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Script for managing the RESIF data integration workflow
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This project gives the recipe to build a virtual box machine using vagrant and it's ansible provisioning
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Internet protocols measurement tools
Ipmt is a toolbox for network performance measurement. It allows to send and receive TCP or UDP traffic. Receivers compute and display statistics continuously.
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HySoP (Hybrid Simulation with Particles) is a library dedicated to high performance direct numerical simulation of fluid related problems based on semi-lagrangian particle methods.
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Git training documents. Principal author: Matthieu Moy Advanced parts authors: Sylvain Bouveret and Mounié Grégory
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Application des méthodes d'analyse de sensibilité à un simulateur d'écosystème marin dépendant de 85 paramètres.
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Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit (CamiTK) helps researchers and clinicians to easily and rapidly collaborate in order to prototype CAMI applications, that feature medical images, surgical navigation and biomechanical simulations.
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RDBG stands for Reactive programs DeBuGger.
Its a programmable debugger that targets reactive programs for which a rdbg-plugin exists. Currently two plugins exist : one for Lustre, and one for Lutin (nb: both are synchronous programming languages).
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Tools and libs shared by Verimag/synchronous tools (lustre, lutin, rdbg).
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