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XSHELLS is a high performance simulation code for the rotating Navier-Stokes equation in spherical shells, optionally coupled to the induction and temperature equation. https://nschaeff.bitbucket.io/xshells/
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Spherical Harmonic Transform library aimed at high performance numerical simulations in spherical geometries. It is very fast.
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Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit (CamiTK) helps researchers and clinicians to easily and rapidly collaborate in order to prototype CAMI applications, that feature medical images, surgical navigation and biomechanical simulations.
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Here the repository to provided a board to connect a Linky to LoraWan
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Provides the user with the state machine to execute CamiTK-Action, CamiTK-Component, visualization.
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STM32 project for STM32F779I-EVAL with library CycloneTCP to be able to use WebSockets
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One-dimensional data interpolation and column operations from the command line
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Robair est connecté aux réseaux sociaux. Créé dans le cadre du projet fablab du fablab de l'uga
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Reproduce the experimental results of an article under submission (at the LITES journal) named :
''Improving WCET Evaluation using Counters and Linear Relation Analysis''
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