diff --git a/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv b/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv
index b1c11422705d802cea6ecf2f5b0ff4966da103d2..a4f6e7ed9d4ffe27c15f2e98d6e18cfc57e57294 100644
--- a/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv
+++ b/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv
@@ -1,41 +1,42 @@
-inist.sshade,506,Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise,2019,https://www.sshade.eu/
-figshare.ars,373,figshare Academic Research System,2016,http://figshare.com/
-inist.osug,238,Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble,2014,http://doi.osug.fr
+inist.sshade,510,Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise,2019,https://www.sshade.eu/
+figshare.ars,377,figshare Academic Research System,2016,http://figshare.com/
+inist.osug,275,Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble,2014,http://doi.osug.fr
-inist.resif,93,Réseau sismologique et géodésique français,2014,https://www.resif.fr/
-rdg.prod,78,Recherche Data Gouv France,2022,https://recherche.data.gouv.fr/en
+inist.resif,95,Réseau sismologique et géodésique français,2014,https://www.resif.fr/
+rdg.prod,79,Recherche Data Gouv France,2022,https://recherche.data.gouv.fr/en
 inist.persyval,63,PERSYVAL-Lab : Pervasive Systems and Algorithms Lab,2016,
 fmsh.prod,28,Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme,2023,
 inist.ccj,22,Centre Camille Jullian – UMR 7299,2020,
 figshare.sage,6,figshare SAGE Publications,2018,
 inist.cirm,6,Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques,2017,
 iris.iris,5,Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology,2018,http://www.iris.edu/hq/
 vqpf.dris,3,Direction des ressources et de l'information scientifique,2021,
-inist.eost,2,Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre,2017,https://eost.unistra.fr/en/
 ethz.sed,2,"Swiss Seismological Service, national earthquake monitoring and hazard center",2013,http://www.seismo.ethz.ch
 bl.nerc,2,NERC Environmental Data Service,2011,https://eds.ukri.org
+inist.eost,2,Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre,2017,https://eost.unistra.fr/en/
+tug.openlib,2,TU Graz OPEN Library,2020,https://openlib.tugraz.at/
 ethz.zora,1,"Universität Zürich, ZORA",2013,https://www.zora.uzh.ch/
-repod.dbuw,1,University of Warsaw Research Data Repository,2023,https://danebadawcze.uw.edu.pl/
-tug.openlib,1,TU Graz OPEN Library,2020,https://openlib.tugraz.at/
+repod.dbuw,1,University of Warsaw Research Data Repository,2023,https://danebadawcze.uw.edu.pl/
 crui.ingv,1,Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV),2013,http://data.ingv.it/
-ethz.da-rd,1,ETHZ Data Archive - Research Data,2013,http://data-archive.ethz.ch
 inist.opgc,1,Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand,2017,
+bl.mendeley,1,Mendeley Data,2015,https://data.mendeley.com/
+ethz.da-rd,1,ETHZ Data Archive - Research Data,2013,http://data-archive.ethz.ch
+bl.iita,1,International Institute of Tropical Agriculture datasets,2017,http://data.iita.org/
 tib.gfz,1,GFZ Data Services,2011,https://dataservices.gfz-potsdam.de/portal/
 ardcx.nci,1,National Computational Infrastructure,2020,
 inist.omp,1,Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées,2011,
 ihumi.pub,1,IHU Méditerranée Infection,2020,
-bl.mendeley,1,Mendeley Data,2015,https://data.mendeley.com/
 umass.uma,1,University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst,2018,https://scholarworks.umass.edu/
-bl.iita,1,International Institute of Tropical Agriculture datasets,2017,http://data.iita.org/
 edi.edi,1,Environmental Data Initiative,2017,https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/home.jsp
+inist.inrap,1,Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives,2019,
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--- a/1-enrich-with-datacite/nb-dois.txt
+++ b/1-enrich-with-datacite/nb-dois.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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index e0ac0c4356b16b10051914cc81d373d55a055aad..2868c4fb06dc73b7bcabd397aedca5d5f331b0b1 100644
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index bf3c44fbe2754de80599e3d112bdf9c719f75e25..76a9ac2a8109d19b5495ab8c5ff3efc2f20cbd12 100644
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index 2bdc5a9ee916998299f9dc3fa20890f36f5568f9..3311bd8e62739ff1a4eb1e3f166f9cce4a178399 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png differ
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index ebe70b9948c64ba7f1856106386bb301550c326d..358d38da4b1c7c4dc0025c87f59869a3cc0ce601 100644
--- a/dois-uga--last-500.csv
+++ b/dois-uga--last-500.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,113 @@
+10.5281/zenodo.14801189,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-02-04,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
+10.5281/zenodo.14800883,cern.zenodo,Software,2025-02-04,Zenodo,GNU General Public License v3.0 only,
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20060709_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-31,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['1 spectrum']
+10.5281/zenodo.14762346,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
+10.3217/g02q8-b8531,tug.openlib,Text,2025-01-30,Graz University of Technology,,
+10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7649617,figshare.ars,Collection,2025-01-30,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
+10.6084/m9.figshare.28307725,figshare.ars,Text,2025-01-30,figshare,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,['278182 Bytes']
+10.5281/zenodo.14768220,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2025-01-29,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
+10.5281/zenodo.14754876,cern.zenodo,Text,2025-01-28,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_oa_20241004_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-28,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['8 spectra']
+10.17178/emaa_para-h3o-plus_rotation_76df9536,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_para-h2co_rotation_d6660421,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_para-d2o_rotation_9bafef1a,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_para-ch3nc_rotation_8826bc0d,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_para-ch3cn_rotation_9b09f4b0,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_para-c3h2_rotation_91f1794b,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-h3o-plus_rotation_2031c86e,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_rotation_fe91d2c4,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_hyperfine_6f2fb42f,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-d2o_rotation_ca298faa,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-ch3nc_rotation_ffce225a,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-ch3cn_rotation_f295392c,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-c3h2_rotation_cd49c787,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_nh_hyperfine_9946dda8,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_nd_hyperfine_207bdee0,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_hn(13c)_rotation_633c9fef,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_hdo_rotation_970556ed,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_hcnh-plus_rotation_96da3ce2,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_hcnh-plus_hyperfine_b6c64b5a,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_hc(15n)_rotation_a05523a2,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_h2_rovibration_21dc48b2,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_h(13c)n_rotation_5d5db045,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_e-ch3oh_rotation_7f7bea3d,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_e-ch3(18o)h_rotation_19d8c1f0,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_e-(13c)h3oh_rotation_e36b64aa,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_dnc_rotation_0eccd706,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_dcn_rotation_2600b325,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_dcn_hyperfine_b334e710,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_d(13c)n_rotation_0a5e68c6,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ch_hyperfine_c8735926,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_rotation-hot_ee89e18f,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_hyperfine-hot_b5b79323,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_c2h_hyperfine_ff7c7676,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_c2d_hyperfine_06a7f7c4,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_a-ch3oh_rotation_154b5af9,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_a-ch3(18o)h_rotation_657b3900,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.17178/emaa_a-(13c)h3oh_rotation_5f1338ad,inist.osug,Dataset,2025-01-27,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG","Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20250114_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2025-01-27,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['5 spectra']
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-10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20230103_02,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-04-10,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['9 spectra']
-10.26302/sshade/experiment_zed_20230103_01,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-04-10,SSHADE/DAYSY (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['9 spectra']
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-10.5281/zenodo.10926005,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-04-04,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10912814,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-04-03,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.57745/aqno8d,rdg.prod,Dataset,2024-04-03,Recherche Data Gouv,,
-10.5905/ethz-1007-760,ethz.da-rd,Software,2024-04-03,"ETH Zurich; GIPSA-lab, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LAAS-CNRS, Czech Technical University",,
-10.5281/zenodo.10906790,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-04-02,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10896138,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10896121,cern.zenodo,ComputationalNotebook,2024-03-30,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10895010,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-29,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10889880,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-29,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.15778/resif.4g2007,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-03-29,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,"open access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
-10.26302/sshade/experiment_ap_20240312_0001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-03-28,SSHADE/UH-ApS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['7 spectra']
-10.5281/zenodo.10888832,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-28,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.57745/ellxjf,rdg.prod,Dataset,2024-03-27,Recherche Data Gouv,,
-10.5061/dryad.pg4f4qrxd,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-03-27,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['31171791 bytes']
-10.5281/zenodo.10882069,cern.zenodo,OutputManagementPlan,2024-03-26,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.8205152,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-25,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.3952173,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-03-23,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10854246,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-22,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10853530,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-22,Zenodo,Apache License 2.0,
-10.5281/zenodo.10304164,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-22,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10782398,cern.zenodo,Model,2024-03-20,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10837803,cern.zenodo,Software,2024-03-19,Zenodo,GNU General Public License v3.0 or later,
-10.5281/zenodo.8398771,cern.zenodo,Dataset,2024-03-15,Zenodo,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.5281/zenodo.10807437,cern.zenodo,Text,2024-03-14,GRANULAR,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,
-10.26302/sshade/experiment_ap_20210622_0001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-03-14,SSHADE/UH-ApS (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['2 spectra']
-10.15778/resif.3t2019,inist.resif,Dataset,2024-03-12,RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,,"['30 stations, 42Go (miniseed format)']"
-10.26302/sshade/experiment_jf_20201104_001,inist.sshade,Dataset,2024-03-11,SSHADE/Mirabelle (OSUG Data Center),"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",['18 spectra']
-10.5061/dryad.83bk3jb0h,dryad.dryad,Dataset,2024-03-08,Dryad,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,['307008659 bytes']
-10.57745/gsmefn,rdg.prod,Dataset,2024-03-08,Recherche Data Gouv,,
-10.60527/zcmq-v747,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-07,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/cymb-t312,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-07,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/zsq8-tz04,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/hytc-5677,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/qsw1-vr24,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/07zp-aq60,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/z64w-t441,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/3dvh-8m86,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/rdw0-ps12,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/1egh-1a67,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/s3pc-ya20,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/kq79-kq26,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/aa32-v231,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/evrp-sc36,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/t65m-5h40,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/kr45-gv91,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/nnhk-n811,fmsh.prod,Other,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",,
-10.60527/kzta-f520,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
-10.60527/gx2t-a525,fmsh.prod,Audiovisual,2024-03-06,"Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GRESEC",Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle,
diff --git a/dois-uga.csv b/dois-uga.csv
index 995f6963d9cb155d342f8a6e69bc3486a234edca..bdcddfe0fd26f109598857f4403568ffc77b21f9 100644
--- a/dois-uga.csv
+++ b/dois-uga.csv
@@ -12322,3 +12322,915 @@ The work was funded by the ANR project HyLife (ANR-23-CETP-0002) associated with
 10.57745/qg9n3a,Projet OneForAll: Données d'une maison connectée,Recherche Data Gouv,2025,,Dataset,,Le projet OneForAll a été initié en 2024 afin de fournir les données issues de maisons connectées via un don par les participants. Le dépôt actuel est l'historique des données remontées par la Maison Numéro2 Les mesures remontées sont: Les données environnement intérieur: - Analyse de l’air de chaque pièce - Luminosité de chaque pièce - Position d’ouverture de chaque porte et fenêtre - Détecteurs de mouvement Les données environnement extérieur: - Conditions météorologiques extérieures Les données électriques: - Consommation d’électricité de chaque appareil - Données de consommation globale - Données de production photovoltaique - Données de l'utilité de stockage d'électricité Le dépot actuel couvre les dates du mois de Juin 2024 au mois de Décembre 2024,mds,True,findable,17,3,0,0,0,2024-06-20T21:21:20.000Z,2025-01-10T15:10:01.000Z,rdg.prod,rdg,,,,,,,"['HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart']",
 10.5281/zenodo.14319567,Sneaked references data,Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,,,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-07T10:53:07.000Z,2025-01-07T10:53:07.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],
 10.34847/nkl.46d78788,Annexes 1 à 14 associés au manuscrit de thèse,NAKALA - https://nakala.fr (Huma-Num - CNRS),2024,fr,Report,Etalab Open License 2.0,Annexes 1 à 14 associés au manuscrit de thèse « Vers une régénération écoresponsable de l’habitat social collectif du XXe siècle fondée sur la participation des habitants et l’utilisation de matériaux bio et géosourcés »,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-06-18T06:49:53.000Z,2024-06-18T06:49:53.000Z,inist.humanum,jbru,"Habitat Social XXe,Démarche participative,Réhabilitation,régénération,Architectue,Écomatériaux","[{'subject': 'Habitat Social XXe'}, {'subject': 'Démarche participative'}, {'subject': 'Réhabilitation'}, {'subject': 'régénération'}, {'subject': 'Architectue'}, {'subject': 'Écomatériaux'}]",['12199 bytes'],['application/pdf'],,,['HasPart'],
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-h3o-plus_rotation_2031c86e,Rotation excitation of ortho-H3O+ by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",11 rotation energy levels / 9 radiative transitions / 55 collisional transitions for para-H2 (8 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 55 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (8 temperatures in the range 10-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:35.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:36.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-H3O+,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-H3O+', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14768220,"Dataset for manuscript ""Polarization boost and ferroelectricity down to one unit cell in layered Carpy-Galy La2Ti2O7 thin films""",Zenodo,2025,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-29T23:09:22.000Z,2025-01-29T23:09:22.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14768220']]"
+10.17178/emaa_c2d_hyperfine_06a7f7c4,Hyperfine excitation of C2D by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",55 hyperfine energy levels / 124 radiative transitions / 1485 collisional transitions for para-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 5-100K) / 1485 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 5-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:58:53.000Z,2025-01-27T15:58:54.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target C2D,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target C2D', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.15778/resif.zn2021,"RESOLVE-Harmaliere, temporary experiment for generate High-resolution seismic imaging and monitoring of the Harmaliere landslide, France (RESIF-SISMOB)",RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,2021,,Dataset,"Open Access,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",99 Fairfield 3-C sensors deployed on Harmalière landslide for high- resolution seismic imaging and monitoring purposes during June 2021.,fabrica,True,findable,0,0,0,1,0,2025-01-17T17:16:11.000Z,2025-01-17T17:16:25.000Z,inist.resif,vcob,"Seismic noise,Groundwater,Water saturation","[{'subject': 'Seismic noise'}, {'subject': 'Groundwater'}, {'subject': 'Water saturation'}]","['99 stations, 874Go (miniseed format)']","['Miniseed data', 'stationXML metadata']",,,"['IsCitedBy', 'IsReferencedBy']",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_rotation_fe91d2c4,"Rotation excitation of ortho-H2CO by electron, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2021,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",40 rotation energy levels / 104 radiative transitions / 780 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (21 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 780 collisional transitions for para-H2 (21 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 104 collisional transitions for electron (10 temperatures in the range 10-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:32.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:33.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-H2CO,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 ortho-H2,collider.1 para-H2,collider.2 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-H2CO', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_rotation-hot_ee89e18f,Rotation-hot excitation of CH2NH by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",49 rotation-hot energy levels / 167 radiative transitions / 1157 collisional transitions for para-H2 (15 temperatures in the range 10-150K) / 1176 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (15 temperatures in the range 10-150K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:00.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:01.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target CH2NH,excitationType Rotation-hot,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target CH2NH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation-hot', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14191006,Future changes in Antarctic near-surface winds: regional variability and key drivers under a high-emission scenario,Zenodo,2024,en,PeerReview,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Codes and dataset to analyze future changes in near-surface winds in Antarctica under the SSP585 scenario.,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-16T13:11:55.000Z,2025-01-16T13:11:56.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Meteorology,Climate,Cold Climate,Antarctica,Wind","[{'subject': 'Meteorology', 'subjectScheme': 'MeSH'}, {'subject': 'Climate', 'subjectScheme': 'MeSH'}, {'subject': 'Cold Climate', 'subjectScheme': 'MeSH'}, {'subject': 'Antarctica'}, {'subject': 'Wind'}]",,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14191006']]"
+10.17178/emaa_dcn_rotation_2600b325,Rotation excitation of DCN by electron and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 12 radiative transitions / 36 collisional transitions for electron (10 temperatures in the range 10-1000K) / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 5-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:14.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:15.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target DCN,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 electron,collider.1 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target DCN', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_e-(13c)h3oh_rotation_e36b64aa,Rotation excitation of E-[13C]H3OH by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 52 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 78 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:22.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:22.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target E-[13C]H3OH,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target E-[13C]H3OH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_ch_hyperfine_c8735926,"Hyperfine excitation of CH by H, He, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",32 hyperfine energy levels / 127 radiative transitions / 496 collisional transitions for para-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 496 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 496 collisional transitions for H (20 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 495 collisional transitions for He (20 temperatures in the range 10-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:02.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:02.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target CH,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,collider.2 H,collider.3 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target CH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 H', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.3 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_nh_hyperfine_9946dda8,Hyperfine excitation of NH by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",71 hyperfine energy levels / 545 radiative transitions / 2485 collisional transitions for para-H2 (40 temperatures in the range 5-200K) / 2485 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (40 temperatures in the range 5-200K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:06.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:06.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target NH,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target NH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_nd_hyperfine_207bdee0,Hyperfine excitation of ND by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",105 hyperfine energy levels / 764 radiative transitions / 5460 collisional transitions for para-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 5-100K) / 5460 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 5-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:04.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:05.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ND,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ND', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.57745/1f0ubu,Lapex: A new multimodal dataset for context recognition and practice assessment in laparoscopic surgery,Recherche Data Gouv,2025,,Dataset,,"The LapEx dataset contains 30 videos of sleeve gastrectomy surgeries performed by two surgeons. The videos were captured at 25 fps. Three annotation tasks were performed on the videos of the ""dissection of fundus"" surgical step : 1. Surgical activites were annotated with the quadruplet < actor , instrument , verb , target > 2. The quality of exposure was annotated with a value in [good, satisfying, unsatisfying] 3. Images were completely segmented with a labeling of visible tools and organs",mds,True,findable,36,7,0,0,0,2023-06-19T12:30:48.000Z,2025-01-16T09:46:52.000Z,rdg.prod,rdg,,,,,,,"['HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart']",
+10.17178/emaa_h2_rovibration_21dc48b2,"Rovibration excitation of H2 by H, H+, electron, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",54 rovibration energy levels / 226 radiative transitions / 1431 collisional transitions for H (50 temperatures in the range 100-5000K) / 325 collisional transitions for H+ (26 temperatures in the range 5-3000K) / 307 collisional transitions for para-H2 (9 temperatures in the range 100-6000K) / 307 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (9 temperatures in the range 100-6000K) / 4 collisional transitions for electron (16 temperatures in the range 10-4000K),mds,True,findable,0,0,5,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:34.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:34.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target H2,excitationType Rovibration,collisional excitation,collider.0 H,collider.1 H+,collider.2 para-H2,collider.3 ortho-H2,collider.4 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target H2', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rovibration', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 H', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 H+', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.3 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.4 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14754876,Supplemental material: Adsorption Selectivity of Water-Ethanol Mixtures on Organosilica Surfaces: Role of Hydrophilicity,Zenodo,2025,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Supplemental material for ""Adsorption Selectivity of Water-Ethanol Mixtures on Organosilica Surfaces: Role of Hydrophilicity"", containing figures S1-S11, details on contact angle measurements, interface thickness measurement, hydrogen bond analysis, and ethanol carbon-carbon analysis.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-28T13:45:19.000Z,2025-01-28T13:45:20.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-ch3cn_rotation_f295392c,Rotation excitation of ortho-CH3CN by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",52 rotation energy levels / 49 radiative transitions / 1326 collisional transitions for para-H2 (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K) / 1326 collisional transitions for He (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:19.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:20.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-CH3CN,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-CH3CN', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_ch2nh_hyperfine-hot_b5b79323,Hyperfine-hot excitation of CH2NH by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",145 hyperfine-hot energy levels / 777 radiative transitions / 10239 collisional transitions for para-H2 (15 temperatures in the range 10-150K) / 10296 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (15 temperatures in the range 10-150K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:58:58.000Z,2025-01-27T15:58:58.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target CH2NH,excitationType Hyperfine-hot,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target CH2NH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine-hot', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_para-c3h2_rotation_91f1794b,Rotation excitation of para-l-C3H2 by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2023,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",18 rotation energy levels / 15 radiative transitions / 153 collisional transitions for para-H2 (6 temperatures in the range 7-50K) / 153 collisional transitions for He (6 temperatures in the range 7-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:49.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:50.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target para-l-C3H2,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target para-l-C3H2', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.34847/nkl.be3b2f21,Fiches descriptives des tâches,NAKALA - https://nakala.fr (Huma-Num - CNRS),2024,fr,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International,"La batterie EULALIES (version Audio - France hexagonale) contient cinq tâches qui mesurent les compétences en parole des enfants.
+Chaque document représente une tâche (matériel, consignes, description de la tâche, population testée et analyse des données).",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-27T09:35:30.000Z,2025-01-27T09:35:30.000Z,inist.humanum,jbru,,,['1399078 bytes'],['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'],,,"['HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart', 'HasPart']",
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_oa_20241004_001,W L3 edge XAS HERFD of metallic and oxidized tungsten references,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),2025,en,Dataset,"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",,mds,True,findable,0,0,1,0,0,2025-01-28T07:26:38.000Z,2025-01-28T07:26:39.000Z,inist.sshade,mgeg,"laboratory measurement,fluorescence emission,None,hard X,hard X-rays,BN powder,W,WO2,WO3,W nanoparticles,WO3 nanoparticles,NaWO4.2H2O,3NaWO4.9WO3.H2O,H3[P(W3O10)4] · xH2O,solid,commercial,laboratory,non-oxide ceramic,metal,oxide,tungstate","[{'subject': 'laboratory measurement', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'fluorescence emission', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'None', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'hard X', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'hard X-rays', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'BN powder', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'W', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'WO2', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'WO3', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'W nanoparticles', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'WO3 nanoparticles', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'NaWO4.2H2O', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': '3NaWO4.9WO3.H2O', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'H3[P(W3O10)4] · xH2O', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'solid', 'subjectScheme': 'family'}, {'subject': 'commercial', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'laboratory', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'non-oxide ceramic', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}, {'subject': 'metal', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}, {'subject': 'oxide', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}, {'subject': 'tungstate', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}]",['8 spectra'],['ASCII'],,,"['IsPartOf', 'IsPartOf', 'IsSourceOf', 'Cites', 'IsSourceOf', 'Cites', 'IsSourceOf', 'Cites']",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-c3h2_rotation_cd49c787,Rotation excitation of ortho-l-C3H2 by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2023,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",18 rotation energy levels / 25 radiative transitions / 153 collisional transitions for para-H2 (6 temperatures in the range 7-50K) / 153 collisional transitions for He (6 temperatures in the range 7-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:18.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:18.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-l-C3H2,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-l-C3H2', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14659271,"Data for ""Quasimolecular electronic structure of the trimer iridate Ba4NbIr3O12""",Zenodo,2025,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The insulating mixed-valent Ir+3.66 compound Ba4NbIr3O12 hosts two holes per Ir3O12 trimer unit. We address the electronic structure via resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Ir L3 edge and exact diagonalization. The  holes occupy quasimolecular orbitals that are delocalized over a trimer. This gives rise to a rich intra-t2g excitation spectrum that extends from 0.5 eV to energies larger than 2 eV. Furthermore, it yields a strong modulation of the RIXS intensity as a function of the transferred momentum q. A clear fingerprint of the quasimolecular trimer character is the observation of two modulation periods, 2pi/d and 2pi/2d, where d and 2d denote the intratrimer Ir-Ir distances. We discuss how the specific modulation reflects the character of the wavefunction of an excited state. Our quantitative analysis shows that spin-orbit coupling \lambda of about 0.4 eV is decisive for the character of the electronic states, despite a large hopping ta1g of about 0.8 eV. The ground state of a single trimer is described very well by both holes occupying the bonding j = 1/2 orbital, forming a vanishing quasimolecular moment with J = 0. ",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-20T15:41:01.000Z,2025-01-20T15:41:02.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"RIXS,Ba4NbIr3O12","[{'subject': 'RIXS'}, {'subject': 'Ba4NbIr3O12'}]",,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14659271']]"
+10.5281/zenodo.14800883,RRINGG,Zenodo,2024,en,Software,GNU General Public License v3.0 only,"RRINGG  is an open-source program designed to correct InSAR velocity fields and reference InSAR time series to a standard global geodetic reference system, such as the ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame). This software relies on data from GNSS stations available through the EPOS (European Plate Observing System) and NGL  (Nevada Geodetic Laboratory) portals to perform these corrections accurately.    Developed within the framework of the European Geo-INQUIRE project, RRINGG aims to facilitate geodetic analysis by integrating powerful tools to ensure global consistency of geophysical data.   The source code, along with detailed instructions for installation and usage, is available on GitLab: RRINGG GitLab Repository.   This software package has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Geo-INQUIRE under project number 101058518 within the HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01 call.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-02-04T10:29:20.000Z,2025-02-04T10:29:20.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"InSAR,GNSS","[{'subject': 'InSAR'}, {'subject': 'GNSS'}]",,,,,"['IsIdenticalTo', 'IsCompiledBy', 'HasVersion']","[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14800883']]"
+10.17178/emaa_a-(13c)h3oh_rotation_5f1338ad,Rotation excitation of A-[13C]H3OH by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",19 rotation energy levels / 40 radiative transitions / 171 collisional transitions for para-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 171 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:58:41.000Z,2025-01-27T15:58:42.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target A-[13C]H3OH,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target A-[13C]H3OH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_para-ch3nc_rotation_8826bc0d,Rotation excitation of para-CH3NC by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",63 rotation energy levels / 59 radiative transitions / 1953 collisional transitions for para-H2 (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K) / 1953 collisional transitions for He (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:52.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:53.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target para-CH3NC,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target para-CH3NC', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_c2h_hyperfine_ff7c7676,Hyperfine excitation of C2H by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",38 hyperfine energy levels / 94 radiative transitions / 702 collisional transitions for para-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 5-100K) / 703 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (20 temperatures in the range 5-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:58:55.000Z,2025-01-27T15:58:56.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target C2H,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target C2H', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.48380/fg5k-st46,"GRIND-Project: Geochemical shifts and tectonic evolution in the Nama Basin (Late Ediacaran to Early Cambrian, Nama Group, southern Namibia)",Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung e.V. (DGGV),2024,en,Text,,"<p>First phase of the GRIND project (<strong>G</strong>eological <strong>R</strong>esearch through <strong>I</strong>ntegrated <strong>N</strong>eoproterozoic <strong>D</strong>rilling<em>) </em>is focused on the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition (GRIND-ECT) in southern Namibia. The drills are cored into Lower Kuibis and the Upper Schwarzrand subgroups. Both form part of the Nama Group. Within the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession several ash layers occur. According to U-Pb TIMS ages of ash layers such sequences were deposited in a timeframe of c. 555 to 538.35 Ma during the Late Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian. Six boreholes were drilled into the sedimentary sequence and cover most parts from the Kanies to the Spitskop members. Whole-rock geochemistry in selected sediments provide clues to show shifts in the plate tectonic setting, the palaeo-environment and the evolution of life. In this regard, major and trace element contents in both subgroups are generally higher than values suggested for the Upper Continental Crust, while varying with respect to the Post-Archaean Australian Shale. Ratios such as SiO<sub>2</sub>/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/Na<sub>2</sub>O or K<sub>2</sub>O/Na<sub>2</sub>O indicate slightly higher compositional maturity in the lower subgroup than in the upper one. Trace element ratios such as Th/Sc, La/Sc, Th/Sc, Cr/Th and La/Co indicate predominantly felsic sources. However, elements associated with mafic input such as Sc, Cr, Co are more abundant in the upper subgroup, while elements such as Zr and Hf, related to higher felsic elements from stable areas, are more frequent in the lower subgroup. Such key elements indicate a change of the tectonic evolution from a passive margin setting to a continental island arc scenario.</p>
+10.34692/34fz-6q37,Vieilles branches contre jeunes pousses : effet vieux bois et autres risques de la datation 14C sur charbons. Retour d’expérience du programme Petit-Saint-Bernard [communication orale],Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives,2025,fr,Audiovisual,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International,"Entre 2003 et 2007, un vaste programme de sondages manuels a été mis en œuvre sur les deux versants du col du Petit-Saint-Bernard, entre 750 et 2700 m d’altitude. Les objectifs poursuivis étaient de documenter les premières occupations humaines autour d’un des grands passages transalpins et de recueillir des données paléo-environnementales pour préciser la dynamique sédimentaire et l’évolution du paysage. Deux interventions de l’Inrap, en 2010 et 2011, ont permis l’acquisition de données complémentaires au niveau du col. Des prélèvements systématiques de charbons de bois ont été réalisés dans des séquences représentatives, complétés par des prélèvements plus ponctuels, mais très nombreux, dans des niveaux archéologiques, des structures de combustion, des dépôts sédimentaires à charbons de bois et des sols enfouis. Dans ce contexte montagnard où les vestiges matériels sont rares, peu bavards et la faune mal conservée, un grand nombre de datations sur charbons de bois a été réalisé, majoritairement dans le cadre du programme Artémis. En altitude, la croissance végétale peut être très lente et les espèces longévives sont nombreuses. Le risque de dater un tissu ligneux formé bien avant l’événement que l’on cherche à caractériser, qu’il soit naturel ou anthropique, est important (effet vieux bois). Dès lors, la sélection par les archéobotanistes (anthracoloque, carpologue) des restes végétaux datés au radiocarbone a été systématisée, dans le but de privilégier autant que faire se peut des essences ou des parties anatomiques à durée de vie courte. Cette démarche présente un triple avantage : minimiser le risque d’effet vieux bois, permettre une évaluation de la pertinence des dates obtenues en regard des événements à dater et livrer des jalons biogéographiques (chaque date renvoie à une identification taxonomique). Ainsi, même les dates rejetées par l’archéologue documentent utilement l’histoire de la végétation. Cette communication soulignera l’importance de la détermination préalable des restes à dater, l’intérêt des datations sur reste unique, en évitant les mélanges, et la pertinence de l’anthraco-analyse pour évaluer l’état des charbons (taphonomie anté-/postcombustion). Outre l’effet vieux bois, elle se penchera sur les risques liés à la combustion de bois déjà ancien (effet bois durable) et sur les problèmes liés à la présence de charbons issus de niveaux plus anciens ou plus récents (pollutions).",fabricaForm,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-17T12:50:54.000Z,2025-01-17T12:50:54.000Z,inist.inrap,vcob,,,['13:50'],,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.14502341,EsMeCaTa article dataset,Zenodo,2025,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This repository contains the archived files associated with EsMeCaTa article.
+It is divided into several archives:
+archive_figure.zip: this archive contains different sub-folders associated with each figure of the article. It contains scripts (either R or Python) and the source files used to create the figures.
+figure_1_workflow: svg source file for the creation of the worklow figure.
+ figure_2_toy_example:  input intermediary files, Python script and svg source files that have been used to created Figure 2 of the article.
+svg source files that have been used to create the merged Figure 3 of the article.
+figure_fmeasures_dataset: F-measures computed from the comparison of EsMeCaTa predictions against MGnify. It contains the intermediary input and R scripts to create this subplot. It also contains txt files describing the result of statistical analaysis.
+figure_picrust: F-measures computed from the comparison of EsMeCaTa predictions against MGnify and PICRUSt against MGnify. It contains the intermediary input and R scripts to create this subplot. It also contains txt files describing the result of statistical analaysis.
+figure_pocp: POCP metrics computed from the comparison of EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes alignment to MAG/isolates of MGnify.  It contains the intermediary input and R scripts to create this subplot. It also contains txt files describing the result of statistical analaysis.
+figure_threshold: F-measures computed between EC number predicitons from EsMeCaTa and EC numbers from genome and metagenomes for the algal microbiota dataset according to different threshold Tr (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.95). It contains the intermediary input and R scripts to create this subplot. It also contains txt files describing the result of statistical analaysis.
+figure_4_biogas_reactor: svg source file to create Figure 4 of the article about methanogenic reactor microbial community.
+figure_gseapy_orsum: result of enrichment analysis with GSEApy and Orsum on the predictions of EsMeCaTa for this community. 
+sup_figure_html_report_biogas_reactor: EsMeCaTa report for this community.
+ figure_5_methanogenesis: intermediary input files, Python scripts and svg source files for the creation of the methanogenic pathway figure.
+diamond_output_ec: aligment result file against Swissprot reference sequences.
+diamond_output_ko: aligment result file against KEGG orthologs reference sequences.
+reference_uniprot_data: reference file for UniProt. 
+several Python scripts to (1) search EC in EsMeCaTa predictions, (2) download reference data (from Swissprot and Kegg Orthologs) and (3) aligne these to EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes. 
+svg source files of the figure.
+figure_6_abundance:  intermediary input files, Python script, R script to create the linear model. And also the svg source file for the figure.
+sup_figure_cellulosome: Python script to align reference proteins (dockerin and cohesin) to EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes, Diamond resulting alignment files and svg source for the Figure.
+sup_figure_measures: figure showing the measures of methane and OTU abundances.
+sup_figure_toy_example: EsMeCaTa HTML reports and associated figures.
+input_file.zip: this archive contains the input files for EsMeCaTa for each dataset presented in the article.
+toy_example.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the toy example dataset (corresponding to Sup_File_1).
+algal_microbiota.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the algal microbiota dataset (corresponding to Sup_File_2).
+MGnify dataset:
+mgnify_honeybee_esmecata.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the honeybee microbiota dataset.
+mgnify_human_oral_esmecata.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the human oral microbiota dataset.
+mgnify_marine_esmecata.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the marine microbiota dataset.
+mgnify_pig_gut_esmecata.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the pig gut microbiota dataset.
+mgnify_merged_dataset.tsv: merged taxonomic affiliaitons of the four subdatasets with MAGs having a completness equal or greater to 90% (corresponding to Sup_File_3).
+methanogenic_reactor.tsv: input file for EsMeCaTa for the methanogenic reactor dataset (corresponding to Sup_File_4). It also contains the 16S rRNA sequences reconstructed by FROGs and the abundance for each OTUs for the different samples (i.e. time points).
+methanogenic_reactor_measures.xlsx: measurements of several metabolites in the methanogenic reactor at different time points.
+methanogenic_reactor_reads.zip: contains the fastq files of the sequenced community of the methanogenic reactor experiments. One file per time point. 
+ncbi_taxonomy_database.zip: it contains the NCBI Taxonomy file associated with the database used in the article.
+taxdmp_2023-04.tar.gz: NCBI Taxonomy database used for the algal microbiota dataset.
+taxdmp_2023-09.tar.gz: NCBI Taxonomy database used for the toy example dataset.
+taxdmp_2023-12.tar.gz: NCBI Taxonomy database used for the MGnify dataset (honeybee, human oral, marine and pig gut microbiota sub-datasets).
+taxdmp_2024-01.tar.gz: NCBI Taxonomy database used for the methanogenic reactor dataset.
+esmecata_bash_script.zip: example of bash scripts used in a computer cluster (based on SLURM) to run EsMeCaTa for the different datasets.
+0_esmecata_proteomes.sh: activate conda environment containing EsMeCaTa (with its dependencies) and run the first proteomes step on the input file.
+1_esmecata_clustering_annotation.sh: specify the use of 10 CPUs and 60 G of RAM. Activate conda environment containing EsMeCaTa (with its dependencies) and run the clustering and annotation steps with 10 cores.
+The output folder of the run of EsMeCaTa for the different datasets of the article are also present. First, let's describe the format of these output folders (that is also presented in EsMeCaTa Readme):
+0_proteomes: it contains the result of the proteomes step of EsMeCaTa. Relevant ouputs are:
+proteomes: a folder containing all the downloaded (compressed) proteomes from UniProt associated with the selected taxa by EsMeCaTa.
+proteomes_description: a folder containing tabulated file for each input of EsMeCaTa that describes the proteomes found with the taxa associated with this input.
+ proteome_tax_id.tsv: a tabulated file indicating for each taxonomic affiliation given as input to EsMeCaTa, which taxon had at least 5 proteomes on UniProt. It lists the proteomes associated with this taxon.
+several stastistics and metadata files about the run of EsMeCaTa.
+1_clustering: containing the result of the clustering step of EsMeCaTa. Relevant ouputs are:
+cluster_founds: a folder containing one tabulated file by taxon selected by EsMeCaTa. These tabulated files list the protein clusters identified by MMseqs2. Each row corresponds to a protein cluster and all the protein IDs contained in it.
+computed_threshold: a folder containing one tabulated file by taxon selected by EsMeCaTa. These tabulated files indicate for each protein cluster, the proteome representativeness ratio Rp associated with it and list the proteomes present.
+reference_proteins: a folder containing one tabulated file by taxon selected by EsMeCaTa. These tabulated files show the protein clusters kept after filtering them according to the Tr threshold on the proteome representativeness ratio Rp.
+reference_proteins_consensus_fasta: a folder containing one fasta file by taxon selected by EsMeCaTa. It contains all the consensus sequences created by MMseqs from the filtered protein clusters.
+reference_proteins_representative_fasta: a folder containing one fasta file by taxon selected by EsMeCaTa. It contains all the representative sequences for the filtered protein clusters.
+several stastistics and metadata files about the run of EsMeCaTa.
+2_annotation: containing the result of the annotation step of EsMeCaTa. Relevant ouputs are:
+annotation_reference: a folder containing one tabulated file by taxonomic affilaition selected by EsMeCaTa. These tabulated files display the annotation (GO Terms, EC numbers) associated with each protein clusters according to eggNOG-mapper.
+eggnog_output: a folder containing result files ('*.emapper.annotations', '.emapper.hits' and '.emapper.seed_orthologs') created by eggNOG-mapper from the consensus sequences file.
+pathologic: a folder containing sub-folder for each taxonomic affiliation selected by EsMeCaTa. Each sub-folder contains PathoLogic files that can be processed by Pathway Tools to reconstruct draft metabolic networks. Due to size issues with the Zenodo limit, PathoLogic for validation datasets (algal microbiota and MGnify datasets) have been removed.
+ function_table.tsv: a tabulated file listing for all taxonomic affiliation processed by EsMeCaTa the associated annotations predicted by eggNOG-mapper and the number of protein clusters linked to them.
+several stastistics and metadata files about the run of EsMeCaTa.
+The list of all available output folders are presented below:
+toy example dataset:
+result_esmecata_toy_example.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the toy example dataset.
+case-study dataset:
+result_esmecata_methanogenic_reactor.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the methanogenic reactor dataset.
+validation dataset:
+algal microbiota dataset:
+result_esmecata_burgunter_thresholds.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the algal microbiota dataset associated with the article from Burgunter-Delamare et al (2020). Results for the five runs according to different threshold Tr (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.95).
+result_esmecata_kleinjan_thresholds.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the algal microbiota dataset associated with the article from KleinJan et al (2023). Results for the five runs according to different threshold Tr (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.95).
+MGnify dataset:
+result_esmecata_honeybee.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the honeybee microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+result_esmecata_human_oral.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the human oral microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+result_esmecata_marine.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the marine microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+result_esmecata_pig_gut.zip: EsMeCaTa output folder for the pig gut microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+To reproduce the results presented in the article, several precomputed databases compatible with EsMeCaTa version 0.5.* have been generated. To summarise, these precomputed databases contained annotations and consensus proteomes predicted for each taxon of the dataset. It can be queried by EsMeCaTa to create an output similar to a classic output of EsMeCaTa but without the need to perform the whole workflow which can take several hours. Each database can be used with its corresponding input file using the following command ""esmecata precomputed -i input_file.tsv -d precomputed_database.zip -o output_folder"". To use on the toy example: ""esmecata precomputed -i toy_example.tsv -d precomputed_db_toy_example.zip -o output_folder"". More information can be found in the GitHub of EsMeCaTa, both in the readme and in a subfolder associated with the article data. The following precomputed databases are listed below:
+toy example dataset:
+precomputed_db_toy_example.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the toy example dataset.
+case-study dataset:
+precomputed_db_methanogenic_reactor.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the methanogenic reactor dataset.
+validation dataset:
+algal microbiota dataset:
+precomputed_db_algae_R_0_25.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the experiment with the Tr threshold of 0.25 for the algal microbiota dataset.
+precomputed_db_algae_R_0_5.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the experiment with the Tr threshold of 0.5 for the algal microbiota dataset.
+precomputed_db_algae_R_0_75.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the experiment with the Tr threshold of 0.75 for the algal microbiota dataset.
+precomputed_db_algae_R_0_95.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the experiment with the Tr threshold of 0.95 for the algal microbiota dataset.
+precomputed_db_algae_R_0.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the experiment with the Tr threshold of 0 for the algal microbiota dataset.
+MGnify dataset:
+precomputed_db_honeybee.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the honeybee microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+precomputed_db_human_oral.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the human oral microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+precomputed_db_marine.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the marine microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+precomputed_db_pig_gut.zip: EsMeCaTa precomputed database for the pig gut microbiota subdataset of the MGnify dataset.
+Furthermore, several scripts and intermediary data used to create figures of the article are available:
+threshold_comparison.zip: reference data (genomes and MAGs annotated by eggnog-mapper) that were used as ground truth for the experiment on the impact of the Tr threhsold for the algal microbiota dataset. It contains:
+expected_data: reference data for the algal microbiota dataset (genome sequence and eggNOG-mapper annotation files):
+1_genome:  nucleic fasta files for the algal microbiota dataset.
+2_annotation: resulting annotation files by eggNOG-mapper.
+eggnog.sh: bash script to launch eggNOG-mapper on the genome folder.
+picrust2: results of PICRUSt2 on the algal microbiota dataset.
+ compare_ecs.py: Python script to compute the F-measure for each Tr threhsold used for the algal microbiota dataset. It requires the uncompressed EsMeCaTa output folder for the algal microbiota datasets (result_esmecata_burgunter_thresholds and result_esmecata_kleinjan_thresholds) and the genome annotations.
+mgnify_validation.zip: files and scripts used to perform the valdiation against the MGnify datasets:
+ec_picrust: a subfolder containing the comparison on the EC number and with PICRUSt:
+16s_rrna_sequence: a subfolder containing four fasta files showing the 16S rRNAs sequences for each dataset. These files were used as input to PICRUSt.
+picrust_results_dataset:  a subfolder containing four folders. Each folder is the result of the run of PICRUSt on the 16S rRNA sequence files.
+run_picrust: folder containing Python scripts used to create the input files present in 16s_rrna_sequence:
+0_download_ref_data.py: script to download protein sequences, rRNA sequences and eggnog annotatiosn for each MAG/isolate of the MGnify dataset.
+1_create_dataset_16srrna.py: script to extract the 16S rRNA sequences from the rRNA fasta files.
+2_run_picrust2.py: script to run PICRUSt2 on the 16S rRNA fasta files. It requires PICRUSt2 to be installed in the environment.
+compare_ec_dataset.py: Python script to compute the F-measure for the EC number between EsMeCaTa predictions and teh MAG/isolates and between PICRUSt2 and MAG/isolates.
+create_table_mag.py: Python script to compute the table indicating the number of MAGs/isolates processed by EsMeCaTa and PICRUSt2. It requires MGnify input files (such as honeybee_esmecata_metdata.tsv), 16S rRNA sequence files (from 16s_rrna_sequence folder), PICRUSt result folder (from run_picrust folder) and proteome_tax_id.tsv for the dataset from EsMeCaTa output folder.
+table_mgnify_data.tsv: tabulated file showing the table computed by create_table_mag.py.
+protein_sequences_pocp: folder containing comparison of the sequences between EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes and MAG/isolate sequences.
+0_run_diamond_comparison.py: Python script to run Diamond on EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes (from EsMeCaTa resulting folder) and MAG/isolate sequences (contained in archvie expected_data_mgnify.zip). It outputs the alignment between these sequences.
+1_compute_pocp.py: Python script to compute F-measure and POCP using Diamond resulting files.
+comparison_diamond_pocp_honeybee.zip: Resulting files from Diamond alignment between EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes and MAG/isolate sequences for the honeybee microbiota dataset.
+comparison_diamond_pocp_human_oral.zip: Resulting files from Diamond alignment between EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes and MAG/isolate sequences for the human oral microbiota dataset.
+comparison_diamond_pocp_marine.zip: Resulting files from Diamond alignment between EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes and MAG/isolate sequences for the marine microbiota dataset.
+comparison_diamond_pocp_pig_gut.zip: Resulting files from Diamond alignment between EsMeCaTa consensus proteomes and MAG/isolate sequences for the pig gut microbiota dataset.
+compare_go_dataset.py: a python script that computes the F-score on GO Terms predictions between EsMeCaTa predictions and annotations of the MAG/isolate.
+expected_data_mgnify.zip: an archvie containing for the four datasets: (1) a fasta file containing protein sequences associated with each MAG/isolate, (2) a tabulated file containing predictions by eggnog-mapper and (3) a fasta file containing rRNAs associated with each MAG/isolate. 
+Finally, a version of the code of EsMeCaTa (version 0.5.0):
+esmecata-0.5.0.zip: archive of the GitHub repository of EsMeCaTa at the version 0.5.0. It is advised to use the current version of EsMeCaTa, available in its GtiHub repository.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-24T15:49:46.000Z,2025-01-24T15:49:46.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14502341']]"
+10.5281/zenodo.14646459,Pre-trained Superstructure Segmentation Model for Building Rooftops in Switzerland,Zenodo,2025,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This pre-trained model is designed for segmenting superstructures on building rooftops using satellite imagery. The model was trained on high-resolution rooftop data from Switzerland, specifically using the SOLKAT_DACH dataset. It can predict three classes: background, rooftops, and superstructures. The input images are 256x256 pixels, and the output is a segmentation mask that highlights areas with superstructures on rooftops.
+This model can be applied to other regions, but modifications may be required for datasets with different attributes or formats.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-14T16:04:10.000Z,2025-01-14T16:04:10.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14646459']]"
+10.5281/zenodo.12799096,"Additional data related to the study ""Lifespan Oscillatory Dynamics during Lexical Production:  A population-based MEG Resting State Study""",Zenodo,2025,,Model,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Please check the associated github repository for code, meta-data, and output files: https://github.com/LPNC-LANG/MEG_CAMCAN_2024
+Misc files related to HMM model inference
+.pkl file of the signed flipped TDE-data used for HMM training (available upon request: 16Go file) 
+see the corresponding subj.txt for the subject ID labels, and the weights_for_group_average.npy corresponding to the length of the timeseries
+.mat files output from the three PLS models in the study",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-22T09:46:05.000Z,2025-01-22T09:46:05.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.12799096']]"
+10.17178/emaa_e-ch3oh_rotation_7f7bea3d,"Rotation excitation of E-CH3OH by electron, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",76 rotation energy levels / 652 radiative transitions / 2850 collisional transitions for para-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 2850 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 652 collisional transitions for electron (20 temperatures in the range 10-200K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:25.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:26.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target E-CH3OH,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,collider.2 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target E-CH3OH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14726443,Confocal fluorescence microscopy images of dentinal porosity at the dentin-enamel junction UM_0001_C1_2_DEJ,Zenodo,2025,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Confocal image stacks were acquired with a Leica TCS SP8 microscope, using a 40x/1.3NA oil immersion lens. A wavelength of 561 nm (LED laser DPSS 561) was used to excite Rhodamine B fluorescence which was collected in a range of 567-636 nm with a hybrid detector. The acquisitions were performed on the polished surface of crown dentin up to 900 µm from the DEJ in the direction of the pulp (cf Fig.1a-b). The scanning was performed using 26-52 µW laser power with a linear increase in depth to compensate for scattering and absorption with a pixel dwell time of 300 ns and a line average of 3 acquisitions. The scan consisted of a mosaic of 5 overlapping stacks of 205.5×205.5 µm2 images with a pixel size of 100 nm, collected over 20.65 µm in depth with 350 nm sampling, forming a 934.4×205.5×20.65 µm3 volume. The resulting experimental dataset was thus 2055×9344×59 voxels in shape with 100×100×350 nm3 voxel size.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-23T15:04:29.000Z,2025-01-23T15:04:29.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Dentin,Microscopy, Fluorescence,Cell network,Dental porosity,Graph theory","[{'subject': 'Dentin', 'subjectScheme': 'MeSH'}, {'subject': 'Microscopy, Fluorescence', 'subjectScheme': 'MeSH'}, {'subject': 'Cell network'}, {'subject': 'Dental porosity'}, {'subject': 'Graph theory', 'subjectScheme': 'EuroSciVoc'}]",,,,,['HasVersion'],
+10.17178/emaa_para-h3o-plus_rotation_76df9536,Rotation excitation of para-H3O+ by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",21 rotation energy levels / 23 radiative transitions / 210 collisional transitions for para-H2 (8 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 210 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (8 temperatures in the range 10-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:01:04.000Z,2025-01-27T16:01:05.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target para-H3O+,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target para-H3O+', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_para-h2co_rotation_d6660421,"Rotation excitation of para-H2CO by electron, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2021,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",41 rotation energy levels / 115 radiative transitions / 820 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (21 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 820 collisional transitions for para-H2 (21 temperatures in the range 10-300K) / 115 collisional transitions for electron (10 temperatures in the range 10-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T16:01:01.000Z,2025-01-27T16:01:02.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target para-H2CO,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 ortho-H2,collider.1 para-H2,collider.2 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target para-H2CO', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_para-d2o_rotation_9bafef1a,Rotation excitation of para-D2O by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2023,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",18 rotation energy levels / 41 radiative transitions / 153 collisional transitions for para-H2 (12 temperatures in the range 5-300K) / 153 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (12 temperatures in the range 5-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:54.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:54.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target para-D2O,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target para-D2O', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.8382919,Europe's forest harvesting regimes dataset,Zenodo,2025,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International," 
+The data contains quantification of forest harvesting regimes in 11 European countries based on permanent plots of forest inventories. The results are aggregated on a resolution of 1 degree latitude/longitude. The results and the methods for obtaining them are reported in detail in the publication below:
+Suvanto, S., Esquivel-Muelbert, A., Schelhaas, M.J., Astigarraga, J., Astrup, R., Cienciala, E., Fridman, J., Henttonen, H.M., Kunstler, G., Kändler, G., König, L.A., Ruiz-Benito, P., Senf, C., Stadelmann, G., Starcevic, A., Talarczyk, A., Zavala, M.A., Pugh, T.A.M. (accepted, details will be updated here when available). Understanding Europe’s Forest Harvesting Regimes. Earth's Future. (preprint available at https://doi.org/10.31223/X5910J)
+The file variables_harvest_regimes_zenodo1.csv contains the results for each 1-degree grid cell. The columns in the file are described below (please see more details in the paper and it's supplementary material):
+Colum name
+In Suvanto et al.
+Latitude of the grid cell center point
+Longitude of the grid cell center point
+Country (in case of grid cells covering area from multiple countries, each country has a separate record in the data)
+Number of forest inventory plots in the grid cell
+Supplement, Fig. S3
+Number of forest inventory plots with harvest in the grid cell
+Supplement, Fig. S3
+Total harvest rate, calculated as the percentage of tree basal area harvested in the grid cell per year.
+percentage (%)
+Fig. 2, Fig. 3
+Frequency of harvest events, calculated as the percentage of plots harvested per year.
+percentage (%)
+Fig. 2, Fig. 3
+Mean intensity of harvest events, calculated as the average percentage of tree basal area removed in a harvest event.
+percentage (%)
+Fig. 2, Fig. 3
+Standard deviation of the intensity of harvest events, calculated as the standard deviation of the percentage of tree basal area removed in a harvest event.
+percentage (%)
+Supplement, Fig. S3
+Fraction of harvest events with intensity of 0-25%
+fraction (between 0-1)
+Fig. 4
+Fraction of harvest events with intensity of 25-50%
+fraction (0-1)
+Fig. 4
+Fraction of harvest events with intensity of 50-75%
+fraction (0-1)
+Fig. 4
+Fraction of harvest events with intensity of 75-100%
+fraction (0-1)
+Fig. 4
+ ",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-15T12:02:18.000Z,2025-01-15T12:02:19.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Forest management,Wood resource,Forestry practice,Forest production,Forestry,Cutting (forestry),Europe,Land use,Land management and planning","[{'subject': 'Forest management', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Wood resource', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Forestry practice', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Forest production', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Forestry', 'subjectScheme': 'EuroSciVoc'}, {'subject': 'Cutting (forestry)', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Europe', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Land use', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}, {'subject': 'Land management and planning', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}]",,,,,"['IsDocumentedBy', 'HasVersion']","[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.8382919']]"
+10.3217/g02q8-b8531,Unite! Digital Campus. How Cm.2 maintains and develops IT infrastructure for learning and teaching for the Unite! alliance,Graz University of Technology,2025,en,Text,,"Unite! Digital Campus aims to establish a seamless digital infrastructure for learning and teaching across the Unite! alliance. This poster presents the efforts of Cm.2 ""Digital Campus"" in maintaining and developing IT infrastructure to support cross-institutional collaboration. The Unite! Metacampus, a federated learning management system based on Moodle and integrated with eduGAIN, serves as the backbone of this initiative. Key focus areas include metadata standardization, interoperability with major educational platforms, and the integration of digital learning services such as the European Student Card. The work is supported by a Technical Commission that ensures structured decision-making regarding infrastructure development. While significant progress has been made, challenges persist in aligning diverse institutional IT environments. This contribution reflects on the lessons learned, presents publications by the group and outlines future steps to enhance the digital learning experience within the European higher education landscape.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-30T09:08:32.000Z,2025-01-30T09:08:32.000Z,tug.openlib,tug,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],
+10.5281/zenodo.14725490,Hardware documentation template: Pre-release,Zenodo,2025,,Other,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"mostly used to secure a doi
+Template exists in 2 forms (incremental and full)
+open next content is mostly integrated in the documentation
+template and documentation are not integrated together",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-23T12:31:36.000Z,2025-01-23T12:31:36.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,"['IsSupplementTo', 'HasVersion']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14024478,A robust workflow to benchmark deconvolution of multi-omic data - Datasets,Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"References profiles used for the generation of in silico mixes to benchmark deconvolution methods;
+Proportion matrix for the PaMIX dataset.
+Dataset name
+Number of cell types
+Breast cancer
+10.1016/j.celrep.2016.10.057 / 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007510
+cf deconbench.github.io
+Whole blood
+Breast cancer
+Lung cancer
+10.1038/s41598-017-04248-w / 10.1371/journal.pone.0208915
+10.1101/2024.11.08.622633",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-23T16:37:16.000Z,2025-01-23T16:37:16.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"deconvolution,benchmark,methylation,transcriptomic,simulations,references","[{'subject': 'deconvolution'}, {'subject': 'benchmark'}, {'subject': 'methylation'}, {'subject': 'transcriptomic'}, {'subject': 'simulations'}, {'subject': 'references'}]",,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14024478']]"
+10.17178/emaa_hc(15n)_rotation_a05523a2,Rotation excitation of HC[15N] by para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 12 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 5-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:38.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:38.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target HC[15N],excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target HC[15N]', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_a-ch3(18o)h_rotation_657b3900,Rotation excitation of A-CH3[18O]H by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",25 rotation energy levels / 73 radiative transitions / 300 collisional transitions for para-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 300 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:58:43.000Z,2025-01-27T15:58:44.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target A-CH3[18O]H,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target A-CH3[18O]H', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14724211,Gaseous methanol in cold environments: is thermal desorption from low binding energy sites the explanation?,Zenodo,2025,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Zip file containing all the structures and input obtained in our submitted article in MNRAS, 2025",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-24T10:35:48.000Z,2025-01-24T10:35:48.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],
+10.5281/zenodo.14801189,Binding Energies of N-bearing Species on Interstellar Water Ice Mantles by Quantum Chemical Calculations,Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This dataset contains the atomic coordinates in XYZ format for the HF-3c optimized structures of N-bearing species adsorbed on the surfaces of both a periodic model of proton-ordered crystalline water ice and a periodic amorphous water ice model, obtained using the CRYSTAL17 computer code.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-02-04T11:34:20.000Z,2025-02-04T11:34:20.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,"['IsPublishedIn', 'HasVersion', 'IsPartOf']","[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14801189']]"
+10.5281/zenodo.14699203,Complexity Assessment of Analog and Digital Security Primitives Signals Using the Disentropy of Autocorrelation,Zenodo,2025,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2025-01-20T12:59:43.000Z,2025-01-20T12:59:43.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],
+10.6084/m9.figshare.28208970,Additional file 1 of Early systemic insults following severe sepsis-associated encephalopathy of critically ill patients: association with mortality and awakening—an analysis of the OUTCOMEREA database,figshare,2025,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Supplementary Material 1,mds,True,findable,0,0,0,1,0,2025-01-15T04:17:07.000Z,2025-01-15T04:17:08.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Medicine,Genetics,FOS: Biological sciences,Neuroscience,Biotechnology,Science Policy,Mental Health,Hematology","[{'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Genetics'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Biological sciences', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Neuroscience'}, {'subject': 'Biotechnology'}, {'subject': 'Science Policy'}, {'subject': 'Mental Health'}, {'subject': 'Hematology'}]",['34929 Bytes'],,,,"['IsIdenticalTo', 'IsSupplementTo']","[['IsIdenticalTo', '10.6084/m9.figshare.28208970']]"
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-d2o_rotation_ca298faa,Rotation excitation of ortho-D2O by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2023,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",18 rotation energy levels / 40 radiative transitions / 153 collisional transitions for para-H2 (12 temperatures in the range 5-300K) / 153 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (12 temperatures in the range 5-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:21.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:22.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-D2O,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-D2O', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.34847/nkl.cd4d36m5,Powerpoint des tâches,NAKALA - https://nakala.fr (Huma-Num - CNRS),2024,fr,Text,Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International,"Ce dossier contient les powerpoints utilisés pour la passation de la batterie EULALIES (version Audio - France hexagonale) : 
+- Tâche de dénomination d'images : 1 document
+- Tâche de répétition de pseudomots : 1 document
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+10.17178/emaa_e-ch3(18o)h_rotation_19d8c1f0,Rotation excitation of E-CH3[18O]H by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 52 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 78 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:23.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:23.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target E-CH3[18O]H,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target E-CH3[18O]H', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_lb_20250114_001,NIR reflectance spectra of several powdered iron oxides,SSHADE/GhoSST (OSUG Data Center),2025,en,Dataset,"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.","NIR reflectance spectra (i = 0°, e = 30° of powdered samples of feroxyhyte, goethite, magnetite, akaganeite and maghemite",mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-27T09:39:30.000Z,2025-01-27T09:39:31.000Z,inist.sshade,mgeg,"laboratory measurement,biconical reflection,macroscopic,NIR,Near-Infrared,reflectance factor,feroxyhyte,maghemite,goethite,akaganeite,mineral,simulated,natural terrestrial,oxide-hydroxide","[{'subject': 'laboratory measurement', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'biconical reflection', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'macroscopic', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'NIR', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'Near-Infrared', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'reflectance factor', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'feroxyhyte', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'maghemite', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'goethite', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'akaganeite', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'mineral', 'subjectScheme': 'family'}, {'subject': 'simulated', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'natural terrestrial', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'oxide-hydroxide', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}]",['5 spectra'],['ASCII'],,,"['IsPartOf', 'IsPartOf']",
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-ch3nc_rotation_ffce225a,Rotation excitation of ortho-CH3NC by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",40 rotation energy levels / 38 radiative transitions / 780 collisional transitions for para-H2 (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K) / 780 collisional transitions for He (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:20.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:21.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-CH3NC,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-CH3NC', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_para-ch3cn_rotation_9b09f4b0,Rotation excitation of para-CH3CN by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",75 rotation energy levels / 71 radiative transitions / 2775 collisional transitions for para-H2 (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K) / 2775 collisional transitions for He (11 temperatures in the range 7-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:51.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:52.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target para-CH3CN,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 He,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target para-CH3CN', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_dnc_rotation_0eccd706,Rotation excitation of DNC by electron and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 12 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 5-50K) / 36 collisional transitions for electron (10 temperatures in the range 10-1000K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:18.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:19.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target DNC,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target DNC', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.6084/m9.figshare.28307725,Additional file 1 of Identification of major trauma using the simplified abbreviated injury scale to estimate the injury severity score: a diagnostic accuracy and validation study,figshare,2025,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Additional file 1.,mds,True,findable,0,0,0,1,0,2025-01-30T04:59:17.000Z,2025-01-30T04:59:17.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Space Science,Medicine,Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,Immunology,FOS: Clinical medicine,Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified,Science Policy","[{'subject': 'Space Science'}, {'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Immunology'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Clinical medicine', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Science Policy'}]",['278182 Bytes'],,,,"['IsIdenticalTo', 'IsSupplementTo']","[['IsIdenticalTo', '10.6084/m9.figshare.28307725']]"
+10.17178/emaa_dcn_hyperfine_b334e710,Hyperfine excitation of DCN by electron and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",19 hyperfine energy levels / 33 radiative transitions / 165 collisional transitions for electron (10 temperatures in the range 10-1000K) / 171 collisional transitions for para-H2 (6 temperatures in the range 5-30K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:12.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:12.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target DCN,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 electron,collider.1 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target DCN', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7649617,Identification of major trauma using the simplified abbreviated injury scale to estimate the injury severity score: a diagnostic accuracy and validation study,figshare,2025,,Collection,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Abstract Background The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS) grade the severity of injuries and are useful for trauma audit and benchmarking. However, AIS coding is complex and requires specifically trained staff. A simple yet reliable scoring system is needed. The aim of this study was two-fold. First, to develop and validate a simplified AIS (sAIS) chart centred on the most frequent injuries for use by non-trained healthcare professionals. Second, to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the sAIS (index test) to calculate the simplified ISS (sISS) to identify major trauma, compared with the reference AIS (rAIS) to calculate the reference ISS (rISS). Methods This retrospective study used data (2013–2014) from the Northern French Alps Trauma Registry to develop and internally validate the sAIS. External validation was performed with data from the Trauma Registry of Acute Care of Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland (2019–2021). Both datasets comprised a random sample of 100 injured patients. Following the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2015 guidelines, all patients completed the rAIS and the sAIS. The sISS and the rISS were calculated using the sAIS and the rAIS, respectively. Accuracy was evaluated with the mean difference between the sISS and the rISS and the Pearson correlation coefficient. A clinically relevant equivalence limit was set at ± 4 ISS points. Precision was analyzed using Bland-Altmann plots with 95% limits of agreement. Results Accuracy was good. The mean ISS difference of 0.97 (95% CI, −0.03 to 1.97) in the internal validation dataset and − 1.77 (95% CI, − 3.04 to 0.50) in the external validation dataset remained within the equivalence limit. The Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.93 in the internal validation dataset (95% CI, 0.90–0.95) and 0.82 in the external validation dataset (95% CI, 0.75–0.88). The limits of agreement were wider than the predetermined relevant range. Conclusions The sAIS is accurate, but slightly imprecise in calculating the ISS. The development of this scale increases the possibilities to use a scoring system for severely injured patients in settings with a reduced availability of the AIS. Trial registration: Retrospectively registered.",mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-30T04:59:18.000Z,2025-01-30T04:59:18.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Space Science,Medicine,Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,Immunology,FOS: Clinical medicine,Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified,Science Policy","[{'subject': 'Space Science'}, {'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Immunology'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Clinical medicine', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Science Policy'}]",,,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.14624101,Experimental Ground Truths for Particle Tracking with Continuous Energy Minimization for the Study of Segregation in Bedload Transport,Zenodo,2025,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This dataset consists in two ground truths used for validation in the publication:
+Frey, P., Ducottet, C., submitted. Particle Tracking with Continuous Energy Minimization for the Study of Segregation in Bedload Transport. Experiments in Fluids.
+They are based on a subset of experimental video sequences recorded by Dudill et al. (2018) to study size segregation in bedload transport. Experiments consisted in mixtures of two-size spherical glass beads entrained by a turbulent free surface water flow over a mobile bed. The aim is to track all 5mm diameter coarse beads over time to obtain trajectories, particle velocities and concentrations, for studying size segregation in bedload and associated morphology.
+This upload (5 files) consists for each ground truth in:
+- two zipped video reference sequences of uncompressed tif images  recorded at 130 fps
+Low Fine Rate (LFR) case : 866 images extracted from experiment No.15 of Dudill et al. (2018): LFRrotIma5et1p5mm41pcent.zip
+High Fine Rate (HFR) case : 300 images extracted from experiment No.12 of Dudill et al. (2018): HFRsequence_2014_7_16_141530dia5etp9pcent69.zip
+- two corresponding ground truth ‘.mat’ files giving all the trajectories of all coarse beads. They were obtained based on a tracking algorithm with subsequent expert modification. The tracking algorithm named OL-ST in the associated Frey and Ducottet article was developed by H. Lafaye de Micheaux et al. The code implementing the tracking algorithm is available on https://github.com/hugolafaye/BeadTracking. The ground truth is a '.mat' file containing  the variable 'trackData' being a cell array of tracking matrices. There is one tracking matrix for each image of the sequence : HFRtrackData-09-02-15-51_GT.mat and LFRtrackData-05-19_fr0-865_GT.mat
+- a file readmeGT.txt giving complete information on data format
+Important note: Experimental images were grabbed with the flow from right to the left implying for instance negative values for the x-coordinate of velocities. To comply with a traditional convention, images and associated results in the publication Frey and Ducottet are shown from left to the right.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-23T17:10:35.000Z,2025-01-23T17:10:36.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,Sediment transport,"[{'subject': 'Sediment transport', 'subjectScheme': 'GEMET'}]",,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14624101']]"
+10.17178/emaa_hdo_rotation_970556ed,Rotation excitation of HDO by ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2023,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",27 rotation energy levels / 103 radiative transitions / 351 collisional transitions for para-H2 (12 temperatures in the range 5-300K) / 351 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (12 temperatures in the range 5-300K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:49.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:50.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target HDO,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target HDO', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_h(13c)n_rotation_5d5db045,Rotation excitation of H[13C]N by para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 12 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 5-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:29.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:30.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target H[13C]N,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target H[13C]N', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14720001,Codes for luminescence rock surface burial dating and luminescence data of englacial rocks from Miage Glacier,Zenodo,2025,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,MATLAB codes for luminescence rock surface burial dating and luminescence data of englacial rocks from the Miage Glacier.,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-22T17:08:36.000Z,2025-01-22T17:08:36.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"glacier,geomorphology,luminescence dating,englacial sediment transport,luminescence rock surface burial dating,bleaching profile,plateau test,dose response curve","[{'subject': 'glacier'}, {'subject': 'geomorphology'}, {'subject': 'luminescence dating'}, {'subject': 'englacial sediment transport'}, {'subject': 'luminescence rock surface burial dating'}, {'subject': 'bleaching profile'}, {'subject': 'plateau test'}, {'subject': 'dose response curve'}]",,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14720001']]"
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20250122_001,Vis-NIR reflectance spectra of several powdered iron oxides,SSHADE/BYPASS (OSUG Data Center),2025,en,Dataset,"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.","NIR reflectance spectra (i = 0°, e = 30° of powdered samples of feroxyhyte, goethite, magnetite, akaganeite and maghemite",mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-22T18:39:31.000Z,2025-01-22T18:39:31.000Z,inist.sshade,mgeg,"laboratory measurement,biconical reflection,imaging,Vis,Visible,NIR,Near-Infrared,reflectance factor,feroxyhyte,maghemite,goethite,akaganeite,mineral,simulated,natural terrestrial,oxide-hydroxide","[{'subject': 'laboratory measurement', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'biconical reflection', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'imaging', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'Vis', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'Visible', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'NIR', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'Near-Infrared', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'reflectance factor', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'feroxyhyte', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'maghemite', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'goethite', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'akaganeite', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'mineral', 'subjectScheme': 'family'}, {'subject': 'simulated', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'natural terrestrial', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'oxide-hydroxide', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}]",['5 spectra'],['ASCII'],,,"['IsPartOf', 'IsPartOf']",
+10.17178/emaa_hn(13c)_rotation_633c9fef,Rotation excitation of HN[13C] by para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 12 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 5-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:54.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:54.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target HN[13C],excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target HN[13C]', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14674742,"Code for the paper ""A minimal model illuminates the physics of pulse-like seismic rupture and oscillatory slip rates in damaged faults""",Zenodo,2025,,Software,GNU General Public License v3.0 or later,"C++ code to run the numerical simulations reported in the paper ""A minimal model illuminates the physics of pulse-like seismic rupture and oscillatory slip rates in damaged faults"" by Fabian Barras, Einat Aharonov, and François Renard.
+Python scripts used to post-process the simulation data.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-17T12:33:44.000Z,2025-01-17T12:33:44.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,"['IsSourceOf', 'HasVersion']","[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14674742']]"
+10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7626525,Early systemic insults following severe sepsis-associated encephalopathy of critically ill patients: association with mortality and awakening—an analysis of the OUTCOMEREA database,figshare,2025,,Collection,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Abstract Background Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) may be worsened by early systemic insults. We aimed to investigate the association of early systemic insults with outcomes of critically ill patients with severe SAE. Methods We performed a retrospective analysis using data from the French OUTCOMEREA prospective multicenter database. We included patients hospitalized in intensive care unit (ICU) for at least 48 h with severe SAE (defined by a score on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ≤ 13 and severe sepsis or septic shock (SEPSIS 2.0 criteria)) requiring invasive ventilation and who had no primary brain injury. We analyzed early systemic insults (abnormal glycemia (&lt; 3 mmol/L or ≥ 11 mmol/L), hypotension (diastolic blood pressure ≤ 50 mmHg), temperature abnormalities (&lt; 36 °C or ≥ 38.3 °C), anemia (hematocrit &lt; 21%), dysnatremia (&lt; 135 mmol/L or ≥ 145 mmol/L), oxygenation abnormalities (PaO2 &lt; 60 or &gt; 200 mmHg), carbon dioxide abnormalities (&lt; 35 mmHg or ≥ 45 mmHg), and the impact of their correction at day 3 on day-28 mortality and awakening, defined as a recovery of GCS &gt; 13. Results We included 995 patients with severe SAE, of whom 883 (89%) exhibited at least one early systemic insult that persisted through day 3. Compared to non-survivors, survivors had significantly less early systemic insults (hypoglycemia, hypotension, hypothermia, and anemia) within the first 48 h of ICU admission. The absence of correction of the following systemic insults at day 3 was independently associated with mortality: blood pressure (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 1.77, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.34–2.34), oxygenation (aHR = 1.78, 95% CI 1.20–2.63), temperature (aHR = 1.46, 95% CI 1.12–1.91) and glycemia (aHR = 1.41, 95% CI 1.10–1.80). Persistent abnormal blood pressure, temperature and glycemia at day 3 were associated with decreased chances of awakening. Conclusions In patients with severe SAE, the persistence of systemic insults within the first three days of ICU admission is associated with increased mortality and decreased chances of awakening.",mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-15T04:17:06.000Z,2025-01-15T04:17:06.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Medicine,Genetics,FOS: Biological sciences,Neuroscience,Biotechnology,Science Policy,Mental Health,Hematology","[{'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Genetics'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Biological sciences', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Neuroscience'}, {'subject': 'Biotechnology'}, {'subject': 'Science Policy'}, {'subject': 'Mental Health'}, {'subject': 'Hematology'}]",,,,,,
+10.48380/h5qm-xt03,"Syn-orogenic extension and fluid circurlations in W-Alps, calcite U-Pb, hematite (U-Th)/He, Δ47",Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung e.V. (DGGV),2024,en,Text,,"<p>Faults act as conduits for large-scale fluid movements, often hosting multiple circulation events within their brecciated structures.</p>
+<p>In the Alps, particularly along the Penninic Frontal Thrust within the ‘Briançonnais Zone’, a mineral assemblage of calcite and hematite has been observed in the breccias of the High-Durance normal Fault System (HDFS). Recent geological investigations have utilized a multidisciplinary approach, including petrological analysis, geochemical examination of calcite (involving stable isotopes and clumped isotopes analysis), and U-Th-Pb dating.</p>
+<p>U-Pb dating on calcite provided dates ranging from 5.3 to 2.3 Ma and Hematite (U-Th)/He dating from 13.3 to 0.2 Ma. All ages indicates the onset of transtensional fault activation and the transition from the previous compressional tectonic regime in the Middle Miocene with a westward migration of the extension. The onset of the HDFS extensional regime thus appears to be contemporaneous with the development of the fold and thrust belt of the western Alpine foreland.</p>
+<p>Two isotopic signatures (Δ<sub>47</sub>) of the calcites suggest an open fluid system with (1) crystallization temperatures around 130°C related to deep fluids and (2) a meteoric fluid signature (36°C) associated to a 1900m precipitation altitude, indicating that similar altitudes were present around 2 My ago. This coincides with the transition from a Mediterranean climate to a colder, glacier-dominated climate, leading to valley formation during this period.</p>
+10.17178/emaa_ortho-h2co_hyperfine_6f2fb42f,"Hyperfine excitation of ortho-H2CO by electron, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2019,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",27 hyperfine energy levels / 69 radiative transitions / 324 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 10-100K) / 324 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 10-100K) / 69 collisional transitions for electron (7 temperatures in the range 10-100K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T16:00:30.000Z,2025-01-27T16:00:30.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target ortho-H2CO,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,collider.2 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target ortho-H2CO', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_hcnh-plus_rotation_96da3ce2,Rotation excitation of HCNH+ by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",9 rotation energy levels / 8 radiative transitions / 36 collisional transitions for He (6 temperatures in the range 5-30K) / 36 collisional transitions for para-H2 (6 temperatures in the range 5-30K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:44.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:44.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target HCNH+,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 He,collider.1 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target HCNH+', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.15778/resif.xh2018,"PRESTinCuba temporary experiment installed in the southeast of Cuba for better understand the dynamics of the lithosphere at the plate boundary, Cuba (RESIF-SISMOB)",RESIF - Réseau Sismologique et géodésique Français,2018,,Dataset,,,fabrica,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-17T16:32:54.000Z,2025-01-17T16:33:41.000Z,inist.resif,vcob,"Cuba,Oriental zone,Caribbean-North America plate boundary/subject&gt;","[{'subject': 'Cuba'}, {'subject': 'Oriental zone'}, {'subject': 'Caribbean-North America plate boundary/subject&gt;'}]",,,,,,
+10.17178/emaa_a-ch3oh_rotation_154b5af9,"Rotation excitation of A-CH3OH by electron, ortho-H2 and para-H2 collisions","UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",76 rotation energy levels / 402 radiative transitions / 2850 collisional transitions for para-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 2850 collisional transitions for ortho-H2 (13 temperatures in the range 3-250K) / 402 collisional transitions for electron (20 temperatures in the range 10-200K),mds,True,findable,0,0,3,0,0,2025-01-27T15:58:46.000Z,2025-01-27T15:58:46.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target A-CH3OH,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,collider.1 ortho-H2,collider.2 electron,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target A-CH3OH', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 ortho-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.2 electron', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References', 'References']",
+10.5281/zenodo.14762346,"Datasets and software for article ""Predicting coarse-grained representations of biogeochemical cycles from metabarcoding data""",Zenodo,2025,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Datasets for Tabigecy article
+This repository contains additional information for the article ""Predicting coarse-grained representations of biogeochemical cycles from metabarcoding data"". This information allows the results presented in the article to be reproduced:
+- article_data: this zip archive contains:
+input files used for the article experiments:
+bordenave_et_al_2013.tsv, bordenave_et_al_2013_abundance.csv and bordenave_et_al_2013_group.tsv for the Bordenave et al. dataset.
+schwab_et_al_2022.tsv, schwab_et_al_2022_abundance.tsv and schwab_et_al_2022_sample_grouping.tsv for the Schwab et al. dataset.
+output folders from Tabigecy run on these inputs:
+output_bordenave: output folder for Bordenave et al. dataset.
+output_schwab: output folder for Schwab et al. dataset.
+scripts used to create plots:
+create_pca.R to create PCA biplot and correlation plot from the results of both datasets.
+bordenave_create_figure_article.py to create polar plots for the Bordenave et al. dataset.
+schwab_create_figure_article.py to create polar plots for the Schwab et al. dataset.
+several folders containing svg files for the article figures: bordenave_figure, experiment_figure, schwab_figure and workflow_figure.
+original_data: original input files for both datasets.
+- input_files_esmecata_precomputed_db.zip: six input files created by SPARQL queries on UniProt to extract all taxa associated with species, genus, family, order, class and phylum. They were created using a script available in EsMeCaTa repository: esmecata/precomputed/create_input_precomputation.py. These files were used as input to esmecata proteomes to create the precomputed database.
+ - database_proteomes_folder.zip: compressed archive containing the proteomes retrieved by EsMeCaTa for species, genus, family, order, class and phylum to create the EsMeCaTa precomputed database version 1.0.0. It is the result of combining the different runs of esmecata proteomes on the 6 taxonomic ranks for all the associated taxa of UniProt. From this folder, the precomputed database has been created by means of the following commands:
+Clustering of the proteomes:
+esmecata clustering -i database_proteomes_folder -o database_output_clustering -c 32 --remove-tmp
+Annotation of the consensus proteomes:
+esmecata annotation -i database_output_clustering -o database_output_annotation -e /path/to/eggnog/database -c 32
+Merging results from the three folders into the precomputed database:
+esmecata_create_db from_runs  -iproteomes database_proteomes_folder -iclustering database_output_clustering -iannotation database_output_annotation -o esmecata_precomputed_database --db-version ""1.0 -c 10
+- software.zip: compressed archive containing the code of the tools developed and used in the article: 
+bigecyhmm-0.1.5.zip: contains the code of bigecyhmm version 0.1.5 used in the article.
+esmecata-0.6.0.zip: contains the code of esmecata version 0.6.0 used in the article.
+tabigecy-0.1.1.zip: contains the code of tabigecy version 0.1.1 used in the article.
+- taxdmp_2024-10-01.tar.gz: The version of the NCBI Taxonomy database used in the article. To use this version of the database with EsMeCaTa, you have to import it with ete3 using the following command:
+python3 -c ""from ete3 import NCBITaxa; ncbi = NCBITaxa(); ncbi.update_taxonomy_database('taxdmp_2024-10-01.tar.gz')""
+Perform experiments
+Analyses performed in the article can be reproduced by running tabigecy on the input files of the article_data archive.
+To do so, add the EsMeCaTa input file (either bordenave_et_al_2013.tsv or schwab_et_al_2022.tsv`) to the parameter --infile and the abundance file (either bordenave_et_al_2013_abundance.csv or  schwab_et_al_2022_abundance.tsv) to the parameter --inAbundfile. The precomputed database is required and can be given with the parameter --precomputedDB. The database can be downloaded from Zenodo.
+Commands for the Bordenave et al. dataset:
+ nextflow run ArnaudBelcour/tabigecy --infile bordenave_et_al_2013.tsv --inAbundfile bordenave_et_al_2013_abundance.csv --precomputedDB /path/to/esmecata_database.zip --outputFolder output_bordenave --coreBigecyhmm xx
+Commands for the Schwab et al. dataset:
+nextflow run ArnaudBelcour/tabigecy --infile schwab_et_al_2022.tsv --inAbundfile schwab_et_al_2022_abundance.tsv --precomputedDB /path/to/esmecata_database.zip --outputFolder output_schwab --coreBigecyhmm xx
+To decrease the runtime of the workflow, it is advised to give several cores to `--coreBigecyhmm xx`. With 5 cores, the runtime of the workflow is around 13 minutes.
+To create polar plots, call the two Python scripts at the same location where the input files and output folder are (inside article_data folder):
+python3 bordenave_create_figure_article.py
+python3 schwab_create_figure_article.py
+To create the PCA and correlation plots, launch the R script on the same location:
+Rscript create_pca.R
+The experiments were performed with the following tool versions:
+Java (OpenJDK)
+EsMeCaTa precomputed database
+0.94",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-30T14:45:23.000Z,2025-01-30T14:45:23.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,,,,['HasVersion'],"[['IsVersionOf', '10.5281/zenodo.14762346']]"
+10.26302/sshade/experiment_op_20060709_001,Hf L3 edge XAS transmission of Hf L3 edge XAS of Hf metal reference,SSHADE/FAME (OSUG Data Center),2025,en,Dataset,"Any use of downloaded SSHADE data in a scientific or technical paper or a presentation is free but you should cite both SSHADE and the used data in the text ( 'first author' et al., year) with its full reference (with its DOI) in the main reference section of the paper (or in a special 'data citation' section) and, when available, the original paper(s) presenting the data.",,mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2025-01-31T13:04:03.000Z,2025-01-31T13:04:04.000Z,inist.sshade,mgeg,"laboratory measurement,transmission,None,hard X,hard X-rays,metallic Hf,commercial,metal","[{'subject': 'laboratory measurement', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'transmission', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'None', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'hard X', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'hard X-rays', 'subjectScheme': 'variables'}, {'subject': 'metallic Hf', 'subjectScheme': 'name'}, {'subject': 'commercial', 'subjectScheme': 'origin'}, {'subject': 'metal', 'subjectScheme': 'compound type'}]",['1 spectrum'],['ASCII'],,,"['IsPartOf', 'IsPartOf']",
+10.17178/emaa_hcnh-plus_hyperfine_b6c64b5a,Hyperfine excitation of HCNH+ by He and para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",25 hyperfine energy levels / 38 radiative transitions / 300 collisional transitions for He (6 temperatures in the range 5-30K) / 300 collisional transitions for para-H2 (6 temperatures in the range 5-30K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:42.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:43.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target HCNH+,excitationType Hyperfine,collisional excitation,collider.0 He,collider.1 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target HCNH+', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Hyperfine', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 He', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collider.1 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",
+10.17178/emaa_d(13c)n_rotation_0a5e68c6,Rotation excitation of D[13C]N by para-H2 collisions,"UGA, CNRS, CNRS-INSU, OSUG",2024,en,Dataset,"Please acknowledge the use of EMAA Database by citing the original articles in which the data were published (BibTeX format available), and adding the following sentence in your publication: 
+This research has made use of spectroscopic and collisional data from the EMAA database (https://emaa.osug.fr). EMAA is supported by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG),Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Data access and use are ruled by the EMAA data policy.",13 rotation energy levels / 12 radiative transitions / 78 collisional transitions for para-H2 (10 temperatures in the range 5-50K),mds,True,findable,0,0,2,0,0,2025-01-27T15:59:10.000Z,2025-01-27T15:59:10.000Z,inist.osug,jbru,"target D[13C]N,excitationType Rotation,collisional excitation,collider.0 para-H2,astrophysics,interstellar medium,comets,circumstellar medium,gas,microwave spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy,rotational excitation,rovibrational excitation,vibrational excitation,electronic excitation,collisional rate coefficients,fine structure,hyperfine structure","[{'subject': 'target D[13C]N', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'excitationType Rotation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collisional excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'main'}, {'subject': 'collider.0 para-H2', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'astrophysics', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'interstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'comets', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'circumstellar medium', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'gas', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'microwave spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'infrared spectroscopy', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rotational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'rovibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'vibrational excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'electronic excitation', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'collisional rate coefficients', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'fine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}, {'subject': 'hyperfine structure', 'subjectScheme': 'var'}]",,['Radex'],,,"['Cites', 'IsPartOf', 'References', 'References']",