. AHED is intended to store user-contributed results from NASA or externally-funded research in astrobiology and to encourage sharing and synergy within the astrobiology community.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ahed.nasa.gov', 'created': '2021-07-09T15:54:52Z', 'updated': '2022-10-25T13:44:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasasmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48667', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xaqp.grcile', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Astromaterials Data Archive', 'symbol': 'XAQP.GRCILE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.astromat.org/submit-data/overview/', 'created': '2023-07-17T21:39:57Z', 'updated': '2023-12-01T14:08:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xaqp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60707', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.dmm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Astronomie-Rara (Deutsches Museum München)', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.DMM', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-08-26T10:27:44Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T13:16:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5079', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vgzm.ari', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Astronomisches Recheninstitut', 'symbol': 'VGZM.ARI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-10-28T14:16:01Z', 'updated': '2020-12-04T12:43:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vgzm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21938', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.at-tur', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AT-Turbine', 'symbol': 'DLR.AT-TUR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Dokumente aus elib.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-14T14:20:32Z', 'updated': '2023-03-07T09:51:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58114', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.athena', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Athena - Research and Innovation Center in Information Communication and Knowledge Technologies', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.ATHENA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.athena-innovation.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://www.athena-innovation.gr', 'created': '2019-03-12T08:01:55Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:26:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhja', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26217', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.asfa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.ASFA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.asfa.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:04:56Z', 'updated': '2022-07-07T09:29:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rvbv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26218', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.aueb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Athens University of Economics & Business', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.AUEB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.aueb.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:05:59Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:29:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'puvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26219', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ala.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Atlas of Living Australia', 'symbol': 'ALA.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ala.org.au,*.ala.org.au,zoatrack.org,*.zoatrack.org,ecoassets.org.au,*.ecoassets.org.au,service.rasd.org.au,*.service.rasd.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:25Z', 'updated': '2023-06-23T02:26:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ala', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26197', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fzj.xdev', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ATML Accelerating Devices', 'symbol': 'FZJ.XDEV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://x-dev.pages.jsc.fz-juelich.de/', 'created': '2022-08-23T15:33:57Z', 'updated': '2022-08-23T15:39:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fzj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34732', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cctg.anzgog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group', 'symbol': 'CCTG.ANZGOG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.anzgog.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-09T02:36:13Z', 'updated': '2023-06-13T00:15:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cctg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58107', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ada.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Data Archive', 'symbol': 'ADA.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ada.edu.au,nesstar.ada.edu.au,*.ada.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:20Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:55:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ada', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26193', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.aic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Institute of Criminology', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.AIC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aic.gov.au,*.aic.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:12Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:01:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26287', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.aihw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Institute of Health and Welfare', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.AIHW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'AIHW', 'description': 'AIHW is an Australian Government Agency that releases data and information on the health of all Australians and welfare services used by all Australians.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aihw.gov.au,gen-agedcaredata.gov.au,*.aihw.gov.au,*.gen-agedcaredata.gov.au,*.indigenousmhspc.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:05Z', 'updated': '2023-10-20T03:25:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25816', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.ansto', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.ANSTO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ansto.gov.au,openscience.ansto.gov.au,tardis.nbi.ansto.gov.au,*.ansto.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:13Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T22:59:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25908', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.aodn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Ocean Data Network', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.AODN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aodn.org.au,imosoceanreport.org.au,*.aodn.org.au,*.imosoceanreport.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:10Z', 'updated': '2020-10-21T22:56:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26198', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.ardc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Research Data Commons', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.ARDC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*researchdata.ands.org.au,*ands.org.au,example.org,*.researchdata.edu.au,*ardc.edu.au,*.ardc.edu.au,*.zenodo.org,*zenodo.org,zenodo.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:01Z', 'updated': '2023-05-16T03:02:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25906', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.as', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Australian Synchrotron', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.AS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'synchrotron.org.au,*.synchrotron.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:03Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T22:58:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26184', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'rewo.axiom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Axiom Data Science', 'symbol': 'REWO.AXIOM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Research Workspace', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'www.axiomdatascience.com', 'created': '2019-01-16T02:38:53Z', 'updated': '2023-09-28T14:44:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rewo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24431', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fgff.prbhui', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'AZTI', 'symbol': 'FGFF.PRBHUI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-11T10:31:39Z', 'updated': '2022-12-15T12:16:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fgff', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'eudatco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57762', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fzj.b2share', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'B2SHARE', 'symbol': 'FZJ.B2SHARE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'B2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy way for researchers, scientific communities and citizen scientists to store and share small-scale research data from diverse contexts and disciplines. B2SHARE is able to add value to your research data via (domain tailored) metadata, and assigning citable Persistent Identifiers PIDs (Handles) to ensure long-lasting access and references. B2SHARE is one of the B2 services developed via EUDAT and long tail data deposits do not cost money. Special arrangements such as branding and special metadata elements can be made on request.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3VK72', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://b2share.eudat.eu/', 'created': '2019-07-24T08:37:00Z', 'updated': '2019-08-14T08:21:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fzj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34730', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.bajus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BA Justiz', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.BAJUS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-07T06:06:34Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:49:10Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24441', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.dsmz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BacDive', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.DSMZ', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase', 'description': 'BacDive is a bacterial metadatabase that provides strain-linked information about bacterial and archaeal biodiversity. The database is a resource for different kind of phenotypic data like taxonomy, morphology, physiology, environment and molecular-biology. The majority of data is manually annotated and curated. With the release in April 2019 BacDive offers information for 80,584 strains. The database is hosted by the Leibniz Institute DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH and is part of de.NBI the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bacdive.dsmz.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMKK', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://bacdive.dsmz.de/', 'created': '2013-08-08T14:16:29Z', 'updated': '2023-07-14T12:22:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zypi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ZBMEDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13145', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bankcan.uefzhe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bank of Canada Research', 'symbol': 'BANKCAN.UEFZHE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Banque du Canada Recherches', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.bankofcanada.ca/', 'created': '2020-04-30T22:19:47Z', 'updated': '2023-02-08T17:32:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bankcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34989', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'stsci.mast', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes', 'symbol': 'STSCI.MAST', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) is a NASA funded project to support and provide to the astronomical community a variety of astronomical data archives, with the primary focus on scientifically related data sets in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared parts of the spectrum. MAST is located at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3K897', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://archive.stsci.edu/', 'created': '2018-07-19T15:12:33Z', 'updated': '2018-12-20T22:47:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stsci', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17909', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cbg.datasets', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Barcode of Life Data Systems', 'symbol': 'CBG.DATASETS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'BOLD Systems', 'description': "The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) provides DNA barcode data. BOLD's online workbench supports data validation, annotation, and publication for specimen, distributional, and molecular data. The platform consists of four main modules: a data portal, a database of barcode clusters, an educational portal, and a data collection workbench.\r\nBOLD is the go-to site for DNA-based identification. As the central informatics platform for DNA barcoding, BOLD plays a crucial role in assimilating and organizing data gathered by the international barcode research community. Two iBOL (International Barcode of Life) Working Groups are supporting the ongoing development of BOLD.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PP7J', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.boldsystems.org/', 'created': '2020-03-03T12:20:01Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cbg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5883', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.nsmds', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Basic Problems of Material Science', 'symbol': 'RADS.NSMDS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nsmds.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-11T10:50:20Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T13:57:11Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25556', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.biqdcn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BAUFO open', 'symbol': 'TIB.BIQDCN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'baufo-open.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-02T07:37:34Z', 'updated': '2021-01-29T14:43:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48405', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.weimar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bauhaus-Universität Weimar', 'symbol': 'TIB.WEIMAR', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'e-pub.uni-weimar.de,www.db-thueringen.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-12-18T14:41:44Z', 'updated': '2023-12-20T10:18:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dohj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25643', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.bshc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bavarian Studies in History and Culture', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.BSHC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2699-5816', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2699-5816'}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-30T09:42:58Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:26:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48357', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ncty.scgagu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BAW-Datenrepository', 'symbol': 'NCTY.SCGAGU', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The BAW is a research institute for the Federal Ministry of Transport and acts as an advisor to the federal government for issues of waterway engineering. In this role the BAW consumes and produces large volumes of data and information. As part of the implementation of Open Data legislation and in support of Open Data and Open Access principles, the BAW provides access to scientific data together with their metadata.\n\nThe BAW-Datenrepository was developed as a point of access for hydraulic engineering experts, contractors and customers of the BAW as well as the general public. It is a source for quality-assured information and provides standardised, long-term access to waterway engineering data. The BAW-Datenrepository supports the targeted search for information and data and gives direct access to them.\n\nBy publishing its scientific data, the BAW promotes transparency in public discourse as well as accountability of public administration enabling the data to create value beyond the BAW.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'baw.de,kfki.de,henry.baw.de,mdi-de.baw.de,datenrepository.baw.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datenrepository.baw.de/', 'created': '2021-01-05T10:09:21Z', 'updated': '2023-05-31T08:36:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ncty', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48437', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.badw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften', 'symbol': 'TIB.BADW', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-08T10:53:35Z', 'updated': '2024-01-19T09:43:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25927', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wwpx.bsb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bayerische Staatsbibliothek', 'symbol': 'WWPX.BSB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.bsb-muenchen.de/', 'created': '2020-12-16T14:14:34Z', 'updated': '2023-04-05T18:06:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15463', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.bvbl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bayerischen Vorgeschichtsblätter', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.BVBL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-30T09:40:47Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:27:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48355', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.bidt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (bidt)', 'symbol': 'TIB.BIDT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-06-03T11:51:47Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T14:08:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35067', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.bjv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bayerisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.BJV', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-30T09:41:51Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:27:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48356', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ayje.ixxavf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BC Final Reports', 'symbol': 'AYJE.IXXAVF', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-07-06T10:24:10Z', 'updated': '2023-03-31T12:18:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ayje', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57884', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tind.bcu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BCU', 'symbol': 'TIND.BCU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-05T12:30:47Z', 'updated': '2022-09-29T06:32:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kbng', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TINDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22005', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.beilst', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften', 'symbol': 'TIB.BEILST', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'Standards for Reporting Enzymology Data', 'description': 'STRENDA DB is a storage and search platform supported by the Beilstein-Institut that incorporates the STRENDA Guidelines in a user-friendly, web-based system. If you are an author who is preparing a manuscript containing functional enzymology data, STRENDA DB provides you the means to ensure that your data sets are complete and valid before you submit them as part of a publication to a journal. \r\n Data entered in the STRENDA DB submission form are automatically checked for compliance with the STRENDA Guidelines; users receive warnings informing them when necessary information is missing.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'beilstein-strenda-db.org,www.beilstein-strenda-db.org', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3536N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.beilstein-strenda-db.org/strenda/', 'created': '2016-07-21T09:37:37Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vjvh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22011', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.bfu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.BFU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-06T07:12:24Z', 'updated': '2023-02-13T18:28:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shhm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ETHZCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13100', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.buw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bergische Universität Wuppertal', 'symbol': 'TIB.BUW', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-08T10:56:24Z', 'updated': '2020-11-24T14:38:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nzif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25926', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unibe.bop-serials', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bern Open Publishing Serials', 'symbol': 'UNIBE.BOP-SERIALS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': '«Prefix 10.15203 belongs to the Innsbruck University Press, they have registered 1,728 DOIs with this prefix.\nYou will be able to manage the metadata for all of the 77 DOIs originally registered with 10.15203, however new DOIs should be registered using 10.58008.»', 'language': ['en', 'de', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bop.unibe.ch,*.ciss-journal.org,jroi.org,judaica.ch,jndf.ch,sjer.ch,tsantsa.ch,journal-sa.ch,webapp.uibk.ac.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://bop.unibe.ch', 'created': '2022-11-23T10:01:36Z', 'updated': '2023-08-08T14:16:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unibe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58008', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.bstift', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bertelsmann Stiftung', 'symbol': 'GESIS.BSTIFT', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.bertelsmann-stiftung.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-08-23T12:47:43Z', 'updated': '2020-12-22T12:16:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hyvp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11586', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.beszedk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Beszédkutatás', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.BESZEDK', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'fonetika.nytud.hu,real-j.mtak.hu,ojs3.mtak.hu,ojs.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-11-26T09:17:32Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T14:38:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15775', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.btknt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Betekintő', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.BTKNT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'betekinto.hu,www.betekinto.hu,real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-08T12:02:35Z', 'updated': '2024-01-31T17:26:05Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25834', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bvbw.ecpzag', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BfG-Repository', 'symbol': 'BVBW.ECPZAG', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-04-28T10:53:31Z', 'updated': '2021-06-23T12:13:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bvbw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48572', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ethz.bfhsoz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BFH: Soziothek', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.BFHSOZ', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-16T10:39:04Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T14:13:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xycu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26038', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jvra.yqzifk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BFS Jahrbuch', 'symbol': 'JVRA.YQZIFK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-17T13:16:49Z', 'updated': '2023-08-21T13:30:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jvra', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ETHZCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60679', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pangaea.bgr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BGR-IGSN-Repository-Bohrkerne', 'symbol': 'PANGAEA.BGR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Bohrkerne-DB-IGSN', 'description': 'This is an IGSN ID Repository and is only used to register IGSN IDs for the BGR core database.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*.bgr-berlin-bohrkernlager.de,*.datacite.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-20T20:24:47Z', 'updated': '2023-05-12T16:48:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gdtq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60482', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdtq.igsn-gewisdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BGR-IGSN-Repository-Sammlungen', 'symbol': 'GDTQ.IGSN-GEWISDB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Sammlungen-BGR-IGSN', 'description': 'This is an IGSN ID Repository and is only used to register IGSN IDs for the BGR collections database (GEWIS).', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-20T06:49:48Z', 'updated': '2023-05-12T16:49:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gdtq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60475', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'drpy.aorecg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Biblioteca Digital Minerva', 'symbol': 'DRPY.AORECG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Repositorio Universidad EAN', 'description': 'Es un recurso que permite registrar, conservar, consultar y difundir la producción de conocimiento académico y científico de la Universidad Ean. Se caracteriza por ser de acceso abierto, respetar el derecho de autor y utilizar el autoarchivo como metodología para el registro de la información.', 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.universidadean.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.universidadean.edu.co/', 'created': '2022-04-29T01:52:30Z', 'updated': '2023-10-26T19:59:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'drpy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57793', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.bj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Biblioteka Jagiellońska', 'symbol': 'PSNC.BJ', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uj.edu.pl,*.rodbuk.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'uj.edu.pl', 'created': '2018-12-15T19:24:39Z', 'updated': '2023-06-02T10:01:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'emhz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26106', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'fct.biodata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BioData Management Portal', 'symbol': 'FCT.BIODATA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Dados nacionais de investigação na área das ciências da vida e da saúde, primariamente focados nos domínios biomédico e das plantas.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dmportal.biodata.pt/', 'created': '2020-07-30T09:13:07Z', 'updated': '2022-12-15T18:25:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34636', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'wisc.bmrb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank', 'symbol': 'WISC.BMRB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-16T16:10:24Z', 'updated': '2018-12-21T19:16:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13018', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.fleming', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Biomedical Sciences Research Center', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.FLEMING', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.fleming.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:07:22Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:30:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'emrw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26221', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.birkbeck', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Birkbeck Research Data', 'symbol': 'BL.BIRKBECK', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'BiRD', 'description': "Birkbeck is one of the world's leading research-intensive institutions. The College has a commitment to manage our research data, and this repository is part of that commitment.\n\nBirkbeck Research Data (BiRD) is a research data repository, run by the Library. It allows all researchers at Birkbeck to upload data, and get a DOI.\n\nFor further information on how we manage our data, please contact researchdata@bbk.ac.uk", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.bbk.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJLW9', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://researchdata.bbk.ac.uk', 'created': '2016-01-06T10:06:28Z', 'updated': '2021-06-17T10:41:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'moac', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18743', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'snd.bolin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bolin Centre Database', 'symbol': 'SND.BOLIN', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The main objective of the Bolin Centre Database is to ensure the preservation, interoperability and open access of climate research data for members of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research. The Bolin Centre Database also provides expert advice and guidance on data management. The Bolin Centre itself is a multi-disciplinary consortium in Sweden that conducts research and graduate education related to the Earth´s climate, in collaboration between Stockholm University, The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bolin.su.se', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PP99', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://bolin.su.se/data/', 'created': '2014-12-18T08:46:08Z', 'updated': '2022-01-07T13:00:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pgip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17043', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.bonares', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BonaRes  Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. Datenzentrum Agrarlandschaft', 'symbol': 'TIB.BONARES', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bonares.de,*.bonares.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-02-29T09:43:38Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T09:51:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gnqd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20387', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bxbq.ulbrfz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'bonndoc', 'symbol': 'BXBQ.ULBRFZ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'bonndoc - Der Publikationsserver der Universität Bonn', 'description': 'bonndoc – Der Publikationsserver der Universität Bonn ist das institutionelle Repositorium der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. bonndoc wird von der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn bereitgestellt und bietet damit Angehörigen der Universität eine Infrastruktur zur Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Publikationen.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de', 'created': '2021-04-27T14:40:40Z', 'updated': '2023-10-12T15:14:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bxbq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48565', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.bopitw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BOP - itw: im dialog', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.BOPITW', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'bop.unibe.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-08-06T07:14:30Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:20:26Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
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-{'id': 'ocul.spdv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Borealis', 'symbol': 'OCUL.SPDV', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository', 'description': 'Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports open discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data.\n\nBorealis is available to researchers who are affiliated with a participating Canadian university or research organization and their collaborators. Borealis is a shared service provided in partnership with Canadian regional academic library consortia, institutions, research organizations, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, with technical infrastructure hosted by Scholars Portal and the University of Toronto Libraries.', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R32326', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://borealisdata.ca', 'created': '2020-03-03T16:20:22Z', 'updated': '2024-01-15T18:22:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5683', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.5887', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14285', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14289', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34990', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'fnma.xssojy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Botanical Institute (Kiel Herbarium)', 'symbol': 'FNMA.XSSOJY', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-08T09:08:06Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T14:42:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fnma', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58030', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'jtsm.saviol', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'BrainsCAN Repository', 'symbol': 'JTSM.SAVIOL', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-27T06:17:05Z', 'updated': '2023-11-17T15:11:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jtsm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58064', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cmuu.bjcj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'British Journal of Community Justice', 'symbol': 'CMUU.BJCJ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'BJCJ', 'description': 'Admin of BJCJ', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '1475-0279'}, 'url': 'https://mmuperu.co.uk/bjcj/', 'created': '2020-11-04T08:50:51Z', 'updated': '2021-06-10T09:19:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmuu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48411', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.metadata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'British Library Metadata Standards', 'symbol': 'BL.METADATA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bl.iro.bl.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-10-26T14:04:03Z', 'updated': '2023-11-30T10:09:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vavq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22021', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'British Library Research Repository', 'symbol': 'BL.REPO', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://bl.iro.bl.uk', 'created': '2018-11-19T09:13:55Z', 'updated': '2023-07-24T10:15:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22020', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.23636', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ytfd.bm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'British Museum', 'symbol': 'YTFD.BM', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://britishmuseum.iro.bl.uk', 'created': '2021-05-05T10:32:46Z', 'updated': '2022-11-14T16:36:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48582', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'brown.bdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Brown Digital Repository', 'symbol': 'BROWN.BDR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Brown Digital Repository (BDR) is a place to gather, index, store, preserve, and make available digital assets produced via the scholarly, instructional, research, and administrative activities at Brown.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3193B', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.library.brown.edu/studio/', 'created': '2018-07-17T16:49:09Z', 'updated': '2021-06-30T07:40:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'brownu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7301', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26300', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.brunel', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Brunel University London', 'symbol': 'BL.BRUNEL', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': 'Brunel research data repository & registry', 'description': 'Brunel Figshare (brunel.figshare.com) is a Data Repository where Brunel’s researchers can deposit their digital Research Data, to make it available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'brunel.ac.uk,figshare.com,figsh.com,brunel.figshare.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3DP9T', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://brunel.figshare.com/', 'created': '2015-04-17T12:21:52Z', 'updated': '2020-11-13T08:46:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'genm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17633', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nu.bats', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies', 'symbol': 'NU.BATS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'BATS', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'bulletin.appliedtransstudies.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2769-2124'}, 'url': 'https://bulletin.appliedtransstudies.org/', 'created': '2022-05-16T21:51:27Z', 'updated': '2022-10-19T15:09:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57814', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wwpx.bkb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel e.V.', 'symbol': 'WWPX.BKB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Knowledge Platform Art and Cultural Education Online\nArt and Cultural Education Online >>> kubi-online is an unique platform for knowledge transfer in the arts, culture and cultural education: More than 800 articles, written by specialists, offer insights into practical and theoretical discussions of social, artistic practice and scientific topics. The online-library on cultural education is expanded constantly and it is open to the public. Two dossiers once a year broaden the professional discourse on current topics. \nkubi-online is an offspring of the Compendium Cultural Education, first published in 2012. Four organizations support it: Academy of Arts Education of the German Government and State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung des Bundes und des Landes NRW), Federal Academy of Cultural Education Wolfenbuettel (Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel), German Association for Child and Youth Education (Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung) and the Institute for Cultural Policy of the University of Hildesheim Foundation (Institut für Kulturpolitik der Stiftung Universität Hildesheim). kubi-online is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). \nInternet: https://www.kubi-online.de', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.kubi-online.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-07T15:51:50Z', 'updated': '2023-09-18T08:24:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25529', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ptnc.bev4data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen', 'symbol': 'PTNC.BEV4DATA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'AT.BEV.DATA', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-09T10:59:20Z', 'updated': '2021-10-14T14:15:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ptnc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48677', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.blv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.BLV', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-10T13:16:29Z', 'updated': '2021-09-23T10:26:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wlis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24444', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.bfs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.BFS', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.storedb.org,*.bfs.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-07-05T14:37:18Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T12:40:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20348', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.baua-doi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA)', 'symbol': 'TIB.BAUA-DOI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'baua.de,www.baua.de,mindestlohn-kommission.de,reach-clp-biozid-helpdesk.de,dasa-dortmund.de,www.mindestlohn-kommission.de,www.reach-clp-biozid-helpdesk.de,www.dasa-dortmund.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-06-09T10:01:53Z', 'updated': '2021-04-01T13:40:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nreu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21934', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.bgr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe', 'symbol': 'TIB.BGR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'Publikationen und Forschungsdaten der BGR', 'description': 'This ist the repository for all publications and research data for BGR.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-08T10:47:03Z', 'updated': '2023-05-15T16:55:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gdtq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25928', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.bafg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde', 'symbol': 'TIB.BAFG', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': 'GEOPORTAL @ BfG', 'description': 'Through our decades of hydrological and ecological practices and the activities on the waterways of the German Federal a valuable inventory of hydrological information has emerged in the stuck our experience and knowledge base. Almost all environmental information have a direct or indirect spatial reference. This inventory of spatial data continues to grow. He is both the basis and results of our scientific work. With GGInA, the hydrological Geographical Information and Analysis System of BfG, you can research yourself in this inventory. Much of the information and data is accessed directly on the Metadata Catalog Search and specialist applications. The Geoportal also opens up databases of our partners in the transport and environment. At the same selected data can also be integrated into other environmental portals.', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bafg.de,*.bafg.de,doi.bafg.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3H35C', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://geoportal.bafg.de/', 'created': '2011-06-28T11:15:44Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bvbw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5675', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.ble', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.BLE', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'buel.bmel.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-04-23T15:12:33Z', 'updated': '2021-02-11T11:06:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12767', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.bam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)', 'symbol': 'TIB.BAM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-08T15:25:01Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T09:09:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eswq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26272', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.baw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau', 'symbol': 'TIB.BAW', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'baw.de,kfki.de,publikationen.karlsruhe.baw.de,izw.baw.de,henry.baw.de,mdi-de.baw.de,hdl.handle.net', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-09-10T10:06:14Z', 'updated': '2024-01-12T08:09:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ncty', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18171', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18451', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.bib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesinstitut für Bevolkerungsforschung (CPoS)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.BIB', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-07-19T16:28:21Z', 'updated': '2021-03-15T09:28:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cpws', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TXVT', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12765', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.bfr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung Fachgruppe ZEBET - Datenbank und Informationsbeschaffung Abteilung Experimentelle Toxikologie und ZEBET', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.BFR', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.bfr.bund.de,*.openagrar.de,*.openagrar.bmel-forschung.de,*.animalstudyregistry.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-02-09T09:36:32Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T17:31:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17590', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.brgm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières', 'symbol': 'INIST.BRGM', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-07-08T14:08:51Z', 'updated': '2021-06-03T15:19:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18144', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.bgi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bureau Gravimétrique International', 'symbol': 'INIST.BGI', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-09-04T13:47:51Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:32:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18168', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.bom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Bureau of Meteorology', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.BOM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bom.gov.au,*.bom.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:06Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:49:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25941', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.bad', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cadernos BAD', 'symbol': 'IVUW.BAD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'LC-Cadernos BAD', 'description': 'A revista Cadernos BAD tem por objectivo principal estimular o debate em torno de temáticas críticas no exercício da profissão, através da divulgação de sínteses de trabalhos de investigação e de reflexões aprofundadas de cariz predominantemente teórico.\nRespondendo igualmente a necessidades objectivas de divulgação pretende também facilitar a transmissão de ideias e experiências entre os profissionais de informação, através da divulgação de projectos, de descrição de experiências, de ensaios ou de outros trabalhos seleccionados, de natureza e temática variada.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '1645-2895'}, 'url': 'https://publicacoes.bad.pt/revistas/index.php/cadernos/index', 'created': '2021-12-06T17:00:19Z', 'updated': '2023-05-05T15:09:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48798', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.cam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal', 'symbol': 'IVUW.CAM', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SciELO.PT-Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal', 'description': 'Os Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal são uma revista científica de acesso aberto, gratuita e de periodicidade semestral (janeiro e julho), editada pelo Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Portugal. Esta revista tem por objetivo divulgar o acervo à sua guarda. Publica textos científicos, inéditos e inovadores, no âmbito das Ciências Sociais e Humanas (História, História de Arte, Antropologia, Sociologia, Geografia, Arquitetura, Urbanismo, entre outras), sujeitos a arbitragem científica em regime de duplo anonimato. O conteúdo da revista é de âmbito internacional e é dirigido a estudantes e investigadores, assim como ao público em geral.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2183-3176'}, 'url': 'http://arquivomunicipal.cm-lisboa.pt/pt/investigacao/cadernos-do-arquivo-municipal/2-serie/', 'created': '2021-10-26T10:24:28Z', 'updated': '2022-01-14T13:11:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48751', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iu.cadre', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CADRE', 'symbol': 'IU.CADRE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Collaborative Archive Data Research Environment (CADRE) addresses the IMLS “National Digital Platform” priority by addressing a critical emergent issue faced by academic libraries: providing sustainable, affordable, and standardized data and text mining services for licensed, big data sets, as well as open and non-consumptive data sets too large or unwieldy to work within existing research library environments or with no commercially viable data mining interface.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-29T19:33:32Z', 'updated': '2019-03-29T19:35:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26313', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cdb.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cahiers de Biothérapie', 'symbol': 'CDB.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ffsh.fr/', 'created': '2022-06-23T14:46:20Z', 'updated': '2023-03-22T14:20:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cdb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57866', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.calmip', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Calcul en Midi-Pyrénées', 'symbol': 'JBRU.CALMIP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'CALMIP UMS CNRS 3667', 'description': 'Créé en 1994, le mésocentre est devenu une Unité Mixte de Service du CNRS (UMS CNRS 3667) en 2014. Au coeur du site Toulouse Aerospace, CALMIP est hébergé à l’Espace Clément Ader, dans une salle de calcul spécialisée qu’il partage avec Météo-France. Il bénéficie ainsi d’un environnement technologique de premier plan : sécurisation des accès et de l’alimentation électrique, réseau de récupération de chaleur.\nDans l’optique de toujours rester compétitif et de proposer un service HPC de qualité, CALMIP renouvelle son calculateur tous les 4 ans environ. Depuis septembre 2018, le supercalculateur baptisé Olympe, d’une puissance de 1,365Pflops/s Peak est en production .', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-22T09:34:10Z', 'updated': '2021-03-22T09:37:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48531', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cdl.cdl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'California Digital Library', 'symbol': 'CDL.CDL', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-03-02T19:09:27Z', 'updated': '2024-01-10T13:18:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'naqr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CDLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5060', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.6074', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17916', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17911', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17913', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17920', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18736', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.21239', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.24343', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34940', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48321', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.unit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Callisto-formation (UNIT)', 'symbol': 'JBRU.UNIT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Callisto est une fondation abritée par la Fondation UNIT (Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie). Soutenue par le  Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, Callisto réunit le Réseau des Urfist(Unité Régionale de Formation à l’Information Scientifique et technique), le Réseau des CRFCB(Centres Régionaux de Formation aux Carrières des Bibliothèques) et l’Inist-CNRS (Institut de l’information scientifique et technique).\nObjectif\n    Centraliser les formations des grands réseaux et organismes de formation issus des domaines de l’information scientifique et technique, de la science ouverte, des métiers des bibliothèques ;\n    Offrir une liberté de choix des contenus, du moment et du lieu d’apprentissage (enseignement ouvert à distance) ;\n    Participer au développement des ressources éducatives libres.\n\n\nInfrastructure et hébergement\n\nCallisto est une plateforme de formation s'appuyant sur le logiciel libre Moodle. Elle est hébergée par la société Enovation.\n\n\nRessources éducatives libres\n\nNous nous efforçons, autant que les conditions le permettent, d'utiliser des logiciels libres et réutilisables. La plateforme Moodle permet, sur demande, de réutiliser tout ou partie d'un cours.\n\nLa plupart des outils utilisés dans les formations sont aussi réutilisables (via un lien d'intégration) et parfois même modifiables :\n\n    H5P (réutilisable et modifiable) : outil open source pour créer des contenus interactifs ;\n    Genially (réutilisable) : outil propriétaire pour créer des contenus interactifs ;\n    Canal U (réutilisable) : plateforme audiovisuelle développée dans le but de faciliter la diffusion et le partage des contenus audiovisuels scientifique au plus grand nombre.\n\n\nSauf indication contraire, les contenus sont sous licence CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International).\n\nÉvolution de la plateforme\n\nLa plateforme Callisto est évolutive. Elle se développera au fur et à mesure en fonction des nouveaux besoins et de l’intégration de nouveaux partenaires. Contactez-nous pour rejoindre la plateforme Callisto.\nExpérimentation en cours\n\nHypothes.is : outil open source d'annotation collaborative", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://callisto-formation.fr/', 'created': '2023-05-31T13:01:15Z', 'updated': '2023-05-31T13:59:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60538', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'caltech.hte', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Caltech High Throughput Experimentation', 'symbol': 'CALTECH.HTE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-09-12T15:48:51Z', 'updated': '2021-12-17T23:45:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'caltech', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25989', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'caltech.library', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Caltech Library', 'symbol': 'CALTECH.LIBRARY', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-11T16:40:17Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'caltech', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7907', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.7909', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.7935', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14291', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26206', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'caltech.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CaltechDATA', 'symbol': 'CALTECH.DATA', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'California Institute of Technology Research Data Repository', 'description': 'CaltechDATA is an institutional data repository for Caltech.  Caltech library runs the repository to preserve the accomplishments of Caltech researchers and share their results with the world.  Caltech-associated researchers can upload data, link data with their publications, and assign a permanent DOI so that others can reference the data set.  The repository also preserves software and has automatic Github integration. All files present in the repository are open access or embargoed, and all metadata is always available to the public.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.caltech.edu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3SW99', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.caltech.edu', 'created': '2022-09-20T19:27:55Z', 'updated': '2022-11-29T00:09:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'caltech', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22002', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'camh.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CAMH Repository', 'symbol': 'CAMH.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://reservoir.global/', 'created': '2021-10-28T19:20:59Z', 'updated': '2021-11-01T21:35:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'camh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48761', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'chccs.repository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Canada Human-Computer Communications Society', 'symbol': 'CHCCS.REPOSITORY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-08-04T20:44:30Z', 'updated': '2020-09-09T23:07:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'chccs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20380', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'umbc.canadensys', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Canadensys', 'symbol': 'UMBC.CANADENSYS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Canadensys makes biodiversity information freely and openly available to everyone. We are a network of researchers, collectors, curators, information technologists, students, and educators that shares data on the occurrence and identity of plant, animal, and fungi, and other species in Canada. We are active members of the [Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility (CBIF)](http://www.cbif.gc.ca/home_e.php) and the [Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)](http://www.gbif.org/).', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.canadensys.net/ipt/', 'created': '2020-03-03T16:47:26Z', 'updated': '2020-10-01T01:12:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'umbc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5886', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nrc.cadc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Canadian Astronomy Data Centre', 'symbol': 'NRC.CADC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Centre canadien de données astronomiques', 'description': 'Description The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) was established in 1986 by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), through a grant provided by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), as one of three world-wide distribution centres for astronomical data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Located at NRC Herzberg in Victoria, BC, the CADC staff consists of professional astronomers and software developers who have developed an abundance of other sophisticated tools to support and enhance the research efforts of Canadian (and international) astronomers. The CADC specializes in data mining, data processing, data distribution and data transferring of very large astronomical datasets. In 2012, the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) delivered over 1.6 million individual files, comprising over 117TB of data and served data to roughly 2000 professional astronomers.', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/en/', 'created': '2020-03-03T15:45:36Z', 'updated': '2022-03-09T04:20:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nrc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11570', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pdc.ccin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Canadian Cryospheric Information Network', 'symbol': 'PDC.CCIN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'www.polardata.ca', 'created': '2020-03-05T22:25:48Z', 'updated': '2020-03-10T15:26:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pdc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21963', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cer.rep1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Canadian Energy Regulator', 'symbol': 'CER.REP1', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-05T16:41:19Z', 'updated': '2020-09-29T20:25:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cer', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35002', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pdc.cpdn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Canadian Polar Data Network', 'symbol': 'PDC.CPDN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'www.polardata.ca', 'created': '2020-03-05T22:26:53Z', 'updated': '2020-03-10T15:27:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pdc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5443', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cctg.paccsc-cst', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cancer Symptom Trials, Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative', 'symbol': 'CCTG.PACCSC-CST', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uts.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-09T02:42:24Z', 'updated': '2023-06-13T03:48:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cctg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58084', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.cput', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cape Peninsula University of Technology', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.CPUT', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cput.figshare.com,esango.cput.ac.za', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-10-31T12:22:35Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T11:14:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cput', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25381', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'capil.xguhil', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Capilano University's Collections", 'symbol': 'CAPIL.XGUHIL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://capu.arcabc.ca/', 'created': '2020-03-03T12:04:59Z', 'updated': '2020-03-10T20:02:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'capil', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26073', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.cardiffm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cardiff Metropolitan University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.CARDIFFM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cardiffmet.figshare.com,figshare.cardiffmet.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-08T12:15:42Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:03:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwhd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25401', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.cardiff', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cardiff University', 'symbol': 'BL.CARDIFF', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'research.cardiff.ac.uk,cu.converis.thomsonreuters.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-03-25T14:13:31Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T08:59:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lnip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17035', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.cm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cardiometry Journal', 'symbol': 'RADS.CM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-31T09:36:23Z', 'updated': '2020-12-31T09:36:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18137', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'carle.culib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Carleton University Library', 'symbol': 'CARLE.CULIB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T12:07:45Z', 'updated': '2020-03-03T12:07:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'carle', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11574', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cmu.lps', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service', 'symbol': 'CMU.LPS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-04-25T15:49:58Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T15:44:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34758', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34842', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34891', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48807', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48762', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cdc.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Carnets de la Consommation', 'symbol': 'CDC.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Les Carnets de la consommation se proposent comme une revue scientifique de référence,  de haut niveau scientifique témoignant de la pertinence et de la possibilité de pensées croisées sur des pratiques et représentations, des thèmes et des problèmes méthodologiques ayant pour objet la Consommation, son organisation, son développement et ses évolutions.\n\nEn conséquence de la structuration disciplinaire de la science, un objet comme la consommation peut être très différemment étudié et peut relever comme objet formel de disciplines variées, chacune en disant autre chose que ce que les autres disciplines en disent. En conséquence de la spécialisation, théorique, conceptuelle et méthodologique, chaque discipline laisse échapper une part de l’objet traité. Ce développement continu des connaissances, au fondement de la spécialisation disciplinaire, risque d’amener à une hyperspécialisation de la recherche – avec pour conséquence le fait que chacun, en son propre domaine de compétence, traite des problèmes techniques sans souci de leurs incidences en d’autres domaines. On assiste finalement au risque d’une « chosification » de l’objet étudié, en oubliant son caractère construit, ainsi que tous liens et solidarités avec d’autres objets proches.\n\nContre ce risque de ségrégation disciplinaire, les Carnets de la consommation ouvrent un lieu de rencontre, de collaboration et de partage. Chercheurs en sciences de gestion, en sociologie, ethnologie, anthropologie, psychologie, économie mais aussi en géographie, histoire, sémiologie, sciences politiques et sciences juridiques, etc. sont invités à communiquer, mettre en commun leurs travaux. Fort de cet œcuménisme disciplinaire, la revue est ouverte à toute méthodologie: observation, expérimentation, introspection, modélisation et simulation, recherche-intervention, ethnographie visuelle et vidéographie, etc. Les recherches présentées doivent uniquement avoir pour objet de mieux comprendre la consommation et ses phénomènes sans avoir obligatoirement une contribution à la pratique managériale.\n\nLa vocation des textes composant chaque numéro des Carnets de la consommation n’est pas nécessairement qu’ils se suivent, constituant alors de simples monologues disciplinaires, mais qu’ils s’inscrivent dans la visée d’un tissage de pensées, appelant au dialogue, interpellant les chercheurs à s’ouvrir à d’autres horizons théoriques que leurs champs d’expertise.\n\nLa science ne doit pas être lune, mais soleil ; elle doit être une lumière qui non seulement brille, mais aussi réchauffe !', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'http://carnetsdeconso.com', 'created': '2021-10-22T08:03:35Z', 'updated': '2021-11-01T14:24:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cdc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48748', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.caryies', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cary Institute', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.CARYIES', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'caryinstitute.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-30T07:16:08Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:04:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'baxs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25390', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.pafnc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences', 'symbol': 'RADS.PAFNC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-27T11:17:28Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:30:00Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26150', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'annaccri.creed', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CCRI Digital Data Repository for Published Research', 'symbol': 'ANNACCRI.CREED', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'CREED', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-05T10:02:25Z', 'updated': '2023-07-12T09:20:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'annaccri', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57941', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'csc.csceudat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CDI B2Share', 'symbol': 'CSC.CSCEUDAT', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.csc.fi,*.eudat.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://b2share.eudat.eu', 'created': '2016-12-19T08:27:23Z', 'updated': '2022-01-11T14:41:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hvwo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'eudatco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23728', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.cedar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CEDAR', 'symbol': 'SUL.CEDAR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The CEDAR platform provides an end-to-end solution for creating and reusing FAIR metadata.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.metadatacenter.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://metadatacenter.org/', 'created': '2023-12-07T23:47:00Z', 'updated': '2023-12-07T23:47:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60745', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.cefas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cefas', 'symbol': 'BL.CEFAS', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': 'Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science', 'description': 'We are the UK government’s marine and freshwater science experts, working for healthy and productive oceans, seas and rivers and safe and sustainable seafood. Innovative, world-class science is central to our mission. We work to safeguard human and animal health, enable food security and support marine economies.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://data.cefas.co.uk/', 'created': '2014-04-09T14:51:48Z', 'updated': '2020-11-19T11:53:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zfgk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14465', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14466', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'und.cehi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CEHI', 'symbol': 'UND.CEHI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': "Children's Environmental Health Initiative", 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-19T12:52:26Z', 'updated': '2022-10-26T15:10:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'und', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57989', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.wibtmh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CEITEC MU Biological Data Management and Analysis Core Facility', 'symbol': 'GCNC.WIBTMH', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Biological Data Management and Analysis Core Facility offers infrastructure services, support, and education to researchers within CEITEC.\n\nOur main focus is a development and an operation of Data annotation and repository system for storing of data, produced by CEITEC core facilities and researchers. This repository system includes extraction and provisioning of metadata, ensuring data findability and accessibility and storage of huge data. We also provide access to compute resources and storages, dedicated for biological data in ELIXIR project.\n\nMoreover, we offer structural bioinformatics support related to deposition, annotation, validation, visualization and analysis of the structural data. Last but not least, our core facility provides a bridge to expertise, communities and services of ELIXIR project.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ceitec.eu/biological-data-management-and-analysis-core-facility/cf385', 'created': '2023-01-31T15:09:23Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:57:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58074', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'harvardu.cap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cell Annotation Platform', 'symbol': 'HARVARDU.CAP', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-21T14:59:12Z', 'updated': '2022-07-07T10:13:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'harvardu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57772', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psc.sennet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet)', 'symbol': 'PSC.SENNET', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'SenNet', 'description': 'The Common Fund’s Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet) Program was established to comprehensively identify and characterize the differences in senescent cells across the body, across various states of human health, and across the lifespan.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-12T13:41:55Z', 'updated': '2023-07-12T13:48:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60586', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ctt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cellular Therapy and Transplantation', 'symbol': 'TIB.CTT', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ctt-journal.com,www.ctt-journal.com,science-connections.com,www.science-connections.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-12-12T07:41:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:00:20Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25648', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pclw.bbbbli', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CentAUR', 'symbol': 'PCLW.BBBBLI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Central Archive at the University of Reading', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'centaur.reading.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/', 'created': '2020-10-15T14:32:41Z', 'updated': '2021-06-22T07:23:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pclw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48683', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ccom.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping', 'symbol': 'CCOM.DATA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-09-24T13:52:31Z', 'updated': '2021-08-02T14:06:34Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ccom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25999', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ghsl.cd2h', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Center for Data to Health', 'symbol': 'GHSL.CD2H', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-14T16:48:54Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ghsl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25975', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'credi.credi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Center for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CREDI)', 'symbol': 'CREDI.CREDI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://credi.ba/', 'created': '2022-01-31T11:56:30Z', 'updated': '2023-11-30T08:10:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'credi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57693', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cul.ciesin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Center for International Earth Science Information Network', 'symbol': 'CUL.CIESIN', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'CIESIN', 'description': 'CIESIN is an interdisciplinary research and data center that provides access to a wide range of global data, associated documentation, and visualization and analysis tools to improve understanding of human interactions in the environment.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31605', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/data.html', 'created': '2018-11-16T14:39:47Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7927', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cswr.cswr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Center for Severe Weather Research', 'symbol': 'CSWR.CSWR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'ftp://cswrdata.org', 'created': '2019-07-29T18:39:35Z', 'updated': '2022-10-01T14:05:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cswr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48514', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.nhp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Center for the Study of Social and Human Sciences "Historical Consciousness"', 'symbol': 'RADS.NHP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-23T06:56:18Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25797', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.cpb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centraal Planbureau', 'symbol': 'DELFT.CPB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-12T07:19:12Z', 'updated': '2020-09-22T09:06:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dkgv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34932', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zavk.uclan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Central Lancashire Online Knowledge', 'symbol': 'ZAVK.UCLAN', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'CLoK', 'description': "Institutional publications repository for the University of Central Lancashire. To enable Research and Enterprise Service to generate stand alone DOI's", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://clok.uclan.ac.uk/', 'created': '2021-02-12T14:15:38Z', 'updated': '2021-03-22T10:07:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zavk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48508', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.cqu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Central Queensland University', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.CQU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.cqu.edu.au,cqu.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:00Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:42:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25946', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xfbo.crsvd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centrálny repozitár pre správu výskumných dát (SVD)', 'symbol': 'XFBO.CRSVD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Central repository for research data management', 'description': None, 'language': ['sk', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-02T11:17:56Z', 'updated': '2023-03-02T11:22:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xfbo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58166', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ccj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre Camille Jullian – UMR 7299', 'symbol': 'INIST.CCJ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le Centre Camille Jullian est un laboratoire d’histoire et d’archéologie qui conduit des recherches archéologiques et d’histoire ancienne sur le pourtour de la Méditerranée et en Afrique du Nord, pour des périodes allant de la Protohistoire jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité.\nCette Unité mixte de recherche (UMR7299) de l’Université d’Aix-Marseille, du CNRS et du Ministère de la Culture est hébergée à la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme à Aix-en-Provence.\nLes programmes visent à une meilleure connaissance des sociétés du bassin méditerranéen, de la Protohistoire à la fin de l’Antiquité. Ils en font un laboratoire d’archéologie majeur, reconnu par l’ensemble de la communauté scientifique tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Ils concernent plus particulièrement :\n    la recherche fondamentale et appliquée, programmes interdisciplinaires,\n    la formation doctorale,\n    le développement d’instruments de travail riches et variés (publications, bases de données, corpus…),\n    la gestion de fonds documentaires exceptionnels (bibliothèque, photothèque, aérophotothèque…),\n    des savoir-faire techniques (photographie, architecture navale, topographie, infographie…)', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-13T10:30:39Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:33:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34927', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.casd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre d’Accès Sécurisé aux Données', 'symbol': 'INIST.CASD', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le CASD est un groupement d’intérêt public rassemblant l’État représenté par INSEE, le GENES, le CNRS, l’École polytechnique et HEC Paris créé par arrêté interministériel du 29 décembre 2018.\nLe GIP, à vocation industrielle et commerciale, a pour objet principal d’organiser et de mettre en œuvre des services d’accès sécurisé pour les données confidentielles à des fins non lucratives de recherche, d’étude, d’évaluation ou d’innovation, activités qualifiées de « services à la recherche », principalement publiques. Il a également pour mission de valoriser la technologie développée pour sécuriser l’accès aux données dans le secteur privé.\nLe groupement est chargé dans le cadre de ses missions de service à la recherche :\n\n    de mettre en œuvre des services sécurisés d’accès aux données confidentielles ;\n    de participer aux opérations d’appariement, d’anonymisation de données et à la constitution de bases de données ;\n    de participer à la documentation et à l’archivage des données confidentielles.\nA l’interface entre les producteurs déposants de données et leurs utilisateurs, le CASD propose un équipement garantissant un accès hautement sécurisé aux données qui lui sont confiées.\n    participer aux séances du Comité du secret statistique et collaborer avec son secrétariat ;\n    d’animer la communauté d’utilisateurs autour des données confidentielles ;\n    de concourir à la certification des résultats de la recherche s’appuyant sur des données confidentielles ;\n    de participer au développement de l’accès aux données confidentielles au niveau national, au niveau européen et au niveau international en lien avec les autres dispositifs de mise à disposition de données ;', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.casd.eu/', 'created': '2019-09-11T08:10:57Z', 'updated': '2021-03-29T12:05:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ydkh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34724', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.cethil', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre d’Énergétique et de Thermique de Lyon', 'symbol': 'JBRU.CETHIL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'CETHIL - UMR5008', 'description': "Le CETHIL est une unité mixte de recherche (UMR 5008). Les applications des travaux menés au CETHIL sont variées, dans des secteurs tels que l'aéronautique et le spatial, l'automobile, l'électronique, l'habitat, le nucléaire et les énergies renouvelables. Elles sont souvent rendues nécessaires par les besoins de la transition énergétique.\n\nLes recherches du laboratoire couvrent les domaines de la thermique et de son application à divers systèmes énergétiques. Le CETHIL est un des seuls laboratoires au niveau national et international qui traite en continuum une gamme aussi étendue d'échelles de longueurs et de températures : de la nanostructure au bâtiment, de l'hélium liquide à la combustion en passant par le coulis de glace", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cethil.insa-lyon.fr/', 'created': '2021-03-17T15:53:14Z', 'updated': '2023-03-31T09:24:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48519', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cebc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Centre d'études biologiques de Chizé", 'symbol': 'INIST.CEBC', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-08-11T10:51:06Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:34:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15474', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cercec', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen', 'symbol': 'INIST.CERCEC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (Cercec) est issu de l’ancien Centre d’études sur la Russie, l’Europe orientale et le domaine turc, fondé par Alexandre Bennigsen à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) dans les années 1960. Scindé en deux en 1995, ce laboratoire de recherche a donné naissance d’une part, au Centre d’histoire du domaine turc, d’autre part, au Centre d’études des mondes russe, soviétique et post-soviétique. Ce dernier a été associé au CNRS en 1999 avant de devenir Unité mixte de recherche (UMR) en 2001. Il a changé de nom en 2004 pour devenir le Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (UMR 8083) afin de rendre compte de l’évolution des recherches menées en son sein.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-12T14:01:33Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:34:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34748', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cirad', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement', 'symbol': 'INIST.CIRAD', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-07-16T10:17:01Z', 'updated': '2021-03-22T08:36:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jgpi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18167', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ipgp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Centre de données de l'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris", 'symbol': 'INIST.IPGP', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ipgp.fr', 'created': '2016-06-09T08:13:00Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:35:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18715', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cdsp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre de données socio-politiques', 'symbol': 'INIST.CDSP', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Créé en 2006 et fort d’une vingtaine d’ingénieurs, le Centre de données socio-politiques (CDSP, unité mixte de services de Sciences Po et du CNRS) propose à la communauté scientifique des services autour des données des sciences sociales. Il coordonne et participe à des projets majeurs dans ce domaine.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cdsp.sciences-po.fr/fr/', 'created': '2016-08-30T14:06:56Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:35:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21410', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48388', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.crcm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille', 'symbol': 'INIST.CRCM', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-15T15:35:08Z', 'updated': '2021-05-27T08:49:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25793', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.creda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur les Amériques', 'symbol': 'INIST.CREDA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le CREDA est une unité de recherche fondamentale en sciences sociales sur les Amériques rattaché au titre principal à la section 39 du CNRS. Ses objectifs principaux consistent à renouveler la connaissance sur les Amériques et de faire évoluer les sciences sociales par la confrontation à des terrains non européens - particulièrement dans les pays du Sud -, l’interdisciplinarité et les échanges avec des chercheurs étrangers. L’accumulation systématique des connaissances scientifiques sur les Amériques, grâce notamment à la bibliothèque Pierre Monbeig, leur diffusion, grâce aux éditions de l’IHEAL, débouchent sur un renouvellement des problématiques et des méthodes de nature à faire évoluer les approches des sciences sociales.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.univ-paris3.fr/creda-centre-de-recherche-et-de-documentation-sur-les-ameriques-umr-7227-18596.kjsp?RH=1179925961149', 'created': '2020-07-08T15:08:58Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:37:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35008', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crig.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CENTRE DE RECHERCHES INTERDISCIPLINAIRES DU GRABEN', 'symbol': 'CRIG.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'CRIG-PUG', 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.crigpug-ucg.org/', 'created': '2022-10-26T12:50:02Z', 'updated': '2023-07-04T14:03:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'crig', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57988', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.cerege', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement   des Géosciences de l’Environnement', 'symbol': 'JBRU.CEREGE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-06T15:09:24Z', 'updated': '2023-10-04T08:40:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60671', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cecyf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre expert contre la cybercriminalité français', 'symbol': 'INIST.CECYF', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-02-12T12:10:43Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:38:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18464', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.cabi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)', 'symbol': 'BL.CABI', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataCite account for the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.cabi.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ckan.cabi.org/', 'created': '2019-12-03T11:46:56Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T12:25:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kxpn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34857', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.zo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre for East Asian Studies Heidelberg', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.ZO', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-11T08:44:16Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T09:53:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vgzm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25354', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25357', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.certh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre for Research and Technology (C.E.R.T.H.)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.CERTH', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.certh.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:11:24Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:31:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'okvh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26224', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.onera', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre français de recherche aérospatiale - The French Aerospace Lab', 'symbol': 'INIST.ONERA', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "L'ONERA (l'Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales) a pour mission\n\n    De développer et d'orienter les recherches dans le domaine aérospatial\n    De concevoir, de réaliser, de mettre en œuvre les moyens nécessaires à l'exécution de ces recherches\n    D'assurer, en liaison avec les services ou organismes chargés de la recherche scientifique et technique, la diffusion sur le plan national et international des résultats de ces recherches, d'en favoriser la valorisation par l'industrie aérospatiale et de faciliter éventuellement leur application en dehors du domaine aérospatial", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.onera.fr/fr', 'created': '2013-03-25T15:12:48Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T13:52:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xyau', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12762', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.13009', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34693', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.fc3r', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre français des 3 R', 'symbol': 'JBRU.FC3R', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-31T09:49:45Z', 'updated': '2023-09-01T07:33:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60675', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.cggg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre Gilles Gaston Granger', 'symbol': 'JBRU.CGGG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'UMR7304 Aix-Marseille Université CNRS', 'description': "IGITUR – Arguments philosophiques est une revue philosophique, à comité de lecture, en ligne et d'accès libre. Son objectif est de promouvoir l'argumentation personnelle et la discussion dans les grands champs de la philosophie contemporaine.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': '', 'electronic': '2105-0996'}, 'url': 'http://www.igitur.org', 'created': '2022-04-13T12:25:17Z', 'updated': '2022-06-23T14:18:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57763', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.cielam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude des Littératures d’Aix-Marseille', 'symbol': 'JBRU.CIELAM', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'UR4235', 'description': "Le CIELAM, le Centre interdisciplinaire d'étude des littératures d'Aix-Marseille.\nLe CIELAM a été créé en 2008. Depuis 2013, le CIELAM fait partie des onze laboratoires constitutifs de la Maison de la recherche de la Faculté des lettres de l'université d'Aix-Marseille. En 2015, le CIELAM a cofondé avec elles la Fédération CRISIS (Corpus, Représentations, Identités, Santé, Interactions Sociales). Il est affilié par CRISIS à la plateforme scientifique H2C2.\n\nLe CIELAM est composé de quatre groupes de recherche, le CUER MA des médiévistes, TRANSPOSITIONS des comparatistes, 16-18 pour la littérature de la Renaissance aux Lumières, et 19-21 pour la période moderne et contemporaine.\nLes activités du CIELAM se répartissent en recherche de spécialité, menée dans les groupes de recherche, et en axes transversaux, qui définissent la politique scientifique du laboratoire. Ces axes sont «\xa0Du parchemin au numérique\xa0», «\xa0Mobilités interzone\xa0», «\xa0Critique et théorie\xa0», et «\xa0Stylistique et création\xa0».\nLe site du CIELAM présente les activités de ces différents groupes et axes, les spécialités et les publications de nos membres, et les appels à communication pour les manifestations scientifiques que nous organisons. Il héberge également la revue MALICE, qui publie les travaux de ses membres et accueille les productions de ses partenaires.\nHISTORIQUE\n\n2008 - Le CIELAM est créé.\n2013 - le CIELAM fait partie des onze laboratoires constitutifs de la Maison de la recherche de la Faculté des lettres de l’université d’Aix-Marseille.\n2015 - le CIELAM a cofondé avec elles la Fédération CRISIS (Corpus, Représentations, Identités, Santé, Interactions Sociales). Il est affilié par CRISIS à la plateforme scientifique H2C2.\nCOMPOSITION\n\n4 groupes de recherches :\n- le CUER MA des médiévistes,\n- TRANSPOSITIONS des comparatistes,\n- 16-18 pour la littérature de la Renaissance aux Lumières,\n- 19-21 pour la période moderne et", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': '2263-7664', 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://cielam.univ-amu.fr/', 'created': '2023-01-17T08:03:02Z', 'updated': '2023-02-13T21:31:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58048', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cirm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques', 'symbol': 'INIST.CIRM', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-13T09:19:57Z', 'updated': '2020-11-03T11:13:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24350', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cirm.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre international de Resources Microbiennes - Levures', 'symbol': 'CIRM.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Le CIRM-Levures est un Centre de Ressources Biologiques dédiée à la préservation, la caractérisation et la valorisation des ferments traditionnels français et des levures impliquées dans les biotechnologies. Le CIRM-Levures a été constitué par le regroupement de nombreuses collections de levures (levures fromagères du laboratoire de Technologie Laitier de l’INA-PG, levures œnologiques du laboratoire de Pierre Barre (Montpelier) et de l’INRA de Colmar, des levures fromagères de l’Inra de Poligny etc...) autour de la Collection de Levures d'Intérêt Biotechnologique (CLIB) créée en 1991 dans le laboratoire de Microbiologie et Génétique Moléculaire de Thiverval-Grignon.", 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.micalis.fr/Poles-et-Equipes/Pole-Ecosystemes-Alimentaires-et-Digestifs/Centre-International-de-Ressources-Microbiennes-dedie-aux-Levures-Serge-Casaregola', 'created': '2022-08-03T09:52:02Z', 'updated': '2022-08-05T10:54:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cirm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57907', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cnes', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales', 'symbol': 'INIST.CNES', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-01T11:45:47Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:13:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24400', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cnrt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre National de Recherche Technologique "Nickel et son environnement"', 'symbol': 'INIST.CNRT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le GIP « CNRT Nickel et son environnement » a pour objet la mise en commun et la gestion de moyens pour réaliser des programmes de recherche ou de développement technologique, pour une exploitation durable des ressources minières compatible avec la préservation de l’environnement naturel et humain de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.\n\nCe groupement a vocation à améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises par une meilleure connaissance scientifique sur la ressource en Nickel, et sur l’impact des activités minières et métallurgiques sur les populations, sur les milieux naturels, et sur la vie économique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.\n\nAtteindre cet objectif passe par une identification pertinente des problématiques de recherche fondamentale, appliquée et technologique importantes ou prioritaires, pour définir une programmation scientifique concertée et consensuelle.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cnrt.nc/le-cnrt/', 'created': '2020-04-16T07:49:18Z', 'updated': '2023-10-13T07:41:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34928', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.rc-vg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Centre of Registers Västra Götaland', 'symbol': 'SND.RC-VG', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'refdocs.registercentrum.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-03-21T13:16:26Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:17:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18158', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'eqnn.ceres', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERES', 'symbol': 'EQNN.CERES', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'CERES is the Institutional Repository for Cranfield University consisting of staff journal articles and papers as well as PhD and Conference papers and Proceedings', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.cranfield.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk', 'created': '2022-11-01T12:22:33Z', 'updated': '2022-11-03T13:31:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eqnn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57996', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'eta.ceric', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERIC-ERIC', 'symbol': 'ETA.CERIC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-31T06:18:32Z', 'updated': '2020-04-07T08:04:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eta', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34967', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.nawmpy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERIT-SC', 'symbol': 'GCNC.NAWMPY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'We are a national centre operating computing and data storage infrastructure for research and development. Being a part of the national e-infrastructure [e-INFRA CZ](https://www.e-infra.cz/en), we are recognized in the [Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic](https://www.vyzkumne-infrastruktury.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Aktualizace-Cestovn%C3%AD-mapy-2019_en.pdf). Complementary to the other two e-INFRA CZ consortium partners [CESNET](https://www.cesnet.cz/?lang=en) and [IT4Innovations](https://www.it4i.cz/en), we put emphasis on experimental ("leading edge" and even disruptive) use of the e-infrastructure to meet the evolving user needs.\n\nBesides operating our own infrastructure, we take the initiative in other national and international infrastructure projects such as [ELIXIR CZ](http://www.elixir-czech.cz/) and [EOSC CZ](https://www.e-infra.cz/eosc). We also take the responsibility for e-infrastructure design and operation, and closely collaborate with a number of research infrastructures such as [BBMRI](http://bbmri.cz/), [CEITEC](https://www.ceitec.eu/) and [RECETOX](https://www.recetox.muni.cz/en). Our goal is to foster research collaboration with scientific communities across scientific areas.\n\nOur colleagues and users appreciate our role not only as reliable service and infrastructure providers, but more importantly as partners in conducting applied research across data-intensive scientific domains.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.cerit-sc.cz/', 'created': '2023-03-30T09:24:43Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:57:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58126', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.cds', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Document Server', 'symbol': 'CERN.CDS', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'new-cds.cern.ch,cds.cern.ch,videos.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cds.cern.ch', 'created': '2015-01-21T14:35:27Z', 'updated': '2023-07-27T06:53:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17181', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.env', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Environment Report', 'symbol': 'CERN.ENV', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '', 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-24T15:01:57Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T14:39:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25325', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.cij', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation', 'symbol': 'CERN.CIJ', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-14T14:23:40Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T14:39:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23726', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.opendata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Open Data', 'symbol': 'CERN.OPENDATA', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The CERN Open Data portal manages and disseminates more than two petabytes of open data from particle physics. This includes collision and simulated datasets together with the associated documentation, configuration files, virtual machines and analysis exmaples enabling to explore the released data for both educational and research purposes.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'opendata.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://opendata.cern.ch', 'created': '2014-09-29T10:54:02Z', 'updated': '2019-07-27T13:00:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7483', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.proc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Proceedings', 'symbol': 'CERN.PROC', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-14T14:31:09Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T14:40:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23727', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.yellow', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Publishing', 'symbol': 'CERN.YELLOW', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-01-25T07:54:38Z', 'updated': '2021-03-16T16:38:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5170', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.yrmono', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Yellow Report: Monographs', 'symbol': 'CERN.YRMONO', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch,cds.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-14T14:15:44Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T14:44:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23731', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.yrconf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings', 'symbol': 'CERN.YRCONF', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch,cds.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-14T14:17:29Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T14:42:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23732', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.yrschool', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CERN Yellow Reports: School Proceedings', 'symbol': 'CERN.YRSCHOOL', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch,cds.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-14T14:13:31Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T14:42:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23730', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kdby.stkmdn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CESNET Organizační DOI', 'symbol': 'KDBY.STKMDN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DOI Prefix pro institucialní využití', 'language': ['cs'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.cesnet.cz,*.nusl.cz', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-14T16:42:05Z', 'updated': '2024-01-02T16:22:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cesnet', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58037', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.chalmers', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY', 'symbol': 'SND.CHALMERS', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.chalmers.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-10-22T09:09:44Z', 'updated': '2020-10-25T11:44:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ojuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17196', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'chapmn.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Chapman University', 'symbol': 'CHAPMN.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.figshare.com,chapman.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-02T16:30:24Z', 'updated': '2023-11-02T16:32:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'chapmn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60911', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cdu.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Charles Darwin University', 'symbol': 'CDU.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'researchers.cdu.edu.au,espace.cdu.edu.au,*.cdu.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-26T08:12:10Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:32:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cdu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25913', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.csu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Charles Sturt University', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.CSU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'researchoutput.csu.edu.au,*.csu.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:48Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T22:54:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26189', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.chel', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Chelyabinsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital", 'symbol': 'RADS.CHEL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-08-20T09:29:39Z', 'updated': '2022-08-19T13:05:45Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.empodat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Chemical Occurrence Data', 'symbol': 'YSEI.EMPODAT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'EMPODAT', 'description': 'Chemical Occurrence Data (https://www.norman-network.com/nds/empodat/) EMPODAT is a database of geo-referenced monitoring and bio-monitoring data on emerging substances in the following matrices: water, sediments, biota, SPM, soil, sewage sludge and air.\n\nThe EMPODAT database consists of:\n\nThe Chemistry module for monitoring/occurrence data on emerging substances which are already known to be present in the environment but which are not yet included in routine monitoring programmes. EMPODAT is designed to allow:\n\nAccess to the latest information on emerging pollutants, with an overview of benchmark values on the occurrence of emerging substances across Europe; Identification of gaps in data relating to time, geographical areas and/or environmental matrices.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/empodat/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:24:56Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:25:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60954', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dxdt.ltrhax', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart (CVUA Stuttgart)', 'symbol': 'DXDT.LTRHAX', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-06T09:52:45Z', 'updated': '2021-04-06T12:49:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48414', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.kit-ioc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'chemotion', 'symbol': 'TIB.KIT-IOC', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'Repository for molecules and research data', 'description': 'Chemical Structure and Dataset Repository', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'chemotion.net,chemotion-repository.net,www.chemotion-repository.net', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R34P5T', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://chemotion-repository.net/welcome', 'created': '2013-09-19T14:59:34Z', 'updated': '2024-01-25T21:33:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14272', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rit.cfccis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science', 'symbol': 'RIT.CFCCIS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DOIs assigned for those affiliated with Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at RIT.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.rit.edu/science/chester-f-carlson-center-imaging-science', 'created': '2021-01-11T16:14:13Z', 'updated': '2022-08-24T15:45:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35009', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rice.cehi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Children’s Environmental Health Initiative', 'symbol': 'RICE.CEHI', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-18T15:03:08Z', 'updated': '2019-11-18T16:47:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rice', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25614', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tsinghua.ngac', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'China Geological Survey', 'symbol': 'TSINGHUA.NGAC', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-28T06:05:09Z', 'updated': '2019-11-17T09:05:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tsinghua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23650', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cngb.cga', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'China National GeneBank DataBase', 'symbol': 'CNGB.CGA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': '国家基因库生命大数据平台', 'description': 'The China National GeneBank database (CNGBdb) is a unified platform for biological big data sharing and application services. CNGBdb has now integrated a large amount of internal and external biological data from resources such as CNGB, NCBI, and the EBI. There are several sub-databases in CNGBdb, including literature, variation, gene, genome, protein, sequence, organism, project, sample, experiment, run, and assembly. Based on underlying big data and cloud computing technologies, it provides various data services, including archive, analysis, knowledge search, and management authorization of biological data. CNGBdb adopts data structures and standards of international omics, health, and medicine, such as The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health GA4GH (GA4GH), Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN), American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), and constructs standardized data and structures with wide compatibility. All public data and services provided by CNGBdb are freely available to all users worldwide.\r\nCNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is the bionomics data repository of CNGBdb.\r\nCNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient and efficient archiving system of multi-omics data in life science, which provides archiving services for raw sequencing reads and further analyzed results. CNSA follows the international data standards for omics data, and supports online and batch submission of multiple data types such as Project, Sample, Experiment/Run, Assembly, Variation, Metabolism, Single cell, and Sequence. Moreover, CNSA has achieved the correlation of sample entities, sample information, and analyzed data on some projects. Its data submission service can be used as a supplement to the literature publishing process to support early data sharing.CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient and efficient archiving system of multi-omics data in the life science of CNGBdb, which provides archiving services for raw sequencing reads and further analyzed results. CNSA follows the international data standards for omics data, and supports online and batch submission of multiple data types such as Project, Sample, Experiment/Run, Assembly, Variation, Metabolism, Single cell, Sequence. Its data submission service can be used as a supplement to the literature publishing process to support early data sharing.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMGL', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://db.cngb.org/', 'created': '2018-09-27T01:28:05Z', 'updated': '2023-10-23T10:59:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cngb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26036', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.io', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Chuvash regional branch of the interregional public organization Academy of Informatization of Education', 'symbol': 'RADS.IO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-07T21:15:51Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:46:14Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34654', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.chgpu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after Yakovlev I.', 'symbol': 'RADS.CHGPU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-29T07:07:56Z', 'updated': '2022-05-19T11:30:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26293', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iohr.cidehus-dig', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CIDEHUS Digital', 'symbol': 'IOHR.CIDEHUS-DIG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repositório CIDEHUS Digital disponibiliza um prefixo específico para esta plataforma no CIDEHUS.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.cidehusdigital.uevora.pt', 'created': '2023-03-16T10:19:58Z', 'updated': '2023-03-16T10:45:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iohr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60505', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iohr.cidehus-geral', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CIDEHUS Geral', 'symbol': 'IOHR.CIDEHUS-GERAL', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repositório geral/genérico do CIDEHUS, sem plataforma definida.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-16T10:16:19Z', 'updated': '2023-03-23T17:56:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iohr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60469', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ipca', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CiencIPCA', 'symbol': 'IVUW.IPCA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'RCAAP-Repositório Digital do IPCA', 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://ciencipca.ipca.pt/', 'created': '2021-11-03T16:04:09Z', 'updated': '2021-11-05T12:01:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48766', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.ciep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CIEP', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.CIEP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ciep-ge.com', 'created': '2018-04-17T06:35:47Z', 'updated': '2023-03-07T08:17:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wlis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24438', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cioosatl.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CIOOS Atlantic Data Catalogue', 'symbol': 'CIOOSATL.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://catalogue.cioosatlantic.ca/', 'created': '2021-12-24T19:14:14Z', 'updated': '2023-10-10T15:48:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cioosatl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57667', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.cired', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CIRED', 'symbol': 'DELFT.CIRED', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.cired-repository.org/', 'created': '2020-02-03T14:11:49Z', 'updated': '2020-09-22T09:07:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jyqw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34890', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cornell.ciser', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CISER Data & Reproduction Archive', 'symbol': 'CORNELL.CISER', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The data & reproduction archive maintains a collection of social and economic datasets as well as reproduction materials for articles published by Cornell authors. It's a centralized source for social science data files: their acquisition, storage, maintenance, and use. We support the research activities of faculty, students, and staff at Cornell University. The collection includes federal or state censuses, files based on administrative records, public opinion surveys, economic and social data from national and international organizations, and studies compiled by individual researchers.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3ZK70', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://socialsciences.cornell.edu/research-support', 'created': '2018-06-25T14:34:17Z', 'updated': '2021-08-04T12:03:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cornell', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6077', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cispa.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CISPA Helmholtz Center', 'symbol': 'CISPA.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cispa.figshare.com,*.figshare.com,publications.cispa.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-06T15:37:00Z', 'updated': '2023-10-06T15:40:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cispa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60882', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'austintx.atxdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'City of Austin Digital Repository', 'symbol': 'AUSTINTX.ATXDR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-09-17T16:56:10Z', 'updated': '2022-01-21T22:44:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'austintx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26000', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'qpcj.coccon', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'COCCON', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.COCCON', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'COCCON', 'description': 'COCCON - Central Facility / EVDC - ESA Atmospheric Validation Data Centre', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.esa.int', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://evdc.esa.int/', 'created': '2021-02-15T19:50:32Z', 'updated': '2021-03-22T19:44:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48477', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ocean.ocean', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Code Ocean', 'symbol': 'OCEAN.OCEAN', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'CO', 'description': 'Code Ocean is a cloud-based computational reproducibility platform that provides researchers an easy way to share, discover and run code published in academic journals and conferences.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'codeocean.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R38F5N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://codeocean.com/', 'created': '2017-04-12T10:49:20Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocean', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24433', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'qndc.collections', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Collections@UBT', 'symbol': 'QNDC.COLLECTIONS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "University of Bayreuth's digital collection management system Collections@UBT enables institutions, departments and projects to provide audiovisual and multimedia content for teaching and research.\nBased on easydb, a flexible and web-based DAM (Digital Asset Management) and MAM (Media Asset Management) system, files are stored and organized centrally in a database together with the associated metadata.", 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uni-bayreuth.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://collections.uni-bayreuth.de', 'created': '2021-11-08T12:57:01Z', 'updated': '2021-11-08T12:59:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qndc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'cdfr.cdf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Collège de France', 'symbol': 'CDFR.CDF', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'La mission du Collège de France répond à une double vocation (être à la fois le lieu de la recherche la plus audacieuse et celui de son enseignement au plus grand nombre) et à un double impératif (fidélité à son histoire et innovation permanente). Avec la mise en ligne des cours et des conférences, et 14 millions d’heures téléchargées en 2015, le Collège de France s’est, ces dernières années, largement ouvert à un public plus diversifié et plus jeune.\n\nLe projet « Campus de l’innovation pour les lycées » initié en 2016 par Alain Prochiantz, Administrateur du Collège de France (2015-2019), et Philippe Aghion, titulaire de la chaire Économie des institutions, de l’innovation et de la croissance, s’inscrit dans une convention de partenariat signée avec le ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR), et participe d’une volonté de montrer aux élèves des lycées techniques et professionnels, tout particulièrement ceux issus des zones les plus défavorisées, ce qu’est l’enseignement par la recherche.\n\nPour Philippe Aghion, « il s’agit de susciter chez des élèves ne bénéficiant pas d’une proximité sociale et territoriale immédiate avec un savoir académique, l’envie d’oser, d’aller de l’avant, de devenir acteurs de leur réussite scolaire et professionnelle. Il s’agit de désacraliser le savoir académique, démontrer comment les savoirs, l’économie par exemple, sont des outils de compréhension et d’action sur le monde, l', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/college/index.htm', 'created': '2021-06-28T13:23:56Z', 'updated': '2021-07-01T12:07:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cdfr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48658', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'psnc.cmst', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Computational Methods In Science And Technology', 'symbol': 'PSNC.CMST', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'cmst.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'http://cmst.eu/', 'created': '2020-01-07T10:06:33Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T08:48:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ykjy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12921', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vsdn.lwikkq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Computing in Geometry and Topology', 'symbol': 'VSDN.LWIKKQ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'CompGeomTop', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.cgt-journal.org/index.php/cgt', 'created': '2022-02-22T10:30:21Z', 'updated': '2022-02-22T17:01:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57717', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cornell.library', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cornell University Library', 'symbol': 'CORNELL.LIBRARY', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'eCommons is a service of the Cornell University Library that provides long-term access to a broad range of Cornell-related digital content of enduring value. eCommons accepts both educational and research-oriented content, including pre- and post-publication papers, datasets, technical reports, theses and dissertations, books, lectures,  presentations and more.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3FP94', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ecommons.cornell.edu/', 'created': '2018-06-25T14:37:47Z', 'updated': '2022-06-23T16:25:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cornell', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7298', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ipyx.hvvrmz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Coventry University Data Repository', 'symbol': 'IPYX.HVVRMZ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-20T13:23:06Z', 'updated': '2022-09-20T13:52:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ipyx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57955', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.lfzaox', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CPM-pilot', 'symbol': 'GCNC.LFZAOX', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-06T14:24:20Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:57:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58092', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.cran', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cranfield Online Research Data', 'symbol': 'BL.CRAN', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': 'CORD', 'description': "CORD is Cranfield University's research data repository, for secure preservation of institutional research data outputs. Cranfield is an exclusively postgraduate university that is a global leader for transformational research in technology and management. We are focused on the specialist themes of aerospace, defence and security, energy and power, environment and agrifood, manufacturing, transport systems, and water. The Cranfield School of Management is world leader in management education and research.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cranfield.ac.uk,figshare.com,cord.cranfield.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3MH0J', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://cranfield.figshare.com/', 'created': '2015-07-31T08:11:29Z', 'updated': '2020-11-03T13:31:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eqnn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17862', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cnrst.ce', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Critique économique', 'symbol': 'CNRST.CE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Critique économique', 'description': 'Critique économique est une revue trimestrielle d’économie qui a pour objectif d’appréhender les questions économiques, nationales et internationales, dans une optique privilégiant la démarche académique et l’analyse en profondeur. Elle contribue à structurer le champ disciplinaire national en résonance avec les avancées théoriques et empiriques enregistrées au niveau international. Elle constitue un espace de débat doctrinal, de controverse théorique et méthodologique, un lieu d’expression des hétérodoxies et d’animation de la recherche en sciences économiques. La revue est dotée d’un comité scientifique et les soumissions d’articles font l’objet d’une évaluation par les référés selon les normes internationales en vigueur.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/CE/index', 'created': '2020-11-03T07:56:17Z', 'updated': '2020-11-03T08:32:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48409', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ffzg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Croatian Social Science Data Archive (CROSSDA)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.FFZG', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.crossda.hr', 'created': '2017-05-09T14:47:58Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T14:40:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23669', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'shkl.lofhsj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CrossAsia Open Access Repository', 'symbol': 'SHKL.LOFHSJ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repository.crossasia.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.crossasia.org/', 'created': '2021-12-06T15:15:07Z', 'updated': '2022-05-10T21:17:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shkl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48796', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'figshare.ctsnet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CTSNet | The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.CTSNET', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ctsnet.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-19T05:06:10Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:05:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gszc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25373', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cub.libraries', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CU Scholar', 'symbol': 'CUB.LIBRARIES', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://scholar.colorado.edu', 'created': '2018-04-23T16:32:04Z', 'updated': '2021-11-16T15:48:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cub', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25810', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26040', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25931', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wklx.uftoeh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CUHK Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'WKLX.UFTOEH', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-30T10:18:15Z', 'updated': '2022-08-02T04:26:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wklx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48668', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cybele.scmzov', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Cybelepress', 'symbol': 'CYBELE.SCMZOV', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.cybelepress.com', 'created': '2020-03-03T12:37:05Z', 'updated': '2020-10-08T20:38:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cybele', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21965', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cyberl.cyberdoi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CyberDOI', 'symbol': 'CYBERL.CYBERDOI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-10-09T10:32:08Z', 'updated': '2019-12-15T17:53:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cyberl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24411', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cyberl.cl-ru', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'cyberleninka.ru', 'symbol': 'CYBERL.CL-RU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'CyberLeninka (Russian: КиберЛенинка) is a Russian scientific electronic library working according to the model of open science. It has a vast collection of written scientific works available via free licences.\n\nPer Webometrics, it is accounted to be in top 5 open archives in the world. Per Russian rating measurers LIru and Rambler, it is considered to be the largest scientific and educational online library with legal content across the Internet in Russia.\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CyberLeninka', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cyberleninka.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cyberleninka.ru/about', 'created': '2019-10-24T16:58:32Z', 'updated': '2019-10-24T17:01:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cyberl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24410', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.24412', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sml.cyverse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'CyVerse', 'symbol': 'SML.CYVERSE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-13T12:07:03Z', 'updated': '2021-06-17T08:26:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cyverse', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7946', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25739', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.secrao', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Czech National Phytosociological Database', 'symbol': 'GCNC.SECRAO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://botzool.cz/vegsci/phytosociologicalDb/', 'created': '2023-01-20T13:45:21Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:58:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58058', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.csda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Czech Social Science Data Archive', 'symbol': 'GESIS.CSDA', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA) of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic accesses, processes, documents and stores data files from social science research projects and promotes their dissemination to make them widely available for secondary use in academic research and for educational purposes.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R35P6H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://archiv.soc.cas.cz/en/', 'created': '2015-04-08T13:50:52Z', 'updated': '2023-02-17T08:39:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'csda', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14473', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'chop.d3b', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'D3B', 'symbol': 'CHOP.D3B', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-15T15:29:16Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:35:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'chop', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24370', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.invep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Da Investigação às Práticas', 'symbol': 'FCT.INVEP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A INVEP é uma revista de âmbito educacional que aceita artigos sobre os: contextos educativos (formais e não formais), atores educativos, processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, modelos e processos de desenvolvimento da criança, organização dos sistemas educativos, políticas, valores e práticas.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2182-1372'}, 'url': 'https://ojs.eselx.ipl.pt/index.php/invep', 'created': '2018-07-23T14:12:11Z', 'updated': '2023-03-13T12:23:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25757', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ipbdados', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dados.IPB', 'symbol': 'IVUW.IPBDADOS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Repositório de dados científicos do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança', 'description': 'The data repository aims to store, preserve and make available research data generated by the academic community, in open access - as open as possible, as closed as necessary.', 'language': ['en', 'pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJN3K', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dados.ipb.pt/', 'created': '2023-09-27T14:43:30Z', 'updated': '2023-09-28T11:40:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60610', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'dalu.dalloc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dalhousie University Local Dataverse', 'symbol': 'DALU.DALLOC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Dalhousie University Local Dataverse', 'description': 'library.dal.ca', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataverse.library.dal.ca', 'created': '2020-03-03T12:41:22Z', 'updated': '2021-12-02T19:28:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dalu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23685', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dartlib.dandi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DANDI Archive', 'symbol': 'DARTLIB.DANDI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The BRAIN Initiative archive for publishing and sharing cellular neurophysiology data', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.dandiarchive.org/', 'created': '2020-08-06T15:01:45Z', 'updated': '2020-08-06T16:40:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dartlib', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48324', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'repod.dbuw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dane Badawcze UW', 'symbol': 'REPOD.DBUW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uw.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-13T11:42:55Z', 'updated': '2023-10-04T10:35:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'repod', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58132', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dans.archive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DANS Data Stations', 'symbol': 'DANS.ARCHIVE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'DANS Data Station', 'description': 'DANS Data Station and EASY are the online archiving systems of Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). The systems are certified with Core Trust Seal (CTS) and offer  access to thousands of datasets in the humanities, the social sciences and other disciplines. The Data Stations can also be used for the online depositing of research data', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3401D', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dans.knaw.nl', 'created': '2020-04-02T09:31:08Z', 'updated': '2023-01-24T06:59:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dans', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17026', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dans.external', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DANS External', 'symbol': 'DANS.EXTERNAL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.odissei.nl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://portal.odissei.nl/', 'created': '2022-08-25T09:35:57Z', 'updated': '2022-08-30T11:06:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dans', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57934', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fnma.qimigb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DAPHNE4NFDI Kiel University', 'symbol': 'FNMA.QIMIGB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IGSN Repository for Kiel University registrations within DAPHNE4NFDI.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-10T11:56:22Z', 'updated': '2023-11-10T11:59:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fnma', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60578', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'npiz.desy-data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data - DESY - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron', 'symbol': 'NPIZ.DESY-DATA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'desy.de,*.desy.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-25T14:58:54Z', 'updated': '2023-10-25T15:05:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'npiz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60883', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wisc.disc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data and Information Services Center', 'symbol': 'WISC.DISC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.disc.wisc.edu/archive/index.html', 'created': '2020-05-28T18:29:34Z', 'updated': '2020-05-29T21:15:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35013', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mqu.dcentral', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Central', 'symbol': 'MQU.DCENTRAL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'datacentral.org.au,*.datacentral.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datacentral.org.au', 'created': '2022-07-15T00:02:55Z', 'updated': '2022-08-12T00:18:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mqu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57891', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psu.datacom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Commons', 'symbol': 'PSU.DATACOM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'datacommons@psu', 'description': 'The datacommons@psu was developed in 2005 to provide a resource for data sharing, discovery, and archiving for the Penn State research and teaching community. Access to information is vital to the research, teaching, and outreach conducted at Penn State. The datacommons@psu serves as a data discovery tool, a data archive for research data created by PSU for projects funded by agencies like the National Science Foundation, as well as a portal to data, applications, and resources throughout the university. The datacommons@psu facilitates interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration by connecting people and resources and by:\r\n\r\n    Acquiring, storing, documenting, and providing discovery tools for Penn State based research data, final reports, instruments, models and applications.\r\n    Highlighting existing resources developed or housed by Penn State.\r\n    Supporting access to project/program partners via collaborative map or web services.\r\n    Providing metadata development citation information, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and links to related publications and project websites.\r\n\r\nMembers of the Penn State research community and their affiliates can easily share and house their data through the datacommons@psu. The datacommons@psu will also develop metadata for your data and provide information to support your NSF, NIH, or other agency data management plan.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMGV', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.datacommons.psu.edu/default.html', 'created': '2019-02-13T15:58:48Z', 'updated': '2022-02-18T21:48:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26208', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ejij.datadeposit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Deposit at Aalborg University', 'symbol': 'EJIJ.DATADEPOSIT', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-21T11:34:18Z', 'updated': '2022-10-26T10:30:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ejij', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57957', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zjmz.vjihym', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Hub', 'symbol': 'ZJMZ.VJIHYM', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-03-04T15:16:01Z', 'updated': '2023-02-03T23:01:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zjmz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57733', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.inra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data INRAE', 'symbol': 'INIST.INRA', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': 'Portail Data INRAE', 'description': 'INRAE is the world’s first organisation specialized on agricultural, food and environmental sciences. Data INRAE is offered by INRAE as part of its mission to open the results of its research.\r\nData INRAE will share research data in relation with food, nutrition, agriculture and environment. It includes experimental, simulation and observation data, omic data, survey and text data.\r\nOnly data produced by or in collaboration with INRAE will be hosted in the repository, but anyone can access the metadata and the open data.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3DJ4J', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.inrae.fr/', 'created': '2014-05-28T13:36:54Z', 'updated': '2023-11-07T07:47:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gkjj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14758', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.15454', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17180', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sage.dplanet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Planet', 'symbol': 'SAGE.DPLANET', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-13T15:55:03Z', 'updated': '2021-01-28T23:00:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sage', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6068', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nioz.das', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Portal of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research', 'symbol': 'NIOZ.DAS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-23T12:03:51Z', 'updated': '2019-10-30T11:11:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nioz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25850', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'umn.drum', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Repository for the University of Minnesota', 'symbol': 'UMN.DRUM', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R30D19', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/166578', 'created': '2018-12-19T18:09:59Z', 'updated': '2022-03-02T17:11:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'umn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13020', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bisold.dareuol', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Data Repository University Oldenburg', 'symbol': 'BISOLD.DAREUOL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-02T13:21:49Z', 'updated': '2022-09-26T11:53:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bisold', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57782', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.bbees', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'data.InDoRES', 'symbol': 'JBRU.BBEES', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Inventaire des Données de la Recherche en Environnement et Sociétés', 'description': 'data.InDoRES is a repositery for research data in biodiversity, environment and societies.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNEN', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.indores.fr/', 'created': '2021-05-05T08:23:38Z', 'updated': '2023-04-27T07:57:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48579', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'imyd.icaygo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'data.sintef.no', 'symbol': 'IMYD.ICAYGO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-25T06:58:17Z', 'updated': '2023-08-25T07:59:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'imyd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'UNITCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60609', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'datacite.datacite', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataCite', 'symbol': 'DATACITE.DATACITE', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-12-07T13:43:39Z', 'updated': '2021-07-08T10:02:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'datacite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14454', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25492', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'datacite.blog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataCite Blog', 'symbol': 'DATACITE.BLOG', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://blog.datacite.org', 'created': '2019-01-02T14:27:23Z', 'updated': '2023-03-02T15:41:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'datacite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5438', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'estdoi.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataDOI', 'symbol': 'ESTDOI.REPO', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataDOI is an institutional research data repository managed by University of Tartu Library. DataDOI gathers all fields of research data and stands for encouraging open science and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. DataDOI is made for long-term preservation of research data. Each dataset is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) through DataCite Estonia Concortium.', 'language': ['en', 'et'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ut.ee,utlib.ee,hdl.handle.net,datadoi.ee,www.uttv.ee,dspace.ut.ee', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R30D32', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datadoi.ee', 'created': '2014-12-16T07:29:16Z', 'updated': '2022-01-20T10:17:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tawj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23673', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.23680', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.23659', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dafi.client', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataFirst', 'symbol': 'DAFI.CLIENT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "DataFirst's open research data repository gives open access to disaggregated socioeconomic data from African governments and research entities. DataFirst is based at the University of Cape Town, South Africa and is the only African repository certified as a Trusted Digital Repository by the CoreTrustSeal Certification Organisation. DataFirst also operates an on-site Secure Research Data Centre to give researchers access to sensitive or highly-disaggregated South African data.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3QS3C', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.datafirst.uct.ac.za/', 'created': '2018-05-09T12:48:05Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dafi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25828', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.dataguru', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataGuru-LU,  Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University', 'symbol': 'SND.DATAGURU', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dataguru.lu.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-09-02T09:23:42Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:07:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mviy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18161', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'itesm.ojevlu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Datahub Tecnológico de Monterrey', 'symbol': 'ITESM.OJEVLU', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Tecnológico de Monterrey Data Hub', 'description': "The Tecnológico de Monterrey's Data Hub offers Open Data generated by our researchers and other initiatives. This initiative is sponsored by both the Living Lab & Data Hub of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE and the Tecnologico de Monterrey's Research Office.\r\nThis repository is organized by Institutes and Schools.", 'language': ['en', 'es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'datahub.tec.mx', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNF0', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datahub.tec.mx', 'created': '2022-01-21T21:59:44Z', 'updated': '2023-10-01T17:10:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'itesm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'escireco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57687', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.datalino', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'datalino', 'symbol': 'GESIS.DATALINO', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-07-25T13:58:38Z', 'updated': '2021-01-20T08:17:17Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6105', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unm.dataone', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataONE', 'symbol': 'UNM.DATAONE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed framework and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data.\r\nSupported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant #OCI-0830944) as one of the initial DataNets, DataONE will ensure the preservation, access, use and reuse of multi-scale, multi-discipline, and multi-national science data via three primary cyberinfrastucture elements and a broad education and outreach program.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3101G', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.dataone.org/', 'created': '2018-05-24T15:44:19Z', 'updated': '2018-12-20T22:46:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25860', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.uminho', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataRepositoriUM', 'symbol': 'FCT.UMINHO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Repositório de Dados da Universidade do Minho', 'description': 'Data Repository of the University of Minho. Share, publish and manage data from University of Minho research units.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'datarepositorium.uminho.pt', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMNP', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datarepositorium.uminho.pt', 'created': '2019-10-16T10:35:05Z', 'updated': '2023-06-30T10:56:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34622', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lbde.xzldyn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Datarepository', 'symbol': 'LBDE.XZLDYN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-05T15:19:50Z', 'updated': '2023-10-23T10:51:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ipen', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57766', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.iastate', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataShare: the Open Data Repository of Iowa State University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.IASTATE', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'DataShare', 'description': 'Iowa State University’s DataShare is an open access repository for sharing and publishing research data created by Iowa State University scholars and researchers.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'iastate.figshare.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3GV3W', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://iastate.figshare.com/', 'created': '2017-10-31T12:17:43Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:12:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zzki', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25380', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pu.dataspace', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataSpace', 'symbol': 'PU.DATASPACE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataSpace is a digital repository meant for both archiving and publicly disseminating digital data which are the result of research, academic, or administrative work performed by members of the Princeton University community. DataSpace will promote awareness of the data and address concerns for ensuring the long-term availability of data in the repository.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R33B6F', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-09-23T14:24:10Z', 'updated': '2021-04-21T19:44:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34770', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wdgcf.datastream', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataStream', 'symbol': 'WDGCF.DATASTREAM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'datastream.org,atlanticdatastream.ca,greatlakesdatastream.ca,lakewinnipegdatastream.ca,mackenziedatastream.ca,pacificdatastream.ca', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T17:50:09Z', 'updated': '2023-10-20T18:19:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wdgcf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25976', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zzgs.rgerr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dataverse', 'symbol': 'ZZGS.RGERR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-24T12:20:40Z', 'updated': '2024-02-08T08:22:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zzgs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57877', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hppk.czsitc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataVerse Prueba', 'symbol': 'HPPK.CZSITC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repositorio Dataverse de pruebas', 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-16T17:28:36Z', 'updated': '2023-04-19T20:49:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hppk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VNSF', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58131', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dans.dataversenl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataverseNL', 'symbol': 'DANS.DATAVERSENL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Online storage, sharing and registration of research data, during the research period and after its completion. DataverseNL is a shared service provided by participating institutions and DANS.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R33W6Z', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataverse.nl/', 'created': '2020-04-02T11:07:28Z', 'updated': '2020-07-23T06:12:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dans', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34894', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bibsys.uit-ord', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataverseNO', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.UIT-ORD', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataverseNO (https://dataverse.no) is a curated, FAIR-aligned national generic repository for open research data from all academic disciplines. DataverseNO commits to facilitate that published data remain accessible and (re)usable in a long-term perspective. The repository is owned and operated by UiT The Arctic University of Norway. DataverseNO accepts submissions from researchers primarily from Norwegian research institutions. Datasets in DataverseNO are grouped into institutional collections as well as special collections. The technical infrastructure of the repository is based on the open source application Dataverse (https://dataverse.org), which is developed by an international developer and user community led by Harvard University.', 'language': ['en', 'no'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3TV17', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataverse.no/', 'created': '2016-04-08T10:22:12Z', 'updated': '2023-07-09T10:57:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vjhc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18710', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'baqp.qpmjhm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DataverseUA', 'symbol': 'BAQP.QPMJHM', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.dataverse.net.ua', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.dataverse.net.ua', 'created': '2021-11-30T11:15:37Z', 'updated': '2024-01-03T13:06:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48788', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ssri', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DATICE', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SSRI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Gagnaþjónusta félagsvísinda á Íslandi', 'description': "DATICE was established in late 2018 and is funded by the University of Iceland's (UI) School of Social Sciences, with a contribution from the university's Centennial Fund. DATICE is the appointed service provider for the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) in Iceland and is located within the UI Social Science Research Institute (SSRI). The main goal of the data service is to ensure open and free access to high quality research data for the research community as well as the general public.", 'language': ['is', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMWM', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ssri.is/datice', 'created': '2020-03-04T14:51:10Z', 'updated': '2021-08-16T16:12:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34881', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'disl.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dauphin Island Sea Lab Repository', 'symbol': 'DISL.REPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-26T18:45:27Z', 'updated': '2022-04-26T18:45:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'disl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57778', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wedr.fpflhb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DBFZ', 'symbol': 'WEDR.FPFLHB', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-15T08:20:07Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T08:26:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wedr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48480', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.zscfxk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DE IURE revista', 'symbol': 'UAZ.ZSCFXK', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/deiure', 'created': '2021-11-23T00:19:51Z', 'updated': '2021-11-23T00:22:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48703', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.dmu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'De Montfort University', 'symbol': 'BL.DMU', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dmu.ac.uk,dmu.figshare.com,figshare.dmu.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-08-01T08:26:44Z', 'updated': '2020-12-15T10:56:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rcnw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21253', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.deakin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Deakin University', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.DEAKIN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dro.deakin.edu.au,dro-uat.deakin.edu.au,*.deakin.edu.au,*.digitalchild.org.au,asfar.org.au,researchdata.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:50Z', 'updated': '2023-08-20T23:36:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26187', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'todn.ihzsnc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DeIC', 'symbol': 'TODN.IHZSNC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-09-07T07:36:46Z', 'updated': '2021-09-20T08:10:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'todn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48715', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vznx.mjhyql', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DeiC Dataverse', 'symbol': 'VZNX.MJHYQL', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-20T14:18:35Z', 'updated': '2023-11-20T14:42:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vznx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DEICCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60612', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xwpv.qbqbok', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dementias Platform UK', 'symbol': 'XWPV.QBQBOK', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) is a public-private partnership funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) which aims to detect and treat dementia earlier than ever before.\n\nDementia affects over 50 million people globally and yet to date there are no successful treatments. In 2014 the MRC launched DPUK to revolutionise dementia studies and cohort research, as dementia is the leading cause of death in England and Wales.\n\nDPUK is transforming research through partnering with Universities, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and industry. In addition, DPUK has developed expert technology networks - imaging, stem cell and informatics - that are increasing our understanding of how dementia starts.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-19T16:52:10Z', 'updated': '2023-04-04T11:14:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xwpv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48532', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.duthr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Democritus University of Thrace', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.DUTHR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.duth.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-27T08:24:08Z', 'updated': '2021-06-29T13:40:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ajxk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26257', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.ddb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Demographic Data Base', 'symbol': 'SND.DDB', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ddb.umu.se,cedar.umu.se,*.umu.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-10-17T07:35:46Z', 'updated': '2021-03-09T13:21:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aaay', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17197', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'daf.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Agriculture and Fisheries', 'symbol': 'DAF.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.era.daf.qld.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://era.daf.qld.gov.au', 'created': '2023-12-13T03:29:06Z', 'updated': '2023-12-13T05:38:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'daf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60699', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.doe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.DOE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.dcceew.gov.au, .dcceew.gov.au, environment.gov.au,*.environment.gov.au,', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:04Z', 'updated': '2022-08-26T00:50:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26194', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.abares', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment - ABARES', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.ABARES', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'daff.ent.sirsidynix.net.au,data.gov.au,agriculture.gov.au,data.daff.gov.au,data.brs.gov.au,*.daff.ent.sirsidynix.net.au,*.data.gov.au,*.agriculture.gov.au,*.data.daff.gov.au,*.data.brs.gov.au,awe.gov.au,*.awe.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:09Z', 'updated': '2022-05-01T23:43:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dawe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25814', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gshs.gshs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Defense, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Geospatial Science and Human Security Division (ORNL-GSHS) Repository', 'symbol': 'GSHS.GSHS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-08-04T18:08:58Z', 'updated': '2021-09-07T13:22:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gshs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ostico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48690', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.dhs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Homeland Security (DHS)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.DHS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dhs.figshare.com,dhs-publicaccess.st.dhs.gov', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-10T09:48:09Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T10:46:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ofpi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25396', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dhs.dhs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Homeland Security, Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-Risk & Trust (DHS-IMPACT) Repository', 'symbol': 'DHS.DHS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-20T08:39:45Z', 'updated': '2021-05-06T18:02:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'doe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ostico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23721', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.dpaw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Parks and Wildlife', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.DPAW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'yes-we-ckan.org,*.yes-we-ckan.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:12Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T22:50:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26283', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dot.dot', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Department of Transportation, National Transportation Library (DOT-NTL) Repository', 'symbol': 'DOT.DOT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-20T08:42:40Z', 'updated': '2020-04-20T16:41:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dot', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ostico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21949', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.desy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DESY - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron', 'symbol': 'TIB.DESY', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'desy.de,*.desy.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-08-12T09:39:17Z', 'updated': '2021-04-07T08:39:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'npiz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3204', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.leopoldina', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V.', 'symbol': 'TIB.LEOPOLDINA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-02-15T12:02:34Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T08:52:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'egka', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26164', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34714', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.dbu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)', 'symbol': 'TIB.DBU', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'DBU Zentrum für Umweltkommunikation', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dbu.de,www.dbu.de,*.dbu.de,nachhaltig.digital', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-14T11:03:11Z', 'updated': '2021-06-14T05:58:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24359', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'vsdn.btfdun', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Communication Research', 'symbol': 'VSDN.BTFDUN', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-25T17:06:24Z', 'updated': '2021-04-26T08:20:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48541', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'csic.digital', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital CSIC', 'symbol': 'CSIC.DIGITAL', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DIGITAL.CSIC is the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Designed for organising, archiving, preserving and disseminating via open access the scientific output generated as a product of the CSIC research activities  by CSIC researchers', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3P34J', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://digital.csic.es/', 'created': '2016-01-20T09:47:36Z', 'updated': '2022-11-11T10:45:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'csic', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20350', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.yqqcuw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Culture, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University', 'symbol': 'GCNC.YQQCUW', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://music.phil.muni.cz/vyzkum/projekty', 'created': '2022-03-10T17:58:13Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:58:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57734', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'buzq.hex', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Handbook of the History of Experience', 'symbol': 'BUZQ.HEX', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'HEX Handbook', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.tuni.fi', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2953-920X'}, 'url': 'https://sites.tuni.fi/hexhandbook/', 'created': '2023-02-02T07:46:35Z', 'updated': '2023-02-02T07:57:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'buzq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CSCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58077', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unm.disc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication', 'symbol': 'UNM.DISC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-25T17:33:39Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25844', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ulbt.diglib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Library - University of Innsbruck', 'symbol': 'ULBT.DIGLIB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Digitale Bibliothek - Universität Innsbruck', 'description': 'The University of Innsbruck provides users with free online access to an ever-growing portfolio of electronic media. The digital collections contain digitized prints from the historic holdings of the Regional and University Library Tyrol as well as digitized monographs, diploma-, master- and doctoral theses and newspapers. Furthermore, the publication server offers members of the University of Innsbruck the possibility to publish their scientific work open access. Through collaboration with initiatives such as the Open Archives Initiative the documents are published and disseminated worldwide. As far as possible the full text of the materials is provided, so that users can search for specific words and phrases within the repository.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://diglib.uibk.ac.at/', 'created': '2020-01-13T14:48:38Z', 'updated': '2022-01-25T14:45:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25651', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34834', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48763', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tind.longisland', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Long Island', 'symbol': 'TIND.LONGISLAND', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'East Hampton Library Digital Repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-23T16:45:18Z', 'updated': '2021-12-29T10:12:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymbv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tindco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15169', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.dri', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Repository of Ireland', 'symbol': 'BL.DRI', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The Digital Repository of Ireland is a national trusted digital repository for Ireland's social and cultural data. The repository links together and preserves both historical and contemporary data held by Irish institutions, providing a central internet access point and interactive multimedia tools. As a national e-infrastructure for the future of education and research in the humanities and social sciences, DRI is available for use by the public, students and scholars.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repository.dri.ie', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3W632', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.dri.ie/catalog?mode=collections&search_field=all_fields', 'created': '2014-03-28T14:55:53Z', 'updated': '2020-11-02T18:30:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jhwt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7486', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.sfedu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Repository of Southern Federal University', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.SFEDU', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hub.sfedu.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-04T14:11:19Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T10:19:20Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23683', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.dariah', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.DARIAH', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The DARIAH-DE repository is a digital long-term archive for human and cultural-scientific research data. Each object described and stored in the DARIAH-DE Repository has a unique and lasting Persistent Identifier (DOI), with which it is permanently referenced, cited, and kept available for the long term. In addition, the DARIAH-DE Repository enables the sustainable and secure archiving of data collections.\r\n\r\nThe DARIAH-DE Repository is not only to DARIAH-DE associated research projects, but also to individual researchers as well as research projects that want to save their research data persistently, referenceable and long-term archived and make it available to third parties. The main focus is the simple and user-oriented access to long-term storage of research data. To ensure its long term sustainability, the DARIAH-DE Repository is operated by the Humanities Data Centre.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dariah.eu,dhd-blog.org,hdl.handle.net,repository.de.dariah.eu,trep.de.dariah.eu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R30G8N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': [], 'url': 'https://de.dariah.eu/repository', 'created': '2016-03-21T12:56:55Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T10:35:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20375', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdl.digitalrocks', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Rocks Portal', 'symbol': 'TDL.DIGITALROCKS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-28T14:54:26Z', 'updated': '2020-09-18T08:56:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hakl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tdlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17612', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.dsfp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digital Sample Freezing Platform', 'symbol': 'YSEI.DSFP', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Digital Sample Freezing Platform', 'description': 'Digital Sample Freezing Platform (DSFP)! The DSFP hosts liquid chromatography-high resolution-mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) and gas chromatography-high resolution-mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS) data from various contributing organisations. The DSFP enables retrospective suspect screening of chemicals making use of the NORMAN Database System. It seeks to foster and benefit from the synergies between research teams across the globe. Researchers and research groups interested in the study of chemicals in the environment, food, and human biomonitoring are welcome to contribute and employ their digitally frozen data on DSFP!', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dsfp.norman-data.eu/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:27:00Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:27:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60930', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'belwien.repository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digitale Bibliothek des Belvedere', 'symbol': 'BELWIEN.REPOSITORY', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'digitale-bibliothek.belvedere.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://digitale-bibliothek.belvedere.at/viewer/', 'created': '2022-06-14T06:34:58Z', 'updated': '2022-06-14T06:56:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'belwien', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57836', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fuuo.xleggg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digitale Bibliothek des BSH', 'symbol': 'FUUO.XLEGGG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-05T12:00:57Z', 'updated': '2022-05-05T12:12:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fuuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57802', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuw.digcol', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digitale Sammlungen', 'symbol': 'WUW.DIGCOL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Digital Collections', 'description': 'The WU University Library‘s digital collections consist of the estates of Kurt W. Rothschild and Josef Steindl as well as the collection “Wandtafeln Warenkunde und Mikroskopie”.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://viewer.wu.ac.at/', 'created': '2021-07-12T13:24:20Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T13:33:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48671', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oexl.wxkirb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digitale Sammlungen UniBi', 'symbol': 'OEXL.WXKIRB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Goobi', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ds.ub.uni-bielefeld.de,ds.colibri-portal.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-22T11:06:20Z', 'updated': '2023-06-06T07:08:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oexl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60539', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unlv.ds', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DigitalScholarship@UNLV', 'symbol': 'UNLV.DS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Digital Scholarship at UNLV', 'description': 'Digital Scholarship@UNLV is a service of the UNLV University Libraries for the faculty and students of UNLV. The mission is to capture, preserve, and share the intellectual output of UNLV faculty, staff, students, and collaborations with other stakeholders. Research and scholarly archived output includes: articles, monographs, audio/visual presentations, working papers, technical reports, conference papers/posters, theses/dissertations, data sets, and publicly-funded research.\n\nThe UNLV Libraries repository uses bepress Digital Commons software. It is organized by communities (divisions, research centers, publications, etc.) and collections that represent a variety of scholarly materials. If you are interested in starting up a community, collection, or creating/moving a traditionally-published journal to open access, please contact us at digitalscholarship@unlv.edu.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/', 'created': '2020-02-27T21:01:14Z', 'updated': '2021-07-07T16:55:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unlv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34917', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'enot.vljjbk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Digitk Repositorio Institucional Areandina', 'symbol': 'ENOT.VLJJBK', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Digitk', 'description': 'El repositorio institucional de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, es el sistema en el cual se aloja, preserva y difunde la memoria y producción investigativa-académica de la institución.', 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://digitk.areandina.edu.co/', 'created': '2022-04-29T00:22:49Z', 'updated': '2023-05-19T16:31:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'enot', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57786', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.umadeira', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DIGITUMA', 'symbol': 'FCT.UMADEIRA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório da Universidade da Madeira (UMa), conhecido pelo acrónimo DigitUMa, tem como objetivo a disponibilização, em regime de livre acesso e texto integral, de toda a produção científica realizada pelos docentes, investigadores da UMa, discentes dos 2º e 3º ciclos e pelos funcionários. O Repositório Institucional, DigitUMa, assenta na política de Acesso Aberto à informação e conhecimento científicos.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://digituma.uma.pt/', 'created': '2020-11-03T11:47:36Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:30:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34640', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wwpx.digz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DiGZ. Digitalen Zugang zu Wissen demokratisch gestalten e.V.', 'symbol': 'WWPX.DIGZ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-14T10:27:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T11:34:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17892', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nbqj.dini-blog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DINI-Blog', 'symbol': 'NBQJ.DINI-BLOG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Blog der DINI AGs FIS und Epub', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://blogs.tib.eu/wp/dini-ag-blog/', 'created': '2022-01-25T07:39:39Z', 'updated': '2022-03-03T08:34:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nbqj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57689', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zjrp.depp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance', 'symbol': 'ZJRP.DEPP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'DEPP: Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance', 'description': "La direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance exerce ses compétences d'évaluation et de mesure de la performance dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la formation.\n\nElle contribue à l'évaluation des politiques conduites par le ministère de l'éducation nationale.\n\nLa direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance est chargée de la conception, de la gestion et de l'exploitation du système d'information statistique en matière d'enseignement. Elle a la responsabilité des répertoires et nomenclatures utilisés dans les systèmes d'information des ministères chargés de l'éducation et de l'enseignement supérieur.\n\nElle exerce une fonction de suivi statistique, d'expertise et d'assistance pour l'ensemble du ministère de l'éducation nationale. Elle garantit la qualité de la production statistique.\n\nPar sa fonction d'expertise et de conseil, la direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance assure la cohérence et la qualité de la mesure de la performance du système éducatif aux niveaux national et territorial.\n\nElle conçoit et met à disposition de l'ensemble des acteurs du système éducatif des outils d'aide à l'évaluation, au pilotage et à la décision.\n\nElle élabore des prévisions à court et moyen termes et contribue aux travaux de prospective nationale et territoriale en matière d'éducation et de formation.\n\nLa direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance rend compte de l'état du système de formation et d'éducation au moyen d'études qu'elle mène et de recherches qu'elle engage avec des établissements d'enseignement supérieur ou des organismes de recherche.\n\nPar la diffusion de l'ensemble de ses travaux et productions, elle contribue à éclairer le débat public sur l'éducation et la formation.\n\nEn liaison avec le ministère chargé de la recherche, elle contribue à orienter la politique de la recherche en matière d'éducation et de formation et concourt au développement de ses travaux et à la valorisation de ses résultats.\n\nElle participe pour le ministère de l'éducation nationale aux projets européens ou internationaux destinés à comparer les performances et les modes de fonctionnement des différents systèmes éducatifs.\n\nPour les questions intéressant à la fois l'enseignement scolaire et l'enseignement supérieur, elle apporte son concours à la direction générale de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'insertion professionnelle et réciproquement.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.education.gouv.fr/direction-de-l-evaluation-de-la-prospective-et-de-la-performance-depp-12389', 'created': '2021-02-01T15:05:14Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:18:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zjrp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48464', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.dde', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Direction de la Documentation et de l'Edition de l'Université de Lorraine", 'symbol': 'INIST.DDE', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Au nombre de 25 réparties sur toute la région Lorraine, les Bibliothèques ont pour mission d’apporter aux étudiants, aux enseignants, aux chercheurs et aux personnels de l’université la documentation (papier ou électronique) nécessaire pour étudier, apprendre, travailler, chercher…\n\nLeur rôle est aussi d’aider les membres de l’université à trouver ces publications en les valorisant et en formant les usagers aux outils de la recherche documentaire.\n\nLeur mission consiste également à mettre à disposition de la communauté universitaire des lieux de travail confortables et modernes sur tout le territoire lorrain.\n\nEn tant que bibliothèques publiques, les bâtiments et les collections sont accessibles à tous.\n\nAu sein de l’Université de Lorraine, les 25 bibliothèques sont administrées par la Direction de la Documentation et de l’Édition.\n\nPour des questions relatives à l'ensemble des BU, vous pouvez contacter les responsables de la Direction de la Documentation et de l'Édition : ddoc-dir@univ-lorraine.fr\n\nDirection de la Documentation et de l'Édition de l'Université de Lorraine\nBibliothèque des sciences et techniques\nDomaine Scientifique Victor Grignard\nBP 70239\n54506 Vand\x90œuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex\nTél :", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://bu.univ-lorraine.fr/', 'created': '2013-04-08T11:13:09Z', 'updated': '2023-05-24T05:56:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulor', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12763', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vqpf.dris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Direction des ressources et de l'information scientifique", 'symbol': 'VQPF.DRIS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-01-14T13:59:44Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:19:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vqpf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25647', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wbsk.iiplpl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DIRISA', 'symbol': 'WBSK.IIPLPL', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datastore.dirisa.ac.za/metalnx/login/', 'created': '2023-11-03T20:01:58Z', 'updated': '2023-11-03T20:02:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wbsk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60920', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'usc.cesr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'USC.CESR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'CESR Data Repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-03-10T19:09:46Z', 'updated': '2022-03-10T20:11:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34729', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nvty.ddl2022', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Drug Delivery to the Lungs. Volume 33', 'symbol': 'NVTY.DDL2022', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'DDL2022', 'description': 'Conference papers from the 33rd Drug Delivery to the Lungs Conference.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*www.ddl-conference.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://ddl-conference.com/conference-papers/?fwp_related_event=11804', 'created': '2023-05-09T11:04:46Z', 'updated': '2023-05-09T11:41:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nvty', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60565', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dryad.dryad', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DRYAD', 'symbol': 'DRYAD.DRYAD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataDryad.org is a curated general-purpose repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable.\r\nDryad is an international repository of data underlying peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature, particularly data for which no specialized repository exists. The content is considered to be integral to the published research. All material in Dryad is associated with a scholarly publication', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R34S33', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datadryad.org', 'created': '2018-04-24T20:59:15Z', 'updated': '2023-03-16T09:26:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dryad', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5061', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.15146', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tawj.datu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DSpace at Tartu University Library', 'symbol': 'TAWJ.DATU', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://dspace.ut.ee/', 'created': '2022-11-09T10:35:01Z', 'updated': '2022-11-09T10:37:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tawj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58009', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'dk.dtic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DTU Data', 'symbol': 'DK.DTIC', 'year': 2010, 'alternateName': 'Technical University of Denmark Data', 'description': 'Institutional data repository built on the Figshare platform.  Containing Research data from Technical University of Denmark', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'data.cvt.dk,orbit.dtu.dk,conferences.dtu.dk,prd1.cvt.dk,galatheadata.dk,proceedings.dtu.dk,usetox.org,dtu.dk,figshare.com,dtu.figshare.com,data.dtu.dk, space.dtu.dk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMWG', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.dtu.dk/', 'created': '2010-12-16T13:00:41Z', 'updated': '2023-03-23T13:21:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'todn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4122', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.5280', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.11581', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.11583', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tcd.dup', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dublin University Press', 'symbol': 'TCD.DUP', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'DUP', 'description': 'Open Access Publisher', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-12T16:44:21Z', 'updated': '2023-06-12T19:34:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tcd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'irlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60557', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ubde', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'DuEPublico, Universitätsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen', 'symbol': 'TIB.UBDE', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'duepublico2.uni-due.de, duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://duepublico2.uni-due.de', 'created': '2015-02-13T05:55:42Z', 'updated': '2020-11-24T12:04:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xfdu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17185', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'iadt.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology', 'symbol': 'IADT.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-25T08:57:38Z', 'updated': '2023-09-25T09:02:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iadt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60694', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.durham', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Durham University Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'BL.DURHAM', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'collections.durham.ac.uk,durham.ac.uk,dur.ac.uk,www.datacite.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://collections.durham.ac.uk/', 'created': '2014-10-29T16:05:10Z', 'updated': '2023-07-10T14:14:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xfir', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15128', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'gdcc.consorcio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'e-cienciaDatos', 'symbol': 'GDCC.CONSORCIO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'cienciaDatos', 'description': 'e-cienciaDatos is a multidisciplinary data repository that houses the scientific datasets of researchers from the public universities of the Community of Madrid and the UNED, members of the Consorcio Madroño, in order to give visibility to these data, to ensure its preservation And facilitate their access and reuse.\r\ne-cienciaDatos is structured as a system constituted by different communities that collects datasets of each of the individual universities.\r\ne-cienciaDatos offers the deposit and publication of datasets, assigning a digital object identifier DOI to each of them. The association of a dataset with a DOI will facilitate data verification, dissemination, reuse, impact and long-term access.\r\nIn addition, the repository provides a standardized citation for each dataset, which contains sufficient information so that it can be identified and located, including the DOI.', 'language': ['es', 'en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3S668', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://edatos.consorciomadrono.es', 'created': '2019-01-08T18:06:15Z', 'updated': '2023-10-01T17:00:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'conmadro', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21950', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ethz.seals', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'E-Periodica', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.SEALS', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-08-13T12:58:55Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T15:22:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5169', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ethz.epics-ba', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'E-Pics Bildarchiv', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.EPICS-BA', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-11-01T15:12:31Z', 'updated': '2020-11-16T09:06:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3932', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.epics-pr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'E-Pics Proveninez', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.EPICS-PR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-23T08:38:04Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T12:36:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24439', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'E-Publica', 'symbol': 'IVUW.EP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SciELO.PT-E-Publica', 'description': 'A e-Pública – Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público é a primeira revista de Direito Público portuguesa, de acesso genérico e incondicionado, referenciada em índices científicos internacionais, como a SciELO e a Latindex. Trata-se de uma revista quadrimestral e gratuita, inserida no movimento global de open source, publicada pelo ICJP – Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas e pelo CIDP – Centro de Investigação de Direito Público da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2183-184X'}, 'url': 'https://www.e-publica.pt/index.html', 'created': '2021-10-26T10:30:33Z', 'updated': '2021-10-26T10:55:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48752', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.e-rara', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'e-rara.ch', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.E-RARA', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-06-10T08:28:09Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T13:18:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3931', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.naturpan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'eActa Naturalia Pannonica', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.NATURPAN', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'epa.oszk.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-27T13:41:19Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:40:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24369', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.earsel', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EARSeL eProceedings, University of Oldenburg', 'symbol': 'TIB.EARSEL', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'earsel.org,eproceedings.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-06-03T11:47:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:51:51Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12760', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ucar.eol', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Earth Observing Laboratory', 'symbol': 'UCAR.EOL', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'NCAR/EOL', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.eol.ucar.edu/', 'created': '2018-10-18T17:07:15Z', 'updated': '2023-03-14T20:36:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ucar', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26023', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'esdis.eosdis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Earth Observing System Data and Information System', 'symbol': 'ESDIS.EOSDIS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-20T14:37:48Z', 'updated': '2022-04-26T10:21:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'esdis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'nasaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5067', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.7917', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.57909', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dkrz.esgf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Earth System Grid Federation', 'symbol': 'DKRZ.ESGF', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'ESGF', 'description': "The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is an international collaboration with a current focus on serving the World Climate Research Programme's (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) and supporting climate and environmental science in general.\r\nData is searchable and available for download at the Federated ESGF-CoG Nodes https://esgf.llnl.gov/nodes.html", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3BK7D', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://esgf.llnl.gov/index.html', 'created': '2020-05-19T05:03:27Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dkrz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22033', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xaqp.jamqzm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EarthChem Library', 'symbol': 'XAQP.JAMQZM', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'ECL', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-11T15:54:12Z', 'updated': '2023-04-11T15:56:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xaqp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60520', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ktsw.aezvvv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EarthEnv', 'symbol': 'KTSW.AEZVVV', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The EarthEnv project is a collaborative project of biodiversity scientists and remote sensing experts to develop near-global standardized, 1km resolution layers for monitoring and modeling biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate. The work is supported by NCEAS, NASA, NSF, and Yale University.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMVX', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-11T16:08:22Z', 'updated': '2021-05-11T16:14:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ktsw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48601', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.dataterra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EaSy Data', 'symbol': 'JBRU.DATATERRA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'IR Data Terra (UAR CPST)', 'description': 'Initié en 2018 par le Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, le Plan National pour la Science Ouverte vise à structurer les actions en faveur de l’ouverture et du partage des données, des publications et des codes source. Ce plan rend obligatoire la diffusion large de données issues de projets financés sur fonds publics.\nCeci nécessite de faciliter l’acquisition, le traitement, l’accessibilité et la mise a disposition des données en cohérence avec une  démarche de "FAIRisation" des données. Cette démarche se concrétise notamment dans la création d\'entrepôts permettant de déposer et référencer les données de la recherche.\nDans ce contexte, une plateforme nationale fédérée des données de la recherche, Recherche Data Gouv (RDG) intègre un entrepôt pour accueillir les données de la recherche n’ayant pas de solution thématique ou institutionnelle, et un catalogue permettant de référencer les données des entrepôts de confiance existants dans le paysage national.\n\nParmi les entrepôts de confiance, l’entrepôt EaSy Data (pour Earth System Data Repository), porté par l\'Infrastructure de recherche Data Terra et opérationnalisé par le BRGM, a été identifié comme étant l’entrepôt thématique national des données dites "orphelines" du Système Terre et de l’Environnement.\n\nEaSy Data fournit une interface conviviale et simple d’utilisation pour le dépôt et la recherche. Il est basé sur des standards reconnus par les communautés de Système Terre et de l’Environnement, facilitant la découverte et la réutilisation des données déposées. Les métadonnées respectent les principes FAIR conformément aux recommandations nationales et européennes. Des vocabulaires sont utilisés pour améliorer la qualité de description des jeux de données et garantir un certain niveau d’interopérabilité entre les systèmes. Un système de modération assure la qualité des dépôts effectués. EaSy Data rendra visible certains jeux de données d’autres entrepôts thématiques (e.g. Seanoe, Data Indores), et les données stockées dans EaSy Data seront référencées au niveau national dans le catalogue de RDG.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.easydata.earth', 'created': '2021-07-05T09:31:06Z', 'updated': '2023-11-03T13:08:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57932', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.easy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'easy social sciences', 'symbol': 'VZEK.EASY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'ISI – Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-07T02:27:37Z', 'updated': '2024-02-15T12:25:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15464', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.aims2', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'eAtlas Data Catalogue', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.AIMS2', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.eatlas.org.au,eatlas.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-10-15T01:11:10Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T22:49:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26274', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'eawag.rdm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EAWAG Research Data Management', 'symbol': 'EAWAG.RDM', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-12T09:38:29Z', 'updated': '2021-07-29T09:12:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eawag', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25678', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qpcj.ebas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EBAS', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.EBAS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nilu.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-12T08:35:16Z', 'updated': '2024-01-31T12:49:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48597', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wwgp.myyddx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'eBiltegia', 'symbol': 'WWGP.MYYDDX', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Digital repository of Mondragon Unibertsitatea', 'description': 'Mondragon Unibertsitatea’s open access repository provides you with full text access to the documents produced by University members, as result of the academic, research and institutional activity. Its purpose is to increase the visibility of University´s scientific and teaching production, to spread its impact and to assure its preservation.\r\nYou can find PhD theses, Bachelor theses, didactic material, University publications, working papers, preprints, post-prints, articles, proceedings, institutional documentation, etc.', 'language': ['en', 'es', 'eu'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNDK', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ebiltegia.mondragon.edu/xmlui/', 'created': '2021-11-02T11:30:03Z', 'updated': '2024-01-29T16:19:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwgp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48764', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hbp.neuroinf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EBRAINS', 'symbol': 'HBP.NEUROINF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-26T15:50:50Z', 'updated': '2020-03-25T14:02:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hbp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25493', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'eccc.datacat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ECCC Data Catalogue', 'symbol': 'ECCC.DATACAT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository to support DOIs registered from the ECCC production-level data catalogue for external publication to Open.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ec.gc.ca', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T12:54:10Z', 'updated': '2023-12-15T16:09:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eccc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18164', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'buap.vdpfgv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EcoBUAP - Repositorio de REAs BUAP', 'symbol': 'BUAP.VDPFGV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'REA BUAP', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ecosistema.buap.mx/ecoBUAP/', 'created': '2022-06-13T22:25:56Z', 'updated': '2022-09-13T22:23:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'buap', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57839', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.epp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens', 'symbol': 'INIST.EPP', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'psycho-prat.fr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-11-18T13:29:15Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T17:19:23Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17019', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ehess', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'École des hautes études en sciences sociales', 'symbol': 'INIST.EHESS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-18T14:44:11Z', 'updated': '2024-01-30T08:22:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25721', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26095', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34817', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.eost', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre', 'symbol': 'INIST.EOST', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'EOST', 'description': 'The School and Observatory of Earth Sciences (EOST) is an institution under the supervisory authority of the University of Strasbourg and the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) in charge of education, research, observation in Earth Science and its diffusion.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://eost.unistra.fr/en/', 'created': '2017-11-30T10:04:18Z', 'updated': '2023-07-26T11:43:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25577', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ensea', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'École Nationale Supérieure de l’Électronique et de ses Applications', 'symbol': 'INIST.ENSEA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-20T11:12:15Z', 'updated': '2022-01-25T15:02:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25327', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.minesp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris (Mines Paris - PSL)', 'symbol': 'INIST.MINESP', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-02T12:16:47Z', 'updated': '2023-07-19T13:47:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23646', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.efe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Écoles françaises à l’étranger', 'symbol': 'INIST.EFE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Les Écoles françaises à l’étranger (EFE) constituent un réseau de cinq établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche, régis par le décret 2011-164 du 10 février 2011. Établies en Grèce (École française d’Athènes, 1846), en Italie (École française de Rome, 1875), en Égypte (Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire, 1880), en Asie (École française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris, 1898) et en Espagne (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 1920), elles remplissent une triple mission de formation, de recherche et de diffusion en sciences humaines et sociales.\n\nElles accueillent des jeunes chercheurs au niveau doctorat ou post-doctorat, s’appuient sur une communauté de chercheurs confirmés, français ou étrangers, et publient une centaine de volumes par an. Elles développent dans les pays d’accueil des réseaux de collaboration et de coopération qui font d’elles des acteurs irremplaçables de la recherche française à l’étranger. Depuis 2015, elles sont dotées d’un "comité des directeurs" qui pilote les opérations communes du réseau.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.resefe.fr/', 'created': '2019-12-17T08:27:48Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:22:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34816', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wisc.ecosis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ecosystem Spectral Information System', 'symbol': 'WISC.ECOSIS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://ecosis.org', 'created': '2018-08-16T16:06:13Z', 'updated': '2018-12-20T21:58:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21232', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.napier', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Edinburgh Napier University', 'symbol': 'BL.NAPIER', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': 'Edinburgh Napier Research Repository', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.napier.ac.uk,*.worktribe.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://napier-repository.worktribe.com/', 'created': '2015-12-01T09:35:47Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T13:43:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kpix', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17869', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'shkl.vouknq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Emporion', 'symbol': 'SHKL.VOUKNQ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'data.gswg.eu', 'created': '2022-07-04T13:09:24Z', 'updated': '2022-07-05T11:14:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shkl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57882', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.eap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Endangered Archives Project', 'symbol': 'BL.EAP', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eap.bl.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-02-02T14:08:15Z', 'updated': '2020-09-08T13:51:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vavq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15130', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tnae.rdzfew', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme', 'symbol': 'TNAE.RDZFEW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'EWAP', 'description': 'The Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme (EWAP) is a grant-giving programme that offers small and large grants for the\ndocumentation of endangered wooden architecture that will be maintained for the long-term within an open-access digital repository. The programme is hosted by Oxford Brookes University and delivered in collaboration with CyArk. EWAP was established in 2021 with funding from Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-25T10:37:32Z', 'updated': '2023-05-10T09:32:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tnae', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60491', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.npchek', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Enfermería, Innovación y Ciencia', 'symbol': 'UAZ.NPCHEK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'EIC', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2683-2941', 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/eic', 'created': '2023-09-03T04:44:24Z', 'updated': '2023-09-03T04:47:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60568', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.utueb-es', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Englisches Seminar der Universität Tübingen', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.UTUEB-ES', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.es-repo.uni-tuebingen.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-29T08:22:42Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T21:56:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25623', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.heaven', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Entrepôt pour orphelin', 'symbol': 'JBRU.HEAVEN', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Entrepôt destiné à recevoir les DOI créés par des organismes ayant quitté l'Inist", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-01-14T14:18:59Z', 'updated': '2021-11-26T15:37:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48389', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.wsl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EnviDat', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.WSL', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': 'Environmental Data Portal', 'description': "With the Program EnviDat we develop a unified and managed access portal for WSL's rich reservoir of environmental monitoring and research data. EnviDat is designed as a portal to publish, connect and search across existing data. While sharing of data is centrally facilitated, data management remains decentralised and the know-how and responsibility to curate research data remains with the original data providers.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3G49X', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.envidat.ch/', 'created': '2015-10-21T11:03:17Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ssyn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.16904', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ewashti', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Environmental and Water Sciences, public Health and Territorial Intelligence Journal', 'symbol': 'CNRST.EWASHTI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'ewash-ti', 'description': 'EWASH & TI est une revue scientifique électronique œuvrant dans la publication des travaux scientifiques nationaux et internationaux en relation avec les trois grands panels de thématiques :\n(1) - Sciences appliquées à l’Eau et à l’Environnement ;\n(2) - Impacts Environnementaux Globaux et Santé Publique ;\n(3) - Intelligence Territoriale.\nEWASH & TI est une publication internationale, évaluée par les pairs et à accès libre. Elle vise la promotion des travaux de recherches dans les domaines spécifiés ci-dessus, en les soumettant à une double évaluation par un comité de lecture constitué d’experts du domaine. Son édition est trimestrielle. EWASH & TI est un journal scientifique pluridisciplinaire au service de la recherche scientifique et du développement durable.\nEWASH & Ti Journal est fondé en 2016 par Hinde CHERKAOUI DEKKAKI, Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques d’Al Hoceima, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi , Maroc.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2509-1069'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/ewash-ti/index', 'created': '2020-11-23T08:51:15Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T08:54:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48421', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'edi.edi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Environmental Data Initiative', 'symbol': 'EDI.EDI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'We preserve environmental data for open and reproducible science, to promote synthesis across space and time, and to aid in the assessment of environmental change and its consequences.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/home.jsp', 'created': '2017-06-20T11:44:42Z', 'updated': '2023-04-06T00:32:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'edi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6073', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rckq.eidc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Environmental Information Data Centre', 'symbol': 'RCKQ.EIDC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'EIDC', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.eidc.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://eidc.ac.uk', 'created': '2020-10-09T11:14:17Z', 'updated': '2020-10-09T11:52:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rckq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'epa.epa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Repository', 'symbol': 'EPA.EPA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-20T09:54:27Z', 'updated': '2020-04-20T16:44:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'epa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ostico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23719', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.evs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Environnement Ville Société', 'symbol': 'JBRU.EVS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'UMR 5600 CNRS', 'description': 'L’UMR 5600 « Environnement Ville Société » (EVS) rassemble des communautés de chercheurs issues d’un large spectre de disciplines ressortissant des sciences humaines et sociales appartenant aux établissements d’enseignement et de recherche du pôle Lyon Saint-Etienne.\n\nEVS traite des modalités par lesquelles les sociétés contemporaines et passées aménagent et ménagent leurs environnements, modalités observées sous l’angle du changement, de l’action, de la transformation, de l’évolution, du devenir. Ces aménagements et ménagements des environnements, qui concourent à la transformation du monde, produisent des « réactions » du monde, sont observables comme dynamiques de « changement », comme ce qui participe du « changement global » et, sans doute, de « l’évolution ». Les dynamiques du changement sont abordées à partir de huit polarités de recherche ou « Ateliers », avec le soutien de trois plateformes techniques.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://umr5600.cnrs.fr/fr/accueil/', 'created': '2023-03-01T13:36:17Z', 'updated': '2023-03-06T09:38:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58165', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.elte', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ELTE', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'edit.elte.hu,hdl.handle.net', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-07-09T12:16:13Z', 'updated': '2023-03-22T18:52:11Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tetu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.epfl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EPFL Infoscience', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.EPFL', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://infoscience.epfl.ch/', 'created': '2013-02-08T13:05:27Z', 'updated': '2023-07-19T08:08:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'amiv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5075', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.epfl-plume', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EPFL Plume', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.EPFL-PLUME', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://plume.epfl.ch/', 'created': '2019-05-28T06:50:32Z', 'updated': '2022-05-17T08:50:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'amiv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26035', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ruwk.epic-awi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ePIC', 'symbol': 'RUWK.EPIC-AWI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://epic.awi.de', 'created': '2022-01-17T12:17:37Z', 'updated': '2022-03-22T06:20:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ruwk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57738', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ubsbg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ePLUS', 'symbol': 'TIB.UBSBG', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'ePLUS (Open Access Publikationsserver der Universität Salzburg)', 'description': 'ePLUS is the institutional repository of Paris Lodron University Salzburg.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eplus.uni-salzburg.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://eplus.uni-salzburg.at/', 'created': '2017-11-21T13:17:30Z', 'updated': '2023-07-17T12:06:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unisalzb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25598', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kjoy.ghswom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EPOS ERIC', 'symbol': 'KJOY.GHSWOM', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.epos-eu.org,epos-eu.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-13T18:17:34Z', 'updated': '2023-11-17T11:08:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kjoy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CRUICO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60800', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ubt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EPub Bayreuth', 'symbol': 'TIB.UBT', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "EPub Bayreuth serves as the document and publication server of the University of Bayreuth. As an institutional repository, it provides the means to publish the full texts of scholarly publications of the staff members of the University of Bayreuth, offers access to the public and thus makes them searchable in various ways. Publications, which are in progress or already published (i.e. journal articles) may be placed here as well. Attention should be paid to the limits of the secondary publication right.\n\nSince February 2014 EPub Bayreuth replaces the previous solution OPUS.\n\nIn terms of content, EPub Bayreuth's structure mirrors the organisation of the University. Authors enter the necessary data in person or by proxy after completing the log in process with their personal user id and subsequently upload the document itself. The bibliographic data of documents published on EPub Bayreuth will be automatically transferred to ERef Bayreuth, the server available for the preparation of the University's bibliography.", 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'uni-bayreuth.de,*.uni-bayreuth.de,doi.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de', 'created': '2014-08-19T13:04:55Z', 'updated': '2023-08-09T06:24:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qndc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15495', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'aksx.epub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ePublications', 'symbol': 'AKSX.EPUB', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://epb.bibl.th-koeln.de/home', 'created': '2022-01-20T11:35:51Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T14:12:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aksx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57683', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuw.epubwu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ePubWU', 'symbol': 'WUW.EPUBWU', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ePubWU, the institutional repository of the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, is provided by the University Library and the WU IT-Services. The aim is to enable open access to the full texts of the institution.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://epub.wu.ac.at/', 'created': '2021-07-12T13:20:02Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T13:31:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48672', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.eur', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.EUR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eur.figshare.com,datarepository.eur.nl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-02-11T15:04:21Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:08:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'njme', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25397', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.et-bbu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Erdélyi Társadalom Social Science Journal', 'symbol': 'GESIS.ET-BBU', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-05-07T10:41:46Z', 'updated': '2021-05-17T15:09:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17177', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kodh.etyapm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ESA', 'symbol': 'KODH.ETYAPM', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-26T11:04:13Z', 'updated': '2022-10-14T13:29:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kodh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57780', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kbtn.esc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ESC Publications', 'symbol': 'KBTN.ESC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-29T09:29:00Z', 'updated': '2022-06-30T06:29:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kbtn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57878', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'muni.pazodj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ESF MU', 'symbol': 'MUNI.PAZODJ', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.econ.muni.cz/', 'created': '2024-01-17T14:26:05Z', 'updated': '2024-01-17T14:31:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60791', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.esolib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ESO - European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere', 'symbol': 'TIB.ESOLIB', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-03-31T09:48:34Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T09:52:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qvea', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18727', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.eso', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Espaces et Sociétés', 'symbol': 'JBRU.ESO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'UMR 6590 ESO', 'description': "ESO – Espaces et Sociétés – a été créée au début des années 1980 à l’initiative de chercheurs ayant une solide expérience de collaboration acquise notamment dans l’ATP CNRS « Changement social ». Elle regroupe cinq sites localisés à Angers, Nantes, Caen, Le Mans, et Rennes. \nActuellement dirigée par Emmanuelle HELLIER, professeure d'aménagement de l'espace et urbanisme à l'Université Rennes 2, l’unité compte 11 chercheurs CNRS, près de 123 enseignants-chercheurs, 16 ITA et environ 115 doctorants. D’unité de géographie de la France de l’Ouest, elle est devenue une unité pluridisciplinaire implantée dans la France de l’Ouest mais ouverte à des terrains variés. L’unité regroupe des géographes, des aménageurs et des chercheurs d’autres disciplines (sociologie, psychologie environnementale, info-com, architecture et urbanisme). \n\nL’objectif scientifique est de contribuer à l’appréhension et la compréhension de la dimension spatiale des sociétés. \n\nLe nouveau projet scientifique de l’UMR ESO (2017-2021) s’inscrit dans la continuité du projet précédent et réaffirme le positionnement scientifique original de l’UMR ESO qui, depuis son ancrage historique en géographie sociale, s’est élargi à la dimension spatiale des rapports sociaux et à l’étude des inégalités sous toutes leurs formes, à partir de l’ensemble des disciplines représentées dans l’UMR.\nAfin de garantir l’unité et la cohésion scientifique d’ESO, le projet scientifique a été conçu sans équipes internes ni déclinaison propre à chacun des cinq sites. Il est structuré en quatre grands axes transversaux communs à l’ensemble de l’UMR et portés par un collectif d’animateurs représentant la diversité des disciplines et des sites.\nLe 1er axe est centré sur les divisions sociales de l’espace, le 2e sur les pratiques et les représentations de l’espace, le 3e sur l’action collective territorialisée et le 4e sur les questions théoriques et méthodologiques.\n\nLe projet se positionne sur plusieurs thématiques fortes ou émergentes dans l’UMR (liste non hiérarchique ni exhaustive) : la santé, le bien-être et le handicap ; les âges de la vie (enfance et jeunesse, vieillissement) ; les inégalités, les discriminations et l’exclusion (ainsi que l’inclusion) sociale ; le développement durable, l’environnement et la transition socio-écologique ; les paysages, le patrimoine, le tourisme et loisirs ; les mondes urbains et ruraux ainsi que les interactions entre les deux ; les migrations et les mobilités ; les sociétés en développement dans les pays du Sud ; l’action collective et les constructions territoriales à différentes échelles (de la France de l’Ouest au Monde) ; le genre et les sexualités ; les politiques sociales territorialisées ; l’innovation sociale et l’économie sociale et solidaire ; etc.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': ''}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-21T11:57:54Z', 'updated': '2022-01-19T14:56:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48649', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.etnet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EspacesTemps.net revue disciplinaire de sciences sociales', 'symbol': 'INIST.ETNET', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Partant des sciences sociales à la rencontre d’autres disciplines, EspacesTemps.net explore les interfaces avec d’autres champs disciplinaires ― sciences expérimentales, ingénierie, architecture, philosophie, arts, etc. Plusieurs rubriques, notamment les dossiers des Traverses, offrent des regards croisés sur des questions en débat, nourris au gré des contributions. Dans le sillage d’Espaces Temps Les Cahiers – revue papier fondée en 1975 – qui s’emploie à « réfléchir les sciences sociales », la revue EspacesTemps.net poursuit depuis 2002 cette réflexion épistémologique. Elle propose des travaux d’exploration et de construction conceptuelle ainsi que des réflexions méthodologiques, partant des sciences sociales à la rencontre d’autres disciplines.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.espacestemps.net/', 'created': '2019-02-08T13:49:15Z', 'updated': '2023-11-16T09:36:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26151', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'esr.research', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ESR Data and information Repository', 'symbol': 'ESR.RESEARCH', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*,research.esr.cri.nz', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research.esr.cri.nz/', 'created': '2019-12-19T15:35:42Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T11:35:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'esr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'doinzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26091', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.eke', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Eszterházy Károly Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.EKE', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'disszertacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu,habilitacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-11-24T13:02:37Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:46:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15773', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.ekekonf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Eszterházy Károly Egyetem konferenciaközlemények', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.EKEKONF', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eklektika.ektf.hu,publikacio.uni-eger.hu,publikacio.uni-eszterhazy.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-01-13T09:22:05Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:46:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'crui.eta', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETA Florence', 'symbol': 'CRUI.ETA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'etaflorence.it,*.etaflorence.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-06-19T15:52:00Z', 'updated': '2021-06-22T14:16:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ufxs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5071', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cmu.etcpress', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETC Press', 'symbol': 'CMU.ETCPRESS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-21T15:07:48Z', 'updated': '2022-06-22T17:27:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57862', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jkxe.etera', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETERA', 'symbol': 'JKXE.ETERA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://etera.ee/browse', 'created': '2023-04-10T07:59:06Z', 'updated': '2023-04-10T08:08:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jkxe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESTDOICO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60518', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.glamospub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETH GLAMOS Publications', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.GLAMOSPUB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.glamos.ch/', 'created': '2019-01-15T13:37:53Z', 'updated': '2022-11-29T12:23:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18752', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'stdp.ryvlrb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETH Learning and Teaching Journal', 'symbol': 'STDP.RYVLRB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2624-7984', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2624-7992'}, 'url': 'https://www.learningteaching.ethz.ch/index.php/lt-eth', 'created': '2023-08-14T09:52:19Z', 'updated': '2023-08-15T08:59:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.16906', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.e-coll', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETH Zürich Research Collection', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.E-COLL', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3HF66', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch', 'created': '2012-08-06T09:05:14Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T12:37:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3929', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ethnogra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ethnographiques.org', 'symbol': 'INIST.ETHNOGRA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-09T13:54:06Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:23:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25667', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.da-rd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETHZ Data Archive - Research Data', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.DA-RD', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "ETH Data Archive is ETH Zurich's long-term preservation solution for digital information such as research data, documents or images. It serves as the backbone of data curation and for most of its content, it is a “dark archive” without public access.\r\nIn this capacity, the ETH Data Archive also archives the content of ETH Zurich’s Research Collection which is the primary repository for members of the university and the first point of contact for publication of data at ETH Zurich.\r\nAll data that was produced in the context of research at the ETH Zurich, can be published and archived in the Research Collection.\r\nIn the following cases, a direct data upload into the ETH Data Archive though, has to be considered:\r\n- Upload and registration of software code according to ETH transfer’s requirements for Software Disclosure.\r\n- A substantial number of files, have to be regularly submitted for long-term archiving and/or publishing and browser-based upload is not an option: the ETH Data Archive may offer automated data and metadata transfers from source applications (e.g. from a LIMS) via API.\r\n- Files for a project on a local computer have to be collected and metadata has to be added before uploading the data to the ETH Data Archive:\r\n-- we provide you with the local file editor docuteam packer. Docuteam packer allows to structure, describe, and organise data for an upload into the ETH Data Archive and the depositor decides when submission is due.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R34D05', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://data-archive.ethz.ch', 'created': '2013-02-14T08:28:05Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T12:52:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5905', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.da-ha', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETHZ Data Archive - Websites HA', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.DA-HA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-11-27T09:52:52Z', 'updated': '2020-11-24T10:43:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7893', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.mosaic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETHZ MOSAIC – database of Modern Ocean Sediment Archive and Inventory of Carbon', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.MOSAIC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://mosaic.ethz.ch/', 'created': '2019-07-02T10:19:36Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T12:53:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5168', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.tma', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ETHZ Thomas Mann Archiv', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.TMA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nb-web.tma.ethz.ch/', 'created': '2020-09-02T13:24:36Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T12:54:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24448', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.umr7300', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Étude des Structures, des Processus d'Adaptation et des Changements de l'Espace", 'symbol': 'INIST.UMR7300', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-05-03T06:30:24Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:24:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18713', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.wip', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EU PVSEC', 'symbol': 'TIB.WIP', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': 'The European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://userarea.eupvsec.org/proceedings/', 'created': '2011-11-29T14:57:13Z', 'updated': '2023-07-18T11:49:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vler', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4229', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qpcj.eubrewnet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EUBREWNET', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.EUBREWNET', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer has, for the last 30 years, been the instrument of choice for ground station measurements of ozone and, in an effort to significantly improve the quality and timeliness of the data, COST Action ES1207 was initiated to form a European Brewer Network – EUBREWNET. The purpose of EUBREWNET is to harmonise observations, data processing, calibrations and operating procedures so that a measurement at one station is entirely consistent with measurements at all the others.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://evdc.esa.int/', 'created': '2021-12-10T12:28:29Z', 'updated': '2023-08-02T08:54:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48801', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.eumetsat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EUMETSAT', 'symbol': 'TIB.EUMETSAT', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eumetsat.int,*.eumetsat.int', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-12-02T07:36:26Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T09:52:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hint', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15770', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hint.library', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'EUMETSAT Library', 'symbol': 'HINT.LIBRARY', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'temporary service contact - will be Joerdis in future....', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-03T13:17:26Z', 'updated': '2022-11-03T13:32:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hint', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57999', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihnichd.dash', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Data and Specimen Hub (DASH)', 'symbol': 'NIHNICHD.DASH', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-19T12:48:28Z', 'updated': '2022-11-30T21:01:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihnichd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57982', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qjdr.jmhtuy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Eurac Research Blogs', 'symbol': 'QJDR.JMHTUY', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.eurac.edu/doi', 'created': '2022-02-14T08:16:21Z', 'updated': '2022-02-23T10:32:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjdr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57708', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qjdr.umltof', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Eurac Research Publications', 'symbol': 'QJDR.UMLTOF', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository of the Eurac Research imprint publication outputs.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.eurac.edu/en/publications', 'created': '2022-03-30T10:33:46Z', 'updated': '2022-03-30T11:02:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjdr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57749', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'xknl.nuukqv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'European VLBI Network Data Archive', 'symbol': 'XKNL.NUUKQV', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'EVN Data Archive', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.jive.eu/select-experiment', 'created': '2021-09-10T06:58:29Z', 'updated': '2023-06-19T10:51:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xknl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DELFTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48717', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'psnc.imid', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ewa Plewko', 'symbol': 'PSNC.IMID', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'JMOTHERANDCHILD. Journal of Mother and Child JMC', 'description': "The history of the title\nRelatively new only by the title, the Journal of Mother and Child (JMC) has a long tradition of being issued for nearly 25 years. The journal is a direct successor of a former periodical: Developmental Period Medicine/Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego. The change of the journal title from Developmental Period Medicine to Journal of Mother and Child took place on January 01, 2020. The archive papers under the old name can be found at: journals.indexcopernicus.com.\n\nThe Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland, has been publishing the journal Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego (ISSN 1428-345X) since 1997. That title stems from another journal: Problemy Medycyny Wieku Rozwojowego (ISSN 0303-2264), issued by the Institute in the years 1972-1990. Since 1998 until the end of 2019, the English language translation: Developmental Period Medicine (e-ISSN 2354-0060) was used on the title page. Since 2020, the quarterly Developmental Period Medicine changed its English-language title to the one being more to the point, to: Journal of Mother and Child (ISSN 2719-6488; e-ISSN 2719-535X).\u3000\n\nThus, until December 31, 2019, the journal was titled Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego (ISSN 1428-345X) / Developmental Period Medicine (e-ISSN 2354-0060), and from January 1, 2020 it is published further under the title Journal of Mother and Child/Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego (ISSN 2719-6488; e-ISSN 2719-535X). In other words, there is an uninterrupted continuation of issuing of the journal from 1997 to the present. Title modifications on the way reflected more and more focused selection of topics of interest and increasing role of English language in medical sciences. With our international readership visibly broadened over the last years and with the solely English-language contents, we intend to abandon the title’s Polish translation (subheading: ‘Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego’) in the near future.\n\nThe former version of this journal: Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego / Developmental Period Medicine was indexed in PubMed / Medline and as such was entered into other databases. Journal of Mother and Child / Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego continues to be indexed in PubMed / Medline.\n\nThe title is published in association with the Polish Society of Perinatal Medicine and the Polish Society of Inborn Errors of Metabolism.\n\nAims & Scope\n\nJMC is a quarterly, peer reviewed, open access journal dedicated to disseminating basic and applied research related to the health of mother and child. The journal’s ambition is to create a platform for presenting original results from all areas of research studies that aim to improve human maternal, fetal, neonatal, and child health, reflecting the connection between clinical and basic science. We at JMC strongly believe that translational medicine should support interdisciplinary collaboration, which usually results in important scientific papers. We accept original research papers, review articles, editorials, short communications and case studies.\n\nJMC‘s scope is based on a holistic approach towards the patient, covering all medical aspects of health of a mother and her child, including such important life sciences areas as origins of disease, modern diagnostic tools, effective up-to-date treatment, long-term health consequences, nutrition, psychology, as well as social and bioethical issues. Most importantly, we focus on the patient throughout all stages of life, from early years, i.e. prenatal and perinatal periods, through early childhood and childhood to adolescence and adulthood (including maternal health). JMC follows a concept of the systems medicine, looking at the human body as part of an integrated whole which incorporates biomolecular, physiological and environmental interactions.\n\nJMC also encourages submissions of papers pertaining to rare diseases which may be a good model for a study on common disorders and thus revealing novel pathomechanisms and conditions.\n\nJournal metrics\nCite Score (2020) 0.9\nCite Score (2019) 0.8\nMinistry of Education and Science (Poland) Journal Rating Scale - Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego – 20 points\nSCImago Journal Rank (2020) 0.215\nSCImago Journal Rank (2019) 0.210\nh-index 15\n\nJournal review process\nJournal of Mother and Child is double-blind peer reviewed journal.\n\nArticle processing charges\nThe journal has no article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges.\n\nArchiving\nSciendo archives the contents of this journal in Portico - digital long-term preservation service of scholarly books, journals and collections.\n\nPlagiarism Policy\nThe editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.\n\nEDITORIAL POLICIES AND ETHICAL STANDARDS \u3000\n\nThe Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland, the owner of the Journal of Mother and Child (JMC) / Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego is committed to upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. Editorial Board of the Journal follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements.\n\nDuties and responsibilities of Authors\nThe Author(s) is obliged to prepare and send the article in accordance with the requirements set out in the Instructions for Authors. Moreover, the Author(s) is obliged to submit editorial complemented by a statement which will be included (signed and scanned author statement and JMC license agreement – in one document JMC License Agreement available at the web page of the Journal): a statement about the originality of the content of the article (work not yet published anywhere), the integrity of the copyrights of others, no conflict of interest or its application, as well as the superior permission to publish an article in the journal. The Author(s) is obliged to participate in peer review process. The Author(s) is obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, they also should provide a list of references.\nThe Author(s) is responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that might bias or be seen to bias their work.\u3000\nAuthors may, at any time before accepting the article for publication, withdraw the article by submitting a statement in the electronic system of the Editorial Manager.\n\nReporting standards\nThe Author(s) reporting results of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed, as well as an objective discussions of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the manuscript. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behaviour and are unacceptable.\n\nOriginality and Plagiarism\nThe Author(s) should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the Author(s) have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.\n\nMultiple, redundant or concurrent publication\nThe Autho(s) should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Parallel submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.\n\nAcknowledgement of sources\nProper acknowledgement of the work of others must always be given. The Author(s) should also cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.\n\nAuthorship of a manuscript\nAuthorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be named in an Acknowledgement section.\nThe corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (according to the above definition) and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the author list of the manuscript, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.\n\nHazards and human or animal subjects\nIf the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the Author(s) must clearly identify these in the manuscript.\n\nDisclosure and conflicts of interest\nAll Authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or their interpretation in the manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.\u3000\n\nFundamental errors in published works\nWhen the Author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal’s editor or publisher and cooperate with them to either retract the paper or to publish an appropriate erratum.\u3000\n\nAuthorship criteria and/or who should be listed as a contributor\nIn the matter of authorship criteria and/or who should be listed as a contributor, the Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland, the owner of the Journal of Mother and Child (JMC) / Medycyna Wieku Rozwojowego respects standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics. Detailed information about these criteria can be found in the COPE Report: publicationethics.org/files/2003pdf12_0.pdf\n\nDuties and responsibilities of Reviewers \u3000\nArticles are selected for publication in double-blind selection system and published in open access system. A Reviewer(s) will provide his/her review using the electronic system on the basis of questions prepared for a specific title. It is also possible for a Reviewer(s) to send individual comments to be published in the article content. All judgments and findings in the peer-review process should be objective. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest (they make an appropriate statement before proceeding to review). When it is a legitimate need, Reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited, and articles reviewed by them should be treated confidentially prior to their publication.\n\nContribution to editorial decisions\nPeer review assists the Editor in making editorial decisions and, through the editorial communication with the Author, may also assist the author in improving the manuscript.\n\nPromptness\nAny invited referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its timely review will be impossible, should immediately notify the Editor so that alternative reviewers can be contacted.\n\nConfidentiality\nAny manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except if authorized by the Editor.\n\nStandards of objectivity\nReviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable. Referees should express their views clearly with appropriate supporting arguments.\n\nAcknowledgement of sources\nReviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the Authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A Reviewer should also call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published data of which they have personal knowledge.\n\nDisclosure and conflict of interest\nPrivileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviewers should not consider evaluating manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the Authors, companies, or institutions connected to the submission.\n\nDuties and responsibilities of Editors \u3000\nEditors are responsible for deciding which articles are accepted for publication. Editors act in a balanced, objective and fair way while carrying out their expected duties, without discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity or geographical origin, religious or political beliefs, or sexuality of the authors.\nPublisher and Editors are always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies, if there is a legitimate need.\nIn the situation when there is a suspicion that an inappropriate research procedure described in the work sent has taken place, the Author(s) is obliged by the editorial office to submit (if not yet submitted) information regarding the approval of the described research procedure by a properly established ethics committee to conduct clinical trials.\n\nAccountability\nThe Editor of a peer-reviewed journal is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published, and, moreover, is accountable for everything published in the journal. In making these decisions, the Editor may be guided by the policies of the journal’s editorial board, as well as by legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The Editor may confer with other Editors or Reviewers when making publication decisions. The Editor should maintain the integrity of the academic record, preclude business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards, and always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.\n\nFairness\nThe Editor should evaluate manuscripts for intellectual content. The Editor will not disclose any information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than the Author(s), Reviewers and potential reviewers, and in some instances the editorial board members, as appropriate.\n\nConfidentiality\nThe Editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about submitted manuscript to anyone other than he corresponding Author, Reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the Publisher, as appropriate.\n\nDisclosure, conflict of interest, and other issues\nThe Editor will be guided by the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors that set standards, recommendations and provide guidelines for best practices in retracting articles: when considering retracting, issuing expressions of concern about, and issuing corrections pertaining to articles that have been published in the Journal of Mother and Child.\n\nUnpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor’s own research without the expressed written consent of the Author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.\n\nThe Editor is committed to ensuring that advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions.\n\nThe Editor should seek to ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process. Editors should recuse themselves (i.e. should ask a co-editor, associate editor or other member of the editorial board instead to review and consider) from considering manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or (possibly) institutions connected to the papers. Editors should require all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests and publish corrections if competing interests are revealed after publication. If needed, other appropriate action should be taken, such as the publication of a retraction or expression of concern.\n\nInvolvement and cooperation in investigations\nEditors should guard the integrity of the published record by issuing corrections and retractions when needed and pursuing suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct. Editors should pursue reviewer and editorial misconduct. The Editor should take reasonably responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper.\n\nPublisher’s confirmation \u3000\nIn cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism the Publisher, in close collaboration with the Editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an erratum or, in the most severe cases, the complete retraction of the affected work.", 'language': ['en', 'pl'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/4059/,*.imid.med.pl,*.sciendo.com,sciendo.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '1428-345X', 'print': '2719-6488', 'electronic': '2719-535X'}, 'url': 'https://sciendo.com/journal/JMOTHERANDCHILD', 'created': '2019-10-10T11:10:16Z', 'updated': '2023-01-12T11:03:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'chxx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34763', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'awzy.fednnv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FDAT', 'symbol': 'AWZY.FEDNNV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Research Data Repository Tübingen', 'description': 'The FDAT research data repository is a central facility at the University of Tübingen, providing services and technical resources to local researchers. These services include long-term storage and preservation of research data, as well as an online access system. While the repository has a particular focus on data from the humanities, it is not limited to this field.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PM1K', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://fdat.uni-tuebingen.de', 'created': '2022-04-01T05:56:23Z', 'updated': '2023-06-29T07:55:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'awzy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57754', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'rdcwst.fdzwisst', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FDZ Wissenschaftsstatistik', 'symbol': 'RDCWST.FDZWISST', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-05T11:21:17Z', 'updated': '2023-10-05T11:31:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rdcwst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60598', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ndzg.svfngs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FECYT', 'symbol': 'NDZG.SVFNGS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-10T11:01:16Z', 'updated': '2024-01-24T14:03:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ndzg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58121', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.bzga', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federal Centre for Health Education', 'symbol': 'GESIS.BZGA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-21T11:09:17Z', 'updated': '2020-11-25T16:05:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17623', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'baua.baua', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)', 'symbol': 'BAUA.BAUA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-08-11T18:42:45Z', 'updated': '2021-08-12T11:56:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'baua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48697', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bricsnih.fitbir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research', 'symbol': 'BRICSNIH.FITBIR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-11T18:39:12Z', 'updated': '2023-05-16T09:33:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bricsnih', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23718', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fosrc.gcrepo1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federal Open Science Repository of Canada (FOSRC)', 'symbol': 'FOSRC.GCREPO1', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-16T20:33:17Z', 'updated': '2023-02-16T20:51:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fosrc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58135', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.novsu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University"', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.NOVSU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.novsu.ru,beneficium.pro,visualtheology.ru,verba.press,portal.novsu.ru,urbisetorbis.rau.am,journal-caurus.ru,eiscrt.press', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.novsu.ru/', 'created': '2019-05-24T09:47:09Z', 'updated': '2023-06-01T12:09:53Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'novsu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34680', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.kpj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems"', 'symbol': 'RADS.KPJ', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-09T10:14:38Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T15:57:22Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34772', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'carl.frdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federated Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'CARL.FRDR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'FRDR', 'description': 'The Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a place for Canadian researchers to deposit and share research data and to facilitate discovery of research data in Canadian repositories.\r\nLe Dépôt fédéré de données de recherche (DFDR) est une place où les chercheurs canadiens peuvent déposer et partager des données de recherche et faciliter la découverte de données de recherche dans des dépôts canadiens.', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3X50W', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.frdr-dfdr.ca/repo/', 'created': '2020-03-03T11:33:04Z', 'updated': '2020-10-07T16:54:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'carl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20383', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.cist', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fédération de recherche CIST - Collège international des sciences territoriales', 'symbol': 'JBRU.CIST', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'FR2007  Collège international des sciences territoriales (CIST)', 'description': 'Le CIST a pour objet de contribuer à formaliser et organiser le champ interdisciplinaire des sciences du territoire, à une échelle française et internationale notamment européenne :\n\n- renforcer les capacités de la recherche française à l’échelle européenne et mondiale dans le domaine des sciences du territoirefavoriser la formation à la recherche et par la recherche\n   * constituer une vitrine de la recherche dans ce domaine en France\n    * coordonner et harmoniser des actions conduites en France dans le domaine des sciences du territoire ; à cet égard, les réseaux d’équipes et le développement d’infrastructures à usage partagé seront favorisés\n    susciter de nouveaux programmes de recherche et inciter à la création de nouvelles équipes\n    informer les partenaires sur les programmes conduits par chacun d’entre eux\n    participer à l’animation et au suivi de travaux entre les partenaires\n    contribuer à assurer le lien avec les programmes de recherche de l’Union européenne, des Etats membres et des pays tiers\n    favoriser et soutenir les actions portant sur la recherche sur les territoires.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-14T13:06:34Z', 'updated': '2021-10-06T07:42:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48645', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.federation', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Federation University Australia', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.FEDERATION', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'figshare.com,federation.edu.au,data2.cerdi.edu.au,*.federation.edu.au,*.data2.cerdi.edu.au,*.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:51Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:14:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25955', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.fm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fersman Mineralogical Museum', 'symbol': 'RADS.FM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-16T18:11:17Z', 'updated': '2021-10-29T08:14:54Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25993', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.fhbac', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FH Aachen, Hochschulbibliothek', 'symbol': 'TIB.FHBAC', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-05-30T06:20:21Z', 'updated': '2021-07-27T07:04:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tzfj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21269', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fhwg.opus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FH CAMPUS 02 Publikationsserver', 'symbol': 'FHWG.OPUS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'FH CAMPUS 02 OPUS', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus.campus02.at', 'created': '2022-12-05T08:28:28Z', 'updated': '2022-12-05T08:43:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhwg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58023', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fhj.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FH JOANNEUM ePUB', 'symbol': 'FHJ.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://epub.fh-joanneum.at/', 'created': '2023-07-03T13:38:51Z', 'updated': '2023-07-04T09:32:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60588', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.fhms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FH Münster', 'symbol': 'TIB.FHMS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-12T15:36:34Z', 'updated': '2020-11-24T15:30:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eqzl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25974', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fhv.opus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FH Vorarlberg Opus', 'symbol': 'FHV.OPUS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus.fhv.at', 'created': '2020-01-13T09:03:45Z', 'updated': '2021-06-09T09:10:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25924', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wfos.mzwlks', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FHNW HGK', 'symbol': 'WFOS.MZWLKS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-04-28T07:15:17Z', 'updated': '2021-05-05T10:00:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfos', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26254', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fhstp.phaidra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FHSTP Phaidra', 'symbol': 'FHSTP.PHAIDRA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Fachhochschule St.Pölten Phaidra', 'description': 'Phaidra is the Institutional Repository and Digital Asset Management System of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. The researchers and students at the University can use it to secure and archive their digital objects such as data, Open Access Publications and dissertations long-term as well as make them widely available to the public. Phaidra provides access to the objects using metadata in English and German. The Repository plays an important part in knowledge transfer in Austria and worldwide.', 'language': ['it', 'de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMSE', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://phaidra.fhstp.ac.at/', 'created': '2023-04-21T08:34:04Z', 'updated': '2023-04-21T08:51:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhstp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VIENNACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60522', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nffw.eyofuw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FHW DITF', 'symbol': 'NFFW.EYOFUW', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Deutsches Institut für Tourismusforschung (DITF)', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-07T06:59:36Z', 'updated': '2021-05-07T07:02:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nffw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48590', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nffw.ofkues', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FHW ITE', 'symbol': 'NFFW.OFKUES', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Insttitut für die Transformation des Energiesystems (ITE)', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-07T06:56:12Z', 'updated': '2021-05-07T07:01:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nffw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48591', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'grjh.vtwzuw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FHWS OPUS', 'symbol': 'GRJH.VTWZUW', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'FHWS OPUS', 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-fhws/home', 'created': '2022-02-21T09:30:37Z', 'updated': '2022-02-21T09:53:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'grjh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57714', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.fid-aac', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FID Anglo-American Culture', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.FID-AAC', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'libaac.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-27T12:29:11Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T10:57:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25356', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuua.uljier', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FID BAUdigital', 'symbol': 'WUUA.ULJIER', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-11T09:38:25Z', 'updated': '2023-10-18T06:16:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57807', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuua.vozxlg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FID move', 'symbol': 'WUUA.VOZXLG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Forschungsdaten-Repositorium des Fachinformationsdienstes Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung', 'description': 'The Research Data Repository of FID move is a digital long-term repository for open data from the field of transport and mobility research. All datasets are provided with an open licence and are assigned a persistent DataCite DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Both data search and archiving are free. \r\nThe Specialised Information Service for Mobility and Transport Research (FID move) has been set up by the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB) and the German TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology as part of the DFG funding programme "Specialised Information Services".', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNEM', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.fid-move.de/en/', 'created': '2022-05-11T09:40:13Z', 'updated': '2023-06-05T07:11:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57806', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.fid-geo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FID-GEO SUB', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.FID-GEO', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.geo-leo.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-09T12:20:56Z', 'updated': '2023-11-09T08:16:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23689', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.fer', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fides Et Ratio', 'symbol': 'PSNC.FER', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'fidesetratio.com.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-10-16T13:44:09Z', 'updated': '2021-01-22T17:37:44Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34766', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.ars', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'figshare Academic Research System', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.ARS', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'figshare allows researchers to publish all of their research outputs in an easily citable, sharable and discoverable manner. All file formats can be published, including videos and datasets. Optional peer review process. figshare uses creative commons licensing.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'figshare.com,*.figshare.com,geolsoc.figshare.com,rs.figshare.com,tandf.figshare.com,springernature.figshare.com,books.openmonographs.org,tome.figshare.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PK5R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://figshare.com/', 'created': '2016-10-12T13:42:35Z', 'updated': '2021-12-15T13:46:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'otjm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6084', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.asha', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'figshare ASHA Publications', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.ASHA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'asha.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-17T08:13:05Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:00:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'busk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23641', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'si.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Figshare for Institutions', 'symbol': 'SI.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'smithsonian.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': [], 'url': 'smithsonian.figshare.com', 'created': '2019-06-10T15:18:16Z', 'updated': '2019-07-31T13:07:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'si', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25573', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'uaz.onazxq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FILHA', 'symbol': 'UAZ.ONAZXQ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2594-0449', 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/filha/index', 'created': '2023-09-03T04:50:22Z', 'updated': '2023-09-03T04:51:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60685', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.fe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Financial Economics', 'symbol': 'RADS.FE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-23T15:39:02Z', 'updated': '2020-03-10T10:51:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25997', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nlqq.xoncsf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility', 'symbol': 'NLQQ.XONCSF', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Suomen Lajitietokeskus', 'description': 'FinBIF belongs to the global biodiversity informatics landscape for the species information. The service missions include combining processes and services generating digital data with sourcing, collating, integrating and distributing existing digital data. FinBIF includes digitisation of collections, the development of data systems for collections Kotka (https://biss.pensoft.net/article/37179/) and observations (https://biss.pensoft.net/article/39150/), and the construction of a national DNA barcode reference library. Data types FinBIF manages mainly: verbal species descriptions (including drawings, pictures and other media types), master taxonomy, scientific collection specimens, opportunistic systematic and event-based observations, and DNA barcodes. Data flows are managed under a single IT architecture, services are delivered through the same on-line portal, collaboration coheres under a single umbrella concept, and development visions are presented under one brand. The portal Laji.fi is the gateway to the harmonised open data. FinBIF’s service portal is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. Restricted-use data go to authorities via a separate portal. Open data are also channelled to international systems (e.g. GBIF).', 'language': ['en', 'fi', 'sv'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.tun.fi,*.id.herb.oulu.fi,*.id.luomus.fi,*.mus.utu.fi,*.id.zmuo.oulu.fi', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMYB', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://laji.fi/en', 'created': '2022-06-08T08:49:24Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nlqq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57835', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'rads.il', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Firsova Y.G.', 'symbol': 'RADS.IL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-03T21:27:31Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:09:58Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34790', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cipw.jxmxzd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada', 'symbol': 'CIPW.JXMXZD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-14T16:46:32Z', 'updated': '2023-09-14T17:25:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cipw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60825', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fiu.library', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FIU Research Data Portal', 'symbol': 'FIU.LIBRARY', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'FIU Dataverse', 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'es', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'dataverse.fiu.edu', 'created': '2019-11-25T18:39:15Z', 'updated': '2019-11-25T18:43:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fiu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34703', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.elibm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FIZ-Karlsruhe (eLiBM)', 'symbol': 'TIB.ELIBM', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.elibm.org', 'created': '2017-09-21T12:35:23Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T09:12:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'imna', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25537', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'yphj.pnkrwq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fjellhaug International College Repository', 'symbol': 'YPHJ.PNKRWQ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nva.unit.no/', 'created': '2020-10-30T11:45:29Z', 'updated': '2022-09-01T12:34:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yphj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23677', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ardcx.flinders', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Flinders University Library Research Data', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.FLINDERS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.flinders.edu.au,flinders.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:56Z', 'updated': '2023-05-02T22:59:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25957', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'fwri.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Repository', 'symbol': 'FWRI.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-12-20T19:45:41Z', 'updated': '2022-05-17T16:30:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fwri', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6095', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fgcu.unqanf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Florida Gulf Coast University Library', 'symbol': 'FGCU.UNQANF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-02T16:06:27Z', 'updated': '2023-10-26T16:22:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fgcu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'GDCCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60863', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fiu.libraries', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Florida International University Libraries', 'symbol': 'FIU.LIBRARIES', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-27T15:58:44Z', 'updated': '2018-08-27T15:58:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fiu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.florsoz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (FlorSoz)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.FLORSOZ', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.tuexenia.de,*.zobodat.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-03-04T11:46:05Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T12:42:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14471', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.floss', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FLOSS Project, Syracuse University', 'symbol': 'TIB.FLOSS', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'FLOSSmole is a collaborative collection of free, libre, and open source software (FLOSS) data. FLOSSmole contains nearly 1 TB of data covering the period 2004 until now, about more than 500,000 different open source projects.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sourceforge.net,googlecode.com.,flossmole.org', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3K905', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://flossmole.org/', 'created': '2011-12-15T09:03:46Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:54:11Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4118', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.fp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fodder Production', 'symbol': 'RADS.FP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'kormoproizvodstvo.ru,elibrary.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-31T10:13:12Z', 'updated': '2022-10-25T15:15:37Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'fmsh.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme", 'symbol': 'FMSH.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-23T09:28:27Z', 'updated': '2024-01-19T08:15:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fmsh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60527', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.fonda1563', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fondazione 1563', 'symbol': 'CRUI.FONDA1563', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.fondazione1563.it,fondazione1563.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-05T10:36:27Z', 'updated': '2022-09-16T16:22:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rsfa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25435', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cmcc.center', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fondazione CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici', 'symbol': 'CMCC.CENTER', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.cmcc.it,cmcc.it,emodnet-mediterranean.eu,climateurope.eu,*.climateurope.eu,fao.org,*.europa.eu,dl.dropboxusercontent.com,*.dropboxusercontent.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-26T08:16:13Z', 'updated': '2021-11-04T09:45:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmcc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25424', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.eucentre', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fondazione Eucentre, Centro Europeo di Formazione e Ricerca in Ingegneria Sismica', 'symbol': 'CRUI.EUCENTRE', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eucentre.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-11-19T17:09:38Z', 'updated': '2021-04-21T07:55:33Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15164', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.gem', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fondazione GEM', 'symbol': 'CRUI.GEM', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.globalquakemodel.org,*.openquake.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-05-17T09:41:03Z', 'updated': '2023-12-14T14:52:31Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13117', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rice.fondren', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fondren Library', 'symbol': 'RICE.FONDREN', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-11-13T17:17:54Z', 'updated': '2020-09-28T13:37:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rice', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25613', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25611', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25615', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.fontys', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Fontys University of Applied Sciences', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.FONTYS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'fontys.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-08T10:17:30Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T09:54:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23643', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.ubfr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FreiDok plus', 'symbol': 'TIB.UBFR', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'freidok.uni-freiburg.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://freidok.uni-freiburg.de', 'created': '2011-04-01T08:34:34Z', 'updated': '2022-03-01T08:40:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qvvc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6094', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26046', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.fba', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Freshwater Biological Association', 'symbol': 'BL.FBA', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'fba.org.uk,environmentdata.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-06-13T15:36:13Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:55:15Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17865', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.igb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Freshwater Research and Environmental Database', 'symbol': 'TIB.IGB', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'FRED', 'description': 'The Freshwater Research and Environmental Database is the central data repository for IGB. It is where we store and share environmental data from observations of lakes, rivers, peatlands and other freshwater habitats. In FRED you can find continuous data collected over several decades from our long-term research programme at the lakes Müggelsee,  Stechlinsee, Arendsee and the river Spree, as well as environmental data derived from short-term projects in aquatic ecosystems. All data include detailed metadata descriptions in text form to allow reuse of the data. The database can be searched for a range of aspects, such as ecosystem types or abiotic and biotic variables. Data use, where not freely accessible, shall be granted after consulting with the contact person given in the database, and is subject to the IGB Data Policy.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.igb-berlin.de,*.zeitschrift-fischerei.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMKS', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://fred.igb-berlin.de', 'created': '2016-04-12T07:42:55Z', 'updated': '2023-08-05T20:16:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'svdk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18728', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35006', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.frontiers', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Frontiers', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.FRONTIERS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'frontiersin.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-04T06:42:17Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T08:47:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'front', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25453', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.krcahvm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FSBSI KRCAHVM', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.KRCAHVM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.skniig.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.skniig.ru/', 'created': '2019-04-02T11:53:49Z', 'updated': '2021-06-07T09:54:43Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34617', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fsc.okr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FSC® Open Knowledge Repository (FSCOKR)', 'symbol': 'FSC.OKR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'FSC Open Knowledge Repository is a digital platform that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. This repository aims to facilitate easy access to, and communication of, data and documents related to the FSC system, and to preserve historical archives of knowledge about the organization. This information may be of particular interest to researchers but can be of benefit to any stakeholder. This knowledge has been organized and categorized so that users can quickly and easily filter and search the database for relevant information. The information may be read online or downloaded for later use.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://open.fsc.org/', 'created': '2019-10-29T11:45:02Z', 'updated': '2019-10-29T12:21:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fsc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34800', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.trr170-db', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FU Berlin - TRR170-DB', 'symbol': 'TIB.TRR170-DB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://planetary-data-portal.org/', 'created': '2020-05-11T14:55:25Z', 'updated': '2020-11-26T13:13:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35003', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.fsg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Future Science Group', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.FSG', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'figshare.com,future-science-group.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-18T06:54:51Z', 'updated': '2022-05-03T17:22:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rclg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25402', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kqdj.mvxrue', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Future Skills Centre Repository', 'symbol': 'KQDJ.MVXRUE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-28T05:49:29Z', 'updated': '2023-12-18T15:11:25Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kqdj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58068', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usgs.fws', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FWS DOI Tool Production Environment', 'symbol': 'USGS.FWS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-17T20:51:41Z', 'updated': '2023-12-05T18:51:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xjqd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'usgsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7944', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usgs.fws-lcc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'FWS Landscape Conservation Cooperative', 'symbol': 'USGS.FWS-LCC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-18T16:13:08Z', 'updated': '2021-01-26T13:14:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xjqd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'usgsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18123', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oryz.arsuhx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'G1', 'symbol': 'ORYZ.ARSUHX', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-26T05:41:00Z', 'updated': '2023-09-26T09:02:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oryz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60599', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.g3', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'G3 - Genetics Society of America (GSA)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.G3', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'gsajournals.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-27T11:21:44Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T10:07:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25387', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wfos.gc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gaffurius Codices', 'symbol': 'WFOS.GC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-18T06:00:12Z', 'updated': '2021-03-18T06:07:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfos', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48523', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ghsl.galter', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Galter Health Sciences Library, Northwestern University', 'symbol': 'GHSL.GALTER', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-14T16:46:43Z', 'updated': '2022-08-23T16:46:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ghsl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18131', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ghsl.test', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Galter Library Pre-Production Test Client', 'symbol': 'GHSL.TEST', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-27T14:10:01Z', 'updated': '2018-08-27T15:11:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ghsl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25939', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.gj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Garage Museum of Contemporary Art', 'symbol': 'RADS.GJ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-30T11:54:43Z', 'updated': '2023-03-07T18:02:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.hortigat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gartenbau-Informationssystem hortigate Ein Angebot des Zentralverbandes Gartenbau e.V. (ZVG)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.HORTIGAT', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.hortigate.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-02-10T09:30:40Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T12:53:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14767', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usc.gateway', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gateway to Global Aging Data', 'symbol': 'USC.GATEWAY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Document repository for data codebooks and policy documents produced as part of the Gateway to Global Aging Data (g2aging.org) and located at USC’s Center for Economic and Social Research', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-10T05:12:00Z', 'updated': '2023-10-16T15:25:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25553', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.gsw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gdańska Szkoła Wyższa', 'symbol': 'PSNC.GSW', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'Gdansk School of Higher Education', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ojs.gsw.gda.pl,omp.gsw.gda.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-20T14:55:19Z', 'updated': '2023-04-11T12:39:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24426', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'grjh.gm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gedanken. Machen.', 'symbol': 'GRJH.GM', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://ejournals.bibliothek.thws.de/eship/index', 'created': '2023-02-22T16:01:42Z', 'updated': '2023-02-22T16:05:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'grjh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58143', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'umn.gems', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEMS', 'symbol': 'UMN.GEMS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'GEMS is a novel data sharing and big data analytical platform that enables public-private research collaborations for innovation in food and agricultural production, and other domain areas. GEMS provides users the ability to share data files with any groups (teams) or team members that are also on the platform.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://agroinformatics.org/', 'created': '2019-10-30T18:54:31Z', 'updated': '2019-10-30T18:58:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'umn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13017', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ipk.gbis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Genebank Information System of the IPK Gatersleben', 'symbol': 'IPK.GBIS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'apex.ipk-gatersleben.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-16T13:54:15Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T16:06:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ipk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25642', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ndsu.rep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'General Content', 'symbol': 'NDSU.REP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-22T16:58:43Z', 'updated': '2023-02-23T19:44:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ndsu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48653', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.gget', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'General Secretariat of Research and Technology - Ministry of Education', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.GGET', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.gsrt.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:14:44Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:33:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hqvb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26227', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.genetics', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GENETICS - Genetics Society of America (GSA)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.GENETICS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'gsajournals.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-27T11:18:44Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T10:07:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25386', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ogcd.gnmxkd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEO Big Data Open Platform', 'symbol': 'OGCD.GNMXKD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IGSN ID repository', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-25T10:49:31Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T14:28:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ogcd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57777', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'geo.ygvfws', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEO Knowledge Hub', 'symbol': 'GEO.YGVFWS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The\u202fGEO Knowledge Hub is a central cloud-based digital library providing access to Earth Observations based applications developed by the GEO Work Programme Activities and other authoritative sources of EO based open applications.\n\nThe scope of the GEO Knowledge Hub is to promote the replicability and re-usability of EO based applications by sharing with the end user all the Knowledge Resources essential to fully understand and re-use them. All knowledge resources of a registered EO application, are openly shared, curated and organized into a Knowledge Package, including:\u202f\n\n1. Research papers and reports describing methods and results;\n2. Software algorithms and cloud computing resources used for processing;\n3. In situ and satellite imagery data used;\n4. Results for verification.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.earthobservations.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://gkhub.earthobservations.org/', 'created': '2023-06-05T12:08:32Z', 'updated': '2023-06-05T12:15:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'geo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60566', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pangaea.geob', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GeoB Core Repository', 'symbol': 'PANGAEA.GEOB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'GeoB', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*.pangaea.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-09T17:32:13Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T14:48:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pangaea', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58104', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.geode', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "GEOgraphie De l'Environnement", 'symbol': 'INIST.GEODE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le laboratoire GEODE UMR 5602 CNRS est une unité mixte de recherche du CNRS et de l’Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès. Cette unité est rattachée au département INEE du CNRS. Elle est située à la Maison de la Recherche sur le campus de Toulouse II.\nDepuis ses origines, l’activité scientifique du laboratoire Géographie de l’Environnement  (GEODE) s’inscrit dans une approche transdisciplinaire des relations environnement/sociétés en confrontant concepts et méthodologies issues de la géographie mais aussi de disciplines naturalistes, sociales, archéologiques ou historiques. Le laboratoire a été pionnier dans l’élaboration et l’utilisation du géosystème et du paysage, concepts à partir desquels ont été déclinées de multiples recherches dans le champ de l’environnement, où la démarche et les spécificités du laboratoire apportent aujourd’hui une capacité étendue d’analyse et d’expertise.\nLe laboratoire GEODE comprend trois axes de recherche :\nPALéoenvironnement, Ecologie Historique et SOCiétés (PALEhsoc)\nEnjeux environnementaux et paysagers des SOciétés Contemporaines (ESOC)\nEnvironnement, Développement Durable : Education et Environnement (E2D2E)\nLe laboratoire comprend 39 membres permanents et 12 doctorants.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://w3.geode.univ-tlse2.fr/', 'created': '2019-02-08T11:13:19Z', 'updated': '2024-01-23T09:24:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26147', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.geodev', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Géographie et développement au Maroc', 'symbol': 'CNRST.GEODEV', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'GéoDév.ma', 'description': "La revue Géographie et développement au Maroc (GéoDév.ma) est une revue parrainée par le Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Géographiques (CERGéo) de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Rabat - Université Mohammed V – Agdal. C’est une revue scientifique éditée par des géographes et qui s'inscrit dans les champs de recherches des sciences sociales sur les lieux, l'espace, le territoire, la région, l'environnement et le développement. Elle est aussi ouverte aux contributions signées par des décideurs, des gestionnaires et des acteurs du développement, ainsi qu'aux jeunes chercheurs dont elle publie les résultats des premiers travaux de recherche.", 'language': ['fr', 'ar'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/GeoDev', 'created': '2020-09-21T09:53:43Z', 'updated': '2020-09-21T10:07:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48343', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.geocite', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Géographie-cités', 'symbol': 'JBRU.GEOCITE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'UMR 8504 Géographie-cités', 'description': 'Localisé sur le Campus Condorcet à Aubervilliers, site entièrement dédié à la recherche et à la formation à la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales Géographie-cités regroupe quatre-vingt enseignants-chercheurs, chercheurs, ingénieurs, techniciens et autant de doctorants, autour de recherches qui combinent réflexions théoriques et épistémologiques, méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives, travaux empiriques et démarches comparatives. Géographie-cités met en partage des jeux de données, des codes sources et des matériaux produits par ses chercheurs et ses chercheuses. Le laboratoire est impliqué dans de nombreux programmes et partenariats scientifiques, tant en France qu’à l’international.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-31T08:07:04Z', 'updated': '2023-09-07T14:27:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60582', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dk.geus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)', 'symbol': 'DK.GEUS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-15T23:02:14Z', 'updated': '2020-12-14T09:34:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'npwr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22008', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.gsnsw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Geological Survey of NSW', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.GSNSW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'geoscience.nsw.gov.au,*.geoscience.nsw.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:14Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:50:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26141', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hema.ndvoef', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEOMAR BIS Biosample Repository', 'symbol': 'HEMA.NDVOEF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Biosample management system', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-17T06:53:35Z', 'updated': '2023-12-21T14:02:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hema', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60488', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fnma.ytwwww', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEOMAR Geological Samples', 'symbol': 'FNMA.YTWWWW', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-08T09:09:11Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T13:03:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hema', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58031', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.geomar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEOMAR-Bibliothek', 'symbol': 'TIB.GEOMAR', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'oceanrep.geomar.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-01-16T11:58:24Z', 'updated': '2022-12-14T14:11:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hema', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3289', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gmu.ulibry', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'George Mason University', 'symbol': 'GMU.ULIBRY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-04T10:27:05Z', 'updated': '2024-02-02T17:44:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13021', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gu.law', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Georgetown Law Library', 'symbol': 'GU.LAW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-15T12:31:43Z', 'updated': '2023-09-20T13:05:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60843', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gu.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Georgetown University DataCite repository', 'symbol': 'GU.REPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-08-16T21:47:04Z', 'updated': '2022-11-01T18:58:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57928', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gasu.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Georgia State University Repository', 'symbol': 'GASU.REPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Georgia State University repository contains the research and scholarship of members of the University community.  The repository includes theses and dissertations, datasets, and other university produced works.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://commons.datacite.org/repositories/gasu.repo', 'created': '2022-02-15T19:28:21Z', 'updated': '2022-08-17T18:10:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gasu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57709', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gt.ir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Georgia Tech Digital Repository', 'symbol': 'GT.IR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The mission of the Georgia Tech Digital Repository is to collect, preserve, and expand access to the unique digital collections of immediate and long-term value to Georgia Tech and the global community. The collecting scope of the repository includes Institute research and scholarship; university documents; and special collections.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.gatech.edu/', 'created': '2020-06-22T16:39:42Z', 'updated': '2023-05-15T16:32:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35090', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'natcan.geoscan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GEOSCAN', 'symbol': 'NATCAN.GEOSCAN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'NRCan Publications Repository', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'open.canada.ca', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/starweb/geoscan/servlet.starweb?path=geoscan/geoscan_e.web', 'created': '2020-03-03T15:56:54Z', 'updated': '2021-12-21T14:46:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'natcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23687', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.ga', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Geoscience Australia', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.GA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ga.gov.au,geoscience.gov.au,*.ga.gov.au,*.geoscience.gov.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:11Z', 'updated': '2023-06-15T05:07:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vvha', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26186', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cgs.gdd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Geoscientific Data & Discovery Publishing System', 'symbol': 'CGS.GDD', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Global Geology Data', 'description': 'The Geoscientific Data & Discovery Publishing System (GDD) has been working since 2017. The GDD is under the National Geological Archives of China, which holds the largest collections of geological data in China. It specializes on providing geoscientific data, including regional geology, energy geology, mineral deposits, hydrogeology, engineering geology, environmental geology, mineral exploration, geophysics, geochemistry and geological information, etc. A methodology of peer-review of datasets for data papers published with Digital Object Identifiers (DoIs) to link data repositories and journals is practised at the GDD. All datasets are fully and openly accessible through the GDD website. The data papers in GDD were periodically published in the Geology in China (Supplementary Vol.)., which is a famous Chinese journal in geological field. Bi-monthly issues of the data journal have and will be published regularly since 2017.', 'language': ['en', 'zh'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://geodb.cgs.gov.cn/en/', 'created': '2020-06-17T09:03:55Z', 'updated': '2020-09-09T08:39:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cgs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35080', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gba.datahub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GeoSphere Austria Datahub', 'symbol': 'GBA.DATAHUB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'data.hub.geosphere.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.hub.geosphere.at/', 'created': '2023-12-05T13:09:23Z', 'updated': '2023-12-05T13:24:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gba', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60669', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.eac', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gerardo Bautista', 'symbol': 'INIST.EAC', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'anthropen.org,www.anthropen.org,eac.ac', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-02-16T16:05:14Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:02:18Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17184', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.dzhw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies', 'symbol': 'GESIS.DZHW', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-22T08:11:32Z', 'updated': '2022-11-23T09:40:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dzhw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34878', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mgcp.cheqmt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)', 'symbol': 'MGCP.CHEQMT', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-01-11T11:25:21Z', 'updated': '2022-01-20T11:14:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mgcp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57671', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.die-gdi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.DIE-GDI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-15T10:41:30Z', 'updated': '2022-06-29T08:37:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23661', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.gms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'German Medical Science', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.GMS', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.egms.de,*.dimdi.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-07-13T14:10:25Z', 'updated': '2021-08-27T07:49:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kydj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3205', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.g-node', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'German Neuroinformatics Node', 'symbol': 'TIB.G-NODE', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.g-node.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-02-18T08:19:37Z', 'updated': '2020-12-04T10:05:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12751', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.gidoi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)', 'symbol': 'TIB.GIDOI', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.mensch-und-computer.de,*.gi.de,*.eusset.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dl.gi.de/', 'created': '2015-12-18T06:03:56Z', 'updated': '2023-05-31T11:59:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zqfs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18420', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.gnfb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.GNFB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-23T14:45:37Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T14:25:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25671', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.gesisblog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GESIS Blog', 'symbol': 'VZEK.GESISBLOG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'GESIS Blog. Growing Knowledge in the Social Sciences', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-09T08:00:26Z', 'updated': '2023-08-14T05:56:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34879', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.gesis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GESIS Data Archive', 'symbol': 'GESIS.GESIS', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': 'GESIS Long-term digital preservation', 'description': 'GESIS preserves quantitative social research data to make it available to the scientific research community. All data are preserved for the long-term and documented to international standards. Data is free to archive, and free to access.\r\nWhen you transfer data and documents to GESIS, you enter into a contractual relationship: https://www.gesis.org/en/data-services/about-the-data-services/standards-and-workflows-data-services/contract', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3BB70', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.gesis.org/en/data-services/about-the-data-services/standards-and-workflows-data-services/long-term-digital-preservation-ltda', 'created': '2011-07-21T13:08:41Z', 'updated': '2024-01-17T13:28:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4232', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.7802', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.7804', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.12758', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.13150', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17889', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18448', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.23663', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25524', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34877', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.gesisonline', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GESIS Online', 'symbol': 'VZEK.GESISONLINE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-16T10:47:41Z', 'updated': '2023-08-17T13:53:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17622', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.60655', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.pretest', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GESIS Pretest Database', 'symbol': 'VZEK.PRETEST', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-16T11:21:21Z', 'updated': '2023-08-18T14:33:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17173', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.sdm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GESIS- Survey Guidelines', 'symbol': 'VZEK.SDM', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-01-15T14:17:23Z', 'updated': '2024-01-17T13:29:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15465', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.zpid', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GESIS.ZPID', 'symbol': 'GESIS.ZPID', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Goal of the psychology data archive PsychData is the documentation and long-term archiving of research data from all areas of psychology and the social sciences, using specially created metadata and to provide use of the data for scientific purposes such as secondary analysis and reanalysis. Psychdata contains all areas of psychology, in particular data sets from clinical, developmental, educational, gero-, and work and organizational psychology stemming from longitudinal studies, major surveys, and test development.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3FS48', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.psychdata.de/', 'created': '2011-07-21T13:12:51Z', 'updated': '2020-11-26T14:04:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vpwd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5160', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cide.azztrq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gestión y Política Pública', 'symbol': 'CIDE.AZZTRQ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Gestión y Política Pública, formato electrónico, volumen XXXII, número 1, México, primer semestre de 2023, es una publicación semestral dictaminada de la División de Administración Pública del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. www.cide.edu. Carretera México-Toluca 3655 (km 16.5), Lomas de Santa Fe, 01210, Ciudad de México. © Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C., 2017. Reserva del título otorgado por la Dirección General de Derechos de Autor: 04-2017-062617342200-203. ISSN: 2448-9182. Director de la revista: Edgar Ramírez de la Cruz, edgar.ramirez@cide.edu. Dirección editorial: Natalia Cervantes Larios, natalia.cervantes@cide.edu. Cuidado editorial: Natalia Rojas Nieto. Tel: 5202-6532, con la colaboración de Pilar Tapia y Nora Matadamas. Topilejo 119, colonia Molino del Rey, 11040, Ciudad de México.', 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2448-9182', 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'www.gestionypoliticapublica.cide.edu', 'created': '2023-06-15T19:38:36Z', 'updated': '2023-10-19T09:01:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cide', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60583', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.29265', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.gfz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GFZ Data Services', 'symbol': 'TIB.GFZ', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'GFZ Data Services is a repository for research data and scientific software across all Earth System Sciences, hosted at GFZ. The curated data are archived, persistently accessible and published with digital object identifier (DOI). Datasets published via GFZ Data Services range from large dynamic datasets from data intensive global monitoring networks with real-time acquisition, to international services in geodesy and geophysics, to the full suite of small and highly heterogeneous datasets collected by individual researchers or small teams ("long-tail data"). In addition to the DOI registration and data archiving itself, GFZ Data Services team offers comprehensive consultation by domain scientists and IT specialists.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'howas21.gfz-potsdam.de,icdp-online.de,scientificdrilling.org,uni-koeln.de,world-stress-map.org,www.sintef.no,sfb806.de,www.ipoc-network.org,dataservices.gfz-potsdam.de,geofon.gfz-potsdam.de,crc806db.uni-koeln.de,www.tr32db.uni-koeln.de,www.crc1211db.uni-koeln.de,www.trr228db.uni-koeln.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3VQ0S', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataservices.gfz-potsdam.de/portal/', 'created': '2011-05-11T12:52:15Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5880', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14470', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26026', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gfz.igsn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GFZ IGSN Sample Catalogue', 'symbol': 'GFZ.IGSN', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'This repository represents the IGSN Sample Catalogue of GFZ Data Services.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*.gfz-potsdam.de,*.uni-koeln.de,', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://dataservices.gfz-potsdam.de/igsn-new/', 'created': '2023-03-17T16:18:34Z', 'updated': '2023-10-12T12:14:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60510', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.gfzbib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GFZpublic', 'symbol': 'TIB.GFZBIB', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de', 'created': '2011-08-01T08:55:52Z', 'updated': '2021-07-30T13:44:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48440', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.cblitf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GGP – Contemporary Czech Family', 'symbol': 'GCNC.CBLITF', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ggp-cz.fss.muni.cz/en', 'created': '2022-06-22T09:46:06Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:58:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57865', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cngb.gigadb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GigaDB', 'symbol': 'CNGB.GIGADB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'GigaDB Datasets', 'description': 'GigaDB primarily serves as a repository to host data and tools associated with articles published by GigaScience Press journals (GigaScience and GigaByte).  GigaDB defines a dataset as a group of files (e.g., sequencing data, analyses, imaging files, software programs) that are related to and support a unit of work (e.g. article or study). GigaDB allows the integration of manuscript publication with supporting data and tools.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3TG83', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://gigadb.org/', 'created': '2018-07-19T09:08:10Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cngb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5524', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gigantum.gigantum', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gigantum', 'symbol': 'GIGANTUM.GIGANTUM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-22T14:18:24Z', 'updated': '2020-03-20T19:37:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gigantum', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34747', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.giqs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GIQS (Grenzüberschreitende Integrierte Qualitätssicherung e.V.)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.GIQS', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.giqs.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-02-06T07:20:26Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T12:57:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14761', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.glamosdata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GLAMOS Data', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.GLAMOSDATA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-23T14:23:28Z', 'updated': '2022-11-29T10:27:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18750', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.gesi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Global and European Studies Institute (GESI), Universität Leipzig', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.GESI', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-10T15:37:19Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:20:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qsxr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26014', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gbif.gbif', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Global Biodiversity Information Facility', 'symbol': 'GBIF.GBIF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "GBIF is an international organisation that is working to make the world's biodiversity data accessible everywhere in the world. GBIF and its many partners work to mobilize the data, and to improve search mechanisms, data and metadata standards, web services, and the other components of an Internet-based information infrastructure for biodiversity.\r\nGBIF makes available data that are shared by hundreds of data publishers from around the world. These data are shared according to the GBIF Data Use Agreement, which includes the provision that users of any data accessed through or retrieved via the GBIF Portal will always give credit to the original data publishers.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3J014', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.gbif.org/', 'created': '2018-12-20T14:03:45Z', 'updated': '2019-04-11T09:20:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gbif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15469', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.15468', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26161', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35035', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35000', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vsdn.psqjtb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Global Media Journal', 'symbol': 'VSDN.PSQJTB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-08T14:57:24Z', 'updated': '2023-12-11T08:58:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60678', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'noaa.gmd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Global Monitoring Laboratory', 'symbol': 'NOAA.GMD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://gml.noaa.gov/', 'created': '2018-07-10T16:57:03Z', 'updated': '2021-07-01T18:02:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noaa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15138', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25925', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uniwa.archive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'GlobalArchive', 'symbol': 'UNIWA.ARCHIVE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-22T00:39:07Z', 'updated': '2023-03-22T00:39:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uniwa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60509', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'globus.services', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Globus Services', 'symbol': 'GLOBUS.SERVICES', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-14T16:40:33Z', 'updated': '2019-04-03T19:06:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'globus', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18126', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26311', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.goeth', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Goetheanum', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.GOETH', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-03T10:39:02Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T14:47:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fstq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18756', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.gold', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Goldsmiths' College", 'symbol': 'BL.GOLD', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.gold.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-12-07T13:26:30Z', 'updated': '2020-12-02T10:25:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfww', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25602', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rit.gccis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences', 'symbol': 'RIT.GCCIS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-01-13T21:09:56Z', 'updated': '2022-01-13T21:12:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57673', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.gondolat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Gondolat Kiadó', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.GONDOLAT', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'gondolatkiado.hu,real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-09T16:21:51Z', 'updated': '2023-02-09T21:13:00Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.gro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Göttingen Research Online', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.GRO', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'uni-goettingen.de,gwdg.de,data.goettingen-research-online.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-12-07T13:30:37Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T11:05:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25625', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ganil', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds', 'symbol': 'INIST.GANIL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le GANIL, Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds, est aujourd’hui l’un des grands laboratoires internationaux pour la recherche avec des faisceaux d’ions : physique du noyau, de l’atome, de la matière condensée, astrophysique, radiobiologie… Grâce au caractère unique de ses installations, il est classé parmi les Très Grandes Infrastructures de Recherche (TGIR), au service d’une communauté scientifique internationale.\nDepuis sa mise en service et la première expérience en 1983, les recherches menées au laboratoire ont permis d’importantes avancées en physique nucléaire. Découvrez quelques faits marquants scientifiques et les grandes questions auxquelles la recherche en physique nucléaire cherche à répondre.\n\nLes accélérateurs, couplés à des instruments de détection très performants, permettent aux chercheurs du monde entier de réaliser des expériences uniques. Le GANIL comprend des sources d’ions, des cyclotrons permettant d’accélérer les faisceaux d’ions et des salles d’expériences qui accueillent des dispositifs expérimentaux uniques et développés pour les besoins de la communauté scientifique. Une nouvelle installation va bientôt démarrer au GANIL : SPIRAL2. Elle permettra d’élargir les possibilités de recherche du laboratoire en augmentant ses capacités expérimentales. En savoir plus sur SPIRAL2.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-28T14:50:26Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:25:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26143', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ureunion.g2oi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Grand Observatoire de l'Océan Indien", 'symbol': 'UREUNION.G2OI', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-11T13:25:50Z', 'updated': '2023-07-12T12:37:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ureunion', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60476', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.gs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Graphische Sammlung', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.GS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-09-27T11:55:39Z', 'updated': '2022-05-16T06:41:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.16903', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iapx.bsycxq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Greater South Information System', 'symbol': 'IAPX.BSYCXQ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'GreSIS', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-18T11:51:53Z', 'updated': '2023-12-18T11:51:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iapx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60692', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.hu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'HU Berlin - NOMAD Repository', 'symbol': 'TIB.HU', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-07-21T09:31:40Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T09:38:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vlef', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15481', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17172', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'purdue.hubzero', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'HubZero', 'symbol': 'PURDUE.HUBZERO', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-04T17:46:47Z', 'updated': '2018-12-04T18:34:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'purdue', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7277', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.13019', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.21981', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kqag.vgbkgw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Hugging Face', 'symbol': 'KQAG.VGBKGW', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://huggingface.co/', 'created': '2022-09-30T13:40:01Z', 'updated': '2022-10-07T13:26:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kqag', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57967', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.hog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Hugo-Obermaier-Gesellschaft', 'symbol': 'TIB.HOG', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://quartaer.obermaier-gesellschaft.de/', 'created': '2012-05-25T12:33:44Z', 'updated': '2021-10-13T07:56:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'inist.humanum', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Huma-Num', 'symbol': 'INIST.HUMANUM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'nakala', 'description': "NAKALA allows research teams, who so request, to file their digital data (text files, sound, image, video) in a secure warehouse, with DOI, IIIF and which ensures both data availability and quotability time. NAKALA is a full Web application and a repository for humanities and social sciences. It's created and powered in France by Huma-Num, the french infrastructure for digital humanities.", 'language': ['fr', 'en', 'es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3JM1B', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nakala.fr', 'created': '2020-02-20T15:39:48Z', 'updated': '2023-02-07T07:09:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34847', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ohmd.hise', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Human Immune System Explorer (HISE)', 'symbol': 'OHMD.HISE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-25T15:44:06Z', 'updated': '2022-05-03T22:02:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ohmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57785', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iwfh.hrmw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Human Resource Management Whitepaper', 'symbol': 'IWFH.HRMW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://journals.hsbi.de/hrmw', 'created': '2023-10-19T13:43:41Z', 'updated': '2023-11-13T15:26:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iwfh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'HBZCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60896', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.hsrc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Human Science Research Council SA', 'symbol': 'GESIS.HSRC', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-03-20T12:32:31Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T13:15:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14749', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'msu.core', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Humanities Commons CORE', 'symbol': 'MSU.CORE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-10-02T17:07:49Z', 'updated': '2021-10-07T20:34:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'msu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17613', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.up-hin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Humboldt im Netz, Universität Potsdam, Institut für Romanistik', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.UP-HIN', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.hin-online.de,hin-online.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-28T11:50:50Z', 'updated': '2020-12-21T11:22:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18443', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.hvg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Hüttentechnische Vereinigung der Deutschen Glasindustrie e.V.', 'symbol': 'TIB.HVG', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hvg-dgg.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-11-29T08:56:19Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:56:12Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25599', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'yrjy.rfovmd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Huygens ING', 'symbol': 'YRJY.RFOVMD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['nl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.huygens.knaw.nl/resources/', 'created': '2022-06-21T13:12:10Z', 'updated': '2022-11-29T13:03:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yrjy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57867', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uhjx.hyku', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Hyku Commons', 'symbol': 'UHJX.HYKU', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-04T16:00:40Z', 'updated': '2023-05-04T21:44:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uhjx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60573', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pqip.devices', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'HZDR-DEVICES', 'symbol': 'PQIP.DEVICES', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'HZDR Infrastructures and Devices', 'description': 'HZDR-DEVICES is an institutional project at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf). It enables the central, systematic and structured processing of information on large-scale facilities and research infrastructures of the HZDR, enriching it with metadata and making it persistently accessible. The integration of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) into the data genesis as well as documentation and publication processes at HZDR (as well as research software and data via Rodare) can improve the reproducibility of research. The information offered centrally on a landing page can be accessed via an OAI-PMH interface.', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-26T08:21:15Z', 'updated': '2023-01-27T10:33:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pqip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58065', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dai.bumbou', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IANUS', 'symbol': 'DAI.BUMBOU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-07-22T12:20:55Z', 'updated': '2020-07-23T13:05:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dai', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13149', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wisc.icecube', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IceCube Neutrino Observatory', 'symbol': 'WISC.ICECUBE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-16T16:16:02Z', 'updated': '2020-05-04T14:01:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21234', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.iciber', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ICI Berlin', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.ICIBER', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ici-berlin.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-15T13:48:46Z', 'updated': '2022-12-19T14:58:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'icib', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SUBGOECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25620', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.icos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ICOS Carbon Portal', 'symbol': 'SND.ICOS', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'Integrated Carbon Observation System', 'description': 'ICOS Carbon Portal is the data portal of the Integrated Carbon Observation System. It provides observational data from the state of the carbon cycle in Europe and the world.\r\nThe Carbon Portal is the data center of the ICOS infrastructure. ICOS will collect greenhouse gas concentration and fluxes observations from three separate networks, all these observations are carried out to support research to help us understand how the Earth’s greenhouse gas balance works, because there are still many and large uncertainties!', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.icos-cp.eu,*.icos-etc.eu,*.fieldsites.se,hdl.handle.net', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3235B', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.icos-cp.eu/node/1', 'created': '2016-09-14T13:12:41Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mviy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SNDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18160', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.icpsr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ICPSR', 'symbol': 'GESIS.ICPSR', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research', 'description': 'ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.\r\nICPSR advances and expands social and behavioral research, acting as a global leader in data stewardship and providing rich data resources and responsive educational opportunities for present and future generations.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3BC8Q', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/', 'created': '2013-12-03T08:19:47Z', 'updated': '2023-05-12T14:08:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'icpsr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3886', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'exap.city', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IDDO', 'symbol': 'EXAP.CITY', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-17T17:43:14Z', 'updated': '2022-12-12T16:51:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nxyr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EXAP', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48688', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.idees', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "IDEES : Identité et Différenciation de l'Espace, de l'Environnement et des Sociétés", 'symbol': 'JBRU.IDEES', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'UMR CNRS IDEES 6266', 'description': 'L’UMR CNRS IDEES est un laboratoire de recherche pluridisciplinaire (et plurisite : Caen, Le Havre et Rouen) en SHS qui joue un rôle majeur dans le paysage scientifique régional (COMUE), national et international', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://umr-idees.fr/', 'created': '2021-02-01T15:46:57Z', 'updated': '2021-02-01T16:04:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48390', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'idiap.idiap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Idiap Research Institute - Main Repository', 'symbol': 'IDIAP.IDIAP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-10-22T09:59:19Z', 'updated': '2019-10-23T06:23:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'idiap', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34777', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.ids-lu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IDS Luzern', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.IDS-LU', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'zhbluzern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-01-29T07:56:58Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:56:34Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5449', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ids.hkhuqq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IDS Text- und Sprachdaten-Repositorium', 'symbol': 'IDS.HKHUQQ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'IDS Text and Language Data Repository', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-31T15:31:37Z', 'updated': '2023-07-31T15:32:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ids', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CLARINCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60812', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ieee.cs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IEEE Computer Society', 'symbol': 'IEEE.CS', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Computer Society DataCite repository to assign DOIs to CS Roadmaps and potentially other products.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://irds.ieee.org/', 'created': '2024-01-19T21:06:30Z', 'updated': '2024-01-19T21:06:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ieee', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60627', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ieee.dataport', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IEEE DataPort', 'symbol': 'IEEE.DATAPORT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IEEE DataPortâ„¢ is an online data repository created and supported by both the IEEE Signal Processing Society and the IEEE Big Data Initiative, and it enables data owners to upload their data without cost. DataPort makes data available in three ways: standard, open access, and data competition. By default, all "standard" datasets that are uploaded are accessible to paid DataPort subscribers. Data owners can also pay a fee (APC) to make a dataset accessible through open access to non-subscribers. The third option is to to host a "data competition" and make a dataset accessible for free for a duration with instructions on the competition and how to participate. DataPort provides workflows for receiving entries and managing the competitions. All datasets are stored on Amazon AWS S3, and each dataset can be allotted up to 2TB each.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3H77H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ieee-dataport.org', 'created': '2018-06-06T17:25:17Z', 'updated': '2023-03-07T16:47:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ieee', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21227', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ieee.pelstube', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IEEE PELSTUBE', 'symbol': 'IEEE.PELSTUBE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Educational Videos Committee invites video submissions for the IEEE PELSTube. The goal is to provide educational content to PELS members, and to the public at large, on technical and theoretical topics related to power electronics.  The videos may cover concepts ranging from basics to advanced topics. The goal of the videos is to broaden existing knowledge in power electronics by highlighting pivotal concepts and techniques, presenting key technical and theoretical issues in an intuitive, abridged, yet precise version and to explain broad or fundamental concepts that are key to the understanding of research results.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://submissions.ieeepelstube.org/index.php/ieee', 'created': '2023-06-07T17:26:59Z', 'updated': '2023-06-08T10:34:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ieee', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17024', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ieee.rc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IEEE RESOURCE CENTERS', 'symbol': 'IEEE.RC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The IEEE Resource Centers contain valuable, peer-reviewed technical content from reputable experts to enhance research or industry work, implement trainings, or earn CEU/PDH credits—all of which are universally available on demand. Resources available include conference content, educational videos, webinars, white papers, slide decks, technical presentations, tutorials, and more.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'resourcecenters.ieee.org', 'created': '2023-03-14T17:50:00Z', 'updated': '2023-03-14T18:03:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ieee', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17023', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ieee.sigport', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IEEE SIGPORT', 'symbol': 'IEEE.SIGPORT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sigport.org', 'created': '2023-10-13T01:31:38Z', 'updated': '2023-10-13T12:08:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ieee', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60864', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ihi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ifakara Health Institute', 'symbol': 'GESIS.IHI', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-09-16T14:36:49Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T14:41:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17890', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'euvi.ifremerigsn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IFREMER Sample Repository', 'symbol': 'EUVI.IFREMERIGSN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-08T11:07:22Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T14:30:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'euvi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58006', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ifz.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IfZ-Repositorium', 'symbol': 'IFZ.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Zeitgeschichte Open', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://open.ifz-muenchen.de/', 'created': '2023-08-17T14:32:25Z', 'updated': '2024-02-14T10:00:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ifz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SUBGOECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60674', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'kuuu.xsigew', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IHE Delft Repository', 'symbol': 'KUUU.XSIGEW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ihedelftrepository.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/', 'created': '2020-12-11T09:32:46Z', 'updated': '2020-12-15T11:59:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kuuu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25831', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'illinois.databank', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Illinois Data Bank', 'symbol': 'ILLINOIS.DATABANK', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Illinois Data Bank is an institutional data repository that collects, disseminates, and provides persistent and reliable access to the research data of faculty, staff, and students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Faculty, staff, graduate students can deposit their research data directly into the Illinois Data Bank and receive a DOI for citation purposes.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3C93F', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://databank.illinois.edu/', 'created': '2018-08-30T16:52:55Z', 'updated': '2018-12-26T09:13:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'illinois', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13012', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25988', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'jbru.idm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Images des mathématiques', 'symbol': 'JBRU.IDM', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-02-09T14:30:59Z', 'updated': '2024-02-09T14:38:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60868', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.imperial', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Imperial College London', 'symbol': 'BL.IMPERIAL', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'imperial.ac.uk,*.imperial.ac.uk,ic.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/100011965', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-05-01T12:06:40Z', 'updated': '2023-11-17T13:31:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'urks', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14469', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25562', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25561', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25560', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25566', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25565', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25564', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25563', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25569', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25568', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25567', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'iris.iris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology', 'symbol': 'IRIS.IRIS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "IRIS offers free and open access to a comprehensive data store of raw geophysical time-series data collected from a large variety of sensors, courtesy of a vast array of US and International scientific networks, including seismometers (permanent and temporary), tilt and strain meters, infrasound, temperature, atmospheric pressure and gravimeters, to support basic research aimed at imaging the Earth's interior.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3X607', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://www.iris.edu/hq/', 'created': '2018-07-11T18:57:42Z', 'updated': '2018-12-20T22:46:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iris', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7914', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17611', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'jcvi.gxpwaq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Influenza Research Database', 'symbol': 'JCVI.GXPWAQ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'IRD', 'description': 'The mission of the Influenza Research Database (IRD) is to provide a resource for the influenza virus research community that will facilitate an understanding of the influenza virus and how it interacts with the host organism, leading to new treatments and preventive actions. This resource will contain avian and non-human mammalian influenza surveillance data, human clinical data associated with virus extracts, phenotypic characteristics of viruses isolated from extracts, and all genomic and proteomic data available in public repositories for influenza viruses.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'HostFactorData', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3S634', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.fludb.org/brc/home.spg?decorator=influenza', 'created': '2020-06-25T18:41:04Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jcvi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35094', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'usc.isi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Information Sciences Institute DOIs', 'symbol': 'USC.ISI', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DOIs issues by ISI projects', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-11T19:24:13Z', 'updated': '2019-12-18T18:52:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25551', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.uzscite', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Information system of scientific journals of Uzbekistan', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.UZSCITE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-04T14:46:42Z', 'updated': '2023-04-26T10:21:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uzscite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34920', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'csic.gbif', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Infraestructura Mundial de Información en Biodiversidad', 'symbol': 'CSIC.GBIF', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-07-11T08:05:16Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:35:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'csic', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15471', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.15470', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'inist.cnrs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "INIST/CNRS Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique", 'symbol': 'INIST.CNRS', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-07-19T06:39:56Z', 'updated': '2021-01-07T15:34:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13143', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oolr.inmdok', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'INM', 'symbol': 'OOLR.INMDOK', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus.bsz-bw.de/inmdok/home?', 'created': '2022-09-20T12:56:34Z', 'updated': '2022-09-20T13:30:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oolr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57954', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.inblog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Innovationsblog', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.INBLOG', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'blogs.ethz.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-06-08T10:16:16Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T13:42:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.16911', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ulbt.iup', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'innsbruck university press', 'symbol': 'ULBT.IUP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.uibk.ac.at/iup/', 'created': '2021-10-08T11:54:44Z', 'updated': '2021-10-08T12:11:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15203', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.inp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'INPTDAT', 'symbol': 'TIB.INP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'The Data Platform for Plasma Technology', 'description': 'The interdisciplinary data platform INPTDAT provides easy access to research data and information from all fields of applied plasma physics and plasma medicine. It aims to support the findability, accessibility, interoperability and re-use of data for the low-temperature plasma physics community.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMM8', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.inptdat.de', 'created': '2018-09-05T14:25:08Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34711', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'whja.dataverse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'INSPER DATAVERSE', 'symbol': 'WHJA.DATAVERSE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-12-16T17:13:43Z', 'updated': '2022-08-30T16:47:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'whja', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48808', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.inspire', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'inspirehep.net', 'symbol': 'CERN.INSPIRE', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cern.ch,inspirehep.net,doi.org', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3JC9Z', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://inspirehep.net/?ln=en', 'created': '2011-12-15T09:55:46Z', 'updated': '2021-07-28T09:57:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7484', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.ic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut Cochin', 'symbol': 'JBRU.IC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Institut Cochin', 'description': 'L’Institut Cochin est un centre de recherche biomédicale multithématique, réunissant 41 équipes de recherche et 10 plateformes technologiques. Ses missions sont de faire progresser les connaissances, de les diffuser auprès de la communauté scientifique et du grand public, de former à et par la recherche, d’innover, et d’inventer la recherche responsable de demain.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://institutcochin.fr/', 'created': '2022-07-12T08:19:20Z', 'updated': '2022-07-12T11:20:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57889', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.iap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'symbol': 'JBRU.IAP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'IAP UMR7095', 'description': "L'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) est une Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 7095) de Sorbonne Université et du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). L'IAP est devenu un Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers en décembre 2005, ce qui lui confère le rang d'Ecole Interne au sein de Sorbonne Université.\nL'IAP est membre des Laboratoires d'Excellence Institut Lagrange de Paris et Exploitation Spatiale des Environnements Planétaires depuis leur création en 2011.\n Laboratoire d'interface entre deux disciplines, l'IAP regroupe des astrophysiciens du secteur des sciences de l'Univers et des physiciens théoriciens du secteur des sciences physiques et mathématiques. Les recherches conduites à l'IAP portent sur les domaines de pointe de l'astrophysique : la formation des systèmes planétaires et la recherche de planètes extrasolaires, la physique stellaire, l'évolution des galaxies, les structures à grande échelle, la cosmologie observationnelle et théorique, la physique de l'Univers primordial et les phénomènes d'énergie extrême.\nLes chercheurs de l'IAP sont des observateurs, des modélisateurs et des théoriciens. Leurs recherches s'appuient sur de grands programmes observationnels, des calculs numériques intensifs, ou des calculs analytiques poussés. L'IAP compte environ 150 chercheurs, ingénieurs, techniciens, administratifs, post-doctorants et doctorants, et accueille régulièrement de nombreux stagiaires et visiteurs étrangers.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.iap.fr/', 'created': '2021-02-11T10:43:32Z', 'updated': '2021-04-28T13:47:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48392', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.i2m', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut de mécanique et d'ingénierie de Bordeaux", 'symbol': 'INIST.I2M', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-10-10T14:53:38Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:48:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25964', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'irsn.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire', 'symbol': 'IRSN.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.irsn.fr/EN/Pages/home.aspx', 'created': '2022-06-29T13:46:30Z', 'updated': '2022-06-29T14:34:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'irsn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57876', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.irisa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires', 'symbol': 'INIST.IRISA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "L'IRISA - Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires - est aujourd'hui le plus grand laboratoire de recherche français (+ de 850 personnes) dans le domaine de l'informatique et des technologies de l'information. Il couvre l'ensemble des thématiques de ces domaines, de l’architecture des ordinateurs et des réseaux à l’intelligence artificielle en passant par le génie logiciel, les systèmes distribués et la réalité virtuelle.\n\nTourné vers le futur de la science informatique avec une expertise reconnue à l’international, l’IRISA est présent sur 3 sites géographiques (Rennes, Lannion, Vannes), au cœur d'un écosystème régional de recherche et innovation riche.\n\nPour rester à la pointe de l’évolution des sciences et des technologies de l’information, tout en accompagnant la transition numérique de la société et des autres disciplines scientifiques, le laboratoire est structuré en sept départements scientifiques croisés par sept axes répondant à des questions sociétales telles que la cybersécurité, la santé, l’environnement et l’écologie, les transports, la robotique, l’énergie et la culture.\n\nL’IRISA est issu d’une volonté de collaboration entre huit établissements tutelles pluridisciplinaires : CentraleSupélec, CNRS, ENS Rennes, IMT Atlantique, Inria, INSA Rennes, Université Bretagne Sud, Université de Rennes 1. De cette pluridisciplinarité nait une force issue de femmes et d'hommes qui donnent le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour la recherche fondamentale et appliquée, la formation, les échanges avec d’autres disciplines, la médiation scientifique, les transferts de savoir-faire et de technologie.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.irisa.fr/', 'created': '2019-08-30T09:53:50Z', 'updated': '2020-10-14T09:06:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34723', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.iremus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut de recherche en musicologie', 'symbol': 'JBRU.IREMUS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'UMR 8223', 'description': "Le champ des études développé au sein de l'IReMus recouvre une vaste chronologie allant du Moyen Âge à la musique électroacoustique, au jazz et aux musiques actuelles. L’IReMus aborde la plupart des sous-disciplines de la musicologie (musicologies historique et systématique, ethnomusicologie, étude de la culture populaire contemporaine, des institutions musicales, sociologie de la musique, psychologie cognitive, esthétique musicale, musicologie numérique), et assure une mission de valorisation du patrimoine musical conservé en France, mission liée à ses partenariats privilégiés avec la BnF et le ministère de la Culture.\n\nLes travaux réalisés prennent des formes diversifiées : éditions critiques d’œuvres musicales (dont les éditions monumentales Rameau, Debussy, Fauré et Saint-Saëns), de traités et ouvrages pédagogiques, de correspondances et autres écrits de musiciens ; études des collections, catalogues de fonds musicaux et catalogues thématiques ; analyses d’œuvres et de systèmes théoriques, développement d’outils et de théories analytiques, notamment à travers des publications numériques ; études organologiques (études physique, systématique et historique des instruments de musique) ; études portant sur les représentations et la réception de la musique (dont l’iconographie musicale), sur ses contextes historiques, institutionnels, sociologiques, esthétiques ou culturels de production (dont gender studies), et sur ses interprètes ; recherches sur l’interprétation des musiques anciennes et contemporaines en collaboration avec les musiciens et les compositeurs.\n\nLa gouvernance de l'IReMus s'est fixée les axes stratégiques prioritaires suivants, pour la période 2019-2023 : \n\n● Jouer un rôle actif et utile au sein de la communauté musicologique\n\n● Constituer une plate-forme pour l’interdisciplinarité\n\n● Renforcer les liens avec le monde professionnel\n\n● Développer une vulgarisation exigeante et de qualité, incluant notamment le renforcement du lien avec la formation\n\n● Favoriser l’accompagnement et l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes chercheu·rs·ses\n\nL'IReMus est membre de l'Institut Collegium Musicæ de la Comue Sorbonne Universités, au sein duquel il contribue activement à faire évoluer le dialogue entre sciences humaines, sciences exactes et pratiques musicales savantes, populaires et traditionnelles dans le cadre d'une dynamique de continuité entre recherche, formation, création, valorisation et innovation.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.iremus.cnrs.fr/fr/', 'created': '2023-10-23T09:13:26Z', 'updated': '2023-10-24T12:37:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60860', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.iremam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut de recherche et d'études sur le monde arabe et musulman", 'symbol': 'INIST.IREMAM', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-01-05T09:38:33Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:48:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23724', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.irjs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne', 'symbol': 'INIST.IRJS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "L'Institut de recherche juridique de la Sorbonne (IRJS) a été créé en 2001, sous la dénomination initiale d'Institut TUNC, par le regroupement de tous les centres de recherche en droit privé interne (au nombre de 7) ainsi que de 3 centres de recherche de droit public de l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Cette création visait à accompagner le rapprochement des disciplines et sous-disciplines dans le secteur du droit et à s'insérer dans l'européanisation et la mondialisation du droit et le fil conducteur de cette démarche s'inscrivait dans une logique de regroupement de moyens humains, financiers et documentaires.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://irjs.univ-paris1.fr/', 'created': '2019-10-02T09:50:52Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:49:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34743', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34742', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ifremer', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer", 'symbol': 'INIST.IFREMER', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': "Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer - Systèmes d’informations scientifiques de la Mer, Portail des données marines", 'description': "SISMER (Scientific Information Systems for the Sea) is Ifremer's service in charge of managing numerous marine databases and information systems which Ifremer is responsible for implementing. The information systems managed by SISMER range from CATDS (SMOS satellite data) to geoscience data (bathymetry, seismics, geological samples), not forgetting water column data (physics and chemistry, data for operational oceanography – Coriolis - Copernicus CMEMS), fisheries data (Harmonie), coastal environment data (Quadrige 2) and deep-sea environment data (Archimède).\r\nSISMER therefore plays a pivotal role in marine database management both for Ifremer and for many national, European and international projects.", 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMHX', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://data.ifremer.fr/', 'created': '2013-08-30T09:52:14Z', 'updated': '2023-08-31T17:19:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'euvi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12770', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.13155', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17600', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18142', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.24351', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25575', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ifa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen', 'symbol': 'GESIS.IFA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-13T12:08:32Z', 'updated': '2021-05-12T09:53:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qdxc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17901', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbw.ifbq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Bildungsmonitoring und Qualitätsentwicklung', 'symbol': 'ZBW.IFBQ', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-04-09T08:11:46Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T11:50:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25654', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.idf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Designforschung - Hochschule Darmstadt', 'symbol': 'TIB.IDF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-11T13:14:50Z', 'updated': '2020-11-10T15:21:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qwli', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26082', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.igdj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.IGDJ', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'igdj-hh.de,juedische-geschichte-online.net,jewish-history-online.net', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-02T12:02:29Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:35:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23691', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ife', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft,WWU Münster', 'symbol': 'GESIS.IFE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-07T09:38:08Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:04:06Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17899', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.fk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte', 'symbol': 'DLR.FK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-07T13:49:35Z', 'updated': '2023-08-14T09:41:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60563', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.ff', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Future Fuels', 'symbol': 'DLR.FF', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Speicherort: https://elib.dlr.de/\nObjekte: Publikationen von Dissertationen, Master- und Bachelorabschlussarbeiten\nAbgeschlossene Prüfungen, finale Version der Abschlussarbeit, Zustimmung der verfassenden Person, Zustimmung der Hochschule', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-02-14T08:58:54Z', 'updated': '2024-02-14T09:19:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60634', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.hr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radarsysteme', 'symbol': 'DLR.HR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Das Repository soll DOIs des Instituts registrieren, darunter hauptsächlich Datenveröffentlichungen des vom Institut betriebenen Flugzeug-SAR-Systems F-SAR. Die zugehörigen Datenprodukte sind in DIMS (Daten- und Informationsmanagement System) am Deutschen Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum (DFD) des DLR archiviert.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-25T12:52:23Z', 'updated': '2021-02-25T12:56:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48503', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ifkf.etcboz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Kulturforschung Repositorium', 'symbol': 'IFKF.ETCBOZ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-27T06:18:36Z', 'updated': '2021-07-27T06:38:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ifkf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48679', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.ifk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Kulturpolitik, Universität Hildesheim', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.IFK', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.uni-hildesheim.de/fb2/institute/kulturpolitik/', 'created': '2019-01-28T07:53:30Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T11:25:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26011', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ifpuk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der FU Berlin', 'symbol': 'GESIS.IFPUK', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-01-29T12:50:44Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:57:27Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17174', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iqwig.crlntk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen', 'symbol': 'IQWIG.CRLNTK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-21T06:11:27Z', 'updated': '2023-06-22T05:56:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iqwig', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ZBMEDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60584', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.ry', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme', 'symbol': 'DLR.RY', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-15T06:18:23Z', 'updated': '2022-05-18T08:17:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57811', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.sy-lin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Systemleichtbau', 'symbol': 'DLR.SY-LIN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-25T10:14:40Z', 'updated': '2022-10-25T10:23:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57965', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.astone', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster', 'symbol': 'TIB.ASTONE', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'aisnet.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-07-21T09:04:00Z', 'updated': '2021-02-18T10:19:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lfdk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18151', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.ihpo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut Henri Poincaré', 'symbol': 'JBRU.IHPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'IHP', 'description': 'L’institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) est un institut de recherches mathématiques de Sorbonne Université situé au cœur du « campus Curie » dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris, sur la montagne Sainte-Geneviève.\nFondé et bâti en 1928 grâce à des mécènes privés au sein de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université de Paris comme un « centre d’enseignement et de recherches scientifiques sur la physique mathématique et théorique et les sciences connexes, telles que le calcul des probabilités », l’Institut Henri Poincaré est la maison historique des mathématiques et de la physique théorique en France.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ihp.fr/fr', 'created': '2022-10-25T12:38:57Z', 'updated': '2022-10-25T14:12:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57987', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.iif', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut International du Froid', 'symbol': 'INIST.IIF', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-02-04T15:25:02Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:51:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zmaw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18462', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ijlra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert", 'symbol': 'INIST.IJLRA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "L'Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (∂’Alembert) est un laboratoire de recherche dont la vocation est d’étendre le champ des connaissances dans tous les domaines de la Mécanique, de l’Acoustique et de l’Energétique. ∂’Alembert est une Unité Mixte de Recherche de la Faculté des Sciences et d'Ingénierie de Sorbonne Université (ex UPMC- Université Pierre et Marie Curie) et du CNRS (UMR7190), également soutenue par le Ministère de la Culture. Dans son domaine d’activités, il constitue le laboratoire de recherche le plus important d’Île-de-France par la taille. Il rassemble près de cent soixante dix personnes, dont une centaine de permanents, environ cinquante doctorants et une vingtaine de personnels temporaires, post docs ou autres.\n∂’Alembert possède une expertise unique dans deux domaines, la théorie et la modélisation fines en mécanique des fluides et des solides et l’étude de l’objet musical dans une approche pluridisciplinaire, à travers les sciences physiques et les sciences humaines. Les chercheurs de ∂’Alembert se classent au premier rang mondial dans le domaine de la mécanique de la rupture, de la simulation numérique directe des écoulements diphasiques, de l’étude des structures élancées, de la simulation de la turbulence de la propagation acoustique non-linéaire, du bang sonique... De nouveaux thèmes émergent à travers des collaborations transverses, comme l’aéroacoustique (génération du son par la turbulence) ou l’élastocapillarité dynamique (enroulement de structures solides élastiques autour de gouttelettes liquides). Enfin ∂’Alembert  met en œuvre des moyens expérimentaux en pointe, soutenus par des partenariats industriels et publics importants dans le domaine de la combustion, ainsi que de l’imagerie acoustique.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-08-12T22:50:56Z', 'updated': '2022-10-04T09:37:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25836', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34741', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ill', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut Laue-Langevin', 'symbol': 'INIST.ILL', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'In order to control access to the experimental data obtained at the ILL in a coherent and secure fashion, the ILL has recently developed a single portal for consulting, downloading and managing your data.  Here “data” is understood to mean raw data (i.e. numor files), processed data, and meta-data (e.g. log files or “logs”).', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R33H18', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ill.eu/users/ill-data-policy/', 'created': '2011-01-26T14:38:37Z', 'updated': '2022-07-27T09:37:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gogv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5291', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ined.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut national d'études démographiques", 'symbol': 'INED.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'INED', 'description': 'L’Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) est un organisme public de recherche spécialisé dans l’étude des populations, partenaire du monde universitaire et de la recherche au niveau national et à l’international.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ined.fr/', 'created': '2021-10-26T14:50:13Z', 'updated': '2021-10-29T14:39:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ined', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48756', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.in2p3', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules', 'symbol': 'INIST.IN2P3', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-10-13T09:09:26Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:53:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25520', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.inrap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives', 'symbol': 'INIST.INRAP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-08T15:06:36Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:55:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34692', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ipbr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'INSTITUT PAUL BOCUSE RESEARCH CENTER', 'symbol': 'INIST.IPBR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'research.institutpaulbocuse.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-03T16:43:49Z', 'updated': '2024-01-24T10:55:49Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26048', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ipsl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace', 'symbol': 'INIST.IPSL', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-09-13T07:10:18Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:55:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14768', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.isae', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace", 'symbol': 'INIST.ISAE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Dispenser un enseignement supérieur ayant pour objet la formation d’ingénieurs hautement qualifiés dans les domaines aéronautique et spatial et les domaines connexes ; dispenser des enseignements de spécialisation, de perfectionnement et de mise à jour des connaissances ; conduire des travaux de recherche scientifique et de développement technologique dans le cadre d’une politique d’information scientifique et technique ; dispenser des formations doctorales', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.isae-supaero.fr/fr/', 'created': '2020-03-11T09:49:09Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:56:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34849', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'univsud.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut universitaire du Sud', 'symbol': 'UNIVSUD.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Univ-Sud', 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://univ-sud.org/', 'created': '2021-12-20T14:43:12Z', 'updated': '2021-12-20T17:43:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'univsud', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48814', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.iqb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen', 'symbol': 'GESIS.IQB', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-01-21T08:30:06Z', 'updated': '2020-11-25T16:04:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5159', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'singuniv.ial', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Adult Learning', 'symbol': 'SINGUNIV.IAL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-10-15T14:12:11Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T14:15:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'singuniv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48378', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ias.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Advanced Study repository', 'symbol': 'IAS.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-08-25T16:49:56Z', 'updated': '2021-08-25T16:50:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ias', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48706', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.iab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Employment Research (IAB)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.IAB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-08T13:00:40Z', 'updated': '2022-12-16T14:41:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iabg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48720', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.qut2', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Future Environments', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.QUT2', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'n2o.net.au,*.n2o.net.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:59Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:49:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25902', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.igi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Humanitarian Studies and Problems of Small Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences', 'symbol': 'RADS.IGI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-19T09:00:51Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T12:41:43Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25693', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.kit-imk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing', 'symbol': 'TIB.KIT-IMK', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'CARIBIC is an innovative scientific project to study and monitor important chemical and physical processes in the Earth´s atmosphere. Detailed and extensive measurements are made during long distance flights. We deploy an airfreight container with automated scientific apparatus which are connected to an air and particle (aerosol) inlet underneath the aircraft. We use an Airbus A340-600 from Lufthansa since December 2004.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'caribic-atmospheric.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3N347', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://www.caribic-atmospheric.com/', 'created': '2014-11-11T09:47:42Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T11:37:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15769', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.pcet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energy Technologies', 'symbol': 'RADS.PCET', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Институт проблем химико-энергетических технологий', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-24T10:28:20Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:50:50Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48427', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'umich.iris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Research on Innovation & Science', 'symbol': 'UMICH.IRIS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-21T15:10:58Z', 'updated': '2018-11-28T15:36:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'umich', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21987', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'umn.ipums', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation', 'symbol': 'UMN.IPUMS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3ZS59', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pop.umn.edu/', 'created': '2018-12-19T18:04:00Z', 'updated': '2023-03-21T12:44:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'umn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18128', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tind.iaea', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Atomic Energy Agency', 'symbol': 'TIND.IAEA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'photos.iaea.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-11T12:51:31Z', 'updated': '2022-08-16T12:04:25Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26101', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.ijsfd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Center for Food Chain and Network Research, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität Bonn', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.IJSFD', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ilb.uni-bonn.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-07-17T11:04:02Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T12:56:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18461', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.incher', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Centre for Higher Education Research', 'symbol': 'GESIS.INCHER', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-16T08:20:01Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T17:40:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nbqj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17906', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gbif.icipe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology', 'symbol': 'GBIF.ICIPE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'ICIPE', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.icipe.org', 'created': '2023-07-21T12:46:16Z', 'updated': '2023-10-11T13:38:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gbif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60798', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'icimod.rds', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Regional Database System', 'symbol': 'ICIMOD.RDS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.icimod.org', 'created': '2018-10-26T07:47:58Z', 'updated': '2019-05-24T04:12:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'icimod', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26066', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'sml.icrisat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics', 'symbol': 'SML.ICRISAT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-03T09:12:29Z', 'updated': '2023-07-13T10:08:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hkwj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21421', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'yrjy.qzwixk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Institute of Social History (IISH)', 'symbol': 'YRJY.QZWIXK', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['nl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://iisg.amsterdam/nl/onderzoek/publicaties', 'created': '2022-06-21T13:06:46Z', 'updated': '2022-06-27T10:12:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yrjy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57868', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.iita', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Institute of Tropical Agriculture datasets', 'symbol': 'BL.IITA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'IITA DataBank', 'description': 'IITA conducts research on the following thematic areas: Biotechnology and genetic improvement, Natural resource management, Social science and agribusiness, and Plant production and plant health.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3K22H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://data.iita.org/', 'created': '2017-11-30T17:31:03Z', 'updated': '2023-09-10T17:05:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ainb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25502', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'gesis.jll', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Journal of Language and Law (JLL)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.JLL', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-02T12:35:13Z', 'updated': '2020-12-03T13:20:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lsac', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14762', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'sml.cip', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Potato Center', 'symbol': 'SML.CIP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'International Potato Center', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-09-16T13:38:05Z', 'updated': '2022-01-25T09:25:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cipperu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'escireco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21223', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.iri', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Research Institute s.r.o.', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.IRI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'real.mtak.hu,irisro.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-04-27T11:32:23Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:50:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18427', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.issm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Social Sciences and management Journal', 'symbol': 'CNRST.ISSM', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'ISSM', 'description': 'The International Social Sciences and Management Journal (ISSM) is an open access international scientific journal specializing in the social sciences and management, and managed by the Observatory of Social Transformations. The ISSM is characterized by its international scope and its multidisciplinary character in a critical and innovative epistimological perspective whose main objective is to contribute to the efforts of the renewal of the social sciences paradigmatic and theoretical framework. It is intended for a wide audience of academics, researchers and young researchers. Submitted articles are evaluated by a scientific reading committee that validates the originality and scientific contribution of the proposed research. The journal is quarterly with a permanent call for publication, and is open to contributions in French or English.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2665-8178'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/ISSM/index', 'created': '2021-03-11T15:09:52Z', 'updated': '2021-03-11T15:11:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'fao.itpgrfa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture', 'symbol': 'FAO.ITPGRFA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'This service assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) for reference in third party systems and scientific literature.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'fao.org,*.fao.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ssl.fao.org/glis', 'created': '2016-02-17T10:23:53Z', 'updated': '2023-05-15T08:05:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fao', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18730', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.matgip', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Interregional Association of Theorists of State and Law', 'symbol': 'RADS.MATGIP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-11T20:24:41Z', 'updated': '2022-08-03T17:02:23Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25839', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivs.intervals', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'INTERVALS', 'symbol': 'IVS.INTERVALS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://intervals.science', 'created': '2019-01-04T12:04:37Z', 'updated': '2019-01-04T14:23:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26126', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gwdgmpg.intranda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Intranda', 'symbol': 'GWDGMPG.INTRANDA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-11T08:54:55Z', 'updated': '2021-10-07T08:30:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gwdgmpg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48644', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.ioc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IOC of UNESCO (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission)', 'symbol': 'DELFT.IOC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.oceanbestpractices.org', 'created': '2018-03-06T12:22:42Z', 'updated': '2023-08-17T08:49:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rzvv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25607', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pangaea.ibcr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IODP Bre\xadmen Core Re\xadpos\xadit\xadory', 'symbol': 'PANGAEA.IBCR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'IBCR', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*.pangaea.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-09T17:30:25Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T14:50:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pangaea', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58100', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.ionian', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ionian University (absorbed TEI of Ionian Islands)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.IONIAN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Ionian University (absorbed TEI of Ionian Islands)', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-17T07:42:12Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:42:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'advl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.ionio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ionion University', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.IONIO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ionio.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:30:32Z', 'updated': '2021-04-26T08:27:24Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.iop', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IOP Publishing', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.IOP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'iop.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-28T08:53:31Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T09:54:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25412', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'caltech.ipacdoi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IPAC', 'symbol': 'CALTECH.IPACDOI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IPAC at Caltech partners with NASA, NSF, JPL and the world-wide research community to advance exploration of our Universe. Beginning with the IRAS mission in 1985 and spanning to Spitzer today, we have enabled transformative research of the infrared sky. We provide science operations, user support, data services, and scientific vision to maximize discovery with observatories both in space and on the ground. We share these discoveries with the public through education outreach programs and award-winning media. Our diverse community of active researchers is dedicated and essential to fulfilling this mission.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.ipac.caltech.edu/', 'created': '2018-12-21T18:38:30Z', 'updated': '2018-12-21T23:15:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'caltech', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26131', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26132', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26133', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26134', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26130', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26135', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26136', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26137', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ipk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IPK Gatersleben', 'symbol': 'TIB.IPK', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': 'Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research', 'description': 'The Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research IPK Gatersleben, is a nonprofit research institution for crop genetics and molecular biology, and is part of the Leibniz Association. The mission of the IPK Gatersleben is to conduct basic and applied research in the area of plant genetics and crop plant research. The results of this work are not only of significant benefit to plant breeders and the agricultural industry, but also to the food, feed, and chemical industry. An additional research area, the use of renewable raw materials, is increasingly gaining in importance.', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'doi.ipk-gatersleben.de,fz-juelich.de,apex.ipk-gatersleben.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3CP9H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.ipk-gatersleben.de/en/databases/', 'created': '2011-06-23T10:23:10Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ipk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5447', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25622', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ipma', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IPMA - Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera', 'symbol': 'IVUW.IPMA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I. P. (IPMA, I. P.), é um instituto público, integrado na administração indireta do Estado, dotado de autonomia administrativa e financeira e património próprio. Prossegue atribuições do Ministério da Economia e do Mar e do Ministério da Agricultura e da Alimentação, sob superintendência e tutela dos respetivos ministros. O IPMA, I. P., é o laboratório de Estado que tem por missão promover e coordenar a investigação científica, o desenvolvimento tecnológico, a inovação e a prestação de serviços no domínio do mar e da atmosfera, assegurando a implementação das estratégias e políticas nacionais nas suas áreas de atuação, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento económico e social, sendo investido nas funções de autoridade nacional nos domínios da meteorologia, meteorologia aeronáutica, do clima, da sismologia e do geomagnetismo.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/10151', 'created': '2023-09-07T14:09:07Z', 'updated': '2023-09-07T15:10:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60698', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.iprbooks', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IPR MEDIA', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.IPRBOOKS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.iprbookshop.ru, *.iprbookshop.ru/*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://iprbookshop.ru/', 'created': '2017-04-12T11:15:28Z', 'updated': '2022-01-26T06:06:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ipr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23682', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ipset', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IPS - Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal', 'symbol': 'IVUW.IPSET', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (IPS) foi criado em 1979 e iniciou as suas atividades em 1981. Atualmente é constituído por cinco Escolas Superiores – Educação, Tecnologia de Setúbal, Ciências Empresariais, Tecnologia do Barreiro e Saúde, com uma oferta formativa muito diversificada ao nível de licenciaturas, mestrados, pós-graduações, cursos de especialização tecnológica e cursos livres. Integra ainda os Serviços de Ação Social, orientados para o apoio aos estudantes, que é responsável pela prestação de serviços como o alojamento, alimentação, serviços de saúde e apoio a atividades desportivas e culturais.\n\nO Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, como Instituição de Ensino Superior, procura, de forma permanente e em articulação com os parceiros sociais, contribuir para a valorização e desenvolvimento da sociedade em geral e da região de Setúbal, em particular, através de atividades de formação terciária, de investigação e de prestação de serviços, que concorram para a criação, desenvolvimento, difusão e transferência de conhecimento e para a promoção da ciência e da cultura.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/2615?locale=pt_PT', 'created': '2023-04-26T13:03:56Z', 'updated': '2023-04-26T13:39:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60546', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.bifie', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IQS - Institut des Bundes für Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Schulwesen', 'symbol': 'GESIS.BIFIE', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'Federal Institute for Quality Assurance in the Austrian School System', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-02-05T13:17:56Z', 'updated': '2021-01-13T07:44:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qefw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14472', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17888', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.ibj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Iranian Biomedical Journal', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.IBJ', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'ibj.pasteur.ac.ir,en.pasteur.ac.ir', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-12-16T09:43:55Z', 'updated': '2021-04-28T16:59:44Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6091', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tyef.mncwng', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc)', 'symbol': 'TYEF.MNCWNG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fa'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-11T04:49:21Z', 'updated': '2022-06-11T04:49:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tyef', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'xvdz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'brand.irbu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IRBU', 'symbol': 'BRAND.IRBU', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IRBU is Brandon University’s Institutional Repository.  Its mandate is to store, preserve, make visible and openly available digital assets of the University, which include, but are not limited to scholarly, educational and institutional outputs of the University, as well as selected archival collections.\n\nIRBU is managed by the Digital Asset Management Committee/IRBU Working Group within the John E. Robbins Library and S.J. McKee Archives at Brandon University in accordance with IRBU policies and procedures.\n\nThe IRBU Working Group is happy to work in conjunction with relevant and interested stakeholders and wishes to thank Brandon University for its ongoing support of IRBU.  We would also like to thank our partners at the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) and ARCA for helping to make this repository possible.  The ongoing support of all partners will help ensure that Brandon University’s publications and creations are used and enjoyed by people around the globe.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://irbu.arcabc.ca/', 'created': '2022-01-26T21:15:08Z', 'updated': '2022-01-26T21:19:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'brand', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57692', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ird', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IRD', 'symbol': 'INIST.IRD', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-06T14:29:54Z', 'updated': '2023-10-19T09:24:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23708', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'skmf.rpqfco-iris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IRIS Database', 'symbol': 'SKMF.RPQFCO-IRIS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'A digital repository of instruments and materials for research into second languages', 'description': 'IRIS is a collection of instruments, materials, stimuli, and data coding and analysis tools used for research into second languages, including second and foreign language learning, multilingualism, language education, language use and processing. Materials are freely accessible and searchable, easy to upload (for contributions) and download (for use).', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'iris-database.org,legacy.iris-database.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.iris-database.org', 'created': '2021-03-15T16:55:02Z', 'updated': '2023-01-16T14:18:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'skmf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48316', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'issda.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Irish Social Sciences Data Archive (ISSDA)', 'symbol': 'ISSDA.DATA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'ISSDA Data Repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-15T13:59:49Z', 'updated': '2024-01-11T14:27:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'issda', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'IRLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7929', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.ismu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IRKUTSK STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY', 'symbol': 'RADS.ISMU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-03T10:49:51Z', 'updated': '2020-02-03T10:51:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34673', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'irpp.pwyjan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IRPP', 'symbol': 'IRPP.PWYJAN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'irpp.org, centre.irpp.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T13:05:26Z', 'updated': '2022-03-10T19:50:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'irpp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26070', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.iscpsi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ISCPSI - Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ISCPSI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'RC-ISCPSI', 'description': 'O Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna é uma instituição de ensino superior público universitário policial único em Portugal e pioneiro na Europa e no mundo no estudo das ciências policiais e da segurança interna, sendo a sua marca a garantia dos diretos humanos. O ISCPSI tem por missão ministrar formação inicial e ao longo da vida dos quadros superiores da Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) por meio de cursos conferentes e não conferentes de graus académicos em ciências policias, e prestar um serviço contínuo de formação a todos os dirigentes de outras forças, serviços e organismos de segurança nacionais e estrangeiros, em especial da lusofonia. O ISCPSI promove para toda a comunidade nacional e internacional a oferta de cursos conferentes de grau académico no âmbito das ciências policiais e segurança interna, através do Mestrado em Ciências Policiais com três especializações: segurança interna, gestão da segurança, criminologia e investigação criminal.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/6300', 'created': '2022-04-05T11:06:51Z', 'updated': '2022-04-05T13:30:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57776', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usc.kidney', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ISI Kidney Datasets', 'symbol': 'USC.KIDNEY', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-03T15:40:45Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:35:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25548', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mskcc.isic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ISIC Archive', 'symbol': 'MSKCC.ISIC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://isic-archive.com/', 'created': '2020-03-30T18:39:51Z', 'updated': '2020-09-01T18:28:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mskcc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34970', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bqyj.cqdqzk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ISIMIP Repository', 'symbol': 'BQYJ.CQDQZK', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.isimip.org', 'created': '2020-10-01T10:55:21Z', 'updated': '2021-02-03T16:46:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bqyj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48364', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dcqw.isoarch', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IsoArcH database', 'symbol': 'DCQW.ISOARCH', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IsoArcH is an open access and collaborative isotope database for bioarcheological samples from all time periods and all around the world. It consists of georeferenced isotopic, archaeological, and anthropological information related to the study of 1) dietary and mobility patterns of human and animal populations, 2) animal and crop management practices, and 3) past climates and environments.\n\nIsoArcH aims at facilitating information exchange, collaboration, and discussion between science-based archaeologists (anthropologists, zooarchaeologists, archaeobotanists, etc.), generalist archaeologists, and historians. It is designed in a cooperative perspective, where users are able to explore and download all the available data from the database, and may contribute to expand the content of the website by uploading new data.\n\nAs of now, IsoArcH compiles data from dozens of scientific publications for 8,562 humans, 3,624 animals, 566 plants, and 10 organic residues coming from 532 archaeological sites.\n\nIn addition, IsoArcH allows one to undertake multi-scale analysis, and to realize extensive studies and syntheses on the issues of paleodiet, food production, resource management, migrations, paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes. It offers the opportunity to create large isotopic baselines for animals and plants in order to better understand the diet and the mobility of humans or animals. Furthermore, isotopic data may be displayed on historical maps, which makes it possible to re-contextualize ancient biogeochemical data within global geopolitical frameworks. Finally, IsoArcH allows the users to customize their own digital maps, and to export them for personal purposes.\n\nIsoArcH is a completely free tool, created for you and with you. All content is distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).\n\nThe project team thanks the very large number of people and sponsors who have generously encouraged the IsoArcH initiative.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://isoarch.eu/', 'created': '2021-03-22T09:18:47Z', 'updated': '2021-03-22T09:51:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dcqw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48530', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.isric', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ISRIC - World Soil Information', 'symbol': 'DELFT.ISRIC', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': 'WDC Soils', 'description': 'ISRIC - World Soil Information is an independent foundation. As regular member of the ICS World Data System it is also known as World Data Centre for Soils (WDC-Soils). ISRIC was founded in 1966 through the International Soil Science Society (ISSS) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It has a mission to serve the international community with information about the world’s soil resources to help addressing major global issues.\nOur work is organised according to four work streams: 1) Global soil information (i.e., soil databases and soil mapping) and standards, 2) Community of practice for soil information providers, 3) Products and services to support sustainable land management decision making, and 4) Awareness, education and dialogue. Further information: https://www.isric.org/about/vision-mission.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3X01J', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.isric.org/', 'created': '2014-10-30T07:26:49Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dfvb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DELFTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17027', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ist.rex', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ISTA Research Explorer', 'symbol': 'IST.REX', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'ISTA REx', 'description': 'ISTA Research Explorer is an online digital repository of multi-disciplinary research datasets as well as publications produced at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), hosted by the Library.\nISTA researchers who have produced research data associated with an existing or forthcoming publication, or which has potential use for other researches, are invited to upload their dataset for sharing and safekeeping.\nA persistent identifier and suggested citation will be provided.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'research-explorer.ista.ac.at,research-explorer.app.ist.ac.at,datarep.app.ist.ac.at,repository.ist.ac.at', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3877B', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research-explorer.ista.ac.at', 'created': '2020-02-06T08:07:08Z', 'updated': '2023-05-02T14:21:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ista', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15479', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'crui.inaf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica', 'symbol': 'CRUI.INAF', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.INAF.IT,*.inaf.it,openaccess.inaf.it,astroedu.iau.org,', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-01-16T10:55:58Z', 'updated': '2022-02-08T08:25:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fltj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20371', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.infncnaf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. Centro Nazionale Analisi Fotogrammi', 'symbol': 'CRUI.INFNCNAF', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.openaccessrepository.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-07-23T16:38:34Z', 'updated': '2021-06-22T15:10:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oxeg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15161', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ethz.itis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "IT'IS Foundation", 'symbol': 'ETHZ.ITIS', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ethz.ch,itis.swiss', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-03-19T08:41:10Z', 'updated': '2022-11-07T12:41:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wlis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13099', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.itec', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ITEC', 'symbol': 'CNRST.ITEC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'La revue ITEC s’intéresse aux questions relatives aux apprentissages médiatisés et aux changements induits par les technologies aux plans sociétal et éducatif. \n\nLes productions publiées dans la revue ITEC respectent les exigences scientifiques et morales régissant la recherche scientifique à l’échelle internationale.\n\nLa priorité en termes de publication est donnée aux :\n\nrésultats des recherches-action menées à l’échelle de l’université,\nretours d’expériences relatifs aux outils testés ou développés par les usagers,\nrecherches théoriques et développement de modèles\net aux travaux des doctorants (rubrique dédiée).', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'http://itec.ump.ma/index.php/itec', 'created': '2023-11-14T14:38:22Z', 'updated': '2023-12-01T10:19:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60590', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nbqj.ites', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ITES Blog', 'symbol': 'NBQJ.ITES', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-10-21T11:48:54Z', 'updated': '2021-10-21T11:53:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nbqj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48747', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'gfz.iugg2023', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IUGG 2023', 'symbol': 'GFZ.IUGG2023', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository for the abstracts of the IUGG 2023 conference', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de', 'created': '2022-04-04T12:48:11Z', 'updated': '2022-04-04T12:49:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57757', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.iumspdat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IUMSP: Data', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.IUMSPDAT', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-11-23T13:54:45Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T15:20:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yosk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.16909', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iu.pui', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'IUPUI University Library', 'symbol': 'IU.PUI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-02T18:49:11Z', 'updated': '2020-05-28T19:29:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7912', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uutah.marriott', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'J. Willard Marriott Library', 'symbol': 'UUTAH.MARRIOTT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-10-24T22:04:17Z', 'updated': '2018-10-25T17:48:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uutah', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7278', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26051', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26052', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26053', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26054', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26055', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cern.jacow', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'JACOW', 'symbol': 'CERN.JACOW', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'accelconf.web.cern.ch,jacow.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://jacow.org', 'created': '2016-02-16T12:18:27Z', 'updated': '2023-06-01T13:32:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18429', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.ujagdia', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Jagiellonian University, Institute of Philosophy, Diametros Journal', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.UJAGDIA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'uj.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-27T14:40:15Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:35:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13153', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.ujagpl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Jagiellonian University, The Polish Journal of Aesthetics', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.UJAGPL', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'pl'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'pjaesthetics.uj.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2544-8242'}, 'url': 'https://pjaesthetics.uj.edu.pl/', 'created': '2018-03-12T11:08:23Z', 'updated': '2023-12-20T16:43:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.19205', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'jcu.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'James Cook University', 'symbol': 'JCU.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'research.jcu.edu.au,researchonline.jcu.edu.au,eresearch.jcu.edu.au,nqheritage.jcu.edu.au,*.jcu.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:18Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:18:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jcu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25903', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'subgoe.jna', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'JNA - Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte (Universität Kiel)', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.JNA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-12T12:46:13Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:38:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12766', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbw.jhs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Joachim Herz Stiftung (Programmbereich Wirtschaft)', 'symbol': 'ZBW.JHS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-09T08:18:30Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:57:58Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18719', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.joanneum', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH', 'symbol': 'TIB.JOANNEUM', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'joanneum.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-09-20T07:56:02Z', 'updated': '2023-07-05T10:14:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7800', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.hebis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität', 'symbol': 'TIB.HEBIS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hebis.de,publikationsserver.thm.de,thmdok.hebis.de,hlbrm.pur.hebis.de,www.amad.org,hfmdk.hebis.de,gude.uni-frankfurt.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-06T11:24:49Z', 'updated': '2023-08-15T09:27:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'udkk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25716', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdcc.jhu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'GDCC.JHU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository contains data collections produced by the Johns Hopkins community of researchers for public access and use. Each dataset has a citation and DOI, facilitating attribution and connection to research publications. If you are conducting research at Johns Hopkins and are interested in depositing your data with the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository, please contact us (dataservices@jhu.edu) to discuss your research and data access needs. Currently, the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository operates on the Dataverse repository software platform. More information about the benefits of archiving data and the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository can be found here: http://dataservices.library.jhu.edu/archiving/.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3RW77', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://archive.data.jhu.edu/', 'created': '2018-09-19T22:00:01Z', 'updated': '2023-03-01T18:20:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jhul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7281', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jhu.ds', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Johns Hopkins University Data Services', 'symbol': 'JHU.DS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-08T18:57:58Z', 'updated': '2020-09-28T13:23:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jhu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26144', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.jncc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Joint Nature Conservation Committee', 'symbol': 'BL.JNCC', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hub.jncc.gov.uk,jncc.defra.gov.uk,data.jncc.gov.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-12-07T15:27:42Z', 'updated': '2021-10-18T16:00:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fmlv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25603', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pldp.doris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Jönköping University /DORIS repository', 'symbol': 'PLDP.DORIS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-20T14:10:03Z', 'updated': '2022-05-24T07:30:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pldp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57817', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'yykf.sds-x', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Josefine Nordling', 'symbol': 'YYKF.SDS-X', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'CSC Sensitive Data', 'description': 'CSC Sensitive Data is a public data repository for storing, handling and sharing of sensitive data consented for research. The repositroy provides secure data submission service for researchers to publish their data and with the data custodian approval facilitates secondary research use.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-20T14:22:56Z', 'updated': '2022-09-16T07:13:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yykf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cscco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24340', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.unistroy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal "Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures"', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.UNISTROY', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'ru'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'unistroy.spbstu.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://unistroy.spbstu.ru/', 'created': '2016-10-24T13:39:49Z', 'updated': '2022-02-22T10:12:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4123', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.o-kratkoe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal «Theoretical and applied ecology»', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.O-KRATKOE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'envjournal.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-29T08:57:46Z', 'updated': '2022-05-25T12:33:52Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocsj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25750', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jemed', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal d’Economie, de Management, d’Environnement et de Droit', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JEMED', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'JEMED', 'description': 'La revue Journal d’Economie, de Management, d’Environnement et de Droit (JEMED) est une revue scientifique internationale ayant pour objectif de contribuer à la diffusion des articles originaux, se situant dans le champ de la recherche théorique ou empirique, de chercheurs en économie, en management, en environnement et en droit et qui respectent l’éthique de la recherche scientifique et les standards et normes académiques internationales. Elle ambitionne de participer à la promotion de la connaissance et de la recherche nationale en sciences économiques, en sciences de gestion, en sciences juridiques et d’environnement.', 'language': ['fr', 'ar', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2605-6461'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/JEMED', 'created': '2020-10-23T09:36:41Z', 'updated': '2020-10-23T09:45:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48398', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jsmo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal de la Société Marocaine d’Ophtalmologie', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JSMO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'JSMO', 'description': 'Le Journal de la Société Marocaine d’Ophtalmologie est une revue éditée par la société marocaine d’ophtalmologie qui publie des travaux scientifiques dans le domaine d’ophtalmologie élaborés par des chercheurs marocains. Elle comporte trois rubriques : une pour les articles originaux, une pour les cas cliniques et une dernière rubrique pour la formation continue. La revue reçoit également des articles venant des pays voisins qui traitent de l’ophtalmologie dans ces pays. Le but de la revue est de promouvoir la production scientifique de notre pays.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '2550-3987', 'electronic': '2658-851X'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/jsmo', 'created': '2020-10-25T09:19:45Z', 'updated': '2020-10-25T09:28:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48400', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.jams', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal for Art Market Studies', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.JAMS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'fokum-jams.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-01-17T12:27:12Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:39:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23690', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jmsm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal Marocain des Sciences Médicales', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JMSM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'JMSM', 'description': 'Le Journal Marocain des Sciences Médicales est une revue bimestrielle, éditée par la SMSM, dont les buts sont la formation médicale continue et l’information médicale. Le journal publie des articles originaux, des éditoriaux, des revues générales et des mises au point, des conduites à tenir, des cas cliniques, des notes techniques, les comptes rendus des réunions scientifiques de la SMSM, des commentaires de la littérature, des échos des congrès et des informations médicales. Ces articles sont destinés à un large public médical.\nFondé en 1989 - D.L N° 176/95 - ISSN : 1113-5867', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '1113-5867'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/JMSM/index', 'created': '2020-10-27T08:26:34Z', 'updated': '2020-10-27T08:37:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48401', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.nm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal Nauka Mysl', 'symbol': 'RADS.NM', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'stepj.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-23T11:21:11Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T12:44:30Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25726', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jasab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Analytical Sciences and Applied Biotechnology', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JASAB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'JASAB', 'description': 'Journal of Analytical Sciences and Applied Biotechnology (JASAB) is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed online journal aiming at publishing high-quality research in all areas of : Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Environment, Energy. The journal has commenced its publication from 2019. The journal accepts submission relating to all subject. The journal also welcomes short papers, commentaries and review articles on any topic related to the scope of the journal.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2665-8488'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/JASAB/index', 'created': '2020-11-02T10:05:43Z', 'updated': '2020-11-02T10:44:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48402', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jases', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Studies', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JASES', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'JASES', 'description': 'Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Studies (J.A.S.E.S) ISSN : 2605-7565 is a quarterly peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of Physic, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and Environment Science. It provides a platform for rapid publication of quality research papers, reviews and chemistry letters.\n\nJournal of Applied Science and environmental Studies, JASES, is published by the University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah, USMBA, Fez. Morocco.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2605-7565'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/jases', 'created': '2020-10-22T09:04:57Z', 'updated': '2020-10-22T09:09:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48393', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jasi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Applied Surfaces and Interfaces', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JASI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'JASI', 'description': 'Journal of Applied Surfaces and Interfaces(JASI) is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the application of surfaces and interfacial phenomena. The journal is concerned with high quality scientific research papers in all experimental and theoretical aspects (including modelling) of surfaces and interfaces of materials with significant applications in energy, environment, food, health. Criteria for publication in JASI are novelty, quality and current interest. Contributions must be in English and must not have been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journal.\n\nJournal of Applied Surfaces and Interfaces is abstracted and indexed by DOAJ, CiteFactor, Google Scholar, and is under evaluation by others.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2550-4800'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/jasi/index', 'created': '2021-01-19T10:38:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-19T18:39:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48442', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.jates', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.JATES', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'jates.org, real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-27T13:35:32Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:13:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24368', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.incart', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Arrhythmology', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.INCART', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'vestar.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-23T06:32:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-29T15:09:07Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25760', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'capil.jcp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Childhoods and Pedagogies', 'symbol': 'CAPIL.JCP', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2368-948X'}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-09T21:47:45Z', 'updated': '2023-01-25T22:48:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'capil', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58042', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbw.iree', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics (JCRE)', 'symbol': 'ZBW.IREE', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-07-12T13:42:29Z', 'updated': '2023-03-16T09:07:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zbwg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18718', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'grjh.jom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Maths', 'symbol': 'GRJH.JOM', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'JOM', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'https://ejournals.bibliothek.fhws.de/jom', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://ejournals.bibliothek.fhws.de/jom', 'created': '2022-09-13T08:27:56Z', 'updated': '2022-09-13T08:32:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'grjh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57948', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.medmat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Medical Materials and Technologies', 'symbol': 'TIB.MEDMAT', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*medmat.tech, medmat.online', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://medmat.tech', 'created': '2017-02-13T12:21:55Z', 'updated': '2021-01-29T14:48:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'awzy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24354', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vcu.jqtse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Journal of Queer and Trans Studies in Education', 'symbol': 'VCU.JQTSE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-31T21:28:47Z', 'updated': '2023-07-31T21:30:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60808', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'estdoi.keel', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Keeleressursid. The Center of Estonian Language Resources', 'symbol': 'ESTDOI.KEEL', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The goal of the Center of Estonian Language Resources (CELR) is to create and manage an infrastructure to make the Estonian language digital resources (dictionaries, corpora – both text and speech –, various language databases) and language technology tools (software) available to everyone working with digital language materials. CELR coordinates and organises the documentation and archiving of the resources as well as develops language technology standards and draws up necessary legal contracts and licences for different types of users (public, academic, commercial, etc.). In addition to collecting language resources, a system will be launched for introducing the resources to, informing and educating the potential users.\r\nThe main users of CELR are researchers from Estonian R&D institutions and Social Sciences and Humanities researchers all over the world via the CLARIN ERIC network of similar centers in Europe.\r\nAccess to data is provided through different sites:  \r\nPublic Repository https://entu.keeleressursid.ee/public-document , \r\nLanguage resources https://keeleressursid.ee/en/resources/corpora, \r\nand MetaShare CELR https://metashare.ut.ee/', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ut.ee,keeleressursid.ee', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3P636', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://keeleressursid.ee/en/resources', 'created': '2014-10-17T15:23:28Z', 'updated': '2023-11-29T07:20:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tawj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15155', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kiyb.keen', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'KEEN', 'symbol': 'KIYB.KEEN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'KEEN Data Management Platform', 'description': 'The KEEN Data Management Platform is a common central Data Management and Storage Platform for KEEN.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'keen.zih.tu-dresden.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'keen.zih.tu-dresden.de', 'created': '2022-05-30T12:18:10Z', 'updated': '2022-06-01T11:08:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kiyb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57826', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cmu.kilthub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'KiltHub Repository', 'symbol': 'CMU.KILTHUB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*,kilthub.cmu.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://kilthub.cmu.edu/', 'created': '2019-05-14T16:42:13Z', 'updated': '2020-11-09T10:24:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.1184', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34666', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'issai.ksc2020', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'KSC', 'symbol': 'ISSAI.KSC2020', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://issai.nu.edu.kz/kz-speech-corpus/', 'created': '2020-09-19T09:01:53Z', 'updated': '2022-09-17T13:33:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'issai', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48342', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'brvz.rdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'KU Leuven RDR', 'symbol': 'BRVZ.RDR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'KU Leuven Research Data Repository', 'description': 'KU Leuven RDR (pronounced "RaDaR") is KU Leuven\'s Research Data Repository, built on Dataverse.org - open source repository software built by Harvard University. RDR gives KU Leuven researchers a one-stop platform to upload, describe, and share their research data, conveniently and with support from university staff.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'rdr.kuleuven.be', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJN5S', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://rdr.kuleuven.be/', 'created': '2021-12-13T15:52:56Z', 'updated': '2023-03-06T14:31:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'brvz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48804', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'brvz.awlzti', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'KU Leuven Research Infrastructures and Services', 'symbol': 'BRVZ.AWLZTI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository for KU Leuven research infrastructures, tools and services. Among others KU Leuven core facilities, labs, appliances, services, research databases, …', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-27T07:36:19Z', 'updated': '2022-10-27T07:43:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'brvz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57991', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kudos.kudos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Kudos Innovations Ltd', 'symbol': 'KUDOS.KUDOS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-19T14:34:23Z', 'updated': '2019-09-30T11:12:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kudos', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26303', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'kug.scholar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'KUG Scholar', 'symbol': 'KUG.SCHOLAR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://kugscholar.kug.ac.at/', 'created': '2021-12-06T10:43:46Z', 'updated': '2021-12-07T10:20:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kug', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'viennaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48795', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.kulban', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Különleges Bánásmód', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.KULBAN', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'degyfk.hu,real.mtak.hu,real-j.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-12-16T14:27:31Z', 'updated': '2021-05-12T14:12:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18458', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ufg.phaidra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Kunstuniversität Linz, Abschlussarbeiten', 'symbol': 'UFG.PHAIDRA', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-02-01T14:32:28Z', 'updated': '2024-01-16T09:44:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ufg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VIENNACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57697', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nbqj.kup-gmbh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'kup GmbH DOI', 'symbol': 'NBQJ.KUP-GMBH', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'In diesem Repository sind alle DOI der ehemaligen kup GmbH. Ursprünglich wurden diese bei Medra angelegt.', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-10-08T10:38:04Z', 'updated': '2020-10-08T12:07:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nbqj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.19211', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.ktbl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e. V. (KTBL)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.KTBL', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.landtechnik-online.eu,*.ktbl.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-12-10T11:05:43Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T12:55:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15150', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.irea', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Kurchatov Institute - IREA', 'symbol': 'RADS.IREA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-25T07:58:17Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T15:25:29Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25843', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.kmg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska "Studia Gdańskie"', 'symbol': 'PSNC.KMG', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-21T08:38:18Z', 'updated': '2023-12-27T09:02:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26142', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'latrobe.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'La Trobe University', 'symbol': 'LATROBE.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'latrobe.edu.au,figshare.com,*.latrobe.edu.au,*.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:19Z', 'updated': '2023-12-01T00:44:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'latrobe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26181', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'labarc.pro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LabArchives Production', 'symbol': 'LABARC.PRO', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-09T15:15:28Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'labarc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6070', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25833', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.aau', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Laboratoire Ambiances Architectures, Urbanités', 'symbol': 'JBRU.AAU', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'AAU-UMR 1563 CNRS/ECN/ENSA Grenoble/ENSA Nantes', 'description': 'Depuis sa création en 1998, le laboratoire se développe de manière fortement interdisciplinaire, tant par sa composition (architectes, sociologues, informaticiens, anthropologues, urbanistes, géographes, physiciens, historiens, philosophes), que par les problématiques et enjeux auxquels il répond (architecture, environnement, ville), et par les outils qu’il conçoit et met en oeuvre (méthodologies d’enquêtes in situ, modélisation et simulation des phénomènes d’ambiances, réalité virtuelle, etc.).\n\nAAU est à l’origine du Réseau International Ambiances, réseau scientifique thématique du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (http://www.ambiances.net/), d’un Groupement de Recherche International du CNRS (GDRI « Ambiances en traduction »), des revues scientifiques « Lieux Communs » et « Ambiances – Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain » publiée sur le portail OpenEdition (http://ambiances.revues.org/), du site Cartophonies qui permet d’explorer l’expérience sonore contemporaine (http://www.cartophonies.fr/), ainsi que de plusieurs carnets de recherche en ligne. Le laboratoire bénéficie d’un important réseau de partenaires sur les deux sites des équipes de Grenoble et de Nantes, ainsi qu’au niveau national et international.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://aau.archi.fr/', 'created': '2021-03-23T11:02:13Z', 'updated': '2021-10-17T13:19:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48537', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.latmos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Laboratoire ATmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales', 'symbol': 'INIST.LATMOS', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-10T14:58:07Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T15:47:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21413', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.aoroc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Laboratoire d'Archéologie et  Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident", 'symbol': 'JBRU.AOROC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'UMR8546', 'description': 'AOROC – CNRS ENS UMR 8546 Archéologie & Philologie d’Orient et d’Occident - CNRS PSL \nL’Unité Mixte de Recherche n° 8546, AOROC (Archéologie et Philologie d’Orient et d’Occident), est le fruit d’un partenariat fructueux entre le CNRS, l’ENS et l’EPHE, devenues deux composantes de l’Université Paris Sciences Lettres (PSL) le 8 novembre 2019. \nElle est le résultat de la fusion de six équipes d’archéologie du CNRS, d’une équipe de philologie de l’ENS, d’une équipe  d’égyptologie, et d’une équipe d’humanités numériques de l’EPHE. \nAOROC est le seul laboratoire CNRS d’archéologie, d’histoire et de philologie dont l’ensemble des tutelles sont membres de l’Université PSL.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://archeo.ens.fr/', 'created': '2022-10-14T06:48:03Z', 'updated': '2024-01-23T09:49:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57976', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.driihm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Laboratoire d'Excellence Dispositif de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Interactions Hommes-Milieux", 'symbol': 'INIST.DRIIHM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'LabEx DRIIHM (CNRS)', 'description': "Le LabEx DRIIHM, Dispositif de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Interactions Hommes-Milieux, regroupe les Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (OHM, au nombre de 13*), outils créés par le CNRS-INEE en 2007.\n\nCe LabEx mis en place initialement pour 8 ans (février 2012 - décembre 2019) avec une dotation de 6,5 Millions d'Euros vient d'être renouvelé pour une période de 5 ans (jusqu'à fin 2024).\n\n* Les 13 OHMs : Bassin Minier de Provence, Oyapock (Guyane française), Estarreja (Portugal), Tessékéré (Sénégal), Pyrénées-Haut Vicdessos, Vallée du Rhône, Littoral Méditerranéen, Nunavik (Canada), Pays de Bitche, Pima County (USA, co-créé par l'INEE et l'INSHS), Littoral Caraïbe (Guadeloupe), Patagonia-Bahia Exploradores (Chili) et Fessenheim.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.driihm.fr', 'created': '2020-06-03T08:48:50Z', 'updated': '2021-07-07T09:23:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34972', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.biomaps', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Laboratoire d'Imagerie Médicale Multimodale", 'symbol': 'JBRU.BIOMAPS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'UMR 9011 BioMaps', 'description': 'Le laboratoire d’Imagerie biomédicale multimodale Paris Saclay (BioMaps) a pour objectif la conception de méthodes, d’instruments et d’agents d’imagerie biomédicale de différentes modalités d’imagerie et leur transfert vers les applications cliniques en neurologie et cancérologie. Conçu dans le contexte d’un rapprochement de deux unités aux compétences complémentaires et autour desquelles la recherche en imagerie biomédicale à Paris Sud s’est structurée ces dernières décennies (l’IR4M et l’IMIV), BioMaps entend constituer un acteur majeur de la recherche en imagerie médicale aux interfaces Physique-Chimie-Médecine de Paris-Saclay.\n\nCette unité regroupe les expertises et les équipements indispensables au développement d’approches innovantes en imagerie et à leur application pour l’étude des processus physiopathologiques, pour le diagnostic et l’évaluation thérapeutique.\n\nD’une part, BioMaps rassemble des expertises méthodologiques et instrumentales fortes dans 3 modalités majeures de l’imagerie médicale que sont l’IRM, les ultrasons et la TEP. D’autre part, BioMaps insère ses activités dans la recherche hospitalo-universitaire de Paris Saclay, s’appuyant sur une forte implication des radiologues et des médecins nucléaires.\n\nLes activités de recherche sont organisées en 4 thématiques traduisant un continuum d’expertises allant de la technologie à la médecine, mettant en exergue 2 domaines technologiques (développements instrumentaux et développements en radiochimie) et 2 domaines phares d’application (imagerie en oncologie et neuroimagerie).', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.biomaps.universite-paris-saclay.fr/', 'created': '2021-05-11T14:01:11Z', 'updated': '2021-05-11T14:01:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48594', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.lipm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes', 'symbol': 'INIST.LIPM', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-24T13:15:21Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:59:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25794', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kqzy.ibisc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Laboratoire Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes (Université Paris-Saclay)', 'symbol': 'KQZY.IBISC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Le laboratoire IBISC (Informatique, BioInformatique, Systèmes Complexes EA 4526) est un laboratoire de l’Université d’Évry Paris-Saclay qui est structuré en 4 équipes de recherche : AROBAS, COSMO, IRA2 et SIAM. La spécificité du laboratoire est son implantation sur deux sites de l’université : IBGBI et PELVOUX. Cette spécificité est renforcée par le rattachement à deux UFRs scientifiques distinctes : l’UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées (SFA) et l’UFR Sciences et Technologies (ST). En 2017, le laboratoire IBISC accueillait 23% des effectifs enseignants-chercheurs de l’UEVE avec une forte implication dans la gouvernance de l’université (7 Vice-Présidents , des membres élus au Conseil d’Administration, à la Commission de la Formation et de la Vie Universitaire, à la Commission de la Recherche, 1 directeur d’IUT, 1 directeur d’UFR, 8 directeurs de départements d’enseignement).\n\nLes activités de recherche menées au sein du laboratoire IBISC traitent de la modélisation, la conception, la simulation et la validation des systèmes complexes. Les systèmes considérés sont aussi bien des systèmes biologiques que des systèmes artificiels (robots, drones, véhicules intelligents', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/', 'created': '2021-03-29T14:33:57Z', 'updated': '2021-03-29T14:43:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kqzy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48545', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cub.lasp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)', 'symbol': 'CUB.LASP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-31T19:39:42Z', 'updated': '2022-10-13T21:51:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cub', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25980', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.lernzdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lake Ecosystem Restoration New Zealand', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.LERNZDB', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'lernzdb.its.waikato.ac.nz,figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-06-06T10:23:12Z', 'updated': '2022-10-07T15:26:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15466', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'landcare.soils', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Land Resource Information Systems Portal', 'symbol': 'LANDCARE.SOILS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'LRIS Portal', 'description': 'The LRIS portal is the first element of scinfo.org.nz, a new repository of authoritative New Zealand science datasets and information. It is has been created in response to a growing expectation that government and publicly funded science data should be readily available in authoritative human and machine readable forms.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3660Q', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://lris.scinfo.org.nz/', 'created': '2019-12-19T15:41:00Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'landcare', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'doinzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26060', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'landcare.general', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Landcare Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'LANDCARE.GENERAL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Datastore Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua', 'description': "The Landcare Research DataStore ('the DataStore') is the general data catalogue and repository for Environmental Research Data from Landcare Research.\nMuch of Landcare Research’s research data is available through specific web pages, but many datasets sit outside these areas. This data repository provides a mechanism for our staff to deposit and document this wider range of datasets so that they may be discovered and potentially re-used.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3092N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datastore.landcareresearch.co.nz/', 'created': '2019-12-19T15:41:56Z', 'updated': '2023-09-21T00:51:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'landcare', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'doinzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7931', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sbgr.lbeg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie', 'symbol': 'SBGR.LBEG', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-19T15:55:48Z', 'updated': '2021-02-19T16:24:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sbgr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48476', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'olmo.bdiolq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Landesinstitut für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsgestaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen (LIA)', 'symbol': 'OLMO.BDIOLQ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.lia.nrw.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-04-09T09:11:14Z', 'updated': '2022-05-04T07:53:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'olmo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48551', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.lacito', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale', 'symbol': 'INIST.LACITO', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-31T14:06:42Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T09:59:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24397', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.lcs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Langues, cultures et sociétés', 'symbol': 'CNRST.LCS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'LCS', 'description': "Revue à dominante linguistique, où les différentes branches des Sciences du langage ont leur place comme la sociolinguistique, la lexicologie, la lexicographie, la terminologie, la syntaxe, la phonologie, la morphologie, etc.\nRevue à portée pluridisciplinaire car elle est ouverte à d’autres spécialités des Sciences humaines et sociales où le langage est utilisé en tant que support de réflexion, comme l’anthropologie, la didactique, la psychologie, la sociologie, le droit social, l’histoire, la littérature, etc.\n\nRevue à caractère empirique car elle est consacrée aux travaux de terrain et aux observables au sein desquels les faits de langue occupent une place de choix, à travers notamment l’étude de l’oralité et des technolectes (langages spécialisés).\nRevue à dimension appliquée car elle est dédiée à une réflexion approfondie sur l'enseignement/apprentissage  des langues et par les langues et sur les diverses politiques linguistiques et éducatives.\nRevue à visée novatrice dans la mesure où la culture numérique, les TICE, le e learning, la cyberlangue et les différentes applications sociales qui en sont faites feront partie des questions abordées, aussi bien au niveau local qu’à celui global.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2550-651X'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/LCS/index', 'created': '2020-10-22T08:54:11Z', 'updated': '2020-10-22T08:56:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48384', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.lm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lantmäteriet', 'symbol': 'SND.LM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-08T08:52:33Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:16:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23701', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.av', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Larionov A.V.', 'symbol': 'RADS.AV', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-10-28T14:25:33Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T15:31:27Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34686', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cide.bumsgb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Latin American Economic Review', 'symbol': 'CIDE.BUMSGB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'LAER', 'description': 'Latin American Economic Review (LAER) is the leading general interest economics journal on topics relevant to Latin America. The journal welcomes high-quality theoretical and quantitative research papers on economic, social and political-economy issues with a regional focus. Articles presenting new data bases or describing structural reforms within a rigorous theoretical framework will also be considered. A few (illustrative) examples of topics that may be of special interest to LAER include: development, labor, health, poverty, informal sector, corruption, crime, drug policy, social mobility, price controls, energy and environmental policy, natural resources, and technology transfer. Research on empirical finance is welcome as long as they address an original research question relevant to the Latin American regions.', 'language': ['es', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '21983526', 'electronic': '2196436X'}, 'url': 'https://latinaer.org/', 'created': '2023-12-04T05:56:21Z', 'updated': '2023-12-04T06:00:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cide', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60758', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnpqorg.rep1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lattes Data', 'symbol': 'CNPQORG.REP1', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-24T11:33:23Z', 'updated': '2022-05-09T20:49:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnpqorg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57810', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tul.lawatlas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LawAtlas', 'symbol': 'TUL.LAWATLAS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Datasets on LawAtlas.org use policy surveillance to capture the characteristics of laws and policies of public health significance.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://lawatlas.org/', 'created': '2023-06-06T17:39:02Z', 'updated': '2023-06-12T18:26:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60541', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lbs.pub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LBS Publishing', 'symbol': 'LBS.PUB', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'London Business School Case Collection', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'publishing.london.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://publishing.london.edu/about/', 'created': '2022-11-23T14:28:13Z', 'updated': '2022-11-23T15:20:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lbs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58018', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lbs.lbs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LBS Research Online', 'symbol': 'LBS.LBS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'London Business School', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'lbsresearch.london.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://lbsresearch.london.edu', 'created': '2020-02-11T15:33:36Z', 'updated': '2022-11-23T12:54:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lbs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35065', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.spcctv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LC-Portuguese Journal of Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Surgery', 'symbol': 'IVUW.SPCCTV', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Portuguese Journal of Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Surgery', 'description': 'The journal of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cárdio-Torácica e Vascular was founded in 1991 and represents an official body of the now renamed Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardíaca Torácica e Vascular (SPCCTV). The main objective of the SPCCTV’s Journal is to publish high quality papers in the areas of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery.  \n\nThe second objective of the SPCCTV’s Journal is to facilitate and stimulate discussion and information sharing, as much as ethical, economic and social questions related to Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, constituting a forum for divulging progress in all areas related to the three specialties. \n\nThe SPCCTV’s journal is published every three months in an electronic version, with the published articles available online. All the papers of the SPCCTV’s Journal are published as Open Access, with no associated processing fees, thanks to the support of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardíaca Torácica e Vascular.', 'language': ['en', 'pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '0873-7215'}, 'url': 'https://pjctvs.com/index.php/journal/index', 'created': '2021-09-30T10:20:52Z', 'updated': '2021-09-30T18:34:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48729', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ldeo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LDEO - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University', 'symbol': 'TIB.LDEO', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': 'LDCR', 'description': 'The Lamont-Doherty Core Repository (LDCR) contains one of the world’s most unique and important collection of scientific samples from the deep sea. Sediment cores from every major ocean and sea are archived at the Core Repository. The collection contains approximately 72,000 meters of core composed of 9,700 piston cores; 7,000 trigger weight cores; and 2,000 other cores such as box, kasten, and large diameter gravity cores. We also hold 4,000 dredge and grab samples, including a large collection of manganese nodules, many of which were recovered by submersibles. Over 100,000 residues are stored and are available for sampling where core material is expended.  In addition to physical samples, a database of the Lamont core collection has been maintained for nearly 50 years and contains information on the geographic location of each collection site, core length, mineralogy and paleontology, lithology, and structure, and more recently, the full text of megascopic descriptions.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ieda-services.org,iedadata.org,oceandrilling.org,usap-data.org,*.astromat.org,*.earthchem.org,*.ieda-services.org,*.iedadata.org,*.oceandrilling.org,*.usap-data.org,', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PV10', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/core-repository', 'created': '2011-03-30T08:02:42Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26022', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hypc.wejvdx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LDRepository', 'symbol': 'HYPC.WEJVDX', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-03-16T07:52:42Z', 'updated': '2022-12-06T09:01:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hypc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57744', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hypc.alegbj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LDRepositoryIGSN', 'symbol': 'HYPC.ALEGBJ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-20T07:34:45Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T15:28:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hypc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58057', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.lestudium', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LE STUDIUM', 'symbol': 'INIST.LESTUDIUM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-03T09:50:32Z', 'updated': '2023-08-22T08:38:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34846', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ygyi.igexwb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leaf Journal', 'symbol': 'YGYI.IGEXWB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-09T16:06:36Z', 'updated': '2023-03-09T17:49:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ygyi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58091', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.lbuni', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leeds Beckett University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.LBUNI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'figshare.leedsbeckett.ac.uk,leedsbeckett.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-25T10:48:33Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T09:06:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lbu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25448', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lxkc.gszjaz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leeds Medieval Studies Journal', 'symbol': 'LXKC.GSZJAZ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Leeds Medieval Studies is an international, refereed journal based in the University of Leeds Institute for Medieval Studies. It is the successor to and continuation of Leeds Studies in English (founded 1936) and The Bulletin of International Medieval Research (founded 1995).', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ims.leeds.ac.uk/leeds-medieval-studies-journal/', 'created': '2022-01-21T14:46:28Z', 'updated': '2022-01-21T14:58:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lxkc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57686', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vvha.glvitu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Legacy IGSN ID re-registration for Geoscience Australia SAMPLES data', 'symbol': 'VVHA.GLVITU', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Legacy IGSN ID re-registration', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-17T03:18:46Z', 'updated': '2023-06-13T21:18:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vvha', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60516', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.zmt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.ZMT', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-06-28T12:05:55Z', 'updated': '2021-03-25T10:19:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21244', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.tropos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)', 'symbol': 'TIB.TROPOS', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-01-21T10:41:06Z', 'updated': '2020-11-27T15:12:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14759', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ioer', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development', 'symbol': 'TIB.IOER', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.ioer.de/1/home/', 'created': '2019-01-16T09:00:41Z', 'updated': '2021-11-09T09:44:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mzhu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26084', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.luhrepo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leibniz Universität Hannover', 'symbol': 'TIB.LUHREPO', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-07-24T07:01:14Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T08:15:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'neqc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15488', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17878', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.iow', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leibniz-Institut fuer Ostseeforschung Warnemuende', 'symbol': 'TIB.IOW', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'io-warnemuende.de,doi.io-warnemuende.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-04-08T10:42:57Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T06:27:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12754', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'zbmed.ifado', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Leibniz-Institut für Arbeitsforschung an der TU Dortmund (IfADo)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.IFADO', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.excli.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-01-06T07:30:19Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T17:18:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kgqs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17179', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.ubbs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LeoPARD - TU Braunschweig Publications And Research Data', 'symbol': 'TIB.UBBS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'LeoPARD is the institutional repository of Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig and is operated by the University Library. It is used for the publication of research results and documentation by scientists of TU Braunschweig.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'tu-braunschweig.de,*.tu-braunschweig.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMTU', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://publikationsserver.tu-braunschweig.de/', 'created': '2017-02-20T13:32:45Z', 'updated': '2022-09-09T15:36:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fehi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24355', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'lnhk.enlsxk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lingnan Dataverse', 'symbol': 'LNHK.ENLSXK', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataverse.ln.edu.hk/', 'created': '2024-01-16T19:13:25Z', 'updated': '2024-01-23T03:55:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lnhk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'GDCCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60795', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ldc.catalog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Linguistic Data Consortium Catalog', 'symbol': 'LDC.CATALOG', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'LDC Catalog', 'description': "The Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) is an open consortium of universities, libraries, corporations and government research laboratories. It was formed in 1992 to address the critical data shortage then facing language technology research and development. \r\nInitially, LDC's primary role was as a repository and distribution point for language resources. Since that time, and with the help of its members, LDC has grown into an organization that creates and distributes a wide array of language resources. LDC also supports sponsored research programs and language-based technology evaluations by providing resources and contributing organizational expertise.\r\nLDC is hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and is a center within the University’s School of Arts and Sciences.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3T06H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/', 'created': '2020-07-07T21:13:05Z', 'updated': '2024-01-26T21:59:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ldc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35111', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'julu.doris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Linnéuniversitetet DORIS', 'symbol': 'JULU.DORIS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-12T14:29:01Z', 'updated': '2023-12-12T14:49:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'julu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SNDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60601', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jfch.ysnboe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LISS Data Archive', 'symbol': 'JFCH.YSNBOE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.lissdata.nl/', 'created': '2021-07-12T11:47:45Z', 'updated': '2022-10-26T15:22:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jfch', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57990', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.lfze', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.LFZE', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'real-phd.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-06-12T12:12:47Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:46:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18132', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26113', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.letg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique', 'symbol': 'INIST.LETG', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'LETG UMR 6554 CNRS', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://letg.cnrs.fr/', 'created': '2020-07-16T10:15:19Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:00:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35110', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35109', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48386', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zudu.diva', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LiU DiVA portal', 'symbol': 'ZUDU.DIVA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['sv', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'liu.diva-portal.org', 'created': '2020-09-29T09:03:26Z', 'updated': '2020-10-11T04:40:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zudu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SNDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48360', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.ljmu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Liverpool John Moores University', 'symbol': 'BL.LJMU', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ljmu.ac.uk,*.ljmu.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-24T09:54:34Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T09:22:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rbhy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24377', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'faoq.lstm-archive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Archive', 'symbol': 'FAOQ.LSTM-ARCHIVE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://archive.lstmed.ac.uk/', 'created': '2022-10-14T14:15:00Z', 'updated': '2022-10-14T14:28:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'faoq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57978', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.lives', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LIVES Working Paper Series', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.LIVES', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'lives-nccr.ch,www.centre-lives.ch,*.centre-lives.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-02-01T15:53:23Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T14:09:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wlis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12682', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lg.lg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Living Goods', 'symbol': 'LG.LG', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-18T15:15:51Z', 'updated': '2021-02-18T15:20:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48483', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.npk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LLC  POLIGRAFIST', 'symbol': 'RADS.NPK', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-01T07:39:30Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T16:02:14Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35076', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.elsv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LLC "Info-Electrosvyaz"', 'symbol': 'RADS.ELSV', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-20T12:41:22Z', 'updated': '2021-07-15T09:32:14Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34832', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.sidpo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LLC "NETWORK INSTITUTE OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION"', 'symbol': 'RADS.SIDPO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-13T12:54:48Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:08:57Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34648', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.niitiag', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LLC Publishing House "Nestor-History"', 'symbol': 'RADS.NIITIAG', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-17T08:42:48Z', 'updated': '2022-01-05T17:36:49Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'zbw.ifo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center', 'symbol': 'ZBW.IFO', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC) is a combined platform for empirical research in business administration and economics of the Ludwig–Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and the Ifo Institute and aims at opening new fields for empirical research in business administration and economics.\r\nIn this regard, the EBDC provides innovative datasets of German companies, containing both survey data of the Ifo Institute as well as external balance sheet data. Therefore, the tasks of the EBDC also include the procurement and administration of data sources for research and teaching, the central provision, updating and documentation of external databases, as well as the acquisition of corresponding support tools.\r\nBeyond that, the EBDC serves as a contact and central coordinator on licensing economic firm-level datasets for LMU’s Munich School of Management and LMU’s Department of Economics and supports researchers and guests of the LMU and the Ifo Institute on site. In the future, it will also conduct academic conferences on research with company data.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3P01C', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': '*', 'created': '2012-12-14T12:06:54Z', 'updated': '2020-12-10T16:21:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7805', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dk.sb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LOAR', 'symbol': 'DK.SB', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'Library Open Access Repository', 'description': 'Library Open Access Repository (LOAR) is an open data repository established in 2016 as a service for storing and providing access to Danish research data.\r\nThe service has the following key goals: Make data accessible to review for publications. Enable researchers to meet requirements for Danish and European grants. Ensure data privacy and removal of data as appropriate. Enable reuse of data where appropriate\r\nResearchers who upload data are expected to share the data using Creative Commons licenses.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dspace-devel.statsbiblioteket.dk,dspace-stage.statsbiblioteket.dk, loar.statsbiblioteket.dk,lcar.statsbiblioteket.dk,loar.kb.dk,lcar.kb.dk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJM89', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://loar.kb.dk/', 'created': '2016-09-05T09:08:04Z', 'updated': '2023-11-02T09:14:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iuib', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21993', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.21994', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.21995', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.lj-red', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Logistics Journal', 'symbol': 'TIB.LJ-RED', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'www.logistics-journal.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-12-10T13:32:14Z', 'updated': '2021-02-18T10:16:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'odry', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.2195', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.bika', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Logisztikai trendek és legjobb gyakorlatok', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.BIKA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'logisztikaitrendek.hu,real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-09-13T13:23:51Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:40:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21405', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.lse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'London School of Economics', 'symbol': 'BL.LSE', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.lse.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-08-05T08:03:41Z', 'updated': '2020-11-26T10:25:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lcqr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21953', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.lshtm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine', 'symbol': 'BL.LSHTM', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) operates 2 repositories capable of registering DOIs:\n(1)\tLSHTM Data Compass is a managed digital repository of reusable research outputs produced by LSHTM staff and students. DOIs are registered for research data, software, scripts and other relevant outputs made available for which it is the primary distributor.\n\n(2)\tLSHTM Research Online is a managed digital repository of research publications.  DOIs are registered for PhD theses, study reports, and other outputs for which it is the primary distributor.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'w02.lshtm.da.ulcc.ac.uk,w02.lshtmdr.da.ulcc.ac.uk,lshtm.ac.uk,w01.lshtmdr.da.ulcc.ac.uk,datacompass.lshtm.ac.uk,researchonline.lshtm.ac.uk,datacompass.lshtm.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3705V', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/', 'created': '2015-04-29T11:00:16Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T11:23:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'znjj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17037', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.lsbu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'London Southbank University', 'symbol': 'BL.LSBU', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.lsbu.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-01-06T10:24:24Z', 'updated': '2020-11-03T14:55:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bzip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18744', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.lboro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Loughborough University Research Repository', 'symbol': 'BL.LBORO', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Loughborough University Research Repository is the repository for all Loughborough University research outputs, powered by figshare.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'lboro.ac.uk,lboro.figshare.com,figshare.com,repository.lboro.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3564X', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.lboro.ac.uk', 'created': '2015-02-23T16:24:09Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T11:42:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jhah', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17028', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26174', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lowitja.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lowitja Institute', 'symbol': 'LOWITJA.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'lowitja.org.au,*.lowitja.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-01-31T23:23:55Z', 'updated': '2021-02-08T21:52:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lowitja', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48455', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lmu.physics', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LRZ LTDS InvenioRDM', 'symbol': 'LMU.PHYSICS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-04T15:53:36Z', 'updated': '2022-10-04T15:55:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57970', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lsuhs.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LSU Health Shreveport', 'symbol': 'LSUHS.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.figshare.com,figshare.com,lsuhs.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-04T06:05:01Z', 'updated': '2023-09-05T07:47:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lsuhs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60688', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.lublin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lublin University of Technology', 'symbol': 'TIB.LUBLIN', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-01T08:50:34Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:04:29Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24358', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.imtlucca', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lucca IMT', 'symbol': 'CRUI.IMTLUCCA', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.imtlucca.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-01-27T20:15:27Z', 'updated': '2021-07-23T06:24:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13118', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lbg.repos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft Repository', 'symbol': 'LBG.REPOS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-14T06:56:39Z', 'updated': '2022-09-14T15:14:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lbg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57950', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.ulusiada', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Lusíada - Repositório das Universidades Lusíada', 'symbol': 'FCT.ULUSIADA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'RUL', 'description': None, 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repositorio.ulusiada.pt/', 'created': '2019-12-27T12:09:16Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T15:01:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dsst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34628', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lyrrepo.sitory', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'LYRASIS Research', 'symbol': 'LYRREPO.SITORY', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'LYRASIS Research is a digital repository for research output at LYRASIS, including original staff research, Catalyst Fund reports, and grant related publications.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research.lyrasis.org/', 'created': '2021-05-24T21:28:09Z', 'updated': '2021-05-24T21:29:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lyrrepo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48609', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tib.mediarep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MEDIAREP', 'symbol': 'TIB.MEDIAREP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': '*Open Access Repository for Film and Media Studies*', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://mediarep.org', 'created': '2018-09-19T09:34:45Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T11:39:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dbvx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25969', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cctg.masc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials', 'symbol': 'CCTG.MASC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.masc.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-09T02:47:00Z', 'updated': '2023-02-09T02:47:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cctg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58093', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oclc.mrd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Membership and Research Division, OCLC, Inc.', 'symbol': 'OCLC.MRD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-13T16:28:50Z', 'updated': '2022-04-14T16:17:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oclc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25333', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'memo.journal', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MEMO - Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture Online', 'symbol': 'MEMO.JOURNAL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'MEMO - Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture Online', 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2523-2932'}, 'url': 'https://memo.imareal.sbg.ac.at/', 'created': '2020-02-10T10:11:24Z', 'updated': '2024-01-18T14:45:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unisalzb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25536', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mun.research', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Memorial University Research Repository', 'symbol': 'MUN.RESEARCH', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research.library.mun.ca/', 'created': '2020-09-11T16:26:22Z', 'updated': '2020-10-08T14:14:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mun', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48336', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'elsevier.md', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mendeley Data', 'symbol': 'ELSEVIER.MD', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'For datasets big and small; Store your research data online. Quickly and easily upload files of any type and we will host your research data for you. Your experimental research data will have a permanent home on the web that you can refer to.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3DD11', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-01T15:22:52Z', 'updated': '2021-06-15T14:23:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'elsevier', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'bl.mendeley', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mendeley Data', 'symbol': 'BL.MENDELEY', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'For datasets big and small; Store your research data online. Quickly and easily upload files of any type and we will host your research data for you. Your experimental research data will have a permanent home on the web that you can refer to.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mendeley.com,data.mendeley.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3DD11', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.mendeley.com/', 'created': '2015-04-09T10:03:49Z', 'updated': '2021-06-15T15:51:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'elsevier', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17632', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'monash.store', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MeRC - Store.Monash', 'symbol': 'MONASH.STORE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.store.erc.monash.edu,*.store.erc.monash.edu.au,*.erc.monash.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-21T05:48:09Z', 'updated': '2023-07-27T04:45:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'monash', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57861', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jugt.moi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mercator Ocean International', 'symbol': 'JUGT.MOI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is a non-profit company providing ocean science-based services of general interest focused on the conservation and the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources. The organisation has developed complex ocean simulation systems (numerical models) based on ocean observation data (satellite and in situ) that are able to describe, analyse and forecast the physical and biogeochemical state of the ocean at any given time, at the surface or at depth, on a global scale or for a specific zone, in real-time or delayed mode. The organisation was founded and is funded by the five major French institutions involved in operational oceanography: CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research), Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), IRD (Institute of Research for Development), Météo-France and SHOM (Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the French Navy.  In December 2017,  they decided to open up the capital of Mercator Ocean to major and prominent players in operational oceanography to strengthen Mercator Ocean’s capacity to expand in Europe and internationally. They are major national players in operational oceanography worldwide and key scientific partners of the Copernicus Marine Service and they now include: the Italians CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici) and CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), the Norwegian NERSC (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center), the British MET OFFICE, and the Spanish Puertos Del Estado.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.mercator-ocean.fr/', 'created': '2021-04-15T07:16:12Z', 'updated': '2023-05-05T14:25:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jugt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48559', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jugt.yxcdej', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mercator Ocean International', 'symbol': 'JUGT.YXCDEJ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'MOi', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-12T11:06:27Z', 'updated': '2022-06-13T08:41:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jugt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48670', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'whvr.wkrjta', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'METADATAWORKS', 'symbol': 'WHVR.WKRJTA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-17T08:48:59Z', 'updated': '2021-02-17T15:13:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'whvr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48490', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xfir.mltyci', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Metamaterials Genome Database', 'symbol': 'XFIR.MLTYCI', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-16T10:17:57Z', 'updated': '2023-01-16T10:24:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xfir', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58047', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.ms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Meteoschweiz', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.MS', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'dwhservice ist die Betriebsorganisation des Datawarehouses der MeteoSchweiz.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch,www.meteoswiss.admin.ch,www.nccs.admin.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-09-14T08:07:17Z', 'updated': '2022-05-11T13:47:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wlis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18751', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.mda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'methods, data, analyses (mda) - GESIS', 'symbol': 'VZEK.MDA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'mda - GESIS', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-26T07:35:34Z', 'updated': '2024-02-15T12:24:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60562', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bkmx.azjwzc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'METIS', 'symbol': 'BKMX.AZJWZC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'FMI B2SHARE', 'description': 'B2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy way for researchers, scientific communities and citizen scientists to store and share small-scale research data from diverse contexts and disciplines. B2SHARE is able to add value to your research data via (domain tailored) metadata, and assigning citable Persistent Identifiers PIDs (Handles) to ensure long-lasting access and references. B2SHARE is one of the B2 services developed via EUDAT and long tail data deposits do not cost money. Special arrangements such as branding and special metadata elements can be made on request.', 'language': ['en', 'fi'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.csc.fi,*.fmi.fi', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3VK72', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://fmi.b2share.csc.fi/', 'created': '2022-02-09T12:47:56Z', 'updated': '2024-01-17T14:52:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bkmx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CSCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57707', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usc.metrans', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'METRANS Transportation Consortium Repository', 'symbol': 'USC.METRANS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'USC and CSULB are both partners in the METRANS Transportation Center, the entity that houses the Pacific Southwest Region (PSR) University Transportation Consortium (UTC). Our consortium of universities and community colleges, together with partnerships with state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and industry leaders, forms a comprehensive, region-wide network.  \n\nThe goal of our Center is to address regional issues and provide public policy advisement, technical assistance to state and local agencies, and innovative workforce development strategies. Our multi-modal, multi-disciplinary research priority is to improve passenger and freight transportation throughout Region 9, the PSR. Our research program has three parts: 1) research conducted by PSR faculty; 2) research conducted by researchers inside or outside PSR but within Region 9; and 3) a graduate research fellowship program.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-10-05T21:38:10Z', 'updated': '2023-10-05T21:43:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25554', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bvqb.lcuxag', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MF journals', 'symbol': 'BVQB.LCUXAG', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['no'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'journals.mf.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://journals.mf.no/', 'created': '2021-09-23T08:59:20Z', 'updated': '2021-09-30T08:14:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bvqb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48626', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'msu.libraries', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Michigan State University Libraries', 'symbol': 'MSU.LIBRARIES', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-08T17:23:33Z', 'updated': '2019-05-08T18:00:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'msu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25335', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.miclepid', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Microlepidoptera.hu', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.MICLEPID', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'epa.oszk.hu,real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-27T13:47:21Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T12:03:14Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24386', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'caltech.micropub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'microPublication', 'symbol': 'CALTECH.MICROPUB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-05-23T16:07:30Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'caltech', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17912', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'middbr.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Middlebury', 'symbol': 'MIDDBR.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.figshare.com,fighare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-04T08:22:05Z', 'updated': '2022-10-04T08:24:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'middbr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57968', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.mdx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Middlesex University', 'symbol': 'BL.MDX', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mdx.ac.uk,figshare.com,mdx.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-10-12T08:05:06Z', 'updated': '2020-12-02T14:39:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zttd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22023', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zttd.pvwyco', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Middlesex University Research Repository', 'symbol': 'ZTTD.PVWYCO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Middlesex University's institutional repository is the host for research material including journal articles, conference papers, practice research, art works and exhibitions, books and book chapters, doctoral theses and datasets. The repository provides full text access where permitted, and full citation details where restrictions apply.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.mdx.ac.uk', 'created': '2023-06-26T22:48:48Z', 'updated': '2023-06-26T23:07:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zttd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60528', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zttd.rmbkjp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Middlesex University Research Repository', 'symbol': 'ZTTD.RMBKJP', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Middlesex University Research Repository is an online "open access" archive of published research and other scholarly content produced by Middlesex University staff and researchers. Material in the archive is visible from anywhere on the internet without the need to log in. It provides a deposit service for academic staff and researchers, supported by the Repository Team within Learning and Student Support.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'eprints.mdx.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/', 'created': '2022-01-20T14:41:28Z', 'updated': '2022-01-25T14:18:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zttd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57685', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.mwu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Midwestern University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.MWU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'midwestern.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-08T12:23:39Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:17:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjjr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25395', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cul.mill', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Millennium Villages', 'symbol': 'CUL.MILL', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-05T13:07:20Z', 'updated': '2019-01-02T15:33:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26098', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lnav.mr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mines Repository', 'symbol': 'LNAV.MR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Mines Repository', 'description': 'The Mines Repository hosted by Atmire.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.mines.edu', 'created': '2022-03-10T21:00:36Z', 'updated': '2022-03-10T21:56:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lnav', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25676', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mines.rep1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mines Repository at Mountain Scholar', 'symbol': 'MINES.REP1', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Colorado School of Mines Repository', 'description': 'This is the old version of the Colorado School of Mines repository at Mountain Scholar. The new Mines Repository is now at https://repository.mines.edu.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://mountainscholar.org/handle/11124/20000', 'created': '2020-03-30T15:35:02Z', 'updated': '2023-09-26T20:57:23Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lnav', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'csc.nrd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ministry of Culture and Education', 'symbol': 'CSC.NRD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IDA is a storage service for research data provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture to actors in the Finnish research system. The service is produced by CSC – IT Center for Science (CSC). IDA enables the safe storage of research datasets and related metadata. Access to the data may be granted within the research project or for a wider group of users. The service is intended for stable research data, both raw data and processed datasets. Owners of the data decide on the openness and usage policies for their own data. The service is not intended for data containing sensitive personal data. The data stored in the service must be connected to a research project. The person responsible for the project acts as a contact person towards the service provider and decides who can access the data in the project. Users may belong to one or more projects. Data stored in IDA is checked for viruses and integrity upon receipt. Data is automatically copied and the integrity of both the original files and copies is monitored.  The service is offered to Finnish universities and polytechnics as well as projects and researchers funded by the Academy of Finland.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.demo.fairdata.fi,*.fairdata.fi,*.fd-test.csc.fi,*.fd-stable.csc.fi,*.fd-staging.csc.fi,*.fd-dev.csc.fi', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R33649', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.fairdata.fi/', 'created': '2018-08-01T10:49:47Z', 'updated': '2023-03-03T11:38:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'olam', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CSCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23729', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uva.minorlab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MinorLab', 'symbol': 'UVA.MINORLAB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-05T08:37:06Z', 'updated': '2020-02-05T14:15:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uva', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18430', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.me', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Miskolci Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ME', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'phd.lib.uni-miskolc.hu,midra.uni-miskolc.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-02-11T15:15:00Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:45:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14750', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unisalzb.mhdbdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank', 'symbol': 'UNISALZB.MHDBDB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'MHDBD', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mhdbdb.sbg.ac.at', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-27T14:51:07Z', 'updated': '2023-11-27T15:25:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unisalzb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60646', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.mldata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MLData', 'symbol': 'TIB.MLDATA', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mldata.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-09-26T12:31:52Z', 'updated': '2020-11-10T15:19:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5881', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.ma', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ModelArchive SIB', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.MA', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.sib.swiss/', 'created': '2013-03-25T14:25:14Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T17:08:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ilen', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5452', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.map', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Modèles et simulations pour l'Architecture et le Patrimoine", 'symbol': 'JBRU.MAP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'UMR 3495 CNRS/MC MAP', 'description': 'Le profil de l’UMR 3495 CNRS/MC MAP, s’est constitué autour du développement et de la mise en œuvre de méthodes et d’outils relevant des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, dans leurs applications tant aux sciences humaines qu’aux sciences pour l’ingénieur et portant sur l’architecture et le patrimoine.\n\nAssociant architectes, ingénieurs, historiens, informaticiens et scientifiques de la conservation, cette Unité Mixte de Recherche du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et du ministère de la Culture, fédère des équipes au CNRS et au sein des écoles nationales supérieures d’architecture de Lyon, Nancy, Marseille et Paris La Villette.\n\nDepuis 2015, elle est liée au Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et Restauration du Patrimoine (CICRP) au travers d’une convention de laboratoire commun (LabCom MAP-CICRP).', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.map.cnrs.fr/', 'created': '2021-04-23T08:55:18Z', 'updated': '2021-08-29T07:30:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48568', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ytfd.mola', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MOLA', 'symbol': 'YTFD.MOLA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://mola.iro.bl.uk', 'created': '2021-05-05T10:40:07Z', 'updated': '2021-05-05T12:56:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48583', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vt.molssi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MolSSI', 'symbol': 'VT.MOLSSI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-16T12:15:18Z', 'updated': '2020-04-16T15:05:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34974', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gckm.sqrghx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MOnAMi', 'symbol': 'GCKM.SQRGHX', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-01-20T12:08:02Z', 'updated': '2021-03-12T08:34:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gckm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48446', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'monash.imp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Monash IMP', 'symbol': 'MONASH.IMP', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-20T05:31:28Z', 'updated': '2022-12-20T09:57:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'monash', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58039', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'monash.oer', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Monash OER', 'symbol': 'MONASH.OER', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.monash.edu.au,*.caul.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-01T03:26:50Z', 'updated': '2024-02-08T00:37:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'monash', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60754', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'monash.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Monash University', 'symbol': 'MONASH.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'monash.edu.au,figshare.com,figsh.com,,,,monash.edu,mbi.monash.edu,store.synchrotron.org.au,bridges.monash.edu,monash.figshare.com,*.monash.edu,*.monash.edu.au,*.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:23Z', 'updated': '2022-11-18T00:51:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'monash', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26180', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mcbic.neuro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University', 'symbol': 'MCBIC.NEURO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T13:08:06Z', 'updated': '2022-11-15T22:40:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mcbic', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23686', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wisc.morgridge', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Morgridge', 'symbol': 'WISC.MORGRIDGE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-29T21:33:37Z', 'updated': '2020-01-31T20:06:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34889', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'arisf.moriond', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moriond', 'symbol': 'ARISF.MORIOND', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-23T17:13:57Z', 'updated': '2022-12-23T17:20:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arisf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58027', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.morjchem', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moroccan Journal of Chemistry', 'symbol': 'CNRST.MORJCHEM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Moroccan Journal of Chemistry (Mor. J. Chem.) is a free of charge open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of chemistry. It provides a platform for rapid publication of quality research papers, reviews and chemistry letters. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry was founded in 2013 by Professor B. Hammouti, University Mohammed Premier, Oujda Morocco. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry is published by the University Mohammed Premier, Oujda Morocco in partenarship with the Association CEMADES : Centre Marocain du developpement et des Sciences (Moroccan Center od Development and Science).', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2351-812X'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/morjchem/index', 'created': '2020-07-28T10:53:14Z', 'updated': '2020-09-21T09:56:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48317', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.mjeim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moroccan Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management', 'symbol': 'CNRST.MJEIM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'MJEIM', 'description': 'MJEIM est une revue marocaine ayant pour objet de diffuser des articles originaux de chercheurs en sciences économiques, gestion et  entrepreneuriat, des universitaires et des professionnels, respectant les valeurs éthiques et normes académiques de la recherche scientifique. MJEIM a pour objectif de permettre aux enseignants-chercheurs, praticiens et doctorants d’échanger leurs réflexions sur l’entrepreneuriat, l’innovation, le management et la gestion et de soumettre leurs travaux de recherches à la critique avec l’ensemble des  disciplines managériales : contrôle de gestion, marketing, finance, développement durable et management des ressources humaines.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2509-0429'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/RMEIM/index', 'created': '2020-10-23T08:46:15Z', 'updated': '2020-10-23T08:48:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48396', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.jmch', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moroccan Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry', 'symbol': 'CNRST.JMCH', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'JMCH', 'description': 'Moroccan Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles dealing with all aspects of heterocyclic chemistry (New methodologies for the synthesis of heterocyclic systems, biological properties of heterocycles, physicochemical studies of heterocycles, Spectroscopic characterization of heterocycles: NMR H1, C13, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, UV spectrophotometry, X-ray diffraction), modeling, etc', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': '1114-7792', 'electronic': '2605-5996'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/JMCH/', 'created': '2020-10-09T12:33:46Z', 'updated': '2020-10-09T12:50:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48369', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.mjqr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moroccan Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research', 'symbol': 'CNRST.MJQR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'MJQR', 'description': '"Moroccan Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research" -ISSN :2665-8623 - MJQR, is an peer-reviewed, free of charge and open access journal , for the publication of original research articles in quantitative and qualitative research in multidisciplinary areas.\nMJQR is dedicated for publication of empirical works that use quantitative and qualitative methods, to study new issues and challenges, in Management, social, marketing, economy, education.\nAlso, MJQR is interested by the transdisciplinary works dealing with human and management aspects, in the fields of engineering, environment, information technology and health sciences.\nMJQR, is devoted to short communications, full-length research papers, feature articles, review articles, methodological articles, and comments as well as the scientific conference proceedings in a special issue.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2665-8623'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/MJQR', 'created': '2020-10-16T14:24:56Z', 'updated': '2020-10-16T15:47:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48379', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'phbi.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MorphoBank', 'symbol': 'PHBI.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Homology of phenotypes over the web', 'description': 'MorphoBank is a web application with tools and archives for evolutionary research, specifically systematics (the science of determining the evolutionary relationships among species). Study of the phenotype, which is often visually-based, is central to contemporary systematics and taxonomic research. MorphoBank was developed specifically to provide much needed tools for\nthe expansion and modernization of phylogenetic work on the phenotype', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PC7F', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://morphobank.org/', 'created': '2021-09-28T20:16:51Z', 'updated': '2022-01-28T19:19:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'phbi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7934', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.msc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moscow State Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky', 'symbol': 'RADS.MSC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-08T13:43:24Z', 'updated': '2022-09-15T12:55:29Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.msupe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Moscow State University Of Psychology And Education', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.MSUPE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ruspsydata.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-12T13:34:01Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T09:58:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25449', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.mw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MOST Wiedzy', 'symbol': 'PSNC.MW', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mostwiedzy.pl,pg.edu.pl,journal.mostwiedzy.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-04T16:05:02Z', 'updated': '2022-01-31T11:56:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ebny', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34808', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ixlx.flrkkt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Mouseion', 'symbol': 'IXLX.FLRKKT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://mouseion.jax.org', 'created': '2023-07-18T17:34:35Z', 'updated': '2023-07-18T17:35:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ixlx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60526', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ukon', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Movebank', 'symbol': 'TIB.UKON', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'This data repository allows users to publish animal tracking datasets that have been uploaded to Movebank (https://www.movebank.org/ ). Published datasets have gone through a submission and review process, and are typically associated with a written study published in an academic journal. All animal tracking data in this repository are available to the public.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'movebank.org,openproceedings.org,uni-konstanz.de,ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de,www.datarepository.movebank.org,datarepository.movebank.org,kops.uni-konstanz.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3M024', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.movebank.org/', 'created': '2011-03-30T13:27:49Z', 'updated': '2023-05-08T07:29:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sqhi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5441', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xtwa.jwkmtx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MRU-Repo', 'symbol': 'XTWA.JWKMTX', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-15T16:53:05Z', 'updated': '2024-01-09T18:34:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xtwa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60770', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fbbh.uczaqr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MSF Science Portal', 'symbol': 'FBBH.UCZAQR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-03-10T17:23:44Z', 'updated': '2022-03-10T17:27:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fbbh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57740', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vsdn.wfqpzz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MSG', 'symbol': 'VSDN.WFQPZZ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Moderne Stadtgeschichte', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-08-29T14:37:32Z', 'updated': '2023-08-30T07:24:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60684', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.mae', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MSH Mondes', 'symbol': 'INIST.MAE', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': "Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes", 'description': 'La MSH Mondes, membre du réseau national des MSH et sous la triple tutelle du CNRS et des universités Paris Nanterre et Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, est conçue pour être un lieu de recherche et de formation à la recherche. La MSH MAE compte aujourd’hui une unité de service et de recherche (USR) et sept laboratoires résidents : ArScAn, LESC, PréTech, ArchAm, Trajectoires, l’Institut des sciences sociales du politique – ISP et le Laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environnement – LAVUE. Elle joue aussi son rôle d’accueil pour des projets s’inscrivant dans le champ de ses six axes scientifiques.\n\nLa MSH poursuit ses missions d’accompagnement de la recherche (bibliothèque, ingénierie documentaire, humanités numériques, archives, service d’imagerie optique…).\n\nLes appels à projets et l’ensemble des actions menées par la MSH s’articulent autour de ses six axes scientifiques tous ouverts  à l’échelle de nos sites universitaires et coordonnés par des chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et ingénieurs.\n\nLes six axes scientifiques :\n\n    Transitions –précédemment axe « Phénomènes de transition historique »\n    Circulations – précédemment axe « Migrations et mouvements de population »\n    Imaginaires\n    Objets – précédemment axe « Devenir objet. De l’archéologie au design »\n    Les sociétés humaines face à la mort – précédemment axe « L’anthropologie funéraire et l’homme face à la mort »\n    L’être humain en sciences humaines et sociales', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-12-06T13:53:05Z', 'updated': '2023-04-27T09:17:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7794', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mskcc.lib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MSK Library', 'symbol': 'MSKCC.LIB', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Memorial Sloan Kettering Library', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-06T15:21:11Z', 'updated': '2021-05-06T17:38:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mskcc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48589', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.mtabtkzi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MTA BTK Zenetudományi Intézet (adatbázisok)', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.MTABTKZI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'db.zti.hu,fragmenta.zti.hu,zti.hu,mzo.zti.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-22T08:03:24Z', 'updated': '2023-01-11T11:41:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23714', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.hrefkut', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MTA-BTK Hosszú reformáció Kelet-Európában 1500–1800 Lendület Kutatócsoport', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.HREFKUT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['hu'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'iti.btk.mta.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-21T14:17:57Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:45:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34979', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.poleco', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MTA-BTK Lendület Magyar Irodalom Politikai Gazdaságtana Kutatócsoport', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.POLECO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Polecolite', 'description': None, 'language': ['hu'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'polecolit.btk.mta.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-21T14:10:59Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:49:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34978', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vsdn.ttifiq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MUG', 'symbol': 'VSDN.TTIFIQ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-04T22:54:51Z', 'updated': '2023-12-05T07:24:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60658', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.cclsvn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory', 'symbol': 'GCNC.CCLSVN', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'MAFIL', 'description': 'The Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory (MAFIL) was established at Masaryk University within the scope of the CEITEC project in 2014–2015. It was fully open in spring 2015, after the installation of MR scanners. The electrophysiological area was open already in the course of 2014. Since 2016, the laboratory forms a part of the national infrastructure for biological and medical imaging\xa0– CzechBioImaging and also of the European multinational infrastructure EuroBioImaging. It is the first laboratory of its kind built specifically for research needs and offering an open access to all interested parties from both the Czech Republic and abroad. \n\nMAFIL presents an independent worksite belonging to the university institution CEITEC MU, organizationally incorporated in the Centre for Neuroscience. Since the laboratory works with human study subjects and considerably participates in medicinal research, it also has a status of medical facility (nevertheless, it does not perform standard medical examinations).', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://mafil.ceitec.cz/en/', 'created': '2023-01-31T12:14:54Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:59:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58072', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.58071', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.mcri', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.MCRI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mcri.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-31T08:45:35Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:17:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wmqb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25374', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'murdoch.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Murdoch University', 'symbol': 'MURDOCH.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'researchportal.murdoch.edu.au,murdoch-researchmanagement.esploro.exlibrisgroup.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://researchportal.murdoch.edu.au', 'created': '2023-10-03T05:06:21Z', 'updated': '2024-02-13T07:04:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'murdoch', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60867', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mbjc.mqbap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac', 'symbol': 'MBJC.MQBAP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.quaibranly.fr/fr/', 'created': '2021-09-30T08:18:43Z', 'updated': '2021-10-25T21:37:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mbjc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48728', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.mfn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.MFN', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-04-23T13:33:13Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T10:25:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7479', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34960', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ewsm.rwiukd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Musical Orientalia Catalog', 'symbol': 'EWSM.RWIUKD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.musicorientalia.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-12-15T14:20:39Z', 'updated': '2023-12-20T11:33:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ewsm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5906', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.hungu-mut', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MUT', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.HUNGU-MUT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hungu-mut.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-10-11T10:36:53Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:16:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'doiv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48741', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.muzarp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu', 'symbol': 'PSNC.MUZARP', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.muzarp.poznan.pl,*.fontes.muzarp.poznan.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-09T11:26:36Z', 'updated': '2022-05-24T10:21:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34868', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.mpp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy', 'symbol': 'PSNC.MPP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'studialednickie.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-24T14:20:46Z', 'updated': '2021-02-25T21:22:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34698', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'arkt.hhmnrg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'MyImpact', 'symbol': 'ARKT.HHMNRG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Accepted Manuscript DOI', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-02-16T11:07:49Z', 'updated': '2022-02-16T16:39:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arkt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57711', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.om', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory', 'symbol': 'RADS.OM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-07T10:50:42Z', 'updated': '2021-05-26T08:41:37Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26156', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.omp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - National Research University', 'symbol': 'RADS.OMP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-13T09:43:56Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:06:24Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20388', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ndef', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nação e Defesa', 'symbol': 'IVUW.NDEF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'SARC-Nação e Defesa', 'description': 'É uma publicação periódica de carácter científico, que adota o sistema de arbitragem por pares na admissão e aprovação dos artigos submetidos, encontrando-se anotada em várias bases de dados. A revista proporciona o acesso público livre e imediato a todo o seu conteúdo. Publica artigos em língua portuguesa, espanhola, francesa e inglesa.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'revistas.rcaap.pt/nacao/', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0870-757X', 'electronic': '2183-9662'}, 'url': 'https://revistas.rcaap.pt/index.php/nacao/index', 'created': '2023-02-08T08:24:29Z', 'updated': '2023-03-22T09:33:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58096', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.47906', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hqlo.arvohw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nachrichten der ARL', 'symbol': 'HQLO.ARVOHW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-08T09:10:06Z', 'updated': '2023-12-18T09:05:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hqlo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60750', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.nti', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nan Tien Institute', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.NTI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nantien.edu.au,*.nantien.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:01Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:48:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26286', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdcc.ntu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nanyang Technological University Research Data Repository', 'symbol': 'GDCC.NTU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DR-NTU (Data) is the institutional open access research data repository for Nanyang Technological University (NTU). NTU researchers are encouraged to use DR-NTU (Data) to deposit, publish and archive their final research data in order to make their research data discoverable, accessible and reusable.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3N77R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://researchdata.ntu.edu.sg/', 'created': '2018-09-19T21:42:03Z', 'updated': '2022-11-14T01:18:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ntu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21979', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.21984', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25340', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26074', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34856', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kdby.damqif', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Narodni Repozitar', 'symbol': 'KDBY.DAMQIF', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Natinal Data Repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'data.narodni-repozitar.cz', 'created': '2021-08-12T12:49:34Z', 'updated': '2024-01-02T16:24:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cesnet', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48700', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.nck', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Narodowe Centrum Kultury', 'symbol': 'PSNC.NCK', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nck.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://nck.pl/wydawnictwo', 'created': '2018-12-19T21:37:28Z', 'updated': '2020-12-10T14:59:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mawr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26112', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nasaarmd.afpda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NASA Aeronautics Field Projects Data Archive', 'symbol': 'NASAARMD.AFPDA', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'As part of NASA’s commitment to aviation innovation, the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate conducts field projects to collect data relevant to aviation in real-world environments. Key project stakeholders include NASA’s four aeronautics field centers (Ames Research Center, Armstrong Flight Research Center, Glenn Research Center, and Langley Research Center), in collaboration with industrial, academic, and international partners. The data from these ground-based and in-flight projects improve our knowledge of aviation’s environment impacts and are made freely and publicly available via the NASA Aeronautics Field Projects Data Archive.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://science.larc.nasa.gov/aero-fp/', 'created': '2022-01-26T18:42:52Z', 'updated': '2022-10-24T19:35:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasaarmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57700', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nasa.genelab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NASA GeneLab', 'symbol': 'NASA.GENELAB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The NASA GeneLab Repository catalogs space biology and space-related datasets funded by multiple space agencies around the world.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://osdr.nasa.gov/', 'created': '2020-05-27T18:18:27Z', 'updated': '2023-02-10T17:10:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasasmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26030', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nasasmd.pgda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NASA Goddard Planetary Geodesy Data Archive', 'symbol': 'NASASMD.PGDA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pgda.gsfc.nasa.gov', 'created': '2023-10-19T15:55:37Z', 'updated': '2023-10-20T00:41:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasasmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60903', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.ethernet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Academic Digital Repository of Ethiopia', 'symbol': 'CRUI.ETHERNET', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'NADRE', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nadre.ethernet.edu.et', 'created': '2017-03-02T17:42:29Z', 'updated': '2022-12-22T12:54:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cfov', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'GGBC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20372', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nasa.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration', 'symbol': 'NASA.DATA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-09-05T15:11:25Z', 'updated': '2023-03-15T19:36:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasamsd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25966', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.nagref', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.NAGREF', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nagref.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:31:36Z', 'updated': '2021-04-26T08:28:22Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26235', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.thrj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National association of specialists in thrombosis, clinical haemostasiology and haemorheology', 'symbol': 'RADS.THRJ', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hemostas.ru,thrj.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-03T10:25:47Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T12:29:44Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25555', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nmam.etlyvf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Bureau of Economic Research - Public Use Data Archive', 'symbol': 'NMAM.ETLYVF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NBER Public Use Data Archive', 'description': 'The NBER Public Use Data Archive is an eclectic mix of public use economic, demographic, and enterprise data obtained over the years to satisfy the specific requests of NBER affiliated researchers for particular projects. There are also files created as the output of NBER projects and intended for wider use. Where allowed by the sources, we offer access to these files that may be useful to other researchers or in aid of replication studies. Files are often in more convenient formats than at the original data source and may remain in the archive while no longer available from that source. However, files that receive periodic updates at the source may not be updated.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nber.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.nber.org/research/data', 'created': '2023-12-07T16:22:48Z', 'updated': '2023-12-07T16:25:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nmam', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60592', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihnci.nci', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Cancer Institute', 'symbol': 'NIHNCI.NCI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-07T18:57:52Z', 'updated': '2022-12-21T10:03:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihnci', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17917', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18129', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18121', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35115', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.ncgtpz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Center of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases', 'symbol': 'RADS.NCGTPZ', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ncgtpz.kz', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-08T10:34:36Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:23:55Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25804', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ekke', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Center of Social Research', 'symbol': 'GESIS.EKKE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://ekke.gr', 'created': '2019-06-13T08:31:42Z', 'updated': '2022-12-12T17:11:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ekke', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17902', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.ekke', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.EKKE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ekke.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:32:59Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:43:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'utai', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26236', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.demokrit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Centre of Scientific Research «Demokritos»', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.DEMOKRIT', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.demokritos.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:34:14Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:43:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'prko', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26237', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.nci', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Computational Infrastructure', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.NCI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'doi.nci.org.au,pid.nci.org.au,*.nci.org.au,*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:08Z', 'updated': '2022-11-08T22:37:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nci', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25914', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cornell.ndacan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect', 'symbol': 'CORNELL.NDACAN', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'NDACAN', 'description': 'The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) promotes scholarly exchange among researchers in the child maltreatment field. NDACAN acquires microdata from leading researchers and national data collection efforts and makes these datasets available to the research community for secondary analysis.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3N90S', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ndacan.cornell.edu/', 'created': '2019-05-28T14:27:02Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cornell', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34681', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'neon.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Ecological Observatory Network', 'symbol': 'NEON.PROD', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'NEON', 'description': "The National Science Foundation's National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a continental-scale observation facility operated by Battelle and designed to collect long-term open access ecological data to better understand how U.S. ecosystems are changing.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.neonscience.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.neonscience.org', 'created': '2020-12-09T15:36:03Z', 'updated': '2021-01-27T17:04:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'neon', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48443', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'niggg.ngic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Geoinformation Center', 'symbol': 'NIGGG.NGIC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The National Geo-information Center (NGIC) of the Republic of Bulgaria is a distributed scientific infrastructure with national territorial coverage and integrates monitoring networks, observatories, observation stations, laboratories, computing centers and other specialized equipment of the participating partners. Existing technical resources include unique facilities, scientific equipment and computer networks. NGIC covers disciplines such as geology, geophysics, seismology, geodesy, oceanology, meteorology, climatology, etc. providing reliable data, data products, and services and performing high quality research.', 'language': ['en', 'bg'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'www.niggg-bas.com', 'created': '2020-03-30T08:06:48Z', 'updated': '2020-03-30T09:33:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'niggg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34975', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35101', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48365', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48368', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pryl.mxfyrs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP)', 'symbol': 'PRYL.MXFYRS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Registry of Scientific Collections (ReSciColl)', 'description': 'The Energy Policy Act of 2005 established the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) to preserve and expose the Nation’s geoscience collections (samples, logs, maps, data) to promote their discovery and use for research and resource development. The Registry of Scientific Collections (ReSciColl), formerly the National Digital Catalog, describes geoscience collections managed by USGS and state geological agencies.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47dfb4', 'created': '2021-06-08T14:57:29Z', 'updated': '2023-01-18T17:08:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pryl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'usgsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48637', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihnhlbi.fig', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Figshare', 'symbol': 'NIHNHLBI.FIG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-20T18:41:30Z', 'updated': '2022-10-25T09:26:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihnhlbi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25444', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.ekt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Hellenic Research Foundation & National Documentation Centre', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.EKT', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ekt.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:36:46Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:45:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'etnc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26238', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.ogsts', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics', 'symbol': 'CRUI.OGSTS', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'OGS', 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'it'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nodc.ogs.it,www.crs.ogs.it,sdls.ogs.it,snap.ogs.it,sextant.ifremer.fr,frednet.crs.ogs.it,sdls.ogs.trieste.it,gngts.ogs.it,opendata.ogs.it', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3TR3Z', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nodc.ogs.it/', 'created': '2013-01-27T20:31:01Z', 'updated': '2023-12-11T17:58:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13120', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nist.admin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)', 'symbol': 'NIST.ADMIN', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-15T15:51:16Z', 'updated': '2018-11-15T17:17:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nist', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18434', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihnimhh.dar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Data Archive Repository', 'symbol': 'NIHNIMHH.DAR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-12T19:22:55Z', 'updated': '2023-05-16T09:25:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihnimhh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15154', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihnia.niagads', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease Data Storage Site", 'symbol': 'NIHNIA.NIAGADS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-29T15:33:38Z', 'updated': '2024-01-10T17:39:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihnia', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60859', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.njg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Journal Glaucoma', 'symbol': 'RADS.NJG', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-06T07:56:06Z', 'updated': '2020-11-24T13:01:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25700', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.nlg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Library of Greece', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.NLG', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nlg.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:37:54Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:46:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qimp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26260', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.nls', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Library of Scotland', 'symbol': 'BL.NLS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataCite Fabrica account for the National Library of Scotland', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nls.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.nls.uk/', 'created': '2019-11-12T10:40:06Z', 'updated': '2020-10-13T13:00:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nebs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34812', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.rep-nms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Museums Scotland', 'symbol': 'BL.REP-NMS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataCite account for the National Museum of Scotland (British Library Shared Repository Service)', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nms.iro.bl.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nms.iro.bl.uk/', 'created': '2020-02-13T12:32:14Z', 'updated': '2022-10-27T10:45:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34908', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.noa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Observatory of Athens', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.NOA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.noa.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:42:52Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:46:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nxpu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26239', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'noaa.library', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - NOAA Central Library', 'symbol': 'NOAA.LIBRARY', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-11T16:35:32Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noaa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25923', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'noaa.ncei', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)', 'symbol': 'NOAA.NCEI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) are responsible for hosting and providing public access to one of the most significant archives for environmental data on Earth with over 20 petabytes of comprehensive atmospheric, coastal, oceanic, and geophysical data. NCEI headquarters are located in Asheville, North Carolina. Most employees work in the four main locations, but apart from those locations, NCEI has employees strategically located throughout the United States. The main locations are Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–North Carolina (CICS-NC) at Asheville, North Carolina, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at Boulder Colorado, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–Maryland (CICS-MD) at Silver Spring Maryland and Stennis Space Center, Mississippi.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3362J', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/', 'created': '2018-07-27T13:11:38Z', 'updated': '2023-12-06T22:15:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noaa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25921', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'noaa.ncei-ncl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NCEI and NCL', 'symbol': 'NOAA.NCEI-NCL', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-27T13:13:21Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noaa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7289', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usnps.usnps', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Park Service', 'symbol': 'USNPS.USNPS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://irma.nps.gov/DataStore/', 'created': '2022-06-03T17:53:33Z', 'updated': '2022-09-08T20:52:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usnps', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'usgsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57830', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpuo.nard', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National repository of research data in engineering', 'symbol': 'SPBPUO.NARD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'NARD', 'description': None, 'language': ['ru'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-24T12:21:06Z', 'updated': '2021-05-25T09:54:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48612', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.nsf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Science Foundation (NSF)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.NSF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nsf.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-09T11:01:28Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T09:59:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25391', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pryl.nsf-ice', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility IGSNs', 'symbol': 'PRYL.NSF-ICE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NSF Ice Core Facility', 'description': 'The National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility (NSF-ICF) — formerly the National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL) — is a facility for storing, curating, and studying meteoric ice cores recovered from the glaciated regions of the world. NSF-ICF allows scientists to conduct examinations and measurements on ice cores, and it preserves the integrity of these ice cores in a long-term repository for future investigations.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://icecores.org/', 'created': '2023-10-27T17:27:16Z', 'updated': '2023-10-27T18:21:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pryl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'usgsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60589', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdcc.harvard-slp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Sleep Research Resource', 'symbol': 'GDCC.HARVARD-SLP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR) offers free web access to large collections of de-identified physiological signals and clinical data elements collected in well-characterized research cohorts and clinical trials.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3XD09', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sleepdata.org/', 'created': '2018-07-20T14:58:12Z', 'updated': '2022-02-03T19:17:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'harvardu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25822', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nsidc.datactr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Snow and Ice Data Center', 'symbol': 'NSIDC.DATACTR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'NSIDC offers hundreds of scientific data sets for research, focusing on the cryosphere and its interactions. Data are from satellites and field observations. All data are free of charge.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3HP4V', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nsidc.org/data/', 'created': '2019-02-06T17:01:08Z', 'updated': '2024-01-23T19:24:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nsidc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7265', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cub.nso', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Solar Observatory', 'symbol': 'CUB.NSO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-07T16:17:10Z', 'updated': '2022-01-23T20:12:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cub', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25668', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.ntua', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.NTUA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ntua.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T07:46:20Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:47:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sxet', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26240', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ytfd.nationaltrust', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Trust Research Repository', 'symbol': 'YTFD.NATIONALTRUST', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'National Trust Research Repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-01T11:31:46Z', 'updated': '2023-12-07T15:19:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58022', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nus.sb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National University of Singapore', 'symbol': 'NUS.SB', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "ScholarBank@NUS is the university's Institutional Repository (IR). Its goals are to collect, preserve and showcase the research output including research data of NUS researchers and departments.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'scholarbank.nus.edu.sg,,nusds.sg,www.comp.nus.edu.sg,blsea.nus.edu.sg,epress.nus.edu.sg,www.duke-nus.edu.sg,,lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg,libds.nus.edu.sg,www.isas.nus.edu.sg,nus.edu.sg,*.yale-nus.edu.sg,ari.nus.edu.sg,*.*.Digital-Scholarship-NUS-Libraries', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3FF4T', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/', 'created': '2017-07-11T01:32:20Z', 'updated': '2023-09-10T03:00:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nus', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25541', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25542', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25540', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25662', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25722', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25717', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26107', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25818', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34653', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34899', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48561', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'landcare.nvs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'National Vegetation Survey Databank', 'symbol': 'LANDCARE.NVS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-19T15:42:42Z', 'updated': '2020-01-07T21:56:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'landcare', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'doinzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25898', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tmic.np-mrd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Natual Products Magnetic Resonance Database', 'symbol': 'TMIC.NP-MRD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://np-mrd.org', 'created': '2022-10-28T17:39:51Z', 'updated': '2024-01-30T20:55:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tmic', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57994', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.nhm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Natural History Museum, London', 'symbol': 'BL.NHM', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The Museum is committed to open access and open science, and has launched the Data Portal to make its research and collections datasets available online. It allows anyone to explore, download and reuse the data for their own research. Our natural history collection is one of the most important in the world, documenting 4.5 billion years of life, the Earth and the solar system. Almost all animal, plant, mineral and fossil groups are represented. These datasets will increase exponentially. Under the Museum's ambitious digital collections programme we aim to have 20 million specimens digitised in the next five years.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nhm.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3PS7K', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.nhm.ac.uk', 'created': '2014-12-01T13:33:39Z', 'updated': '2021-01-07T23:46:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zabn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5519', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nav.bxlwwj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NAV', 'symbol': 'NAV.BXLWWJ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nav.tind.io/', 'created': '2023-09-18T08:10:53Z', 'updated': '2023-09-18T08:14:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nav', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TINDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60847', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'qpcj.ndacc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NDACC', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.NDACC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://evdc.esa.int', 'created': '2023-11-02T03:46:37Z', 'updated': '2023-11-02T03:48:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60897', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.nmu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nelson Mandela University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.NMU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mandela.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-04-15T09:13:21Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T09:09:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25408', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'mtakik.nke', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.NKE', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ludita.uni-nke.hu,tudasportal.uni-nke.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-04-28T09:06:26Z', 'updated': '2023-01-23T10:20:36Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17625', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.nkekki', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Közszervezési és Közigazgatástani Intézete', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.NKEKKI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'real.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-09-27T09:21:49Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:41:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24392', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.neon', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Neon Neue Energieökonomik GmbH', 'symbol': 'TIB.NEON', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-01T06:04:03Z', 'updated': '2020-11-27T08:22:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25832', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wisc.neotoma', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Neotoma Paleoecological Database', 'symbol': 'WISC.NEOTOMA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-16T16:07:58Z', 'updated': '2019-03-29T17:25:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wisc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21233', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'aau.netlibrary', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'netlibrary', 'symbol': 'AAU.NETLIBRARY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://netlibrary.aau.at', 'created': '2020-11-09T14:05:19Z', 'updated': '2020-11-09T14:10:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aau', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48415', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nyu.library', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'New York University Library', 'symbol': 'NYU.LIBRARY', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "New York University Libraries is a global network of 10 libraries that provide print and electronic volumes, e-resources, access to archival and special collections holdings, research data, and instructional services to its university community. Its data providers include the [Faculty Digital Archive](https://archive.nyu.edu/), provider of a diverse range of open-access datasets and documents, and its [Spatial Data Repository](https://geo.nyu.edu), a discovery home for geospatial data. It is a also a partner with NYU's [Databrary](https://nyu.databrary.org/), a unique video data library for behavioural scientists.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://library.nyu.edu', 'created': '2018-08-06T14:52:11Z', 'updated': '2019-10-18T14:52:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nyu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17609', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17910', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'figshare.ncl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Newcastle University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.NCL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ncl.figshare.com,figshare.com,data.ncl.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-04-03T08:09:46Z', 'updated': '2022-01-31T10:23:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'arkt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17634', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25405', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nhmw.datarepo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NHMW Data Repository', 'symbol': 'NHMW.DATAREPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The NHMW data repository is intended for the dissemination of research data generated at the NHMW.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-04T12:23:44Z', 'updated': '2022-04-05T11:42:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nhmw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57756', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nhmw.verlag', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NHMW VERLAG', 'symbol': 'NHMW.VERLAG', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The NHMW Verlag repository is intended as a repository for digital publications published by the publishing house of the Natural Hisotry Musueum Vienna.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-31T08:25:03Z', 'updated': '2022-05-31T11:19:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nhmw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57827', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nihnibib.midrc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NIBIB Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC)', 'symbol': 'NIHNIBIB.MIDRC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-13T18:10:47Z', 'updated': '2023-07-13T18:25:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihnibib', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60701', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihniddk.dkcrr4r', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NIDDK Central Repository Resources for Research (NIDDK-CR R4R)', 'symbol': 'NIHNIDDK.DKCRR4R', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-25T18:51:55Z', 'updated': '2022-11-28T22:05:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihniddk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58020', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihniaid.niaidrep2', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NIH 3D', 'symbol': 'NIHNIAID.NIAIDREP2', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'NIH 3D is an open, community-driven portal to download, share, and create bioscientific and medical 3D models for 3D printing and interactive 3D visualization, including virtual and augmented reality.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://3d.nih.gov/', 'created': '2023-07-13T16:29:11Z', 'updated': '2023-07-13T16:35:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihniaid', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60705', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'datacite.dcppc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium', 'symbol': 'DATACITE.DCPPC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-03T16:24:27Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'datacite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25489', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nihod.gen', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NIH Office of the Director (OD) General Repository', 'symbol': 'NIHOD.GEN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-28T19:00:41Z', 'updated': '2023-05-19T14:12:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nihod', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'OAEM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35092', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bibsys.nilu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NILU - Norsk institutt for luftforskning', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.NILU', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nilu.no,actris.nilu.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-01T13:11:24Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T07:22:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21336', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bibsys.nina', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NINA', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.NINA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'nina.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'nina.no', 'created': '2020-02-10T10:56:33Z', 'updated': '2020-11-09T14:10:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mhxf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21345', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'dxdt.sntcwt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NLWKN-Forschungsstelle Küste', 'symbol': 'DXDT.SNTCWT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-12-23T09:14:59Z', 'updated': '2021-04-07T12:19:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34963', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fzct.nmrxiv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'nmrXiv', 'symbol': 'FZCT.NMRXIV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy data repository', 'description': 'New, Open & FAIR, and consensus-driven NMR data repository and computational platform. The ultimate goal is to accelerate broader coordination and data sharing among natural product (NP) researchers by enabling storage, management, sharing and analysis of NMR data.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nmrxiv.org,*.uni-jena.de,nmrxiv.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nmrxiv.org/', 'created': '2022-10-27T08:54:12Z', 'updated': '2022-10-27T09:12:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fzct', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57992', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cen.nordicana', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nordicana D', 'symbol': 'CEN.NORDICANA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cen.ulaval.ca,*.cen.ulaval.ca', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://nordicana.cen.ulaval.ca/en_index.aspx', 'created': '2020-03-04T10:41:57Z', 'updated': '2022-11-09T17:42:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cen', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5885', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.nordicom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORDICOM books', 'symbol': 'SND.NORDICOM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://www.nordicom.gu.se/en/publications/books', 'created': '2020-09-01T13:27:11Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:05:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iuvp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48335', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'subgoe.ikgn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Nordost-Institut (IKGN e.V.)', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.IKGN', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ikgn.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-11T08:23:14Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:43:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23693', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'eycg.norland', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Norland Educare Research Journal', 'symbol': 'EYCG.NORLAND', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repository.norland.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-05T15:01:08Z', 'updated': '2023-05-15T08:38:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eycg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60512', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.bioassay', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORMAN Bioassays Monitoring Database', 'symbol': 'YSEI.BIOASSAY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NORMAN Bioassays Monitoring Database', 'description': 'NORMAN Bioassays Monitoring Database', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/bioassays/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:05:18Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:05:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60908', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.ecotox', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORMAN Ecotoxicology Database', 'symbol': 'YSEI.ECOTOX', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NORMAN Ecotoxicology Database', 'description': 'The Ecotoxicology Database contains – for substances listed in the NORMAN Substance Database – experimental endpoints from ecotox tests as well as quality targets from different regulatory contexts.\n\nThe term Lowest PNECs refers to quality targets which are suggested by experts for prioritisation purposes. They are obtained experimentally or predicted by QSAR models. The Ecotoxicology Database provides a transparent tool to help experts in:\n\nthe identification of the reliable ecotoxicity studies, based on the CRED (Criteria for Reporting and Evaluating ecotoxicity Data) classification system;\nthe online derivation of Quality Targets for each matrix and regulatory framework based on selected ‘reliable’ ecotoxicity studies, using a built-in software tool implementing the requirements of the EC guidelines;\nthe compilation of all existing Quality Targets from different regulatory frameworks;\nthe final selection of the Lowest PNEC value for substance prioritisation purposes, agreed upon as a result of Europe-wide expert consultations.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/ecotox/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:23:36Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:23:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60708', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.indoorenv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORMAN Indoor Environment Database', 'symbol': 'YSEI.INDOORENV', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NORMAN Indoor Environment Database', 'description': 'NORMAN Indoor Environment Database', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/indoor/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:12:42Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:13:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60917', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.passive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORMAN Passive Sampling Database', 'symbol': 'YSEI.PASSIVE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NORMAN Passive Sampling Database', 'description': 'NORMAN Passive Sampling Database', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/passive/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:10:18Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:11:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60921', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.sc2s', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORMAN SCORE Database - SARS-CoV-2 in sewage (SC2S)', 'symbol': 'YSEI.SC2S', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NORMAN SCORE Database - SARS-CoV-2 in sewage (SC2S)', 'description': 'Since the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic, wastewater research groups around the world have collecting influent wastewater samples to test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. This time-critical activity is particularly challenging as many laboratories are still lock-down, reagents in short supply and, with no standard sampling protocol, analytical method or quality assurance/quality control procedures, samples are currently collected and analysed for viral RNA using a variety of methodologies. One approach to reducing uncertainty in developing national and international data sets is to develop a common protocol for sample collection, storage, extraction, analysis and data sharing which research groups can opt to use as – or alongside – their own protocols to support the development of an international comparable data set.\n\nThis voluntary initiative - developed as an opportunity for researchers to contribute to international efforts to tackle the Covid19 pandemic - is open to all and self-funded (i.e. at laboratories own cost).\n\nResults submitted using the reporting template will be stored within the NORMAN database system (open access).\n\nThe SC2S database is designed to allow:\n\nAccess to the latest information on SARS-CoV-2 in sewage across Europe and internationally\nIdentification of gaps in data relating to geographical areas and/or epidemiological data', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/sars_cov_2/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:18:21Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:18:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60926', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.factsheets', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'NORMAN Substance Factsheets', 'symbol': 'YSEI.FACTSHEETS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'NORMAN Substance Factsheets', 'description': 'NORMAN Substance Factsheets - Indicators for prioritization of chemicals', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/factsheets/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:20:30Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:21:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60704', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.nu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Normandie Université', 'symbol': 'INIST.NU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Sur le territoire normand, Normandie Université organise la coordination territoriale des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et organismes de recherche en matière d’offre de formation et de stratégie de recherche et de transfert telle que prévue à l’article L. 718-2, sous la forme du regroupement territorial normand.\n\nLa Communauté d’Universités et Etablissements Normandie Université regroupe des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche liés par la volonté commune de proposer une offre de formation et de recherche au meilleur niveau, de veiller au développement de l’innovation sous toutes ses formes.\n\nNormandie Université a comme membres fondateurs les universités de Caen Normandie, Le Havre Normandie, de Rouen Normandie, l'ENSICAEN, l'INSA Rouen Normandie et l’Ensa Normandie.\n\nNormandie Université compte 11 établissements associés, le CESI, l’ESIGELEC, UniLaSalle, l’ésam Caen/Cherbourg, l’ESADHaR, l’EM Normandie, NEOMA Business School, le CHU de Caen Normandie, le CHU de Rouen Normandie, le Centre François Baclesse et le GIP Labéo.\n\n\nLa coopération des établissements normands a été engagée avec le Pôle Universitaire Normand, inauguré en avril 1998 sous forme associative, qui gérait des projets interrégionaux entre les 3 universités (Caen Normandie, Le Havre Normandie, Rouen Normandie) et les 2 écoles d’ingénieurs (ENSICAEN, INSA Rouen Normandie).\n\nLe 14 octobre 2011, par le décret n° 2011-1306, le Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur (PRES) Normandie Université a été créé sous statut d’Etablissement Public de Coopération Scientifique (EPCS).\n\nConformément à l’article 117 de la loi n° 2013-660 du 22 juillet 2013 relative à l’enseignement supérieur et à la recherche, l’établissement public de coopération scientifique “Normandie Université” est devenu Communauté d’Universités et Etablissements (ComUE).\n\nLe CA du PRES Normandie Université, réuni le 4 juillet 2013, s’était prononcé pour l’évolution vers une Communauté d’Universités et Etablissements, sur un périmètre interrégional normand", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.normandie-univ.fr', 'created': '2019-07-16T12:59:10Z', 'updated': '2021-11-16T07:29:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34699', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'inist.opgc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand', 'symbol': 'INIST.OPGC', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-09-15T09:26:34Z', 'updated': '2022-01-28T08:39:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25519', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.oreme', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire de Recherche Montpelliérain de l'Environnement", 'symbol': 'INIST.OREME', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.oreme.org', 'created': '2014-03-28T08:51:31Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:03:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15148', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.efluve', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Enveloppes Fluides de la Ville à l'Exobiologie (Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne)", 'symbol': 'INIST.EFLUVE', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-12-18T14:02:40Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:04:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25579', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.osug', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble", 'symbol': 'INIST.OSUG', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://doi.osug.fr', 'created': '2014-12-22T09:57:33Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:04:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17178', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.osur', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Rennes", 'symbol': 'INIST.OSUR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-04-19T08:54:19Z', 'updated': '2020-10-14T10:20:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26169', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.osuna', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers Nantes Atlantique', 'symbol': 'INIST.OSUNA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-04-26T12:39:34Z', 'updated': '2024-01-18T08:57:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18465', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.60487', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.pythea', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers Pytheas", 'symbol': 'INIST.PYTHEA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'OSU_Pytheas', 'description': 'L’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers (OSU) Institut Pythéas a été créé en janvier 2012. Ce nouvel OSU fédère cinq grandes unités mixtes de recherche :\n\n    CEREGE : Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de l’Environnement\n    IMBE  : Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale\n    LAM  : Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille\n    LPED  : Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement\n    MIO : Institut Méditerranéen d’Océanologie\n    RECOVER : Risques, Écosystèmes, Vulnérabilité, Environnement, Résilience\n\nEt une unité mixte de service :\n\n    L’UMS Pythéas, une équipe de plus de 100 personnes offrant des services transversaux aux laboratoires, incluant l’OHP, site d’observation pluridisciplinaire et les plateformes techniques mutualisées.\n\nL’OSU Institut Pythéas, placé sous la tutelle du CNRS et de l’IRD, est une école interne de l’Université d’Aix Marseille couvrant les grandes thématiques scientifiques des sciences de la Terre, de l’Environnement et de l’Univers :\n\n    Géosciences de l’environnement\n    Sciences de la biodiversité et écologie\n    Astronomie\n    Océanologie\n    Interaction Sociétés - Environnement', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.osupytheas.fr/', 'created': '2020-05-18T06:44:56Z', 'updated': '2022-04-28T14:14:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34930', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.osutheta', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers Terre Homme Environnement Temps Astronomie de Franche-Comté Bourgogne", 'symbol': 'INIST.OSUTHETA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'L’Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers Terre Homme Environnement Temps Astronomie (OSU THETA) est une école de l’Université de Franche-Comté régie par les articles L. 713-1 et L. 713-9 du code de l’éducation et par les articles D. 713-9 à D. 713-11 du code de l’éducation qui définissent la mission des Observatoires des Sciences de l’Univers au niveau national. Cet OSU est issu de l’Observatoire de Besançon, créé en 1878 pour assurer des missions ``astronomiques, chronométriques et météorologiques’’. La partie météorologique n’est plus du ressort de cet observatoire de longue date et le passage à l’OSU THETA, effectif en 2010, a donné une dimension fédérative à cette structure.\n\nAujourd’hui environ 600 personnels, tous statuts confondus, font partie du périmètre de l’OSU THETA. Ces personnels sont regroupés dans cinq laboratoires, relevant de l’Université de Franche-Comté, de l’Université de Bourgogne et de SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM :\n\nUTINAM (UMR CNRS/UFC 6213)\nChrono-Environnement (UMR CNRS/UFC 6249),\nBioGéoSciences (UMR CNRS/UB 6282),\nl’équipe Spectroscopie Moléculaire Processus Collisionnels et Applications du laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (UMR CNRS/UB 5209),\nle département Temps-Fréquence de Femto-ST (UMR CNRS/UFC/SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM/UTBM 6174),\nL’équipe ASTER du Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne.\nLe cœur administratif de l’OSU THETA est l’Unité d’Appui et de Recherche UAR 3245 THETA ayant pour tutelles UBFC et le CNRS.\n\nLes domaines scientifiques couverts par les unités fédérées par l’OSU THETA couvrent les 4 domaines du CNRS INSU (Astronomie-Astrophysique, Surfaces et interfaces continentales, Terre solide, Océan-Atmosphère) et les différents Service Nationaux d’Observation auxquels participe l’OSU THETA relèvent des domaines Astronomie-Astrophysique, Surfaces et interfaces continentales et Terre solide).\n\nL’OSU THETA a deux conseils :\n\nConseil de l’OSU : conseil d’administration de l’OSU dans lequel les différentes tutelles sont représentées.\nComité Scientifique : il définit la politique scientifique de l’OSU et gère les AAP internes.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://theta.obs-besancon.fr/', 'created': '2018-03-08T17:20:00Z', 'updated': '2023-01-06T09:01:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25666', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.memo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Observatoire MEMO : Mammifères Echantillonneurs du Milieu Océanique - Service d'Observation de l'Océan CNRS-INSU", 'symbol': 'INIST.MEMO', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-07-17T09:48:00Z', 'updated': '2021-02-26T14:50:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7491', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.omp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées', 'symbol': 'INIST.OMP', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-12-14T11:15:03Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:07:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6096', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.otelo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Observatoire Terre Environnement de Lorraine', 'symbol': 'INIST.OTELO', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ORDaR is a data repository for research data in geoscience.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3F19K', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ordar.otelo.univ-lorraine.fr/accueil', 'created': '2017-03-20T09:08:26Z', 'updated': '2021-03-26T11:03:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24396', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hint.rspoc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ocean Colour Data Base', 'symbol': 'HINT.RSPOC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Juan is managing the DOI repository for the Ocean Colour DB in RSP. \nKristina is the System "Admin" for DOI', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-01T12:57:17Z', 'updated': '2023-11-01T13:27:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hint', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60780', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iopan.odis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ocean Data and Information System', 'symbol': 'IOPAN.ODIS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'ODIS', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://doi.iopan.pl/', 'created': '2021-11-18T08:54:31Z', 'updated': '2021-11-22T10:40:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iopan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48457', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oncs.onc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ocean Networks Canada Society', 'symbol': 'ONCS.ONC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The main client for ONC.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.oceannetworks.ca/home', 'created': '2020-03-03T16:13:34Z', 'updated': '2023-12-14T21:47:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oncs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26152', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34943', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hain.njltcl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ocean Observatories Initiative Data', 'symbol': 'HAIN.NJLTCL', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Ocean Observatories Initiative Data Portal', 'description': 'The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is a science-driven ocean observing network that delivers real-time data from more than 800 instruments to address critical science questions regarding the world’s ocean. OOI data are freely available online to anyone with an Internet connection.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNAM', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://oceanobservatories.org/', 'created': '2023-01-13T17:46:50Z', 'updated': '2023-08-21T13:57:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hain', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58046', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'otn.otndc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ocean Tracking Network', 'symbol': 'OTN.OTNDC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T16:10:20Z', 'updated': '2023-01-11T18:10:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'otn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14286', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'owri.reports', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Ocean Wise Research Institute Technical Report Series - DCAN Membership Discontinued', 'symbol': 'OWRI.REPORTS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T16:16:40Z', 'updated': '2024-01-18T14:53:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'carl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25317', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'upnf.octopus', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Octopus', 'symbol': 'UPNF.OCTOPUS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.octopus.ac/', 'created': '2022-06-24T09:36:13Z', 'updated': '2022-10-03T14:28:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'upnf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57874', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'europ.odin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ODIN: Online Data & Information Network for Energy', 'symbol': 'EUROP.ODIN', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'MatDatabase', 'description': "The ODIN Portal  hosts scientific databases in the domains of structural materials and hydrogen research and is operated on behalf of the European energy research community by the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's in-house science service providing independent scientific advice and support to policies of the European Uninion.\nIn the domain of structural materials, MatDB is a web-enabled database application for experimentally measured engineering materials data.  It supports open, registered, and restricted access.  It presently hosts more than 20.000 unique data sets coming mainly from European and Member State research programmes.  It supports web interfaces for entering, browsing, and retrieving data.  MatDB is enabled for innovative services, including data citation and standard data formats.  The data citation service relies on DataCite DOIs.  The historic data sets are being enabled for citation.  For all new projects where MatDB is used for managing project data, end-users are encouraged to request DataCite DOIs.  There is though no obligation as regards the access level as it is considered sufficient simply that the data sets are made discoverable through data citation.  The service that relies on standard data formats leverages the outputs from recent CEN Workshops that aimed to produce Standards-compliant data formats for engineering materials data.  In this context, MatDB is presently used to validate and demonstrate said formats in an attempt to promote their adoption.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3J917', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://odin.jrc.ec.europa.eu', 'created': '2020-09-28T14:38:46Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'europ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5290', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdcc.odum-dv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Odum Institute Dataverse', 'symbol': 'GDCC.ODUM-DV', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Odum Institute Dataverse Network provides access to data collections curated by the Odum Institute as well as collections owned by other institutions and individual scholars. You can search across or browse any of these dataverses listed below. You may also create your own branded dataverse to manage and provide access to your data.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3RP41', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://dataverse.unc.edu/', 'created': '2018-07-20T15:17:52Z', 'updated': '2020-09-18T07:53:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uncch', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15139', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25825', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25821', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wfnq.obcbgl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OEDIPUB', 'symbol': 'WFNQ.OBCBGL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Offene elektronische Dokumente der IPU Bibliothek', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-01-03T14:20:07Z', 'updated': '2022-01-04T12:36:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14757', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tind.oepms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OEPMS', 'symbol': 'TIND.OEPMS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'oepms.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-22T15:30:48Z', 'updated': '2021-12-29T10:21:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qzgt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tindco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25938', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ulbt.oerrep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OER-Repo', 'symbol': 'ULBT.OERREP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'oer-repo.uibk.ac.at', 'created': '2021-03-16T09:34:19Z', 'updated': '2022-11-16T10:32:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48517', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vsdn.bfwpvs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'oes', 'symbol': 'VSDN.BFWPVS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-08T22:58:21Z', 'updated': '2023-02-28T08:03:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsdn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58103', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.offajournal', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Offa - Berichte und Mitteilungen zur Urgeschichte, Frühgeschichte und Mittelalterarchäologie', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.OFFAJOURNAL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Die Zeitschrift "Offa – Berichte und Mitteilungen zur Urgeschichte, Frühgeschichte und Mittelalterarchäologie" ist eine archäologische Fachzeitschrift im norddeutschen und skandinavischen Raum. Sie wird herausgegeben von Johannes Müller, Ulrich Müller (Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), Wiebke Kirleis (Johanna-Mestorf-Akademie der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), Claus von Carnap-Bornheim (Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig), Berit Valentin Eriksen (Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie in der Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig) sowie Ulf Ickerodt (Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein, Schleswig). Die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge unterliegen einem Peer-Review durch auswärtige Gutachter.', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'www.offa-journal.org', 'created': '2020-07-15T08:04:10Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:43:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26016', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dzhw.kfid', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Office of the Commission for Research Information in Germany (KFiD)', 'symbol': 'DZHW.KFID', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-22T14:16:17Z', 'updated': '2022-11-24T08:16:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dzhw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58010', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ndzg.vtadso', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OficinaC', 'symbol': 'NDZG.VTADSO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-19T09:04:00Z', 'updated': '2023-12-10T14:56:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ndzg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57952', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ofse.repository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ÖFSE Publikationen', 'symbol': 'OFSE.REPOSITORY', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-02-02T08:14:49Z', 'updated': '2024-02-02T08:14:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ofse', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60637', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ftnrfw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Oftalmologia', 'symbol': 'IVUW.FTNRFW', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SARC - Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia', 'description': 'Oftalmologia é a revista oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (SPO) e publica de forma prioritária trabalhos de investigação básica e clínica, como artigos originais, artigos de revisão, casos clínicos, relacionados com oftalmologia nas suas diferentes especialidades, bem como temas de áreas de conhecimento fronteira com interesse para a prática médico-cirurgica e processo clínico na prespectiva da governação clínica em oftalmologia.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '1646-6950', 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.rcaap.pt/index.php/oftalmologia/index', 'created': '2021-04-15T13:49:42Z', 'updated': '2021-04-16T09:21:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48560', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ogsl.gsbam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OGSL repository', 'symbol': 'OGSL.GSBAM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T16:04:43Z', 'updated': '2023-10-16T19:40:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ogsl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26071', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ohsu.ohsu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OHSU Digital Commons', 'symbol': 'OHSU.OHSU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'OHSU Digital Commons is a repository for the scholarly and creative work of Oregon Health & Science University. Developed by the OHSU Library, Digital Commons provides the university community with a platform for publishing and accessing content produced by students, faculty, and staff. OHSU Digital Commons documents the history and growth of the university, as well as current progress in education, research, and health care.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3MS9Q', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-13T15:21:35Z', 'updated': '2022-03-17T22:14:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ohsu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'orbisco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6083', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lzi.ojs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OJS', 'symbol': 'LZI.OJS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ojs.dagstuhl.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ojs.dagstuhl.de/', 'created': '2021-08-12T06:52:08Z', 'updated': '2021-08-12T06:55:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lzi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'mbbp.swrhqb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OJS', 'symbol': 'MBBP.SWRHQB', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Open Journal Systems', 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'journals.hs-offenburg.de', 'created': '2023-08-07T09:55:29Z', 'updated': '2023-08-07T09:57:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mbbp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60643', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nbqj.ojs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OJS der Uni Kassel', 'symbol': 'NBQJ.OJS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-07-26T11:22:02Z', 'updated': '2021-07-26T11:27:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nbqj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.10273', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'odu.viva', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Old Dominion University', 'symbol': 'ODU.VIVA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-04T16:48:35Z', 'updated': '2020-02-04T17:54:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'odu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25777', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25776', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25779', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25778', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25884', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25883', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'inist.omictool', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'omicX', 'symbol': 'INIST.OMICTOOL', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'omictools.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-01-11T15:36:49Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T17:20:48Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24347', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.osu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Omsk F. M. Dostoevsky State University', 'symbol': 'RADS.OSU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-02-12T08:11:24Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T15:28:04Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25513', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.onassis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Onassis Foundation Cavafy Archive', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.ONASSIS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Onassis Foundation Cavafy Archive', 'description': 'C. P. Cavafy collected and archived his work on a systematic basis, hence creating a unique literary and personal archive. The Cavafy Archive consists of manuscripts of poems, hand-compiled printed editions, prose literary works, articles, studies and notes by the poet. The digital collection invites you to discover all of the above, along with C. P. Cavafy’s personal archive rich in correspondence, texts, and photographs.\n\nThe Cavafy Archive was acquired by the Onassis Foundation at the end of 2012. This acquisition safeguarded the archive’s continued presence in Greece, and prevented a potential fragmentation. The Onassis Foundation’s mission is to provide free and open access to researchers as well as the wider public, and to promote Cavafy’s work and the international character of his poetry.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cavafy.onassis.org', 'created': '2020-01-28T11:46:23Z', 'updated': '2021-01-29T10:35:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rkpy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26256', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.onco', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ONCO.NEWS', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ONCO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'LC - ONCONEWS', 'description': 'A Revista Onco.News é uma revista científica editada pela Associação de Enfermagem Oncológica Portuguesa (AEOP). A revista tem periodicidade semestral e é publicada nos meses de junho e dezembro. \n\nDirige-se a estudantes e investigadores, profissionais da área da Saúde e da Educação e divulga conhecimento científico produzido na área da Enfermagem Oncológica, com impacto no desenvolvimento científico da enfermagem. Exige-se que todos os artigos tenham profundidade científica, sejam originais e demonstrem clara relevância para o avanço científico na área da Oncologia Nacional e Internacional.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'onco.news', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2183-6914'}, 'url': 'https://onco.news/index.php/journal/index', 'created': '2023-01-20T11:30:00Z', 'updated': '2023-06-20T15:14:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58061', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.31877', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.oi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana / Institute of Oncology Ljubljana', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.OI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.onko-i.si,*.revijaonkologija.si', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-04T13:24:01Z', 'updated': '2021-05-18T07:27:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25670', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'europ.test', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OP Test account', 'symbol': 'EUROP.TEST', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-12T09:27:30Z', 'updated': '2020-09-29T11:01:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'europ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.2999', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.zih', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OPARA', 'symbol': 'TIB.ZIH', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'Open Access Repository and Archive', 'description': 'OPARA is the Open Access Repository and Archive for Research Data of Saxon Universities.', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'opara.zih.tu-dresden.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMHY', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opara.zih.tu-dresden.de/', 'created': '2017-07-31T07:00:06Z', 'updated': '2023-09-25T13:26:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kiyb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25535', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25532', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unibe.boris-portal', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Access CRIS of the University of Bern', 'symbol': 'UNIBE.BORIS-PORTAL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Current Research Information System (CRIS) based on DSpace Software offering Open Access Services to scientific results from University of Bern.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-01T15:09:12Z', 'updated': '2023-08-08T14:17:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unibe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48620', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unibe.repo-phbern', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Access Repository Bern University of Teacher Education', 'symbol': 'UNIBE.REPO-PHBERN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'REPO PHBern is the Open Access Repository of Bern University of Teacher Education', 'language': ['de', 'en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://phrepo.phbern.ch', 'created': '2022-01-31T14:54:23Z', 'updated': '2023-08-08T14:17:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unibe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57694', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unibe.boristheses', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Access Repository for Dissertations of the University of Bern', 'symbol': 'UNIBE.BORISTHESES', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Dissertations submitted at the University of Bern are made available in Open Access by BORIS Theses if this is legally possible.', 'language': ['en', 'de', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'boristheses.unibe.ch', 'created': '2021-04-08T14:04:56Z', 'updated': '2023-08-08T14:17:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unibe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24442', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48549', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.zis', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Access Repository for Measurement Instruments', 'symbol': 'VZEK.ZIS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'ZIS', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-16T11:23:28Z', 'updated': '2023-08-18T14:24:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6102', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unibe.boris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Access Repository of University of Bern', 'symbol': 'UNIBE.BORIS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'de', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://boris.unibe.ch', 'created': '2020-04-06T11:54:03Z', 'updated': '2023-08-08T14:22:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unibe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7892', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48350', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ubc.oc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Collections', 'symbol': 'UBC.OC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Open Collections', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'open.library.ubc.ca', 'created': '2020-02-24T13:54:24Z', 'updated': '2024-01-23T23:10:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ubc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14288', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'occ.occ', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Commons Consortium Datacentre', 'symbol': 'OCC.OCC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'bloodpac.org,occ-data.org,opensciencedatacloud.org,braincommons.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-22T19:47:52Z', 'updated': '2022-03-29T16:36:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'occ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25638', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dfle.woqlft', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Data Repository', 'symbol': 'DFLE.WOQLFT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-12T07:47:56Z', 'updated': '2021-02-12T17:02:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dfle', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48484', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lgao.suub-ojs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Journal System SuUB Bremen', 'symbol': 'LGAO.SUUB-OJS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'journals.suub.uni-bremen.de', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'journals.suub.uni-bremen.de', 'created': '2021-11-26T09:28:20Z', 'updated': '2021-12-14T13:56:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lgao', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48783', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ggjw.zosmap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Journals', 'symbol': 'GGJW.ZOSMAP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The repository includes Georgian scientific journals from different fields of science. Repository is developed by TSU National Science Library of Georgia and Georgian Integrated Library Information System Consortium.', 'language': ['ka', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'openjournals.ge,*.tsu.ge,*.gtuni.edu.ge', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://openjournals.ge/', 'created': '2021-05-18T12:01:51Z', 'updated': '2022-12-30T12:06:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ggjw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48614', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'kim.openkim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Knowledgebase of Interatomic Models (OpenKIM)', 'symbol': 'KIM.OPENKIM', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'OpenKIM is an online suite of open source tools for molecular simulation of materials. These tools help to make molecular simulation more accessible and more reliable. Within OpenKIM, you will find an online resource for standardized testing and long-term warehousing of interatomic models and data, and an application programming interface (API) standard for coupling atomistic simulation codes and interatomic potential subroutines.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3SK8T', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://openkim.org/', 'created': '2018-08-13T17:30:47Z', 'updated': '2018-12-28T16:45:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kim', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25950', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuua.wqayci', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG)', 'symbol': 'WUUA.WQAYCI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://orkg.org/', 'created': '2020-09-29T06:10:13Z', 'updated': '2020-10-12T16:05:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48366', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ggjw.openscience', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Science', 'symbol': 'GGJW.OPENSCIENCE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['ka', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'openscience.ge', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://openscience.ge', 'created': '2021-05-25T13:07:18Z', 'updated': '2021-05-26T14:16:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ggjw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48616', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cos.osf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Science Framework', 'symbol': 'COS.OSF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The Open Science Framework (OSF) is part network of research materials, part version control system, and part collaboration software. The purpose of the software is to support the scientist's workflow and help increase the alignment between scientific values and scientific practices.\r\nDocument and archive studies. Move the organization and management of study materials from the desktop into the cloud. Labs can organize, share, and archive study materials among team members. Web-based project management reduces the likelihood of losing study materials due to computer malfunction, changing personnel, or just forgetting where you put the damn thing.\r\nShare and find materials. With a click, make study materials public so that other researchers can find, use and cite them. Find materials by other researchers to avoid reinventing something that already exists.\r\nDetail individual contribution. Assign citable, contributor credit to any research material - tools, analysis scripts, methods, measures, data.\r\nIncrease transparency. Make as much of the scientific workflow public as desired - as it is developed or after publication of reports. Find public projects here.\r\nRegistration. Registering materials can certify what was done in advance of data analysis, or confirm the exact state of the project at important points of the lifecycle such as manuscript submission or at the onset of data collection. Discover public registrations here.\r\nManage scientific workflow. A structured, flexible system can provide efficiency gain to workflow and clarity to project objectives, as pictured.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3N03T', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://osf.io/', 'created': '2018-06-21T13:19:34Z', 'updated': '2019-09-17T18:14:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cos', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17605', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'osf.osf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Open Society Foundations', 'symbol': 'OSF.OSF', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-07T17:41:19Z', 'updated': '2020-01-07T22:22:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'osf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34880', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'mtakik.obiomap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OpenBioMaps Consortium', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.OBIOMAP', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'openbiomaps.org,danubedata.org,transdiptera.ro', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-04-27T11:31:02Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:49:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18426', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'jbru.openedit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OpenEdition Center', 'symbol': 'JBRU.OPENEDIT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "OpenEdition est un portail de publication en sciences humaines et sociales créé par le Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte, centre spécialisé dans le domaine de l'édition électronique associant le CNRS, l'EHESS, l'Université d'Aix-Marseille et l'Université d'Avignon. C'est une initiative publique travaillant en faveur de l'accès ouvert aux résultats de la recherche scientifique .\n\nDeux tiers des ouvrages y sont proposés en Open Access, le troisième étant réservé aux bibliothèques partenaires.\n\nAvec le développement des pépinières de revues scientifiques en accès ouvert, fédérées en réseau en 2018, OpenEdition s'ouvre à de nouveaux partenariats - déclarés ou relations privilégiées. Ces ainsi qu'une trentaine de revues sont venues rejoindre le portail dans lequel nous trouvions 600 titres de revues en 2022.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.openedition.org/', 'created': '2023-02-01T09:55:06Z', 'updated': '2023-02-01T10:55:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58079', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.shef', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ORDA - The University of Sheffield Research Data Catalogue and Repository', 'symbol': 'BL.SHEF', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': 'Online Research Data', 'description': 'The figshare service for the University of Sheffield allows researchers to store, share and publish research data. It helps the research data to be accessible by storing metadata alongside datasets. Additionally, every uploaded item receives a Digital Object identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. If there are any ethical or copyright concerns about publishing a certain dataset, it is possible to publish the metadata associated with the dataset to help discoverability while sharing the data itself via a private channel through manual approval.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sheffield.ac.uk,figshare.com,figshare.shef.ac.uk,data.4tu.nl,orda.shef.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3P64K', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://orda.shef.ac.uk/', 'created': '2015-01-30T10:25:13Z', 'updated': '2023-11-15T08:43:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ooki', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15131', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'orua.doris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Örebro universitet / DORIS repository', 'symbol': 'ORUA.DORIS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Örebro University / DORIS repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-04T08:02:02Z', 'updated': '2023-09-04T08:42:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'orua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'SNDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60689', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'osu.osu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Oregon State University', 'symbol': 'OSU.OSU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Oregon State University', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-13T15:24:59Z', 'updated': '2020-01-13T17:32:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'osu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'orbisco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7267', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ot', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Organisation et Territoires', 'symbol': 'CNRST.OT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'O&T', 'description': 'La revue de recherche « Organisation et Territoires » a pour objectif d’accompagner le développement territorial au Maroc. Le projet de régionalisation avancée et l’ouverture accrue du pays vers l’extérieur mettent les responsables territoriaux devant de nouveaux impératifs de compétitivité et de performance. L’objectif de la revue est de réunir des articles de recherche de qualité qui traitent des thèmes du développement et de la compétitivité territoriale. Les articles de recherches seront issus de disciplines différentes car le management territorial requiert une certaine polyvalence.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2508-9188'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/Organisation-Territoires/index', 'created': '2020-11-02T14:55:24Z', 'updated': '2020-11-02T15:01:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48407', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'mtakik.omsz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.OMSZ', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'www.met.hu,real.mtak.hu,sites.google.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-05-26T12:46:09Z', 'updated': '2021-10-27T11:18:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21404', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.orzse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Országos Rabbiképző-Zsidó Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.ORZSE', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'real-phd.mtak.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-01-16T21:32:03Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T11:46:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13146', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bibsys.oslomet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Oslomet – storbyuniversitetet', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.OSLOMET', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Oslo Metropolitan University', 'description': 'OsloMet is an urban university with a diverse academic profile and a clear international orientation. Through the research we conduct and the students we educate, OsloMet seeks to respond to the needs of society and the labour market. OsloMet is forward-thinking and committed to adopting new technologies and innovative solutions that improve the way the university is run.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-06-26T12:46:34Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T09:50:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mzoi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21346', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hrrv.nqxtbh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'osnaData', 'symbol': 'HRRV.NQXTBH', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Research Data Repository of University Library Osnabrueck', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'osnadata.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de,osnadata.uni-osnabrueck.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://osnadata.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de', 'created': '2021-04-26T12:25:35Z', 'updated': '2021-08-10T07:48:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hrrv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26249', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'zbmed.oegef', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Österreichische Gesellschaft für Entomofaunistik (OEGEF)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.OEGEF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-18T14:56:58Z', 'updated': '2021-01-14T09:42:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25849', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.ubovgu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg', 'symbol': 'TIB.UBOVGU', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hiresmri.ovgu.de,ovgu.de,edoc2.bibliothek.uni-halle.de,journals.ub.uni-magdeburg.de,opendata.uni-halle.de,open-science.ub.ovgu.de,journals.ub.ovgu.de,aktin.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-03T09:02:28Z', 'updated': '2024-02-08T11:07:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gxys', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24352', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'caltech.ovro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Owens Valley Radio Observatory', 'symbol': 'CALTECH.OVRO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-07T20:46:34Z', 'updated': '2021-06-10T17:37:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'caltech', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25800', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pasteur.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'OWEY', 'symbol': 'PASTEUR.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Créé en 1887, l’Institut Pasteur est un institut international de recherche et d’enseignement, basé en France, au cœur des progrès futurs de la science, de la médecine et de la santé publique. Fondation à but non lucratif reconnue d’utilité publique, l’Institut Pasteur accomplit quatre grandes missions d’intérêt général : la recherche, l’enseignement, la santé des populations et des personnes, le développement de l’innovation et le transfert de technologies.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.pasteur.fr/fr', 'created': '2021-12-13T13:04:09Z', 'updated': '2022-07-21T06:51:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pasteur', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48802', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.brookes', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Oxford Brookes University', 'symbol': 'BL.BROOKES', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'Research And Digital Assets Repository', 'description': 'RADAR (Research And Digital Assets Repository) is the institutional repository of Oxford Brookes University. The role of RADAR is to share the intellectual product of Oxford Brookes freely and openly with the staff and students of Oxford Brookes or with the global academic and public community.\r\n\u200bRADAR has a variety of research collections (primarily containing original research publications) and teaching collections (primarily containing resources that support teaching at Oxford Brookes University). Some of the collections\u200b and resources on RADAR are freely accessible to the general public and other collections\u200b and resources are only accessible by current Oxford Brookes staff and students.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMGX', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://radar.brookes.ac.uk/radar/', 'created': '2017-06-12T09:43:59Z', 'updated': '2021-05-12T13:41:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tnae', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24384', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.oxdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Oxford University Research Archive', 'symbol': 'BL.OXDB', 'year': 2010, 'alternateName': 'ORA', 'description': "ORA (Oxford University Research Archive) is the institutional repository for the University of Oxford. ORA was established in 2007 as a permanent and secure online archive of research materials produced by members of the University of Oxford.\n\nORA aims to provide access to the full text of as much of Oxford's academic research as possible. This includes articles, conference papers, theses, research data, working papers, posters and more.\n\nMaking materials open access removes barriers that restrict access to research, allowing for free dissemination of full text content, available to anyone with Internet access. ORA promotes and encourages the sharing of the scholarly output produced by the members of the University of Oxford that have been published under open access conditions, whilst additionally supporting University compliance with research funder policy and assessment.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ora.ox.ac.uk,fairsharing.org', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3Q056', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ora.ox.ac.uk/', 'created': '2010-12-17T14:49:58Z', 'updated': '2024-01-29T18:29:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ylyl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5287', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26173', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.ub-pad', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Paderborn University Library', 'symbol': 'GESIS.UB-PAD', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-09-07T13:08:14Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T12:01:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'patb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17619', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'awzy.gbfyeq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Paleoanthropology Journal', 'symbol': 'AWZY.GBFYEQ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'OJS Journal', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'paleoanthropology.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://paleoanthropology.org', 'created': '2021-10-07T13:07:33Z', 'updated': '2021-11-08T08:06:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'awzy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48738', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.bkpan', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PAN Biblioteka Kórnicka', 'symbol': 'PSNC.BKPAN', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-11T14:14:31Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T21:29:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cpqx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34843', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qpcj.pgn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Pandonia Global Network (PGN)', 'symbol': 'QPCJ.PGN', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.pandonia-global-network.org/', 'created': '2021-05-12T08:10:06Z', 'updated': '2021-05-12T08:10:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qpcj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48596', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pangaea.repository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PANGAEA', 'symbol': 'PANGAEA.REPOSITORY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science', 'description': 'PANGAEA is a data publisher for earth and environmental sciences. PANGAEA currently keeps billions of data items comprised in hundred of thousands trans-disciplinary data sets from all over the world. Since more than 25 years, PANGAEA is one of the leading data centers for data curation, long-term data archiving and publication. In contrast to generic data repositories, data curation at PANGAEA includes editing of deposited data for accuracy by well-trained data editors from the geological and biological domains. Since more than 10 years PANGAEA assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to datasets. The PANGAEA team support the further development of services for cross-linking data and paper publications as well as evaluating the FAIR-ness of repositories according to the FAIR principles.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'pangaea.de,doi.pangaea.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3XS37', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.pangaea.de/', 'created': '2020-03-11T13:58:41Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pangaea', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.1594', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25594', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'heallink.panteion', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Panteion University', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.PANTEION', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.panteion.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:43:45Z', 'updated': '2022-02-28T10:29:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bedd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26250', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'papyrus.cbwggn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Papyrus', 'symbol': 'PAPYRUS.CBWGGN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://papyrus-datos.co/', 'created': '2022-08-12T17:23:54Z', 'updated': '2022-08-16T19:14:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'papyrus', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VNSF', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57924', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jhu.paradim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PARADIM Data Collective', 'symbol': 'JHU.PARADIM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.paradim.org', 'created': '2019-12-19T18:07:36Z', 'updated': '2019-12-19T18:21:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jhu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34863', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'djiw.nkhaqy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PHYSIOS', 'symbol': 'DJIW.NKHAQY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Revista de divulgación Physios', 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://esimagen.mx/media_album/physios-no-4/', 'created': '2023-08-07T19:34:36Z', 'updated': '2024-01-02T14:17:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'djiw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60647', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'datacite.services', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PID Services Registry', 'symbol': 'DATACITE.SERVICES', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://pidservices.org', 'created': '2019-03-30T06:49:15Z', 'updated': '2019-03-30T06:49:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'datacite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25495', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gfz.pik', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PIKpublic', 'symbol': 'GFZ.PIK', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Publikationsdatenbank PIK', 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/', 'created': '2021-02-10T18:16:03Z', 'updated': '2021-02-18T09:44:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48485', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'imtk.pirsa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PIRSA', 'symbol': 'IMTK.PIRSA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pirsa.org', 'created': '2021-06-22T15:22:09Z', 'updated': '2021-07-06T15:29:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'imtk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48660', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sannapi.gdiima', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Pisa S.Anna', 'symbol': 'SANNAPI.GDIIMA', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['it'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.santannapisa.it,santannapisa.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-14T14:52:09Z', 'updated': '2024-01-12T11:13:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sannapi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57838', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'landcare.plants', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Plant Names Database', 'symbol': 'LANDCARE.PLANTS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Plant Names/eFlora', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-19T15:43:31Z', 'updated': '2020-01-08T01:07:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'landcare', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'doinzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26065', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bl.plymouth', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Plymouth University', 'symbol': 'BL.PLYMOUTH', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk/', 'created': '2017-05-31T13:09:40Z', 'updated': '2023-06-13T14:16:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bcfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24382', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.polar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Polarforskningssekretariatet', 'symbol': 'SND.POLAR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-06-03T09:55:46Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:08:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tzwl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23703', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.pndb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Pôle National de Données de Biodiversité', 'symbol': 'JBRU.PNDB', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Les missions du PNDB (Pôle National de Données de Biodiversité) s’inscrivent dans une approche FAIR (Facile à trouver, Accessible, Intéropérable, Réutilisable), et consistent à :\n1-    fournir un accès aux jeux de données et de métadonnées, à des services associés et à des produits dérivés des analyses\n 2- promouvoir l’animation scientifique pour identifier les lacunes et favoriser l’émergence de dispositifs portés par des communautés d’utilisateurs et producteurs\n  3-  faciliter le partage des pratiques avec les autres communautés de recherche, favoriser le partage des données et leur réutilisation, s’insérer dans la réflexion de la future infrastructure Système Terre.\n 4-   favoriser la cohérence avec les efforts nationaux, européens et internationaux relatifs à l’accès et à l’exploitation des données de recherche sur la biodiversité, à la promotion de produits et services.\nLe PNDB est porté par le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, plus particulièrement par l’UMS 2006 PatriNat, unité MNHN CNRS et OFB. Le projet est en lien étroit avec la FRB et plusieurs de ses institutions fondatrices (OFB, BRGM, CIRAD, CNRS, Ifremer, INERIS, INRA, IRD, IRSTEA, MNHN, Univ. Montpellier).', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-25T14:40:58Z', 'updated': '2021-03-15T15:54:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48502', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'iopan.pkpolar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Polish Polar Consortium Database', 'symbol': 'IOPAN.PKPOLAR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Baza Danych Polskiego Konsorcjum Polarnego', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-31T14:16:34Z', 'updated': '2024-01-03T07:14:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iopan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48459', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.pbow', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Politechnika Białostocka Oficyna Wydawnicza', 'symbol': 'PSNC.PBOW', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-10-02T08:33:42Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T21:46:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'okxd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24427', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pk.shvoyf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki', 'symbol': 'PK.SHVOYF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'pk.rodbuk.pl,pk.rodbuk.edu.pl,repozytorium.biblos.pk.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-07T10:24:38Z', 'updated': '2023-09-04T07:49:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58099', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'crui.polito', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Politecnico di Torino', 'symbol': 'CRUI.POLITO', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'POLITO.IT,*.polito.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-03-28T17:09:22Z', 'updated': '2021-09-15T10:26:47Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13121', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'psnc.ptpw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Polskie Towarzystwo Prawa Wyznaniowego', 'symbol': 'PSNC.PTPW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-01-29T15:26:40Z', 'updated': '2024-01-03T15:47:12Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34888', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sfu.pop', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'POP! Public. Open. Participatory.', 'symbol': 'SFU.POP', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': '*Pop! Public. Open. Participatory* is a post-digital journal of the public humanities, since 2019.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'popjournal.ca', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2563-6111'}, 'url': 'https://popjournal.ca/', 'created': '2020-10-23T21:30:49Z', 'updated': '2020-10-27T18:20:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sfu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48404', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uniwa.repo3', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Population Health Research Network', 'symbol': 'UNIWA.REPO3', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.phrn.org.au,*.uwa.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-01-08T04:10:01Z', 'updated': '2024-01-08T04:42:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uniwa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60703', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uchile.libros', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Portal de Libros', 'symbol': 'UCHILE.LIBROS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-09T15:55:00Z', 'updated': '2021-06-23T16:25:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vwys', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'uchile', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34720', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tsgn.tfqphp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Portal de Revistas Universidad El Bosque', 'symbol': 'TSGN.TFQPHP', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Portal de revistas de la UEB, y revistas científicas y de divulgación de la UEB', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.unbosque.edu.co/', 'created': '2023-05-05T22:04:14Z', 'updated': '2023-05-05T22:09:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tsgn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60492', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ujcm.zntzqv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Portal ZarzÄ…dzania WiedzÄ… UJ CM', 'symbol': 'UJCM.ZNTZQV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Knowledge Management Platform of Jagiellonian University Medical College', 'description': 'Portal ZarzÄ…dzania WiedzÄ… UJ CM is a knowledge and research potential management platform of medical information.\r\nEasy data localization will be possible thanks to DOI and URL addresses given by administrators of the Knowledge Management Platform JU MC. The data will be stored in 2 copies for 10 years.', 'language': ['pl', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNDH', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://portalwiedzy.cm-uj.krakow.pl/', 'created': '2022-12-16T16:19:33Z', 'updated': '2022-12-28T13:26:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ujcm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58038', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.phistoria', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Práticas da História', 'symbol': 'IVUW.PHISTORIA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A Práticas de História é uma revista académica digital publicada na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCSH-NOVA), com o apoio do Instituto de Histórica Contemporânea e do CHAM – Centro de Humanidades. O principal objetivo da revista é promover a discussão em torno da teoria da História, Historiografia e dos Usos do Passado, publicando textos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês. Na Práticas da História os investigadores podem ler – e submeter a publicação – artigos, ensaios bibliográficos e recensões críticas avaliados em regime de peer review. A revista concede igual relevo à investigação que relaciona a prática historiográfica com o domínio das humanidades e aos trabalhos que debatem a história no quadro das ciências sociais.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2183-590X'}, 'url': 'http://www.praticasdahistoria.pt/pt/', 'created': '2021-02-18T22:19:48Z', 'updated': '2021-02-19T09:08:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48487', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.prax', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Praxiling', 'symbol': 'JBRU.PRAX', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'UMR 5267 CNRS/UMPV-3', 'description': 'L’UMR 5267 Praxiing est un laboratoire de recherche en sciences du langage sous la double tutelle du CNRS et de l’Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3. Les recherches menées au sein de l’Unité se situent principalement en analyse de discours, ceux-ci étant envisagés dans leurs conditions concrètes de production, c’est-à-dire construits par des sujets en interaction, et liés à des pratiques situées (des « praxis »). Cette conception des discours fonde l’analyse des fonctionnements et dynamiques linguistiques développée par l’Unité.\n\nAinsi, le laboratoire Praxiling est constituée de linguistes, de phonéticiens et d’anthropologues dont les travaux reposent, pour la plupart, sur l’exploitation de corpus écrits et oraux à l’aide d’outils numériques. \n\nLes recherches émanant de Praxiling portent sur trois thèmes :\n\n \nDiscours, langue\nParole, interactions, santé\nNouveaux discours et veille sociétale\n \n\nUn axe transversal aux trois thèmes, destinée à entretenir la réflexion sur la constitution et le traitement de corpus à l’heure de la science ouverte, structure également Praxiling.\n\nCe site vous propose de découvrir les travaux réalisés par l’Unité. Il contient notamment : une présentation de l’Unité, son agenda, ses membres, leurs publications. Vous y trouverez également les présentations vidéo des séminaires Praxiling 2020/2021, les expositions organisées par les membres du laboratoire et certains corpus analysés.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://praxiling.cnrs.fr/', 'created': '2021-10-13T06:30:24Z', 'updated': '2021-10-13T18:24:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18463', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'datacite.nfrwty', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'prefix', 'symbol': 'DATACITE.NFRWTY', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-07-29T10:27:32Z', 'updated': '2022-07-29T10:27:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'datacite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25653', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tul.pdaps', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Prescription Drug Abuse Policy System', 'symbol': 'TUL.PDAPS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'PDAPS', 'description': 'Datasets on PDAPS.org use policy surveillance to capture the characteristics of laws and policies related to prescription drug use and substance use disorder.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pdaps.org/', 'created': '2023-06-07T13:03:01Z', 'updated': '2023-06-12T18:27:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60553', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pug.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE GRENOBLE', 'symbol': 'PUG.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Les PUG ont été créées en 1972 par des universitaires grenoblois qui ont souhaité mettre en place une maison d’édition à part entière avec son autonomie éditoriale et son propre réseau de diffusion pour faciliter la commercialisation et la meilleure visibilité de leur catalogue. Les PUG sont une société coopérative d'intérêt collectif avec près de 400 sociétaires actifs, les seules presses universitaires en France à se prévaloir d’un tel statut3. Les sociétaires sont des universitaires, parmi lesquels les auteurs retenus pour publication4.\n\nLes PUG en tant qu'entreprise privée ont comme mission principale clairement inscrite dans leur statut: servir l'intérêt général et soutenir l'université en contribuant, entre autres, à la valorisation des travaux universitaires. C'est pourquoi l'une de leurs priorités est la diffusion de la pensée scientifique en France et à l'étranger.\n\nÉditeur scientifique et universitaire national de référence, les PUG rassemblent des auteurs de la France entière, et même au-delà. Elles publient environ 40 nouveautés par an qui viennent enrichir les 800 titres de leur catalogue général actuel. Avec leur catalogue de français langue étrangère, elles contribuent au déploiement du français et des cultures francophones partout dans le monde.\nLes PUG ont pour principales mission de proposer, dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales, des manuels de cours pour les étudiants (collections En +), des essais et des ouvrages de référence pour les enseignants/chercheurs et les professionnels.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.pug.fr/', 'created': '2023-08-10T07:44:21Z', 'updated': '2023-08-10T08:34:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pug', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60666', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pusmb.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc', 'symbol': 'PUSMB.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Les Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc publient les travaux des membres des laboratoires de l’USMB et ceux des établissements avec lesquels il a signé un accord de partenariat.\nLes sujets abordés touchent des domaines très variés concernant l’histoire, les lettres, les langues, la sociologie, le droit, la géologie… Tous les ouvrages sont expertisés avant publication, afin de répondre aux exigences scientifiques en vigueur, et doivent correspondre aux lignes éditoriales des collections. Ces dernières sont pour le moment une douzaine, réparties entre quatre laboratoires de recherche.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.univ-smb.fr/recherche/valorisation/edition-usmb/', 'created': '2022-03-01T14:03:55Z', 'updated': '2022-03-01T15:07:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pusmb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57726', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cctg.pc4', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trial Group', 'symbol': 'CCTG.PC4', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.pc4tg.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-09T02:49:32Z', 'updated': '2023-05-31T02:35:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cctg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58097', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pu.tigerdata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Princeton TigerData', 'symbol': 'PU.TIGERDATA', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'TigerData is a data management service for the Princeton research community that includes a suite of software tools and scalable, tiered storage to enable the organization, description, storage, sharing, and long-term sustainability of research and administrative data.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://tigerdata.princeton.edu/', 'created': '2024-01-18T18:54:49Z', 'updated': '2024-01-18T19:00:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60803', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pu.openpublishing', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Princeton University Library Open Access Publishing', 'symbol': 'PU.OPENPUBLISHING', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'PUL OA Publishing', 'description': 'The Princeton University Library Open Access Publishing Program helps Princeton faculty, researchers, students, and staff publish high quality, peer reviewed, and open access scholarly publications.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'openpublishing.princeton.edu', 'created': '2021-04-30T19:38:20Z', 'updated': '2021-04-30T19:40:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48576', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.print', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PRINT-2 Ltd', 'symbol': 'RADS.PRINT', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-21T10:28:07Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:27:39Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25809', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.pap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Prior Art Publishing GmbH', 'symbol': 'TIB.PAP', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.priorartregister.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-11-02T13:43:59Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:00:15Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18169', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.prioritizat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Prioritisation', 'symbol': 'YSEI.PRIORITIZAT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Prioritisation', 'description': 'This part of the NORMAN Database System presents results of prioritisation of:\n\nChemical occurrence data from EMPODAT database using NORMAN Prioritisation Framework. The substances are ranked based on the availability and quality of occurrence data in six Categories and ranked within each category based on their Risk Score (Final score). NORMAN 2017: Europe-wide prioritisation of 966 NORMAN substances as of 25 July 2016 – combined freshwater/marine water with data from 2009 – 2016. DANUBE 2018: Prioritisation of the Danube River Basin Specific Pollutants (RBSPs) within the SOLUTIONS project as of 14 April 2018 – data obtained from Joint Danube Surveys 1/2/3 and other monitoring data in the Water Quality Database of the ICPDR. SCARCE 2018: Prioritisation of the Iberian Peninsula River Basin Specific Pollutants (RBSPs) within the SOLUTIONS project as of 20 April 2018 – data obtained from the SCARCE project; Llobregat and Ebro River Basins. Simulated Predicted Environmental Concentrations (PEC) provided by the Model Train developed within the SOLUTIONS project (https://www.solutions-project.eu/results-products/#article-52). The NORMAN Prioritisation Framework Risk Score based on the Frequency of Exceedance and Extent of Exceedance of PNECs (the same as for Measured Environmental Concentrations (MEC)) was used. A model based prioritisation of chemicals that can serve as one of the Lines of Evidence in an overall prioritisation exercise to define RBSPs.\n\nDANUBE 2018: Simulations of the combined emission and fate and transport models were carried out for 1788 chemicals. SCARCE 2018: Simulations of the combined emission and fate and transport models were carried out for 1811 chemicals.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/prioritisation/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:08:01Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:08:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60617', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.uaveiro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PROA-UA', 'symbol': 'FCT.UAVEIRO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'PROA-UA: Plataforma de Revistas em Open Access da Universidade de Aveiro é um sistema de informação que pretende agregar e disponibilizar em acesso aberto, via Web, as revistas científicas e académicas dos departamentos, escolas e unidades de investigação da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), de forma a contribuir para a disseminação dos resultados da investigação publicada.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://proa.ua.pt/', 'created': '2019-10-22T15:05:43Z', 'updated': '2021-03-17T10:24:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mlde', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34624', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bixm.proceed', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Proceed', 'symbol': 'BIXM.PROCEED', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'This repository account is used to register DOIs for systematic review protocols and systematic map protocols at www. proceedevidence.info, published by the Collaboration of Environmental Evidence (CEE) and JKI.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.proceedevidence.info', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.proceedevidence.info/', 'created': '2022-05-12T07:50:10Z', 'updated': '2022-05-12T10:11:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bixm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57808', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cern.prise', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Progress in Science Education (Journal)', 'symbol': 'CERN.PRISE', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cern.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-07-11T14:13:03Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T13:03:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cern', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25321', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.biofresh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Project BioFresh, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.BIOFRESH', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The aim of the Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal is to integrate and provide open and free access to freshwater biodiversity data from all possible sources. To this end, we offer tools and support for scientists interested in documenting/advertising their dataset in the metadatabase, in submitting or publishing their primary biodiversity data (i.e. species occurrence records) or having their dataset linked to the Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal. This information portal serves as a data discovery tool, and allows scientists and managers to complement, integrate, and analyse distribution data to elucidate patterns in freshwater biodiversity. The Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal was initiated under the EU FP7 BioFresh project and continued through the Freshwater Information Platform (http://www.freshwaterplatform.eu). To ensure the broad availability of biodiversity data and integration in the global GBIF index, we strongly encourages scientists to submit any primary biodiversity data published in a scientific paper to national nodes of GBIF or to thematic initiatives such as the Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3DG9R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/', 'created': '2013-08-28T13:04:48Z', 'updated': '2021-02-05T12:54:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13148', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pds.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Project Data Sphere Repository', 'symbol': 'PDS.DATA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'PDS.DATA', 'description': 'Project Data Sphere, LLC, operates a free digital library-laboratory where the research community can broadly share, integrate and analyze historical, de-identified, patient-level data from academic and industry cancer Phase II-III clinical trials.  These patient-level datasets are available through the Project Data Sphere platform to researchers affiliated with life science companies, hospitals and institutions, as well as independent researchers,  at no cost and without requiring a research proposal.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMJB', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.projectdatasphere.org/projectdatasphere/html/home', 'created': '2020-03-13T15:07:22Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pds', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34949', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pitt.tycho', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Project Tycho', 'symbol': 'PITT.TYCHO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-06-27T13:50:40Z', 'updated': '2022-08-29T14:29:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pitt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25337', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.ghgvvx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Projectiles', 'symbol': 'GCNC.GHGVVX', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A factographic database presenting Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age projectiles from selected Czech and Slovak sites.\n\nThe online database was created in order to present in full the research data of the project “Archer’s role in vertical stratification processes of Central European societies at the onset of the Bronze Age. Use wear, ballistics, operations.” These results are based on the financial support of The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) under Grant No. 17-11425S. Each lithic projectile included in our analyses and papers is presented in the form of macrophotos, microphotos of use wear traces and 3D models. The goal of this online database is to open our data for further lithic projectile research across the world.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://projectiles.phil.muni.cz/', 'created': '2023-01-26T13:41:06Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:59:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58063', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'patb.monarch', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Projekt MonArch', 'symbol': 'PATB.MONARCH', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-15T09:58:42Z', 'updated': '2023-03-15T09:58:42Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'patb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58163', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.cnrst', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PRSM', 'symbol': 'CNRST.CNRST', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'en', 'ar'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.cnrst.ma,*.imist.ma', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma', 'created': '2020-01-15T14:13:41Z', 'updated': '2023-12-01T10:21:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34874', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34875', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psc.anton', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PSC Anton Data Repository', 'symbol': 'PSC.ANTON', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Anton 2 supercomputer enables researchers to simulate biomolecular systems orders of magnitude faster than any conventional supercomputer to help understand the fundamental biomolecular processes of biology, leading to better ways to treat disease and improve quality of life. This repository contains trajectory and other data produced on the system.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-27T18:17:40Z', 'updated': '2022-11-10T21:13:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57971', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'cctg.pocog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group', 'symbol': 'CCTG.POCOG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.pocog.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-09T02:50:27Z', 'updated': '2023-02-09T02:50:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cctg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58102', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.psycharc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Psychology Archives', 'symbol': 'GESIS.PSYCHARC', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-05-09T14:44:50Z', 'updated': '2020-11-26T14:01:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vpwd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23668', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.psymet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Psychometrikon', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.PSYMET', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.psychometrikon.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-03-05T15:07:16Z', 'updated': '2021-01-05T13:02:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6099', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'laam.ptb-oar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PTB-OAR', 'symbol': 'LAAM.PTB-OAR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'PTB is the national metrology institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Open Access Repository of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt grants free access to a number of factual datasets and documents that were elaborated at PTB. This includes publications such as the "PTB-Mitteilungen", the metrological expert journal of PTB, and numerous of documents from the field of legal metrology.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://oar.ptb.de/', 'created': '2020-08-28T12:08:43Z', 'updated': '2020-09-03T08:22:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'laam', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7795', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.ptf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PTF webalkalmazás', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.PTF', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['hu'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ptfinterface.rissac.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-04-21T13:40:54Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:49:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34977', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.unibi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University', 'symbol': 'TIB.UNIBI', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'pub.uni-bielefeld.de,biecoll.ub.uni-bielefeld.de,doi.org,www.biejournals.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pub.uni-bielefeld.de', 'created': '2012-09-05T13:15:38Z', 'updated': '2023-06-05T13:43:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oexl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4119', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.2390', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.hbrs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'pub H-BRS - Publikationsserver der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg', 'symbol': 'TIB.HBRS', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'pub.h-brs.de,opustest.bsz-bw.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pub.h-brs.de/home', 'created': '2015-12-15T05:44:30Z', 'updated': '2020-12-22T11:51:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ecjv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18418', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nist.pdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Public Data Repository', 'symbol': 'NIST.PDR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'PDR', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-07-24T18:57:57Z', 'updated': '2020-07-24T19:03:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nist', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'bl.phe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Public Health England', 'symbol': 'BL.PHE', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'phe.gov.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-10-09T09:33:16Z', 'updated': '2023-01-26T10:16:59Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vavq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25503', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'msu.ppj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Public Philosophy Journal', 'symbol': 'MSU.PPJ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://publicphilosophyjournal.org/', 'created': '2020-10-13T19:43:03Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T14:20:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'msu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48413', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.spe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publicações SPE', 'symbol': 'IVUW.SPE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'LC-Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística', 'description': 'A Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE) foi fundada em 1980 com o nome de Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística e Investigação Operacional uma vez que inicialmente o seu interesse se repartiu por estas duas áreas do conhecimento. Em 1991 foi profundamente reestruturada tendo sido aprovados novos estatutos e adotado o presente nome de Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística.\n\nA SPE tem por objetivos promover, cultivar e desenvolver, em Portugal, o estudo da Estatística, suas aplicações e ciências afins. É também interesse da SPE unir todos os estatísticos e juntar pessoas trabalhando em diferentes áreas da estatística nas universidades, no sector privado e na administração pública.\n\nEntre as  atividades da SPE destacam-se a publicação de um Boletim semestral com notícias sobre a Sociedade e artigos de divulgação científica, a organização regular de seminários e diversas atividades de divulgação da estatística junto da sociedade em geral.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://www.spestatistica.pt/pt', 'created': '2021-04-28T10:01:23Z', 'updated': '2021-06-24T16:06:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48571', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'nzif.jpxazq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PublicData', 'symbol': 'NZIF.JPXAZQ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Research data repository of the University of Wuppertal', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://publicdata.fdm.uni-wuppertal.de', 'created': '2022-07-22T16:51:09Z', 'updated': '2022-07-25T15:06:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nzif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57899', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fhcw.pubdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsdatenbank - FH Campus Wien', 'symbol': 'FHCW.PUBDB', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pub.fh-campuswien.ac.at/', 'created': '2021-12-17T13:06:02Z', 'updated': '2022-01-19T14:13:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fhcw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34895', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'uzrj.mmjoqj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsportal des FIR an der RWTH Aachen', 'symbol': 'UZRJ.MMJOQJ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Publication Server of FIR at RWTH Aachen University', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'tib.eu,projects.tib.eu,www.tib.eu,*.tib.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://epub.fir.de/home', 'created': '2023-05-30T14:40:02Z', 'updated': '2023-06-05T11:06:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uzrj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60571', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pkye.frsrzl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsserver der FH Südwestfalen', 'symbol': 'PKYE.FRSRZL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Die Bibliothek der FH Südwestfalen betreibt einen Publikationsserver, auf dem Wissenschaftler*innen der Hochschule kostenfrei Beiträge Open Access als Erst- oder Zweitveröffentlichung publizieren können.', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://publikationen.fhb.fh-swf.de/', 'created': '2021-02-18T10:33:55Z', 'updated': '2021-02-19T16:50:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pkye', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48499', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'atxs.rzrimz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsserver der Hochschule Landshut', 'symbol': 'ATXS.RZRIMZ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-haw-landshut/home', 'created': '2022-01-24T09:07:08Z', 'updated': '2022-01-24T09:23:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'atxs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57688', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vgkk.kqsnxy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsserver der Hochschule München', 'symbol': 'VGKK.KQSNXY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Institutional repository of HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences', 'description': 'Die HM-Bibliothek bietet allen Angehörigen der Hochschule – Lehrenden und Studierenden – die Möglichkeit, elektronisch erzeugte, qualifizierte Dokumente sowie Forschungsdaten über ihr Online-Publikations-System kostenlos zu veröffentlichen. Die Texte stehen nach ihrer Veröffentlichung weltweit im Internet zur Verfügung und werden von der Bibliothek dauerhaft archiviert. Die Dokumente sind über Bibliothekskataloge und über die Suchmaschinen des WWW erschlossen und zugänglich.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-hm/home', 'created': '2023-11-23T12:33:29Z', 'updated': '2024-01-31T10:04:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vgkk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60948', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iock.ujqyrl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsserver der PHTG', 'symbol': 'IOCK.UJQYRL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Institutionelles Repositorium der Pädagogischen Hochschule Thurgau', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-01-03T08:40:33Z', 'updated': '2022-01-03T13:02:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iock', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57668', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'kpsf.zmsbw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publikationsserver des Zentrums für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr', 'symbol': 'KPSF.ZMSBW', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Auf diesem Publikationsserver werden wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen des Zentrums für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr (ZMSBw) in Potsdam bibliographisch nachgewiesen und im Open Access zur Verfügung gestellt. Darüber hinaus finden sich hier elektronische Versionen bereits erschienener Texte, Editionen, Karten sowie Digitalisate aus den kostbaren Altbeständen der Bibliothek des ZMSBw.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-zmsbw/home', 'created': '2021-09-30T04:43:04Z', 'updated': '2023-05-08T09:54:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kpsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48727', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.php', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publishing and Printing Center "POLITERRA"', 'symbol': 'RADS.PHP', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-08-20T13:02:43Z', 'updated': '2021-07-14T14:13:32Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34851', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'spbpu.radiotek', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Publishing house «Radiotekhnika»', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.RADIOTEK', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['ru', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'radiotec.ru,*.radiotec.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-15T11:15:08Z', 'updated': '2022-09-15T11:49:03Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18127', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'purdue.etd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Purdue University Graduate School', 'symbol': 'PURDUE.ETD', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) from the Purdue University Graduate School', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-07T20:12:48Z', 'updated': '2019-01-07T20:12:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'purdue', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26122', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'purdue.purduelib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Purdue University Research Repository', 'symbol': 'PURDUE.PURDUELIB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'PURR', 'description': 'The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) provides an online, collaborative working space and data-sharing platform to support Purdue researchers and their collaborators.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3V90N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://purr.purdue.edu/', 'created': '2018-12-04T17:52:18Z', 'updated': '2022-09-13T21:11:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'purdue', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4231', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'mleoben.repository', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'PureMUL', 'symbol': 'MLEOBEN.REPOSITORY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://pure.unileoben.ac.at/portal/de/', 'created': '2020-02-05T12:31:25Z', 'updated': '2022-01-25T10:58:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mleoben', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34901', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34902', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34904', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34903', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'labarc.qa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'QA Server', 'symbol': 'LABARC.QA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-01T16:35:23Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'labarc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'qnl.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Qatar National Library', 'symbol': 'QNL.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'qnl-ror.figshare.com,*.figshare.com,manara.qnl.qa', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-07T16:54:21Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T10:38:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qnl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57945', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'estdoi.qdb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'QsarDB', 'symbol': 'ESTDOI.QDB', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': 'QSAR Data Base', 'description': 'QSAR DataBank (QsarDB) is repository for (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationships ((Q)SAR) data and models. It also provides open domain-specific digital data exchange standards and associated tools that enable research groups, project teams and institutions to share and represent predictive in silico models.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'qsardb.org,*.ut.ee', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMVF', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://qsardb.org/', 'created': '2014-08-21T06:22:48Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tawj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15152', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.quadrante', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Quadrante – Revista de Investigação em Educação Matemática', 'symbol': 'IVUW.QUADRANTE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A Quadrante – Revista de Investigação em Educação Matemática é uma publicação periódica da Associação de Professores de Matemática (APM). A revista constitui-se um espaço de intercâmbio de ideias e experiências no campo da investigação em educação matemática, publicando textos de investigação que se centram em questões relacionadas com o ensino e a aprendizagem da matemática e a formação do professor que ensina matemática, nos diferentes níveis de ensino.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0872-3915', 'electronic': '2183-2838'}, 'url': 'https://quadrante.apm.pt/', 'created': '2021-02-16T20:57:42Z', 'updated': '2021-02-19T09:09:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48489', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.qog', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Quality of Government Institute', 'symbol': 'SND.QOG', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-10-12T08:31:40Z', 'updated': '2021-01-29T13:34:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iuvp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18157', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'grjh.qrp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Quarterly on Refugee Problems', 'symbol': 'GRJH.QRP', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'QRP', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://ejournals.bibliothek.fhws.de/qrp', 'created': '2022-09-13T08:23:12Z', 'updated': '2022-09-20T20:09:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'grjh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57947', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pitt.qubes', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'QUBES', 'symbol': 'PITT.QUBES', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis\nQUBES is a community of individuals and organizations committed to accelerating STEM education reform. Supported by our social-cyberinfrastructure and commitment to teaching quantitative skills, we work to make sure that our teaching is effective, open, accessible, equitable, and inclusive.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'qubeshub.org', 'created': '2019-06-18T17:35:21Z', 'updated': '2021-06-30T19:49:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pitt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25334', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ifot.vckvhq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Qucosa', 'symbol': 'IFOT.VCKVHQ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-12T09:48:43Z', 'updated': '2024-01-04T09:12:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ifot', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60687', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.qmul', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Queen Mary University of London', 'symbol': 'BL.QMUL', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-04-29T10:47:57Z', 'updated': '2023-03-16T10:14:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iuar', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17636', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'qcif.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation Ltd', 'symbol': 'QCIF.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.qcif.edu.au,*qcif.edu.au,qcif.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-02T05:07:30Z', 'updated': '2023-06-07T01:58:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qcif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60540', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.qut1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Queensland University of Technology', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.QUT1', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'qut.edu.au,sourceforge.net,*.qut.edu.au,*.sourceforge.net', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:59Z', 'updated': '2022-05-31T03:54:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25912', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'gesis.qjb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Querelles Jahrbuch für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung', 'symbol': 'GESIS.QJB', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-07-16T09:06:22Z', 'updated': '2024-01-25T11:03:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vlef', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15461', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.adisp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Quetelet PROGEDO Diffusion', 'symbol': 'INIST.ADISP', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Réseau Quetelet, in cooperation with its partners, provides researchers from France and abroad interested in data treatment with the requisite access to databases in the following domains:\r\n- Major data, censuses and other databases of French National Statistics\r\n- Major French research data\r\n- Privileged access to international data', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3W90Z', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://quetelet.progedo.fr/', 'created': '2013-08-08T13:22:07Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:08:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13144', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'rads.kipz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Rabbit and Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding', 'symbol': 'RADS.KIPZ', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'kipz.su', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-01-29T09:12:05Z', 'updated': '2023-01-30T15:44:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'csuc.raco', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert)', 'symbol': 'CSUC.RACO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-15T19:58:31Z', 'updated': '2023-11-17T08:03:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'csuc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60940', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.radar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RADAR', 'symbol': 'TIB.RADAR', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'Research Data Repository', 'description': 'RADAR is an online service for the archival and publication of research data resulting from completed scientific studies and projects. RADAR is a generic, interdisciplinary service which offers two service levels: data archival and data publication (including archival).\r\nData archival offers format-independent long-term storage with user-defined rentention periods. By default, archived data and associated metadata will not be published, unless specified otherwise by the RADAR user. The RADAR service offers flexible data and metadata access management, so that RADAR users are able to share preserved datasets with specific users. Bitstream preservation will produce backup copies of the data at three different locations to ensure its long-term availability.\r\n- Flexible retention period (5, 10, 15 years)\r\n- By default "Dark archive"\r\n- Data providers determine access rights (private/shared/public) \r\n- Yearly payment scheme for institutions\r\nData publication includes the allocation of a DataCite DOI at point of publication. The RADAR service includes an optional embargo period for the publication of submitted data that can be subsequently prolonged if necessary. The dataset along with the metadata describing the dataset will be published and allocated a DOI to ensure that each specific datasets can be found and cited once any embargo period has expired.\r\nWithin the publication service, a peer review option may be used. The RADAR user will receive a secure review URL provided by RADAR which may then be forwarded to an editor or reviewer responsible for a corresponding manuscript submission. The respective dataset is locked for the duration of the peer review process.\r\n- Unlimited holding period (minimum 25 years guaranteed)\r\n- Optional embargos\r\n- Assigning a DOI (DataCite)\r\n- Interface for peer review \r\n- Selection of licences, no CC0 required\r\n- Metadata is indexed (RADAR, DataCite, OAI, Google) \r\n- One-time payment scheme for institutions', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'radar-service.eu,www.radar-service.eu,radar4culture.radar-service.eu,radar4chem.radar-service.eu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3ZX96', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.radar-service.eu/de', 'created': '2016-06-20T12:38:26Z', 'updated': '2023-05-23T19:50:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'imna', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22000', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.kit4radar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RADAR4KIT', 'symbol': 'TIB.KIT4RADAR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Research Data Repository for KIT', 'description': 'RADAR4KIT enables KIT researchers to manage, archive, share in project teams and publish their research data in a repository. It allows users to compile research data from completed scientific studies and projects into data packages, describe them with metadata, store them permanently and archive them or make them publicly accessible if required. Published data are given a persistent identifier (DOI) and can thus be found internationally and are also referenced in KITopen. The operator is the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). RADAR4KIT is based on the RADAR service offered by FIZ Karlsruhe. The data is stored exclusively on the KIT IT infrastructure at the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC).', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'radar.kit.edu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMVU', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://radar.kit.edu/', 'created': '2020-11-24T17:38:07Z', 'updated': '2023-07-19T15:15:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35097', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.ru', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Radboud Data Repository', 'symbol': 'DELFT.RU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'RDR', 'description': 'The Radboud Data Repository (RDR) is an institutional repository for archiving and sharing of data collected, processed, or analyzed by researchers working at or affiliated with the Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). The repository allows safe long-term (at least 10 years) storage of large datasets. The RDR promotes findability of datasets by providing a DOI and rich metadata fields and allows researchers to easily manage data access.', 'language': ['en', 'nl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMZR', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.ru.nl', 'created': '2020-04-16T10:21:22Z', 'updated': '2022-11-23T10:29:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nqkf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34973', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oin.radiantmlhub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Radiant MLHub', 'symbol': 'OIN.RADIANTMLHUB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'mlhub.earth', 'created': '2020-02-19T17:28:42Z', 'updated': '2023-05-02T16:43:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'source', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'RADNTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34911', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vaor.wdezps', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Radiomics Imaging Archive', 'symbol': 'VAOR.WDEZPS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Radiomics Imaging Archive (RIA) is a repository which stores and hosts a large archive of de-identified medical and preclinical images as well as radiomics features extracted from these images accessible for public download.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.radiomicsimagingarchive.org/', 'created': '2021-08-31T11:29:22Z', 'updated': '2021-09-01T10:35:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vaor', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48709', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.radio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Radioökológiai Tisztaságért Társadalmi Szervezet', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.RADIO', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'real-eod.mtak.hu,rttsz.hu,treicep.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-05-03T11:24:27Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:49:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18428', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mit.rapids', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Rapid AI Platform for Innovating Data Science', 'symbol': 'MIT.RAPIDS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Digital Health Technologies Data Hub', 'description': 'RAPIDS is a data and analytics hub which enables physiological data curation, storage, and model development to address human disease and emerging biological threats.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ll.mit.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://rapids.ll.mit.edu/', 'created': '2022-07-19T14:13:27Z', 'updated': '2022-07-22T18:16:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57895', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rasspgpa.cegpwr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RASS-PGPA', 'symbol': 'RASSPGPA.CEGPWR', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': 'EVUE AFRICAINE DES SCIENCES SOCIALES. PENSEES GENRE. PENSER AUTREMENT', 'description': 'Le genre est un concept importé des études-anglo-saxonnes, qui traite de la dynamique des rapports sociaux entre deux groupes antagonistes et complémentaires. Son analyse permet de questionner les catégories sexuées, puis de comprendre comment les différences de sexes sont produites et reproduites. En français, son équivalent pourrait correspondre à : « rapports sociaux de sexe » (Liebe, 2008 : 15-16). Bien que considéré comme « une façon première de signifier le pouvoir » (Scott, 1988 :141), le genre renvoie à un processus qui crée et fixe les différences sexuées tout en les présentant comme naturelles. Ainsi, l’analyse « genre » consiste à appréhender la façon dont les catégories sexuées, à savoir, l’homme et la femme sont le produit d’un processus social et historique, qui hiérarchise deux groupes sociaux, en leur assignant des qualités propres et des positions bien déterminées.\nPenser genre, c’est réfléchir sur ce que devrait être le statut de l’homme et de la femme en mettant en lumière les représentations, et les pratiques de ces deux groupes en fonction de divers contextes. Ces efforts de production permettront de capitaliser des données et des connaissances, sur la façon dont les identités sexuées sont produites, construites et confirmées grâce à tout un arsenal de discours, de pratiques et d’idées reçues, qui structurent et traversent les sociétés dans le monde. Dès lors, le genre s’assimile à un musée social et culturel, un musée de mémoire effervescente et intarissable duquel, chaque culture selon les époques, façonne son mémoire de modèles idéels et idéals de la masculinité et de la féminité. En effet, dans toute société, le sexe de l’enfant conduit à des attentes certes différentes mais complémentaires avec l’autre sexe. Pendant que le sexe masculin devra être fort, courageux, actif, producteur et visible, le sexe féminin sera appelé à rester modeste, beau, domestique, reproducteur, passif, vulnérable et invisible. Chaque sexe se performera selon les exigences socioculturelles, afin d’être reconnu en tant qu’homme, ou en tant que femme (Butler, 2005, 2012). Ainsi, historiquement et culturellement, une copie masculine et une copie féminine du genre, sont reconnues comme modèle de savoir-faire et de savoir-être de la femme et de l’homme. Ce, tout au long de la vie. Et la dépendance à sa copie sociale et sa reconnaissance en celle-ci devient la feuille de route rendant intelligible et lisible les comportements, et qui à leur tour légitiment et pérennisent ces normes de genre (Butler, 2005, 2012).\nAssujettis aux activités correspondant culturellement à leur rôle sexuel (Albagli, 1995 ; Marchand, 1999), les femmes seront insérées dans des rôles peu valorisés et valorisant, quand les hommes détenant le pouvoir, joueront des rôles dominants. Ainsi, d’un point de vue descriptif et hiérarchique, deux pôles sociaux s’apposent (Ehui, 2020). L’un, décrivant la position masculine qui confère le statut d’être majeur, détenteur des pouvoirs, et l’autre, la position féminine synonyme d’enclavement, voire d’aliénation dans la soumission et la domination. Le masculin plus valorisé que le féminin (Molinier, 2002), la femme est appréhendée comme une citoyenne mineure (Eldred, 2014). En conséquence, le statut inférieur des femmes (Mirchandani, 1999) valorise celui des hommes par le contrôle de la richesse et du pouvoir (Muntean et Ozkazanc-Pan, 2016). Dans certaines circonstances, la source de cet engrenage social, est associée à la volonté des « ancêtres-dieux » (Ehui, 2019). La femme est confinée dans une position sociale minimaliste la reléguant au bas de l’échelle sociale avec pour conséquences :', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2788-8495', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2957-3564'}, 'url': 'https://www.rass-pgpa.org', 'created': '2024-02-05T18:25:09Z', 'updated': '2024-02-05T21:17:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rasspgpa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60842', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.esep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RC-ESEP', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ESEP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'REPOSITÓRIO CIENTÍFICO DA ESEP', 'description': 'Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP – Nursing School of Porto) is a place where one learns a nursing that is more relevant for people and to be interventive in the processes of caring in health. ESEP is an institution dedicated to the education in nursing at undergraduate, post-graduate and master levels. It exists since January 1, 2007, and is the merging of three institutions of education of nursing in Porto: the Colleges of Nursing D. Ana Guedes, Cidade do Porto and São João. ESEP is one of the first schools of nursing in the country.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/1715', 'created': '2021-07-30T14:13:02Z', 'updated': '2021-07-30T15:32:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48684', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.lusiadas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RC-LUSIADAS SAUDE', 'symbol': 'IVUW.LUSIADAS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'lusiadasscientificjournal.pt', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/31564', 'created': '2021-08-03T16:12:33Z', 'updated': '2023-04-28T09:16:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48687', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'otgk.rep1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RCA Research Repository', 'symbol': 'OTGK.REP1', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The RCA Research Repository is designed to support the collection, archive and publication of RCA research practice, processes and outputs. Making the material available through the RCA’s Research Repository supports the Royal College of Art’s objective to advance learning, knowledge and professional competence in the fields of fine arts and design.\n\nThe repository is an open access academic resource, to which anyone at the RCA and the public has access, and to which all research staff are able to manage and publish their research, work-in-progress, bibliographic records and data to the Internet. It also contains all completed PhD theses.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://researchonline.rca.ac.uk/', 'created': '2023-07-20T13:25:04Z', 'updated': '2023-07-20T13:29:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'otgk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60624', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.rcaap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RCAAP', 'symbol': 'FCT.RCAAP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-05T17:16:19Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:52:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25736', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'yxdu.rdms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RDMS Repository', 'symbol': 'YXDU.RDMS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'research data', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-05-02T07:33:17Z', 'updated': '2023-05-02T07:44:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yxdu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60517', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qndc.rdspace', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RDSpace@UBT', 'symbol': 'QNDC.RDSPACE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': "University of Bayreuth's Institutional Repository for Research Data", 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*uni-bayreuth.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://rdspace.uni-bayreuth.de', 'created': '2022-06-30T08:16:47Z', 'updated': '2023-08-10T07:55:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qndc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57880', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'corp.papers', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REAL CORP Conference', 'symbol': 'CORP.PAPERS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.corp.at/', 'created': '2021-01-21T08:15:24Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T08:20:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'corp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48494', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vgzm.xxtrle', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'recensio.antiquitatis', 'symbol': 'VGZM.XXTRLE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-25T07:22:46Z', 'updated': '2020-11-25T07:22:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vgzm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21245', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rdg.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Recherche Data Gouv France', 'symbol': 'RDG.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'French Research Data Gouv Platform', 'description': 'The Research Data Gouv platform is the French national federated platform for open and shared research data serving the national scientific community. This platform was an integral part of the Second National Plan for Open Science (PNSO) and offers a multidisciplinary data repository, a registry which reports data hosted in other repositories and a web portal. The multidisciplinary repository is a sovereign publishing solution for sharing and opening up data for communities which are yet to set up their own recognised thematic repository.', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJN8R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://recherche.data.gouv.fr/en', 'created': '2022-03-24T08:06:13Z', 'updated': '2024-01-29T09:29:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rdg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57745', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.rafi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Recherches et Applications en Finance Islamique (RAFI)', 'symbol': 'CNRST.RAFI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'RAFI', 'description': 'Recherches et Applications en Finance Islamique (RAFI) est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture. Cette revue électronique couvre les disciplines liées à la finance islamique et participative, et c’est la première revue marocaine spécialisée dans ce domaine. Ainsi elle publie des articles académiques qui étudient les banques participatives, les fonds d’investissement éthiques, Takaful, les sukuk, les indices boursiers islamiques, etc. Pour satisfaire la demande émanant de plusieurs chercheurs, enseignants et doctorants, la revue propose la publication de leurs articles dans les numéros réguliers après un processus d’évaluation. Le comité de rédaction associe également la revue aux nombreuses manifestations scientifiques sur la finance islamique afin de sélectionner les meilleurs articles.', 'language': ['fr', 'ar', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2509-0224'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/RAFI/index', 'created': '2020-10-23T08:03:57Z', 'updated': '2020-10-23T08:06:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48394', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ufra.ameewj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REDAB- Repositório de Dados da Ufra', 'symbol': 'UFRA.AMEEWJ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-01T14:39:38Z', 'updated': '2022-12-01T14:39:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ufra', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'ufra.mhhzdn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REDAB- Repositório de Dados da Ufra', 'symbol': 'UFRA.MHHZDN', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repositório institucional multidisciplinar, com foco mais forte em Ciencias Agrarias.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://redab.ufra.edu.br/', 'created': '2022-12-01T18:54:28Z', 'updated': '2022-12-16T15:17:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ufra', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'embrapa.frdsij', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Redape - Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Embrapa', 'symbol': 'EMBRAPA.FRDSIJ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Redape – Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Embrapa, um repositório digital que visa preservar e facilitar a busca por dados de pesquisa produzidos pela Empresa. Ele permite a organização, o gerenciamento e a publicação de dados de acordo com os princípios que norteiam a gestão de dados científicos em todo o mundo, incluindo a acessibilidade, a interoperabilidade, a reprodutibilidade e o reúso.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.redape.dados.embrapa.br/', 'created': '2020-11-18T22:28:57Z', 'updated': '2022-02-11T14:41:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'embrapa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cnpq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48432', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.ariz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ReDATA', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.ARIZ', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ReDATA is the research data repository for the University of Arizona and a sister repository to the UA Campus Repository (which is intended for document-based materials). The UA Research Data Repository (ReDATA) serves as the institutional repository for non-traditional scholarly outputs resulting from research activities by University of Arizona researchers. Depositing research materials (datasets, code, images, videos, etc.) associated with published articles and/or completed grants and research projects, into ReDATA helps UA researchers ensure compliance with funder and journal data sharing policies as well as University data retention policies. ReDATA is designed for materials intended for public availability.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'arizona.figshare.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMSF', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://redata.arizona.edu', 'created': '2020-02-20T10:01:24Z', 'updated': '2024-01-30T14:33:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'joyc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25422', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdcc.rnp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa RNP', 'symbol': 'GDCC.RNP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'RNP Production Dataverse', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dadosabertos.rnp.br/', 'created': '2019-12-10T13:37:57Z', 'updated': '2024-01-24T10:56:37Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34841', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qjzc.krhwrj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Redundant DOIs with prefix 10.11585', 'symbol': 'QJZC.KRHWRJ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-01-29T09:07:01Z', 'updated': '2022-12-30T11:57:34Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'jejm.regionalia', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RegionaliaOpen', 'symbol': 'JEJM.REGIONALIA', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://regionalia.blb-karlsruhe.de/home', 'created': '2022-09-23T13:32:55Z', 'updated': '2022-12-07T08:41:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jejm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57962', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bibsys.rbup', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse, helseregion Øst og Sør', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.RBUP', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'psyktestbarn.r-bup.no,tiltakshandboka.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-10-30T10:38:55Z', 'updated': '2021-01-27T10:11:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vyqb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21337', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'awsod.roda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Registry of Open Data on AWS', 'symbol': 'AWSOD.RODA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Registry of Open Data on Amazon Web Services', 'description': 'The Registry of Open Data on AWS provides a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamlessly integrated into AWS cloud-based applications. AWS is hosting the public data sets at no charge to their users. Anyone can access these data sets from their Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and start computing on the data within minutes. Users can also leverage the entire AWS ecosystem and easily collaborate with other AWS users.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3M91V', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://registry.opendata.aws/', 'created': '2023-05-26T18:50:18Z', 'updated': '2024-02-14T16:08:07Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60489', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'purdue.re3data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Registry of Research Repositories', 'symbol': 'PURDUE.RE3DATA', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-10-06T16:27:26Z', 'updated': '2018-12-06T14:35:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'purdue', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17616', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'umich.rsclid', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Remote Sensing Code Library', 'symbol': 'UMICH.RSCLID', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-12-14T11:50:17Z', 'updated': '2018-12-14T14:41:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'umich', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21982', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.dgeec', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RENATES', 'symbol': 'IVUW.DGEEC', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A plataforma RENATES recolhe informação oficial sobre teses de doutoramento e dissertações de mestrado realizadas em Portugal. Inclui também registos de teses de doutoramento em curso e de teses realizadas no estrangeiro e reconhecidas em Portugal.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://renates2.dgeec.mec.pt/', 'created': '2024-01-04T16:49:39Z', 'updated': '2024-01-05T08:40:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60741', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.repod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RepOD', 'symbol': 'TIB.REPOD', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repod.pon.edu.pl,repod.icm.edu.pl,rds.icm.edu.pl,mxrdr.icm.edu.pl,repod-test.icm.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-07-02T05:06:39Z', 'updated': '2021-04-17T07:35:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'repod', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18150', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.hcu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'repOS - Das Open Science Repository der HCU', 'symbol': 'TIB.HCU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.repos.hcu-hamburg.de/', 'created': '2019-07-30T13:27:28Z', 'updated': '2021-04-06T05:56:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34712', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'aqap.pvhmon', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REPOSIT', 'symbol': 'AQAP.PVHMON', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://reposit.haw-hamburg.de/', 'created': '2021-01-15T13:00:03Z', 'updated': '2021-01-15T13:02:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aqap', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48441', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.esap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório  da Escola Superior Artística do Porto', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ESAP', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'RComum-ESAP', 'description': 'A Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP) tem como entidade instituidora a Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Artístico do Porto ( CESAP), entidade de utilidade pública, sem fins lucrativos, constituída em Maio de 1982.\nA ESAP é um espaço de incentivo à investigação e de encontro entre artistas, teóricos, investigadores, curadores ou outros profissionais, nacionais e internacionais, tanto interiores como exteriores à instituição. O lugar que ocupa no território das artes e da arquitectura, manifesta-se no crescente reconhecimento dos seus pares.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://comum.rcaap.pt/handle/10400.26/5169', 'created': '2021-05-28T10:12:30Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T10:47:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48618', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fiocruz.gvqdwx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório 1 da Fiocruz', 'symbol': 'FIOCRUZ.GVQDWX', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Arca Dados', 'description': 'O Arca Dados é a plataforma oficial da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) para arquivar, publicar, disseminar, preservar e compartilhar os dados digitais para pesquisa produzidos pela comunidade Fiocruz e parceiros. Para mais informações, envie um e-mail para dadosabertos@fiocruz.br', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dadosdepesquisa.fiocruz.br/dataverse.xhtml', 'created': '2020-07-30T14:37:54Z', 'updated': '2022-06-03T18:51:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fiocruz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cnpq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35078', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fiocruz.hzbrhl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório 2 da Fiocruz', 'symbol': 'FIOCRUZ.HZBRHL', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Cidacs', 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataverse.cidacs.org', 'created': '2022-06-03T19:06:04Z', 'updated': '2022-08-31T04:09:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fiocruz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cnpq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57833', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.uab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Aberto', 'symbol': 'FCT.UAB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorioaberto.uab.pt/', 'created': '2019-12-17T17:26:49Z', 'updated': '2021-11-24T17:20:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34627', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.uporto', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Aberto da Universidade do Porto', 'symbol': 'FCT.UPORTO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Open Repository collects, preserves and publishes the intellectual and scientific production of the academic community of U.Porto. It ensures an open and free access to the full text version of documents whenever it is authorized by the authors.\n\nThe repository is organized in Communities and Collections: the first correspond to organic entities of U.Porto (and also Porto Business School, I3S, CIIMAR, ISPUP) and the latter comprise the outputs of each community organized by types of documents – articles, books, chapters of books, master and doctoral thesis, posters, reports and others.\n\nPublications are all covered by Creative Commons public license and it is strictly forbidden any use that is not authorized by it.\n\nFor further information please visit the FAQ or send an email to documentacao.informacao@uporto.pt.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/', 'created': '2019-12-03T15:18:01Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:34:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34626', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vwys.repositorio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Académico', 'symbol': 'VWYS.REPOSITORIO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-09T19:03:43Z', 'updated': '2022-11-10T12:18:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vwys', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'uchile', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58011', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ibict.rep-i', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Aleia', 'symbol': 'IBICT.REP-I', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Aleia', 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.ibict.br', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://aleia.ibict.br/', 'created': '2020-12-10T14:03:03Z', 'updated': '2022-08-05T14:17:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ibict', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cnpq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48472', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hppk.yxmipx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Externadista', 'symbol': 'HPPK.YXMIPX', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Repositorio Biblioteca Digital Externadista', 'description': 'La Biblioteca Digital Externadista tiene como objetivo preservar y visibilizar la producción académica, científica y cultural de la Universidad Externado de Colombia', 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://bdigital.uexternado.edu.co/home', 'created': '2022-11-02T15:15:52Z', 'updated': '2022-11-02T15:20:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hppk', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VNSF', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57998', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.ipv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Viseu', 'symbol': 'FCT.IPV', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.ipv.pt/', 'created': '2020-03-18T11:38:12Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:35:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34633', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.lnec', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Cientifico do LNEC', 'symbol': 'FCT.LNEC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório Cientifico do LNEC tem por objetivo divulgar e permitir o livre acesso à produção científica da sua comunidade de investigadores nos domínios da engenharia civil e áreas afins, promovendo a partilha e a visibilidade da informação científica e garantindo a preservação da memória intelectual da instituição.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repositorio.lnec.pt:8080/', 'created': '2020-08-05T10:07:02Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:35:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34638', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.lneg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Científico do LNEG', 'symbol': 'FCT.LNEG', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório Científico do LNEG destina-se a preservar, divulgar e dar acesso à produção científica do LNEG em formato digital. \n\nConstituem objectivos do Repositório: aumentar a visibilidade e o impacto da investigação desenvolvida no LNEG, melhorar a comunicação interna e externa e preservar a memória intelectual da instituição.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repositorio.lneg.pt/', 'created': '2020-08-04T10:03:04Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:37:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34637', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.ulusof', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Científico Lusófona', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ULUSOF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'LC-RECIL', 'description': 'O Repositório Científico Lusófona é um serviço digital que congrega os trabalhos científicos produzidos no Grupo Lusófona, disponibilizando de forma pública e universal a produção científica do Grupo.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://recil.ensinolusofona.pt/', 'created': '2023-04-28T09:33:58Z', 'updated': '2023-04-28T16:26:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60543', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.rcomum', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório Comum', 'symbol': 'FCT.RCOMUM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório Comum é um repositório que se destina às instituições do sistema científico nacional que não possuam um repositório institucional próprio permitindo-lhes ter visibilidade para a sua produção científica e para a sua Instituição, garantir o acesso fácil ao acervo e preservar a sua produção.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://comum.rcaap.pt/', 'created': '2020-07-01T17:07:12Z', 'updated': '2023-03-17T15:48:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34642', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.uac', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório da Universidade dos Açores', 'symbol': 'IVUW.UAC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório Institucional RUAc tem por missão incorporar, registrar, organizar, manter, preservar e possibilitar o acesso aberto online à produção académica, científica e cultural da Universidade dos Açores, dando visibilidade aos seus conteúdos através da partilha da sua produção institucional e da integração nos sistemas de rede nacionais e internacionais de informação, utilizando técnicas de interoperabilidade e padrões internacionais.\n\nO conteúdo do Repositório Institucional RUAc está organizado em torno de Comunidades e respetivas Coleções. O Repositório contém artigos, trabalhos em eventos científicos, livros, capítulos de livro, teses, dissertações, relatórios técnicos, documentos institucionais, palestras, etc., em formato digital e respetivos metadados.\n\nO Repositório Institucional RUAc tem como comunidade de interesse docentes, investigadores, alunos em coautoria com docentes e/ou investigadores, bolseiros em coautoria com docentes e/ou investigadores, funcionários e colaboradores de projetos da Universidade dos Açores.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.uac.pt/', 'created': '2023-03-14T16:03:30Z', 'updated': '2023-03-14T16:46:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58158', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'puc.dataverse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Datos de Investigación PUC', 'symbol': 'PUC.DATAVERSE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-26T13:26:45Z', 'updated': '2023-04-26T13:27:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'puc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'UCHILE', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60525', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unab.dataverse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Datos de Investigación UNAB', 'symbol': 'UNAB.DATAVERSE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-26T13:10:14Z', 'updated': '2023-04-26T13:15:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unab', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'UCHILE', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60483', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'usach.dataverse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Datos de Investigación USACH', 'symbol': 'USACH.DATAVERSE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-26T13:20:44Z', 'updated': '2023-04-26T13:22:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'usach', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'UCHILE', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60547', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ipen.mfdlgz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório de Dados Científicos do IPEN (RDC)', 'symbol': 'IPEN.MFDLGZ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'RDC- IPEN', 'description': 'Nuclear energy and related sciences data Repository', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datarepository.ipen.br', 'created': '2023-03-14T15:03:54Z', 'updated': '2023-03-14T16:12:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ipen', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58148', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.fct-gdi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório de Dados da FCT|FCCN', 'symbol': 'IVUW.FCT-GDI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Data repository of FCT', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-12-17T16:36:29Z', 'updated': '2021-12-17T17:12:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5679', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ufc.xtmcmv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da Antônio Martins Filho (REDAM)', 'symbol': 'UFC.XTMCMV', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'REDAM', 'description': 'Repositório institucional multidisciplinar', 'language': ['pt', 'en', 'es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dadosdepesquisa.ufc.br/', 'created': '2023-06-09T13:46:40Z', 'updated': '2023-06-09T17:27:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ufc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60500', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ufguni.yywjwa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório de Dados de Pesquisa da UFG', 'symbol': 'UFGUNI.YYWJWA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repositório institucional multidisciplinar', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dadosdepesquisa.ufg.br/', 'created': '2023-01-04T19:51:31Z', 'updated': '2023-01-05T14:04:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ufguni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'undr.undr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio de Datos Académicos Universidad Nacional de Rosario', 'symbol': 'UNDR.UNDR', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'RDA UNR', 'description': 'The Academic Data Repository of the National University of Rosario (RDA- UNR) allows for sharing, storing, accessing, exploring, and citing research data managed by UNR professors, researchers and students so as to make these data visible and promote its use and reutilization, ensuring its long-term preservation. It is a self-publishing repository, i.e. users upload, organize, describe and publish their own data with the assistance of a team of curators, user guides and training sessions.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJN9K', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://dataverse.unr.edu.ar/', 'created': '2022-02-20T00:45:38Z', 'updated': '2023-04-12T13:22:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'undr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57715', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uchile.dataverse', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio de Datos de Investigación de la Universidad de Chile', 'symbol': 'UCHILE.DATAVERSE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The University of Chile Research Data Repository preserves, disseminates and provides access to the research data generated by its academics and researchers, in order to give visibility, guarantee its preservation and facilitate its access and reuse.', 'language': ['es', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMLW', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datos.uchile.cl/', 'created': '2019-06-17T18:07:02Z', 'updated': '2023-05-23T16:33:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vwys', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'uchile', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34691', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'udr.researchdata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio de datos de investigación de la Universidad del Rosario', 'symbol': 'UDR.RESEARCHDATA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Research data repository of Universidad del Rosario', 'description': 'The Universidad del Rosario Research data repository is an institutional iniciative launched in 2019 to preserve, provide access and promote the use of data resulting from Universidad del Rosario research projects. The Repository aims to consolidate an online, collaborative working space and data-sharing platform to support Universidad del Rosario researchers and their collaborators, and to ensure that research data is available to the community, in order to support further research and contribute to the democratization of knowledge.\r\n\r\nThe Research data repository is the heart of an institutional strategy that seeks to ensure the generation of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data, with the aim of increasing its impact and visibility. This strategy follows the international philosophy of making research data “as open as possible and as closed as necessary”, in order to foster the expansion, valuation, acceleration and reusability of scientific research, but at the same time, safeguard the privacy of the subjects.\r\nThe platform storage, preserves and facilitates the management of research data from all disciplines, generated by the researchers of all the schools and faculties of the University, that work together to ensure research with the highest standards of quality and scientific integrity, encouraging innovation for the benefit of society.', 'language': ['es', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMOS', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research-data.urosario.edu.co/', 'created': '2019-11-20T16:57:00Z', 'updated': '2022-01-13T10:09:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pcgs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34848', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ckhe.geqtgq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio de Datos Pontificia Universidad Javeriana', 'symbol': 'CKHE.GEQTGQ', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*javeriana.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-01-09T16:45:28Z', 'updated': '2024-01-09T16:45:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ckhe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VNSF', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60790', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'udec.umbvla', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio de Datos UdeC', 'symbol': 'UDEC.UMBVLA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Repositorio de Datos', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.udec.cl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://datav.udec.cl', 'created': '2021-06-23T21:21:22Z', 'updated': '2021-10-12T20:37:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'udec', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'uchile', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48665', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cwfi.kayvji', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Digital UMECIT', 'symbol': 'CWFI.KAYVJI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'REDI-UMECIT', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'umecit.edu.pa', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.umecit.edu.pa/', 'created': '2022-05-23T14:14:03Z', 'updated': '2022-12-01T09:47:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwfi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'MSHM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57821', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'meza.crsvgx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Digital Universidad de Caldas', 'symbol': 'MEZA.CRSVGX', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '@ucaldas.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.ucaldas.edu.co/', 'created': '2022-04-29T02:44:22Z', 'updated': '2022-05-10T20:56:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'meza', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57794', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.iplisboa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositório do Politécnico de Lisboa', 'symbol': 'FCT.IPLISBOA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL), criado em setembro de 2011, tem por objectivo divulgar a produção científica produzida pela sua comunidade académica, aumentar a visibilidade e o impacto da investigação desenvolvida, assegurar o depósito da memória intelectual e promover o livre acesso à informação ao público em geral.\n\nPela sua natureza e finalidade, o Repositório contém informação nas áreas da contabilidade e administração, das engenharias, da música, da dança, do teatro e cinema, das ciências da educação, das tecnologias da saúde e ainda das ciências da comunicação, contribuindo, deste modo, para a investigação em Portugal.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.ipl.pt/', 'created': '2020-01-28T15:28:29Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T15:02:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'elrv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34629', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uabc.ztrwyk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional CRIS UABC', 'symbol': 'UABC.ZTRWYK', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'RI UABC', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorioinstitucional.uabc.mx/', 'created': '2022-06-14T15:49:04Z', 'updated': '2022-07-27T23:21:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uabc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'escireco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57840', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nvnq.facxvc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional de documento digitales de acceso abierto de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá', 'symbol': 'NVNQ.FACXVC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'UTP-RIDDA2', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'https://www.utp.ac.pa/', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ridda2.utp.ac.pa', 'created': '2022-05-03T19:43:48Z', 'updated': '2022-11-29T10:42:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nvnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'MSHM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57803', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'yygu.vtctpc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Especializada de las Américas', 'symbol': 'YYGU.VTCTPC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'RIUDELAS', 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.udelas.ac.pa', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repositorio2.udelas.ac.pa/', 'created': '2022-05-23T14:03:58Z', 'updated': '2022-06-21T15:36:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yygu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'MSHM', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57819', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'udr.institutional', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional E-docUR', 'symbol': 'UDR.INSTITUTIONAL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Institutional Repository E-docUR from Universidad del Rosario', 'description': 'El Repositorio Institucional EdocUR nace en el 2008 como una de las apuestas de la Universidad del Rosario a través del CRAI (Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación) para materializar el Acceso Abierto a la producción científica, académica e institucional de la Universidad.  \nSu propósito es facilitar el acceso, difusión y preservación de los documentos de carácter académico, científico e institucional para que éstos estén disponibles para la comunidad académica global a través de redes, directorios y motores de búsqueda y puedan ser utilizados para propósitos académicos y creación de nuevo conocimiento.', 'language': ['es', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.urosario.edu.co/', 'created': '2021-08-31T20:18:28Z', 'updated': '2022-01-13T10:10:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pcgs', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48713', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ckhe.ctzkwv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional Pontificia Universidad Javeriana', 'symbol': 'CKHE.CTZKWV', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*javeriana.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-01-09T16:38:52Z', 'updated': '2024-01-09T16:46:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ckhe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VNSF', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60794', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cblt.rxwwmw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional Universidad Católica Luis Amigó', 'symbol': 'CBLT.RXWWMW', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'amigo.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repository.ucatolicaluisamigo.edu.co', 'created': '2022-04-29T00:46:17Z', 'updated': '2022-05-10T21:05:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cblt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57795', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ejiy.skhohm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio institucional Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia', 'symbol': 'EJIY.SKHOHM', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '@ucc.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.ucc.edu.co', 'created': '2022-04-29T01:06:18Z', 'updated': '2022-05-10T21:01:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ejiy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57798', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'shsc.iuhnfq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Medellín', 'symbol': 'SHSC.IUHNFQ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.udem.edu.co/', 'created': '2022-03-10T21:26:19Z', 'updated': '2022-05-10T21:03:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shsc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57792', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tsgn.zagwze', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorio Institucional Universidad El Bosque', 'symbol': 'TSGN.ZAGWZE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.unbosque.edu.co/', 'created': '2022-04-29T02:10:01Z', 'updated': '2023-08-18T14:03:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tsgn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vnsf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57797', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'igjz.mnjgjs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorios Digitales Uniandes', 'symbol': 'IGJZ.MNJGJS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Repositorios Digitales de la Universidad de los Andes', 'description': 'Estos son los repositorios digitales de la Universidad de los Andes, que permiten la conservación, el libre acceso, la consulta de documentos y datos generados por la comunidad Uniandina, como resultado de los procesos de investigación y creación académica o científica.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uniandes.edu.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-29T01:29:56Z', 'updated': '2023-11-21T19:43:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'igjz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'VNSF', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57784', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wclz.zillzt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repositorium der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt', 'symbol': 'WCLZ.ZILLZT', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-haw/home', 'created': '2022-05-27T08:17:43Z', 'updated': '2022-05-27T08:36:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wclz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57825', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'jaxa.jaxa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Repository for Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency', 'symbol': 'JAXA.JAXA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-02T01:20:21Z', 'updated': '2023-06-26T13:58:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jaxa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'JALCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17597', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.57746', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.60499', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ndsu.data', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data', 'symbol': 'NDSU.DATA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-22T16:52:55Z', 'updated': '2023-02-23T19:45:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ndsu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48654', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'datacite.rda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Alliance', 'symbol': 'DATACITE.RDA', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'rd-alliance.org,b2share.eudat.eu,zenodo.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-09-01T14:52:50Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:35:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'datacite', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15497', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dzhw.fdz-dzhw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (FDZ-DZHW)', 'symbol': 'DZHW.FDZ-DZHW', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'FDZ-DZHW', 'description': 'The Research Data Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (FDZ-DZHW) at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hannover provides the scientific community with quantitative and qualitative research data from the field of higher education and science studies for research and teaching purposes. The data pool of the Research Data Centre is based on two sources: Firstly, it contains the current surveys of the panels conducted in-house (especially DZHW Graduate Panel, Social Survey, DZHW Panel Study of School Leavers with a Higher Education Entrance Qualification, DZHW Scientists Survey), which are integrated by default. Secondly, the Research Data Centre constantly processes, documents and integrates inventory data of the DZHW and its prior organisations. External data from the research area is also integrated into the FDZ data pool.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3BR0G', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://fdz.dzhw.eu/en/', 'created': '2022-11-08T16:22:23Z', 'updated': '2023-02-15T06:08:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dzhw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21249', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.soep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Center of the Socio-Economic Panel Study at DIW Berlin (FDZ SOEP)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SOEP', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': 'Forschungsdatenzentrum Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (FDZ SOEP)', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-01-10T11:39:53Z', 'updated': '2023-02-17T09:05:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxwl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5684', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dipf.rdcedu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centre for Education at the DIPF', 'symbol': 'DIPF.RDCEDU', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'FDZ Bildung', 'description': 'The Research Data Centre Education is a focal point for empirical educational research regarding the archiving and retrieval of audiovisual research data (AV) data and survey instruments (questionnaires and tests). In Research Data Centre Education relevant for empirical educational research data sets and tools for secondary use are provided conform with data protection via a central data repository. Contextual information for each origin study and data and instruments as well as related publications complete the offer. Content of Research Data Centre Education formation (so far) focuses on instruments and data sets of Schulqualitäts- and teaching quality research. Observation and interview data in the form of (anonymous) transcripts and codes - be viewed freely accessible - if any. The release of the original AV data for a scientific re-use is linked to a registration by specifying a reasoned research interest in order to protect the privacy rights of the observed or interviewed people.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3R010', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.fdz-bildung.de', 'created': '2022-12-02T11:27:52Z', 'updated': '2023-02-15T06:27:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dipf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7477', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.bibb-fdz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centre of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB-FDZ)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.BIBB-FDZ', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'bibb fdz', 'description': 'BIBB has a strong tradition of survey-based research.  It initiates and realises the collection of individual and firm-level data on crucial positions and transitions in the education and labour market system. The BIBB-FDZ covers a variety of data deploying different units of analysis and temporal designs and focusing on various thematic issues. Standard access to well prepared firm- and individual-level data on the attainment and utilization of vocational education and training\r\nDocumentation of these data sets, i.e. a description of their central characteristics, main issues and variables, data collection, anonymisation, weighting and recoding etc.\r\nAdvisory service on data choice, data access and handling, research potential and scope and validity of the data.\r\nSupply of a range of data tools such as standard measures and classifications in the fields of education, occupations, industries and regions (if possible also including cross-national fields), formally anonymous data for remote data access, or references to publications with the data.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3359V', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.bibb.de/de/53.php', 'created': '2013-03-21T08:20:39Z', 'updated': '2023-02-15T06:35:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7803', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bamf.bamf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FDZ)', 'symbol': 'BAMF.BAMF', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Forschungsdatenzentrum des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge', 'description': 'The BAMF-FDZ is part of the BAMF Research Centre. The establishment of the Research Data Centre is, among others, the result of an amendment to the German Act on the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregistergesetz, AZRG). The data service is free of charge.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMZ5', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.bamf.de/DE/Themen/Forschung/Forschungsdatenzentrum/forschungsdatenzentrum-node.html', 'created': '2021-04-22T11:28:45Z', 'updated': '2023-02-14T11:06:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bamf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48570', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.dezim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centre of the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.DEZIM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'DeZIM.fdz', 'description': 'The Research Data Center DeZIM.fdz at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research consists of four interconnected modules: (1) data archive, (2) support for staff and users, (3) online access panel and (4) metadatabase.\r\nIt offers interested researchers the opportunity to access research data collected in the course of projects carried out at the DeZIM Institute and at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association. In addition to the access to the data, the DeZIM.fdz organizes an extensive support for the individual data sets in its data offer as well as for various methodological key topics. The regularly conducted surveys within the framework of the Online Access Panel enable scientists at the DeZIM Institute, at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association, external scientists and the staff of the BMFSFJ to access a pool of potential interviewees. Furthermore, DeZIM.fdz offers an extensive information database, which enables research on studies - both internally and externally archived - that deal with the topics of integration and migration.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMNK', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://fdz.dezim-institut.de/en', 'created': '2020-02-27T09:03:37Z', 'updated': '2023-02-14T11:01:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17887', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34882', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iabg.rdciab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centre of the German Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research', 'symbol': 'IABG.RDCIAB', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'FDZ der Bundesagentur für Arbeit im Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB FDZ)', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-12-02T12:03:56Z', 'updated': '2023-02-15T06:20:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iabg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5164', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.58033', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xueu.manypc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centre of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RDC-RISC)', 'symbol': 'XUEU.MANYPC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Forschungsdatenzentrum des Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FDZ-FGZ)', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-04-19T06:58:21Z', 'updated': '2023-04-20T08:31:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xueu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60532', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.fdz-sabl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Centres of the Statistical Offices of the Federation and the Federal States', 'symbol': 'GESIS.FDZ-SABL', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'FDZ-Länder', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-04-12T06:50:21Z', 'updated': '2023-02-17T08:36:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'djyy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21242', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dlr.iw-rdm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Management', 'symbol': 'DLR.IW-RDM', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository for publications in relevanz with the research management at DLR.', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-08T08:26:43Z', 'updated': '2021-12-08T16:48:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48805', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.unipd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Data Unipd', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNIPD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Research Data Unipd is a data archive and supports research produced by the members of the University of Padova. The service aims to facilitate data discovery, data sharing, and reuse, as required by funding institutions (eg. European Commission). Datasets published in the archive have a set of metadata that ensure proper description and discoverability.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'unipd.it,*.unipd.it,francigena-unipd.com,*.francigena-unipd.com,postcolonialitalia.it,*.postcolonialitalia.it,avtobiografija.com,*.avtobiografija.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMHN', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-21T10:50:49Z', 'updated': '2023-06-19T10:35:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25430', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.rise', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Institutes of Sweden', 'symbol': 'SND.RISE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ri.diva-portal.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ri.se', 'created': '2019-04-11T09:22:43Z', 'updated': '2022-05-11T10:26:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jvyb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23699', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.dipf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF (BBF)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.DIPF', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': 'Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (BBF) des DIPF', 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-12-05T14:23:28Z', 'updated': '2022-12-14T06:53:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dipf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25523', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bmsd.czygvi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Portal', 'symbol': 'BMSD.CZYGVI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.amu.edu.pl,  *.amu.edu.pl/en', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-04-08T10:06:08Z', 'updated': '2024-02-12T18:21:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'amured', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57768', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.rmit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Research Repository', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.RMIT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'RMIT University Research Repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.rmit.edu.au,rmit.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:48Z', 'updated': '2022-07-21T02:57:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25956', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rg.rg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ResearchGate', 'symbol': 'RG.RG', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ResearchGate is a network where 15+ million scientists and researchers worldwide connect to share their work. Researchers can upload data of any type and receive DOIs, detailed statistics and real-time feedback.\r\nIn Data discovery Section of ResearchGate you can explore the added datasets.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'researchgate.net,rgdoi.net', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R36H16', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.researchgate.net/search/data', 'created': '2016-10-24T09:32:26Z', 'updated': '2020-10-09T15:55:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13140', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unda.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ResearchOnline@ND', 'symbol': 'UNDA.REPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ResearchOnline@ND is a digital repository administered by The University of Notre Dame Australia. Its goal is to capture and preserve the intellectual output of Notre Dame authors and researchers, and to promote intellectual inquiry, research and cross-disciplinary collaboration and open access to research and outputs.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://researchonline.nd.edu.au/', 'created': '2022-10-18T05:52:36Z', 'updated': '2022-12-15T02:11:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unda', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57981', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'respe.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Réseau d'épidémiosurveillance en pathologie équine", 'symbol': 'RESPE.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-28T12:11:09Z', 'updated': '2022-06-30T12:35:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'respe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57875', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.resif', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Réseau sismologique et géodésique français', 'symbol': 'INIST.RESIF', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "The RESIF Seismic data portal offers access to seismological and other associated geophysical data from permanent and temporary seismic networks operated all over the world by French research institutions and international partners, to support research on source processes and imaging of the Earth's interior at all scales. RESIF (French seismologic and geodetic network) is a French national equipment for the observation and understanding of the solid Earth.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R37Q06', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.resif.fr/', 'created': '2014-10-09T10:06:49Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15778', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vgzm.dhlils', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'resensio.artium', 'symbol': 'VGZM.DHLILS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-11-25T07:23:28Z', 'updated': '2021-12-08T13:25:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vgzm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18446', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.respecth', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ReSpecTh adatbázis MTA-ELTE Komplex Kémiai Rendszerek Kutatócsoport', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.RESPECTH', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'respecth.chem.elte.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-01T13:25:22Z', 'updated': '2021-01-13T11:14:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zdyb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24388', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdje.retro', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Retro-digitized material USB', 'symbol': 'TDJE.RETRO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Retrodigitalisate USB', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-18T10:41:52Z', 'updated': '2022-11-21T10:59:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tdje', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58016', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ylyl.risj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism', 'symbol': 'YLYL.RISJ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'RISJ', 'description': 'See https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-21T15:28:44Z', 'updated': '2023-11-14T12:48:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ylyl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60625', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ulbt.revisit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REVISIT: Humanities & Medicine in Dialogue', 'symbol': 'ULBT.REVISIT', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-10-12T11:42:11Z', 'updated': '2022-10-12T12:02:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57974', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.estudio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista :Estudio', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ESTUDIO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SciELO.PT-Revista :Estudio', 'description': 'The :Estúdio journal publishes original articles in the area of Artistic Studies with the aim of debating and spreading innovation and investigation in this area of knowledge. :Estúdio presents research, within the processes of the Art, done by artists.', 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': '1647-6158', 'electronic': '1647-7316'}, 'url': 'http://estudio.belasartes.ulisboa.pt/i_en.htm', 'created': '2021-10-26T10:38:33Z', 'updated': '2021-10-26T10:56:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48753', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.ffndpt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Chicomoztoc', 'symbol': 'UAZ.FFNDPT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/chicomoztoc/index', 'created': '2021-11-22T23:47:19Z', 'updated': '2021-11-23T00:05:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48705', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.hgda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Científica HGDA', 'symbol': 'RADS.HGDA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.revistahgda2018.com/', 'created': '2019-01-04T16:32:08Z', 'updated': '2019-01-26T09:43:32Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26115', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.revcom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Comunicando', 'symbol': 'IVUW.REVCOM', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'LC - REVCOM', 'description': 'A Revista Comunicando tem o propósito de promover a interdisciplinaridade no processo de ensino e aprendizagem entre os/as sócios/as da Sopcom e demais investigadores/as da área, bem como de ser um veículo de divulgação da produção científica nas Ciências da Comunicação. A publicação pretende dar visibilidade à investigação de qualidade, inovadora e original, contribuindo, tanto quanto possível, para a emancipação das Ciências Sociais, em sentido amplo. A revista pretende dar conta da investigação que se realiza atualmente, inspirando trabalhos futuros nestas áreas e incentivando a troca de conhecimentos entre autores/as de apontamentos teóricos, opções metodológicas e referências bibliográficas.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2182-4037'}, 'url': 'https://www.revistacomunicando.sopcom.pt/index.php/comunicando/index', 'created': '2023-01-17T14:04:16Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T14:04:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58050', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.qnlqni', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista CONTEXTO ODONTOLÓGICO', 'symbol': 'UAZ.QNLQNI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/contextoodontologico', 'created': '2021-11-22T22:00:36Z', 'updated': '2022-04-28T22:47:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48775', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uoh.ojs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Cuadernos Chilenos de Historia de la Educación', 'symbol': 'UOH.OJS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'historiadelaeducacion.cl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://historiadelaeducacion.cl', 'created': '2023-06-14T19:48:12Z', 'updated': '2023-11-20T18:25:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uoh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'UCHILE', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60611', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.spmfr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação', 'symbol': 'FCT.SPMFR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'spmfrjournal.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-23T14:17:01Z', 'updated': '2021-07-13T09:48:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25759', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.esenfc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista de Enfermagem Referência (RER)', 'symbol': 'IVUW.ESENFC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'SARC-Revista de Enfermagem Referência', 'description': 'A Revista de Enfermagem Referência (RER) é uma revista científica, peer reviewed, editada pela Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde: Enfermagem (UICISA: E), unidade acolhida pela Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (ESEnfC), avaliada e financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).  A RER está indexada em diversas bases e redes nacionais e internacionais de grande relevância (Scopus, SciELO Portugal, DOAJ, CINAHL via EBSCOHost, RCAAP, Latindex, Redalyc, ProQuest, …).', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0874-0283', 'electronic': '2182-2883'}, 'url': 'https://revistas.rcaap.pt/referencia/index', 'created': '2023-02-16T12:26:15Z', 'updated': '2023-02-17T13:04:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58133', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fgff.rim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista de Investigación Marina (RIM)', 'symbol': 'FGFF.RIM', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-05T14:34:36Z', 'updated': '2023-07-06T08:56:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fgff', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34838', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.swxkes', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REVISTA GESTIÓN Y ADMINISTRACIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO', 'symbol': 'UAZ.SWXKES', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/GestionAdmon', 'created': '2021-11-23T00:28:23Z', 'updated': '2021-11-23T00:29:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48776', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iohr.revista-riase', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Ibero-Americana de Saúde e Envelhecimento (RIASE)', 'symbol': 'IOHR.REVISTA-RIASE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2183-6663'}, 'url': 'http://revistas.uevora.pt/index.php/saude_envelhecimento', 'created': '2023-03-16T10:01:04Z', 'updated': '2023-03-16T13:10:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iohr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60468', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.swnbrt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista IBN SINA', 'symbol': 'UAZ.SWNBRT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/ibnsina', 'created': '2021-11-22T22:06:54Z', 'updated': '2021-11-23T00:16:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48777', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.spcir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia', 'symbol': 'FCT.SPCIR', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia publica trabalhos originais de teor biomédico relacionados com a área de conhecimento da Cirurgia, tendo como objetivo a divulgação do conhecimento científico e a promoção da boa prática médica.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revista.spcir.com/index.php/spcir/index', 'created': '2020-07-01T16:52:05Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:40:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34635', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.rpea', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística', 'symbol': 'FCT.RPEA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Conservatório - Escola Profissional das Artes da Madeira, Eng.º Luiz Peter Clode publica semestralmente uma revista científica dedicada à educação e às artes. A revista tem como título Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística (ISSN 1647-905X, versão impressa, ISSN 2183-7481, versão online) e tem como principal propósito divulgar os resultados de investigações e projetos realizados nas diferentes áreas artísticas, desde que direcionados para a educação.\n\nA Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística (RPEA) aceita artigos sobre qualquer tema do domínio da educação artística, resultantes de investigação original ou de cariz ensaístico, preferencialmente numa das seguintes áreas: Educação Musical, Dança, Teatro, Artes Plásticas, Musicologia e História da Arte. São bem-vindos artigos provenientes de todos os Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e, em caso de especial relevância, podem ser aceites textos escritos em inglês. Os artigos propostos não podem ter sido objecto de qualquer outro tipo de publicação. Esta restrição não se aplica a notas de imprensa ou a resumos publicados no âmbito de reuniões científicas. \n\nA RPEA oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento. Assim, todos os artigos são disponibilizados de forma aberta, livre e sem custos para o utilizador.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '1647-905X', 'electronic': '2183-7481'}, 'url': 'https://rpea.madeira.gov.pt/index.php/rpea/index', 'created': '2020-09-28T14:04:37Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:40:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34639', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.rpf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Farmacoterapia', 'symbol': 'FCT.RPF', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'revista.farmacoterapia.pt', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-23T10:26:34Z', 'updated': '2023-08-29T22:38:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25756', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.rphrc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Hipertensão e Risco Cardiovascular', 'symbol': 'IVUW.RPHRC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'LC - Revista Portuguesa de Hipertensão e Risco Cardiovascular', 'description': 'Revista Portuguesa de Hipertensão e Risco Cardiovascular é o órgão oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Hipertensão (SPH) e é dirigida a todos os profissionais de saúde com particular interesse nas áreas de hipertensão e risco cardiovascular.\n\nO objectivo editorial da Revista tem como base a publicação de artigos científicos que versam os mais variados temas relacionados com o risco cardiovascular, nomeadamente hipertensão, dislipidemia, diabetes, obesidade, fibrilação auricular, insuficiência cardíaca, AVC, entre outros temas.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistahipertensao.pt/', 'created': '2022-11-25T10:45:50Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T12:38:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58043', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.rpmns', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia', 'symbol': 'IVUW.RPMNS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'LC-RevPortMusic', 'description': 'A Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia (RPM nova série) é um periódico académico com arbitragem científica, que aceita submissões de artigos em todas as áreas da investigação em música. A RPM é publicada em conjunto pela SPIM, Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música, e dois centros de investigação da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: INET-md, Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, e CESEM, Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2183-8410'}, 'url': 'http://rpm-ns.pt/index.php/rpm', 'created': '2022-07-07T15:08:44Z', 'updated': '2022-07-08T09:46:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57885', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.spo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Oncologia', 'symbol': 'IVUW.SPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'LC-Revista Portuguesa de Oncologia', 'description': 'A Revista Portuguesa de Oncologia é uma publicação da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oncologia. Publicada desde 2012, a Revista Portuguesa de Oncologia visa proporcionar informação útil e credível sobre a atualidade em Oncologia através da publicação de artigos originais, artigos de revisão, casos clínicos, imagens em Oncologia, estudos de farmacoeconomia, investigação em serviços de saúde, artigos especiais e cartas ao editor, bem como a abordagem das atividades científicas e formativas que a SPO desenvolve.\nA Sociedade Portuguesa de Oncologia é uma associação científica, sem fins lucrativos. Fundada em 29 de outubro de 1982, tem como objetivos a promoção e realização de atividades formativas e sessões científicas, o estudo e a investigação no âmbito da oncologia e a colaboração e a comunicação com outras entidades particulares e públicas. Atualmente com cerca de 815 sócios, estas áreas assumem um papel fundamental para o reforço do diálogo dentro da comunidade médica, na integração de novos profissionais e jovens especialistas na dinâmica da nossa Sociedade e estabelecendo relações de proximidade com outros grupos de trabalho ligados à Oncologia.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2182-8067'}, 'url': 'https://rponcologia.com/index.php/rpo/index', 'created': '2022-01-18T15:03:04Z', 'updated': '2022-01-18T15:20:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57678', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.rpot', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE ORTOPEDIA E TRAUMATOLOGIA', 'symbol': 'IVUW.RPOT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SciELO.PT-RPOT', 'description': None, 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '1646-2939'}, 'url': 'http://www.rpot.pt/app/index.xhtml?menu=paginainicial', 'created': '2021-10-26T10:41:59Z', 'updated': '2021-10-26T10:57:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48754', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.sporl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Otorrinolaringologia-Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço', 'symbol': 'FCT.SPORL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'https://www.journalsporl.com/index.php/sporl/about', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://www.journalsporl.com', 'created': '2020-02-11T10:31:28Z', 'updated': '2022-02-04T14:36:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34631', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.pedopsiq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Portuguesa de Pedopsiquiatria', 'symbol': 'IVUW.PEDOPSIQ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A Revista Portuguesa de Pedopsiquiatria é um órgão científico da Associação Portuguesa de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência (APPIA) e foi publicada pela primeira vez em Dezembro de 1990, com o apoio da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.\n\nApresentada ao público pelo Dr. Coimbra de Matos durante o 1º Encontro desta Associação, que se realizou na Torre de Belém, o seu lançamento teve lugar no Grémio Literário em Lisboa e contou com a presença de pedopsiquiatras, psicólogos, enfermeiros, terapeutas ocupacionais e outras classes profissionais que se dedicam à Saúde Mental Infantil e Juvenil.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'revistas.rcaap.pt/rpp', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-18T22:14:38Z', 'updated': '2023-03-13T09:35:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48491', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.aafscn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Redoma', 'symbol': 'UAZ.AAFSCN', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.uaz.edu.mx/index.php/redoma', 'created': '2021-11-23T00:31:03Z', 'updated': '2022-04-28T22:51:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48778', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.esepf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Saber & Educar', 'symbol': 'FCT.ESEPF', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Saber E Educar', 'description': "Saber & Educar is an open access , double blind peer review, academic journal of Educational Sciences. This journal does not have article processing charges nor submission charges. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY-NC-SA 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.\nAuthors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.", 'language': ['pt', 'en', 'es'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'revista.esepf.pt', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '1647-2144'}, 'url': 'http://revista.esepf.pt/index.php/sabereducar', 'created': '2019-02-22T14:52:45Z', 'updated': '2023-02-03T15:40:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25767', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.servir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revista Servir', 'symbol': 'IVUW.SERVIR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A Revista SERVIR publica opiniões, análises do estado da arte e resultados de investigações sobre temas relevantes para a Enfermagem e saúde em geral.\n\nActualmente de periodicidade bimestral, a Revista Servir tem pretendido, desde 1952, responder aos desafios da actualização contínua a que os enfermeiros e profissionais de saúde se obrigam, promovendo uma actualização permanente das tendências de pensamento e das práticas na saúde, em diálogo com o desenvolvimento da ciência e das humanidades.\n\nOs artigos da Revista SERVIR encontram-se na PubMed, indexados pela Medline desde 1984 (NLM ID: 860174).', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revistas.rcaap.pt/servir/', 'created': '2021-02-18T22:10:12Z', 'updated': '2021-11-23T16:41:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48492', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.sarc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revistas SARC', 'symbol': 'FCT.SARC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'revistas.rcaap.pt,revistas-rcaap.pre.rcaap.pt,ojs.pjp.spp.pt,artciencia.com,ojs.pjp.spp.pt,actapediatrica.spp.pt,', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-06T09:51:56Z', 'updated': '2022-07-18T16:48:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25749', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25748', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25746', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25751', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25752', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25753', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25754', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25755', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25770', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25769', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18055', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.19084', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.6063', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.29352', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.revstat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REVSTAT-Statistical Journal', 'symbol': 'IVUW.REVSTAT', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'LC-REVSTAT-Statistical Journal', 'description': 'REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is an open access blind peer-reviewed journal. The aim of REVSTAT-Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing Statistical Science focused on innovative theory, methods, and applications in different areas of knowledge. Important survey/review contributing to Probability and Statistics advancement is also welcome.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.ine.pt', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '1645-6726', 'electronic': '2183-0371'}, 'url': 'https://revstat.ine.pt/index.php/REVSTAT/index', 'created': '2022-05-06T13:59:41Z', 'updated': '2022-05-11T08:56:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57805', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.ram', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REVUE AFRICAINE DE MANAGEMENT', 'symbol': 'CNRST.RAM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'RAM', 'description': "La Revue Africaine de Management est une revue scientifique dédiée à la recherche sur le management des entreprises dans les pays de l'Afrique francophone.\nLa revue publie des articles scientifiques concernant les différents domaines de management des entreprises, en Français et Anglais.\nLa revue souhaite réunir des travaux académiques ayant en commun une réflexion sur la recherche en ce domaine. Ainsi, le comité scientifique privilégiera les articles traitant des thèmes suivants en contexte africain : le management; l'entreprenariat; la stratégie d'entreprise; la comptabilité financière; le contrôle de gestion; la finance d'entreprise et de marchés; les systèmes d'information; gestion des opérations et de la production; gestion des ressources humaines; le marketing; la sociologie des organisations; secteurs public et sans but lucratif, etc.", 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2509-0097'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/RAM/index', 'created': '2020-12-15T09:29:06Z', 'updated': '2020-12-15T09:31:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48424', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rasspgpa.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'REVUE AFRICAINE DES SCIENCES SOCIALES PENSÉES GENRE PENSER AUTREMENT', 'symbol': 'RASSPGPA.PROD', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2024-01-26T13:51:37Z', 'updated': '2024-01-26T13:51:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rasspgpa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34825', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.remac', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue de Management et Cultures', 'symbol': 'CNRST.REMAC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'REMAC', 'description': 'La Revue de Management et Cultures constitue un espace de dialogue et d’échange entre académiciens et praticiens, chercheurs et professionnels, afin de mener une réflexion sur les tendances actuelles dans le domaine du Management et de la culture. Les chercheurs seront amenés à débattre sur des thématiques du management et de la culture dans un contexte local et global.\n\nLe dialogue interdisciplinaire reste un moteur essentiel de la REMAC.  Il vise à participer dans  le développement des projets d’articles sur des thèmes originaux au niveau national et international. Le comité de lecture est composé de professeurs universitaires en sciences économiques, en sciences de gestion, en communication et en études culturelles qui participent aux processus de relecture et d’édition des articles de la revue.\nLa revue se positionne sur plusieurs disciplines et sous-thèmes de recherche : Communication culturelle ; Marketing ; Finance Stratégie ; Ressources humaines ; Gouvernance ; Développement durable ; Contrôle de gestion ; Logistique…', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2550-6293'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/REMAC', 'created': '2020-12-17T10:36:28Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T10:37:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48430', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.remses', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue des Etudes Multidisciplinaires en Sciences Economiques et Sociales', 'symbol': 'CNRST.REMSES', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'REMSES', 'description': 'Les crises économiques et sociales persistants et les mouvements sociaux intenses caractérisant notre époque nous interpellent davantage  à  créer le débat, échanger et coordonner les idées émanant d’horizons multiples et différents. La REMSES vise à publier des articles inédits touchant à des problématiques d’ordre économique, humain et social (Genre, Développement humain, local et durable, Sociologie du développement, Gouvernance, Economie Sociale et Solidaire, Entrepreneuriat, Economie urbaine et territoriale, logistique…..). De tels travaux de recherche théoriques et empiriques servent à développer la recherche scientifique et à clarifier la complexité des rôles des différents acteurs de développement.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2489-2068'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/REMSES', 'created': '2020-10-15T10:08:00Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T14:33:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48375', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.rek', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue Economie & Kapital', 'symbol': 'CNRST.REK', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'REK', 'description': "La Revue Economie & Kapital est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture, traite des sujets d'économie et de management, favorise l'approfondissement ou le renouvellement des approches sur un thème objet d'un dossier, grâce au croisement de contributions des chercheurs scientifiques.\n\nElle suscite des débats sur des concepts ou des méthodes utilisés dans les travaux traitant de l'économie et le management. Le pari scientifique de la revue est d'étudier de manière interdisciplinaire les sujets d'ordres économiques, financiers, managériaux, gestion, etc.\n\nL'objectif : Etudier les problèmes économiques d'actualité qui justifient l'engagement intellectuel collectif, qui, au-delà de cette revue, vise la diffusion de la connaissance scientifique dans une dimension universitaire régionale, nationale et internationale.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2489-1282'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/REK/index', 'created': '2020-10-23T08:20:16Z', 'updated': '2020-10-23T08:25:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48395', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.regs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue Economie, Gestion et Société', 'symbol': 'CNRST.REGS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'REGS', 'description': 'La revue Économie, Gestion et Société traite des problématiques d’ordres économique, managérial et social, différents outils d’analyse seront utilisés pour servir la finalité de la recherche. Arriver à dévoiler la défaillance et à proposer des solutions sera l’objectif des études menées dans le cadre de cette revue. Les études s’inspirent des résultats des chercheurs académiques sur les problématiques sus indiquées, des travaux de recherche qui font l’objet de communications dans des séminaires, des colloques et des tables rondes, des travaux des membres de nos équipes de recherche en Économie, Gestion et Société et d’autres travaux de recherches qui méritent une attention particulière, des professeurs et des doctorants.', 'language': ['fr', 'ar'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2458-6250'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/Regs', 'created': '2020-10-20T13:05:49Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T13:13:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48382', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'esefa.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "revue interdisciplinaire en sciences de l'éducation", 'symbol': 'ESEFA.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Esef', 'description': 'La revue interdisciplinaire en sciences de l’éducation (RISE) est créée par l’Ecole supérieure de l’éducation et de la formation (ESEF), Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir et a pour objectif de contribuer à la promotion de la recherche en éducation au Maroc et au niveau internationale.\n\nSon champ d’action concerne la recherche en sciences de l’éducation en général : didactique des langues, didactique des sciences, pédagogie générale, innovation pédagogique, pratiques enseignantes, apprentissage des langues maternelles et étrangères, Enseignement à distance, etc.\n\nPubliée de manière semestrielle (2 numéros par an), la revue RISE accueille des articles inédits en français avec la possibilité de consacrer des numéros édités en arabe et en anglais, en format numérique mais en format imprimé également.\n\nLa revue RISE entend publier des numéros thématiques et des numéros Varia. Elle consacre également un espace dédié aux notes de lecture et comptes rendus d’ouvrages ayant trait au champ de l’éducation.\n\nDans sa politique éditoriale, la revue RISE se base sur le principe de l’évaluation en double aveugle.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2820-7653'}, 'url': 'www.revue-rise.uiz.ac.ma', 'created': '2023-04-06T06:30:37Z', 'updated': '2023-04-07T01:03:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'esefa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60481', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.riurba', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue internationale d’urbanisme', 'symbol': 'INIST.RIURBA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-09T12:21:44Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:12:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34694', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.rmere', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue Marocaine de l’Évaluation et de la Recherche Educative', 'symbol': 'CNRST.RMERE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'RMERE', 'description': "La Revue d'évaluation et de recherche en éducation est une revue scientifique universitaire spécialisée dans la publication d'articles et de travaux scientifiques contribuant à l'amélioration du niveau de connaissance dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la formation, ainsi que dans tous les domaines directement liés au développement des systèmes d’éducation et de formation. Les travaux peuvent être quantitatifs ou qualitatifs ( théoriques ou expérimentaux). La revue est considérée comme un terrain et un forum pour les chercheurs désireux de contribuer au changement par le biais de travaux scientifiques précieux et authentiques.", 'language': ['fr', 'ar'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2550-5688'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/RMERE/index', 'created': '2020-12-14T08:40:30Z', 'updated': '2020-12-14T08:49:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48423', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.remarem', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue Marocaine de Recherche en Management et Marketing', 'symbol': 'CNRST.REMAREM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'REMAREM', 'description': 'REMAREM est une revue en LIBRE ACCÈS " Open Access" à caractère managérial, dont la vocation est à la fois marocaine, africaine et internationale. Elle vise la publication d’articles originaux, qui se situent dans le champ de la recherche théorique ou empirique et qui ont pour objectif de faire avancer les connaissances en matière des sciences de gestion. Elle est destinée particulièrement aux professionnels du marketing et management désireux de s\'informer des toutes dernières méthodes et de prendre du recul par rapport aux pratiques. Les articles publiés traitent des concepts et des méthodes utiles à la prise de décision marketing et managérial, ainsi que des problématiques et des stratégies qui y sont rattachées (innovation, communication, internationalisation, distribution...).', 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '2028-5175', 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/REMAREM/index', 'created': '2020-10-16T14:09:01Z', 'updated': '2023-09-18T10:39:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48376', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'revtuc.revuetuc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Revue TUC', 'symbol': 'REVTUC.REVUETUC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T16:23:40Z', 'updated': '2020-03-30T20:44:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'revtuc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18166', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnrst.rhazes', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RHAZES: Green and Applied Chemistry', 'symbol': 'CNRST.RHAZES', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'RHAZES', 'description': 'RHAZES: Green and Applied Chemistry journal is an international scientific peer-reviewed online journal for the publication of original research articles in most areas of chemistry with emphasis on computational and theoretical research with experimental support, if relevant.\n\nRHAZES GAC journal is devoted to short communications, full-length research papers, feature articles and comments as well as the scientific conference proceedings in a special issue.\n\nOur audience is the international scientific community, academics as well as engineers interested in such disciplines. Original research papers falling into the following areas are considered for possible publication:\n\n    Molecular modeling\n    Physical and theoretical chemistry\n    QSAR/QSPR study, Drug design application\n    Computational Chemistry and Drug Discovery\n    Chemical intermediates\n    Drug design applications\n    design and properties of new materials\n    thermodynamics,\n    Organic chemistry \n\nThis list is neither exhaustive nor fixed.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': None, 'electronic': '2605-6895'}, 'url': 'https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/RHAZES/index', 'created': '2020-11-16T13:09:00Z', 'updated': '2020-11-16T13:12:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnrst', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48419', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mlde.ria', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RIA-UA', 'symbol': 'MLDE.RIA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O RIA - Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro é um sistema de informação que armazena, preserva, divulga e dá acesso à produção intelectual da Universidade de Aveiro em formato digital, através da Web, em regime de acesso aberto. Ao reunir as publicações científicas da Instituição numa plataforma única, o RIA pretende partilhar o conhecimento científico e técnico alcançado na Universidade e facilitar o acesso à produção científica aí produzida, contribuindo para a geração de novos conhecimentos, permitindo uma rápida disseminação e um reforço da sua visibilidade e impacto.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ria.ua.pt/', 'created': '2021-03-17T10:36:58Z', 'updated': '2021-03-17T10:43:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mlde', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48528', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uaz.ayzbvd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RICAXCAN', 'symbol': 'UAZ.AYZBVD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ricaxcan.uaz.edu.mx', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://ricaxcan.uaz.edu.mx/jspui/', 'created': '2021-11-22T22:10:00Z', 'updated': '2022-02-02T17:29:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uaz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESCIRECO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48779', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uml.richter', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Richter Library, University of Miami', 'symbol': 'UML.RICHTER', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The University of Miami Libraries provide faculty, students, researchers, and staff with the highest quality access to collections, information services, learning support, and digital expertise in support of the University’s mission to transform lives. The Libraries welcome and incorporate advances and innovations in information technology and scholarly communication to ensure that our users can locate and use global information resources in all formats.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.library.miami.edu', 'created': '2018-06-11T13:15:00Z', 'updated': '2019-09-17T18:34:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uml', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17604', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25343', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25848', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gfz.iass', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'RIFSpublic', 'symbol': 'GFZ.IASS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Publikationsdatenbank RIFS', 'description': None, 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://publications.rifs-potsdam.de/', 'created': '2021-02-10T18:11:49Z', 'updated': '2023-11-15T11:02:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gfz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48481', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'subgoe.ude-slsi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Institut, Universität Duisburg-Essen', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.UDE-SLSI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'steinheim-institut.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-27T15:03:09Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:44:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26010', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'whno.ljncxe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SARAO Repository', 'symbol': 'WHNO.LJNCXE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-18T12:32:59Z', 'updated': '2021-02-18T12:42:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'whno', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48479', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'estdoi.geo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SARV: Geoscience Data and Collections', 'symbol': 'ESTDOI.GEO', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'edit2.geocollections.info,*.geocollections.info,,*.geokogud.info', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://doi.geocollections.info', 'created': '2014-12-08T07:38:08Z', 'updated': '2020-10-22T16:12:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qnur', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23679', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.st', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Saúde & Tecnologia', 'symbol': 'FCT.ST', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-07-23T14:15:09Z', 'updated': '2022-06-22T09:31:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25758', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vdmq.scd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SCD Université Rennes 2', 'symbol': 'VDMQ.SCD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Service Commun de Documentation Université Rennes 2', 'description': "Le Service commun de documentation (SCD) de l'Université Rennes 2 a été créé en 1990.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-11T12:38:35Z', 'updated': '2023-03-09T14:39:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vdmq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48475', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psu.scholar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ScholarSphere', 'symbol': 'PSU.SCHOLAR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'ScholarSphere is a secure repository service enabling the Penn State community to share its research and scholarly work with a worldwide audience. Faculty, staff, and students can use ScholarSphere to collect their work in one location and create a durable and citeable record of their papers, presentations, publications, data sets, or other scholarly creations. Through this service, Penn State researchers can also comply with grant-funding-agency requirements for sharing and managing research data.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R34W4H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/', 'created': '2019-02-18T19:14:26Z', 'updated': '2019-08-27T12:38:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26207', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heallink.aspete', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (A.S.PE.T.E.)', 'symbol': 'HEALLINK.ASPETE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.aspete.gr', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-12T08:47:37Z', 'updated': '2020-10-15T12:50:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ssms', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26241', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xfbo.ylynk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Scidap', 'symbol': 'XFBO.YLYNK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-30T14:23:11Z', 'updated': '2023-01-30T14:52:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xfbo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58070', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unifesp.scielo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online Dataverse', 'symbol': 'UNIFESP.SCIELO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-08-17T16:04:07Z', 'updated': '2020-08-17T16:17:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unifesp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48331', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48332', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.stfc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Science and Technology Facilities Council', 'symbol': 'BL.STFC', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.stfc.ac.uk,mantidproject.org,*.icatproject.org,*.rl.ac.uk,data.isis.stfc.ac.uk,docs.mantidproject.org,pace-neutrons.github.io', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-03-07T17:37:01Z', 'updated': '2021-08-11T14:23:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'duqf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5286', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sciww.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Science Communications World Wide', 'symbol': 'SCIWW.REPO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.world-wide.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.world-wide.org', 'created': '2022-03-16T08:23:57Z', 'updated': '2022-06-02T18:43:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sciww', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57736', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ytfd.dkxwpw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Science Museum Group', 'symbol': 'YTFD.DKXWPW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Science Museum Group Repository DataCite account - this is integrated with the Science Museum Group's live repository only.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sciencemuseumgroup.iro.bl.uk', 'created': '2023-10-03T12:43:03Z', 'updated': '2023-10-24T11:03:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytfd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60875', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cnic.sciencedb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ScienceDB', 'symbol': 'CNIC.SCIENCEDB', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Science Data Bank', 'description': 'Science Data Bank is an open generalist data repository developed and maintained by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Computing and Network Information Center (CNIC). It promotes the publication and reuse of scientific data. Researchers and journal publishers can use it to store, manage and share science data.', 'language': ['en', 'zh'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMNT', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.scidb.cn/en', 'created': '2022-03-31T05:13:06Z', 'updated': '2022-06-07T07:11:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cnic', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57760', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sb.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sciences & Bonheur', 'symbol': 'SB.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-22T14:22:38Z', 'updated': '2023-12-22T14:22:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60755', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.science', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'ScienceWorks', 'symbol': 'DELFT.SCIENCE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-03T05:38:27Z', 'updated': '2020-09-22T09:46:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lmbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25609', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.sciensano', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sciensano', 'symbol': 'DELFT.SCIENSANO', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-14T06:42:37Z', 'updated': '2024-02-02T11:45:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'bxzt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25608', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'twku.noeseh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Scientific Letters', 'symbol': 'TWKU.NOESEH', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Scientific Letters is an international peer-reviewed, fully open access journal, free of charges, providing a forum for original research and critical contributions from all areas of biology and medicine, in the form of original and review articles. Publication is continuous, with papers released online shortly after acceptance.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-12-03T09:19:55Z', 'updated': '2022-01-31T10:53:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'twku', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48797', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.mai', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Scientific publications of MAI', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.MAI', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'tptmai.ru,vestnikmai.ru,trudymai.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://mai.ru/science/publish/', 'created': '2019-10-01T08:54:28Z', 'updated': '2022-09-13T15:50:42Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocsj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'rads.uazcsq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Scientific School of Educational Systems Management', 'symbol': 'RADS.UAZCSQ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-06-04T12:01:43Z', 'updated': '2021-06-04T12:04:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48621', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.bils', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SciLifeLab Data Repository', 'symbol': 'SND.BILS', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': 'National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden DOI repository', 'description': 'The SciLifeLab Data Repository is a repository offered to Life Science researchers when no other suitable domain-specific public repository is available. Data sets published in this repository can obtain a permanent identifier (DOI) which then can be used for citations.\n\nFor DOIs to datasets issued by National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden before April 2020, please see the [NBIS DOI collection](https://scilifelab.figshare.com/collections/NBIS_DOI_collection/4944531).', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://scilifelab.figshare.com', 'created': '2012-10-29T12:57:48Z', 'updated': '2023-06-20T12:47:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wxvm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17044', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cyark.oh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Scott P McAvoy', 'symbol': 'CYARK.OH', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Open Heritage 3D', 'description': 'As 3D and reality capture strategies for heritage documentation become more widespread and available, there has emerged a growing need to assist with guiding and facilitating accessibility to data, while maintaining scientific rigor, cultural and ethical sensitivity, discoverability, and archival standards. In response to these areas of need, The Open Heritage 3D Alliance (OHA) has developed as an advisory group governing the Open Heritage 3D initiative. This collaborative advisory group are among some of the earliest adopters of 3D heritage documentation technologies, and offer first-hand guidance for best practices in data management, sharing, and dissemination approaches for 3D cultural heritage projects.\n\nThe founding members of the OHA, consist of experts and organizational leaders from CyArk, Historic Environment Scotland, and the University of South Florida Libraries, who together have significant repositories of legacy and on-going 3D research and documentation projects. These groups offer unique insight into not only the best practices for 3D data capture and sharing, but also have come together around concerns dealing with standards, formats, approach, ethics, and archive commitment. Together, the OHA has begun the journey to provide open access to cultural heritage 3D data, while maintaining integrity, security, and standards relating to discoverable dissemination. Together, the OHA will work to provide democratized access to primary heritage 3D data submitted from donors and organizations, and will help to facilitate an operation platform, archive, and organization of resources into the future', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://openheritage3d.org/', 'created': '2019-03-26T16:21:19Z', 'updated': '2023-04-13T18:13:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cyark', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26301', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.sns', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa', 'symbol': 'CRUI.SNS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.sns.it,sns.it,oltreplinio.it,*.oltreplinio.it,maconda.it,*.maconda.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.sns.it/it', 'created': '2018-03-21T10:49:34Z', 'updated': '2022-02-04T10:07:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25429', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zxai.qpgxtk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SDC4Lit', 'symbol': 'ZXAI.QPGXTK', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-08-08T13:05:09Z', 'updated': '2022-08-08T13:06:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zxai', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25805', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wbg.sdgatlas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SDG Atlas', 'symbol': 'WBG.SDGATLAS', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-07T20:41:17Z', 'updated': '2023-06-07T20:44:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wbg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60616', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.sd24', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SDIRECT24', 'symbol': 'PSNC.SD24', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sdirect24.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-16T13:27:34Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:02:36Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34935', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'iu.sd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SEAD', 'symbol': 'IU.SD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-10-15T19:45:07Z', 'updated': '2018-10-15T20:26:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26009', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'euvi.seanoe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SEANOE', 'symbol': 'EUVI.SEANOE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Sea scientific open data publication', 'description': '"Seanoe (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition) is a publisher of scientific data in the field of marine sciences. It is operated by Ifremer (http://wwz.ifremer.fr/). Data published by SEANOE are available free. They can be used in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license selected by the author of data. Seance contributes to Open Access / Open Science movement for a free access for everyone to all scientific data financed by public funds for the benefit of research. An embargo limited to 2 years on a set of data is possible; for example to restrict access to data of a publication under scientific review. Each data set published by SEANOE has a DOI which enables it to be cited in a publication in a reliable and sustainable way. The long-term preservation of data filed in SEANOE is ensured by Ifremer infrastructure. "', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3J33X', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.seanoe.org/', 'created': '2023-08-03T08:25:52Z', 'updated': '2023-09-04T22:07:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'euvi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17882', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.smu-za', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.SMU-ZA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'smu-za.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-26T11:11:51Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:29:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fzxo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25443', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fiu.seiji', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Seiji', 'symbol': 'FIU.SEIJI', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-03T16:28:46Z', 'updated': '2019-07-05T17:36:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fiu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26108', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.se', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Semmelweis Egyetem', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.SE', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repo.lib.semmelweis.hu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-05-21T13:42:17Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:08:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tmix', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14753', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.bikf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Senckenberg Data & Metadata Repository', 'symbol': 'TIB.BIKF', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'BiK-F Data & Metadata Repository', 'description': 'Senckenberg Data and Modelling Centre developed and maintains this metadata catalog and data repository (MetaCat) to support scientific data and projects of Senckenberg. Senckenberg Data and Modelling Centre commits to facilitate access to and exchange of data while observing data owner rights and standards for data exchange.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.senckenberg.de,*.dataportal-senckenberg.de,*.dataportal.senckenberg.de', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3GM23', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://dataportal-senckenberg.de/database/', 'created': '2013-06-12T14:15:08Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.12761', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34643', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.smng', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.SMNG', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-05T14:20:00Z', 'updated': '2021-04-01T12:36:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25674', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26129', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34750', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.snsd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden', 'symbol': 'TIB.SNSD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.senckenberg.de,senckenberg.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.senckenberg.de/de/wissenschaft/publikationen/wissenschaftliche-zeitschriften/', 'created': '2018-11-21T16:16:18Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:05:06Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26049', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ulbt.seqcode', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SeqCode Registry', 'symbol': 'ULBT.SEQCODE', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://disc-genomics.uibk.ac.at/seqcode/', 'created': '2022-10-12T10:13:42Z', 'updated': '2022-10-12T10:25:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57973', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xzte.adyirt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Serious Hazards of Transfusion', 'symbol': 'XZTE.ADYIRT', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.shotuk.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.shotuk.org/', 'created': '2022-08-09T07:44:46Z', 'updated': '2022-08-09T07:47:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xzte', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57911', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sonel', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Service d'Observation du Niveau des Eaux du Littoral", 'symbol': 'INIST.SONEL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'SONEL vise à fournir des données du niveau de la mer de grande qualité métrologique obtenues à partir de marégraphes (niveaux relatifs de la mer) et de techniques modernes de géodésie (déplacements verticaux et niveaux absolus de la mer) pour l’étude des tendances à long terme du niveau de la mer ou la calibration d’altimètres radar embarqués sur satellite, par exemple.\n\nSONEL joue le rôle de centre de données GNSS aux marégraphes pour le programme mondial d’observation du niveau de la mer (GLOSS), qui se trouve sous l’égide de la Commission Océanographique Intergouvernementale (COI) de l’Unesco. Il se développe en étroite collaboration avec le PSMSL et l’UHSLC de façon à apporter une vue intégrée et détaillée des bases de données respectives. Il agit aussi comme interface avec la communauté scientifique pour les données des marégraphes français.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.sonel.org/?lang=fr', 'created': '2019-02-11T10:13:03Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:12:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26166', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.shom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine', 'symbol': 'INIST.SHOM', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-02-16T15:41:19Z', 'updated': '2021-04-07T06:53:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17183', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xaqp.wdmomz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SESAR_BGS', 'symbol': 'XAQP.WDMOMZ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-01T19:32:53Z', 'updated': '2023-12-08T15:59:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xaqp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60665', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xaqp.tdfirf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SESAR_ODP', 'symbol': 'XAQP.TDFIRF', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-16T17:47:32Z', 'updated': '2023-03-30T16:31:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xaqp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60471', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xaqp.sxmooh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SESAR_Smithsonian', 'symbol': 'XAQP.SXMOOH', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-28T21:44:45Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T19:55:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xaqp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58151', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'xaqp.zqnehk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SESAR_USGS', 'symbol': 'XAQP.ZQNEHK', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'IGSN sample registrations in SESAR for USGS samples', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-13T20:39:37Z', 'updated': '2023-04-26T19:59:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pryl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'usgsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58136', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'yxdu.sfb1316', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SFB 1316 Repository', 'symbol': 'YXDU.SFB1316', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-09-29T12:37:08Z', 'updated': '2023-09-29T12:40:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yxdu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60855', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.share', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SHARE - ERIC', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SHARE', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': '50+ in Europe', 'description': 'The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 85,000 individuals (approximately 150,000 interviews) from 19 European countries (+Israel) aged 50 or over.', 'language': ['en', 'de', 'nl', 'cs', 'da', 'et', 'fr', 'el', 'he', 'it', 'pl', 'pt', 'sl', 'es', 'sv'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3BK5N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.share-project.org/', 'created': '2013-10-28T16:48:13Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6103', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.hallam', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sheffield Hallam University', 'symbol': 'BL.HALLAM', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Sheffield Hallam University Research Data Repository (SHURDA) is an institutional catalogue of digital and non-digital datasets that are produced by researchers at SHU and preserved at the University or elsewhere.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.shu.ac.uk', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3S92S', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://shurda.shu.ac.uk', 'created': '2015-03-20T14:51:01Z', 'updated': '2021-01-15T08:25:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mbye', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17032', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gbif.co', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SiB Colombia - GBIF Colombia', 'symbol': 'GBIF.CO', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Colombian Biodiversity Information Facility (SiB Colombia) is a national initiative established in early 2000 and coordinated by Instituto Humboldt to facilitate free and open access to biodiversity data. It comprises a network of more than 100 organizations (including universities, biological collections, research institutes, environmental authorities and NGOs among others) that work together to ensure that biodiversity data is available to support further research, education, policy making and incentive measures for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. SiB Colombia’s mission is to facilitate the management of biodiversity data by bringing together users, publishers and data producers to support research, education and decision making related to knowledge, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.biodiversidad.co', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sibcolombia.net/', 'created': '2019-07-26T12:25:45Z', 'updated': '2021-01-25T14:47:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gbif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15472', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.17893', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.sicas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SICAS', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.SICAS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The SICAS Medical Image Repository is a freely accessible repository containing medical research data including medical images, surface models, clinical data, genomics data and statistical shape models. The data can freely be organized and shared on SMIR and made publicly accessible with a DOI. Dedicated data sets are organized as collections of anatomical regions (e.g Cochlea). The data can be filtered using a modular search and accessed on the web or through the SMIR API.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'smir.ch', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3HP8C', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.smir.ch', 'created': '2017-02-16T10:45:09Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:02:57Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22016', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.itee', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji', 'symbol': 'PSNC.ITEE', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'itee.radom.pl', 'created': '2020-01-08T10:38:27Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T08:58:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lkgu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34866', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.itme', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Materiałów Elektronicznych', 'symbol': 'PSNC.ITME', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-10-24T10:22:15Z', 'updated': '2024-01-03T15:33:13Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34769', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.sfuwien', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien (SFU)', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.SFUWIEN', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-03-31T13:24:28Z', 'updated': '2021-04-21T13:22:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15136', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.15135', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.15137', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34809', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.si', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Silesian University of Technology', 'symbol': 'TIB.SI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'studiainformatica.polsl.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-07-18T12:48:18Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:03:28Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21936', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.simtk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SimTK', 'symbol': 'SUL.SIMTK', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'SimTK is a free project-hosting platform for the biomedical computation community that enables researchers to easily share their software, data, and models and provides the infrastructure so they can support and grow a community around their projects.\r\nIt has over 62,000 members, hosts more than 960 projects from researchers around the world, and has had more than 500,000 files downloaded from it. Individuals have created SimTK projects to meet publisher and funding agencies’ software and data sharing requirements, run scientific challenges, create a collection of their community’s resources, and much more.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3QJ4B', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://simtk.org', 'created': '2020-06-26T15:13:21Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18735', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.sittech', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Singapore Institute of Technology', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.SITTECH', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'singaporetech.figshare.com,irr.singaporetech.edu.sg', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-22T11:11:21Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T09:18:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25447', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.smu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Singapore Management University', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.SMU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'smu.figshare.com,researchdata.smu.edu.sg', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-18T09:03:58Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T09:29:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iozd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25440', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'stdp.edbuww', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Singapore-ETH Centre', 'symbol': 'STDP.EDBUWW', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Singapore-ETH Centre', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-11-18T13:05:30Z', 'updated': '2021-11-18T13:07:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11580', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.sahfos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science', 'symbol': 'BL.SAHFOS', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sahfos.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-12-16T11:46:01Z', 'updated': '2022-10-24T12:07:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'huwv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7487', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tawj.sise', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sisekaitseakadeemia', 'symbol': 'TAWJ.SISE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.sisekaitse.ee', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-02-08T12:31:47Z', 'updated': '2023-10-23T09:38:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tawj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'estdoico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15158', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gbif.ec', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sistema de Información de Biodiversidad de Ecuador SiB-Ec', 'symbol': 'GBIF.EC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'GBIF Ecuador - MAATE', 'description': "The Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition is the Ecuadorian government agency responsible for designing environmental policies and coordinating strategies, projects and programs for the care of ecosystems and the sustainable use of natural resources. It proposes and defines the norms to achieve adequate environmental quality, with a development based on the conservation and appropriate use of biodiversity and the country's resources. From a vision of solidarity with the populations and their environment, it promotes the participation of all social actors in environmental management through coordinated work, thus contributing to consolidate the capacity of both the State and the sectional governments for the democratic and decentralized management of the environmental issue and committing the participation of diverse actors: universities, research centers, and NGOs.", 'language': ['en', 'es'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJNFS', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec/iptmae', 'created': '2023-05-26T11:41:32Z', 'updated': '2023-06-04T16:19:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gbif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60545', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'shkl.hvwily', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SlavDok - FID Slavistik', 'symbol': 'SHKL.HVWILY', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-11-22T10:21:52Z', 'updated': '2021-12-01T21:07:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shkl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48712', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sbn.archive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Small Bodies Node SBN of NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS)- Archives", 'symbol': 'SBN.ARCHIVE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-09-25T15:25:47Z', 'updated': '2020-04-07T19:51:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sbn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26007', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26033', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26072', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48377', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'si.ccrcn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Smithsonian Research Infrastructure', 'symbol': 'SI.CCRCN', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Includes citable DOIs for Smithsonian scientific instruments and other research infrastructure.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.si.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-12T15:10:30Z', 'updated': '2021-04-22T17:17:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'si', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25572', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'si.si', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Smithsonian Research Online', 'symbol': 'SI.SI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'SRO', 'description': "The Smithsonian Repository is a digital service that collects, preserves, and disseminates research materials via several communities including Research Data Sets. It preserves and protects the organization's legacy...", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'repository.si.edu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3W49N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.si.edu/', 'created': '2017-09-28T13:05:41Z', 'updated': '2020-01-13T15:45:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'si', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25570', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.smn-doi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SMN ScienceMedia Network GmbH', 'symbol': 'TIB.SMN-DOI', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'science-media.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-06-10T11:43:49Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:03:45Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18147', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.soas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SOAS University of London', 'symbol': 'BL.SOAS', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'soas.ac.uk,eprints.soas.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-23T14:12:50Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T07:21:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cdcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25501', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.social', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Social Change in Switzerland', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.SOCIAL', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'de'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'www.socialchangeswitzerland.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://www.socialchangeswitzerland.ch/', 'created': '2017-05-22T06:38:57Z', 'updated': '2021-06-25T11:51:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'teyq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22019', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.sodanet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Social Data Network', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SODANET', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'The Greek research infrastructure for social sciences', 'description': 'So.Da.Net network, following the Social Data Bank (SDB) of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) that pre-existed, in a time frame of five years has been linked and closely collaborated with the european data archives. EKKE through SDB has participated to the European Consortium of Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) since 2000. The national research network Sodanet_GR has been formed in 2012 and is consisted of the following 7 organisations: \r\n1) National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) – Social Data Bank\r\n2) University of the Aegean – Department of Sociology\r\n3) National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Political Science & Public Administration\r\n4) Panteion University – Department of Political Science & History\r\n5) University of Peloponnese – Department of Social & Educational Policy\r\n6) Democritus University of Trace – Department of Social Administration & Political Science\r\n7) University of Crete – Department of Sociology  .\r\n The So.Da.Net network is the Greek research infrastructure for the social sciences. \r\nSo.Da.Net supports multidisciplinary research and promotes the acquisition, exchange, processing as well as dissemination of data deriving from and related to social science research.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R38G7R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://sodanet.gr/en/', 'created': '2019-06-13T08:35:15Z', 'updated': '2024-01-21T15:58:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ekke', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17903', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.adp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Social Science Data Archives at UL-FDV (ADP)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.ADP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Slovenian Social Science Data Archives', 'description': 'The Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (Slovenski Arhiv Družboslovnih podatkov - ADP) were established in 1997 as an organizational unit within the Institute of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Its tasks are to acquire significant data sources within a wide range of social science disciplines of interest to Slovenian social scientists, review and prepare them for digital preservation, and to disseminate them for further scientific, educational and other purposes.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3SG7D', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/', 'created': '2019-05-15T14:38:43Z', 'updated': '2023-02-14T10:52:55Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17898', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vzek.ssoar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Social Science Open Access Repository', 'symbol': 'VZEK.SSOAR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'SSOAR', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-06-16T05:27:00Z', 'updated': '2023-06-16T18:55:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vzek', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DARACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21241', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'csic.socib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SOCIB', 'symbol': 'CSIC.SOCIB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-11T11:23:39Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'csic', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25704', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.sie-l', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Società Italiana di e-Learning', 'symbol': 'CRUI.SIE-L', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sie-l.it,je-lks.org,je-lks.info,www.je-lks.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.sie-l.it', 'created': '2016-11-24T16:43:16Z', 'updated': '2021-07-23T15:22:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20368', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.sipr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Società Italiana di Psicologia della Religione', 'symbol': 'CRUI.SIPR', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'psicologiadellareligione.it,psyrel-journal.it,psyrel-journal.it/archivi/', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-09-12T15:53:55Z', 'updated': '2023-12-14T14:51:24Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15163', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sbocc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société botanique d’Occitanie', 'symbol': 'INIST.SBOCC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'La Société botanique d’Occitanie (SBOcc) est une association fédérant les organismes de botanique de la région Occitanie, dont les projets sont de divers ordres. En particulier, la SBOcc édite une revue en ligne, intitulée Carnets botaniques, consacrée à des articles très variés sur la botanique : taxonomie, sorties botaniques, comptes-rendus de voyage, phytosociologie, etc.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://www.sbocc.fr/', 'created': '2020-05-26T20:55:30Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:13:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34971', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.serdi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Société d'Etude, Réalisation et Diffusion Internationale", 'symbol': 'INIST.SERDI', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-10-22T09:02:47Z', 'updated': '2021-01-25T09:45:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'socneuro.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société des Neurosciences', 'symbol': 'SOCNEURO.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.inist.fr/', 'created': '2023-04-26T09:12:42Z', 'updated': '2023-05-09T11:57:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'socneuro', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60554', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sfi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Société Française d'Ichtyologie", 'symbol': 'INIST.SFI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'Cybium', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-08T10:26:43Z', 'updated': '2023-07-17T08:47:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hzbn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26028', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sofop', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Société Française d'Orthopédie Pédiatrique", 'symbol': 'INIST.SOFOP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Cette société a pour objet le développement de la chirurgie orthopédique pédiatrique. La chirurgie orthopédique pédiatrique est la spécialité médicale qui comporte le dépistage, la prévention et le traitement des affections de l'appareil locomoteur par des méthodes médicales et chirurgicales tout au long de la croissance, depuis la conception jusqu'à la fin de croissance. Le but de cette société est d'améliorer les soins et la prise en charge des enfants présentant une pathologie de l'appareil locomoteur. Elle a pour objectifs de :\n\n    Promouvoir, soutenir, renforcer, développer les connaissances en orthopédie pédiatrique.\n    Développer et encourager les actions de prévention des pathologies de l'appareil locomoteur de l'enfant.\n    Développer et encourager les méthodes et les actions de formation et d'enseignement de la spécialité.\n    Promouvoir les actions de formation médicale continue.\n    Développer, renforcer et promouvoir la coopération avec les acteurs médicaux ou non dont les travaux s'inscrivent dans le domaine de la chirurgie orthopédique pédiatrique.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'http://www.sofop.org/', 'created': '2019-12-05T09:58:19Z', 'updated': '2020-10-14T12:13:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34814', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sfctcv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Française de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire', 'symbol': 'INIST.SFCTCV', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-04-21T08:13:26Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:14:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24399', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sfmth', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société française de médecine thermale', 'symbol': 'INIST.SFMTH', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "La Société française d’hydrologie et de climatologie médicales, succédant à la Société d’hydrologie de Paris, est une des plus anciennes sociétés savantes médicales de notre pays ; elle a été fondée le 21 décembre 1853 et a été reconnue d’utilité publique le 11 juillet 1888 sous la signature du Président Sadi Carnot. Elle s'appelle depuis janvier 2012 Société française de médecine thermale. La Société a un rôle moteur dans l’élaboration des protocoles d’évaluation de la médecine thermale en travaillant sur le service médical rendu par exemple, ou en précisant les indications, comme les contre-indications et non-indications, de la crénothérapie dans toutes les disciplines concernées au cours de réunions de consensus ou bien sur les risques bactériologiques au sein des établissements thermaux.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://www.socmedthermale.org', 'created': '2020-08-13T07:57:30Z', 'updated': '2023-09-28T18:55:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cldy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35112', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sfds.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Française de Statistique', 'symbol': 'SFDS.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Association reconnue d’utilité publique, la Société Française de Statistique (SFdS) a vocation à rassembler tous les chercheurs, ingénieurs, enseignants et utilisateurs de la statistique, quels que soient la nature de leurs fonctions et l’endroit où ils les exercent : elle constitue ainsi un lieu privilégié de rencontres, d’échanges et de réflexions.\n\nLa SFdS est une société savante fondée en 1997, spécialisée dans la statistique, qui a pour mission de promouvoir l’utilisation de la statistique et sa compréhension et de favoriser ses développements méthodologiques. Dans ce but, elle facilite les échanges entre les statisticiens issus des administrations, des entreprises ou des établissements d’enseignement ou de recherche par un ensemble d'actions qui sont présentées sur ce site. La SFdS a été reconnue d'utilité publique par décret du 3 Décembre 1998.", 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/', 'created': '2021-10-05T09:21:50Z', 'updated': '2021-10-05T09:21:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sfds', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48735', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sft', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Française de Thermique', 'symbol': 'INIST.SFT', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "La SFT a pour objet :    le développement et le rayonnement des Sciences Thermiques en elles-mêmes et dans leurs applications,\n    l'étude de problèmes divers, d'intérêt général se rapportant directement ou indirectement à la Thermique, et en particulier l'étude de l'utilisation des diverses sources d'énergie,\n    la liaison entre les Associations et Groupements français de Thermiciens, ainsi qu'avec les autres disciplines scientifiques,\n    l'animation et la promotion de la communauté des Sciences Thermiques dans l'industrie, dans l'enseignement et dans la recherche,\n    les échanges et la diffusion des connaissances entre créateurs et utilisateurs de celles-ci,\n    la représentation des Sciences Thermiques et des thermiciens français aux plans national, européen et international.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.sft.asso.fr/', 'created': '2019-08-30T09:02:54Z', 'updated': '2023-05-16T14:15:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25855', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sfmtsi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société francophone de médecine tropicale et santé internationale', 'symbol': 'INIST.SFMTSI', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Isabelle Borloz', 'description': 'La Société francophone de médecine tropicale et santé internationale a été fondée en 1907 par Alphonse Laveran, découvreur du parasite du paludisme et prix Nobel. Inscrite dans l’évolution de la santé internationale, elle regroupe des centaines de spécialistes francophones de la médecine tropicale, au Nord et au Sud.\n\nLa société est un lieu d’action, de réflexion et d’échange ouvert à tous les acteurs de la médecine et de la santé en milieu tropical, quelles que soient leurs formation, discipline et expérience, dans les pays du Nord et du Sud.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://societe-mtsi.fr/', 'created': '2020-09-17T12:04:46Z', 'updated': '2021-09-13T12:25:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48327', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'shf.croaa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Herpétologique de France', 'symbol': 'SHF.CROAA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'La Société herpétologique de France (SHF) est une association loi 1901 fondée en mars 1971. Elle est agréée au titre de la protection de l’environnement depuis le 28 février 1978, agrément renouvelé le 31 décembre 2012.\n\nLa SHF a pour buts :\n\nde faciliter les rapports entre herpétologistes de langue française,\nde mieux faire connaître les Reptiles, les Amphibiens et leur rôle dans les équilibres naturels,\nde contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de la faune française et de sa répartition,\nde protéger des différentes espèces et leur environnement,\nd’améliorer les conditions d’élevage des Reptiles et des Amphibiens, notamment à des fins scientifiques.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://lashf.org/', 'created': '2021-09-07T15:44:52Z', 'updated': '2021-10-18T14:35:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48716', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Ivoirienne de Microbiologie', 'symbol': 'INIST.SIM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-03-26T10:34:11Z', 'updated': '2023-10-12T15:11:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26167', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.smr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Marocaine de Rhumatologie', 'symbol': 'INIST.SMR', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-04-18T08:23:22Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:15:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24398', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spledc.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Société Publique Locale « L’Eau des Collines »', 'symbol': 'SPLEDC.PROD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'SPL EDC', 'description': 'La société publique locale L’Eau des Collines intervient pour exercer :\n\nla gestion du service de collecte et de transport des eaux usées de l’ensemble des communes constituant le CT4 au sein de la Métropole Aix Marseille Provence soit: Aubagne, Auriol, Belcodène, Cadolive, Cuges les Pins, La Bouilladisse, La Destrousse, La Penne sur Huveaune, Peypin, Roquevaire, Saint-Savournin & Saint Zacharie;\nla gestion du service d’assainissement non collectif sur tout le périmètre ci-dessus identifié;\nLa gestion du service de production et de distribution de l’eau potable des Communes: d’Aubagne, La Penne sur Huveaune, Cuges les Pins & Saint Zacharie.\nEn outre, la société publique locale gère différentes opérations en mandat pour la Métropole Aix Marseille Provence.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.eaudescollines.fr/notre-entite/ses-missions/', 'created': '2021-12-09T07:22:54Z', 'updated': '2021-12-22T20:11:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'spledc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48799', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nzif.dohwvd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Societies under German Occupation - Experiences and Everyday Life in World War II', 'symbol': 'NZIF.DOHWVD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.societies-under-german-occupation.com/', 'created': '2022-10-27T16:27:23Z', 'updated': '2023-01-30T18:27:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nzif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57886', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sab.sab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SODHA', 'symbol': 'SAB.SAB', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.sodha.be', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.sodha.be/', 'created': '2020-03-12T15:17:04Z', 'updated': '2021-03-17T15:12:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sab', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34934', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cmu.sei', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Software Engineering Institute', 'symbol': 'CMU.SEI', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-11-10T18:02:11Z', 'updated': '2022-11-10T18:08:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58012', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mpbiomas.soildata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SoilData', 'symbol': 'MPBIOMAS.SOILDATA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Brazilian Soil Data Repository', 'description': None, 'language': ['pt', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'solo.mapbiomas.org', 'created': '2023-06-13T02:03:13Z', 'updated': '2023-06-13T02:25:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mpbiomas', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CNPQ', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60502', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jams.trek', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Solar System Treks', 'symbol': 'JAMS.TREK', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'trek.nasa.gov', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://trek.nasa.gov', 'created': '2021-04-26T22:13:29Z', 'updated': '2021-04-27T19:11:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jams', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48578', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sshade', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise', 'symbol': 'INIST.SSHADE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'SSHADE is an interoperable Solid Spectroscopy database infrastructure (www.sshade.eu) providing spectral and photometric data obtained by various spectroscopic techniques over the whole electromagnetic spectrum from gamma to radio wavelengths, through X, UV, Vis, IR, and mm ranges. The measured samples include ices, minerals, rocks, organic and carbonaceous materials... and also liquids. They are either synthesized in the laboratory, natural terrestrial analogs collected or measured in the field, or extraterrestrial samples collected on Earth or on planetary bodies: (micro-)meteorites, IDPs, lunar soils...\n\nSSHADE contains a set of specialized databases from various European research groups and is developed under the European program "Europlanet 2020-RI" (H2020)* with the help of OSUG, CNRS/INSU and CNES. It is hosted by the OSUG data center / Université Grenoble Alpes, France.\n\n(*) Europlanet 2020 RI has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 654208', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.sshade.eu/', 'created': '2019-06-26T07:28:41Z', 'updated': '2021-05-12T15:30:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mgeg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26302', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'myfw.gcsrwy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SOS Repository', 'symbol': 'MYFW.GCSRWY', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Species Observation Service (SOS) is an open source application developed and hosted by SLU Swedish Species Information Centre/Artdatabanken and is a platform for collecting and sharing datasets of species observations.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-10-21T12:59:37Z', 'updated': '2022-03-23T13:32:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'myfw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48385', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'oin.source', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Source Cooperative', 'symbol': 'OIN.SOURCE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.source.coop', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://source.coop', 'created': '2023-04-18T20:29:05Z', 'updated': '2023-05-02T16:41:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'source', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'RADNTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60480', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.samrc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SAMRC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.mrc.ac.za/', 'created': '2019-03-27T09:49:52Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T14:37:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23667', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sahmri.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute', 'symbol': 'SAHMRI.REPO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.sahmri.com,sahmri.comm,*.sahmri.org.au,sahmri.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-28T04:06:13Z', 'updated': '2023-03-29T04:08:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sahmri', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58138', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.sssb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'South-Siberian Scientific Bulletin', 'symbol': 'RADS.SSSB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 's-sibsb.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-03-01T07:51:08Z', 'updated': '2021-05-28T12:42:17Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25699', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.scu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Southern Cross University', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.SCU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Southern Cross Research Portal', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'epubs.scu.edu.au,brassica.info,researchportal.scu.edu.au,scu.esploro.exlibrisgroup.com,scu-psb.esploro.exlibrisgroup.com,*.scu.edu.au,*.brassica.info,*.esploro.exlibrisgroup.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://researchportal.scu.edu.au/discovery/search?vid=61SCU_INST:ResearchRepository', 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:50Z', 'updated': '2020-10-20T23:42:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25918', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.sfedu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Southern Federal University (SFEDU)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.SFEDU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sfedu.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-09-10T14:47:34Z', 'updated': '2023-05-17T09:59:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syjt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25445', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nasasmd.shadoz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) Data', 'symbol': 'NASASMD.SHADOZ', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'NASA SHADOZ', 'description': 'Since 1998, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center’s Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) project has been coordinating balloon-borne ozonesonde launches from 14 tropical and subtropical stations through global international partnerships.  The SHADOZ project provides a quality-controlled central archive location for datasets with varying frequency, reporting procedures, and ozonesonde/radiosonde instruments. By the end of 2021, SHADOZ has archived more than 9000 sets of ozone and pressure-temperature-humidity vertical profiles for the entire project period.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://tropo.gsfc.nasa.gov/shadoz/', 'created': '2022-02-23T20:42:39Z', 'updated': '2022-10-24T19:35:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasasmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57721', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.soz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'sozialpolitik.ch', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.SOZ', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-09T08:59:33Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:05:17Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18753', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'heliophy.spdf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Space Physics Data Facility', 'symbol': 'HELIOPHY.SPDF', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': "NASA's Space Physics Data Facility", 'description': "The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) leads in the design and implementation of unique multi-mission and multi-disciplinary data services and software to strategically advance NASA's solar-terrestrial program, to extend our science understanding of the structure, physics and dynamics of the Heliosphere of our Sun and to support the science missions of NASA's Heliophysics Great Observatory.\r\nMajor SPDF efforts include multi-mission data services such as Heliophysics Data Portal (formerly VSPO), CDAWeb and CDAWeb Inside IDL,and OMNIWeb Plus (including COHOWeb, ATMOWeb, HelioWeb and CGM) , science planning and orbit services such as SSCWeb, data tools such as the CDF software and tools, and a range of other science and technology research efforts. The staff supporting SPDF includes scientists and information technology experts.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3P301', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/', 'created': '2020-06-25T17:32:57Z', 'updated': '2023-05-26T13:16:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nasasmd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'NASACO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48322', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'issai.sf2020', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SpeakingFaces', 'symbol': 'ISSAI.SF2020', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://issai.nu.edu.kz/speakingfaces/', 'created': '2020-08-20T04:35:03Z', 'updated': '2020-12-23T05:05:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'issai', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48333', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'concor.kcydcu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Spectrum Research Repository', 'symbol': 'CONCOR.KCYDCU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Spectrum, Concordia University's open access research repository, provides access to and preserves research created at Concordia. By depositing in Spectrum, Concordia scholars provide free and immediate access to their work and thus increase the visibility of both their own research and their university's intellectual output. Open access leads to the increased research profile and impact of scholars by bringing about greater levels of readership and citation of their publications.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3FJ70', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T12:33:10Z', 'updated': '2020-03-03T13:36:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'concor', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11573', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'shkl.mdujuo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SPKtrum', 'symbol': 'SHKL.MDUJUO', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Open-Science-Repositorium der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz', 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.spk-berlin.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://spktrum.spk-berlin.de/', 'created': '2023-02-28T14:06:26Z', 'updated': '2023-03-03T11:16:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shkl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58159', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ivuw.spmicr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SPMI CASE REPORTS', 'symbol': 'IVUW.SPMICR', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'A SPMI Case Reports é a revista de Casos Clínicos da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna, exclusivamente online e de acesso livre. É uma revista “peer-reviewed”, indexada na RCCAP e ÍndexRMP que segue todas as regras éticas de publicação. \n\nQueremos publicar casos clínicos isolados, em série ou em imagens que sejam importantes para a nossa formação enquanto internistas. Seja pelo modo de apresentação, investigação e diagnóstico diferencial ou pela terapêutica, para que todos possam melhorar a sua prática clínica', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'casereports.spmi.pt', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '2975-822X', 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://casereports.spmi.pt', 'created': '2023-10-27T10:22:23Z', 'updated': '2023-10-27T16:13:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ivuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60591', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.sputnik', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sputnik+ Publishings', 'symbol': 'RADS.SPUTNIK', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sc-site.ru,elibrary.ru,*.elibrary.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-08T08:11:08Z', 'updated': '2022-01-18T10:38:00Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25633', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mfsz.vknmwy', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SRUC research data repository', 'symbol': 'MFSZ.VKNMWY', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sruc.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sruc.figshare.com/', 'created': '2023-01-26T16:34:32Z', 'updated': '2023-02-16T14:25:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mfsz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58073', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.sfi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "St Philaret's Christian Institute in Moscow", 'symbol': 'RADS.SFI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-19T11:04:30Z', 'updated': '2021-06-18T12:21:42Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25803', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.stedward', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "St. Edward's University", 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.STEDWARD', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-07-11T07:18:54Z', 'updated': '2021-12-15T13:49:02Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17914', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.sgul', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "St. George's University of London", 'symbol': 'BL.SGUL', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sgul.ac.uk,figshare.com,sgul.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-01T09:36:47Z', 'updated': '2022-09-13T14:31:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yjia', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'BLCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24376', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.ntv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.NTV', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.spbstu.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-05T14:32:53Z', 'updated': '2020-12-15T10:02:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18721', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.snsb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.SNSB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Bavarian Natural History Collections (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, SNSB) are a research institution for natural history in Bavaria. They encompass five State Collections (zoology, botany, mycology, paleontology and geology, mineralogy, anthropology and paleoanatomy), the Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg and eight museums with public exhibitions in Munich, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Eichstätt and Nördlingen. Our research focuses mainly on the past and present bio- and geodiversity and the evolution of animals and plants. To achieve this we have large scientific collections (almost 35,000,000 specimens).  The Information Technology Center of the SNSB (www.snsb.info) acts as research facility for biodiversity informatics and recognized data center for managing and publishing  collection and research data.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'https://www.snsb.de', 'created': '2019-01-16T09:07:16Z', 'updated': '2020-11-12T10:27:07Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25897', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.nkm-bw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.NKM-BW', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.naturkundemuseum-bw.de,*.smns-bw.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://naturkundemuseum-bw.de/', 'created': '2020-06-03T11:24:08Z', 'updated': '2023-08-03T08:39:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35069', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.suub', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen', 'symbol': 'TIB.SUUB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-01-25T12:28:50Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T13:44:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lgao', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26092', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.epu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, Elektronisches Publizieren (EPU)', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.EPU', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'gwdg.de,uni-goettingen.de,handle.net,*.gojil.eu,asjournal.org,*.uni-goettingen.de,publications.goettingen-research-online.de,hdl.handle.net', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-04-15T13:32:04Z', 'updated': '2023-09-27T12:12:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3249', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbw.subhh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky', 'symbol': 'ZBW.SUBHH', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-08-08T11:47:51Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:05:29Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15460', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'shkl.wbsmqt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin', 'symbol': 'SHKL.WBSMQT', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-08-26T09:22:41Z', 'updated': '2021-08-26T14:58:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'shkl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48710', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'stakr.stadtarchiv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stadtarchiv Krems', 'symbol': 'STAKR.STADTARCHIV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.krems.at/kultur/kremskultur/stadtarchiv-wissenschaftliche-bibliothek', 'created': '2022-02-07T12:50:03Z', 'updated': '2022-02-07T15:19:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stakr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57704', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.swbvyu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stanford Data Farm', 'symbol': 'SUL.SWBVYU', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Stanford University's data repository on Redivis", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'redivis.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://redivis.com/Stanford', 'created': '2022-04-07T23:47:48Z', 'updated': '2022-04-28T20:59:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57761', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.sdr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stanford Digital Repository', 'symbol': 'SUL.SDR', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'SDR', 'description': "The Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) is Stanford Libraries' digital preservation system. The core repository provides “back-office” preservation services – data replication, auditing, media migration, and retrieval -- in a secure, sustainable, scalable stewardship environment. Scholars and researchers across disciplines at Stanford use SDR repository services to provide ongoing, persistent, reliable access to their research outputs.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3RK6R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://library.stanford.edu/research/stanford-digital-repository', 'created': '2018-03-21T03:49:56Z', 'updated': '2021-07-13T16:56:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25740', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25936', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35005', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.gsc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Geoscience Specimen Collection', 'symbol': 'SUL.GSC', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'SDSS Geoscience Specimen Collection', 'description': 'The Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Geoscience Specimen Collection contains samples of rocks, minerals, fossils, soil, cores, and other geological materials and their derivatives. These samples are the result of Stanford research and date to the founding of the University. Samples may be requested for research, teaching, and other related use-cases.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'igsnCatalog', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-15T13:55:18Z', 'updated': '2023-11-16T02:03:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60936', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.sep', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy', 'symbol': 'SUL.SEP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-06T18:32:15Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:06Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21235', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sul.ssir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stanford Social Innovation Review', 'symbol': 'SUL.SSIR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-31T00:01:10Z', 'updated': '2021-08-05T17:10:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sul', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48558', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.sbr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Station Biologique de Roscoff', 'symbol': 'INIST.SBR', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-08-31T13:49:01Z', 'updated': '2024-02-13T10:14:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21411', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'statscan.diss', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Statistics Canada Dissemination', 'symbol': 'STATSCAN.DISS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en', 'fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T16:43:58Z', 'updated': '2020-03-23T17:29:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'statscan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25318', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sfds.ldfvdo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Statistique et Société', 'symbol': 'SFDS.LDFVDO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository for the journal Statistique et Société', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-03-30T16:50:54Z', 'updated': '2022-03-30T16:51:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sfds', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57751', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vewy.stax', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'STAX', 'symbol': 'VEWY.STAX', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Strathclyde Theses and Exam Papers', 'description': 'STAX is the home for electronic theses and past exam papers at the University of Strathclyde. The repository includes: theses submitted for higher research and doctoral degrees; past exam papers for undergraduate and taught postgraduate classes, and; a selection of other publications for which we hold digital files.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://stax.strath.ac.uk/', 'created': '2021-09-30T12:22:39Z', 'updated': '2021-10-14T12:55:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vewy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48730', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.sun', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stellenbosch University (SUN)', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.SUN', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sun.figshare.com,scholardata.sun.ac.za', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-02T08:17:09Z', 'updated': '2022-02-01T11:45:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ofpi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25413', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.casimir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha', 'symbol': 'TIB.CASIMIR', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'casimir.bsz-bw.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-05-26T11:56:51Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:04:04Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17880', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.tiho', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stiftung Tierärtzliche Hochschule Hannover', 'symbol': 'TIB.TIHO', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': 'TiHo eLib', 'description': 'TiHo eLib is the repository of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo). It offers the possibility to publish electronic publications and research data from veterinary medicine and related disciplines free of charge.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://elib.tiho-hannover.de/', 'created': '2014-07-22T12:26:25Z', 'updated': '2023-11-20T10:16:12Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dxdt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15487', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.swp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SWP', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-22T15:52:08Z', 'updated': '2021-11-09T16:16:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'djnz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18449', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.su', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stockholm University  Figshare Repository', 'symbol': 'SND.SU', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Researchers at Stockholm University have access to a repository for data through the Figshare Services via su.figshare.com.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'figshare.com,su.figshare.com', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3N648', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://su.figshare.com/', 'created': '2015-02-09T09:03:39Z', 'updated': '2020-12-10T08:21:49Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pgip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17045', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pgip.su-dynamica', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stockholm University Dynamica', 'symbol': 'PGIP.SU-DYNAMICA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*app.scifree.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-01-17T15:09:44Z', 'updated': '2023-01-25T10:55:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pgip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58051', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pgip.csxvig', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stockholms universitet SND-DORIS repositorium', 'symbol': 'PGIP.CSXVIG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Stockholm University SND-DORIS repository', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-22T13:30:34Z', 'updated': '2023-02-28T10:43:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pgip', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58141', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zypi.vnulkh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Straininfo', 'symbol': 'ZYPI.VNULKH', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-07-14T13:18:52Z', 'updated': '2023-07-14T13:55:42Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zypi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ZBMEDCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60712', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psf.sgdc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Strait of Georgia Data Centre', 'symbol': 'PSF.SGDC', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://soggy2.zoology.ubc.ca/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/home', 'created': '2021-08-04T20:43:17Z', 'updated': '2022-01-14T22:32:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48689', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.cds', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center', 'symbol': 'INIST.CDS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) is dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information.\r\nAlongside data curation and service maintenance responsibilities, the CDS undertakes R&D activities that are fundamental to ensure the long term sustainability in a domain in which technology evolves very quickly. R&D areas include informatics, big data, and development of the astronomical Virtual Observatory (VO). CDS is a major actor in the VO with leading roles in European VO projects, the French Virtual Observatory and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). \r\nThe CDS hosts the SIMBAD astronomical database, the world reference database for the identification of astronomical objects; VizieR, the catalogue service for the CDS reference collection of astronomical catalogues and tables published in academic journals; and the Aladin interactive software sky atlas for access, visualization and analysis of astronomical images, surveys, catalogues, databases and related data.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.unistra.fr, *.u-strasbg.fr', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3690R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cds.unistra.fr/', 'created': '2018-12-10T15:35:06Z', 'updated': '2023-09-15T12:52:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'xxue', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26093', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.sead', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database, Umeå University', 'symbol': 'SND.SEAD', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sead.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-10-24T07:52:53Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:21:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'aaay', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23694', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vewy.strathprints', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Strathprints', 'symbol': 'VEWY.STRATHPRINTS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'Strathprints, the University of Strathclyde institutional repository', 'description': "The Strathprints institutional repository is a digital open archive of University of Strathclyde research outputs. It has been developed to disseminate Open Access research outputs, expose data about those outputs, further the goals of open research, and enable the management and persistent access to Strathclyde's intellectual output.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/', 'created': '2021-10-04T15:32:36Z', 'updated': '2022-05-04T09:15:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vewy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17868', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'milak.stratos', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Stratos', 'symbol': 'MILAK.STRATOS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-11T10:07:01Z', 'updated': '2021-05-11T10:13:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'milak', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48593', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.sauc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Street Art & Urban Creativity', 'symbol': 'FCT.SAUC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'SAUC Jornal', 'description': "SAUC it's an international researchers network and research topic associated with research units and territorial administrations. Dealing with Humanities, Social Sciences, Urban Studies, Visual Arts and Performing Arts, Graffiti, Street Art & Urban Creativity. \n\nSAUC Journal is a peer-reviewed Open Access* Creative Commons non commercial, no derivatives 4.0 International License.\nSince 2015 SAUC Scientific Journal is published regularly (2 numbers per year).\nIt has defined rules and ethics determined by the (annual) scientific committee.", 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'journals.ap2.pt', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '2183-3869', 'electronic': '2183-9956'}, 'url': 'https://journals.ap2.pt/index.php/sauc/index', 'created': '2018-08-06T10:05:10Z', 'updated': '2023-07-18T18:34:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25765', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'infin.tvasyv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Studia i Analizy InFin', 'symbol': 'INFIN.TVASYV', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.studiaianalizy.infin.gov.pl*,studiaianalizy.infin.gov.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-11-15T07:11:17Z', 'updated': '2023-11-29T10:57:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'infin', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60749', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jkxe.stss', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Studies of Transition States and Societies', 'symbol': 'JKXE.STSS', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'STSS', 'description': 'Studies of Transition States and Societies (STSS) is a fast-growing open-access interdisciplinary journal for the study of transition societies. Published since 2009 it is already indexed in Scopus, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, ProQuest, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) and the International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA).\n\nSTSS aims to promote interdisciplinary exchange between scholars in all major field of the social sciences with emphasis to sociology and political science. The substantive focus of the journal is on the transitional societies, particularly on the societal and political changes in the post-socialist region. Still articles on other regions are considered as well to enrich the debate about transition in social sciences.\n\nThe journal is published biannually whereas the spring issue combines articles of political science and papers in sociology are published in the fall. In addition, collections of articles about a common theme or debate are published as special issues.\n\nSTSS is published by School of Governance Law and Society and Institute of International Social Studies, Tallinn University.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://publications.tlu.ee/index.php/stss/index', 'created': '2022-12-14T08:20:26Z', 'updated': '2022-12-14T12:43:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jkxe', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ESTDOICO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58036', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.studio-noa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'STUDIO-NOA', 'symbol': 'PSNC.STUDIO-NOA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'studio-noa.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'studio-noa.pl', 'created': '2020-02-26T08:31:00Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:04:43Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34916', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.susdat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Substance Database', 'symbol': 'YSEI.SUSDAT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'Substance Database', 'description': 'A merged list of NORMAN substances; Central Database to access various lists of substances for suspect screening and prioritisation', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/susdat/', 'created': '2023-11-08T06:17:04Z', 'updated': '2023-11-08T06:17:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60912', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.pijs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Summer School in Russian Literature', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.PIJS', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'schoolsummer.jimdo.com,schoolsummer.jimdofree.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-02-13T08:36:35Z', 'updated': '2023-02-21T07:13:59Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocsj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26172', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sfu.summit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Summit, the SFU Research Repository', 'symbol': 'SFU.SUMMIT', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://summit.sfu.ca', 'created': '2020-10-22T22:42:05Z', 'updated': '2021-07-19T19:43:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sfu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'dcan', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48410', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'suny.figshare', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SUNY Upstate Medical University', 'symbol': 'SUNY.FIGSHARE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'upstate.figshare.com,*.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-13T07:27:50Z', 'updated': '2023-02-13T07:30:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'suny', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58120', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.suprabank', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SupraBank', 'symbol': 'TIB.SUPRABANK', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'suprabank.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://suprabank.org', 'created': '2020-02-20T08:15:22Z', 'updated': '2020-12-18T11:36:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kit', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34804', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.surfsara', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SURF Data Repository', 'symbol': 'DELFT.SURFSARA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The SURF Data Repository is a user-friendly web-based data publication platform that allows researchers to store, annotate and publish research datasets of any size to ensure long-term preservation and availability of their data. The service allows any dataset to be stored, independent of volume, number of files and structure. A published dataset is enriched with complex metadata, unique identifiers are added and the data is preserved for an agreed-upon period of time. The service is domain-agnostic and supports multiple communities with different policy and metadata requirements.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJML8', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repository.surfsara.nl', 'created': '2017-11-20T09:29:00Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T11:37:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mkka', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25606', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mkka.rawsxe', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SURFsharekit', 'symbol': 'MKKA.RAWSXE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-26T12:35:39Z', 'updated': '2022-02-07T09:41:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mkka', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48544', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.sursu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SurSU Electronic Library', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.SURSU', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'elib.surgu.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://elib.surgu.ru/', 'created': '2019-11-13T07:01:38Z', 'updated': '2023-02-16T06:38:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocsj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34822', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.smif', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Survey Methods: Insights from the Field', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.SMIF', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'surveyinsights.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://surveyinsights.org/', 'created': '2014-02-25T10:52:22Z', 'updated': '2021-06-25T11:52:45Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'teyq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13094', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.srda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Survey Research Data Archive', 'symbol': 'GESIS.SRDA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': 'SRDA', 'description': 'The sources of the data sets include data sets donated by researchers, surveys carried out by SRDA, as well as by government department and other academic organizations. Prior to the release of data sets, the confidentiality and sensitivity of every survey data set are evaluated. Standard data management and cleaning procedures are applied to ensure data accuracy and completeness. In addition, metadata and relevant supplement files are also edited and attached.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMLA', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://srda.sinica.edu.tw/index_en.php', 'created': '2016-11-04T13:11:11Z', 'updated': '2023-02-14T10:04:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'yozl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6141', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jfch.avteml', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SurveyCodings', 'symbol': 'JFCH.AVTEML', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Surveycodings offers a host of social science codings measuring individual and socio-economic variables. The developed tools consist of a multilingual repository containing questionnaires, data collection tools, and coding frames based on standard statistical classifications covering a large number of countries. The variables included within the project are the following:  occupation, industry, levels and fields of education, region, food groups, religions, cost of living, and marital status, all coded according to ruling standards.\n\nThe benefits of such a tool are:\n\n1) reduced manual post-coding,\n\n2) less harmonization logistics, and\n\n3) decreased costs by linking survey questionnaires to databases to allow the coding of survey variables during the interview.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.surveycodings.org/', 'created': '2022-03-23T08:44:46Z', 'updated': '2022-03-23T08:58:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jfch', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57742', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'hhbb.susi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'SUSI', 'symbol': 'HHBB.SUSI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-08-05T10:50:48Z', 'updated': '2021-08-05T14:29:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hhbb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48686', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ysei.rqghkp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Suspect list exchange', 'symbol': 'YSEI.RQGHKP', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'SLE', 'description': 'The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE) was established in 2015 as a central access point for NORMAN members (and others) to find suspect lists relevant for their environmental monitoring questions. The NORMAN-SLE documents all individual collections that form a part of the merged collection NORMAN SusDat. The original SLE lists should be consulted to verify SusDat information if necessary (see Source column in SusDat).', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.norman-network.com/nds/SLE/', 'created': '2023-07-05T18:48:28Z', 'updated': '2023-07-05T18:49:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ysei', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'EUDATCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60595', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpuo.sustainable', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics', 'symbol': 'SPBPUO.SUSTAINABLE', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'sustainable.spbstu.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sustainable.spbstu.ru/', 'created': '2021-04-12T12:03:45Z', 'updated': '2021-04-13T08:09:22Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48554', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.sites', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science', 'symbol': 'SND.SITES', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'SITES', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'meta.fieldsites.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'www.fieldsites.se', 'created': '2019-12-02T13:56:32Z', 'updated': '2021-02-24T11:45:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'mviy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23700', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.smhi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute  open data', 'symbol': 'SND.SMHI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "SMHI's observation stations collect large quantities of data, including temperature, precipitation, wind, air pressure, lightning, solar radiation and ozone. Satellites and radar installations are also important sources. Data is presented continuously on smhi.se and used in SMHI's various weather services.\r\nIn the Explorer SMHI’s data ( http://opendata-catalog.smhi.se/explore/ ) you find data available with open access (in Swedish). Information in English on Oceanographic observations, Model data (HIROMB BS01), Machine to machine – feeds, and Conditions of use.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'smhi.se,www.climateurope.eu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3R05H', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.smhi.se/en', 'created': '2016-03-22T13:36:10Z', 'updated': '2020-12-01T16:59:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17200', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.snd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swedish National Data Service', 'symbol': 'SND.SND', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'SND is a service organisation for Swedish research within the humanities, social sciences and health sciences. SND helps enable Swedish and international researchers gain access to existing data within and outside of Sweden. SND provides support and guidance to researchers throughout the whole research process. SND is the Swedish node in an international network of data archives. This network is an important part of the research infrastructure.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'snd.gu.se', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3CS38', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://snd.gu.se/en', 'created': '2013-05-02T12:26:22Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:10:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pwbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5878', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.5879', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.snsn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swedish National Seismic Network', 'symbol': 'SND.SNSN', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.snsn.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-05-09T09:25:32Z', 'updated': '2022-11-14T14:37:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wxvm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18159', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tzwl.doris', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swedish Polar Research Secretariat / DORIS repository', 'symbol': 'TZWL.DORIS', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "Repository used exclusively for DOIs for data to be published in SND's data catalog.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-11T09:45:11Z', 'updated': '2021-05-26T09:27:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tzwl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48515', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.slu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences', 'symbol': 'SND.SLU', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.slu.se,ckantest.data.slu.se,ckandev5.klient.slu.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-06-11T08:17:59Z', 'updated': '2022-03-23T13:31:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'myfw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17198', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'swin.repo1', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Swinburne University of Technology', 'symbol': 'SWIN.REPO1', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'tao.asvo.org.au,swin.edu.au,swinburne.edu.au,data-portal.hpc.swin.edu.au,*.swin.edu.au,*.swinburne.edu.au,*.tao.asvo.org.au,pulsars.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:17Z', 'updated': '2023-03-22T00:35:51Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'swin', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26185', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'tuw.tethys', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Tethys', 'symbol': 'TUW.TETHYS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'Tethys RDR', 'description': 'Tethys is an Open Access Research Data Repository of the Geological Survey of Austria (GBA), which publishes and distributes georeferenced geoscientific research data generated at and in cooperation with the GBA. The research data publications and the associated metadata are predominantly provided in German or in English. The abstracts are provided in both languages. Tethys aims to provide published data sets as open data and in accordance with the FAIR Data Principles, findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMU0', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.tethys.at/', 'created': '2020-12-02T16:36:27Z', 'updated': '2023-07-04T13:20:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gba', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TUWIENCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24341', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdl.iodp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Texas A&M University – International Ocean Discovery', 'symbol': 'TDL.IODP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': 'http://iodp.tamu.edu/', 'created': '2019-03-29T17:47:22Z', 'updated': '2020-09-18T09:46:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nqro', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tdlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26304', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdl.tamu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Texas A&M University Libraries', 'symbol': 'TDL.TAMU', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-31T22:15:21Z', 'updated': '2023-04-21T19:26:34Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cxau', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tdlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21423', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdl.tamu-cc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi', 'symbol': 'TDL.TAMU-CC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-07-02T15:51:23Z', 'updated': '2020-09-18T09:19:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'scsb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tdlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25745', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdl.tacc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Texas Advanced Computing Center', 'symbol': 'TDL.TACC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-22T17:52:43Z', 'updated': '2022-09-19T14:43:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hakl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tdlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17603', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tdl.tdl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Texas Digital Library', 'symbol': 'TDL.TDL', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-08-22T15:21:35Z', 'updated': '2020-09-18T08:10:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ytoy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tdlco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18738', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.idiom', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Textdatenbank und Wörterbuch des Klassischen Maya', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.IDIOM', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'mayawoerterbuch.de,classicmayan.org,https://classicmayan.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-03-30T10:52:27Z', 'updated': '2023-02-28T15:33:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.20376', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.textgrid', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Textgrid - Virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für die Digitalen Geisteswissenchaften', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.TEXTGRID', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'textgridrep.org,hdl.handle.net', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-08-07T07:45:20Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T11:32:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wwpx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': []}}}
-{'id': 'pzbm.skim', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'TH OWL', 'symbol': 'PZBM.SKIM', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.th-owl.de/elsa', 'created': '2020-12-18T12:37:31Z', 'updated': '2021-10-05T07:41:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pzbm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25644', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'anu.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Australian National University', 'symbol': 'ANU.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'datacommons.anu.edu.au,openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au,anu.edu.au,studentjournals.anu.edu.au,*.anu.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:26Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:06:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'anu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25911', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.aussda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Austrian Social Science Data Archive', 'symbol': 'GESIS.AUSSDA', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': 'The Austrian Social Science Data Archive', 'description': 'AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA) is a core social science research infrastructure in Austria, offering research data and archiving services. It is located at the Universities of Vienna, Graz, and Linz and is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).\r\nAUSSDA strives to become the leading research infrastructure for the social sciences in Austria, offering high quality, sustainable, and easy-to-use solutions for archiving digital data, along with world-wide access to it. The archive follows international standards in order to make deposited social science data and documentation findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. AUSSDA is active in a growing network of national and international partners, promoting high archiving standards and contributing to archive solutions of the future.\r\nOur collection covers all social science data. We support the open data movement and work towards maximizing the potential for data use within our user group. The primary beneficiaries of our services are researchers, while our online services can also be used by students, educational institutions as well as media representatives and the public. We stand for integrity in data archiving and promote ethical research principles.', 'language': ['de', 'en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R39G72', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.aussda.at/', 'created': '2017-09-06T14:03:48Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:16Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kuih', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11587', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'belab.belab', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Banco de España data Laboratory (BELab)', 'symbol': 'BELAB.BELAB', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-09-10T11:56:51Z', 'updated': '2021-09-10T11:58:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'belab', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48719', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.bm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The British Museum', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.BM', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'britishmuseum.figshare.com,drs.britishmuseum.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-25T10:28:08Z', 'updated': '2023-01-17T09:26:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'britmus', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FSCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25420', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'broad.dsp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Broad Institute - Data Science Platform', 'symbol': 'BROAD.DSP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-05-13T16:14:23Z', 'updated': '2019-05-13T19:01:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'broad', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7908', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ccdc.csd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Cambridge Structural Database', 'symbol': 'CCDC.CSD', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'CSD', 'description': 'Established in 1965, the CSD is the world’s repository for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures. Containing the results of over half-a-million x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses this unique database of accurate 3D structures has become an essential resource to scientists around the world. The CSD records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for:organic molecules, metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction. The CSD records results of: single crystal studies, powder diffraction studies which yield 3D atomic coordinate data for at least all non-H atoms. In some cases the CCDC is unable to obtain coordinates, and incomplete entries are archived to the CSD. \r\nThe CSD includes crystal structure data arising from: publications in the open literature. Private Communications to the CSD (via direct data deposition). \r\nThe CSD also contains directly deposited data that are not available anywhere else.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R36011', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/solutions/csd-system/components/csd/', 'created': '2019-03-26T10:28:08Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ccdc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5517', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25505', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'sml.tcia', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Cancer Imaging Archive', 'symbol': 'SML.TCIA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': 'TCIA', 'description': 'TCIA is a service which de-identifies and hosts a large archive of medical images of cancer accessible for public download. The data are organized as “collections”; typically patients’ imaging related by a common disease (e.g. lung cancer), image modality or type (MRI, CT, digital histopathology, etc) or research focus. DICOM is the primary file format used by TCIA for radiology imaging. Supporting data related to the images such as patient outcomes, treatment details, genomics and expert analyses are also provided when available.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3NH0V', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.cancerimagingarchive.net/', 'created': '2018-06-20T14:58:43Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tciar', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'lyrasis', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7937', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25737', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gbif.col', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Catalogue of Life', 'symbol': 'GBIF.COL', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-04T08:22:27Z', 'updated': '2021-05-04T08:24:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gbif', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48580', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'si.cda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Chandra Data Archive', 'symbol': 'SI.CDA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'CDA', 'description': 'The Chandra Data Archive (CDA) plays a central role in the operation of the Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) by providing support to the astronomical community in accessing Chandra data. Its primary role is one of storage and distribution of all data products including those that users of the observatory need to perform their scientific studies using Chandra data.\r\nThe CDA offers access to digital archives through powerful query engines, including VO-compliant interfaces. The CDA also serves as a permanent storage repository of contributed data products by authors who have processed images or other pertinent and valuable datasets that are essential to their publications.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'cda.cfa.harvard.edu', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3201S', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/cda/', 'created': '2020-01-13T15:33:05Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T15:18:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'si', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25574', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cmwf.dois', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Commonwealth Fund Website', 'symbol': 'CMWF.DOIS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-11-30T15:30:31Z', 'updated': '2018-12-06T19:15:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmwf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26099', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dk.sa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Danish National Archives', 'symbol': 'DK.SA', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dda.dk,rigsarkivet.dk,digidata.rigsarkivet.dk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://digidata.rigsarkivet.dk', 'created': '2012-12-12T10:59:39Z', 'updated': '2022-09-07T08:44:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lxhw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'deicco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5279', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dartlib.tdi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Dartmouth Institute', 'symbol': 'DARTLIB.TDI', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-24T13:47:06Z', 'updated': '2018-08-26T02:36:08Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dartlib', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21989', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'asu.tdar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Digital Archeological Record (tDAR)', 'symbol': 'ASU.TDAR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) is an international digital repository for the digital records of archaeological investigations. tDAR’s use, development, and maintenance are governed by Digital Antiquity, an organization dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation of irreplaceable archaeological data and to broadening the access to these data.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-03T14:50:52Z', 'updated': '2021-03-03T16:29:39Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'asu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6067', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25738', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48512', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'subgoe.tda', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Dynamic Archive - Hochschule für Künste Bremen', 'symbol': 'SUBGOE.TDA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.thedynamicarchive.net', 'created': '2020-07-24T08:23:47Z', 'updated': '2020-11-05T14:49:20Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cwyh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'subgoeco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26017', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'rads.ehi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'THE EURASIAN HUMANITIES INSTITUTE', 'symbol': 'RADS.EHI', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-04-15T12:02:37Z', 'updated': '2021-04-15T12:04:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'rads', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48555', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'lmbt.ppjgkd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Evolving Scholar', 'symbol': 'LMBT.PPJGKD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Evolving Scholar: an open access platform for multidisciplinary, community-driven and open peer-reviewed publications. ThES is committed to publish multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary content of high quality from all scientific disciplines represented at the TU Delft from aerospace engineering and computer science, to policy and design.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2667-2812'}, 'url': 'https://journals.open.tudelft.nl/thes/index', 'created': '2021-01-08T12:34:26Z', 'updated': '2023-04-21T10:13:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'lmbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24404', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'syke.dufdhc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Finnish Environment Institute - Publication Archive', 'symbol': 'SYKE.DUFDHC', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'helda.helsinki.fi', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/29865', 'created': '2022-11-14T13:49:15Z', 'updated': '2023-10-09T12:25:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'syke', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CSCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58013', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.crick', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Francis Crick Institute', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.CRICK', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'crick.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-10-28T12:41:46Z', 'updated': '2022-02-21T13:48:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'hepf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fsco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25418', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.dji', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The German Youth Institute', 'symbol': 'GESIS.DJI', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-09-06T14:21:20Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T14:39:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17621', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nsqb.vqnqmj', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Global Groundwater Information System (GGIS)', 'symbol': 'NSQB.VQNQMJ', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'GGIS', 'description': 'The GGIS is an interactive portal for sharing data and information on groundwater resources around the world. It gives access to map layers, documents, and well and monitoring data. It also contains several thematic map viewers.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://ggis.un-igrac.org', 'created': '2023-03-31T12:30:05Z', 'updated': '2023-03-31T12:35:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nsqb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DELFTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58154', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cmuu.hive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Hive Journal', 'symbol': 'CMUU.HIVE', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2977-3954'}, 'url': 'https://pahconline.co.uk/hivejournal/', 'created': '2023-09-21T12:31:36Z', 'updated': '2023-10-17T15:17:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cmuu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60844', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psc.hubmap', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP)', 'symbol': 'PSC.HUBMAP', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'HuBMAP', 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-06-08T14:14:45Z', 'updated': '2020-06-08T16:04:31Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.35079', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psc.hubmap-ref', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) Reference Repository', 'symbol': 'PSC.HUBMAP-REF', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'This repository contains reference data produced by the HuBMAP consortium. Included are reference organs and ASC+B tables.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-23T12:26:00Z', 'updated': '2021-03-25T20:29:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48539', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.ivrran', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. Russian Academy of Sciences', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.IVRRAN', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.orientalstudies.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-29T13:14:36Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T12:43:01Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ocsj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25882', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bibsys.nibio', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.NIBIO', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.nibio.no,*.bibsys.no,*.unit.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-10-26T07:56:36Z', 'updated': '2022-11-11T09:15:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'azxn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21350', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.open', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Open University', 'symbol': 'BL.OPEN', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'open.ac.uk,figshare.com,figsh.com,ordo.open.ac.uk,oro.open.ac.uk,scholarship.figshare.com,*.figshare.com,www.scholarship-exchange.open.ac.uk', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-08-11T08:08:14Z', 'updated': '2023-08-24T08:17:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zzsa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21954', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psu.lib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Pennsylvania State University Libraries', 'symbol': 'PSU.LIB', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.libraries.psu.edu', 'created': '2019-02-18T19:20:21Z', 'updated': '2023-09-07T09:20:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'psu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.18113', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26209', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fdzrv.fdzrv', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV)', 'symbol': 'FDZRV.FDZRV', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-01-27T11:11:08Z', 'updated': '2022-01-27T11:13:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fdzrv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57701', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'figshare.rcssd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama', 'symbol': 'FIGSHARE.RCSSD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'rcssd.figshare.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-04-24T08:15:52Z', 'updated': '2022-10-03T15:40:15Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25389', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.scienlib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Russian Journal «Problems of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology»', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.SCIENLIB', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'sciencelib.info', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-02-26T07:45:59Z', 'updated': '2021-03-16T09:24:44Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4120', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25725', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26155', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34684', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34909', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34937', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48318', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'snd.sprkb', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The Swedish Language Bank', 'symbol': 'SND.SPRKB', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'hdl.spraakbanken.gu.se', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-03-13T15:36:46Z', 'updated': '2020-09-14T10:04:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iuvp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23695', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'adelaide.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The University of Adelaide', 'symbol': 'ADELAIDE.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ersa.edu.au,adelaide.edu.au,oagr.org.au,adelaide.figshare.com,figshare.com,*.figshare.com,*.adelaide.edu.au,*.ersa.edu.au,*.oagr.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:18Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:51:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'adelaide', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25909', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'unimelb.repo2', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The University of Melbourne', 'symbol': 'UNIMELB.REPO2', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The University of Melbourne manages migrated research data DOIs relating to institutional research outputs.  For the majority of published research data see the institutional research data repository https://melbourne.figshare.com/ .', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:21Z', 'updated': '2021-12-20T06:59:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'unimelb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25915', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uq.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The University of Queensland', 'symbol': 'UQ.REPO', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uq.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-05-25T07:58:11Z', 'updated': '2021-08-02T23:02:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ardc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48610', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'uniwa.repo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The University of Western Australia', 'symbol': 'UNIWA.REPO', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'researchdataonline.research.uwa.edu.au,research-repository.uwa.edu.au,uwa.edu.au,publiclargefiles.it.uwa.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:36:22Z', 'updated': '2024-01-08T05:16:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uniwa', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26182', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tmcl.vadjrnl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'The VAD Journal', 'symbol': 'TMCL.VADJRNL', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The VAD Journal is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open access publication devoted to all aspects of mechanical assisted circulation and advanced heart failure. Our goal is to address topics and issues related to mechanical assisted circulation and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among professionals from various specialties working with ventricular assist devices (VADs) and other means of mechanical assisted circulation, with a focus on clinical studies, and with the ultimate goal of improving patient care.\n\nThe journal aims to appeal to a multidisciplinary group of specialists, including cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, vascular surgeons, radiologists, interventional radiologists, cardiovascular anesthesiologists, cardiac imaging specialists, bioengineers, and basic science researchers in advanced heart failure and mechanical assisted circulation. This multidisciplinary exposure is a specific motivation for the development of this journal. Currently, articles related to VADs are orphans in journals devoted to cardiac transplantation, bioengineering, and cardiothoracic surgery.\n\nCompletely dedicated to heart failure, mechanical assisted circulation, and VADs, the VAD Journal presents the spectrum of clinical studies including basic science findings, experimental studies, surgical, medical, and diagnostic aspects of patient care. Case reports are also welcome. An online edition will enhance the reader’s experience with high quality images and videos. We anticipate broad, forum-style discussions of challenging cases. We will publish papers immediately after copy-editing is done.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': '', 'electronic': '2378-2706'}, 'url': 'https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/vad/', 'created': '2020-06-26T17:05:05Z', 'updated': '2021-01-11T15:28:05Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'tmcl', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.11589', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.mind', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Theoretical Philosophy/MIND Group – JGU Mainz', 'symbol': 'GESIS.MIND', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-01-21T08:31:54Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:06:58Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15502', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpuo.tmm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Theory of mechanisms and machines', 'symbol': 'SPBPUO.TMM', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'tmm.spbstu.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://tmm.spbstu.ru/', 'created': '2021-04-12T11:16:33Z', 'updated': '2021-04-13T07:50:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'spbpuco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48553', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ndsu.etd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Theses & Dissertations', 'symbol': 'NDSU.ETD', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'NDSU ETDs', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://library.ndsu.edu/ir/handle/10365/26050', 'created': '2021-06-22T16:54:28Z', 'updated': '2023-02-23T19:45:37Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ndsu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'LYRASIS', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48655', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.thieme', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Thieme Chemistry', 'symbol': 'TIB.THIEME', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.thieme-connect.com,thieme-connect.com,thieme-connect.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-07-26T07:49:13Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T10:05:54Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.4125', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'cctg.toga', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia', 'symbol': 'CCTG.TOGA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.thoraciconcology.org.au, *thoraciconcology.org.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-02-09T02:53:38Z', 'updated': '2024-01-14T22:04:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cctg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58106', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.dbt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek', 'symbol': 'TIB.DBT', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'db-thueringen.de,www.db-thueringen.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-01-16T13:15:06Z', 'updated': '2021-09-07T12:14:47Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fzct', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22032', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'mtakik.thyrosit', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'thyrosite.com - Magyar Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Társaság Pajzsmirigy Szekciója', 'symbol': 'MTAKIK.THYROSIT', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'thyrosite.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-06-30T10:50:58Z', 'updated': '2020-12-17T09:54:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'sjkb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'mtakikco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.24390', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuua.yklooh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'TIB Data Manager', 'symbol': 'WUUA.YKLOOH', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'Leibniz Data Manager', 'description': 'The **Leibniz Data Manager (LDM)** is an open source and free web-based application for Research Data Management (RDM). LDM delivers different distributions to best fit the specific requirements of various customers, e.g., institutes and research groups performing RDM in various scientific disciplines. The LDM distributions are designed, maintained, and curated by [TIB](https://www.tib.eu/en/)  and  [L3S](https://www.l3s.de/en).\n\nThe prototype currently offers the following functions for the visualization of research data:\n- Supports data collections and publications  with different formats\n- Different views on the same data set (2D and 3D support)\n- Visualization of Auto CAD files\n- Jupyter Notes for demonstrating live code\n- RDF Description of data collections\n\nThe file specific viewers were implemented using CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network) plugins to render existing viewers for the datasets included in the CKAN instance.\n\nThe RDM arelated concepts, the LDM distributions, and the deployment methods are explained in the projects [wiki](https://github.com/TIBHannover/ldm.base/wiki) on [GitHub](https://github.com/TIBHannover/ldm.base).\n\nBesides the Leibniz Data Manager, TIB provides further **services around research data management** for institutions and researchers. This includes a DOI service, support in choosing the right repositories, and in publishing and archiving research data, as well as training and advisory services. Please refer to our homepage for a full [service description](https://www.tib.eu/en/publishing-archiving/research-data/).', 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://service.tib.eu/ldmservice/', 'created': '2022-02-07T06:35:37Z', 'updated': '2022-11-02T14:40:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57702', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.tib', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'TIB Hannover', 'symbol': 'TIB.TIB', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.tib.eu/de/suchen/id/TIBKAT', 'created': '2011-12-15T09:11:54Z', 'updated': '2022-03-03T06:31:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.2314', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14463', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.18155', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.20346', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.22030', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.22031', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.24407', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34713', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48587', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.14625', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.kmo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'TIB KMO / FLOWWORKS GmbH', 'symbol': 'TIB.KMO', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://av.tib.eu', 'created': '2011-06-06T13:45:05Z', 'updated': '2022-03-03T06:29:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuua', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.3203', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.5446', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'qwbt.ulisboa-ist', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universidade de Lisboa / Instituto Superior Técnico', 'symbol': 'QWBT.ULISBOA-IST', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-05-06T17:22:36Z', 'updated': '2023-12-06T10:15:28Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qwbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57859', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'qwbt.ulisboa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universidade de Lisboa / Serviços Centrais', 'symbol': 'QWBT.ULISBOA', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório ULisboa - repositório institucional da Universidade de Lisboa, está integrado no Projeto RCAAP (Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal).\n\nConstitui a coleção de documentos que formam a produção intelectual, académica e científica desta comunidade universitária. Tem como objetivos reunir, organizar, divulgar e preservar a produção científica da ULisboa.\n\nO Repositório ULisboa compreende diversos tipos de documentos, em formato digital, resultantes das atividades de investigação desenvolvidas na Universidade, nomeadamente: teses de doutoramento, dissertações de mestrado, artigos de revistas científicas nacionais e internacionais, comunicações a congressos e conferências, entre outros, de todas as áreas científicas existentes na Universidade.', 'language': ['pt'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://repositorio.ul.pt/', 'created': '2022-02-04T11:04:02Z', 'updated': '2022-05-20T13:28:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qwbt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34634', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.ualg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universidade do Algarve', 'symbol': 'FCT.UALG', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O SAPIENTIA reúne o conjunto das publicações científicas produzidas pelos docentes e investigadores da Universidade do Algarve (UAlg) e pretende maximizar a sua visibilidade, garantir o acesso fácil a esse acervo, melhorar o impacto público da actividade científica da Universidade e assegurar a preservação da sua memória.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://sapientia.ualg.pt/', 'created': '2019-10-22T14:05:11Z', 'updated': '2021-03-05T15:34:18Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34623', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.unl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universidade Nova de Lisboa', 'symbol': 'FCT.UNL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Universidade NOVA de Lisboa was founded on the 11th of August 1973, and is the youngest of Lisbon’s three state Universities. Integrated within a framework of expansion and diversification of higher education, the University adopted a new model within the Portuguese system that stressed interdisciplinary approaches, technological developments while, at the same time, safeguarding offerings in traditional academic domains including medicine, sciences and humanities.\n\nThe founding of NOVA was a response to an ever-increasing demand for higher education in Portugal, in general, and in the city of Lisbon, in particular. Since its inception, NOVA has aimed to innovate higher education in Portugal and to contribute to the social and economic development of the country.\nFollowing its first four years of existence, the initial model was adapted in order to carry out the University’s commitment towards excellence in teaching and research. \n\nNOVA is a decentralised University; its Faculties and Institutes enjoy a great deal of autonomy. Currently NOVA has 20.077 enrolled students and 1.800 teachers and researchers.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.unl.pt/en', 'created': '2019-09-06T12:49:15Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T15:12:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dfkv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'fctco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34619', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'fct.uportucalense', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universidade Portucalense', 'symbol': 'FCT.UPORTUCALENSE', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'O Repositório Institucional da Universidade Portucalense é um sistema de informação que tem como objetivo preservar, divulgar e dar acesso à produção intelectual da Universidade Portucalense em formato digital, de acesso livre. Ao reunir as publicações científicas da Instituição numa plataforma única, o Repositório UPT pretende partilhar o conhecimento científico e técnico alcançado na Universidade e facilitar o acesso à produção científica aí produzida, permitindo uma rápida disseminação e um reforço da sua visibilidade e impacto e contribuindo para a geração de novos conhecimentos.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://repositorio.uportu.pt/jspui/', 'created': '2019-10-24T14:43:08Z', 'updated': '2020-11-30T14:50:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'noom', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'FCTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34625', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.unive', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNIVE', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-04-08T16:48:14Z', 'updated': '2021-09-07T07:13:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'frnw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14277', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.liuc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC', 'symbol': 'CRUI.LIUC', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.liuc.it,liuc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-07-19T12:41:53Z', 'updated': '2022-04-08T14:39:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25428', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.uniba', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università degli Studi di Bari', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNIBA', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['it'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uniba.it,uniba.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-05-21T17:52:21Z', 'updated': '2022-10-31T17:26:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vnfj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15162', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.unibg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università degli Studi di Bergamo', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNIBG', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2013-04-24T10:03:20Z', 'updated': '2023-09-21T14:26:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dyqd', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CRUICO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.13122', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.unibo', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università degli Studi di Bologna', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNIBO', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'AMS Acta is the institutional open access repository which enables the researchers of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna to share, preserve and showcase their scientific results making them easily accessible, citable and reusable. The repository collects and disseminates scientific publications, research data and preprints.\r\nAMS Acta is the archiving infrastructure for the University of Bologna’s researchers participating in the European programme H2020 that requires open access and the mandatory deposit of all funded peer-reviewed publications in a repository. AMS Acta collects both publications and research data so it is also a suitable archiving solution for the funded projects participating in the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'unibo.it,*.unibo.it', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3P19R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://amsacta.unibo.it/', 'created': '2012-03-26T14:56:45Z', 'updated': '2021-06-22T14:21:40Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'uyey', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6092', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.13123', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'crui.unict', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università degli Studi di Catania', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNICT', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'unict.it,*.unict.it,sci-gaia.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-03-24T17:57:56Z', 'updated': '2022-12-13T16:02:00Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58035', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'crui.unife', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università degli Studi di Ferrara', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNIFE', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'UNIFE.it,*.unife.it,www.dirittotributario.eu', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-05-22T05:19:57Z', 'updated': '2023-10-11T08:16:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gttv', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.15160', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'crui.unina', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II', 'symbol': 'CRUI.UNINA', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'unina.it,*.unina.it', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2012-03-08T10:41:41Z', 'updated': '2021-06-22T14:38:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vqld', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'cruico', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6093', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'awzy.xcunhr', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen - Open Journals - Theologie Geschichte', 'symbol': 'AWZY.XCUNHR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'OJS Journal Theologie Geschichte and Theologie Geschichte Beihefte', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'theologie-geschichte.de, www.theologie-geschichte.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://theologie-geschichte.de/', 'created': '2021-05-17T05:25:01Z', 'updated': '2021-05-17T05:45:23Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'awzy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48603', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'awzy.hewefq', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen - Open Preprints - Curriculum Theologiae', 'symbol': 'AWZY.HEWEFQ', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Repository for OJS Journal', 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'curriculum-theologiae.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://curriculum-theologiae.de/', 'created': '2021-05-17T05:40:25Z', 'updated': '2021-11-08T09:12:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'awzy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48604', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.rzjena', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universitätsrechenzentrum Jena', 'symbol': 'TIB.RZJENA', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uni-jena.de,*.idiv.de,idata.idiv.de,www.bexis.uni-jena.de,portal.geobon.org,database.soilbon.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-28T06:34:52Z', 'updated': '2022-06-20T15:29:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'fzct', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'TIBCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25829', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ubm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Bordeaux Montaigne', 'symbol': 'INIST.UBM', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-10-05T07:37:42Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:17:56Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eaqi', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21412', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ua', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': "Université d'Angers", 'symbol': 'INIST.UA', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "1000 ans d'audace.\nL'Université d'Angers trouve son origine au XIe siècle, lorsque naquit le centre d'études supérieures appelé « Étude » ou « École » d'Angers. Elle prit le nom d'université (studium) en 1337 ; elle était la cinquième de France dans l'ordre de création (après Paris, Orléans, Toulouse et Montpellier). Au départ constitué de la seule Faculté de droit, l'établissement s'agrandit en 1432 avec la création des Facultés de médecine, arts et théologie. À la fin du XVe siècle, l'université comptait alors 1 000 étudiants.\n\nLa Révolution française interdisant les « corporations privilégiées », l'Université d'Angers, comme toutes les autres, est supprimée en 1793. Ce qui n'empêcha pas l'enseignement de se poursuivre, mais sous une autre forme. Tels les cours publics et gratuits de médecine mis en place par l'Administration centrale du Département dès 1796. S'en suivit la création de l'École de médecine d'Angers en 1807 sans qu'elle ne puisse toutefois délivrer de diplômes. Une École supérieure des lettres et des sciences reprit du service en 1853 et fonctionna pendant quelques décennies, avant d'être supprimée en 1885.\nSeconde Naissance\n\nLa naissance du Centre scientifique universitaire en 1958, puis de l’IUT en 1966, du Collège juridique universitaire en 1968 et enfin du Collège littéraire universitaire en 1970 ont amorcé la promotion du Centre universitaire d'Angers au rang d'Université. En 1971, près de deux siècles après sa suppression, voilà l'Université d'Angers enfin reconstituée.\n\nCette refondation s’accompagne d’une extension rapide. Autour de l'IUT, le campus de Belle-Beille se développe avec l'implantation de la Faculté des sciences, et des Facultés de droit et de lettres. La Faculté de médecine, construite en 1970-1971, demeure aux abords du CHU. Milieu 1990, la Faculté de droit s’installe en centre ville et un nouveau campus se développe autour d’elle dans le quartier Saint-Serge ; la présidence et les services centraux de l’Université s’y implantent également. Deux antennes sont ouvertes : à Cholet en 1987, puis à Saumur en 2004.\nEnracinement\n\nComptant 7 000 étudiants en 1981, l'Université est rapidement devenue de plein exercice et a su trouver son identité dans un périmètre régional d’enseignement supérieur dense. A partir des années 1980, elle s'est en effet développée dans toutes les dimensions. Outre les formations dispensées dans les Facultés historiques, de nouvelles ont fait leur apparition dans les domaines du tourisme (1982-1983), de l'ingénierie (début 1990) et du végétal (1993). Dans plusieurs domaines, la recherche menée s’appuie sur des partenariats avec les grands organismes de recherche (CNRS, INRA, INSERM). De nombreuses formations professionnalisantes ont parallèlement été créées. L' Université d'Angers compte aujourd'hui près de 25 000 étudiants.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.univ-angers.fr/fr/index.html', 'created': '2019-12-13T14:25:03Z', 'updated': '2023-12-14T10:38:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34815', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ur', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université de La Réunion', 'symbol': 'INIST.UR', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.univ-reunion.fr/', 'created': '2019-05-15T13:42:22Z', 'updated': '2023-09-25T05:37:36Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ureunion', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26171', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ulg.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université de Liège', 'symbol': 'ULG.PROD', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': 'ULG', 'description': "L'université de Liège, en abrégé ULiège (anciennement ULg), est une université publique et pluraliste belge située à Liège. Fondée en 1817 dans les bâtiments de l'ancien collège jésuite, l'université comporte aujourd'hui onze facultés. Par ordre de création : Philosophie et Lettres, Droit - Science politique & criminologie, Sciences, Médecine, Sciences appliquées, Médecine vétérinaire, Psychologie et Sciences de l'Éducation, Faculté d'agronomie (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech), Architecture, Sciences sociales et une école d'économie-gestion (HEC Liège). Elle offre des formations de premier, deuxième et troisième cycles (40 bacheliers, 199 masters2, 65 masters de spécialisation).\nLe campus principal est situé au Sart Tilman à une dizaine de kilomètres au sud de Liège, mais l'université a conservé son siège et de nombreuses implantations administratives au centre-ville, ainsi que la faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, l'institut de zoologie, d'anatomie, les zones HEC Liège et la nouvelle faculté d'architecture. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech est installé à Gembloux et le Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement à Arlon. L'université possède en outre une station scientifique dans les Hautes Fagnes et, à l'étranger, la station d'océanographie STARESO en Corse, une station météorologique au Jungfraujoch en Suisse, les stations KATABATA au Groenland3, ainsi que des stations scientifiques et observatoires au Chili (SPECULOOS et TRAPPIST-Sud), au Maroc (TRAPPIST-Nord), ainsi qu'à Tenerife, en Espagne.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-01T13:01:33Z', 'updated': '2023-03-03T10:22:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ulg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58119', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ulille', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université de Lille', 'symbol': 'INIST.ULILLE', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.univ-lille.fr/', 'created': '2018-12-20T15:43:12Z', 'updated': '2021-11-18T13:39:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qzsn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26097', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.unc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie', 'symbol': 'INIST.UNC', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-11-23T13:14:44Z', 'updated': '2021-09-01T23:26:17Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.6098', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.unistra', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université de Strasbourg', 'symbol': 'INIST.UNISTRA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "L'Université de Strasbourg , c'est près de cinq siècles d'histoire, des noms illustres, un patrimoine riche, une situation européenne. L'université c'est aussi plus de 52 000 étudiants accueillis chaque année dont 20% d'étudiants étrangers, 5300 enseignants chercheurs et personnels, 35 unités de formations et recherches, 72 unités de recherche. Des chiffres imposants qui font de l'université un espace riche et multiple que ce soit dans l'offre de formation pluridisciplinaire et la recherche comme dans l'offre culturelle et patrimoniale. Une université comme cadre de vie.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.unistra.fr/', 'created': '2020-05-19T11:46:40Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:19:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34931', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.utc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université de technologie de Compiègne', 'symbol': 'INIST.UTC', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': "A la fois université et école d'ingénieur, l'UTC est construite sur une pédagogie de l'autonomie et une recherche technologique interdisciplinaire orientée vers l'innovation. L'UTC forme des ingénieurs, masters et docteurs aptes à appréhender les interactions de la technologie avec l'homme et la société, et à évoluer dans un environnement concurrentiel mondial, dans un souci de développement durable. Les enseignants-chercheurs et ingénieurs de l'UTC donnent un sens à l'innovation, en permettant l'émergence de nouveaux axes à ce concept et en introduisant l'entreprenariat au cœur de leurs préoccupations.", 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.utc.fr/', 'created': '2019-10-29T13:52:47Z', 'updated': '2021-09-13T10:14:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34746', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.um', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université du Maine', 'symbol': 'INIST.UM', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-12-01T14:35:28Z', 'updated': '2021-12-17T11:01:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23639', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ugb.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Gaston Berger', 'symbol': 'UGB.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['fr', 'en', 'ar'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.globalafricasciences.org/', 'created': '2022-06-07T08:16:52Z', 'updated': '2023-05-30T20:42:29Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ugb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57832', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.ifsttar', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Gustave Eiffel research data', 'symbol': 'INIST.IFSTTAR', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': "Données de recherche de l'Université Gustave Eiffel", 'description': 'Université Gustave Eiffel Dataverse is an institutional repository for research data', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMKM', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr/', 'created': '2017-12-13T10:23:25Z', 'updated': '2022-07-27T06:28:33Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25578', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.upd', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7', 'symbol': 'INIST.UPD', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Ouverte sur la ville et sur le monde, Paris Diderot est une université de recherche pluridisciplinaire. Carrefour des savoirs, en prise avec les grands débats qui animent la société contemporaine, elle est un creuset qui stimule les échanges et les innovations.\n\nPluridisciplinaire depuis sa création en 1970, elle s’est toujours attachée à faire dialoguer les savoirs et développe de plus en plus de formations et de projets de recherche interdisciplinaires. \nElle possède l’une des plus importantes bibliothèques universitaires de Paris (la bibliothèque des Grands Moulins) et plusieurs bibliothèques thématiques spécialisées. \n\nFormation initiale ou tout au long de la vie, formations courtes ou longues, technologiques ou théoriques, chacun.e y trouvera les atouts pour réussir et s’épanouir.\n\nElle accueille chaque année un peu plus de 29 000 étudiant.e.s répartis en trois grands domaines : santé / sciences / arts, lettres, langues, sciences humaines et sociales.  \n\nAvec 87 laboratoires, elle est l’une des plus importantes universités de recherche françaises et entretient des collaborations avec de nombreuses universités étrangères à travers le monde. \n\nSon campus principal est situé dans le 13e arrondissement à proximité de la Bibliothèque François Mitterrand.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/', 'created': '2018-01-30T12:48:57Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:21:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25665', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'upna.prod', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Paris Nanterre', 'symbol': 'UPNA.PROD', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'UPN', 'description': 'Située à l’ouest de Paris, au cœur d’un territoire d’une grande richesse sociale et urbaine, l’Université Paris Nanterre est une université pluridisciplinaire qui accueille chaque année plus de 35 000 étudiantes et étudiants. Son offre de formation et ses activités de recherche couvrent le large éventail des sciences humaines et sociales, des lettres et des langues, des sciences juridiques, économiques et de gestion, de la technologie, de la culture et des arts, des sciences de l’information et de la communication, des sciences pour l’ingénieur et des sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives.\n\nL’université est implantée dans le département des Hauts-de-Seine, sur les sites de Nanterre (campus « vert » à 20 min du centre de Paris), Ville-d’Avray, Saint-Cloud et sur le parvis de la Défense.\n\nL’établissement compte 1400 personnels enseignants, enseignants chercheurs, chercheurs et 970 personnels administratifs et techniques à l’appui de ses activités de formation (organisées en 10 UFR et instituts) et de recherche (6 écoles doctorales, 42 unités de recherche).\n\nSur le campus de l’Université Paris Nanterre se trouvent également la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme-Mondes et La contemporaine, bibliothèque, archives, musée des mondes contemporains. L’université est membre de la ComUE Université Paris Lumières, du Campus Condorcet et de l’université européenne EDUC.', 'language': ['fr'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.parisnanterre.fr/', 'created': '2022-10-20T12:39:25Z', 'updated': '2022-10-20T12:40:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'upna', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'INISTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57984', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.upem', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallée', 'symbol': 'INIST.UPEM', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-12-21T10:53:00Z', 'updated': '2021-02-15T10:21:32Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25580', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'inist.upvm3', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3', 'symbol': 'INIST.UPVM3', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-07-11T12:42:18Z', 'updated': '2023-12-20T10:40:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcob', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21409', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.48695', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'delft.uva', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universiteit van Amsterdam', 'symbol': 'DELFT.UVA', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-06-21T11:30:26Z', 'updated': '2020-09-22T09:53:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'alts', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DELFTCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21942', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'bibsys.usn', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge', 'symbol': 'BIBSYS.USN', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'ojs.bibsys.no', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-11-01T12:58:42Z', 'updated': '2020-10-19T09:53:21Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'zzuj', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'unitco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21344', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'snd.v-dem', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Varieties of Democracy', 'symbol': 'SND.V-DEM', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.v-dem.net, https://v-dem.net/data/dataset-archive/', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://v-dem.net', 'created': '2017-10-12T12:20:41Z', 'updated': '2023-04-03T11:03:46Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'iuvp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'sndco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.23696', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vcu.vculibraries', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'VCULIBRARIES', 'symbol': 'VCU.VCULIBRARIES', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-04T17:02:30Z', 'updated': '2020-02-04T17:16:58Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vcu', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21974', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25771', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25772', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25891', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25892', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25889', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.25886', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.34718', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.57705', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'ethz.alpin', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Verein für alpine Kulturpflanzen', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.ALPIN', 'year': 2017, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'berggetreide.ch', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2017-02-16T10:05:46Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T13:43:03Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'stdp', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22014', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'zbmed.diagnomx', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Verein zur Förderung des biologisch technologischen Fortschritts in der Medizin e.V.', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.DIAGNOMX', 'year': 2015, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*.diagnosticpathology.eu,*.medical-journal-of-virtual-science.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2015-03-18T09:20:54Z', 'updated': '2021-03-22T13:36:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wfnq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'zbmedco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17629', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'spbpu.vestnic', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Vestnic Chuvash State Agricultural Academy', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.VESTNIC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.academy21.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-20T13:39:57Z', 'updated': '2021-03-16T09:24:06Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.17022', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'spbpu.agrovet', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'VETERINARYMEDICINE', 'symbol': 'SPBPU.AGROVET', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'www.veterinarymedicine.ru', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.veterinarymedicine.ru/', 'created': '2019-07-10T12:12:50Z', 'updated': '2021-01-29T15:09:46Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34716', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ardcx.vu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Victoria University', 'symbol': 'ARDCX.VU', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'vu.edu.au,*.vu.edu.au', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-05-14T23:35:46Z', 'updated': '2023-01-10T05:40:44Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ardcx', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ARDC', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26196', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'zbmed.vjvrs', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Video Journal of Vitreoretinal Surgery', 'symbol': 'ZBMED.VJVRS', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': 'vjvrs.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-07-14T09:50:10Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:07:49Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5677', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'jbru.vm', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment', 'symbol': 'JBRU.VM', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment is an international journal of general ecology publishing papers in English on marine ecology, trophic webs, ecophysiology, quantitative ecology, modelisation, evolution, phylogenetics, genetics, symbioses, environment. The journal is focused on marine sciences, but also publishes studies on lagoonal and terrestrial domains.\n\nEach year, an issue is devoted to a special topic. Each volume presents original articles, reviews and short papers.', 'language': ['fr', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': '', 'print': '0240-8759', 'electronic': ''}, 'url': 'https://wwwphp.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/', 'created': '2022-07-12T08:41:28Z', 'updated': '2022-07-12T08:48:15Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jbru', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'inistco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57890', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wm.vims', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Virginia Institute of Marine Science', 'symbol': 'WM.VIMS', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-04T17:05:25Z', 'updated': '2020-02-04T17:07:27Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25773', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'vt.vtechdata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Virginia Tech Data Repository', 'symbol': 'VT.VTECHDATA', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The purpose of the Virginia Tech Data Repository is to highlight, preserve, and provide access to research products (e.g. datasets) of the Virginia Tech community, and in doing so help to disseminate the intellectual output of the university in its land-grant mission. The Virginia Tech Data Repository and Virginia Tech serve the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world’s community through the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3JF54', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.lib.vt.edu/', 'created': '2020-02-04T17:03:39Z', 'updated': '2021-07-19T18:20:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'vivaco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.7294', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'delft.vliz', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee', 'symbol': 'DELFT.VLIZ', 'year': 2013, 'alternateName': 'VLIZ', 'description': 'The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) is a centre for marine and coastal research. As a partner in various projects and networks it promotes and supports the international image of Flemish marine scientific research and international marine education.\r\nIn its capacity as a coordination and information platform, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) supports some thousand marine scientists in Flanders by disseminating their knowledge to policymakers, educators, the general public and scientists.', 'language': ['en', 'nl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3WG7B', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'http://www.vliz.be/en', 'created': '2013-11-01T12:20:57Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:04Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qfof', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'delftco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14284', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'vsuo.gvsakw', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'VSUO VPO', 'symbol': 'VSUO.GVSAKW', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['cs', 'en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': '2695-1347'}, 'url': 'https://vpovsuo.cz/', 'created': '2023-07-11T04:45:01Z', 'updated': '2023-07-11T04:46:25Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'vsuo', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60702', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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-{'id': 'wh.whoas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Woods Hole Open Access Server', 'symbol': 'WH.WHOAS', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Woods Hole Open Access Server, WHOAS, is an institutional repository that captures, stores, preserves, and redistributes the intellectual output of the Woods Hole scientific community in digital form.  WHOAS is managed by the MBLWHOI Library as a service to the Woods Hole scientific community', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R34302', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://darchive.mblwhoilibrary.org/', 'created': '2018-09-26T14:58:03Z', 'updated': '2023-01-05T15:20:48Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wh', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26008', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.26025', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'borq.00002-2021', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WorkflowHub', 'symbol': 'BORQ.00002-2021', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'workflowhub.eu,*.workflowhub.eu,*.workflowhub.org', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-30T09:38:06Z', 'updated': '2021-04-29T09:52:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'borq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48546', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gdcc.icraf', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Agroforestry Centre - ICRAF Dataverse', 'symbol': 'GDCC.ICRAF', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'The Centre’s vision is a rural transformation in the developing world as smallholder households strategically increase their use of trees in agricultural landscapes to improve their food security, nutrition, income, health, shelter, social cohesion, energy resources and environmental sustainability.\r\nThe Centre’s mission is to generate science-based knowledge about the diverse roles that trees play in agricultural landscapes, and to use its research to advance policies and practices, and their implementation, that benefit the poor and the environment.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'data.worldagroforestry.org', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3V042', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://data.worldagroforestry.org/', 'created': '2019-02-07T19:07:44Z', 'updated': '2023-06-12T09:14:43Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'icraf', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'gdccco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34725', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wbg.ddh', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Bank Development Data Hub', 'symbol': 'WBG.DDH', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-09-29T18:09:36Z', 'updated': '2022-09-29T20:45:35Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wbg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57966', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wbg.microdata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Bank Microdata Library', 'symbol': 'WBG.MICRODATA', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2021-03-18T15:35:26Z', 'updated': '2021-12-14T03:28:01Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wbg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48529', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'bl.wcmc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Conservation and Monitoring Centre (WCMC)', 'symbol': 'BL.WCMC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'DataCite account for the World Conservation and Monitoring Centre (WCMC)', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'wcmc.io,tradehub.earth', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-02-06T10:34:58Z', 'updated': '2022-08-23T12:16:19Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'oalm', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'blco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34892', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'dkrz.wdcc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Data Center for Climate', 'symbol': 'DKRZ.WDCC', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'WDC Climate at DKRZ', 'description': "The mission of World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) is to provide central support for the German and European climate research community. The WDCC is member of the ICSU's World Data System. Emphasis is on development and implementation of best practice methods  for Earth System data management. Data for and from climate research are collected, stored and disseminated. The WDCC is  restricted to data products. Cooperations exist with thematically corresponding data centres of, e.g., earth observation,  meteorology, oceanography, paleo climate and environmental sciences. The services of WDCC are also available to external  users at cost price. A special service for the direct integration of research data in scientific publications has been developed. The editorial process at WDCC ensures the quality of metadata and research data in collaboration with the data producers. A citation code and a digital identifier (DOI) are provided and registered together with citation information at the DOI registration agency DataCite.", 'language': ['en', 'de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3989R', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://cera-www.dkrz.de', 'created': '2020-05-19T04:52:03Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:13Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dkrz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26050', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35095', 'type': 'prefixes'}, {'id': '10.35089', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tib.wdcrsat', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere', 'symbol': 'TIB.WDCRSAT', 'year': 2011, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'dlr.de,wdc.dlr.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2011-07-13T10:13:17Z', 'updated': '2021-01-06T17:53:57Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'dlr', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26042', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.wgms', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Glacier Monitoring Service', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.WGMS', 'year': 2012, 'alternateName': 'WGMS', 'description': 'The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) collects standardized observations on changes in mass, volume, area and length of glaciers with time (glacier fluctuations), as well as statistical information on the distribution of perennial surface ice in space (glacier inventories). Such glacier fluctuation and inventory data are high priority key variables in climate system monitoring; they form a basis for hydrological modelling with respect to possible effects of atmospheric warming, and provide fundamental information in glaciology, glacial geomorphology and quaternary geology. The highest information density is found for the Alps and Scandinavia, where long and uninterrupted records are available. As a contribution to the Global Terrestrial/Climate Observing System (GTOS, GCOS), the Division of Early Warning and Assessment and the Global Environment Outlook of UNEP, and the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO, the WGMS collects and publishes worldwide standardized glacier data.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'wgms.ch,*.gtn-g.ch', 're3data': 'https://doi.org/10.17616/R3WP5N', 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://wgms.ch/', 'created': '2012-12-13T10:49:10Z', 'updated': '2023-04-24T19:21:02Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'kadq', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.5904', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'pitt.whg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Historical Gazetteer', 'symbol': 'PITT.WHG', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': 'World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) is providing a collection of content and services that permit world historians, their students, and the general public to do spatial and temporal reasoning and visualization in a data rich environment at global and trans-regional scales.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://whgazetteer.org/', 'created': '2023-09-08T12:45:11Z', 'updated': '2023-09-08T12:45:11Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'pitt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60681', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gcnc.fkwtdu', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Spider Trait Database', 'symbol': 'GCNC.FKWTDU', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': 'WST', 'description': 'The development of the database was initiated by a workshop held at the 21st International Congress of Arachnology in Christchurch, New Zealand. During this workshop, a core team was established to conceptualise, develop and test the database.\n\nThe WST database has been designed to contain trait data in a broad sense, from morphological traits to ecological characteristics, ecophysiology, behavioural habits, and more (see Lists – Traits for current bait of traits). The data includes individual measurements, observations, or composite characteristics, but exclude molecular data (such as DNA or protein sequences). Faunistic records are also \nincluded if these contain reference to a species traits (e.g. habitat type), and there is an option for all records to be geo-referenced.\n\nThe database is linked with the World Spider Catalog and in future it shall be linked with catalogues of other orders. It has comprehensive search options and export capability. The entered trait records have been standardized, quality checked by authors, and approved by the editor.', 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'spidertraits.sci.muni.cz', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://spidertraits.sci.muni.cz/', 'created': '2022-04-07T08:49:58Z', 'updated': '2023-07-03T08:59:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'muni', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'CEVL', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57758', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'tind.wvc', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'World Vegetable Center', 'symbol': 'TIND.WVC', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'worldveg.tind.io', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': None, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-06-04T13:13:49Z', 'updated': '2021-12-29T10:20:10Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qzgt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tindco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.22001', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'illinois.wormatlas', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WormAtlas', 'symbol': 'ILLINOIS.WORMATLAS', 'year': 2024, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://www.wormatlas.org/', 'created': '2024-01-19T15:16:31Z', 'updated': '2024-01-19T17:14:53Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'illinois', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60966', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'woudc.0000', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WOUDC', 'symbol': 'WOUDC.0000', 'year': 2020, 'alternateName': 'World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre', 'description': 'The World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) is one of six World Data Centres which are part of the Global Atmosphere Watch programme of the World Meteorological Organization. The WOUDC data centre is operated by the Meteorological Service of Canada, a branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada.', 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2020-03-03T17:53:24Z', 'updated': '2023-12-01T11:38:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'eccc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'DCAN', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14287', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'nsyy.wuebir', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wroclaw University of Economics and Business A knowledge and research potential platform', 'symbol': 'NSYY.WUEBIR', 'year': 2021, 'alternateName': 'WUEB A Konowledge and Research Potential Platform', 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://wir.ue.wroc.pl/index.seam?lang=en&cid=17228', 'created': '2021-12-17T09:57:19Z', 'updated': '2021-12-22T06:14:14Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'nsyy', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'eudatco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.48812', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'egkq.qjyhch', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences', 'symbol': 'EGKQ.QJYHCH', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-03-31T09:53:18Z', 'updated': '2024-01-22T12:28:24Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wnzg', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'RLFE', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57755', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.wust-cwint', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WROCLAW UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CWINT', 'symbol': 'PSNC.WUST-CWINT', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': 'pwr.edu.pl,dbc.wroc.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-02-22T09:57:46Z', 'updated': '2021-01-21T09:08:18Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'qjzc', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.26214', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.wpt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny', 'symbol': 'PSNC.WPT', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': 'Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu', 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': None, 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'ojs.asademicon.pl', 'created': '2019-12-05T14:40:52Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T08:52:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'guvn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34839', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ethz.wsllfi', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WSL Landesforstinventar', 'symbol': 'ETHZ.WSLLFI', 'year': 2016, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2016-11-22T08:19:55Z', 'updated': '2020-11-17T09:47:59Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ssyn', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'ethzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.21258', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wuw.research', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WU Research', 'symbol': 'WUW.RESEARCH', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['de'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': 'https://research.wu.ac.at/', 'created': '2022-08-31T12:01:02Z', 'updated': '2024-01-10T11:04:41Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wuw', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tuwienco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57938', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'ukte.wuedata', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WueData', 'symbol': 'UKTE.WUEDATA', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-03-09T06:46:03Z', 'updated': '2023-03-16T16:12:54Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ukte', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'tibco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.58160', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'gesis.wvsa', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WVSA - World Values Survey Association', 'symbol': 'GESIS.WVSA', 'year': 2014, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2014-04-02T12:41:55Z', 'updated': '2020-11-23T14:41:52Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'jjuz', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'daraco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.14281', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'odry.omero', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'WWU Münster, Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre', 'symbol': 'ODRY.OMERO', 'year': 2022, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.uni-muenster.de', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2022-06-20T11:45:47Z', 'updated': '2022-11-25T08:57:26Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'odry', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'hbzco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.57860', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'wap.apt', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wydawnictwo AP', 'symbol': 'WAP.APT', 'year': 2023, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*apt.edu.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2023-12-12T10:47:28Z', 'updated': '2023-12-12T11:48:50Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'wap', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'PSNCCO', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.60774', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.wclkp', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wydawnictwo CLKP', 'symbol': 'PSNC.WCLKP', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['en'], 'clientType': 'periodical', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {'issnl': None, 'print': '0552-2153', 'electronic': None}, 'url': 'https://problemykryminalistyki.pl/index.en.html', 'created': '2019-11-28T17:53:43Z', 'updated': '2021-01-25T10:14:01Z', 'isActive': False}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'cqik', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'txvt', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34836', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.wpl', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej', 'symbol': 'PSNC.WPL', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*.p.lodz.pl,repozytorium.p.lodz.pl,eczasopisma.p.lodz.pl', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-04-17T14:44:09Z', 'updated': '2023-04-05T12:05:38Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ajvb', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34658', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.wuwsg', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy', 'symbol': 'PSNC.WUWSG', 'year': 2019, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': ['pl'], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2019-12-20T16:20:31Z', 'updated': '2023-02-01T09:23:30Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'ymju', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.34864', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
-{'id': 'psnc.wydujk', 'type': 'clients', 'attributes': {'name': 'Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach', 'symbol': 'PSNC.WYDUJK', 'year': 2018, 'alternateName': None, 'description': None, 'language': [], 'clientType': 'repository', 'domains': '*', 're3data': None, 'opendoar': None, 'issn': {}, 'url': None, 'created': '2018-10-30T15:46:20Z', 'updated': '2020-12-11T09:09:09Z', 'isActive': True}, 'relationships': {'provider': {'data': {'id': 'gpes', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'consortium': {'data': {'id': 'psncco', 'type': 'providers'}}, 'prefixes': {'data': [{'id': '10.25951', 'type': 'prefixes'}]}}}
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