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diff --git a/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png b/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png
index 48619e98b5e1d9969ea31a323ddb5c72e04510a5..564f78621e82fb1283e82e73652149719c61ac18 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png
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Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png
index f6e49612e47e18bbb90669f3ef9db5f81d7c17a2..5563bf96844f6d95de63c5ca00ce4f4214e367b5 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png differ
diff --git a/dois-uga.csv b/dois-uga.csv
index a2faf1e48a9a3d8a66556104f2c47459cb034575..5c89f0690e59d092298a4639343290235aa2e42f 100644
--- a/dois-uga.csv
+++ b/dois-uga.csv
@@ -4901,3 +4901,40 @@ The associated analysis scripts are available on Software-Heritage: https://arch
 10.6084/m9.figshare.16851159,Additional file 9 of The mitochondrially-localized nucleoside diphosphate kinase D (NME4) is a novel metastasis suppressor,figshare,2021.0,,Image,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Additional file 9: Fig. S5. Pro-invasive signaling pathways in HeLa clones. A, B) Mutant NDPK-D cells were tested for their ability to invade native type I collagen in the presence of pharmacological inhibitors of the PI3K (GSK2126458), Src (MA475271), p38 (SB203580), JNK (SP600125) signaling pathways (A), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (lapatinib) (B), all at two different concentrations (1 and 10 μM). C, D) Activation of the EGFR signaling pathway after 10 nM EGF stimulation analyzed by immunoblotting with phospho-specific and total protein antibodies as indicated, with α-tubulin as loading control; (C) clones CTR, WT, BD; (D) clones CTR, WT, KD. Note: Activation of the EGF pathway is seen by phosphorylation of EGFR (at Tyr1080, activatory), ERK1/2, AKT, and GSK3β (at Ser9, inhibitory). $$p< 0.01 and $$$p< 0.005. For clone abbreviations see Fig. 1.",mds,True,findable,0.0,0.0,93.0,1.0,0.0,2021-10-22T04:08:25.000Z,2021-10-22T04:08:27.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Biophysics,Biochemistry,Medicine,Cell Biology,Genetics,FOS: Biological sciences,Molecular Biology,Physiology,Immunology,FOS: Clinical medicine,Developmental Biology,Cancer,Hematology,Infectious Diseases,FOS: Health sciences,Computational Biology","[{'subject': 'Biophysics'}, {'subject': 'Biochemistry'}, {'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Cell Biology'}, {'subject': 'Genetics'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Biological sciences', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Molecular Biology'}, {'subject': 'Physiology'}, {'subject': 'Immunology'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Clinical medicine', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Developmental Biology'}, {'subject': 'Cancer'}, {'subject': 'Hematology'}, {'subject': 'Infectious Diseases'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Health sciences', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Computational Biology'}]",['6708752 Bytes'],
 10.6084/m9.figshare.16786759,Additional file 3 of Open-label randomized controlled trial of ultra-low tidal ventilation without extracorporeal circulation in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and moderate to severe ARDS: study protocol for the VT4COVID trial,figshare,2021.0,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Additional file 3. WHO Trial Registration Dataset.,mds,True,findable,0.0,0.0,16.0,1.0,0.0,2021-10-12T03:42:01.000Z,2021-10-12T03:42:02.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Medicine,Cell Biology,Physiology,FOS: Biological sciences,Biotechnology,Cancer,Mental Health,Computational Biology","[{'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Cell Biology'}, {'subject': 'Physiology'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Biological sciences', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Biotechnology'}, {'subject': 'Cancer'}, {'subject': 'Mental Health'}, {'subject': 'Computational Biology'}]",['29546 Bytes'],
 10.5281/zenodo.10635624,Unite! white paper. A new University open science and innovation governance model and policy for a sustainable world,Unite! Alliance Publications,2023.0,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This white paper is a practical tool aimed at contributing to the transition from modern science to open science in universities and European Universities Alliances (EUAs) by 2030. This white paper provides evidence-based policy guidelines for university managers, policymakers, and funders to enhance efficient open science and innovation management at universities. ",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,2024-02-09T10:57:13.000Z,2024-02-09T10:57:13.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"open science,open science and innovation management,university governance,open innovation,science and innovation policy,European university alliances","[{'subject': 'open science'}, {'subject': 'open science and innovation management'}, {'subject': 'university governance'}, {'subject': 'open innovation'}, {'subject': 'science and innovation policy'}, {'subject': 'European university alliances'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10650804,"Dataset for the Paper ""Longevity of Artifacts in Leading Parallel and Distributed Systems Conferences: a Review of the State of the Practice in 2023""",Zenodo,2024.0,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Dataset used for the paper ""Longevity of Artifacts in Leading Parallel and Distributed Systems Conferences: a Review of the State of the Practice in 2023"" submitted at REP'24.
+The associated analysis scripts are available on Software-Heritage: https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:dir:f755a41eb18045b3367ace8ebecce269a27ce554;origin=https://github.com/GuilloteauQ/artefact-lifetime;visit=swh:1:snp:0b8abfb72a9978fe2641d71f459863c34e915b6d;anchor=swh:1:rev:0b10910a576be7e057a60d6eb9929c688933f78b",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-02-12T14:51:30.000Z,2024-02-12T14:51:30.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.10652455,TDP-43 motifs in the GISAID Database v1.0.0-alpha,Zenodo,2024.0,,Software,MIT License,"TDP-43 motifs in the GISAID Database - Version v1.0.0-alpha
+This repository contains Python scripts that automate the process of downloading, merging, and processing data from the GISAID website. The scripts are organized into two directories: `GISAID-crawler` and `TDP-43`, each with its own README file detailing the specific operations performed by the scripts within.
+Please refer to each script code  to install the appropriate packages via pip3. The scripts are run using Python 3.10.0. Be situated on each working directory to execute the script. Refer to each README file for more information.
+Disclaimer: in order to access the information in the GISAID database you must have your own access by creating a username and being given a password. In these scripts, I did not include any data contained in the database, in accordance with the GISAID terms and conditions. This data has not been shared to anyone nor cross-examined with any other influenza database. A separate table acknowledging all sources of the original data will be added.
+This software is released under the MIT License. 
+Freunde von GISAID and all the researchers that deposited their sequences in their database. Nadia Naffakh for the cannonical sequences max and min sizes and discussion. Darren Hart for discussion.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,2024-02-13T01:00:52.000Z,2024-02-13T01:00:53.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"influenza,TDP-43,GISAID","[{'subject': 'influenza'}, {'subject': 'TDP-43'}, {'subject': 'GISAID'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10652456,TDP-43 motifs in the GISAID Database v1.0.0-alpha,Zenodo,2024.0,,Software,MIT License,"TDP-43 motifs in the GISAID Database - Version v1.0.0-alpha
+This repository contains Python scripts that automate the process of downloading, merging, and processing data from the GISAID website. The scripts are organized into two directories: `GISAID-crawler` and `TDP-43`, each with its own README file detailing the specific operations performed by the scripts within.
+Please refer to each script code  to install the appropriate packages via pip3. The scripts are run using Python 3.10.0. Be situated on each working directory to execute the script. Refer to each README file for more information.
+Disclaimer: in order to access the information in the GISAID database you must have your own access by creating a username and being given a password. In these scripts, I did not include any data contained in the database, in accordance with the GISAID terms and conditions. This data has not been shared to anyone nor cross-examined with any other influenza database. A separate table acknowledging all sources of the original data will be added.
+This software is released under the MIT License. 
+Freunde von GISAID and all the researchers that deposited their sequences in their database. Nadia Naffakh for the cannonical sequences max and min sizes and discussion. Darren Hart for discussion.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,2024-02-13T01:00:52.000Z,2024-02-13T01:00:52.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"influenza,TDP-43,GISAID","[{'subject': 'influenza'}, {'subject': 'TDP-43'}, {'subject': 'GISAID'}]",,