diff --git a/static/js/paints.js b/static/js/paints.js
index b48e9f3f271c86df570a7473ee04793d339588fa..a445517ed9465bba83812280b7391ed8350f7575 100644
--- a/static/js/paints.js
+++ b/static/js/paints.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ window.onload = function () {
-  // pageInit();
@@ -68,21 +67,17 @@ function visuInit() {
 const imageHandler = {
+  currImg: "",
   imgPos: getImagePos(),
   viewer: Array(),
   options: {
     id: "fabricjsOverlay",
     selection: false, // NE MARCHE PAS
-    // scale: 990,
-    scale: 1000,
     // to detail hovering zone
     perPixelTargetFind: true,
     targetFindTolerance: 0
-  scaleOption: Object(),
   overlays: [],
-  polygonsAreas: [],
-  polygons: {},
   initSide: function (side) {
     imageHandler.viewer[side] = new OpenSeadragon.Viewer({
       id: `openseadragon-${side}`,
@@ -112,18 +107,18 @@ const imageHandler = {
       imageHandler.display(side, document.querySelectorAll('.img-thumbnail')[0].id);
+    imageHandler.currImg = url;
     // initialisation de l'overlay pour y afficher les zonages
     setTimeout(() => {
       this.options.scale = dataHandler.scales[url];
       this.overlays[side] = this.viewer[side].fabricjsOverlay(this.options);
-      displayFigures(side, url);
     }, "800");
   init: function () {
-    side="left"
     const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('.img-thumbnail');
     [].forEach.call(thumbnails, function (element) {
@@ -139,11 +134,6 @@ const imageHandler = {
-    let toggleBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-mark');
-    [].forEach.call(toggleBtns, function (toggleBtn) {
-      toggleBtn.addEventListener("click", imageHandler.toggleMark);
-    });
     let descriptionsZones = document.querySelectorAll(".description-zone");
     for (let i = 0; i < descriptionsZones.length; i++) {
@@ -151,85 +141,58 @@ const imageHandler = {
         function (event) {
           let pos = getImagePos();
+          let currentImage = imageHandler.currImg;
-          // version dessine les zones en les additionnant
-          if (document.querySelector(".img-thumbnail.current").classList.contains("zonesRemoved")) {
+          // version affiche/cache les zones (en les additionnant) au clic dans le texte
+          if (!document.querySelector(".img-thumbnail.current").classList.contains("zonesActivated")) {
             // afficher les zones
-            item = 1;
-            let x = 0;
-            let toRemove = []
+            let polyIdToChange = 1;
             let removing = false
             let textTag = event.target.parentElement.parentElement;
-            // récupère les id des grand-parents pour savoir quelles zones afficher
+            // récupère les id des grand-parents pour savoir quelles zones afficher/masquer
             for (let a = 0; a < textTag.classList.length; a++) {
               zoneId = textTag.classList[a];
-              for (let z = 0; z < imageHandler.polygonsAreas.length; z++) {
-                const polyId = imageHandler.polygonsAreas[z].id;
-                x= z
+              for (let z = 0; z < dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].length; z++) {
+                const polyId = dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage][z].id;
                 if (zoneId == polyId) {
-                  item = polyId;
+                  polyIdToChange = polyId;
-              let poly = imageHandler.polygons[item];
-              console.group("remove or not")
-              // si déjà marqué et qu'on veut enlever : ne fonctionne pas ! ALMOST WORKING - TO CLEAR (TODO)
-              // ne marche pas si on clique une nouvelle fois + texte ne se décolore pas
+              // si déjà affiché et qu'on veut masquer
               if (imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects.length > 0) {
                 let drawnPolys = imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects;
-                console.log(imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().getObjects())
                 drawnPolys.forEach(drawnPoly => {
-                  if (drawnPoly.id == item) {
-                    console.log(textTag.classList)
-                    // textTag.classList.remove("corresp");
+                  if (drawnPoly.id == polyIdToChange) {
                     removing = true;
-                    console.log("---------")
-                    console.log("id :"+drawnPoly.id)
-                    console.log("x : "+x)
-                    console.log("indexOf poly : "+imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects.indexOf(drawnPoly))
-                    console.log("---------")
-                    x = imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects.indexOf(drawnPoly);
-                    let obj = imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(x);
-                    toRemove.push(obj);
-                    imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().remove(obj);
-                    imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().renderAll();
-                    console.log(imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects)
+                    let polyIndex = imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects.indexOf(drawnPoly);
+                    let polyToRemove = imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(polyIndex);
-                    // imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().on('object:removed',function(object){
-                    //   console.warn(object);
-                    // });
+                    imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().remove(polyToRemove);
+                    imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().renderAll();
-              // if(removing){
-              //   if(textTag.classList.contains("corresp")){
-              //     textTag.classList.remove("corresp");
-              //   }
-              // }
-              // else{
-              if(! removing){
+              // si on veut afficher
+              if (!removing) {
                 // dessine les zones
-                console.log("here")
-                imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().add(poly);
+                let polyToAdd = new fabric.Polygon(dataHandler.polygons[currentImage][polyIdToChange].points, dataHandler.polygons[currentImage][polyIdToChange].infos);
+                imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().add(polyToAdd);
                 let nbPoly = imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas()._objects.length - 1;
                 imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(nbPoly).set('fill', 'transparent');
                 imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(nbPoly).set('dirty', 'true')
                 imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(nbPoly).set('dirty', 'false')
-                // textTag.classList.add("corresp");
-              console.groupEnd();
-            toRemove.forEach(element => {
-              imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().remove(element);
-              imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().renderAll();
-            });
+            removing ? textTag.classList.remove("corresp") : textTag.classList.add("corresp");
           // version colorie les zones sans les additionner
@@ -244,8 +207,8 @@ const imageHandler = {
               // récupère les id des grand-parents pour savoir quelles zones masquer
               for (let a = 0; a < corresps[y].classList.length; a++) {
                 zoneId = corresps[y].classList[a];
-                for (let z = 0; z < imageHandler.polygonsAreas.length; z++) {
-                  const polyId = imageHandler.polygonsAreas[z].id;
+                for (let z = 0; z < dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].length; z++) {
+                  const polyId = dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage][z].id;
                   let polyNumber = z;
                   if (zoneId == polyId) {
                     item = polyNumber;
@@ -262,10 +225,11 @@ const imageHandler = {
             // afficher les zones
             item = 1;
             // récupère les id des grand-parents pour savoir quelles zones afficher
-            for (let a = 0; a < event.target.parentElement.parentElement.classList.length; a++) {
-              zoneId = event.target.parentElement.parentElement.classList[a];
-              for (let z = 0; z < imageHandler.polygonsAreas.length; z++) {
-                const polyId = imageHandler.polygonsAreas[z].id;
+            parentClasses = event.target.parentElement.parentElement.classList;
+            for (let a = 0; a < parentClasses.length; a++) {
+              zoneId = parentClasses[a];
+              for (let z = 0; z < dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].length; z++) {
+                const polyId = dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage][z].id;
                 let polyNumber = z;
                 if (zoneId == polyId) {
                   item = polyNumber;
@@ -273,13 +237,12 @@ const imageHandler = {
               imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(item).set('fill', '#DEC9BF');
-              imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(item).set('opacity', '0.5');
               imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(item).set('dirty', 'true')
               imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().item(item).set('dirty', 'false')
+            parentClasses.add("corresp");
-          event.target.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add("corresp");
@@ -290,14 +253,13 @@ const imageHandler = {
   drawRemoveZones: function () {
     let image = document.querySelector(".img-thumbnail.current")
     let url = image.dataset.img;
-    let pos = getImagePos();
-    if (image.classList.contains("zonesRemoved")) {
-      image.classList.remove("zonesRemoved")
-      displayAllFigures(url);
+    clearAll();
+    if (image.classList.contains("zonesActivated")) {
+      image.classList.remove("zonesActivated")
     } else {
-      image.classList.add("zonesRemoved")
-      imageHandler.overlays[pos].fabricCanvas().clear();
+      image.classList.add("zonesActivated")
+      displayAllFigures(url);
     // masquer les descriptions sélectionnées précédement
@@ -306,41 +268,37 @@ const imageHandler = {
-  toggleMark: function (evt) {
-    let btn = evt.currentTarget;
-    let pos = btn.dataset.pos;
-    let type = btn.dataset.type;
-    document.querySelector('#nav-tabContent-' + pos).classList.toggle('disabled-' + type);
-  },
   change: function (evt) {
     let previous;
     let thumbnail = evt.currentTarget;
     let pos = getImagePos();
-    let url = thumbnail.dataset.img;
     if (previous = document.querySelector('.img-thumbnail.current')) {
     activeTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link.active");
     for (let activeTab of activeTabs) {
       if (activeTab.id.includes("image")) {
         pos = activeTab.id.split("-")[1];
+    clearAll();
     imageHandler.display(pos, thumbnail.id);
-    displayAllFigures(url);
+    imageHandler.currImg = thumbnail.dataset.img;
   display: function (imgPos, imageRef) {
     let url = document.querySelector("#" + imageRef).dataset.img;
-    // let imageRef = thumbnail.id.substr(thumbnail.id.lastIndexOf("-") + 1);
     if (url) {
+      imageHandler.options.scale = dataHandler.scales[url];
+      imageHandler.overlays[imgPos] = imageHandler.viewer[imgPos].fabricjsOverlay(imageHandler.options);
         type: 'image',
         url: url
@@ -361,147 +319,73 @@ const imageHandler = {
-const displayFigures = function (side, url){
-  let currentImage = url;
-  let viewer = imageHandler.viewer[side];
+const displayFigures = function (side, url) {
-  console.log(currentImage);
-  getData().then((data) => {
-    let jsonMention = data[0];
-    zoom = false;
-    let i = 0;
-    let polygonsPoints = Object();
-    imageHandler.polygonsAreas = [];
-    // dessine les zones décrites
-    if (jsonMention.hasOwnProperty(currentImage)) {
-      // gestion de l'échelle des zones//images
-      let scale = jsonMention[currentImage][0]
-      imageHandler.scaleOption[currentImage] = scale;
-      let infosFigure = jsonMention[currentImage][1]
-      // get polygons points and their areas
-      for (let figure in infosFigure) {
-        i++;
-        let points = infosFigure[figure];
-        newpoints = []
-        for (let index = 0; index < points.length; index++) {
-          newpoints.push([points[index]["x"], points[index]["y"]]);
-        }
-        polygonsPoints[figure] = points;
-        imageHandler.polygonsAreas.push({ "id": figure, "area": calculateArea(newpoints) });
-      }
-      // sort polygons by area
-      imageHandler.polygonsAreas.sort(function (a, b) {
-        return a.area - b.area;
-      });
-      imageHandler.polygonsAreas.reverse();
-      // draw polygons zones in descending orders of areas to avoid overlaps
-      for (let i = 0; i < imageHandler.polygonsAreas.length; i++) {
-        let polyId = imageHandler.polygonsAreas[i].id;
-        let points = polygonsPoints[polyId];
-        // create poly zone
-        let poly = new fabric.Polygon(points, {
-          id: polyId,
-          // stroke: 'red',
-          stroke: '#B22222',
-          strokeWidth: 3,
-          fill: 'transparent',
-          // make it impossible to drag or resize zone
-          lockRotation: true,
-          lockScalingX: true,
-          lockScalingY: true,
-          lockMovementX: true,
-          lockMovementY: true,
-          // to detail hovering zone
-          perPixelTargetFind: true,
-          // remove selection lines
-          // hasBorders: false,
-          hasControls: false,
-          dirty: false,
-          hoverCursor: 'pointer'
-        });
+  // draw polygons zones in descending orders of areas to avoid overlaps
+  for (let i = 0; i < dataHandler.polygonsAreas[url].length; i++) {
+    let polyId = dataHandler.polygonsAreas[url][i].id;
+    let poly = new fabric.Polygon(dataHandler.polygons[url][polyId].points, dataHandler.polygons[url][polyId].infos);
-        // remove draggability indicator
-        poly.setControlsVisibility({ mtr: false })
+    imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().add(poly);
+  }
-        // add poly zone to list
-        imageHandler.polygons[polyId] = poly;
-        // add poly zone to canva
-        imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().add(poly);
-      }
+  // highlight clicked zone description
+  imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().on('mouse:up', function (e) {
+    let previousRefs = document.querySelectorAll(".corresp");
+    for (var previousRef of previousRefs) {
+      previousRef.classList.remove('corresp');
-    // highlight clicked zone description
-    imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().on('mouse:up', function (e) {
-      let previousRefs = document.querySelectorAll(".corresp");
-      for (var previousRef of previousRefs) {
-        previousRef.classList.remove('corresp');
-      }
-      if (e.target) {
-        console.log(e.target["id"])
-        let refs = document.querySelectorAll("." + e.target["id"]);
-        for (var ref of refs) {
-          if (!ref.classList.contains("corresp")) {
-            ref.classList.add('corresp');
-            ref.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" });
-          }
+    if (e.target) {
+      let refs = document.querySelectorAll("." + e.target["id"]);
+      for (var ref of refs) {
+        if (!ref.classList.contains("corresp")) {
+          ref.classList.add('corresp');
+          ref.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" });
-    });
+    }
+  });
-    // color overflown zones
-    imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().on('mouse:over', function (e) {
-      if (e.target) {
-        // e.target.set('fill', 'pink')
-        e.target.set('fill', '#DEC9BF')
-        e.target.set('opacity', '0.5')
-        // redraw only dirty zones
-        e.target.set('dirty', 'true')
-        imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().requestRenderAll();
-        e.target.set('dirty', 'false')
-        // display zones notes
-        document.querySelector("#zones-infos").innerText = document.querySelector("#" + e.target["id"] + "-note").innerText;
-        document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.display = "block";
-      }
-    });
+  // color overflown zones
+  imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().on('mouse:over', function (e) {
+    if (e.target) {
+      e.target.set('fill', '#DEC9BF')
+      e.target.set('opacity', '0.5')
+      // redraw only dirty zones
+      e.target.set('dirty', 'true')
+      imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().requestRenderAll();
+      e.target.set('dirty', 'false')
+      // display zones notes
+      document.querySelector("#zones-infos").innerText = document.querySelector("#" + e.target["id"] + "-note").innerText;
+      document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.display = "block";
+    }
+  });
-    // uncolor preceding overflown zones
-    imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().on('mouse:out', function (e) {
-      if (e.target) {
-        e.target.set('fill', 'transparent')
-        // redraw only dirty zones
-        e.target.set('dirty', 'true')
-        imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().requestRenderAll();
-        e.target.set('dirty', 'false')
-        // display zones notes
-        document.querySelector("#zones-infos").innerText = "";
-        document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.display = "none";
-      }
-    });
+  // uncolor preceding overflown zones
+  imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().on('mouse:out', function (e) {
+    if (e.target) {
+      e.target.set('fill', 'transparent')
+      // redraw only dirty zones
+      e.target.set('dirty', 'true')
+      imageHandler.overlays[side].fabricCanvas().requestRenderAll();
+      e.target.set('dirty', 'false')
+      // display zones notes
+      document.querySelector("#zones-infos").innerText = "";
+      document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.display = "none";
+    }
 // display described zones on images
 const displayAllFigures = function (url) {
-    imageHandler.overlays["left"]._scale = dataHandler.scales[url];
-    imageHandler.overlays["right"]._scale = dataHandler.scales[url];
-    displayFigures("left", url);
-    displayFigures("right", url);
+  clearAll();
+  imageHandler.overlays["left"]._scale = dataHandler.scales[url];
+  imageHandler.overlays["right"]._scale = dataHandler.scales[url];
+  displayFigures("left", url);
+  displayFigures("right", url);
@@ -571,14 +455,19 @@ function getImagePos() {
   return pos;
+function clearAll() {
+  imageHandler.overlays["left"].fabricCanvas().clear();
+  imageHandler.overlays["right"].fabricCanvas().clear();
 //display note near cursor
 window.onmousemove = function (e) {
-  if(document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.display == "block"){
+  if (document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.display == "block") {
     let mouseX = e.clientX;
     let mouseY = e.clientY;
     let noteX = document.querySelector("#zones-infos").getBoundingClientRect().width;
     let noteY = document.querySelector("#zones-infos").getBoundingClientRect().height;
     document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.top = (mouseY - noteY) + 'px';
     document.querySelector("#zones-infos").style.left = (mouseX - noteX) + 'px';
@@ -586,80 +475,74 @@ window.onmousemove = function (e) {
 const dataHandler = {
   scales: Object(),
-  init : function(){
+  polygons: Object(),
+  polygonsAreas: Array(),
+  init: function () {
     getData().then((data) => {
-      console.log("here")
       let jsonMention = data[0];
-      zoom = false;
-      let i = 0;
       let polygonsPoints = Object();
-      imageHandler.polygonsAreas = [];
+      dataHandler.polygonsAreas = [];
       for (let currentImage in jsonMention) {
-          // gestion de l'échelle des zones//images
-          let scale = jsonMention[currentImage][0]
-          dataHandler.scales[currentImage] = scale;
-          // console.log(dataHandler.scales)
-          // console.log(dataHandler.scales.hasOwnProperty("https://gallica.bnf.fr/iiif/ark:/12148/btv1b105206468/f103/full/1600,/0/color.jpg"))
-          let infosFigure = jsonMention[currentImage][1]
-          // get polygons points and their areas
-          for (let figure in infosFigure) {
-            i++;
-            let points = infosFigure[figure];
-            let newpoints = []
-            for (let index = 0; index < points.length; index++) {
-              newpoints.push([points[index]["x"], points[index]["y"]]);
-            }
-            polygonsPoints[figure] = points;
-            imageHandler.polygonsAreas.push({ "id": figure, "area": calculateArea(newpoints) });
+        dataHandler.polygons[currentImage] = {}
+        dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage] = []
+        // gestion de l'échelle des zones//images
+        let scale = jsonMention[currentImage][0]
+        dataHandler.scales[currentImage] = scale;
+        let infosFigure = jsonMention[currentImage][1]
+        // get polygons points and their areas
+        for (let figure in infosFigure) {
+          let points = infosFigure[figure];
+          let newpoints = [];
+          for (let index = 0; index < points.length; index++) {
+            newpoints.push([points[index]["x"], points[index]["y"]]);
-          // sort polygons by area
-          imageHandler.polygonsAreas.sort(function (a, b) {
-            return a.area - b.area;
-          });
-          imageHandler.polygonsAreas.reverse();
-          // draw polygons zones in descending orders of areas to avoid overlaps
-          for (let i = 0; i < imageHandler.polygonsAreas.length; i++) {
-            let polyId = imageHandler.polygonsAreas[i].id;
-            let points = polygonsPoints[polyId];
-            // create poly zone
-            let poly = new fabric.Polygon(points, {
-              id: polyId,
-              // stroke: 'red',
-              stroke: '#B22222',
-              strokeWidth: 3,
-              fill: 'transparent',
-              // make it impossible to drag or resize zone
-              lockRotation: true,
-              lockScalingX: true,
-              lockScalingY: true,
-              lockMovementX: true,
-              lockMovementY: true,
-              // to detail hovering zone
-              perPixelTargetFind: true,
-              // remove selection lines
-              // hasBorders: false,
-              hasControls: false,
-              dirty: false,
-              hoverCursor: 'pointer'
-            });
+          polygonsPoints[figure] = points;
+          dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].push({ "id": figure, "area": calculateArea(newpoints) });
+        }
+        // sort polygons by area
+        dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].sort(function (a, b) {
+          return a.area - b.area;
+        });
+        dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].reverse();
+        // draw polygons zones in descending orders of areas to avoid overlaps
+        for (let i = 0; i < dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage].length; i++) {
+          let polyId = dataHandler.polygonsAreas[currentImage][i].id;
+          dataHandler.polygons[currentImage][polyId] = { "points" : [], "infos" : {}};
+          // add poly infos to create zone
+          dataHandler.polygons[currentImage][polyId]["points"] = polygonsPoints[polyId];
+          dataHandler.polygons[currentImage][polyId]["infos"] = {
+            id: polyId,
+            stroke: '#B22222',
+            strokeWidth: 3,
+            fill: 'transparent',
+            // make it impossible to drag or resize zone
+            lockRotation: true,
+            lockScalingX: true,
+            lockScalingY: true,
+            lockMovementX: true,
+            lockMovementY: true,
+            // to detail hovering zone
+            perPixelTargetFind: true,
+            // remove selection lines
+            hasBorders: false,
+            hasControls: false,
             // remove draggability indicator
-            poly.setControlsVisibility({ mtr: false })
-            // add poly zone to list
-            imageHandler.polygons[polyId] = poly;
-          }
+            setControlsVisibility: ({ mtr: false }),
+            dirty: false,
+            hoverCursor: 'pointer'
+          };
+        }
diff --git a/templates/navbar_menu.html.j2 b/templates/navbar_menu.html.j2
index 779dc2265b44fa4f7fbfa057c0702bec504ec7c2..cecdc495faaa470bac0a6083c6acf6a5afe16cd3 100644
--- a/templates/navbar_menu.html.j2
+++ b/templates/navbar_menu.html.j2
@@ -103,6 +103,19 @@
           <a class="btn btn-menu me-3" href="{{ url_for('vue', vueName='manuscripts') }}"><i class="fa-solid fa-scroll"></i> Manuscrits</a>
+        <li class="nav-item dropdown">
+          <a class="dropdown-toggle btn btn-menu me-3" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-auto-close="outside" aria-expanded="false">
+            <i class="fa-solid fa-palette"></i> Peintures</a>
+          <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-paints" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
+            <li>
+              <a class="dropdown-item btn-summary" href="{{ url_for('facsimile', paintsPage='paints1') }}"></i>Peintures du Livre I</a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+              <a class="dropdown-item btn-summary" href="{{ url_for('facsimile', paintsPage='paints2') }}"></i>Peintures du Livre II</a>
+            </li>
+          </ul>
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         <li class="nav-item">
           <a class="btn btn-menu me-3" href="{{ url_for('vue', vueName='index_person') }}"><i class="fa-solid fa-bars"></i> Index</a>
@@ -130,21 +143,6 @@
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