diff --git a/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv b/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv
index 20091b4dec0ebfd5e878279b26810dbd8434e04e..48756bf651865705ffceabc0cb70672a63df1d80 100644
--- a/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv
+++ b/1-enrich-with-datacite/all_datacite_clients_for_uga.csv
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 inist.sshade,474,Solid Spectroscopy Hosting Architecture of Databases and Expertise,2019,https://www.sshade.eu/
 figshare.ars,255,figshare Academic Research System,2016,http://figshare.com/
 inist.osug,238,Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble,2014,http://doi.osug.fr
 inist.resif,80,Réseau sismologique et géodésique français,2014,https://www.resif.fr/
 inist.persyval,55,PERSYVAL-Lab : Pervasive Systems and Algorithms Lab,2016,
 rdg.prod,43,Recherche Data Gouv France,2022,https://recherche.data.gouv.fr/en
diff --git a/1-enrich-with-datacite/nb-dois.txt b/1-enrich-with-datacite/nb-dois.txt
index 1e9dcef3cd431c96344f21c47588cec211106392..8377f99348cbd7e36b22b7e16060ef7b1479d1bd 100644
--- a/1-enrich-with-datacite/nb-dois.txt
+++ b/1-enrich-with-datacite/nb-dois.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/hist-evol-datasets-per-repo.png b/2-produce-graph/hist-evol-datasets-per-repo.png
index 5a8ad499934303475a6a86247746250f65f6f96b..c4fd7557ad994eb229972f01c190d4b51ebe5e5d 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/hist-evol-datasets-per-repo.png and b/2-produce-graph/hist-evol-datasets-per-repo.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/hist-last-datasets-by-client.png b/2-produce-graph/hist-last-datasets-by-client.png
index 58d6d6e46409f08452ccf28026058f5846efb256..ed6fa6dcb5442a773f3332a20dd35716f3384187 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/hist-last-datasets-by-client.png and b/2-produce-graph/hist-last-datasets-by-client.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png b/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png
index df098b466ab06606f0711397bd93b7bf4c2196ab..a254b70ccccfca3e4dac25c683e05edff8cd0c07 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/hist-quantity-year-type.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png
index 65dca32ee3913ad8125ee2e9450b128ea2b0a5ed..b36bd512174f8f1359953795fe6ea64e600baf13 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-client.png differ
diff --git a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png
index ada90fd30569110929d0f16aeec0b4824788b938..63ec77cb9a355a5e2f077a490730f31c69da59f6 100644
Binary files a/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png and b/2-produce-graph/pie--datacite-type.png differ
diff --git a/dois-uga.csv b/dois-uga.csv
index 2716e6802e08f7b42a97fa779541b42078b941c6..16e11205be8976103426ef75d8cfcbbbdef0bc28 100644
--- a/dois-uga.csv
+++ b/dois-uga.csv
@@ -7661,3 +7661,268 @@ ax2qu and Quaternion.from_axes_angles() would raise if the input arrays were bro
 Phase.from_cif() now correctly adjusts atom positions when forcing",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-21T09:21:59.000Z,2024-04-21T09:22:00.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
 10.7914/k2rg-gn94,Peri-glacial an glacial risk study seismic network,International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks,2024,,Dataset,,"Seismic network and temporary surveys deployed in the Mont Blanc and Vanoise mountain ranges, french Alps, devoted to the study of glacial and peri-glacial risk, landslides, rockfalls and slope stability. Continuous data allow in depth analysis of ambient seismic noise, but also micro-sismicity and regional seismicity.
 These network and survey are conducted in the framework of the ""PAPROG""  National action plan for the prevention of glacial and periglacial risks, financed by the French Ministry of the Environment's General Directorate for Risk Prevention.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-17T16:57:03.000Z,2024-04-17T16:57:04.000Z,iris.iris,iris,,,['2000000 MB'],['SEED data']
+10.5281/zenodo.10886304,"Data from ""Allostery and evolution: a molecular journey throught the structural and dynamical landscape of an enzyme super family.""",Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This data accompanies the paper entitled Allostery and evolution: a molecular journey throught the structural and dynamical landscape of an enzyme super family.
+The zip archive contains: 
+1- Starting configurations of the proteins after equilibration in PDB format and trajectories of unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations with the positions of the proteins every 100 ps in XTC gromacs format are provided for all systems. 
+2- The free energy profiles and histograms are provided for all umbrella sampling simulations and the scripts used to run it with gromacs.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,1,2024-04-23T09:36:21.000Z,2024-04-23T09:36:21.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068854,Polymeric Fibers Effect on the Unidirectional Drying of Refractory Castables via Neutron Tomography,Zenodo,2024,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"In order to safely reach the operating conditions, hydraulic bonded refractories require the controlled removal of the water during their initial heating. As the microstructure of these materials after curing comprises small pores loosely connected, their resulting permeability is small, thereby favoring the vapor pressure build-up during heating. The combination of such forces with the thermomechanical stresses is believed to trigger the explosive spalling phenomenon, which severely damages the refractory lining. Thus, polymeric fibers are often used as a cost-effective method to control the permeability of refractory castables. However, due to the vast assortment of available candidates, the correct understanding of the permeability behavior of castable's comprising such additives during drying is crucial. The current work used neutron tomography to study the effects of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and cellulose on the unidirectional drying of high-alumina castables. It was found that the compositions containing PE and cellulose were the ones that started the drying process with the highest heating rates, with cellulose leading to larger drying. Whereas the composition containing PP started to have drying acceleration at later stages but still resulted in similar efficiencies to cellulose. Finally, preliminary hypotheses are presented to explain the observed behavior.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T19:46:49.000Z,2024-04-25T19:46:49.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11036558,CROCO Technical and Numerical Documentation,Zenodo,2024,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Technical and numerical documentation for CROCO ocean circulation modelhttps://www.croco-ocean.org/,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-22T16:15:23.000Z,2024-04-22T16:15:23.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,ocean modeling,[{'subject': 'ocean modeling'}],,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068853,Polymeric Fibers Effect on the Unidirectional Drying of Refractory Castables via Neutron Tomography,Zenodo,2024,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"In order to safely reach the operating conditions, hydraulic bonded refractories require the controlled removal of the water during their initial heating. As the microstructure of these materials after curing comprises small pores loosely connected, their resulting permeability is small, thereby favoring the vapor pressure build-up during heating. The combination of such forces with the thermomechanical stresses is believed to trigger the explosive spalling phenomenon, which severely damages the refractory lining. Thus, polymeric fibers are often used as a cost-effective method to control the permeability of refractory castables. However, due to the vast assortment of available candidates, the correct understanding of the permeability behavior of castable's comprising such additives during drying is crucial. The current work used neutron tomography to study the effects of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and cellulose on the unidirectional drying of high-alumina castables. It was found that the compositions containing PE and cellulose were the ones that started the drying process with the highest heating rates, with cellulose leading to larger drying. Whereas the composition containing PP started to have drying acceleration at later stages but still resulted in similar efficiencies to cellulose. Finally, preliminary hypotheses are presented to explain the observed behavior.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T19:46:49.000Z,2024-04-25T19:46:50.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068887,"Unveiling Energy-Saving Potentials in Refractory Castables Drying: Fundamentals, Predictions and Insights",Zenodo,2024,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Hydraulic bonded refractory castables require a carefully executed drying process during their installation to safely remove the adsorbed unreacted water, as well as to decompose the hydrate products formed during curing. This processing stage is often seen as a barrier to a broader use of monolithics as an alternative to shaped products due to the risk of facing explosive spalling. To avoid that, long and often overconservative heat-up curves that hinder high productivity and lead to costly maintenance halts, are deployed. The current work proposes to approach the drying stage from a different perspective, highlighting the opportunities for energy saving uncovered by the critical and scientific understanding of the drying process. Numerical simulations and fundamentals were used together to address the challenges of energy-efficient drying and the resulting insights for future optimization of this process, will be presented.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T19:57:19.000Z,2024-04-25T19:57:19.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11051468,serasset/dbnary: Release v3.1.17,Zenodo,2024,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Changelog
+0c71a35 Merge branch 'release/3.1.17'
+85b0739 Update versions for release
+23c8c93 fix(dutch): handling templates that look like but are not section templates (pb in dutch edition naming convention)
+e8f95bd fix(dutch): handling templates that look like but are not section templates (pb in dutch edition naming convention)
+8ca27df fix(english): handle l-lite and ll templates in Derivation Parser
+2a83d2f fix(english): More derivations extracted from English exolex (Japanese specific templates)
+523b541 fix(english): updated derivation extraction with new templates
+a891b54 fix(all): upgraded bliki version to avoid LuaError related to advance scribunto usage in english Modules
+bdefda4 fix(english): some citation contains a generic cited text
+3cef059 fix(english): fix incorrect language tag in some exolex pronunciations
+f27b6b4 fix(english): Avoid Lua computations for the generation of disregarded category tags
+b9c1f38 fix(english): taking derivations with initial glosses into account
+72bc418 Update for next development version
+df8856c Merge branch 'release/3.1.16'
+aa02403 Merge branch 'release/3.1.16' into develop
+a40ef0a Update versions for release
+be42991 cleanup(english) code convention
+1d44bbe fix(english): Extracting gloss of nyms without nowiki tags and ignoring templates
+189241f fix(wikitext): getText on a content with wikitext, will render the wikitext to protect further processing through bliki
+0748197 fix(english): workarounds to remove many errors from logging
+ff8514f Merge branch 'snyk-fix-835bb486ca337a39f591c7fe83bd0520' into 'develop'
+def1948 [Snyk] Security upgrade com.slack.api:slack-api-client from 1.38.0 to 1.39.0
+ee36072 fix(english): fixed Wiktionary Namespaces configurations through Locale to avoid a LuaError
+bacba8f fix(english): workaround a bug in Scribunto preprocess function that generated html paragraphs around simple wiki code
+44e0161 fix(wikitext): adding support for nowiki tags in wikitext parser
+0e80bae Update for next development version
+d0900f1 Merge branch 'release/3.1.15'
+5e88f5c Merge branch 'release/3.1.15' into develop
+17813db Update versions for release
+889e503 cleanup(all): code style
+0b39033 fix(all): control chars stripping used the incorrect gnu syntax instead of java character class
+c398c95 fix(cicd): add gaelic and catalan in CICD verification
+3cf74aa fix(all): strip control chars arising from ill formed data in definitions and translations
+d87bce1 update(bliki): new version of bliki uses a luaj that is safe with suplementary chars, avoiding the generation of control (null) chars in some strings
+cc40f14 fix(english): Module:utilities uses the ugly strip marker hack, patch it
+1173526 fix(lua): Updated Bliki / Lua dependencies that fixes a bug with Strings with surrogates.
+6e390b8 fix(english): links in nyms are properly handled
+5ffc6b6 fix(english): capturing more nym relation with additional gloss/usage info
+184ffee fix(english): patching Module:place and Module:place/data due to error in lua code (remove when fixed in wiktionary)
+16d0885 fix(english): extracting senses that are abbreviation of something
+7fe4607 Update for next development version
+c8eda22 Merge branch 'release/3.1.14'
+d3a6e61 Merge branch 'release/3.1.14' into develop
+065f441 update(doc): License files span until 2024
+44a3319 Update versions for release
+ea78adb update(dependencies): bumping several dependencies to latest version
+e7c696c fix(spanish): FIX #138 part of speeches may now be given in templates
+73b46d6 update(dependencies): bumping several dependencies to latest version
+e18a149 fix(spanish): part of speeches may now be given in templates
+dbc059d fix(spanish): part of speeches may now be given in templates
+870130e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop
+9727442 fix(spanish): part of speeches may now be given in templates
+531f587 fix(spanish): part of speeches may now be given in templates
+5686259 fix(english): amend logging of derivation parser
+2989357 fix(virtuoso): use coherent naming for graphs (with no trailing /)
+df88474 fix(english): Correctly handling ja-usex template variants and redirects
+dbeb07f fix(maven): update scala libraries and compiler
+19f84ff fix(english): FIX #137 handling ja-usex template
+24956f3 fix(maven): update scala library
+81456a3 fix(virtuoso): the named graph for exolex should not finish with a trailing slach
+eb569d6 Clenup virtuoso.ini in production mode.
+f870b3b fix(dependencies): update bliki version
+f3dafe0 Merge branch 'release/3.1.13'
+a103a2f Update versions for release
+72122e1 fix(catalan): error in pronunciation extraction
+3335c37 fix(catalan): many bibliographic references are blank
+d15df99 fix(dependencies): updated dependencies for security reasons
+771bfa2 fix(catalan): check given language before generating a lang string to avoid rdf errors.
+fe87545 fix(commands): add catalan and irish codes to the rotate virtuoso script
+9855eb3 Update for next development version
+5919911 Merge branch 'hotfix/3.1.12b' into develop
+54096e0 Update to hotfix version
+0077b4d Merge branch 'hotfix/3.1.12b'
+bcda578 fix(commands): do not generate HDT combined files anymore as it seems not to correctly work at least in English
+2286a94 enh(all): removed some code smells
+a865807 Update versions for hotfix
+2415121 fix(english): first attempt to extract pronunciations' locale information
+de6b6f3 fix(model): fixed lime:language as a measure property in statistics datacube
+5f5cd4f Update for next development version
+71438a9 Merge branch 'release/3.1.12'
+98c5887 Merge branch 'release/3.1.12' into develop
+fdb4d1d Update versions for release
+97df0a4 fix(extractor): added gaelic and catalan to default set of languages
+9902207 Merge branch 'feature/alet' into develop
+c2bafef Update versions for development branch
+d3accfe Bumping bliki version
+73eca1b Refactoring some var names.
+cf91bcf Extracting pronunciation dialect.
+116880d Patch infinite loop.
+07dba5f fix(catalan): changed bliki bundle message encoding
+d2461d1 Final commit for Catalan.
+dcc1127 commit stashed changes.
+0ea514d fix(catalan): added definition rendering
+9328c90 fix(gaelic): cleanup for code standards
+53318d1 Update for next development version
+58581fe Merge branch 'release/3.1.11' into develop
+376e686 Merge branch 'release/3.1.11'
+932175b Update versions for release
+eb2f760 fix(wikimodel): update bliki and taking into account the (now) correct management of the engine
+9922814 fix(maven/jreleaser): rollbacked problematic changes
+bd24918 Revert ""fix(bliki): we recreate lua engine for each page as nasty caches are flying around and break page isolation""
+2aaefea fixed a doc error
+2b8e997 fix(bliki): we recreate lua engine for each page as nasty caches are flying around and break page isolation
+37b81b3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
+b0561ea fix(bliki): we recreate lua engine for each page as nasty caches are flying around and break page isolation
+52df665 fix(bliki): we recreate lua engine for each page as nasty caches are flying around and break page isolation
+511a9dd fix(maven/jreleaser): rollbacked problematic changes
+e256104 Update for next development version
+9ee6432 Merge branch 'release/3.1.10'
+fe3f322 Merge branch 'release/3.1.10' into develop
+37962ef Update versions for release
+e2ec953 fix(serbo croatian): Fix #18: cyrilic form is now added to the canonical form
+19a5577 fix(german): Fix #24: now expand German definition using bliki
+326f2db fix(commands): catching StackOverflowError in extraction command lines
+2eef6e0 fix(commands): catching StackOverflowError in extraction command lines
+f9b9f24 fix(wikitext): fixed a stack overflow issue with large  wikitext
+de3b737 fix(no): translations extraction
+b00bb06 Merge branch 'release/3.1.9'
+abce2e2 Update versions for release
+73e2e9c fix(english): fix #128 some pronunciation where missing
+3e74edd fix(greek): avoiding a rare NPE in pronunciation extraction
+61acbe1 fix(virtuoso): normalized prod virtuoso config
+c32adee fix(all): Uses a Debug lua lig in case of call with lua classes trace enabled
+b747c58 fix(greek): updted scribunto to handle some greek edge case issues in Lua Modules
+c09b117 Merge branch 'develop'
+60240fe Update versions for release
+88e2f43 fix(extractor): updated scribunto and lua engine to cope with recently introduced errors from English Modules
+e419b1c Merge branch 'feature/struct-checker' into develop
+8846aad Update versions for development branch
+c49d088 fix(loading): re-enabling the vartrans translatableAs link creation for non homonymous translation targets
+33b4a1a enhancement(en) updated run conf
+525d756 fix(all) systematically removing safesubst from templates
+4eab720 Merge branch 'release/3.1.7'
+5c67c6f Update versions for release
+b9de781 fix(german) added new vorname declination template extraction
+5c1d44a fix(german) incorrect declination filter for adjectives
+00fa112 Modified launch configuration
+095fea5 Merge branch 'hotfix/3.1.6-a'
+6620739 Update versions for hotfix
+7120e3e Merge branch 'hotfix/3.1.6_1'
+7b81c10 fix(french) checking language tag when creating example
+d2e6e52 fix(french) checking language tag when creating example
+7ba4ba8 Merge branch 'release/3.1.6'
+c428ecc Update versions for release
+31846a1 Merge branch 'release/3.1.5'",api,True,findable,0,0,0,1,0,2024-04-23T19:53:25.000Z,2024-04-23T19:53:25.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11070913,Regression techniques applied to particulate matter oxidative potential source apportionment,Zenodo,2024,,ComputationalNotebook,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The regerssion techniques : Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM ( Dinh Ngoc Thuy, V., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Hough, I., Dominutti, P., Salque Moreton, G., Gilles, G., Francony, F., Patron-Anquez, A., Favez, O., and Uzu, G.: Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-361, 2024.)
+The code will be available when the article is published.
+One part of these codes is based on the model set up (Bootstraping and weighted least square), as described in Weber et al. (2021). 
+ ",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-26T08:52:52.000Z,2024-04-26T08:52:52.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11058213,An experimental dataset to explore the size ratio impact on an intruder segregating in bedload transport,Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This repository gathers :
+The treated data used in the article ""Exploring the size ratio impact on an intruder segregating in bedload transport"" from Dedieu B., Rousseau H., Frey P. and Chauchat J. (currently under review in Physical Review of Fluids),
+Some re-computed data from the experiments of Rousseau H. et al.(2022) in csv format,
+A python3 package codes used to load the data.
+Explanations on how to use the codes and how the data are organized can be found in the README.md.
+Feel free to contact the authors if you need more information or wish to access the raw image data.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-24T15:45:42.000Z,2024-04-24T15:45:42.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Bedload,Grain-size segregation,Granular physics,Sediment transport","[{'subject': 'Bedload'}, {'subject': 'Grain-size segregation'}, {'subject': 'Granular physics'}, {'subject': 'Sediment transport'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.11070914,Regression techniques applied to particulate matter oxidative potential source apportionment,Zenodo,2024,,ComputationalNotebook,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The regerssion techtiques : Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM ( Dinh Ngoc Thuy, V., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Hough, I., Dominutti, P., Salque Moreton, G., Gilles, G., Francony, F., Patron-Anquez, A., Favez, O., and Uzu, G.: Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-361, 2024.)
+The code will be available when the article is published.
+One part of these codes is based on the model set up (Bootstraping and weighted least square), as described in Weber et al. (2021). 
+ ",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-26T08:52:52.000Z,2024-04-26T08:52:52.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068960,Visualizando A Secagem De Concretos Refratários Via Tomografia De Nêutrons,Zenodo,2024,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Refratários monolíticos são uma alternativa aos materiais conformados (tijolos) e apresentam um grande potencial de redução de consumo de energia e emissão de gases do efeito estufa, uma vez que não necessitam de uma pré-queima, antes de seu aquecimento até a temperatura de operação. Dentro desta categoria, os refratários com ligantes hidráulicos são definidos a partir de sua alta resistência mecânica a verde decorrente das reações de hidratação do seu ligante durante a etapa de cura. Como as temperaturas de operação dos refratários são muito superiores que a da ebulição da água, o processo de secagem é intrínseco aos refratários hidráulicos. Esta etapa também é a mais longa dentro do processo de instalação de revestimentos monolíticos devido ao risco de explosões resultantes da combinação de pressurização do vapor de água e de tensões termomecânicas. Assim, o entendimento de como a remoção desta água se dá do meio poroso parcialmente saturado é de grande interesse para permitir a otimização deste processo. O presente trabalho propõe o uso da técnica de tomografia de nêutrons para a visualização direta da secagem. Foi possível propor uma configuração de secagem unidirecional, necessária para impedir o aparecimento de efeitos não-físicos nos resultados e também aproximar as condições laboratoriais daquela encontrada na realidade industrial. Além da visualização direta, a análise quantitativa do acúmulo de água foi possível, bem como a proposta de mapas de secagem, nos quais se evidenciam as frentes de secagem, as regiões de acúmulo de água e sua evolução no tempo. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos por tal técnica são de suma importância para aperfeiçoar os modelos numéricos disponíveis na literatura.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T20:30:19.000Z,2024-04-25T20:30:19.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.7400758,CROCO Technical and Numerical Documentation,Zenodo,2024,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Technical and numerical documentation for CROCO ocean circulation modelhttps://www.croco-ocean.org/,mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,4,2022-12-05T15:13:30.000Z,2022-12-05T15:13:31.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,ocean modeling,[{'subject': 'ocean modeling'}],,
+10.5281/zenodo.11058212,An experimental dataset to explore the size ratio impact on an intruder segregating in bedload transport,Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This repository gathers :
+The treated data used in the article ""Exploring the size ratio impact on an intruder segregating in bedload transport"" from Dedieu B., Rousseau H., Frey P. and Chauchat J. (currently under review in Physical Review of Fluids),
+Some re-computed data from the experiments of Rousseau H. et al.(2022) in csv format,
+A python3 package codes used to load the data.
+Explanations on how to use the codes and how the data are organized can be found in the README.md.
+Feel free to contact the authors if you need more information or wish to access the raw image data.",api,True,findable,0,0,1,0,1,2024-04-24T15:45:42.000Z,2024-04-24T15:45:42.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,"Bedload,Grain-size segregation,Granular physics,Sediment transport","[{'subject': 'Bedload'}, {'subject': 'Grain-size segregation'}, {'subject': 'Granular physics'}, {'subject': 'Sediment transport'}]",,
+10.5281/zenodo.11073596,Regression techniques applied to particulate matter oxidative potential source apportionment,Zenodo,2024,,ComputationalNotebook,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The regerssion techniques : Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM ( Dinh Ngoc Thuy, V., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Hough, I., Dominutti, P., Salque Moreton, G., Gilles, G., Francony, F., Patron-Anquez, A., Favez, O., and Uzu, G.: Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-361, 2024.)
+The code will be available when the article is published.
+One part of these codes is based on the model set up (Bootstraping and weighted least square), as described in Weber et al. (2021). 
+ ",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-26T14:45:47.000Z,2024-04-26T14:45:47.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068886,"Unveiling Energy-Saving Potentials in Refractory Castables Drying: Fundamentals, Predictions and Insights",Zenodo,2024,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Hydraulic bonded refractory castables require a carefully executed drying process during their installation to safely remove the adsorbed unreacted water, as well as to decompose the hydrate products formed during curing. This processing stage is often seen as a barrier to a broader use of monolithics as an alternative to shaped products due to the risk of facing explosive spalling. To avoid that, long and often overconservative heat-up curves that hinder high productivity and lead to costly maintenance halts, are deployed. The current work proposes to approach the drying stage from a different perspective, highlighting the opportunities for energy saving uncovered by the critical and scientific understanding of the drying process. Numerical simulations and fundamentals were used together to address the challenges of energy-efficient drying and the resulting insights for future optimization of this process, will be presented.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T19:57:19.000Z,2024-04-25T19:57:20.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11071884,Regression techniques applied to particulate matter oxidative potential source apportionment,Zenodo,2024,,ComputationalNotebook,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The regerssion techniques : Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM ( Dinh Ngoc Thuy, V., Jaffrezo, J.-L., Hough, I., Dominutti, P., Salque Moreton, G., Gilles, G., Francony, F., Patron-Anquez, A., Favez, O., and Uzu, G.: Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM, EGUsphere [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-361, 2024.)
+The code will be available when the article is published.
+One part of these codes is based on the model set up (Bootstraping and weighted least square), as described in Weber et al. (2021). 
+ ",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-26T10:20:17.000Z,2024-04-26T10:20:18.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068626,pyxem/orix: orix 0.12.1.post0,Zenodo,2024,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"orix 0.12.1.post0 is a patch release of orix, an open-source Python library for handling orientations, rotations and crystal symmetry.
+This release is necessary to fix the formatting of two tutorial notebooks in the documentation. This also fixes the PDF documentation build.
+See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T17:45:29.000Z,2024-04-25T17:45:29.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.10886305,"Data from ""Allostery and evolution: a molecular journey throught the structural and dynamical landscape of an enzyme super family.""",Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This data accompanies the paper entitled Allostery and evolution: a molecular journey throught the structural and dynamical landscape of an enzyme super family.
+The zip archive contains: 
+1- Starting configurations of the proteins after equilibration in PDB format and trajectories of unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations with the positions of the proteins every 100 ps in XTC gromacs format are provided for all systems. 
+2- The free energy profiles and histograms are provided for all umbrella sampling simulations and the scripts used to run it with gromacs.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-23T09:36:21.000Z,2024-04-23T09:36:21.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11077599,NeoGeographyToolkit/StereoPipeline: 2024-04-27-daily-build,Zenodo,2024,,Software,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,Recent additions log: https://stereopipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/news.html,api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-27T15:55:22.000Z,2024-04-27T15:55:23.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068836,The Role of Thermomechanical Stresses in the Explosive Spalling of Refractory Castables: A Numerical Study,Zenodo,2024,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The drying of hydraulic bonded refractory castables is the longest step of its installation process hindering higher efficiency and leading to larger CO2 emissions. This overconservative approach is a result of several cases of explosive spalling, which can be observed when fast heating rates are applied. Currently, it is assumed that the mechanisms behind this phenomenon are related to the combined stresses resulting from the water vapor pressure within the castable's pores and from the differential thermal expansion of the lining. In industrial practice, most of the strategies employed to mitigate the risk of explosions focus on the former mechanism, such as the use of polymeric fibers to increase the material's permeability. The current study aims to analyze the role of thermomechanical stresses on explosive spalling through numerical simulations. The main objective is to provide additional strategies to minimize the likelihood of facing such catastrophic events through the control of the thermal stresses inside the refractory lining. It was found that the heterogeneous heating in the vertical direction led to significant stress levels that contributed to the appearance of explosive spalling. Thus, the use of more homogeneous heating could enable faster and safer water withdrawal.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T19:34:26.000Z,2024-04-25T19:34:26.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11068835,The Role of Thermomechanical Stresses in the Explosive Spalling of Refractory Castables: A Numerical Study,Zenodo,2024,en,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"The drying of hydraulic bonded refractory castables is the longest step of its installation process hindering higher efficiency and leading to larger CO2 emissions. This overconservative approach is a result of several cases of explosive spalling, which can be observed when fast heating rates are applied. Currently, it is assumed that the mechanisms behind this phenomenon are related to the combined stresses resulting from the water vapor pressure within the castable's pores and from the differential thermal expansion of the lining. In industrial practice, most of the strategies employed to mitigate the risk of explosions focus on the former mechanism, such as the use of polymeric fibers to increase the material's permeability. The current study aims to analyze the role of thermomechanical stresses on explosive spalling through numerical simulations. The main objective is to provide additional strategies to minimize the likelihood of facing such catastrophic events through the control of the thermal stresses inside the refractory lining. It was found that the heterogeneous heating in the vertical direction led to significant stress levels that contributed to the appearance of explosive spalling. Thus, the use of more homogeneous heating could enable faster and safer water withdrawal.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T19:34:26.000Z,2024-04-25T19:34:26.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5281/zenodo.11062163,Dataset for Low-loss SiGe waveguides for mid-infrared photonics fabricated on 200 mm wafers,Zenodo,2024,,Dataset,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"This dataset contains the information contained in Figures 3, 4, 5 of the related manuscript. This research dataset should be interpreted and understood in the context of the corresponding manuscript, which has been published in Optics Express with DOI:. All relevant information regarding the dataset, how it was obtained and its context is contained in the manuscript. The data correspond to the information shown in the figures of the manuscript. 
+Each file is in .txt format, the decimal separator is a point '.' and the column separator is a tab ';'.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-24T20:32:05.000Z,2024-04-24T20:32:05.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,
+10.5061/dryad.qz612jmps,Reproductive data Fagus sylvatica: Widespread masting breakdown in beech,Dryad,2024,en,Dataset,Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal,"Climate change effects on tree reproduction are poorly understood even
+ though the resilience of populations relies on sufficient regeneration to
+ balance increasing rates of mortality. Forest-forming tree species often
+ mast, i.e. reproduce through synchronised year-to-year variation in seed
+ production, which improves pollination and reduces seed predation. Recent
+ observations in European beech show, however, that current climate change
+ can dampen interannual variation and synchrony of seed production, and
+ that this masting breakdown drastically reduces the viability of seed
+ crops. Importantly, it is unclear under which conditions masting breakdown
+ occurs, and how widespread breakdown is in this pan-European species.
+ Here, we analysed 50 long-term datasets of population-level seed
+ production, sampled across the distribution of European beech, and
+ identified increasing summer temperatures as the general driver of masting
+ breakdown. Specifically, increases in site-specific mean maximum
+ temperatures during June and July were observed across most of the species
+ range, while the interannual variability of population-level seed
+ production (CVp) decreased. The declines in CVp were greatest where
+ temperatures increased most rapidly. Additionally, the occurrence of crop
+ failures and low-seed years has decreased during the last four decades,
+ signalling altered starvation effects of masting on seed predators.
+ Notably, CVp did not vary among sites according to site mean summer
+ temperature. Instead, masting breakdown occurs in response to warming
+ local temperatures (i.e. increasing relative temperatures), such that the
+ risk is not restricted to populations growing in warm average conditions.
+ As lowered CVp can reduce viable seed production despite the overall
+ increase in seed count, our results warn that a covert mechanism is
+ underway that may hinder the regeneration potential of European beech
+ under climate change, with great potential to alter forest functioning and
+ community dynamics.",mds,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-23T15:10:23.000Z,2024-04-23T15:10:24.000Z,dryad.dryad,dryad,"FOS: Biological sciences,FOS: Biological sciences,European beech,Fagus sylvatica,Fecundity,masting,Climate change,seed production,Plant reproduction,MASTREE+","[{'subject': 'FOS: Biological sciences', 'subjectScheme': 'fos'}, {'subject': 'FOS: Biological sciences', 'schemeUri': 'http://www.oecd.org/science/inno/38235147.pdf', 'subjectScheme': 'Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)'}, {'subject': 'European beech'}, {'subject': 'Fagus sylvatica'}, {'subject': 'Fecundity', 'schemeUri': 'https://github.com/PLOS/plos-thesaurus', 'subjectScheme': 'PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus'}, {'subject': 'masting'}, {'subject': 'Climate change', 'schemeUri': 'https://github.com/PLOS/plos-thesaurus', 'subjectScheme': 'PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus'}, {'subject': 'seed production'}, {'subject': 'Plant reproduction', 'schemeUri': 'https://github.com/PLOS/plos-thesaurus', 'subjectScheme': 'PLOS Subject Area Thesaurus'}, {'subject': 'MASTREE+'}]",['358827 bytes'],
+10.5281/zenodo.11068959,Visualizando A Secagem De Concretos Refratários Via Tomografia De Nêutrons,Zenodo,2024,,Text,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International,"Refratários monolíticos são uma alternativa aos materiais conformados (tijolos) e apresentam um grande potencial de redução de consumo de energia e emissão de gases do efeito estufa, uma vez que não necessitam de uma pré-queima, antes de seu aquecimento até a temperatura de operação. Dentro desta categoria, os refratários com ligantes hidráulicos são definidos a partir de sua alta resistência mecânica a verde decorrente das reações de hidratação do seu ligante durante a etapa de cura. Como as temperaturas de operação dos refratários são muito superiores que a da ebulição da água, o processo de secagem é intrínseco aos refratários hidráulicos. Esta etapa também é a mais longa dentro do processo de instalação de revestimentos monolíticos devido ao risco de explosões resultantes da combinação de pressurização do vapor de água e de tensões termomecânicas. Assim, o entendimento de como a remoção desta água se dá do meio poroso parcialmente saturado é de grande interesse para permitir a otimização deste processo. O presente trabalho propõe o uso da técnica de tomografia de nêutrons para a visualização direta da secagem. Foi possível propor uma configuração de secagem unidirecional, necessária para impedir o aparecimento de efeitos não-físicos nos resultados e também aproximar as condições laboratoriais daquela encontrada na realidade industrial. Além da visualização direta, a análise quantitativa do acúmulo de água foi possível, bem como a proposta de mapas de secagem, nos quais se evidenciam as frentes de secagem, as regiões de acúmulo de água e sua evolução no tempo. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos por tal técnica são de suma importância para aperfeiçoar os modelos numéricos disponíveis na literatura.",api,True,findable,0,0,0,0,0,2024-04-25T20:30:19.000Z,2024-04-25T20:30:19.000Z,cern.zenodo,cern,,,,