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R package for a shiny application about scuba diving planification
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Modèles statistiques et Programmation Lettrée Licence MIAGE3 2019-2020
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Public Code + Data: "How do modeling choices impact the representation of structural connectivity and the dynamics of suspended sediment fluxes in distributed soil erosion models ?" Magdalena Uber, Guillaume Nord, Cédric Legout and Luis Cea.
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Modèles statistiques et Programmation Lettrée Licence MIAGE3 2018-2019
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Hough et al. (2021): PM model across France.
This repository is a mirror of https://gitlab.com/EEA-LAB/P063.FR.PM
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Matériel associé à la monographie Basics and trends in sensitivity analysis Theory and practice in R, Sébastien Da Veiga, Fabrice Gamboa, Bertrand Iooss and Clémentine Prieur
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Modèles statistiques et Programmation Lettrée Licence MIAGE3 2019-2020
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This project builds shiny app that aims at visualizing several ecological networks in a interactive way (using visNetwork)
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Modèles statistiques et Programmation Lettrée Licence MIAGE3 2018-2019