import numpy as np def bayer_blue_red(res, y, i, j) : """ Compute estimated blue/red pixel in red/blue bayer pixel Args : res : estimated image y : image to reconstruct i, j : indices Return : value : value of the estimated pixels """ K2 = res[i-1,j-1,1] - y[i-1,j-1] K4 = res[i-1,j+1,1] - y[i-1,j+1] K10 = res[i+1,j-1,1] - y[i+1,j-1] K12 = res[i+1,j+1,1] - y[i+1,j+1] value = res[i,j,1]-1/4*(K2+K4+K10+K12) return value def bayer_green_vert(res, y, i, j) : """ Compute estimated blue/red pixel in green bayer pixel in vertical direction Args : res : estimated image y : image to reconstruct i, j : indices Return : value : value of the estimated pixels """ k1 = res[i-1,j,1] - y[i-1,j] k2 = res[i+1,j,1] - y[i+1,j] value = y[i,j] - 1/2*(k1+k2) return value def bayer_green_hor(res, y, i, j): """ Compute estimated blue/red pixel in green bayer pixel in horizontal direction Args : res : estimated image y : image to reconstruct i, j : indices Return : value : value of the estimated pixels """ k1 = res[i,j-1,1] - y[i,j-1] k2 = res[i,j+1,1] - y[i,j+1] value = y[i,j] - 1/2*(k1+k2) return value def interpolate_green(res, y, z): """ Directional interpolation of the green channel Args : res : estimated image y : image to reconstruct z : bayer pattern Return : res : reconstructed image """ for i in range(2,y.shape[0]-1): for j in range(2,y.shape[1]-1): # Vertical and horizontal gradient if z[i,j,1]==0: d_h = np.abs(y[i,j-1]-y[i,j+1]) d_v = np.abs(y[i-1,j]-y[i+1,j]) if d_h > d_v: green = (y[i-1,j]+y[i+1,j])/2 elif d_v > d_h: green = (y[i,j-1]+y[i,j+1])/2 else : green = (y[i,j-1]+y[i,j+1]+y[i-1,j]+y[i+1,j])/4 else : green = y[i,j] res[i,j,1] = green return res def quad_to_bayer(y): """ Convert Quad Bayer to Bayer Args : res : estimated image y : image to reconstruct i, j : indices Return : value : value of the estimated pixels """ for i in range(1, y.shape[0], 4): save = np.copy(y[:,i]) y[:,i] = y[:,i+1] y[:,i+1] = save for j in range(1, y.shape[0], 4): save = np.copy(y[j,:]) y[j,:] = y[j+1,:] y[j+1,:] = save for i in range(1, y.shape[0], 4): for j in range(1, y.shape[0], 4): save = np.copy(y[i,j]) y[i,j] = y[i+1,j+1] y[i+1,j+1] = save return y def interpolation(y, op): """ Reconstruct image Args : y : image to reconstruct op : CFA operator Return : np.ndarray: Demosaicked image. """ if == 'quad_bayer': y = quad_to_bayer(y) op.mask = quad_to_bayer(op.mask) z = op.adjoint(y) res = np.empty(op.input_shape) # Interpolation of green channel res = interpolate_green(res, y, z) # Interpolation of R and B channels using channel correlation for i in range(2,y.shape[0]-2): for j in range(2, y.shape[1]-2): # Bayer is Green if z[i,j,1] != 0 : # Green is between 2 vertical bleu if z[i+1,j,0] == 0: red = bayer_green_hor(res, y, i, j) # Compute Red channel blue = bayer_green_vert(res, y, i, j) # Compute Blue channel # Green is between 2 vertical red else: blue = bayer_green_hor(res, y, i, j) # Compute Blue channel red = bayer_green_vert(res, y, i, j) # Compute Red channel # Bayer is red elif z[i,j,0] != 0 : red = y[i,j] # Red channel blue = bayer_blue_red(res, y, i, j) # Blue channel # Bayer is bleue elif z[i,j,2] != 0 : blue = y[i,j] # Bleu channel red = bayer_blue_red(res, y, i, j) # Res channel res[i,j,0] = np.clip(red, 0, 255) res[i,j,2] = np.clip(blue,0,255) return res