import pandas as pd, matplotlib, matplotlib.pyplot as plt import z_my_functions as my_fct import random df = my_fct.load_and_treat_csv() #print(df.columns) df_type = df["resourceTypeGeneral"].value_counts() # print(df_type_raw) # ## regroup small values in "other" # treshold = 20 # df_type = df_type_raw[df_type_raw > treshold] # df_type["other"] = df_type[df_type <= treshold].sum() #define a color palette to use ### see color palett colors = [ for i in range(len(df_type))] random.shuffle(colors) ## so that blue is not more the first item plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) # plt.subplots_adjust(1, 0.01 , 0.9, 0.2) # pour modifier la taille du pie plt.pie(df_type, colors = colors, autopct=lambda p: '{:.0f}%'.format(round(p)) if p > 1 else '', startangle = 160) ## auto pct only if value > 1 plt.legend(df_type.index, loc = (0.80, 0.2), framealpha = 0.95) plt.title(f"Type of datasets", fontsize = 20, x = 0.5, y = 1.03, alpha = 0.6) plt.suptitle(f"n = {len(df)}", fontsize = 11, x = 0.5, y = 0.9, alpha = 0.6) plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 0) plt.savefig("pie--datacite-type.png") print(f"\ngraph produced pie--datacite-type.png") #