From bdc7b815d033f84e5538a1c8db87d3c061b1ca4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 14:40:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added 'going wrong' behaviors

git-svn-id: fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
 .depend                    |   5 +-
 Makefile                   |   2 +-
 arm/Asmgenproof.v          |   2 +-
 arm/Constpropproof.v       |   2 +-
 arm/Selectionproof.v       |   2 +-
 backend/Allocproof.v       |   2 +-
 backend/CSEproof.v         |   2 +-
 backend/Linearizeproof.v   |   2 +-
 backend/Machabstr2concr.v  |   6 +-
 backend/RTLgenproof.v      |   2 +-
 backend/Reloadproof.v      |   2 +-
 backend/Stackingproof.v    |   2 +-
 backend/Tailcallproof.v    |   2 +-
 backend/Tunneling.v        |  51 ++++-----
 backend/Tunnelingproof.v   | 221 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 backend/Tunnelingtyping.v  |  40 ++++---
 cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v |   2 +-
 cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v  |  13 ++-
 common/Smallstep.v         |  45 ++++++--
 driver/Compiler.v          |  62 ++++++-----
 driver/Complements.v       | 129 +++++++++++++---------
 lib/Coqlib.v               |   5 +
 lib/Maps.v                 | 115 +++++++++++++++++++
 powerpc/Asmgenproof.v      |   2 +-
 powerpc/Constpropproof.v   |   2 +-
 powerpc/Selectionproof.v   |   2 +-
 26 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.depend b/.depend
index d1b9ef8fe..c6df7798f 100644
--- a/.depend
+++ b/.depend
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ lib/Lattice.vo: lib/Lattice.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo
 lib/Maps.vo: lib/Maps.v lib/Coqlib.vo
 lib/Ordered.vo: lib/Ordered.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo
 lib/Parmov.vo: lib/Parmov.v lib/Coqlib.vo
+lib/UnionFind.vo: lib/UnionFind.v lib/Coqlib.vo
 common/AST.vo: common/AST.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo
 common/Errors.vo: common/Errors.v lib/Coqlib.vo
 common/Events.vo: common/Events.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo
@@ -70,9 +71,9 @@ backend/Stackingtyping.vo: backend/Stackingtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo co
 backend/Stacking.vo: backend/Stacking.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Bounds.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo
 backend/Tailcallproof.vo: backend/Tailcallproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Tailcall.vo
 backend/Tailcall.vo: backend/Tailcall.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Registers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/Tunnelingproof.vo: backend/Tunnelingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Tunneling.vo
+backend/Tunnelingproof.vo: backend/Tunnelingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Tunneling.vo
 backend/Tunnelingtyping.vo: backend/Tunnelingtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/Tunneling.vo backend/Tunnelingproof.vo
-backend/Tunneling.vo: backend/Tunneling.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo
+backend/Tunneling.vo: backend/Tunneling.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo
 cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.vo: cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo
 cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo: cfrontend/Cminorgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Mem.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Cminor.vo
 cfrontend/Csem.vo: cfrontend/Csem.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo common/Smallstep.vo
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 14b8c29be..8bae5a05a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ GPATH=$(DIRS)
 # General-purpose libraries (in lib/)
 LIB=Coqlib.v Maps.v Lattice.v Ordered.v \
-  Iteration.v Integers.v Floats.v Parmov.v
+  Iteration.v Integers.v Floats.v Parmov.v UnionFind.v
 # Parts common to the front-ends and the back-end (in common/)
diff --git a/arm/Asmgenproof.v b/arm/Asmgenproof.v
index f9f4cd0f8..7b1fd62c8 100644
--- a/arm/Asmgenproof.v
+++ b/arm/Asmgenproof.v
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   Machconcr.exec_program prog beh -> Asm.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold Machconcr.exec_program, Asm.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/arm/Constpropproof.v b/arm/Constpropproof.v
index 7c7b87884..08c5baf34 100644
--- a/arm/Constpropproof.v
+++ b/arm/Constpropproof.v
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ Qed.
   [Smallstep.simulation_step_preservation]. *)
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   exec_program prog beh -> exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/arm/Selectionproof.v b/arm/Selectionproof.v
index 967e2292c..cf7613b61 100644
--- a/arm/Selectionproof.v
+++ b/arm/Selectionproof.v
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   Cminor.exec_program prog beh -> CminorSel.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold CminorSel.exec_program, Cminor.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Allocproof.v b/backend/Allocproof.v
index e2387b5d0..7e9334a87 100644
--- a/backend/Allocproof.v
+++ b/backend/Allocproof.v
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   RTL.exec_program prog beh -> LTL.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold RTL.exec_program, LTL.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/CSEproof.v b/backend/CSEproof.v
index 265bb20ab..3751cec74 100644
--- a/backend/CSEproof.v
+++ b/backend/CSEproof.v
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   exec_program prog beh -> exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Linearizeproof.v b/backend/Linearizeproof.v
index c24d37042..1fb068d8b 100644
--- a/backend/Linearizeproof.v
+++ b/backend/Linearizeproof.v
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   LTL.exec_program prog beh -> LTLin.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold LTL.exec_program, exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Machabstr2concr.v b/backend/Machabstr2concr.v
index 6e331f30b..139eac75c 100644
--- a/backend/Machabstr2concr.v
+++ b/backend/Machabstr2concr.v
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem exec_program_equiv:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   Machabstr.exec_program p beh -> Machconcr.exec_program p beh.
   unfold Machconcr.exec_program, Machabstr.exec_program; intros.
@@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ Proof.
     (match_states := fun st1 st2 => match_states st1 st2 /\ wt_state st1).
   eexact equiv_initial_states.
   eexact equiv_final_states.
-  intros. destruct H1. exploit step_equiv; eauto.
+  intros. destruct H2. exploit step_equiv; eauto.
   intros [st2' [A B]]. exists st2'; split. auto. split. auto.
   eapply Machtyping.subject_reduction; eauto. 
-  auto.
+  auto. auto.
diff --git a/backend/RTLgenproof.v b/backend/RTLgenproof.v
index 1dd2294c0..df1ade9dd 100644
--- a/backend/RTLgenproof.v
+++ b/backend/RTLgenproof.v
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   CminorSel.exec_program prog beh -> RTL.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold CminorSel.exec_program, RTL.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Reloadproof.v b/backend/Reloadproof.v
index ea7c5d194..a7becc36c 100644
--- a/backend/Reloadproof.v
+++ b/backend/Reloadproof.v
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   LTLin.exec_program prog beh -> Linear.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold LTLin.exec_program, Linear.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Stackingproof.v b/backend/Stackingproof.v
index d5819f7ef..5b6f2dc7b 100644
--- a/backend/Stackingproof.v
+++ b/backend/Stackingproof.v
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   Linear.exec_program prog beh -> Machabstr.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold Linear.exec_program, Machabstr.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Tailcallproof.v b/backend/Tailcallproof.v
index 791db3742..1423e1e01 100644
--- a/backend/Tailcallproof.v
+++ b/backend/Tailcallproof.v
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ Qed.
   [Smallstep.simulation_opt_preservation]. *)
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   exec_program prog beh -> exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Tunneling.v b/backend/Tunneling.v
index 32d1b5955..4b1417fc5 100644
--- a/backend/Tunneling.v
+++ b/backend/Tunneling.v
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
+Require Import UnionFind.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
@@ -42,9 +43,6 @@ Require Import LTL.
   dead code (as the "goto L3" in the example above).
-Definition is_goto_instr (b: option instruction) : option node :=
-  match b with Some (Lnop s) => Some s | _ => None end.
 (** [branch_target f pc] returns the node of the CFG that is at
   the end of the branch sequence starting at [pc].  If the instruction
   at [pc] is not a [goto], [pc] itself is returned.
@@ -77,50 +75,44 @@ Definition is_goto_instr (b: option instruction) : option node :=
   is simpler if we return the label of the first [goto] in the sequence.
-Fixpoint branch_target_rec (f: LTL.function) (pc: node) (count: nat)
-                           {struct count} : option node :=
-  match count with
-  | Datatypes.O => None
-  | Datatypes.S count' =>
-      match is_goto_instr f.(fn_code)!pc with
-      | Some s => branch_target_rec f s count'
-      | None => Some pc
-      end
-  end.
+Module U := UnionFind.UF(PTree).
-Definition branch_target (f: LTL.function) (pc: node) :=
-  match branch_target_rec f pc 10%nat with
-  | Some pc' => pc'
-  | None => pc
+Definition record_goto (uf: U.t) (pc: node) (i: instruction) : U.t :=
+  match i with
+  | Lnop s => U.union uf pc s
+  | _ => uf
+Definition record_gotos (f: LTL.function) : U.t :=
+  PTree.fold record_goto f.(fn_code) U.empty.
 (** The tunneling optimization simply rewrites all LTL basic blocks,
   replacing the destinations of the [Bgoto] and [Bcond] instructions
   with their final target, as computed by [branch_target]. *)
-Definition tunnel_instr (f: LTL.function) (b: instruction) : instruction :=
+Definition tunnel_instr (uf: U.t) (b: instruction) : instruction :=
   match b with
   | Lnop s =>
-      Lnop (branch_target f s)
+      Lnop (U.repr uf s)
   | Lop op args res s =>
-      Lop op args res (branch_target f s)
+      Lop op args res (U.repr uf s)
   | Lload chunk addr args dst s =>
-      Lload chunk addr args dst (branch_target f s)
+      Lload chunk addr args dst (U.repr uf s)
   | Lstore chunk addr args src s =>
-      Lstore chunk addr args src (branch_target f s)
+      Lstore chunk addr args src (U.repr uf s)
   | Lcall sig ros args res s =>
-      Lcall sig ros args res (branch_target f s)
+      Lcall sig ros args res (U.repr uf s)
   | Ltailcall sig ros args =>
       Ltailcall sig ros args
   | Lcond cond args s1 s2 =>
-      Lcond cond args (branch_target f s1) (branch_target f s2)
+      Lcond cond args (U.repr uf s1) (U.repr uf s2)
   | Lreturn or =>
       Lreturn or
 Lemma wf_tunneled_code:
-  forall (f: LTL.function),
-  let tc := (fun pc b => tunnel_instr f b) (fn_code f) in
+  forall (f: LTL.function) (uf: U.t),
+  let tc := (fun pc b => tunnel_instr uf b) (fn_code f) in
   forall (pc: node), Plt pc (fn_nextpc f) \/ tc!pc = None.
   intros. elim (fn_code_wf f pc); intro.
@@ -129,14 +121,15 @@ Proof.
 Definition tunnel_function (f: LTL.function) : LTL.function :=
+  let uf := record_gotos f in
     (fn_sig f)
     (fn_params f)
     (fn_stacksize f)
-    ( (fun pc b => tunnel_instr f b) (fn_code f))
-    (branch_target f (fn_entrypoint f))
+    ( (fun pc b => tunnel_instr uf b) (fn_code f))
+    (U.repr uf (fn_entrypoint f))
     (fn_nextpc f)
-    (wf_tunneled_code f).
+    (wf_tunneled_code f uf).
 Definition tunnel_fundef (f: LTL.fundef) : LTL.fundef :=
   transf_fundef tunnel_function f.
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelingproof.v b/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
index 08f5f6ccb..eccb62dd4 100644
--- a/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
+++ b/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
+Require Import UnionFind.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Mem.
@@ -25,98 +26,112 @@ Require Import Locations.
 Require Import LTL.
 Require Import Tunneling.
-(** * Properties of branch target computation *)
+(** * Properties of the branch map computed using union-find. *)
-Lemma is_goto_instr_correct:
-  forall b s,
-  is_goto_instr b = Some s -> b = Some (Lnop s).
-  unfold is_goto_instr; intros.
-  destruct b; try discriminate.
-  destruct i; discriminate || congruence. 
-Lemma branch_target_rec_1:
-  forall f pc n,
-  branch_target_rec f pc n = Some pc
-  \/ branch_target_rec f pc n = None
-  \/ exists pc', f.(fn_code)!pc = Some(Lnop pc').
-  intros. destruct n; simpl.
-  right; left; auto.
-  caseEq (is_goto_instr f.(fn_code)!pc); intros.
-  right; right. exists n0. apply is_goto_instr_correct; auto.
-  left; auto.
+(** A variant of [record_goto] that also incrementally computes a measure [f: node -> nat]
+  counting the number of [Lnop] instructions starting at a given [pc] that were eliminated. *)
-Lemma branch_target_rec_2:
-  forall f n pc1 pc2 pc3,
-  f.(fn_code)!pc1 = Some (Lnop pc2) ->
-  branch_target_rec f pc1 n = Some pc3 ->
-  branch_target_rec f pc2 n = Some pc3.
+Definition measure_edge (u: U.t) (pc s: node) (f: node -> nat) : node -> nat :=
+  fun x => if peq (U.repr u s) pc then f x
+           else if peq (U.repr u x) pc then (f x + f s + 1)%nat
+           else f x.
+Definition record_goto' (uf: U.t * (node -> nat)) (pc: node) (i: instruction) : U.t * (node -> nat) :=
+  match i with
+  | Lnop s => let (u, f) := uf in (U.union u pc s, measure_edge u pc s f)
+  | _ => uf
+  end.
+Definition branch_map_correct (c: code) (uf: U.t * (node -> nat)): Prop :=
+  forall pc,
+  match c!pc with
+  | Some(Lnop s) =>
+      U.repr (fst uf) pc = pc \/ (U.repr (fst uf) pc = U.repr (fst uf) s /\ snd uf s < snd uf pc)%nat
+  | _ =>
+      U.repr (fst uf) pc = pc
+  end.
+Lemma record_gotos'_correct:
+  forall c,
+  branch_map_correct c (PTree.fold record_goto' c (U.empty, fun (x: node) => O)).
-  induction n. 
-  simpl. intros; discriminate.
-  intros pc1 pc2 pc3 ATpc1 H. simpl in H. 
-  unfold is_goto_instr in H; rewrite ATpc1 in H.
-  simpl. caseEq (is_goto_instr f.(fn_code)!pc2); intros.
-  apply IHn with pc2. apply is_goto_instr_correct; auto. auto.
-  destruct n; simpl in H. discriminate. rewrite H0 in H. auto.
+  intros.
+  apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := fun c uf => branch_map_correct c uf).
+(* extensionality *)
+  intros. red; intros. rewrite <- H. apply H0.
+(* base case *)
+  red; intros; simpl. rewrite PTree.gempty. apply U.repr_empty.
+(* inductive case *)
+  intros m uf pc i; intros. destruct uf as [u f]. 
+  assert (PC: U.repr u pc = pc). 
+    generalize (H1 pc). rewrite H. auto.
+  assert (record_goto' (u, f) pc i = (u, f)
+          \/ exists s, i = Lnop s /\ record_goto' (u, f) pc i = (U.union u pc s, measure_edge u pc s f)).
+    unfold record_goto'; simpl. destruct i; auto. right. exists n; auto.
+  destruct H2 as [B | [s [EQ B]]].
+(* u and f are unchanged *)
+  rewrite B.
+  red. intro pc'. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq pc' pc). subst pc'. 
+  destruct i; auto.
+  apply H1. 
+(* i is Lnop s, u becomes union u pc s, f becomes measure_edge u pc s f *)
+  rewrite B.
+  red. intro pc'. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq pc' pc). subst pc'. rewrite EQ.
+(* The new instruction *)
+  rewrite (U.repr_union_2 u pc s); auto. rewrite U.repr_union_3. 
+  unfold measure_edge. destruct (peq (U.repr u s) pc). auto. right. split. auto.
+  rewrite PC. rewrite peq_true. omega.
+(* An old instruction *)
+  assert (U.repr u pc' = pc' -> U.repr (U.union u pc s) pc' = pc').
+    intro. rewrite <- H2 at 2. apply U.repr_union_1. congruence. 
+  generalize (H1 pc'). simpl. destruct (m!pc'); auto. destruct i0; auto.
+  intros [P | [P Q]]. left; auto. right.
+  split. apply U.sameclass_union_2. auto.
+  unfold measure_edge. destruct (peq (U.repr u s) pc). auto.
+  rewrite P. destruct (peq (U.repr u n0) pc). omega. auto. 
-(** Counting the number of consecutive gotos. *)
-Fixpoint count_goto_rec (f: LTL.function) (pc: node) (count: nat)
-                        {struct count} : nat :=
-  match count with
-  | Datatypes.O => Datatypes.O
-  | Datatypes.S count' =>
-      match is_goto_instr f.(fn_code)!pc with
-      | Some s => Datatypes.S (count_goto_rec f s count')
-      | None => Datatypes.O
-      end
-    end.
-Definition count_goto (f: LTL.function) (pc: node) : nat :=
-  count_goto_rec f pc 10%nat.
-Lemma count_goto_rec_prop:
-  forall f n pc1 pc2 pc3,
-  f.(fn_code)!pc1 = Some (Lnop pc2) ->
-  branch_target_rec f pc1 n = Some pc3 ->
-  (count_goto_rec f pc2 n < count_goto_rec f pc1 n)%nat.
+Definition record_gotos' (f: function) :=
+  PTree.fold record_goto' f.(fn_code) (U.empty, fun (x: node) => O).
+Lemma record_gotos_gotos':
+  forall f, fst (record_gotos' f) = record_gotos f.
-  induction n.
-  simpl; intros. discriminate.
-  intros pc1 pc2 pc3 ATpc1 H. simpl in H. 
-  unfold is_goto_instr in H; rewrite ATpc1 in H.
-  simpl. unfold is_goto_instr at 2. rewrite ATpc1. 
-  caseEq (is_goto_instr f.(fn_code)!pc2); intros.
-  exploit (IHn pc2); eauto. apply is_goto_instr_correct; eauto. 
-  omega.
-  omega.
+  intros. unfold record_gotos', record_gotos. 
+  repeat rewrite PTree.fold_spec.
+  generalize (PTree.elements (fn_code f)) (U.empty) (fun _ : node => O).
+  induction l; intros; simpl.
+  auto.
+  unfold record_goto' at 2. unfold record_goto at 2. 
+  destruct (snd a); apply IHl.
-(** The following lemma captures the property of [branch_target]
-  on which the proof of semantic preservation relies. *)
+Definition branch_target (f: function) (pc: node) : node :=
+  U.repr (record_gotos f) pc.
-Lemma branch_target_characterization:
+Definition count_gotos (f: function) (pc: node) : nat :=
+  snd (record_gotos' f) pc.
+Theorem record_gotos_correct:
   forall f pc,
-  branch_target f pc = pc \/
-  (exists pc', f.(fn_code)!pc = Some(Lnop pc')
-            /\ branch_target f pc' = branch_target f pc
-            /\ count_goto f pc' < count_goto f pc)%nat.
+  match f.(fn_code)!pc with
+  | Some(Lnop s) =>
+       branch_target f pc = pc \/
+       (branch_target f pc = branch_target f s /\ count_gotos f s < count_gotos f pc)%nat
+  | _ => branch_target f pc = pc
+  end.
-  intros. unfold branch_target. 
-  generalize (branch_target_rec_1 f pc 10%nat). 
-  intros [A|[A|[pc' AT]]].
-  rewrite A. left; auto.
-  rewrite A. left; auto.
-  caseEq (branch_target_rec f pc 10%nat). intros pcx BT.
-  right. exists pc'. split. auto. 
-  split. rewrite (branch_target_rec_2 _ _ _ _ _ AT BT). auto.
-  unfold count_goto. eapply count_goto_rec_prop; eauto. 
-  intro. left; auto.
+  intros. 
+  generalize (record_gotos'_correct f.(fn_code) pc). simpl.
+  fold (record_gotos' f). unfold branch_map_correct, branch_target, count_gotos.
+  rewrite record_gotos_gotos'. auto.
 (** * Preservation of semantics *)
@@ -186,7 +201,7 @@ Qed.
   original and transformed codes. *)
 Definition tunneled_code (f: function) :=
- (fun pc b => tunnel_instr f b) (fn_code f).
+ (fun pc b => tunnel_instr (record_gotos f) b) (fn_code f).
 Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
   | match_stackframes_intro:
@@ -219,25 +234,15 @@ Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
 Definition measure (st: state) : nat :=
   match st with
-  | State s f sp pc ls m => count_goto f pc
+  | State s f sp pc ls m => count_gotos f pc
   | Callstate s f ls m => 0%nat
   | Returnstate s ls m => 0%nat
-Lemma branch_target_identity:
-  forall f pc,
-  match f.(fn_code)!pc with Some(Lnop _) => False | _ => True end ->
-  branch_target f pc = pc.
-  intros. 
-  destruct (branch_target_characterization f pc) as [A | [pc' [B C]]].
-  auto. rewrite B in H. contradiction.
 Lemma tunnel_function_lookup:
   forall f pc i,
   f.(fn_code)!pc = Some i ->
-  (tunnel_function f).(fn_code)!pc = Some (tunnel_instr f i).
+  (tunnel_function f).(fn_code)!pc = Some (tunnel_instr (record_gotos f) i).
   intros. simpl. rewrite PTree.gmap. rewrite H. auto.
@@ -250,23 +255,23 @@ Lemma tunnel_step_correct:
   induction 1; intros; try inv MS.
   (* Lnop *)
-  destruct (branch_target_characterization f pc) as [A | [pc1 [B [C D]]]].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H. 
+  intros [A | [B C]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lnop. rewrite A. 
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; auto.  
   econstructor; eauto. 
-  assert (pc1 = pc') by congruence. subst pc1.
   right. split. simpl. auto. split. auto. 
-  rewrite <- C. econstructor; eauto. 
+  rewrite B. econstructor; eauto. 
   (* Lop *)
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A; rewrite A.
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lop with (v := v); eauto.
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; auto.  
   rewrite <- H0. apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* Lload *)
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A; rewrite A.
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lload with (a := a). 
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; auto.  
@@ -274,7 +279,7 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* Lstore *)
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A; rewrite A.
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lstore with (a := a).
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; auto.  
@@ -282,36 +287,36 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* Lcall *)
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A.
   left; econstructor; split. 
   eapply exec_Lcall with (f' := tunnel_fundef f'); eauto.
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
-  rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl.
+  rewrite A. rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl.
   rewrite sig_preserved. auto.
   apply find_function_translated; auto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   constructor; auto. 
   constructor; auto.
   (* Ltailcall *)
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A.
   left; econstructor; split. 
   eapply exec_Ltailcall with (f' := tunnel_fundef f'); eauto.
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
-  rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl.
+  rewrite A. rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl.
   rewrite sig_preserved. auto.
   apply find_function_translated; auto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* cond *)
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A; rewrite A.
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lcond_true; eauto.
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A; rewrite A.
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lcond_false; eauto.
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* return *)
-  rewrite (branch_target_identity f pc); [idtac | rewrite H; auto].
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc); rewrite H; intro A; rewrite A.
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto.
   rewrite (tunnel_function_lookup _ _ _ H); simpl; eauto.
@@ -355,7 +360,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   exec_program p beh -> exec_program tp beh.
   unfold exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v b/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v
index 57e1271d1..91745dfbe 100644
--- a/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v
+++ b/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
+Require Import UnionFind.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Mem.
@@ -27,20 +28,26 @@ Require Import Tunnelingproof.
 (** Tunneling preserves typing. *)
-Lemma branch_target_rec_valid:
-  forall f, wt_function f ->
-  forall count pc pc',
-  branch_target_rec f pc count = Some pc' ->
+Lemma branch_target_valid_1:
+  forall f pc, wt_function f ->
   valid_successor f pc ->
-  valid_successor f pc'.
+  valid_successor f (branch_target f pc).
-  induction count; simpl.
-  intros; discriminate.
-  intros until pc'. caseEq (is_goto_instr (fn_code f)!pc); intros.
-  generalize (is_goto_instr_correct _ _ H0). intro.
-  eapply IHcount; eauto. 
-  generalize (wt_instrs _ H _ _ H3); intro WTI; inv WTI. auto.
-  inv H1; auto.
+  intros. 
+  assert (forall n p,
+          (count_gotos f p < n)%nat ->
+          valid_successor f p ->
+          valid_successor f (branch_target f p)).
+  induction n; intros.
+  omegaContradiction.
+  elim H2; intros i EQ.
+  generalize (record_gotos_correct f p). rewrite EQ.
+  destruct i; try congruence.
+  intros [A | [B C]]. congruence. 
+  generalize (wt_instrs _ H _ _ EQ); intro WTI; inv WTI.
+  rewrite B. apply IHn. omega. auto. 
+  apply H1 with (Datatypes.S (count_gotos f pc)); auto.
 Lemma tunnel_valid_successor:
@@ -49,7 +56,7 @@ Lemma tunnel_valid_successor:
   intros. destruct H as [i AT].
   unfold valid_successor; simpl. rewrite PTree.gmap. rewrite AT. 
-  simpl. exists (tunnel_instr f i); auto.
+  simpl. exists (tunnel_instr (record_gotos f) i); auto.
 Lemma branch_target_valid:
@@ -58,16 +65,13 @@ Lemma branch_target_valid:
   valid_successor f pc ->
   valid_successor (tunnel_function f) (branch_target f pc).
-  intros. apply tunnel_valid_successor. 
-  unfold branch_target. caseEq (branch_target_rec f pc 10); intros.
-  eapply branch_target_rec_valid; eauto.
-  auto.
+  intros. apply tunnel_valid_successor. apply branch_target_valid_1; auto.
 Lemma wt_tunnel_instr:
   forall f i,
   wt_function f ->
-  wt_instr f i -> wt_instr (tunnel_function f) (tunnel_instr f i).
+  wt_instr f i -> wt_instr (tunnel_function f) (tunnel_instr (record_gotos f) i).
   intros; inv H0; simpl; econstructor; eauto;
   eapply branch_target_valid; eauto.
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v b/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v
index 1a68c1030..984381a33 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v
@@ -2610,7 +2610,7 @@ Qed.
 Theorem transl_program_correct:
   forall (beh: program_behavior),
-  Csharpminor.exec_program prog beh ->
+  not_wrong beh -> Csharpminor.exec_program prog beh ->
   Cminor.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold Csharpminor.exec_program, Cminor.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v
index 92a095627..6a8b676f8 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v
@@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ Qed.
 Theorem transl_program_correct:
   forall (beh: program_behavior),
-  Csem.exec_program prog beh ->
+  not_wrong beh -> Csem.exec_program prog beh ->
   Csharpminor.exec_program tprog beh.
   set (order := fun (S1 S2: Csem.state) => False).
@@ -1669,21 +1669,22 @@ Proof.
       /\ match_states S2 T2).
   intros. exploit transl_step; eauto. intros [T2 [A B]].
   exists T2; split. auto. auto.
-  intros. inv H.
+  intros. inv H0.
   assert (exists t1, exists s1, Csem.step (Genv.globalenv prog) s t1 s1).
-  inv H1. inv H0; inv H2. exists t1; exists s2; auto.
-  destruct H as [t1 [s1 ST]].
+  inv H3. inv H2. inv H1. exists t1; exists s2; auto.
+  destruct H0 as [t1 [s1 ST]].
   exploit transl_initial_states; eauto. intros [R [A B]].
   exploit simulation_star_star; eauto. intros [R' [C D]]. 
   econstructor; eauto. eapply transl_final_states; eauto.
   assert (exists t1, exists s1, Csem.step (Genv.globalenv prog) s t1 s1).
-  inv H1. exists t; exists s2; auto.
-  destruct H as [t1 [s1 ST]].
+  inv H2. exists t; exists s2; auto.
+  destruct H0 as [t1 [s1 ST]].
   exploit transl_initial_states; eauto. intros [R [A B]].
   exploit simulation_star_forever; eauto.
   unfold order; red. intros. constructor; intros. contradiction.
   intro C.
   econstructor; eauto.
+  contradiction.
diff --git a/common/Smallstep.v b/common/Smallstep.v
index f41fe4ed1..9e9063b08 100644
--- a/common/Smallstep.v
+++ b/common/Smallstep.v
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 Require Import Wf.
 Require Import Wf_nat.
+Require Import Classical.
 Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Events.
@@ -281,18 +282,28 @@ Qed.
 (** * Outcomes for program executions *)
-(** The two valid outcomes for the execution of a program:
+(** The three possible outcomes for the execution of a program:
 - Termination, with a finite trace of observable events
   and an integer value that stands for the process exit code
   (the return value of the main function).
 - Divergence with an infinite trace of observable events.
   (The actual events generated by the execution can be a
    finite prefix of this trace, or the whole trace.)
+- Going wrong, with a finite trace of observable events
+  performed before the program gets stuck.
 Inductive program_behavior: Type :=
   | Terminates: trace -> int -> program_behavior
-  | Diverges: traceinf -> program_behavior.
+  | Diverges: traceinf -> program_behavior
+  | Goes_wrong: trace -> program_behavior.
+Definition not_wrong (beh: program_behavior) : Prop :=
+  match beh with
+  | Terminates _ _ => True
+  | Diverges _ => True
+  | Goes_wrong _ => False
+  end.
 (** Given a characterization of initial states and final states,
   [program_behaves] relates a program behaviour with the 
@@ -311,7 +322,13 @@ Inductive program_behaves (ge: genv): program_behavior -> Prop :=
   | program_diverges: forall s T,
       initial_state s ->
       forever ge s T ->
-      program_behaves ge (Diverges T).
+      program_behaves ge (Diverges T)
+  | program_goes_wrong: forall s t s',
+      initial_state s ->
+      star ge s t s' ->
+      (forall t1 s1, ~step ge s' t1 s1) ->
+      (forall r, ~final_state s' r) ->
+      program_behaves ge (Goes_wrong t).
@@ -418,16 +435,18 @@ Qed.
 Lemma simulation_star_wf_preservation:
   forall beh,
+  not_wrong beh ->
   program_behaves step1 initial_state1 final_state1 ge1 beh ->
   program_behaves step2 initial_state2 final_state2 ge2 beh.
-  intros. inversion H; subst.
-  destruct (match_initial_states H0) as [s2 [A B]].
-  destruct (simulation_star_star H1 B) as [s2' [C D]].
+  intros. inv H0; simpl in H. 
+  destruct (match_initial_states H1) as [s2 [A B]].
+  destruct (simulation_star_star H2 B) as [s2' [C D]].
   econstructor; eauto.
-  destruct (match_initial_states H0) as [s2 [A B]].
+  destruct (match_initial_states H1) as [s2 [A B]].
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply simulation_star_forever; eauto.
+  contradiction. 
@@ -448,16 +467,17 @@ Hypothesis simulation:
 Lemma simulation_star_preservation:
   forall beh,
+  not_wrong beh ->
   program_behaves step1 initial_state1 final_state1 ge1 beh ->
   program_behaves step2 initial_state2 final_state2 ge2 beh.
   apply simulation_star_wf_preservation with (ltof _ measure).
   apply well_founded_ltof. intros.
-  destruct (simulation H0 H1) as [[st2' [A B]] | [A [B C]]].
+  destruct (simulation H1 H2) as [[st2' [A B]] | [A [B C]]].
   exists st2'; auto.
   exists st2; split. right; split. rewrite B. apply star_refl. auto. auto.
-  auto.
+  auto. auto.
@@ -474,6 +494,7 @@ Hypothesis simulation:
 Lemma simulation_step_preservation:
   forall beh,
+  not_wrong beh ->
   program_behaves step1 initial_state1 final_state1 ge1 beh ->
   program_behaves step2 initial_state2 final_state2 ge2 beh.
@@ -484,7 +505,7 @@ Proof.
   forall st2, match_states st1 st2 ->
   (exists st2', plus step2 ge2 st2 t st2' /\ match_states st1' st2')
   \/ (measure st1' < measure st1 /\ t = E0 /\ match_states st1' st2)%nat).
-  intros. destruct (simulation H0 H1) as [st2' [A B]].
+  intros. destruct (simulation H1 H2) as [st2' [A B]].
   left; exists st2'; split. apply plus_one; auto. auto.
   eapply simulation_star_preservation; eauto.
@@ -503,6 +524,7 @@ Hypothesis simulation:
 Lemma simulation_plus_preservation:
   forall beh,
+  not_wrong beh ->
   program_behaves step1 initial_state1 final_state1 ge1 beh ->
   program_behaves step2 initial_state2 final_state2 ge2 beh.
@@ -513,7 +535,7 @@ Proof.
   forall st2, match_states st1 st2 ->
   (exists st2', plus step2 ge2 st2 t st2' /\ match_states st1' st2')
   \/ (measure st1' < measure st1 /\ t = E0 /\ match_states st1' st2)%nat).
-  intros. destruct (simulation H0 H1) as [st2' [A B]].
+  intros. destruct (simulation H1 H2) as [st2' [A B]].
   left; exists st2'; auto.
   eapply simulation_star_preservation; eauto.
@@ -538,6 +560,7 @@ Hypothesis simulation:
 Lemma simulation_opt_preservation:
   forall beh,
+  not_wrong beh ->
   program_behaves step1 initial_state1 final_state1 ge1 beh ->
   program_behaves step2 initial_state2 final_state2 ge2 beh.
diff --git a/driver/Compiler.v b/driver/Compiler.v
index 97bc19b1e..cbf7df870 100644
--- a/driver/Compiler.v
+++ b/driver/Compiler.v
@@ -228,29 +228,30 @@ Qed.
 Theorem transf_rtl_program_correct:
   forall p tp beh,
   transf_rtl_program p = OK tp ->
+  not_wrong beh ->
   RTL.exec_program p beh ->
   Asm.exec_program tp beh.
   intros. unfold transf_rtl_program, transf_rtl_fundef in H.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as [p7 [H7 P7]].
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as [p7 [X7 P7]].
   clear H.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H7) as [p6 [H6 P6]].
-  clear H7.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H6) as [p5 [H5 P5]].
-  clear H6. generalize (transform_program_partial_program _ _ _ _ _ _ P5). clear P5. intro P5.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H5) as [p4 [H4 P4]].
-  clear H5.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H4) as [p3 [H3 P3]].
-  clear H4. generalize (transform_program_partial_program _ _ _ _ _ _ P3). clear P3. intro P3.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H3) as [p2 [H2 P2]].
-  clear H3.
-  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2) as [p1 [H1 P1]].
-  clear H2.
-  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1) as [p0 [H00 P0]].
-  clear H1.
-  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H00) as [p00 [H000 P00]].
-  clear H00.
-  generalize (transform_partial_program_identity _ _ _ _ H000). clear H000. intro. subst p00.
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X7) as [p6 [X6 P6]].
+  clear X7.
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X6) as [p5 [X5 P5]].
+  clear X6. generalize (transform_program_partial_program _ _ _ _ _ _ P5). clear P5. intro P5.
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X5) as [p4 [X4 P4]].
+  clear X5.
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X4) as [p3 [X3 P3]].
+  clear X4. generalize (transform_program_partial_program _ _ _ _ _ _ P3). clear P3. intro P3.
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X3) as [p2 [X2 P2]].
+  clear X3.
+  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X2) as [p1 [X1 P1]].
+  clear X2.
+  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X1) as [p0 [X0 P0]].
+  clear X1.
+  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0) as [p00 [X00 P00]].
+  clear X0.
+  generalize (transform_partial_program_identity _ _ _ _ X00). clear X00. intro. subst p00.
   assert (WT3 : LTLtyping.wt_program p3).
     apply Alloctyping.program_typing_preserved with p2. auto.
@@ -268,28 +269,28 @@ Proof.
   apply Stackingproof.transf_program_correct with p6; auto.
   subst p6; apply Reloadproof.transf_program_correct; auto.
   apply Linearizeproof.transf_program_correct with p4; auto.
-  subst p4; apply Tunnelingproof.transf_program_correct. 
+  subst p4; apply Tunnelingproof.transf_program_correct; auto.
   apply Allocproof.transf_program_correct with p2; auto.
-  subst p2; apply CSEproof.transf_program_correct.
-  subst p1; apply Constpropproof.transf_program_correct.
-  subst p0; apply Tailcallproof.transf_program_correct.
-  auto.
+  subst p2; apply CSEproof.transf_program_correct; auto.
+  subst p1; apply Constpropproof.transf_program_correct; auto.
+  subst p0; apply Tailcallproof.transf_program_correct; auto.
 Theorem transf_cminor_program_correct:
   forall p tp beh,
   transf_cminor_program p = OK tp ->
+  not_wrong beh ->
   Cminor.exec_program p beh ->
   Asm.exec_program tp beh.
   intros. unfold transf_cminor_program, transf_cminor_fundef in H.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as [p3 [H3 P3]].
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as [p3 [X3 P3]].
   clear H.
-  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H3) as [p2 [H2 P2]].
-  clear H3.
-  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2) as [p1 [H1 P1]].
-  generalize (transform_partial_program_identity _ _ _ _ H1). clear H1. intro. subst p1.
-  apply transf_rtl_program_correct with p3. auto.
+  destruct (transform_partial_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X3) as [p2 [X2 P2]].
+  clear X3.
+  destruct (transform_program_compose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X2) as [p1 [X1 P1]].
+  generalize (transform_partial_program_identity _ _ _ _ X1). clear X1. intro. subst p1.
+  apply transf_rtl_program_correct with p3; auto.
   apply RTLgenproof.transf_program_correct with p2; auto.
   rewrite <- P1. apply Selectionproof.transf_program_correct; auto.
@@ -297,6 +298,7 @@ Qed.
 Theorem transf_c_program_correct:
   forall p tp beh,
   transf_c_program p = OK tp ->
+  not_wrong beh ->
   Csem.exec_program p beh ->
   Asm.exec_program tp beh.
@@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ Proof.
   caseEq (Ctyping.typecheck_program p); try congruence; intro.
   caseEq (Cshmgen.transl_program p); simpl; try congruence; intros p1 EQ1.
   caseEq (Cminorgen.transl_program p1); simpl; try congruence; intros p2 EQ2. 
-  intros EQ3 SEM.
+  intros EQ3 NOTW SEM.
   eapply transf_cminor_program_correct; eauto.
   eapply Cminorgenproof.transl_program_correct; eauto. 
   eapply Cshmgenproof3.transl_program_correct; eauto.
diff --git a/driver/Complements.v b/driver/Complements.v
index 8ee70bdde..dfd3c4547 100644
--- a/driver/Complements.v
+++ b/driver/Complements.v
@@ -224,10 +224,12 @@ Proof.
   intros. inv H; inv H0. reflexivity. 
+Definition nostep (ge: genv) (st: state) : Prop := forall t st', ~step ge st t st'.
 Lemma final_state_not_step:
-  forall ge st r t st', final_state st r -> step ge st t st' -> False.
+  forall ge st r, final_state st r -> nostep ge st.
-  intros. inv H. inv H0.
+  unfold nostep. intros. red; intros. inv H. inv H0.
   unfold Vzero in H1. congruence.
   unfold Vzero in H1. congruence. 
@@ -242,21 +244,19 @@ Qed.
 Lemma steps_deterministic:
   forall ge s0 t1 s1, star step ge s0 t1 s1 -> 
-  forall r1 r2 t2 s2 w0 w1 w2, star step ge s0 t2 s2 -> 
-  final_state s1 r1 -> final_state s2 r2 ->
+  forall t2 s2 w0 w1 w2, star step ge s0 t2 s2 -> 
+  nostep ge s1 -> nostep ge s2 ->
   possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 ->
-  t1 = t2 /\ r1 = r2.
+  t1 = t2 /\ s1 = s2.
   induction 1; intros. 
-  inv H. split. auto. eapply final_state_deterministic; eauto.
-  byContradiction. eapply final_state_not_step with (st := s); eauto.
-  inv H2. byContradiction. eapply final_state_not_step with (st := s0); eauto.
+  inv H. auto. 
+  elim (H0 _ _ H4).
+  inv H2. elim (H4 _ _ H). 
   exploit step_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H7. eauto. eauto. 
   intros [A [B C]]. subst s5 t3 w3.
-  exploit IHstar. eexact H8. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
-  intros [A B]. subst t4 r2. 
-  auto.
+  exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [A B]. split; congruence.
 (** ** Determinism for infinite transition sequences. *)
@@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ Proof.
 Lemma star_final_not_forever:
-  forall ge s1 t s2 r T w1 w2,
+  forall ge s1 t s2 T w1 w2,
   star step ge s1 t s2 ->
-  final_state s2 r -> forever step ge s1 T ->
+  nostep ge s2 -> forever step ge s1 T ->
   possible_trace w1 t w2 -> possible_traceinf w1 T ->
   intros. exploit forever_star_inv; eauto. intros [T' [A [B C]]]. 
-  inv A. eapply final_state_not_step; eauto.
+  inv A. elim (H0 _ _ H4). 
 (** ** Minimal traces for divergence. *)
@@ -472,7 +472,14 @@ Inductive exec_program' (p: program) (w: world): program_behavior -> Prop :=
       forever step (Genv.globalenv p) s T ->
       possible_traceinf w T ->
       minimal_trace (Genv.globalenv p) s w T ->
-      exec_program' p w (Diverges T).
+      exec_program' p w (Diverges T)
+  | program_goes_wrong': forall s t s' w',
+      initial_state p s ->
+      star step (Genv.globalenv p) s t s' ->
+      possible_trace w t w' -> 
+      nostep (Genv.globalenv p) s' ->
+       (forall r, ~final_state s' r) ->
+      exec_program' p w (Goes_wrong t).
 (** We show that any [exec_program] execution corresponds to
   an [exec_program'] execution. *)
@@ -481,6 +488,7 @@ Definition possible_behavior (w: world) (b: program_behavior) : Prop :=
   match b with
   | Terminates t r => exists w', possible_trace w t w'
   | Diverges T => possible_traceinf w T
+  | Goes_wrong t => exists w', possible_trace w t w'
 Inductive matching_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop :=
@@ -488,7 +496,9 @@ Inductive matching_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop :=
       matching_behaviors (Terminates t r) (Terminates t r)
   | matching_behaviors_diverges: forall T1 T2,
       traceinf_prefix T2 T1 ->
-      matching_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2).
+      matching_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2)
+  | matching_behaviors_goeswrong: forall t ,
+      matching_behaviors (Goes_wrong t) (Goes_wrong t).
 Theorem exec_program_program':
   forall p b w,
@@ -505,6 +515,10 @@ Proof.
   exists (Diverges T0); split.
   econstructor; eauto.
   constructor. apply C; auto.
+  (* going wrong *)
+  destruct H0 as [w' A].
+  exists (Goes_wrong t).
+  split. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
 (** Moreover, [exec_program'] is deterministic, in that the behavior
@@ -516,7 +530,9 @@ Inductive same_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop :=
       same_behaviors (Terminates t r) (Terminates t r)
   | same_behaviors_diverges: forall T1 T2,
       traceinf_sim T2 T1 ->
-      same_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2).
+      same_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2)
+  | same_behaviors_goes_wrong: forall t,
+      same_behaviors (Goes_wrong t) (Goes_wrong t).
 Theorem exec_program'_deterministic:
   forall p b1 b2 w,
@@ -524,16 +540,35 @@ Theorem exec_program'_deterministic:
   same_behaviors b1 b2.
   intros. inv H; inv H0;
-  assert (s0 = s) by (eapply initial_state_deterministic; eauto); subst s0.
+  try (assert (s0 = s) by (eapply initial_state_deterministic; eauto); subst s0).
   (* terminates, terminates *)
-  exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H5. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
-  intros [A B]. subst. constructor.
+  exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H5.
+  eapply final_state_not_step; eauto. eapply final_state_not_step; eauto. eauto. eauto.
+  intros [A B]. subst. 
+  exploit final_state_deterministic. eexact H4. eexact H7.
+  intro. subst. constructor.
   (* terminates, diverges *)
-  byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto.
+  byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto. eapply final_state_not_step; eauto.
+  (* terminates, goes wrong *)
+  exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H5.
+  eapply final_state_not_step; eauto. auto. eauto. eauto.
+  intros [A B]. subst. elim (H8 _ H4).
   (* diverges, terminates *)
-  byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto.
+  byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto. eapply final_state_not_step; eauto.
   (* diverges, diverges *)
   constructor. apply traceinf_prefix_2_sim; auto.
+  (* diverges, goes wrong *)
+  byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto.
+  (* goes wrong, terminates *)
+  exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H6. eauto. 
+  eapply final_state_not_step; eauto. eauto. eauto.
+  intros [A B]. subst. elim (H5 _ H8).
+  (* goes wrong, diverges *)
+  byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto.
+  (* goes wrong, goes wrong *)
+  exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H6.
+  eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+  intros [A B]. subst. constructor.
 Lemma matching_behaviors_same:
@@ -545,6 +580,7 @@ Proof.
   constructor. apply traceinf_prefix_compat with T2 T1.
   auto. apply traceinf_sim_sym; auto. apply traceinf_sim_refl.
+  constructor.
 (** * Additional semantic preservation property *)
@@ -559,23 +595,18 @@ Qed.
   predicate. *)
 Theorem transf_c_program_correct_strong:
-  forall p tp b w,
+  forall p tp w,
   transf_c_program p = OK tp ->
-  Csem.exec_program p b ->
-  possible_behavior w b ->
-  (exists b', exec_program' tp w b')
-/\(forall b', exec_program' tp w b' ->
-   exists b0, Csem.exec_program p b0 /\ matching_behaviors b0 b').
+  (exists b, Csem.exec_program p b /\ possible_behavior w b /\ not_wrong b) ->
+  (forall b, exec_program' tp w b -> exists b0, Csem.exec_program p b0 /\ matching_behaviors b0 b).
-  intros.
-  assert (Asm.exec_program tp b).
+  intros. destruct H0 as [b0 [A [B C]]]. 
+  assert (Asm.exec_program tp b0).
     eapply transf_c_program_correct; eauto.
   exploit exec_program_program'; eauto. 
-  intros [b' [A B]].
-  split. exists b'; auto.
-  intros. exists b. split. auto.
-  apply matching_behaviors_same with b'. auto.
-  eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto.
+  intros [b1 [D E]].
+  assert (same_behaviors b1 b). eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto.
+  exists b0. split. auto. eapply matching_behaviors_same; eauto.
@@ -601,28 +632,24 @@ Hypothesis spec_safety:
   forall T T', traceinf_prefix T T' -> spec (Diverges T') -> spec (Diverges T).
 Theorem transf_c_program_preserves_spec:
-  forall p tp b w,
+  forall p tp w,
   transf_c_program p = OK tp ->
-  Csem.exec_program p b ->
-  possible_behavior w b ->
-  spec b ->
-  (exists b', exec_program' tp w b')
-/\(forall b', exec_program' tp w b' -> spec b').
+  (exists b, Csem.exec_program p b /\ possible_behavior w b /\ not_wrong b) ->
+  (forall b, Csem.exec_program p b -> possible_behavior w b -> spec b) ->
+  (forall b, exec_program' tp w b -> not_wrong b /\ spec b).
-  intros.
-  assert (Asm.exec_program tp b).
+  intros. destruct H0 as [b1 [A [B C]]].
+  assert (Asm.exec_program tp b1).
     eapply transf_c_program_correct; eauto.
   exploit exec_program_program'; eauto. 
-  intros [b' [A B]].
-  split. exists b'; auto.
-  intros b'' EX.
-  assert (same_behaviors b' b''). eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto.
-  inv B; inv H4. 
+  intros [b' [D E]].
+  assert (same_behaviors b b'). eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto.
+  inv E; inv H3. 
-  apply spec_safety with T1. 
-  eapply traceinf_prefix_compat with T2 T1. 
-  auto. apply traceinf_sim_sym; auto. apply traceinf_sim_refl.
+  split. simpl. auto. apply spec_safety with T1. 
+  eapply traceinf_prefix_compat. eauto. auto. apply traceinf_sim_refl.
+  simpl in C. contradiction.
diff --git a/lib/Coqlib.v b/lib/Coqlib.v
index 9e2199c12..416afa9cb 100644
--- a/lib/Coqlib.v
+++ b/lib/Coqlib.v
@@ -781,6 +781,11 @@ Proof.
   right; red; intros. elim n0. eapply list_disjoint_cons_left; eauto.
+(** [list_equiv l1 l2] holds iff the lists [l1] and [l2] contain the same elements. *)
+Definition list_equiv (A : Type) (l1 l2: list A) : Prop :=
+  forall x, In x l1 <-> In x l2.
 (** [list_norepet l] holds iff the list [l] contains no repetitions,
   i.e. no element occurs twice. *)
diff --git a/lib/Maps.v b/lib/Maps.v
index a277e6772..766168ac4 100644
--- a/lib/Maps.v
+++ b/lib/Maps.v
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ Module Type TREE.
   Hypothesis gro:
     forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
     i <> j -> get i (remove j m) = get i m.
+  Hypothesis grspec:
+    forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+    get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m.
   (** Extensional equality between trees. *)
   Variable beq: forall (A: Type), (A -> A -> bool) -> t A -> t A -> bool.
@@ -333,6 +336,13 @@ Module PTree <: TREE.
+  Theorem grspec:
+    forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A),
+    get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m.
+  Proof.
+    intros. destruct (elt_eq i j). subst j. apply grs. apply gro; auto.
+  Qed.
     Variable A: Type.
@@ -1127,6 +1137,111 @@ Module EMap(X: EQUALITY_TYPE) <: MAP.
 End EMap.
+(** * Additional properties over trees *)
+Module Tree_Properties(T: TREE).
+(** An induction principle over [fold]. *)
+Variables V A: Type.
+Variable f: A -> T.elt -> V -> A.
+Variable P: T.t V -> A -> Prop.
+Variable init: A.
+Variable m_final: T.t V.
+Hypothesis P_compat:
+  forall m m' a,
+  (forall x, T.get x m = T.get x m') ->
+  P m a -> P m' a.
+Hypothesis H_base: 
+  P (T.empty _) init.
+Hypothesis H_rec:
+  forall m a k v,
+  T.get k m = None -> T.get k m_final = Some v -> P m a -> P (T.set k v m) (f a k v).
+Definition f' (a: A) (p : T.elt * V) := f a (fst p) (snd p).
+Definition P' (l: list (T.elt * V)) (a: A) : Prop :=
+  forall m, list_equiv l (T.elements m) -> P m a.
+Remark H_base':
+  P' nil init.
+  red; intros. apply P_compat with (T.empty _); auto.
+  intros. rewrite T.gempty. symmetry. case_eq (T.get x m); intros; auto.
+  assert (In (x, v) nil). rewrite (H (x, v)). apply T.elements_correct. auto.
+  contradiction.
+Remark H_rec':
+  forall k v l a,
+  ~In k ( (@fst T.elt V) l) ->
+  In (k, v) (T.elements m_final) ->
+  P' l a ->
+  P' (l ++ (k, v) :: nil) (f a k v).
+  unfold P'; intros.  
+  set (m0 := T.remove k m). 
+  apply P_compat with (T.set k v m0).
+    intros. unfold m0. rewrite T.gsspec. destruct (T.elt_eq x k).
+    symmetry. apply T.elements_complete. rewrite <- (H2 (x, v)).
+    apply in_or_app. simpl. intuition congruence.
+    apply T.gro. auto.
+  apply H_rec. unfold m0. apply T.grs. apply T.elements_complete. auto. 
+  apply H1. red. intros [k' v']. 
+  split; intros. 
+  apply T.elements_correct. unfold m0. rewrite T.gro. apply T.elements_complete. 
+  rewrite <- (H2 (k', v')). apply in_or_app. auto. 
+  red; intro; subst k'. elim H. change k with (fst (k, v')). apply in_map. auto.
+  assert (T.get k' m0 = Some v'). apply T.elements_complete. auto.
+  unfold m0 in H4. rewrite T.grspec in H4. destruct (T.elt_eq k' k). congruence.
+  assert (In (k', v') (T.elements m)). apply T.elements_correct; auto.
+  rewrite <- (H2 (k', v')) in H5. destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H5). auto. 
+  simpl in H6. intuition congruence.
+Lemma fold_rec_aux:
+  forall l1 l2 a,
+  list_equiv (l2 ++ l1) (T.elements m_final) ->
+  list_disjoint ( (@fst T.elt V) l1) ( (@fst T.elt V) l2) ->
+  list_norepet ( (@fst T.elt V) l1) ->
+  P' l2 a -> P' (l2 ++ l1) (List.fold_left f' l1 a).
+  induction l1; intros; simpl.
+  rewrite <- List.app_nil_end. auto.
+  destruct a as [k v]; simpl in *. inv H1. 
+  change ((k, v) :: l1) with (((k, v) :: nil) ++ l1). rewrite <- List.app_ass. apply IHl1.
+  rewrite app_ass. auto.
+  red; intros. rewrite map_app in H3. destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H3). apply H0; auto with coqlib. 
+  simpl in H4. intuition congruence.
+  auto.
+  unfold f'. simpl. apply H_rec'; auto. eapply list_disjoint_notin; eauto with coqlib.
+  rewrite <- (H (k, v)). apply in_or_app. simpl. auto.
+Theorem fold_rec:
+  P m_final (T.fold f m_final init).
+  intros. rewrite T.fold_spec. fold f'.
+  assert (P' (nil ++ T.elements m_final) (List.fold_left f' (T.elements m_final) init)).
+    apply fold_rec_aux.
+    simpl. red; intros; tauto.
+    simpl. red; intros. elim H0.
+    apply T.elements_keys_norepet. 
+    apply H_base'. 
+  simpl in H. red in H. apply H. red; intros. tauto.
+End Tree_Properties.
+Module PTree_Properties := Tree_Properties(PTree).
 (** * Useful notations *)
 Notation "a ! b" := (PTree.get b a) (at level 1).
diff --git a/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v b/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v
index 40c593a34..0c1edec2f 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v
+++ b/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   Machconcr.exec_program prog beh -> Asm.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold Machconcr.exec_program, Asm.exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/powerpc/Constpropproof.v b/powerpc/Constpropproof.v
index dbd498f93..fb01f75bf 100644
--- a/powerpc/Constpropproof.v
+++ b/powerpc/Constpropproof.v
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ Qed.
   [Smallstep.simulation_step_preservation]. *)
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   exec_program prog beh -> exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold exec_program; intros.
diff --git a/powerpc/Selectionproof.v b/powerpc/Selectionproof.v
index 8a02c9975..27e9ee472 100644
--- a/powerpc/Selectionproof.v
+++ b/powerpc/Selectionproof.v
@@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem transf_program_correct:
-  forall (beh: program_behavior),
+  forall (beh: program_behavior), not_wrong beh ->
   Cminor.exec_program prog beh -> CminorSel.exec_program tprog beh.
   unfold CminorSel.exec_program, Cminor.exec_program; intros.