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Binary files a/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png differ
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Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png
index 1cb6af3bbdcaa25c389d71ca24a8ba7f8b43b86e..65674278d978fa866ff0101cb3647edf6c63adcb 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png differ
diff --git a/dois-uga.csv b/dois-uga.csv
index b36bcaae2f1dda30baa74d400681246c90c10697..d35b38cb87e2f1a9f179c24c0ffe3642bc980900 100644
--- a/dois-uga.csv
+++ b/dois-uga.csv
@@ -4780,3 +4780,23 @@ You are invited to contact the PI(s) or lead scientist for more information abou
 10.57745/gsgc4b,Replication Data for: Pressure-induced formation of cubic lutetium hydrides derived from trigonal LuH3,Recherche Data Gouv,2024.0,,Dataset,,"In recent years, there has been a fervent search for room-temperature superconductivity within the binary hydrides. However, as the number of untested compounds dwindled, it became natural to begin searching within the ternary hydrides. This led to the controversial discovery of room-temperature superconductivity at only 1 GPa in nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride [Dasenbrock-Gammon et al., Nature (London) 615, 244 (2023)] and consequently provided much impetus for the synthesis of nitrogen-based ternary hydrides. Here, we report the synthesis of stable trigonal LuH3 by hydrogenating pure lutetium which was subsequently pressurized to ∼2 GPa in a dilute-N2/He-rich pressure medium. Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction were used to characterize the structures throughout. After depressurizing, energy-dispersive and wavelength-dispersive x-ray spectroscopies characterized the final compound. Though our compound under pressure exhibits similar structural behavior to the Dasenbrock-Gammon et al. sample, we do not observe any nitrogen within the structure of the recovered sample at ambient pressure. We observe two cubic structures under pressure that simultaneously explain the x-ray diffraction and Raman spectra observed: The first corresponds well to Fm3m LuH2+x, while the latter is an Ia3-type structure. Data are provided in a folder structure based on experimental results. Inside these, separate folders relate to the figures and sub-figures in the manuscript and supplementary material. All data are provided in ASCII format.",mds,True,findable,19.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-08T15:39:33.000Z,2024-01-11T09:05:20.000Z,rdg.prod,rdg,,,,
 10.3217/9rrz9-ywt68,Grenoble UGA and Grenoble INP-UGA's digital infrastructures for learning and teaching at a glance (Unite! Cm.2 D2.1),Unite! Community 2 Digital Campus,2024.0,en,Image,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Developed for Unite! Community 2 Digital Campus project report ""Aligning IT infrastructures for digital learning amongst the European university alliance Unite! The Unite! digital campus framework and requirements"" and the related Unite! deliverable 2.1 (January 2024). ",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-15T12:53:28.000Z,2024-01-15T12:53:29.000Z,tug.openlib,tug,"unite!,Cm.2,Learning Management System,digital campus","[{'subject': 'unite!'}, {'subject': 'Cm.2'}, {'subject': 'Learning Management System'}, {'subject': 'digital campus'}]",,
 10.34847/nkl.b1cb3arm,"Taciti et C. Velleii Paterculi scripta quae exstant; recognita, emaculata. Additique commentarii copiosissimi et notae non antea editae Paris e typographia Petri Chevalier, in monte diui Hilarii - II-0689",NAKALA - https://nakala.fr (Huma-Num - CNRS),2020.0,,Image,,,api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2023-01-17T17:24:40.000Z,2023-01-17T17:24:41.000Z,inist.humanum,jbru,,,['52872938 Bytes'],['image/tiff']
+10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7046484,The methodology of quantitative risk assessment studies,figshare,2024.0,,Collection,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Abstract Once an external factor has been deemed likely to influence human health and a dose response function is available, an assessment of its health impact or that of policies aimed at influencing this and possibly other factors in a specific population can be obtained through a quantitative risk assessment, or health impact assessment (HIA) study. The health impact is usually expressed as a number of disease cases or disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) attributable to or expected from the exposure or policy. We review the methodology of quantitative risk assessment studies based on human data. The main steps of such studies include definition of counterfactual scenarios related to the exposure or policy, exposure(s) assessment, quantification of risks (usually relying on literature-based dose response functions), possibly economic assessment, followed by uncertainty analyses. We discuss issues and make recommendations relative to the accuracy and geographic scale at which factors are assessed, which can strongly influence the study results. If several factors are considered simultaneously, then correlation, mutual influences and possibly synergy between them should be taken into account. Gaps or issues in the methodology of quantitative risk assessment studies include 1) proposing a formal approach to the quantitative handling of the level of evidence regarding each exposure-health pair (essential to consider emerging factors); 2) contrasting risk assessment based on human dose–response functions with that relying on toxicological data; 3) clarification of terminology of health impact assessment and human-based risk assessment studies, which are actually very similar, and 4) other technical issues related to the simultaneous consideration of several factors, in particular when they are causally linked.",mds,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-28T04:40:08.000Z,2024-01-28T04:40:09.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Medicine,Biotechnology,Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified,Sociology,FOS: Sociology,Developmental Biology,Cancer,Science Policy,Mental Health","[{'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Biotechnology'}, {'subject': 'Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Sociology'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Sociology', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Developmental Biology'}, {'subject': 'Cancer'}, {'subject': 'Science Policy'}, {'subject': 'Mental Health'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10577879,sedInterFoam,Zenodo,2024.0,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"A three-dimensional two-phase flow solver with resolution of a free surface, sedInterFoam, has been developed for sediment transport applications. The solver is extended from sedFoam (https://zenodo.org/records/7944048), itself extended from twoPhaseEulerFoam available in the 2.1.0 release of the open-source CFD (computational fluid dynamics) toolbox OpenFOAM.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-28T14:52:06.000Z,2024-01-28T14:52:06.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Three-phase flow solver,OpenFoam,Sediment transport","[{'subject': 'Three-phase flow solver'}, {'subject': 'OpenFoam'}, {'subject': 'Sediment transport'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10551644,Data for the Discrete Image correlation tutorial of spam,Zenodo,2024.0,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Data and folder structure for the Discrete Image Correlation tutorial of spam available here: spam DDIC tutorial. 
+The objective of the tutorial is to measure particle kinematics (i.e., particle tracking) with the scripts available in spam. The data used is from a study on granular materials using x-ray tomography, available here: Article. The experiment is called LENGP04, and correspond to a cylinder full of lentils initially oriented at 45° and deformed under triaxial compression. Repeated x-ray tomography scans are taken each 1% of axial shortening. The data of the tutorial correspond to the grey-scale volumes of the first six scans, (from LENGP04_00.tif to LENGP05_00.tif), as well as the segmentation of the initial scan (LENGP04_00-lab.tif).
+The complete dataset with the grey-scale volumes for all the specimens of the experimental campaign, along with the processed results, is available here: Zenodo link.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,2024-01-22T14:58:27.000Z,2024-01-22T14:58:27.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.6084/m9.figshare.25097340,Additional file 1 of The methodology of quantitative risk assessment studies,figshare,2024.0,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Additional file 1: Figure S1.Illustration of the structure of a health impact assessment tool allowing quantification of the number of deaths preventable through compliance with recommendations regarding physical activity, air pollution, noise, heat and access to green space [36].",mds,True,findable,0.0,0.0,96.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-28T04:40:08.000Z,2024-01-28T04:40:08.000Z,figshare.ars,otjm,"Medicine,Biotechnology,Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified,Sociology,FOS: Sociology,Developmental Biology,Cancer,Science Policy,Mental Health","[{'subject': 'Medicine'}, {'subject': 'Biotechnology'}, {'subject': 'Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified'}, {'subject': 'Sociology'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Sociology', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'Developmental Biology'}, {'subject': 'Cancer'}, {'subject': 'Science Policy'}, {'subject': 'Mental Health'}]",['302967 Bytes'],
+10.5281/zenodo.10534570,"La fréquentation en bibliothèque : Normes d'évaluation, outils de mesure et retours d'expérience",AFNOR,2023.0,fr,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,,api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-19T15:57:13.000Z,2024-01-19T15:57:13.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Normalisation,Fréquentation,Bibliothèque,Qualité,Statistiques,Evaluation","[{'subject': 'Normalisation'}, {'subject': 'Fréquentation'}, {'subject': 'Bibliothèque'}, {'subject': 'Qualité'}, {'subject': 'Statistiques'}, {'subject': 'Evaluation'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10575610,Two-phase LES oscillatory sheet flow data,Zenodo,2024.0,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This dataset contains phase-averaged numerical data of two-phase Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of oscillatory sheet flow configurations M512, F512, F5010, M5010, S706015m and S706015f presented in Mathieu et al. (2022) and Mathieu et al.(2024) using sedFoam (10.5281/zenodo.7944048). Details about numerical model, methods and averaging procedure can be found in the aforementioned publications.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,2024-01-27T15:21:57.000Z,2024-01-27T15:21:57.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Sediment transport,Large-Eddy Simulation,Two-phase flow modelling,Oscillatory sheet flow","[{'subject': 'Sediment transport'}, {'subject': 'Large-Eddy Simulation'}, {'subject': 'Two-phase flow modelling'}, {'subject': 'Oscillatory sheet flow'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10578348,methal-project/EDYTHA: v1.0,Zenodo,2024.0,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Initial version.,api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,2024-01-28T19:57:15.000Z,2024-01-28T19:57:16.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.10551645,Data for the Discrete Image correlation tutorial of spam,Zenodo,2024.0,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Data and folder structure for the Discrete Image Correlation tutorial of spam available here: spam DDIC tutorial. 
+The objective of the tutorial is to measure particle kinematics (i.e., particle tracking) with the scripts available in spam. The data used is from a study on granular materials using x-ray tomography, available here: Article. The experiment is called LENGP04, and correspond to a cylinder full of lentils initially oriented at 45° and deformed under triaxial compression. Repeated x-ray tomography scans are taken each 1% of axial shortening. The data of the tutorial correspond to the grey-scale volumes of the first six scans, (from LENGP04_00.tif to LENGP05_00.tif), as well as the segmentation of the initial scan (LENGP04_00-lab.tif).
+The complete dataset with the grey-scale volumes for all the specimens of the experimental campaign, along with the processed results, is available here: Zenodo link.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-22T14:58:26.000Z,2024-01-22T14:58:27.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.10575611,Two-phase LES oscillatory sheet flow data,Zenodo,2024.0,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This dataset contains phase-averaged numerical data of two-phase Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of oscillatory sheet flow configurations M512, F512, F5010, M5010, S706015m and S706015f presented in Mathieu et al. (2022) and Mathieu et al.(2024) using sedFoam (10.5281/zenodo.7944048). Details about numerical model, methods and averaging procedure can be found in the aforementioned publications.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2024-01-27T15:21:57.000Z,2024-01-27T15:21:57.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Sediment transport,Large-Eddy Simulation,Two-phase flow modelling,Oscillatory sheet flow","[{'subject': 'Sediment transport'}, {'subject': 'Large-Eddy Simulation'}, {'subject': 'Two-phase flow modelling'}, {'subject': 'Oscillatory sheet flow'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10578349,methal-project/EDYTHA: v1.0,Zenodo,2024.0,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Initial version.,api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,2024-01-28T19:57:14.000Z,2024-01-28T19:57:15.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.10534569,"La fréquentation en bibliothèque : Normes d'évaluation, outils de mesure et retours d'expérience",AFNOR,2023.0,fr,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,,api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,2024-01-19T15:57:13.000Z,2024-01-19T15:57:13.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Normalisation,Fréquentation,Bibliothèque,Qualité,Statistiques,Evaluation","[{'subject': 'Normalisation'}, {'subject': 'Fréquentation'}, {'subject': 'Bibliothèque'}, {'subject': 'Qualité'}, {'subject': 'Statistiques'}, {'subject': 'Evaluation'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.10577878,sedInterFoam,Zenodo,2024.0,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"A three-dimensional two-phase flow solver with resolution of a free surface, sedInterFoam, has been developed for sediment transport applications. The solver is extended from sedFoam (https://zenodo.org/records/7944048), itself extended from twoPhaseEulerFoam available in the 2.1.0 release of the open-source CFD (computational fluid dynamics) toolbox OpenFOAM.",api,True,findable,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,2024-01-28T14:52:06.000Z,2024-01-28T14:52:06.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Three-phase flow solver,OpenFoam,Sediment transport","[{'subject': 'Three-phase flow solver'}, {'subject': 'OpenFoam'}, {'subject': 'Sediment transport'}]",,