From a74f6b45d72834b5b8417297017bd81424123d98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 15:52:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Merge of the newmem and newextcalls branches: - Revised
 memory model with concrete representation of ints & floats,   and per-byte
 access permissions - Revised Globalenvs implementation - Matching changes in
 all languages and proofs.

git-svn-id: fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
 .depend                    |  103 +-
 Makefile                   |    4 +-
 arm/Asm.v                  |   14 +-
 arm/Asmgen.v               |    2 +-
 arm/Asmgenproof.v          |    2 +-
 arm/Asmgenproof1.v         |    2 +-
 arm/Asmgenretaddr.v        |    2 +-
 arm/ConstpropOpproof.v     |    2 +-
 arm/Op.v                   |   26 +-
 arm/SelectOp.v             |    2 +-
 arm/SelectOpproof.v        |    2 +-
 backend/Allocproof.v       |   23 +-
 backend/CSE.v              |    4 +-
 backend/CSEproof.v         |   51 +-
 backend/Cminor.v           |   65 +-
 backend/CminorSel.v        |   34 +-
 backend/Constpropproof.v   |   57 +-
 backend/LTL.v              |   24 +-
 backend/LTLin.v            |   28 +-
 backend/LTLintyping.v      |    1 +
 backend/LTLtyping.v        |    1 +
 backend/Linear.v           |   30 +-
 backend/Linearizeproof.v   |   24 +-
 backend/Lineartyping.v     |    1 +
 backend/Mach.v             |    4 +-
 backend/Machabstr.v        |   24 +-
 backend/Machabstr2concr.v  |  669 ++++++---
 backend/Machconcr.v        |   22 +-
 backend/Machtyping.v       |   24 +-
 backend/RTL.v              |  140 +-
 backend/RTLgenproof.v      |  132 +-
 backend/RTLgenspec.v       |    2 +-
 backend/RTLtyping.v        |   36 +-
 backend/    |    1 +
 backend/Reloadproof.v      |   55 +-
 backend/Selection.v        |    2 +-
 backend/Selectionproof.v   |   17 +-
 backend/Stackingproof.v    |   29 +-
 backend/Tailcallproof.v    |  280 +---
 backend/Tunnelingproof.v   |   11 +-
 backend/Tunnelingtyping.v  |    2 +-
 cfrontend/Cminorgen.v      |  285 +++-
 cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v | 2543 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 cfrontend/Csem.v           |   85 +-
 cfrontend/Csharpminor.v    |  101 +-
 cfrontend/Cshmgen.v        |    7 +-
 cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v  |   36 +-
 cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v  |    2 +-
 cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v  |  194 +--
 common/Determinism.v       |  142 +-
 common/Events.v            |  755 ++++++++--
 common/Globalenvs.v        | 1733 ++++++++++++----------
 common/Mem.v               | 2887 ------------------------------------
 common/Memdata.v           | 1058 +++++++++++++
 common/       |   68 +
 common/Memory.v            | 2844 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 common/Memtype.v           |  989 ++++++++++++
 common/Values.v            |   81 +
 coq                        |   12 +-
 driver/Complements.v       |   16 +-
 extraction/extraction.v    |    8 +
 lib/Coqlib.v               |  127 ++
 lib/Integers.v             |   15 +-
 lib/Intv.v                 |  319 ++++
 lib/Maps.v                 |   77 +
 powerpc/Asm.v              |   26 +-
 powerpc/Asmgen.v           |    8 +-
 powerpc/Asmgenproof.v      |  110 +-
 powerpc/Asmgenproof1.v     |    2 +-
 powerpc/Asmgenretaddr.v    |    2 +-
 powerpc/ConstpropOpproof.v |    2 +-
 powerpc/Op.v               |   41 +-
 powerpc/        |    3 +-
 powerpc/SelectOp.v         |    2 +-
 powerpc/SelectOpproof.v    |   35 +-
 runtime/stdio.h            |   19 +
 76 files changed, 10378 insertions(+), 6210 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 common/Mem.v
 create mode 100644 common/Memdata.v
 create mode 100644 common/
 create mode 100644 common/Memory.v
 create mode 100644 common/Memtype.v
 create mode 100644 lib/Intv.v

diff --git a/.depend b/.depend
index 962c96672..4e2269a15 100644
--- a/.depend
+++ b/.depend
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ lib/Coqlib.vo: lib/Coqlib.v
 lib/Floats.vo: lib/Floats.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Integers.vo
 lib/Inclusion.vo: lib/Inclusion.v
 lib/Integers.vo: lib/Integers.v lib/Coqlib.vo
+lib/Intv.vo: lib/Intv.v lib/Coqlib.vo
 lib/Iteration.vo: lib/Iteration.v lib/Coqlib.vo
 lib/Lattice.vo: lib/Lattice.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo
 lib/Maps.vo: lib/Maps.v lib/Coqlib.vo
@@ -11,87 +12,87 @@ lib/UnionFind.vo: lib/UnionFind.v lib/Coqlib.vo
 common/AST.vo: common/AST.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo
 common/Determinism.vo: common/Determinism.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo
 common/Errors.vo: common/Errors.v lib/Coqlib.vo
-common/Events.vo: common/Events.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo
-common/Globalenvs.vo: common/Globalenvs.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo
-common/Mem2.vo: common/Mem2.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo
+common/Events.vo: common/Events.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Intv.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo
+common/Globalenvs.vo: common/Globalenvs.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo
+common/Memdata.vo: common/Memdata.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo
+common/Memory.vo: common/Memory.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memdata.vo common/Memtype.vo
+common/Memtype.vo: common/Memtype.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memdata.vo
 common/Mem.vo: common/Mem.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo
 common/Smallstep.vo: common/Smallstep.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo lib/Integers.vo
 common/Switch.vo: common/Switch.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Ordered.vo
 common/Values.vo: common/Values.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo
 $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo: $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo backend/Locations.vo
 $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo: $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.v lib/Coqlib.vo backend/Bounds.vo
-$(ARCH)/Asmgenproof1.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof1.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machconcr.vo backend/Machtyping.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-$(ARCH)/Asmgenproof.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machconcr.vo backend/Machtyping.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof1.vo
-$(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo
-$(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo
-$(ARCH)/Asm.vo: $(ARCH)/Asm.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-$(ARCH)/ConstpropOpproof.vo: $(ARCH)/ConstpropOpproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.vo backend/Constprop.vo
+$(ARCH)/Asmgenproof1.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof1.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machconcr.vo backend/Machtyping.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+$(ARCH)/Asmgenproof.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machconcr.vo backend/Machtyping.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof1.vo
+$(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo
+$(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo: $(ARCH)/Asmgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo
+$(ARCH)/Asm.vo: $(ARCH)/Asm.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+$(ARCH)/ConstpropOpproof.vo: $(ARCH)/ConstpropOpproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.vo backend/Constprop.vo
 $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.vo: $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo
 $(ARCH)/extractionMachdep.vo: $(ARCH)/extractionMachdep.v
 $(ARCH)/Machregs.vo: $(ARCH)/Machregs.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo
-$(ARCH)/Op.vo: $(ARCH)/Op.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo
-$(ARCH)/SelectOpproof.vo: $(ARCH)/SelectOpproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo
-$(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo: $(ARCH)/SelectOp.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo
+$(ARCH)/Op.vo: $(ARCH)/Op.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memdata.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo
+$(ARCH)/SelectOpproof.vo: $(ARCH)/SelectOpproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo
+$(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo: $(ARCH)/SelectOp.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo
 backend/Allocation.vo: backend/Allocation.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Lattice.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/Kildall.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Coloring.vo backend/LTL.vo
-backend/Allocproof.vo: backend/Allocproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Coloring.vo backend/Coloringproof.vo backend/Allocation.vo backend/LTL.vo
+backend/Allocproof.vo: backend/Allocproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Coloring.vo backend/Coloringproof.vo backend/Allocation.vo backend/LTL.vo
 backend/Alloctyping.vo: backend/Alloctyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Coloring.vo backend/Coloringproof.vo backend/Allocation.vo backend/Allocproof.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
 backend/Bounds.vo: backend/Bounds.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Lineartyping.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/CminorSel.vo: backend/CminorSel.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Events.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Switch.vo common/Smallstep.vo
-backend/Cminor.vo: backend/Cminor.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Events.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Switch.vo
+backend/CminorSel.vo: backend/CminorSel.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Events.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Switch.vo common/Smallstep.vo
+backend/Cminor.vo: backend/Cminor.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Events.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Switch.vo
 backend/Coloringproof.vo: backend/Coloringproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/InterfGraph.vo backend/Coloring.vo
 backend/Coloring.vo: backend/Coloring.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/InterfGraph.vo
-backend/Constpropproof.vo: backend/Constpropproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo lib/Lattice.vo backend/Kildall.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.vo backend/Constprop.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOpproof.vo
+backend/Constpropproof.vo: backend/Constpropproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo lib/Lattice.vo backend/Kildall.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.vo backend/Constprop.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOpproof.vo
 backend/Constprop.vo: backend/Constprop.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo lib/Lattice.vo backend/Kildall.vo $(ARCH)/ConstpropOp.vo
-backend/CSEproof.vo: backend/CSEproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Kildall.vo backend/CSE.vo
-backend/CSE.vo: backend/CSE.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Kildall.vo
+backend/CSEproof.vo: backend/CSEproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Kildall.vo backend/CSE.vo
+backend/CSE.vo: backend/CSE.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Kildall.vo
 backend/InterfGraph.vo: backend/InterfGraph.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/Locations.vo
 backend/Kildall.vo: backend/Kildall.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Iteration.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Lattice.vo lib/Ordered.vo
-backend/Linearizeproof.vo: backend/Linearizeproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Errors.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/Linearize.vo lib/Lattice.vo
+backend/Linearizeproof.vo: backend/Linearizeproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Errors.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/Linearize.vo lib/Lattice.vo
 backend/Linearizetyping.vo: backend/Linearizetyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/Linearize.vo backend/LTLintyping.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
 backend/Linearize.vo: backend/Linearize.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Errors.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/Kildall.vo lib/Lattice.vo
-backend/Lineartyping.vo: backend/Lineartyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/Linear.vo: backend/Linear.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/Lineartyping.vo: backend/Lineartyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Memdata.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/Linear.vo: backend/Linear.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
 backend/Locations.vo: backend/Locations.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo $(ARCH)/Machregs.vo
-backend/LTLintyping.vo: backend/LTLintyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/LTLin.vo: backend/LTLin.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/LTLtyping.vo: backend/LTLtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/LTL.vo: backend/LTL.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/Machabstr2concr.vo: backend/Machabstr2concr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machtyping.vo backend/Machabstr.vo backend/Machconcr.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo
-backend/Machabstrblock.vo: backend/Machabstrblock.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machabstr.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo
-backend/Machabstr.vo: backend/Machabstr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo
-backend/Machconcr.vo: backend/Machconcr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo
-backend/Machtyping.vo: backend/Machtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machabstr.vo
-backend/Mach.vo: backend/Mach.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo
+backend/LTLintyping.vo: backend/LTLintyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Memdata.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/LTLin.vo: backend/LTLin.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/LTLtyping.vo: backend/LTLtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Memdata.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/LTL.vo: backend/LTL.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/Machabstr2concr.vo: backend/Machabstr2concr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machtyping.vo backend/Machabstr.vo backend/Machconcr.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo
+backend/Machabstr.vo: backend/Machabstr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo
+backend/Machconcr.vo: backend/Machconcr.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenretaddr.vo
+backend/Machtyping.vo: backend/Machtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machabstr.vo
+backend/Mach.vo: backend/Mach.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo
 backend/Parallelmove.vo: backend/Parallelmove.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Parmov.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/AST.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
 backend/Registers.vo: backend/Registers.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/AST.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo
-backend/Reloadproof.vo: backend/Reloadproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Allocproof.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/LTLintyping.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Parallelmove.vo backend/Reload.vo
+backend/Reloadproof.vo: backend/Reloadproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Allocproof.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/LTLintyping.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Parallelmove.vo backend/Reload.vo
 backend/Reloadtyping.vo: backend/Reloadtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/LTLintyping.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Lineartyping.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Parallelmove.vo backend/Reload.vo backend/Reloadproof.vo
 backend/Reload.vo: backend/Reload.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTLin.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Parallelmove.vo backend/Linear.vo
-backend/RTLgenproof.vo: backend/RTLgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Switch.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLgen.vo backend/RTLgenspec.vo common/Errors.vo
-backend/RTLgenspec.vo: backend/RTLgenspec.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Switch.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/CminorSel.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLgen.vo
+backend/RTLgenproof.vo: backend/RTLgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Switch.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLgen.vo backend/RTLgenspec.vo common/Errors.vo
+backend/RTLgenspec.vo: backend/RTLgenspec.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Switch.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/CminorSel.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/RTLgen.vo
 backend/RTLgen.vo: backend/RTLgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Switch.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/CminorSel.vo backend/RTL.vo
-backend/RTLtyping.vo: backend/RTLtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/RTL.vo: backend/RTL.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo
-backend/Selectionproof.vo: backend/Selectionproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo backend/Selection.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOpproof.vo
-backend/Selection.vo: backend/Selection.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo
-backend/Stackingproof.vo: backend/Stackingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Lineartyping.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machabstr.vo backend/Bounds.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo backend/Stacking.vo
+backend/RTLtyping.vo: backend/RTLtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Events.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
+backend/RTL.vo: backend/RTL.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Registers.vo
+backend/Selectionproof.vo: backend/Selectionproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo backend/Selection.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOpproof.vo
+backend/Selection.vo: backend/Selection.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Cminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/CminorSel.vo $(ARCH)/SelectOp.vo
+backend/Stackingproof.vo: backend/Stackingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Lineartyping.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machabstr.vo backend/Bounds.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo backend/Stacking.vo
 backend/Stackingtyping.vo: backend/Stackingtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo common/AST.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Lineartyping.vo backend/Mach.vo backend/Machtyping.vo backend/Bounds.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo backend/Stacking.vo backend/Stackingproof.vo
 backend/Stacking.vo: backend/Stacking.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Bounds.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Stacklayout.vo
-backend/Tailcallproof.vo: backend/Tailcallproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Tailcall.vo
+backend/Tailcallproof.vo: backend/Tailcallproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo backend/Registers.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo backend/Tailcall.vo
 backend/Tailcall.vo: backend/Tailcall.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Registers.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/RTL.vo $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT)/Conventions.vo
-backend/Tunnelingproof.vo: backend/Tunnelingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Tunneling.vo
-backend/Tunnelingtyping.vo: backend/Tunnelingtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/Tunneling.vo backend/Tunnelingproof.vo
+backend/Tunnelingproof.vo: backend/Tunnelingproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/Tunneling.vo
+backend/Tunnelingtyping.vo: backend/Tunnelingtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/Tunneling.vo backend/Tunnelingproof.vo
 backend/Tunneling.vo: backend/Tunneling.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/UnionFind.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Globalenvs.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Locations.vo backend/LTL.vo
-cfrontend/Cmedium.saved.vo: cfrontend/Cmedium.saved.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo
-cfrontend/Cmedium.vo: cfrontend/Cmedium.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo
-cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.vo: cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo common/Switch.vo
-cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo: cfrontend/Cminorgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Mem.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo $(ARCH)/Op.vo backend/Cminor.vo
-cfrontend/Csem.vo: cfrontend/Csem.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo common/Smallstep.vo
-cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo: cfrontend/Csharpminor.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Mem.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Cminor.vo common/Smallstep.vo
-cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo
-cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.vo
-cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Mem.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.vo
+cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.vo: cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Intv.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memdata.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo common/Switch.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo
+cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo: cfrontend/Cminorgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Ordered.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo common/Memdata.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo backend/Cminor.vo
+cfrontend/Csem.vo: cfrontend/Csem.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/AST.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo common/Smallstep.vo
+cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo: cfrontend/Csharpminor.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Values.vo common/Memory.vo common/Events.vo common/Globalenvs.vo backend/Cminor.vo common/Smallstep.vo
+cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo
+cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.vo
+cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Maps.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Events.vo common/Memory.vo common/Globalenvs.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.vo
 cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo: cfrontend/Cshmgen.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo backend/Cminor.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo
+cfrontend/Cshmtyping.vo: cfrontend/Cshmtyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/Events.vo common/Values.vo common/Memdata.vo common/Memory.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo
 cfrontend/Csyntax.vo: cfrontend/Csyntax.v lib/Coqlib.vo common/Errors.vo lib/Integers.vo lib/Floats.vo common/AST.vo
 cfrontend/Ctyping.vo: cfrontend/Ctyping.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/AST.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo
 driver/Compiler.vo: driver/Compiler.v lib/Coqlib.vo lib/Maps.vo common/Errors.vo common/AST.vo common/Values.vo common/Smallstep.vo cfrontend/Csyntax.vo cfrontend/Csem.vo cfrontend/Csharpminor.vo backend/Cminor.vo backend/CminorSel.vo backend/RTL.vo backend/LTL.vo backend/LTLin.vo backend/Linear.vo backend/Mach.vo $(ARCH)/Asm.vo cfrontend/Cshmgen.vo cfrontend/Cminorgen.vo backend/Selection.vo backend/RTLgen.vo backend/Tailcall.vo backend/Constprop.vo backend/CSE.vo backend/Allocation.vo backend/Tunneling.vo backend/Linearize.vo backend/Reload.vo backend/Stacking.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgen.vo cfrontend/Ctyping.vo backend/RTLtyping.vo backend/LTLtyping.vo backend/LTLintyping.vo backend/Lineartyping.vo backend/Machtyping.vo cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.vo cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.vo backend/Selectionproof.vo backend/RTLgenproof.vo backend/Tailcallproof.vo backend/Constpropproof.vo backend/CSEproof.vo backend/Allocproof.vo backend/Alloctyping.vo backend/Tunnelingproof.vo backend/Tunnelingtyping.vo backend/Linearizeproof.vo backend/Linearizetyping.vo backend/Reloadproof.vo backend/Reloadtyping.vo backend/Stackingproof.vo backend/Stackingtyping.vo backend/Machabstr2concr.vo $(ARCH)/Asmgenproof.vo
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c9a61d723..d50a47886 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ GPATH=$(DIRS)
 # General-purpose libraries (in lib/)
-LIB=Coqlib.v Maps.v Lattice.v Ordered.v \
+LIB=Coqlib.v Intv.v Maps.v Lattice.v Ordered.v \
   Iteration.v Integers.v Floats.v Parmov.v UnionFind.v
 # Parts common to the front-ends and the back-end (in common/)
-COMMON=Errors.v AST.v Events.v Globalenvs.v Mem.v Values.v \
+COMMON=Errors.v AST.v Events.v Globalenvs.v Memdata.v Memtype.v Memory.v Values.v \
   Smallstep.v Determinism.v Switch.v
 # Back-end modules (in backend/, $(ARCH)/, $(ARCH)/$(VARIANT))
diff --git a/arm/Asm.v b/arm/Asm.v
index e8503bbd3..e689c20c1 100644
--- a/arm/Asm.v
+++ b/arm/Asm.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Module Pregmap := EMap(PregEq).
   and condition bits to either [Vzero] or [Vone]. *)
 Definition regset := Pregmap.t val.
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Notation "a # b" := (a b) (at level 1, only parsing).
 Notation "a # b <- c" := (Pregmap.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level).
@@ -609,28 +609,28 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       exec_instr c i rs m = OK rs' m' ->
       step (State rs m) E0 (State rs' m')
   | exec_step_external:
-      forall b ef args res rs m t rs',
+      forall b ef args res rs m t rs' m',
       rs PC = Vptr b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (External ef) ->
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       extcall_arguments rs m ef.(ef_sig) args ->
       rs' = (rs#(loc_external_result ef.(ef_sig)) <- res
                #PC <- (rs IR14)) ->
-      step (State rs m) t (State rs' m).
+      step (State rs m) t (State rs' m').
 (** Execution of whole programs. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro:
+  | initial_state_intro: forall m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
       let rs0 :=
         (Pregmap.init Vundef)
         # PC <- (symbol_offset ge p.(prog_main)
         # IR14 <- Vzero
         # IR13 <- (Vptr Mem.nullptr in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       initial_state p (State rs0 m0).
 Inductive final_state: state -> int -> Prop :=
diff --git a/arm/Asmgen.v b/arm/Asmgen.v
index 8e0805fe0..069a08a2c 100644
--- a/arm/Asmgen.v
+++ b/arm/Asmgen.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/arm/Asmgenproof.v b/arm/Asmgenproof.v
index db84d64ba..0260feb26 100644
--- a/arm/Asmgenproof.v
+++ b/arm/Asmgenproof.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
diff --git a/arm/Asmgenproof1.v b/arm/Asmgenproof1.v
index 077641365..fc2ce7fa2 100644
--- a/arm/Asmgenproof1.v
+++ b/arm/Asmgenproof1.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/arm/Asmgenretaddr.v b/arm/Asmgenretaddr.v
index 72d855a99..359aaf279 100644
--- a/arm/Asmgenretaddr.v
+++ b/arm/Asmgenretaddr.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/arm/ConstpropOpproof.v b/arm/ConstpropOpproof.v
index b718fc26d..9778acef5 100644
--- a/arm/ConstpropOpproof.v
+++ b/arm/ConstpropOpproof.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Registers.
diff --git a/arm/Op.v b/arm/Op.v
index da9903bdc..51ce0024d 100644
--- a/arm/Op.v
+++ b/arm/Op.v
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Set Implicit Arguments.
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Definition offset_sp (sp: val) (delta: int) : option val :=
 Definition eval_operation
-    (F: Type) (genv: Genv.t F) (sp: val)
+    (F V: Type) (genv: Genv.t F V) (sp: val)
     (op: operation) (vl: list val): option val :=
   match op, vl with
   | Omove, v1::nil => Some v1
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ Definition eval_operation
 Definition eval_addressing
-    (F: Type) (genv: Genv.t F) (sp: val)
+    (F V: Type) (genv: Genv.t F V) (sp: val)
     (addr: addressing) (vl: list val) : option val :=
   match addr, vl with
   | Aindexed n, Vptr b1 n1 :: nil =>
@@ -382,9 +382,9 @@ Qed.
-Variable F1 F2: Type.
-Variable ge1: Genv.t F1.
-Variable ge2: Genv.t F2.
+Variable F1 F2 V1 V2: Type.
+Variable ge1: Genv.t F1 V1.
+Variable ge2: Genv.t F2 V2.
 Hypothesis agree_on_symbols:
   forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol ge2 s = Genv.find_symbol ge1 s.
@@ -523,8 +523,8 @@ Definition type_of_chunk (c: memory_chunk) : typ :=
-Variable A: Type.
-Variable genv: Genv.t A.
+Variable A V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t A V.
 Lemma type_of_operation_sound:
   forall op vl sp v,
@@ -584,8 +584,8 @@ End SOUNDNESS.
-Variable F: Type.
-Variable genv: Genv.t F.
+Variable F V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
 Definition find_symbol_offset (id: ident) (ofs: int) : val :=
   match Genv.find_symbol genv id with
@@ -774,8 +774,8 @@ End EVAL_OP_TOTAL.
-Variable F: Type.
-Variable genv: Genv.t F.
+Variable F V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
 Ltac InvLessdef :=
   match goal with
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ Definition op_for_binary_addressing (addr: addressing) : operation :=
 Lemma eval_op_for_binary_addressing:
-  forall (F: Type) (ge: Genv.t F) sp addr args v,
+  forall (F V: Type) (ge: Genv.t F V) sp addr args v,
   (length args >= 2)%nat ->
   eval_addressing ge sp addr args = Some v ->
   eval_operation ge sp (op_for_binary_addressing addr) args = Some v.
diff --git a/arm/SelectOp.v b/arm/SelectOp.v
index abf39aff7..66c12999b 100644
--- a/arm/SelectOp.v
+++ b/arm/SelectOp.v
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Cminor.
 Require Import Op.
diff --git a/arm/SelectOpproof.v b/arm/SelectOpproof.v
index 32aba30c2..b2603466c 100644
--- a/arm/SelectOpproof.v
+++ b/arm/SelectOpproof.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
diff --git a/backend/Allocproof.v b/backend/Allocproof.v
index 10eaa5b1a..3f526aa42 100644
--- a/backend/Allocproof.v
+++ b/backend/Allocproof.v
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
@@ -423,14 +423,14 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   forall (b: block) (f: RTL.fundef),
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma sig_function_translated:
   forall f tf,
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ Inductive match_stackframes: list RTL.stackframe -> list LTL.stackframe -> Prop
               (rs#res <- rv)
               (Locmap.set (assign res) rv ls)) ->
-        (RTL.Stackframe res (RTL.fn_code f) sp pc rs :: s)
+        (RTL.Stackframe res f sp pc rs :: s)
         (LTL.Stackframe (assign res) (transf_fun f live assign) sp ls pc :: ts).
 Inductive match_states: RTL.state -> LTL.state -> Prop :=
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ Inductive match_states: RTL.state -> LTL.state -> Prop :=
       (ANL: analyze f = Some live)
       (ASG: regalloc f live (live0 f live) env = Some assign)
       (AG: agree assign (transfer f pc live!!pc) rs ls),
-      match_states (RTL.State s (RTL.fn_code f) sp pc rs m)
+      match_states (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m)
                    (LTL.State ts (transf_fun f live assign) sp pc ls m)
   | match_states_call:
       forall s f args m ts tf,
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Ltac WellTypedHyp :=
 Ltac TranslInstr :=
   match goal with
   | H: (PTree.get _ _ = Some _) |- _ =>
-      simpl; rewrite PTree.gmap; rewrite H; simpl; auto
+      simpl in H; simpl; rewrite PTree.gmap; rewrite H; simpl; auto
 Ltac MatchStates :=
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ Proof.
   (* Icall *)
   exploit transl_find_function; eauto.  intros [tf [TFIND TF]].
-  generalize (regalloc_correct_1 f0 env live _ _ _ _ ASG H).
  unfold correct_alloc_instr. intros [CORR1 [CORR2 CORR3]].
+  generalize (regalloc_correct_1 f env live _ _ _ _ ASG H).
  unfold correct_alloc_instr. intros [CORR1 [CORR2 CORR3]].
   assert (rs##args = map ls (map assign args)).
     eapply agree_eval_regs; eauto. 
   econstructor; split. 
@@ -735,14 +735,13 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   intros. inversion H.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [FIND TR]].
-  assert (MEM: (Genv.init_mem tprog) = (Genv.init_mem prog)).
-    exact (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial _ _ TRANSF).
-  exists (LTL.Callstate nil tf nil (Genv.init_mem tprog)); split.
+  exists (LTL.Callstate nil tf nil m0); split.
   econstructor; eauto.
+  eapply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial; eauto. 
   rewrite symbols_preserved. 
   rewrite (transform_partial_program_main _ _ TRANSF).  auto.
-  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_function_translated; auto. 
-  rewrite MEM. constructor; auto. constructor.
+  rewrite <- H3. apply sig_function_translated; auto. 
+  constructor; auto. constructor.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/CSE.v b/backend/CSE.v
index 98b7bbf58..ff79be54b 100644
--- a/backend/CSE.v
+++ b/backend/CSE.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Registers.
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Definition equation_holds
   | Load chunk addr vl =>
       exists a,
       eval_addressing ge sp addr ( valuation vl) = Some a /\
-      loadv chunk m a = Some (valuation vres)
+      Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some (valuation vres)
 Definition numbering_holds
diff --git a/backend/CSEproof.v b/backend/CSEproof.v
index 7f9424647..fcc867afd 100644
--- a/backend/CSEproof.v
+++ b/backend/CSEproof.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ Definition rhs_evals_to
   | Load chunk addr vl =>
       exists a,
       eval_addressing ge sp addr ( valu vl) = Some a /\
-      loadv chunk m a = Some v
+      Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v
 Lemma equation_evals_to_holds_1:
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ Lemma add_load_satisfiable:
   wf_numbering n ->
   numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m n ->
   eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
-  loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
   numbering_satisfiable ge sp 
      (rs#dst <- v)
      m (add_load n dst chunk addr args).
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ Lemma find_load_correct:
   find_load n chunk addr args = Some r ->
   exists a,
   eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a /\
-  loadv chunk m a = Some rs#r.
+  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some rs#r.
   intros until r. intros WF [valu NH].
   unfold find_load. caseEq (valnum_regs n args). intros n' vl VR FIND.
@@ -783,21 +783,19 @@ Qed.
 Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
-    forall res c sp pc rs f,
-    c = f.(RTL.fn_code) ->
+    forall res sp pc rs f,
     (forall v m, numbering_satisfiable ge sp (rs#res <- v) m (analyze f)!!pc) ->
-      (Stackframe res c sp pc rs)
-      (Stackframe res (transf_code (analyze f) c) sp pc rs).
+      (Stackframe res f sp pc rs)
+      (Stackframe res (transf_function f) sp pc rs).
 Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
   | match_states_intro:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m s' f
-             (CF: c = f.(RTL.fn_code))
+      forall s sp pc rs m s' f
              (SAT: numbering_satisfiable ge sp rs m (analyze f)!!pc)
              (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes s s'),
-      match_states (State s c sp pc rs m)
-                   (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) c) sp pc rs m)
+      match_states (State s f sp pc rs m)
+                   (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc rs m)
   | match_states_call:
       forall s f args m s',
       list_forall2 match_stackframes s s' ->
@@ -812,9 +810,9 @@ Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
 Ltac TransfInstr :=
   match goal with
   | H1: (PTree.get ?pc ?c = Some ?instr), f: function |- _ =>
-      cut ((transf_code (analyze f) c)!pc = Some(transf_instr (analyze f)!!pc instr));
-      [ simpl
-      | unfold transf_code; rewrite PTree.gmap; 
+      cut ((transf_function f).(fn_code)!pc = Some(transf_instr (analyze f)!!pc instr));
+      [ simpl transf_instr
+      | unfold transf_function, transf_code; simpl; rewrite PTree.gmap; 
         unfold option_map; rewrite H1; reflexivity ]
@@ -829,14 +827,14 @@ Proof.
   induction 1; intros; inv MS; try (TransfInstr; intro C).
   (* Inop *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' rs m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' rs m); split.
   apply exec_Inop; auto.
   econstructor; eauto. 
   eapply analysis_correct_1; eauto. simpl; auto. 
   unfold transfer; rewrite H; auto.
   (* Iop *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' (rs#res <- v) m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' (rs#res <- v) m); split.
   assert (eval_operation tge sp op rs##args = Some v).
     rewrite <- H0. apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
   generalize C; clear C.
@@ -855,14 +853,14 @@ Proof.
   eapply add_op_satisfiable; eauto. apply wf_analyze.
   (* Iload *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' (rs#dst <- v) m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' (rs#dst <- v) m); split.
   assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs##args = Some a).
     rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
   generalize C; clear C.
   caseEq (find_load (analyze f)!!pc chunk addr args). intros r FIND CODE.
   eapply exec_Iop'; eauto. simpl. 
   assert (exists a, eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a
-                 /\ loadv chunk m a = Some rs#r).
+                 /\ Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some rs#r).
     eapply find_load_correct; eauto.
     eapply wf_analyze; eauto.
   elim H3; intros a' [A B].
@@ -874,7 +872,7 @@ Proof.
   eapply add_load_satisfiable; eauto. apply wf_analyze.
   (* Istore *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' rs m'); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' rs m'); split.
   assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr rs##args = Some a).
     rewrite <- H0. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
   eapply exec_Istore; eauto.
@@ -886,7 +884,7 @@ Proof.
   (* Icall *)
   exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intro FIND'.
   econstructor; split.
-  eapply exec_Icall with (f := transf_fundef f); eauto.
+  eapply exec_Icall; eauto.
   apply sig_preserved. 
   econstructor; eauto. 
   constructor; auto. 
@@ -898,7 +896,7 @@ Proof.
   (* Itailcall *)
   exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intro FIND'.
   econstructor; split.
-  eapply exec_Itailcall with (f := transf_fundef f); eauto.
+  eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto.
   apply sig_preserved. 
   econstructor; eauto. 
@@ -951,15 +949,14 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   exists st2, initial_state tprog st2 /\ match_states st1 st2.
   intros. inversion H. 
-  exists (Callstate nil (transf_fundef f) nil (Genv.init_mem tprog)); split.
+  exists (Callstate nil (transf_fundef f) nil m0); split.
   econstructor; eauto.
+  apply Genv.init_mem_transf; auto.
   change (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog).
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
   apply funct_ptr_translated; auto.
-  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_preserved. 
-  replace (Genv.init_mem tprog) with (Genv.init_mem prog).
-  constructor. constructor. auto.
-  symmetry. unfold tprog, transf_program. apply Genv.init_mem_transf.
+  rewrite <- H3. apply sig_preserved. 
+  constructor. constructor.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/Cminor.v b/backend/Cminor.v
index aa9c5116b..094bef73f 100644
--- a/backend/Cminor.v
+++ b/backend/Cminor.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Switch.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
 - [env]: local environments, map local variables to values.
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Definition env := PTree.t val.
 (** The following functions build the initial local environment at
@@ -402,11 +402,12 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
   | step_skip_block: forall f k sp e m,
       step (State f Sskip (Kblock k) sp e m)
         E0 (State f Sskip k sp e m)
-  | step_skip_call: forall f k sp e m,
+  | step_skip_call: forall f k sp e m m',
       is_call_cont k ->
       f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) = None ->
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f Sskip k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k ( m sp))
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k m')
   | step_assign: forall f id a k sp e m v,
       eval_expr sp e m a v ->
@@ -428,13 +429,14 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State f (Scall optid sig a bl) k sp e m)
         E0 (Callstate fd vargs (Kcall optid f sp e k) m)
-  | step_tailcall: forall f sig a bl k sp e m vf vargs fd,
+  | step_tailcall: forall f sig a bl k sp e m vf vargs fd m',
       eval_expr (Vptr sp e m a vf ->
       eval_exprlist (Vptr sp e m bl vargs ->
       Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some fd ->
       funsig fd = sig ->
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Stailcall sig a bl) k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Callstate fd vargs (call_cont k) ( m sp))
+        E0 (Callstate fd vargs (call_cont k) m')
   | step_seq: forall f s1 s2 k sp e m,
       step (State f (Sseq s1 s2) k sp e m)
@@ -469,13 +471,15 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State f (Sswitch a cases default) k sp e m)
         E0 (State f (Sexit (switch_target n default cases)) k sp e m)
-  | step_return_0: forall f k sp e m,
+  | step_return_0: forall f k sp e m m',
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn None) k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) ( m sp))
-  | step_return_1: forall f a k sp e m v,
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) m')
+  | step_return_1: forall f a k sp e m v m',
       eval_expr (Vptr sp e m a v ->
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn (Some a)) k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) ( m sp))
+        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) m')
   | step_label: forall f lbl s k sp e m,
       step (State f (Slabel lbl s) k sp e m)
@@ -491,10 +495,10 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       set_locals f.(fn_vars) (set_params vargs f.(fn_params)) = e ->
       step (Callstate (Internal f) vargs k m)
         E0 (State f f.(fn_body) k (Vptr sp e m')
-  | step_external_function: forall ef vargs k m t vres,
-      event_match ef vargs t vres ->
+  | step_external_function: forall ef vargs k m t vres m',
+      external_call ef vargs m t vres m' ->
       step (Callstate (External ef) vargs k m)
-         t (Returnstate vres k m)        
+         t (Returnstate vres k m')        
   | step_return: forall v optid f sp e k m,
       step (Returnstate v (Kcall optid f sp e k) m)
@@ -508,9 +512,9 @@ End RELSEM.
   without arguments and with an empty continuation. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
@@ -560,12 +564,16 @@ Definition outcome_result_value
 Definition outcome_free_mem
-    (out: outcome) (m: mem) (sp: block) : mem :=
+    (out: outcome) (m: mem) (sp: block) (sz: Z) (m': mem) :=
   match out with
-  | Out_tailcall_return _ => m
-  | _ => m sp
+  | Out_tailcall_return _ => m' = m
+  | _ => m sp 0 sz = Some m'
+(***** REVISE - PROBLEMS WITH free *)
 Variable ge: genv.
@@ -580,16 +588,17 @@ Inductive eval_funcall:
         mem -> fundef -> list val -> trace ->
         mem -> val -> Prop :=
   | eval_funcall_internal:
-      forall m f vargs m1 sp e t e2 m2 out vres,
+      forall m f vargs m1 sp e t e2 m2 out vres m3,
       Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = (m1, sp) ->
       set_locals f.(fn_vars) (set_params vargs f.(fn_params)) = e ->
       exec_stmt (Vptr sp e m1 f.(fn_body) t e2 m2 out ->
       outcome_result_value out f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) vres ->
-      eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t (outcome_free_mem out m2 sp) vres
+      outcome_free_mem out m2 sp f.(fn_stackspace) m3 ->
+      eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t m3 vres
   | eval_funcall_external:
-      forall ef m args t res,
-      event_match ef args t res ->
-      eval_funcall m (External ef) args t m res
+      forall ef m args t res m',
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
+      eval_funcall m (External ef) args t m' res
 (** Execution of a statement: [exec_stmt ge sp e m s t e' m' out]
   means that statement [s] executes with outcome [out].
@@ -759,9 +768,9 @@ End NATURALSEM.
 Inductive bigstep_program_terminates (p: program): trace -> int -> Prop :=
   | bigstep_program_terminates_intro:
-      forall b f t m r,
+      forall b f m0 t m r,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
@@ -770,9 +779,9 @@ Inductive bigstep_program_terminates (p: program): trace -> int -> Prop :=
 Inductive bigstep_program_diverges (p: program): traceinf -> Prop :=
   | bigstep_program_diverges_intro:
-      forall b f t,
+      forall b f m0 t,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
@@ -1116,6 +1125,6 @@ Qed.
diff --git a/backend/CminorSel.v b/backend/CminorSel.v
index 85338720c..231af8fb7 100644
--- a/backend/CminorSel.v
+++ b/backend/CminorSel.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Cminor.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
 - [lenv]: let environments, map de Bruijn indices to values.
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Definition letenv := list val.
 (** Continuations *)
@@ -260,11 +260,12 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
   | step_skip_block: forall f k sp e m,
       step (State f Sskip (Kblock k) sp e m)
         E0 (State f Sskip k sp e m)
-  | step_skip_call: forall f k sp e m,
+  | step_skip_call: forall f k sp e m m',
       is_call_cont k ->
       f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) = None ->
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f Sskip k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k ( m sp))
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k m')
   | step_assign: forall f id a k sp e m v,
       eval_expr sp e m nil a v ->
@@ -287,13 +288,14 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State f (Scall optid sig a bl) k sp e m)
         E0 (Callstate fd vargs (Kcall optid f sp e k) m)
-  | step_tailcall: forall f sig a bl k sp e m vf vargs fd,
+  | step_tailcall: forall f sig a bl k sp e m vf vargs fd m',
       eval_expr (Vptr sp e m nil a vf ->
       eval_exprlist (Vptr sp e m nil bl vargs ->
       Genv.find_funct ge vf = Some fd ->
       funsig fd = sig ->
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Stailcall sig a bl) k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Callstate fd vargs (call_cont k) ( m sp))
+        E0 (Callstate fd vargs (call_cont k) m')
   | step_seq: forall f s1 s2 k sp e m,
       step (State f (Sseq s1 s2) k sp e m)
@@ -327,13 +329,15 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State f (Sswitch a cases default) k sp e m)
         E0 (State f (Sexit (switch_target n default cases)) k sp e m)
-  | step_return_0: forall f k sp e m,
+  | step_return_0: forall f k sp e m m',
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn None) k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) ( m sp))
-  | step_return_1: forall f a k sp e m v,
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) m')
+  | step_return_1: forall f a k sp e m v m',
       eval_expr (Vptr sp e m nil a v ->
+ m sp 0 f.(fn_stackspace) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn (Some a)) k (Vptr sp e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) ( m sp))
+        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) m')
   | step_label: forall f lbl s k sp e m,
       step (State f (Slabel lbl s) k sp e m)
@@ -349,10 +353,10 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       set_locals f.(fn_vars) (set_params vargs f.(fn_params)) = e ->
       step (Callstate (Internal f) vargs k m)
         E0 (State f f.(fn_body) k (Vptr sp e m')
-  | step_external_function: forall ef vargs k m t vres,
-      event_match ef vargs t vres ->
+  | step_external_function: forall ef vargs k m t vres m',
+      external_call ef vargs m t vres m' ->
       step (Callstate (External ef) vargs k m)
-         t (Returnstate vres k m)        
+         t (Returnstate vres k m')        
   | step_return: forall v optid f sp e k m,
       step (Returnstate v (Kcall optid f sp e k) m)
@@ -361,9 +365,9 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
diff --git a/backend/Constpropproof.v b/backend/Constpropproof.v
index fff9a60da..6671960cc 100644
--- a/backend/Constpropproof.v
+++ b/backend/Constpropproof.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Op.
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some (transf_fundef f).
-  exact (Genv.find_funct_transf transf_fundef H).
+  exact (Genv.find_funct_transf transf_fundef _ _ H).
 Lemma function_ptr_translated:
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some (transf_fundef f).
-  exact (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf transf_fundef H).
+  exact (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf transf_fundef _ _ H).
 Lemma sig_function_translated:
@@ -220,21 +220,19 @@ Qed.
 Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
-      forall res c sp pc rs f,
-      c = f.(RTL.fn_code) ->
+      forall res sp pc rs f,
       (forall v, regs_match_approx ge (analyze f)!!pc (rs#res <- v)) ->
-        (Stackframe res c sp pc rs)
-        (Stackframe res (transf_code (analyze f) c) sp pc rs).
+        (Stackframe res f sp pc rs)
+        (Stackframe res (transf_function f) sp pc rs).
 Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
   | match_states_intro:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m f s'
-           (CF: c = f.(RTL.fn_code))
+      forall s sp pc rs m f s'
            (MATCH: regs_match_approx ge (analyze f)!!pc rs)
            (STACKS: list_forall2 match_stackframes s s'),
-      match_states (State s c sp pc rs m)
-                   (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) c) sp pc rs m)
+      match_states (State s f sp pc rs m)
+                   (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc rs m)
   | match_states_call:
       forall s f args m s',
       list_forall2 match_stackframes s s' ->
@@ -249,9 +247,9 @@ Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
 Ltac TransfInstr :=
   match goal with
   | H1: (PTree.get ?pc ?c = Some ?instr), f: function |- _ =>
-      cut ((transf_code (analyze f) c)!pc = Some(transf_instr (analyze f)!!pc instr));
-      [ simpl
-      | unfold transf_code; rewrite PTree.gmap; 
+      cut ((transf_function f).(fn_code)!pc = Some(transf_instr (analyze f)!!pc instr));
+      [ simpl transf_instr
+      | unfold transf_function, transf_code; simpl; rewrite PTree.gmap; 
         unfold option_map; rewrite H1; reflexivity ]
@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ Proof.
   induction 1; intros; inv MS.
   (* Inop *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' rs m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' rs m); split.
   TransfInstr; intro. eapply exec_Inop; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply analyze_correct_1 with (pc := pc); eauto.
@@ -275,11 +273,11 @@ Proof.
   unfold transfer; rewrite H. auto.
   (* Iop *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' (rs#res <- v) m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' (rs#res <- v) m); split.
   TransfInstr. caseEq (op_strength_reduction (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) op args);
   intros op' args' OSR.
   assert (eval_operation tge sp op' rs##args' = Some v).
-    rewrite (eval_operation_preserved symbols_preserved). 
+    rewrite (eval_operation_preserved _ _ symbols_preserved). 
     generalize (op_strength_reduction_correct ge (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) sp rs
                   MATCH op args v).
     rewrite OSR; simpl. auto.
@@ -305,12 +303,12 @@ Proof.
   caseEq (addr_strength_reduction (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) addr args);
   intros addr' args' ASR.
   assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr' rs##args' = Some a).
-    rewrite (eval_addressing_preserved symbols_preserved). 
+    rewrite (eval_addressing_preserved _ _ symbols_preserved). 
     generalize (addr_strength_reduction_correct ge (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) sp rs
                   MATCH addr args).
     rewrite ASR; simpl. congruence. 
   TransfInstr. rewrite ASR. intro.
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' (rs#dst <- v) m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' (rs#dst <- v) m); split.
   eapply exec_Iload; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. 
   eapply analyze_correct_1; eauto. simpl; auto. 
@@ -321,12 +319,12 @@ Proof.
   caseEq (addr_strength_reduction (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) addr args);
   intros addr' args' ASR.
   assert (eval_addressing tge sp addr' rs##args' = Some a).
-    rewrite (eval_addressing_preserved symbols_preserved). 
+    rewrite (eval_addressing_preserved _ _ symbols_preserved). 
     generalize (addr_strength_reduction_correct ge (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) sp rs
                   MATCH addr args).
     rewrite ASR; simpl. congruence. 
   TransfInstr. rewrite ASR. intro.
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' rs m'); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' rs m'); split.
   eapply exec_Istore; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. 
   eapply analyze_correct_1; eauto. simpl; auto. 
@@ -351,7 +349,7 @@ Proof.
   constructor; auto. 
   (* Icond, true *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp ifso rs m); split. 
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp ifso rs m); split. 
   caseEq (cond_strength_reduction (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) cond args);
   intros cond' args' CSR.
   assert (eval_condition cond' rs##args' = Some true).
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@ Proof.
   unfold transfer; rewrite H; auto.
   (* Icond, false *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp ifnot rs m); split. 
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp ifnot rs m); split. 
   caseEq (cond_strength_reduction (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) cond args);
   intros cond' args' CSR.
   assert (eval_condition cond' rs##args' = Some false).
@@ -391,7 +389,7 @@ Proof.
   unfold transfer; rewrite H; auto.
   (* Ijumptable *)
-  exists (State s' (transf_code (analyze f) (fn_code f)) sp pc' rs m); split.
+  exists (State s' (transf_function f) sp pc' rs m); split.
   caseEq (intval (approx_reg (analyze f)!!pc) arg); intros.
   exploit intval_correct; eauto. eexact MATCH. intro VRS.
   eapply exec_Inop; eauto. TransfInstr. rewrite H2. 
@@ -403,7 +401,7 @@ Proof.
   unfold transfer; rewrite  H; auto.
   (* Ireturn *)
-  exists (Returnstate s' (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) (free m stk)); split.
+  exists (Returnstate s' (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) m'); split.
   eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto. TransfInstr; auto.
   constructor; auto.
@@ -432,15 +430,14 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   intros. inversion H.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intro FIND.
-  exists (Callstate nil (transf_fundef f) nil (Genv.init_mem tprog)); split.
+  exists (Callstate nil (transf_fundef f) nil m0); split.
   econstructor; eauto.
+  apply Genv.init_mem_transf; auto.
   replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog).
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
-  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_function_translated.
-  replace (Genv.init_mem tprog) with (Genv.init_mem prog).
-  constructor. constructor. auto.
-  symmetry. unfold tprog, transf_program. apply Genv.init_mem_transf. 
+  rewrite <- H3. apply sig_function_translated.
+  constructor. constructor.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/LTL.v b/backend/LTL.v
index 6a693361b..2a1172aba 100644
--- a/backend/LTL.v
+++ b/backend/LTL.v
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Op.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
 (** * Operational semantics *)
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Definition locset := Locmap.t.
 Definition locmap_optget (ol: option loc) (dfl: val) (ls: locset) : val :=
@@ -189,12 +189,13 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
         E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res f sp (postcall_locs rs) pc' :: s)
                       f' ( rs args) m)
   | exec_Ltailcall:
-      forall s f stk pc rs m sig ros args f',
+      forall s f stk pc rs m sig ros args f' m',
       (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ltailcall sig ros args) ->
       find_function ros rs = Some f' ->
       funsig f' = sig ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk pc rs m)
-        E0 (Callstate s f' ( rs args) ( m stk))
+        E0 (Callstate s f' ( rs args) m')
   | exec_Lcond_true:
       forall s f sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot,
       (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Lcond cond args ifso ifnot) ->
@@ -215,20 +216,21 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s f sp pc rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp pc' rs m)
   | exec_Lreturn:
-      forall s f stk pc rs m or,
+      forall s f stk pc rs m or m',
       (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Lreturn or) ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk pc rs m)
-        E0 (Returnstate s (locmap_optget or Vundef rs) ( m stk))
+        E0 (Returnstate s (locmap_optget or Vundef rs) m')
   | exec_function_internal:
       forall s f args m m' stk,
       Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
       step (Callstate s (Internal f) args m)
         E0 (State s f (Vptr stk f.(fn_entrypoint) (init_locs args f.(fn_params)) m')
   | exec_function_external:
-      forall s ef t args res m,
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      forall s ef t args res m m',
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       step (Callstate s (External ef) args m)
-         t (Returnstate s res m)
+         t (Returnstate s res m')
   | exec_return:
       forall res f sp rs pc s vres m,
       step (Returnstate (Stackframe res f sp rs pc :: s) vres m)
@@ -242,9 +244,9 @@ End RELSEM.
   by the calling conventions. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
diff --git a/backend/LTLin.v b/backend/LTLin.v
index e3533388e..c3b432ba6 100644
--- a/backend/LTLin.v
+++ b/backend/LTLin.v
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
   | External ef => ef.(ef_sig)
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Definition locset := Locmap.t.
 (** * Operational semantics *)
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
   | exec_Lload:
       forall s f sp chunk addr args dst b rs m a v,
       eval_addressing ge sp addr (map rs args) = Some a ->
-      loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+      Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
       step (State s f sp (Lload chunk addr args dst :: b) rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp b (Locmap.set dst v rs) m)
   | exec_Lstore:
       forall s f sp chunk addr args src b rs m m' a,
       eval_addressing ge sp addr (map rs args) = Some a ->
-      storev chunk m a (rs src) = Some m' ->
+      Mem.storev chunk m a (rs src) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f sp (Lstore chunk addr args src :: b) rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp b rs m')
   | exec_Lcall:
@@ -180,11 +180,12 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
         E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res f sp (postcall_locs rs) b :: s)
                       f' ( rs args) m)
   | exec_Ltailcall:
-      forall s f stk sig ros args b rs m f',
+      forall s f stk sig ros args b rs m f' m',
       find_function ros rs = Some f' ->
       sig = funsig f' ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk (Ltailcall sig ros args :: b) rs m)
-        E0 (Callstate s f' ( rs args) ( m stk))
+        E0 (Callstate s f' ( rs args) m')
   | exec_Llabel:
       forall s f sp lbl b rs m,
       step (State s f sp (Llabel lbl :: b) rs m)
@@ -213,19 +214,20 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s f sp (Ljumptable arg tbl :: b) rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp b' rs m)
   | exec_Lreturn:
-      forall s f stk rs m or b,
+      forall s f stk rs m or b m',
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk (Lreturn or :: b) rs m)
-        E0 (Returnstate s (locmap_optget or Vundef rs) ( m stk))
+        E0 (Returnstate s (locmap_optget or Vundef rs) m')
   | exec_function_internal:
       forall s f args m m' stk,
       Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
       step (Callstate s (Internal f) args m)
         E0 (State s f (Vptr stk f.(fn_code) (init_locs args f.(fn_params)) m')
   | exec_function_external:
-      forall s ef args t res m,
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      forall s ef args t res m m',
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       step (Callstate s (External ef) args m)
-         t (Returnstate s res m)
+         t (Returnstate s res m')
   | exec_return:
       forall res f sp rs b s vres m,
       step (Returnstate (Stackframe res f sp rs b :: s) vres m)
@@ -234,9 +236,9 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
diff --git a/backend/LTLintyping.v b/backend/LTLintyping.v
index 10058907b..69422e0cd 100644
--- a/backend/LTLintyping.v
+++ b/backend/LTLintyping.v
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Memdata.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import RTL.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/backend/LTLtyping.v b/backend/LTLtyping.v
index 9a2322c78..e1e43f568 100644
--- a/backend/LTLtyping.v
+++ b/backend/LTLtyping.v
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Memdata.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import RTL.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/backend/Linear.v b/backend/Linear.v
index bf21cb7dc..be07b827b 100644
--- a/backend/Linear.v
+++ b/backend/Linear.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
   | External ef => ef.(ef_sig)
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Definition locset := Locmap.t.
 (** * Operational semantics *)
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
   | exec_Lload:
       forall s f sp chunk addr args dst b rs m a v,
       eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist rs args) = Some a ->
-      loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+      Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
       step (State s f sp (Lload chunk addr args dst :: b) rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp b (Locmap.set (R dst) v rs) m)
   | exec_Lstore:
       forall s f sp chunk addr args src b rs m m' a,
       eval_addressing ge sp addr (reglist rs args) = Some a ->
-      storev chunk m a (rs (R src)) = Some m' ->
+      Mem.storev chunk m a (rs (R src)) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f sp (Lstore chunk addr args src :: b) rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp b rs m')
   | exec_Lcall:
@@ -269,11 +269,12 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s f sp (Lcall sig ros :: b) rs m)
         E0 (Callstate (Stackframe f sp rs b:: s) f' rs m)
   | exec_Ltailcall:
-      forall s f stk sig ros b rs m f',
+      forall s f stk sig ros b rs m f' m',
       find_function ros rs = Some f' ->
       sig = funsig f' ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk (Ltailcall sig ros :: b) rs m)
-        E0 (Callstate s f' (return_regs (parent_locset s) rs) ( m stk))
+        E0 (Callstate s f' (return_regs (parent_locset s) rs) m')
   | exec_Llabel:
       forall s f sp lbl b rs m,
       step (State s f sp (Llabel lbl :: b) rs m)
@@ -302,21 +303,22 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s f sp (Ljumptable arg tbl :: b) rs m)
         E0 (State s f sp b' rs m)
   | exec_Lreturn:
-      forall s f stk b rs m,
+      forall s f stk b rs m m',
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk (Lreturn :: b) rs m)
-        E0 (Returnstate s (return_regs (parent_locset s) rs) ( m stk))
+        E0 (Returnstate s (return_regs (parent_locset s) rs) m')
   | exec_function_internal:
       forall s f rs m m' stk,
-      alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
+      Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
       step (Callstate s (Internal f) rs m)
         E0 (State s f (Vptr stk f.(fn_code) (call_regs rs) m')
   | exec_function_external:
-      forall s ef args res rs1 rs2 m t,
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      forall s ef args res rs1 rs2 m t m',
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       args = rs1 (Conventions.loc_arguments ef.(ef_sig)) ->
       rs2 = Locmap.set (R (Conventions.loc_result ef.(ef_sig))) res rs1 ->
       step (Callstate s (External ef) rs1 m)
-         t (Returnstate s rs2 m)
+         t (Returnstate s rs2 m')
   | exec_return:
       forall s f sp rs0 c rs m,
       step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp rs0 c :: s) rs m)
@@ -325,9 +327,9 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
diff --git a/backend/Linearizeproof.v b/backend/Linearizeproof.v
index c79908d67..5d670650a 100644
--- a/backend/Linearizeproof.v
+++ b/backend/Linearizeproof.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import FSets.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Errors.
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   forall v f,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f ->
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma symbols_preserved:
   forall id,
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ Proof.
   inv H. reflexivity.
+Lemma stacksize_preserved:
+  forall f tf,
+  transf_function f = OK tf ->
+  LTLin.fn_stacksize tf = LTL.fn_stacksize f.
+  intros. monadInv H. auto.
 Lemma find_function_translated:
   forall ros ls f,
   LTL.find_function ge ros ls = Some f ->
@@ -593,6 +601,7 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. eapply exec_Ltailcall with (f' := tf'); eauto.
   symmetry; apply sig_preserved; auto.
+  rewrite (stacksize_preserved _ _ TRF). eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   destruct ros; simpl in H0.
   eapply Genv.find_funct_prop; eauto.
@@ -656,6 +665,7 @@ Proof.
   simpl in EQ. subst c.
   econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto.
+  rewrite (stacksize_preserved _ _ TRF). eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* internal function *)
@@ -692,16 +702,14 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   intros. inversion H.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].  
-  exists (Callstate nil tf nil (Genv.init_mem tprog)); split.
-  econstructor; eauto.
+  exists (Callstate nil tf nil m0); split.
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial; eauto. 
   replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog).
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
   symmetry. apply (transform_partial_program_main transf_fundef _ TRANSF). 
-  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_preserved. auto.
-  replace (Genv.init_mem tprog) with (Genv.init_mem prog).
+  rewrite <- H3. apply sig_preserved. auto.
   constructor. constructor. auto.
   eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop; eauto.
-  symmetry. apply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial with transf_fundef. auto.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/Lineartyping.v b/backend/Lineartyping.v
index 1fe77378f..028e1200e 100644
--- a/backend/Lineartyping.v
+++ b/backend/Lineartyping.v
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Memdata.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import RTL.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/backend/Mach.v b/backend/Mach.v
index f7e85c3ef..e89ff3b16 100644
--- a/backend/Mach.v
+++ b/backend/Mach.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
   | External ef => ef.(ef_sig)
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 (** * Dynamic semantics *)
diff --git a/backend/Machabstr.v b/backend/Machabstr.v
index a2630a2b8..ceaf9a686 100644
--- a/backend/Machabstr.v
+++ b/backend/Machabstr.v
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -262,10 +262,11 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s f sp (Mcall sig ros :: c) rs fr m)
         E0 (Callstate (Stackframe f sp c fr :: s) f' rs m)
   | exec_Mtailcall:
-      forall s f stk soff sig ros c rs fr m f',
+      forall s f stk soff sig ros c rs fr m f' m',
       find_function ros rs = Some f' ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk soff) (Mtailcall sig ros :: c) rs fr m)
-        E0 (Callstate s f' rs ( m stk))
+        E0 (Callstate s f' rs m')
   | exec_Mgoto:
       forall s f sp lbl c rs fr m c',
       find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
@@ -290,9 +291,10 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s f sp (Mjumptable arg tbl :: c) rs fr m)
         E0 (State s f sp c' rs fr m)
   | exec_Mreturn:
-      forall s f stk soff c rs fr m,
+      forall s f stk soff c rs fr m m',
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s f (Vptr stk soff) (Mreturn :: c) rs fr m)
-        E0 (Returnstate s rs ( m stk))
+        E0 (Returnstate s rs m')
   | exec_function_internal:
       forall s f rs m m' stk,
       Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
@@ -300,12 +302,12 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
         E0 (State s f (Vptr stk (Int.repr (-f.(fn_framesize))))
                   f.(fn_code) rs empty_frame m')
   | exec_function_external:
-      forall s ef args res rs1 rs2 m t,
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      forall s ef args res rs1 rs2 m t m',
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       extcall_arguments (parent_function s) rs1 (parent_frame s) ef.(ef_sig) args ->
       rs2 = (rs1#(Conventions.loc_result ef.(ef_sig)) <- res) ->
       step (Callstate s (External ef) rs1 m)
-         t (Returnstate s rs2 m)
+         t (Returnstate s rs2 m')
   | exec_return:
       forall f sp c fr s rs m,
       step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp c fr :: s) rs m)
@@ -314,9 +316,9 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       initial_state p (Callstate nil f (Regmap.init Vundef) m0).
diff --git a/backend/Machabstr2concr.v b/backend/Machabstr2concr.v
index 89529fd4b..7714f3d59 100644
--- a/backend/Machabstr2concr.v
+++ b/backend/Machabstr2concr.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -74,19 +74,27 @@ Hypothesis wt_f: wt_function f.
   semantics. [ms] is the current memory state in the concrete semantics.
   The stack pointer is [Vptr sp base] in both semantics. *)
-Inductive frame_match (fr: frame)
-                      (sp: block) (base: int) 
-                      (mm ms: mem) : Prop :=
-  frame_match_intro:
-    valid_block ms sp ->
-    low_bound mm sp = 0 ->
-    low_bound ms sp = -f.(fn_framesize) ->
-    high_bound ms sp >= 0 ->
-    base = Int.repr (-f.(fn_framesize)) ->
-    (forall ty ofs,
-       -f.(fn_framesize) <= ofs -> ofs + AST.typesize ty <= 0 -> (4 | ofs) ->
-       load (chunk_of_type ty) ms sp ofs = Some(fr ty ofs)) ->
-    frame_match fr sp base mm ms.
+Record frame_match (fr: frame)
+                   (sp: block) (base: int) 
+                   (mm ms: mem) : Prop :=
+  mk_frame_match {
+    fm_valid_1: 
+      Mem.valid_block mm sp;
+    fm_valid_2: 
+      Mem.valid_block ms sp;
+    fm_base:
+      base = Int.repr(- f.(fn_framesize));
+    fm_stackdata_pos: 
+      Mem.low_bound mm sp = 0;
+    fm_write_perm:
+      Mem.range_perm ms sp (-f.(fn_framesize)) 0 Freeable;
+    fm_contents_match:
+      forall ty ofs,
+      -f.(fn_framesize) <= ofs -> ofs + AST.typesize ty <= 0 -> (4 | ofs) ->
+      exists v,
+        Mem.load (chunk_of_type ty) ms sp ofs = Some v
+        /\ Val.lessdef (fr ty ofs) v
+  }.
 (** The following two innocuous-looking lemmas are the key results
   showing that [sp]-relative memory accesses in the concrete
@@ -94,8 +102,8 @@ Inductive frame_match (fr: frame)
   semantics.  First, a value [v] that has type [ty] is preserved
   when stored in memory with chunk [chunk_of_type ty], then read
   back with the same chunk.  The typing hypothesis is crucial here:
-  for instance, a float value reads back as [Vundef] when stored
-  and load with chunk [Mint32]. *)
+  for instance, a float value is not preserved when stored
+  and loaded with chunk [Mint32]. *)
 Lemma load_result_ty:
   forall v ty,
@@ -127,14 +135,15 @@ Lemma frame_match_load_stack:
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
   0 <= Int.signed ofs /\ Int.signed ofs + AST.typesize ty <= f.(fn_framesize) ->
   (4 | Int.signed ofs) ->
-  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs = 
-  Some (fr ty (Int.signed ofs - f.(fn_framesize))).
+  exists v,
+     load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs = Some v
+  /\ Val.lessdef (fr ty (Int.signed ofs - f.(fn_framesize))) v.
   intros. inv H. inv wt_f.
-  unfold load_stack, Val.add, loadv.
+  unfold load_stack, Val.add, Mem.loadv.
   replace (Int.signed (Int.add (Int.repr (- fn_framesize f)) ofs))
      with (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f).
-  apply H7. omega. omega.
+  apply fm_contents_match0. omega. omega.
   apply Zdivide_minus_l; auto. 
   assert (Int.signed (Int.repr (-fn_framesize f)) = -fn_framesize f).
     apply Int.signed_repr.
@@ -149,9 +158,9 @@ Lemma frame_match_get_slot:
   forall fr sp base mm ms ty ofs v,
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
   get_slot f fr ty (Int.signed ofs) v ->
-  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs = Some v.
+  exists v', load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs = Some v' /\ Val.lessdef v v'.
-  intros. inversion H. inv H0. inv H7. eapply frame_match_load_stack; eauto.
+  intros. inv H0. inv H1. eapply frame_match_load_stack; eauto.
 (** Assigning a value to a frame slot (in the abstract semantics)
@@ -160,19 +169,20 @@ Qed.
   and activation records is preserved. *)
 Lemma frame_match_store_stack:
-  forall fr sp base mm ms ty ofs v,
+  forall fr sp base mm ms ty ofs v v',
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
-  0 <= Int.signed ofs /\ Int.signed ofs + AST.typesize ty <= f.(fn_framesize) ->
+  0 <= Int.signed ofs -> Int.signed ofs + AST.typesize ty <= f.(fn_framesize) ->
   (4 | Int.signed ofs) ->
   Val.has_type v ty ->
+  Val.lessdef v v' ->
   Mem.extends mm ms ->
   exists ms',
-    store_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs v = Some ms' /\
+    store_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs v' = Some ms' /\
     frame_match (update ty (Int.signed ofs - f.(fn_framesize)) v fr) sp base mm ms' /\
     Mem.extends mm ms'.
   intros. inv H. inv wt_f.
-  unfold store_stack, Val.add, storev.
+  unfold store_stack, Val.add, Mem.storev.
   assert (Int.signed (Int.add (Int.repr (- fn_framesize f)) ofs) =
           Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f).
   assert (Int.signed (Int.repr (-fn_framesize f)) = -fn_framesize f).
@@ -183,58 +193,84 @@ Proof.
   apply Zle_trans with 0. generalize (AST.typesize_pos ty). omega. 
   compute; congruence.
   rewrite H.
-  assert (exists ms', store (chunk_of_type ty) ms sp (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f) v = Some ms').
-    apply valid_access_store. 
-    constructor. auto. omega.
-    rewrite size_type_chunk. omega.
+  assert ({ ms' | (chunk_of_type ty) ms sp (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f) v' = Some ms'}).
+    apply Mem.valid_access_store. constructor.
+    apply Mem.range_perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+    red; intros; apply fm_write_perm0.
+    rewrite <- size_type_chunk in H1.
+    generalize (size_chunk_pos (chunk_of_type ty)).
+    omega.
     replace (align_chunk (chunk_of_type ty)) with 4.
     apply Zdivide_minus_l; auto.
     destruct ty; auto.
-  destruct H8 as [ms' STORE]. 
-  generalize (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE sp). intro LB.
-  generalize (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE sp). intro HB.
+  destruct X as [ms' STORE].
   exists ms'. 
   split. exact STORE.
   (* frame match *)
-  split. constructor; try congruence.
-    eauto with mem. intros. unfold update.
-    destruct (zeq (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f) ofs0). subst ofs0.
+  split. constructor.
+  (* valid *)
+  eauto with mem.
+  eauto with mem.
+  (* base *)
+  auto.
+  (* stackdata_pos *)
+  auto.
+  (* write_perm *)
+  red; intros; eauto with mem.
+  (* contents *)
+  intros. 
+  exploit fm_contents_match0; eauto. intros [v0 [LOAD0 VLD0]]. 
+  assert (exists v1, Mem.load (chunk_of_type ty0) ms' sp ofs0 = Some v1).
+    apply Mem.valid_access_load; eauto with mem. 
+  destruct H9 as [v1 LOAD1].
+  exists v1; split; auto.
+  unfold update. 
+  destruct (zeq (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f) ofs0). subst ofs0.
     destruct (typ_eq ty ty0). subst ty0.
     (* same *)
-    transitivity (Some (Val.load_result (chunk_of_type ty) v)).
-    eapply load_store_same; eauto.
-    decEq. apply load_result_ty; auto.
+    inv H4. 
+    assert (Some v1 = Some (Val.load_result (chunk_of_type ty) v')).
+      rewrite <- LOAD1. eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
+      replace (type_of_chunk (chunk_of_type ty)) with ty. auto.
+      destruct ty; auto.
+    inv H4. rewrite load_result_ty; auto. 
+    auto.
     (* mismatch *)
-    eapply load_store_mismatch'; eauto with mem.
-    destruct ty; destruct ty0; simpl; congruence.
+    auto.
     destruct (zle (ofs0 + AST.typesize ty0) (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f)).
     (* disjoint *)
-    rewrite <- H9; auto. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-    right; left. rewrite size_type_chunk; auto.
+    assert (Some v1 = Some v0).
+      rewrite <- LOAD0; rewrite <- LOAD1. 
+      eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+      right; left. rewrite size_type_chunk; auto.
+    inv H9. auto.
     destruct (zle (Int.signed ofs - fn_framesize f + AST.typesize ty)).
-    rewrite <- H9; auto. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-    right; right. rewrite size_type_chunk; auto.
+    assert (Some v1 = Some v0).
+      rewrite <- LOAD0; rewrite <- LOAD1. 
+      eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+      right; right. rewrite size_type_chunk; auto.
+    inv H9. auto.
     (* overlap *)
-    eapply load_store_overlap'; eauto with mem.
-    rewrite size_type_chunk; auto. 
-    rewrite size_type_chunk; auto.
+    auto.
   (* extends *)
-  eapply store_outside_extends; eauto.
-  left. rewrite size_type_chunk. omega.
+  eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
+  left. rewrite fm_stackdata_pos0. 
+  rewrite size_type_chunk. omega.
 Lemma frame_match_set_slot:
-  forall fr sp base mm ms ty ofs v fr',
+  forall fr sp base mm ms ty ofs v fr' v',
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
   set_slot f fr ty (Int.signed ofs) v fr' ->
   Val.has_type v ty ->
+  Val.lessdef v v' ->
   Mem.extends mm ms ->
   exists ms',
-    store_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs v = Some ms' /\
+    store_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs v' = Some ms' /\
     frame_match fr' sp base mm ms' /\
     Mem.extends mm ms'.
-  intros. inv H0. inv H3. eapply frame_match_store_stack; eauto. 
+  intros. inv H0. inv H4. eapply frame_match_store_stack; eauto. 
 (** Agreement is preserved by stores within blocks other than the
@@ -243,45 +279,40 @@ Qed.
 Lemma frame_match_store_other:
   forall fr sp base mm ms chunk b ofs v ms',
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
-  store chunk ms b ofs v = Some ms' ->
+ chunk ms b ofs v = Some ms' ->
   sp <> b ->
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms'.
-  intros. inv H. 
-  generalize (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 sp). intro LB.
-  generalize (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 sp). intro HB.
-  apply frame_match_intro; auto.
-  eauto with mem. 
-  congruence.
-  congruence.
-  intros. rewrite <- H7; auto. 
-  eapply load_store_other; eauto.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; auto.
+  eauto with mem.
+  red; intros; eauto with mem. 
+  intros. exploit fm_contents_match0; eauto. intros [v0 [LOAD LD]].
+  exists v0; split; auto. rewrite <- LOAD. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
 (** Agreement is preserved by parallel stores in the Machabstr
   and the Machconcr semantics. *)
 Lemma frame_match_store:
-  forall fr sp base mm ms chunk b ofs v mm' ms',
+  forall fr sp base mm ms chunk b ofs v mm' v' ms',
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
-  store chunk mm b ofs v = Some mm' ->
-  store chunk ms b ofs v = Some ms' ->
+ chunk mm b ofs v = Some mm' ->
+ chunk ms b ofs v' = Some ms' ->
   frame_match fr sp base mm' ms'.
-  intros. inv H.  
-  generalize (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 sp). intro LBm.
-  generalize (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 sp). intro LBs.
-  generalize (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 sp). intro HBm.
-  generalize (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 sp). intro HBs.
-  apply frame_match_intro; auto.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; auto.
   eauto with mem.
-  congruence. congruence. congruence.
-  intros. rewrite <- H7; auto. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-  destruct (zeq sp b). subst b. right. 
+  eauto with mem.
+  rewrite (Mem.bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+  red; intros; eauto with mem.
+  intros. exploit fm_contents_match0; eauto. intros [v0 [LOAD LD]].
+  exists v0; split; auto. rewrite <- LOAD. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+  destruct (zeq sp b); auto. subst b. right. 
   rewrite size_type_chunk. 
-  assert (valid_access mm chunk sp ofs) by eauto with mem.
-  inv H9. left. omega.
-  auto.
+  assert (Mem.valid_access mm chunk sp ofs Nonempty) by eauto with mem.
+  exploit Mem.store_valid_access_3. eexact H0. intro. 
+  exploit Mem.valid_access_in_bounds. eauto. rewrite fm_stackdata_pos0. 
+  omega.
 (** Memory allocation of the Cminor stack data block (in the abstract
@@ -291,68 +322,111 @@ Qed.
   remain true. *)
 Lemma frame_match_new:
-  forall mm ms mm' ms' sp sp',
-  mm.(nextblock) = ms.(nextblock) ->
-  alloc mm 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (mm', sp) ->
-  alloc ms (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = (ms', sp') ->
-  sp = sp' /\
+  forall mm ms mm' ms' sp,
+  Mem.alloc mm 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (mm', sp) ->
+  Mem.alloc ms (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = (ms', sp) ->
   frame_match empty_frame sp (Int.repr (-f.(fn_framesize))) mm' ms'.
-  assert (sp = sp').
-    exploit alloc_result. eexact H0. exploit alloc_result. eexact H1. 
-    congruence. 
-  subst sp'. split. auto.
-  generalize (low_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H0). intro LBm.
-  generalize (low_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). intro LBs.
-  generalize (high_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H0). intro HBm.
-  generalize (high_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). intro HBs.
   inv wt_f.
   constructor; simpl; eauto with mem.
-  rewrite HBs. auto.
-  intros.
-  eapply load_alloc_same'; eauto.  
+  rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H). auto.
+  red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto. omega.
+  intros. exists Vundef; split.
+  eapply Mem.load_alloc_same'; eauto. 
   rewrite size_type_chunk. omega.
-  replace (align_chunk (chunk_of_type ty)) with 4; auto. destruct ty; auto.
+  replace (align_chunk (chunk_of_type ty)) with 4; auto.
+  destruct ty; auto.
+  unfold empty_frame. auto.
 Lemma frame_match_alloc:
-  forall mm ms fr sp base lom him los his mm' ms' bm bs,
-  mm.(nextblock) = ms.(nextblock) ->
+  forall mm ms fr sp base lom him los his mm' ms' b,
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
-  alloc mm lom him = (mm', bm) ->
-  alloc ms los his = (ms', bs) ->
+  Mem.alloc mm lom him = (mm', b) ->
+  Mem.alloc ms los his = (ms', b) ->
   frame_match fr sp base mm' ms'.
-  intros. inversion H0.
-  assert (valid_block mm sp). red. rewrite H. auto.
-  exploit low_bound_alloc_other. eexact H1. eexact H9. intro LBm.
-  exploit high_bound_alloc_other. eexact H1. eexact H9. intro HBm.
-  exploit low_bound_alloc_other. eexact H2. eexact H3. intro LBs.
-  exploit high_bound_alloc_other. eexact H2. eexact H3. intro HBs.
-  apply frame_match_intro.
-  eapply valid_block_alloc; eauto.
-  congruence. congruence. congruence. auto. auto.
-  intros. eapply load_alloc_other; eauto. 
+  intros. inversion H.
+  assert (sp <> b). 
+    apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with ms; eauto with mem.
+  constructor; auto.
+  eauto with mem.
+  eauto with mem.
+  rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc_other _ _ _ _ _ H0); auto.
+  red; intros; eauto with mem.
+  intros. exploit fm_contents_match0; eauto. intros [v [LOAD LD]].
+  exists v; split; auto. eapply Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto. 
 (** [frame_match] relations are preserved by freeing a block
   other than the one pointed to by [sp]. *)
 Lemma frame_match_free:
-  forall fr sp base mm ms b,
+  forall fr sp base mm ms b lom him los his mm' ms',
   frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
   sp <> b ->
-  frame_match fr sp base (free mm b) (free ms b).
+ mm b lom him = Some mm' ->
+ ms b los his = Some ms' ->
+  frame_match fr sp base mm' ms'.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor; auto.
+  eauto with mem.
+  eauto with mem.
+  rewrite (Mem.bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto.
+  red; intros; eauto with mem. 
+  intros. rewrite (Mem.load_free _ _ _ _ _ H2); auto.
+Lemma frame_match_delete:
+  forall fr sp base mm ms mm',
+  frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
+ mm sp 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some mm' ->
+  Mem.extends mm ms ->
+  exists ms',
+ ms sp (-f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some ms'
+  /\ Mem.extends mm' ms'.
   intros. inversion H.
-  generalize (low_bound_free mm _ _ H0); intro LBm.
-  generalize (low_bound_free ms _ _ H0); intro LBs.
-  generalize (high_bound_free mm _ _ H0); intro HBm.
-  generalize (high_bound_free ms _ _ H0); intro HBs.
-  apply frame_match_intro; auto.
-  congruence. congruence. congruence.
-  intros. rewrite <- H6; auto. apply load_free. auto.
+  assert (Mem.range_perm mm sp 0 (fn_stacksize f) Freeable).
+    eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto. 
+  assert ({ ms' | ms sp (-f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some ms' }).
+  apply Mem.range_perm_free. 
+  red; intros. destruct (zlt ofs 0). 
+  apply fm_write_perm0. omega. 
+  eapply Mem.perm_extends; eauto. apply H2. omega.
+  destruct X as [ms' FREE]. exists ms'; split; auto.
+  eapply Mem.free_right_extends; eauto. 
+  eapply Mem.free_left_extends; eauto.
+  intros; red; intros.
+  exploit Mem.perm_in_bounds; eauto. 
+  rewrite (Mem.bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). rewrite fm_stackdata_pos0; intro. 
+  exploit Mem.perm_free_2. eexact H0. instantiate (1 := ofs); omega. eauto. 
+  auto.
+(** [frame_match] is preserved by external calls. *)
+Lemma frame_match_external_call:
+  forall fr sp base mm ms mm' ms' ef vargs vres t vargs' vres',
+  frame_match fr sp base mm ms ->
+  Mem.extends mm ms ->
+  external_call ef vargs mm t vres mm' ->
+  Mem.extends mm' ms' ->
+  external_call ef vargs' ms t vres' ms' ->
+  mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_bounds mm) ms ms' ->
+  frame_match fr sp base mm' ms'.
+  intros. destruct H4 as [A B]. inversion H. constructor.
+  eapply external_call_valid_block; eauto.
+  eapply external_call_valid_block; eauto.
+  auto.
+  rewrite (external_call_bounds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1); auto.
+  red; intros. apply A; auto. red. omega.
+  intros. exploit fm_contents_match0; eauto. intros [v [C D]].
+  exists v; split; auto.
+  apply B; auto. 
+  rewrite size_type_chunk; intros; red. omega.
@@ -430,61 +504,130 @@ Proof.
   simpl. omega.
+Definition is_pointer_or_int (v: val) : Prop :=
+  match v with
+  | Vint _ => True
+  | Vptr _ _ => True
+  | _ => False
+  end.
+Remark is_pointer_has_type:
+  forall v, is_pointer_or_int v -> Val.has_type v Tint.
+  intros; destruct v; elim H; exact I. 
+Lemma frame_match_load_stack_pointer:
+  forall fr sp base mm ms ty ofs,
+  frame_match f fr sp base mm ms ->
+  0 <= Int.signed ofs /\ Int.signed ofs + AST.typesize ty <= f.(fn_framesize) ->
+  (4 | Int.signed ofs) ->
+  is_pointer_or_int (fr ty (Int.signed ofs - f.(fn_framesize))) ->
+  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) ty ofs = Some (fr ty (Int.signed ofs - f.(fn_framesize))).
+  intros. exploit frame_match_load_stack; eauto. 
+  intros [v [LOAD LD]]. 
+  inv LD. auto. rewrite <- H4 in H2. elim H2.
 Lemma frame_match_load_link:
   forall fr sp base mm ms,
   frame_match f (extend_frame fr) sp base mm ms ->
-  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp cs).
+  is_pointer_or_int (parent_sp cs) ->
+  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some(parent_sp cs).
   intros. inversion wt_f.
-  replace (parent_sp cs) with
-   (extend_frame fr Tint (Int.signed f.(fn_link_ofs) - f.(fn_framesize))).
-  eapply frame_match_load_stack; eauto.
-  unfold extend_frame. rewrite update_other. apply update_same. simpl. omega. 
+  assert (parent_sp cs =
+    extend_frame fr Tint (Int.signed f.(fn_link_ofs) - f.(fn_framesize))).
+  unfold extend_frame. rewrite update_other. rewrite update_same. auto. 
+  simpl. omega.
+  rewrite H1; eapply frame_match_load_stack_pointer; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H1; auto.
 Lemma frame_match_load_retaddr:
   forall fr sp base mm ms,
   frame_match f (extend_frame fr) sp base mm ms ->
-  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra cs).
+  is_pointer_or_int (parent_ra cs) ->
+  load_stack ms (Vptr sp base) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some(parent_ra cs).
   intros. inversion wt_f.
-  replace (parent_ra cs) with
-   (extend_frame fr Tint (Int.signed f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) - f.(fn_framesize))).
-  eapply frame_match_load_stack; eauto.
-  unfold extend_frame. apply update_same.
+  assert (parent_ra cs =
+    extend_frame fr Tint (Int.signed f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) - f.(fn_framesize))).
+  unfold extend_frame. rewrite update_same. auto. 
+  rewrite H1; eapply frame_match_load_stack_pointer; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H1; auto.
 Lemma frame_match_function_entry:
-  forall mm ms mm' ms1 sp sp',
-  extends mm ms ->
-  alloc mm 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (mm', sp) ->
-  alloc ms (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = (ms1, sp') ->
-  Val.has_type (parent_sp cs) Tint ->
-  Val.has_type (parent_ra cs) Tint ->
+  forall mm ms mm' sp,
+  Mem.extends mm ms ->
+  Mem.alloc mm 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (mm', sp) ->
+  is_pointer_or_int (parent_sp cs) ->
+  is_pointer_or_int (parent_ra cs) ->
   let base := Int.repr (-f.(fn_framesize)) in
-  exists ms2, exists ms3,
-  sp = sp' /\
+  exists ms1, exists ms2, exists ms3,
+  Mem.alloc ms (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = (ms1, sp) /\
   store_stack ms1 (Vptr sp base) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) (parent_sp cs) = Some ms2 /\
   store_stack ms2 (Vptr sp base) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) (parent_ra cs) = Some ms3 /\
   frame_match f (extend_frame empty_frame) sp base mm' ms3 /\
-  extends mm' ms3.
+  Mem.extends mm' ms3.
   intros. inversion wt_f.
-  exploit alloc_extends; eauto. omega. omega. intros [A EXT0].
-  exploit frame_match_new. eauto. inv H. eexact H4. eauto. eauto. eauto.
-  fold base. intros [C FM0].
-  destruct (frame_match_store_stack _ wt_f _ _ _ _ _ Tint _ _
-              FM0 wt_function_link wt_function_link_aligned H2 EXT0)
-  as [ms2 [STORE1 [FM1 EXT1]]].
-  destruct (frame_match_store_stack _ wt_f _ _ _ _ _ Tint _ _
-              FM1 wt_function_retaddr wt_function_retaddr_aligned H3 EXT1)
-  as [ms3 [STORE2 [FM3 EXT3]]].
-  exists ms2; exists ms3; auto.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_extends; eauto.
+  instantiate (1 := -f.(fn_framesize)). omega.
+  instantiate (1 := f.(fn_stacksize)). omega.
+  intros [ms1 [A EXT0]].
+  exploit frame_match_new; eauto. fold base. intros FM0.
+  exploit frame_match_store_stack. eauto. eexact FM0. 
+  instantiate (1 := fn_link_ofs f); omega.
+  instantiate (1 := Tint). simpl; omega.
+  auto. apply is_pointer_has_type. eexact H1. constructor. auto.
+  intros [ms2 [STORE1 [FM1 EXT1]]].
+  exploit frame_match_store_stack. eauto. eexact FM1. 
+  instantiate (1 := fn_retaddr_ofs f); omega.
+  instantiate (1 := Tint). simpl; omega.
+  auto. apply is_pointer_has_type. eexact H2. constructor. auto.
+  intros [ms3 [STORE2 [FM2 EXT2]]].
+  exists ms1; exists ms2; exists ms3; auto.
+(** ** The ``less defined than'' relation between register states. *)
+Definition regset_lessdef (rs1 rs2: regset) : Prop :=
+  forall r, Val.lessdef (rs1 r) (rs2 r).
+Lemma regset_lessdef_list:
+  forall rs1 rs2, regset_lessdef rs1 rs2 ->
+  forall rl, Val.lessdef_list (rs1##rl) (rs2##rl).
+  induction rl; simpl.
+  constructor.
+  constructor; auto.
+Lemma regset_lessdef_set:
+  forall rs1 rs2 r v1 v2,
+  regset_lessdef rs1 rs2 -> Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
+  regset_lessdef (rs1#r <- v1) (rs2#r <- v2).
+  intros; red; intros. unfold Regmap.set.
+  destruct (RegEq.eq r0 r); auto. 
+Lemma regset_lessdef_find_function_ptr:
+  forall ge ros rs1 rs2 fb,
+  find_function_ptr ge ros rs1 = Some fb ->
+  regset_lessdef rs1 rs2 ->
+  find_function_ptr ge ros rs2 = Some fb.
+  unfold find_function_ptr; intros; destruct ros; simpl in *.
+  generalize (H0 m); intro LD; inv LD. auto. rewrite <- H2 in H. congruence.
+  auto.
 (** ** Invariant for stacks *)
@@ -518,12 +661,26 @@ Inductive match_stacks:
       wt_function f ->
       frame_match f (extend_frame f ts fr) sp base mm ms ->
       stack_below ts sp ->
-      Val.has_type ra Tint ->
+      is_pointer_or_int ra ->
       match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
       match_stacks (Machabstr.Stackframe f (Vptr sp base) c fr :: s)
                    (Machconcr.Stackframe fb (Vptr sp base) ra c :: ts)
                    mm ms.
+Lemma match_stacks_parent_sp_pointer:
+  forall s ts mm ms,
+  match_stacks s ts mm ms -> is_pointer_or_int (Machconcr.parent_sp ts).
+  induction 1; simpl; auto.
+Lemma match_stacks_parent_ra_pointer:
+  forall s ts mm ms,
+  match_stacks s ts mm ms -> is_pointer_or_int (Machconcr.parent_ra ts).
+  induction 1; simpl; auto.
 (** If [match_stacks] holds, a lookup in the parent frame in the
   Machabstr semantics corresponds to two memory loads in the
   Machconcr semantics, one to load the pointer to the parent's
@@ -533,7 +690,9 @@ Lemma match_stacks_get_parent:
   forall s ts mm ms ty ofs v,
   match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
   get_slot (parent_function s) (parent_frame s) ty (Int.signed ofs) v ->
-  load_stack ms (Machconcr.parent_sp ts) ty ofs = Some v.
+  exists v',
+     load_stack ms (Machconcr.parent_sp ts) ty ofs = Some v'
+  /\ Val.lessdef v v'.
   intros. inv H; simpl in H0. 
   inv H0. inv H. simpl in H1. elimtype False. generalize (AST.typesize_pos ty). omega.
@@ -542,7 +701,7 @@ Proof.
 (** Preservation of the [match_stacks] invariant
-    by various kinds of memory stores. *)
+    by various kinds of memory operations. *)
 Remark stack_below_trans:
   forall ts b b', 
@@ -556,7 +715,7 @@ Lemma match_stacks_store_other:
   forall s ts ms mm,
   match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
   forall chunk b ofs v ms',
-  store chunk ms b ofs v = Some ms' ->
+ chunk ms b ofs v = Some ms' ->
   stack_below ts b ->
   match_stacks s ts mm ms'.
@@ -593,9 +752,9 @@ Qed.
 Lemma match_stacks_store:
   forall s ts ms mm,
   match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
-  forall chunk b ofs v mm' ms',
-  store chunk mm b ofs v = Some mm' ->
-  store chunk ms b ofs v = Some ms' ->
+  forall chunk b ofs v mm' v' ms',
+ chunk mm b ofs v = Some mm' ->
+ chunk ms b ofs v' = Some ms' ->
   match_stacks s ts mm' ms'.
   induction 1; intros.
@@ -607,28 +766,28 @@ Qed.
 Lemma match_stacks_alloc:
   forall s ts ms mm,
   match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
-  forall lom him mm' bm los his ms' bs,
-  mm.(nextblock) = ms.(nextblock) ->
-  alloc mm lom him = (mm', bm) ->
-  alloc ms los his = (ms', bs) ->
+  forall lom him mm' b los his ms',
+  Mem.alloc mm lom him = (mm', b) ->
+  Mem.alloc ms los his = (ms', b) ->
   match_stacks s ts mm' ms'.
   induction 1; intros.
-  econstructor; eauto.
-  eapply frame_match_alloc; eauto.
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply frame_match_alloc; eauto.
 Lemma match_stacks_free:
   forall s ts ms mm,
   match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
-  forall b,
+  forall b lom him los his mm' ms',
+ mm b lom him = Some mm' ->
+ ms b los his = Some ms' ->
   stack_below ts b ->
-  match_stacks s ts ( mm b) ( ms b).
+  match_stacks s ts mm' ms'.
   induction 1; intros.
-  red in H5; simpl in H5.
+  red in H7; simpl in H7.
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply frame_match_free; eauto. unfold block; omega.
   eapply IHmatch_stacks; eauto.
@@ -636,21 +795,36 @@ Proof.
 Lemma match_stacks_function_entry:
-  forall s ts mm ms lom him mm' los his ms' stk,
+  forall s ts ms mm,
   match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
-  alloc mm lom him = (mm', stk) ->
-  alloc ms los his = (ms', stk) ->
+  forall lom him mm' stk los his ms',
+  Mem.alloc mm lom him = (mm', stk) ->
+  Mem.alloc ms los his = (ms', stk) ->
   match_stacks s ts mm' ms' /\ stack_below ts stk.
-  assert (stk = nextblock mm). eapply Mem.alloc_result; eauto.
-  assert (stk = nextblock ms). eapply Mem.alloc_result; eauto.
-  split.
-  eapply match_stacks_alloc; eauto. congruence.
-  red. 
-  inv H; simpl.
-  unfold nullptr. apply Zgt_lt. apply nextblock_pos. 
-  inv H6. red in H. rewrite H3. auto. 
+  assert (stk = Mem.nextblock mm) by eauto with mem.
+  split. eapply match_stacks_alloc; eauto.
+  red. inv H; simpl.
+  unfold Mem.nullptr. apply Zgt_lt. apply Mem.nextblock_pos.
+  inv H5. auto. 
+Lemma match_stacks_external_call:
+  forall s ts mm ms,
+  match_stacks s ts mm ms ->
+  forall ef vargs t vres mm' ms' vargs' vres',
+  Mem.extends mm ms ->
+  external_call ef vargs mm t vres mm' ->
+  Mem.extends mm' ms' ->
+  external_call ef vargs' ms t vres' ms' ->
+  mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_bounds mm) ms ms' ->
+  match_stacks s ts mm' ms'.
+  induction 1; intros.
+  constructor.
+  econstructor; eauto. 
+  eapply frame_match_external_call; eauto. 
 (** ** Invariant between states. *)
@@ -666,27 +840,30 @@ Qed.
 Inductive match_states:
             Machabstr.state -> Machconcr.state -> Prop :=
   | match_states_intro:
-      forall s f sp base c rs fr mm ts fb ms
+      forall s f sp base c rs fr mm ts trs fb ms
         (STACKS: match_stacks s ts mm ms)
         (FM: frame_match f (extend_frame f ts fr) sp base mm ms)
         (BELOW: stack_below ts sp)
+        (RLD: regset_lessdef rs trs)
         (MEXT: Mem.extends mm ms)
         (FIND: Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f)),
       match_states (Machabstr.State s f (Vptr sp base) c rs fr mm)
-                   (Machconcr.State ts fb (Vptr sp base) c rs ms)
+                   (Machconcr.State ts fb (Vptr sp base) c trs ms)
   | match_states_call:
-      forall s f rs mm ts fb ms
+      forall s f rs mm ts trs fb ms
         (STACKS: match_stacks s ts mm ms)
         (MEXT: Mem.extends mm ms)
+        (RLD: regset_lessdef rs trs)
         (FIND: Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some f),
       match_states (Machabstr.Callstate s f rs mm)
-                   (Machconcr.Callstate ts fb rs ms)
+                   (Machconcr.Callstate ts fb trs ms)
   | match_states_return:
-      forall s rs mm ts ms
+      forall s rs mm ts trs ms
         (STACKS: match_stacks s ts mm ms)
-        (MEXT: Mem.extends mm ms),
+        (MEXT: Mem.extends mm ms)
+        (RLD: regset_lessdef rs trs),
       match_states (Machabstr.Returnstate s rs mm)
-                   (Machconcr.Returnstate ts rs ms).
+                   (Machconcr.Returnstate ts trs ms).
 (** * The proof of simulation *)
@@ -725,20 +902,26 @@ Qed.
 (** Preservation of arguments to external functions. *)
 Lemma transl_extcall_arguments:
-  forall rs s sg args ts m ms,
+  forall rs s sg args ts trs m ms,
   Machabstr.extcall_arguments (parent_function s) rs (parent_frame s) sg args ->
+  regset_lessdef rs trs ->
   match_stacks s ts m ms ->
-  extcall_arguments rs ms (parent_sp ts) sg args.
+  exists targs,
+     extcall_arguments trs ms (parent_sp ts) sg targs
+  /\ Val.lessdef_list args targs.
   unfold Machabstr.extcall_arguments, extcall_arguments; intros.
-  assert (forall locs vals,
-    Machabstr.extcall_args (parent_function s) rs (parent_frame s) locs vals ->
-    extcall_args rs ms (parent_sp ts) locs vals).
-  induction locs; intros; inv H1.
-  constructor.
+  generalize (Conventions.loc_arguments sg) args H.
+  induction l; intros; inv H2.
+  exists (@nil val); split; constructor.
+  exploit IHl; eauto. intros [targs [A B]].
+  inv H7. exists (trs r :: targs); split.
+  constructor; auto. constructor. 
+  constructor; auto.
+  exploit match_stacks_get_parent; eauto. intros [targ [C D]]. 
+  exists (targ :: targs); split. 
+  constructor; auto. constructor; auto. 
   constructor; auto.
-  inv H6. constructor. constructor. eapply match_stacks_get_parent; eauto.
-  auto.
 Hypothesis wt_prog: wt_program p.
@@ -757,11 +940,11 @@ Proof.
   (* Mgetstack *)
   assert (WTF: wt_function f) by (inv WTS; auto).
-  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (rs#dst <- v) ms); split.
+  exploit frame_match_get_slot; eauto. eapply get_slot_extends; eauto. 
+  intros [v' [A B]]. 
+  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (trs#dst <- v') ms); split.
   constructor; auto.
-  eapply frame_match_get_slot; eauto.
-  eapply get_slot_extends; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
+  econstructor; eauto with coqlib. eapply regset_lessdef_set; eauto. 
   (* Msetstack *)
   assert (WTF: wt_function f) by (inv WTS; auto).
@@ -769,41 +952,51 @@ Proof.
     inv WTS. 
     generalize (wt_function_instrs _ WTF _ (is_tail_in TAIL)); intro WTI.
     inv WTI. apply WTRS.
-  exploit frame_match_set_slot; eauto.
+  exploit frame_match_set_slot. eauto. eauto. 
     eapply set_slot_extends; eauto.
+    auto. apply RLD. auto. 
   intros [ms' [STORE [FM' EXT']]].
-  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c rs ms'); split.
+  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c trs ms'); split.
   apply exec_Msetstack; auto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply match_stacks_store_slot; eauto.
   (* Mgetparam *)
   assert (WTF: wt_function f) by (inv WTS; auto).
-  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (rs#dst <- v) ms); split.
+  exploit match_stacks_get_parent; eauto. intros [v' [A B]].
+  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (trs#dst <- v') ms); split.
   eapply exec_Mgetparam; eauto.
     eapply frame_match_load_link; eauto.
-    eapply match_stacks_get_parent; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto with coqlib. 
+    eapply match_stacks_parent_sp_pointer; eauto.
+  econstructor; eauto with coqlib. apply regset_lessdef_set; eauto. 
   (* Mop *)
-  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (rs#res <- v) ms); split.
+  exploit eval_operation_lessdef. 2: eauto.
+  eapply regset_lessdef_list; eauto. 
+  intros [v' [A B]].
+  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (trs#res <- v') ms); split.
   apply exec_Mop; auto.
-  econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
+  econstructor; eauto with coqlib. apply regset_lessdef_set; eauto.
   (* Mload *)
-  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (rs#dst <- v) ms); split.
+  exploit eval_addressing_lessdef. 2: eauto. eapply regset_lessdef_list; eauto.
+  intros [a' [A B]].
+  exploit Mem.loadv_extends. eauto. eauto. eexact B. 
+  intros [v' [C D]].
+  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c (trs#dst <- v') ms); split.
   eapply exec_Mload; eauto.
-  destruct a; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
-  simpl. eapply Mem.load_extends; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
+  econstructor; eauto with coqlib. apply regset_lessdef_set; eauto.
   (* Mstore *)
-  destruct a; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
-  exploit Mem.store_within_extends; eauto. intros [ms' [STORE MEXT']].
-  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c rs ms'); split.
+  exploit eval_addressing_lessdef. 2: eauto. eapply regset_lessdef_list; eauto.
+  intros [a' [A B]].
+  exploit Mem.storev_extends. eauto. eauto. eexact B. apply RLD. 
+  intros [ms' [C D]].
+  exists (State ts fb (Vptr sp0 base) c trs ms'); split.
   eapply exec_Mstore; eauto.
+  destruct a; simpl in H0; try congruence. inv B. simpl in C. 
   econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
-  eapply match_stacks_store; eauto.
+  eapply match_stacks_store. eauto. eexact H0. eexact C.
   eapply frame_match_store; eauto.
   (* Mcall *)
@@ -814,7 +1007,7 @@ Proof.
     inv WTS. eapply is_tail_cons_left; eauto.
   destruct H0 as [ra' RETADDR].
   econstructor; split.
-  eapply exec_Mcall; eauto. 
+  eapply exec_Mcall; eauto. eapply regset_lessdef_find_function_ptr; eauto. 
   econstructor; eauto. 
   econstructor; eauto. inv WTS; auto. exact I.
@@ -822,12 +1015,13 @@ Proof.
   assert (WTF: wt_function f) by (inv WTS; auto).
   exploit find_function_find_function_ptr; eauto. 
   intros [fb' [FIND' FINDFUNCT]].
+  exploit frame_match_delete; eauto. intros [ms' [A B]].
   econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Mtailcall; eauto.
-    eapply frame_match_load_link; eauto.
-    eapply frame_match_load_retaddr; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto. eapply match_stacks_free; auto.
-  apply free_extends; auto.
+    eapply regset_lessdef_find_function_ptr; eauto. 
+    eapply frame_match_load_link; eauto. eapply match_stacks_parent_sp_pointer; eauto.
+    eapply frame_match_load_retaddr; eauto. eapply match_stacks_parent_ra_pointer; eauto.
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply match_stacks_free; eauto.
   (* Mgoto *)
   econstructor; split.
@@ -837,49 +1031,50 @@ Proof.
   (* Mcond *)
   econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Mcond_true; eauto.
+  eapply eval_condition_lessdef; eauto. apply regset_lessdef_list; auto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Mcond_false; eauto.
+  eapply eval_condition_lessdef; eauto. apply regset_lessdef_list; auto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* Mjumptable *)
   econstructor; split.
-  eapply exec_Mjumptable; eauto. 
+  eapply exec_Mjumptable; eauto.
+  generalize (RLD arg); intro LD. rewrite H in LD. inv LD. auto.  
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* Mreturn *)
   assert (WTF: wt_function f) by (inv WTS; auto).
+  exploit frame_match_delete; eauto. intros [ms' [A B]].
   econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_Mreturn; eauto.
-    eapply frame_match_load_link; eauto.
-    eapply frame_match_load_retaddr; eauto.
+    eapply frame_match_load_link; eauto. eapply match_stacks_parent_sp_pointer; eauto.
+    eapply frame_match_load_retaddr; eauto. eapply match_stacks_parent_ra_pointer; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. eapply match_stacks_free; eauto.   
-  apply free_extends; auto.
   (* internal function *)
   assert (WTF: wt_function f). inv WTS. inv H5. auto.
-  caseEq (alloc ms (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize)).
-  intros ms' stk' ALLOC.
-  assert (Val.has_type (parent_sp ts) Tint).
-    inv STACKS; simpl; auto.
-  assert (Val.has_type (parent_ra ts) Tint).
-    inv STACKS; simpl; auto.
-  destruct (frame_match_function_entry _ WTF _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-              MEXT H ALLOC H0 H1)
-  as [ms2 [ms3 [EQ [STORE1 [STORE2 [FM MEXT']]]]]].
-  subst stk'.
+  exploit frame_match_function_entry. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := ts). eapply match_stacks_parent_sp_pointer; eauto.
+  eapply match_stacks_parent_ra_pointer; eauto.
+  intros [ms1 [ms2 [ms3 [ALLOC [STORE1 [STORE2 [FM MEXT']]]]]]].
   econstructor; split.
   eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
   exploit match_stacks_function_entry; eauto. intros [STACKS' BELOW].
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply match_stacks_store_slot with (ms := ms2); eauto.
-  eapply match_stacks_store_slot with (ms := ms'); eauto.
+  eapply match_stacks_store_slot with (ms := ms1); eauto.
   (* external function *)
+  exploit transl_extcall_arguments; eauto. intros [targs [A B]].
+  exploit external_call_mem_extends; eauto. 
+  intros [tres [ms' [C [D [E F]]]]]. 
   econstructor; split.
-  eapply exec_function_external; eauto. 
-  eapply transl_extcall_arguments; eauto.
+  eapply exec_function_external. eauto. eexact C. eexact A. reflexivity.  
   econstructor; eauto.
+  eapply match_stacks_external_call; eauto. 
+  apply regset_lessdef_set; auto. 
   (* return *)
   inv STACKS.
@@ -894,8 +1089,10 @@ Lemma equiv_initial_states:
   intros. inversion H.
   econstructor; split.
-  econstructor. eauto. 
-  split. econstructor. constructor. apply Mem.extends_refl. auto.
+  econstructor. eauto. eauto. 
+  split. econstructor. constructor. apply Mem.extends_refl.
+  unfold Regmap.init; red; intros. constructor.
+  auto.
   econstructor. simpl; intros; contradiction.
   eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop; eauto.
   red; intros; exact I.
@@ -906,7 +1103,9 @@ Lemma equiv_final_states:
   match_states st1 st2 /\ wt_state st1 -> Machabstr.final_state st1 r -> Machconcr.final_state st2 r.
   intros. inv H0. destruct H. inv H. inv STACKS.
-  constructor; auto.
+  constructor. 
+  generalize (RLD (Conventions.loc_result (mksignature nil (Some Tint)))).
+  rewrite H1. intro LD. inv LD. auto. 
 Theorem exec_program_equiv:
diff --git a/backend/Machconcr.v b/backend/Machconcr.v
index 84ae0a4fd..a6be4bc26 100644
--- a/backend/Machconcr.v
+++ b/backend/Machconcr.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -179,13 +179,14 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
         E0 (Callstate (Stackframe fb sp (Vptr fb ra) c :: s)
                        f' rs m)
   | exec_Mtailcall:
-      forall s fb stk soff sig ros c rs m f f',
+      forall s fb stk soff sig ros c rs m f f' m',
       find_function_ptr ge ros rs = Some f' ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
       load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
       load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
+ m stk (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s fb (Vptr stk soff) (Mtailcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
-        E0 (Callstate s f' rs ( m stk))
+        E0 (Callstate s f' rs m')
   | exec_Mgoto:
       forall s fb f sp lbl c rs m c',
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
@@ -213,12 +214,13 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State s fb sp (Mjumptable arg tbl :: c) rs m)
         E0 (State s fb sp c' rs m)
   | exec_Mreturn:
-      forall s fb stk soff c rs m f,
+      forall s fb stk soff c rs m f m',
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
       load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
       load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
+ m stk (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
       step (State s fb (Vptr stk soff) (Mreturn :: c) rs m)
-        E0 (Returnstate s rs ( m stk))
+        E0 (Returnstate s rs m')
   | exec_function_internal:
       forall s fb rs m f m1 m2 m3 stk,
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
@@ -229,13 +231,13 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (Callstate s fb rs m)
         E0 (State s fb sp f.(fn_code) rs m3)
   | exec_function_external:
-      forall s fb rs m t rs' ef args res,
+      forall s fb rs m t rs' ef args res m',
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (External ef) ->
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       extcall_arguments rs m (parent_sp s) ef.(ef_sig) args ->
       rs' = (rs#(Conventions.loc_result ef.(ef_sig)) <- res) ->
       step (Callstate s fb rs m)
-         t (Returnstate s rs' m)
+         t (Returnstate s rs' m')
   | exec_return:
       forall s f sp ra c rs m,
       step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp ra c :: s) rs m)
@@ -244,9 +246,9 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall fb,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall fb m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some fb ->
       initial_state p (Callstate nil fb (Regmap.init Vundef) m0).
diff --git a/backend/Machtyping.v b/backend/Machtyping.v
index 8b40001ab..c2e797aee 100644
--- a/backend/Machtyping.v
+++ b/backend/Machtyping.v
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 Require Import Coqlib.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
@@ -194,14 +194,6 @@ Proof.
   constructor; auto.
-Lemma wt_event_match:
-  forall ef args t res,
-  event_match ef args t res ->
-  Val.has_type res (proj_sig_res ef.(ef_sig)).
-  induction 1. inversion H0; exact I.
 Inductive wt_stackframe: stackframe -> Prop :=
@@ -259,7 +251,7 @@ Proof.
     simpl in H. 
     rewrite <- H2. replace v with (rs r1). apply WTRS. congruence.
     replace (mreg_type res) with (snd (type_of_operation op)).
-    apply type_of_operation_sound with fundef ge rs##args sp; auto.
+    apply type_of_operation_sound with fundef unit ge rs##args sp; auto.
     rewrite <- H5; reflexivity.
   apply wt_setreg; auto. inversion H1. rewrite H7.
@@ -267,18 +259,18 @@ Proof.
   assert (WTFD: wt_fundef f').
     destruct ros; simpl in H.
-    apply (Genv.find_funct_prop wt_fundef wt_p H).
+    apply (Genv.find_funct_prop wt_fundef _ _ wt_p H).
     destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); try discriminate.
-    apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_fundef wt_p H).
+    apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_fundef _ _ wt_p H).
   econstructor; eauto.
   intros. elim H0; intro. subst s0. econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
   assert (WTFD: wt_fundef f').
     destruct ros; simpl in H.
-    apply (Genv.find_funct_prop wt_fundef wt_p H).
+    apply (Genv.find_funct_prop wt_fundef _ _ wt_p H).
     destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); try discriminate.
-    apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_fundef wt_p H).
+    apply (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_fundef _ _ wt_p H).
   econstructor; eauto.
 (*  apply wt_setreg; auto. exact I.  *)
@@ -293,7 +285,7 @@ Proof.
   apply wt_empty_frame.
   econstructor; eauto. apply wt_setreg; auto.
-  generalize (wt_event_match _ _ _ _ H). 
+  generalize (external_call_well_typed _ _ _ _ _ _ H).  
   unfold proj_sig_res, Conventions.loc_result.
   destruct (sig_res (ef_sig ef)).
   destruct t0; simpl; auto.
diff --git a/backend/RTL.v b/backend/RTL.v
index b2ee80fc2..c5d4d7d03 100644
--- a/backend/RTL.v
+++ b/backend/RTL.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Op.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
 (** * Operational semantics *)
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Definition regset := Regmap.t val.
 Fixpoint init_regs (vl: list val) (rl: list reg) {struct rl} : regset :=
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ Fixpoint init_regs (vl: list val) (rl: list reg) {struct rl} : regset :=
   set of transitions between states.  A state captures the current
   point in the execution.  Three kinds of states appear in the transitions:
-- [State cs c sp pc rs m] describes an execution point within a function.
-  [c] is the code for the current function (a CFG).
+- [State cs f sp pc rs m] describes an execution point within a function.
+  [f] is the current function.
   [sp] is the pointer to the stack block for its current activation
      (as in Cminor).
   [pc] is the current program point (CFG node) within the code [c].
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ Fixpoint init_regs (vl: list val) (rl: list reg) {struct rl} : regset :=
   [v] is the return value and [m] the current memory state.
 In all three kinds of states, the [cs] parameter represents the call stack.
-It is a list of frames [Stackframe res c sp pc rs].  Each frame represents
+It is a list of frames [Stackframe res f sp pc rs].  Each frame represents
 a function call in progress.  
 [res] is the pseudo-register that will receive the result of the call.
-[c] is the code of the calling function.
+[f] is the calling function.
 [sp] is its stack pointer.
 [pc] is the program point for the instruction that follows the call.
 [rs] is the state of registers in the calling function.
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ a function call in progress.
 Inductive stackframe : Type :=
   | Stackframe:
       forall (res: reg)            (**r where to store the result *)
-             (c: code)             (**r code of calling function *)
+             (f: function)         (**r calling function *)
              (sp: val)             (**r stack pointer in calling function *)
              (pc: node)            (**r program point in calling function *)
              (rs: regset),         (**r register state in calling function *)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Inductive stackframe : Type :=
 Inductive state : Type :=
   | State:
       forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
-             (c: code)                (**r current code *)
+             (f: function)            (**r current function *)
              (sp: val)                (**r stack pointer *)
              (pc: node)               (**r current program point in [c] *)
              (rs: regset)             (**r register state *)
@@ -206,107 +206,109 @@ Definition find_function
 Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
   | exec_Inop:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m pc',
-      c!pc = Some(Inop pc') ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp pc' rs m)
+      forall s f sp pc rs m pc',
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Inop pc') ->
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp pc' rs m)
   | exec_Iop:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m op args res pc' v,
-      c!pc = Some(Iop op args res pc') ->
+      forall s f sp pc rs m op args res pc' v,
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iop op args res pc') ->
       eval_operation ge sp op rs##args = Some v ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp pc' (rs#res <- v) m)
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp pc' (rs#res <- v) m)
   | exec_Iload:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' a v,
-      c!pc = Some(Iload chunk addr args dst pc') ->
+      forall s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' a v,
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iload chunk addr args dst pc') ->
       eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
       Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp pc' (rs#dst <- v) m)
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp pc' (rs#dst <- v) m)
   | exec_Istore:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m chunk addr args src pc' a m',
-      c!pc = Some(Istore chunk addr args src pc') ->
+      forall s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args src pc' a m',
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Istore chunk addr args src pc') ->
       eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
       Mem.storev chunk m a rs#src = Some m' ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp pc' rs m')
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp pc' rs m')
   | exec_Icall:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m sig ros args res pc' f,
-      c!pc = Some(Icall sig ros args res pc') ->
-      find_function ros rs = Some f ->
-      funsig f = sig ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res c sp pc' rs :: s) f rs##args m)
+      forall s f sp pc rs m sig ros args res pc' fd,
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Icall sig ros args res pc') ->
+      find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
+      funsig fd = sig ->
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res f sp pc' rs :: s) fd rs##args m)
   | exec_Itailcall:
-      forall s c stk pc rs m sig ros args f,
-      c!pc = Some(Itailcall sig ros args) ->
-      find_function ros rs = Some f ->
-      funsig f = sig ->
-      step (State s c (Vptr stk pc rs m)
-        E0 (Callstate s f rs##args ( m stk))
+      forall s f stk pc rs m sig ros args fd m',
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Itailcall sig ros args) ->
+      find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
+      funsig fd = sig ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+      step (State s f (Vptr stk pc rs m)
+        E0 (Callstate s fd rs##args m')
   | exec_Icond_true:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot,
-      c!pc = Some(Icond cond args ifso ifnot) ->
+      forall s f sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot,
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Icond cond args ifso ifnot) ->
       eval_condition cond rs##args = Some true ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp ifso rs m)
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp ifso rs m)
   | exec_Icond_false:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot,
-      c!pc = Some(Icond cond args ifso ifnot) ->
+      forall s f sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot,
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Icond cond args ifso ifnot) ->
       eval_condition cond rs##args = Some false ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp ifnot rs m)
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp ifnot rs m)
   | exec_Ijumptable:
-      forall s c sp pc rs m arg tbl n pc',
-      c!pc = Some(Ijumptable arg tbl) ->
+      forall s f sp pc rs m arg tbl n pc',
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ijumptable arg tbl) ->
       rs#arg = Vint n ->
       list_nth_z tbl (Int.signed n) = Some pc' ->
-      step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-        E0 (State s c sp pc' rs m)
+      step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+        E0 (State s f sp pc' rs m)
   | exec_Ireturn:
-      forall s c stk pc rs m or,
-      c!pc = Some(Ireturn or) ->
-      step (State s c (Vptr stk pc rs m)
-        E0 (Returnstate s (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) ( m stk))
+      forall s f stk pc rs m or m',
+      (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Ireturn or) ->
+ m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+      step (State s f (Vptr stk pc rs m)
+        E0 (Returnstate s (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) m')
   | exec_function_internal:
       forall s f args m m' stk,
       Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
       step (Callstate s (Internal f) args m)
         E0 (State s
-                  f.(fn_code)
+                  f
                   (Vptr stk
                   (init_regs args f.(fn_params))
   | exec_function_external:
-      forall s ef args res t m,
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      forall s ef args res t m m',
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       step (Callstate s (External ef) args m)
-         t (Returnstate s res m)
+         t (Returnstate s res m')
   | exec_return:
-      forall res c sp pc rs s vres m,
-      step (Returnstate (Stackframe res c sp pc rs :: s) vres m)
-        E0 (State s c sp pc (rs#res <- vres) m).
+      forall res f sp pc rs s vres m,
+      step (Returnstate (Stackframe res f sp pc rs :: s) vres m)
+        E0 (State s f sp pc (rs#res <- vres) m).
 Lemma exec_Iop':
-  forall s c sp pc rs m op args res pc' rs' v,
-  c!pc = Some(Iop op args res pc') ->
+  forall s f sp pc rs m op args res pc' rs' v,
+  (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iop op args res pc') ->
   eval_operation ge sp op rs##args = Some v ->
   rs' = (rs#res <- v) ->
-  step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-    E0 (State s c sp pc' rs' m).
+  step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+    E0 (State s f sp pc' rs' m).
   intros. subst rs'. eapply exec_Iop; eauto.
 Lemma exec_Iload':
-  forall s c sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' rs' a v,
-  c!pc = Some(Iload chunk addr args dst pc') ->
+  forall s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' rs' a v,
+  (fn_code f)!pc = Some(Iload chunk addr args dst pc') ->
   eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
   Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
   rs' = (rs#dst <- v) ->
-  step (State s c sp pc rs m)
-    E0 (State s c sp pc' rs' m).
+  step (State s f sp pc rs m)
+    E0 (State s f sp pc' rs' m).
   intros. subst rs'. eapply exec_Iload; eauto.
@@ -319,9 +321,9 @@ End RELSEM.
   without arguments and with an empty call stack. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
diff --git a/backend/RTLgenproof.v b/backend/RTLgenproof.v
index d07bd0814..f4d1342ab 100644
--- a/backend/RTLgenproof.v
+++ b/backend/RTLgenproof.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transl_fundef f = OK tf.
-  (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transl_fundef TRANSL).
+  (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transl_fundef _ TRANSL).
 Lemma functions_translated:
   forall (v: val) (f: CminorSel.fundef),
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transl_fundef f = OK tf.
-  (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transl_fundef TRANSL).
+  (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transl_fundef _ TRANSL).
 Lemma sig_transl_function:
   forall (f: CminorSel.fundef) (tf: RTL.fundef),
@@ -365,10 +365,10 @@ Qed.
 (** Correctness of the code generated by [add_move]. *)
 Lemma tr_move_correct:
-  forall r1 ns r2 nd cs code sp rs m,
-  tr_move code ns r1 nd r2 ->
+  forall r1 ns r2 nd cs f sp rs m,
+  tr_move f.(fn_code) ns r1 nd r2 ->
   exists rs',
-  star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs code sp nd rs' m) /\
+  star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs f sp nd rs' m) /\
   rs'#r2 = rs#r1 /\
   (forall r, r <> r2 -> rs'#r = rs#r).
@@ -382,13 +382,13 @@ Qed.
 (** Correctness of the code generated by [store_var] and [store_optvar]. *)
 Lemma tr_store_var_correct:
-  forall rs cs code map r id ns nd e sp m,
-  tr_store_var code map r id ns nd ->
+  forall rs cs f map r id ns nd e sp m,
+  tr_store_var f.(fn_code) map r id ns nd ->
   map_wf map ->
   match_env map e nil rs ->
   exists rs',
-     star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m)
-                E0 (State cs code sp nd rs' m)
+     star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m)
+                E0 (State cs f sp nd rs' m)
   /\ match_env map (PTree.set id rs#r e) nil rs'.
   intros. destruct H as [rv [A B]].
@@ -402,13 +402,13 @@ Proof.
 Lemma tr_store_optvar_correct:
-  forall rs cs code map r optid ns nd e sp m,
-  tr_store_optvar code map r optid ns nd ->
+  forall rs cs f map r optid ns nd e sp m,
+  tr_store_optvar f.(fn_code) map r optid ns nd ->
   map_wf map ->
   match_env map e nil rs ->
   exists rs',
-     star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m)
-                E0 (State cs code sp nd rs' m)
+     star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m)
+                E0 (State cs f sp nd rs' m)
   /\ match_env map (set_optvar optid rs#r e) nil rs'.
   intros. destruct optid; simpl in *.
@@ -419,15 +419,15 @@ Qed.
 (** Correctness of the translation of [switch] statements *)
 Lemma transl_switch_correct:
-  forall cs sp e m code map r nexits t ns,
-  tr_switch code map r nexits t ns ->
+  forall cs sp e m f map r nexits t ns,
+  tr_switch f.(fn_code) map r nexits t ns ->
   forall rs i act,
   rs#r = Vint i ->
   map_wf map ->
   match_env map e nil rs ->
   comptree_match i t = Some act ->
   exists nd, exists rs',
-  star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs code sp nd rs' m) /\
+  star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs f sp nd rs' m) /\
   nth_error nexits act = Some nd /\
   match_env map e nil rs'.
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ Proof.
   set (rs1 := rs#rt <- (Vint(Int.sub i ofs))).
   assert (ME1: match_env map e nil rs1).
     unfold rs1. eauto with rtlg.
-  assert (EX1: step tge (State cs code sp n rs m) E0 (State cs code sp n1 rs1 m)).
+  assert (EX1: step tge (State cs f sp n rs m) E0 (State cs f sp n1 rs1 m)).
     eapply exec_Iop; eauto. 
     predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec ofs; simpl.
     rewrite H10. rewrite Int.sub_zero_l. congruence.
@@ -521,12 +521,12 @@ Variable m: mem.
 Definition transl_expr_prop 
      (le: letenv) (a: expr) (v: val) : Prop :=
-  forall cs code map pr ns nd rd rs
+  forall cs f map pr ns nd rd rs
     (MWF: map_wf map)
-    (TE: tr_expr code map pr a ns nd rd)
+    (TE: tr_expr f.(fn_code) map pr a ns nd rd)
     (ME: match_env map e le rs),
   exists rs',
-     star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs code sp nd rs' m)
+     star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs f sp nd rs' m)
   /\ match_env map e le rs'
   /\ rs'#rd = v
   /\ (forall r, reg_in_map map r \/ In r pr -> rs'#r = rs#r).
@@ -536,25 +536,25 @@ Definition transl_expr_prop
 Definition transl_exprlist_prop 
      (le: letenv) (al: exprlist) (vl: list val) : Prop :=
-  forall cs code map pr ns nd rl rs
+  forall cs f map pr ns nd rl rs
     (MWF: map_wf map)
-    (TE: tr_exprlist code map pr al ns nd rl)
+    (TE: tr_exprlist f.(fn_code) map pr al ns nd rl)
     (ME: match_env map e le rs),
   exists rs',
-     star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs code sp nd rs' m)
+     star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m) E0 (State cs f sp nd rs' m)
   /\ match_env map e le rs'
   /\ rs'##rl = vl
   /\ (forall r, reg_in_map map r \/ In r pr -> rs'#r = rs#r).
 Definition transl_condition_prop 
      (le: letenv) (a: condexpr) (vb: bool) : Prop :=
-  forall cs code map pr ns ntrue nfalse rs
+  forall cs f map pr ns ntrue nfalse rs
     (MWF: map_wf map)
-    (TE: tr_condition code map pr a ns ntrue nfalse)
+    (TE: tr_condition f.(fn_code) map pr a ns ntrue nfalse)
     (ME: match_env map e le rs),
   exists rs',
-     star step tge (State cs code sp ns rs m) E0
-                   (State cs code sp (if vb then ntrue else nfalse) rs' m)
+     star step tge (State cs f sp ns rs m) E0
+                   (State cs f sp (if vb then ntrue else nfalse) rs' m)
   /\ match_env map e le rs'
   /\ (forall r, reg_in_map map r \/ In r pr -> rs'#r = rs#r).
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ Proof.
   split. eapply star_right. eexact EX1.
   eapply exec_Iop; eauto.  
   subst vargs.
-  rewrite (@eval_operation_preserved CminorSel.fundef RTL.fundef ge tge). 
+  rewrite (@eval_operation_preserved CminorSel.fundef _ _ _ ge tge). 
   exact symbols_preserved. traceEq.
 (* Match-env *)
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ Lemma transl_expr_Eload_correct:
   eval_exprlist ge sp e m le args vargs ->
   transl_exprlist_prop le args vargs ->
   Op.eval_addressing ge sp addr vargs = Some vaddr ->
-  loadv chunk m vaddr = Some v ->
+  Mem.loadv chunk m vaddr = Some v ->
   transl_expr_prop le (Eload chunk addr args) v.
   intros; red; intros. inv TE.
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Proof.
   exists (rs1#rd <- v).
 (* Exec *)
   split. eapply star_right. eexact EX1. eapply exec_Iload; eauto.
-  rewrite RES1. rewrite (@eval_addressing_preserved _ _ ge tge).
+  rewrite RES1. rewrite (@eval_addressing_preserved _ _ _ _ ge tge).
   exact H1. exact symbols_preserved. traceEq.
 (* Match-env *)
   split. eauto with rtlg. 
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ Lemma transl_expr_Econdition_correct:
   intros; red; intros; inv TE. 
   exploit H0; eauto. intros [rs1 [EX1 [ME1 OTHER1]]].
-  assert (tr_expr code map pr (if vcond then ifso else ifnot) (if vcond then ntrue else nfalse) nd rd).
+  assert (tr_expr f.(fn_code) map pr (if vcond then ifso else ifnot) (if vcond then ntrue else nfalse) nd rd).
     destruct vcond; auto.
   exploit H2; eauto. intros [rs2 [EX2 [ME2 [RES2 OTHER2]]]].
   exists rs2.
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ Lemma transl_condition_CEcondition_correct:
   intros; red; intros; inv TE. 
   exploit H0; eauto. intros [rs1 [EX1 [ME1 OTHER1]]].
-  assert (tr_condition code map pr (if vcond then ifso else ifnot)
+  assert (tr_condition f.(fn_code) map pr (if vcond then ifso else ifnot)
              (if vcond then ntrue' else nfalse') ntrue nfalse).
     destruct vcond; auto.
   exploit H2; eauto. intros [rs2 [EX2 [ME2 OTHER2]]].
@@ -977,12 +977,13 @@ Qed.
-Inductive tr_funbody (c: code) (map: mapping) (f: CminorSel.function)
+Inductive tr_fun (tf: function) (map: mapping) (f: CminorSel.function)
                      (ngoto: labelmap) (nret: node) (rret: option reg) : Prop :=
-  | tr_funbody_intro: forall nentry r,
+  | tr_fun_intro: forall nentry r,
       rret = ret_reg f.(CminorSel.fn_sig) r ->
-      tr_stmt c map f.(fn_body) nentry nret nil ngoto nret rret ->
-      tr_funbody c map f ngoto nret rret.
+      tr_stmt tf.(fn_code) map f.(fn_body) nentry nret nil ngoto nret rret ->
+      tf.(fn_stacksize) = f.(fn_stackspace) ->
+      tr_fun tf map f ngoto nret rret.
 Inductive tr_cont: RTL.code -> mapping -> 
                    CminorSel.cont -> node -> list node -> labelmap -> node -> option reg ->
@@ -1006,25 +1007,25 @@ Inductive tr_cont: RTL.code -> mapping ->
 with match_stacks: CminorSel.cont -> list RTL.stackframe -> Prop :=
   | match_stacks_stop:
       match_stacks Kstop nil
-  | match_stacks_call: forall optid f sp e k r c n rs cs map nexits ngoto nret rret n',
+  | match_stacks_call: forall optid f sp e k r tf n rs cs map nexits ngoto nret rret n',
       map_wf map ->
-      tr_funbody c map f ngoto nret rret ->
+      tr_fun tf map f ngoto nret rret ->
       match_env map e nil rs ->
-      tr_store_optvar c map r optid n n' ->
+      tr_store_optvar tf.(fn_code) map r optid n n' ->
       ~reg_in_map map r ->
-      tr_cont c map k n' nexits ngoto nret rret cs ->
-      match_stacks (Kcall optid f sp e k) (Stackframe r c sp n rs :: cs).
+      tr_cont tf.(fn_code) map k n' nexits ngoto nret rret cs ->
+      match_stacks (Kcall optid f sp e k) (Stackframe r tf sp n rs :: cs).
 Inductive match_states: CminorSel.state -> RTL.state -> Prop :=
   | match_state:
-      forall f s k sp e m cs c ns rs map ncont nexits ngoto nret rret
+      forall f s k sp e m cs tf ns rs map ncont nexits ngoto nret rret
         (MWF: map_wf map)
-        (TS: tr_stmt c map s ns ncont nexits ngoto nret rret)
-        (TF: tr_funbody c map f ngoto nret rret)
-        (TK: tr_cont c map k ncont nexits ngoto nret rret cs)
+        (TS: tr_stmt tf.(fn_code) map s ns ncont nexits ngoto nret rret)
+        (TF: tr_fun tf map f ngoto nret rret)
+        (TK: tr_cont tf.(fn_code) map k ncont nexits ngoto nret rret cs)
         (ME: match_env map e nil rs),
       match_states (CminorSel.State f s k sp e m)
-                   (RTL.State cs c sp ns rs m)
+                   (RTL.State cs tf sp ns rs m)
   | match_callstate:
       forall f args k m cs tf
         (TF: transl_fundef f = OK tf)
@@ -1109,15 +1110,19 @@ Proof.
   (* skip return *)
   inv TS. 
-  assert (c!ncont = Some(Ireturn rret) /\ match_stacks k cs).
-    inv TK; simpl in H; try contradiction; auto.
-  destruct H1.
+  assert ((fn_code tf)!ncont = Some(Ireturn rret)
+          /\ match_stacks k cs).
+    inv TK; simpl in H; try contradiction; auto. 
+  destruct H2.
   assert (rret = None). 
     inv TF. unfold ret_reg. rewrite H0. auto.
+  assert (fn_stacksize tf = fn_stackspace f).
+    inv TF. auto. 
   subst rret.
   econstructor; split.
   left; apply plus_one. eapply exec_Ireturn. eauto.
-  simpl. constructor; auto.
+  rewrite H5. eauto. 
+  constructor; auto.
   (* assign *)
   inv TS. 
@@ -1152,7 +1157,7 @@ Proof.
   intros [rs' [A [B [C D]]]].
   exploit transl_exprlist_correct; eauto.
   intros [rs'' [E [F [G J]]]].
-  exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tf [P Q]].
+  exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tf' [P Q]].
   econstructor; split.
   left; eapply plus_right. eapply star_trans. eexact A. eexact E. reflexivity.
   eapply exec_Icall; eauto. simpl. rewrite J. rewrite C. eauto. simpl; auto.
@@ -1166,12 +1171,14 @@ Proof.
   intros [rs' [A [B [C D]]]].
   exploit transl_exprlist_correct; eauto.
   intros [rs'' [E [F [G J]]]].
-  exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tf [P Q]].
+  exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tf' [P Q]].
   exploit match_stacks_call_cont; eauto. intros [U V].
+  assert (fn_stacksize tf = fn_stackspace f). inv TF; auto.
   econstructor; split.
   left; eapply plus_right. eapply star_trans. eexact A. eexact E. reflexivity.
   eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto. simpl. rewrite J. rewrite C. eauto. simpl; auto.
   apply sig_transl_function; auto.
+  rewrite H2; eauto.
   rewrite G. constructor; auto.
   (* seq *)
@@ -1234,17 +1241,21 @@ Proof.
   (* return none *)
   inv TS.
   exploit match_stacks_call_cont; eauto. intros [U V].
+  inversion TF.
   econstructor; split.
   left; apply plus_one. eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
-  simpl. constructor; auto.
+  rewrite H2; eauto.
+  constructor; auto.
   (* return some *)
   inv TS.
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto.
   intros [rs' [A [B [C D]]]].
-  exploit match_stacks_call_cont; eauto. intros [U V].  
+  exploit match_stacks_call_cont; eauto. intros [U V].
+  inversion TF.
   econstructor; split.
-  left; eapply plus_right. eexact A. eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto. traceEq.
+  left; eapply plus_right. eexact A. eapply exec_Ireturn; eauto.
+  rewrite H4; eauto. traceEq.
   simpl. rewrite C. constructor; auto.
   (* label *)
@@ -1301,11 +1312,12 @@ Proof.
   induction 1.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].
   econstructor; split.
-  econstructor. rewrite (transform_partial_program_main _ _ TRANSL). fold tge.
-  rewrite symbols_preserved. eexact H.
+  econstructor. apply (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial _ _ TRANSL); eauto.
+  rewrite (transform_partial_program_main _ _ TRANSL). fold tge.
+  rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
   eexact A.
-  rewrite <- H1. apply sig_transl_function; auto.
-  rewrite (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial _ _ TRANSL). constructor. auto. constructor.
+  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_transl_function; auto.
+  constructor. auto. constructor.
 Lemma transl_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/RTLgenspec.v b/backend/RTLgenspec.v
index 037eb3fb1..51fb945e6 100644
--- a/backend/RTLgenspec.v
+++ b/backend/RTLgenspec.v
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Switch.
 Require Import Op.
diff --git a/backend/RTLtyping.v b/backend/RTLtyping.v
index d8e2f2123..68f38c0df 100644
--- a/backend/RTLtyping.v
+++ b/backend/RTLtyping.v
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Require Import Op.
 Require Import Registers.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -454,14 +454,6 @@ Proof.
   apply wt_regset_assign; auto.
-Lemma wt_event_match:
-  forall ef args t res,
-  event_match ef args t res ->
-  Val.has_type res (proj_sig_res ef.(ef_sig)).
-  induction 1. inversion H0; exact I.
 Inductive wt_stackframes: list stackframe -> option typ -> Prop :=
   | wt_stackframes_nil:
       wt_stackframes nil (Some Tint)
@@ -471,7 +463,7 @@ Inductive wt_stackframes: list stackframe -> option typ -> Prop :=
       wt_regset env rs ->
       env res = match tyres with None => Tint | Some t => t end ->
       wt_stackframes s (sig_res (fn_sig f)) ->
-      wt_stackframes (Stackframe res (fn_code f) sp pc rs :: s) tyres.
+      wt_stackframes (Stackframe res f sp pc rs :: s) tyres.
 Inductive wt_state: state -> Prop :=
   | wt_state_intro:
@@ -479,7 +471,7 @@ Inductive wt_state: state -> Prop :=
         (WT_STK: wt_stackframes s (sig_res (fn_sig f)))
         (WT_FN: wt_function f env)
         (WT_RS: wt_regset env rs),
-      wt_state (State s (fn_code f) sp pc rs m)
+      wt_state (State s f sp pc rs m)
   | wt_state_call:
       forall s f args m,
       wt_stackframes s (sig_res (funsig f)) ->
@@ -517,7 +509,7 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto.
   apply wt_regset_assign. auto.
   replace (env res) with (snd (type_of_operation op)).
-  apply type_of_operation_sound with fundef ge rs##args sp; auto.
+  apply type_of_operation_sound with fundef unit ge rs##args sp; auto.
   rewrite <- H6. reflexivity.
   (* Iload *)
   econstructor; eauto.
@@ -526,29 +518,29 @@ Proof.
   (* Istore *)
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* Icall *)
-  assert (wt_fundef f).
+  assert (wt_fundef fd).
     destruct ros; simpl in H0.
-    pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with fundef unit p (rs#r).
+    pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with fundef unit p (rs#r).
     exact wt_p. exact H0. 
     caseEq (Genv.find_symbol ge i); intros; rewrite H1 in H0.
-    pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
+    pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
     exact wt_p. exact H0.
   econstructor; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   rewrite <- H7. apply wt_regset_list. auto.
   (* Itailcall *)
-  assert (wt_fundef f).
+  assert (wt_fundef fd).
     destruct ros; simpl in H0.
-    pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with fundef unit p (rs#r).
+    pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_prop with fundef unit p (rs#r).
     exact wt_p. exact H0. 
     caseEq (Genv.find_symbol ge i); intros; rewrite H1 in H0.
-    pattern f. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
+    pattern fd. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop with fundef unit p b.
     exact wt_p. exact H0.
   econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite H5; auto.
-  rewrite <- H6. apply wt_regset_list. auto.
+  rewrite H6; auto.
+  rewrite <- H7. apply wt_regset_list. auto.
   (* Icond *)
   econstructor; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
@@ -557,7 +549,7 @@ Proof.
   (* Ireturn *)
   econstructor; eauto. 
   destruct or; simpl in *.
-  rewrite <- H1. apply WT_RS. exact I.
+  rewrite <- H2. apply WT_RS. exact I.
   (* internal function *)
   simpl in *. inv H5. inversion H1; subst.  
   econstructor; eauto.
@@ -566,7 +558,7 @@ Proof.
   simpl in *. inv H5. 
   econstructor; eauto. 
   change (Val.has_type res (proj_sig_res (ef_sig ef))).
-  eapply wt_event_match; eauto.
+  eapply external_call_well_typed; eauto.
   (* return *)
   inv H1. econstructor; eauto. 
   apply wt_regset_assign; auto. congruence. 
diff --git a/backend/ b/backend/
index 406ca07a9..868fb8df4 100644
--- a/backend/
+++ b/backend/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Datatypes
 open Camlcoq
 open Maps
 open AST
+open Memdata
 open Op
 open Registers
 open RTL
diff --git a/backend/Reloadproof.v b/backend/Reloadproof.v
index 21d5f3806..7d730118d 100644
--- a/backend/Reloadproof.v
+++ b/backend/Reloadproof.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ Inductive match_states: LTLin.state -> Linear.state -> Prop :=
         (AG: agree rs ls)
         (WT: wt_function f)
         (TL: is_tail c (LTLin.fn_code f))
-        (MMD: Mem.lessdef m tm),
+        (MMD: Mem.extends m tm),
       match_states (LTLin.State s f sp c rs m)
                    (Linear.State s' (transf_function f) sp (transf_code f c) ls tm)
   | match_states_call:
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ Inductive match_states: LTLin.state -> Linear.state -> Prop :=
         (PRES: forall l, ~In l temporaries -> ~In l destroyed_at_call ->
                  ls l = parent_locset s' l)
         (WT: wt_fundef f)
-        (MMD: Mem.lessdef m tm),
+        (MMD: Mem.extends m tm),
       match_states (LTLin.Callstate s f args m)
                    (Linear.Callstate s' (transf_fundef f) ls tm)
   | match_states_return:
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ Inductive match_states: LTLin.state -> Linear.state -> Prop :=
         (AG: Val.lessdef res (ls (R (Conventions.loc_result sig))))
         (PRES: forall l, ~In l temporaries -> ~In l destroyed_at_call ->
                  ls l = parent_locset s' l)
-        (MMD: Mem.lessdef m tm),
+        (MMD: Mem.extends m tm),
       match_states (LTLin.Returnstate s res m)
                    (Linear.Returnstate s' ls tm).
@@ -1006,8 +1006,7 @@ Proof.
     rewrite B. eapply agree_locs; eauto. 
     rewrite <- H. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
   destruct H1 as [ta [P Q]].
-  exploit Mem.loadv_lessdef; eauto. 
-  intros [tv [R S]].
+  exploit Mem.loadv_extends; eauto. intros [tv [R S]].
   exploit add_spill_correct.
   intros [ls3 [D [E F]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
@@ -1038,7 +1037,7 @@ Proof.
   destruct H1 as [ta [P Q]].
   assert (X: Val.lessdef (rs src) (ls2 (R rsrc))).
     rewrite E. eapply agree_loc; eauto.
-  exploit Mem.storev_lessdef. eexact MMD. eexact Q. eexact X. eauto. 
+  exploit Mem.storev_extends. eexact MMD. eauto. eexact Q. eexact X. 
   intros [tm2 [Y Z]].
   left; econstructor; split. 
   eapply plus_right. eauto. 
@@ -1072,7 +1071,7 @@ Proof.
     eapply agree_exten; eauto. 
     apply Loc.diff_sym. apply loc_acceptable_noteq_diff. auto. 
     red; intros; subst src. simpl in H8. intuition congruence.
-  exploit Mem.storev_lessdef. eexact MMD. eexact Q. eexact X. eauto. 
+  exploit Mem.storev_extends. eexact MMD. eauto. eexact Q. eexact X.
   intros [tm2 [Y Z]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply star_plus_trans. eauto. 
@@ -1157,15 +1156,16 @@ Proof.
   ExploitWT. inversion WTI. subst ros0 args0.
   assert (WTF': wt_fundef f'). eapply find_function_wt; eauto.
   rewrite <- H0.
+  exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; eauto. intros [tm' [FREE MMD']].
   destruct ros as [fn | id].
   (* indirect call *)
-  red in H4. destruct H4 as [OK1 [OK2 OK3]].
-  rewrite <- H0 in H3. rewrite <- H0 in OK3.
+  red in H5. destruct H5 as [OK1 [OK2 OK3]].
+  rewrite <- H0 in H4. rewrite <- H0 in OK3.
   destruct (parallel_move_arguments_correct tge s' (transf_function f) (Vptr stk
               args sig
               (add_reload fn IT1
                 (Ltailcall sig (inl ident IT1) :: transf_code f b))
-              ls tm H3 H5)
+              ls tm H4 H6)
   as [ls2 [A [B C]]].
   destruct (add_reload_correct tge s' (transf_function f) (Vptr stk fn IT1
              (Ltailcall sig (inl ident IT1) :: transf_code f b)
@@ -1191,13 +1191,12 @@ Proof.
   eapply match_stackframes_change_sig; eauto.
   rewrite return_regs_arguments; auto. congruence.
   exact (return_regs_preserve (parent_locset s') ls3).
-  apply Mem.free_lessdef; auto. 
   (* direct call *)
-  rewrite <- H0 in H3.
+  rewrite <- H0 in H4.
   destruct (parallel_move_arguments_correct tge s' (transf_function f) (Vptr stk
               args sig
               (Ltailcall sig (inr mreg id) :: transf_code f b)
-              ls tm H3 H5)
+              ls tm H4 H6)
   as [ls3 [D [E F]]].
   assert (ARGS: Val.lessdef_list (map rs args) 
                                  (map ls3 (loc_arguments sig))).
@@ -1214,7 +1213,6 @@ Proof.
   eapply match_stackframes_change_sig; eauto.
   rewrite return_regs_arguments; auto. congruence.
   exact (return_regs_preserve (parent_locset s') ls3).
-  apply Mem.free_lessdef; auto. 
   (* Llabel *)
   left; econstructor; split.
@@ -1272,29 +1270,29 @@ Proof.
   eapply LTLin.find_label_is_tail; eauto.
   (* Lreturn *)
-  ExploitWT; inv WTI. 
+  ExploitWT; inv WTI.
+  exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; eauto. intros [tm' [FREE MMD']]. 
   destruct or; simpl.
   (* with an argument *)
   exploit add_reload_correct.
   intros [ls2 [A [B C]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
-  eapply plus_right. eauto. eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto. 
+  eapply plus_right. eauto. eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto.
   rewrite return_regs_result. rewrite B. apply agree_loc; auto.
   apply return_regs_preserve.
-  apply Mem.free_lessdef; auto.
   (* without an argument *)
   left; econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto.  
   econstructor; eauto.
   apply return_regs_preserve.
-  apply Mem.free_lessdef; auto.
   (* internal function *)
   simpl in WT. inversion_clear WT. inversion H0. simpl in AG.
-  caseEq (alloc tm 0 (LTLin.fn_stacksize f)). intros tm' tstk TALLOC.
-  exploit Mem.alloc_lessdef; eauto. intros [P Q]. subst tstk.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_extends. eauto. eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := 0); omega. instantiate (1 := LTLin.fn_stacksize f); omega.
+  intros [tm' [ALLOC MMD']].
   destruct (parallel_move_parameters_correct tge s' (transf_function f)
                (Vptr stk (LTLin.fn_params f) (LTLin.fn_sig f)
                (transf_code f (LTLin.fn_code f)) (call_regs ls) tm'
@@ -1310,8 +1308,8 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
   (* external function *)
-  exploit event_match_lessdef; eauto. 
-  intros [res' [A B]]. 
+  exploit external_call_mem_extends; eauto.
+  intros [res' [tm' [A [B [C D]]]]]. 
   left; econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. eapply exec_function_external; eauto. 
   econstructor; eauto.
@@ -1338,16 +1336,15 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   intros. inversion H.
   econstructor; split.
-  econstructor. 
-  change (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). 
+  econstructor.
+  apply Genv.init_mem_transf; eauto.
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
   apply function_ptr_translated; eauto. 
   rewrite sig_preserved. auto.
-  replace (Genv.init_mem tprog) with (Genv.init_mem prog).  
-  econstructor; eauto. constructor. rewrite H2; auto.
-  rewrite H2. simpl. constructor.
+  econstructor; eauto. constructor. rewrite H3; auto.
+  rewrite H3. simpl. constructor.
   eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop; eauto.
-  apply Mem.lessdef_refl. symmetry. unfold tprog, transf_program. apply Genv.init_mem_transf; auto.
+  apply Mem.extends_refl.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/Selection.v b/backend/Selection.v
index 4355faf54..e822fdf7b 100644
--- a/backend/Selection.v
+++ b/backend/Selection.v
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Cminor.
 Require Import Op.
diff --git a/backend/Selectionproof.v b/backend/Selectionproof.v
index 70cbeb41c..1da7884ed 100644
--- a/backend/Selectionproof.v
+++ b/backend/Selectionproof.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some (sel_fundef f).
-  exact (Genv.find_funct_transf sel_fundef H).
+  exact (Genv.find_funct_transf sel_fundef _ _ H).
 Lemma function_ptr_translated:
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some (sel_fundef f).
-  exact (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf sel_fundef H).
+  exact (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf sel_fundef _ _ H).
 Lemma sig_function_translated:
@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; split. 
   econstructor. destruct k; simpl in H; simpl; auto. 
   rewrite <- H0; reflexivity.
+  simpl. eauto. 
   constructor; auto.
   (* assign *)
@@ -457,11 +458,11 @@ Proof.
   constructor; auto. destruct b; auto.
   (* Sreturn None *)
   econstructor; split. 
-  econstructor.
+  econstructor. simpl; eauto. 
   constructor; auto. apply call_cont_commut.
   (* Sreturn Some *)
   econstructor; split. 
-  econstructor. simpl. eauto with evalexpr. 
+  econstructor. simpl. eauto with evalexpr. simpl; eauto.
   constructor; auto. apply call_cont_commut.
   (* Sgoto *)
   econstructor; split.
@@ -477,10 +478,10 @@ Proof.
   induction 1.
   econstructor; split.
-  simpl. fold tge. rewrite symbols_preserved. eexact H.
+  apply Genv.init_mem_transf; eauto.
+  simpl. fold tge. rewrite symbols_preserved. eexact H0.
   apply function_ptr_translated. eauto. 
-  rewrite <- H1. apply sig_function_translated; auto.
-  unfold tprog, sel_program. rewrite Genv.init_mem_transf.
+  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_function_translated; auto.
   constructor; auto.
diff --git a/backend/Stackingproof.v b/backend/Stackingproof.v
index ba4295895..f44eac2ed 100644
--- a/backend/Stackingproof.v
+++ b/backend/Stackingproof.v
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Op.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
-  (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+  (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   forall v f,
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
-  (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+  (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma sig_preserved:
   forall f tf, transf_fundef f = OK tf -> Mach.funsig tf = Linear.funsig f.
@@ -1166,6 +1166,15 @@ Proof.
   intro. inversion H. reflexivity.
+Lemma stacksize_preserved:
+  forall f tf, transf_function f = OK tf -> Mach.fn_stacksize tf = Linear.fn_stacksize f.
+  intros until tf; unfold transf_function. 
+  destruct (zlt (Linear.fn_stacksize f) 0). simpl; congruence.
+  destruct (zlt (- Int.min_signed) (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))). simpl; congruence.
+  intros. inversion H; reflexivity. 
 Lemma find_function_translated:
   forall f0 tf0 ls ls0 rs fr cs ros f,
   agree f0 tf0 ls ls0 rs fr cs ->
@@ -1478,10 +1487,12 @@ Proof.
     simpl. intuition congruence. simpl. intuition congruence. 
   econstructor; split.
   eapply plus_right. eexact A. 
-  simpl shift_sp. eapply exec_Mtailcall; eauto. traceEq.
+  simpl shift_sp. eapply exec_Mtailcall; eauto.
+  rewrite (stacksize_preserved _ _ TRANSL); eauto.
+  traceEq.
   econstructor; eauto. 
   intros; symmetry; eapply agree_return_regs; eauto.
-  intros. inv WTI. generalize (H3 _ H0). tauto.
+  intros. inv WTI. generalize (H4 _ H0). tauto.
   apply agree_callee_save_return_regs. 
   (* Llabel *)
@@ -1524,7 +1535,9 @@ Proof.
   intros [ls' [A [B C]]].
   econstructor; split.
   eapply plus_right. eauto. 
-  simpl shift_sp. econstructor; eauto. traceEq.
+  simpl shift_sp. econstructor; eauto.
+  rewrite (stacksize_preserved _ _ TRANSL); eauto.
+  traceEq.
   econstructor; eauto. 
   intros. symmetry. eapply agree_return_regs; eauto.
   apply agree_callee_save_return_regs.  
@@ -1583,13 +1596,13 @@ Proof.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [FIND TR]].
   econstructor; split.
+  eapply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial; eauto.
   rewrite (transform_partial_program_main _ _ TRANSF). 
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
-  rewrite (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial _ _ TRANSF).
   econstructor; eauto. constructor. 
   eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop; eauto.
-  intros. rewrite H2 in H4. simpl in H4. contradiction.
+  intros. rewrite H3 in H5. simpl in H5. contradiction.
   simpl; red; auto.
diff --git a/backend/Tailcallproof.v b/backend/Tailcallproof.v
index 8681d84ad..0ca4c028b 100644
--- a/backend/Tailcallproof.v
+++ b/backend/Tailcallproof.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
@@ -227,66 +227,6 @@ Proof.
   apply regset_set. auto. auto.
-(** ** Agreement between the size of a stack block and a function *)
-(** To reason over deallocation of empty stack blocks, we need to
-  maintain the invariant that the bounds of a stack block
-  for function [f] are always [0, f.(fn_stacksize)]. *)
-Inductive match_stacksize: function -> block -> mem -> Z -> Prop :=
-  | match_stacksize_intro: forall f sp m bound,
-      sp < bound ->
-      low_bound m sp = 0 ->
-      high_bound m sp = f.(fn_stacksize) ->
-      match_stacksize f sp m bound.
-Lemma match_stacksize_store:
-  forall m m' chunk  b ofs v f sp bound,
-  store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
-  match_stacksize f sp m bound ->
-  match_stacksize f sp m' bound.
-  intros. inv H0. constructor. auto.
-  rewrite <- H2. eapply Mem.low_bound_store; eauto.
-  rewrite <- H3. eapply Mem.high_bound_store; eauto.
-Lemma match_stacksize_alloc_other:
-  forall m m' lo hi b f sp bound,
-  alloc m lo hi = (m', b) ->
-  match_stacksize f sp m bound ->
-  bound <= m.(nextblock) ->
-  match_stacksize f sp m' bound.
-  intros. inv H0.
-  assert (valid_block m sp). red. omega.
-  constructor. auto.
-  rewrite <- H3. eapply low_bound_alloc_other; eauto.
-  rewrite <- H4. eapply high_bound_alloc_other; eauto.
-Lemma match_stacksize_alloc_same:
-  forall m f m' sp,
-  alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', sp) ->
-  match_stacksize f sp m' m'.(nextblock).
-  intros. constructor. 
-  unfold alloc in H. inv H. simpl. omega.
-  eapply low_bound_alloc_same; eauto.
-  eapply high_bound_alloc_same; eauto.
-Lemma match_stacksize_free:
-  forall f sp m b bound,
-  match_stacksize f sp m bound ->
-  bound <= b ->
-  match_stacksize f sp (free m b) bound.
-  intros. inv H. constructor. auto.
-  rewrite <- H2. apply low_bound_free. unfold block; omega.
-  rewrite <- H3. apply high_bound_free. unfold block; omega.
 (** * Proof of semantic preservation *)
@@ -319,6 +259,13 @@ Proof.
   destruct (zeq (fn_stacksize f) 0); auto. 
+Lemma stacksize_preserved:
+  forall f, fn_stacksize (transf_function f) = fn_stacksize f.
+  unfold transf_function. intros. 
+  destruct (zeq (fn_stacksize f) 0); auto.
 Lemma find_function_translated:
   forall ros rs rs' f,
   find_function ge ros rs = Some f ->
@@ -370,131 +317,58 @@ We first define the simulation invariant between call stacks.
 The first two cases are standard, but the third case corresponds
 to a frame that was eliminated by the transformation. *)
-Inductive match_stackframes: mem -> Z -> list stackframe -> list stackframe -> Prop :=
-  | match_stackframes_nil: forall m bound,
-      match_stackframes m bound nil nil
-  | match_stackframes_normal: forall m bound stk stk' res sp pc rs rs' f,
-      match_stackframes m sp stk stk' ->
-      match_stacksize f sp m bound ->
+Inductive match_stackframes: list stackframe -> list stackframe -> Prop :=
+  | match_stackframes_nil:
+      match_stackframes nil nil
+  | match_stackframes_normal: forall stk stk' res sp pc rs rs' f,
+      match_stackframes stk stk' ->
       regset_lessdef rs rs' ->
-      match_stackframes m bound
-        (Stackframe res f.(fn_code) (Vptr sp pc rs :: stk)
-        (Stackframe res (transf_function f).(fn_code) (Vptr sp pc rs' :: stk')
-  | match_stackframes_tail: forall m bound stk stk' res sp pc rs f,
-      match_stackframes m sp stk stk' ->
-      match_stacksize f sp m bound ->
+      match_stackframes
+        (Stackframe res f (Vptr sp pc rs :: stk)
+        (Stackframe res (transf_function f) (Vptr sp pc rs' :: stk')
+  | match_stackframes_tail: forall stk stk' res sp pc rs f,
+      match_stackframes stk stk' ->
       is_return_spec f pc res ->
       f.(fn_stacksize) = 0 ->
-      match_stackframes m bound
-        (Stackframe res f.(fn_code) (Vptr sp pc rs :: stk)
+      match_stackframes
+        (Stackframe res f (Vptr sp pc rs :: stk)
-(** In [match_stackframes m bound s s'], the memory state [m] is used
-  to check that the sizes of the stack blocks agree with what was
-  declared by the corresponding functions.  The [bound] parameter
-  is used to enforce separation between the stack blocks. *)
-Lemma match_stackframes_incr:
-  forall m bound s s' bound',
-  match_stackframes m bound s s' ->
-  bound <= bound' ->
-  match_stackframes m bound' s s'.
-  intros. inv H; econstructor; eauto. 
-  inv H2. constructor; auto. omega.
-  inv H2. constructor; auto. omega.
-Lemma match_stackframes_store:
-  forall m bound s s',
-  match_stackframes m bound s s' -> 
-  forall chunk b ofs v m',
-  store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
-  match_stackframes m' bound s s'.
-  induction 1; intros.
-  constructor.
-  econstructor; eauto. eapply match_stacksize_store; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto. eapply match_stacksize_store; eauto.
-Lemma match_stackframes_alloc:
-  forall m lo hi m' sp s s',
-  match_stackframes m (nextblock m) s s' ->
-  alloc m lo hi = (m', sp) ->
-  match_stackframes m' sp s s'.
-  intros. 
-  assert (forall bound s s',
-    match_stackframes m bound s s' ->
-    bound <= m.(nextblock) ->
-    match_stackframes m' bound s s').
-  induction 1; intros. constructor.
-  constructor; auto. apply IHmatch_stackframes; auto. inv H2. omega. 
-  eapply match_stacksize_alloc_other; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto.  apply IHmatch_stackframes; auto. inv H2. omega. 
-  eapply match_stacksize_alloc_other; eauto.
-  exploit alloc_result; eauto. intro. rewrite H2.
-  eapply H1; eauto. omega.
-Lemma match_stackframes_free:
-  forall f sp m s s',
-  match_stacksize f sp m (nextblock m) ->
-  match_stackframes m sp s s' ->
-  match_stackframes (free m sp) (nextblock (free m sp)) s s'.
-  intros. simpl. 
-  assert (forall bound s s',
-    match_stackframes m bound s s' ->
-    bound <= sp ->
-    match_stackframes (free m sp) bound s s').
-  induction 1; intros. constructor.
-  constructor; auto. apply IHmatch_stackframes; auto. inv H2; omega. 
-  apply match_stacksize_free; auto.
-  econstructor; eauto. apply IHmatch_stackframes; auto. inv H2; omega. 
-  apply match_stacksize_free; auto.
-  apply match_stackframes_incr with sp. apply H1; auto. omega.
-  inv H. omega. 
 (** Here is the invariant relating two states.  The first three
   cases are standard.  Note the ``less defined than'' conditions
-  over values, register states, and memory states. *)
+  over values and register states, and the corresponding ``extends''
+  relation over memory states. *)
 Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
   | match_states_normal:
       forall s sp pc rs m s' rs' m' f
-             (STKSZ: match_stacksize f sp m m.(nextblock))
-             (STACKS: match_stackframes m sp s s')
+             (STACKS: match_stackframes s s')
              (RLD: regset_lessdef rs rs')
-             (MLD: Mem.lessdef m m'),
-      match_states (State s f.(fn_code) (Vptr sp pc rs m)
-                   (State s' (transf_function f).(fn_code) (Vptr sp pc rs' m')
+             (MLD: Mem.extends m m'),
+      match_states (State s f (Vptr sp pc rs m)
+                   (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp pc rs' m')
   | match_states_call:
       forall s f args m s' args' m',
-      match_stackframes m m.(nextblock) s s' ->
+      match_stackframes s s' ->
       Val.lessdef_list args args' ->
-      Mem.lessdef m m' ->
+      Mem.extends m m' ->
       match_states (Callstate s f args m)
                    (Callstate s' (transf_fundef f) args' m')
   | match_states_return:
       forall s v m s' v' m',
-      match_stackframes m m.(nextblock) s s' ->
+      match_stackframes s s' ->
       Val.lessdef v v' ->
-      Mem.lessdef m m' ->
+      Mem.extends m m' ->
       match_states (Returnstate s v m)
                    (Returnstate s' v' m')
   | match_states_interm:
       forall s sp pc rs m s' m' f r v'
-             (STKSZ: match_stacksize f sp m m.(nextblock))
-             (STACKS: match_stackframes m sp s s')
-             (MLD: Mem.lessdef m m'),
+             (STACKS: match_stackframes s s')
+             (MLD: Mem.extends m m'),
       is_return_spec f pc r ->
       f.(fn_stacksize) = 0 ->
       Val.lessdef (rs#r) v' ->
-      match_states (State s f.(fn_code) (Vptr sp pc rs m)
+      match_states (State s f (Vptr sp pc rs m)
                    (Returnstate s' v' m').
 (** The last case of [match_states] corresponds to the execution
@@ -516,7 +390,7 @@ Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
 Definition measure (st: state) : nat :=
   match st with
-  | State s c sp pc rs m => (List.length s * (niter + 2) + return_measure c pc + 1)%nat
+  | State s f sp pc rs m => (List.length s * (niter + 2) + return_measure f.(fn_code) pc + 1)%nat
   | Callstate s f args m => 0%nat
   | Returnstate s v m => (List.length s * (niter + 2))%nat
@@ -557,7 +431,7 @@ Proof.
   assert (Val.lessdef_list (rs##args) (rs'##args)). apply regset_get_list; auto. 
   exploit eval_operation_lessdef; eauto. 
   intros [v' [EVAL' VLD]]. 
-  left. exists (State s' (fn_code (transf_function f)) (Vptr sp0 pc' (rs'#res <- v') m'); split.
+  left. exists (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 pc' (rs'#res <- v') m'); split.
   eapply exec_Iop; eauto.  rewrite <- EVAL'.
   apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
   econstructor; eauto. apply regset_set; auto.
@@ -571,9 +445,9 @@ Proof.
   assert (Val.lessdef_list (rs##args) (rs'##args)). apply regset_get_list; auto. 
   exploit eval_addressing_lessdef; eauto. 
   intros [a' [ADDR' ALD]].
-  exploit loadv_lessdef; eauto. 
+  exploit Mem.loadv_extends; eauto. 
   intros [v' [LOAD' VLD]].
-  left. exists (State s' (fn_code (transf_function f)) (Vptr sp0 pc' (rs'#dst <- v') m'); split.
+  left. exists (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 pc' (rs'#dst <- v') m'); split.
   eapply exec_Iload with (a := a'). eauto.  rewrite <- ADDR'.
   apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved. eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. apply regset_set; auto.
@@ -583,88 +457,91 @@ Proof.
   assert (Val.lessdef_list (rs##args) (rs'##args)). apply regset_get_list; auto. 
   exploit eval_addressing_lessdef; eauto. 
   intros [a' [ADDR' ALD]].
-  exploit storev_lessdef. 4: eexact H1. eauto. eauto. apply RLD.  
+  exploit Mem.storev_extends. 2: eexact H1. eauto. eauto. apply RLD.  
   intros [m'1 [STORE' MLD']].
-  left. exists (State s' (fn_code (transf_function f)) (Vptr sp0 pc' rs' m'1); split.
+  left. exists (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 pc' rs' m'1); split.
   eapply exec_Istore with (a := a'). eauto.  rewrite <- ADDR'.
   apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved. eauto.
   destruct a; simpl in H1; try discriminate.
   econstructor; eauto.
-  eapply match_stacksize_store; eauto. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto.
-  eapply match_stackframes_store; eauto.
 (* call *)
   exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intro FIND'.  
 (* call turned tailcall *)
-  left. exists (Callstate s' (transf_fundef f) (rs'##args) ( m' sp0)); split.
+  assert ({ m'' | m' sp0 0 (fn_stacksize (transf_function f)) = Some m''}).
+    apply Mem.range_perm_free. rewrite stacksize_preserved. rewrite H7. 
+    red; intros; omegaContradiction.
+  destruct X as [m'' FREE].
+  left. exists (Callstate s' (transf_fundef fd) (rs'##args) m''); split.
   eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto. apply sig_preserved. 
   constructor. eapply match_stackframes_tail; eauto. apply regset_get_list; auto.
-  apply Mem.free_right_lessdef; auto. inv STKSZ. omega.  
+  eapply Mem.free_right_extends; eauto.
+  rewrite stacksize_preserved. rewrite H7. intros. omegaContradiction.
 (* call that remains a call *)
-  left. exists (Callstate (Stackframe res (fn_code (transf_function f0)) (Vptr sp0 pc' rs' :: s')
-                          (transf_fundef f) (rs'##args) m'); split.
+  left. exists (Callstate (Stackframe res (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 pc' rs' :: s')
+                          (transf_fundef fd) (rs'##args) m'); split.
   eapply exec_Icall; eauto. apply sig_preserved. 
   constructor. constructor; auto. apply regset_get_list; auto. auto. 
 (* tailcall *) 
-  exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intro FIND'.  
+  exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intro FIND'.
+  exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; eauto. intros [m'1 [FREE EXT]].
-  left. exists (Callstate s' (transf_fundef f) (rs'##args) ( m' stk)); split.
-  eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto. apply sig_preserved. 
-  constructor. eapply match_stackframes_free; eauto. 
-  apply regset_get_list; auto. apply Mem.free_lessdef; auto.
+  left. exists (Callstate s' (transf_fundef fd) (rs'##args) m'1); split.
+  eapply exec_Itailcall; eauto. apply sig_preserved.
+  rewrite stacksize_preserved; auto.
+  constructor. auto.  apply regset_get_list; auto. auto. 
 (* cond true *)
-  left. exists (State s' (fn_code (transf_function f)) (Vptr sp0 ifso rs' m'); split.
+  left. exists (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 ifso rs' m'); split.
   eapply exec_Icond_true; eauto.
   apply eval_condition_lessdef with (rs##args); auto. apply regset_get_list; auto.
   constructor; auto. 
 (* cond false *)
-  left. exists (State s' (fn_code (transf_function f)) (Vptr sp0 ifnot rs' m'); split.
+  left. exists (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 ifnot rs' m'); split.
   eapply exec_Icond_false; eauto.
   apply eval_condition_lessdef with (rs##args); auto. apply regset_get_list; auto.
   constructor; auto. 
 (* jumptable *)
-  left. exists (State s' (fn_code (transf_function f)) (Vptr sp0 pc' rs' m'); split.
+  left. exists (State s' (transf_function f) (Vptr sp0 pc' rs' m'); split.
   eapply exec_Ijumptable; eauto.
   generalize (RLD arg). rewrite H0. intro. inv H2. auto.
   constructor; auto. 
 (* return *)
+  exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; eauto. intros [m'1 [FREE EXT]].
-  left. exists (Returnstate s' (regmap_optget or Vundef rs') (free m' stk)); split.
-  apply exec_Ireturn; auto.
-  constructor.
-  eapply match_stackframes_free; eauto. 
+  left. exists (Returnstate s' (regmap_optget or Vundef rs') m'1); split.
+  apply exec_Ireturn; auto. rewrite stacksize_preserved; auto.
+  constructor. auto.
   destruct or; simpl. apply RLD. constructor.
-  apply Mem.free_lessdef; auto.
+  auto.
 (* eliminated return None *)
   assert (or = None) by congruence. subst or. 
   right. split. simpl. omega. split. auto. 
-  constructor.
-  eapply match_stackframes_free; eauto.
+  constructor. auto.
   simpl. constructor.
-  apply Mem.free_left_lessdef; auto. 
+  eapply Mem.free_left_extends; eauto. 
 (* eliminated return Some *)
   assert (or = Some r) by congruence. subst or.
   right. split. simpl. omega. split. auto.
-  constructor.
-  eapply match_stackframes_free; eauto.
+  constructor. auto.
   simpl. auto.
-  apply Mem.free_left_lessdef; auto.
+  eapply Mem.free_left_extends; eauto.
 (* internal call *)
-  caseEq (alloc m'0 0 (fn_stacksize f)). intros m'1 stk' ALLOC'.
-  exploit alloc_lessdef; eauto. intros [EQ1 LD']. subst stk'. 
+  exploit Mem.alloc_extends; eauto.
+    instantiate (1 := 0). omega.
+    instantiate (1 := fn_stacksize f). omega.
+  intros [m'1 [ALLOC EXT]].
   assert (fn_stacksize (transf_function f) = fn_stacksize f /\
           fn_entrypoint (transf_function f) = fn_entrypoint f /\
           fn_params (transf_function f) = fn_params f).
@@ -673,13 +550,12 @@ Proof.
   left. econstructor; split.
   simpl. eapply exec_function_internal; eauto. rewrite EQ1; eauto.
   rewrite EQ2. rewrite EQ3. constructor; auto.
-  eapply match_stacksize_alloc_same; eauto.
-  eapply match_stackframes_alloc; eauto. 
   apply regset_init_regs. auto. 
 (* external call *)
-  exploit event_match_lessdef; eauto. intros [res' [EVM' VLD']]. 
-  left. exists (Returnstate s' res' m'); split.
+  exploit external_call_mem_extends; eauto.
+  intros [res' [m2' [A [B [C D]]]]].
+  left. exists (Returnstate s' res' m2'); split.
   simpl. econstructor; eauto.
   constructor; auto. 
@@ -705,15 +581,13 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   intros. inv H. 
   exploit funct_ptr_translated; eauto. intro FIND.
-  exists (Callstate nil (transf_fundef f) nil (Genv.init_mem tprog)); split.
-  econstructor; eauto.
+  exists (Callstate nil (transf_fundef f) nil m0); split.
+  econstructor; eauto. apply Genv.init_mem_transf. auto.
   replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog).
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
-  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_preserved.
-  replace (Genv.init_mem tprog) with (Genv.init_mem prog).
-  constructor. constructor. constructor. apply lessdef_refl. 
-  symmetry. unfold tprog, transf_program. apply Genv.init_mem_transf. 
+  rewrite <- H3. apply sig_preserved.
+  constructor. constructor. constructor. apply Mem.extends_refl. 
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelingproof.v b/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
index 92ec68cf7..4cbcbd4f6 100644
--- a/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
+++ b/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import UnionFind.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -348,15 +348,14 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
   exists st2, initial_state tp st2 /\ match_states st1 st2.
   intros. inversion H. 
-  exists (Callstate nil (tunnel_fundef f) nil (Genv.init_mem tp)); split.
+  exists (Callstate nil (tunnel_fundef f) nil m0); split.
   econstructor; eauto.
+  apply Genv.init_mem_transf; auto.
   change (prog_main tp) with (prog_main p).
   rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
   apply function_ptr_translated; auto.
-  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_preserved. 
-  replace (Genv.init_mem tp) with (Genv.init_mem p).
-  constructor. constructor. auto.
-  symmetry. unfold tp, tunnel_program. apply Genv.init_mem_transf.
+  rewrite <- H3. apply sig_preserved. 
+  constructor. constructor.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v b/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v
index 834e8e18a..743b4681c 100644
--- a/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v
+++ b/backend/Tunnelingtyping.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import UnionFind.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cminorgen.v b/cfrontend/Cminorgen.v
index f48b0ab8f..ba3a2bfaa 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cminorgen.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cminorgen.v
@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@ Require Import Maps.
 Require Import Ordered.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
-Require Mem.
+Require Import Memdata.
 Require Import Csharpminor.
-Require Import Op.
 Require Import Cminor.
 Open Local Scope string_scope.
@@ -49,14 +48,132 @@ Open Local Scope error_monad_scope.
   of Cminor.
-(** Translation of constants. *)
+(** Compile-time information attached to each Csharpminor
+  variable: global variables, local variables, function parameters.
+  [Var_local] denotes a scalar local variable whose address is not
+  taken; it will be translated to a Cminor local variable of the
+  same name.  [Var_stack_scalar] and [Var_stack_array] denote
+  local variables that are stored as sub-blocks of the Cminor stack
+  data block.  [Var_global_scalar] and [Var_global_array] denote
+  global variables, stored in the global symbols with the same names. *)
-Definition transl_constant (cst: Csharpminor.constant): constant :=
-  match cst with
-  | Csharpminor.Ointconst n => Ointconst n
-  | Csharpminor.Ofloatconst n => Ofloatconst n
+Inductive var_info: Type :=
+  | Var_local: memory_chunk -> var_info
+  | Var_stack_scalar: memory_chunk -> Z -> var_info
+  | Var_stack_array: Z -> var_info
+  | Var_global_scalar: memory_chunk -> var_info
+  | Var_global_array: var_info.
+Definition compilenv := PMap.t var_info.
+(** Infer the type or memory chunk of the result of an expression. *)
+Definition chunktype_const (c: Csharpminor.constant) :=
+  match c with
+  | Csharpminor.Ointconst n => Mint32
+  | Csharpminor.Ofloatconst n => Mfloat64
+Definition chunktype_unop (op: unary_operation) :=
+  match op with
+  | Ocast8unsigned => Mint8unsigned
+  | Ocast8signed => Mint8signed
+  | Ocast16unsigned => Mint16unsigned
+  | Ocast16signed => Mint16signed
+  | Onegint => Mint32
+  | Onotbool => Mint32
+  | Onotint => Mint32
+  | Onegf => Mfloat64
+  | Oabsf => Mfloat64
+  | Osingleoffloat => Mfloat32
+  | Ointoffloat => Mint32
+  | Ointuoffloat => Mint32
+  | Ofloatofint => Mfloat64
+  | Ofloatofintu => Mfloat64
+  end.
+Definition chunktype_binop (op: binary_operation) :=
+  match op with
+  | Oadd => Mint32
+  | Osub => Mint32
+  | Omul => Mint32
+  | Odiv => Mint32
+  | Odivu => Mint32
+  | Omod => Mint32
+  | Omodu => Mint32
+  | Oand => Mint32
+  | Oor => Mint32
+  | Oxor => Mint32
+  | Oshl => Mint32
+  | Oshr => Mint32
+  | Oshru => Mint32
+  | Oaddf => Mfloat64
+  | Osubf => Mfloat64
+  | Omulf => Mfloat64
+  | Odivf => Mfloat64
+  | Ocmp c => Mint8unsigned
+  | Ocmpu c => Mint8unsigned
+  | Ocmpf c => Mint8unsigned
+  end.
+Definition chunktype_compat (src dst: memory_chunk) : bool :=
+  match src, dst with
+  | Mint8unsigned, (Mint8unsigned|Mint16unsigned|Mint16signed|Mint32) => true
+  | Mint8signed, (Mint8signed|Mint16unsigned|Mint16signed|Mint32) => true
+  | Mint16unsigned, (Mint16unsigned|Mint32) => true
+  | Mint16signed, (Mint16signed|Mint32) => true
+  | Mint32, Mint32 => true
+  | Mfloat32, (Mfloat32|Mfloat64) => true
+  | Mfloat64, Mfloat64 => true
+  | _, _ => false
+  end.
+Definition chunk_for_type (ty: typ) : memory_chunk :=
+  match ty with Tint => Mint32 | Tfloat => Mfloat64 end.
+Definition chunktype_merge (c1 c2: memory_chunk) : res memory_chunk :=
+  if chunktype_compat c1 c2 then
+    OK c2
+  else if chunktype_compat c2 c1 then
+    OK c1
+  else if typ_eq (type_of_chunk c1) (type_of_chunk c2) then
+    OK (chunk_for_type (type_of_chunk c1))
+  else
+    Error(msg "Cminorgen: chunktype_merge").
+Fixpoint chunktype_expr (cenv: compilenv) (e: Csharpminor.expr)
+                        {struct e}: res memory_chunk :=
+  match e with
+  | Csharpminor.Evar id =>
+      match cenv!!id with
+      | Var_local chunk => OK chunk
+      | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs => OK chunk
+      | Var_global_scalar chunk => OK chunk
+      | _ => Error(msg "Cminorgen.chunktype_expr")
+      end
+  | Csharpminor.Eaddrof id =>
+      OK Mint32
+  | Csharpminor.Econst cst =>
+      OK (chunktype_const cst)
+  | Csharpminor.Eunop op e1 =>
+      OK (chunktype_unop op)
+  | Csharpminor.Ebinop op e1 e2 =>
+      OK (chunktype_binop op)
+  | Csharpminor.Eload chunk e =>
+      OK chunk
+  | Csharpminor.Econdition e1 e2 e3 =>
+      do chunk2 <- chunktype_expr cenv e2;
+      do chunk3 <- chunktype_expr cenv e3;
+      chunktype_merge chunk2 chunk3
+  end.
+Definition type_expr  (cenv: compilenv) (e: Csharpminor.expr): res typ :=
+  do c <- chunktype_expr cenv e; OK(type_of_chunk c).
+Definition type_exprlist (cenv: compilenv) (el: list Csharpminor.expr):
+                                                       res (list typ) :=
+  mmap (type_expr cenv) el.
 (** [make_cast chunk e] returns a Cminor expression that normalizes
   the value of Cminor expression [e] as prescribed by the memory chunk
   [chunk].  For instance, 8-bit sign extension is performed if
@@ -74,10 +191,9 @@ Definition make_cast (chunk: memory_chunk) (e: expr): expr :=
 (** When the translation of an expression is stored in memory,
-  the normalization performed by [make_cast] can be redundant
+  a cast at the toplevel of the expression can be redundant
   with that implicitly performed by the memory store.
-  [store_arg] detects this case and strips away the redundant
-  normalization. *)
+  [store_arg] detects this case and strips away the redundant cast. *)
 Definition store_arg (chunk: memory_chunk) (e: expr) : expr :=
   match e with
@@ -103,26 +219,7 @@ Definition make_stackaddr (ofs: Z): expr :=
 Definition make_globaladdr (id: ident): expr :=
   Econst (Oaddrsymbol id
-(** Compile-time information attached to each Csharpminor
-  variable: global variables, local variables, function parameters.
-  [Var_local] denotes a scalar local variable whose address is not
-  taken; it will be translated to a Cminor local variable of the
-  same name.  [Var_stack_scalar] and [Var_stack_array] denote
-  local variables that are stored as sub-blocks of the Cminor stack
-  data block.  [Var_global_scalar] and [Var_global_array] denote
-  global variables, stored in the global symbols with the same names. *)
-Inductive var_info: Type :=
-  | Var_local: memory_chunk -> var_info
-  | Var_stack_scalar: memory_chunk -> Z -> var_info
-  | Var_stack_array: Z -> var_info
-  | Var_global_scalar: memory_chunk -> var_info
-  | Var_global_array: var_info.
-Definition compilenv := PMap.t var_info.
-(** Generation of Cminor code corresponding to accesses to Csharpminor 
-  local variables: reads, assignments, and taking the address of. *)
+(** Generation of a Cminor expression for reading a Csharpminor variable. *)
 Definition var_get (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident): res expr :=
   match PMap.get id cenv with
@@ -136,24 +233,67 @@ Definition var_get (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident): res expr :=
       Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_get")
-Definition var_set (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident) (rhs: expr): res stmt :=
+(** Generation of a Cminor expression for taking the address of
+  a Csharpminor variable. *)
+Definition var_addr (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident): res expr :=
+  match PMap.get id cenv with
+  | Var_local chunk => Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_addr")
+  | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs => OK (make_stackaddr ofs)
+  | Var_stack_array ofs => OK (make_stackaddr ofs)
+  | _ => OK (make_globaladdr id)
+  end.
+(** Generation of a Cminor statement performing an assignment to
+  a variable.  [rhs_chunk] is the inferred chunk type for the
+  right-hand side.  If the variable was allocated to a Cminor variable,
+  a cast may need to be inserted to normalize the value of the r.h.s.,
+  as per Csharpminor's semantics. *)
+Definition var_set (cenv: compilenv)
+                   (id: ident) (rhs: expr) (rhs_chunk: memory_chunk): res stmt :=
   match PMap.get id cenv with
   | Var_local chunk =>
-      OK(Sassign id (make_cast chunk rhs))
+      if chunktype_compat rhs_chunk chunk then
+        OK(Sassign id rhs)
+      else if typ_eq (type_of_chunk chunk) (type_of_chunk rhs_chunk) then
+        OK(Sassign id (make_cast chunk rhs))
+      else
+        Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_set.1")
   | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs =>
       OK(make_store chunk (make_stackaddr ofs) rhs)
   | Var_global_scalar chunk =>
       OK(make_store chunk (make_globaladdr id) rhs)
   | _ =>
-      Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_set")
+      Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_set.2")
-Definition var_addr (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident): res expr :=
+(** A variant of [var_set] used for initializing function parameters
+  and storing the return values of function calls.  The value to
+  be stored already resides in the Cminor variable called [id].
+  Moreover, its chunk type is not known, only its int-or-float type. *)
+Definition var_set_self (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident) (ty: typ): res stmt :=
   match PMap.get id cenv with
-  | Var_local chunk => Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_addr")
-  | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs => OK (make_stackaddr ofs)
-  | Var_stack_array ofs => OK (make_stackaddr ofs)
-  | _ => OK (make_globaladdr id)
+  | Var_local chunk =>
+      if typ_eq (type_of_chunk chunk) ty then
+        OK(Sassign id (make_cast chunk (Evar id)))
+      else
+        Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_set_self.1")
+  | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs =>
+      OK(make_store chunk (make_stackaddr ofs) (Evar id))
+  | Var_global_scalar chunk =>
+      OK(make_store chunk (make_globaladdr id) (Evar id))
+  | _ =>
+      Error(msg "Cminorgen.var_set_self.2")
+  end.
+(** Translation of constants. *)
+Definition transl_constant (cst: Csharpminor.constant): constant :=
+  match cst with
+  | Csharpminor.Ointconst n => Ointconst n
+  | Csharpminor.Ofloatconst n => Ofloatconst n
 (** Translation of expressions.  All the hard work is done by the
@@ -234,16 +374,27 @@ Fixpoint switch_env (ls: lbl_stmt) (e: exit_env) {struct ls}: exit_env :=
   | LScase _ _ ls' => false :: switch_env ls' e
-(** Translation of statements.  The only nonobvious part is
-  the translation of [switch] statements, outlined above. *)
+(** Translation of statements.  The nonobvious part is
+  the translation of [switch] statements, outlined above. 
+  Also note the additional type checks on arguments to calls and returns.
+  These checks should always succeed for C#minor code generated from
+  well-typed Clight code, but are necessary for the correctness proof
+  to go through.
+Definition typ_of_opttyp (ot: option typ) :=
+  match ot with None => Tint | Some t => t end.
-Fixpoint transl_stmt (cenv: compilenv) (xenv: exit_env) (s: Csharpminor.stmt)
+Fixpoint transl_stmt (ret: option typ) (cenv: compilenv) 
+                     (xenv: exit_env) (s: Csharpminor.stmt)
                      {struct s}: res stmt :=
   match s with
   | Csharpminor.Sskip =>
       OK Sskip
   | Csharpminor.Sassign id e =>
-      do te <- transl_expr cenv e; var_set cenv id te
+      do chunk <- chunktype_expr cenv e;
+      do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
+      var_set cenv id te chunk
   | Csharpminor.Sstore chunk e1 e2 =>
       do te1 <- transl_expr cenv e1;
       do te2 <- transl_expr cenv e2;
@@ -251,26 +402,32 @@ Fixpoint transl_stmt (cenv: compilenv) (xenv: exit_env) (s: Csharpminor.stmt)
   | Csharpminor.Scall None sig e el =>
       do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
       do tel <- transl_exprlist cenv el;
-      OK (Scall None sig te tel)
+      do tyl <- type_exprlist cenv el;
+      if list_eq_dec typ_eq tyl sig.(sig_args)
+      then OK (Scall None sig te tel)
+      else Error(msg "Cminorgen.transl_stmt(call0)")
   | Csharpminor.Scall (Some id) sig e el =>
       do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
       do tel <- transl_exprlist cenv el;
-      do s <- var_set cenv id (Evar id);
-      OK (Sseq (Scall (Some id) sig te tel) s)
+      do tyl <- type_exprlist cenv el;
+      do s <- var_set_self cenv id (proj_sig_res sig);
+      if list_eq_dec typ_eq tyl sig.(sig_args)
+      then OK (Sseq (Scall (Some id) sig te tel) s)
+      else Error(msg "Cminorgen.transl_stmt(call1)")
   | Csharpminor.Sseq s1 s2 =>
-      do ts1 <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s1;
-      do ts2 <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s2;
+      do ts1 <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s1;
+      do ts2 <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s2;
       OK (Sseq ts1 ts2)
   | Csharpminor.Sifthenelse e s1 s2 =>
       do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
-      do ts1 <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s1;
-      do ts2 <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s2;
+      do ts1 <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s1;
+      do ts2 <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s2;
       OK (Sifthenelse te ts1 ts2)
   | Csharpminor.Sloop s =>
-      do ts <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s;
+      do ts <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s;
       OK (Sloop ts)
   | Csharpminor.Sblock s =>
-      do ts <- transl_stmt cenv (true :: xenv) s;
+      do ts <- transl_stmt ret cenv (true :: xenv) s;
       OK (Sblock ts)
   | Csharpminor.Sexit n =>
       OK (Sexit (shift_exit xenv n))
@@ -278,27 +435,31 @@ Fixpoint transl_stmt (cenv: compilenv) (xenv: exit_env) (s: Csharpminor.stmt)
       let cases := switch_table ls O in
       let default := length cases in
       do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
-      transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls (Sswitch te cases default)
+      transl_lblstmt ret cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls (Sswitch te cases default)
   | Csharpminor.Sreturn None =>
       OK (Sreturn None)
   | Csharpminor.Sreturn (Some e) =>
-      do te <- transl_expr cenv e; OK (Sreturn (Some te))
+      do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
+      do ty <- type_expr cenv e;
+      if typ_eq ty (typ_of_opttyp ret)
+      then OK (Sreturn (Some te))
+      else Error(msg "Cminorgen.transl_stmt(return)")
   | Csharpminor.Slabel lbl s =>
-      do ts <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s; OK (Slabel lbl ts)
+      do ts <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s; OK (Slabel lbl ts)
   | Csharpminor.Sgoto lbl =>
       OK (Sgoto lbl)
-with transl_lblstmt (cenv: compilenv) (xenv: exit_env)
-                    (ls: Csharpminor.lbl_stmt) (body: stmt)
+with transl_lblstmt (ret: option typ) (cenv: compilenv)
+                    (xenv: exit_env) (ls: Csharpminor.lbl_stmt) (body: stmt)
                     {struct ls}: res stmt :=
   match ls with
   | Csharpminor.LSdefault s =>
-      do ts <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s;
+      do ts <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s;
       OK (Sseq (Sblock body) ts)
   | Csharpminor.LScase _ s ls' =>
-      do ts <- transl_stmt cenv xenv s;
-      transl_lblstmt cenv (List.tail xenv) ls' (Sseq (Sblock body) ts)
+      do ts <- transl_stmt ret cenv xenv s;
+      transl_lblstmt ret cenv (List.tail xenv) ls' (Sseq (Sblock body) ts)
 (** Computation of the set of variables whose address is taken in
@@ -379,7 +540,7 @@ Definition assign_variable
       (PMap.set id (Var_stack_array ofs) cenv, ofs + Zmax 0 sz)
   | (id, Vscalar chunk) =>
       if Identset.mem id atk then
-        let sz := Mem.size_chunk chunk in
+        let sz := size_chunk chunk in
         let ofs := align stacksize sz in
         (PMap.set id (Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs) cenv, ofs + sz)
@@ -425,7 +586,7 @@ Fixpoint store_parameters
   match params with
   | nil => OK Sskip
   | (id, chunk) :: rem =>
-      do s1 <- var_set cenv id (Evar id);
+      do s1 <- var_set_self cenv id (type_of_chunk chunk);
       do s2 <- store_parameters cenv rem;
       OK (Sseq s1 s2)
@@ -471,7 +632,7 @@ Definition make_vars (params: list ident) (vars: list ident)
 Definition transl_funbody 
   (cenv: compilenv) (stacksize: Z) (f: Csharpminor.function): res function :=
-    do tbody <- transl_stmt cenv nil f.(Csharpminor.fn_body);
+    do tbody <- transl_stmt f.(fn_return) cenv nil f.(Csharpminor.fn_body);
     do sparams <- store_parameters cenv f.(Csharpminor.fn_params);
        OK (mkfunction
               (Csharpminor.fn_sig f)
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v b/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v
index a472e709d..c79555c0e 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cminorgenproof.v
@@ -12,20 +12,23 @@
 (** Correctness proof for Cminor generation. *)
+Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
 Require Import FSets.
 Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Intv.
 Require Import Errors.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memdata.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Switch.
 Require Import Csharpminor.
-Require Import Op.
 Require Import Cminor.
 Require Import Cminorgen.
@@ -51,20 +54,19 @@ Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transl_fundef gce f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial2 (transl_fundef gce) transl_globvar TRANSL).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial2 (transl_fundef gce) transl_globvar _ TRANSL).
 Lemma functions_translated:
   forall (v: val) (f: Csharpminor.fundef),
   Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
   exists tf,
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transl_fundef gce f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial2 (transl_fundef gce) transl_globvar TRANSL).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial2 (transl_fundef gce) transl_globvar _ TRANSL).
 Lemma sig_preserved_body:
   forall f tf cenv size,
   transl_funbody cenv size f = OK tf -> 
-  tf.(fn_sig) = f.(Csharpminor.fn_sig).
+  tf.(fn_sig) = Csharpminor.fn_sig f.
   intros. monadInv H. reflexivity.
@@ -112,6 +114,193 @@ Proof.
   intro. rewrite auto.
+(** * Derived properties of memory operations *)
+Lemma load_freelist:
+  forall fbl chunk m b ofs m',
+  (forall b' lo hi, In (b', lo, hi) fbl -> b' <> b) -> 
+  Mem.free_list m fbl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.load chunk m' b ofs = Mem.load chunk m b ofs.
+  induction fbl; intros.
+  simpl in H0. congruence.
+  destruct a as [[b' lo] hi].
+  generalize H0. simpl. case_eq ( m b' lo hi); try congruence.
+  intros m1 FR1 FRL. 
+  transitivity (Mem.load chunk m1 b ofs).
+  eapply IHfbl; eauto. intros. eapply H. eauto with coqlib. 
+  eapply Mem.load_free; eauto. left. apply sym_not_equal. eapply H. auto with coqlib. 
+Lemma perm_freelist:
+  forall fbl m m' b ofs p,
+  Mem.free_list m fbl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.perm m' b ofs p ->
+  Mem.perm m b ofs p.
+  induction fbl; simpl; intros until p.
+  congruence.
+  destruct a as [[b' lo] hi]. case_eq ( m b' lo hi); try congruence.
+  intros. eauto with mem.
+Lemma nextblock_freelist:
+  forall fbl m m',
+  Mem.free_list m fbl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m.
+  induction fbl; intros until m'; simpl.
+  congruence.
+  destruct a as [[b lo] hi]. 
+  case_eq ( m b lo hi); intros; try congruence.
+  transitivity (Mem.nextblock m0). eauto. eapply Mem.nextblock_free; eauto.
+Lemma free_list_freeable:
+  forall l m m',
+  Mem.free_list m l = Some m' ->
+  forall b lo hi,
+  In (b, lo, hi) l -> Mem.range_perm m b lo hi Freeable.
+  induction l; simpl; intros.
+  contradiction.
+  revert H. destruct a as [[b' lo'] hi'].
+  caseEq ( m b' lo' hi'); try congruence.
+  intros m1 FREE1 FREE2.
+  destruct H0. inv H. 
+  eauto with mem.
+  red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto. exploit IHl; eauto.
+Lemma bounds_freelist:
+  forall b l m m',
+  Mem.free_list m l = Some m' -> Mem.bounds m' b = Mem.bounds m b.
+  induction l; simpl; intros.
+  inv H; auto.
+  revert H. destruct a as [[b' lo'] hi'].
+  caseEq ( m b' lo' hi'); try congruence.
+  intros m1 FREE1 FREE2.
+  transitivity (Mem.bounds m1 b). eauto. eapply Mem.bounds_free; eauto.
+Lemma nextblock_storev:
+  forall chunk m addr v m',
+  Mem.storev chunk m addr v = Some m' -> Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m.
+  unfold Mem.storev; intros. destruct addr; try discriminate. 
+  eapply Mem.nextblock_store; eauto.
+(** * Normalized values and operations over memory chunks *)
+(** A value is normalized with respect to a memory chunk if it is
+  invariant under the cast (truncation, sign extension) corresponding to
+  the chunk. *)
+Definition val_normalized (v: val) (chunk: memory_chunk) : Prop :=
+  Val.load_result chunk v = v.
+Lemma val_normalized_has_type:
+  forall chunk v, val_normalized v chunk -> Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk).
+  intros until v; unfold val_normalized, Val.load_result.
+  destruct chunk; destruct v; intro EQ; try (inv EQ); simpl; exact I.
+Lemma val_has_type_normalized:
+  forall ty v, Val.has_type v ty -> val_normalized v (chunk_for_type ty).
+  unfold Val.has_type, val_normalized; intros; destruct ty; destruct v;
+  contradiction || reflexivity.
+Lemma chunktype_const_correct:
+  forall c v,
+  Csharpminor.eval_constant c = Some v ->
+  val_normalized v (chunktype_const c).
+  unfold Csharpminor.eval_constant; intros. 
+  destruct c; inv H; unfold val_normalized; auto.
+Lemma chunktype_unop_correct:
+  forall op v1 v,
+  Csharpminor.eval_unop op v1 = Some v ->
+  val_normalized v (chunktype_unop op).
+  intros; destruct op; simpl in *; unfold val_normalized.
+  inv H. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
+  inv H. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
+  inv H. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
+  inv H. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H. destruct (Int.eq i; auto. reflexivity.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  inv H. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Float.singleoffloat_idem; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+  destruct v1; inv H; auto.
+Lemma chunktype_binop_correct:
+  forall op v1 v2 m v,
+  Csharpminor.eval_binop op v1 v2 m = Some v ->
+  val_normalized v (chunktype_binop op).
+  intros; destruct op; simpl in *; unfold val_normalized;
+  destruct v1; destruct v2; try (inv H; reflexivity).
+  destruct (eq_block b b0); inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.eq i0; inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.eq i0; inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.eq i0; inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.eq i0; inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); inv H; auto.
+  destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); inv H; auto.
+  inv H; destruct (Int.cmp c i i0); reflexivity.
+  unfold eval_compare_null in H. destruct (Int.eq i
+  destruct c; inv H; auto. inv H.
+  unfold eval_compare_null in H. destruct (Int.eq i0
+  destruct c; inv H; auto. inv H.
+  destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m b (Int.signed i) &&
+            Mem.valid_pointer m b0 (Int.signed i0)).
+  destruct (eq_block b b0); inv H. destruct (Int.cmp c i i0); auto.
+  destruct c; inv H1; auto. inv H.
+  inv H. destruct (Int.cmpu c i i0); auto.
+  inv H. destruct (Float.cmp c f f0); auto.
+Lemma chunktype_compat_correct:
+  forall src dst v,
+  chunktype_compat src dst = true ->
+  val_normalized v src -> val_normalized v dst.
+  unfold val_normalized; intros. rewrite <- H0.
+  destruct src; destruct dst; simpl in H; try discriminate; auto;
+  destruct v; simpl; auto.
+Lemma chunktype_merge_correct:
+  forall c1 c2 c v,
+  chunktype_merge c1 c2 = OK c ->
+  val_normalized v c1 \/ val_normalized v c2 ->
+  val_normalized v c.
+  intros until v. unfold chunktype_merge. 
+  case_eq (chunktype_compat c1 c2).
+  intros. inv H0. destruct H1. eapply chunktype_compat_correct; eauto. auto.
+  case_eq (chunktype_compat c2 c1).
+  intros. inv H1. destruct H2. auto. eapply chunktype_compat_correct; eauto.
+  intros. destruct (typ_eq (type_of_chunk c1) (type_of_chunk c2)); inv H1.
+  apply val_has_type_normalized. destruct H2. 
+  apply val_normalized_has_type. auto.
+  rewrite e. apply val_normalized_has_type. auto.
 (** * Correspondence between Csharpminor's and Cminor's environments and memory states *)
 (** In Csharpminor, every variable is stored in a separate memory block.
@@ -125,12 +314,12 @@ Qed.
   to a sub-block of Cminor block [b] at offset [ofs].
   A memory injection [f] defines a relation [val_inject f] between
-  values and a relation [mem_inject f] between memory states.
-  These relations, defined in file [Memory], will be used intensively
+  values and a relation [Mem.inject f] between memory states.
+  These relations will be used intensively
   in our proof of simulation between Csharpminor and Cminor executions.
-  In the remainder of this section, we define relations between
-  Csharpminor and Cminor environments and call stacks. *)
+  In this section, we define the relation between
+  Csharpminor and Cminor environments. *)
 (** Matching for a Csharpminor variable [id].
 - If this variable is mapped to a Cminor local variable, the
@@ -187,7 +376,7 @@ Record match_env (f: meminj) (cenv: compilenv)
       forall id, match_var f id e m te sp (PMap.get id cenv);
-(** The range [lo, hi] must not be empty. *)
+(** [lo, hi] is a proper interval. *)
       lo <= hi;
@@ -215,9 +404,16 @@ Record match_env (f: meminj) (cenv: compilenv)
   (i.e. allocated before the stack data for the current Cminor function). *)
       forall b tb delta,
-      f b = Some(tb, delta) -> b < lo -> tb < sp
+      f b = Some(tb, delta) -> b < lo -> tb < sp;
+(** The sizes of blocks appearing in [e] agree with their types *)
+    me_bounds:
+      forall id b lv,
+      PTree.get id e = Some(b, lv) -> Mem.bounds m b = (0, sizeof lv)
+Hint Resolve me_low_high.
 (** Global environments match if the memory injection [f] leaves unchanged
   the references to global symbols and functions. *)
@@ -231,72 +427,28 @@ Record match_globalenvs (f: meminj) : Prop :=
       forall b, b < 0 -> f b = Some(b, 0)
-(** Call stacks represent abstractly the execution state of the current
-  Csharpminor and Cminor functions, as well as the states of the
-  calling functions.  A call stack is a list of frames, each frame
-  collecting information on the current execution state of a Csharpminor
-  function and its Cminor translation. *)
-Record frame : Type :=
-  mkframe {
-    fr_cenv: compilenv;
-    fr_e: Csharpminor.env;
-    fr_te: env;
-    fr_sp: block;
-    fr_low: Z;
-    fr_high: Z
-  }.
-Definition callstack : Type := list frame.
-(** Matching of call stacks imply matching of environments for each of
-  the frames, plus matching of the global environments, plus disjointness
-  conditions over the memory blocks allocated for local variables
-  and Cminor stack data. *)
-Inductive match_callstack: meminj -> callstack -> Z -> Z -> mem -> Prop :=
-  | mcs_nil:
-      forall f bound tbound m,
-      match_globalenvs f ->
-      match_callstack f nil bound tbound m
-  | mcs_cons:
-      forall f cenv e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound m,
-      hi <= bound ->
-      sp < tbound ->
-      match_env f cenv e m te sp lo hi ->
-      match_callstack f cs lo sp m ->
-      match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m.
 (** The remainder of this section is devoted to showing preservation
-  of the [match_callstack] invariant under various assignments and memory
+  of the [match_en] invariant under various assignments and memory
   stores.  First: preservation by memory stores to ``mapped'' blocks
   (block that have a counterpart in the Cminor execution). *)
+Ltac geninv x := 
+  let H := fresh in (generalize x; intro H; inv H).
 Lemma match_env_store_mapped:
   forall f cenv e m1 m2 te sp lo hi chunk b ofs v,
   f b <> None ->
-  store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+ chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
   match_env f cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
   match_env f cenv e m2 te sp lo hi.
-  intros. inversion H1. constructor; auto.
+  intros; inv H1; constructor; auto.
   (* vars *)
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro. 
-  inversion H2; econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite <- H5. eapply load_store_other; eauto. 
+  intros. geninv (me_vars0 id); econstructor; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H4. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. 
   left. congruence.
-Lemma match_callstack_mapped:
-  forall f cs bound tbound m1,
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m1 ->
-  forall chunk b ofs v m2,
-  f b <> None ->
-  store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m2.
-  induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
-  eapply match_env_store_mapped; eauto.
+  (* bounds *)
+  intros. rewrite (Mem.bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). eauto. 
 (** Preservation by assignment to a Csharpminor variable that is 
@@ -307,27 +459,28 @@ Qed.
 Lemma match_env_store_local:
   forall f cenv e m1 m2 te sp lo hi id b chunk v tv,
   e!id = Some(b, Vscalar chunk) ->
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
   val_inject f (Val.load_result chunk v) tv ->
-  store chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
+ chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
   match_env f cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
   match_env f cenv e m2 (PTree.set id tv te) sp lo hi.
-  intros. inversion H2. constructor; auto.
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id0); intro.
-  inversion H3; subst.
+  intros. inv H3. constructor; auto.
+  (* vars *)
+  intros. geninv (me_vars0 id0).
   (* var_local *)
   case (peq id id0); intro.
     (* the stored variable *)
-    subst id0. 
-    change Csharpminor.var_kind with var_kind in H4. 
-    rewrite H in H5. injection H5; clear H5; intros; subst b0 chunk0.
+    subst id0.
+    assert (b0 = b) by congruence. subst.
+    assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst.
     econstructor. eauto. 
-    eapply load_store_same; eauto. auto. 
+    eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto. auto. 
     rewrite PTree.gss. reflexivity.
     (* a different variable *)
     econstructor; eauto.
-    rewrite <- H6. eapply load_store_other; eauto. 
+    rewrite <- H6. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. 
     rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
   (* var_stack_scalar *)
   econstructor; eauto.
@@ -337,49 +490,393 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto.
   (* var_global_array *)
   econstructor; eauto.
+  (* bounds *)
+  intros. rewrite (Mem.bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2). eauto. 
-Lemma match_env_store_above:
-  forall f cenv e m1 m2 te sp lo hi chunk b v,
-  store chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
-  hi <= b ->
+(** The [match_env] relation is preserved by any memory operation
+  that preserves sizes and loads from blocks in the [lo, hi] range. *)
+Lemma match_env_invariant:
+  forall f cenv e m1 m2 te sp lo hi,
+  (forall b ofs chunk v, 
+     lo <= b < hi -> Mem.load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v ->
+     Mem.load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v) ->
+  (forall b,
+     lo <= b < hi -> Mem.bounds m2 b = Mem.bounds m1 b) ->
   match_env f cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
   match_env f cenv e m2 te sp lo hi.
-  intros. inversion H1; constructor; auto.
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro.
-  inversion H2; econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite <- H5. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-  left. generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H4). unfold block in *. omega.
+  intros. inv H1. constructor; eauto.
+  (* vars *)
+  intros. geninv (me_vars0 id); econstructor; eauto.
+  (* bounds *)
+  intros. rewrite H0. eauto. eauto.
-Lemma match_callstack_store_above:
-  forall f cs bound tbound m1,
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m1 ->
-  forall chunk b v m2,
-  store chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
-  bound <= b ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m2.
+(** [match_env] is insensitive to the Cminor values of stack-allocated data. *)
+Lemma match_env_extensional:
+  forall f cenv e m te1 sp lo hi te2,
+  match_env f cenv e m te1 sp lo hi ->
+  (forall id chunk, cenv!!id = Var_local chunk -> te2!id = te1!id) ->
+  match_env f cenv e m te2 sp lo hi.
-  induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
-  eapply match_env_store_above with (b := b); eauto. omega.
+  intros. inv H; econstructor; eauto.
+  intros. geninv (me_vars0 id); econstructor; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H5. eauto. 
+(** [match_env] and allocations *)
+Inductive alloc_condition: var_info -> var_kind -> block -> option (block * Z) -> Prop :=
+  | alloc_cond_local: forall chunk sp,
+      alloc_condition (Var_local chunk) (Vscalar chunk) sp None
+  | alloc_cond_stack_scalar: forall chunk pos sp,
+      alloc_condition (Var_stack_scalar chunk pos) (Vscalar chunk) sp (Some(sp, pos))
+  | alloc_cond_stack_array: forall pos sz sp,
+      alloc_condition (Var_stack_array pos) (Varray sz) sp (Some(sp, pos)).
+Lemma match_env_alloc_same:
+  forall f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo lv m2 b f2 id info tv,
+  match_env f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m1) ->
+  Mem.alloc m1 0 (sizeof lv) = (m2, b) ->
+  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
+  alloc_condition info lv sp (f2 b) ->
+  (forall b', b' <> b -> f2 b' = f1 b') ->
+  te!id = Some tv ->
+  e!id = None ->
+  match_env f2 (PMap.set id info cenv) (PTree.set id (b, lv) e) m2 te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m2).
+  intros until tv.
+  assert (ALLOC_RES: b = Mem.nextblock m1) by eauto with mem.
+  assert (ALLOC_NEXT: Mem.nextblock m2 = Zsucc(Mem.nextblock m1)) by eauto with mem.
+  inv ME; constructor.
+(* vars *)
+  intros. rewrite PMap.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id). subst id0.
+  (* the new var *)
+  inv ACOND; econstructor.
+    (* local *)
+  rewrite PTree.gss. reflexivity. 
+  eapply Mem.load_alloc_same'; eauto. omega. simpl; omega. apply Zdivide_0.
+  auto. eauto. constructor. 
+    (* stack scalar *)
+  rewrite PTree.gss; reflexivity. 
+  econstructor; eauto. rewrite Int.add_commut; rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.
+    (* stack array *)
+  rewrite PTree.gss; reflexivity. 
+  econstructor; eauto. rewrite Int.add_commut; rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.
+  (* the other vars *)
+  geninv (me_vars0 id0); econstructor.
+    (* local *)
+  rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. eapply Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto.
+  rewrite OTHER; auto.
+  exploit me_bounded0; eauto. exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  eauto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. 
+    (* stack scalar *)
+  rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto.
+    (* stack array *)
+  rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto.
+    (* global scalar *)
+  rewrite PTree.gso; auto. auto. 
+    (* global array *)
+  rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+(* low high *)
+  exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. unfold block in *; omega.
+(* bounded *)
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro RES.
+  exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. intro NEXT.
+  intros until lv0. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id); intro EQ.
+  inv EQ. unfold block in *; omega.
+  exploit me_bounded0; eauto. unfold block in *; omega.
+(* inj *)
+  intros until lv2. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro RES.
+  destruct (peq id1 id); destruct (peq id2 id); subst; intros A1 A2 DIFF.
+  congruence.
+  inv A1. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  inv A2. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  eauto.
+(* inv *)
+  intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). 
+  subst. exists id; exists lv. apply PTree.gss.
+  exploit me_inv0; eauto. rewrite <- OTHER; eauto.
+  intros [id' [lv' A]]. exists id'; exists lv'.
+  rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence.
+(* incr *)
+  intros. eapply me_incr0; eauto. rewrite <- OTHER; eauto.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+(* bounds *)
+  intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H.
+  rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). 
+  destruct (peq id0 id). 
+  inv H. apply dec_eq_true.
+  rewrite dec_eq_false. eauto. 
+  apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m1.
+  exploit me_bounded0; eauto. intros [A B]. auto. 
+  eauto with mem.
+Lemma match_env_alloc_other:
+  forall f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo hi sz m2 b f2,
+  match_env f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
+  Mem.alloc m1 0 sz = (m2, b) ->
+  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
+  (forall b', b' <> b -> f2 b' = f1 b') ->
+  hi <= b ->
+  match f2 b with None => True | Some(b',ofs) => sp < b' end ->
+  match_env f2 cenv e m2 te sp lo hi.
+  intros until f2; intros ME ALLOC INCR OTHER BOUND TBOUND.
+  inv ME.
+  assert (BELOW: forall id b' lv, e!id = Some(b', lv) -> b' <> b).
+    intros. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto.
+    unfold block in *; omega.
+  econstructor; eauto.
+(* vars *)
+  intros. geninv (me_vars0 id); econstructor.
+    (* local *)
+  eauto. eapply Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto.
+  rewrite OTHER; eauto. eauto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. 
+    (* stack scalar *)
+  eauto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. 
+    (* stack array *)
+  eauto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. 
+    (* global scalar *)
+  auto. auto. 
+    (* global array *)
+  auto.
+(* inv *)
+  intros. rewrite OTHER in H. eauto. 
+  red; intro; subst b0. rewrite H in TBOUND. omegaContradiction.
+(* incr *)
+  intros. eapply me_incr0; eauto. rewrite <- OTHER; eauto. 
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. unfold block in *; omega.
+(* bounds *)
+  intros. rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc_other _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). eauto.
+  exploit me_bounded0; eauto.
+(** [match_env] and external calls *)
+Remark inject_incr_separated_same:
+  forall f1 f2 m1 m1',
+  inject_incr f1 f2 -> inject_separated f1 f2 m1 m1' ->
+  forall b, Mem.valid_block m1 b -> f2 b = f1 b.
+  intros. case_eq (f1 b).
+  intros [b' delta] EQ. apply H; auto. 
+  intros EQ. case_eq (f2 b).
+  intros [b'1 delta1] EQ1. exploit H0; eauto. intros [C D]. contradiction.
+  auto.
+Remark inject_incr_separated_same':
+  forall f1 f2 m1 m1',
+  inject_incr f1 f2 -> inject_separated f1 f2 m1 m1' ->
+  forall b b' delta,
+  f2 b = Some(b', delta) -> Mem.valid_block m1' b' -> f1 b = Some(b', delta).
+  intros. case_eq (f1 b).
+  intros [b'1 delta1] EQ. exploit H; eauto. congruence.
+  intros. exploit H0; eauto. intros [C D]. contradiction.
+Lemma match_env_external_call:
+  forall f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo hi m2 f2 m1',
+  match_env f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
+  mem_unchanged_on (loc_unmapped f1) m1 m2 ->
+  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
+  inject_separated f1 f2 m1 m1' ->
+  (forall b, Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.bounds m2 b = Mem.bounds m1 b) ->
+  hi <= Mem.nextblock m1 -> sp < Mem.nextblock m1' ->
+  match_env f2 cenv e m2 te sp lo hi.
+  inversion ME. constructor; auto.
+(* vars *)
+  intros. geninv (me_vars0 id); try (econstructor; eauto; fail).
+    (* local *)
+    econstructor.
+    eauto.
+    apply UNCHANGED2; eauto.
+    rewrite <- H3. eapply inject_incr_separated_same; eauto.
+    red. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. omega. 
+    eauto. eauto.
+(* inv *)
+  intros. apply me_inv0 with delta. eapply inject_incr_separated_same'; eauto.
+(* incr *)
+  intros.
+  exploit inject_incr_separated_same; eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := b). red; omega. intros. 
+  apply me_incr0 with b delta. congruence. auto.
+(* bounds *)
+  intros. rewrite BOUNDS; eauto. 
+  red. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. omega.
+(** * Invariant on abstract call stacks  *)
+(** Call stacks represent abstractly the execution state of the current
+  Csharpminor and Cminor functions, as well as the states of the
+  calling functions.  A call stack is a list of frames, each frame
+  collecting information on the current execution state of a Csharpminor
+  function and its Cminor translation. *)
+Inductive frame : Type :=
+  Frame(cenv: compilenv)
+       (tf: Cminor.function)
+       (e: Csharpminor.env)
+       (te: Cminor.env)
+       (sp: block)
+       (lo hi: Z).
+Definition callstack : Type := list frame.
+(** Matching of call stacks imply:
+- matching of environments for each of the frames
+- matching of the global environments
+- separation conditions over the memory blocks allocated for C#minor local variables;
+- separation conditions over the memory blocks allocated for Cminor stack data;
+- freeable permissions on the parts of the Cminor stack data blocks
+  that are not images of C#minor local variable blocks.
+Definition padding_freeable (f: meminj) (m: mem) (tm: mem) (sp: block) (sz: Z) : Prop :=
+  forall ofs, 
+  0 <= ofs < sz ->
+  Mem.perm tm sp ofs Freeable
+  \/ exists b, exists delta, 
+       f b = Some(sp, delta) 
+       /\ Mem.low_bound m b + delta <= ofs < Mem.high_bound m b + delta.
+Inductive match_callstack (f: meminj) (m: mem) (tm: mem):
+                          callstack -> Z -> Z -> Prop :=
+  | mcs_nil:
+      forall bound tbound,
+      match_globalenvs f ->
+      match_callstack f m tm nil bound tbound 
+  | mcs_cons:
+      forall cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound
+        (BOUND: hi <= bound)
+        (TBOUND: sp < tbound)
+        (MENV: match_env f cenv e m te sp lo hi)
+        (PERM: padding_freeable f m tm sp tf.(fn_stackspace))
+        (MCS: match_callstack f m tm cs lo sp),
+      match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound.
+(** [match_callstack] implies [match_globalenvs]. *)
+Lemma match_callstack_match_globalenvs:
+  forall f m tm cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f m tm cs bound tbound ->
+  match_globalenvs f.
+  induction 1; eauto.
+(** We now show invariance properties for [match_callstack] that
+    generalize those for [match_env]. *)
+Lemma padding_freeable_invariant:
+  forall f1 m1 tm1 sp sz cenv e te lo hi f2 m2 tm2,
+  padding_freeable f1 m1 tm1 sp sz ->
+  match_env f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
+  (forall ofs, Mem.perm tm1 sp ofs Freeable -> Mem.perm tm2 sp ofs Freeable) ->
+  (forall b, b < hi -> Mem.bounds m2 b = Mem.bounds m1 b) ->
+  (forall b, b < hi -> f2 b = f1 b) ->
+  padding_freeable f2 m2 tm2 sp sz.
+  intros; red; intros.
+  exploit H; eauto. intros [A | [b [delta [A B]]]].
+  left; auto. 
+  exploit me_inv; eauto. intros [id [lv C]]. 
+  exploit me_bounded; eauto. intros [D E]. 
+  right; exists b; exists delta. split.
+  rewrite H3; auto. 
+  rewrite H2; auto.
+Lemma match_callstack_store_mapped:
+  forall f m tm chunk b b' delta ofs ofs' v tv m' tm',
+  f b = Some(b', delta) ->
+ chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+ chunk tm b' ofs' tv = Some tm' ->
+  forall cs lo hi,
+  match_callstack f m tm cs lo hi ->
+  match_callstack f m' tm' cs lo hi.
+  induction 4.
+  constructor; auto.
+  constructor; auto. 
+  eapply match_env_store_mapped; eauto. congruence.
+  eapply padding_freeable_invariant; eauto. 
+  intros; eauto with mem.
+  intros. eapply Mem.bounds_store; eauto.
+Lemma match_callstack_storev_mapped:
+  forall f m tm chunk a ta v tv m' tm',
+  val_inject f a ta ->
+  Mem.storev chunk m a v = Some m' ->
+  Mem.storev chunk tm ta tv = Some tm' ->
+  forall cs lo hi,
+  match_callstack f m tm cs lo hi ->
+  match_callstack f m' tm' cs lo hi.
+  intros. destruct a; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
+  inv H. simpl in H1. 
+  eapply match_callstack_store_mapped; eauto. 
+Lemma match_callstack_invariant:
+  forall f m tm cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f m tm cs bound tbound ->
+  forall m' tm',
+  (forall cenv e te sp lo hi,
+    hi <= bound ->
+    match_env f cenv e m te sp lo hi ->
+    match_env f cenv e m' te sp lo hi) ->
+  (forall b,
+    b < bound -> Mem.bounds m' b = Mem.bounds m b) ->
+  (forall b ofs p,
+    b < tbound -> Mem.perm tm b ofs p -> Mem.perm tm' b ofs p) ->
+  match_callstack f m' tm' cs bound tbound.
+  induction 1; intros.
+  constructor; auto.
+  constructor; auto.
+  eapply padding_freeable_invariant; eauto. 
+  intros. apply H1. omega.
   eapply IHmatch_callstack; eauto. 
-  inversion H1. omega.
+  intros. eapply H0; eauto. inv MENV; omega.
+  intros. apply H1; auto. inv MENV; omega. 
+  intros. apply H2; auto. omega. 
 Lemma match_callstack_store_local:
-  forall f cenv e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound m1 m2 id b chunk v tv,
+  forall f cenv e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound m1 m2 tm tf id b chunk v tv,
   e!id = Some(b, Vscalar chunk) ->
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
   val_inject f (Val.load_result chunk v) tv ->
-  store chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m1 ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e (PTree.set id tv te) sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m2.
+ chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
+  match_callstack f m1 tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound ->
+  match_callstack f m2 tm (Frame cenv tf e (PTree.set id tv te) sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound.
-  intros. inversion H2. constructor; auto.
+  intros. inv H3. constructor; auto.
   eapply match_env_store_local; eauto.
-  eapply match_callstack_store_above; eauto.
-  inversion H16. 
-  generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H). omega.
+  eapply padding_freeable_invariant; eauto.
+  intros. eapply Mem.bounds_store; eauto.
+  eapply match_callstack_invariant; eauto.
+  intros. apply match_env_invariant with m1; auto.
+  intros. rewrite <- H6. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. 
+  left. inv MENV. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. unfold block in *; omega. 
+  intros. eapply Mem.bounds_store; eauto.
+  intros. eapply Mem.bounds_store; eauto.
 (** A variant of [match_callstack_store_local] where the Cminor environment
@@ -387,436 +884,385 @@ Qed.
   In this case, [match_callstack] is preserved even if no assignment
   takes place on the Cminor side. *)
-Lemma match_env_extensional:
-  forall f cenv e m te1 sp lo hi,
-  match_env f cenv e m te1 sp lo hi ->
-  forall te2,
-  (forall id, te2!id = te1!id) ->
-  match_env f cenv e m te2 sp lo hi.
-  induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro. 
-  inversion H0; econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite H. auto.
 Lemma match_callstack_store_local_unchanged:
-  forall f cenv e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound m1 m2 id b chunk v tv,
+  forall f cenv e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound m1 m2 id b chunk v tv tf tm,
   e!id = Some(b, Vscalar chunk) ->
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
   val_inject f (Val.load_result chunk v) tv ->
-  store chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
+ chunk m1 b 0 v = Some m2 ->
   te!id = Some tv ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m1 ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m2.
+  match_callstack f m1 tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound ->
+  match_callstack f m2 tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound.
-  intros. inversion H3. constructor; auto.
-  apply match_env_extensional with (PTree.set id tv te).
-  eapply match_env_store_local; eauto.
+  intros. exploit match_callstack_store_local; eauto. intro MCS.
+  inv MCS. constructor; auto. eapply match_env_extensional; eauto. 
   intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
   case (peq id0 id); intros. congruence. auto.
-  eapply match_callstack_store_above; eauto.
-  inversion H17. 
-  generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H). omega.
-(** Preservation of [match_callstack] by freeing all blocks allocated
-  for local variables at function entry (on the Csharpminor side). *)
 Lemma match_callstack_incr_bound:
-  forall f cs bound tbound m,
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m ->
-  forall bound' tbound',
+  forall f m tm cs bound tbound bound' tbound',
+  match_callstack f m tm cs bound tbound ->
   bound <= bound' -> tbound <= tbound' ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound' tbound' m.
+  match_callstack f m tm cs bound' tbound'.
   intros. inversion H; constructor; auto. omega. omega.
-Lemma load_freelist:
-  forall fbl chunk m b ofs,
-  (forall b', In b' fbl -> b' <> b) -> 
-  load chunk (free_list m fbl) b ofs = load chunk m b ofs.
-  induction fbl; simpl; intros.
-  auto.
-  rewrite load_free. apply IHfbl. 
-  intros. apply H. tauto.
-  apply sym_not_equal. apply H. tauto.
-Lemma match_env_freelist:
-  forall f cenv e m te sp lo hi fbl,
-  match_env f cenv e m te sp lo hi ->
-  (forall b, In b fbl -> hi <= b) ->
-  match_env f cenv e (free_list m fbl) te sp lo hi.
-  intros. inversion H. econstructor; eauto.
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro. 
-  inversion H1; econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite <- H4. apply load_freelist. 
-  intros. generalize (H0 _ H8); intro. 
-  generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H3). unfold block; omega.
-Lemma match_callstack_freelist_rec:
-  forall f cs bound tbound m,
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m ->
-  forall fbl,
-  (forall b, In b fbl -> bound <= b) ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound (free_list m fbl).
-  induction 1; intros; constructor; auto.
-  eapply match_env_freelist; eauto. 
-  intros. generalize (H3 _ H4). omega.
-  apply IHmatch_callstack. intros. 
-  generalize (H3 _ H4). inversion H1. omega. 
-Lemma blocks_of_env_charact:
-  forall b e,
-  In b (blocks_of_env e) <->
-  exists id, exists lv, e!id = Some(b, lv).
-  unfold blocks_of_env.
-  set (f := fun id_b_lv : positive * (block * var_kind) =>
-      let (_, y) := id_b_lv in let (b0, _) := y in b0).
-  intros; split; intros.
-  exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id [b' lv]] [A B]].
-  simpl in A. subst b'. exists id; exists lv. apply PTree.elements_complete. auto.
-  destruct H as [id [lv EQ]].
-  change b with (f (id, (b, lv))). apply List.in_map.
-  apply PTree.elements_correct. auto.
-Lemma match_callstack_freelist:
-  forall f cenv e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound m tm,
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound (free_list m (blocks_of_env e))
-  /\ mem_inject f (free_list m (blocks_of_env e)) (free tm sp).
-  intros. inv H0. inv H14. split.
-  apply match_callstack_incr_bound with lo sp.
-  apply match_callstack_freelist_rec. auto.
-  intros. rewrite blocks_of_env_charact in H0. 
-  destruct H0 as [id [lv EQ]]. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. omega.
-  omega. omega.
-  apply Mem.free_inject; auto.
-  intros. rewrite blocks_of_env_charact. eauto.
-(** Preservation of [match_callstack] when allocating a block for
-  a local variable on the Csharpminor side.  *)
+(** Preservation of [match_callstack] by freeing all blocks allocated
+  for local variables at function entry (on the Csharpminor side)
+  and simultaneously freeing the Cminor stack data block. *)
-Lemma load_from_alloc_is_undef:
-  forall m1 chunk m2 b,
-  alloc m1 0 (size_chunk chunk) = (m2, b) ->
-  load chunk m2 b 0 = Some Vundef.
+Lemma in_blocks_of_env:
+  forall e id b lv,
+  e!id = Some(b, lv) -> In (b, 0, sizeof lv) (blocks_of_env e).
-  intros.
-  assert (exists v, load chunk m2 b 0 = Some v).
-    apply valid_access_load.
-    eapply valid_access_alloc_same; eauto. omega. omega. apply Zdivide_0.
-  destruct H0 as [v LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq. 
-  eapply load_alloc_same; eauto.
+  unfold blocks_of_env; intros. 
+  change (b, 0, sizeof lv) with (block_of_binding (id, (b, lv))).
+  apply List.in_map. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto.
-Lemma match_env_alloc_same:
-  forall m1 lv m2 b info f1 cenv1 e1 te sp lo id data tv,
-  alloc m1 0 (sizeof lv) = (m2, b) ->
-  match info with
-    | Var_local chunk => data = None /\ lv = Vscalar chunk
-    | Var_stack_scalar chunk pos => data = Some(sp, pos) /\ lv = Vscalar chunk
-    | Var_stack_array pos => data = Some(sp, pos) /\ exists sz, lv = Varray sz
-    | Var_global_scalar chunk => False
-    | Var_global_array => False
-  end ->
-  match_env f1 cenv1 e1 m1 te sp lo m1.(nextblock) ->
-  te!id = Some tv ->
-  e1!id = None ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b data f1 in
-  let cenv2 := PMap.set id info cenv1 in
-  let e2 := PTree.set id (b, lv) e1 in
-  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_env f2 cenv2 e2 m2 te sp lo m2.(nextblock).
+Lemma in_blocks_of_env_inv:
+  forall b lo hi e,
+  In (b, lo, hi) (blocks_of_env e) ->
+  exists id, exists lv, e!id = Some(b, lv) /\ lo = 0 /\ hi = sizeof lv.
-  intros. 
-  assert (b = m1.(nextblock)).
-    injection H; intros. auto.
-  assert (m2.(nextblock) = Zsucc m1.(nextblock)).
-    injection H; intros. rewrite <- H7; reflexivity.
-  inversion H1. constructor.
-  (* me_vars *)
-  intros id0. unfold cenv2. rewrite PMap.gsspec. case (peq id0 id); intros.
-    (* same var *)
-    subst id0. destruct info.
-      (* info = Var_local chunk *)
-      elim H0; intros.
-      apply match_var_local with b Vundef tv.
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gss. congruence.
-      eapply load_from_alloc_is_undef; eauto. 
-      rewrite H8 in H. unfold sizeof in H. eauto.
-      unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block. rewrite zeq_true. auto.
-      auto.
-      constructor.
-      (* info = Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs *)
-      elim H0; intros.
-      apply match_var_stack_scalar with b. 
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gss. congruence.
-      eapply val_inject_ptr. 
-      unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block. rewrite zeq_true. eauto.
-      rewrite Int.add_commut. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.
-      (* info = Var_stack_array z *)
-      elim H0; intros A [sz B].
-      apply match_var_stack_array with sz b.
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gss. congruence.
-      eapply val_inject_ptr. 
-      unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block. rewrite zeq_true. eauto.
-      rewrite Int.add_commut. rewrite Int.add_zero. auto.
-      (* info = Var_global *)
-      contradiction.
-      contradiction.
-    (* other vars *)
-    generalize (me_vars0 id0); intros.
-    inversion H7.
-    eapply match_var_local with (v := v); eauto.
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
-      eapply load_alloc_other; eauto. 
-      unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block; rewrite zeq_false; auto.
-      generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H9). unfold block in *; omega.
-    econstructor; eauto.
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
-    econstructor; eauto. 
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. 
-    econstructor; eauto.
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gso; eauto.
-    econstructor; eauto. 
-      unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gso; eauto. 
-  (* lo <= hi *)
-  unfold block in *; omega.
-  (* me_bounded *)
-  intros until lv0. unfold e2; rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
-  case (peq id0 id); intros.
-  subst id0. inversion H7. subst b0. unfold block in *; omega. 
-  generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H7). rewrite H6. omega.
-  (* me_inj *)
-  intros until lv2. unfold e2; repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec.
-  case (peq id1 id); case (peq id2 id); intros.
-  congruence.
-  inversion H7. subst b1. rewrite H5. 
-    generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H8). unfold block; omega.
-  inversion H8. subst b2. rewrite H5.
-    generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H7). unfold block; omega.
-  eauto.
-  (* me_inv *)
-  intros until delta. unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block.
-  case (zeq b0 b); intros.
-  subst b0. exists id; exists lv. unfold e2. apply PTree.gss.
-  exploit me_inv0; eauto. intros [id' [lv' EQ]].
-  exists id'; exists lv'. unfold e2. rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
-  congruence.
-  (* me_incr *)
-  intros until delta. unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block.
-  case (zeq b0 b); intros.
-  subst b0. unfold block in *; omegaContradiction.
-  eauto.
+  unfold blocks_of_env; intros. 
+  exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id [b' lv]] [A B]].
+  unfold block_of_binding in A. inv A. 
+  exists id; exists lv; intuition. apply PTree.elements_complete. auto.
-Lemma match_env_alloc_other:
-  forall f1 cenv e m1 m2 te sp lo hi chunk b data,
-  alloc m1 0 (sizeof chunk) = (m2, b) ->
-  match data with None => True | Some (b', delta') => sp < b' end ->
-  hi <= m1.(nextblock) ->
-  match_env f1 cenv e m1 te sp lo hi ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b data f1 in
-  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_env f2 cenv e m2 te sp lo hi.
+Lemma free_list_perm:
+  forall l m m',
+  Mem.free_list m l = Some m' ->
+  forall b ofs p,
+  Mem.perm m' b ofs p -> Mem.perm m b ofs p.
-  intros. 
-  assert (b = m1.(nextblock)). injection H; auto.
-  rewrite <- H4 in H1.
-  inversion H2. constructor; auto.
-  (* me_vars *)
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro. 
-  inversion H5.
-  eapply match_var_local with (v := v); eauto.
-    eapply load_alloc_other; eauto.
-    unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block. rewrite zeq_false. auto.
-    generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H7). unfold block in *; omega.
-  econstructor; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto.
-  econstructor; eauto.
-  (* me_bounded *)
-  intros until delta. unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block.
-  case (zeq b0 b); intros. rewrite H5 in H0. omegaContradiction.
-  eauto.
-  (* me_incr *)
-  intros until delta. unfold f2, extend_inject, eq_block.
-  case (zeq b0 b); intros. subst b0. omegaContradiction.
-  eauto.
+  induction l; simpl; intros. 
+  inv H; auto.
+  revert H. destruct a as [[b' lo'] hi'].
+  caseEq ( m b' lo' hi'); try congruence.
+  intros m1 FREE1 FREE2.
+  eauto with mem. 
-Lemma match_callstack_alloc_other:
-  forall f1 cs bound tbound m1,
-  match_callstack f1 cs bound tbound m1 ->
-  forall lv m2 b data,
-  alloc m1 0 (sizeof lv) = (m2, b) ->
-  match data with None => True | Some (b', delta') => tbound <= b' end ->
-  bound <= m1.(nextblock) ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b data f1 in
+Lemma match_callstack_freelist:
+  forall f cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs m m' tm,
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
+  Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  exists tm',
+ tm sp 0 tf.(fn_stackspace) = Some tm'
+  /\ match_callstack f m' tm' cs (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm')
+  /\ Mem.inject f m' tm'.
+  intros until tm; intros INJ FREELIST MCS. inv MCS. inv MENV.
+  assert ({tm' | tm sp 0 (fn_stackspace tf) = Some tm'}).
+  apply Mem.range_perm_free.
+  red; intros.
+  exploit PERM; eauto. intros [A | [b [delta [A B]]]].
+  auto.
+  exploit me_inv0; eauto. intros [id [lv C]]. 
+  exploit me_bounds0; eauto. intro D. rewrite D in B; simpl in B.
+  assert (Mem.range_perm m b 0 (sizeof lv) Freeable). 
+  eapply free_list_freeable; eauto. eapply in_blocks_of_env; eauto.
+  replace ofs with ((ofs - delta) + delta) by omega. 
+  eapply Mem.perm_inject; eauto. apply H0. omega. 
+  destruct X as  [tm' FREE].
+  exploit nextblock_freelist; eauto. intro NEXT.
+  exploit Mem.nextblock_free; eauto. intro NEXT'.
+  exists tm'. split. auto. split.
+  rewrite NEXT; rewrite NEXT'.
+  apply match_callstack_incr_bound with lo sp; try omega.
+  apply match_callstack_invariant with m tm; auto.
+  intros. apply match_env_invariant with m; auto.
+  intros. rewrite <- H2. eapply load_freelist; eauto. 
+  intros. exploit in_blocks_of_env_inv; eauto. 
+  intros [id [lv [A [B C]]]]. 
+  exploit me_bounded0; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  intros. eapply bounds_freelist; eauto.
+  intros. eapply bounds_freelist; eauto.
+  intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+  eapply Mem.free_inject; eauto.
+  intros. exploit me_inv0; eauto. intros [id [lv A]]. 
+  exists 0; exists (sizeof lv); split.
+  eapply in_blocks_of_env; eauto.
+  exploit me_bounds0; eauto. intro B. 
+  exploit Mem.perm_in_bounds; eauto. rewrite B; simpl. auto.
+(** Preservation of [match_callstack] by allocations. *)
+Lemma match_callstack_alloc_below:
+  forall f1 m1 tm sz m2 b f2,
+  Mem.alloc m1 0 sz = (m2, b) ->
   inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_callstack f2 cs bound tbound m2.
+  (forall b', b' <> b -> f2 b' = f1 b') ->
+  forall cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f1 m1 tm cs bound tbound ->
+  bound <= b ->
+  match f2 b with None => True | Some(b',ofs) => tbound <= b' end ->
+  match_callstack f2 m2 tm cs bound tbound.
-  induction 1; intros.
+  induction 4; intros.
-    inversion H. constructor. 
-    intros. auto.
-    intros. elim (mg_symbols0 _ _ H4); intros.
-    split; auto. elim (H3 b0); intros; congruence.
-    intros. generalize (mg_functions0 _ H4). elim (H3 b0); congruence.
-  constructor. auto. auto. 
-  unfold f2; eapply match_env_alloc_other; eauto. 
-  destruct data; auto. destruct p. omega. omega. 
-  unfold f2; eapply IHmatch_callstack; eauto. 
-  destruct data; auto. destruct p. omega. 
-  inversion H1; omega.
+  inv H2. constructor. 
+  intros. exploit mg_symbols0; eauto. intros [A B]. auto. 
+  intros. rewrite H1; auto. 
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. 
+  generalize (Mem.nextblock_pos m1).
+  unfold block; omega.
+  constructor; auto.
+  eapply match_env_alloc_other; eauto. omega. destruct (f2 b); auto. destruct p; omega.
+  eapply padding_freeable_invariant; eauto. 
+  intros. eapply Mem.bounds_alloc_other; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  intros. apply H1. unfold block; omega.
+  apply IHmatch_callstack. 
+  inv MENV; omega. 
+  destruct (f2 b); auto. destruct p; omega. 
 Lemma match_callstack_alloc_left:
-  forall m1 lv m2 b info f1 cenv1 e1 te sp lo id data cs tv tbound,
-  alloc m1 0 (sizeof lv) = (m2, b) ->
-  match info with
-    | Var_local chunk => data = None /\ lv = Vscalar chunk
-    | Var_stack_scalar chunk pos => data = Some(sp, pos) /\ lv = Vscalar chunk
-    | Var_stack_array pos => data = Some(sp, pos) /\ exists sz, lv = Varray sz
-    | Var_global_scalar chunk => False
-    | Var_global_array => False
-  end ->
-  match_callstack f1 (mkframe cenv1 e1 te sp lo m1.(nextblock) :: cs) m1.(nextblock) tbound m1 ->
-  te!id = Some tv ->
-  e1!id = None ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b data f1 in
-  let cenv2 := PMap.set id info cenv1 in
-  let e2 := PTree.set id (b, lv) e1 in
+  forall f1 m1 tm cenv tf e te sp lo cs lv m2 b f2 info id tv,
+  match_callstack f1 m1 tm
+    (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m1) :: cs)
+    (Mem.nextblock m1) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  Mem.alloc m1 0 (sizeof lv) = (m2, b) ->
   inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_callstack f2 (mkframe cenv2 e2 te sp lo m2.(nextblock) :: cs) m2.(nextblock) tbound m2.
-  intros. inversion H1. constructor. omega. auto.
-  unfold f2, cenv2, e2. eapply match_env_alloc_same; eauto.
-  unfold f2; eapply match_callstack_alloc_other; eauto. 
-  destruct info.
-  elim H0; intros. rewrite H20. auto.
-  elim H0; intros. rewrite H20. omega.
-  elim H0; intros. rewrite H20. omega.
-  contradiction.
-  contradiction.
-  inversion H18; omega. 
+  alloc_condition info lv sp (f2 b) ->
+  (forall b', b' <> b -> f2 b' = f1 b') ->
+  te!id = Some tv ->
+  e!id = None ->
+  match_callstack f2 m2 tm
+    (Frame (PMap.set id info cenv) tf (PTree.set id (b, lv) e) te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m2) :: cs)
+    (Mem.nextblock m2) (Mem.nextblock tm).
+  intros until tv; intros MCS ALLOC INCR ACOND OTHER TE E.
+  inv MCS. 
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro RESULT.
+  exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. intro NEXT.
+  constructor.
+  omega. auto. 
+  eapply match_env_alloc_same; eauto.
+  eapply padding_freeable_invariant; eauto. 
+  intros. eapply Mem.bounds_alloc_other; eauto. unfold block in *; omega.
+  intros. apply OTHER. unfold block in *; omega. 
+  eapply match_callstack_alloc_below; eauto.
+  inv MENV. unfold block in *; omega.
+  inv ACOND. auto. omega. omega.
 Lemma match_callstack_alloc_right:
-  forall f cs bound tm1 m tm2 lo hi b,
-  alloc tm1 lo hi = (tm2, b) ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound tm1.(nextblock) m ->
-  match_callstack f cs bound tm2.(nextblock) m.
-  intros. eapply match_callstack_incr_bound; eauto. omega.
-  injection H; intros. rewrite <- H2; simpl. omega.
-Lemma match_env_alloc:
-  forall m1 l h m2 b tm1 tm2 tb f1 ce e te sp lo hi,
-  alloc m1 l h = (m2, b) ->
-  alloc tm1 l h = (tm2, tb) ->
-  match_env f1 ce e m1 te sp lo hi ->
-  hi <= m1.(nextblock) ->
-  sp < tm1.(nextblock) ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b (Some(tb, 0)) f1 in
-  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_env f2 ce e m2 te sp lo hi.
+  forall f m tm cs tf sp tm' te,
+  match_callstack f m tm cs (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  Mem.alloc tm 0 tf.(fn_stackspace) = (tm', sp) ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
+  match_callstack f m tm'
+    (Frame gce tf empty_env te sp (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m) :: cs)
+    (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm').
+  intros.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro RES.
+  exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto. intro NEXT.
+  constructor. omega. unfold block in *; omega.
+(* match env *) 
+  constructor.
+(* vars *)
+  intros. generalize (global_compilenv_charact id); intro. 
+  destruct (gce!!id); try contradiction. 
+  constructor. apply PTree.gempty. auto.
+  constructor. apply PTree.gempty. 
+(* low high *)
+  omega.
+(* bounded *)
+  intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H2. congruence.
+(* inj *)
+  intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H2. congruence.
+(* inv *)
-  assert (BEQ: b = m1.(nextblock)). injection H; auto.
-  assert (TBEQ: tb = tm1.(nextblock)). injection H0; auto.
-  inversion H1. constructor; auto.
-  (* me_vars *)
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro. inversion H5.
-    (* var_local *)
-    eapply match_var_local with (v := v); eauto.
-    eapply load_alloc_other; eauto. 
-    generalize (me_bounded0 _ _ _ H7). intro. 
-    unfold f2, extend_inject. case (zeq b0 b); intro. 
-    subst b0. rewrite BEQ in H12. omegaContradiction. 
-    auto.
-    (* var_stack_scalar *)
-    econstructor; eauto.
-    (* var_stack_array *)
-    econstructor; eauto.
-    (* var_global_scalar *)
-    econstructor; eauto.
-    (* var_global_array *)
-    econstructor; eauto.
-  (* me_bounded *)
-  intros until delta. unfold f2, extend_inject. case (zeq b0 b); intro.
-  intro. injection H5; clear H5; intros. 
-  rewrite H6 in TBEQ. rewrite TBEQ in H3. omegaContradiction.
-  eauto.
-  (* me_inj *)
-  intros until delta. unfold f2, extend_inject. case (zeq b0 b); intros.
-  injection H5; clear H5; intros; subst b0 tb0 delta.
-  rewrite BEQ in H6. omegaContradiction. 
-  eauto.
-Lemma match_callstack_alloc_rec:
-  forall f1 cs bound tbound m1,
-  match_callstack f1 cs bound tbound m1 ->
-  forall l h m2 b tm1 tm2 tb,
-  alloc m1 l h = (m2, b) ->
-  alloc tm1 l h = (tm2, tb) ->
-  bound <= m1.(nextblock) ->
-  tbound <= tm1.(nextblock) ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b (Some(tb, 0)) f1 in
-  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_callstack f2 cs bound tbound m2.
+  assert (sp <> sp). apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with tm.
+  eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto. eauto with mem. 
+  tauto.
+(* incr *)
+  intros. rewrite RES. change (Mem.valid_block tm tb).
+  eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
+(* bounds *)
+  unfold empty_env; intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H2. congruence.
+(* padding freeable *)
+  red; intros. left. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto. 
+(* previous call stack *)
+  rewrite RES. apply match_callstack_invariant with m tm; auto.
+  intros. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_1; eauto. 
+(** Decidability of the predicate "this is not a padding location" *)
+Definition is_reachable (f: meminj) (m: mem) (sp: block) (ofs: Z) : Prop :=
+  exists b, exists delta, 
+  f b = Some(sp, delta)
+  /\ Mem.low_bound m b + delta <= ofs < Mem.high_bound m b + delta.
+Lemma is_reachable_dec:
+  forall f cenv e m te sp lo hi ofs,
+  match_env f cenv e m te sp lo hi ->
+  {is_reachable f m sp ofs} + {~is_reachable f m sp ofs}.
-  induction 1; intros.
-  constructor. 
-    inversion H. constructor.
-    intros. elim (mg_symbols0 _ _ H5); intros.
-    split; auto. elim (H4 b0); intros; congruence.
-    intros. generalize (mg_functions0 _ H5). elim (H4 b0); congruence.
-  constructor. auto. auto. 
-  unfold f2. eapply match_env_alloc; eauto. omega. omega. 
-  unfold f2; eapply IHmatch_callstack; eauto.
-  inversion H1; omega.
-  omega.
-Lemma match_callstack_alloc:
-  forall f1 cs m1 tm1 l h m2 b tm2 tb,
-  match_callstack f1 cs m1.(nextblock) tm1.(nextblock) m1 ->
-  alloc m1 l h = (m2, b) ->
-  alloc tm1 l h = (tm2, tb) ->
-  let f2 := extend_inject b (Some(tb, 0)) f1 in
+  intros.
+  set (P := fun (b: block) =>
+       match f b with
+       | None => False
+       | Some(b', delta) =>
+           b' = sp /\ Mem.low_bound m b + delta <= ofs < Mem.high_bound m b + delta
+       end).
+  assert ({forall b, Intv.In b (lo, hi) -> ~P b} + {exists b, Intv.In b (lo, hi) /\ P b}).
+  apply Intv.forall_dec. intro b. unfold P. 
+  destruct (f b) as [[b' delta] | ]. 
+  destruct (eq_block b' sp).
+  destruct (zle (Mem.low_bound m b + delta) ofs).
+  destruct (zlt ofs (Mem.high_bound m b + delta)).
+  right; auto.
+  left; intuition.
+  left; intuition.
+  left; intuition.
+  left; intuition.
+  inv H. destruct H0.
+  right; red; intros [b [delta [A [B C]]]].
+  elim (n b). 
+  exploit me_inv0; eauto. intros [id [lv D]]. exploit me_bounded0; eauto. 
+  red. rewrite A. auto. 
+  left. destruct e0 as [b [A B]]. red in B; revert B.
+  case_eq (f b). intros [b' delta] EQ [C [D E]]. subst b'. 
+  exists b; exists delta. auto. 
+  tauto. 
+(** Preservation of [match_callstack] by external calls. *)
+Lemma match_callstack_external_call:
+  forall f1 f2 m1 m2 m1' m2',
+  mem_unchanged_on (loc_unmapped f1) m1 m2 ->
+  mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_reach f1 m1) m1' m2' ->
   inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  match_callstack f2 cs m2.(nextblock) tm2.(nextblock) m2.
+  inject_separated f1 f2 m1 m1' ->
+  (forall b, Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.bounds m2 b = Mem.bounds m1 b) ->
+  forall cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f1 m1 m1' cs bound tbound ->
+  bound <= Mem.nextblock m1 -> tbound <= Mem.nextblock m1' ->
+  match_callstack f2 m2 m2' cs bound tbound.
+  intros until m2'. 
+  induction 1; intros; constructor.
+(* base case *)
+  constructor; intros. 
+  exploit mg_symbols; eauto. intros [A B]. auto.
+  replace (f2 b) with (f1 b). eapply mg_functions; eauto.
+  symmetry. eapply inject_incr_separated_same; eauto. 
+  red. generalize (Mem.nextblock_pos m1); omega.
+(* inductive case *)
+  auto. auto. 
+  eapply match_env_external_call; eauto. omega. omega. 
+  (* padding-freeable *)
+  red; intros.
+  destruct (is_reachable_dec _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofs MENV).
+  destruct i as [b [delta [A B]]].
+  right; exists b; exists delta; split.
+  apply INCR; auto. rewrite BOUNDS. auto. 
+  exploit me_inv; eauto. intros [id [lv C]].
+  exploit me_bounded; eauto. intros. red; omega.
+  exploit PERM; eauto. intros [A|A]; try contradiction. left.
+  apply OUTOFREACH1; auto. red; intros. 
+  assert ((ofs < Mem.low_bound m1 b0 + delta \/ ofs >= Mem.high_bound m1 b0 + delta)
+          \/ Mem.low_bound m1 b0 + delta <= ofs < Mem.high_bound m1 b0 + delta)
+  by omega. destruct H4; auto.
+  elim n. exists b0; exists delta; auto.
+  (* induction *)
+  eapply IHmatch_callstack; eauto. inv MENV; omega. omega.
+Remark external_call_nextblock_incr:
+  forall ef vargs m1 t vres m2,
+  external_call ef vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+  Mem.nextblock m1 <= Mem.nextblock m2.
-  intros. unfold f2 in *. 
-  apply match_callstack_incr_bound with m1.(nextblock) tm1.(nextblock).
-  eapply match_callstack_alloc_rec; eauto. omega. omega. 
-  injection H0; intros; subst m2; simpl; omega. 
-  injection H1; intros; subst tm2; simpl; omega. 
+  intros. 
+  generalize (external_call_valid_block _ _ _ _ _ _ (Mem.nextblock m1 - 1) H).
+  unfold Mem.valid_block. omega. 
-(** [match_callstack] implies [match_globalenvs]. *)
+(** * Soundness of chunk and type inference. *)
-Lemma match_callstack_match_globalenvs:
-  forall f cs bound tbound m,
-  match_callstack f cs bound tbound m ->
-  match_globalenvs f.
+Lemma load_normalized:
+  forall chunk m b ofs v,
+  Mem.load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> val_normalized v chunk.
-  induction 1; eauto.
+  intros. 
+  exploit Mem.load_type; eauto. intro TY.
+  exploit Mem.load_cast; eauto. intro CST.
+  red. destruct chunk; destruct v; simpl in *; auto; contradiction.
+Lemma chunktype_expr_correct:
+  forall f m tm cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound ->
+  forall a v,
+  Csharpminor.eval_expr gve e m a v ->
+  forall chunk (CTE: chunktype_expr cenv a = OK chunk),
+  val_normalized v chunk.
+  intros until tbound; intro MCS. induction 1; intros; try (monadInv CTE).
+(* var *)
+  assert (chunk0 = chunk).
+    unfold chunktype_expr in CTE. 
+    inv MCS. inv MENV. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro MV.
+    inv MV; rewrite <- H1 in CTE; monadInv CTE; inv H; try congruence.
+    unfold gve in H6. simpl in H6. congruence.
+  subst chunk0.
+  inv H; exploit load_normalized; eauto. unfold val_normalized; auto.
+(* const *)
+  eapply chunktype_const_correct; eauto.
+(* unop *)
+  eapply chunktype_unop_correct; eauto.
+(* binop *)
+  eapply chunktype_binop_correct; eauto.
+(* load *)
+  destruct v1; simpl in H0; try discriminate. 
+  eapply load_normalized; eauto.
+(* cond *)
+  eapply chunktype_merge_correct; eauto. 
+  destruct vb1; eauto.
+Lemma type_expr_correct:
+  forall f m tm cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound ->
+  forall a v ty,
+  Csharpminor.eval_expr gve e m a v ->
+  type_expr cenv a = OK ty ->
+  Val.has_type v ty.
+  intros. monadInv H1. apply val_normalized_has_type. 
+  eapply chunktype_expr_correct; eauto.
+Lemma type_exprlist_correct:
+  forall f m tm cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs bound tbound,
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound ->
+  forall al vl tyl,
+  Csharpminor.eval_exprlist gve e m al vl ->
+  type_exprlist cenv al = OK tyl ->
+  Val.has_type_list vl tyl.
+  intros. monadInv H1. 
+  generalize al vl H0 tyl H2. induction 1; intros.
+  inv H3. simpl. auto.
+  inv H5. simpl. split.
+  eapply type_expr_correct; eauto.
+  auto.
 (** * Correctness of Cminor construction functions *)
@@ -910,7 +1356,7 @@ Lemma eval_binop_compat:
   Csharpminor.eval_binop op v1 v2 m = Some v ->
   val_inject f v1 tv1 ->
   val_inject f v2 tv2 ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   exists tv,
      Cminor.eval_binop op tv1 tv2 = Some tv
   /\ val_inject f v tv.
@@ -924,8 +1370,8 @@ Proof.
     destruct (eq_block b1 b0); inv H4. 
     assert (b3 = b2) by congruence. subst b3. 
     unfold eq_block; rewrite zeq_true. TrivialOp.
-    replace x0 with x by congruence. decEq. decEq. 
-    apply Int.sub_shifted.
+    replace delta0 with delta by congruence.
+    decEq. decEq. apply Int.sub_shifted.
   inv H0; try discriminate; inv H1; inv H; TrivialOp.
   inv H0; try discriminate; inv H1; inv H; TrivialOp.
     destruct (Int.eq i0; inv H1. TrivialOp.
@@ -952,28 +1398,28 @@ Proof.
     exists v; split; auto. eapply val_inject_eval_compare_null; eauto.
     exists v; split; auto. eapply val_inject_eval_compare_null; eauto.
   (* cmp ptr ptr *)
-  caseEq (valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1) && valid_pointer m b0 (Int.signed ofs0)); 
+  caseEq (Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1) && Mem.valid_pointer m b0 (Int.signed ofs0)); 
   intro EQ; rewrite EQ in H4; try discriminate.
   elim (andb_prop _ _ EQ); intros.
   destruct (eq_block b1 b0); inv H4.
   (* same blocks in source *)
   assert (b3 = b2) by congruence. subst b3.
-  assert (x0 = x) by congruence. subst x0.
+  assert (delta0 = delta) by congruence. subst delta0.
   exists (Val.of_bool (Int.cmp c ofs1 ofs0)); split.
   unfold eq_block; rewrite zeq_true; simpl.
   decEq. decEq. rewrite Int.translate_cmp. auto. 
-  eapply valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto.
-  eapply valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto.
+  eapply Mem.valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto.
+  eapply Mem.valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto.
   apply val_inject_val_of_bool.
   (* different blocks in source *)
   simpl. exists v; split; [idtac | eapply val_inject_eval_compare_mismatch; eauto].
   destruct (eq_block b2 b3); auto.
-  exploit different_pointers_inject; eauto. intros [A|A]. 
+  exploit Mem.different_pointers_inject; eauto. intros [A|A]. 
   decEq. destruct c; simpl in H6; inv H6; unfold Int.cmp.
-  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x)) (Int.add ofs0 (Int.repr x0)).
+  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) (Int.add ofs0 (Int.repr delta0)).
   congruence. auto.
-  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x)) (Int.add ofs0 (Int.repr x0)).
+  predSpec Int.eq Int.eq_spec (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) (Int.add ofs0 (Int.repr delta0)).
   congruence. auto.
   (* cmpu *)
   inv H0; try discriminate; inv H1; inv H; TrivialOp.
@@ -1038,6 +1484,29 @@ Qed.
 (** Correctness of [make_store]. *)
+Inductive val_content_inject (f: meminj): memory_chunk -> val -> val -> Prop :=
+  | val_content_inject_8_signed:
+      forall n,
+      val_content_inject f Mint8signed (Vint (Int.sign_ext 8 n)) (Vint n)
+  | val_content_inject_8_unsigned:
+      forall n,
+      val_content_inject f Mint8unsigned (Vint (Int.zero_ext 8 n)) (Vint n)
+  | val_content_inject_16_signed:
+      forall n,
+      val_content_inject f Mint16signed (Vint (Int.sign_ext 16 n)) (Vint n)
+  | val_content_inject_16_unsigned:
+      forall n,
+      val_content_inject f Mint16unsigned (Vint (Int.zero_ext 16 n)) (Vint n)
+  | val_content_inject_32:
+      forall n,
+      val_content_inject f Mfloat32 (Vfloat (Float.singleoffloat n)) (Vfloat n)
+  | val_content_inject_base:
+      forall chunk v1 v2,
+      val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+      val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2.
+Hint Resolve val_content_inject_base.
 Lemma store_arg_content_inject:
   forall f sp te tm a v va chunk,
   eval_expr tge sp te tm a va ->
@@ -1056,12 +1525,30 @@ Proof.
   destruct chunk; trivial;
   inv H; simpl in H6; inv H6;
   econstructor; (split; [eauto|idtac]);
-  destruct v1; simpl in H0; inv H0; try (constructor; constructor).
-  apply val_content_inject_8. auto. apply Int.zero_ext_idem. compute; auto.
-  apply val_content_inject_8; auto. apply Int.zero_ext_sign_ext. compute; auto.
-  apply val_content_inject_16; auto. apply Int.zero_ext_idem. compute; auto.
-  apply val_content_inject_16; auto. apply Int.zero_ext_sign_ext. compute; auto.
-  apply val_content_inject_32. apply Float.singleoffloat_idem. 
+  destruct v1; simpl in H0; inv H0; constructor; constructor.
+Lemma storev_mapped_inject':
+  forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2,
+  Mem.inject f m1 m2 ->
+  Mem.storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 ->
+  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
+  val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 ->
+  exists n2,
+    Mem.storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ Mem.inject f n1 n2.
+  intros.
+  assert (forall v1',
+    (forall b ofs, chunk m1 b ofs v1 = chunk m1 b ofs v1') ->
+    Mem.storev chunk m1 a1 v1' = Some n1).
+  intros. rewrite <- H0. destruct a1; simpl; auto. 
+  inv H2; (eapply Mem.storev_mapped_inject; [eauto|idtac|eauto|eauto]);
+  auto; apply H3; intros.
+  apply Mem.store_int8_sign_ext.
+  apply Mem.store_int8_zero_ext.
+  apply Mem.store_int16_sign_ext.
+  apply Mem.store_int16_zero_ext.
+  apply Mem.store_float32_truncate.
 Lemma make_store_correct:
@@ -1069,69 +1556,63 @@ Lemma make_store_correct:
   eval_expr tge sp te tm addr tvaddr ->
   eval_expr tge sp te tm rhs tvrhs ->
   Mem.storev chunk m vaddr vrhs = Some m' ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   val_inject f vaddr tvaddr ->
   val_inject f vrhs tvrhs ->
-  exists tm',
+  exists tm', exists tvrhs',
   step tge (State fn (make_store chunk addr rhs) k sp te tm)
         E0 (State fn Sskip k sp te tm')
-  /\ mem_inject f m' tm'
-  /\ nextblock tm' = nextblock tm.
+  /\ Mem.storev chunk tm tvaddr tvrhs' = Some tm'
+  /\ Mem.inject f m' tm'.
   intros. unfold make_store.
   exploit store_arg_content_inject. eexact H0. eauto. 
   intros [tv [EVAL VCINJ]].
-  exploit storev_mapped_inject_1; eauto.
+  exploit storev_mapped_inject'; eauto.
   intros [tm' [STORE MEMINJ]].
-  exists tm'.
-  split. eapply step_store; eauto. 
-  split. auto.
-  unfold storev in STORE; destruct tvaddr; try discriminate.
-  eapply nextblock_store; eauto.
+  exists tm'; exists tv.
+  split. eapply step_store; eauto.
+  auto.
 (** Correctness of the variable accessors [var_get], [var_addr],
   and [var_set]. *)
 Lemma var_get_correct:
-  forall cenv id a f e te sp lo hi m cs tm b chunk v,
+  forall cenv id a f tf e te sp lo hi m cs tm b chunk v,
   var_get cenv id = OK a ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   eval_var_ref gve e id b chunk ->
-  load chunk m b 0 = Some v ->
+  Mem.load chunk m b 0 = Some v ->
   exists tv,
     eval_expr tge (Vptr sp te tm a tv /\
     val_inject f v tv.
   unfold var_get; intros.
-  assert (match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id).
-    inversion H0. inversion H17. auto.
-  inversion H4; subst; rewrite <- H5 in H; inversion H; subst.
+  assert (match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id). inv H0. inv MENV. auto.
+  inv H4; rewrite <- H5 in H; inv H; inv H2; try congruence.
   (* var_local *)
-  inversion H2; [subst|congruence].
   exists v'; split.
-  apply eval_Evar. auto. 
-  replace v with v0. auto. congruence.
+  apply eval_Evar. auto.
+  congruence.
   (* var_stack_scalar *)
-  inversion H2; [subst|congruence].
   assert (b0 = b). congruence. subst b0.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk). congruence. subst chunk0.
-  exploit loadv_inject; eauto.
-    unfold loadv. eexact H3. 
+  exploit Mem.loadv_inject; eauto.
+    unfold Mem.loadv. eexact H3. 
   intros [tv [LOAD INJ]].
   exists tv; split. 
   eapply eval_Eload; eauto. eapply make_stackaddr_correct; eauto.
   (* var_global_scalar *)
-  inversion H2; [congruence|subst]. simpl in H9; simpl in H10. 
+  simpl in *.
   assert (match_globalenvs f). eapply match_callstack_match_globalenvs; eauto.
-  inversion H11. destruct (mg_symbols0 _ _ H9) as [A B].
+  inv H2. exploit mg_symbols0; eauto. intros [A B].
   assert (chunk0 = chunk). congruence. subst chunk0.
-  assert (loadv chunk m (Vptr b = Some v). assumption.
   assert (val_inject f (Vptr b (Vptr b
-    econstructor; eauto. 
-  generalize (loadv_inject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 H12 H13).
+    econstructor; eauto.
+  exploit Mem.loadv_inject; eauto. simpl. eauto.   
   intros [tv [LOAD INJ]].
   exists tv; split. 
   eapply eval_Eload; eauto. eapply make_globaladdr_correct; eauto.
@@ -1139,8 +1620,8 @@ Proof.
 Lemma var_addr_correct:
-  forall cenv id a f e te sp lo hi m cs tm b,
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
+  forall cenv id a f tf e te sp lo hi m cs tm b,
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
   var_addr cenv id = OK a ->
   eval_var_addr gve e id b ->
   exists tv,
@@ -1149,201 +1630,188 @@ Lemma var_addr_correct:
   unfold var_addr; intros.
   assert (match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id).
-    inversion H. inversion H15. auto.
-  inversion H2; subst; rewrite <- H3 in H0; inversion H0; subst; clear H0.
+    inv H. inv MENV. auto. 
+  inv H2; rewrite <- H3 in H0; inv H0; inv H1; try congruence.
   (* var_stack_scalar *)
-  inversion H1; [subst|congruence]. 
   exists (Vptr sp (Int.repr ofs)); split.
-  eapply make_stackaddr_correct.
-  replace b with b0. auto. congruence.
+  eapply make_stackaddr_correct. congruence. 
   (* var_stack_array *)
-  inversion H1; [subst|congruence]. 
   exists (Vptr sp (Int.repr ofs)); split.
-  eapply make_stackaddr_correct.
-  replace b with b0. auto. congruence.
+  eapply make_stackaddr_correct. congruence.
   (* var_global_scalar *)
-  inversion H1; [congruence|subst].
   assert (match_globalenvs f). eapply match_callstack_match_globalenvs; eauto.
-  inversion H7. destruct (mg_symbols0 _ _ H6) as [A B].
+  inv H1. exploit mg_symbols0; eauto. intros [A B].
   exists (Vptr b; split.
   eapply make_globaladdr_correct. eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. 
   (* var_global_array *)
-  inversion H1; [congruence|subst].
   assert (match_globalenvs f). eapply match_callstack_match_globalenvs; eauto.
-  inversion H6. destruct (mg_symbols0 _ _ H5) as [A B].
+  inv H1. exploit mg_symbols0; eauto. intros [A B].
   exists (Vptr b; split.
   eapply make_globaladdr_correct. eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. 
 Lemma var_set_correct:
-  forall cenv id rhs a f e te sp lo hi m cs tm tv v m' fn k,
-  var_set cenv id rhs = OK a ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
+  forall cenv id rhs rhs_chunk a f tf e te sp lo hi m cs tm tv v m' fn k,
+  var_set cenv id rhs rhs_chunk = OK a ->
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
   eval_expr tge (Vptr sp te tm rhs tv ->
   val_inject f v tv ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   exec_assign gve e m id v m' ->
+  val_normalized v rhs_chunk ->
   exists te', exists tm',
     step tge (State fn a k (Vptr sp te tm)
           E0 (State fn Sskip k (Vptr sp te' tm') /\
-    mem_inject f m' tm' /\
-    match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te' sp lo hi :: cs) m'.(nextblock) tm'.(nextblock) m' /\
+    Mem.inject f m' tm' /\
+    match_callstack f m' tm' (Frame cenv tf e te' sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm') /\
     (forall id', id' <> id -> te'!id' = te!id').
-  unfold var_set; intros.
-  inv H4. 
-  assert (NEXTBLOCK: nextblock m' = nextblock m).
-    eapply nextblock_store; eauto.
-  inversion H0; subst.
-  assert (match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id). inversion H19; auto.
-  inv H4; rewrite <- H7 in H; inv H.
+  intros until k. 
+  unfold var_set in VS. inv ASG. 
+  assert (NEXTBLOCK: Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m).
+    eapply Mem.nextblock_store; eauto.
+  assert (MV: match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id).
+    inv MCS. inv MENV. auto. 
+  inv MV; rewrite <- H1 in VS; inv VS; inv H; try congruence.
   (* var_local *)
-  inversion H5; [subst|congruence]. 
   assert (b0 = b) by congruence. subst b0.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst chunk0.
+  generalize H8; clear H8. case_eq (chunktype_compat rhs_chunk chunk).
+    (* compatible chunks *)
+  intros CCOMPAT EQ; inv EQ.
+  exploit chunktype_compat_correct; eauto. intro VNORM'.
+  exists (PTree.set id tv te); exists tm.
+  split. eapply step_assign. eauto. 
+  split. eapply Mem.store_unmapped_inject; eauto. 
+  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. eapply match_callstack_store_local; eauto.
+  eapply val_normalized_has_type; eauto. red in VNORM'. congruence. 
+  intros. apply PTree.gso; auto.
+    (* incompatible chunks but same type *)
+  intros. destruct (typ_eq (type_of_chunk chunk) (type_of_chunk rhs_chunk)); inv H8.
   exploit make_cast_correct; eauto.  
-  intros [tv' [EVAL INJ]].
+  intros [tv' [EVAL' INJ']].
   exists (PTree.set id tv' te); exists tm.
   split. eapply step_assign. eauto. 
-  split. eapply store_unmapped_inject; eauto. 
+  split. eapply Mem.store_unmapped_inject; eauto. 
   split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. eapply match_callstack_store_local; eauto.
+  rewrite e0. eapply val_normalized_has_type; eauto. 
   intros. apply PTree.gso; auto.
   (* var_stack_scalar *)
-  inversion H5; [subst|congruence].
   assert (b0 = b) by congruence. subst b0.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst chunk0.
-  assert (storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
+  assert (Mem.storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
   exploit make_store_correct.
     eapply make_stackaddr_correct.
     eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
-  intros [tm' [EVAL [MEMINJ TNEXTBLOCK]]].
+  intros [tm' [tvrhs' [EVAL' [STORE' MEMINJ]]]].
   exists te; exists tm'.
   split. eauto. split. auto.  
-  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK; rewrite TNEXTBLOCK.
-  eapply match_callstack_mapped; eauto. 
-  inversion H9; congruence.
+  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. rewrite (nextblock_storev _ _ _ _ _ STORE'). 
+  eapply match_callstack_storev_mapped; eauto.
   (* var_global_scalar *)
-  inversion H5; [congruence|subst]. simpl in H4; simpl in H10. 
+  simpl in *.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst chunk0.  
-  assert (storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
+  assert (Mem.storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
   assert (match_globalenvs f). eapply match_callstack_match_globalenvs; eauto.
-  inversion H12. destruct (mg_symbols0 _ _ H4) as [A B].
+  exploit mg_symbols; eauto. intros [A B].
   exploit make_store_correct.
     eapply make_globaladdr_correct; eauto.
-    eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
-  intros [tm' [EVAL [MEMINJ TNEXTBLOCK]]].
+    eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+  intros [tm' [tvrhs' [EVAL' [STORE' TNEXTBLOCK]]]].
   exists te; exists tm'.
   split. eauto. split. auto. 
-  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK; rewrite TNEXTBLOCK.
-  eapply match_callstack_mapped; eauto. congruence.
+  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. rewrite (nextblock_storev _ _ _ _ _ STORE'). 
+  eapply match_callstack_store_mapped; eauto.
-Lemma match_env_extensional':
-  forall f cenv e m te1 sp lo hi,
-  match_env f cenv e m te1 sp lo hi ->
-  forall te2,
-  (forall id, 
-     match cenv!!id with
-     | Var_local _ => te2!id = te1!id
-     | _ => True
-     end) ->
-  match_env f cenv e m te2 sp lo hi.
-  induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
-  intros. generalize (me_vars0 id); intro. 
-  inversion H0; econstructor; eauto.
-  generalize (H id). rewrite <- H1. congruence. 
 Lemma match_callstack_extensional:
-  forall f cenv e te1 te2 sp lo hi cs bound tbound m,
-  (forall id, 
-     match cenv!!id with
-     | Var_local _ => te2!id = te1!id
-     | _ => True
-     end) ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te1 sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te2 sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound m.
+  forall f cenv tf e te1 te2 sp lo hi cs bound tbound m tm,
+  (forall id chunk, cenv!!id = Var_local chunk -> te2!id = te1!id) ->
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te1 sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound ->
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te2 sp lo hi :: cs) bound tbound.
   intros. inv H0. constructor; auto. 
-  apply match_env_extensional' with te1; auto.
+  apply match_env_extensional with te1; auto.
 Lemma var_set_self_correct:
-  forall cenv id a f e te sp lo hi m cs tm tv v m' fn k,
-  var_set cenv id (Evar id) = OK a ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs) m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
+  forall cenv id ty a f tf e te sp lo hi m cs tm tv te' v m' fn k,
+  var_set_self cenv id ty = OK a ->
+  match_callstack f m tm (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
   val_inject f v tv ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   exec_assign gve e m id v m' ->
-  exists te', exists tm',
-    step tge (State fn a k (Vptr sp (PTree.set id tv te) tm)
-          E0 (State fn Sskip k (Vptr sp te' tm') /\
-    mem_inject f m' tm' /\
-    match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te' sp lo hi :: cs) m'.(nextblock) tm'.(nextblock) m'.
-  unfold var_set; intros.
-  inv H3. 
-  assert (NEXTBLOCK: nextblock m' = nextblock m).
-    eapply nextblock_store; eauto.
-  inversion H0; subst.
-  assert (EVAR: eval_expr tge (Vptr sp (PTree.set id tv te) tm (Evar id) tv).
-    constructor. apply PTree.gss.
-  assert (match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id). inversion H18; auto.
-  inv H3; rewrite <- H6 in H; inv H.
+  Val.has_type v ty ->
+  te'!id = Some tv ->
+  (forall i, i <> id -> te'!i = te!i) ->
+  exists te'', exists tm',
+    step tge (State fn a k (Vptr sp te' tm)
+          E0 (State fn Sskip k (Vptr sp te'' tm') /\
+    Mem.inject f m' tm' /\
+    match_callstack f m' tm' (Frame cenv tf e te'' sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm') /\
+    (forall id', id' <> id -> te''!id' = te'!id').
+  intros until k. 
+  unfold var_set_self in VS. inv ASG. 
+  assert (NEXTBLOCK: Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m).
+    eapply Mem.nextblock_store; eauto.
+  assert (MV: match_var f id e m te sp cenv!!id).
+    inv MCS. inv MENV. auto.
+  assert (EVAR: eval_expr tge (Vptr sp te' tm (Evar id) tv).
+    constructor. auto.
+  inv MV; rewrite <- H1 in VS; inv VS; inv H; try congruence.
   (* var_local *)
-  inversion H4; [subst|congruence]. 
   assert (b0 = b) by congruence. subst b0.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst chunk0.
-  exploit make_cast_correct; eauto. 
-  intros [tv' [EVAL INJ]].
-  exists (PTree.set id tv' (PTree.set id tv te)); exists tm.
+  destruct (typ_eq (type_of_chunk chunk) ty); inv H8.
+  exploit make_cast_correct; eauto.  
+  intros [tv' [EVAL' INJ']].
+  exists (PTree.set id tv' te'); exists tm.
   split. eapply step_assign. eauto. 
-  split. eapply store_unmapped_inject; eauto. 
-  rewrite NEXTBLOCK.
+  split. eapply Mem.store_unmapped_inject; eauto. 
+  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. 
   apply match_callstack_extensional with (PTree.set id tv' te).
-  intros. destruct (cenv!!id0); auto. 
-  repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id); auto. 
+  intros. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id); auto. 
   eapply match_callstack_store_local; eauto.
+  intros; apply PTree.gso; auto.
   (* var_stack_scalar *)
-  inversion H4; [subst|congruence].
   assert (b0 = b) by congruence. subst b0.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst chunk0.
-  assert (storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
+  assert (Mem.storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
   exploit make_store_correct.
     eapply make_stackaddr_correct.
     eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
-  intros [tm' [EVAL [MEMINJ TNEXTBLOCK]]].
-  exists (PTree.set id tv te); exists tm'.
+  intros [tm' [tvrhs' [EVAL' [STORE' MEMINJ]]]].
+  exists te'; exists tm'.
   split. eauto. split. auto.  
-  rewrite NEXTBLOCK; rewrite TNEXTBLOCK.
+  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. rewrite (nextblock_storev _ _ _ _ _ STORE'). 
   apply match_callstack_extensional with te.
-  intros. caseEq (cenv!!id0); intros; auto.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id). congruence. auto.
-  eapply match_callstack_mapped; eauto. 
-  inversion H8; congruence.
+  intros. apply OTHERS. congruence.
+  eapply match_callstack_storev_mapped; eauto.
+  auto.
   (* var_global_scalar *)
-  inversion H4; [congruence|subst]. simpl in H3; simpl in H9.
+  simpl in *.
   assert (chunk0 = chunk) by congruence. subst chunk0.  
-  assert (storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
+  assert (Mem.storev chunk m (Vptr b v = Some m'). assumption.
   assert (match_globalenvs f). eapply match_callstack_match_globalenvs; eauto.
-  inversion H11. destruct (mg_symbols0 _ _ H3) as [A B].
+  exploit mg_symbols; eauto. intros [A B].
   exploit make_store_correct.
     eapply make_globaladdr_correct; eauto.
-    eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
-  intros [tm' [EVAL [MEMINJ TNEXTBLOCK]]].
-  exists (PTree.set id tv te); exists tm'.
+    eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+  intros [tm' [tvrhs' [EVAL' [STORE' MEMINJ]]]].
+  exists te'; exists tm'.
   split. eauto. split. auto. 
-  rewrite NEXTBLOCK; rewrite TNEXTBLOCK.
+  split. rewrite NEXTBLOCK. rewrite (nextblock_storev _ _ _ _ _ STORE'). 
   apply match_callstack_extensional with te.
-  intros. caseEq (cenv!!id0); intros; auto.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id). congruence. auto.
-  eapply match_callstack_mapped; eauto. congruence.
+  intros. apply OTHERS. congruence.
+  eapply match_callstack_store_mapped; eauto.
+  auto.
 (** * Correctness of stack allocation of local variables *)
@@ -1361,26 +1829,38 @@ Proof.
   destruct (zlt sz 8); omega.
-Remark assign_variables_incr:
-  forall atk vars cenv sz cenv' sz',
-  assign_variables atk vars (cenv, sz) = (cenv', sz') -> sz <= sz'.
+Remark assign_variable_incr:
+  forall atk id lv cenv sz cenv' sz',
+  assign_variable atk (id, lv) (cenv, sz) = (cenv', sz') -> sz <= sz'.
-  induction vars; intros until sz'; simpl.
-  intro. replace sz' with sz. omega. congruence.
-  destruct a. destruct v. case (Identset.mem i atk); intros.
-  generalize (IHvars _ _ _ _ H). 
-  generalize (size_chunk_pos m). intro.
-  generalize (align_le sz (size_chunk m) H0). omega.
-  eauto.
-  intro. generalize (IHvars _ _ _ _ H).
+  intros until sz'; simpl.
+  destruct lv. case (Identset.mem id atk); intros.
+  inv H.  generalize (size_chunk_pos m). intro.
+  generalize (align_le sz (size_chunk m) H). omega.
+  inv H. omega.
+  intros. inv H. 
   generalize (align_le sz (array_alignment z) (array_alignment_pos z)).
   assert (0 <= Zmax 0 z). apply Zmax_bound_l. omega.
+Remark assign_variables_incr:
+  forall atk vars cenv sz cenv' sz',
+  assign_variables atk vars (cenv, sz) = (cenv', sz') -> sz <= sz'.
+  induction vars; intros until sz'.
+  simpl; intros. replace sz' with sz. omega. congruence.
+Opaque assign_variable.
+  destruct a as [id lv]. simpl. 
+  case_eq (assign_variable atk (id, lv) (cenv, sz)). intros cenv1 sz1 EQ1 EQ2.
+  apply Zle_trans with sz1. eapply assign_variable_incr; eauto. eauto.
+Transparent assign_variable.
 Remark inj_offset_aligned_array:
   forall stacksize sz,
-  inj_offset_aligned (align stacksize (array_alignment sz)) sz.
+  Mem.inj_offset_aligned (align stacksize (array_alignment sz)) sz.
   intros; red; intros.
   apply Zdivides_trans with (array_alignment sz).
@@ -1402,7 +1882,7 @@ Qed.
 Remark inj_offset_aligned_array':
   forall stacksize sz,
-  inj_offset_aligned (align stacksize (array_alignment sz)) (Zmax 0 sz).
+  Mem.inj_offset_aligned (align stacksize (array_alignment sz)) (Zmax 0 sz).
   replace (array_alignment sz) with (array_alignment (Zmax 0 sz)).
@@ -1413,7 +1893,7 @@ Qed.
 Remark inj_offset_aligned_var:
   forall stacksize chunk,
-  inj_offset_aligned (align stacksize (size_chunk chunk)) (size_chunk chunk).
+  Mem.inj_offset_aligned (align stacksize (size_chunk chunk)) (size_chunk chunk).
   replace (align stacksize (size_chunk chunk))
@@ -1422,31 +1902,127 @@ Proof.
   decEq. destruct chunk; reflexivity.
+Lemma match_callstack_alloc_variable:
+  forall atk id lv cenv sz cenv' sz' tm sp e tf m m' b te lo cs f tv,
+  assign_variable atk (id, lv) (cenv, sz) = (cenv', sz') ->
+  Mem.valid_block tm sp ->
+  Mem.bounds tm sp = (0, tf.(fn_stackspace)) ->
+  Mem.range_perm tm sp 0 tf.(fn_stackspace) Freeable ->
+  tf.(fn_stackspace) <= Int.max_signed ->
+  Mem.alloc m 0 (sizeof lv) = (m', b) ->
+  match_callstack f m tm 
+                  (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m) :: cs)
+                  (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
+  0 <= sz -> sz' <= tf.(fn_stackspace) ->
+  (forall b delta, f b = Some(sp, delta) -> Mem.high_bound m b + delta <= sz) ->
+  e!id = None ->
+  te!id = Some tv ->
+  exists f',
+     inject_incr f f'
+  /\ Mem.inject f' m' tm
+  /\ match_callstack f' m' tm
+                     (Frame cenv' tf (PTree.set id (b, lv) e) te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m') :: cs)
+                     (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm)
+  /\ (forall b delta,
+      f' b = Some(sp, delta) -> Mem.high_bound m' b + delta <= sz').
+  generalize ASV. unfold assign_variable. 
+  caseEq lv.
+  (* 1. lv = LVscalar chunk *)
+  intros chunk LV. case (Identset.mem id atk).
+  (* 1.1 info = Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs *)
+    set (ofs := align sz (size_chunk chunk)).
+    intro EQ; injection EQ; intros; clear EQ. rewrite <- H0.
+    generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); intro SIZEPOS.
+    generalize (align_le sz (size_chunk chunk) SIZEPOS). fold ofs. intro SZOFS.
+    exploit Mem.alloc_left_mapped_inject.
+      eauto. eauto. eauto. 
+      instantiate (1 := ofs). 
+      generalize Int.min_signed_neg. omega.
+      right; rewrite BOUNDS; simpl. generalize Int.min_signed_neg. omega.
+      intros. apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+      apply PERMS. rewrite LV in H1. simpl in H1. omega.
+      rewrite LV; simpl. rewrite Zminus_0_r. unfold ofs. 
+      apply inj_offset_aligned_var.
+      intros. generalize (RANGE _ _ H1). omega. 
+    intros [f1 [MINJ1 [INCR1 [SAME OTHER]]]].
+    exists f1; split. auto. split. auto. split. 
+    eapply match_callstack_alloc_left; eauto.
+    rewrite <- LV; auto. 
+    rewrite SAME; constructor.
+    intros. rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). 
+    destruct (eq_block b0 b); simpl.
+    subst b0. assert (delta = ofs) by congruence. subst delta.  
+    rewrite LV. simpl. omega.
+    rewrite OTHER in H1; eauto. generalize (RANGE _ _ H1). omega. 
+  (* 1.2 info = Var_local chunk *)
+    intro EQ; injection EQ; intros; clear EQ. subst sz'. rewrite <- H0.
+    exploit Mem.alloc_left_unmapped_inject; eauto.
+    intros [f1 [MINJ1 [INCR1 [SAME OTHER]]]].
+    exists f1; split. auto. split. auto. split.
+    eapply match_callstack_alloc_left; eauto. 
+    rewrite <- LV; auto.
+    rewrite SAME; constructor.
+    intros. rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). 
+    destruct (eq_block b0 b); simpl.
+    subst b0. congruence.
+    rewrite OTHER in H; eauto.
+  (* 2 info = Var_stack_array ofs *)
+  intros dim LV EQ. injection EQ; clear EQ; intros. rewrite <- H0.
+  assert (0 <= Zmax 0 dim). apply Zmax1. 
+  generalize (align_le sz (array_alignment dim) (array_alignment_pos dim)). intro.
+  set (ofs := align sz (array_alignment dim)) in *.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_left_mapped_inject. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
+    instantiate (1 := ofs). 
+    generalize Int.min_signed_neg. omega.
+    right; rewrite BOUNDS; simpl. generalize Int.min_signed_neg. omega.
+    intros. apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+    apply PERMS. rewrite LV in H3. simpl in H3. omega.
+    rewrite LV; simpl. rewrite Zminus_0_r. unfold ofs. 
+    apply inj_offset_aligned_array'.
+    intros. generalize (RANGE _ _ H3). omega. 
+  intros [f1 [MINJ1 [INCR1 [SAME OTHER]]]].
+  exists f1; split. auto. split. auto. split. 
+  eapply match_callstack_alloc_left; eauto.
+  rewrite <- LV; auto. 
+  rewrite SAME; constructor.
+  intros. rewrite (Mem.bounds_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). 
+  destruct (eq_block b0 b); simpl.
+  subst b0. assert (delta = ofs) by congruence. subst delta. 
+  rewrite LV. simpl. omega.
+  rewrite OTHER in H3; eauto. generalize (RANGE _ _ H3). omega. 
 Lemma match_callstack_alloc_variables_rec:
-  forall tm sp cenv' sz' te lo cs atk,
-  valid_block tm sp ->
-  low_bound tm sp = 0 ->
-  high_bound tm sp = sz' ->
-  sz' <= Int.max_signed ->
+  forall tm sp cenv' tf te lo cs atk,
+  Mem.valid_block tm sp ->
+  Mem.bounds tm sp = (0, tf.(fn_stackspace)) ->
+  Mem.range_perm tm sp 0 tf.(fn_stackspace) Freeable ->
+  tf.(fn_stackspace) <= Int.max_signed ->
   forall e m vars e' m',
   alloc_variables e m vars e' m' ->
   forall f cenv sz,
-  assign_variables atk vars (cenv, sz) = (cenv', sz') ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te sp lo m.(nextblock) :: cs)
-                    m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  assign_variables atk vars (cenv, sz) = (cenv', tf.(fn_stackspace)) ->
+  match_callstack f m tm 
+                  (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m) :: cs)
+                  (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   0 <= sz ->
-  (forall b delta, f b = Some(sp, delta) -> high_bound m b + delta <= sz) ->
+  (forall b delta,
+     f b = Some(sp, delta) -> Mem.high_bound m b + delta <= sz) ->
   (forall id lv, In (id, lv) vars -> te!id <> None) ->
   list_norepet ( (@fst ident var_kind) vars) ->
   (forall id lv, In (id, lv) vars -> e!id = None) ->
   exists f',
      inject_incr f f'
-  /\ mem_inject f' m' tm
-  /\ match_callstack f' (mkframe cenv' e' te sp lo m'.(nextblock) :: cs)
-                        m'.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m'.
+  /\ Mem.inject f' m' tm
+  /\ match_callstack f' m' tm
+                     (Frame cenv' tf e' te sp lo (Mem.nextblock m') :: cs)
+                     (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm).
-  intros until atk. intros VB LB HB NOOV.
+  intros until atk. intros VALID BOUNDS PERM NOOV.
   induction 1.
   (* base case *)
   intros. simpl in H. inversion H; subst cenv sz.
@@ -1462,81 +2038,18 @@ Proof.
   assert (exists tv, te!id = Some tv).
     assert (te!id <> None). eapply DEFINED. simpl; left; auto.
     destruct (te!id). exists v; auto. congruence.
-  elim H1; intros tv TEID; clear H1.
-  assert (UNDEFINED1: forall (id0 : ident) (lv0 : var_kind),
-            In (id0, lv0) vars ->
-            (PTree.set id (b1, lv) e)!id0 = None).
-    intros. rewrite PTree.gso. eapply UNDEFINED; eauto with coqlib.
-    simpl in NOREPET. inversion NOREPET. red; intro; subst id0.
-    elim H4. change id with (fst (id, lv0)). apply List.in_map. auto.
-  assert (NOREPET1: list_norepet (map (fst (A:=ident) (B:=var_kind)) vars)).
-    inv NOREPET; auto.
-  generalize ASV1. unfold assign_variable.
-  caseEq lv.
-  (* 1. lv = LVscalar chunk *)
-  intros chunk LV. case (Identset.mem id atk).
-  (* 1.1 info = Var_stack_scalar chunk ... *)
-    set (ofs := align sz (size_chunk chunk)).
-    intro EQ; injection EQ; intros; clear EQ.
-    set (f1 := extend_inject b1 (Some (sp, ofs)) f).
-    generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); intro SIZEPOS.
-    generalize (align_le sz (size_chunk chunk) SIZEPOS). fold ofs. intro SZOFS.
-    assert (mem_inject f1 m1 tm /\ inject_incr f f1).
-      assert (Int.min_signed < 0). compute; auto.
-      generalize (assign_variables_incr _ _ _ _ _ _ ASVS). intro.
-      unfold f1; eapply alloc_mapped_inject; eauto.
-      omega. omega. omega. omega. unfold sizeof; rewrite LV. omega.
-      rewrite Zminus_0_r. unfold ofs. rewrite LV. simpl. 
-      apply inj_offset_aligned_var. 
-      intros. left. generalize (BOUND _ _ H5). omega. 
-    elim H3; intros MINJ1 INCR1; clear H3.
-    exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto.
-      unfold f1; rewrite <- H2; eapply match_callstack_alloc_left; eauto with coqlib.
-      rewrite <- H1. omega.
-      intros until delta; unfold f1, extend_inject, eq_block.
-      rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H b).
-      case (zeq b b1); intros. 
-      inversion H3. unfold sizeof; rewrite LV. omega.
-      generalize (BOUND _ _ H3). omega.
-    intros [f' [INCR2 [MINJ2 MATCH2]]].
-    exists f'; intuition. eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto. 
-  (* 1.2 info = Var_local chunk *)
-    intro EQ; injection EQ; intros; clear EQ. subst sz1.
-    exploit alloc_unmapped_inject; eauto.
-    set (f1 := extend_inject b1 None f). intros [MINJ1 INCR1].
-    exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto.
-      unfold f1; rewrite <- H2; eapply match_callstack_alloc_left; eauto with coqlib.
-      intros until delta; unfold f1, extend_inject, eq_block.
-      rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H b).
-      case (zeq b b1); intros. discriminate.
-      eapply BOUND; eauto.
-    intros [f' [INCR2 [MINJ2 MATCH2]]].
-    exists f'; intuition. eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto. 
-  (* 2. lv = LVarray dim, info = Var_stack_array *)
-  intros dim LV EQ. injection EQ; clear EQ; intros.
-  assert (0 <= Zmax 0 dim). apply Zmax1. 
-  generalize (align_le sz (array_alignment dim) (array_alignment_pos dim)). intro.
-  set (ofs := align sz (array_alignment dim)) in *.
-  set (f1 := extend_inject b1 (Some (sp, ofs)) f).
-  assert (mem_inject f1 m1 tm /\ inject_incr f f1).
-    assert (Int.min_signed < 0). compute; auto.
-    generalize (assign_variables_incr _ _ _ _ _ _ ASVS). intro.
-    unfold f1; eapply alloc_mapped_inject; eauto.
-    omega. omega. omega. omega. unfold sizeof; rewrite LV. omega.
-    rewrite Zminus_0_r. unfold ofs. rewrite LV. simpl.
-    apply inj_offset_aligned_array'.
-    intros. left. generalize (BOUND _ _ H7). omega. 
-  destruct H5 as [MINJ1 INCR1].
-  exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto.  
-    unfold f1; rewrite <- H2; eapply match_callstack_alloc_left; eauto with coqlib.
-    rewrite <- H1. omega.
-    intros until delta; unfold f1, extend_inject, eq_block.
-    rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H b).
-    case (zeq b b1); intros. 
-    inversion H5. unfold sizeof; rewrite LV. omega.
-    generalize (BOUND _ _ H5). omega. 
-    intros [f' [INCR2 [MINJ2 MATCH2]]].
-    exists f'; intuition. eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto. 
+  destruct H1 as [tv TEID].
+  assert (sz1 <= fn_stackspace tf). eapply assign_variables_incr; eauto. 
+  exploit match_callstack_alloc_variable; eauto with coqlib.
+  intros [f1 [INCR1 [INJ1 [MCS1 BOUND1]]]].
+  exploit IHalloc_variables; eauto. 
+  apply Zle_trans with sz; auto. eapply assign_variable_incr; eauto.
+  inv NOREPET; auto.
+  intros. rewrite PTree.gso. eapply UNDEFINED; eauto with coqlib.
+  simpl in NOREPET. inversion NOREPET. red; intro; subst id0.
+  elim H5. change id with (fst (id, lv0)). apply List.in_map. auto.
+  intros [f2 [INCR2 [INJ2 MCS2]]].
+  exists f2; intuition. eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto. 
 Lemma set_params_defined:
@@ -1578,56 +2091,32 @@ Qed.
   of Csharpminor local variables and of the Cminor stack data block. *)
 Lemma match_callstack_alloc_variables:
-  forall fn cenv sz m e m' tm tm' sp f cs targs body,
-  build_compilenv gce fn = (cenv, sz) ->
-  sz <= Int.max_signed ->
+  forall fn cenv tf m e m' tm tm' sp f cs targs body,
+  build_compilenv gce fn = (cenv, tf.(fn_stackspace)) ->
+  tf.(fn_stackspace) <= Int.max_signed ->
   list_norepet (fn_params_names fn ++ fn_vars_names fn) ->
   alloc_variables Csharpminor.empty_env m (fn_variables fn) e m' ->
-  Mem.alloc tm 0 sz = (tm', sp) ->
-  match_callstack f cs m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
+  Mem.alloc tm 0 tf.(fn_stackspace) = (tm', sp) ->
+  match_callstack f m tm cs (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   let tvars := make_vars (fn_params_names fn) (fn_vars_names fn) body in
   let te := set_locals tvars (set_params targs (fn_params_names fn)) in
   exists f',
      inject_incr f f'
-  /\ mem_inject f' m' tm'
-  /\ match_callstack f' (mkframe cenv e te sp m.(nextblock) m'.(nextblock) :: cs)
-                        m'.(nextblock) tm'.(nextblock) m'.
+  /\ Mem.inject f' m' tm'
+  /\ match_callstack f' m' tm'
+                     (Frame cenv tf e te sp (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m') :: cs)
+                     (Mem.nextblock m') (Mem.nextblock tm').
-  assert (SP: sp = nextblock tm). injection H3; auto.
   unfold build_compilenv in H. 
-  eapply match_callstack_alloc_variables_rec with (sz' := sz); eauto with mem.
-  eapply low_bound_alloc_same; eauto.
-  eapply high_bound_alloc_same; eauto.
-  (* match_callstack *)
-  constructor. omega. change (valid_block tm' sp). eapply valid_new_block; eauto.
-  constructor. 
-    (* me_vars *)
-    intros. generalize (global_compilenv_charact id).
-    destruct (gce!!id); intro; try contradiction.
-    constructor.
-      unfold Csharpminor.empty_env. apply PTree.gempty. auto.
-    constructor.
-      unfold Csharpminor.empty_env. apply PTree.gempty. 
-    (* me_low_high *)
-    omega.
-    (* me_bounded *)
-    intros until lv. unfold Csharpminor.empty_env. rewrite PTree.gempty. congruence.
-    (* me_inj *)
-    intros until lv2. unfold Csharpminor.empty_env; rewrite PTree.gempty; congruence.
-    (* me_inv *)
-    intros. exploit mi_mappedblocks; eauto. intro A.
-    elim (fresh_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H3 A).
-    (* me_incr *)
-    intros. exploit mi_mappedblocks; eauto. intro A.
-    rewrite SP; auto.
-  rewrite SP; auto.
-  eapply alloc_right_inject; eauto.
-  omega.
-  intros. exploit mi_mappedblocks; eauto. unfold valid_block; intro.
-  unfold block in SP; omegaContradiction.
-  (* defined *)
+  eapply match_callstack_alloc_variables_rec; eauto with mem.
+  eapply Mem.bounds_alloc_same; eauto.
+  red; intros; eauto with mem.
+  eapply match_callstack_alloc_right; eauto.
+  eapply Mem.alloc_right_inject; eauto. omega. 
+  intros. elim (Mem.valid_not_valid_diff tm sp sp); eauto with mem.
+  eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
   intros. unfold te. apply set_locals_params_defined.
   elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H6); intros.
   elim (list_in_map_inv _ _ _ H7). intros x [A B].
@@ -1645,15 +2134,16 @@ Qed.
 (** Correctness of the code generated by [store_parameters]
   to store in memory the values of parameters that are stack-allocated. *)
-Inductive vars_vals_match:
-    meminj -> list (ident * memory_chunk) -> list val -> env -> Prop :=
+Inductive vars_vals_match (f:meminj):
+             list (ident * memory_chunk) -> list val -> env -> Prop :=
   | vars_vals_nil:
-      forall f te,
+      forall te,
       vars_vals_match f nil nil te
   | vars_vals_cons:
-      forall f te id chunk vars v vals tv,
+      forall te id chunk vars v vals tv,
       te!id = Some tv ->
       val_inject f v tv ->
+      Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
       vars_vals_match f vars vals te ->
       vars_vals_match f ((id, chunk) :: vars) (v :: vals) te.
@@ -1666,24 +2156,25 @@ Lemma vars_vals_match_extensional:
   induction 1; intros.
-  econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- H. eapply H2. left. reflexivity.
-  apply IHvars_vals_match. intros. eapply H2; eauto. right. eauto.
+  econstructor; eauto. 
+  rewrite <- H. eauto with coqlib. 
+  apply IHvars_vals_match. intros. eapply H3; eauto with coqlib.
 Lemma store_parameters_correct:
   forall e m1 params vl m2,
   bind_parameters e m1 params vl m2 ->
-  forall s f te1 cenv sp lo hi cs tm1 fn k,
+  forall s f te1 cenv tf sp lo hi cs tm1 fn k,
   vars_vals_match f params vl te1 ->
-  list_norepet ( (@fst ident memory_chunk) params) ->
-  mem_inject f m1 tm1 ->
-  match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te1 sp lo hi :: cs) m1.(nextblock) tm1.(nextblock) m1 ->
+  list_norepet ( param_name params) ->
+  Mem.inject f m1 tm1 ->
+  match_callstack f m1 tm1 (Frame cenv tf e te1 sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m1) (Mem.nextblock tm1) ->
   store_parameters cenv params = OK s ->
   exists te2, exists tm2,
      star step tge (State fn s k (Vptr sp te1 tm1)
                 E0 (State fn Sskip k (Vptr sp te2 tm2)
-  /\ mem_inject f m2 tm2
-  /\ match_callstack f (mkframe cenv e te2 sp lo hi :: cs) m2.(nextblock) tm2.(nextblock) m2.
+  /\ Mem.inject f m2 tm2
+  /\ match_callstack f m2 tm2 (Frame cenv tf e te2 sp lo hi :: cs) (Mem.nextblock m2) (Mem.nextblock tm2).
   induction 1.
   (* base case *)
@@ -1692,17 +2183,15 @@ Proof.
   (* inductive case *)
   intros until k.  intros VVM NOREPET MINJ MATCH STOREP.
   monadInv STOREP.
-  inversion VVM. subst f0 id0 chunk0 vars v vals te.
-  inversion NOREPET. subst hd tl.
-  exploit var_set_correct; eauto.
-    constructor; auto.
-    econstructor; eauto.
-    econstructor; eauto.
+  inv VVM. 
+  inv NOREPET.
+  exploit var_set_self_correct; eauto.
+    econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
   intros [te2 [tm2 [EXEC1 [MINJ1 [MATCH1 UNCHANGED1]]]]].
   assert (vars_vals_match f params vl te2).
     apply vars_vals_match_extensional with te1; auto.
     intros. apply UNCHANGED1. red; intro; subst id0.
-    elim H4. change id with (fst (id, lv)). apply List.in_map. auto.
+    elim H4. change id with (param_name (id, lv)). apply List.in_map. auto.
   exploit IHbind_parameters; eauto.
   intros [te3 [tm3 [EXEC2 [MINJ2 MATCH2]]]].
   exists te3; exists tm3.
@@ -1715,50 +2204,42 @@ Qed.
 Lemma vars_vals_match_holds_1:
   forall f params args targs,
-  list_norepet ( (@fst ident memory_chunk) params) ->
-  List.length params = List.length args ->
+  list_norepet ( param_name params) ->
   val_list_inject f args targs ->
+  Val.has_type_list args ( type_of_chunk ( param_chunk params)) ->
   vars_vals_match f params args
     (set_params targs ( (@fst ident memory_chunk) params)).
-  induction params; destruct args; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
+  induction params; simpl; intros.
+  destruct args; simpl in H1; try contradiction. inv H0.
-  inversion H1. subst v0 vl targs. 
-  inversion H. subst hd tl.
-  destruct a as [id chunk]. econstructor. 
-  simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. reflexivity.
-  auto. 
+  destruct args; simpl in H1; try contradiction. destruct H1. inv H0. inv H.
+  destruct a as [id chunk]; simpl in *. econstructor.
+  rewrite PTree.gss. reflexivity. 
+  auto. auto.
   apply vars_vals_match_extensional
-  with (set_params vl' (map (@fst ident memory_chunk) params)).
+  with (set_params vl' (map param_name params)).
   eapply IHparams; eauto. 
   intros. simpl. apply PTree.gso. red; intro; subst id0.
-  elim H5. change (fst (id, chunk)) with (fst (id, lv)). 
-  apply List.in_map; auto.
+  elim H4. change id with (param_name (id, lv)). apply List.in_map; auto.
 Lemma vars_vals_match_holds:
   forall f params args targs,
-  List.length params = List.length args ->
+  list_norepet ( param_name params) ->
   val_list_inject f args targs ->
+  Val.has_type_list args ( type_of_chunk ( param_chunk params)) ->
   forall vars,
-  list_norepet (vars ++ (@fst ident memory_chunk) params) ->
+  list_norepet (vars ++ param_name params) ->
   vars_vals_match f params args
-    (set_locals vars (set_params targs ( (@fst ident memory_chunk) params))).
+    (set_locals vars (set_params targs ( param_name params))).
   induction vars; simpl; intros.
   eapply vars_vals_match_holds_1; eauto.
-  inversion H1. subst hd tl.
+  inv H2.
   eapply vars_vals_match_extensional; eauto.
-  intros. apply PTree.gso. red; intro; subst id; elim H4.
-  apply in_or_app. right. change a with (fst (a, lv)). apply List.in_map; auto.
-Lemma bind_parameters_length:
-  forall e m1 params args m2,
-  bind_parameters e m1 params args m2 ->
-  List.length params = List.length args.
-  induction 1; simpl; eauto.
+  intros. apply PTree.gso. red; intro; subst id; elim H5.
+  apply in_or_app. right. change a with (param_name (a, lv)). apply List.in_map; auto.
 Remark identset_removelist_charact:
@@ -1815,45 +2296,44 @@ Qed.
   and initialize the blocks corresponding to function parameters). *)
 Lemma function_entry_ok:
-  forall fn m e m1 vargs m2 f cs tm cenv sz tm1 sp tvargs body s fn' k,
+  forall fn m e m1 vargs m2 f cs tm cenv tf tm1 sp tvargs body s fn' k,
+  list_norepet (fn_params_names fn ++ fn_vars_names fn) ->
   alloc_variables empty_env m (fn_variables fn) e m1 ->
   bind_parameters e m1 fn.(Csharpminor.fn_params) vargs m2 ->
-  match_callstack f cs m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m ->
-  build_compilenv gce fn = (cenv, sz) ->
-  sz <= Int.max_signed ->
-  Mem.alloc tm 0 sz = (tm1, sp) ->
+  match_callstack f m tm cs (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm) ->
+  build_compilenv gce fn = (cenv, tf.(fn_stackspace)) ->
+  tf.(fn_stackspace) <= Int.max_signed ->
+  Mem.alloc tm 0 tf.(fn_stackspace) = (tm1, sp) ->
   let vars :=
     make_vars (fn_params_names fn) (fn_vars_names fn) body in
   let te :=
     set_locals vars (set_params tvargs (fn_params_names fn)) in
   val_list_inject f vargs tvargs ->
-  mem_inject f m tm ->
-  list_norepet (fn_params_names fn ++ fn_vars_names fn) ->
+  Val.has_type_list vargs (Csharpminor.fn_sig fn).(sig_args) ->
+  Mem.inject f m tm ->
   store_parameters cenv fn.(Csharpminor.fn_params) = OK s ->
   exists f2, exists te2, exists tm2,
      star step tge (State fn' s k (Vptr sp te tm1)
                 E0 (State fn' Sskip k (Vptr sp te2 tm2)
-  /\ mem_inject f2 m2 tm2
+  /\ Mem.inject f2 m2 tm2
   /\ inject_incr f f2
-  /\ match_callstack f2
-       (mkframe cenv e te2 sp m.(nextblock) m1.(nextblock) :: cs)
-       m2.(nextblock) tm2.(nextblock) m2.
+  /\ match_callstack f2 m2 tm2
+       (Frame cenv tf e te2 sp (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m1) :: cs)
+       (Mem.nextblock m2) (Mem.nextblock tm2).
-  intros. 
-  exploit bind_parameters_length; eauto. intro LEN1.
+  intros.
   exploit match_callstack_alloc_variables; eauto.
   intros [f1 [INCR1 [MINJ1 MATCH1]]].
   exploit vars_vals_match_holds.
-    eauto. apply val_list_inject_incr with f. eauto. eauto.
-    eapply make_vars_norepet. auto. 
+    eapply list_norepet_append_left. eexact H.  
+    apply val_list_inject_incr with f. eauto. eauto.
+    auto. eapply make_vars_norepet. auto. 
   intro VVM.
   exploit store_parameters_correct.
-    eauto. eauto. 
-    unfold fn_params_names in H7. eapply list_norepet_append_left; eauto.
-    eexact MINJ1. fold (fn_params_names fn). eexact MATCH1. eauto. 
+    eauto. eauto. eapply list_norepet_append_left; eauto.
+    eexact MINJ1. fold (fn_params_names fn). eexact MATCH1. eauto.
   intros [te2 [tm2 [EXEC [MINJ2 MATCH2]]]].
-  exists f1; exists te2; exists tm2.
-  split. eauto. auto.
+  exists f1; exists te2; exists tm2. eauto.
 (** * Semantic preservation for the translation *)
@@ -1890,11 +2370,11 @@ Proof.
 Lemma transl_expr_correct:
-  forall f m tm cenv e te sp lo hi cs
-    (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-    (MATCH: match_callstack f
-             (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs)
-             m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m),
+  forall f m tm cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs
+    (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+    (MATCH: match_callstack f m tm
+             (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs)
+             (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm)),
   forall a v,
   Csharpminor.eval_expr gve e m a v ->
   forall ta
@@ -1922,7 +2402,7 @@ Proof.
   exists tv; split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
   (* Eload *)
   exploit IHeval_expr; eauto. intros [tv1 [EVAL1 INJ1]].
-  exploit loadv_inject; eauto. intros [tv [LOAD INJ]].
+  exploit Mem.loadv_inject; eauto. intros [tv [LOAD INJ]].
   exists tv; split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
   (* Econdition *)
   exploit IHeval_expr1; eauto. intros [tv1 [EVAL1 INJ1]].
@@ -1935,11 +2415,11 @@ Proof.
 Lemma transl_exprlist_correct:
-  forall f m tm cenv e te sp lo hi cs
-    (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-    (MATCH: match_callstack f
-             (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs)
-             m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m),
+  forall f m tm cenv tf e te sp lo hi cs
+    (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+    (MATCH: match_callstack f m tm
+             (Frame cenv tf e te sp lo hi :: cs)
+             (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm)),
   forall a v,
   Csharpminor.eval_exprlist gve e m a v ->
   forall ta
@@ -1957,86 +2437,84 @@ Qed.
 (** ** Semantic preservation for statements and functions *)
-Inductive match_cont: Csharpminor.cont -> Cminor.cont -> compilenv -> exit_env -> callstack -> Prop :=
-  | match_Kstop: forall cenv xenv,
-      match_cont Csharpminor.Kstop Kstop cenv xenv nil
-  | match_Kseq: forall s k ts tk cenv xenv cs,
-      transl_stmt cenv xenv s = OK ts ->
-      match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
-      match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq s k) (Kseq ts tk) cenv xenv cs
-  | match_Kseq2: forall s1 s2 k ts1 tk cenv xenv cs,
-      transl_stmt cenv xenv s1 = OK ts1 ->
-      match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq s2 k) tk cenv xenv cs ->
+Inductive match_cont: Csharpminor.cont -> Cminor.cont -> option typ -> compilenv -> exit_env -> callstack -> Prop :=
+  | match_Kstop: forall ty cenv xenv,
+      match_cont Csharpminor.Kstop Kstop ty cenv xenv nil
+  | match_Kseq: forall s k ts tk ty cenv xenv cs,
+      transl_stmt ty cenv xenv s = OK ts ->
+      match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
+      match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq s k) (Kseq ts tk) ty cenv xenv cs
+  | match_Kseq2: forall s1 s2 k ts1 tk ty cenv xenv cs,
+      transl_stmt ty cenv xenv s1 = OK ts1 ->
+      match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq s2 k) tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
       match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq (Csharpminor.Sseq s1 s2) k)
-                 (Kseq ts1 tk) cenv xenv cs
-  | match_Kblock: forall k tk cenv xenv cs,
-      match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
-      match_cont (Csharpminor.Kblock k) (Kblock tk) cenv (true :: xenv) cs
-  | match_Kblock2: forall k tk cenv xenv cs,
-      match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
-      match_cont k (Kblock tk) cenv (false :: xenv) cs
-  | match_Kcall_none: forall fn e k tfn sp te tk cenv xenv lo hi cs sz cenv',
+                 (Kseq ts1 tk) ty cenv xenv cs
+  | match_Kblock: forall k tk ty cenv xenv cs,
+      match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
+      match_cont (Csharpminor.Kblock k) (Kblock tk) ty cenv (true :: xenv) cs
+  | match_Kblock2: forall k tk ty cenv xenv cs,
+      match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
+      match_cont k (Kblock tk) ty cenv (false :: xenv) cs
+  | match_Kcall_none: forall fn e k tfn sp te tk ty cenv xenv lo hi cs sz cenv',
       transl_funbody cenv sz fn = OK tfn ->
-      match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
+      match_cont k tk fn.(fn_return) cenv xenv cs ->
       match_cont (Csharpminor.Kcall None fn e k)
                  (Kcall None tfn (Vptr sp te tk)
-                 cenv' nil
-                 (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs)
-  | match_Kcall_some: forall id fn e k tfn s sp te tk cenv xenv lo hi cs sz cenv',
+                 ty cenv' nil
+                 (Frame cenv tfn e te sp lo hi :: cs)
+  | match_Kcall_some: forall id fn e k tfn s sp te tk ty cenv xenv lo hi cs sz cenv',
       transl_funbody cenv sz fn = OK tfn ->
-      var_set cenv id (Evar id) = OK s ->
-      match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
+      var_set_self cenv id (typ_of_opttyp ty) = OK s ->
+      match_cont k tk fn.(fn_return) cenv xenv cs ->
       match_cont (Csharpminor.Kcall (Some id) fn e k)
                  (Kcall (Some id) tfn (Vptr sp te (Kseq s tk))
-                 cenv' nil
-                 (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs).
+                 ty cenv' nil
+                 (Frame cenv tfn e te sp lo hi :: cs).
 Inductive match_states: Csharpminor.state -> Cminor.state -> Prop :=
   | match_state:
       forall fn s k e m tfn ts tk sp te tm cenv xenv f lo hi cs sz
       (TRF: transl_funbody cenv sz fn = OK tfn)
-      (TR: transl_stmt cenv xenv s = OK ts)
-      (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-      (MCS: match_callstack f
-               (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs)
-               m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m)
-      (MK: match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs),
+      (TR: transl_stmt fn.(fn_return) cenv xenv s = OK ts)
+      (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+      (MCS: match_callstack f m tm
+               (Frame cenv tfn e te sp lo hi :: cs)
+               (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm))
+      (MK: match_cont k tk fn.(fn_return) cenv xenv cs),
       match_states (Csharpminor.State fn s k e m)
                    (State tfn ts tk (Vptr sp te tm)
   | match_state_seq:
       forall fn s1 s2 k e m tfn ts1 tk sp te tm cenv xenv f lo hi cs sz
       (TRF: transl_funbody cenv sz fn = OK tfn)
-      (TR: transl_stmt cenv xenv s1 = OK ts1)
-      (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-      (MCS: match_callstack f
-               (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs)
-               m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m)
-      (MK: match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq s2 k) tk cenv xenv cs),
+      (TR: transl_stmt fn.(fn_return) cenv xenv s1 = OK ts1)
+      (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+      (MCS: match_callstack f m tm
+               (Frame cenv tfn e te sp lo hi :: cs)
+               (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm))
+      (MK: match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq s2 k) tk fn.(fn_return) cenv xenv cs),
       match_states (Csharpminor.State fn (Csharpminor.Sseq s1 s2) k e m)
                    (State tfn ts1 tk (Vptr sp te tm)
   | match_callstate:
       forall fd args k m tfd targs tk tm f cs cenv
       (TR: transl_fundef gce fd = OK tfd)
-      (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-      (MCS: match_callstack f cs m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m)
-      (MK: match_cont k tk cenv nil cs)
+      (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+      (MCS: match_callstack f m tm cs (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm))
+      (MK: match_cont k tk (Csharpminor.funsig fd).(sig_res) cenv nil cs)
       (ISCC: Csharpminor.is_call_cont k)
-      (ARGSINJ: val_list_inject f args targs),
+      (ARGSINJ: val_list_inject f args targs)
+      (ARGSTY: Val.has_type_list args (Csharpminor.funsig fd).(sig_args)),
       match_states (Csharpminor.Callstate fd args k m)
                    (Callstate tfd targs tk tm)
   | match_returnstate:
-      forall v k m tv tk tm f cs cenv
-      (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-      (MCS: match_callstack f cs m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m)
-      (MK: match_cont k tk cenv nil cs)
-      (RESINJ: val_inject f v tv),
+      forall v k m tv tk tm f cs ty cenv
+      (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+      (MCS: match_callstack f m tm cs (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm))
+      (MK: match_cont k tk ty cenv nil cs)
+      (RESINJ: val_inject f v tv)
+      (RESTY: Val.has_type v (typ_of_opttyp ty)),
       match_states (Csharpminor.Returnstate v k m)
                    (Returnstate tv tk tm).
-Remark nextblock_freelist:
-  forall lb m, nextblock (free_list m lb) = nextblock m.
-Proof. induction lb; intros; simpl; auto. Qed. 
 Remark val_inject_function_pointer:
   forall v fd f tv,
   Genv.find_funct tge v = Some fd ->
@@ -2052,22 +2530,22 @@ Proof.
 Lemma match_call_cont:
-  forall k tk cenv xenv cs,
-  match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
-  match_cont (Csharpminor.call_cont k) (call_cont tk) cenv nil cs.
+  forall k tk ty cenv xenv cs,
+  match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
+  match_cont (Csharpminor.call_cont k) (call_cont tk) ty cenv nil cs.
   induction 1; simpl; auto; econstructor; eauto.
 Lemma match_is_call_cont:
-  forall tfn te sp tm k tk cenv xenv cs,
-  match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
+  forall tfn te sp tm k tk ty cenv xenv cs,
+  match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
   Csharpminor.is_call_cont k ->
   exists tk',
     star step tge (State tfn Sskip tk sp te tm)
                E0 (State tfn Sskip tk' sp te tm)
     /\ is_call_cont tk'
-    /\ match_cont k tk' cenv nil cs.
+    /\ match_cont k tk' ty cenv nil cs.
   induction 1; simpl; intros; try contradiction.
   econstructor; split. apply star_refl. split. exact I. econstructor; eauto.
@@ -2080,8 +2558,6 @@ Qed.
 (** Properties of [switch] compilation *)
-Require Import Switch.
 Remark switch_table_shift:
   forall n sl base dfl,
   switch_target n (S dfl) (switch_table sl (S base)) =
@@ -2097,20 +2573,20 @@ Proof.
   induction sl; intros; simpl. auto. decEq; auto.
-Inductive transl_lblstmt_cont (cenv: compilenv) (xenv: exit_env): lbl_stmt -> cont -> cont -> Prop :=
+Inductive transl_lblstmt_cont (ty: option typ) (cenv: compilenv) (xenv: exit_env): lbl_stmt -> cont -> cont -> Prop :=
   | tlsc_default: forall s k ts,
-      transl_stmt cenv (switch_env (LSdefault s) xenv) s = OK ts ->
-      transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv (LSdefault s) k (Kblock (Kseq ts k))
+      transl_stmt ty cenv (switch_env (LSdefault s) xenv) s = OK ts ->
+      transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv (LSdefault s) k (Kblock (Kseq ts k))
   | tlsc_case: forall i s ls k ts k',
-      transl_stmt cenv (switch_env (LScase i s ls) xenv) s = OK ts ->
-      transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls k k' ->
-      transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv (LScase i s ls) k (Kblock (Kseq ts k')).
+      transl_stmt ty cenv (switch_env (LScase i s ls) xenv) s = OK ts ->
+      transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls k k' ->
+      transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv (LScase i s ls) k (Kblock (Kseq ts k')).
 Lemma switch_descent:
-  forall cenv xenv k ls body s,
-  transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK s ->
+  forall ty cenv xenv k ls body s,
+  transl_lblstmt ty cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK s ->
   exists k',
-  transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls k k'
+  transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls k k'
   /\ (forall f sp e m,
       plus step tge (State f s k sp e m) E0 (State f body k' sp e m)).
@@ -2127,14 +2603,14 @@ Proof.
 Lemma switch_ascent:
-  forall f n sp e m cenv xenv k ls k1,
+  forall f n sp e m ty cenv xenv k ls k1,
   let tbl := switch_table ls O in
   let ls' := select_switch n ls in
-  transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls k k1 ->
+  transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls k k1 ->
   exists k2,
   star step tge (State f (Sexit (switch_target n (length tbl) tbl)) k1 sp e m)
              E0 (State f (Sexit O) k2 sp e m)
-  /\ transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls' k k2.
+  /\ transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls' k k2.
   induction ls; intros; unfold tbl, ls'; simpl.
   inv H. econstructor; split. apply star_refl. econstructor; eauto.
@@ -2151,10 +2627,10 @@ Proof.
 Lemma switch_match_cont:
-  forall cenv xenv k cs tk ls tk',
-  match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
-  transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls tk tk' ->
-  match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq (seq_of_lbl_stmt ls) k) tk' cenv (false :: switch_env ls xenv) cs.
+  forall ty cenv xenv k cs tk ls tk',
+  match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
+  transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls tk tk' ->
+  match_cont (Csharpminor.Kseq (seq_of_lbl_stmt ls) k) tk' ty cenv (false :: switch_env ls xenv) cs.
   induction ls; intros; simpl.
   inv H0. apply match_Kblock2. econstructor; eauto.
@@ -2162,11 +2638,11 @@ Proof.
 Lemma transl_lblstmt_suffix:
-  forall n cenv xenv ls body ts,
-  transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts ->
+  forall n ty cenv xenv ls body ts,
+  transl_lblstmt ty cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts ->
   let ls' := select_switch n ls in
   exists body', exists ts',
-  transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls' xenv) ls' body' = OK ts'.
+  transl_lblstmt ty cenv (switch_env ls' xenv) ls' body' = OK ts'.
   induction ls; simpl; intros. 
   monadInv H.
@@ -2180,13 +2656,13 @@ Qed.
 Lemma switch_match_states:
   forall fn k e m tfn ts tk sp te tm cenv xenv f lo hi cs sz ls body tk'
     (TRF: transl_funbody cenv sz fn = OK tfn)
-    (TR: transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts)
-    (MINJ: mem_inject f m tm)
-    (MCS: match_callstack f
-             (mkframe cenv e te sp lo hi :: cs)
-             m.(nextblock) tm.(nextblock) m)
-    (MK: match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs)
-    (TK: transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls tk tk'),
+    (TR: transl_lblstmt (fn_return fn) cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts)
+    (MINJ: Mem.inject f m tm)
+    (MCS: match_callstack f m tm
+               (Frame cenv tfn e te sp lo hi :: cs)
+               (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm))
+    (MK: match_cont k tk (fn_return fn) cenv xenv cs)
+    (TK: transl_lblstmt_cont (fn_return fn) cenv xenv ls tk tk'),
   exists S,
   plus step tge (State tfn (Sexit O) tk' (Vptr sp te tm) E0 S
   /\ match_states (Csharpminor.State fn (seq_of_lbl_stmt ls) k e m) S.
@@ -2206,22 +2682,35 @@ Qed.
 Section FIND_LABEL.
 Variable lbl: label.
+Variable ty: option typ.
 Variable cenv: compilenv.
 Variable cs: callstack.
 Remark find_label_var_set:
-  forall id e s k,
-  var_set cenv id e = OK s ->
+  forall id e chunk s k,
+  var_set cenv id e chunk = OK s ->
   find_label lbl s k = None.
   intros. unfold var_set in H.
-  destruct (cenv!!id); monadInv H; reflexivity.
+  destruct (cenv!!id); try (monadInv H; reflexivity).
+  destruct (chunktype_compat chunk m). inv H; auto. 
+  destruct (typ_eq (type_of_chunk m) (type_of_chunk chunk)); inv H; auto.
+Remark find_label_var_set_self:
+  forall id ty s k,
+  var_set_self cenv id ty = OK s ->
+  find_label lbl s k = None.
+  intros. unfold var_set_self in H.
+  destruct (cenv!!id); try (monadInv H; reflexivity).
+  destruct (typ_eq (type_of_chunk m) ty0); inv H; reflexivity.
 Lemma transl_lblstmt_find_label_context:
-  forall cenv xenv ls body ts tk1 tk2 ts' tk',
-  transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts ->
-  transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls tk1 tk2 ->
+  forall xenv ls body ts tk1 tk2 ts' tk',
+  transl_lblstmt ty cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts ->
+  transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls tk1 tk2 ->
   find_label lbl body tk2 = Some (ts', tk') ->
   find_label lbl ts tk1 = Some (ts', tk').
@@ -2234,30 +2723,30 @@ Qed.
 Lemma transl_find_label:
   forall s k xenv ts tk,
-  transl_stmt cenv xenv s = OK ts ->
-  match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
+  transl_stmt ty cenv xenv s = OK ts ->
+  match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
   match Csharpminor.find_label lbl s k with
   | None => find_label lbl ts tk = None
   | Some(s', k') =>
       exists ts', exists tk', exists xenv',
         find_label lbl ts tk = Some(ts', tk')
-     /\ transl_stmt cenv xenv' s' = OK ts'
-     /\ match_cont k' tk' cenv xenv' cs
+     /\ transl_stmt ty cenv xenv' s' = OK ts'
+     /\ match_cont k' tk' ty cenv xenv' cs
 with transl_lblstmt_find_label:
   forall ls xenv body k ts tk tk1,
-  transl_lblstmt cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts ->
-  match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
-  transl_lblstmt_cont cenv xenv ls tk tk1 ->
+  transl_lblstmt ty cenv (switch_env ls xenv) ls body = OK ts ->
+  match_cont k tk ty cenv xenv cs ->
+  transl_lblstmt_cont ty cenv xenv ls tk tk1 ->
   find_label lbl body tk1 = None ->
   match Csharpminor.find_label_ls lbl ls k with
   | None => find_label lbl ts tk = None
   | Some(s', k') =>
       exists ts', exists tk', exists xenv',
         find_label lbl ts tk = Some(ts', tk')
-     /\ transl_stmt cenv xenv' s' = OK ts'
-     /\ match_cont k' tk' cenv xenv' cs
+     /\ transl_stmt ty cenv xenv' s' = OK ts'
+     /\ match_cont k' tk' ty cenv xenv' cs
   intros. destruct s; try (monadInv H); simpl; auto.
@@ -2265,7 +2754,10 @@ Proof.
   eapply find_label_var_set; eauto.
   (* call *)
   destruct o; monadInv H; simpl; auto.
-  eapply find_label_var_set; eauto.
+  destruct (list_eq_dec typ_eq x1 (sig_args s)); monadInv EQ4.
+  simpl. eapply find_label_var_set_self; eauto.
+  destruct (list_eq_dec typ_eq x1 (sig_args s)); monadInv EQ3.
+  simpl; eauto.
   (* seq *)
   exploit (transl_find_label s1). eauto. eapply match_Kseq. eexact EQ1. eauto.  
   destruct (Csharpminor.find_label lbl s1 (Csharpminor.Kseq s2 k)) as [[s' k'] | ].
@@ -2287,6 +2779,7 @@ Proof.
   eapply transl_lblstmt_find_label. eauto. eauto. eauto. reflexivity.  
   (* return *)
   destruct o; monadInv H; auto.
+  destruct (typ_eq x0 (typ_of_opttyp ty)); monadInv EQ2; auto.
   (* label *)
   destruct (ident_eq lbl l).
   exists x; exists tk; exists xenv; auto.
@@ -2316,7 +2809,7 @@ Proof.
   induction vars; intros.
   monadInv H. auto.
   simpl in H. destruct a as [id lv]. monadInv H.
-  simpl. rewrite (find_label_var_set id (Evar id)); auto.
+  simpl. rewrite (find_label_var_set_self id (type_of_chunk lv)); auto.
@@ -2324,12 +2817,12 @@ End FIND_LABEL.
 Lemma transl_find_label_body:
   forall cenv xenv size f tf k tk cs lbl s' k',
   transl_funbody cenv size f = OK tf ->
-  match_cont k tk cenv xenv cs ->
+  match_cont k tk (fn_return f) cenv xenv cs ->
   Csharpminor.find_label lbl f.(Csharpminor.fn_body) (Csharpminor.call_cont k) = Some (s', k') ->
   exists ts', exists tk', exists xenv',
      find_label lbl tf.(fn_body) (call_cont tk) = Some(ts', tk')
-  /\ transl_stmt cenv xenv' s' = OK ts'
-  /\ match_cont k' tk' cenv xenv' cs.
+  /\ transl_stmt (fn_return f) cenv xenv' s' = OK ts'
+  /\ match_cont k' tk' (fn_return f) cenv xenv' cs.
   intros. monadInv H. simpl. 
   rewrite (find_label_store_parameters lbl cenv (Csharpminor.fn_params f)); auto.
@@ -2337,8 +2830,7 @@ Proof.
   instantiate (1 := lbl). rewrite H1. auto.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
+(** The simulation diagram. *)
 Fixpoint seq_left_depth (s: Csharpminor.stmt) : nat :=
   match s with
@@ -2384,16 +2876,17 @@ Proof.
 (* skip call *)
   monadInv TR. left.
   exploit match_is_call_cont; eauto. intros [tk' [A [B C]]]. 
-  exploit match_callstack_freelist; eauto. intros [P Q].
+  exploit match_callstack_freelist; eauto. intros [tm' [P [Q R]]].
   econstructor; split.
   eapply plus_right. eexact A. apply step_skip_call. auto.
-  rewrite (sig_preserved_body _ _ _ _ TRF). auto. traceEq.
-  econstructor; eauto. rewrite nextblock_freelist. simpl. eauto. 
+  rewrite (sig_preserved_body _ _ _ _ TRF). auto. eauto. traceEq.
+  econstructor; eauto. exact I.
 (* assign *)
   monadInv TR. 
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto. intros [tv [EVAL VINJ]].
-  exploit var_set_correct; eauto. intros [te' [tm' [EXEC [MINJ' [MCS' OTHER]]]]].
+  exploit var_set_correct; eauto. eapply chunktype_expr_correct; eauto.
+  intros [te' [tm' [EXEC [MINJ' [MCS' OTHER]]]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. eexact EXEC.
   econstructor; eauto. 
@@ -2405,19 +2898,20 @@ Proof.
   exploit transl_expr_correct. eauto. eauto. eexact H0. eauto. 
   intros [tv2 [EVAL2 VINJ2]].
   exploit make_store_correct. eexact EVAL1. eexact EVAL2. eauto. eauto. auto. auto.
-  intros [tm' [EXEC [MINJ' NEXTBLOCK]]].
+  intros [tm' [tv' [EXEC [STORE' MINJ']]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. eexact EXEC.
-  unfold storev in H1; destruct vaddr; try discriminate.
   econstructor; eauto.
-  replace (nextblock m') with (nextblock m). rewrite NEXTBLOCK. eauto.
-  eapply match_callstack_mapped; eauto. inv VINJ1. congruence.
-  symmetry. eapply nextblock_store; eauto.
+  eapply match_callstack_storev_mapped. eexact VINJ1. eauto. eauto.
+  rewrite (nextblock_storev _ _ _ _ _ H1).
+  rewrite (nextblock_storev _ _ _ _ _ STORE').
+  eauto. 
 (* call *)
   simpl in H1. exploit functions_translated; eauto. intros [tfd [FIND TRANS]].
   simpl in TR. destruct optid; monadInv TR.
 (* with return value *)
+  destruct (list_eq_dec typ_eq x1 (sig_args (Csharpminor.funsig fd))); monadInv EQ4.
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto.
   intros [tvf [EVAL1 VINJ1]].
   assert (tvf = vf).
@@ -2434,7 +2928,10 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply match_Kcall_some with (cenv' := cenv); eauto.
   red; auto.
+  eapply type_exprlist_correct; eauto.
 (* without return value *)
+  destruct (list_eq_dec typ_eq x1 (sig_args (Csharpminor.funsig fd))); monadInv EQ3.
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto.
   intros [tvf [EVAL1 VINJ1]].
   assert (tvf = vf).
@@ -2450,6 +2947,7 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; eauto.
   eapply match_Kcall_none with (cenv' := cenv); eauto.
   red; auto.
+  eapply type_exprlist_correct; eauto.
 (* seq *)
   monadInv TR. 
@@ -2531,23 +3029,21 @@ Proof.
 (* return none *)
   monadInv TR. left.
-  exploit match_callstack_freelist; eauto. intros [A B].
+  exploit match_callstack_freelist; eauto. intros [tm' [A [B C]]].
   econstructor; split.
-  apply plus_one. apply step_return_0.
-  rewrite (sig_preserved_body _ _ _ _ TRF). auto.
-  econstructor; eauto. rewrite nextblock_freelist. simpl. eauto.
-  eapply match_call_cont; eauto.
+  apply plus_one. eapply step_return_0. eauto.
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply match_call_cont; eauto.
+  simpl; auto.
 (* return some *)
-  monadInv TR. left. 
+  monadInv TR. destruct (typ_eq x0 (typ_of_opttyp (fn_return f))); monadInv EQ2.
+  left. 
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto. intros [tv [EVAL VINJ]].
-  exploit match_callstack_freelist; eauto. intros [A B].
+  exploit match_callstack_freelist; eauto. intros [tm' [A [B C]]].
   econstructor; split.
-  apply plus_one. apply step_return_1. eauto. 
-  econstructor; eauto. rewrite nextblock_freelist. simpl. eauto.
-  eapply match_call_cont; eauto.
+  apply plus_one. eapply step_return_1. eauto. eauto. 
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply match_call_cont; eauto.
+  eapply type_expr_correct; eauto.
 (* label *)
   monadInv TR.
@@ -2569,8 +3065,11 @@ Proof.
   destruct (zle sz Int.max_signed); try congruence.
   intro TRBODY.
   generalize TRBODY; intro TMP. monadInv TMP.
-  caseEq (alloc tm 0 sz). intros tm' sp ALLOC'.
-  exploit function_entry_ok; eauto. 
+  set (tf := mkfunction (Csharpminor.fn_sig f) (fn_params_names f)
+              (make_vars (fn_params_names f) (fn_vars_names f) (Sseq x1 x0))
+              sz (Sseq x1 x0)) in *.
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc tm 0 (fn_stackspace tf)). intros tm' sp ALLOC'.
+  exploit function_entry_ok; eauto; simpl; auto.  
   intros [f2 [te2 [tm2 [EXEC [MINJ2 [IINCR MCS2]]]]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply plus_left. constructor; simpl; eauto. 
@@ -2583,10 +3082,19 @@ Proof.
 (* external call *)
   monadInv TR. 
-  exploit event_match_inject; eauto. intros [A B].
+  exploit external_call_mem_inject; eauto. 
+  intros [f' [vres' [tm' [EC [VINJ [MINJ' [UNMAPPED [OUTOFREACH [INCR SEPARATED]]]]]]]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. 
   econstructor; eauto.
+  apply match_callstack_incr_bound with (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock tm).
+  eapply match_callstack_external_call; eauto.
+  intros. eapply external_call_bounds; eauto.
+  omega. omega.
+  eapply external_call_nextblock_incr; eauto.
+  eapply external_call_nextblock_incr; eauto.
+  simpl. change (Val.has_type vres (proj_sig_res (ef_sig ef))). 
+  eapply external_call_well_typed; eauto.
 (* return *)
   inv MK; inv H.
@@ -2595,26 +3103,29 @@ Proof.
   apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. 
   simpl. econstructor; eauto. 
   (* one argument *)
-  exploit var_set_self_correct; eauto.
-  intros [te' [tm' [A [B C]]]].
+  exploit var_set_self_correct. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+  instantiate (1 := PTree.set id tv te). apply PTree.gss. 
+  intros; apply PTree.gso; auto.
+  intros [te' [tm' [A [B [C D]]]]].
   left; econstructor; split.
   eapply plus_left. econstructor. simpl. eapply star_left. econstructor.
   eapply star_one. eexact A.
   reflexivity. traceEq.
-  econstructor; eauto. 
+  econstructor; eauto.
 Lemma match_globalenvs_init:
-  let m := Genv.init_mem prog in
-  match_globalenvs (meminj_init m).
+  forall m,
+  Genv.init_mem prog = Some m ->
+  match_globalenvs (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m)).
   intros. constructor.
   intros. split.
-  unfold meminj_init. rewrite zlt_true. auto.
-  unfold m; eapply Genv.find_symbol_not_fresh; eauto.
-  rewrite <- H. apply symbols_preserved.
-  intros. unfold meminj_init. rewrite zlt_true. auto.
-  generalize (nextblock_pos m). omega.
+  unfold Mem.flat_inj. rewrite zlt_true. auto.
+  eapply Genv.find_symbol_not_fresh; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H0. apply symbols_preserved.
+  intros. unfold Mem.flat_inj. rewrite zlt_true. auto.
+  generalize (Mem.nextblock_pos m). omega.
 Lemma transl_initial_states:
@@ -2625,21 +3136,19 @@ Proof.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [FIND TR]].
   econstructor; split.
+  apply (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial2 _ _ _ TRANSL). eauto. 
   simpl. fold tge. rewrite symbols_preserved.
-  replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). eexact H.
+  replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog). eexact H0.
   symmetry. unfold transl_program in TRANSL.
   eapply transform_partial_program2_main; eauto.
   eexact FIND. 
-  rewrite <- H1. apply sig_preserved; auto.
-  rewrite (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial2 _ _ _ TRANSL). 
-  fold m0.
-  eapply match_callstate with (f := meminj_init m0) (cs := @nil frame).
+  rewrite <- H2. apply sig_preserved; auto.
+  eapply match_callstate with (f := Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m0)) (cs := @nil frame).
-  apply init_inject. unfold m0. apply Genv.initmem_inject_neutral.
-  constructor. apply match_globalenvs_init. 
+  eapply Genv.initmem_inject; eauto.
+  constructor. apply match_globalenvs_init. auto.  
   instantiate (1 := gce). constructor.
-  red; auto.
-  constructor.
+  red; auto. constructor. rewrite H2; simpl; auto. 
 Lemma transl_final_states:
diff --git a/cfrontend/Csem.v b/cfrontend/Csem.v
index f352df70c..bd26b0f9d 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Csem.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Csem.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import AST.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Csyntax.
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ Function sem_cmp (c:comparison)
       match v1,v2 with
       | Vint n1, Vint n2 => Some (Val.of_bool (Int.cmp c n1 n2))
       | Vptr b1 ofs1,  Vptr b2 ofs2  =>
-          if valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1)
-          && valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed ofs2) then
+          if Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1)
+          && Mem.valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed ofs2) then
             if zeq b1 b2
             then Some (Val.of_bool (Int.cmp c ofs1 ofs2))
             else sem_cmp_mismatch c
@@ -412,15 +412,15 @@ Inductive cast : val -> type -> type -> val -> Prop :=
   maps names of functions and global variables to memory block references,
   and function pointers to their definitions.  (See module [Globalenvs].) *)
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef type.
 (** The local environment maps local variables to block references.
   The current value of the variable is stored in the associated memory
   block. *)
-Definition env := PTree.t block. (* map variable -> location *)
+Definition env := PTree.t (block * type). (* map variable -> location & type *)
-Definition empty_env: env := (PTree.empty block).
+Definition empty_env: env := (PTree.empty (block * type)).
 (** [load_value_of_type ty m b ofs] computes the value of a datum
   of type [ty] residing in memory [m] at block [b], offset [ofs].
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ Inductive alloc_variables: env -> mem ->
   | alloc_variables_cons:
       forall e m id ty vars m1 b1 m2 e2,
       Mem.alloc m 0 (sizeof ty) = (m1, b1) ->
-      alloc_variables (PTree.set id b1 e) m1 vars e2 m2 ->
+      alloc_variables (PTree.set id (b1, ty) e) m1 vars e2 m2 ->
       alloc_variables e m ((id, ty) :: vars) e2 m2.
 (** Initialization of local variables that are parameters to a function.
@@ -479,15 +479,18 @@ Inductive bind_parameters: env ->
       bind_parameters e m nil nil m
   | bind_parameters_cons:
       forall e m id ty params v1 vl b m1 m2,
-      PTree.get id e = Some b ->
+      PTree.get id e = Some(b, ty) ->
       store_value_of_type ty m b v1 = Some m1 ->
       bind_parameters e m1 params vl m2 ->
       bind_parameters e m ((id, ty) :: params) (v1 :: vl) m2.
-(** Return the list of blocks in the codomain of [e]. *)
+(** Return the list of blocks in the codomain of [e], with low and high bounds. *)
-Definition blocks_of_env (e: env) : list block :=
- (@snd ident block) (PTree.elements e).
+Definition block_of_binding (id_b_ty: ident * (block * type)) :=
+  match id_b_ty with (id, (b, ty)) => (b, 0, sizeof ty) end.
+Definition blocks_of_env (e: env) : list (block * Z * Z) :=
+ block_of_binding (PTree.elements e).
 (** Selection of the appropriate case of a [switch], given the value [n]
   of the selector expression. *)
@@ -586,7 +589,7 @@ Inductive eval_expr: expr -> val -> Prop :=
 with eval_lvalue: expr -> block -> int -> Prop :=
   | eval_Evar_local:   forall id l ty,
-      e!id = Some l ->
+      e!id = Some(l, ty) ->
       eval_lvalue (Expr (Evar id) ty) l
   | eval_Evar_global: forall id l ty,
       e!id = None ->
@@ -844,20 +847,23 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State f Sskip (Kfor3 a2 a3 s k) e m)
         E0 (State f (Sfor Sskip a2 a3 s) k e m)
-  | step_return_0: forall f k e m,
+  | step_return_0: forall f k e m m',
       f.(fn_return) = Tvoid ->
+      Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn None) k e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) (Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e)))
-  | step_return_1: forall f a k e m v,
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) m')
+  | step_return_1: forall f a k e m v m',
       f.(fn_return) <> Tvoid ->
       eval_expr e m a v ->
+      Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn (Some a)) k e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) (Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e)))
-  | step_skip_call: forall f k e m,
+        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) m')
+  | step_skip_call: forall f k e m m',
       is_call_cont k ->
       f.(fn_return) = Tvoid ->
+      Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
       step (State f Sskip k e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k (Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e)))
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k m')
   | step_switch: forall f a sl k e m n,
       eval_expr e m a (Vint n) ->
@@ -886,10 +892,10 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (Callstate (Internal f) vargs k m)
         E0 (State f f.(fn_body) k e m2)
-  | step_external_function: forall id targs tres vargs k m vres t,
-      event_match (external_function id targs tres) vargs t vres ->
+  | step_external_function: forall id targs tres vargs k m vres t m',
+      external_call (external_function id targs tres) vargs m t vres m' ->
       step (Callstate (External id targs tres) vargs k m)
-         t (Returnstate vres k m)
+         t (Returnstate vres k m')
   | step_returnstate_0: forall v f e k m,
       step (Returnstate v (Kcall None f e k) m)
@@ -1084,15 +1090,16 @@ Inductive exec_stmt: env -> mem -> statement -> trace -> mem -> outcome -> Prop
   by the call.  *)
 with eval_funcall: mem -> fundef -> list val -> trace -> mem -> val -> Prop :=
-  | eval_funcall_internal: forall m f vargs t e m1 m2 m3 out vres,
+  | eval_funcall_internal: forall m f vargs t e m1 m2 m3 out vres m4,
       alloc_variables empty_env m (f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars)) e m1 ->
       bind_parameters e m1 f.(fn_params) vargs m2 ->
       exec_stmt e m2 f.(fn_body) t m3 out ->
       outcome_result_value out f.(fn_return) vres ->
-      eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t (Mem.free_list m3 (blocks_of_env e)) vres
-  | eval_funcall_external: forall m id targs tres vargs t vres,
-      event_match (external_function id targs tres) vargs t vres ->
-      eval_funcall m (External id targs tres) vargs t m vres.
+      Mem.free_list m3 (blocks_of_env e) = Some m4 ->
+      eval_funcall m (Internal f) vargs t m4 vres
+  | eval_funcall_external: forall m id targs tres vargs t vres m',
+      external_call (external_function id targs tres) vargs m t vres m' ->
+      eval_funcall m (External id targs tres) vargs t m' vres.
 Scheme exec_stmt_ind2 := Minimality for exec_stmt Sort Prop
   with eval_funcall_ind2 := Minimality for eval_funcall Sort Prop.
@@ -1212,9 +1219,9 @@ End SEMANTICS.
   without arguments and with an empty continuation. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       initial_state p (Callstate f nil Kstop m0).
@@ -1236,18 +1243,18 @@ Definition exec_program (p: program) (beh: program_behavior) : Prop :=
 (** Big-step execution of a whole program.  *)
 Inductive bigstep_program_terminates (p: program): trace -> int -> Prop :=
-  | bigstep_program_terminates_intro: forall b f m1 t r,
+  | bigstep_program_terminates_intro: forall b f m0 m1 t r,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in 
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       eval_funcall ge m0 f nil t m1 (Vint r) ->
       bigstep_program_terminates p t r.
 Inductive bigstep_program_diverges (p: program): traceinf -> Prop :=
-  | bigstep_program_diverges_intro: forall b f t,
+  | bigstep_program_diverges_intro: forall b f m0 t,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in 
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       evalinf_funcall ge m0 f nil t ->
@@ -1525,16 +1532,16 @@ Proof.
   (* Out_normal *)
   assert (fn_return f = Tvoid /\ vres = Vundef).
     destruct (fn_return f); auto || contradiction.
-  destruct H5. subst vres. apply step_skip_call; auto.
+  destruct H6. subst vres. apply step_skip_call; auto.
   (* Out_return None *)
   assert (fn_return f = Tvoid /\ vres = Vundef).
     destruct (fn_return f); auto || contradiction.
-  destruct H6. subst vres.
-  rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H4). rewrite <- H5.
+  destruct H7. subst vres.
+  rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H5). rewrite <- H6.
   apply step_return_0; auto.
   (* Out_return Some *)
   destruct H3. subst vres.
-  rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H4). rewrite <- H5.
+  rewrite <- (is_call_cont_call_cont k H5). rewrite <- H6.
   eapply step_return_1; eauto.
   reflexivity. traceEq.
@@ -1697,9 +1704,9 @@ Qed.
 Theorem bigstep_program_terminates_exec:
   forall t r, bigstep_program_terminates prog t r -> exec_program prog (Terminates t r).
-  intros. inv H. unfold ge0, m0 in *. 
+  intros. inv H. 
-  econstructor. eauto. eauto.
+  econstructor. eauto. eauto. eauto.
   apply eval_funcall_steps. eauto. red; auto. 
@@ -1717,7 +1724,7 @@ Proof.
     eapply evalinf_funcall_forever; eauto. 
   destruct (forever_silent_or_reactive _ _ _ _ _ _ H)
   as [A | [t [s' [T' [B [C D]]]]]]. 
-  left. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto. auto.
+  left. econstructor. econstructor; eauto. eauto.
   right. exists t. split.
   econstructor. econstructor; eauto. eauto. auto. 
   subst T. rewrite <- (E0_right t) at 1. apply traceinf_prefix_app. constructor.
diff --git a/cfrontend/Csharpminor.v b/cfrontend/Csharpminor.v
index 5cdbd84bb..2fddc6c27 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Csharpminor.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Csharpminor.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Cminor.
@@ -89,13 +89,24 @@ Inductive var_kind : Type :=
   | Vscalar: memory_chunk -> var_kind
   | Varray: Z -> var_kind.
-(** Functions are composed of a signature, a list of parameter names
+Definition sizeof (lv: var_kind) : Z :=
+  match lv with
+  | Vscalar chunk => size_chunk chunk
+  | Varray sz => Zmax 0 sz
+  end.
+(** Functions are composed of a return type, a list of parameter names
   with associated memory chunks (parameters must be scalar), a list of
   local variables with associated [var_kind] description, and a
   statement representing the function body.  *)
+Definition param_name (p: ident * memory_chunk) := fst p.
+Definition param_chunk (p: ident * memory_chunk) := snd p.
+Definition variable_name (v: ident * var_kind) := fst v.
+Definition variable_kind (v: ident * var_kind) := snd v.
 Record function : Type := mkfunction {
-  fn_sig: signature;
+  fn_return: option typ;
   fn_params: list (ident * memory_chunk);
   fn_vars: list (ident * var_kind);
   fn_body: stmt
@@ -105,12 +116,25 @@ Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.
 Definition program : Type := AST.program fundef var_kind.
+Definition fn_sig (f: function) :=
+  mksignature ( type_of_chunk ( param_chunk f.(fn_params)))
+              f.(fn_return).
 Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
   match fd with
-  | Internal f => f.(fn_sig)
-  | External ef => ef.(ef_sig)
+  | Internal f => fn_sig f
+  | External ef => ef_sig ef
+Definition var_of_param (p: ident * memory_chunk) : ident * var_kind :=
+  (fst p, Vscalar (snd p)).
+Definition fn_variables (f: function) :=
+ var_of_param f.(fn_params) ++ f.(fn_vars).
+Definition fn_params_names (f: function) := param_name f.(fn_params).
+Definition fn_vars_names (f: function) := variable_name f.(fn_vars).
 (** * Operational semantics *)
 (** Three kinds of evaluation environments are involved:
@@ -120,28 +144,11 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
     to memory blocks and variable informations.
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef var_kind.
 Definition gvarenv := PTree.t var_kind.
 Definition env := PTree.t (block * var_kind).
 Definition empty_env : env := PTree.empty (block * var_kind).
-Definition sizeof (lv: var_kind) : Z :=
-  match lv with
-  | Vscalar chunk => size_chunk chunk
-  | Varray sz => Zmax 0 sz
-  end.
-Definition fn_variables (f: function) :=
-    (fun id_chunk => (fst id_chunk, Vscalar (snd id_chunk))) f.(fn_params)
-  ++ f.(fn_vars).
-Definition fn_params_names (f: function) :=
- (@fst ident memory_chunk) f.(fn_params).
-Definition fn_vars_names (f: function) :=
- (@fst ident var_kind) f.(fn_vars).
 (** Continuations *)
 Inductive cont: Type :=
@@ -256,8 +263,8 @@ Definition eval_binop (op: binary_operation)
                       (arg1 arg2: val) (m: mem): option val :=
   match op, arg1, arg2 with
   | Cminor.Ocmp c, Vptr b1 n1, Vptr b2 n2 =>
-      if valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed n1)
-      && valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed n2)
+      if Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed n1)
+      && Mem.valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed n2)
       then Cminor.eval_binop op arg1 arg2
       else None
   | _, _, _ =>
@@ -279,11 +286,13 @@ Inductive alloc_variables: env -> mem ->
       alloc_variables (PTree.set id (b1, lv) e) m1 vars e2 m2 ->
       alloc_variables e m ((id, lv) :: vars) e2 m2.
-(** List of blocks mentioned in an environment *)
+(** List of blocks mentioned in an environment, with low and high bounds *)
+Definition block_of_binding (id_b_lv: ident * (block * var_kind)) :=
+  match id_b_lv with (id, (b, lv)) => (b, 0, sizeof lv) end.
-Definition blocks_of_env (e: env) : list block :=
- (fun id_b_lv => match id_b_lv with (id, (b, lv)) => b end)
-           (PTree.elements e).
+Definition blocks_of_env (e: env) : list (block * Z * Z) :=
+ block_of_binding (PTree.elements e).
 (** Initialization of local variables that are parameters.  The value
   of the corresponding argument is stored into the memory block
@@ -418,11 +427,12 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
   | step_skip_block: forall f k e m,
       step (State f Sskip (Kblock k) e m)
         E0 (State f Sskip k e m)
-  | step_skip_call: forall f k e m,
+  | step_skip_call: forall f k e m m',
       is_call_cont k ->
-      f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) = None ->
+      f.(fn_return) = None ->
+      Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
       step (State f Sskip k e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k (Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e)))
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef k m')
   | step_assign: forall f id a k e m m' v,
       eval_expr e m a v ->
@@ -478,18 +488,17 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (State f (Sswitch a cases) k e m)
         E0 (State f (seq_of_lbl_stmt (select_switch n cases)) k e m)
-  | step_return_0: forall f k e m,
-      f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) = None ->
+  | step_return_0: forall f k e m m',
+      f.(fn_return) = None ->
+      Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn None) k e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k)
-                               (Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e)))
-  | step_return_1: forall f a k e m v,
-      f.(fn_sig).(sig_res) <> None ->
+        E0 (Returnstate Vundef (call_cont k) m')
+  | step_return_1: forall f a k e m v m',
+      f.(fn_return) <> None ->
       eval_expr e m a v ->
+      Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
       step (State f (Sreturn (Some a)) k e m)
-        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k)
-                          (Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env e)))
+        E0 (Returnstate v (call_cont k) m')
   | step_label: forall f lbl s k e m,
       step (State f (Slabel lbl s) k e m)
         E0 (State f s k e m)
@@ -506,10 +515,10 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       step (Callstate (Internal f) vargs k m)
         E0 (State f f.(fn_body) k e m2)
-  | step_external_function: forall ef vargs k m t vres,
-      event_match ef vargs t vres ->
+  | step_external_function: forall ef vargs k m t vres m',
+      external_call ef vargs m t vres m' ->
       step (Callstate (External ef) vargs k m)
-         t (Returnstate vres k m)        
+         t (Returnstate vres k m')        
   | step_return: forall v optid f e k m m',
       exec_opt_assign e m optid v m' ->
@@ -524,9 +533,9 @@ End RELSEM.
   without arguments and with an empty continuation. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro: forall b f,
+  | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
       funsig f = mksignature nil (Some Tint) ->
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cshmgen.v b/cfrontend/Cshmgen.v
index b40b94c76..548c8df87 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cshmgen.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cshmgen.v
@@ -34,11 +34,6 @@ Open Local Scope error_monad_scope.
 (** * Operations on C types *)
-Definition signature_of_function (f: Csyntax.function) : signature :=
-  mksignature 
-   (typlist_of_typelist (type_of_params (Csyntax.fn_params f)))
-   (opttyp_of_type (Csyntax.fn_return f)).
 Definition chunk_of_type (ty: type): res memory_chunk :=
   match access_mode ty with
   | By_value chunk => OK chunk
@@ -615,7 +610,7 @@ Definition transl_function (f: Csyntax.function) : res function :=
   do tparams <- transl_params (Csyntax.fn_params f);
   do tvars <- transl_vars (Csyntax.fn_vars f);
   do tbody <- transl_statement 1%nat 0%nat (Csyntax.fn_body f);
-  OK (mkfunction (signature_of_function f) tparams tvars tbody).
+  OK (mkfunction (opttyp_of_type (Csyntax.fn_return f)) tparams tvars tbody).
 Definition transl_fundef (f: Csyntax.fundef) : res fundef :=
   match f with
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v
index 86ecd2a4d..ebc188e86 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof1.v
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Require Import Floats.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Csyntax.
 Require Import Csem.
@@ -31,6 +31,29 @@ Require Import Cshmgen.
 (** * Properties of operations over types *)
+Remark type_of_chunk_of_type:
+  forall ty chunk,
+  chunk_of_type ty = OK chunk ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = typ_of_type ty.
+  intros. unfold chunk_of_type in H. destruct ty; simpl in H; try monadInv H.
+  destruct i; destruct s; monadInv H; reflexivity.
+  destruct f; monadInv H; reflexivity.
+  reflexivity. reflexivity. 
+Remark transl_params_types:
+  forall p tp,
+  transl_params p = OK tp ->
+  map type_of_chunk (map param_chunk tp) = typlist_of_typelist (type_of_params p).
+  induction p; simpl; intros. 
+  inv H. auto.
+  destruct a as [id ty]. generalize H; clear H. case_eq (chunk_of_type ty); intros.
+  monadInv H0. simpl. f_equal; auto. apply type_of_chunk_of_type; auto.
+  inv H0.
 Lemma transl_fundef_sig1:
   forall f tf args res,
   transl_fundef f = OK tf ->
@@ -39,9 +62,10 @@ Lemma transl_fundef_sig1:
   intros. destruct f; monadInv H. 
   monadInv EQ. simpl.  
-  simpl in H0. inversion H0. reflexivity. 
-  simpl. 
-  simpl in H0. congruence.
+  simpl in H0. inversion H0.
+  unfold fn_sig; simpl. unfold signature_of_type. f_equal. 
+  apply transl_params_types; auto.
+  simpl. simpl in H0. congruence.
 Lemma transl_fundef_sig2:
@@ -109,7 +133,7 @@ Qed.
 Lemma transl_params_names:
   forall vars tvars,
   transl_params vars = OK tvars ->
- (@fst ident memory_chunk) tvars = Ctyping.var_names vars.
+ param_name tvars = Ctyping.var_names vars.
   exact (map_partial_names _ _ chunk_of_type).
@@ -117,7 +141,7 @@ Qed.
 Lemma transl_vars_names:
   forall vars tvars,
   transl_vars vars = OK tvars ->
- (@fst ident var_kind) tvars = Ctyping.var_names vars.
+ variable_name tvars = Ctyping.var_names vars.
   exact (map_partial_names _ _ var_kind_of_type).
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v
index 199192c14..769aee7f0 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof2.v
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Require Import Floats.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Csyntax.
 Require Import Csem.
diff --git a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v
index 836f1e4b5..7e3658b5a 100644
--- a/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v
+++ b/cfrontend/Cshmgenproof3.v
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Require Import Floats.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Values.
 Require Import Events.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
 Require Import Csyntax.
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   forall v f,
   Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
   exists tf, Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transl_fundef f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial2 transl_fundef transl_globvar TRANSL).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial2 transl_fundef transl_globvar _ TRANSL).
 Lemma function_ptr_translated:
   forall b f,
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
   exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transl_fundef f = OK tf.
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial2 transl_fundef transl_globvar TRANSL).
+Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial2 transl_fundef transl_globvar _ TRANSL).
 Lemma functions_well_typed:
   forall v f,
@@ -82,41 +82,24 @@ Proof.
-Lemma sig_translated:
-  forall fd tfd targs tres,
-  classify_fun (type_of_fundef fd) = fun_case_f targs tres ->
-  transl_fundef fd = OK tfd ->
-  funsig tfd = signature_of_type targs tres.
-  intros. destruct fd; monadInv H0; inv H. 
-  monadInv EQ. simpl. auto. 
-  simpl. auto.
 (** * Matching between environments *)
 (** In this section, we define a matching relation between
   a Clight local environment and a Csharpminor local environment,
   parameterized by an assignment of types to the Clight variables. *)
-Definition match_var_kind (ty: type) (vk: var_kind) : Prop :=
-  match access_mode ty with
-  | By_value chunk => vk = Vscalar chunk
-  | _ => True
-  end.
 Record match_env (tyenv: typenv) (e: Csem.env) (te: Csharpminor.env) : Prop :=
   mk_match_env {
-      forall id b,
-      e!id = Some b ->
-      exists vk, exists ty,
+      forall id b ty,
+      e!id = Some (b, ty) ->
+      exists vk,
         tyenv!id = Some ty
-        /\ match_var_kind ty vk
+        /\ var_kind_of_type ty = OK vk
         /\ te!id = Some (b, vk);
       forall id b vk,
-      te!id = Some (b, vk) -> e!id = Some b;
+      te!id = Some (b, vk) -> exists ty, e!id = Some(b, ty);
       forall id ty,
       e!id = None -> tyenv!id = Some ty ->
@@ -124,64 +107,44 @@ Record match_env (tyenv: typenv) (e: Csem.env) (te: Csharpminor.env) : Prop :=
       (forall chunk, access_mode ty = By_value chunk -> (global_var_env tprog)!id = Some (Vscalar chunk))
 Lemma match_env_same_blocks:
   forall tyenv e te,
   match_env tyenv e te ->
-  forall b, In b (Csem.blocks_of_env e) <-> In b (blocks_of_env te).
-  intros. inv H.
-  unfold Csem.blocks_of_env, blocks_of_env.
-  set (f := (fun id_b_lv : positive * (block * var_kind) =>
-                let (_, y) := id_b_lv in let (b0, _) := y in b0)).
-  split; intros.
-  exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id b'] [A B]]. 
-  simpl in A; subst b'.
-  exploit (me_local0 id b). apply PTree.elements_complete; auto. 
-  intros [vk [ty [C [D E]]]].
-  change b with (f (id, (b, vk))). 
-  apply List.in_map. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto.
-  exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [[id [b' vk]] [A B]]. 
-  simpl in A; subst b'.
-  exploit (me_local_inv0 id b vk). apply PTree.elements_complete; auto. 
-  intro.
-  change b with (snd (id, b)).
-  apply List.in_map. apply PTree.elements_correct. auto.
-Remark free_list_charact:
-  forall l m,
-  free_list m l =
-    mkmem (fun b => if In_dec eq_block b l then empty_block 0 0 else m.(blocks) b)
-          m.(nextblock)
-          m.(nextblock_pos).
+  blocks_of_env te = Csem.blocks_of_env e.
-  induction l; intros; simpl.
-  destruct m; simpl. decEq. apply extensionality. auto.
-  rewrite IHl. unfold free; simpl. decEq. apply extensionality; intro b.
-  unfold update. destruct (eq_block a b). 
-  subst b. apply zeq_true.
-  rewrite zeq_false; auto. 
-  destruct (In_dec eq_block b l); auto.
-Lemma mem_free_list_same:
-  forall m l1 l2,
-  (forall b, In b l1 <-> In b l2) ->
-  free_list m l1 = free_list m l2.
-  intros. repeat rewrite free_list_charact. decEq. apply extensionality; intro b.
-  destruct (In_dec eq_block b l1); destruct (In_dec eq_block b l2); auto.
-  rewrite H in i. contradiction.
-  rewrite <- H in i. contradiction.
+  intros.
+  set (R := fun (x: (block * type)) (y: (block * var_kind)) =>
+         match x, y with
+         | (b1, ty), (b2, vk) => b2 = b1 /\ var_kind_of_type ty = OK vk
+         end).
+  assert (list_forall2 
+            (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y))
+            (PTree.elements e) (PTree.elements te)).
+  apply PTree.elements_canonical_order.
+  intros id [b ty] GET. exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [A [B C]]].
+  exists (b, vk); split; auto. red. auto.
+  intros id [b vk] GET. 
+  exploit me_local_inv; eauto. intros [ty A]. 
+  exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk' [B [C D]]]. 
+  assert (vk' = vk) by congruence. subst vk'.
+  exists (b, ty); split; auto. red. auto.
+  unfold blocks_of_env, Csem.blocks_of_env.
+  generalize H0. induction 1. auto. 
+  simpl. f_equal; auto.
+  unfold block_of_binding, Csem.block_of_binding. 
+  destruct a1 as [id1 [blk1 ty1]]. destruct b1 as [id2 [blk2 vk2]].
+  simpl in *. destruct H1 as [A [B C]]. subst blk2 id2. f_equal.
+  apply sizeof_var_kind_of_type. auto. 
 Lemma match_env_free_blocks:
-  forall tyenv e te m,
+  forall tyenv e te m m',
   match_env tyenv e te ->
-  Mem.free_list m (Csem.blocks_of_env e) = Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env te).
+  Mem.free_list m (Csem.blocks_of_env e) = Some m' ->
+  Mem.free_list m (blocks_of_env te) = Some m'.
-  intros. apply mem_free_list_same. intros; eapply match_env_same_blocks; eauto.
+  intros. rewrite (match_env_same_blocks _ _ _ H). auto.
 Definition match_globalenv (tyenv: typenv) (gv: gvarenv): Prop :=
@@ -203,14 +166,6 @@ Proof.
   intros. red in H. eauto.
-Lemma match_var_kind_of_type:
-  forall ty vk, var_kind_of_type ty = OK vk -> match_var_kind ty vk.
-  intros; red. 
-  caseEq (access_mode ty); auto.
-  intros chunk AM. generalize (var_kind_by_value _ _ AM). congruence.
 (** The following lemmas establish the [match_env] invariant at
   the beginning of a function invocation, after allocation of
   local variables and initialization of the parameters. *)
@@ -233,17 +188,16 @@ Proof.
   caseEq (transl_vars vars); simpl; [intros tvrs TVARS | congruence].
   intro EQ; inversion EQ; subst tvars; clear EQ.
   set (te2 := PTree.set id (b1, vk) te1).
-  assert (match_env (add_var tyenv (id, ty)) (PTree.set id b1 e) te2).
+  assert (match_env (add_var tyenv (id, ty)) (PTree.set id (b1, ty) e) te2).
     inversion H1. unfold te2, add_var. constructor.
     (* me_local *)
-    intros until b. simpl. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec.
+    intros until ty0. simpl. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec.
     destruct (peq id0 id); intros.
-    inv H3. exists vk; exists ty; intuition.
-    apply match_var_kind_of_type. congruence.
+    inv H3. exists vk; intuition.
     (* me_local_inv *)
     intros until vk0. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
-    destruct (peq id0 id); intros. congruence. eauto. 
+    destruct (peq id0 id); intros. exists ty; congruence. eauto. 
     (* me_global *)
     intros until ty0. repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. simpl. destruct (peq id0 id); intros.
@@ -276,9 +230,8 @@ Proof.
   unfold store_value_of_type in H0. rewrite H4 in H0.
   apply bind_parameters_cons with b m1. 
   assert (tyenv!id = Some ty). apply H2. apply in_eq.
-  destruct (me_local _ _ _ H3 _ _ H) as [vk [ty' [A [B C]]]]. 
-  assert (ty' = ty) by congruence. subst ty'.
-  red in B; rewrite H4 in B. congruence.
+  destruct (me_local _ _ _ H3 _ _ _ H)  as [vk [A [B C]]].
+  exploit var_kind_by_value; eauto. congruence.
   apply IHbind_parameters with tyenv; auto.
   intros. apply H2. apply in_cons; auto.
@@ -422,9 +375,9 @@ Proof.
   inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
   inversion H; subst; clear H.
     (* local variable *)
-    exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [ty' [A [B C]]]].
-    assert (ty' = ty) by congruence. subst ty'.
-    red in B; rewrite ACC in B.
+    exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [A [B C]]].
+    assert (vk = Vscalar chunk).
+    exploit var_kind_by_value; eauto. congruence.
     subst vk.
     eapply eval_Evar. 
     eapply eval_var_ref_local. eauto. assumption. 
@@ -440,7 +393,7 @@ Proof.
   inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
   inversion H; subst; clear H.
     (* local variable *)
-    exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [ty' [A [B C]]]].
+    exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [A [B C]]].
     eapply eval_Eaddrof.
     eapply eval_var_addr_local. eauto. 
     (* global variable *)
@@ -473,9 +426,10 @@ Proof.
   inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
   inversion H; subst; clear H. 
     (* local variable *)
-    exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [ty' [A [B C]]]].
-    assert (ty' = ty) by congruence. subst ty'.
-    red in B; rewrite ACC in B; subst vk.
+    exploit me_local; eauto. intros [vk [A [B C]]].
+    assert (vk = Vscalar chunk).
+      exploit var_kind_by_value; eauto. congruence.
+    subst vk.
     eapply step_assign. eauto.
     econstructor. eapply eval_var_ref_local. eauto. assumption. 
     (* global variable *)
@@ -514,10 +468,11 @@ Proof.
 (* local variable *)
   split. auto. 
   subst id0 ty l ofs. exploit me_local; eauto. 
-  intros [vk [ty [A [B C]]]].
-  assert (ty = typeof lhs) by congruence. rewrite <- H3. 
-  generalize B; unfold match_var_kind. destruct (access_mode ty); auto. 
-  intros. subst vk. apply eval_var_ref_local; auto.
+  intros [vk [A [B C]]].
+  case_eq (access_mode (typeof lhs)); intros; auto.
+  assert (vk = Vscalar m0).
+    exploit var_kind_by_value; eauto. congruence.
+  subst vk. apply eval_var_ref_local; auto.
 (* global variable *)
   split. auto.
   subst id0 ty l ofs. exploit me_global; eauto. intros [A B].
@@ -542,7 +497,6 @@ Proof.
   constructor. econstructor. eauto. auto.
 (** * Proof of semantic preservation *)
 (** ** Semantic preservation for expressions *)
@@ -794,12 +748,12 @@ Qed.
 Lemma transl_Evar_local_correct:
   forall (id : ident) (l : block) (ty : type),
-  e ! id = Some l ->
+  e ! id = Some(l, ty) ->
   eval_lvalue_prop (Expr (Csyntax.Evar id) ty) l
   intros; red; intros. inversion WT; clear WT; subst. monadInv TR.
   exploit (me_local _ _ _ MENV); eauto.
-  intros [vk [ty' [A [B C]]]].
+  intros [vk [A [B C]]].
   econstructor. eapply eval_var_addr_local. eauto. 
@@ -1296,7 +1250,7 @@ Proof.
   apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. 
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto.
   exploit transl_exprlist_correct; eauto.
-  eapply sig_translated; eauto. congruence.
+  eapply transl_fundef_sig1; eauto. congruence.
   econstructor; eauto. eapply functions_well_typed; eauto. 
   econstructor; eauto. simpl. auto. 
@@ -1310,7 +1264,7 @@ Proof.
   apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto. 
   exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto.
   exploit transl_exprlist_correct; eauto.
-  eapply sig_translated; eauto. congruence.
+  eapply transl_fundef_sig1; eauto. congruence.
   econstructor; eauto. eapply functions_well_typed; eauto.
   econstructor; eauto. simpl; auto. 
@@ -1521,16 +1475,18 @@ Proof.
   monadInv TR. inv MTR. 
   econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. constructor. monadInv TRF. simpl. rewrite H. auto.
-  rewrite (match_env_free_blocks _ _ _ m MENV). econstructor; eauto.
+  eapply match_env_free_blocks; eauto. 
+  econstructor; eauto.
   eapply match_cont_call_cont. eauto. 
 (* return some *)
-  monadInv TR. inv MTR. inv WT. inv H2. 
+  monadInv TR. inv MTR. inv WT. inv H3. 
   econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. constructor. monadInv TRF. simpl.
-  unfold opttyp_of_type. destruct (fn_return f); congruence.
-  exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto. 
-  rewrite (match_env_free_blocks _ _ _ m MENV). econstructor; eauto.
+  unfold opttyp_of_type. destruct (Csyntax.fn_return f); congruence.
+  exploit transl_expr_correct; eauto.
+  eapply match_env_free_blocks; eauto.
+  econstructor; eauto.
   eapply match_cont_call_cont. eauto. 
 (* skip call *)
@@ -1539,7 +1495,8 @@ Proof.
   econstructor; split.
   apply plus_one. apply step_skip_call. auto.
   monadInv TRF. simpl. rewrite H0. auto.
-  rewrite (match_env_free_blocks _ _ _ m MENV). constructor. eauto.
+  eapply match_env_free_blocks; eauto.
+  constructor. eauto.
 (* switch *)
   monadInv TR. inv WT.
@@ -1627,7 +1584,7 @@ Proof.
   exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].
   assert (C: Genv.find_symbol tge (prog_main tprog) = Some b).
     rewrite symbols_preserved. replace (prog_main tprog) with (prog_main prog).
-    exact H1. symmetry. unfold transl_program in TRANSL. 
+    exact H2. symmetry. unfold transl_program in TRANSL. 
     eapply transform_partial_program2_main; eauto.
   exploit function_ptr_well_typed. eauto. intro WTF.
   assert (exists targs, type_of_fundef f = Tfunction targs (Tint I32 Signed)).
@@ -1635,16 +1592,15 @@ Proof.
     eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_symbol_inversion; eauto.
   destruct H as [targs D].
   assert (targs = Tnil). 
-    inv H0. inv H9. simpl in D. unfold type_of_function in D. rewrite <- H4 in D. 
+    inv H0. inv H10. simpl in D. unfold type_of_function in D. rewrite <- H5 in D. 
     simpl in D. congruence.
-    simpl in D. inv D. inv H8. inv H. 
-    destruct targs; simpl in H5; congruence.
+    simpl in D. inv D.
+    exploit external_call_arity; eauto. destruct targs; simpl; congruence.
   subst targs. 
   assert (funsig tf = signature_of_type Tnil (Tint I32 Signed)).
-    eapply sig_translated; eauto. rewrite D; auto. 
+    eapply transl_fundef_sig2; eauto. 
   econstructor; split.
-  econstructor; eauto.
-  rewrite (@Genv.init_mem_transf_partial2 _ _ _ _ transl_fundef transl_globvar prog tprog TRANSL).
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial2; eauto. 
   constructor; auto. constructor. exact I.
diff --git a/common/Determinism.v b/common/Determinism.v
index 430ee93de..862d5a58c 100644
--- a/common/Determinism.v
+++ b/common/Determinism.v
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ Axiom traceinf_extensionality:
 (** * Deterministic worlds *)
 (** One source of possible nondeterminism is that our semantics leave
-  unspecified the results of calls to external 
-  functions.  Different results to e.g. a "read" operation can of
+  unspecified the results of system calls.
+  Different results to e.g. a "read" operation can of
   course lead to different behaviors for the program.
   We address this issue by modeling a notion of deterministic
   external world that uniquely determines the results of external calls. *)
@@ -61,13 +61,21 @@ Definition nextworld (w: world) (evname: ident) (evargs: list eventval) :
   world and [T] the infinite trace of interest.
+Inductive possible_event: world -> event -> world -> Prop :=
+  | possible_event_syscall: forall w1 evname evargs evres w2,
+      nextworld w1 evname evargs = Some (evres, w2) ->
+      possible_event w1 (Event_syscall evname evargs evres) w2
+  | possible_event_load: forall w label,
+      possible_event w (Event_load label) w
+  | possible_event_store: forall w label,
+      possible_event w (Event_store label) w.
 Inductive possible_trace: world -> trace -> world -> Prop :=
   | possible_trace_nil: forall w,
       possible_trace w E0 w
-  | possible_trace_cons: forall w0 evname evargs evres w1 t w2,
-      nextworld w0 evname evargs = Some (evres, w1) ->
-      possible_trace w1 t w2 ->
-      possible_trace w0 (mkevent evname evargs evres :: t) w2.
+  | possible_trace_cons: forall w1 ev w2 t w3,
+      possible_event w1 ev w2 -> possible_trace w2 t w3 ->
+      possible_trace w1 (ev :: t) w3.
 Lemma possible_trace_app:
   forall t2 w2 w0 t1 w1,
@@ -90,11 +98,28 @@ Proof.
   exists w1; split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
+Lemma possible_event_final_world:
+  forall w ev w1 w2,
+  possible_event w ev w1 -> possible_event w ev w2 -> w1 = w2.
+  intros. inv H; inv H0; congruence.
+Lemma possible_trace_final_world:
+  forall w0 t w1, possible_trace w0 t w1 ->
+  forall w2, possible_trace w0 t w2 -> w1 = w2.
+  induction 1; intros.
+  inv H. auto.
+  inv H1. assert (w2 = w5) by (eapply possible_event_final_world; eauto). 
+  subst; eauto.
 CoInductive possible_traceinf: world -> traceinf -> Prop :=
-  | possible_traceinf_cons: forall w0 evname evargs evres w1 T,
-      nextworld w0 evname evargs = Some (evres, w1) ->
-      possible_traceinf w1 T ->
-      possible_traceinf w0 (Econsinf (mkevent evname evargs evres) T).
+  | possible_traceinf_cons: forall w1 ev w2 T,
+      possible_event w1 ev w2 ->
+      possible_traceinf w2 T ->
+      possible_traceinf w1 (Econsinf ev T).
 Lemma possible_traceinf_app:
   forall t2 w0 t1 w1,
@@ -149,34 +174,13 @@ Definition possible_behavior (w: world) (b: program_behavior) : Prop :=
   | Goes_wrong t => exists w', possible_trace w t w'
-(** Determinism properties of [event_match]. *)
-Remark eventval_match_deterministic:
-  forall ev1 ev2 ty v1 v2,
-  eventval_match ev1 ty v1 -> eventval_match ev2 ty v2 ->
-  (ev1 = ev2 <-> v1 = v2).
-  intros. inv H; inv H0; intuition congruence.
-Remark eventval_list_match_deterministic:
-  forall ev1 ty v, eventval_list_match ev1 ty v ->
-  forall ev2, eventval_list_match ev2 ty v -> ev1 = ev2.
-  induction 1; intros.
-  inv H. auto.
-  inv H1. decEq.
-  rewrite (eventval_match_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ H H6). auto.
-  eauto.
 (** * Deterministic semantics *)
 Section DETERM_SEM.
 (** We assume given a transition semantics that is internally
   deterministic: the only source of non-determinism is the return
-  value of external calls. *)
+  value of system calls. *)
 Variable genv: Type.
 Variable state: Type.
@@ -184,17 +188,9 @@ Variable step: genv -> state -> trace -> state -> Prop.
 Variable initial_state: state -> Prop.
 Variable final_state: state -> int -> Prop.
-Inductive internal_determinism: trace -> state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
-  | int_determ_0: forall s,
-      internal_determinism E0 s E0 s
-  | int_determ_1: forall s s' id arg res res',
-      (res = res' -> s = s') ->
-      internal_determinism (mkevent id arg res :: nil) s
-                           (mkevent id arg res' :: nil) s'.
 Hypothesis step_internal_deterministic:
   forall ge s t1 s1 t2 s2,
-  step ge s t1 s1 -> step ge s t2 s2 -> internal_determinism t1 s1 t2 s2.
+  step ge s t1 s1 -> step ge s t2 s2 -> matching_traces t1 t2 -> s1 = s2 /\ t1 = t2.
 Hypothesis initial_state_determ:
   forall s1 s2, initial_state s1 -> initial_state s2 -> s1 = s2.
@@ -208,18 +204,29 @@ Hypothesis final_state_nostep:
 (** Consequently, the [step] relation is deterministic if restricted
     to traces that are possible in a deterministic world. *)
+Remark matching_possible_traces:
+  forall w0 t1 w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 ->
+  forall t2 w2, possible_trace w0 t2 w2 ->
+  matching_traces t1 t2.
+  induction 1; intros.
+  destruct t2; simpl; auto.
+  destruct t2; simpl. destruct ev; auto. inv H1.
+  inv H; inv H5; auto; intros.
+  subst. rewrite H in H1; inv H1. split; eauto.
+  eauto.
+  eauto.
 Lemma step_deterministic:
   forall ge s0 t1 s1 t2 s2 w0 w1 w2,
   step ge s0 t1 s1 -> step ge s0 t2 s2 ->
   possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 ->
   s1 = s2 /\ t1 = t2 /\ w1 = w2.
-  intros. exploit step_internal_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H0. intro ID.
-  inv ID.
-  inv H1. inv H2. auto.
-  inv H2. inv H11. inv H1. inv H11. 
-  rewrite H10 in H9. inv H9. 
-  intuition.
+  intros. exploit step_internal_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H0.
+  eapply matching_possible_traces; eauto. intuition.
+  subst. eapply possible_trace_final_world; eauto. 
 Ltac use_step_deterministic :=
@@ -378,44 +385,55 @@ Lemma forever_reactive_inv2:
   t1 <> E0 -> t2 <> E0 ->
   forever_reactive step ge s1 T1 -> possible_traceinf w1 T1 ->
   forever_reactive step ge s2 T2 -> possible_traceinf w2 T2 ->
-  exists s', exists e, exists T1', exists T2', exists w',
+  exists s', exists t, exists T1', exists T2', exists w',
+  t <> E0 /\
   forever_reactive step ge s' T1' /\ possible_traceinf w' T1' /\
   forever_reactive step ge s' T2' /\ possible_traceinf w' T2' /\
-  t1 *** T1 = Econsinf e T1' /\
-  t2 *** T2 = Econsinf e T2'.
+  t1 *** T1 = t *** T1' /\
+  t2 *** T2 = t *** T2'.
   induction 1; intros.
   inv H3. congruence. possibleTraceInv.
-  assert (ID: internal_determinism t3 s5 t1 s2). eauto. 
-  inv ID.
-  possibleTraceInv. eauto.
-  inv P. inv P1. inv H17. inv H19. rewrite H18 in H16; inv H16.
-  assert (s5 = s2) by auto. subst s5.
-  exists s2; exists (mkevent id arg res');
-  exists (t2 *** T1); exists (t4 *** T2); exists w0.
+  use_step_deterministic. 
+  destruct t3.
+  (* inductive case *)
+  simpl in *. inv P1; inv P. eapply IHstar; eauto. 
+  (* base case *)
+  exists s5; exists (e :: t3);
+  exists (t2 *** T1); exists (t4 *** T2); exists w3.
+  split. unfold E0; congruence.
   split. eapply star_forever_reactive; eauto. 
   split. eapply possible_traceinf_app; eauto. 
   split. eapply star_forever_reactive; eauto. 
   split. eapply possible_traceinf_app; eauto.
-  auto.
+  split; traceEq. 
-Lemma forever_reactive_determ:
+Lemma forever_reactive_determ':
   forall ge s T1 T2 w,
   forever_reactive step ge s T1 -> possible_traceinf w T1 ->
   forever_reactive step ge s T2 -> possible_traceinf w T2 ->
-  traceinf_sim T1 T2.
+  traceinf_sim' T1 T2.
   cofix COINDHYP; intros.
   inv H. inv H1. possibleTraceInv.
   destruct (forever_reactive_inv2 _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P H3 P1 H6 H4
                                   H7 P0 H5 P2)
-  as [s' [e [T1' [T2' [w' [A [B [C [D [E G]]]]]]]]]].
-  rewrite E; rewrite G. constructor.
+  as [s' [t' [T1' [T2' [w' [A [B [C [D [E [G K]]]]]]]]]]].
+  rewrite G; rewrite K. constructor. auto. 
   eapply COINDHYP; eauto. 
+Lemma forever_reactive_determ:
+  forall ge s T1 T2 w,
+  forever_reactive step ge s T1 -> possible_traceinf w T1 ->
+  forever_reactive step ge s T2 -> possible_traceinf w T2 ->
+  traceinf_sim T1 T2.
+  intros. apply traceinf_sim'_sim. eapply forever_reactive_determ'; eauto.
 Lemma star_forever_reactive_inv:
   forall ge s t s', star step ge s t s' ->
   forall w w' T, possible_trace w t w' -> forever_reactive step ge s T ->
diff --git a/common/Events.v b/common/Events.v
index 855c0130c..ad1fc5185 100644
--- a/common/Events.v
+++ b/common/Events.v
@@ -13,34 +13,44 @@
 (*                                                                     *)
 (* *********************************************************************)
-(** Representation of observable events and execution traces. *)
+(** Observable events, execution traces, and semantics of external calls. *)
 Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Intv.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+(** * Events and traces *)
 (** The observable behaviour of programs is stated in terms of
-  input/output events, which can also be thought of as system calls 
-  to the operating system.  An event is generated each time an
-  external function (see module AST) is invoked.  The event records
-  the name of the external function, the arguments to the function
-  invocation provided by the program, and the return value provided by
-  the outside world (e.g. the operating system).  Arguments and values
-  are either integers or floating-point numbers.  We currently do not
-  allow pointers to be exchanged between the program and the outside
-  world. *)
+  input/output events, which represent the actions of the program
+  that the external world can observe.  CompCert leaves much flexibility as to
+  the exact content of events: the only requirement is that they
+  do not expose pointer values nor memory states, because these
+  are not preserved literally during compilation.  For concreteness,
+  we use the following type for events.  Each event represents either:
+- A system call (e.g. an input/output operation), recording the
+  name of the system call, its int-or-float parameters,
+  and its int-or-float result.
+- A volatile load from a memory location, recording a label
+  associated with the read (e.g. a global variable name or a source code position).
+- A volatile store to a memory location, also recording a label.
 Inductive eventval: Type :=
   | EVint: int -> eventval
   | EVfloat: float -> eventval.
-Record event : Type := mkevent {
-  ev_name: ident;
-  ev_args: list eventval;
-  ev_res: eventval
+Inductive event: Type :=
+  | Event_syscall: ident -> list eventval -> eventval -> event
+  | Event_load: ident -> event
+  | Event_store: ident -> event.
 (** The dynamic semantics for programs collect traces of events.
   Traces are of two kinds: finite (type [trace]) or infinite (type [traceinf]). *)
@@ -49,10 +59,6 @@ Definition trace := list event.
 Definition E0 : trace := nil.
-Definition Eextcall
-             (name: ident) (args: list eventval) (res: eventval) : trace :=
-  mkevent name args res :: nil.
 Definition Eapp (t1 t2: trace) : trace := t1 ++ t2.
 CoInductive traceinf : Type :=
@@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ Qed.
 Hint Rewrite E0_left E0_right Eapp_assoc
              E0_left_inf Eappinf_assoc: trace_rewrite.
-Opaque trace E0 Eextcall Eapp Eappinf.
+Opaque trace E0 Eapp Eappinf.
 (** The following [traceEq] tactic proves equalities between traces
   or infinite traces. *)
@@ -115,115 +121,6 @@ Ltac decomposeTraceEq :=
 Ltac traceEq := 
   repeat substTraceHyp; autorewrite with trace_rewrite; decomposeTraceEq.
-(** The predicate [event_match ef vargs t vres] expresses that
-  the event [t] is generated when invoking external function [ef]
-  with arguments [vargs], and obtaining [vres] as a return value
-  from the operating system. *)
-Inductive eventval_match: eventval -> typ -> val -> Prop :=
-  | ev_match_int:
-      forall i, eventval_match (EVint i) Tint (Vint i)
-  | ev_match_float:
-      forall f, eventval_match (EVfloat f) Tfloat (Vfloat f).
-Inductive eventval_list_match: list eventval -> list typ -> list val -> Prop :=
-  | evl_match_nil:
-      eventval_list_match nil nil nil
-  | evl_match_cons:
-      forall ev1 evl ty1 tyl v1 vl,
-      eventval_match ev1 ty1 v1 ->
-      eventval_list_match evl tyl vl ->
-      eventval_list_match (ev1::evl) (ty1::tyl) (v1::vl).
-Inductive event_match:
-         external_function -> list val -> trace -> val -> Prop :=
-  event_match_intro:
-    forall ef vargs vres eargs eres,
-    eventval_list_match eargs (sig_args ef.(ef_sig)) vargs ->
-    eventval_match eres (proj_sig_res ef.(ef_sig)) vres ->
-    event_match ef vargs (Eextcall ef.(ef_id) eargs eres) vres.
-(** The following section shows that [event_match] is stable under
-  relocation of pointer values, as performed by memory injections
-  (see module [Mem]). *)
-Require Import Mem.
-Variable f: meminj.
-Remark eventval_match_inject:
-  forall ev ty v1,  eventval_match ev ty v1 ->
-  forall v2, val_inject f v1 v2 ->
-  eventval_match ev ty v2.
-  induction 1; intros; inversion H; constructor.
-Remark eventval_list_match_inject:
-  forall evl tyl vl1,  eventval_list_match evl tyl vl1 ->
-  forall vl2, val_list_inject f vl1 vl2 ->
-  eventval_list_match evl tyl vl2.
-  induction 1; intros.
-  inversion H; constructor. 
-  inversion H1; constructor. 
-  eapply eventval_match_inject; eauto.
-  eauto.
-Lemma event_match_inject:
-  forall ef args1 t res args2,
-  event_match ef args1 t res ->
-  val_list_inject f args1 args2 ->
-  event_match ef args2 t res /\ val_inject f res res.
-  intros. inversion H; subst. 
-  split. constructor. eapply eventval_list_match_inject; eauto. auto.
-  inversion H2; constructor.
-(** The following section shows that [event_match] is stable under
-  replacement of [Vundef] values by more defined values. *)
-Remark eventval_match_lessdef:
-  forall ev ty v1,  eventval_match ev ty v1 ->
-  forall v2, Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
-  eventval_match ev ty v2.
-  induction 1; intros; inv H; constructor.
-Remark eventval_list_match_moredef:
-  forall evl tyl vl1, eventval_list_match evl tyl vl1 ->
-  forall vl2, Val.lessdef_list vl1 vl2 ->
-  eventval_list_match evl tyl vl2.
-  induction 1; intros.
-  inversion H; constructor. 
-  inversion H1; constructor. 
-  eapply eventval_match_lessdef; eauto.
-  eauto.
-Lemma event_match_lessdef:
-  forall ef args1 t res1 args2,
-  event_match ef args1 t res1 ->
-  Val.lessdef_list args1 args2 ->
-  exists res2, event_match ef args2 t res2 /\ Val.lessdef res1 res2.
-  intros. inversion H; subst. exists res1; split. 
-  constructor. eapply eventval_list_match_moredef; eauto. auto.
-  auto.
 (** Bisimilarity between infinite traces. *)
 CoInductive traceinf_sim: traceinf -> traceinf -> Prop :=
@@ -251,6 +148,23 @@ Proof.
   cofix COINDHYP;intros. inv H; inv H0; constructor; eauto.
+CoInductive traceinf_sim': traceinf -> traceinf -> Prop :=
+  | traceinf_sim'_cons: forall t T1 T2,
+      t <> E0 -> traceinf_sim' T1 T2 -> traceinf_sim' (t *** T1) (t *** T2).
+Lemma traceinf_sim'_sim:
+  forall T1 T2, traceinf_sim' T1 T2 -> traceinf_sim T1 T2.
+  cofix COINDHYP; intros. inv H. 
+  destruct t. elim H0; auto.
+Transparent Eappinf.
+Transparent E0.
+  simpl. 
+  destruct t. simpl. constructor. apply COINDHYP; auto.
+  constructor. apply COINDHYP.
+  constructor. unfold E0; congruence. auto.
 (** The "is prefix of" relation between a finite and an infinite trace. *)
 Inductive traceinf_prefix: trace -> traceinf -> Prop :=
@@ -321,3 +235,586 @@ Proof.
 Transparent Eappinf.
   simpl. f_equal. apply IHt. 
+(** * Semantics of external functions *)
+(** Each external function is of one of the following kinds: *)
+Inductive extfun_kind: signature -> Type :=
+  | EF_syscall (sg: signature) (name: ident): extfun_kind sg
+     (** A system call.  Takes integer-or-float arguments, produces a
+         result that is an integer or a float, does not modify
+         the memory, and produces an [Event_syscall] event in the trace. *)
+  | EF_load (label: ident) (chunk: memory_chunk): extfun_kind (mksignature (Tint :: nil) (Some (type_of_chunk chunk)))
+     (** A volatile read operation.  Reads and returns the given memory
+         chunk from the address given as first argument.
+         Produces an [Event_load] event containing the given label. *)
+  | EF_store (label: ident) (chunk: memory_chunk): extfun_kind (mksignature (Tint :: type_of_chunk chunk :: nil) None)
+     (** A volatile store operation.  Store the value given as second
+         argument at the address given as first argument, using the
+         given memory chunk.  
+         Produces an [Event_store] event containing the given label. *)
+  | EF_malloc: extfun_kind (mksignature (Tint :: nil) (Some Tint))
+     (** Dynamic memory allocation.  Takes the requested size in bytes
+         as argument; returns a pointer to a fresh block of the given size.
+         Produces no observable event. *)
+  | EF_free: extfun_kind (mksignature (Tint :: nil) None).
+     (** Dynamic memory deallocation.  Takes a pointer to a block
+         allocated by an [EF_malloc] external call and frees the
+         corresponding block.
+         Produces no observable event. *)
+Parameter classify_external_function: 
+  forall (ef: external_function), extfun_kind (ef.(ef_sig)).
+(** For each external function, its behavior is defined by a predicate relating:
+- the values of the arguments passed to this function
+- the memory state before the call
+- the result value of the call
+- the memory state after the call
+- the trace generated by the call (can be empty).
+We now specify the expected properties of this predicate.
+Definition mem_unchanged_on (P: block -> Z -> Prop) (m_before m_after: mem): Prop :=
+  (forall b ofs p,
+   P b ofs -> Mem.perm m_before b ofs p -> Mem.perm m_after b ofs p)
+/\(forall chunk b ofs v,
+   (forall i, ofs <= i < ofs + size_chunk chunk -> P b i) ->
+   Mem.load chunk m_before b ofs = Some v ->
+   Mem.load chunk m_after b ofs = Some v).
+Definition loc_out_of_bounds (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : Prop :=
+  ofs < Mem.low_bound m b \/ ofs > Mem.high_bound m b.
+Definition loc_unmapped (f: meminj) (b: block) (ofs: Z): Prop :=
+  f b = None.
+Definition loc_out_of_reach (f: meminj) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z): Prop :=
+  forall b0 delta,
+  f b0 = Some(b, delta) ->
+  ofs < Mem.low_bound m b0 + delta \/ ofs >= Mem.high_bound m b0 + delta.
+Definition inject_separated (f f': meminj) (m1 m2: mem): Prop :=
+  forall b1 b2 delta,
+  f b1 = None -> f' b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  ~Mem.valid_block m1 b1 /\ ~Mem.valid_block m2 b2.
+Fixpoint matching_traces (t1 t2: trace) {struct t1} : Prop :=
+  match t1, t2 with
+  | Event_syscall name1 args1 res1 :: t1', Event_syscall name2 args2 res2 :: t2' =>
+      name1 = name2 -> args1 = args2 -> res1 = res2 /\ matching_traces t1' t2'
+  | Event_load name1 :: t1', Event_load name2 :: t2' =>
+      name1 = name2 -> matching_traces t1' t2'
+  | Event_store name1 :: t1', Event_store name2 :: t2' =>
+      name1 = name2 -> matching_traces t1' t2'
+  | _, _ =>
+      True
+  end.
+Record extcall_properties (sem: list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop)
+                          (sg: signature) : Prop := mk_extcall_properties {
+(** The return value of an external call must agree with its signature. *)
+  ec_well_typed:
+    forall vargs m1 t vres m2,
+    sem vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+    Val.has_type vres (proj_sig_res sg);
+(** The number of arguments of an external call must agree with its signature. *)
+  ec_arity:
+    forall vargs m1 t vres m2,
+    sem vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+    List.length vargs = List.length sg.(sig_args);
+(** External calls cannot invalidate memory blocks.  (Remember that
+  freeing a block does not invalidate its block identifier.) *)
+  ec_valid_block:
+    forall vargs m1 t vres m2 b,
+    sem vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+    Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.valid_block m2 b;
+(** External calls preserve the bounds of valid blocks. *)
+  ec_bounds:
+    forall vargs m1 t vres m2 b,
+    sem vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+    Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.bounds m2 b = Mem.bounds m1 b;
+(** External calls must commute with memory extensions, in the
+  following sense. *)
+  ec_mem_extends:
+    forall vargs m1 t vres m2 m1' vargs',
+    sem vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+    Mem.extends m1 m1' ->
+    Val.lessdef_list vargs vargs' ->
+    exists vres', exists m2',
+       sem vargs' m1' t vres' m2'
+    /\ Val.lessdef vres vres'
+    /\ Mem.extends m2 m2'
+    /\ mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_bounds m1) m1' m2';
+(** External calls must commute with memory injections,
+  in the following sense. *)
+  ec_mem_inject:
+    forall vargs m1 t vres m2 f m1' vargs',
+    sem vargs m1 t vres m2 ->
+    Mem.inject f m1 m1' ->
+    val_list_inject f vargs vargs' ->
+    exists f', exists vres', exists m2',
+       sem vargs' m1' t vres' m2'
+    /\ val_inject f' vres vres'
+    /\ Mem.inject f' m2 m2'
+    /\ mem_unchanged_on (loc_unmapped f) m1 m2
+    /\ mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_reach f m1) m1' m2'
+    /\ inject_incr f f'
+    /\ inject_separated f f' m1 m1';
+(** External calls must be internally deterministic:
+  if the observable traces match, the return states must be
+  identical. *)
+  ec_determ:
+    forall vargs m t1 vres1 m1 t2 vres2 m2,
+    sem vargs m t1 vres1 m1 -> sem vargs m t2 vres2 m2 ->
+    matching_traces t1 t2 -> t1 = t2 /\ vres1 = vres2 /\ m1 = m2
+(** ** Semantics of volatile loads *)
+Inductive extcall_load_sem (label: ident) (chunk: memory_chunk):
+      list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop :=
+  | extcall_load_sem_intro: forall b ofs m vres,
+      Mem.load chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) = Some vres ->
+      extcall_load_sem label chunk (Vptr b ofs :: nil) m (Event_load label :: nil) vres m.
+Lemma extcall_load_ok:
+  forall label chunk,
+  extcall_properties (extcall_load_sem label chunk) 
+                     (mksignature (Tint :: nil) (Some (type_of_chunk chunk))).
+  intros; constructor; intros.
+  inv H. unfold proj_sig_res. simpl. eapply Mem.load_type; eauto.
+  inv H. simpl. auto.
+  inv H. auto.
+  inv H. auto.
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H6. inv H4. 
+  exploit Mem.load_extends; eauto. intros [v2 [A B]].
+  exists v2; exists m1'; intuition. 
+  constructor; auto. 
+  red. auto. 
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H6.
+  assert (Mem.loadv chunk m2 (Vptr b ofs) = Some vres). auto. 
+  exploit Mem.loadv_inject; eauto. intros [v2 [A B]].
+  inv H4. 
+  exists f; exists v2; exists m1'; intuition.
+  constructor. auto. 
+  red; auto.
+  red; auto.
+  red; intros. congruence.
+  inv H; inv H0. intuition congruence.
+(** ** Semantics of volatile stores *)
+Inductive extcall_store_sem (label: ident) (chunk: memory_chunk):
+      list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop :=
+  | extcall_store_sem_intro: forall b ofs v m m',
+ chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) v = Some m' ->
+      extcall_store_sem label chunk (Vptr b ofs :: v :: nil) m (Event_store label :: nil) Vundef m'.
+Lemma extcall_store_ok:
+  forall label chunk,
+  extcall_properties (extcall_store_sem label chunk) 
+                     (mksignature (Tint :: type_of_chunk chunk :: nil) None).
+  intros; constructor; intros.
+  inv H. unfold proj_sig_res. simpl. auto.
+  inv H. simpl. auto.
+  inv H. eauto with mem. 
+  inv H. eapply Mem.bounds_store; eauto. 
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H6. inv H7. inv H4.
+  exploit Mem.store_within_extends; eauto. intros [m' [A B]].
+  exists Vundef; exists m'; intuition.
+  constructor; auto.
+  red; split; intros.
+  eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H1. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+  destruct (eq_block b0 b); auto. subst b0; right. 
+  exploit Mem.valid_access_in_bounds. 
+  eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3. eexact H2.
+  intros [C D].
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk0). intro E.
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). intro F.
+  apply (Intv.range_disjoint' (ofs0, ofs0 + size_chunk chunk0)
+                              (Int.signed ofs, Int.signed ofs + size_chunk chunk)).
+  red; intros. generalize (H x H4). unfold loc_out_of_bounds, Intv.In; simpl. omega.
+  simpl; omega. simpl; omega.
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H6. inv H7.
+  assert (Mem.storev chunk m1 (Vptr b ofs) v = Some m2). simpl; auto.
+  exploit Mem.storev_mapped_inject; eauto. intros [m2' [A B]].
+  inv H4. 
+  exists f; exists Vundef; exists m2'; intuition.
+  constructor; auto. 
+  split; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H4. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. 
+  left. exploit (H1 ofs0). generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk0). omega. 
+  unfold loc_unmapped. congruence.
+  split; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H4. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+  destruct (eq_block b0 b2); auto. subst b0; right.
+  assert (EQ: Int.signed (Int.add ofs (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs + delta).
+    eapply Mem.address_inject; eauto with mem.
+  simpl in A. rewrite EQ in A. rewrite EQ.
+  exploit Mem.valid_access_in_bounds. 
+  eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3. eexact H2.
+  intros [C D].
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk0). intro E.
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). intro F.
+  apply (Intv.range_disjoint' (ofs0, ofs0 + size_chunk chunk0)
+                              (Int.signed ofs + delta, Int.signed ofs + delta + size_chunk chunk)).
+  red; intros. exploit (H1 x H5). eauto. unfold Intv.In; simpl. omega.
+  simpl; omega. simpl; omega.
+  red; intros. congruence.
+  inv H; inv H0. intuition congruence.
+(** ** Semantics of dynamic memory allocation (malloc) *)
+Inductive extcall_malloc_sem:
+      list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop :=
+  | extcall_malloc_sem_intro: forall n m m' b m'',
+      Mem.alloc m (-4) (Int.signed n) = (m', b) ->
+ Mint32 m' b (-4) (Vint n) = Some m'' ->
+      extcall_malloc_sem (Vint n :: nil) m E0 (Vptr b m''.
+Lemma extcall_malloc_ok:
+  extcall_properties extcall_malloc_sem 
+                     (mksignature (Tint :: nil) (Some Tint)).
+  assert (UNCHANGED:
+    forall (P: block -> Z -> Prop) m n m' b m'',
+    Mem.alloc m (-4) (Int.signed n) = (m', b) ->
+ Mint32 m' b (-4) (Vint n) = Some m'' ->
+    mem_unchanged_on P m m'').
+  intros; split; intros.
+  eauto with mem.
+  transitivity (Mem.load chunk m' b0 ofs). 
+  eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. left. 
+  apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m; eauto with mem.
+  eapply Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto. 
+  constructor; intros.
+  inv H. unfold proj_sig_res; simpl. auto.
+  inv H. auto.
+  inv H. eauto with mem.
+  inv H. transitivity (Mem.bounds m' b).
+  eapply Mem.bounds_store; eauto.
+  eapply Mem.bounds_alloc_other; eauto.
+  apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m1; eauto with mem.
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H5. inv H7. 
+  exploit Mem.alloc_extends; eauto. apply Zle_refl. apply Zle_refl.
+  intros [m3' [A B]].
+  exploit Mem.store_within_extends. eexact B. eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := Vint n). auto. 
+  intros [m2' [C D]].
+  exists (Vptr b; exists m2'; intuition.
+  econstructor; eauto.
+  eapply UNCHANGED; eauto.
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H5. inv H7.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_parallel_inject; eauto. apply Zle_refl. apply Zle_refl. 
+  intros [f' [m3' [b' [ALLOC [A [B [C D]]]]]]].
+  exploit Mem.store_mapped_inject. eexact A. eauto. eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := Vint n). auto. 
+  intros [m2' [E F]].
+  exists f'; exists (Vptr b'; exists m2'; intuition.
+  econstructor; eauto.
+  econstructor. eauto. auto.
+  eapply UNCHANGED; eauto.
+  eapply UNCHANGED; eauto.
+  red; intros. destruct (eq_block b1 b). 
+  subst b1. rewrite C in H1. inv H1. eauto with mem. 
+  rewrite D in H1. congruence. auto. 
+  inv H; inv H0. intuition congruence. 
+(** ** Semantics of dynamic memory deallocation (free) *)
+Inductive extcall_free_sem:
+      list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop :=
+  | extcall_free_sem_intro: forall b lo sz m m',
+      Mem.load Mint32 m b (Int.signed lo - 4) = Some (Vint sz) ->
+      Int.signed sz > 0 ->
+ m b (Int.signed lo - 4) (Int.signed lo + Int.signed sz) = Some m' ->
+      extcall_free_sem (Vptr b lo :: nil) m E0 Vundef m'.
+Lemma extcall_free_ok:
+  extcall_properties extcall_free_sem 
+                     (mksignature (Tint :: nil) None).
+  assert (UNCHANGED:
+    forall (P: block -> Z -> Prop) m b lo hi m',
+ m b lo hi = Some m' ->
+    lo < hi ->
+    (forall b' ofs, P b' ofs -> b' <> b \/ ofs < lo \/ hi <= ofs) ->
+    mem_unchanged_on P m m').
+  intros; split; intros.
+  eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H3. eapply Mem.load_free; eauto. 
+  destruct (eq_block b0 b); auto. right. right. 
+  apply (Intv.range_disjoint' (ofs, ofs + size_chunk chunk) (lo, hi)).
+  red; intros. apply Intv.notin_range. simpl. exploit H1; eauto. intuition. 
+  simpl; generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
+  simpl; omega.
+  constructor; intros.
+  inv H. unfold proj_sig_res. simpl. auto.
+  inv H. auto. 
+  inv H. eauto with mem.
+  inv H. eapply Mem.bounds_free; eauto.
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H8. inv H6. 
+  exploit Mem.load_extends; eauto. intros [vsz [A B]]. inv B. 
+  exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends; eauto. intros [m2' [C D]].
+  exists Vundef; exists m2'; intuition.
+  econstructor; eauto.
+  eapply UNCHANGED; eauto. omega. 
+  intros. destruct (eq_block b' b); auto. subst b; right.
+  red in H.
+  exploit Mem.range_perm_in_bounds. 
+  eapply Mem.free_range_perm. eexact H4. omega. omega.
+  inv H. inv H1. inv H8. inv H6.
+  exploit Mem.load_inject; eauto. intros [vsz [A B]]. inv B. 
+  assert (Mem.range_perm m1 b (Int.signed lo - 4) (Int.signed lo + Int.signed sz) Freeable).
+    eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto.
+  exploit Mem.address_inject; eauto. 
+    apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+    apply H. instantiate (1 := lo). omega. 
+  intro EQ.
+  assert (Mem.range_perm m1' b2 (Int.signed lo + delta - 4) (Int.signed lo + delta + Int.signed sz) Freeable).
+    red; intros. 
+    replace ofs with ((ofs - delta) + delta) by omega.
+    eapply Mem.perm_inject; eauto. apply H. omega. 
+  destruct (Mem.range_perm_free _ _ _ _ H1) as [m2' FREE].
+  exists f; exists Vundef; exists m2'; intuition.
+  econstructor.
+  rewrite EQ. replace (Int.signed lo + delta - 4) with (Int.signed lo - 4 + delta) by omega.
+  eauto. auto. 
+  rewrite EQ. auto.
+  assert (Mem.free_list m1 ((b, Int.signed lo - 4, Int.signed lo + Int.signed sz) :: nil) = Some m2).
+    simpl. rewrite H4. auto.
+  eapply Mem.free_inject; eauto. 
+  intros. destruct (eq_block b b1).
+  subst b. assert (delta0 = delta) by congruence. subst delta0. 
+  exists (Int.signed lo - 4); exists (Int.signed lo + Int.signed sz); split.
+  simpl; auto. omega.
+  elimtype False.
+  exploit Mem.inject_no_overlap. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := ofs + delta0 - delta). 
+  apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+  apply H. omega. eauto with mem.
+  unfold block; omega.
+  eapply UNCHANGED; eauto. omega. intros.  
+  red in H6. left. congruence. 
+  eapply UNCHANGED; eauto. omega. intros.
+  destruct (eq_block b' b2); auto. subst b'. right. 
+  red in H6. generalize (H6 _ _ H5). intros. 
+  exploit Mem.range_perm_in_bounds. eexact H. omega. intros. omega.
+  red; intros. congruence.
+  inv H; inv H0. intuition congruence.
+(** ** Semantics of system calls. *)
+Inductive eventval_match: eventval -> typ -> val -> Prop :=
+  | ev_match_int:
+      forall i, eventval_match (EVint i) Tint (Vint i)
+  | ev_match_float:
+      forall f, eventval_match (EVfloat f) Tfloat (Vfloat f).
+Inductive eventval_list_match: list eventval -> list typ -> list val -> Prop :=
+  | evl_match_nil:
+      eventval_list_match nil nil nil
+  | evl_match_cons:
+      forall ev1 evl ty1 tyl v1 vl,
+      eventval_match ev1 ty1 v1 ->
+      eventval_list_match evl tyl vl ->
+      eventval_list_match (ev1::evl) (ty1::tyl) (v1::vl).
+Inductive extcall_io_sem (name: ident) (sg: signature):
+      list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop :=
+  | extcall_io_sem_intro: forall vargs m args res vres,
+      eventval_list_match args (sig_args sg) vargs ->
+      eventval_match res (proj_sig_res sg) vres ->
+      extcall_io_sem name sg vargs m (Event_syscall name args res :: E0) vres m.
+Remark eventval_match_lessdef:
+  forall ev ty v1 v2,
+  eventval_match ev ty v1 -> Val.lessdef v1 v2 -> eventval_match ev ty v2.
+  intros. inv H; inv H0; constructor.
+Remark eventval_list_match_lessdef:
+  forall evl tyl vl1, eventval_list_match evl tyl vl1 ->
+  forall vl2, Val.lessdef_list vl1 vl2 -> eventval_list_match evl tyl vl2.
+  induction 1; intros. inv H; constructor.
+  inv H1. constructor. eapply eventval_match_lessdef; eauto. eauto.
+Remark eventval_match_inject:
+  forall f ev ty v1 v2,
+  eventval_match ev ty v1 -> val_inject f v1 v2 -> eventval_match ev ty v2.
+  intros. inv H; inv H0; constructor.
+Remark eventval_match_inject_2:
+  forall f ev ty v,
+  eventval_match ev ty v -> val_inject f v v.
+  induction 1; constructor.
+Remark eventval_list_match_inject:
+  forall f evl tyl vl1, eventval_list_match evl tyl vl1 ->
+  forall vl2, val_list_inject f vl1 vl2 -> eventval_list_match evl tyl vl2.
+  induction 1; intros. inv H; constructor.
+  inv H1. constructor. eapply eventval_match_inject; eauto. eauto.
+Remark eventval_list_match_length:
+  forall evl tyl vl, eventval_list_match evl tyl vl -> List.length vl = List.length tyl.
+  induction 1; simpl; eauto.
+Remark eventval_match_determ_1:
+  forall ev ty v1 v2, eventval_match ev ty v1 -> eventval_match ev ty v2 -> v1 = v2.
+  intros. inv H; inv H0; auto.
+Remark eventval_match_determ_2:
+  forall ev1 ev2 ty v, eventval_match ev1 ty v -> eventval_match ev2 ty v -> ev1 = ev2.
+  intros. inv H; inv H0; auto.
+Remark eventval_list_match_determ_2:
+  forall evl1 tyl vl, eventval_list_match evl1 tyl vl ->
+  forall evl2, eventval_list_match evl2 tyl vl -> evl1 = evl2.
+  induction 1; intros. inv H. auto. inv H1. f_equal; eauto.
+  eapply eventval_match_determ_2; eauto.
+Lemma extcall_io_ok:
+  forall name sg,
+  extcall_properties (extcall_io_sem name sg) sg.
+  intros; constructor; intros.
+  inv H. inv H1; constructor. 
+  inv H. eapply eventval_list_match_length; eauto.
+  inv H; auto.
+  inv H; auto.
+  inv H.
+  exists vres; exists m1'; intuition.
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply eventval_list_match_lessdef; eauto.
+  red; auto.
+  inv H.
+  exists f; exists vres; exists m1'; intuition.
+  econstructor; eauto. eapply eventval_list_match_inject; eauto. 
+  eapply eventval_match_inject_2; eauto. 
+  red; auto.
+  red; auto.
+  red; intros; congruence.
+  inv H; inv H0. simpl in H1.
+  assert (args = args0) by (eapply eventval_list_match_determ_2; eauto).
+  destruct H1; auto. subst.
+  intuition. eapply eventval_match_determ_1; eauto. 
+(** ** Combined semantics of external calls *)
+(** Combining the semantics given above for the various kinds of external calls,
+  we define the predicate [external_call] that relates:
+- the external function being invoked
+- the values of the arguments passed to this function
+- the memory state before the call
+- the result value of the call
+- the memory state after the call
+- the trace generated by the call (can be empty).
+This predicate is used in the semantics of all CompCert languages. *)
+Definition external_call (ef: external_function):
+         list val -> mem -> trace -> val -> mem -> Prop :=
+  match classify_external_function ef with
+  | EF_syscall sg name   => extcall_io_sem name sg
+  | EF_load label chunk  => extcall_load_sem label chunk
+  | EF_store label chunk => extcall_store_sem label chunk
+  | EF_malloc            => extcall_malloc_sem 
+  | EF_free              => extcall_free_sem
+  end.
+Theorem external_call_spec:
+  forall ef, 
+  extcall_properties (external_call ef) (ef.(ef_sig)).
+  intros. unfold external_call. destruct (classify_external_function ef). 
+  apply extcall_io_ok.
+  apply extcall_load_ok.
+  apply extcall_store_ok.
+  apply extcall_malloc_ok.
+  apply extcall_free_ok.
+Definition external_call_well_typed ef := ec_well_typed _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
+Definition external_call_arity ef := ec_arity _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
+Definition external_call_valid_block ef := ec_valid_block _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
+Definition external_call_bounds ef := ec_bounds _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
+Definition external_call_mem_extends ef := ec_mem_extends _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
+Definition external_call_mem_inject ef := ec_mem_inject _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
+Definition external_call_determ ef := ec_determ _ _ (external_call_spec ef).
diff --git a/common/Globalenvs.v b/common/Globalenvs.v
index 1ce7bf5ee..9dbf9022a 100644
--- a/common/Globalenvs.v
+++ b/common/Globalenvs.v
@@ -38,530 +38,259 @@ Require Import Errors.
 Require Import Maps.
 Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
+Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'") : pair_scope.
+Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'") : pair_scope.
-Module Type GENV.
-(** ** Types and operations *)
-  Variable t: Type -> Type.
-   (** The type of global environments.  The parameter [F] is the type
-       of function descriptions. *)
-  Variable globalenv: forall (F V: Type), program F V -> t F.
-   (** Return the global environment for the given program. *)
-  Variable init_mem: forall (F V: Type), program F V -> mem.
-   (** Return the initial memory state for the given program. *)
-  Variable find_funct_ptr: forall (F: Type), t F -> block -> option F.
-   (** Return the function description associated with the given address,
-       if any. *)
-  Variable find_funct: forall (F: Type), t F -> val -> option F.
-   (** Same as [find_funct_ptr] but the function address is given as
-       a value, which must be a pointer with offset 0. *)
-  Variable find_symbol: forall (F: Type), t F -> ident -> option block.
-   (** Return the address of the given global symbol, if any. *)
-(** ** Properties of the operations. *)
-  Hypothesis find_funct_inv:
-    forall (F: Type) (ge: t F) (v: val) (f: F),
-    find_funct ge v = Some f -> exists b, v = Vptr b
-  Hypothesis find_funct_find_funct_ptr:
-    forall (F: Type) (ge: t F) (b: block),
-    find_funct ge (Vptr b = find_funct_ptr ge b.    
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_exists:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V)
-           (id: ident) (init: list init_data) (v: V),
-    In (id, init, v) (prog_vars p) ->
-    exists b, find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_exists:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V) (id: ident) (f: F),
-    list_norepet (prog_funct_names p) ->
-    list_disjoint (prog_funct_names p) (prog_var_names p) ->
-    In (id, f) (prog_funct p) ->
-    exists b, find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b
-           /\ find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_inversion:
-    forall (F V: Type) (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (b: block) (f: F),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    exists id, In (id, f) (prog_funct p).
-  Hypothesis find_funct_inversion:
-    forall (F V: Type) (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (v: val) (f: F),
-    find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-    exists id, In (id, f) (prog_funct p).
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_symbol_inversion:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V) (id: ident) (b: block) (f: F),
-    find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b ->
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    In (id, f) p.(prog_funct).
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_prop:
-    forall (F V: Type) (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (b: block) (f: F),
-    (forall id f, In (id, f) (prog_funct p) -> P f) ->
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    P f.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_prop:
-    forall (F V: Type) (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (v: val) (f: F),
-    (forall id f, In (id, f) (prog_funct p) -> P f) ->
-    find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-    P f.
-  Hypothesis initmem_nullptr:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V),
-    let m := init_mem p in
-    valid_block m nullptr /\
-    m.(blocks) nullptr = empty_block 0 0.
-  Hypothesis initmem_inject_neutral:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V),
-    mem_inject_neutral (init_mem p).
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_negative:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V) (b: block) (f: F),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f -> b < 0.
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_not_fresh:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V) (id: ident) (b: block),
-    find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b -> b < nextblock (init_mem p).
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_not_nullptr:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V) (id: ident) (b: block),
-    find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b -> b <> nullptr.
-  Hypothesis global_addresses_distinct:
-    forall (F V: Type) (p: program F V) id1 id2 b1 b2,
-    id1<>id2 ->
-    find_symbol (globalenv p) id1 = Some b1 ->
-    find_symbol (globalenv p) id2 = Some b2 ->
-    b1<>b2.
-(** Commutation properties between program transformations
-  and operations over global environments. *)
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_transf:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> B) (p: program A V),
-    forall (b: block) (f: A),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv (transform_program transf p)) b = Some (transf f).
-  Hypothesis find_funct_transf:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> B) (p: program A V),
-    forall (v: val) (f: A),
-    find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-    find_funct (globalenv (transform_program transf p)) v = Some (transf f).
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_transf:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> B) (p: program A V),
-    forall (s: ident),
-    find_symbol (globalenv (transform_program transf p)) s =
-    find_symbol (globalenv p) s.
-  Hypothesis init_mem_transf:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> B) (p: program A V),
-    init_mem (transform_program transf p) = init_mem p.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_rev_transf:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> B) (p: program A V),
-    forall (b : block) (tf : B),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv (transform_program transf p)) b = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A, find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f /\ transf f = tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_rev_transf:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> B) (p: program A V),
-    forall (v : val) (tf : B),
-    find_funct (globalenv (transform_program transf p)) v = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A, find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f /\ transf f = tf.
-(** Commutation properties between partial program transformations
-  and operations over global environments. *)
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_transf_partial:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> res B) (p: program A V) (p': program B V),
-    transform_partial_program transf p = OK p' ->
-    forall (b: block) (f: A),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    exists f',
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some f' /\ transf f = OK f'.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_transf_partial:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> res B) (p: program A V) (p': program B V),
-    transform_partial_program transf p = OK p' ->
-    forall (v: val) (f: A),
-    find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-    exists f',
-    find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some f' /\ transf f = OK f'.
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_transf_partial:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> res B) (p: program A V) (p': program B V),
-    transform_partial_program transf p = OK p' ->
-    forall (s: ident),
-    find_symbol (globalenv p') s = find_symbol (globalenv p) s.
-  Hypothesis init_mem_transf_partial:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> res B) (p: program A V) (p': program B V),
-    transform_partial_program transf p = OK p' ->
-    init_mem p' = init_mem p.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_rev_transf_partial:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> res B) (p: program A V) (p': program B V),
-    transform_partial_program transf p = OK p' ->
-    forall (b : block) (tf : B),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A,
-      find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f /\ transf f = OK tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_rev_transf_partial:
-    forall (A B V: Type) (transf: A -> res B) (p: program A V) (p': program B V),
-    transform_partial_program transf p = OK p' ->
-    forall (v : val) (tf : B),
-    find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A,
-      find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f /\ transf f = OK tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_transf_partial2:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (transf_fun: A -> res B) (transf_var: V -> res W)
-           (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    transform_partial_program2 transf_fun transf_var p = OK p' ->
-    forall (b: block) (f: A),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    exists f',
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some f' /\ transf_fun f = OK f'.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_transf_partial2:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (transf_fun: A -> res B) (transf_var: V -> res W)
-           (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    transform_partial_program2 transf_fun transf_var p = OK p' ->
-    forall (v: val) (f: A),
-    find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-    exists f',
-    find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some f' /\ transf_fun f = OK f'.
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_transf_partial2:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (transf_fun: A -> res B) (transf_var: V -> res W)
-           (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    transform_partial_program2 transf_fun transf_var p = OK p' ->
-    forall (s: ident),
-    find_symbol (globalenv p') s = find_symbol (globalenv p) s.
-  Hypothesis init_mem_transf_partial2:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (transf_fun: A -> res B) (transf_var: V -> res W)
-           (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    transform_partial_program2 transf_fun transf_var p = OK p' ->
-    init_mem p' = init_mem p.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_rev_transf_partial2:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (transf_fun: A -> res B) (transf_var: V -> res W)
-           (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    transform_partial_program2 transf_fun transf_var p = OK p' ->
-    forall (b : block) (tf : B),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A,
-      find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f /\ transf_fun f = OK tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_rev_transf_partial2:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (transf_fun: A -> res B) (transf_var: V -> res W)
-           (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    transform_partial_program2 transf_fun transf_var p = OK p' ->
-    forall (v : val) (tf : B),
-    find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A,
-      find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f /\ transf_fun f = OK tf.
-(** Commutation properties between matching between programs
-  and operations over global environments. *)
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_match:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (match_fun: A -> B -> Prop)
-           (match_var: V -> W -> Prop) (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    match_program match_fun match_var p p' ->
-    forall (b : block) (f : A),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-    exists tf : B,
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_ptr_rev_match:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (match_fun: A -> B -> Prop)
-           (match_var: V -> W -> Prop) (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    match_program match_fun match_var p p' ->
-    forall (b : block) (tf : B),
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A,
-    find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_match:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (match_fun: A -> B -> Prop)
-           (match_var: V -> W -> Prop) (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    match_program match_fun match_var p p' ->
-    forall (v : val) (f : A),
-    find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-    exists tf : B, find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
-  Hypothesis find_funct_rev_match:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (match_fun: A -> B -> Prop)
-           (match_var: V -> W -> Prop) (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    match_program match_fun match_var p p' ->
-    forall (v : val) (tf : B),
-    find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf ->
-    exists f : A, find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
-  Hypothesis find_symbol_match:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (match_fun: A -> B -> Prop)
-           (match_var: V -> W -> Prop) (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    match_program match_fun match_var p p' ->
-    forall (s : ident),
-    find_symbol (globalenv p') s = find_symbol (globalenv p) s.
-  Hypothesis init_mem_match:
-    forall (A B V W: Type) (match_fun: A -> B -> Prop)
-           (match_var: V -> W -> Prop) (p: program A V) (p': program B W),
-    match_program match_fun match_var p p' ->
-    init_mem p' = init_mem p.
+Local Open Scope pair_scope.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
-End GENV.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
-(** The rest of this library is a straightforward implementation of
-  the module signature above. *)
+Module Genv.
-Module Genv: GENV.
+(** * Global environments *)
 Section GENV.
-Variable F: Type.                    (* The type of functions *)
-Variable V: Type.                    (* The type of information over variables *)
-Record genv : Type := mkgenv {
-  functions: ZMap.t (option F);     (* mapping function ptr -> function *)
-  nextfunction: Z;
-  symbols: PTree.t block                (* mapping symbol -> block *)
+Variable F: Type.  (**r The type of function descriptions *)
+Variable V: Type.  (**r The type of information attached to variables *)
+(** The type of global environments. *)
+Record t: Type := mkgenv {
+  genv_symb: PTree.t block;             (**r mapping symbol -> block *)
+  genv_funs: ZMap.t (option F);         (**r mapping function pointer -> definition *)
+  genv_vars: ZMap.t (option V);         (**r mapping variable pointer -> info *)
+  genv_nextfun: block;                  (**r next function pointer *)
+  genv_nextvar: block;                  (**r next variable pointer *)
+  genv_nextfun_neg: genv_nextfun < 0;
+  genv_nextvar_pos: genv_nextvar > 0;
+  genv_symb_range: forall id b, PTree.get id genv_symb = Some b -> b <> 0 /\ genv_nextfun < b /\ b < genv_nextvar;
+  genv_funs_range: forall b f, ZMap.get b genv_funs = Some f -> genv_nextfun < b < 0;
+  genv_vars_range: forall b v, ZMap.get b genv_vars = Some v -> 0 < b < genv_nextvar
-Definition t := genv.
+(** ** Lookup functions *)
-Definition add_funct (name_fun: (ident * F)) (g: genv) : genv :=
-  let b := g.(nextfunction) in
-  mkgenv (ZMap.set b (Some (snd name_fun)) g.(functions))
-         (Zpred b)
-         (PTree.set (fst name_fun) b g.(symbols)).
+(** [find_symbol ge id] returns the block associated with the given name, if any *)
-Definition add_symbol (name: ident) (b: block) (g: genv) : genv :=
-  mkgenv g.(functions)
-         g.(nextfunction)
-         (PTree.set name b g.(symbols)).
+Definition find_symbol (ge: t) (id: ident) : option block :=
+  PTree.get id ge.(genv_symb).
-Definition find_funct_ptr (g: genv) (b: block) : option F :=
-  ZMap.get b g.(functions).
+(** [find_funct_ptr ge b] returns the function description associated with
+    the given address. *)
-Definition find_funct (g: genv) (v: val) : option F :=
+Definition find_funct_ptr (ge: t) (b: block) : option F :=
+  ZMap.get b ge.(genv_funs).
+(** [find_funct] is similar to [find_funct_ptr], but the function address
+    is given as a value, which must be a pointer with offset 0. *)
+Definition find_funct (ge: t) (v: val) : option F :=
   match v with
-  | Vptr b ofs =>
-      if Int.eq ofs then find_funct_ptr g b else None
-  | _ =>
-      None
+  | Vptr b ofs => if Int.eq_dec ofs then find_funct_ptr ge b else None
+  | _ => None
-Definition find_symbol (g: genv) (symb: ident) : option block :=
-  PTree.get symb g.(symbols).
+(** [find_var_info ge b] returns the information attached to the variable
+   at address [b]. *)
+Definition find_var_info (ge: t) (b: block) : option V :=
+  ZMap.get b ge.(genv_vars).
+(** ** Constructing the global environment *)
+Program Definition add_function (ge: t) (idf: ident * F) : t :=
+  @mkgenv
+    (PTree.set idf#1 ge.(genv_nextfun) ge.(genv_symb))
+    (ZMap.set ge.(genv_nextfun) (Some idf#2) ge.(genv_funs))
+    ge.(genv_vars)
+    (ge.(genv_nextfun) - 1)
+    ge.(genv_nextvar)
+    _ _ _ _ _.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; simpl; omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; auto.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; simpl in *.
+  rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct (peq id i). inv H. unfold block; omega.
+  exploit genv_symb_range0; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; simpl in *. rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H. 
+  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b genv_nextfun0). subst; omega. 
+  exploit genv_funs_range0; eauto. omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; eauto. 
+Program Definition add_variable (ge: t) (idv: ident * list init_data * V) : t :=
+  @mkgenv
+    (PTree.set idv#1#1 ge.(genv_nextvar) ge.(genv_symb))
+    ge.(genv_funs)
+    (ZMap.set ge.(genv_nextvar) (Some idv#2) ge.(genv_vars))
+    ge.(genv_nextfun)
+    (ge.(genv_nextvar) + 1)
+    _ _ _ _ _.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; auto.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; simpl; omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; simpl in *.
+  rewrite PTree.gsspec in H. destruct (peq id i). inv H. unfold block; omega.
+  exploit genv_symb_range0; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; eauto. 
+Next Obligation.
+  destruct ge; simpl in *. rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H. 
+  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b genv_nextvar0). subst; omega. 
+  exploit genv_vars_range0; eauto. omega.
+Program Definition empty_genv : t :=
+  @mkgenv (PTree.empty block) (ZMap.init None) (ZMap.init None) (-1) 1 _ _ _ _ _.
+Next Obligation.
+  omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  rewrite PTree.gempty in H. discriminate.
+Next Obligation.
+  rewrite in H. discriminate.
+Next Obligation.
+  rewrite in H. discriminate.
+Definition add_functions (ge: t) (fl: list (ident * F)) : t :=
+  List.fold_left add_function fl ge.
+Definition add_variables (ge: t) (vl: list (ident * list init_data * V)) : t :=
+  List.fold_left add_variable vl ge.
+Definition globalenv (p: program F V) :=
+  add_variables (add_functions empty_genv p.(prog_funct)) p.(prog_vars).
-Lemma find_funct_inv:
-  forall (ge: t) (v: val) (f: F),
+(** ** Properties of the operations over global environments *)
+Theorem find_funct_inv:
+  forall ge v f,
   find_funct ge v = Some f -> exists b, v = Vptr b
-  intros until f. unfold find_funct. destruct v; try (intros; discriminate).
-  generalize (Int.eq_spec i case (Int.eq i; intros.
-  exists b. congruence.
-  discriminate.
-Lemma find_funct_find_funct_ptr:
-  forall (ge: t) (b: block),
-  find_funct ge (Vptr b = find_funct_ptr ge b. 
-  intros. simpl. 
-  generalize (Int.eq_spec
-  case (Int.eq; intros.
-  auto. tauto.
-(* Construct environment and initial memory store *)
-Definition empty : genv :=
-  mkgenv (ZMap.init None) (-1) (PTree.empty block).
-Definition add_functs (init: genv) (fns: list (ident * F)) : genv :=
-  List.fold_right add_funct init fns.
-Definition add_globals 
-       (init: genv * mem) (vars: list (ident * list init_data * V))
-       : genv * mem :=
-  List.fold_right
-    (fun (id_init: ident * list init_data * V) (g_st: genv * mem) =>
-       match id_init, g_st with
-       | ((id, init), info), (g, st) =>
-           let (st', b) := Mem.alloc_init_data st init in
-           (add_symbol id b g, st')
-       end)
-    init vars.
-Definition globalenv_initmem (p: program F V) : (genv * mem) :=
-  add_globals
-    (add_functs empty p.(prog_funct), Mem.empty)
-    p.(prog_vars).
-Definition globalenv (p: program F V) : genv :=
-  fst (globalenv_initmem p).
-Definition init_mem  (p: program F V) : mem :=
-  snd (globalenv_initmem p).
-Lemma functions_globalenv:
-  forall (p: program F V),
-  functions (globalenv p) = functions (add_functs empty p.(prog_funct)).
-  assert (forall init vars,
-     functions (fst (add_globals init vars)) = functions (fst init)).
-  induction vars; simpl.
-  reflexivity.
-  destruct a as [[id1 init1] info1]. destruct (add_globals init vars).
-  simpl. exact IHvars. 
-  unfold add_globals; simpl. 
-  intros. unfold globalenv; unfold globalenv_initmem.
-  rewrite H. reflexivity.
-Lemma initmem_nullptr:
-  forall (p: program F V),
-  let m := init_mem p in
-  valid_block m nullptr /\
-  m.(blocks) nullptr = mkblock 0 0 (fun y => Undef).
-  pose (P := fun m => valid_block m nullptr /\
-        m.(blocks) nullptr = mkblock 0 0 (fun y => Undef)).
-  assert (forall init, P (snd init) -> forall vars, P (snd (add_globals init vars))).
-  induction vars; simpl; intros.
-  auto.
-  destruct a as [[id1 in1] inf1]. 
-  destruct (add_globals init vars) as [g st]. 
-  simpl in *. destruct IHvars. split.
-  red; simpl. red in H0. omega.
-  simpl. rewrite update_o. auto. unfold block. red in H0. omega. 
-  intro. unfold init_mem, globalenv_initmem. apply H. 
-  red; simpl. split. compute. auto. reflexivity.
+  intros until f; unfold find_funct. 
+  destruct v; try congruence. 
+  destruct (Int.eq_dec i; try congruence.
+  intros. exists b; congruence.
-Lemma initmem_inject_neutral:
-  forall (p: program F V),
-  mem_inject_neutral (init_mem p).
-  assert (forall g0 vars g1 m,
-      add_globals (g0, Mem.empty) vars = (g1, m) ->
-      mem_inject_neutral m).
-  Opaque alloc_init_data.
-  induction vars; simpl. 
-  intros. inv H. red; intros. destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H).
-  simpl in H1. rewrite Mem.getN_init in H1. 
-  replace v with Vundef. auto. destruct chunk; simpl in H1; auto.
-  destruct a as [[id1 init1] info1]. 
-  caseEq (add_globals (g0, Mem.empty) vars). intros g1 m1 EQ.
-  caseEq (alloc_init_data m1 init1). intros m2 b ALLOC.
-  intros. inv H. 
-  eapply Mem.alloc_init_data_neutral; eauto.
-  intros. caseEq (globalenv_initmem p). intros g m EQ.
-  unfold init_mem; rewrite EQ; simpl. 
-  unfold globalenv_initmem in EQ. eauto.
-Remark nextfunction_add_functs_neg:
-  forall fns, nextfunction (add_functs empty fns) < 0.
-  induction fns; simpl; intros. omega. unfold Zpred. omega.
+Theorem find_funct_find_funct_ptr:
+  forall ge b,
+  find_funct ge (Vptr b = find_funct_ptr ge b.
+  intros; simpl. apply dec_eq_true.
-Theorem find_funct_ptr_negative:
-  forall (p: program F V) (b: block) (f: F),
-  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f -> b < 0.
+Theorem find_symbol_exists:
+  forall p id init v,
+  In (id, init, v) (prog_vars p) ->
+  exists b, find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b.
-  intros until f.
-  assert (forall fns, ZMap.get b (functions (add_functs empty fns)) = Some f -> b < 0).
-    induction fns; simpl.
-    rewrite congruence.
-    rewrite ZMap.gsspec. case (ZIndexed.eq b (nextfunction (add_functs empty fns))); intro.
-    intro. rewrite e. apply nextfunction_add_functs_neg.
-    auto. 
-  unfold find_funct_ptr. rewrite functions_globalenv. 
-  intros. eauto.
-Remark find_symbol_add_functs_negative:
-  forall (fns: list (ident * F)) s b,
-  (symbols (add_functs empty fns)) ! s = Some b -> b < 0.
-  induction fns; simpl; intros until b.
-  rewrite PTree.gempty. congruence.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct a; simpl. case (peq s i); intro.
-  intro EQ; inversion EQ. apply nextfunction_add_functs_neg.
+  intros until v.
+  assert (forall vl ge,
+          (exists b, find_symbol ge id = Some b) ->
+          exists b, find_symbol (add_variables ge vl) id = Some b).
+  unfold find_symbol; induction vl; simpl; intros. auto. apply IHvl.
+  simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. fold ident. destruct (peq id a#1#1).
+  exists (genv_nextvar ge); auto. auto.
+  assert (forall vl ge, In (id, init, v) vl ->
+          exists b, find_symbol (add_variables ge vl) id = Some b).
+  unfold find_symbol; induction vl; simpl; intros. contradiction.
+  destruct H0. apply H. subst; unfold find_symbol; simpl.
+  rewrite PTree.gss. exists (genv_nextvar ge); auto.
+  intros. unfold globalenv; eauto. 
-Remark find_symbol_add_symbols_not_fresh:
-  forall fns vars g m s b,
-  add_globals (add_functs empty fns, Mem.empty) vars = (g, m) ->
-  (symbols g)!s = Some b ->
-  b < nextblock m.
+Remark add_functions_same_symb:
+  forall id fl ge, 
+  ~In id (map (@fst ident F) fl) ->
+  find_symbol (add_functions ge fl) id = find_symbol ge id.
-  induction vars; simpl; intros until b.
-  intros. inversion H. subst g m. simpl. 
-  generalize (find_symbol_add_functs_negative fns s H0). omega.
-  Transparent alloc_init_data.
-  destruct a as [[id1 init1] info1]. 
-  caseEq (add_globals (add_functs empty fns, Mem.empty) vars).
-  intros g1 m1 ADG EQ. inversion EQ; subst g m; clear EQ.
-  unfold add_symbol; simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. case (peq s id1); intro.
-  intro EQ; inversion EQ. omega.
-  intro. generalize (IHvars _ _ _ _ ADG H). omega.
+  induction fl; simpl; intros. auto. 
+  rewrite IHfl. unfold find_symbol; simpl. apply PTree.gso. intuition. intuition.
-Theorem find_symbol_not_fresh:
-  forall (p: program F V) (id: ident) (b: block),
-  find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b -> b < nextblock (init_mem p).
+Remark add_functions_same_address:
+  forall b fl ge,
+  b > ge.(genv_nextfun) ->
+  find_funct_ptr (add_functions ge fl) b = find_funct_ptr ge b.
-  intros until b. unfold find_symbol, globalenv, init_mem, globalenv_initmem; simpl.
-  caseEq (add_globals (add_functs empty (prog_funct p), Mem.empty)
-                      (prog_vars p)); intros g m EQ.
-  simpl; intros. eapply find_symbol_add_symbols_not_fresh; eauto. 
+  induction fl; simpl; intros. auto. 
+  rewrite IHfl. unfold find_funct_ptr; simpl. apply ZMap.gso. 
+  red; intros; subst b; omegaContradiction.
+  simpl. omega. 
-Lemma find_symbol_exists:
-  forall (p: program F V)
-         (id: ident) (init: list init_data) (v: V),
-  In (id, init, v) (prog_vars p) ->
-  exists b, find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b.
+Remark add_variables_same_symb:
+  forall id vl ge, 
+  ~In id (map (fun idv => idv#1#1) vl) ->
+  find_symbol (add_variables ge vl) id = find_symbol ge id.
-  intros until v.
-  assert (forall initm vl, In (id, init, v) vl ->
-           exists b, PTree.get id (symbols (fst (add_globals initm vl))) = Some b).
-  induction vl; simpl; intros.
-  elim H.
-  destruct a as [[id0 init0] v0]. 
-  caseEq (add_globals initm vl). intros g1 m1 EQ. simpl. 
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id id0). econstructor; eauto.
-  elim H; intro. congruence. generalize (IHvl H0). rewrite EQ. auto. 
-  intros. unfold globalenv, find_symbol, globalenv_initmem. auto.
-Remark find_symbol_above_nextfunction:
-  forall (id: ident) (b: block) (fns: list (ident * F)),
-  let g := add_functs empty fns in
-  PTree.get id g.(symbols) = Some b ->
-  b > g.(nextfunction).
-  induction fns; simpl.
-  rewrite PTree.gempty. congruence.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec. case (peq id (fst a)); intro.
-  intro EQ. inversion EQ. unfold Zpred. omega.
-  intros. generalize (IHfns H). unfold Zpred; omega.
-Remark find_symbol_add_globals:
-  forall (id: ident) (ge_m: t * mem) (vars: list (ident * list init_data * V)),
-  ~In id (map (fun x: ident * list init_data * V => fst(fst x)) vars) ->
-  find_symbol (fst (add_globals ge_m vars)) id =
-  find_symbol (fst ge_m) id.
-  unfold find_symbol; induction vars; simpl; intros.
-  auto.
-  destruct a as [[id0 init0] var0]. simpl in *.
-  caseEq (add_globals ge_m vars); intros ge' m' EQ.
-  simpl. rewrite PTree.gso. rewrite EQ in IHvars. simpl in IHvars. 
-  apply IHvars. tauto. intuition congruence.
+  induction vl; simpl; intros. auto. 
+  rewrite IHvl. unfold find_symbol; simpl. apply PTree.gso. intuition. intuition.
+Remark add_variables_same_address:
+  forall b vl ge,
+  b < ge.(genv_nextvar) ->
+  find_var_info (add_variables ge vl) b = find_var_info ge b.
+  induction vl; simpl; intros. auto. 
+  rewrite IHvl. unfold find_var_info; simpl. apply ZMap.gso. 
+  red; intros; subst b; omegaContradiction.
+  simpl. omega. 
+Remark add_variables_same_funs:
+  forall b vl ge, find_funct_ptr (add_variables ge vl) b = find_funct_ptr ge b.
+  induction vl; simpl; intros. auto. rewrite IHvl. auto.
+Remark add_functions_nextvar:
+  forall fl ge, genv_nextvar (add_functions ge fl) = genv_nextvar ge.
+  induction fl; simpl; intros. auto. rewrite IHfl. auto. 
+Remark add_variables_nextvar:
+  forall vl ge, genv_nextvar (add_variables ge vl) = genv_nextvar ge + Z_of_nat(List.length vl).
+  induction vl; intros.
+  simpl. unfold block; omega.
+  simpl length; rewrite inj_S; simpl. rewrite IHvl. simpl. unfold block; omega.
-Lemma find_funct_ptr_exists:
-  forall (p: program F V) (id: ident) (f: F),
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_exists:
+  forall p id f,
   list_norepet (prog_funct_names p) ->
   list_disjoint (prog_funct_names p) (prog_var_names p) ->
   In (id, f) (prog_funct p) ->
@@ -569,384 +298,784 @@ Lemma find_funct_ptr_exists:
          /\ find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f.
   intros until f.
-  assert (forall (fns: list (ident * F)),
-           list_norepet (map (@fst ident F) fns) ->
-           In (id, f) fns ->
-           exists b, find_symbol (add_functs empty fns) id = Some b
-                   /\ find_funct_ptr (add_functs empty fns) b = Some f).
-  unfold find_symbol, find_funct_ptr. induction fns; intros.
-  elim H0.
-  destruct a as [id0 f0]; simpl in *. inv H. 
-  unfold add_funct; simpl.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id id0). 
-  subst id0. econstructor; split. eauto.
-  replace f0 with f. apply ZMap.gss. 
-  elim H0; intro. congruence. elim H3. 
-  change id with (@fst ident F (id, f)). apply List.in_map. auto.
-  exploit IHfns; eauto. elim H0; intro. congruence. auto.
-  intros [b [X Y]]. exists b; split. auto. rewrite ZMap.gso. auto.
-  generalize (find_symbol_above_nextfunction _ _ X).
-  unfold block; unfold ZIndexed.t; intro; omega.
-  intros. exploit H; eauto. intros [b [X Y]].
-  exists b; split.
-  unfold globalenv, globalenv_initmem. rewrite find_symbol_add_globals. 
-  assumption. apply list_disjoint_notin with (prog_funct_names p). assumption. 
-  unfold prog_funct_names. change id with (fst (id, f)). 
-  apply List.in_map; auto.
-  unfold find_funct_ptr. rewrite functions_globalenv. 
-  assumption. 
-Lemma find_funct_ptr_inversion:
-  forall (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (b: block) (f: F),
-  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-  exists id, In (id, f) (prog_funct p).
-  intros until f.
-  assert (forall fns: list (ident * F),
-    find_funct_ptr (add_functs empty fns) b = Some f ->
-    exists id, In (id, f) fns).
-  unfold find_funct_ptr. induction fns; simpl.
-  rewrite congruence.
-  destruct a as [id0 f0]; simpl. 
-  rewrite ZMap.gsspec. destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (nextfunction (add_functs empty fns))).
-  intro. inv H. exists id0; auto.
-  intro. exploit IHfns; eauto. intros [id A]. exists id; auto.
-  unfold find_funct_ptr; rewrite functions_globalenv. intros; apply H; auto.
-Lemma find_funct_ptr_prop:
-  forall (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (b: block) (f: F),
+  assert (forall fl ge, In (id, f) fl -> list_norepet (map (@fst ident F) fl) ->
+          exists b, find_symbol (add_functions ge fl) id = Some b
+                 /\ find_funct_ptr (add_functions ge fl) b = Some f).
+  induction fl; simpl; intros. contradiction. inv H0. 
+  destruct H. subst a. exists (genv_nextfun ge); split.
+  rewrite add_functions_same_symb; auto. unfold find_symbol; simpl. apply PTree.gss.
+  rewrite add_functions_same_address. unfold find_funct_ptr; simpl. apply ZMap.gss. 
+  simpl; omega.
+  apply IHfl; auto. 
+  intros. exploit (H p.(prog_funct) empty_genv); eauto. intros [b [A B]].
+  unfold globalenv; exists b; split.
+  rewrite add_variables_same_symb. auto. eapply list_disjoint_notin; eauto. 
+  unfold prog_funct_names. change id with (fst (id, f)). apply in_map; auto. 
+  rewrite add_variables_same_funs. auto.
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_prop:
+  forall (P: F -> Prop) p b f,
   (forall id f, In (id, f) (prog_funct p) -> P f) ->
   find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
   P f.
-  intros. exploit find_funct_ptr_inversion; eauto. intros [id A]. eauto.
+  intros until f. intros PROP.
+  assert (forall fl ge,
+          List.incl fl (prog_funct p) ->
+          match find_funct_ptr ge b with None => True | Some f => P f end ->
+          match find_funct_ptr (add_functions ge fl) b with None => True | Some f => P f end).
+  induction fl; simpl; intros. auto.
+  apply IHfl. eauto with coqlib. unfold find_funct_ptr; simpl.
+  destruct a as [id' f']; simpl. 
+  rewrite ZMap.gsspec. destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (genv_nextfun ge)). 
+  apply PROP with id'. apply H. auto with coqlib. 
+  assumption.
+  unfold globalenv. rewrite add_variables_same_funs. intro. 
+  exploit (H p.(prog_funct) empty_genv). auto with coqlib. 
+  unfold find_funct_ptr; simpl. rewrite auto.
+  rewrite H0. auto.
-Lemma find_funct_inversion:
-  forall (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (v: val) (f: F),
+Theorem find_funct_prop:
+  forall (P: F -> Prop) p v f,
+  (forall id f, In (id, f) (prog_funct p) -> P f) ->
   find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
+  P f.
+  intros. exploit find_funct_inv; eauto. intros [b EQ]. subst v. 
+  rewrite find_funct_find_funct_ptr in H0. 
+  eapply find_funct_ptr_prop; eauto.
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_inversion:
+  forall p b f,
+  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
   exists id, In (id, f) (prog_funct p).
-  intros. exploit find_funct_inv; eauto. intros [b EQ]. rewrite EQ in H.
-  rewrite find_funct_find_funct_ptr in H. 
-  eapply find_funct_ptr_inversion; eauto.
+  intros. pattern f. apply find_funct_ptr_prop with p b; auto.
+  intros. exists id; auto.
-Lemma find_funct_prop:
-  forall (P: F -> Prop) (p: program F V) (v: val) (f: F),
-  (forall id f, In (id, f) (prog_funct p) -> P f) ->
+Theorem find_funct_inversion:
+  forall p v f,
   find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-  P f.
+  exists id, In (id, f) (prog_funct p).
+  intros. pattern f. apply find_funct_prop with p v; auto.
+  intros. exists id; auto.
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_negative:
+  forall p b f,
+  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f -> b < 0.
-  intros. exploit find_funct_inversion; eauto. intros [id A]. eauto.
+  unfold find_funct_ptr. intros. destruct (globalenv p). simpl in H. 
+  exploit genv_funs_range0; eauto. omega. 
-Lemma find_funct_ptr_symbol_inversion:
-  forall (p: program F V) (id: ident) (b: block) (f: F),
+Theorem find_var_info_positive:
+  forall p b v,
+  find_var_info (globalenv p) b = Some v -> b > 0.
+  unfold find_var_info. intros. destruct (globalenv p). simpl in H. 
+  exploit genv_vars_range0; eauto. omega. 
+Remark add_variables_symb_neg:
+  forall id b vl ge,
+  find_symbol (add_variables ge vl) id = Some b -> b < 0 ->
+  find_symbol ge id = Some b.
+  induction vl; simpl; intros. auto.
+  exploit IHvl; eauto. unfold find_symbol; simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
+  fold ident. destruct (peq id (a#1#1)); auto. intros. inv H1. 
+  generalize (genv_nextvar_pos ge). intros. omegaContradiction.
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_symbol_inversion:
+  forall p id b f,
   find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b ->
   find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
   In (id, f) p.(prog_funct).
   intros until f.
-  assert (forall fns,
-           let g := add_functs empty fns in
-           PTree.get id g.(symbols) = Some b ->
-           ZMap.get b g.(functions) = Some f ->
-           In (id, f) fns).
-    induction fns; simpl.
-    rewrite congruence.
-    set (g := add_functs empty fns). 
-    rewrite PTree.gsspec. rewrite ZMap.gsspec. 
-    case (peq id (fst a)); intro.
-    intro EQ. inversion EQ. unfold ZIndexed.eq. rewrite zeq_true. 
-    intro EQ2. left. destruct a. simpl in *. congruence. 
-    intro. unfold ZIndexed.eq. rewrite zeq_false. intro. eauto.
-    generalize (find_symbol_above_nextfunction _ _ H). fold g. unfold block. omega.
-  assert (forall g0 m0, b < 0 ->
-          forall vars g m,
-          add_globals (g0, m0) vars = (g, m) ->
-          PTree.get id g.(symbols) = Some b ->
-          PTree.get id g0.(symbols) = Some b).
-    induction vars; simpl.
-    intros. inv H1. auto.
-    destruct a as [[id1 init1] info1]. caseEq (add_globals (g0, m0) vars). 
-    intros g1 m1 EQ g m EQ1. injection EQ1; simpl; clear EQ1.
-    unfold add_symbol; intros A B. rewrite <- B. simpl. 
-    rewrite PTree.gsspec. case (peq id id1); intros.
-    assert (b > 0). inv H1. apply nextblock_pos. 
-    omegaContradiction.
-    eauto. 
-  intros. 
-  generalize (find_funct_ptr_negative _ _ H2). intro.
-  pose (g := add_functs empty (prog_funct p)). 
-  apply H.  
-  apply H0 with Mem.empty (prog_vars p) (globalenv p) (init_mem p).
-  auto. unfold globalenv, init_mem. rewrite <- surjective_pairing.
-  reflexivity. assumption. rewrite <- functions_globalenv. assumption.
+  assert (forall fl ge,
+          find_symbol (add_functions ge fl) id = Some b ->
+          find_funct_ptr (add_functions ge fl) b = Some f ->
+          In (id, f) fl \/ (find_symbol ge id = Some b /\ find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f)).
+  induction fl; simpl; intros.
+  auto.
+  exploit IHfl; eauto. intros [A | [A B]]. auto.
+  destruct a as [id' f'].
+  unfold find_symbol in A; simpl in A.
+  unfold find_funct_ptr in B; simpl in B.
+  rewrite PTree.gsspec in A. destruct (peq id id'). inv A. 
+  rewrite ZMap.gss in B. inv B. auto.
+  rewrite ZMap.gso in B. right; auto. 
+  exploit genv_symb_range; eauto. unfold block, ZIndexed.t; omega.
+  intros. assert (b < 0) by (eapply find_funct_ptr_negative; eauto). 
+  unfold globalenv in *. rewrite add_variables_same_funs in H1.
+  exploit (H (prog_funct p) empty_genv). 
+  eapply add_variables_symb_neg; eauto. auto. 
+  intuition. unfold find_symbol in H3; simpl in H3. rewrite PTree.gempty in H3. discriminate.
 Theorem find_symbol_not_nullptr:
-  forall (p: program F V) (id: ident) (b: block),
-  find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b -> b <> nullptr.
-  intros until b.
-  assert (forall fns, 
-          find_symbol (add_functs empty fns) id = Some b ->
-          b <> nullptr).
-    unfold find_symbol; induction fns; simpl.
-    rewrite PTree.gempty. congruence.
-    destruct a as [id1 f1]. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec.
-    destruct (peq id id1); intros. 
-    inversion H. generalize (nextfunction_add_functs_neg fns).
-    unfold block, nullptr; omega.
-    auto.
-  set (g0 := add_functs empty p.(prog_funct)).
-  assert (forall vars g m,
-          add_globals (g0, Mem.empty) vars = (g, m) ->
-          find_symbol g id = Some b ->
-          b <> nullptr).
-    induction vars; simpl; intros until m.
-    intros. inversion H0. subst g. apply H with (prog_funct p). auto.
-    destruct a as [[id1 init1] info1]. 
-    caseEq (add_globals (g0, Mem.empty) vars); intros g1 m1 EQ1 EQ2.
-    inv EQ2. unfold find_symbol, add_symbol; simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
-    destruct (peq id id1); intros. 
-    inv H0. generalize (nextblock_pos m1). unfold nullptr, block; omega.
-    eauto.
-  intros. eapply H0 with (vars := prog_vars p). apply surjective_pairing. auto.
+  forall p id b,
+  find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b -> b <> Mem.nullptr.
+  intros until b. unfold find_symbol. destruct (globalenv p); simpl. 
+  intros. exploit genv_symb_range0; eauto. intuition.
 Theorem global_addresses_distinct:
-  forall (p: program F V) id1 id2 b1 b2,
+  forall p id1 id2 b1 b2,
   id1<>id2 ->
   find_symbol (globalenv p) id1 = Some b1 ->
   find_symbol (globalenv p) id2 = Some b2 ->
+  intros until b2; intro DIFF. 
+  set (P := fun ge => find_symbol ge id1 = Some b1 -> find_symbol ge id2 = Some b2 -> b1 <> b2).
+  assert (forall fl ge, P ge -> P (add_functions ge fl)).
+  induction fl; intros; simpl. auto. 
+  apply IHfl. red. unfold find_symbol; simpl. 
+  repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
+  fold ident. destruct (peq id1 a#1); destruct (peq id2 a#1).
+  congruence.
+  intros. inversion H0. exploit genv_symb_range; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  intros. inversion H1. exploit genv_symb_range; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  auto. 
+  assert (forall vl ge, P ge -> P (add_variables ge vl)).
+  induction vl; intros; simpl. auto. 
+  apply IHvl. red. unfold find_symbol; simpl. 
+  repeat rewrite PTree.gsspec. 
+  fold ident. destruct (peq id1 a#1#1); destruct (peq id2 a#1#1).
+  congruence.
+  intros. inversion H1. exploit genv_symb_range; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  intros. inversion H2. exploit genv_symb_range; eauto. unfold block; omega.
+  auto.
+  change (P (globalenv p)). unfold globalenv. apply H0. apply H. 
+  red; unfold find_symbol; simpl; intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H1. congruence.
+(** * Construction of the initial memory state *)
+Section INITMEM.
+Variable ge: t.
+Definition init_data_size (i: init_data) : Z :=
+  match i with
+  | Init_int8 _ => 1
+  | Init_int16 _ => 2
+  | Init_int32 _ => 4
+  | Init_float32 _ => 4
+  | Init_float64 _ => 8
+  | Init_addrof _ _ => 4
+  | Init_space n => Zmax n 0
+  end.
+Lemma init_data_size_pos:
+  forall i, init_data_size i >= 0.
+  destruct i; simpl; try omega. generalize (Zle_max_r z 0). omega.
+Definition store_init_data (m: mem) (b: block) (p: Z) (id: init_data) : option mem :=
+  match id with
+  | Init_int8 n => Mint8unsigned m b p (Vint n)
+  | Init_int16 n => Mint16unsigned m b p (Vint n)
+  | Init_int32 n => Mint32 m b p (Vint n)
+  | Init_float32 n => Mfloat32 m b p (Vfloat n)
+  | Init_float64 n => Mfloat64 m b p (Vfloat n)
+  | Init_addrof symb ofs =>
+      match find_symbol ge symb with
+      | None => None
+      | Some b' => Mint32 m b p (Vptr b' ofs)
+      end
+  | Init_space n => Some m
+  end.
+Fixpoint store_init_data_list (m: mem) (b: block) (p: Z) (idl: list init_data)
+                              {struct idl}: option mem :=
+  match idl with
+  | nil => Some m
+  | id :: idl' =>
+      match store_init_data m b p id with
+      | None => None
+      | Some m' => store_init_data_list m' b (p + init_data_size id) idl'
+      end
+  end.
+Fixpoint init_data_list_size (il: list init_data) {struct il} : Z :=
+  match il with
+  | nil => 0
+  | i :: il' => init_data_size i + init_data_list_size il'
+  end.
+Definition alloc_variable (m: mem) (idv: ident * list init_data * V) : option mem :=
+  let (m', b) := Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size idv#1#2) in
+  store_init_data_list m' b 0 idv#1#2.
+Fixpoint alloc_variables (m: mem) (vl: list (ident * list init_data * V))
+                         {struct vl} : option mem :=
+  match vl with
+  | nil => Some m
+  | v :: vl' =>
+      match alloc_variable m v with
+      | None => None
+      | Some m' => alloc_variables m' vl'
+      end
+  end.
+Remark store_init_data_list_nextblock:
+  forall idl b m p m',
+  store_init_data_list m b p idl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m.
+  induction idl; simpl; intros until m'.
+  intros. congruence.
+  caseEq (store_init_data m b p a); try congruence. intros. 
+  transitivity (Mem.nextblock m0). eauto. 
+  destruct a; simpl in H; try (eapply Mem.nextblock_store; eauto; fail).
+  congruence. 
+  destruct (find_symbol ge i); try congruence. eapply Mem.nextblock_store; eauto. 
+Remark alloc_variables_nextblock:
+  forall vl m m',
+  alloc_variables m vl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m + Z_of_nat(List.length vl).
+  induction vl.
+  simpl; intros. inv H; unfold block; omega.
+  simpl length; rewrite inj_S; simpl. intros m m'. 
+  unfold alloc_variable. 
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size (a#1)#2)). intros m1 b ALLOC.
+  caseEq (store_init_data_list m1 b 0 a#1#2); try congruence. intros m2 STORE REC.
+  rewrite (IHvl _ _ REC). 
+  rewrite (store_init_data_list_nextblock _ _ _ _ STORE).
+  rewrite (Mem.nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC).
+  unfold block in *; omega.
+Remark store_init_data_list_perm:
+  forall prm b' q idl b m p m',
+  store_init_data_list m b p idl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.perm m b' q prm -> Mem.perm m' b' q prm.
+  induction idl; simpl; intros until m'.
+  intros. congruence.
+  caseEq (store_init_data m b p a); try congruence. intros. 
+  eapply IHidl; eauto. 
+  destruct a; simpl in H; eauto with mem.
+  congruence.
+  destruct (find_symbol ge i); try congruence. eauto with mem.
+Remark alloc_variables_perm:
+  forall prm b' q vl m m',
+  alloc_variables m vl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.perm m b' q prm -> Mem.perm m' b' q prm.
+  induction vl.
+  simpl; intros. congruence.
+  intros until m'. simpl. unfold alloc_variable. 
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size (a#1)#2)). intros m1 b ALLOC.
+  caseEq (store_init_data_list m1 b 0 a#1#2); try congruence. intros m2 STORE REC PERM.
+  eapply IHvl; eauto. 
+  eapply store_init_data_list_perm; eauto. 
+  eauto with mem.
+Remark store_init_data_list_outside:
+  forall b il m p m',
+  store_init_data_list m b p il = Some m' ->
+  forall chunk b' q,
+  b' <> b \/ q + size_chunk chunk <= p ->
+  Mem.load chunk m' b' q = Mem.load chunk m b' q.
+  induction il; simpl.
+  intros; congruence.
+  intros until m'. caseEq (store_init_data m b p a); try congruence. 
+  intros m1 A B chunk b' q C. transitivity (Mem.load chunk m1 b' q).
+  eapply IHil; eauto. generalize (init_data_size_pos a). intuition omega.
+  destruct a; simpl in A;
+  try (eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto; intuition; fail).
+  congruence.
+  destruct (find_symbol ge i); try congruence. 
+  eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto; intuition.
+Remark alloc_variables_nextblock:
+  forall vl g m m',
+  alloc_variables m vl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.nextblock m = genv_nextvar g ->
+  Mem.nextblock m' = genv_nextvar (add_variables g vl).
+  induction vl; simpl; intros until m'.
+  intros. congruence.
+  unfold alloc_variable. 
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size (a#1)#2)). intros m1 b ALLOC.
+  caseEq (store_init_data_list m1 b 0 a#1#2); try congruence. intros m2 STORE REC EQ.
+  eapply IHvl; eauto. 
+  rewrite (store_init_data_list_nextblock _ _ _ _ STORE).
+  rewrite (Mem.nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC).
+  simpl. unfold block in *; omega.
+Fixpoint load_store_init_data (m: mem) (b: block) (p: Z) (il: list init_data) {struct il} : Prop :=
+  match il with
+  | nil => True
+  | Init_int8 n :: il' =>
+      Mem.load Mint8unsigned m b p = Some(Vint(Int.zero_ext 8 n))
+      /\ load_store_init_data m b (p + 1) il'
+  | Init_int16 n :: il' =>
+      Mem.load Mint16unsigned m b p = Some(Vint(Int.zero_ext 16 n))
+      /\ load_store_init_data m b (p + 2) il'
+  | Init_int32 n :: il' =>
+      Mem.load Mint32 m b p = Some(Vint n)
+      /\ load_store_init_data m b (p + 4) il'
+  | Init_float32 n :: il' =>
+      Mem.load Mfloat32 m b p = Some(Vfloat(Float.singleoffloat n))
+      /\ load_store_init_data m b (p + 4) il'
+  | Init_float64 n :: il' =>
+      Mem.load Mfloat64 m b p = Some(Vfloat n)
+      /\ load_store_init_data m b (p + 8) il'
+  | Init_addrof symb ofs :: il' =>
+      (exists b', find_symbol ge symb = Some b' /\ Mem.load Mint32 m b p = Some(Vptr b' ofs))
+      /\ load_store_init_data m b (p + 4) il'
+  | Init_space n :: il' =>
+      load_store_init_data m b (p + Zmax n 0) il'
+  end.
+Lemma store_init_data_list_charact:
+  forall b il m p m',
+  store_init_data_list m b p il = Some m' ->
+  load_store_init_data m' b p il.
+  assert (A: forall chunk v m b p m1 il m',
+ chunk m b p v = Some m1 ->
+    store_init_data_list m1 b (p + size_chunk chunk) il = Some m' ->
+    Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
+    Mem.load chunk m' b p = Some(Val.load_result chunk v)).
+  intros. transitivity (Mem.load chunk m1 b p).
+  eapply store_init_data_list_outside; eauto. right. omega. 
+  eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto. 
+  induction il; simpl.
+  auto.
+  intros until m'. caseEq (store_init_data m b p a); try congruence. 
+  intros m1 B C.
+  exploit IHil; eauto. intro D. 
+  destruct a; simpl in B; intuition.
+  eapply (A Mint8unsigned (Vint i)); eauto. simpl; auto.
+  eapply (A Mint16unsigned (Vint i)); eauto. simpl; auto.
+  eapply (A Mint32 (Vint i)); eauto. simpl; auto.
+  eapply (A Mfloat32 (Vfloat f)); eauto. simpl; auto.
+  eapply (A Mfloat64 (Vfloat f)); eauto. simpl; auto.
+  destruct (find_symbol ge i); try congruence. exists b0; split; auto. 
+  eapply (A Mint32 (Vptr b0 i0)); eauto. simpl; auto. 
+Remark load_alloc_variables:
+  forall chunk b p vl m m',
+  alloc_variables m vl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.valid_block m b ->
+  Mem.load chunk m' b p = Mem.load chunk m b p.
+  induction vl; simpl; intros until m'.
+  congruence.
+  unfold alloc_variable. 
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size a#1#2)); intros m1 b1 ALLOC.
+  caseEq (store_init_data_list m1 b1 0 a#1#2); try congruence. intros m2 STO REC VAL.
+  transitivity (Mem.load chunk m2 b p). 
+  apply IHvl; auto. red. rewrite (store_init_data_list_nextblock _ _ _ _ STO).
+  change (Mem.valid_block m1 b). eauto with mem. 
+  transitivity (Mem.load chunk m1 b p).
+  eapply store_init_data_list_outside; eauto. left. 
+  apply Mem.valid_not_valid_diff with m; eauto with mem.
+  eapply Mem.load_alloc_unchanged; eauto.
+Remark load_store_init_data_invariant:
+  forall m m' b,
+  (forall chunk ofs, Mem.load chunk m' b ofs = Mem.load chunk m b ofs) ->
+  forall il p,
+  load_store_init_data m b p il -> load_store_init_data m' b p il.
+  induction il; intro p; simpl.
+  auto.
+  repeat rewrite H. destruct a; intuition. 
+Lemma alloc_variables_charact:
+  forall id init v vl g m m',
+  genv_nextvar g = Mem.nextblock m ->
+  alloc_variables m vl = Some m' ->
+  list_norepet (map (fun v => v#1#1) vl) ->
+  In (id, init, v) vl ->
+  exists b, find_symbol (add_variables g vl) id = Some b 
+         /\ find_var_info (add_variables g vl) b = Some v
+         /\ Mem.range_perm m' b 0 (init_data_list_size init) Writable
+         /\ load_store_init_data m' b 0 init.
+  induction vl; simpl.
+  contradiction.
+  intros until m'; intro NEXT.
+  unfold alloc_variable. destruct a as [[id' init'] v']. simpl.
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size init')); try congruence.
+  intros m1 b ALLOC. 
+  caseEq (store_init_data_list m1 b 0 init'); try congruence.
+  exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro BEQ. 
+  destruct IN. inv H.
+  exists (Mem.nextblock m); split. 
+  rewrite add_variables_same_symb; auto. unfold find_symbol; simpl. 
+  rewrite PTree.gss. congruence. 
+  split. rewrite add_variables_same_address. unfold find_var_info; simpl.
+  rewrite NEXT. apply ZMap.gss.
+  simpl. rewrite <- NEXT; omega.
+  split. red; intros. eapply alloc_variables_perm; eauto. 
+  eapply store_init_data_list_perm; eauto.
+  apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; eauto with mem.
+  apply load_store_init_data_invariant with m2.
+  intros. eapply load_alloc_variables; eauto. 
+  red. rewrite (store_init_data_list_nextblock _ _ _ _ STORE).
+  change (Mem.valid_block m1 (Mem.nextblock m)). eauto with mem.
+  eapply store_init_data_list_charact; eauto. 
+  apply IHvl with m2; auto.
+  simpl. rewrite (store_init_data_list_nextblock _ _ _ _ STORE).
+  rewrite (Mem.nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). unfold block in *; omega.
+Definition init_mem (p: program F V) :=
+  alloc_variables (globalenv p) Mem.empty p.(prog_vars).
+Theorem find_symbol_not_fresh:
+  forall p id b m,
+  init_mem p = Some m ->
+  find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b -> Mem.valid_block m b.
+  unfold init_mem; intros.
+  exploit alloc_variables_nextblock; eauto. rewrite Mem.nextblock_empty. intro.
+  exploit genv_symb_range; eauto. intros.
+  generalize (add_variables_nextvar (prog_vars p) (add_functions empty_genv (prog_funct p))).
+  rewrite add_functions_nextvar. simpl genv_nextvar. intro.
+  red. rewrite H1. rewrite <- H3. intuition.
+Theorem find_var_exists:
+  forall p id init v m,
+  list_norepet (prog_var_names p) ->
+  In (id, init, v) (prog_vars p) ->
+  init_mem p = Some m ->
+  exists b, find_symbol (globalenv p) id = Some b
+         /\ find_var_info (globalenv p) b = Some v
+         /\ Mem.range_perm m b 0 (init_data_list_size init) Writable
+         /\ load_store_init_data (globalenv p) m b 0 init.
+  intros. exploit alloc_variables_charact; eauto. 
+  instantiate (1 := Mem.empty). rewrite add_functions_nextvar. rewrite Mem.nextblock_empty; auto.
+  assumption.
+(** ** Compatibility with memory injections *)
+Variable ge: t.
+Variable thr: block.
+Hypothesis symb_inject: forall id b, find_symbol ge id = Some b -> b < thr.
+Lemma store_init_data_neutral:
+  forall m b p id m',
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m ->
+  b < thr ->
+  store_init_data ge m b p id = Some m' ->
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m'.
-  assert (forall fns,
-    find_symbol (add_functs empty fns) id1 = Some b1 ->
-    find_symbol (add_functs empty fns) id2 = Some b2 ->
-    b1 <> b2).
-  unfold find_symbol. induction fns; simpl; intros.
-  rewrite PTree.gempty in H2. discriminate.
-  destruct a as [id f]; simpl in *. 
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2.
-  destruct (peq id1 id). subst id. inv H2.
-  rewrite PTree.gso in H3; auto. 
-  generalize (find_symbol_above_nextfunction _ _ H3). unfold block. omega.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec in H3. 
-  destruct (peq id2 id). subst id. inv H3.
-  generalize (find_symbol_above_nextfunction _ _ H2). unfold block. omega.
-  eauto.
-  set (ge0 := add_functs empty p.(prog_funct)).
-  assert (forall (vars: list (ident * list init_data * V)) ge m,
-    add_globals (ge0, Mem.empty) vars = (ge, m) ->
-    find_symbol ge id1 = Some b1 ->
-    find_symbol ge id2 = Some b2 ->
-    b1 <> b2).
-  unfold find_symbol. induction vars; simpl. 
-  intros. inv H3. subst ge. apply H2 with (p.(prog_funct)); auto. 
-  intros ge m. destruct a as [[id init] info]. 
-  caseEq (add_globals (ge0, Mem.empty) vars). intros ge1 m1 A B. inv B.
-  unfold add_symbol. simpl. intros.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec in H3; destruct (peq id1 id). subst id. inv H3.
-  rewrite PTree.gso in H4; auto. 
-  generalize (find_symbol_add_symbols_not_fresh _ _ _ A H4). unfold block; omega.
-  rewrite PTree.gsspec in H4; destruct (peq id2 id). subst id. inv H4.
-  generalize (find_symbol_add_symbols_not_fresh _ _ _ A H3). unfold block; omega.
+  destruct id; simpl in H1; try (eapply Mem.store_inject_neutral; eauto; fail).
+  inv H1; auto.
+  revert H1. caseEq (find_symbol ge i); try congruence. intros b' FS ST. 
+  eapply Mem.store_inject_neutral; eauto. 
+  econstructor. unfold Mem.flat_inj. apply zlt_true; eauto. 
+  rewrite Int.add_zero. auto. 
+Lemma store_init_data_list_neutral:
+  forall b idl m p m',
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m ->
+  b < thr ->
+  store_init_data_list ge m b p idl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m'.
+  induction idl; simpl.
+  intros; congruence.
+  intros until m'; intros INJ FB.
+  caseEq (store_init_data ge m b p a); try congruence. intros. 
+  eapply IHidl. eapply store_init_data_neutral; eauto. auto. eauto. 
+Lemma alloc_variable_neutral:
+  forall id m m',
+  alloc_variable ge m id = Some m' ->
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m ->
+  Mem.nextblock m < thr ->
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m'.
+  intros until m'. unfold alloc_variable. 
+  caseEq (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size (id#1)#2)); intros m1 b; intros.
+  eapply store_init_data_list_neutral with (b := b).
+  eapply Mem.alloc_inject_neutral; eauto.
+  rewrite (Mem.alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H). auto.
-  set (ge_m := add_globals (ge0, Mem.empty) p.(prog_vars)).
-  apply H3 with (p.(prog_vars)) (fst ge_m) (snd ge_m).
-  fold ge_m. apply surjective_pairing. auto. auto.
+Lemma alloc_variables_neutral:
+  forall idl m m',
+  alloc_variables ge m idl = Some m' ->
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m ->
+  Mem.nextblock m' <= thr ->
+  Mem.inject_neutral thr m'.
+  induction idl; simpl.
+  intros. congruence.
+  intros until m'. caseEq (alloc_variable ge m a); try congruence. intros.
+  assert (Mem.nextblock m' = Mem.nextblock m + Z_of_nat(length (a :: idl))).
+  eapply alloc_variables_nextblock with ge. simpl. rewrite H. auto. 
+  simpl length in H3. rewrite inj_S in H3. 
+  exploit alloc_variable_neutral; eauto. unfold block in *; omega.
+Theorem initmem_inject:
+  forall p m,
+  init_mem p = Some m ->
+  Mem.inject (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m)) m m.
+  unfold init_mem; intros.
+  apply Mem.neutral_inject. 
+  eapply alloc_variables_neutral; eauto. 
+  intros. exploit find_symbol_not_fresh; eauto.
+  apply Mem.empty_inject_neutral.
+  omega.
 End GENV.
-(* Global environments and program transformations. *)
+(** * Commutation with program transformations *)
+(** ** Commutation with matching between programs. *)
-Variable A B V W: Type.
+Variables A B V W: Type.
 Variable match_fun: A -> B -> Prop.
 Variable match_var: V -> W -> Prop.
-Variable p: program A V.
-Variable p': program B W.
-Hypothesis match_prog:
-  match_program match_fun match_var p p'.
-Lemma add_functs_match:
-  forall (fns: list (ident * A)) (tfns: list (ident * B)),
-  list_forall2 (match_funct_entry match_fun) fns tfns ->
-  let r := add_functs (empty A) fns in
-  let tr := add_functs (empty B) tfns in
-  nextfunction tr = nextfunction r /\
-  symbols tr = symbols r /\
-  forall (b: block) (f: A),
-  ZMap.get b (functions r) = Some f ->
-  exists tf, ZMap.get b (functions tr) = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
-  induction 1; simpl.
-  split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity.
-  intros b f; repeat (rewrite intros; discriminate.
-  destruct a1 as [id1 fn1]. destruct b1 as [id2 fn2]. 
-  simpl. red in H. destruct H. 
-  destruct IHlist_forall2 as [X [Y Z]].
-  rewrite X. rewrite Y.  
-  split. auto.
-  split. congruence.
-  intros b f.
-  repeat (rewrite ZMap.gsspec). 
-  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (nextfunction (add_functs (empty A) al))).
-  intro EQ; inv EQ. exists fn2; auto.
+Record match_genvs (ge1: t A V) (ge2: t B W): Prop := {
+  mge_nextfun: genv_nextfun ge1 = genv_nextfun ge2;
+  mge_nextvar: genv_nextvar ge1 = genv_nextvar ge2;
+  mge_symb:    genv_symb ge1 = genv_symb ge2;
+  mge_funs:
+    forall b f, ZMap.get b (genv_funs ge1) = Some f ->
+    exists tf, ZMap.get b (genv_funs ge2) = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf;
+  mge_rev_funs:
+    forall b tf, ZMap.get b (genv_funs ge2) = Some tf ->
+    exists f, ZMap.get b (genv_funs ge1) = Some f /\ match_fun f tf;
+  mge_vars:
+    forall b v, ZMap.get b (genv_vars ge1) = Some v ->
+    exists tv, ZMap.get b (genv_vars ge2) = Some tv /\ match_var v tv;
+  mge_rev_vars:
+    forall b tv, ZMap.get b (genv_vars ge2) = Some tv ->
+    exists v, ZMap.get b (genv_vars ge1) = Some v /\ match_var v tv
+Lemma add_function_match:
+  forall ge1 ge2 id f1 f2,
+  match_genvs ge1 ge2 ->
+  match_fun f1 f2 ->
+  match_genvs (add_function ge1 (id, f1)) (add_function ge2 (id, f2)).
+  intros. destruct H. constructor; simpl. 
+  congruence. congruence. congruence.
+  rewrite mge_nextfun0. intros. rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H. rewrite ZMap.gsspec. 
+  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (genv_nextfun ge2)). 
+  exists f2; split; congruence.
+  eauto.
+  rewrite mge_nextfun0. intros. rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H. rewrite ZMap.gsspec. 
+  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (genv_nextfun ge2)). 
+  exists f1; split; congruence.
+  eauto.
+  auto.
-Lemma add_functs_rev_match:
-  forall (fns: list (ident * A)) (tfns: list (ident * B)),
-  list_forall2 (match_funct_entry match_fun) fns tfns ->
-  let r := add_functs (empty A) fns in
-  let tr := add_functs (empty B) tfns in
-  nextfunction tr = nextfunction r /\
-  symbols tr = symbols r /\
-  forall (b: block) (tf: B),
-  ZMap.get b (functions tr) = Some tf ->
-  exists f, ZMap.get b (functions r) = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
-  induction 1; simpl.
-  split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity.
-  intros b f; repeat (rewrite intros; discriminate.
-  destruct a1 as [id1 fn1]. destruct b1 as [id2 fn2]. 
-  simpl. red in H. destruct H. 
-  destruct IHlist_forall2 as [X [Y Z]].
-  rewrite X. rewrite Y.  
-  split. auto.
-  split. congruence.
-  intros b f.
-  repeat (rewrite ZMap.gsspec). 
-  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (nextfunction (add_functs (empty A) al))).
-  intro EQ; inv EQ. exists fn1; auto.
+Lemma add_functions_match:
+  forall fl1 fl2, list_forall2 (match_funct_entry match_fun) fl1 fl2 ->
+  forall ge1 ge2, match_genvs ge1 ge2 ->
+  match_genvs (add_functions ge1 fl1) (add_functions ge2 fl2).
+  induction 1; intros; simpl. 
+  destruct a1 as [id1 f1]; destruct b1 as [id2 f2].
+  destruct H. subst. apply IHlist_forall2. apply add_function_match; auto.
-Lemma mem_add_globals_match:
-  forall (g1: genv A) (g2: genv B) (m: mem) 
-         (vars: list (ident * list init_data * V))
-         (tvars: list (ident * list init_data * W)),
-  list_forall2 (match_var_entry match_var) vars tvars ->
-  snd (add_globals (g1, m) vars) = snd (add_globals (g2, m) tvars).
+Lemma add_variable_match:
+  forall ge1 ge2 id idl v1 v2,
+  match_genvs ge1 ge2 ->
+  match_var v1 v2 ->
+  match_genvs (add_variable ge1 (id, idl, v1)) (add_variable ge2 (id, idl, v2)).
-  induction 1; simpl.
+  intros. destruct H. constructor; simpl. 
+  congruence. congruence. congruence.
-  destruct a1 as [[id1 init1] info1].
-  destruct b1 as [[id2 init2] info2].
-  red in H. destruct H as [X [Y Z]]. subst id2 init2. 
-  generalize IHlist_forall2. 
-  destruct (add_globals (g1, m) al).
-  destruct (add_globals (g2, m) bl).
-  simpl. intro. subst m1. auto.
-Lemma symbols_add_globals_match:
-  forall (g1: genv A) (g2: genv B) (m: mem),
-  symbols g1 = symbols g2 ->
-  forall (vars: list (ident * list init_data * V))
-         (tvars: list (ident * list init_data * W)),
-  list_forall2 (match_var_entry match_var) vars tvars ->
-  symbols (fst (add_globals (g1, m) vars)) =
-  symbols (fst (add_globals (g2, m) tvars)).
-  induction 2; simpl.
-  destruct a1 as [[id1 init1] info1].
-  destruct b1 as [[id2 init2] info2].
-  red in H0. destruct H0 as [X [Y Z]]. subst id2 init2. 
-  generalize IHlist_forall2.
-  generalize (mem_add_globals_match g1 g2 m H1).
-  destruct (add_globals (g1, m) al).
-  destruct (add_globals (g2, m) bl).
-  simpl. intros. congruence.
+  rewrite mge_nextvar0. intros. rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H. rewrite ZMap.gsspec. 
+  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (genv_nextvar ge2)). 
+  exists v2; split; congruence.
+  eauto.
+  rewrite mge_nextvar0. intros. rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H. rewrite ZMap.gsspec. 
+  destruct (ZIndexed.eq b (genv_nextvar ge2)). 
+  exists v1; split; congruence.
+  eauto.
-Theorem find_funct_ptr_match:
-  forall (b: block) (f: A),
-  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
-  exists tf, find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
+Lemma add_variables_match:
+  forall vl1 vl2, list_forall2 (match_var_entry match_var) vl1 vl2 ->
+  forall ge1 ge2, match_genvs ge1 ge2 ->
+  match_genvs (add_variables ge1 vl1) (add_variables ge2 vl2).
-  intros until f. destruct match_prog as [X [Y Z]]. 
-  destruct (add_functs_match X) as [P [Q R]]. 
-  unfold find_funct_ptr. repeat rewrite functions_globalenv.
+  induction 1; intros; simpl. 
+  destruct a1 as [[id1 init1] f1]; destruct b1 as [[id2 init2] f2].
+  destruct H. destruct H2. subst. apply IHlist_forall2. apply add_variable_match; auto.
-Theorem find_funct_ptr_rev_match:
-  forall (b: block) (tf: B),
-  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf ->
-  exists f, find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
+Variable p: program A V.
+Variable p': program B W.
+Hypothesis progmatch: match_program match_fun match_var p p'.
+Lemma globalenvs_match:
+  match_genvs (globalenv p) (globalenv p').
-  intros until tf. destruct match_prog as [X [Y Z]]. 
-  destruct (add_functs_rev_match X) as [P [Q R]]. 
-  unfold find_funct_ptr. repeat rewrite functions_globalenv.
-  auto.
+  unfold globalenv. destruct progmatch. destruct H0. 
+  apply add_variables_match; auto. apply add_functions_match; auto. 
+  constructor; simpl; auto; intros; rewrite in H2; congruence.
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_match:
+  forall (b : block) (f : A),
+  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f ->
+  exists tf : B,
+  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
+Proof (mge_funs globalenvs_match).
+Theorem find_funct_ptr_rev_match:
+  forall (b : block) (tf : B),
+  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p') b = Some tf ->
+  exists f : A,
+  find_funct_ptr (globalenv p) b = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
+Proof (mge_rev_funs globalenvs_match).
 Theorem find_funct_match:
-  forall (v: val) (f: A),
+  forall (v : val) (f : A),
   find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f ->
-  exists tf, find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
+  exists tf : B, find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf /\ match_fun f tf.
-  intros until f. unfold find_funct. 
-  case v; try (intros; discriminate).
-  intros b ofs.
-  case (Int.eq ofs; try (intros; discriminate).
-  apply find_funct_ptr_match.
+  intros. exploit find_funct_inv; eauto. intros [b EQ]. subst v. 
+  rewrite find_funct_find_funct_ptr in H. 
+  rewrite find_funct_find_funct_ptr.
+  apply find_funct_ptr_match. auto.
 Theorem find_funct_rev_match:
-  forall (v: val) (tf: B),
+  forall (v : val) (tf : B),
   find_funct (globalenv p') v = Some tf ->
-  exists f, find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
+  exists f : A, find_funct (globalenv p) v = Some f /\ match_fun f tf.
-  intros until tf. unfold find_funct. 
-  case v; try (intros; discriminate).
-  intros b ofs.
-  case (Int.eq ofs; try (intros; discriminate).
-  apply find_funct_ptr_rev_match.
+  intros. exploit find_funct_inv; eauto. intros [b EQ]. subst v. 
+  rewrite find_funct_find_funct_ptr in H. 
+  rewrite find_funct_find_funct_ptr.
+  apply find_funct_ptr_rev_match. auto.
-Lemma symbols_init_match:
-  symbols (globalenv p') = symbols (globalenv p).
-  unfold globalenv. unfold globalenv_initmem.
-  destruct match_prog as [X [Y Z]].
-  destruct (add_functs_match X) as [P [Q R]]. 
-  simpl. symmetry. apply symbols_add_globals_match. auto. auto.
+Theorem find_var_info_match:
+  forall (b : block) (v : V),
+  find_var_info (globalenv p) b = Some v ->
+  exists tv,
+  find_var_info (globalenv p') b = Some tv /\ match_var v tv.
+Proof (mge_vars globalenvs_match).
+Theorem find_var_info_rev_match:
+  forall (b : block) (tv : W),
+  find_var_info (globalenv p') b = Some tv ->
+  exists v,
+  find_var_info (globalenv p) b = Some v /\ match_var v tv.
+Proof (mge_rev_vars globalenvs_match).
 Theorem find_symbol_match:
-  forall (s: ident),
+  forall (s : ident),
   find_symbol (globalenv p') s = find_symbol (globalenv p) s.
-  intros. unfold find_symbol. 
-  rewrite symbols_init_match. auto.
+  intros. destruct globalenvs_match. unfold find_symbol. congruence. 
+Lemma store_init_data_list_match:
+  forall idl m b ofs,
+  store_init_data_list (globalenv p') m b ofs idl =
+  store_init_data_list (globalenv p) m b ofs idl.
+  induction idl; simpl; intros. 
+  auto.
+  assert (store_init_data (globalenv p') m b ofs a =
+          store_init_data (globalenv p) m b ofs a).
+  destruct a; simpl; auto. rewrite find_symbol_match. auto. 
+  rewrite H. destruct (store_init_data (globalenv p) m b ofs a); auto. 
+Lemma alloc_variables_match:
+  forall vl1 vl2, list_forall2 (match_var_entry match_var) vl1 vl2 ->
+  forall m,
+  alloc_variables (globalenv p') m vl2 = alloc_variables (globalenv p) m vl1.
+  induction 1; intros; simpl.
+  auto.
+  destruct a1 as [[id1 init1] v1]; destruct b1 as [[id2 init2] v2].
+  destruct H. destruct H1. subst.
+  unfold alloc_variable; simpl. 
+  destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 (init_data_list_size init2)). 
+  rewrite store_init_data_list_match. 
+  destruct (store_init_data_list (globalenv p) m0 b 0 init2); auto.
 Theorem init_mem_match:
-  init_mem p' = init_mem p.
+  forall m, init_mem p = Some m -> init_mem p' = Some m.
-  unfold init_mem. unfold globalenv_initmem.
-  destruct match_prog as [X [Y Z]]. 
-  symmetry. apply mem_add_globals_match. auto.
+  intros. rewrite <- H. unfold init_mem. destruct progmatch. destruct H1. 
+  apply alloc_variables_match; auto. 
@@ -1007,6 +1136,28 @@ Proof.
   exploit find_funct_rev_match. eexact prog_match. eauto. auto. 
+Theorem find_var_info_transf_partial2:
+  forall (b: block) (v: V),
+  find_var_info (globalenv p) b = Some v ->
+  exists v',
+  find_var_info (globalenv p') b = Some v' /\ transf_var v = OK v'.
+  intros. 
+  exploit find_var_info_match. eexact prog_match. eauto. 
+  intros [tv [X Y]]. exists tv; auto.
+Theorem find_var_info_rev_transf_partial2:
+  forall (b: block) (v': W),
+  find_var_info (globalenv p') b = Some v' ->
+  exists v,
+  find_var_info (globalenv p) b = Some v /\ transf_var v = OK v'.
+  intros. 
+  exploit find_var_info_rev_match. eexact prog_match. eauto. 
+  intros [v [X Y]]. exists v; auto.
 Theorem find_symbol_transf_partial2:
   forall (s: ident),
   find_symbol (globalenv p') s = find_symbol (globalenv p) s.
@@ -1015,9 +1166,9 @@ Proof.
 Theorem init_mem_transf_partial2:
-  init_mem p' = init_mem p.
+  forall m, init_mem p = Some m -> init_mem p' = Some m.
-  intros. eapply init_mem_match. eexact prog_match.
+  intros. eapply init_mem_match. eexact prog_match. auto.
@@ -1080,7 +1231,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem init_mem_transf_partial:
-  init_mem p' = init_mem p.
+  forall m, init_mem p = Some m -> init_mem p' = Some m.
   exact (@init_mem_transf_partial2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ transf2_OK).
@@ -1147,7 +1298,7 @@ Proof.
 Theorem init_mem_transf:
-  init_mem tp = init_mem p.
+  forall m, init_mem p = Some m -> init_mem tp = Some m.
   exact (@init_mem_transf_partial _ _ _ _ _ _ transf_OK).
diff --git a/common/Mem.v b/common/Mem.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 252ee2911..000000000
--- a/common/Mem.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2887 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*              The Compcert verified compiler                         *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*          Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt                     *)
-(*          Sandrine Blazy, ENSIIE and INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt        *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(*  Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en     *)
-(*  Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed       *)
-(*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *)
-(*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or  *)
-(*  (at your option) any later version.  This file is also distributed *)
-(*  under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement.     *)
-(*                                                                     *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(** This file develops the memory model that is used in the dynamic
-  semantics of all the languages used in the compiler.
-  It defines a type [mem] of memory states, the following 4 basic
-  operations over memory states, and their properties:
-- [load]: read a memory chunk at a given address;
-- [store]: store a memory chunk at a given address;
-- [alloc]: allocate a fresh memory block;
-- [free]: invalidate a memory block.
-Require Import Coqlib.
-Require Import Maps.
-Require Import AST.
-Require Import Integers.
-Require Import Floats.
-Require Import Values.
-Definition update (A: Type) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A) : Z -> A :=
-  fun y => if zeq y x then v else f y.
-Implicit Arguments update [A].
-Lemma update_s:
-  forall (A: Type) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A),
-  update x v f x = v.
-  intros; unfold update. apply zeq_true.
-Lemma update_o:
-  forall (A: Type) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A) (y: Z),
-  x <> y -> update x v f y = f y.
-  intros; unfold update. apply zeq_false; auto.
-(** * Structure of memory states *)
-(** A memory state is organized in several disjoint blocks.  Each block
-  has a low and a high bound that defines its size.  Each block map
-  byte offsets to the contents of this byte. *)
-(** The possible contents of a byte-sized memory cell.  To give intuitions,
-  a 4-byte value [v] stored at offset [d] will be represented by
-  the content [Datum(4, v)] at offset [d] and [Cont] at offsets [d+1],
-  [d+2] and [d+3].  The [Cont] contents enable detecting future writes
-  that would partially overlap the 4-byte value. *)
-Inductive content : Type :=
-  | Undef: content                 (**r undefined contents *)
-  | Datum: nat -> val -> content   (**r first byte of a value *)
-  | Cont: content.          (**r continuation bytes for a multi-byte value *)
-Definition contentmap : Type := Z -> content.
-(** A memory block comprises the dimensions of the block (low and high bounds)
-  plus a mapping from byte offsets to contents.  *)
-Record block_contents : Type := mkblock {
-  low: Z;
-  high: Z;
-  contents: contentmap
-(** A memory state is a mapping from block addresses (represented by [Z]
-  integers) to blocks.  We also maintain the address of the next 
-  unallocated block, and a proof that this address is positive. *)
-Record mem : Type := mkmem {
-  blocks: Z -> block_contents;
-  nextblock: block;
-  nextblock_pos: nextblock > 0
-(** * Operations on memory stores *)
-(** Memory reads and writes are performed by quantities called memory chunks,
-  encoding the type, size and signedness of the chunk being addressed.
-  The following functions extract the size information from a chunk. *)
-Definition size_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : Z :=
-  match chunk with
-  | Mint8signed => 1
-  | Mint8unsigned => 1
-  | Mint16signed => 2
-  | Mint16unsigned => 2
-  | Mint32 => 4
-  | Mfloat32 => 4
-  | Mfloat64 => 8
-  end.
-Definition pred_size_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : nat :=
-  match chunk with
-  | Mint8signed => 0%nat
-  | Mint8unsigned => 0%nat
-  | Mint16signed => 1%nat
-  | Mint16unsigned => 1%nat
-  | Mint32 => 3%nat
-  | Mfloat32 => 3%nat
-  | Mfloat64 => 7%nat
-  end.
-Lemma size_chunk_pred:
-  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk = 1 + Z_of_nat (pred_size_chunk chunk).
-  destruct chunk; auto.
-Lemma size_chunk_pos:
-  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk > 0.
-  intros. rewrite size_chunk_pred. omega.
-(** Memory reads and writes must respect alignment constraints:
-  the byte offset of the location being addressed should be an exact
-  multiple of the natural alignment for the chunk being addressed.
-  This natural alignment is defined by the following 
-  [align_chunk] function.  Some target architectures
-  (e.g. the PowerPC) have no alignment constraints, which we could
-  reflect by taking [align_chunk chunk = 1].  However, other architectures
-  have stronger alignment requirements.  The following definition is
-  appropriate for PowerPC and ARM. *)
-Definition align_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : Z := 
-  match chunk with
-  | Mint8signed => 1
-  | Mint8unsigned => 1
-  | Mint16signed => 2
-  | Mint16unsigned => 2
-  | _ => 4
-  end.
-Lemma align_chunk_pos:
-  forall chunk, align_chunk chunk > 0.
-  intro. destruct chunk; simpl; omega.
-Lemma align_size_chunk_divides:
-  forall chunk, (align_chunk chunk | size_chunk chunk).
-  intros. destruct chunk; simpl; try apply Zdivide_refl. exists 2; auto. 
-Lemma align_chunk_compat:
-  forall chunk1 chunk2,
-  size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 -> align_chunk chunk1 = align_chunk chunk2.
-  intros chunk1 chunk2. 
-  destruct chunk1; destruct chunk2; simpl; congruence.
-(** The initial store. *)
-Remark one_pos: 1 > 0.
-Proof. omega. Qed.
-Definition empty_block (lo hi: Z) : block_contents :=
-  mkblock lo hi (fun y => Undef).
-Definition empty: mem :=
-  mkmem (fun x => empty_block 0 0) 1 one_pos.
-Definition nullptr: block := 0.
-(** Allocation of a fresh block with the given bounds.  Return an updated
-  memory state and the address of the fresh block, which initially contains
-  undefined cells.  Note that allocation never fails: we model an
-  infinite memory. *)
-Remark succ_nextblock_pos:
-  forall m, Zsucc m.(nextblock) > 0.
-Proof. intro. generalize (nextblock_pos m). omega. Qed.
-Definition alloc (m: mem) (lo hi: Z) :=
-  (mkmem (update m.(nextblock) 
-                 (empty_block lo hi)
-                 m.(blocks))
-         (Zsucc m.(nextblock))
-         (succ_nextblock_pos m),
-   m.(nextblock)).
-(** Freeing a block.  Return the updated memory state where the given
-  block address has been invalidated: future reads and writes to this
-  address will fail.  Note that we make no attempt to return the block
-  to an allocation pool: the given block address will never be allocated
-  later. *)
-Definition free (m: mem) (b: block) :=
-  mkmem (update b 
-                (empty_block 0 0)
-                m.(blocks))
-        m.(nextblock)
-        m.(nextblock_pos).
-(** Freeing of a list of blocks. *)
-Definition free_list (m:mem) (l:list block) :=
-  List.fold_right (fun b m => free m b) m l.
-(** Return the low and high bounds for the given block address.
-   Those bounds are 0 for freed or not yet allocated address. *)
-Definition low_bound (m: mem) (b: block) :=
-  low (m.(blocks) b).
-Definition high_bound (m: mem) (b: block) :=
-  high (m.(blocks) b).
-(** A block address is valid if it was previously allocated. It remains valid
-  even after being freed. *)
-Definition valid_block (m: mem) (b: block) :=
-  b < m.(nextblock).
-(** Reading and writing [N] adjacent locations in a [contentmap].
-  We define two functions and prove some of their properties:
-  - [getN n ofs m] returns the datum at offset [ofs] in block contents [m]
-    after checking that the contents of offsets [ofs+1] to [ofs+n+1]
-    are [Cont].
-  - [setN n ofs v m] updates the block contents [m], storing the content [v]
-    at offset [ofs] and the content [Cont] at offsets [ofs+1] to [ofs+n+1].
- *)
-Fixpoint check_cont (n: nat) (p: Z) (m: contentmap) {struct n} : bool :=
-  match n with
-  | O => true
-  | S n1 =>
-      match m p with
-      | Cont => check_cont n1 (p + 1) m
-      | _ => false
-      end
-  end.
-Definition eq_nat: forall (p q: nat), {p=q} + {p<>q}.
-Proof. decide equality. Defined.
-Definition getN (n: nat) (p: Z) (m: contentmap) : val :=
-  match m p with
-  | Datum n' v =>
-      if eq_nat n n' && check_cont n (p + 1) m then v else Vundef
-  | _ =>
-      Vundef
-  end.
-Fixpoint set_cont (n: nat) (p: Z) (m: contentmap) {struct n} : contentmap :=
-  match n with
-  | O => m
-  | S n1 => update p Cont (set_cont n1 (p + 1) m)
-  end.
-Definition setN (n: nat) (p: Z) (v: val) (m: contentmap) : contentmap :=
-  update p (Datum n v) (set_cont n (p + 1) m).
-Lemma check_cont_spec:
-  forall n m p,
-  if check_cont n p m
-  then (forall q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> m q = Cont)
-  else (exists q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n /\ m q <> Cont).
-  induction n; intros.
-  simpl. intros; omegaContradiction.
-  simpl check_cont. repeat rewrite inj_S. caseEq (m p); intros.
-  exists p; split. omega. congruence.
-  exists p; split. omega. congruence.
-  generalize (IHn m (p + 1)). case (check_cont n (p + 1) m).
-  intros. assert (p = q \/ p + 1 <= q < p + Zsucc (Z_of_nat n)) by omega.
-  elim H2; intro. congruence. apply H0; omega.
-  intros [q [A B]]. exists q; split. omega. auto.
-Lemma check_cont_true:
-  forall n m p,
-  (forall q, p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> m q = Cont) ->
-  check_cont n p m = true.
-  intros. generalize (check_cont_spec n m p). 
-  destruct (check_cont n p m). auto. 
-  intros [q [A B]]. elim B; auto.
-Lemma check_cont_false:
-  forall n m p q,
-  p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n -> m q <> Cont ->
-  check_cont n p m = false.
-  intros. generalize (check_cont_spec n m p). 
-  destruct (check_cont n p m).
-  intros. elim H0; auto. 
-  auto.
-Lemma set_cont_inside:
-  forall n p m q,
-  p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n ->
-  (set_cont n p m) q = Cont.
-  induction n; intros.
-  unfold Z_of_nat in H. omegaContradiction.
-  simpl. 
-  assert (p = q \/ p + 1 <= q < (p + 1) + Z_of_nat n).
-    rewrite inj_S in H. omega. 
-  elim H0; intro.
-  subst q. apply update_s.
-  rewrite update_o. apply IHn. auto. 
-  red; intro; subst q. omega. 
-Lemma set_cont_outside:
-  forall n p m q,
-  q < p \/ p + Z_of_nat n <= q ->
-  (set_cont n p m) q = m q.
-  induction n; intros.
-  simpl. auto.
-  simpl. rewrite inj_S in H. 
-  rewrite update_o. apply IHn. omega. omega.
-Lemma getN_setN_same:
-  forall n p v m,
-  getN n p (setN n p v m) = v.
-  intros. unfold getN, setN. rewrite update_s.
-  rewrite check_cont_true. unfold proj_sumbool.
-  rewrite dec_eq_true. auto.
-  intros. rewrite update_o. apply set_cont_inside. auto.
-  omega. 
-Lemma getN_setN_other:
-  forall n1 n2 p1 p2 v m,
-  p1 + Z_of_nat n1 < p2 \/ p2 + Z_of_nat n2 < p1 ->
-  getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = getN n2 p2 m.
-  intros. unfold getN, setN.
-  generalize (check_cont_spec n2 m (p2 + 1));
-  destruct (check_cont n2 (p2 + 1) m); intros.
-  rewrite check_cont_true. 
-  rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto.
-  omega. omega. 
-  intros. rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto.
-  omega. omega.
-  destruct H0 as [q [A B]].
-  rewrite (check_cont_false n2 (update p1 (Datum n1 v) (set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m)) (p2 + 1) q).
-  rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto.
-  omega. omega. omega. 
-  rewrite update_o. rewrite set_cont_outside. auto. 
-  omega. omega.
-Lemma getN_setN_overlap:
-  forall n1 n2 p1 p2 v m,
-  p1 <> p2 ->
-  p1 + Z_of_nat n1 >= p2 -> p2 + Z_of_nat n2 >= p1 ->
-  getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = Vundef.
-  intros. unfold getN, setN.
-  rewrite update_o; auto. 
-  destruct (zlt p2 p1).
-  (* [p1] belongs to [[p2, p2 + n2 - 1]], 
-     therefore [check_cont n2 (p2 + 1) ...] is false. *)
-  rewrite (check_cont_false n2 (update p1 (Datum n1 v) (set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m)) (p2 + 1) p1).
-  destruct (set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m p2); auto.
-  destruct (eq_nat n2 n); auto.
-  omega.
-  rewrite update_s. congruence.
-  (* [p2] belongs to [[p1 + 1, p1 + n1 - 1]],
-     therefore [set_cont n1 (p1 + 1) m p2] is [Cont]. *)
-  rewrite set_cont_inside. auto. omega.
-Lemma getN_setN_mismatch:
-  forall n1 n2 p v m,
-  n1 <> n2 ->
-  getN n2 p (setN n1 p v m) = Vundef.
-  intros. unfold getN, setN. rewrite update_s. 
-  unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite dec_eq_false; simpl. auto. auto.
-Lemma getN_setN_characterization:
-  forall m v n1 p1 n2 p2,
-  getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = v
-  \/ getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = getN n2 p2 m
-  \/ getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m) = Vundef.
-  intros. destruct (zeq p1 p2). subst p2.
-  destruct (eq_nat n1 n2). subst n2.
-  left; apply getN_setN_same.
-  right; right; apply getN_setN_mismatch; auto.
-  destruct (zlt (p1 + Z_of_nat n1) p2).
-  right; left; apply getN_setN_other; auto.
-  destruct (zlt (p2 + Z_of_nat n2) p1).
-  right; left; apply getN_setN_other; auto.
-  right; right; apply getN_setN_overlap; omega.
-Lemma getN_init:
-  forall n p,
-  getN n p (fun y => Undef) = Vundef.
-  intros. auto.
-(** [valid_access m chunk b ofs] holds if a memory access (load or store)
-    of the given chunk is possible in [m] at address [b, ofs].
-    This means:
-- The block [b] is valid.
-- The range of bytes accessed is within the bounds of [b].
-- The offset [ofs] is aligned.
-Inductive valid_access (m: mem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : Prop :=
-  | valid_access_intro:
-      valid_block m b ->
-      low_bound m b <= ofs ->
-      ofs + size_chunk chunk <= high_bound m b ->
-      (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
-      valid_access m chunk b ofs.
-(** The following function checks whether accessing the given memory chunk
-  at the given offset in the given block respects the bounds of the block. *)
-Definition in_bounds (m: mem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) :
-           {valid_access m chunk b ofs} + {~valid_access m chunk b ofs}.
-  intros.
-  destruct (zlt b m.(nextblock)).
-  destruct (zle (low_bound m b) ofs).
-  destruct (zle (ofs + size_chunk chunk) (high_bound m b)).
-  destruct (Zdivide_dec (align_chunk chunk) ofs (align_chunk_pos chunk)).
-  left; constructor; auto.
-  right; red; intro V; inv V; contradiction.
-  right; red; intro V; inv V; omega.
-  right; red; intro V; inv V; omega.
-  right; red; intro V; inv V; contradiction.
-Lemma in_bounds_true:
-  forall m chunk b ofs (A: Type) (a1 a2: A),
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs ->
-  (if in_bounds m chunk b ofs then a1 else a2) = a1.
-  intros. destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs). auto. contradiction.
-(** [valid_pointer] holds if the given block address is valid and the
-  given offset falls within the bounds of the corresponding block. *)
-Definition valid_pointer (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) : bool :=
-  zlt b m.(nextblock) &&
-  zle (low_bound m b) ofs &&
-  zlt ofs (high_bound m b).
-(** [load chunk m b ofs] perform a read in memory state [m], at address
-  [b] and offset [ofs].  [None] is returned if the address is invalid
-  or the memory access is out of bounds. *)
-Definition load (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z)
-                : option val :=
-  if in_bounds m chunk b ofs then
-    Some (Val.load_result chunk
-           (getN (pred_size_chunk chunk) ofs (contents (blocks m b))))
-  else
-    None.
-Lemma load_inv:
-  forall chunk m b ofs v,
-  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs /\
-  v = Val.load_result chunk
-           (getN (pred_size_chunk chunk) ofs (contents (blocks m b))).
-  intros until v; unfold load.
-  destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs); intros.
-  split. auto. congruence.
-  congruence.
-(** [loadv chunk m addr] is similar, but the address and offset are given
-  as a single value [addr], which must be a pointer value. *)
-Definition loadv (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr: val) : option val :=
-  match addr with
-  | Vptr b ofs => load chunk m b (Int.signed ofs)
-  | _ => None
-  end.
-(* The memory state [m] after a store of value [v] at offset [ofs]
-   in block [b]. *)
-Definition unchecked_store
-     (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block)
-     (ofs: Z) (v: val) : mem :=
-  let c := m.(blocks) b in
-  mkmem
-    (update b
-        (mkblock c.(low) c.(high)
-                 (setN (pred_size_chunk chunk) ofs v c.(contents)))
-        m.(blocks))
-    m.(nextblock)
-    m.(nextblock_pos).
-(** [store chunk m b ofs v] perform a write in memory state [m].
-  Value [v] is stored at address [b] and offset [ofs].
-  Return the updated memory store, or [None] if the address is invalid
-  or the memory access is out of bounds. *)
-Definition store (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block)
-                 (ofs: Z) (v: val) : option mem :=
-  if in_bounds m chunk b ofs
-  then Some(unchecked_store chunk m b ofs v)
-  else None.
-Lemma store_inv:
-  forall chunk m b ofs v m',
-  store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs /\
-  m' = unchecked_store chunk m b ofs v.
-  intros until m'; unfold store.
-  destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs); intros.
-  split. auto. congruence.
-  congruence.
-(** [storev chunk m addr v] is similar, but the address and offset are given
-  as a single value [addr], which must be a pointer value. *)
-Definition storev (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr v: val) : option mem :=
-  match addr with
-  | Vptr b ofs => store chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) v
-  | _ => None
-  end.
-(** Build a block filled with the given initialization data. *)
-Fixpoint contents_init_data (pos: Z) (id: list init_data) {struct id}: contentmap :=
-  match id with
-  | nil => (fun y => Undef)
-  | Init_int8 n :: id' =>
-      setN 0%nat pos (Vint n) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id')
-  | Init_int16 n :: id' =>
-      setN 1%nat pos (Vint n) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id')
-  | Init_int32 n :: id' =>
-      setN 3%nat pos (Vint n) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id')
-  | Init_float32 f :: id' =>
-      setN 3%nat pos (Vfloat f) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id')
-  | Init_float64 f :: id' =>
-      setN 7%nat pos (Vfloat f) (contents_init_data (pos + 1) id')
-  | Init_space n :: id' =>
-      contents_init_data (pos + Zmax n 0) id'
-  | Init_addrof s n :: id' =>
-      (* Not handled properly yet *)
-      contents_init_data (pos + 4) id'
-  end.
-Definition size_init_data (id: init_data) : Z :=
-  match id with
-  | Init_int8 _ => 1
-  | Init_int16 _ => 2
-  | Init_int32 _ => 4
-  | Init_float32 _ => 4
-  | Init_float64 _ => 8
-  | Init_space n => Zmax n 0
-  | Init_addrof _ _ => 4
-  end.
-Definition size_init_data_list (id: list init_data): Z :=
-  List.fold_right (fun id sz => size_init_data id + sz) 0 id.
-Remark size_init_data_list_pos:
-  forall id, size_init_data_list id >= 0.
-  induction id; simpl.
-  omega.
-  assert (size_init_data a >= 0). destruct a; simpl; try omega. 
-  generalize (Zmax2 z 0). omega. omega.
-Definition block_init_data (id: list init_data) : block_contents :=
-  mkblock 0 (size_init_data_list id) (contents_init_data 0 id).
-Definition alloc_init_data (m: mem) (id: list init_data) : mem * block :=
-  (mkmem (update m.(nextblock)
-                 (block_init_data id)
-                 m.(blocks))
-         (Zsucc m.(nextblock))
-         (succ_nextblock_pos m),
-   m.(nextblock)).
-Remark block_init_data_empty:
-  block_init_data nil = empty_block 0 0.
-  auto.
-(** * Properties of the memory operations *)
-(** ** Properties related to block validity *)
-Lemma valid_not_valid_diff:
-  forall m b b', valid_block m b -> ~(valid_block m b') -> b <> b'.
-  intros; red; intros. subst b'. contradiction.
-Lemma valid_access_valid_block:
-  forall m chunk b ofs,
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs -> valid_block m b.
-  intros. inv H; auto.
-Lemma valid_access_aligned:
-  forall m chunk b ofs,
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs).
-  intros. inv H; auto.
-Lemma valid_access_compat:
-  forall m chunk1 chunk2 b ofs,
-  size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 ->
-  valid_access m chunk1 b ofs ->
-  valid_access m chunk2 b ofs.
-  intros. inv H0. rewrite H in H3. constructor; auto.
-  rewrite <- (align_chunk_compat _ _ H). auto.
-Hint Resolve valid_not_valid_diff valid_access_valid_block valid_access_aligned: mem.
-(** ** Properties related to [load] *)
-Theorem valid_access_load:
-  forall m chunk b ofs,
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs ->
-  exists v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v.
-  intros. econstructor. unfold load. rewrite in_bounds_true; auto.
-Theorem load_valid_access:
-  forall m chunk b ofs v,
-  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs.
-  intros. generalize (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). tauto.
-Hint Resolve load_valid_access valid_access_load.
-(** ** Properties related to [store] *)
-Lemma valid_access_store:
-  forall m1 chunk b ofs v,
-  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs ->
-  exists m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2.
-  intros. econstructor. unfold store. rewrite in_bounds_true; auto. 
-Hint Resolve valid_access_store: mem.
-Section STORE.
-Variable chunk: memory_chunk.
-Variable m1: mem.
-Variable b: block.
-Variable ofs: Z.
-Variable v: val.
-Variable m2: mem.
-Hypothesis STORE: store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2.
-Lemma low_bound_store:
-  forall b', low_bound m2 b' = low_bound m1 b'.
-  intro. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. 
-  subst m2. unfold low_bound, unchecked_store; simpl.
-  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. subst b'; auto.
-Lemma high_bound_store:
-  forall b', high_bound m2 b' = high_bound m1 b'.
-  intro. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. 
-  subst m2. unfold high_bound, unchecked_store; simpl.
-  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. subst b'; auto.
-Lemma nextblock_store:
-  nextblock m2 = nextblock m1.
- intros. elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. 
-  subst m2; reflexivity.
-Lemma store_valid_block_1:
-  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'.
-  unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_store; auto.
-Lemma store_valid_block_2:
-  forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> valid_block m1 b'.
-  unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_store in H; auto.
-Hint Resolve store_valid_block_1 store_valid_block_2: mem.
-Lemma store_valid_access_1:
-  forall chunk' b' ofs',
-  valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' -> valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs'.
-  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. 
-  rewrite low_bound_store; auto.
-  rewrite high_bound_store; auto.
-Lemma store_valid_access_2:
-  forall chunk' b' ofs',
-  valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs' -> valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs'.
-  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. 
-  rewrite low_bound_store in H1; auto.
-  rewrite high_bound_store in H2; auto.
-Lemma store_valid_access_3:
-  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs.
-  elim (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE); intros. auto.
-Hint Resolve store_valid_access_1 store_valid_access_2
-             store_valid_access_3: mem.
-Theorem load_store_similar:
-  forall chunk',
-  size_chunk chunk' = size_chunk chunk ->
-  load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some (Val.load_result chunk' v).
-  intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  unfold load. rewrite in_bounds_true.
-  decEq. decEq. rewrite H1. unfold unchecked_store; simpl.
-  rewrite update_s. simpl.
-  replace (pred_size_chunk chunk) with (pred_size_chunk chunk').
-  apply getN_setN_same.
-  repeat rewrite size_chunk_pred in H. omega.
-  apply store_valid_access_1.
-  inv H0. constructor; auto. congruence.
-  rewrite (align_chunk_compat _ _ H). auto.
-Theorem load_store_same:
-  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some (Val.load_result chunk v).
-  eapply load_store_similar; eauto.
-Theorem load_store_other:
-  forall chunk' b' ofs',
-  b' <> b
-  \/ ofs' + size_chunk chunk' <= ofs
-  \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs' ->
-  load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = load chunk' m1 b' ofs'.
-  intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  unfold load. destruct (in_bounds m1 chunk' b' ofs').
-  rewrite in_bounds_true. decEq. decEq. 
-  rewrite H1; unfold unchecked_store; simpl.
-  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b). subst b'.
-  simpl. repeat rewrite size_chunk_pred in H.
-  apply getN_setN_other. elim H; intro. congruence. omega.
-  auto.
-  eauto with mem.
-  destruct (in_bounds m2 chunk' b' ofs'); auto.
-  elim n. eauto with mem.
-Theorem load_store_overlap:
-  forall chunk' ofs' v',
-  load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some v' ->
-  ofs' <> ofs ->
-  ofs' + size_chunk chunk' > ofs ->
-  ofs + size_chunk chunk > ofs' ->
-  v' = Vundef.
-  intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). rewrite H6. 
-  rewrite H4. unfold unchecked_store. simpl. rewrite update_s.
-  simpl. rewrite getN_setN_overlap. 
-  destruct chunk'; reflexivity.
-  auto. rewrite size_chunk_pred in H2. omega.
-  rewrite size_chunk_pred in H1. omega.
-Theorem load_store_overlap':
-  forall chunk' ofs',
-  valid_access m1 chunk' b ofs' ->
-  ofs' <> ofs ->
-  ofs' + size_chunk chunk' > ofs ->
-  ofs + size_chunk chunk > ofs' ->
-  load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some Vundef.
-  intros.
-  assert (exists v', load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some v').
-    eauto with mem.
-  destruct H3 as [v' LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq.
-  eapply load_store_overlap; eauto.
-Theorem load_store_mismatch:
-  forall chunk' v',
-  load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v' ->
-  size_chunk chunk' <> size_chunk chunk ->
-  v' = Vundef.
-  intros. destruct (store_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). rewrite H4. 
-  rewrite H2. unfold unchecked_store. simpl. rewrite update_s.
-  simpl. rewrite getN_setN_mismatch.
-  destruct chunk'; reflexivity.
-  repeat rewrite size_chunk_pred in H0; omega.
-Theorem load_store_mismatch':
-  forall chunk',
-  valid_access m1 chunk' b ofs ->
-  size_chunk chunk' <> size_chunk chunk ->
-  load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some Vundef.
-  intros.
-  assert (exists v', load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v').
-    eauto with mem.
-  destruct H1 as [v' LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq.
-  eapply load_store_mismatch; eauto.
-Inductive load_store_cases 
-      (chunk1: memory_chunk) (b1: block) (ofs1: Z)
-      (chunk2: memory_chunk) (b2: block) (ofs2: Z) : Type :=
-  | lsc_similar:
-      b1 = b2 -> ofs1 = ofs2 -> size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 ->
-      load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2
-  | lsc_other:
-      b1 <> b2 \/ ofs2 + size_chunk chunk2 <= ofs1 \/ ofs1 + size_chunk chunk1 <= ofs2 ->
-      load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2
-  | lsc_overlap:
-      b1 = b2 -> ofs1 <> ofs2 -> ofs2 + size_chunk chunk2 > ofs1 -> ofs1 + size_chunk chunk1 > ofs2 ->
-      load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2
-  | lsc_mismatch:
-      b1 = b2 -> ofs1 = ofs2 -> size_chunk chunk1 <> size_chunk chunk2 ->
-      load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2.
-Definition load_store_classification:
-  forall (chunk1: memory_chunk) (b1: block) (ofs1: Z)
-         (chunk2: memory_chunk) (b2: block) (ofs2: Z),
-  load_store_cases chunk1 b1 ofs1 chunk2 b2 ofs2.
-  intros. destruct (eq_block b1 b2).
-  destruct (zeq ofs1 ofs2).
-  destruct (zeq (size_chunk chunk1) (size_chunk chunk2)).
-  apply lsc_similar; auto.
-  apply lsc_mismatch; auto.
-  destruct (zle (ofs2 + size_chunk chunk2) ofs1).
-  apply lsc_other. tauto.
-  destruct (zle (ofs1 + size_chunk chunk1) ofs2).
-  apply lsc_other. tauto.
-  apply lsc_overlap; auto.
-  apply lsc_other; tauto.
-Theorem load_store_characterization:
-  forall chunk' b' ofs',
-  valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' ->
-  load chunk' m2 b' ofs' =
-    match load_store_classification chunk b ofs chunk' b' ofs' with
-    | lsc_similar _ _ _ => Some (Val.load_result chunk' v)
-    | lsc_other _ => load chunk' m1 b' ofs'
-    | lsc_overlap _ _ _ _ => Some Vundef
-    | lsc_mismatch _ _ _ => Some Vundef
-    end.
-  intros. 
-  assert (exists v', load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = Some v') by eauto with mem.
-  destruct H0 as [v' LOAD].
-  destruct (load_store_classification chunk b ofs chunk' b' ofs').
-  subst b' ofs'. apply load_store_similar; auto.
-  apply load_store_other; intuition.
-  subst b'. rewrite LOAD. decEq.
-  eapply load_store_overlap; eauto. 
-  subst b' ofs'. rewrite LOAD. decEq.
-  eapply load_store_mismatch; eauto.
-Hint Resolve store_valid_block_1 store_valid_block_2: mem.
-Hint Resolve store_valid_access_1 store_valid_access_2
-             store_valid_access_3: mem.
-(** ** Properties related to [alloc]. *)
-Section ALLOC.
-Variable m1: mem.
-Variables lo hi: Z.
-Variable m2: mem.
-Variable b: block.
-Hypothesis ALLOC: alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b).
-Lemma nextblock_alloc:
-  nextblock m2 = Zsucc (nextblock m1).
-  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; auto.
-Lemma alloc_result:
-  b = nextblock m1.
-  injection ALLOC; auto.
-Lemma valid_block_alloc:
-  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'.
-  unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_alloc. omega.
-Lemma fresh_block_alloc:
-  ~(valid_block m1 b).
-  unfold valid_block. rewrite alloc_result. omega.
-Lemma valid_new_block:
-  valid_block m2 b.
-  unfold valid_block. rewrite alloc_result. rewrite nextblock_alloc. omega.
-Hint Resolve valid_block_alloc fresh_block_alloc valid_new_block: mem.
-Lemma valid_block_alloc_inv:
-  forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> b' = b \/ valid_block m1 b'.
-  unfold valid_block; intros. 
-  rewrite nextblock_alloc in H. rewrite alloc_result. 
-  unfold block; omega.
-Lemma low_bound_alloc:
-  forall b', low_bound m2 b' = if zeq b' b then lo else low_bound m1 b'.
-  intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; unfold low_bound; simpl.
-  unfold update. rewrite H. destruct (zeq b' b); auto.
-Lemma low_bound_alloc_same:
-  low_bound m2 b = lo.
-  rewrite low_bound_alloc. apply zeq_true. 
-Lemma low_bound_alloc_other:
-  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> low_bound m2 b' = low_bound m1 b'.
-  intros; rewrite low_bound_alloc.
-  apply zeq_false. eauto with mem. 
-Lemma high_bound_alloc:
-  forall b', high_bound m2 b' = if zeq b' b then hi else high_bound m1 b'.
-  intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; unfold high_bound; simpl.
-  unfold update. rewrite H. destruct (zeq b' b); auto.
-Lemma high_bound_alloc_same:
-  high_bound m2 b = hi.
-  rewrite high_bound_alloc. apply zeq_true. 
-Lemma high_bound_alloc_other:
-  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> high_bound m2 b' = high_bound m1 b'.
-  intros; rewrite high_bound_alloc.
-  apply zeq_false. eauto with mem. 
-Lemma valid_access_alloc_other:
-  forall chunk b' ofs,
-  valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs ->
-  valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs.
-  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. 
-  rewrite low_bound_alloc_other; auto. 
-  rewrite high_bound_alloc_other; auto.
-Lemma valid_access_alloc_same:
-  forall chunk ofs,
-  lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
-  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs.
-  intros. constructor; auto with mem.
-  rewrite low_bound_alloc_same; auto.
-  rewrite high_bound_alloc_same; auto.
-Hint Resolve valid_access_alloc_other valid_access_alloc_same: mem.
-Lemma valid_access_alloc_inv:
-  forall chunk b' ofs,
-  valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs ->
-  valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs \/
-  (b' = b /\ lo <= ofs /\ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi /\ (align_chunk chunk | ofs)).
-  intros. inv H. 
-  elim (valid_block_alloc_inv _ H0); intro.
-  subst b'. rewrite low_bound_alloc_same in H1.
-  rewrite high_bound_alloc_same in H2. 
-  right. tauto.
-  left. constructor; auto. 
-  rewrite low_bound_alloc_other in H1; auto.
-  rewrite high_bound_alloc_other in H2; auto.
-Theorem load_alloc_unchanged:
-  forall chunk b' ofs,
-  valid_block m1 b' ->
-  load chunk m2 b' ofs = load chunk m1 b' ofs.
-  intros. unfold load.
-  destruct (in_bounds m2 chunk b' ofs). 
-  elim (valid_access_alloc_inv _ _ _ v). intro.
-  rewrite in_bounds_true; auto. 
-  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H2; simpl.
-  rewrite update_o. auto. rewrite H1. apply sym_not_equal. eauto with mem.
-  intros [A [B C]]. subst b'. elimtype False. eauto with mem. 
-  destruct (in_bounds m1 chunk b' ofs).
-  elim n; eauto with mem.
-  auto.
-Theorem load_alloc_other:
-  forall chunk b' ofs v,
-  load chunk m1 b' ofs = Some v ->
-  load chunk m2 b' ofs = Some v.
-  intros. rewrite <- H. apply load_alloc_unchanged. eauto with mem.
-Theorem load_alloc_same:
-  forall chunk ofs v,
-  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v ->
-  v = Vundef.
-  intros. destruct (load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H). rewrite H1.
-  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H3; simpl. 
-  rewrite <- H2. rewrite update_s. 
-  simpl. rewrite getN_init. destruct chunk; auto.
-Theorem load_alloc_same':
-  forall chunk ofs,
-  lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
-  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some Vundef.
-  intros. assert (exists v, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v).
-    apply valid_access_load. constructor; eauto with mem.
-    rewrite low_bound_alloc_same. auto.
-    rewrite high_bound_alloc_same. auto.
-  destruct H2 as [v LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq.
-  eapply load_alloc_same; eauto.
-Hint Resolve valid_block_alloc fresh_block_alloc valid_new_block: mem.
-Hint Resolve valid_access_alloc_other valid_access_alloc_same: mem.
-Hint Resolve load_alloc_unchanged: mem.
-(** ** Properties related to [free]. *)
-Section FREE.
-Variable m: mem.
-Variable bf: block.
-Lemma valid_block_free_1:
-  forall b, valid_block m b -> valid_block (free m bf) b.
-  unfold valid_block, free; intros; simpl; auto.
-Lemma valid_block_free_2:
-  forall b, valid_block (free m bf) b -> valid_block m b.
-  unfold valid_block, free; intros; simpl in *; auto.
-Hint Resolve valid_block_free_1 valid_block_free_2: mem.
-Lemma low_bound_free:
-  forall b, b <> bf -> low_bound (free m bf) b = low_bound m b.
-  intros. unfold low_bound, free; simpl.
-  rewrite update_o; auto.
-Lemma high_bound_free:
-  forall b, b <> bf -> high_bound (free m bf) b = high_bound m b.
-  intros. unfold high_bound, free; simpl.
-  rewrite update_o; auto.
-Lemma low_bound_free_same:
-  forall m b, low_bound (free m b) b = 0.
-  intros. unfold low_bound; simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl; omega.
-Lemma high_bound_free_same:
-  forall m b, high_bound (free m b) b = 0.
-  intros. unfold high_bound; simpl. rewrite update_s. simpl; omega.
-Lemma valid_access_free_1:
-  forall chunk b ofs,
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs -> b <> bf ->
-  valid_access (free m bf) chunk b ofs.
-  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem. 
-  rewrite low_bound_free; auto. rewrite high_bound_free; auto.
-Lemma valid_access_free_2:
-  forall chunk ofs, ~(valid_access (free m bf) chunk bf ofs).
-  intros; red; intros. inv H. 
-  unfold free, low_bound in H1; simpl in H1. rewrite update_s in H1. simpl in H1.
-  unfold free, high_bound in H2; simpl in H2. rewrite update_s in H2. simpl in H2.
-  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). omega.
-Hint Resolve valid_access_free_1 valid_access_free_2: mem.
-Lemma valid_access_free_inv:
-  forall chunk b ofs,
-  valid_access (free m bf) chunk b ofs ->
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs /\ b <> bf.
-  intros. destruct (eq_block b bf). subst b.
-  elim (valid_access_free_2 _ _ H). 
-  inv H. rewrite low_bound_free in H1; auto. 
-  rewrite high_bound_free in H2; auto.
-  split; auto. constructor; auto with mem.
-Theorem load_free:
-  forall chunk b ofs,
-  b <> bf ->
-  load chunk (free m bf) b ofs = load chunk m b ofs.
-  intros. unfold load.
-  destruct (in_bounds m chunk b ofs).
-  rewrite in_bounds_true; auto with mem. 
-  unfold free; simpl. rewrite update_o; auto. 
-  destruct (in_bounds (free m bf) chunk b ofs); auto.
-  elim n. elim (valid_access_free_inv _ _ _ v); auto.
-End FREE.
-(** ** Properties related to [free_list] *)
-Lemma valid_block_free_list_1:
-  forall bl m b, valid_block m b -> valid_block (free_list m bl) b.
-  induction bl; simpl; intros. auto. 
-  apply valid_block_free_1; auto. 
-Lemma valid_block_free_list_2:
-  forall bl m b, valid_block (free_list m bl) b -> valid_block m b.
-  induction bl; simpl; intros. auto.
-  apply IHbl. apply valid_block_free_2 with a; auto. 
-Lemma valid_access_free_list:
-  forall chunk b ofs m bl,
-  valid_access m chunk b ofs -> ~In b bl ->
-  valid_access (free_list m bl) chunk b ofs.
-  induction bl; simpl; intros. auto. 
-  apply valid_access_free_1. apply IHbl. auto. intuition. intuition congruence.
-Lemma valid_access_free_list_inv:
-  forall chunk b ofs m bl,
-  valid_access (free_list m bl) chunk b ofs ->
-  ~In b bl /\ valid_access m chunk b ofs.
-  induction bl; simpl; intros.
-  tauto.
-  elim (valid_access_free_inv _ _ _ _ _ H); intros.
-  elim (IHbl H0); intros.
-  intuition congruence.
-(** ** Properties related to pointer validity *)
-Lemma valid_pointer_valid_access:
-  forall m b ofs,
-  valid_pointer m b ofs = true <-> valid_access m Mint8unsigned b ofs.
-  unfold valid_pointer; intros; split; intros.
-  destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0).
-  constructor. red. eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto.
-  eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto.
-  change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1. 
-  generalize (proj_sumbool_true _ H1). omega.
-  simpl. apply Zone_divide. 
-  inv H. unfold proj_sumbool. 
-  rewrite zlt_true; auto. rewrite zle_true; auto.
-  change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1 in H2. 
-  rewrite zlt_true. auto. omega.
-Theorem valid_pointer_alloc:
-  forall (m1 m2: mem) (lo hi: Z) (b b': block) (ofs: Z), 
-  alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b') ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true ->
-  valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true.
-  intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0.
-  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access.
-  eauto with mem.
-Theorem valid_pointer_store:
-  forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2: mem) (b b': block) (ofs ofs': Z) (v: val),
-  store chunk m1 b' ofs' v = Some m2 ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true.
-  intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0.
-  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access.
-  eauto with mem.
-(** * Generic injections between memory states. *)
-Definition meminj : Type := block -> option (block * Z).
-Variable val_inj: meminj -> val -> val -> Prop.
-Hypothesis val_inj_undef:
-  forall mi, val_inj mi Vundef Vundef.
-Definition mem_inj (mi: meminj) (m1 m2: mem) :=
-  forall chunk b1 ofs v1 b2 delta,
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 ->
-  exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inj mi v1 v2.
-Lemma valid_access_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta,
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs ->
-  valid_access m2 chunk b2 (ofs + delta).
-  intros. 
-  assert (exists v1, load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1) by eauto with mem.
-  destruct H2 as [v1 LOAD1].
-  destruct (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ H LOAD1) as [v2 [LOAD2 VCP]].
-  eauto with mem.
-Hint Resolve valid_access_inj: mem.
-Lemma store_unmapped_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 b ofs v chunk m1',
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  mi b = None ->
-  store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m1' ->
-  mem_inj mi m1' m2.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  assert (load chunk0 m1 b1 ofs0 = Some v1).
-    rewrite <- H3; symmetry. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-    left. congruence.
-  eapply H; eauto.
-Lemma store_outside_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 chunk b ofs v m2',
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  (forall b' delta,
-    mi b' = Some(b, delta) ->
-    high_bound m1 b' + delta <= ofs
-    \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b' + delta) ->
-  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2'.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 VINJ]].
-  exists v2; split; auto.
-  rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-  destruct (eq_block b2 b). subst b2.
-  right. generalize (H0 _ _ H2); intro.
-  assert (valid_access m1 chunk0 b1 ofs0) by eauto with mem.
-  inv H5. omega. auto.
-Definition meminj_no_overlap (mi: meminj) (m: mem) : Prop :=
-  forall b1 b1' delta1 b2 b2' delta2,
-  b1 <> b2 ->
-  mi b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
-  mi b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
-  b1' <> b2' 
-  \/ low_bound m b1 >= high_bound m b1
-  \/ low_bound m b2 >= high_bound m b2
-  \/ high_bound m b1 + delta1 <= low_bound m b2 + delta2 
-  \/ high_bound m b2 + delta2 <= low_bound m b1 + delta1.
-Lemma store_mapped_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 b1 ofs b2 delta v1 v2 chunk m1',
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  meminj_no_overlap mi m1 ->
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some m1' ->
-  (forall chunk', size_chunk chunk' = size_chunk chunk ->
-    val_inj mi (Val.load_result chunk' v1) (Val.load_result chunk' v2)) ->
-  exists m2',
-  store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some m2' /\ mem_inj mi m1' m2'.
-  intros. 
-  assert (exists m2', store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some m2') by eauto with mem.
-  destruct H4 as [m2' STORE2].
-  exists m2'; split. auto.
-  red. intros chunk' b1' ofs' v b2' delta' CP LOAD1.
-  assert (valid_access m1 chunk' b1' ofs') by eauto with mem.
-  generalize (load_store_characterization _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 _ _ _ H4).
-  destruct (load_store_classification chunk b1 ofs chunk' b1' ofs');
-  intro.
-  (* similar *)
-  subst b1' ofs'.
-  rewrite CP in H1. inv H1.
-  rewrite LOAD1 in H5. inv H5.
-  exists (Val.load_result chunk' v2). split. 
-  eapply load_store_similar; eauto.
-  auto.
-  (* disjoint *)
-  rewrite LOAD1 in H5. 
-  destruct (H _ _ _ _ _ _ CP (sym_equal H5)) as [v2' [LOAD2 VCP]].
-  exists v2'. split; auto.
-  rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_store_other; eauto.
-  destruct (eq_block b1 b1'). subst b1'.
-  rewrite CP in H1; inv H1. 
-  right. elim o; [congruence | omega].
-  assert (valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs) by eauto with mem.
-  generalize (H0 _ _ _ _ _ _ n H1 CP). intros [A | [A | [A | A]]].
-  auto.
-  inv H6. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). intro. omegaContradiction.
-  inv H4. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk'). intro. omegaContradiction.
-  right. inv H4. inv H6. omega. 
-  (* overlapping *)
-  subst b1'. rewrite CP in H1; inv H1. 
-  assert (exists v2', load chunk' m2' b2 (ofs' + delta) = Some v2') by eauto with mem.
-  destruct H1 as [v2' LOAD2'].
-  assert (v2' = Vundef). eapply load_store_overlap; eauto. 
-    omega. omega. omega.
-  exists v2'; split. auto. 
-  replace v with Vundef by congruence. subst v2'. apply val_inj_undef.
-  (* mismatch *)
-  subst b1' ofs'. rewrite CP in H1; inv H1. 
-  assert (exists v2', load chunk' m2' b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2') by eauto with mem.
-  destruct H1 as [v2' LOAD2'].
-  assert (v2' = Vundef). eapply load_store_mismatch; eauto. 
-  exists v2'; split. auto. 
-  replace v with Vundef by congruence. subst v2'. apply val_inj_undef.
-Definition inj_offset_aligned (delta: Z) (size: Z) : Prop :=
-  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk <= size -> (align_chunk chunk | delta).
-Lemma alloc_parallel_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 lo1 hi1 m1' b1 lo2 hi2 m2' b2 delta,
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b1) ->
-  alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b2) ->
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  lo2 <= lo1 + delta -> hi1 + delta <= hi2 ->
-  inj_offset_aligned delta (hi1 - lo1) ->
-  mem_inj mi m1' m2'.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit (valid_access_alloc_inv m1); eauto with mem.
-  intros [A | [A [B [C D]]]].
-  assert (load chunk m1 b0 ofs = Some v1).
-    rewrite <- H7. symmetry. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem.
-  exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 VINJ]]. 
-  exists v2; split.
-    rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem.
-  auto.
-  subst b0. rewrite H2 in H6. inversion H6. subst b3 delta0.
-  assert (v1 = Vundef). eapply load_alloc_same with (m1 := m1); eauto.
-  subst v1.
-  assert (exists v2, load chunk m2' b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2).
-    apply valid_access_load.
-    eapply valid_access_alloc_same; eauto. omega. omega.
-    apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. apply H5. omega.  
-  destruct H8 as [v2 LOAD2]. 
-  assert (v2 = Vundef). eapply load_alloc_same with (m1 := m2); eauto.
-  subst v2.
-  exists Vundef; split. auto. apply val_inj_undef.
-Lemma alloc_right_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 lo hi b2 m2',
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) ->
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2'.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 VINJ]].
-  exists v2; split; auto.
-  assert (valid_block m2 b0).
-    apply valid_access_valid_block with chunk (ofs + delta). 
-    eauto with mem. 
-  rewrite <- LOAD2. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto.
-Hypothesis val_inj_undef_any:
-  forall mi v, val_inj mi Vundef v.
-Lemma alloc_left_unmapped_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 lo hi b1 m1',
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
-  mi b1 = None ->
-  mem_inj mi m1' m2.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit (valid_access_alloc_inv m1); eauto with mem.
-  intros [A | [A [B C]]].
-  eapply H; eauto. 
-  rewrite <- H3. symmetry. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem.
-  subst b0. congruence.
-Lemma alloc_left_mapped_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 lo hi b1 m1' b2 delta,
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  valid_block m2 b2 ->
-  low_bound m2 b2 <= lo + delta -> hi + delta <= high_bound m2 b2 ->
-  inj_offset_aligned delta (hi - lo) ->
-  mem_inj mi m1' m2.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit (valid_access_alloc_inv m1); eauto with mem.
-  intros [A | [A [B [C D]]]].
-  eapply H; eauto. 
-  rewrite <- H7. symmetry. eapply load_alloc_unchanged; eauto with mem.
-  subst b0. rewrite H1 in H6. inversion H6. subst b3 delta0.
-  assert (v1 = Vundef). eapply load_alloc_same with (m1 := m1); eauto.
-  subst v1.
-  assert (exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2).
-    apply valid_access_load. constructor. auto. omega. omega.
-    apply Zdivide_plus_r; auto. apply H5. omega.  
-  destruct H8 as [v2 LOAD2]. exists v2; split. auto.
-  apply val_inj_undef_any.
-Lemma free_parallel_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 b1 b2 delta,
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  (forall b delta', mi b = Some(b2, delta') -> b = b1) ->
-  mem_inj mi (free m1 b1) (free m2 b2).
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit valid_access_free_inv; eauto with mem. intros [A B].
-  assert (load chunk m1 b0 ofs = Some v1).
-    rewrite <- H3. symmetry. apply load_free. auto.
-  exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 INJ]].
-  exists v2; split. 
-    rewrite <- LOAD2. apply load_free.
-    red; intro; subst b3. elim B. eauto. 
-  auto.
-Lemma free_left_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 b1,
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  mem_inj mi (free m1 b1) m2.
-  intros; red; intros.
-  exploit valid_access_free_inv; eauto with mem. intros [A B].
-  eapply H; eauto with mem. 
-  rewrite <- H1; symmetry; eapply load_free; eauto.
-Lemma free_list_left_inj:
-  forall mi bl m1 m2,
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  mem_inj mi (free_list m1 bl) m2.
-  induction bl; intros; simpl.
-  auto.
-  apply free_left_inj. auto.
-Lemma free_right_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 b2,
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  (forall b1 delta chunk ofs, 
-   mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) -> ~(valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs)) ->
-  mem_inj mi m1 (free m2 b2).
-  intros; red; intros.
-  assert (b0 <> b2).
-    red; intro; subst b0. elim (H0 b1 delta chunk ofs H1).
-    eauto with mem.
-  exploit H; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD2 INJ]].
-  exists v2; split; auto. 
-  rewrite <- LOAD2. apply load_free. auto.
-Lemma valid_pointer_inj:
-  forall mi m1 m2 b1 ofs b2 delta,
-  mi b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
-  mem_inj mi m1 m2 ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b1 ofs = true ->
-  valid_pointer m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = true.
-  intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H1.
-  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access. eauto with mem.
-(** ** Store extensions *)
-(** A store [m2] extends a store [m1] if [m2] can be obtained from [m1]
-  by increasing the sizes of the memory blocks of [m1] (decreasing
-  the low bounds, increasing the high bounds), while still keeping the
-  same contents for block offsets that are valid in [m1]. *)
-Definition inject_id : meminj := fun b => Some(b, 0).
-Definition val_inj_id (mi: meminj) (v1 v2: val) : Prop := v1 = v2.
-Definition extends (m1 m2: mem) :=
-  nextblock m1 = nextblock m2 /\ mem_inj val_inj_id inject_id m1 m2.
-Theorem extends_refl:
-  forall (m: mem), extends m m.
-  intros; split. auto. 
-  red; unfold inject_id; intros. inv H.
-  exists v1; split. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega. auto.
-  unfold val_inj_id; auto.
-Theorem alloc_extends:
-  forall (m1 m2 m1' m2': mem) (lo1 hi1 lo2 hi2: Z) (b1 b2: block),
-  extends m1 m2 ->
-  lo2 <= lo1 -> hi1 <= hi2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b1) ->
-  alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b2) ->
-  b1 = b2 /\ extends m1' m2'.
-  intros. destruct H.
-  assert (b1 = b2).
-    transitivity (nextblock m1). eapply alloc_result; eauto.
-    symmetry. rewrite H. eapply alloc_result; eauto.
-  subst b2. split. auto. split. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H2). 
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H3).
-  congruence.
-  eapply alloc_parallel_inj; eauto. 
-    unfold val_inj_id; auto.
-    unfold inject_id; eauto.
-    omega. omega.
-    red; intros. apply Zdivide_0.
-Theorem free_extends:
-  forall (m1 m2: mem) (b: block),
-  extends m1 m2 ->
-  extends (free m1 b) (free m2 b).
-  intros. destruct H. split. 
-  simpl; auto.
-  eapply free_parallel_inj; eauto. 
-  unfold inject_id. eauto.
-  unfold inject_id; intros. congruence.
-Theorem load_extends:
-  forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val),
-  extends m1 m2 ->
-  load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v ->
-  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v.
-  intros. destruct H. 
-  exploit H1; eauto. unfold inject_id. eauto. 
-  unfold val_inj_id. intros [v2 [LOAD EQ]].
-  replace (ofs + 0) with ofs in LOAD by omega. congruence.
-Theorem store_within_extends:
-  forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2 m1': mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val),
-  extends m1 m2 ->
-  store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m1' ->
-  exists m2', store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' /\ extends m1' m2'.
-  intros. destruct H. 
-  exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. 
-  unfold val_inj_id; eauto.
-  unfold meminj_no_overlap, inject_id; intros.
-    inv H3. inv H4. auto.
-  unfold inject_id; eauto.
-  unfold val_inj_id; intros. eauto.
-  intros [m2' [STORE MINJ]].
-  exists m2'; split.
-  replace (ofs + 0) with ofs in STORE by omega. auto.
-  split. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  auto.
-  auto.
-Theorem store_outside_extends:
-  forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m1 m2 m2': mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val),
-  extends m1 m2 ->
-  ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b \/ high_bound m1 b <= ofs ->
-  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
-  extends m1 m2'.
-  intros. destruct H. split. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto.
-  eapply store_outside_inj; eauto. 
-  unfold inject_id; intros. inv H3. omega.
-Theorem valid_pointer_extends:
-  forall m1 m2 b ofs,
-  extends m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true ->
-  valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true.
-  intros. destruct H. 
-  replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega.
-  apply valid_pointer_inj with val_inj_id inject_id m1 b; auto.
-(** * The ``less defined than'' relation over memory states *)
-(** A memory state [m1] is less defined than [m2] if, for all addresses,
-  the value [v1] read in [m1] at this address is less defined than
-  the value [v2] read in [m2], that is, either [v1 = v2] or [v1 = Vundef]. *)
-Definition val_inj_lessdef (mi: meminj) (v1 v2: val) : Prop :=
-  Val.lessdef v1 v2.
-Definition lessdef (m1 m2: mem) : Prop :=
-  nextblock m1 = nextblock m2 /\
-  mem_inj val_inj_lessdef inject_id m1 m2.
-Lemma lessdef_refl:
-  forall m, lessdef m m.
-  intros; split. auto.
-  red; intros. unfold inject_id in H. inv H. 
-  exists v1; split. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega. auto.
-  red. constructor.
-Lemma load_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 chunk b ofs v1,
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v1 ->
-  exists v2, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
-  intros. destruct H.
-  exploit H1; eauto. unfold inject_id. eauto.
-  intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]]. exists v2; split.
-  replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. auto.
-  auto.
-Lemma loadv_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 chunk addr1 addr2 v1,
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 ->
-  loadv chunk m1 addr1 = Some v1 ->
-  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 addr2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
-  intros. inv H0.  
-  destruct addr2; simpl in *; try discriminate.
-  eapply load_lessdef; eauto.
-  simpl in H1; discriminate.
-Lemma store_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 chunk b ofs v1 v2 m1',
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
-  store chunk m1 b ofs v1 = Some m1' ->
-  exists m2', store chunk m2 b ofs v2 = Some m2' /\ lessdef m1' m2'.
-  intros. destruct H. 
-  exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto.
-    unfold val_inj_lessdef; intros; constructor.
-    red; unfold inject_id; intros. inv H4. inv H5. auto.
-    unfold inject_id; eauto.
-    unfold val_inj_lessdef; intros.
-    apply Val.load_result_lessdef. eexact H0.
-  intros [m2' [STORE MINJ]].
-  exists m2'; split. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. auto.
-  split. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1).
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  auto.
-  auto.
-Lemma storev_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 chunk addr1 v1 addr2 v2 m1',
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 -> Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
-  storev chunk m1 addr1 v1 = Some m1' ->
-  exists m2', storev chunk m2 addr2 v2 = Some m2' /\ lessdef m1' m2'.
-  intros. inv H0.  
-  destruct addr2; simpl in H2; try discriminate.
-  simpl. eapply store_lessdef; eauto.
-  discriminate.
-Lemma alloc_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 lo hi b1 m1' b2 m2',
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) -> alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) ->
-  b1 = b2 /\ lessdef m1' m2'.
-  intros. destruct H.
-  assert (b1 = b2).
-    transitivity (nextblock m1). eapply alloc_result; eauto.
-    symmetry. rewrite H. eapply alloc_result; eauto.
-  subst b2. split. auto. split. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). 
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H1).
-  congruence.
-  eapply alloc_parallel_inj; eauto. 
-    unfold val_inj_lessdef; auto.
-    unfold inject_id; eauto.
-    omega. omega.
-    red; intros. apply Zdivide_0.
-Lemma free_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 b, lessdef m1 m2 -> lessdef (free m1 b) (free m2 b).
-  intros. destruct H. split.
-  simpl; auto.
-  eapply free_parallel_inj; eauto.
-  unfold inject_id. eauto.
-  unfold inject_id; intros. congruence.
-Lemma free_left_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 b,
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> lessdef (free m1 b) m2.
-  intros. destruct H. split. 
-  rewrite <- H. auto. 
-  apply free_left_inj; auto. 
-Lemma free_right_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 b,
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> low_bound m1 b >= high_bound m1 b ->
-  lessdef m1 (free m2 b).
-  intros. destruct H. unfold lessdef. split.
-  rewrite H. auto. 
-  apply free_right_inj; auto. intros. unfold inject_id in H2. inv H2. 
-  red; intro. inv H2. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); intro. omega. 
-Lemma valid_block_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 b, lessdef m1 m2 -> valid_block m1 b -> valid_block m2 b.
-  unfold valid_block. intros. destruct H. rewrite <- H; auto.
-Lemma valid_pointer_lessdef:
-  forall m1 m2 b ofs,
-  lessdef m1 m2 -> valid_pointer m1 b ofs = true -> valid_pointer m2 b ofs = true.
-  intros. destruct H.
-  replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega.
-  apply valid_pointer_inj with val_inj_lessdef inject_id m1 b; auto.
-(** ** Memory injections *)
-(** A memory injection [f] is a function from addresses to either [None]
-  or [Some] of an address and an offset.  It defines a correspondence
-  between the blocks of two memory states [m1] and [m2]:
-- if [f b = None], the block [b] of [m1] has no equivalent in [m2];
-- if [f b = Some(b', ofs)], the block [b] of [m2] corresponds to
-  a sub-block at offset [ofs] of the block [b'] in [m2].
-(** A memory injection defines a relation between values that is the
-  identity relation, except for pointer values which are shifted
-  as prescribed by the memory injection. *)
-Inductive val_inject (mi: meminj): val -> val -> Prop :=
-  | val_inject_int:
-      forall i, val_inject mi (Vint i) (Vint i)
-  | val_inject_float:
-      forall f, val_inject mi (Vfloat f) (Vfloat f)
-  | val_inject_ptr:
-      forall b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 x,
-      mi b1 = Some (b2, x) ->
-      ofs2 = Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x) ->
-      val_inject mi (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2)
-  | val_inject_undef: forall v,
-      val_inject mi Vundef v.
-Hint Resolve val_inject_int val_inject_float val_inject_ptr 
-             val_inject_undef.
-Inductive val_list_inject (mi: meminj): list val -> list val-> Prop:= 
-  | val_nil_inject :
-      val_list_inject mi nil nil
-  | val_cons_inject : forall v v' vl vl' , 
-      val_inject mi v v' -> val_list_inject mi vl vl'->
-      val_list_inject mi (v :: vl) (v' :: vl').  
-Hint Resolve val_nil_inject val_cons_inject.
-(** A memory state [m1] injects into another memory state [m2] via the
-  memory injection [f] if the following conditions hold:
-- loads in [m1] must have matching loads in [m2] in the sense
-  of the [mem_inj] predicate;
-- unallocated blocks in [m1] must be mapped to [None] by [f];
-- if [f b = Some(b', delta)], [b'] must be valid in [m2];
-- distinct blocks in [m1] are mapped to non-overlapping sub-blocks in [m2];
-- the sizes of [m2]'s blocks are representable with signed machine integers;
-- the offsets [delta] are representable with signed machine integers.
-Record mem_inject (f: meminj) (m1 m2: mem) : Prop :=
-  mk_mem_inject {
-    mi_inj:
-      mem_inj val_inject f m1 m2;
-    mi_freeblocks:
-      forall b, ~(valid_block m1 b) -> f b = None;
-    mi_mappedblocks:
-      forall b b' delta, f b = Some(b', delta) -> valid_block m2 b';
-    mi_no_overlap:
-      meminj_no_overlap f m1;
-    mi_range_1:
-      forall b b' delta,
-      f b = Some(b', delta) ->
-      Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed;
-    mi_range_2:
-      forall b b' delta,
-      f b = Some(b', delta) ->
-      delta = 0 \/ (Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b' /\ high_bound m2 b' <= Int.max_signed)
-  }.
-(** The following lemmas establish the absence of machine integer overflow
-  during address computations. *)
-Lemma address_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs1 b2 delta,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  valid_access m1 chunk b1 (Int.signed ofs1) ->
-  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
-  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta.
-  intros. inversion H.
-  elim (mi_range_4 _ _ _ H1); intro.
-  (* delta = 0 *)
-  subst delta. change (Int.repr 0) with
-  rewrite Int.add_zero. omega.
-  (* delta <> 0 *)
-  rewrite Int.add_signed.
-  repeat rewrite Int.signed_repr. auto.
-  eauto.
-  assert (valid_access m2 chunk b2 (Int.signed ofs1 + delta)).
-    eapply valid_access_inj; eauto.
-  inv H3. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
-  eauto.
-Lemma valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow:
-  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' x,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
-  f b = Some(b', x) ->
-  Int.min_signed <= Int.signed ofs + Int.signed (Int.repr x) <= Int.max_signed.
-  intros. inv H. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0.
-  assert (valid_access m2 Mint8unsigned b' (Int.signed ofs + x)).
-    eapply valid_access_inj; eauto.
-  inv H. change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1 in H4.
-  rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto.
-  exploit mi_range_4; eauto. intros [A | [A B]].
-  subst x. rewrite Zplus_0_r. apply Int.signed_range.
-  omega.
-Lemma valid_pointer_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' ofs',
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
-  val_inject f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs') ->
-  valid_pointer m2 b' (Int.signed ofs') = true.
-  intros. inv H1. 
-  exploit valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto. intro NOOV.
-  inv H. rewrite Int.add_signed. rewrite Int.signed_repr; auto.
-  rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto.
-  eapply valid_pointer_inj; eauto.
-Lemma different_pointers_inject:
-  forall f m m' b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 b1' delta1 b2' delta2,
-  mem_inject f m m' ->
-  b1 <> b2 ->
-  valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1) = true ->
-  valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed ofs2) = true ->
-  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
-  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
-  b1' <> b2' \/
-  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta1)) <>
-  Int.signed (Int.add ofs2 (Int.repr delta2)).
-  intros. 
-  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H1. 
-  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H2. 
-  rewrite (address_inject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H1 H3). 
-  rewrite (address_inject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H2 H4). 
-  inv H1. simpl in H7. inv H2. simpl in H10.
-  exploit (mi_no_overlap _ _ _ H); eauto.
-  intros [A | [A | [A | [A | A]]]].
-  auto. omegaContradiction. omegaContradiction. 
-  right. omega. right. omega.
-(** Relation between injections and loads. *)
-Lemma load_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta v1,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 ->
-  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
-  exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
-  intros. inversion H.
-  eapply mi_inj0; eauto. 
-Lemma loadv_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 chunk a1 a2 v1,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  loadv chunk m1 a1 = Some v1 ->
-  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
-  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 a2 = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
-  intros. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
-  exploit load_inject; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]].
-  exists v2; split; auto. simpl.
-  replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x)))
-     with (Int.signed ofs1 + x).
-  auto. symmetry. eapply address_inject; eauto with mem.
-(** Relation between injections and stores. *)
-Inductive val_content_inject (f: meminj): memory_chunk -> val -> val -> Prop :=
-  | val_content_inject_base:
-      forall chunk v1 v2,
-      val_inject f v1 v2 ->
-      val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2
-  | val_content_inject_8:
-      forall chunk n1 n2,
-      chunk = Mint8unsigned \/ chunk = Mint8signed ->
-      Int.zero_ext 8 n1 = Int.zero_ext 8 n2 ->
-      val_content_inject f chunk (Vint n1) (Vint n2)
-  | val_content_inject_16:
-      forall chunk n1 n2,
-      chunk = Mint16unsigned \/ chunk = Mint16signed ->
-      Int.zero_ext 16 n1 = Int.zero_ext 16 n2 ->
-      val_content_inject f chunk (Vint n1) (Vint n2)
-  | val_content_inject_32:
-      forall f1 f2,
-      Float.singleoffloat f1 = Float.singleoffloat f2 ->
-      val_content_inject f Mfloat32 (Vfloat f1) (Vfloat f2).
-Hint Resolve val_content_inject_base.
-Lemma load_result_inject:
-  forall f chunk v1 v2 chunk',
-  val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 ->
-  size_chunk chunk = size_chunk chunk' ->
-  val_inject f (Val.load_result chunk' v1) (Val.load_result chunk' v2).
-  intros. inv H; simpl.
-  inv H1; destruct chunk'; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
-  elim H1; intro; subst chunk;
-  destruct chunk'; simpl in H0; try discriminate; simpl.
-  replace (Int.sign_ext 8 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 8 n2).
-  constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite H2. constructor.
-  replace (Int.sign_ext 8 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 8 n2).
-  constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite H2. constructor.
-  elim H1; intro; subst chunk;
-  destruct chunk'; simpl in H0; try discriminate; simpl.
-  replace (Int.sign_ext 16 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 16 n2).
-  constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite H2. constructor.
-  replace (Int.sign_ext 16 n1) with (Int.sign_ext 16 n2).
-  constructor. apply Int.sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite H2. constructor.
-  destruct chunk'; simpl in H0; try discriminate; simpl.
-  constructor. rewrite H1; constructor.
-Lemma store_mapped_inject_1 :
-  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
-  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
-  val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 ->
-  exists n2,
-    store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2
-    /\ mem_inject f n1 n2.
-  intros. inversion H. 
-  exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto.
-  intros; constructor.
-  intros. apply load_result_inject with chunk; eauto.
-  intros [n2 [STORE MINJ]].
-  exists n2; split. auto. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  auto.
-  (* freeblocks *)
-  intros. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro. elim H3. eauto with mem.
-  (* mappedblocks *)
-  intros. eauto with mem.
-  (* no_overlap *)
-  red; intros.
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  eapply mi_no_overlap0; eauto.
-  (* range *)
-  auto.
-  intros. 
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  eapply mi_range_4; eauto.
-Lemma store_mapped_inject:
-  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
-  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
-  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
-  exists n2,
-    store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2
-    /\ mem_inject f n1 n2.
-  intros. eapply store_mapped_inject_1; eauto.
-Lemma store_unmapped_inject:
-  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
-  f b1 = None ->
-  mem_inject f n1 m2.
-  intros. inversion H.
-  constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  eapply store_unmapped_inj; eauto.
-  (* freeblocks *)
-  intros. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intros; elim H2; eauto with mem.
-  (* mappedblocks *)
-  intros. eapply mi_mappedblocks0; eauto with mem.
-  (* no_overlap *)
-  red; intros.
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  eapply mi_no_overlap0; eauto.
-  (* range *)
-  auto. auto.
-Lemma storev_mapped_inject_1:
-  forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 ->
-  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
-  val_content_inject f chunk v1 v2 ->
-  exists n2,
-    storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_inject f n1 n2.
-  intros. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
-  simpl. replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x)))
-            with (Int.signed ofs1 + x).
-  eapply store_mapped_inject_1; eauto.
-  symmetry. eapply address_inject; eauto with mem.
-Lemma storev_mapped_inject:
-  forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 ->
-  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
-  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
-  exists n2,
-    storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_inject f n1 n2.
-  intros. eapply storev_mapped_inject_1; eauto.
-(** Relation between injections and [free] *)
-Lemma meminj_no_overlap_free:
-  forall mi m b,
-  meminj_no_overlap mi m ->
-  meminj_no_overlap mi (free m b).
-  intros; red; intros.
-  assert (low_bound (free m b) b >= high_bound (free m b) b).
-    rewrite low_bound_free_same; rewrite high_bound_free_same; auto.
-    omega.
-  destruct (eq_block b1 b); destruct (eq_block b2 b); subst; auto.
-  repeat (rewrite low_bound_free; auto). 
-  repeat (rewrite high_bound_free; auto).
-Lemma meminj_no_overlap_free_list:
-  forall mi m bl,
-  meminj_no_overlap mi m ->
-  meminj_no_overlap mi (free_list m bl).
-  induction bl; simpl; intros. auto.
-  apply meminj_no_overlap_free. auto.
-Lemma free_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 l b,
-  (forall b1 delta, f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> In b1 l) ->
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  mem_inject f (free_list m1 l) (free m2 b).
-  intros. inversion H0. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  apply free_right_inj. apply free_list_left_inj. auto.
-  intros; red; intros. 
-  elim (valid_access_free_list_inv _ _ _ _ _ H2); intros.
-  elim H3; eauto.
-  (* freeblocks *)
-  intros. apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro; elim H1.
-  apply valid_block_free_list_1; auto.
-  (* mappedblocks *)
-  intros. apply valid_block_free_1. eauto. 
-  (* overlap *)
-  apply meminj_no_overlap_free_list; auto.
-  (* range *)
-  auto.
-  intros. destruct (eq_block b' b). subst b'.
-  rewrite low_bound_free_same; rewrite high_bound_free_same. 
-  right; compute; intuition congruence.
-  rewrite low_bound_free; auto. rewrite high_bound_free; auto.
-  eauto.
-(** Monotonicity properties of memory injections. *)
-Definition inject_incr (f1 f2: meminj) : Prop :=
-  forall b, f1 b = f2 b \/ f1 b = None.
-Lemma inject_incr_refl :
-   forall f , inject_incr f f .
-Proof. unfold inject_incr . intros. left . auto . Qed.
-Lemma inject_incr_trans :
-  forall f1 f2 f3, 
-  inject_incr f1 f2 -> inject_incr f2 f3 -> inject_incr f1 f3 .
-Proof .
-  unfold inject_incr; intros.
-  generalize (H b); generalize (H0 b); intuition congruence.
-Lemma val_inject_incr:
-  forall f1 f2 v v',
-  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
-  val_inject f1 v v' ->
-  val_inject f2 v v'.
-  intros. inversion H0.
-  constructor.
-  constructor.
-  elim (H b1); intro. 
-    apply val_inject_ptr with x. congruence. auto. 
-    congruence.
-  constructor.
-Lemma val_list_inject_incr:
-  forall f1 f2 vl vl' ,
-  inject_incr f1 f2 -> val_list_inject f1 vl vl' ->
-  val_list_inject f2 vl vl'.
-  induction vl; intros; inv H0. auto.
-  constructor. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. auto.
-Hint Resolve inject_incr_refl val_inject_incr val_list_inject_incr.
-(** Properties of injections and allocations. *)
-Definition extend_inject
-       (b: block) (x: option (block * Z)) (f: meminj) : meminj :=
-  fun (b': block) => if zeq b' b then x else f b'.
-Lemma extend_inject_incr:
-  forall f b x,
-  f b = None ->
-  inject_incr f (extend_inject b x f).
-  intros; red; intros. unfold extend_inject. 
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). subst b0; auto. auto.
-Lemma alloc_right_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m2' b,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b) ->
-  mem_inject f m1 m2'.
-  intros. inversion H. constructor.
-  eapply alloc_right_inj; eauto.
-  auto.
-  intros. eauto with mem. 
-  auto.
-  auto.
-  intros. replace (low_bound m2' b') with (low_bound m2 b').
-  replace (high_bound m2' b') with (high_bound m2 b').
-  eauto. 
-  symmetry. eapply high_bound_alloc_other; eauto. 
-  symmetry. eapply low_bound_alloc_other; eauto.
-Lemma alloc_unmapped_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b) ->
-  mem_inject (extend_inject b None f) m1' m2 /\
-  inject_incr f (extend_inject b None f).
-  intros. inversion H.
-  assert (inject_incr f (extend_inject b None f)).
-  apply extend_inject_incr. apply mi_freeblocks0. eauto with mem.
-  split; auto. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  eapply alloc_left_unmapped_inj; eauto.
-  red; intros. unfold extend_inject in H2.
-  destruct (zeq b1 b). congruence.
-  exploit mi_inj0; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD VINJ]].
-  exists v2; split. auto. 
-  apply val_inject_incr with f; auto.
-  unfold extend_inject. apply zeq_true.
-  (* freeblocks *)
-  intros. unfold extend_inject. destruct (zeq b0 b). auto.
-  apply mi_freeblocks0; red; intro. elim H2. eauto with mem.
-  (* mappedblocks *)
-  intros. unfold extend_inject in H2. destruct (zeq b0 b).
-  discriminate. eauto.
-  (* overlap *)
-  red; unfold extend_inject, update; intros.
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  destruct (zeq b1 b); try discriminate.
-  destruct (zeq b2 b); try discriminate.
-  eauto.
-  (* range *)
-  unfold extend_inject; intros.
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). discriminate. eauto.
-  unfold extend_inject; intros.
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). discriminate. eauto.
-Lemma alloc_mapped_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b b' ofs,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b) ->
-  valid_block m2 b' ->
-  Int.min_signed <= ofs <= Int.max_signed ->
-  Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b' ->
-  high_bound m2 b' <= Int.max_signed ->
-  low_bound m2 b' <= lo + ofs ->
-  hi + ofs <= high_bound m2 b' ->
-  inj_offset_aligned ofs (hi-lo) ->
-  (forall b0 ofs0, 
-   f b0 = Some (b', ofs0) -> 
-   high_bound m1 b0 + ofs0 <= lo + ofs \/
-   hi + ofs <= low_bound m1 b0 + ofs0) ->
-  mem_inject (extend_inject b (Some (b', ofs)) f) m1' m2 /\
-  inject_incr f (extend_inject b (Some (b', ofs)) f).
-  intros. inversion H.
-  assert (inject_incr f (extend_inject b (Some (b', ofs)) f)).
-  apply extend_inject_incr. apply mi_freeblocks0. eauto with mem.
-  split; auto.
-  constructor. 
-  (* inj *)
-  eapply alloc_left_mapped_inj; eauto.
-  red; intros. unfold extend_inject in H10.
-  rewrite zeq_false in H10.
-  exploit mi_inj0; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD VINJ]].
-  exists v2; split. auto. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto.
-  eauto with mem. 
-  unfold extend_inject. apply zeq_true.
-  (* freeblocks *)
-  intros. unfold extend_inject. rewrite zeq_false.
-  apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro. elim H10; eauto with mem.
-  apply sym_not_equal; eauto with mem.
-  (* mappedblocks *)
-  unfold extend_inject; intros.
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). inv H10. auto. eauto.
-  (* overlap *)
-  red; unfold extend_inject, update; intros.
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  destruct (zeq b1 b); [inv H11|idtac];
-  (destruct (zeq b2 b); [inv H12|idtac]).
-  congruence. 
-  destruct (zeq b1' b2'). subst b2'. generalize (H8 _ _ H12). tauto. auto.
-  destruct (zeq b1' b2'). subst b2'. generalize (H8 _ _ H11). tauto. auto.
-  eauto.
-  (* range *)
-  unfold extend_inject; intros. 
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). inv H10. auto. eauto.
-  unfold extend_inject; intros. 
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). inv H10. auto. eauto.
-Lemma alloc_parallel_inject:
-  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' m2' b1 b2,
-  mem_inject f m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
-  alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) ->
-  Int.min_signed <= lo -> hi <= Int.max_signed ->
-  mem_inject (extend_inject b1 (Some(b2, 0)) f) m1' m2' /\
-  inject_incr f (extend_inject b1 (Some(b2, 0)) f).
-  intros. 
-  eapply alloc_mapped_inject; eauto.
-  eapply alloc_right_inject; eauto.
-  eauto with mem.
-  compute; intuition congruence.
-  rewrite (low_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto.
-  rewrite (high_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). auto.
-  rewrite (low_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). omega.
-  rewrite (high_bound_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H1). omega.
-  red; intros. apply Zdivide_0.
-  intros. elimtype False. inv H. 
-  exploit mi_mappedblocks0; eauto.
-  change (~ valid_block m2 b2). eauto with mem.
-Definition meminj_init (m: mem) : meminj :=
-  fun (b: block) => if zlt b m.(nextblock) then Some(b, 0) else None.
-Definition mem_inject_neutral (m: mem) : Prop :=
-  forall f chunk b ofs v,
-  load chunk m b ofs = Some v -> val_inject f v v.
-Lemma init_inject:
-  forall m,
-  mem_inject_neutral m ->
-  mem_inject (meminj_init m) m m.
-  intros; constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  red; intros. unfold meminj_init in H0. 
-  destruct (zlt b1 (nextblock m)); inversion H0.
-  subst b2 delta. exists v1; split.
-  rewrite Zplus_0_r. auto. eapply H; eauto.
-  (* free blocks *)
-  unfold valid_block, meminj_init; intros.
-  apply zlt_false. omega.
-  (* mapped blocks *)
-  unfold valid_block, meminj_init; intros.
-  destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst b'; auto.
-  (* overlap *)
-  red; unfold meminj_init; intros.
-  destruct (zlt b1 (nextblock m)); inversion H1.
-  destruct (zlt b2 (nextblock m)); inversion H2.
-  left; congruence.
-  (* range *)
-  unfold meminj_init; intros.
-  destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst delta.
-  compute; intuition congruence.
-  unfold meminj_init; intros.
-  destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0. subst delta.
-  auto.
-Remark getN_setN_inject:
-  forall f m v n1 p1 n2 p2,
-  val_inject f (getN n2 p2 m) (getN n2 p2 m) ->
-  val_inject f v v ->
-  val_inject f (getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m))
-               (getN n2 p2 (setN n1 p1 v m)).
-  intros. 
-  destruct (getN_setN_characterization m v n1 p1 n2 p2)
-  as [A | [A | A]]; rewrite A; auto.
-Remark getN_contents_init_data_inject:
-  forall f n ofs id pos,
-  val_inject f (getN n ofs (contents_init_data pos id))
-               (getN n ofs (contents_init_data pos id)).
-  induction id; simpl; intros.
-  repeat rewrite getN_init. constructor.
-  destruct a; auto; apply getN_setN_inject; auto.
-Lemma alloc_init_data_neutral:
-  forall m id m' b,
-  mem_inject_neutral m ->
-  alloc_init_data m id = (m', b) ->
-  mem_inject_neutral m'.
-  intros. injection H0; intros A B.
-  red; intros. 
-  exploit load_inv; eauto. intros [C D].
-  rewrite <- B in D; simpl in D. rewrite A in D. 
-  unfold update in D. destruct (zeq b0 b).
-  subst b0. rewrite D. simpl. 
-  apply load_result_inject with chunk. constructor.
-  apply getN_contents_init_data_inject. auto.
-  apply H with chunk b0 ofs. unfold load.
-  rewrite in_bounds_true. congruence. 
-  inversion C. constructor.
-  generalize H2. unfold valid_block. rewrite <- B; simpl.
-  rewrite A. unfold block in n; intros. omega.
-  replace (low_bound m b0) with (low_bound m' b0). auto.
-  unfold low_bound; rewrite <- B; simpl; rewrite A. rewrite update_o; auto.
-  replace (high_bound m b0) with (high_bound m' b0). auto.
-  unfold high_bound; rewrite <- B; simpl; rewrite A. rewrite update_o; auto.
-  auto.
-(** ** Memory shifting *)
-(** A special case of memory injection where blocks are not coalesced:
-  each source block injects in a distinct target block. *)
-Definition memshift := block -> option Z.
-Definition meminj_of_shift (mi: memshift) : meminj :=
-  fun b => match mi b with None => None | Some x => Some (b, x) end.
-Definition val_shift (mi: memshift) (v1 v2: val): Prop :=
-  val_inject (meminj_of_shift mi) v1 v2.
-Record mem_shift (f: memshift) (m1 m2: mem) : Prop :=
-  mk_mem_shift {
-    ms_inj:
-      mem_inj val_inject (meminj_of_shift f) m1 m2;
-    ms_samedomain:
-      nextblock m1 = nextblock m2;
-    ms_domain:
-      forall b, match f b with Some _ => b < nextblock m1 | None => b >= nextblock m1 end;
-    ms_range_1:
-      forall b delta,
-      f b = Some delta ->
-      Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed;
-    ms_range_2:
-      forall b delta,
-      f b = Some delta ->
-      Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b /\ high_bound m2 b <= Int.max_signed
-  }.
-(** The following lemmas establish the absence of machine integer overflow
-  during address computations. *)
-Lemma address_shift:
-  forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs1 delta,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  valid_access m1 chunk b (Int.signed ofs1) ->
-  f b = Some delta ->
-  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta.
-  intros. inversion H.
-  elim (ms_range_4 _ _ H1); intros.
-  rewrite Int.add_signed.
-  repeat rewrite Int.signed_repr. auto.
-  eauto.
-  assert (valid_access m2 chunk b (Int.signed ofs1 + delta)).
-    eapply valid_access_inj with (mi := meminj_of_shift f); eauto.
-    unfold meminj_of_shift. rewrite H1; auto. 
-  inv H4. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
-  eauto.
-Lemma valid_pointer_shift_no_overflow:
-  forall f m1 m2 b ofs x,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
-  f b = Some x ->
-  Int.min_signed <= Int.signed ofs + Int.signed (Int.repr x) <= Int.max_signed.
-  intros. inv H. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0.
-  assert (valid_access m2 Mint8unsigned b (Int.signed ofs + x)).
-    eapply valid_access_inj with (mi := meminj_of_shift f); eauto.
-    unfold meminj_of_shift. rewrite H1; auto. 
-  inv H. change (size_chunk Mint8unsigned) with 1 in H4.
-  rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto.
-  exploit ms_range_4; eauto. intros [A B]. omega.
-Lemma valid_pointer_shift:
-  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' ofs',
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
-  val_shift f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs') ->
-  valid_pointer m2 b' (Int.signed ofs') = true.
-  intros. unfold val_shift in H1. inv H1.
-  assert (f b = Some x). 
-    unfold meminj_of_shift in H5. destruct (f b); congruence. 
-  exploit valid_pointer_shift_no_overflow; eauto. intro NOOV.
-  inv H. rewrite Int.add_signed. rewrite Int.signed_repr; auto.
-  rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto.
-  eapply valid_pointer_inj; eauto.
-(** Relation between shifts and loads. *)
-Lemma load_shift:
-  forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs delta v1,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v1 ->
-  f b = Some delta ->
-  exists v2, load chunk m2 b (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_shift f v1 v2.
-  intros. inversion H.
-  unfold val_shift. eapply ms_inj0; eauto.
-  unfold meminj_of_shift; rewrite H1; auto.
-Lemma loadv_shift:
-  forall f m1 m2 chunk a1 a2 v1,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  loadv chunk m1 a1 = Some v1 ->
-  val_shift f a1 a2 ->
-  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 a2 = Some v2 /\ val_shift f v1 v2.
-  intros. unfold val_shift in H1. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
-  generalize H2. unfold meminj_of_shift. caseEq (f b1); intros; inv H3.
-  exploit load_shift; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]].
-  exists v2; split; auto. simpl.
-  replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x)))
-     with (Int.signed ofs1 + x).
-  auto. symmetry. eapply address_shift; eauto with mem.
-(** Relation between shifts and stores. *)
-Lemma store_within_shift:
-  forall f chunk m1 b ofs v1 n1 m2 delta v2,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  store chunk m1 b ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
-  f b = Some delta ->
-  val_shift f v1 v2 ->
-  exists n2,
-    store chunk m2 b (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2
-    /\ mem_shift f n1 n2.
-  intros. inversion H. 
-  exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto.
-  intros; constructor.
-  red. intros until delta2. unfold meminj_of_shift. 
-  destruct (f b1). destruct (f b2). intros. inv H4. inv H5. auto. 
-  congruence. congruence. 
-  unfold meminj_of_shift. rewrite H1. auto.
-  intros. apply load_result_inject with chunk; eauto.
-  unfold val_shift in H2. eauto. 
-  intros [n2 [STORE MINJ]].
-  exists n2; split. auto. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  auto.
-  (* samedomain *)
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  auto.
-  (* domain *)
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
-  (* range *)
-  auto.
-  intros. 
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
-  eapply ms_range_4; eauto.
-Lemma store_outside_shift:
-  forall f chunk m1 b ofs m2 v m2' delta,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  f b = Some delta ->
-  high_bound m1 b + delta <= ofs
-  \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b + delta ->
-  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
-  mem_shift f m1 m2'.
-  intros. inversion H. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  eapply store_outside_inj; eauto. 
-  unfold meminj_of_shift. intros b' d'. caseEq (f b'); intros; inv H4.
-  congruence.
-  (* samedomain *)
-  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2).
-  auto.
-  (* domain *)
-  auto.
-  (* range *)
-  auto.
-  intros. 
-  repeat rewrite (low_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2).
-  repeat rewrite (high_bound_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H2).
-  eapply ms_range_4; eauto.
-Lemma storev_shift:
-  forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 ->
-  val_shift f a1 a2 ->
-  val_shift f v1 v2 ->
-  exists n2,
-    storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ mem_shift f n1 n2.
-  intros. unfold val_shift in H1. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
-  generalize H3. unfold meminj_of_shift. caseEq (f b1); intros; inv H4.
-  exploit store_within_shift; eauto. intros [n2 [A B]].
-  exists n2; split; auto.
-  unfold storev. 
-  replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr x)))
-     with (Int.signed ofs1 + x).
-  auto. symmetry. eapply address_shift; eauto with mem.
-(** Relation between shifts and [free]. *)
-Lemma free_shift:
-  forall f m1 m2 b,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  mem_shift f (free m1 b) (free m2 b).
-  intros. inv H. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  apply free_right_inj. apply free_left_inj; auto.
-  intros until ofs. unfold meminj_of_shift. caseEq (f b1); intros; inv H0.
-  apply valid_access_free_2.
-  (* samedomain *)
-  simpl. auto.
-  (* domain *)
-  simpl. auto.
-  (* range *)
-  auto.
-  intros. destruct (eq_block b0 b). 
-  subst b0. rewrite low_bound_free_same. rewrite high_bound_free_same.
-  vm_compute; intuition congruence.
-  rewrite low_bound_free; auto. rewrite high_bound_free; auto. eauto.
-(** Relation between shifts and allocation. *)
-Definition shift_incr (f1 f2: memshift) : Prop :=
-  forall b, f1 b = f2 b \/ f1 b = None.
-Remark shift_incr_inject_incr:
-  forall f1 f2,
-  shift_incr f1 f2 -> inject_incr (meminj_of_shift f1) (meminj_of_shift f2).
-  intros. unfold meminj_of_shift. red. intros. 
-  elim (H b); intro. rewrite H0. auto. rewrite H0. auto.
-Lemma val_shift_incr:
-  forall f1 f2 v1 v2,
-  shift_incr f1 f2 -> val_shift f1 v1 v2 -> val_shift f2 v1 v2.
-  unfold val_shift; intros. 
-  apply val_inject_incr with (meminj_of_shift f1).
-  apply shift_incr_inject_incr. auto. auto.
-Remark mem_inj_incr:
-  forall f1 f2 m1 m2,
-  inject_incr f1 f2 -> mem_inj val_inject f1 m1 m2 -> mem_inj val_inject f2 m1 m2.
-  intros; red; intros. 
-  destruct (H b1). rewrite <- H3 in H1.
-  exploit H0; eauto. intros [v2 [A B]]. 
-  exists v2; split. auto. apply val_inject_incr with f1; auto.
-  congruence.
-Lemma alloc_shift:
-  forall f m1 m2 lo1 hi1 m1' b delta lo2 hi2,
-  mem_shift f m1 m2 ->
-  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b) ->
-  lo2 <= lo1 + delta -> hi1 + delta <= hi2 ->
-  Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed ->
-  Int.min_signed <= lo2 -> hi2 <= Int.max_signed ->
-  inj_offset_aligned delta (hi1-lo1) ->
-  exists f', exists m2',
-     alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b)
-  /\ mem_shift f' m1' m2'
-  /\ shift_incr f f'
-  /\ f' b = Some delta.
-  intros. inv H. caseEq (alloc m2 lo2 hi2). intros m2' b' ALLOC2.
-  assert (b' = b).
-    rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-    rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2).
-    auto.
-  subst b'.
-  assert (f b = None).
-    generalize (ms_domain0 b). 
-    rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-    destruct (f (nextblock m1)). 
-    intros. omegaContradiction.
-    auto.
-  set (f' := fun (b': block) => if zeq b' b then Some delta else f b').
-  assert (shift_incr f f').
-    red; unfold f'; intros.
-    destruct (zeq b0 b); auto.
-    subst b0. auto.
-  exists f'; exists m2'.
-  split. auto.
-  (* mem_shift *)
-  split. constructor.
-  (* inj *)
-  assert (mem_inj val_inject (meminj_of_shift f') m1 m2).
-    red; intros.
-    assert (meminj_of_shift f b1 = Some (b2, delta0)).
-      rewrite <- H8. unfold meminj_of_shift, f'.
-      destruct (zeq b1 b); auto.
-      subst b1.
-      assert (valid_block m1 b) by eauto with mem. 
-      assert (~valid_block m1 b) by eauto with mem.
-      contradiction.
-    exploit ms_inj0; eauto. intros [v2 [A B]].
-    exists v2; split; auto. 
-    apply val_inject_incr with (meminj_of_shift f).
-    apply shift_incr_inject_incr. auto. auto.
-  eapply alloc_parallel_inj; eauto.
-  unfold meminj_of_shift, f'. rewrite zeq_true. auto.
-  (* samedomain *)
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2).
-  congruence.
-  (* domain *)
-  intros. unfold f'. 
-  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  destruct (zeq b0 (nextblock m1)). omega.
-  generalize (ms_domain0 b0). destruct (f b0); omega.
-  (* range *)
-  unfold f'; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). congruence. eauto. 
-  unfold f'; intros.
-  rewrite (low_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2). 
-  rewrite (high_bound_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC2). 
-  destruct (zeq b0 b). auto. eauto.
-  (* shift_incr *)
-  split. auto.
-  (* f' b = delta *)
-  unfold f'. apply zeq_true. 
-(** ** Relation between signed and unsigned loads and stores *)
-(** Target processors do not distinguish between signed and unsigned
-  stores of 8- and 16-bit quantities.  We show these are equivalent. *)
-(** Signed 8- and 16-bit stores can be performed like unsigned stores. *)
-Remark in_bounds_equiv:
-  forall chunk1 chunk2 m b ofs (A: Type) (a1 a2: A),
-  size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 ->
-  (if in_bounds m chunk1 b ofs then a1 else a2) =
-  (if in_bounds m chunk2 b ofs then a1 else a2).
-  intros. destruct (in_bounds m chunk1 b ofs).
-  rewrite in_bounds_true. auto. eapply valid_access_compat; eauto.
-  destruct (in_bounds m chunk2 b ofs); auto.
-  elim n. eapply valid_access_compat with (chunk1 := chunk2); eauto.
-Lemma storev_8_signed_unsigned:
-  forall m a v,
-  storev Mint8signed m a v = storev Mint8unsigned m a v.
-  intros. unfold storev. destruct a; auto.
-  unfold store. rewrite (in_bounds_equiv Mint8signed Mint8unsigned).
-  auto. auto.
-Lemma storev_16_signed_unsigned:
-  forall m a v,
-  storev Mint16signed m a v = storev Mint16unsigned m a v.
-  intros. unfold storev. destruct a; auto.
-  unfold store. rewrite (in_bounds_equiv Mint16signed Mint16unsigned).
-  auto. auto.
-(** Likewise, some target processors (e.g. the PowerPC) do not have
-  a ``load 8-bit signed integer'' instruction.  
-  We show that it can be synthesized as a ``load 8-bit unsigned integer''
-  followed by a sign extension. *)
-Lemma loadv_8_signed_unsigned:
-  forall m a,
-  loadv Mint8signed m a = option_map (Val.sign_ext 8) (loadv Mint8unsigned m a).
-  intros. unfold Mem.loadv. destruct a; try reflexivity.
-  unfold load. rewrite (in_bounds_equiv Mint8signed Mint8unsigned).
-  destruct (in_bounds m Mint8unsigned b (Int.signed i)); auto.
-  simpl.
-  destruct (getN 0 (Int.signed i) (contents (blocks m b))); auto.
-  simpl. rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. auto. compute; auto. 
-  auto.
diff --git a/common/Memdata.v b/common/Memdata.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c5fdb60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/Memdata.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+(** * Properties of memory chunks *)
+(** Memory reads and writes are performed by quantities called memory chunks,
+  encoding the type, size and signedness of the chunk being addressed.
+  The following functions extract the size information from a chunk. *)
+Definition size_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : Z :=
+  match chunk with
+  | Mint8signed => 1
+  | Mint8unsigned => 1
+  | Mint16signed => 2
+  | Mint16unsigned => 2
+  | Mint32 => 4
+  | Mfloat32 => 4
+  | Mfloat64 => 8
+  end.
+Lemma size_chunk_pos:
+  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk > 0.
+  intros. destruct chunk; simpl; omega.
+Definition size_chunk_nat (chunk: memory_chunk) : nat :=
+  nat_of_Z(size_chunk chunk).
+Lemma size_chunk_conv:
+  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk = Z_of_nat (size_chunk_nat chunk).
+  intros. destruct chunk; reflexivity.
+Lemma size_chunk_nat_pos:
+  forall chunk, exists n, size_chunk_nat chunk = S n.
+  intros. 
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). rewrite size_chunk_conv. 
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat chunk).
+  simpl; intros; omegaContradiction.
+  intros; exists n; auto.
+(** Memory reads and writes must respect alignment constraints:
+  the byte offset of the location being addressed should be an exact
+  multiple of the natural alignment for the chunk being addressed.
+  This natural alignment is defined by the following 
+  [align_chunk] function.  Some target architectures
+  (e.g. the PowerPC) have no alignment constraints, which we could
+  reflect by taking [align_chunk chunk = 1].  However, other architectures
+  have stronger alignment requirements.  The following definition is
+  appropriate for PowerPC and ARM. *)
+Definition align_chunk (chunk: memory_chunk) : Z := 
+  match chunk with
+  | Mint8signed => 1
+  | Mint8unsigned => 1
+  | Mint16signed => 2
+  | Mint16unsigned => 2
+  | _ => 4
+  end.
+Lemma align_chunk_pos:
+  forall chunk, align_chunk chunk > 0.
+  intro. destruct chunk; simpl; omega.
+Lemma align_size_chunk_divides:
+  forall chunk, (align_chunk chunk | size_chunk chunk).
+  intros. destruct chunk; simpl; try apply Zdivide_refl. exists 2; auto. 
+Lemma align_chunk_compat:
+  forall chunk1 chunk2,
+  size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 -> align_chunk chunk1 = align_chunk chunk2.
+  intros chunk1 chunk2. 
+  destruct chunk1; destruct chunk2; simpl; congruence.
+(** The type (integer/pointer or float) of a chunk. *)
+Definition type_of_chunk (c: memory_chunk) : typ :=
+  match c with
+  | Mint8signed => Tint
+  | Mint8unsigned => Tint
+  | Mint16signed => Tint
+  | Mint16unsigned => Tint
+  | Mint32 => Tint
+  | Mfloat32 => Tfloat
+  | Mfloat64 => Tfloat
+  end.
+(** * Memory values *)
+(** A ``memory value'' is a byte-sized quantity that describes the current
+  content of a memory cell.  It can be either:
+- a concrete 8-bit integer;
+- a byte-sized fragment of an opaque pointer;
+- the special constant [Undef] that represents uninitialized memory.
+(** Values stored in memory cells. *)
+Inductive memval: Type :=
+  | Undef: memval
+  | Byte: byte -> memval
+  | Pointer: block -> int -> nat -> memval.
+(** * Encoding and decoding integers *)
+(** We define functions to convert between integers and lists of bytes
+  according to a given memory chunk. *)
+Parameter big_endian: bool.
+Definition rev_if_le (l: list byte) : list byte :=
+  if big_endian then l else List.rev l.
+Lemma rev_if_le_involutive:
+  forall l, rev_if_le (rev_if_le l) = l.
+  intros; unfold rev_if_le; destruct big_endian. 
+  auto.
+  apply List.rev_involutive. 
+Lemma rev_if_le_length:
+  forall l, length (rev_if_le l) = length l.
+  intros; unfold rev_if_le; destruct big_endian.
+  auto.
+  apply List.rev_length.
+Definition encode_int (c: memory_chunk) (x: int) : list byte :=
+  let n := Int.unsigned x in
+  rev_if_le (match c with
+  | Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned =>
+      Byte.repr n :: nil
+  | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned =>
+      Byte.repr (n/256) :: Byte.repr n :: nil
+  | Mint32 =>
+      Byte.repr (n/16777216) :: Byte.repr (n/65536) :: Byte.repr (n/256) :: Byte.repr n :: nil
+  | Mfloat32 =>
+ :: :: :: :: nil
+  | Mfloat64 =>
+ :: :: :: ::
+ :: :: :: :: nil
+  end).
+Definition decode_int (c: memory_chunk) (b: list byte) : int :=
+  match c, rev_if_le b with
+  | Mint8signed, b1 :: nil =>
+      Int.sign_ext 8 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned b1))
+  | Mint8unsigned, b1 :: nil =>
+      Int.repr (Byte.unsigned b1)
+  | Mint16signed, b1 :: b2 :: nil =>
+      Int.sign_ext 16 (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned b1 * 256 + Byte.unsigned b2))
+  | Mint16unsigned, b1 :: b2 :: nil =>
+      Int.repr (Byte.unsigned b1 * 256 + Byte.unsigned b2)
+  | Mint32, b1 :: b2 :: b3 :: b4 :: nil =>
+      Int.repr (Byte.unsigned b1 * 16777216 + Byte.unsigned b2 * 65536
+                + Byte.unsigned b3 * 256 + Byte.unsigned b4)
+  | _, _ =>
+  end.
+Lemma encode_int_length:
+  forall chunk n, length(encode_int chunk n) = size_chunk_nat chunk.
+  intros. unfold encode_int. rewrite rev_if_le_length.
+  destruct chunk; reflexivity.
+Lemma decode_encode_int8unsigned: forall n,
+  decode_int Mint8unsigned (encode_int Mint8unsigned n) = Int.zero_ext 8 n.
+  intros. unfold decode_int, encode_int. rewrite rev_if_le_involutive.
+  simpl. auto.
+Lemma decode_encode_int8signed: forall n,
+  decode_int Mint8signed (encode_int Mint8signed n) = Int.sign_ext 8 n.
+  intros. unfold decode_int, encode_int. rewrite rev_if_le_involutive. simpl.
+  change (Int.repr (Int.unsigned n mod Byte.modulus))
+  with (Int.zero_ext 8 n).
+  apply Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. compute; auto.
+Remark recombine_16:
+  forall x,
+  (x / 256) mod Byte.modulus * 256 + x mod Byte.modulus = x mod (two_p 16).
+  intros. symmetry. apply (Zmod_recombine x 256 256); omega.
+Lemma decode_encode_int16unsigned: forall n,
+  decode_int Mint16unsigned (encode_int Mint16unsigned n) = Int.zero_ext 16 n.
+  intros. unfold decode_int, encode_int. rewrite rev_if_le_involutive. simpl.
+  rewrite recombine_16. auto.
+Lemma decode_encode_int16signed: forall n,
+  decode_int Mint16signed (encode_int Mint16signed n) = Int.sign_ext 16 n.
+  intros. unfold decode_int, encode_int. rewrite rev_if_le_involutive. simpl.
+  rewrite recombine_16. 
+  fold (Int.zero_ext 16 n). apply Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. compute; auto.
+Remark recombine_32:
+  forall x,
+  (x / 16777216) mod Byte.modulus * 16777216
+  + (x / 65536) mod Byte.modulus * 65536
+  + (x / 256) mod Byte.modulus * 256
+  + x mod Byte.modulus =
+  x mod Int.modulus.
+  intros. change Byte.modulus with 256.
+  exploit (Zmod_recombine x 65536 65536). omega. omega. intro EQ1.
+  exploit (Zmod_recombine x 256 256). omega. omega.
+  change (256 * 256) with 65536. intro EQ2.
+  exploit (Zmod_recombine (x/65536) 256 256). omega. omega.
+  rewrite Zdiv_Zdiv. change (65536*256) with 16777216. change (256 * 256) with 65536. 
+  intro EQ3.
+  change Int.modulus with (65536 * 65536).
+  rewrite EQ1. rewrite EQ2. rewrite EQ3. omega.
+  omega. omega.
+Lemma decode_encode_int32: forall n,
+  decode_int Mint32 (encode_int Mint32 n) = n.
+  intros. unfold decode_int, encode_int. rewrite rev_if_le_involutive. simpl.
+  rewrite recombine_32.
+  transitivity (Int.repr (Int.unsigned n)). 2: apply Int.repr_unsigned.
+  apply Int.eqm_samerepr. apply Int.eqm_sym. red. apply Int.eqmod_mod.
+  apply Int.modulus_pos. 
+Lemma encode_int8_signed_unsigned: forall n,
+  encode_int Mint8signed n = encode_int Mint8unsigned n.
+  intros; reflexivity.
+Remark encode_8_mod:
+  forall x y,
+  Int.eqmod (two_p 8) (Int.unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y) ->
+  encode_int Mint8unsigned x = encode_int Mint8unsigned y.
+  intros. unfold encode_int. decEq. decEq. apply Byte.eqm_samerepr. exact H. 
+Lemma encode_int8_zero_ext:
+  forall x,
+  encode_int Mint8unsigned (Int.zero_ext 8 x) = encode_int Mint8unsigned x.
+  intros. apply encode_8_mod. apply Int.eqmod_sym. 
+  apply Int.eqmod_two_p_zero_ext. compute; auto.
+Lemma encode_int8_sign_ext:
+  forall x,
+  encode_int Mint8signed (Int.sign_ext 8 x) = encode_int Mint8signed x.
+  intros. repeat rewrite encode_int8_signed_unsigned. 
+  apply encode_8_mod. apply Int.eqmod_sym. 
+  apply Int.eqmod_two_p_sign_ext. compute; auto.
+Lemma encode_int16_signed_unsigned: forall n,
+  encode_int Mint16signed n = encode_int Mint16unsigned n.
+  intros; reflexivity.
+Remark encode_16_mod:
+  forall x y,
+  Int.eqmod (two_p 16) (Int.unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y) ->
+  encode_int Mint16unsigned x = encode_int Mint16unsigned y.
+  intros. unfold encode_int. decEq.
+  set (x' := Int.unsigned x) in *.
+  set (y' := Int.unsigned y) in *.
+  assert (Int.eqmod (two_p 8) x' y').
+    eapply Int.eqmod_divides; eauto. exists (two_p 8); auto.
+  assert (Int.eqmod (two_p 8) (x' / 256) (y' / 256)).
+    destruct H as [k EQ]. 
+    exists k. rewrite EQ. 
+    replace (k * two_p 16) with ((k * two_p 8) * two_p 8).
+    rewrite Zplus_comm. rewrite Z_div_plus. omega. 
+    omega. rewrite <- Zmult_assoc. auto. 
+  decEq. apply Byte.eqm_samerepr. exact H1.
+  decEq. apply Byte.eqm_samerepr. exact H0.
+Lemma encode_int16_zero_ext:
+  forall x,
+  encode_int Mint16unsigned (Int.zero_ext 16 x) = encode_int Mint16unsigned x.
+  intros. apply encode_16_mod. apply Int.eqmod_sym. 
+  apply (Int.eqmod_two_p_zero_ext 16). compute; auto.
+Lemma encode_int16_sign_ext:
+  forall x,
+  encode_int Mint16signed (Int.sign_ext 16 x) = encode_int Mint16signed x.
+  intros. repeat rewrite encode_int16_signed_unsigned. 
+  apply encode_16_mod. apply Int.eqmod_sym. 
+  apply Int.eqmod_two_p_sign_ext. compute; auto.
+Lemma decode_int8_zero_ext:
+  forall l,
+  Int.zero_ext 8 (decode_int Mint8unsigned l) = decode_int Mint8unsigned l.
+  intros; simpl. destruct (rev_if_le l); auto. destruct l0; auto.
+  unfold Int.zero_ext. decEq.
+  generalize (Byte.unsigned_range i). intro. 
+  rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. apply Zmod_small. assumption. 
+  assert (Byte.modulus < Int.max_unsigned). vm_compute. auto.
+  omega.
+Lemma decode_int8_sign_ext:
+  forall l,
+  Int.sign_ext 8 (decode_int Mint8signed l) = decode_int Mint8signed l.
+  intros; simpl. destruct (rev_if_le l); auto. destruct l0; auto.
+  rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem. auto. vm_compute; auto.
+Lemma decode_int16_zero_ext:
+  forall l,
+  Int.zero_ext 16 (decode_int Mint16unsigned l) = decode_int Mint16unsigned l.
+  intros; simpl. destruct (rev_if_le l); auto. destruct l0; auto. destruct l0; auto. 
+  unfold Int.zero_ext. decEq.
+  generalize (Byte.unsigned_range i) (Byte.unsigned_range i0).
+  change Byte.modulus with 256. intros.
+  assert (0 <= Byte.unsigned i * 256 + Byte.unsigned i0 < 65536). omega. 
+  rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. apply Zmod_small. assumption. 
+  assert (65536 < Int.max_unsigned). vm_compute. auto.
+  omega.
+Lemma decode_int16_sign_ext:
+  forall l,
+  Int.sign_ext 16 (decode_int Mint16signed l) = decode_int Mint16signed l.
+  intros; simpl. destruct (rev_if_le l); auto. destruct l0; auto. destruct l0; auto.
+  rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem. auto. vm_compute; auto.
+Lemma decode_int8_signed_unsigned:
+  forall l,
+  decode_int Mint8signed l = Int.sign_ext 8 (decode_int Mint8unsigned l).
+  unfold decode_int; intros. destruct (rev_if_le l); auto. destruct l0; auto.
+Lemma decode_int16_signed_unsigned:
+  forall l,
+  decode_int Mint16signed l = Int.sign_ext 16 (decode_int Mint16unsigned l).
+  unfold decode_int; intros. destruct (rev_if_le l); auto.
+  destruct l0; auto. destruct l0; auto.
+(** * Encoding and decoding floats *)
+Parameter encode_float: memory_chunk -> float -> list byte.
+Parameter decode_float: memory_chunk -> list byte -> float.
+Axiom encode_float_length:
+  forall chunk n, length(encode_float chunk n) = size_chunk_nat chunk.
+(* More realistic:
+  decode_float Mfloat32 (encode_float Mfloat32 (Float.singleoffloat n)) =
+  Float.singleoffloat n
+Axiom decode_encode_float32: forall n,
+  decode_float Mfloat32 (encode_float Mfloat32 n) = Float.singleoffloat n.
+Axiom decode_encode_float64: forall n,
+  decode_float Mfloat64 (encode_float Mfloat64 n) = n.
+Axiom encode_float32_singleoffloat: forall n,
+  encode_float Mfloat32 (Float.singleoffloat n) = encode_float Mfloat32 n.
+Axiom encode_float8_signed_unsigned: forall n,
+  encode_float Mint8signed n = encode_float Mint8unsigned n.
+Axiom encode_float16_signed_unsigned: forall n,
+  encode_float Mint16signed n = encode_float Mint16unsigned n.
+Axiom encode_float32_cast:
+  forall f,
+  encode_float Mfloat32 (Float.singleoffloat f) = encode_float Mfloat32 f.
+Axiom decode_float32_cast:
+  forall l,
+  Float.singleoffloat (decode_float Mfloat32 l) = decode_float Mfloat32 l.
+(** * Encoding and decoding values *)
+Definition inj_bytes (bl: list byte) : list memval :=
+ Byte bl.
+Fixpoint proj_bytes (vl: list memval) : option (list byte) :=
+  match vl with
+  | nil => Some nil
+  | Byte b :: vl' =>
+      match proj_bytes vl' with None => None | Some bl => Some(b :: bl) end
+  | _ => None
+  end.
+Remark length_inj_bytes:
+  forall bl, length (inj_bytes bl) = length bl.
+  intros. apply List.map_length. 
+Remark proj_inj_bytes:
+  forall bl, proj_bytes (inj_bytes bl) = Some bl.
+  induction bl; simpl. auto. rewrite IHbl. auto.
+Lemma inj_proj_bytes:
+  forall cl bl, proj_bytes cl = Some bl -> cl = inj_bytes bl.
+  induction cl; simpl; intros. 
+  inv H; auto.
+  destruct a; try congruence. destruct (proj_bytes cl); inv H.
+  simpl. decEq. auto.
+Fixpoint inj_pointer (n: nat) (b: block) (ofs: int) {struct n}: list memval :=
+  match n with
+  | O => nil
+  | S m => Pointer b ofs m :: inj_pointer m b ofs
+  end.
+Fixpoint check_pointer (n: nat) (b: block) (ofs: int) (vl: list memval) 
+                       {struct n} : bool :=
+  match n, vl with
+  | O, nil => true
+  | S m, Pointer b' ofs' m' :: vl' =>
+      eq_block b b' && Int.eq_dec ofs ofs' && beq_nat m m' && check_pointer m b ofs vl'
+  | _, _ => false
+  end.
+Definition proj_pointer (vl: list memval) : val :=
+  match vl with
+  | Pointer b ofs n :: vl' =>
+      if check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b ofs vl
+      then Vptr b ofs
+      else Vundef
+  | _ => Vundef
+  end.
+Definition encode_val (chunk: memory_chunk) (v: val) : list memval :=
+  match v, chunk with
+  | Vptr b ofs, Mint32 => inj_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b ofs
+  | Vint n, _ => inj_bytes (encode_int chunk n)
+  | Vfloat f, _ => inj_bytes (encode_float chunk f)
+  | _, _ => list_repeat (size_chunk_nat chunk) Undef
+  end.
+Definition decode_val (chunk: memory_chunk) (vl: list memval) : val :=
+  match proj_bytes vl with
+  | Some bl =>
+      match chunk with
+      | Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned
+      | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned | Mint32 =>
+          Vint(decode_int chunk bl)
+      | Mfloat32 | Mfloat64 =>
+          Vfloat(decode_float chunk bl)
+      end
+  | None =>
+      match chunk with
+      | Mint32 => proj_pointer vl
+      | _ => Vundef
+      end
+  end.
+Lemma inj_pointer_length:
+  forall b ofs n, List.length(inj_pointer n b ofs) = n.
+  induction n; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma encode_val_length:
+  forall chunk v, length(encode_val chunk v) = size_chunk_nat chunk.
+  intros. destruct v; simpl. 
+  apply length_list_repeat.
+  rewrite length_inj_bytes. apply encode_int_length.
+  rewrite length_inj_bytes. apply encode_float_length.
+  destruct chunk; try (apply length_list_repeat). reflexivity.
+Lemma check_inj_pointer:
+  forall b ofs n, check_pointer n b ofs (inj_pointer n b ofs) = true.
+  induction n; simpl. auto. 
+  unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite dec_eq_true. rewrite dec_eq_true.  
+  rewrite <- beq_nat_refl. simpl; auto.
+Definition decode_encode_val (v1: val) (chunk1 chunk2: memory_chunk) (v2: val) : Prop :=
+  match v1, chunk1, chunk2 with
+  | Vundef, _, _ => v2 = Vundef
+  | Vint n, Mint8signed, Mint8signed => v2 = Vint(Int.sign_ext 8 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint8unsigned, Mint8signed => v2 = Vint(Int.sign_ext 8 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint8signed, Mint8unsigned => v2 = Vint(Int.zero_ext 8 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint8unsigned, Mint8unsigned => v2 = Vint(Int.zero_ext 8 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint16signed, Mint16signed => v2 = Vint(Int.sign_ext 16 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint16unsigned, Mint16signed => v2 = Vint(Int.sign_ext 16 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint16signed, Mint16unsigned => v2 = Vint(Int.zero_ext 16 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint16unsigned, Mint16unsigned => v2 = Vint(Int.zero_ext 16 n)
+  | Vint n, Mint32, Mint32 => v2 = Vint n
+  | Vint n, Mint32, Mfloat32 => v2 = Vfloat(decode_float Mfloat32 (encode_int Mint32 n))
+  | Vint n, _, _ => True   (* nothing interesting to say about v2 *)
+  | Vptr b ofs, Mint32, Mint32 => v2 = Vptr b ofs
+  | Vptr b ofs, _, _ => v2 = Vundef
+  | Vfloat f, Mfloat32, Mfloat32 => v2 = Vfloat(Float.singleoffloat f)
+  | Vfloat f, Mfloat32, Mint32 => v2 = Vint(decode_int Mint32 (encode_float Mfloat32 f))
+  | Vfloat f, Mfloat64, Mfloat64 => v2 = Vfloat f
+  | Vfloat f, _, _ => True   (* nothing interesting to say about v2 *)
+  end.
+Lemma decode_encode_val_general:
+  forall v chunk1 chunk2,
+  decode_encode_val v chunk1 chunk2 (decode_val chunk2 (encode_val chunk1 v)).
+  intros. destruct v.
+(* Vundef *)
+  simpl. destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk1) as [psz EQ]. 
+  rewrite EQ. simpl.
+  unfold decode_val. simpl. destruct chunk2; auto.
+(* Vint *)
+  simpl.
+  destruct chunk1; auto; destruct chunk2; auto; unfold decode_val;
+  rewrite proj_inj_bytes.
+  rewrite decode_encode_int8signed. auto.
+  rewrite encode_int8_signed_unsigned. rewrite decode_encode_int8unsigned. auto.
+  rewrite <- encode_int8_signed_unsigned.  rewrite decode_encode_int8signed. auto.
+  rewrite decode_encode_int8unsigned. auto.
+  rewrite decode_encode_int16signed. auto.
+  rewrite encode_int16_signed_unsigned.  rewrite decode_encode_int16unsigned. auto.
+  rewrite <- encode_int16_signed_unsigned.  rewrite decode_encode_int16signed. auto.
+  rewrite decode_encode_int16unsigned. auto.
+  rewrite decode_encode_int32. auto.
+  auto.
+(* Vfloat *)
+  unfold decode_val, encode_val, decode_encode_val;
+  destruct chunk1; auto; destruct chunk2; auto; unfold decode_val;
+  rewrite proj_inj_bytes.
+  auto.
+  rewrite decode_encode_float32. auto.
+  rewrite decode_encode_float64. auto.
+(* Vptr *)
+  unfold decode_val, encode_val, decode_encode_val;
+  destruct chunk1; auto; destruct chunk2; auto.
+  simpl. generalize (check_inj_pointer b i (size_chunk_nat Mint32)).
+  simpl. intro. rewrite H. auto.
+Lemma decode_encode_val_similar:
+  forall v1 chunk1 chunk2 v2,
+  type_of_chunk chunk1 = type_of_chunk chunk2 ->
+  size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 ->
+  Val.has_type v1 (type_of_chunk chunk1) ->
+  decode_encode_val v1 chunk1 chunk2 v2 ->
+  v2 = Val.load_result chunk2 v1.
+  intros. 
+  destruct v1.
+  simpl in *. destruct chunk2; simpl; auto. 
+  red in H1.
+  destruct chunk1; simpl in H1; try contradiction;
+  destruct chunk2; simpl in *; discriminate || auto.
+  red in H1.
+  destruct chunk1; simpl in H1; try contradiction;
+  destruct chunk2; simpl in *; discriminate || auto.
+  red in H1.
+  destruct chunk1; simpl in H1; try contradiction;
+  destruct chunk2; simpl in *; discriminate || auto.
+Lemma decode_val_type:
+  forall chunk cl,
+  Val.has_type (decode_val chunk cl) (type_of_chunk chunk).
+  intros. unfold decode_val. 
+  destruct (proj_bytes cl). 
+  destruct chunk; simpl; auto. 
+  destruct chunk; simpl; auto.
+  unfold proj_pointer. destruct cl; try (exact I).
+  destruct m; try (exact I).
+  destruct (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b i (Pointer b i n :: cl));
+  exact I.
+Lemma encode_val_int8_signed_unsigned:
+  forall v, encode_val Mint8signed v = encode_val Mint8unsigned v.
+  intros. destruct v; simpl; auto. rewrite encode_float8_signed_unsigned; auto.
+Lemma encode_val_int16_signed_unsigned:
+  forall v, encode_val Mint16signed v = encode_val Mint16unsigned v.
+  intros. destruct v; simpl; auto. rewrite encode_float16_signed_unsigned; auto.
+Lemma encode_val_int8_zero_ext:
+  forall n, encode_val Mint8unsigned (Vint (Int.zero_ext 8 n)) = encode_val Mint8unsigned (Vint n).
+  intros; unfold encode_val. rewrite encode_int8_zero_ext. auto.
+Lemma encode_val_int8_sign_ext:
+  forall n, encode_val Mint8signed (Vint (Int.sign_ext 8 n)) = encode_val Mint8signed (Vint n).
+  intros; unfold encode_val. rewrite encode_int8_sign_ext. auto.
+Lemma encode_val_int16_zero_ext:
+  forall n, encode_val Mint16unsigned (Vint (Int.zero_ext 16 n)) = encode_val Mint16unsigned (Vint n).
+  intros; unfold encode_val. rewrite encode_int16_zero_ext. auto.
+Lemma encode_val_int16_sign_ext:
+  forall n, encode_val Mint16signed (Vint (Int.sign_ext 16 n)) = encode_val Mint16signed (Vint n).
+  intros; unfold encode_val. rewrite encode_int16_sign_ext. auto.
+Lemma decode_val_int_inv:
+  forall chunk cl n,
+  decode_val chunk cl = Vint n ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = Tint /\
+  exists bytes, proj_bytes cl = Some bytes /\ n = decode_int chunk bytes.
+  intros until n. unfold decode_val. destruct (proj_bytes cl). 
+Opaque decode_int.
+  destruct chunk; intro EQ; inv EQ; split; auto; exists l; auto. 
+  destruct chunk; try congruence. unfold proj_pointer. 
+  destruct cl; try congruence. destruct m; try congruence. 
+  destruct (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b i (Pointer b i n0 :: cl));
+  congruence.
+Lemma decode_val_float_inv:
+  forall chunk cl f,
+  decode_val chunk cl = Vfloat f ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = Tfloat /\
+  exists bytes, proj_bytes cl = Some bytes /\ f = decode_float chunk bytes.
+  intros until f. unfold decode_val. destruct (proj_bytes cl). 
+  destruct chunk; intro EQ; inv EQ; split; auto; exists l; auto. 
+  destruct chunk; try congruence. unfold proj_pointer. 
+  destruct cl; try congruence. destruct m; try congruence.
+  destruct (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b i (Pointer b i n :: cl));
+  congruence.
+Lemma decode_val_cast:
+  forall chunk l,
+  let v := decode_val chunk l in
+  match chunk with
+  | Mint8signed => v = Val.sign_ext 8 v
+  | Mint8unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 8 v
+  | Mint16signed => v = Val.sign_ext 16 v
+  | Mint16unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 16 v
+  | Mfloat32 => v = Val.singleoffloat v
+  | _ => True
+  end.
+  unfold decode_val; intros; destruct chunk; auto; destruct (proj_bytes l); auto.
+  unfold Val.sign_ext. decEq. symmetry. apply decode_int8_sign_ext.
+  unfold Val.zero_ext. decEq. symmetry. apply decode_int8_zero_ext.
+  unfold Val.sign_ext. decEq. symmetry. apply decode_int16_sign_ext.
+  unfold Val.zero_ext. decEq. symmetry. apply decode_int16_zero_ext.
+  unfold Val.singleoffloat. decEq. symmetry. apply decode_float32_cast. 
+(** Pointers cannot be forged. *)
+Definition memval_valid_first (mv: memval) : Prop :=
+  match mv with
+  | Pointer b ofs n => n = pred (size_chunk_nat Mint32)
+  | _ => True
+  end.
+Definition memval_valid_cont (mv: memval) : Prop :=
+  match mv with
+  | Pointer b ofs n => n <> pred (size_chunk_nat Mint32)
+  | _ => True
+  end.
+Inductive encoding_shape: list memval -> Prop :=
+  | encoding_shape_intro: forall mv1 mvl,
+      memval_valid_first mv1 ->
+      (forall mv, In mv mvl -> memval_valid_cont mv) ->
+      encoding_shape (mv1 :: mvl).
+Lemma encode_val_shape:
+  forall chunk v, encoding_shape (encode_val chunk v).
+  intros. 
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz1 EQ].
+  assert (encoding_shape (list_repeat (size_chunk_nat chunk) Undef)).
+    rewrite EQ; simpl; constructor. exact I. 
+    intros. replace mv with Undef. exact I. symmetry; eapply in_list_repeat; eauto.
+  assert (forall bl, length bl = size_chunk_nat chunk ->
+          encoding_shape (inj_bytes bl)).
+    intros. destruct bl; simpl in *. congruence. 
+    constructor. exact I. unfold inj_bytes. intros.
+    exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [x [A B]]. subst mv. exact I.
+  destruct v; simpl. 
+  auto.
+  apply H0. apply encode_int_length. 
+  apply H0. apply encode_float_length.
+  destruct chunk; auto. 
+  constructor. red. auto.
+  simpl; intros. intuition; subst mv; red; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma check_pointer_inv:
+  forall b ofs n mv,
+  check_pointer n b ofs mv = true -> mv = inj_pointer n b ofs.
+  induction n; destruct mv; simpl. 
+  auto.
+  congruence.
+  congruence.
+  destruct m; try congruence. intro. 
+  destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0). 
+  destruct (andb_prop _ _ H2).
+  decEq. decEq. symmetry; eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto.
+  symmetry; eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto.
+  symmetry; apply beq_nat_true; auto.
+  auto.
+Inductive decoding_shape: list memval -> Prop :=
+  | decoding_shape_intro: forall mv1 mvl,
+      memval_valid_first mv1 -> mv1 <> Undef ->
+      (forall mv, In mv mvl -> memval_valid_cont mv /\ mv <> Undef) ->
+      decoding_shape (mv1 :: mvl).
+Lemma decode_val_shape:
+  forall chunk mvl,
+  List.length mvl = size_chunk_nat chunk ->
+  decode_val chunk mvl = Vundef \/ decoding_shape mvl.
+  intros. destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz EQ]. 
+  unfold decode_val. 
+  caseEq (proj_bytes mvl).
+  intros bl PROJ. right. exploit inj_proj_bytes; eauto. intros. subst mvl.
+  destruct bl; simpl in H. congruence. simpl. constructor. 
+  red; auto. congruence.
+  unfold inj_bytes; intros. exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros [b [A B]]. 
+  subst mv. split. red; auto. congruence.
+  intros. destruct chunk; auto. unfold proj_pointer.
+  destruct mvl; auto. destruct m; auto. 
+  caseEq (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b i (Pointer b i n :: mvl)); auto.
+  intros. right. exploit check_pointer_inv; eauto. simpl; intros; inv H2.
+  constructor. red. auto. congruence. 
+  simpl; intros. intuition; subst mv; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma encode_val_pointer_inv:
+  forall chunk v b ofs n mvl,
+  encode_val chunk v = Pointer b ofs n :: mvl ->
+  chunk = Mint32 /\ v = Vptr b ofs /\ mvl = inj_pointer (pred (size_chunk_nat Mint32)) b ofs.
+  intros until mvl. 
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz SZ].
+  unfold encode_val. rewrite SZ. destruct v.
+  simpl. congruence. 
+  generalize (encode_int_length chunk i). destruct (encode_int chunk i); simpl; congruence.
+  generalize (encode_float_length chunk f). destruct (encode_float chunk f); simpl; congruence.
+  destruct chunk; try (simpl; congruence). 
+  simpl. intuition congruence. 
+Lemma decode_val_pointer_inv:
+  forall chunk mvl b ofs,
+  decode_val chunk mvl = Vptr b ofs ->
+  chunk = Mint32 /\ mvl = inj_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b ofs.
+  intros until ofs; unfold decode_val.
+  destruct (proj_bytes mvl). 
+  destruct chunk; congruence.
+  destruct chunk; try congruence.
+  unfold proj_pointer. destruct mvl. congruence. destruct m; try congruence.
+  case_eq (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b0 i (Pointer b0 i n :: mvl)); intros.
+  inv H0. split; auto. apply check_pointer_inv; auto. 
+  congruence.
+Inductive pointer_encoding_shape: list memval -> Prop :=
+  | pointer_encoding_shape_intro: forall mv1 mvl,
+      ~memval_valid_cont mv1 ->
+      (forall mv, In mv mvl -> ~memval_valid_first mv) ->
+      pointer_encoding_shape (mv1 :: mvl).
+Lemma encode_pointer_shape:
+  forall b ofs, pointer_encoding_shape (encode_val Mint32 (Vptr b ofs)).
+  intros. simpl. constructor.
+  unfold memval_valid_cont. red; intro. elim H. auto. 
+  unfold memval_valid_first. simpl; intros; intuition; subst mv; congruence.
+Lemma decode_pointer_shape:
+  forall chunk mvl b ofs,
+  decode_val chunk mvl = Vptr b ofs ->
+  chunk = Mint32 /\ pointer_encoding_shape mvl.
+  intros. exploit decode_val_pointer_inv; eauto. intros [A B].
+  split; auto. subst mvl. apply encode_pointer_shape. 
+Lemma proj_bytes_none:
+  forall mv,
+  match mv with Byte _ => False | _ => True end ->
+  forall mvl,
+  In mv mvl ->
+  proj_bytes mvl = None.
+  induction mvl; simpl; intros.
+  elim H0.
+  destruct a; auto. destruct H0. subst mv. contradiction. 
+  rewrite (IHmvl H0); auto.
+Lemma decode_val_undef:
+  forall chunk mv mv1 mvl,
+  match mv with
+  | Pointer b ofs n => n = pred (size_chunk_nat Mint32)
+  | Undef => True
+  | _ => False
+  end ->
+  In mv mvl ->
+  decode_val chunk (mv1 :: mvl) = Vundef.
+  intros. unfold decode_val. 
+  replace (proj_bytes (mv1 :: mvl)) with (@None (list byte)).
+  destruct chunk; auto. unfold proj_pointer. destruct mv1; auto.
+  case_eq (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b i (Pointer b i n :: mvl)); intros.
+  exploit check_pointer_inv; eauto. simpl. intros. inv H2. 
+  simpl in H0. intuition; subst mv; simpl in H; congruence.
+  auto.
+  symmetry. apply proj_bytes_none with mv. 
+  destruct mv; tauto. auto with coqlib.
+(** * Compatibility with memory injections *)
+(** Relating two memory values according to a memory injection. *)
+Inductive memval_inject (f: meminj): memval -> memval -> Prop :=
+  | memval_inject_byte:
+      forall n, memval_inject f (Byte n) (Byte n)
+  | memval_inject_ptr:
+      forall b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 delta n,
+      f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+      ofs2 = Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta) ->
+      memval_inject f (Pointer b1 ofs1 n) (Pointer b2 ofs2 n)
+  | memval_inject_undef:
+      forall mv, memval_inject f Undef mv.
+Lemma memval_inject_incr:
+  forall f f' v1 v2, memval_inject f v1 v2 -> inject_incr f f' -> memval_inject f' v1 v2.
+  intros. inv H; econstructor. rewrite (H0 _ _ _ H1). reflexivity. auto.
+(** [decode_val], applied to lists of memory values that are pairwise
+  related by [memval_inject], returns values that are related by [val_inject]. *)
+Lemma proj_bytes_inject:
+  forall f vl vl',
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl vl' ->
+  forall bl,
+  proj_bytes vl = Some bl ->
+  proj_bytes vl' = Some bl.
+  induction 1; simpl. congruence.
+  inv H; try congruence.
+  destruct (proj_bytes al); intros. 
+  inv H. rewrite (IHlist_forall2 l); auto. 
+  congruence.
+Lemma check_pointer_inject:
+  forall f vl vl',
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl vl' ->
+  forall n b ofs b' delta,
+  check_pointer n b ofs vl = true ->
+  f b = Some(b', delta) ->
+  check_pointer n b' (Int.add ofs (Int.repr delta)) vl' = true.
+  induction 1; intros; destruct n; simpl in *; auto. 
+  inv H; auto.
+  destruct (andb_prop _ _ H1). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). 
+  destruct (andb_prop _ _ H5). 
+  assert (n = n0) by (apply beq_nat_true; auto).
+  assert (b = b0) by (eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto). 
+  assert (ofs = ofs1) by (eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto).
+  subst. rewrite H3 in H2; inv H2. 
+  unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite dec_eq_true. rewrite dec_eq_true. 
+  rewrite <- beq_nat_refl. simpl. eauto. 
+  congruence.
+Lemma proj_pointer_inject:
+  forall f vl1 vl2,
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl1 vl2 ->
+  val_inject f (proj_pointer vl1) (proj_pointer vl2).
+  intros. unfold proj_pointer.
+  inversion H; subst. auto. inversion H0; subst; auto.
+  case_eq (check_pointer (size_chunk_nat Mint32) b0 ofs1 (Pointer b0 ofs1 n :: al)); intros.
+  exploit check_pointer_inject. eexact H. eauto. eauto. 
+  intro. rewrite H4. econstructor; eauto. 
+  constructor.
+Lemma proj_bytes_not_inject:
+  forall f vl vl',
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl vl' ->
+  proj_bytes vl = None -> proj_bytes vl' <> None -> In Undef vl.
+  induction 1; simpl; intros.
+  congruence.
+  inv H; try congruence. 
+  right. apply IHlist_forall2.
+  destruct (proj_bytes al); congruence.
+  destruct (proj_bytes bl); congruence.
+  auto.
+Lemma check_pointer_undef:
+  forall n b ofs vl,
+  In Undef vl -> check_pointer n b ofs vl = false.
+  induction n; intros; simpl. 
+  destruct vl. elim H. auto.
+  destruct vl. auto.
+  destruct m; auto. simpl in H; destruct H. congruence.
+  rewrite IHn; auto. apply andb_false_r. 
+Lemma proj_pointer_undef:
+  forall vl, In Undef vl -> proj_pointer vl = Vundef.
+  intros; unfold proj_pointer.
+  destruct vl; auto. destruct m; auto. 
+  rewrite check_pointer_undef. auto. auto.
+Theorem decode_val_inject:
+  forall f vl1 vl2 chunk,
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl1 vl2 ->
+  val_inject f (decode_val chunk vl1) (decode_val chunk vl2).
+  intros. unfold decode_val. 
+  case_eq (proj_bytes vl1); intros. 
+  exploit proj_bytes_inject; eauto. intros. rewrite H1. 
+  destruct chunk; constructor.
+  destruct chunk; auto.
+  case_eq (proj_bytes vl2); intros.
+  rewrite proj_pointer_undef. auto. eapply proj_bytes_not_inject; eauto. congruence.
+  apply proj_pointer_inject; auto.
+(** Symmetrically, [encode_val], applied to values related by [val_inject],
+  returns lists of memory values that are pairwise
+  related by [memval_inject]. *)
+Lemma inj_bytes_inject:
+  forall f bl, list_forall2 (memval_inject f) (inj_bytes bl) (inj_bytes bl).
+  induction bl; constructor; auto. constructor.
+Lemma repeat_Undef_inject_any:
+  forall f vl,
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) (list_repeat (length vl) Undef) vl.
+  induction vl; simpl; constructor; auto. constructor. 
+Lemma repeat_Undef_inject_self:
+  forall f n,
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) (list_repeat n Undef) (list_repeat n Undef).
+  induction n; simpl; constructor; auto. constructor.
+Theorem encode_val_inject:
+  forall f v1 v2 chunk,
+  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) (encode_val chunk v1) (encode_val chunk v2).
+  intros. inv H; simpl.
+  apply inj_bytes_inject.
+  apply inj_bytes_inject.
+  destruct chunk; try apply repeat_Undef_inject_self. 
+  unfold inj_pointer; simpl; repeat econstructor; auto. 
+  replace (size_chunk_nat chunk) with (length (encode_val chunk v2)).
+  apply repeat_Undef_inject_any. apply encode_val_length. 
+(** The identity injection has interesting properties. *)
+Definition inject_id : meminj := fun b => Some(b, 0).
+Lemma val_inject_id:
+  forall v1 v2,
+  val_inject inject_id v1 v2 <-> Val.lessdef v1 v2.
+  intros; split; intros.
+  inv H. constructor. constructor.
+  unfold inject_id in H0. inv H0. rewrite Int.add_zero. constructor.
+  constructor.
+  inv H. destruct v2; econstructor. unfold inject_id; reflexivity. rewrite Int.add_zero; auto.
+  constructor.
+Lemma memval_inject_id:
+  forall mv, memval_inject inject_id mv mv.
+  destruct mv; econstructor. unfold inject_id; reflexivity. rewrite Int.add_zero; auto. 
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a3942846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*              The Compcert verified compiler                         *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*          Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt                     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*  Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en     *)
+(*  Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed       *)
+(*  under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement.     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open Camlcoq
+open Integers
+open AST
+let big_endian =
+  match Configuration.arch with
+  | "powerpc" -> true
+  | "arm" -> false
+  | _ -> assert false
+let encode_float chunk f =
+  match chunk with
+  | Mint8unsigned | Mint8signed ->
+      []
+  | Mint16unsigned | Mint16signed ->
+      [;]
+  | Mint32 ->
+      [;;;]
+  | Mfloat32 ->
+      let bits = Int32.bits_of_float f in
+      let byte n =
+        coqint_of_camlint
+          (Int32.logand (Int32.shift_right_logical bits n) 0xFFl) in
+      if big_endian then
+        [byte 24; byte 16; byte 8; byte 0]
+      else
+        [byte 0; byte 8; byte 16; byte 24]
+  | Mfloat64 ->
+      let bits = Int64.bits_of_float f in
+      let byte n =
+        coqint_of_camlint
+          (Int64.to_int32
+            (Int64.logand (Int64.shift_right_logical bits n) 0xFFL)) in
+      if big_endian then
+        [byte 56; byte 48; byte 40; byte 32; byte 24; byte 16; byte 8; byte 0]
+      else
+        [byte 0; byte 8; byte 16; byte 24; byte 32; byte 40; byte 48; byte 56]
+let decode_float chunk bytes =
+  match chunk with
+  | Mfloat32 ->
+      let combine accu b =
+        Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left accu 8) (camlint_of_coqint b) in
+      Int32.float_of_bits
+        (List.fold_left combine 0l
+          (if big_endian then bytes else List.rev bytes))
+  | Mfloat64 ->
+      let combine accu b =
+        Int64.logor (Int64.shift_left accu 8)
+                    (Int64.of_int32 (camlint_of_coqint b)) in
+      Int64.float_of_bits
+        (List.fold_left combine 0L
+          (if big_endian then bytes else List.rev bytes))
+  | _ ->
+      0.0 (* unspecified *)
diff --git a/common/Memory.v b/common/Memory.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..309202139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/Memory.v
@@ -0,0 +1,2844 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*              The Compcert verified compiler                         *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*          Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt                     *)
+(*          Sandrine Blazy, ENSIIE and INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt        *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*  Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en     *)
+(*  Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed       *)
+(*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *)
+(*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or  *)
+(*  (at your option) any later version.  This file is also distributed *)
+(*  under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement.     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** This file develops the memory model that is used in the dynamic
+  semantics of all the languages used in the compiler.
+  It defines a type [mem] of memory states, the following 4 basic
+  operations over memory states, and their properties:
+- [load]: read a memory chunk at a given address;
+- [store]: store a memory chunk at a given address;
+- [alloc]: allocate a fresh memory block;
+- [free]: invalidate a memory block.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Export Memdata.
+Require Export Memtype.
+Definition update (A: Type) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A) : Z -> A :=
+  fun y => if zeq y x then v else f y.
+Implicit Arguments update [A].
+Lemma update_s:
+  forall (A: Type) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A),
+  update x v f x = v.
+  intros; unfold update. apply zeq_true.
+Lemma update_o:
+  forall (A: Type) (x: Z) (v: A) (f: Z -> A) (y: Z),
+  x <> y -> update x v f y = f y.
+  intros; unfold update. apply zeq_false; auto.
+Module Mem : MEM.
+Record mem_ : Type := mkmem {
+  contents: block -> Z -> memval;
+  access: block -> Z -> bool;
+  bound: block -> Z * Z;
+  next: block;
+  next_pos: next > 0;
+  next_noaccess: forall b ofs, b >= next -> access b ofs = false;
+  bound_noaccess: forall b ofs, ofs < fst(bound b) \/ ofs >= snd(bound b) -> access b ofs = false
+Definition mem := mem_.
+(** * Validity of blocks and accesses *)
+(** A block address is valid if it was previously allocated. It remains valid
+  even after being freed. *)
+Definition nextblock (m: mem) : block := m.(next).
+Theorem nextblock_pos:
+  forall m, nextblock m > 0.
+Proof next_pos.
+Definition valid_block (m: mem) (b: block) :=
+  b < nextblock m.
+Theorem valid_not_valid_diff:
+  forall m b b', valid_block m b -> ~(valid_block m b') -> b <> b'.
+  intros; red; intros. subst b'. contradiction.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_not_valid_diff: mem.
+(** Permissions *)
+Definition perm (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (p: permission) : Prop :=
+  m.(access) b ofs = true.
+Theorem perm_implies:
+  forall m b ofs p1 p2, perm m b ofs p1 -> perm_order p1 p2 -> perm m b ofs p2.
+  unfold perm; auto.
+Hint Local Resolve perm_implies: mem.
+Theorem perm_valid_block:
+  forall m b ofs p, perm m b ofs p -> valid_block m b.
+  unfold perm; intros. 
+  destruct (zlt b m.(next)).
+  auto.
+  assert (access m b ofs = false). eapply next_noaccess; eauto.
+  congruence.
+Hint Local Resolve perm_valid_block: mem.
+Theorem perm_dec:
+  forall m b ofs p, {perm m b ofs p} + {~ perm m b ofs p}.
+  unfold perm; intros.
+  destruct (access m b ofs). left; auto. right; congruence.
+Definition range_perm (m: mem) (b: block) (lo hi: Z) (p: permission) : Prop :=
+  forall ofs, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m b ofs p.
+Theorem range_perm_implies:
+  forall m b lo hi p1 p2,
+  range_perm m b lo hi p1 -> perm_order p1 p2 -> range_perm m b lo hi p2.
+  unfold range_perm; intros; eauto with mem.
+Hint Local Resolve range_perm_implies: mem.
+Lemma range_perm_dec:
+  forall m b lo hi p, {range_perm m b lo hi p} + {~ range_perm m b lo hi p}.
+  intros. 
+  assert (forall n, 0 <= n ->
+          {range_perm m b lo (lo + n) p} + {~ range_perm m b lo (lo + n) p}).
+    apply natlike_rec2.
+    left. red; intros. omegaContradiction.
+    intros. destruct H0. 
+    destruct (perm_dec m b (lo + z) p). 
+    left. red; intros. destruct (zeq ofs (lo + z)). congruence. apply r. omega. 
+    right; red; intro. elim n. apply H0. omega. 
+    right; red; intro. elim n. red; intros. apply H0. omega. 
+  destruct (zlt lo hi).
+  replace hi with (lo + (hi - lo)) by omega. apply H. omega.
+  left; red; intros. omegaContradiction. 
+(** [valid_access m chunk b ofs p] holds if a memory access
+    of the given chunk is possible in [m] at address [b, ofs]
+    with permissions [p].
+    This means:
+- The range of bytes accessed all have permission [p].
+- The offset [ofs] is aligned.
+Definition valid_access (m: mem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (p: permission): Prop :=
+  range_perm m b ofs (ofs + size_chunk chunk) p
+  /\ (align_chunk chunk | ofs).
+Theorem valid_access_writable_any:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Writable ->
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem.
+Theorem valid_access_implies:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p1 p2,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p1 -> perm_order p1 p2 ->
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p2.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; eauto with mem.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_access_implies: mem.
+Theorem valid_access_valid_block:
+  forall m chunk b ofs,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Nonempty ->
+  valid_block m b.
+  intros. destruct H.
+  assert (perm m b ofs Nonempty).
+    apply H. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). omega.
+  eauto with mem.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_access_valid_block: mem.
+Lemma valid_access_perm:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p ->
+  perm m b ofs p.
+  intros. destruct H. apply H. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). omega.
+Lemma valid_access_compat:
+  forall m chunk1 chunk2 b ofs p,
+  size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2 ->
+  valid_access m chunk1 b ofs p->
+  valid_access m chunk2 b ofs p.
+  intros. inv H0. rewrite H in H1. constructor; auto.
+  rewrite <- (align_chunk_compat _ _ H). auto.
+Lemma valid_access_dec:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p,
+  {valid_access m chunk b ofs p} + {~ valid_access m chunk b ofs p}.
+  intros. 
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m b ofs (ofs + size_chunk chunk) p).
+  destruct (Zdivide_dec (align_chunk chunk) ofs (align_chunk_pos chunk)).
+  left; constructor; auto.
+  right; red; intro V; inv V; contradiction.
+  right; red; intro V; inv V; contradiction.
+(** [valid_pointer] is a boolean-valued function that says whether
+    the byte at the given location is nonempty. *)
+Definition valid_pointer (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z): bool :=
+  perm_dec m b ofs Nonempty.
+Theorem valid_pointer_nonempty_perm:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  valid_pointer m b ofs = true <-> perm m b ofs Nonempty.
+  intros. unfold valid_pointer. 
+  destruct (perm_dec m b ofs Nonempty); simpl;
+  intuition congruence.
+Theorem valid_pointer_valid_access:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  valid_pointer m b ofs = true <-> valid_access m Mint8unsigned b ofs Nonempty.
+  intros. rewrite valid_pointer_nonempty_perm. 
+  split; intros.
+  split. simpl; red; intros. replace ofs0 with ofs by omega. auto.
+  simpl. apply Zone_divide. 
+  destruct H. apply H. simpl. omega.
+(** Bounds *)
+(** Each block has a low bound and a high bound, determined at allocation time
+    and invariant afterward.  The crucial properties of bounds is
+    that any offset below the low bound or above the high bound is
+    empty. *)
+Definition bounds (m: mem) (b: block) : Z*Z := m.(bound) b.
+Notation low_bound m b := (fst(bounds m b)).
+Notation high_bound m b := (snd(bounds m b)).
+Theorem perm_in_bounds:
+  forall m b ofs p, perm m b ofs p -> low_bound m b <= ofs < high_bound m b.
+  unfold perm, bounds. intros.
+  destruct (zlt ofs (fst (bound m b))).
+  exploit bound_noaccess. left; eauto. congruence.
+  destruct (zlt ofs (snd (bound m b))).
+  omega. 
+  exploit bound_noaccess. right; eauto. congruence.
+Theorem range_perm_in_bounds:
+  forall m b lo hi p, 
+  range_perm m b lo hi p -> lo < hi -> low_bound m b <= lo /\ hi <= high_bound m b.
+  intros. split. 
+  exploit (perm_in_bounds m b lo p). apply H. omega. omega.
+  exploit (perm_in_bounds m b (hi-1) p). apply H. omega. omega.
+Theorem valid_access_in_bounds:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p ->
+  low_bound m b <= ofs /\ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= high_bound m b.
+  intros. inv H. apply range_perm_in_bounds with p; auto.
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). omega.
+Hint Local Resolve perm_in_bounds range_perm_in_bounds valid_access_in_bounds.
+(** * Store operations *)
+(** The initial store *)
+Program Definition empty: mem :=
+  mkmem (fun b ofs => Undef)
+        (fun b ofs => false)
+        (fun b => (0,0))
+        1 _ _ _.
+Next Obligation.
+  omega.
+Definition nullptr: block := 0.
+(** Allocation of a fresh block with the given bounds.  Return an updated
+  memory state and the address of the fresh block, which initially contains
+  undefined cells.  Note that allocation never fails: we model an
+  infinite memory. *)
+Program Definition alloc (m: mem) (lo hi: Z) :=
+  (mkmem (update m.(next) 
+                 (fun ofs => Undef)
+                 m.(contents))
+         (update m.(next)
+                 (fun ofs => zle lo ofs && zlt ofs hi)
+                 m.(access))
+         (update m.(next) (lo, hi) m.(bound))
+         (Zsucc m.(next))
+         _ _ _,
+   m.(next)).
+Next Obligation.
+  generalize (next_pos m). omega. 
+Next Obligation.
+  rewrite update_o. apply next_noaccess. omega. omega. 
+Next Obligation.
+  unfold update in *. destruct (zeq b (next m)). 
+  simpl in H. destruct H. 
+  unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite zle_false. auto. omega.
+  unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite zlt_false. apply andb_false_r. auto.
+  apply bound_noaccess. auto.
+(** Freeing a block between the given bounds.
+  Return the updated memory state where the given range of the given block
+  has been invalidated: future reads and writes to this
+  range will fail.  Requires write permission on the given range. *)
+Program Definition unchecked_free (m: mem) (b: block) (lo hi: Z): mem :=
+  mkmem m.(contents)
+        (update b 
+                (fun ofs => if zle lo ofs && zlt ofs hi then false else m.(access) b ofs)
+                m.(access))
+        m.(bound)
+        m.(next) _ _ _.
+Next Obligation.
+  apply next_pos. 
+Next Obligation.
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b0 b). subst b0. 
+  destruct (zle lo ofs); simpl; auto.
+  destruct (zlt ofs hi); simpl; auto. 
+  apply next_noaccess; auto.
+  apply next_noaccess; auto.
+  apply next_noaccess; auto.
+Next Obligation.
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b0 b). subst b0. 
+  destruct (zle lo ofs); simpl; auto.
+  destruct (zlt ofs hi); simpl; auto. 
+  apply bound_noaccess; auto.
+  apply bound_noaccess; auto.
+  apply bound_noaccess; auto.
+Definition free (m: mem) (b: block) (lo hi: Z): option mem :=
+  if range_perm_dec m b lo hi Freeable 
+  then Some(unchecked_free m b lo hi)
+  else None.
+Fixpoint free_list (m: mem) (l: list (block * Z * Z)) {struct l}: option mem :=
+  match l with
+  | nil => Some m
+  | (b, lo, hi) :: l' =>
+      match free m b lo hi with
+      | None => None
+      | Some m' => free_list m' l'
+      end
+  end.
+(** Memory reads. *)
+(** Reading N adjacent bytes in a block content. *)
+Fixpoint getN (n: nat) (p: Z) (c: Z -> memval) {struct n}: list memval :=
+  match n with
+  | O => nil
+  | S n' => c p :: getN n' (p + 1) c
+  end.
+(** [load chunk m b ofs] perform a read in memory state [m], at address
+  [b] and offset [ofs].  It returns the value of the memory chunk
+  at that address.  [None] is returned if the accessed bytes
+  are not readable. *)
+Definition load (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z): option val :=
+  if valid_access_dec m chunk b ofs Readable
+  then Some(decode_val chunk (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) ofs (m.(contents) b)))
+  else None.
+(** [loadv chunk m addr] is similar, but the address and offset are given
+  as a single value [addr], which must be a pointer value. *)
+Definition loadv (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr: val) : option val :=
+  match addr with
+  | Vptr b ofs => load chunk m b (Int.signed ofs)
+  | _ => None
+  end.
+(** [loadbytes m b ofs n] reads [n] consecutive bytes starting at
+  location [(b, ofs)].  Returns [None] if the accessed locations are
+  not readable or do not contain bytes. *)
+Definition loadbytes (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs n: Z): option (list byte) :=
+  if range_perm_dec m b ofs (ofs + n) Readable
+  then proj_bytes (getN (nat_of_Z n) ofs (m.(contents) b))
+  else None.
+(** Memory stores. *)
+(** Writing N adjacent bytes in a block content. *)
+Fixpoint setN (vl: list memval) (p: Z) (c: Z -> memval) {struct vl}: Z -> memval :=
+  match vl with
+  | nil => c
+  | v :: vl' => setN vl' (p + 1) (update p v c)
+  end.
+Definition unchecked_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val): mem :=
+  mkmem (update b 
+                (setN (encode_val chunk v) ofs (m.(contents) b))
+                m.(contents))
+        m.(access)
+        m.(bound)
+        m.(next)
+        m.(next_pos)
+        m.(next_noaccess)
+        m.(bound_noaccess).
+(** [store chunk m b ofs v] perform a write in memory state [m].
+  Value [v] is stored at address [b] and offset [ofs].
+  Return the updated memory store, or [None] if the accessed bytes
+  are not writable. *)
+Definition store (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val): option mem :=
+  if valid_access_dec m chunk b ofs Writable
+  then Some(unchecked_store chunk m b ofs v)
+  else None.
+(** [storev chunk m addr v] is similar, but the address and offset are given
+  as a single value [addr], which must be a pointer value. *)
+Definition storev (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr v: val) : option mem :=
+  match addr with
+  | Vptr b ofs => store chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) v
+  | _ => None
+  end.
+(** * Properties of the memory operations *)
+(** Properties of the empty store. *)
+Theorem nextblock_empty: nextblock empty = 1.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Theorem perm_empty: forall b ofs p, ~perm empty b ofs p.
+  intros. unfold perm, empty; simpl. congruence.
+Theorem valid_access_empty: forall chunk b ofs p, ~valid_access empty chunk b ofs p.
+  intros. red; intros. elim (perm_empty b ofs p). apply H. 
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
+(** ** Properties related to [load] *)
+Theorem valid_access_load:
+  forall m chunk b ofs,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Readable ->
+  exists v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v.
+  intros. econstructor. unfold load. rewrite pred_dec_true; eauto.  
+Theorem load_valid_access:
+  forall m chunk b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Readable.
+  intros until v. unfold load. 
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m chunk b ofs Readable); intros.
+  auto. 
+  congruence.
+Lemma load_result:
+  forall chunk m b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  v = decode_val chunk (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) ofs (m.(contents) b)).
+  intros until v. unfold load. 
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m chunk b ofs Readable); intros.
+  congruence.
+  congruence.
+Hint Local Resolve load_valid_access valid_access_load: mem.
+Theorem load_type:
+  forall m chunk b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk).
+  intros. exploit load_result; eauto; intros. rewrite H0. 
+  apply decode_val_type. 
+Theorem load_cast:
+  forall m chunk b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  match chunk with
+  | Mint8signed => v = Val.sign_ext 8 v
+  | Mint8unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 8 v
+  | Mint16signed => v = Val.sign_ext 16 v
+  | Mint16unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 16 v
+  | Mfloat32 => v = Val.singleoffloat v
+  | _ => True
+  end.
+  intros. exploit load_result; eauto.
+  set (l := getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) ofs (contents m b)).
+  intros. subst v. apply decode_val_cast. 
+Theorem load_int8_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  load Mint8signed m b ofs = option_map (Val.sign_ext 8) (load Mint8unsigned m b ofs).
+  intros. unfold load.
+  change (size_chunk_nat Mint8signed) with (size_chunk_nat Mint8unsigned).
+  set (cl := getN (size_chunk_nat Mint8unsigned) ofs (contents m b)).
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m Mint8signed b ofs Readable).
+  rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. unfold decode_val. 
+  destruct (proj_bytes cl); auto. rewrite decode_int8_signed_unsigned. auto.
+  rewrite pred_dec_false; auto.
+Theorem load_int16_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  load Mint16signed m b ofs = option_map (Val.sign_ext 16) (load Mint16unsigned m b ofs).
+  intros. unfold load.
+  change (size_chunk_nat Mint16signed) with (size_chunk_nat Mint16unsigned).
+  set (cl := getN (size_chunk_nat Mint16unsigned) ofs (contents m b)).
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m Mint16signed b ofs Readable).
+  rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. unfold decode_val. 
+  destruct (proj_bytes cl); auto. rewrite decode_int16_signed_unsigned. auto.
+  rewrite pred_dec_false; auto.
+Theorem loadbytes_load:
+  forall chunk m b ofs bytes,
+  loadbytes m b ofs (size_chunk chunk) = Some bytes ->
+  (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
+  load chunk m b ofs =
+    Some(match type_of_chunk chunk with
+         | Tint => Vint(decode_int chunk bytes)
+         | Tfloat => Vfloat(decode_float chunk bytes)
+         end).
+  unfold loadbytes, load; intros. 
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m b ofs (ofs + size_chunk chunk) Readable);
+  try congruence.
+  rewrite pred_dec_true. decEq. unfold size_chunk_nat. 
+  unfold decode_val; rewrite H. destruct chunk; auto.
+  split; auto.
+Theorem load_int_loadbytes:
+  forall chunk m b ofs n,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some(Vint n) ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = Tint /\
+  exists bytes, loadbytes m b ofs (size_chunk chunk) = Some bytes
+             /\ n = decode_int chunk bytes.
+  intros. exploit load_valid_access; eauto. intros [A B].
+  exploit decode_val_int_inv. symmetry. eapply load_result; eauto. 
+  intros [C [bytes [D E]]]. 
+  split. auto. exists bytes; split. 
+  unfold loadbytes. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. auto.
+Theorem load_float_loadbytes:
+  forall chunk m b ofs f,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some(Vfloat f) ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = Tfloat /\
+  exists bytes, loadbytes m b ofs (size_chunk chunk) = Some bytes
+             /\ f = decode_float chunk bytes.
+  intros. exploit load_valid_access; eauto. intros [A B].
+  exploit decode_val_float_inv. symmetry. eapply load_result; eauto. 
+  intros [C [bytes [D E]]]. 
+  split. auto. exists bytes; split. 
+  unfold loadbytes. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. auto.
+Lemma getN_length:
+  forall c n p, length (getN n p c) = n.
+  induction n; simpl; intros. auto. decEq; auto.
+Theorem loadbytes_length:
+  forall m b ofs n bytes,
+  loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes ->
+  length bytes = nat_of_Z n.
+  unfold loadbytes; intros.
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m b ofs (ofs + n) Readable); try congruence.
+  exploit inj_proj_bytes; eauto. intros. 
+  transitivity (length (inj_bytes bytes)). 
+  symmetry. unfold inj_bytes. apply List.map_length. 
+  rewrite <- H0. apply getN_length.
+Lemma getN_concat:
+  forall c n1 n2 p,
+  getN (n1 + n2)%nat p c = getN n1 p c ++ getN n2 (p + Z_of_nat n1) c.
+  induction n1; intros.
+  simpl. decEq. omega.
+  rewrite inj_S. simpl. decEq.
+  replace (p + Zsucc (Z_of_nat n1)) with ((p + 1) + Z_of_nat n1) by omega.
+  auto. 
+Theorem loadbytes_concat:
+  forall m b ofs n1 n2 bytes1 bytes2,
+  loadbytes m b ofs n1 = Some bytes1 ->
+  loadbytes m b (ofs + n1) n2 = Some bytes2 ->
+  n1 >= 0 -> n2 >= 0 ->
+  loadbytes m b ofs (n1 + n2) = Some(bytes1 ++ bytes2).
+  unfold loadbytes; intros.
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m b ofs (ofs + n1) Readable); try congruence.
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m b (ofs + n1) (ofs + n1 + n2) Readable); try congruence.
+  rewrite pred_dec_true. rewrite nat_of_Z_plus; auto.
+  rewrite getN_concat. rewrite nat_of_Z_eq; auto.
+  rewrite (inj_proj_bytes _ _ H). rewrite (inj_proj_bytes _ _ H0).
+  unfold inj_bytes. rewrite <- List.map_app. apply proj_inj_bytes. 
+  red; intros. 
+  assert (ofs0 < ofs + n1 \/ ofs0 >= ofs + n1) by omega.
+  destruct H4. apply r; omega. apply r0; omega.
+Theorem loadbytes_split:
+  forall m b ofs n1 n2 bytes,
+  loadbytes m b ofs (n1 + n2) = Some bytes ->
+  n1 >= 0 -> n2 >= 0 ->
+  exists bytes1, exists bytes2,
+     loadbytes m b ofs n1 = Some bytes1 
+  /\ loadbytes m b (ofs + n1) n2 = Some bytes2
+  /\ bytes = bytes1 ++ bytes2.
+  unfold loadbytes; intros. 
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m b ofs (ofs + (n1 + n2)) Readable);
+  try congruence.
+  rewrite nat_of_Z_plus in H; auto. rewrite getN_concat in H.
+  rewrite nat_of_Z_eq in H; auto. 
+  repeat rewrite pred_dec_true.
+  exploit inj_proj_bytes; eauto. unfold inj_bytes. intros.
+  exploit list_append_map_inv; eauto. intros [l1 [l2 [P [Q R]]]].
+  exists l1; exists l2; intuition.
+  rewrite <- P. apply proj_inj_bytes.
+  rewrite <- Q. apply proj_inj_bytes.
+  red; intros; apply r; omega.
+  red; intros; apply r; omega.
+(** ** Properties related to [store] *)
+Theorem valid_access_store:
+  forall m1 chunk b ofs v,
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs Writable ->
+  { m2: mem | store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 }.
+  intros. econstructor. unfold store. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_access_store: mem.
+Section STORE.
+Variable chunk: memory_chunk.
+Variable m1: mem.
+Variable b: block.
+Variable ofs: Z.
+Variable v: val.
+Variable m2: mem.
+Hypothesis STORE: store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2.
+Lemma store_result:
+  m2 = unchecked_store chunk m1 b ofs v.
+  unfold store in STORE.
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m1 chunk b ofs Writable).
+  congruence. 
+  congruence.
+Theorem perm_store_1:
+  forall b' ofs' p, perm m1 b' ofs' p -> perm m2 b' ofs' p.
+  intros. rewrite store_result. exact H.
+Theorem perm_store_2:
+  forall b' ofs' p, perm m2 b' ofs' p -> perm m1 b' ofs' p.
+  intros. rewrite store_result in H. exact H.
+Hint Local Resolve perm_store_1 perm_store_2: mem.
+Theorem nextblock_store:
+  nextblock m2 = nextblock m1.
+  intros. rewrite store_result. reflexivity.
+Theorem store_valid_block_1:
+  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'.
+  unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_store; auto.
+Theorem store_valid_block_2:
+  forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> valid_block m1 b'.
+  unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_store in H; auto.
+Hint Local Resolve store_valid_block_1 store_valid_block_2: mem.
+Theorem store_valid_access_1:
+  forall chunk' b' ofs' p,
+  valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' p -> valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs' p.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; try red; auto with mem.
+Theorem store_valid_access_2:
+  forall chunk' b' ofs' p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs' p -> valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' p.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; try red; auto with mem.
+Theorem store_valid_access_3:
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs Writable.
+  unfold store in STORE. destruct (valid_access_dec m1 chunk b ofs Writable).
+  auto. 
+  congruence.
+Hint Local Resolve store_valid_access_1 store_valid_access_2
+             store_valid_access_3: mem.
+Theorem bounds_store:
+  forall b', bounds m2 b' = bounds m1 b'.
+  intros. rewrite store_result. simpl. auto.
+Remark setN_other:
+  forall vl c p q,
+  (forall r, p <= r < p + Z_of_nat (length vl) -> r <> q) ->
+  setN vl p c q = c q.
+  induction vl; intros; simpl.
+  auto. 
+  simpl length in H. rewrite inj_S in H.
+  transitivity (update p a c q).
+  apply IHvl. intros. apply H. omega. 
+  apply update_o. apply H. omega. 
+Remark setN_outside:
+  forall vl c p q,
+  q < p \/ q >= p + Z_of_nat (length vl) ->
+  setN vl p c q = c q.
+  intros. apply setN_other. 
+  intros. omega. 
+Remark getN_setN_same:
+  forall vl p c,
+  getN (length vl) p (setN vl p c) = vl.
+  induction vl; intros; simpl.
+  auto.
+  decEq. 
+  rewrite setN_outside. apply update_s. omega. 
+  apply IHvl. 
+Remark getN_setN_outside:
+  forall vl q c n p,
+  p + Z_of_nat n <= q \/ q + Z_of_nat (length vl) <= p ->
+  getN n p (setN vl q c) = getN n p c.
+  induction n; intros; simpl.
+  auto.
+  rewrite inj_S in H. decEq.
+  apply setN_outside. omega. 
+  apply IHn. omega.
+Theorem load_store_similar:
+  forall chunk',
+  size_chunk chunk' = size_chunk chunk ->
+  exists v', load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v' /\ decode_encode_val v chunk chunk' v'.
+  intros.
+  exploit (valid_access_load m2 chunk').
+    eapply valid_access_compat. symmetry; eauto. eauto with mem. 
+  intros [v' LOAD].
+  exists v'; split; auto.
+  exploit load_result; eauto. intros B. 
+  rewrite B. rewrite store_result; simpl. 
+  rewrite update_s.
+  replace (size_chunk_nat chunk') with (length (encode_val chunk v)).
+  rewrite getN_setN_same. apply decode_encode_val_general. 
+  rewrite encode_val_length. repeat rewrite size_chunk_conv in H. 
+  apply inj_eq_rev; auto.
+Theorem load_store_same:
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some (Val.load_result chunk v).
+  intros.
+  destruct (load_store_similar chunk) as [v' [A B]]. auto.
+  rewrite A. decEq. eapply decode_encode_val_similar; eauto. 
+Theorem load_store_other:
+  forall chunk' b' ofs',
+  b' <> b
+  \/ ofs' + size_chunk chunk' <= ofs
+  \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs' ->
+  load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = load chunk' m1 b' ofs'.
+  intros. unfold load. 
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m1 chunk' b' ofs' Readable).
+  rewrite pred_dec_true. 
+  decEq. decEq. rewrite store_result; unfold unchecked_store; simpl.
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b). subst b'.
+  apply getN_setN_outside. rewrite encode_val_length. repeat rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.
+  intuition.
+  auto.
+  eauto with mem.
+  rewrite pred_dec_false. auto.
+  eauto with mem. 
+Theorem loadbytes_store_same:
+  loadbytes m2 b ofs (size_chunk chunk) =
+  match v with
+  | Vundef => None
+  | Vint n => Some(encode_int chunk n)
+  | Vfloat n => Some(encode_float chunk n)
+  | Vptr _ _ => None
+  end.
+  intros.
+  assert (valid_access m2 chunk b ofs Readable) by eauto with mem.
+  unfold loadbytes. rewrite pred_dec_true. rewrite store_result; simpl. 
+  rewrite update_s. 
+  replace (nat_of_Z (size_chunk chunk))
+     with (length (encode_val chunk v)).
+  rewrite getN_setN_same.
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz1 EQ].
+  unfold encode_val; destruct v.
+  rewrite EQ; auto.
+  apply proj_inj_bytes.
+  apply proj_inj_bytes.
+  rewrite EQ; destruct chunk; auto.
+  apply encode_val_length.
+  apply H. 
+Theorem loadbytes_store_other:
+  forall b' ofs' n,
+  b' <> b
+  \/ n <= 0
+  \/ ofs' + n <= ofs
+  \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs' ->
+  loadbytes m2 b' ofs' n = loadbytes m1 b' ofs' n.
+  intros. unfold loadbytes. 
+  destruct (range_perm_dec m1 b' ofs' (ofs' + n) Readable).
+  rewrite pred_dec_true. 
+  decEq. rewrite store_result; unfold unchecked_store; simpl.
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b). subst b'.
+  destruct H. congruence.
+  destruct (zle n 0). 
+  rewrite (nat_of_Z_neg _ z). auto.
+  destruct H. omegaContradiction.
+  apply getN_setN_outside. rewrite encode_val_length. rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.
+  rewrite nat_of_Z_eq. auto. omega. 
+  auto.
+  red; intros. eauto with mem.
+  rewrite pred_dec_false. auto.
+  red; intro; elim n0; red; intros; eauto with mem.
+Lemma setN_property:
+  forall (P: memval -> Prop) vl p q c,
+  (forall v, In v vl -> P v) ->
+  p <= q < p + Z_of_nat (length vl) ->
+  P(setN vl p c q).
+  induction vl; intros.
+  simpl in H0. omegaContradiction.
+  simpl length in H0. rewrite inj_S in H0. simpl. 
+  destruct (zeq p q). subst q. rewrite setN_outside. rewrite update_s. 
+  auto with coqlib. omega.
+  apply IHvl. auto with coqlib. omega.
+Lemma getN_in:
+  forall c q n p,
+  p <= q < p + Z_of_nat n ->
+  In (c q) (getN n p c).
+  induction n; intros.
+  simpl in H; omegaContradiction.
+  rewrite inj_S in H. simpl. destruct (zeq p q).
+  subst q. auto.
+  right. apply IHn. omega. 
+Theorem load_pointer_store:
+  forall chunk' b' ofs' v_b v_o,
+  load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = Some(Vptr v_b v_o) ->
+  (chunk = Mint32 /\ v = Vptr v_b v_o /\ chunk' = Mint32 /\ b' = b /\ ofs' = ofs)
+  \/ (b' <> b \/ ofs' + size_chunk chunk' <= ofs \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs').
+  intros. exploit load_result; eauto. rewrite store_result; simpl. 
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' b); auto. subst b'. intro DEC.
+  destruct (zle (ofs' + size_chunk chunk') ofs); auto.
+  destruct (zle (ofs + size_chunk chunk) ofs'); auto.
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz SZ].
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk') as [sz' SZ'].
+  exploit decode_pointer_shape; eauto. intros [CHUNK' PSHAPE]. clear CHUNK'.
+  generalize (encode_val_shape chunk v). intro VSHAPE.  
+  set (c := contents m1 b) in *.
+  set (c' := setN (encode_val chunk v) ofs c) in *.
+  destruct (zeq ofs ofs').
+(* 1.  ofs = ofs':  must be same chunks and same value *)
+  subst ofs'. inv VSHAPE. 
+  exploit decode_val_pointer_inv; eauto. intros [A B].
+  subst chunk'. simpl in B. inv B.
+  generalize H4. unfold c'. rewrite <- H0. simpl. 
+  rewrite setN_outside; try omega. rewrite update_s. intros.
+  exploit (encode_val_pointer_inv chunk v v_b v_o). 
+  rewrite <- H0. subst mv1. eauto. intros [C [D E]].
+  left; auto.
+  destruct (zlt ofs ofs').
+(* 2. ofs < ofs':
+      ofs   ofs'   ofs+|chunk|
+       [-------------------]       write
+            [-------------------]  read
+   The byte at ofs' satisfies memval_valid_cont (consequence of write).
+   For the read to return a pointer, it must satisfy ~memval_valid_cont. 
+  elimtype False.
+  assert (~memval_valid_cont (c' ofs')).
+    rewrite SZ' in PSHAPE. simpl in PSHAPE. inv PSHAPE. auto.
+  assert (memval_valid_cont (c' ofs')).
+    inv VSHAPE. unfold c'. rewrite <- H1. simpl. 
+    apply setN_property. auto.
+    assert (length mvl = sz). 
+      generalize (encode_val_length chunk v). rewrite <- H1. rewrite SZ. 
+      simpl; congruence.
+    rewrite H4. rewrite size_chunk_conv in z0. omega. 
+  contradiction.
+(* 3. ofs > ofs':
+      ofs'   ofs   ofs'+|chunk'|
+              [-------------------]  write
+        [----------------]           read
+   The byte at ofs satisfies memval_valid_first (consequence of write).
+   For the read to return a pointer, it must satisfy ~memval_valid_first.
+  elimtype False.
+  assert (memval_valid_first (c' ofs)).
+    inv VSHAPE. unfold c'. rewrite <- H0. simpl. 
+    rewrite setN_outside. rewrite update_s. auto. omega.
+  assert (~memval_valid_first (c' ofs)).
+    rewrite SZ' in PSHAPE. simpl in PSHAPE. inv PSHAPE. 
+    apply H4. apply getN_in. rewrite size_chunk_conv in z. 
+    rewrite SZ' in z. rewrite inj_S in z. omega. 
+  contradiction.
+Hint Local Resolve perm_store_1 perm_store_2: mem.
+Hint Local Resolve store_valid_block_1 store_valid_block_2: mem.
+Hint Local Resolve store_valid_access_1 store_valid_access_2
+             store_valid_access_3: mem.
+Theorem load_store_pointer_overlap:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v_b v_o m2 chunk' ofs' v,
+  store chunk m1 b ofs (Vptr v_b v_o) = Some m2 ->
+  load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some v ->
+  ofs' <> ofs ->
+  ofs' + size_chunk chunk' > ofs ->
+  ofs + size_chunk chunk > ofs' ->
+  v = Vundef.
+  intros.
+  exploit store_result; eauto. intro ST.
+  exploit load_result; eauto. intro LD.
+  rewrite LD; clear LD.
+Opaque encode_val.
+  rewrite ST; simpl.
+  rewrite update_s.
+  set (c := contents m1 b).
+  set (c' := setN (encode_val chunk (Vptr v_b v_o)) ofs c).
+  destruct (decode_val_shape chunk' (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk') ofs' c'))
+  as [OK | VSHAPE].
+  apply getN_length. 
+  exact OK.
+  elimtype False.
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz SZ]. 
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk') as [sz' SZ']. 
+  assert (ENC: encode_val chunk (Vptr v_b v_o) = list_repeat (size_chunk_nat chunk) Undef
+               \/ pointer_encoding_shape (encode_val chunk (Vptr v_b v_o))).
+  destruct chunk; try (left; reflexivity). 
+  right. apply encode_pointer_shape. 
+  assert (GET: getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) ofs c' = encode_val chunk (Vptr v_b v_o)).
+  unfold c'. rewrite <- (encode_val_length chunk (Vptr v_b v_o)). 
+  apply getN_setN_same.
+  destruct (zlt ofs ofs').
+(* ofs < ofs':
+      ofs   ofs'   ofs+|chunk|
+       [-------------------]       write
+            [-------------------]  read
+   The byte at ofs' is Undef or not memval_valid_first (because write of pointer).
+   The byte at ofs' must be memval_valid_first and not Undef (otherwise load returns Vundef).
+  assert (memval_valid_first (c' ofs') /\ c' ofs' <> Undef).
+    rewrite SZ' in VSHAPE. simpl in VSHAPE. inv VSHAPE. auto.
+  assert (~memval_valid_first (c' ofs') \/ c' ofs' = Undef).
+    unfold c'. destruct ENC.
+    right. apply setN_property. rewrite H5. intros. eapply in_list_repeat; eauto.
+    rewrite encode_val_length. rewrite <- size_chunk_conv. omega.
+    left. revert H5. rewrite <- GET. rewrite SZ. simpl. intros. inv H5.
+    apply setN_property. apply H9. rewrite getN_length.
+    rewrite size_chunk_conv in H3. rewrite SZ in H3. rewrite inj_S in H3. omega. 
+  intuition. 
+(* ofs > ofs':
+      ofs'   ofs   ofs'+|chunk'|
+              [-------------------]  write
+        [----------------]           read
+   The byte at ofs is Undef or not memval_valid_cont (because write of pointer).
+   The byte at ofs must be memval_valid_cont and not Undef (otherwise load returns Vundef).
+  assert (memval_valid_cont (c' ofs) /\ c' ofs <> Undef).
+    rewrite SZ' in VSHAPE. simpl in VSHAPE. inv VSHAPE. 
+    apply H8. apply getN_in. rewrite size_chunk_conv in H2. 
+    rewrite SZ' in H2. rewrite inj_S in H2. omega. 
+  assert (~memval_valid_cont (c' ofs) \/ c' ofs = Undef).
+    elim ENC. 
+    rewrite <- GET. rewrite SZ. simpl. intros. right; congruence.
+    rewrite <- GET. rewrite SZ. simpl. intros. inv H5. auto.
+  intuition.
+Theorem load_store_pointer_mismatch:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v_b v_o m2 chunk' v,
+  store chunk m1 b ofs (Vptr v_b v_o) = Some m2 ->
+  load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v ->
+  chunk <> Mint32 \/ chunk' <> Mint32 ->
+  v = Vundef.
+  intros.
+  exploit store_result; eauto. intro ST.
+  exploit load_result; eauto. intro LD.
+  rewrite LD; clear LD.
+Opaque encode_val.
+  rewrite ST; simpl.
+  rewrite update_s.
+  set (c1 := contents m1 b).
+  set (e := encode_val chunk (Vptr v_b v_o)).
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk) as [sz SZ].
+  destruct (size_chunk_nat_pos chunk') as [sz' SZ'].
+  assert (match e with
+          | Undef :: _ => True
+          | Pointer _ _ _ :: _ => chunk = Mint32
+          | _ => False
+          end).
+Transparent encode_val.
+  unfold e, encode_val. rewrite SZ. destruct chunk; simpl; auto.
+  destruct e as [ | e1 el]. contradiction.
+  rewrite SZ'. simpl. rewrite setN_outside. rewrite update_s. 
+  destruct e1; try contradiction. 
+  destruct chunk'; auto. 
+  destruct chunk'; auto. intuition.
+  omega.
+Lemma store_similar_chunks:
+  forall chunk1 chunk2 v1 v2 m b ofs,
+  encode_val chunk1 v1 = encode_val chunk2 v2 ->
+  store chunk1 m b ofs v1 = store chunk2 m b ofs v2.
+  intros. unfold store. 
+  assert (size_chunk chunk1 = size_chunk chunk2).
+    repeat rewrite size_chunk_conv.
+    rewrite <- (encode_val_length chunk1 v1).
+    rewrite <- (encode_val_length chunk2 v2).
+    congruence.
+  unfold store.
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m chunk1 b ofs Writable).
+  rewrite pred_dec_true. unfold unchecked_store. congruence.
+  eapply valid_access_compat; eauto.
+  rewrite pred_dec_false; auto. 
+  red; intro; elim n. apply valid_access_compat with chunk2; auto.
+Theorem store_signed_unsigned_8:
+  forall m b ofs v,
+  store Mint8signed m b ofs v = store Mint8unsigned m b ofs v.
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. apply encode_val_int8_signed_unsigned. Qed.
+Theorem store_signed_unsigned_16:
+  forall m b ofs v,
+  store Mint16signed m b ofs v = store Mint16unsigned m b ofs v.
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. apply encode_val_int16_signed_unsigned. Qed.
+Theorem store_int8_zero_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint8unsigned m b ofs (Vint (Int.zero_ext 8 n)) =
+  store Mint8unsigned m b ofs (Vint n).
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. apply encode_val_int8_zero_ext. Qed.
+Theorem store_int8_sign_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint8signed m b ofs (Vint (Int.sign_ext 8 n)) =
+  store Mint8signed m b ofs (Vint n).
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. apply encode_val_int8_sign_ext. Qed.
+Theorem store_int16_zero_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint16unsigned m b ofs (Vint (Int.zero_ext 16 n)) =
+  store Mint16unsigned m b ofs (Vint n).
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. apply encode_val_int16_zero_ext. Qed.
+Theorem store_int16_sign_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint16signed m b ofs (Vint (Int.sign_ext 16 n)) =
+  store Mint16signed m b ofs (Vint n).
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. apply encode_val_int16_sign_ext. Qed.
+Theorem store_float32_truncate:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mfloat32 m b ofs (Vfloat (Float.singleoffloat n)) =
+  store Mfloat32 m b ofs (Vfloat n).
+Proof. intros. apply store_similar_chunks. simpl. decEq. apply encode_float32_cast. Qed.
+(** ** Properties related to [alloc]. *)
+Section ALLOC.
+Variable m1: mem.
+Variables lo hi: Z.
+Variable m2: mem.
+Variable b: block.
+Hypothesis ALLOC: alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b).
+Theorem nextblock_alloc:
+  nextblock m2 = Zsucc (nextblock m1).
+  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H0; auto.
+Theorem alloc_result:
+  b = nextblock m1.
+  injection ALLOC; auto.
+Theorem valid_block_alloc:
+  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'.
+  unfold valid_block; intros. rewrite nextblock_alloc. omega.
+Theorem fresh_block_alloc:
+  ~(valid_block m1 b).
+  unfold valid_block. rewrite alloc_result. omega.
+Theorem valid_new_block:
+  valid_block m2 b.
+  unfold valid_block. rewrite alloc_result. rewrite nextblock_alloc. omega.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_block_alloc fresh_block_alloc valid_new_block: mem.
+Theorem valid_block_alloc_inv:
+  forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> b' = b \/ valid_block m1 b'.
+  unfold valid_block; intros. 
+  rewrite nextblock_alloc in H. rewrite alloc_result. 
+  unfold block; omega.
+Theorem perm_alloc_1:
+  forall b' ofs p, perm m1 b' ofs p -> perm m2 b' ofs p.
+  unfold perm; intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H1; simpl.
+  subst b. unfold update. destruct (zeq b' (next m1)); auto.
+  assert (access m1 b' ofs = false). apply next_noaccess. omega. congruence.
+Theorem perm_alloc_2:
+  forall ofs, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m2 b ofs Writable.
+  unfold perm; intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H1; simpl.
+  subst b. rewrite update_s. unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite zle_true.
+  rewrite zlt_true. auto. omega. omega.
+Theorem perm_alloc_3:
+  forall ofs p, ofs < lo \/ hi <= ofs -> ~perm m2 b ofs p.
+  unfold perm; intros. injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H1; simpl.
+  subst b. rewrite update_s. unfold proj_sumbool.
+  destruct H. rewrite zle_false. simpl. congruence. omega.
+  rewrite zlt_false. rewrite andb_false_r. congruence. omega.
+Hint Local Resolve perm_alloc_1 perm_alloc_2 perm_alloc_3: mem.
+Theorem perm_alloc_inv:
+  forall b' ofs p, 
+  perm m2 b' ofs p ->
+  if zeq b' b then lo <= ofs < hi else perm m1 b' ofs p.
+  intros until p; unfold perm. inv ALLOC. simpl. 
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b' (next m1)); intros.
+  destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). 
+  split; eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto. 
+  auto.
+Theorem valid_access_alloc_other:
+  forall chunk b' ofs p,
+  valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs p ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs p.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem.
+  red; auto with mem.
+Theorem valid_access_alloc_same:
+  forall chunk ofs,
+  lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs Writable.
+  intros. constructor; auto with mem.
+  red; intros. apply perm_alloc_2. omega. 
+Hint Local Resolve valid_access_alloc_other valid_access_alloc_same: mem.
+Theorem valid_access_alloc_inv:
+  forall chunk b' ofs p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs p ->
+  if eq_block b' b
+  then lo <= ofs /\ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi /\ (align_chunk chunk | ofs)
+  else valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs p.
+  intros. inv H.
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); intro.
+  unfold eq_block. destruct (zeq b' b). subst b'.
+  assert (perm m2 b ofs p). apply H0. omega. 
+  assert (perm m2 b (ofs + size_chunk chunk - 1) p). apply H0. omega. 
+  exploit perm_alloc_inv. eexact H2. rewrite zeq_true. intro.
+  exploit perm_alloc_inv. eexact H3. rewrite zeq_true. intro. 
+  intuition omega. 
+  split; auto. red; intros. 
+  exploit perm_alloc_inv. apply H0. eauto. rewrite zeq_false; auto. 
+Theorem bounds_alloc:
+  forall b', bounds m2 b' = if eq_block b' b then (lo, hi) else bounds m1 b'.
+  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H; rewrite <- H0; simpl. 
+  unfold update. auto. 
+Theorem bounds_alloc_same:
+  bounds m2 b = (lo, hi).
+  rewrite bounds_alloc. apply dec_eq_true. 
+Theorem bounds_alloc_other:
+  forall b', b' <> b -> bounds m2 b' = bounds m1 b'.
+  intros. rewrite bounds_alloc. apply dec_eq_false. auto.
+Theorem load_alloc_unchanged:
+  forall chunk b' ofs,
+  valid_block m1 b' ->
+  load chunk m2 b' ofs = load chunk m1 b' ofs.
+  intros. unfold load.
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m2 chunk b' ofs Readable).
+  exploit valid_access_alloc_inv; eauto. destruct (eq_block b' b); intros.
+  subst b'. elimtype False. eauto with mem.
+  rewrite pred_dec_true; auto.
+  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H2; simpl.
+  rewrite update_o. auto. rewrite H1. apply sym_not_equal; eauto with mem.
+  rewrite pred_dec_false. auto.
+  eauto with mem.
+Theorem load_alloc_other:
+  forall chunk b' ofs v,
+  load chunk m1 b' ofs = Some v ->
+  load chunk m2 b' ofs = Some v.
+  intros. rewrite <- H. apply load_alloc_unchanged. eauto with mem.
+Theorem load_alloc_same:
+  forall chunk ofs v,
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v ->
+  v = Vundef.
+  intros. exploit load_result; eauto. intro. rewrite H0. 
+  injection ALLOC; intros. rewrite <- H2; simpl. rewrite <- H1.
+  rewrite update_s. destruct chunk; reflexivity. 
+Theorem load_alloc_same':
+  forall chunk ofs,
+  lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some Vundef.
+  intros. assert (exists v, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v).
+    apply valid_access_load. constructor; auto.
+    red; intros. eapply perm_implies. apply perm_alloc_2. omega. auto with mem.
+  destruct H2 as [v LOAD]. rewrite LOAD. decEq.
+  eapply load_alloc_same; eauto.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_block_alloc fresh_block_alloc valid_new_block: mem.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_access_alloc_other valid_access_alloc_same: mem.
+(** ** Properties related to [free]. *)
+Theorem range_perm_free:
+  forall m1 b lo hi,
+  range_perm m1 b lo hi Freeable ->
+  { m2: mem | free m1 b lo hi = Some m2 }.
+  intros; unfold free. rewrite pred_dec_true; auto. econstructor; eauto.
+Section FREE.
+Variable m1: mem.
+Variable bf: block.
+Variables lo hi: Z.
+Variable m2: mem.
+Hypothesis FREE: free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2.
+Theorem free_range_perm:
+  range_perm m1 bf lo hi Writable.
+  unfold free in FREE. destruct (range_perm_dec m1 bf lo hi Freeable).
+  auto. congruence.
+Lemma free_result:
+  m2 = unchecked_free m1 bf lo hi.
+  unfold free in FREE. destruct (range_perm_dec m1 bf lo hi Freeable).
+  congruence. congruence.
+Theorem nextblock_free:
+  nextblock m2 = nextblock m1.
+  rewrite free_result; reflexivity.
+Theorem valid_block_free_1:
+  forall b, valid_block m1 b -> valid_block m2 b.
+  intros. rewrite free_result. assumption.
+Theorem valid_block_free_2:
+  forall b, valid_block m2 b -> valid_block m1 b.
+  intros. rewrite free_result in H. assumption.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_block_free_1 valid_block_free_2: mem.
+Theorem perm_free_1:
+  forall b ofs p,
+  b <> bf \/ ofs < lo \/ hi <= ofs ->
+  perm m1 b ofs p ->
+  perm m2 b ofs p.
+  intros. rewrite free_result. unfold perm, unchecked_free; simpl.
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b bf). subst b.
+  destruct (zle lo ofs); simpl. 
+  destruct (zlt ofs hi); simpl.
+  elimtype False; intuition.
+  auto. auto.
+  auto.
+Theorem perm_free_2:
+  forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> ~ perm m2 bf ofs p.
+  intros. rewrite free_result. unfold perm, unchecked_free; simpl.
+  rewrite update_s. unfold proj_sumbool. rewrite zle_true. rewrite zlt_true. 
+  simpl. congruence. omega. omega.
+Theorem perm_free_3:
+  forall b ofs p,
+  perm m2 b ofs p -> perm m1 b ofs p.
+  intros until p. rewrite free_result. unfold perm, unchecked_free; simpl.
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b bf). subst b. 
+  destruct (zle lo ofs); simpl. 
+  destruct (zlt ofs hi); simpl.
+  congruence. auto. auto.
+  auto.
+Theorem valid_access_free_1:
+  forall chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs p -> 
+  b <> bf \/ lo >= hi \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= lo \/ hi <= ofs ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs p.
+  intros. inv H. constructor; auto with mem.
+  red; intros. eapply perm_free_1; eauto.
+  destruct (zlt lo hi). intuition. right. omega. 
+Theorem valid_access_free_2:
+  forall chunk ofs p,
+  lo < hi -> ofs + size_chunk chunk > lo -> ofs < hi ->
+  ~(valid_access m2 chunk bf ofs p).
+  intros; red; intros. inv H2. 
+  generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); intros.
+  destruct (zlt ofs lo).
+  elim (perm_free_2 lo p).
+  omega. apply H3. omega. 
+  elim (perm_free_2 ofs p).
+  omega. apply H3. omega. 
+Theorem valid_access_free_inv_1:
+  forall chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs p ->
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs p.
+  intros. destruct H. split; auto. 
+  red; intros. generalize (H ofs0 H1). 
+  rewrite free_result. unfold perm, unchecked_free; simpl. 
+  unfold update. destruct (zeq b bf). subst b. 
+  destruct (zle lo ofs0); simpl.
+  destruct (zlt ofs0 hi); simpl. 
+  congruence. auto. auto. auto.
+Theorem valid_access_free_inv_2:
+  forall chunk ofs p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk bf ofs p ->
+  lo >= hi \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= lo \/ hi <= ofs.
+  intros.
+  destruct (zlt lo hi); auto. 
+  destruct (zle (ofs + size_chunk chunk) lo); auto.
+  destruct (zle hi ofs); auto.
+  elim (valid_access_free_2 chunk ofs p); auto. omega.
+Theorem bounds_free:
+  forall b, bounds m2 b = bounds m1 b.
+  intros. rewrite free_result; simpl. auto.
+Theorem load_free:
+  forall chunk b ofs,
+  b <> bf \/ lo >= hi \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= lo \/ hi <= ofs ->
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = load chunk m1 b ofs.
+  intros. unfold load.
+  destruct (valid_access_dec m2 chunk b ofs Readable).
+  rewrite pred_dec_true. 
+  rewrite free_result; auto.
+  apply valid_access_free_inv_1; auto. 
+  rewrite pred_dec_false; auto.
+  red; intro; elim n. eapply valid_access_free_1; eauto. 
+End FREE.
+Hint Local Resolve valid_block_free_1 valid_block_free_2
+             perm_free_1 perm_free_2 perm_free_3 
+             valid_access_free_1 valid_access_free_inv_1: mem.
+(** * Generic injections *)
+(** A memory state [m1] generically injects into another memory state [m2] via the
+  memory injection [f] if the following conditions hold:
+- each access in [m2] that corresponds to a valid access in [m1]
+  is itself valid;
+- the memory value associated in [m1] to an accessible address
+  must inject into [m2]'s memory value at the corersponding address.
+Record mem_inj (f: meminj) (m1 m2: mem) : Prop :=
+  mk_mem_inj {
+    mi_access:
+      forall b1 b2 delta chunk ofs p,
+      f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+      valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs p ->
+      valid_access m2 chunk b2 (ofs + delta) p;
+    mi_memval:
+      forall b1 ofs b2 delta,
+      f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+      perm m1 b1 ofs Nonempty ->
+      memval_inject f (m1.(contents) b1 ofs) (m2.(contents) b2 (ofs + delta))
+  }.
+(** Preservation of permissions *)
+Lemma perm_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 ofs p b2 delta,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  perm m1 b1 ofs p ->
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  perm m2 b2 (ofs + delta) p.
+  intros. 
+  assert (valid_access m1 Mint8unsigned b1 ofs p).
+    split. red; intros. simpl in H2. replace ofs0 with ofs by omega. auto.
+    simpl. apply Zone_divide.
+  exploit mi_access; eauto. intros [A B].
+  apply A. simpl; omega. 
+(** Preservation of loads. *)
+Lemma getN_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  forall n ofs,
+  range_perm m1 b1 ofs (ofs + Z_of_nat n) Readable ->
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) 
+               (getN n ofs (m1.(contents) b1))
+               (getN n (ofs + delta) (m2.(contents) b2)).
+  induction n; intros; simpl.
+  constructor.
+  rewrite inj_S in H1. 
+  constructor. 
+  eapply mi_memval; eauto. apply H1. omega. 
+  replace (ofs + delta + 1) with ((ofs + 1) + delta) by omega.
+  apply IHn. red; intros; apply H1; omega. 
+Lemma load_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta v1,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
+  intros.
+  exists (decode_val chunk (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) (ofs + delta) (m2.(contents) b2))).
+  split. unfold load. apply pred_dec_true.  
+  eapply mi_access; eauto with mem. 
+  exploit load_result; eauto. intro. rewrite H2. 
+  apply decode_val_inject. apply getN_inj; auto. 
+  rewrite <- size_chunk_conv. exploit load_valid_access; eauto. intros [A B]. auto.
+(** Preservation of stores. *)
+Lemma setN_inj:
+  forall (access: Z -> Prop) delta f vl1 vl2,
+  list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl1 vl2 ->
+  forall p c1 c2,
+  (forall q, access q -> memval_inject f (c1 q) (c2 (q + delta))) ->
+  (forall q, access q -> memval_inject f ((setN vl1 p c1) q) 
+                                         ((setN vl2 (p + delta) c2) (q + delta))).
+  induction 1; intros; simpl. 
+  auto.
+  replace (p + delta + 1) with ((p + 1) + delta) by omega.
+  apply IHlist_forall2; auto. 
+  intros. unfold update at 1. destruct (zeq q0 p). subst q0.
+  rewrite update_s. auto.
+  rewrite update_o. auto. omega.
+Definition meminj_no_overlap (f: meminj) (m: mem) : Prop :=
+  forall b1 b1' delta1 b2 b2' delta2,
+  b1 <> b2 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
+  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
+  b1' <> b2' 
+  \/ low_bound m b1 >= high_bound m b1
+  \/ low_bound m b2 >= high_bound m b2 *)
+  \/ high_bound m b1 + delta1 <= low_bound m b2 + delta2 
+  \/ high_bound m b2 + delta2 <= low_bound m b1 + delta1.
+Lemma meminj_no_overlap_perm:
+  forall f m b1 b1' delta1 b2 b2' delta2 ofs1 ofs2,
+  meminj_no_overlap f m ->
+  b1 <> b2 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
+  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
+  perm m b1 ofs1 Nonempty ->
+  perm m b2 ofs2 Nonempty ->
+  b1' <> b2' \/ ofs1 + delta1 <> ofs2 + delta2.
+  intros. exploit H; eauto. intro. 
+  exploit perm_in_bounds. eexact H3. intro. 
+  exploit perm_in_bounds. eexact H4. intro.
+  destruct H5. auto. right. omega. 
+Lemma store_mapped_inj:
+  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
+  meminj_no_overlap f m1 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+  exists n2,
+    store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2
+    /\ mem_inj f n1 n2.
+  intros. inversion H. 
+  assert (valid_access m2 chunk b2 (ofs + delta) Writable).
+    eapply mi_access0; eauto with mem.
+  destruct (valid_access_store _ _ _ _ v2 H4) as [n2 STORE]. 
+  exists n2; split. eauto.
+  constructor.
+(* access *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* contents *)
+  intros.
+  assert (perm m1 b0 ofs0 Readable). eapply perm_store_2; eauto. 
+  rewrite (store_result _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (store_result _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
+  unfold unchecked_store; simpl. unfold update. 
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1). subst b0.
+  (* block = b1, block = b2 *)
+  assert (b3 = b2) by congruence. subst b3.
+  assert (delta0 = delta) by congruence. subst delta0.
+  rewrite zeq_true.
+  apply setN_inj with (access := fun ofs => perm m1 b1 ofs Nonempty).
+  apply encode_val_inject; auto. auto. auto. 
+  destruct (zeq b3 b2). subst b3.
+  (* block <> b1, block = b2 *)
+  rewrite setN_other. auto.
+  rewrite encode_val_length. rewrite <- size_chunk_conv. intros. 
+  assert (b2 <> b2 \/ ofs0 + delta0 <> (r - delta) + delta).
+    eapply meminj_no_overlap_perm; eauto. 
+    exploit store_valid_access_3. eexact H0. intros [A B].
+    eapply perm_implies. apply A. omega. auto with mem.
+  destruct H9. congruence. omega.
+  (* block <> b1, block <> b2 *)
+  eauto.
+Lemma store_unmapped_inj:
+  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
+  f b1 = None ->
+  mem_inj f n1 m2.
+  intros. inversion H.
+  constructor.
+(* access *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* contents *)
+  intros. 
+  rewrite (store_result _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  unfold unchecked_store; simpl. rewrite update_o. eauto with mem. 
+  congruence.
+Lemma store_outside_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs v m2',
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  (forall b' delta ofs',
+    f b' = Some(b, delta) ->
+    perm m1 b' ofs' Nonempty ->
+    ofs' + delta < ofs \/ ofs' + delta >= ofs + size_chunk chunk) ->
+  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
+  mem_inj f m1 m2'.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+(* access *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* contents *)
+  intros. 
+  rewrite (store_result _ _ _ _ _ _ H1).
+  unfold unchecked_store; simpl. unfold update. destruct (zeq b2 b). subst b2.
+  rewrite setN_outside. auto. 
+  rewrite encode_val_length. rewrite <- size_chunk_conv. 
+  eapply H0; eauto. 
+  eauto with mem.
+(** Preservation of allocations *)
+Lemma alloc_right_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi b2 m2',
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) ->
+  mem_inj f m1 m2'.
+  intros. injection H0. intros NEXT MEM.
+  inversion H. constructor.
+(* access *)
+  intros. eauto with mem. 
+(* contents *)
+  intros.
+  assert (valid_access m2 Mint8unsigned b0 (ofs + delta) Nonempty).
+    eapply mi_access0; eauto.
+    split. simpl. red; intros. assert (ofs0 = ofs) by omega. congruence.
+    simpl. apply Zone_divide. 
+  assert (valid_block m2 b0) by eauto with mem.
+  rewrite <- MEM; simpl. rewrite update_o. eauto with mem.
+  rewrite NEXT. apply sym_not_equal. eauto with mem. 
+Lemma alloc_left_unmapped_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b1,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
+  f b1 = None ->
+  mem_inj f m1' m2.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+(* access *)
+  unfold update; intros.
+  exploit valid_access_alloc_inv; eauto. unfold eq_block. intros. 
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1). congruence. eauto.
+(* contents *)
+  injection H0; intros NEXT MEM. intros. 
+  rewrite <- MEM; simpl. rewrite NEXT. unfold update.
+  exploit perm_alloc_inv; eauto. intros. 
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1). constructor. eauto.
+Definition inj_offset_aligned (delta: Z) (size: Z) : Prop :=
+  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk <= size -> (align_chunk chunk | delta).
+Lemma alloc_left_mapped_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b1 b2 delta,
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
+  valid_block m2 b2 ->
+  inj_offset_aligned delta (hi-lo) ->
+  (forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m2 b2 (ofs + delta) p) ->
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  mem_inj f m1' m2.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+(* access *)
+  intros. 
+  exploit valid_access_alloc_inv; eauto. unfold eq_block. intros.
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1). subst b0. rewrite H4 in H5. inversion H5; clear H5; subst b3 delta0.
+  split. red; intros. 
+  replace ofs0 with ((ofs0 - delta) + delta) by omega. 
+  apply H3. omega. 
+  destruct H6. apply Zdivide_plus_r. auto. apply H2. omega.
+  eauto.
+(* contents *)
+  injection H0; intros NEXT MEM. 
+  intros. rewrite <- MEM; simpl. rewrite NEXT. unfold update.
+  exploit perm_alloc_inv; eauto. intros. 
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1). constructor. eauto.
+Lemma free_left_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 b lo hi m1',
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  free m1 b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+  mem_inj f m1' m2.
+  intros. exploit free_result; eauto. intro FREE. inversion H. constructor.
+(* access *)
+  intros. eauto with mem. 
+(* contents *)
+  intros. rewrite FREE; simpl. eauto with mem.
+Lemma free_right_inj:
+  forall f m1 m2 b lo hi m2',
+  mem_inj f m1 m2 ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall b1 delta ofs p,
+    f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> perm m1 b1 ofs p ->
+    lo <= ofs + delta < hi -> False) ->
+  mem_inj f m1 m2'.
+  intros. exploit free_result; eauto. intro FREE. inversion H. constructor.
+(* access *)
+  intros. exploit mi_access0; eauto. intros [RG AL]. split; auto.
+  red; intros. eapply perm_free_1; eauto. 
+  destruct (zeq b2 b); auto. subst b. right.
+  destruct (zlt ofs0 lo); auto. destruct (zle hi ofs0); auto.
+  elimtype False. eapply H1 with (ofs := ofs0 - delta). eauto. 
+  apply H3. omega. omega.
+(* contents *)
+  intros. rewrite FREE; simpl. eauto.
+(** * Memory extensions *)
+(**  A store [m2] extends a store [m1] if [m2] can be obtained from [m1]
+  by increasing the sizes of the memory blocks of [m1] (decreasing
+  the low bounds, increasing the high bounds), and replacing some of
+  the [Vundef] values stored in [m1] by more defined values stored
+  in [m2] at the same locations. *)
+Record extends_ (m1 m2: mem) : Prop :=
+  mk_extends {
+    mext_next: nextblock m1 = nextblock m2;
+    mext_inj:  mem_inj inject_id m1 m2
+    mext_bounds: forall b, low_bound m2 b <= low_bound m1 b /\ high_bound m1 b <= high_bound m2 b
+  }.
+Definition extends := extends_.
+Theorem extends_refl:
+  forall m, extends m m.
+  intros. constructor. auto. constructor.
+  intros. unfold inject_id in H; inv H. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega. auto.
+  intros. unfold inject_id in H; inv H. replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega. 
+  apply memval_inject_id.
+(*  intros. omega. *)
+Theorem load_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 b ofs v1,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v1 ->
+  exists v2, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
+  intros. inv H. exploit load_inj; eauto. unfold inject_id; reflexivity. 
+  intros [v2 [A B]]. exists v2; split.
+  replace (ofs + 0) with ofs in A by omega. auto.
+  rewrite val_inject_id in B. auto.
+Theorem loadv_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 addr1 addr2 v1,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  loadv chunk m1 addr1 = Some v1 ->
+  Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 ->
+  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 addr2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
+  unfold loadv; intros. inv H1. 
+  destruct addr2; try congruence. eapply load_extends; eauto. 
+  congruence.
+Theorem store_within_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 b ofs v1 m1' v2,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b ofs v1 = Some m1' ->
+  Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
+  exists m2',
+     store chunk m2 b ofs v2 = Some m2'
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+  intros. inversion H.
+  exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. 
+    unfold inject_id; red; intros. inv H3; inv H4. auto.
+    unfold inject_id; reflexivity.
+    rewrite val_inject_id. eauto.
+  intros [m2' [A B]].
+  exists m2'; split.
+  replace (ofs + 0) with ofs in A by omega. auto.
+  split; auto.
+  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ A).
+  auto.
+  intros.
+  rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ A).
+  auto.
+Theorem store_outside_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 b ofs v m2',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
+  ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b \/ high_bound m1 b <= ofs ->
+  extends m1 m2'.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+  rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+  eapply store_outside_inj; eauto.
+  unfold inject_id; intros. inv H2.
+  exploit perm_in_bounds; eauto. omega.
+  intros.
+  rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+Theorem storev_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 addr1 v1 m1' addr2 v2,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  storev chunk m1 addr1 v1 = Some m1' ->
+  Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 ->
+  Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
+  exists m2',
+     storev chunk m2 addr2 v2 = Some m2'
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+  unfold storev; intros. inv H1. 
+  destruct addr2; try congruence. eapply store_within_extends; eauto. 
+  congruence.
+Theorem alloc_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 lo1 hi1 b m1' lo2 hi2,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b) ->
+  lo2 <= lo1 -> hi1 <= hi2 ->
+  exists m2',
+     alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b)
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+  intros. inv H. 
+  case_eq (alloc m2 lo2 hi2); intros m2' b' ALLOC. 
+  assert (b' = b).
+    rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H0). 
+    rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC).
+    auto.
+  subst b'.
+  exists m2'; split; auto.
+  constructor. 
+  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC). 
+  congruence.
+  eapply alloc_left_mapped_inj with (m1 := m1) (m2 := m2') (b2 := b) (delta := 0); eauto.
+  eapply alloc_right_inj; eauto.
+  eauto with mem.
+  red. intros. apply Zdivide_0.
+  intros. eapply perm_alloc_2; eauto. omega.
+  intros. destruct (zeq b0 b). subst b0. 
+  rewrite (bounds_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (bounds_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC).
+  simpl. auto. 
+  rewrite (bounds_alloc_other _ _ _ _ _ H0); auto.
+  rewrite (bounds_alloc_other _ _ _ _ _ ALLOC); auto.
+Theorem free_left_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b lo hi m1',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  free m1 b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+  extends m1' m2.
+  intros. inv H. constructor.
+  rewrite (nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+  eapply free_left_inj; eauto.
+  intros. rewrite (bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+Theorem free_right_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b lo hi m2',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> ~perm m1 b ofs p) ->
+  extends m1 m2'.
+  intros. inv H. constructor.
+  rewrite (nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+  eapply free_right_inj; eauto.
+  unfold inject_id; intros. inv H.
+  elim (H1 ofs p); auto. omega.
+  intros. rewrite (bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto.
+Theorem free_parallel_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b lo hi m1',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  free m1 b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+  exists m2',
+     free m2 b lo hi = Some m2'
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+  intros. inversion H. 
+  assert ({ m2': mem | free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' }).
+    apply range_perm_free. red; intros. 
+    replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega.
+    eapply perm_inj with (b1 := b); eauto.
+    eapply free_range_perm; eauto.
+  destruct X as [m2' FREE]. exists m2'; split; auto.
+  inv H. constructor.
+  rewrite (nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ FREE). auto.
+  eapply free_right_inj with (m1 := m1'); eauto. 
+  eapply free_left_inj; eauto. 
+  unfold inject_id; intros. inv H. 
+  assert (~perm m1' b ofs p). eapply perm_free_2; eauto. omega. 
+  contradiction.
+  intros.
+  rewrite (bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  rewrite (bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ FREE).
+  auto.
+Theorem valid_block_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  (valid_block m1 b <-> valid_block m2 b).
+  intros. inv H. unfold valid_block. rewrite mext_next0. omega. 
+Theorem perm_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b ofs p,
+  extends m1 m2 -> perm m1 b ofs p -> perm m2 b ofs p.
+  intros. inv H. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. 
+  eapply perm_inj; eauto. 
+Theorem valid_access_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 chunk b ofs p,
+  extends m1 m2 -> valid_access m1 chunk b ofs p -> valid_access m2 chunk b ofs p.
+  intros. inv H. replace ofs with (ofs + 0) by omega. 
+  eapply mi_access; eauto. auto. 
+Theorem bounds_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b,
+  extends m1 m2 -> low_bound m2 b <= low_bound m1 b /\ high_bound m1 b <= high_bound m2 b.
+  intros. inv H. auto.
+(** * Memory injections *)
+(** A memory state [m1] injects into another memory state [m2] via the
+  memory injection [f] if the following conditions hold:
+- each access in [m2] that corresponds to a valid access in [m1]
+  is itself valid;
+- the memory value associated in [m1] to an accessible address
+  must inject into [m2]'s memory value at the corersponding address;
+- unallocated blocks in [m1] must be mapped to [None] by [f];
+- if [f b = Some(b', delta)], [b'] must be valid in [m2];
+- distinct blocks in [m1] are mapped to non-overlapping sub-blocks in [m2];
+- the sizes of [m2]'s blocks are representable with signed machine integers;
+- the offsets [delta] are representable with signed machine integers.
+Record inject_ (f: meminj) (m1 m2: mem) : Prop :=
+  mk_inject {
+    mi_inj:
+      mem_inj f m1 m2;
+    mi_freeblocks:
+      forall b, ~(valid_block m1 b) -> f b = None;
+    mi_mappedblocks:
+      forall b b' delta, f b = Some(b', delta) -> valid_block m2 b';
+    mi_no_overlap:
+      meminj_no_overlap f m1;
+    mi_range_offset:
+      forall b b' delta,
+      f b = Some(b', delta) ->
+      Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed;
+    mi_range_block:
+      forall b b' delta,
+      f b = Some(b', delta) ->
+      delta = 0 \/ 
+      (Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b' /\ high_bound m2 b' <= Int.max_signed)
+  }.
+Definition inject := inject_.
+Hint Local Resolve mi_mappedblocks mi_range_offset: mem.
+(** Preservation of access validity and pointer validity *)
+Theorem valid_block_inject_1:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_block m1 b1.
+  intros. inv H. destruct (zlt b1 (nextblock m1)). auto. 
+  assert (f b1 = None). eapply mi_freeblocks; eauto. congruence.
+Theorem valid_block_inject_2:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_block m2 b2.
+  intros. eapply mi_mappedblocks; eauto. 
+Hint Local Resolve valid_block_inject_1 valid_block_inject_2: mem.
+Theorem perm_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta ofs p,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  perm m1 b1 ofs p -> perm m2 b2 (ofs + delta) p.
+  intros. inv H0. eapply perm_inj; eauto. 
+Theorem valid_access_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta p,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs p ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b2 (ofs + delta) p.
+  intros. eapply mi_access; eauto. apply mi_inj; auto. 
+Theorem valid_pointer_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 ofs b2 delta,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_pointer m1 b1 ofs = true ->
+  valid_pointer m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = true.
+  intros. 
+  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H1.
+  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access.
+  eapply valid_access_inject; eauto.
+(** The following lemmas establish the absence of machine integer overflow
+  during address computations. *)
+Lemma address_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 ofs1 b2 delta,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  perm m1 b1 (Int.signed ofs1) Nonempty ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta.
+  intros.
+  exploit perm_inject; eauto. intro A.
+  exploit perm_in_bounds. eexact A. intros [B C]. 
+  exploit mi_range_block; eauto. intros [D | [E F]].
+  subst delta. rewrite Int.add_zero. omega.
+  rewrite Int.add_signed.
+  repeat rewrite Int.signed_repr. auto.
+  eapply mi_range_offset; eauto.
+  omega. 
+  eapply mi_range_offset; eauto.
+Lemma address_inject':
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs1 b2 delta,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_access m1 chunk b1 (Int.signed ofs1) Nonempty ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta.
+  intros. destruct H0. eapply address_inject; eauto. 
+  apply H0. generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk). omega. 
+Theorem valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow:
+  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' x,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
+  f b = Some(b', x) ->
+  Int.min_signed <= Int.signed ofs + Int.signed (Int.repr x) <= Int.max_signed.
+  intros. rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H0.
+  exploit address_inject'; eauto. intros.
+  rewrite Int.signed_repr; eauto.
+  rewrite <- H2. apply Int.signed_range. 
+  eapply mi_range_offset; eauto.
+Theorem valid_pointer_inject_val:
+  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' ofs',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
+  val_inject f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs') ->
+  valid_pointer m2 b' (Int.signed ofs') = true.
+  intros. inv H1.
+  exploit valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto. intro NOOV.
+  rewrite Int.add_signed. rewrite Int.signed_repr; auto.
+  rewrite Int.signed_repr.
+  eapply valid_pointer_inject; eauto.
+  eapply mi_range_offset; eauto.
+Theorem inject_no_overlap:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 b1' b2' delta1 delta2 ofs1 ofs2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  b1 <> b2 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
+  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
+  perm m1 b1 ofs1 Nonempty ->
+  perm m1 b2 ofs2 Nonempty ->
+  b1' <> b2' \/ ofs1 + delta1 <> ofs2 + delta2.
+  intros. inv H. eapply meminj_no_overlap_perm; eauto.
+Theorem different_pointers_inject:
+  forall f m m' b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 b1' delta1 b2' delta2,
+  inject f m m' ->
+  b1 <> b2 ->
+  valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1) = true ->
+  valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed ofs2) = true ->
+  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
+  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
+  b1' <> b2' \/
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta1)) <>
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs2 (Int.repr delta2)).
+  intros. 
+  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H1. 
+  rewrite valid_pointer_valid_access in H2. 
+  rewrite (address_inject' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H1 H3). 
+  rewrite (address_inject' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H2 H4). 
+  inv H1. simpl in H5. inv H2. simpl in H1.
+  eapply meminj_no_overlap_perm. 
+  eapply mi_no_overlap; eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto. 
+  apply (H5 (Int.signed ofs1)). omega.
+  apply (H1 (Int.signed ofs2)). omega.
+(** Preservation of loads *)
+Theorem load_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta v1,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
+  intros. inv H. eapply load_inj; eauto. 
+Theorem loadv_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk a1 a2 v1,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  loadv chunk m1 a1 = Some v1 ->
+  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
+  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 a2 = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
+  intros. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
+  exploit load_inject; eauto. intros [v2 [LOAD INJ]].
+  exists v2; split; auto. simpl.
+  replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)))
+     with (Int.signed ofs1 + delta).
+  auto. symmetry. eapply address_inject'; eauto with mem.
+(** Preservation of stores *)
+Theorem store_mapped_inject:
+  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+  exists n2,
+    store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2
+    /\ inject f n1 n2.
+  intros. inversion H.
+  exploit store_mapped_inj; eauto. intros [n2 [STORE MI]].
+  exists n2; split. eauto. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  auto.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  eauto with mem. 
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* no overlap *)
+  red; intros.
+  repeat rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  eauto. 
+(* range offset *)
+  eauto.
+(* range blocks *)
+  intros. rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE). eauto.
+Theorem store_unmapped_inject:
+  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
+  f b1 = None ->
+  inject f n1 m2.
+  intros. inversion H.
+  constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply store_unmapped_inj; eauto.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  eauto with mem. 
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* no overlap *)
+  red; intros. 
+  repeat rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H0).
+  eauto. 
+(* range offset *)
+  eauto.
+(* range blocks *)
+  auto.
+Theorem store_outside_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs v m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  (forall b' delta,
+    f b' = Some(b, delta) ->
+    high_bound m1 b' + delta <= ofs
+    \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b' + delta) ->
+  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
+  inject f m1 m2'.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply store_outside_inj; eauto.
+  intros. exploit perm_in_bounds; eauto. intro. 
+  exploit H0; eauto. intro. omega. 
+(* freeblocks *)
+  auto.
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* no overlap *)
+  auto.
+(* range offset *)
+  auto.
+(* rang blocks *)
+  intros. rewrite (bounds_store _ _ _ _ _ _ H1). eauto.
+Theorem storev_mapped_inject:
+  forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 ->
+  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
+  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+  exists n2,
+    storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ inject f n1 n2.
+  intros. inv H1; simpl in H0; try discriminate.
+  simpl. replace (Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)))
+            with (Int.signed ofs1 + delta).
+  eapply store_mapped_inject; eauto.
+  symmetry. eapply address_inject'; eauto with mem.
+(* Preservation of allocations *)
+Theorem alloc_right_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi b2 m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) ->
+  inject f m1 m2'.
+  intros. injection H0. intros NEXT MEM.
+  inversion H. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply alloc_right_inj; eauto.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  auto.
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* no overlap *)
+  auto.
+(* range offset *)
+  auto.
+(* range block *)
+  intros. rewrite (bounds_alloc_other _ _ _ _ _ H0). eauto. 
+  eapply valid_not_valid_diff; eauto with mem.
+Theorem alloc_left_unmapped_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b1,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
+  exists f',
+     inject f' m1' m2
+  /\ inject_incr f f'
+  /\ f' b1 = None
+  /\ (forall b, b <> b1 -> f' b = f b).
+  intros. inversion H.
+  assert (inject_incr f (update b1 None f)).
+    red; unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). subst b.
+    assert (f b1 = None). eauto with mem. congruence.
+    auto.
+  assert (mem_inj (update b1 None f) m1 m2).
+    inversion mi_inj0; constructor; eauto with mem.
+    unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b1). congruence. eauto. 
+    unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b1). congruence. 
+    apply memval_inject_incr with f; auto. 
+  exists (update b1 None f); split. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply alloc_left_unmapped_inj; eauto. apply update_s. 
+(* freeblocks *)
+  intros. unfold update. destruct (zeq b b1). auto. 
+  apply mi_freeblocks0. red; intro; elim H3. eauto with mem. 
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). congruence. eauto. 
+(* no overlap *)
+  unfold update; red; intros.
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1); destruct (zeq b2 b1); try congruence.
+  repeat rewrite (bounds_alloc_other _ _ _ _ _ H0); eauto.
+(* range offset *)
+  unfold update; intros.
+  destruct (zeq b b1). congruence. eauto.
+(* range block *)
+  unfold update; intros.
+  destruct (zeq b b1). congruence. eauto.
+(* incr *)
+  split. auto. 
+(* image *)
+  split. apply update_s.
+(* incr *)
+  intros; apply update_o; auto.
+Theorem alloc_left_mapped_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b1 b2 delta,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
+  valid_block m2 b2 ->
+  Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed ->
+  delta = 0 \/ Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b2 /\ high_bound m2 b2 <= Int.max_signed ->
+  (forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m2 b2 (ofs + delta) p) ->
+  inj_offset_aligned delta (hi-lo) ->
+  (forall b ofs, 
+   f b = Some (b2, ofs) -> 
+   high_bound m1 b + ofs <= lo + delta \/
+   hi + delta <= low_bound m1 b + ofs) ->
+  exists f',
+     inject f' m1' m2
+  /\ inject_incr f f'
+  /\ f' b1 = Some(b2, delta)
+  /\ (forall b, b <> b1 -> f' b = f b).
+  intros. inversion H.
+  assert (inject_incr f (update b1 (Some(b2, delta)) f)).
+    red; unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). subst b.
+    assert (f b1 = None). eauto with mem. congruence.
+    auto.
+  assert (mem_inj (update b1 (Some(b2, delta)) f) m1 m2).
+    inversion mi_inj0; constructor; eauto with mem.
+    unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b1).
+      inv H8. elim (fresh_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). eauto with mem.
+      eauto.
+    unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b0 b1).
+      inv H8. elim (fresh_block_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). eauto with mem. 
+      apply memval_inject_incr with f; auto. 
+  exists (update b1 (Some(b2, delta)) f). split. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply alloc_left_mapped_inj; eauto. apply update_s.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). subst b. 
+  elim H9. eauto with mem.
+  eauto with mem.
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). inv H9. auto.
+  eauto.
+(* overlap *)
+  unfold update; red; intros.
+  repeat rewrite (bounds_alloc _ _ _ _ _ H0). unfold eq_block. 
+  destruct (zeq b0 b1); destruct (zeq b3 b1); simpl.
+  inv H10; inv H11. congruence.
+  inv H10. destruct (zeq b1' b2'); auto. subst b2'. 
+  right. generalize (H6 _ _ H11). tauto. 
+  inv H11. destruct (zeq b1' b2'); auto. subst b2'. 
+  right. eapply H6; eauto. 
+  eauto.
+(* range offset *)
+  unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). inv H9. auto. eauto.
+(* range block *)
+  unfold update; intros. destruct (zeq b b1). inv H9. auto. eauto.
+(* incr *)
+  split. auto.
+(* image of b1 *)
+  split. apply update_s.
+(* image of others *)
+  intros. apply update_o; auto.
+Theorem alloc_parallel_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo1 hi1 m1' b1 lo2 hi2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b1) ->
+  lo2 <= lo1 -> hi1 <= hi2 ->
+  exists f', exists m2', exists b2,
+  alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b2)
+  /\ inject f' m1' m2'
+  /\ inject_incr f f'
+  /\ f' b1 = Some(b2, 0)
+  /\ (forall b, b <> b1 -> f' b = f b).
+  intros.
+  case_eq (alloc m2 lo2 hi2). intros m2' b2 ALLOC.
+  exploit alloc_left_mapped_inject. 
+  eapply alloc_right_inject; eauto.
+  eauto.
+  instantiate (1 := b2). eauto with mem.
+  instantiate (1 := 0). generalize Int.min_signed_neg Int.max_signed_pos; omega.
+  auto.
+  intros. eapply perm_alloc_2; eauto. omega.
+  red; intros. apply Zdivide_0.
+  intros. elimtype False. apply (valid_not_valid_diff m2 b2 b2); eauto with mem.
+  intros [f' [A [B [C D]]]].
+  exists f'; exists m2'; exists b2; auto.
+(** Preservation of [free] operations *)
+Lemma free_left_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b lo hi m1',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  free m1 b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+  inject f m1' m2.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply free_left_inj; eauto.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  auto.
+(* no overlap *)
+  red; intros. repeat rewrite (bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). eauto. 
+(* range offset *)
+  auto.
+(* range block *)
+  auto.
+Lemma free_list_left_inject:
+  forall f m2 l m1 m1',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  free_list m1 l = Some m1' ->
+  inject f m1' m2.
+  induction l; simpl; intros. 
+  inv H0. auto.
+  destruct a as [[b lo] hi]. generalize H0. case_eq (free m1 b lo hi); intros.
+  apply IHl with m; auto. eapply free_left_inject; eauto.
+  congruence.
+Lemma free_right_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b lo hi m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall b1 delta ofs p,
+    f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> perm m1 b1 ofs p ->
+    lo <= ofs + delta < hi -> False) ->
+  inject f m1 m2'.
+  intros. inversion H. constructor.
+(* inj *)
+  eapply free_right_inj; eauto.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  auto.
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  eauto with mem.
+(* no overlap *)
+  auto.
+(* range offset *)
+  auto.
+(* range blocks *)
+  intros. rewrite (bounds_free _ _ _ _ _ H0). eauto.
+Lemma perm_free_list:
+  forall l m m' b ofs p,
+  free_list m l = Some m' ->
+  perm m' b ofs p ->
+  perm m b ofs p /\ 
+  (forall lo hi, In (b, lo, hi) l -> lo <= ofs < hi -> False).
+  induction l; intros until p; simpl.
+  intros. inv H. split; auto. 
+  destruct a as [[b1 lo1] hi1].
+  case_eq (free m b1 lo1 hi1); intros; try congruence.
+  exploit IHl; eauto. intros [A B].
+  split. eauto with mem.
+  intros. destruct H2. inv H2.
+  elim (perm_free_2 _ _ _ _ _ H ofs p). auto. auto.
+  eauto.
+Theorem free_inject:
+  forall f m1 l m1' m2 b lo hi m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  free_list m1 l = Some m1' ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall b1 delta ofs p,
+    f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> 
+    perm m1 b1 ofs p -> lo <= ofs + delta < hi ->
+    exists lo1, exists hi1, In (b1, lo1, hi1) l /\ lo1 <= ofs < hi1) ->
+  inject f m1' m2'.
+  intros. 
+  eapply free_right_inject; eauto. 
+  eapply free_list_left_inject; eauto.
+  intros. exploit perm_free_list; eauto. intros [A B].
+  exploit H2; eauto. intros [lo1 [hi1 [C D]]]. eauto.
+Theorem free_inject':
+  forall f m1 l m1' m2 b lo hi m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  free_list m1 l = Some m1' ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall b1 delta,
+    f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> In (b1, low_bound m1 b1, high_bound m1 b1) l) ->
+  inject f m1' m2'.
+  intros. eapply free_inject; eauto.
+  intros. exists (low_bound m1 b1); exists (high_bound m1 b1).
+  split. eauto. apply perm_in_bounds with p. auto.
+(** Injecting a memory into itself. *)
+Definition flat_inj (thr: block) : meminj :=
+  fun (b: block) => if zlt b thr then Some(b, 0) else None.
+Definition inject_neutral (thr: block) (m: mem) :=
+  mem_inj (flat_inj thr) m m.
+Remark flat_inj_no_overlap:
+  forall thr m, meminj_no_overlap (flat_inj thr) m.
+  unfold flat_inj; intros; red; intros.
+  destruct (zlt b1 thr); inversion H0; subst.
+  destruct (zlt b2 thr); inversion H1; subst.
+  auto.
+Theorem neutral_inject:
+  forall m, inject_neutral (nextblock m) m -> inject (flat_inj (nextblock m)) m m.
+  intros. constructor.
+(* meminj *)
+  auto.
+(* freeblocks *)
+  unfold flat_inj, valid_block; intros.
+  apply zlt_false. omega.
+(* mappedblocks *)
+  unfold flat_inj, valid_block; intros. 
+  destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inversion H0; subst. auto.
+(* no overlap *)
+  apply flat_inj_no_overlap.
+(* range *)
+  unfold flat_inj; intros.
+  destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inv H0.
+  generalize Int.min_signed_neg Int.max_signed_pos; omega.
+(* range *)
+  unfold flat_inj; intros.
+  destruct (zlt b (nextblock m)); inv H0. auto.
+Theorem empty_inject_neutral:
+  forall thr, inject_neutral thr empty.
+  intros; red; constructor.
+(* access *)
+  unfold flat_inj; intros. destruct (zlt b1 thr); inv H.
+  replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega; auto.
+(* contents *)
+  intros; simpl; constructor.
+Theorem alloc_inject_neutral:
+  forall thr m lo hi b m',
+  alloc m lo hi = (m', b) ->
+  inject_neutral thr m ->
+  nextblock m < thr ->
+  inject_neutral thr m'.
+  intros; red. 
+  eapply alloc_left_mapped_inj with (m1 := m) (b2 := b) (delta := 0). 
+  eapply alloc_right_inj; eauto. eauto. eauto with mem. 
+  red. intros. apply Zdivide_0. 
+  intros. eapply perm_alloc_2; eauto. omega. 
+  unfold flat_inj. apply zlt_true. 
+  rewrite (alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H). auto.
+Theorem store_inject_neutral:
+  forall chunk m b ofs v m' thr,
+  store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+  inject_neutral thr m ->
+  b < thr ->
+  val_inject (flat_inj thr) v v ->
+  inject_neutral thr m'.
+  intros; red.
+  exploit store_mapped_inj. eauto. eauto. apply flat_inj_no_overlap. 
+  unfold flat_inj. apply zlt_true; auto. eauto.
+  replace (ofs + 0) with ofs by omega.  
+  intros [m'' [A B]]. congruence.
+End Mem.
+Notation mem := Mem.mem.
+Hint Resolve
+  Mem.valid_not_valid_diff
+  Mem.perm_implies
+  Mem.perm_valid_block
+  Mem.range_perm_implies
+  Mem.valid_access_implies
+  Mem.valid_access_valid_block
+  Mem.valid_access_perm
+  Mem.valid_access_load
+  Mem.load_valid_access
+  Mem.valid_access_store
+  Mem.perm_store_1
+  Mem.perm_store_2
+  Mem.nextblock_store
+  Mem.store_valid_block_1
+  Mem.store_valid_block_2
+  Mem.store_valid_access_1
+  Mem.store_valid_access_2
+  Mem.store_valid_access_3
+  Mem.nextblock_alloc
+  Mem.alloc_result
+  Mem.valid_block_alloc
+  Mem.fresh_block_alloc
+  Mem.valid_new_block
+  Mem.perm_alloc_1
+  Mem.perm_alloc_2
+  Mem.perm_alloc_3
+  Mem.perm_alloc_inv
+  Mem.valid_access_alloc_other
+  Mem.valid_access_alloc_same
+  Mem.valid_access_alloc_inv
+  Mem.range_perm_free
+  Mem.free_range_perm
+  Mem.nextblock_free
+  Mem.valid_block_free_1
+  Mem.valid_block_free_2
+  Mem.perm_free_1
+  Mem.perm_free_2
+  Mem.perm_free_3
+  Mem.valid_access_free_1
+  Mem.valid_access_free_2
+  Mem.valid_access_free_inv_1
+  Mem.valid_access_free_inv_2
+: mem.
diff --git a/common/Memtype.v b/common/Memtype.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfbe51158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/Memtype.v
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+(* *********************************************************************)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*              The Compcert verified compiler                         *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*          Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt                     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*  Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en     *)
+(*  Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed       *)
+(*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *)
+(*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or  *)
+(*  (at your option) any later version.  This file is also distributed *)
+(*  under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement.     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** This file defines the interface for the memory model that
+  is used in the dynamic semantics of all the languages used in the compiler.
+  It defines a type [mem] of memory states, the following 4 basic
+  operations over memory states, and their properties:
+- [load]: read a memory chunk at a given address;
+- [store]: store a memory chunk at a given address;
+- [alloc]: allocate a fresh memory block;
+- [free]: invalidate a memory block.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memdata.
+(** Memory states are accessed by addresses [b, ofs]: pairs of a block
+  identifier [b] and a byte offset [ofs] within that block.
+  Each address is in one of the following five states:
+- Freeable (exclusive access): all operations permitted
+- Writable: load, store and pointer comparison operations are permitted,
+  but freeing is not.
+- Readable: only load and pointer comparison operations are permitted.
+- Nonempty: valid, but only pointer comparisons are permitted.
+- Empty: not yet allocated or previously freed; no operation permitted.
+The first four cases are represented by the following type of permissions.
+Being empty is represented by the absence of any permission.
+Inductive permission: Type :=
+  | Freeable: permission
+  | Writable: permission
+  | Readable: permission
+  | Nonempty: permission.
+(** In the list, each permission implies the other permissions further down the
+    list.  We reflect this fact by the following order over permissions. *)
+Inductive perm_order: permission -> permission -> Prop :=
+  | perm_F_any: forall p, perm_order Freeable p
+  | perm_W_R:   perm_order Writable Readable
+  | perm_any_N: forall p, perm_order p Nonempty.
+Hint Constructors perm_order: mem.
+Module Type MEM.
+(** The abstract type of memory states. *)
+Parameter mem: Type.
+Definition nullptr: block := 0.
+(** * Operations on memory states *)
+(** [empty] is the initial memory state. *)
+Parameter empty: mem.
+(** [alloc m lo hi] allocates a fresh block of size [hi - lo] bytes.
+  Valid offsets in this block are between [lo] included and [hi] excluded.
+  These offsets are writable in the returned memory state.
+  This block is not initialized: its contents are initially undefined.
+  Returns a pair [(m', b)] of the updated memory state [m'] and
+  the identifier [b] of the newly-allocated block.
+  Note that [alloc] never fails: we are modeling an infinite memory. *)
+Parameter alloc: forall (m: mem) (lo hi: Z), mem * block.
+(** [free m b lo hi] frees (deallocates) the range of offsets from [lo]
+  included to [hi] excluded in block [b].  Returns the updated memory
+  state, or [None] if the freed addresses are not writable. *)
+Parameter free: forall (m: mem) (b: block) (lo hi: Z), option mem.
+(** [load chunk m b ofs] reads a memory quantity [chunk] from
+  addresses [b, ofs] to [b, ofs + size_chunk chunk - 1] in memory state
+  [m].  Returns the value read, or [None] if the accessed addresses
+  are not readable. *)
+Parameter load: forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z), option val.
+(** [store chunk m b ofs v] writes value [v] as memory quantity [chunk]
+  from addresses [b, ofs] to [b, ofs + size_chunk chunk - 1] in memory state
+  [m].  Returns the updated memory state, or [None] if the accessed addresses
+  are not writable. *)
+Parameter store: forall (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val), option mem.
+(** [loadv] and [storev] are variants of [load] and [store] where
+  the address being accessed is passed as a value (of the [Vptr] kind). *)
+Definition loadv (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr: val) : option val :=
+  match addr with
+  | Vptr b ofs => load chunk m b (Int.signed ofs)
+  | _ => None
+  end.
+Definition storev (chunk: memory_chunk) (m: mem) (addr v: val) : option mem :=
+  match addr with
+  | Vptr b ofs => store chunk m b (Int.signed ofs) v
+  | _ => None
+  end.
+(** [loadbytes m b ofs n] reads and returns the byte-level representation of
+  the values contained at offsets [ofs] to [ofs + n - 1] within block [b]
+  in memory state [m].  These values must be integers or floats.
+  [None] is returned if the accessed addresses are not readable
+  or contain undefined or pointer values. *)
+Parameter loadbytes: forall (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs n: Z), option (list byte).
+(** [free_list] frees all the given (block, lo, hi) triples. *)
+Fixpoint free_list (m: mem) (l: list (block * Z * Z)) {struct l}: option mem :=
+  match l with
+  | nil => Some m
+  | (b, lo, hi) :: l' =>
+      match free m b lo hi with
+      | None => None
+      | Some m' => free_list m' l'
+      end
+  end.
+(** * Permissions, block validity, access validity, and bounds *)
+(** The next block of a memory state is the block identifier for the
+  next allocation.  It increases by one at each allocation.
+  Block identifiers below [nextblock] are said to be valid, meaning
+  that they have been allocated previously.  Block identifiers above
+  [nextblock] are fresh or invalid, i.e. not yet allocated.  Note that
+  a block identifier remains valid after a [free] operation over this
+  block. *)
+Parameter nextblock: mem -> block.
+Axiom nextblock_pos:
+  forall m, nextblock m > 0.
+Definition valid_block (m: mem) (b: block) :=
+  b < nextblock m.
+Axiom valid_not_valid_diff:
+  forall m b b', valid_block m b -> ~(valid_block m b') -> b <> b'.
+(** [perm m b ofs p] holds if the address [b, ofs] in memory state [m]
+  has permission [p]: one of writable, readable, and nonempty.
+  If the address is empty, [perm m b ofs p] is false for all values of [p]. *)
+Parameter perm: forall (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (p: permission), Prop.
+(** Logical implications between permissions *)
+Axiom perm_implies:
+  forall m b ofs p1 p2, perm m b ofs p1 -> perm_order p1 p2 -> perm m b ofs p2.
+(** Having a (nonempty) permission implies that the block is valid.
+  In other words, invalid blocks, not yet allocated, are all empty. *)
+Axiom perm_valid_block:
+  forall m b ofs p, perm m b ofs p -> valid_block m b.
+(* Unused?
+(** The [Mem.perm] predicate is decidable. *)
+Axiom perm_dec:
+  forall m b ofs p, {perm m b ofs p} + {~ perm m b ofs p}.
+(** [range_perm m b lo hi p] holds iff the addresses [b, lo] to [b, hi-1]
+  all have permission [p]. *)
+Definition range_perm (m: mem) (b: block) (lo hi: Z) (p: permission) : Prop :=
+  forall ofs, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m b ofs p.
+Axiom range_perm_implies:
+  forall m b lo hi p1 p2,
+  range_perm m b lo hi p1 -> perm_order p1 p2 -> range_perm m b lo hi p2.
+(** An access to a memory quantity [chunk] at address [b, ofs] with
+  permission [p] is valid in [m] if the accessed addresses all have
+  permission [p] and moreover the offset is properly aligned. *)
+Definition valid_access (m: mem) (chunk: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (p: permission): Prop :=
+  range_perm m b ofs (ofs + size_chunk chunk) p
+  /\ (align_chunk chunk | ofs).
+Axiom valid_access_implies:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p1 p2,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p1 -> perm_order p1 p2 ->
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p2.
+Axiom valid_access_valid_block:
+  forall m chunk b ofs,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Nonempty ->
+  valid_block m b.
+Axiom valid_access_perm:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p ->
+  perm m b ofs p.
+(** [valid_pointer m b ofs] returns [true] if the address [b, ofs]
+  is nonempty in [m] and [false] if it is empty. *)
+Parameter valid_pointer: forall (m: mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z), bool.
+Axiom valid_pointer_nonempty_perm:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  valid_pointer m b ofs = true <-> perm m b ofs Nonempty.
+Axiom valid_pointer_valid_access:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  valid_pointer m b ofs = true <-> valid_access m Mint8unsigned b ofs Nonempty.
+(** Each block has associated low and high bounds.  These are the bounds 
+    that were given when the block was allocated.  *)
+Parameter bounds: forall (m: mem) (b: block), Z*Z.
+Notation low_bound m b := (fst(bounds m b)).
+Notation high_bound m b := (snd(bounds m b)).
+(** The crucial properties of bounds is that any offset below the low
+    bound or above the high bound is empty. *)
+Axiom perm_in_bounds:
+  forall m b ofs p, perm m b ofs p -> low_bound m b <= ofs < high_bound m b.
+Axiom range_perm_in_bounds:
+  forall m b lo hi p, 
+  range_perm m b lo hi p -> lo < hi ->
+  low_bound m b <= lo /\ hi <= high_bound m b.
+Axiom valid_access_in_bounds:
+  forall m chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs p ->
+  low_bound m b <= ofs /\ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= high_bound m b.
+(** * Properties of the memory operations *)
+(** ** Properties of the initial memory state. *)
+Axiom nextblock_empty: nextblock empty = 1.
+Axiom perm_empty: forall b ofs p, ~perm empty b ofs p.
+Axiom valid_access_empty:
+  forall chunk b ofs p, ~valid_access empty chunk b ofs p.
+(** ** Properties of [load]. *)
+(** A load succeeds if and only if the access is valid for reading *)
+Axiom valid_access_load:
+  forall m chunk b ofs,
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Readable ->
+  exists v, load chunk m b ofs = Some v.
+Axiom load_valid_access:
+  forall m chunk b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  valid_access m chunk b ofs Readable.
+(** The value returned by [load] belongs to the type of the memory quantity
+  accessed: [Vundef], [Vint] or [Vptr] for an integer quantity,
+  [Vundef] or [Vfloat] for a float quantity. *)
+Axiom load_type:
+  forall m chunk b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk).
+(** For a small integer or float type, the value returned by [load]
+  is invariant under the corresponding cast. *)
+Axiom load_cast:
+  forall m chunk b ofs v,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some v ->
+  match chunk with
+  | Mint8signed => v = Val.sign_ext 8 v
+  | Mint8unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 8 v
+  | Mint16signed => v = Val.sign_ext 16 v
+  | Mint16unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 16 v
+  | Mfloat32 => v = Val.singleoffloat v
+  | _ => True
+  end.
+Axiom load_int8_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  load Mint8signed m b ofs = option_map (Val.sign_ext 8) (load Mint8unsigned m b ofs).
+Axiom load_int16_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m b ofs,
+  load Mint16signed m b ofs = option_map (Val.sign_ext 16) (load Mint16unsigned m b ofs).
+(** ** Properties of [loadbytes]. *)
+(** If [loadbytes] succeeds, the corresponding [load] succeeds and
+  returns a [Vint] or [Vfloat] value that is determined by the
+  bytes read by [loadbytes]. *)
+Axiom loadbytes_load:
+  forall chunk m b ofs bytes,
+  loadbytes m b ofs (size_chunk chunk) = Some bytes ->
+  (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
+  load chunk m b ofs =
+    Some(match type_of_chunk chunk with
+         | Tint => Vint(decode_int chunk bytes)
+         | Tfloat => Vfloat(decode_float chunk bytes)
+         end).
+(** Conversely, if [load] returns an int or a float, the corresponding
+  [loadbytes] succeeds and returns a list of bytes which decodes into the
+  result of [load]. *)
+Axiom load_int_loadbytes:
+  forall chunk m b ofs n,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some(Vint n) ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = Tint /\
+  exists bytes, loadbytes m b ofs (size_chunk chunk) = Some bytes
+             /\ n = decode_int chunk bytes.
+Axiom load_float_loadbytes:
+  forall chunk m b ofs f,
+  load chunk m b ofs = Some(Vfloat f) ->
+  type_of_chunk chunk = Tfloat /\
+  exists bytes, loadbytes m b ofs (size_chunk chunk) = Some bytes
+             /\ f = decode_float chunk bytes.
+(** [loadbytes] returns a list of length [n] (the number of bytes read). *)
+Axiom loadbytes_length:
+  forall m b ofs n bytes,
+  loadbytes m b ofs n = Some bytes ->
+  length bytes = nat_of_Z n.
+(** Composing or decomposing [loadbytes] operations at adjacent addresses. *)
+Axiom loadbytes_concat:
+  forall m b ofs n1 n2 bytes1 bytes2,
+  loadbytes m b ofs n1 = Some bytes1 ->
+  loadbytes m b (ofs + n1) n2 = Some bytes2 ->
+  n1 >= 0 -> n2 >= 0 ->
+  loadbytes m b ofs (n1 + n2) = Some(bytes1 ++ bytes2).
+Axiom loadbytes_split:
+  forall m b ofs n1 n2 bytes,
+  loadbytes m b ofs (n1 + n2) = Some bytes ->
+  n1 >= 0 -> n2 >= 0 ->
+  exists bytes1, exists bytes2,
+     loadbytes m b ofs n1 = Some bytes1 
+  /\ loadbytes m b (ofs + n1) n2 = Some bytes2
+  /\ bytes = bytes1 ++ bytes2.
+(** ** Properties of [store]. *)
+(** [store] preserves block validity, permissions, access validity, and bounds.
+  Moreover, a [store] succeeds if and only if the corresponding access
+  is valid for writing. *)
+Axiom nextblock_store:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  nextblock m2 = nextblock m1.
+Axiom store_valid_block_1:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'.
+Axiom store_valid_block_2:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> valid_block m1 b'.
+Axiom perm_store_1:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall b' ofs' p, perm m1 b' ofs' p -> perm m2 b' ofs' p.
+Axiom perm_store_2:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall b' ofs' p, perm m2 b' ofs' p -> perm m1 b' ofs' p.
+Axiom valid_access_store:
+  forall m1 chunk b ofs v,
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs Writable ->
+  { m2: mem | store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 }.
+Axiom store_valid_access_1:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk' b' ofs' p,
+  valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' p -> valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs' p.
+Axiom store_valid_access_2:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk' b' ofs' p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk' b' ofs' p -> valid_access m1 chunk' b' ofs' p.
+Axiom store_valid_access_3:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs Writable.
+Axiom bounds_store:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall b', bounds m2 b' = bounds m1 b'.
+(** Load-store properties. *)
+Axiom load_store_similar:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk',
+  size_chunk chunk' = size_chunk chunk ->
+  exists v', load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v' /\ decode_encode_val v chunk chunk' v'.
+Axiom load_store_same:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk) ->
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some (Val.load_result chunk v).
+Axiom load_store_other:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk' b' ofs',
+  b' <> b
+  \/ ofs' + size_chunk chunk' <= ofs
+  \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs' ->
+  load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = load chunk' m1 b' ofs'.
+(** Integrity of pointer values. *)
+Axiom load_store_pointer_overlap:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v_b v_o m2 chunk' ofs' v,
+  store chunk m1 b ofs (Vptr v_b v_o) = Some m2 ->
+  load chunk' m2 b ofs' = Some v ->
+  ofs' <> ofs ->
+  ofs' + size_chunk chunk' > ofs ->
+  ofs + size_chunk chunk > ofs' ->
+  v = Vundef.
+Axiom load_store_pointer_mismatch:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v_b v_o m2 chunk' v,
+  store chunk m1 b ofs (Vptr v_b v_o) = Some m2 ->
+  load chunk' m2 b ofs = Some v ->
+  chunk <> Mint32 \/ chunk' <> Mint32 ->
+  v = Vundef.
+Axiom load_pointer_store:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk' b' ofs' v_b v_o,
+  load chunk' m2 b' ofs' = Some(Vptr v_b v_o) ->
+  (chunk = Mint32 /\ v = Vptr v_b v_o /\ chunk' = Mint32 /\ b' = b /\ ofs' = ofs)
+  \/ (b' <> b \/ ofs' + size_chunk chunk' <= ofs \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs').
+(** Load-store properties for [loadbytes]. *)
+Axiom loadbytes_store_same:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  loadbytes m2 b ofs (size_chunk chunk) =
+  match v with
+  | Vundef => None
+  | Vint n => Some(encode_int chunk n)
+  | Vfloat n => Some(encode_float chunk n)
+  | Vptr _ _ => None
+  end.
+Axiom loadbytes_store_other:
+  forall chunk m1 b ofs v m2, store chunk m1 b ofs v = Some m2 ->
+  forall b' ofs' n,
+  b' <> b \/ n <= 0 \/ ofs' + n <= ofs \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= ofs' ->
+  loadbytes m2 b' ofs' n = loadbytes m1 b' ofs' n.
+(** [store] is insensitive to the signedness or the high bits of
+  small integer quantities. *)
+Axiom store_signed_unsigned_8:
+  forall m b ofs v,
+  store Mint8signed m b ofs v = store Mint8unsigned m b ofs v.
+Axiom store_signed_unsigned_16:
+  forall m b ofs v,
+  store Mint16signed m b ofs v = store Mint16unsigned m b ofs v.
+Axiom store_int8_zero_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint8unsigned m b ofs (Vint (Int.zero_ext 8 n)) =
+  store Mint8unsigned m b ofs (Vint n).
+Axiom store_int8_sign_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint8signed m b ofs (Vint (Int.sign_ext 8 n)) =
+  store Mint8signed m b ofs (Vint n).
+Axiom store_int16_zero_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint16unsigned m b ofs (Vint (Int.zero_ext 16 n)) =
+  store Mint16unsigned m b ofs (Vint n).
+Axiom store_int16_sign_ext:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mint16signed m b ofs (Vint (Int.sign_ext 16 n)) =
+  store Mint16signed m b ofs (Vint n).
+Axiom store_float32_truncate:
+  forall m b ofs n,
+  store Mfloat32 m b ofs (Vfloat (Float.singleoffloat n)) =
+  store Mfloat32 m b ofs (Vfloat n).
+(** ** Properties of [alloc]. *)
+(** The identifier of the freshly allocated block is the next block
+  of the initial memory state. *)
+Axiom alloc_result:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  b = nextblock m1.
+(** Effect of [alloc] on block validity. *)
+Axiom nextblock_alloc:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  nextblock m2 = Zsucc (nextblock m1).
+Axiom valid_block_alloc:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall b', valid_block m1 b' -> valid_block m2 b'.
+Axiom fresh_block_alloc:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  ~(valid_block m1 b).
+Axiom valid_new_block:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  valid_block m2 b.
+Axiom valid_block_alloc_inv:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall b', valid_block m2 b' -> b' = b \/ valid_block m1 b'.
+(** Effect of [alloc] on permissions. *)
+Axiom perm_alloc_1:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall b' ofs p, perm m1 b' ofs p -> perm m2 b' ofs p.
+Axiom perm_alloc_2:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall ofs, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m2 b ofs Freeable.
+Axiom perm_alloc_3:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall ofs p, ofs < lo \/ hi <= ofs -> ~perm m2 b ofs p.
+Axiom perm_alloc_inv:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall b' ofs p, 
+  perm m2 b' ofs p ->
+  if zeq b' b then lo <= ofs < hi else perm m1 b' ofs p.
+(** Effect of [alloc] on access validity. *)
+Axiom valid_access_alloc_other:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk b' ofs p,
+  valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs p ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs p.
+Axiom valid_access_alloc_same:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk ofs,
+  lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs Freeable.
+Axiom valid_access_alloc_inv:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk b' ofs p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk b' ofs p ->
+  if eq_block b' b
+  then lo <= ofs /\ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi /\ (align_chunk chunk | ofs)
+  else valid_access m1 chunk b' ofs p.
+(** Effect of [alloc] on bounds. *)
+Axiom bounds_alloc:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall b', bounds m2 b' = if eq_block b' b then (lo, hi) else bounds m1 b'.
+Axiom bounds_alloc_same:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  bounds m2 b = (lo, hi).
+Axiom bounds_alloc_other:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall b', b' <> b -> bounds m2 b' = bounds m1 b'.
+(** Load-alloc properties. *)
+Axiom load_alloc_unchanged:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk b' ofs,
+  valid_block m1 b' ->
+  load chunk m2 b' ofs = load chunk m1 b' ofs.
+Axiom load_alloc_other:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk b' ofs v,
+  load chunk m1 b' ofs = Some v ->
+  load chunk m2 b' ofs = Some v.
+Axiom load_alloc_same:
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk ofs v,
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v ->
+  v = Vundef.
+Axiom load_alloc_same':
+  forall m1 lo hi m2 b, alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
+  forall chunk ofs,
+  lo <= ofs -> ofs + size_chunk chunk <= hi -> (align_chunk chunk | ofs) ->
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = Some Vundef.
+(** ** Properties of [free]. *)
+(** [free] succeeds if and only if the correspond range of addresses
+  has [Freeable] permission. *)
+Axiom range_perm_free:
+  forall m1 b lo hi,
+  range_perm m1 b lo hi Freeable ->
+  { m2: mem | free m1 b lo hi = Some m2 }.
+Axiom free_range_perm:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  range_perm m1 bf lo hi Freeable.
+(** Block validity is preserved by [free]. *)
+Axiom nextblock_free:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  nextblock m2 = nextblock m1.
+Axiom valid_block_free_1:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall b, valid_block m1 b -> valid_block m2 b.
+Axiom valid_block_free_2:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall b, valid_block m2 b -> valid_block m1 b.
+(** Effect of [free] on permissions. *)
+Axiom perm_free_1:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall b ofs p,
+  b <> bf \/ ofs < lo \/ hi <= ofs ->
+  perm m1 b ofs p ->
+  perm m2 b ofs p.
+Axiom perm_free_2:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> ~ perm m2 bf ofs p.
+Axiom perm_free_3:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall b ofs p,
+  perm m2 b ofs p -> perm m1 b ofs p.
+(** Effect of [free] on access validity. *)
+Axiom valid_access_free_1:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs p -> 
+  b <> bf \/ lo >= hi \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= lo \/ hi <= ofs ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs p.
+Axiom valid_access_free_2:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk ofs p,
+  lo < hi -> ofs + size_chunk chunk > lo -> ofs < hi ->
+  ~(valid_access m2 chunk bf ofs p).
+Axiom valid_access_free_inv_1:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk b ofs p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk b ofs p ->
+  valid_access m1 chunk b ofs p.
+Axiom valid_access_free_inv_2:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk ofs p,
+  valid_access m2 chunk bf ofs p ->
+  lo >= hi \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= lo \/ hi <= ofs.
+(** [free] preserves bounds. *)
+Axiom bounds_free:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall b, bounds m2 b = bounds m1 b.
+(** Load-free properties *)
+Axiom load_free:
+  forall m1 bf lo hi m2, free m1 bf lo hi = Some m2 ->
+  forall chunk b ofs,
+  b <> bf \/ lo >= hi \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= lo \/ hi <= ofs ->
+  load chunk m2 b ofs = load chunk m1 b ofs.
+(** * Relating two memory states. *)
+(** ** Memory extensions *)
+(**  A store [m2] extends a store [m1] if [m2] can be obtained from [m1]
+  by relaxing the permissions of [m1] (for instance, allocating larger
+  blocks) and replacing some of the [Vundef] values stored in [m1] by
+  more defined values stored in [m2] at the same addresses. *)
+Parameter extends: mem -> mem -> Prop.
+Axiom extends_refl:
+  forall m, extends m m.
+Axiom load_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 b ofs v1,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  load chunk m1 b ofs = Some v1 ->
+  exists v2, load chunk m2 b ofs = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
+Axiom loadv_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 addr1 addr2 v1,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  loadv chunk m1 addr1 = Some v1 ->
+  Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 ->
+  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 addr2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
+Axiom store_within_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 b ofs v1 m1' v2,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b ofs v1 = Some m1' ->
+  Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
+  exists m2',
+     store chunk m2 b ofs v2 = Some m2'
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+Axiom store_outside_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 b ofs v m2',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
+  ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b \/ high_bound m1 b <= ofs ->
+  extends m1 m2'.
+Axiom storev_extends:
+  forall chunk m1 m2 addr1 v1 m1' addr2 v2,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  storev chunk m1 addr1 v1 = Some m1' ->
+  Val.lessdef addr1 addr2 ->
+  Val.lessdef v1 v2 ->
+  exists m2',
+     storev chunk m2 addr2 v2 = Some m2'
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+Axiom alloc_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 lo1 hi1 b m1' lo2 hi2,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b) ->
+  lo2 <= lo1 -> hi1 <= hi2 ->
+  exists m2',
+     alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b)
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+Axiom free_left_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b lo hi m1',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  free m1 b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+  extends m1' m2.
+Axiom free_right_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b lo hi m2',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> ~perm m1 b ofs p) ->
+  extends m1 m2'.
+Axiom free_parallel_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b lo hi m1',
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  free m1 b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+  exists m2',
+     free m2 b lo hi = Some m2'
+  /\ extends m1' m2'.
+Axiom valid_block_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b,
+  extends m1 m2 ->
+  (valid_block m1 b <-> valid_block m2 b).
+Axiom perm_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 b ofs p,
+  extends m1 m2 -> perm m1 b ofs p -> perm m2 b ofs p.
+Axiom valid_access_extends:
+  forall m1 m2 chunk b ofs p,
+  extends m1 m2 -> valid_access m1 chunk b ofs p -> valid_access m2 chunk b ofs p.
+(** * Memory injections *)
+(** A memory injection [f] is a function from addresses to either [None]
+  or [Some] of an address and an offset.  It defines a correspondence
+  between the blocks of two memory states [m1] and [m2]:
+- if [f b = None], the block [b] of [m1] has no equivalent in [m2];
+- if [f b = Some(b', ofs)], the block [b] of [m2] corresponds to
+  a sub-block at offset [ofs] of the block [b'] in [m2].
+A memory injection [f] defines a relation [val_inject] between values
+that is the identity for integer and float values, and relocates pointer 
+values as prescribed by [f].  (See module [Values].)
+Likewise, a memory injection [f] defines a relation between memory states 
+that we now axiomatize. *)
+Parameter inject: meminj -> mem -> mem -> Prop.
+Axiom valid_block_inject_1:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_block m1 b1.
+Axiom valid_block_inject_2:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_block m2 b2.
+Axiom perm_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 delta ofs p,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  perm m1 b1 ofs p -> perm m2 b2 (ofs + delta) p.
+Axiom valid_access_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta p,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_access m1 chunk b1 ofs p ->
+  valid_access m2 chunk b2 (ofs + delta) p.
+Axiom valid_pointer_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 ofs b2 delta,
+  f b1 = Some(b2, delta) ->
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_pointer m1 b1 ofs = true ->
+  valid_pointer m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = true.
+Axiom address_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 ofs1 b2 delta,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  perm m1 b1 (Int.signed ofs1) Nonempty ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta)) = Int.signed ofs1 + delta.
+Axiom valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow:
+  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' x,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
+  f b = Some(b', x) ->
+  Int.min_signed <= Int.signed ofs + Int.signed (Int.repr x) <= Int.max_signed.
+Axiom valid_pointer_inject_val:
+  forall f m1 m2 b ofs b' ofs',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  valid_pointer m1 b (Int.signed ofs) = true ->
+  val_inject f (Vptr b ofs) (Vptr b' ofs') ->
+  valid_pointer m2 b' (Int.signed ofs') = true.
+Axiom inject_no_overlap:
+  forall f m1 m2 b1 b2 b1' b2' delta1 delta2 ofs1 ofs2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  b1 <> b2 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
+  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
+  perm m1 b1 ofs1 Nonempty ->
+  perm m1 b2 ofs2 Nonempty ->
+  b1' <> b2' \/ ofs1 + delta1 <> ofs2 + delta2.
+Axiom different_pointers_inject:
+  forall f m m' b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 b1' delta1 b2' delta2,
+  inject f m m' ->
+  b1 <> b2 ->
+  valid_pointer m b1 (Int.signed ofs1) = true ->
+  valid_pointer m b2 (Int.signed ofs2) = true ->
+  f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) ->
+  f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) ->
+  b1' <> b2' \/
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta1)) <>
+  Int.signed (Int.add ofs2 (Int.repr delta2)).
+Axiom load_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b1 ofs b2 delta v1,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  load chunk m1 b1 ofs = Some v1 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  exists v2, load chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
+Axiom loadv_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk a1 a2 v1,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  loadv chunk m1 a1 = Some v1 ->
+  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
+  exists v2, loadv chunk m2 a2 = Some v2 /\ val_inject f v1 v2.
+Axiom store_mapped_inject:
+  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2 b2 delta v2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
+  f b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+  exists n2,
+    store chunk m2 b2 (ofs + delta) v2 = Some n2
+    /\ inject f n1 n2.
+Axiom store_unmapped_inject:
+  forall f chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 n1 m2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  store chunk m1 b1 ofs v1 = Some n1 ->
+  f b1 = None ->
+  inject f n1 m2.
+Axiom store_outside_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 chunk b ofs v m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  (forall b' delta,
+    f b' = Some(b, delta) ->
+    high_bound m1 b' + delta <= ofs
+    \/ ofs + size_chunk chunk <= low_bound m1 b' + delta) ->
+  store chunk m2 b ofs v = Some m2' ->
+  inject f m1 m2'.
+Axiom storev_mapped_inject:
+  forall f chunk m1 a1 v1 n1 m2 a2 v2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  storev chunk m1 a1 v1 = Some n1 ->
+  val_inject f a1 a2 ->
+  val_inject f v1 v2 ->
+  exists n2,
+    storev chunk m2 a2 v2 = Some n2 /\ inject f n1 n2.
+Axiom alloc_right_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi b2 m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m2 lo hi = (m2', b2) ->
+  inject f m1 m2'.
+Axiom alloc_left_unmapped_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b1,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
+  exists f',
+     inject f' m1' m2
+  /\ inject_incr f f'
+  /\ f' b1 = None
+  /\ (forall b, b <> b1 -> f' b = f b).
+Definition inj_offset_aligned (delta: Z) (size: Z) : Prop :=
+  forall chunk, size_chunk chunk <= size -> (align_chunk chunk | delta).
+Axiom alloc_left_mapped_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo hi m1' b1 b2 delta,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo hi = (m1', b1) ->
+  valid_block m2 b2 ->
+  Int.min_signed <= delta <= Int.max_signed ->
+  delta = 0 \/ Int.min_signed <= low_bound m2 b2 /\ high_bound m2 b2 <= Int.max_signed ->
+  (forall ofs p, lo <= ofs < hi -> perm m2 b2 (ofs + delta) p) ->
+  inj_offset_aligned delta (hi-lo) ->
+  (forall b ofs, 
+   f b = Some (b2, ofs) -> 
+   high_bound m1 b + ofs <= lo + delta \/
+   hi + delta <= low_bound m1 b + ofs) ->
+  exists f',
+     inject f' m1' m2
+  /\ inject_incr f f'
+  /\ f' b1 = Some(b2, delta)
+  /\ (forall b, b <> b1 -> f' b = f b).
+Axiom alloc_parallel_inject:
+  forall f m1 m2 lo1 hi1 m1' b1 lo2 hi2,
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  alloc m1 lo1 hi1 = (m1', b1) ->
+  lo2 <= lo1 -> hi1 <= hi2 ->
+  exists f', exists m2', exists b2,
+  alloc m2 lo2 hi2 = (m2', b2)
+  /\ inject f' m1' m2'
+  /\ inject_incr f f'
+  /\ f' b1 = Some(b2, 0)
+  /\ (forall b, b <> b1 -> f' b = f b).
+Axiom free_inject:
+  forall f m1 l m1' m2 b lo hi m2',
+  inject f m1 m2 ->
+  free_list m1 l = Some m1' ->
+  free m2 b lo hi = Some m2' ->
+  (forall b1 delta ofs p,
+    f b1 = Some(b, delta) -> perm m1 b1 ofs p -> lo <= ofs + delta < hi ->
+    exists lo1, exists hi1, In (b1, lo1, hi1) l /\ lo1 <= ofs < hi1) ->
+  inject f m1' m2'.
+(** Memory states that inject into themselves. *)
+Definition flat_inj (thr: block) : meminj :=
+  fun (b: block) => if zlt b thr then Some(b, 0) else None.
+Parameter inject_neutral: forall (thr: block) (m: mem), Prop.
+Axiom neutral_inject:
+  forall m, inject_neutral (nextblock m) m ->
+  inject (flat_inj (nextblock m)) m m.
+Axiom empty_inject_neutral:
+  forall thr, inject_neutral thr empty.
+Axiom alloc_inject_neutral:
+  forall thr m lo hi b m',
+  alloc m lo hi = (m', b) ->
+  inject_neutral thr m ->
+  nextblock m < thr ->
+  inject_neutral thr m'.
+Axiom store_inject_neutral:
+  forall chunk m b ofs v m' thr,
+  store chunk m b ofs v = Some m' ->
+  inject_neutral thr m ->
+  b < thr ->
+  val_inject (flat_inj thr) v v ->
+  inject_neutral thr m'.
+End MEM.
diff --git a/common/Values.v b/common/Values.v
index 19a8077de..056cffb74 100644
--- a/common/Values.v
+++ b/common/Values.v
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ Definition Vmone: val := Vint Int.mone.
 Definition Vtrue: val := Vint
 Definition Vfalse: val := Vint
+(** * Operations over values *)
 (** The module [Val] defines a number of arithmetic and logical operations
   over type [val].  Most of these operations are straightforward extensions
   of the corresponding integer or floating-point operations. *)
@@ -984,3 +986,82 @@ Proof.
 End Val.
+(** * Values and memory injections *)
+(** A memory injection [f] is a function from addresses to either [None]
+  or [Some] of an address and an offset.  It defines a correspondence
+  between the blocks of two memory states [m1] and [m2]:
+- if [f b = None], the block [b] of [m1] has no equivalent in [m2];
+- if [f b = Some(b', ofs)], the block [b] of [m2] corresponds to
+  a sub-block at offset [ofs] of the block [b'] in [m2].
+Definition meminj : Type := block -> option (block * Z).
+(** A memory injection defines a relation between values that is the
+  identity relation, except for pointer values which are shifted
+  as prescribed by the memory injection.  Moreover, [Vundef] values
+  inject into any other value. *)
+Inductive val_inject (mi: meminj): val -> val -> Prop :=
+  | val_inject_int:
+      forall i, val_inject mi (Vint i) (Vint i)
+  | val_inject_float:
+      forall f, val_inject mi (Vfloat f) (Vfloat f)
+  | val_inject_ptr:
+      forall b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 delta,
+      mi b1 = Some (b2, delta) ->
+      ofs2 = Int.add ofs1 (Int.repr delta) ->
+      val_inject mi (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2)
+  | val_inject_undef: forall v,
+      val_inject mi Vundef v.
+Hint Resolve val_inject_int val_inject_float val_inject_ptr 
+             val_inject_undef.
+Inductive val_list_inject (mi: meminj): list val -> list val-> Prop:= 
+  | val_nil_inject :
+      val_list_inject mi nil nil
+  | val_cons_inject : forall v v' vl vl' , 
+      val_inject mi v v' -> val_list_inject mi vl vl'->
+      val_list_inject mi (v :: vl) (v' :: vl').  
+Hint Resolve val_nil_inject val_cons_inject.
+(** Monotone evolution of a memory injection. *)
+Definition inject_incr (f1 f2: meminj) : Prop :=
+  forall b b' delta, f1 b = Some(b', delta) -> f2 b = Some(b', delta).
+Lemma inject_incr_refl :
+   forall f , inject_incr f f .
+Proof. unfold inject_incr. auto. Qed.
+Lemma inject_incr_trans :
+  forall f1 f2 f3, 
+  inject_incr f1 f2 -> inject_incr f2 f3 -> inject_incr f1 f3 .
+Proof .
+  unfold inject_incr; intros. eauto. 
+Lemma val_inject_incr:
+  forall f1 f2 v v',
+  inject_incr f1 f2 ->
+  val_inject f1 v v' ->
+  val_inject f2 v v'.
+  intros. inv H0; eauto.
+Lemma val_list_inject_incr:
+  forall f1 f2 vl vl' ,
+  inject_incr f1 f2 -> val_list_inject f1 vl vl' ->
+  val_list_inject f2 vl vl'.
+  induction vl; intros; inv H0. auto.
+  constructor. eapply val_inject_incr; eauto. auto.
+Hint Resolve inject_incr_refl val_inject_incr val_list_inject_incr.
diff --git a/coq b/coq
index 19edb9a9d..97d4ca60e 100755
--- a/coq
+++ b/coq
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
 # Start coqide with the right -I options
+# Use the Makefile to rebuild dependencies if needed
+# Recompile the modified file after coqide editing
 ARCH=`sed -n -e 's/^ARCH=//p' Makefile.config`
 VARIANT=`sed -n -e 's/^VARIANT=//p' Makefile.config`
-coqide -I lib -I common -I $ARCH/$VARIANT -I $ARCH -I backend -I cfrontend $1 && make ${1}o
+make -q ${1}o || {
+  make -n ${1}o | grep -v "\\b${1}\\b" | \
+  (while read cmd; do
+    $cmd || exit 2
+   done)
+coqide -I lib -I common -I $ARCH/$VARIANT -I $ARCH -I backend -I cfrontend $1 \
+&& make ${1}o
diff --git a/driver/Complements.v b/driver/Complements.v
index 6fe503818..b76a99f95 100644
--- a/driver/Complements.v
+++ b/driver/Complements.v
@@ -51,31 +51,29 @@ Qed.
 Lemma step_internal_deterministic:
   forall ge s t1 s1 t2 s2,
-  Asm.step ge s t1 s1 -> Asm.step ge s t2 s2 -> internal_determinism _ t1 s1 t2 s2.
+  Asm.step ge s t1 s1 -> Asm.step ge s t2 s2 -> matching_traces t1 t2 ->
+  s1 = s2 /\ t1 = t2.
   intros. inv H; inv H0.
   assert (c0 = c) by congruence.
   assert (i0 = i) by congruence.
   assert (rs'0 = rs') by congruence.
   assert (m'0 = m') by congruence.
-  subst. constructor.
+  subst. auto. 
   assert (ef0 = ef) by congruence. subst ef0.
   assert (args0 = args). eapply extcall_arguments_deterministic; eauto. subst args0.
-  inv H3; inv H8.
-  assert (eargs0 = eargs). eapply eventval_list_match_deterministic; eauto. subst eargs0.
-  constructor. intros.
-  exploit eventval_match_deterministic. eexact H0. eexact H5. intros. 
-  assert (res = res0). tauto. 
-  congruence.
+  exploit external_call_determ. eexact H4. eexact H9. auto. 
+  intros [A [B C]]. subst. 
+  intuition congruence.
 Lemma initial_state_deterministic:
   forall p s1 s2,
   initial_state p s1 -> initial_state p s2 -> s1 = s2.
-  intros. inv H; inv H0. reflexivity. 
+  intros. inv H; inv H0. f_equal. congruence.
 Lemma final_state_not_step:
diff --git a/extraction/extraction.v b/extraction/extraction.v
index 6488d8b1d..e8fc57214 100644
--- a/extraction/extraction.v
+++ b/extraction/extraction.v
@@ -43,6 +43,14 @@ Extract Constant Floats.Float.div => "( /. )".
 Extract Constant Floats.Float.cmp => "Floataux.cmp".
 Extract Constant Floats.Float.eq_dec => "fun (x: float) (y: float) -> x = y".
+(* Memdata *)
+Extract Constant Memdata.big_endian => "Memdataaux.big_endian".
+Extract Constant Memdata.encode_float => "Memdataaux.encode_float".
+Extract Constant Memdata.decode_float => "Memdataaux.decode_float".
+(* Memory - work around an extraction bug. *)
+Extraction NoInline Memory.Mem.valid_pointer.
 (* Iteration *)
 Extract Constant Iteration.dependent_description' =>
   "fun x -> assert false".
diff --git a/lib/Coqlib.v b/lib/Coqlib.v
index 5375c0445..380ac7386 100644
--- a/lib/Coqlib.v
+++ b/lib/Coqlib.v
@@ -554,6 +554,27 @@ Proof.
+Lemma Zmod_recombine:
+  forall x a b,
+  a > 0 -> b > 0 ->
+  x mod (a * b) = ((x/b) mod a) * b + (x mod b).
+  intros. 
+  set (xb := x/b). 
+  apply Zmod_unique with (xb/a).
+  generalize (Z_div_mod_eq x b H0); fold xb; intro EQ1.
+  generalize (Z_div_mod_eq xb a H); intro EQ2.
+  rewrite EQ2 in EQ1. 
+  eapply trans_eq. eexact EQ1. ring.
+  generalize (Z_mod_lt x b H0). intro. 
+  generalize (Z_mod_lt xb a H). intro.
+  assert (0 <= xb mod a * b <= a * b - b).
+    split. apply Zmult_le_0_compat; omega.
+    replace (a * b - b) with ((a - 1) * b) by ring.
+    apply Zmult_le_compat; omega. 
+  omega.
 (** Properties of divisibility. *)
 Lemma Zdivides_trans:
@@ -573,6 +594,45 @@ Proof.
   inv H0. rewrite Z_div_mult; auto. ring.
+(** Conversion from [Z] to [nat]. *)
+Definition nat_of_Z (z: Z) : nat :=
+  match z with
+  | Z0 => O
+  | Zpos p => nat_of_P p
+  | Zneg p => O
+  end.
+Lemma nat_of_Z_max:
+  forall z, Z_of_nat (nat_of_Z z) = Zmax z 0.
+  intros. unfold Zmax. destruct z; simpl; auto.
+  symmetry. apply Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P.
+Lemma nat_of_Z_eq:
+  forall z, z >= 0 -> Z_of_nat (nat_of_Z z) = z.
+  intros. rewrite nat_of_Z_max. apply Zmax_left. auto.
+Lemma nat_of_Z_neg:
+  forall n, n <= 0 -> nat_of_Z n = O.
+  destruct n; unfold Zle; simpl; auto. congruence.
+Lemma nat_of_Z_plus:
+  forall p q,
+  p >= 0 -> q >= 0 ->
+  nat_of_Z (p + q) = (nat_of_Z p + nat_of_Z q)%nat.
+  intros. 
+  apply inj_eq_rev. rewrite inj_plus.
+  repeat rewrite nat_of_Z_eq; auto. omega.
 (** Alignment: [align n amount] returns the smallest multiple of [amount]
   greater than or equal to [n]. *)
@@ -817,6 +877,18 @@ Proof.
   auto. rewrite IHl1. auto.
+Lemma list_append_map_inv:
+  forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m1 m2: list B) (l: list A),
+ f l = m1 ++ m2 ->
+  exists l1, exists l2, f l1 = m1 /\ f l2 = m2 /\ l = l1 ++ l2.
+  induction m1; simpl; intros.
+  exists (@nil A); exists l; auto.
+  destruct l; simpl in H; inv H. 
+  exploit IHm1; eauto. intros [l1 [l2 [P [Q R]]]]. subst l. 
+  exists (a0 :: l1); exists l2; intuition. simpl; congruence.
 (** Properties of list membership. *)
 Lemma in_cns:
@@ -1050,6 +1122,14 @@ Inductive list_forall2: list A -> list B -> Prop :=
       list_forall2 al bl ->
       list_forall2 (a1 :: al) (b1 :: bl).
+Lemma list_forall2_app:
+  forall a2 b2 a1 b1,
+  list_forall2 a1 b1 -> list_forall2 a2 b2 -> 
+  list_forall2 (a1 ++ a2) (b1 ++ b2).
+  induction 1; intros; simpl. auto. constructor; auto. 
 Lemma list_forall2_imply:
@@ -1095,6 +1175,26 @@ Proof.
   destruct l; simpl; auto.
+(** A list of [n] elements, all equal to [x]. *)
+Fixpoint list_repeat {A: Type} (n: nat) (x: A) {struct n} :=
+  match n with
+  | O => nil
+  | S m => x :: list_repeat m x
+  end.
+Lemma length_list_repeat:
+  forall (A: Type) n (x: A), length (list_repeat n x) = n.
+  induction n; simpl; intros. auto. decEq; auto.
+Lemma in_list_repeat:
+  forall (A: Type) n (x: A) y, In y (list_repeat n x) -> y = x.
+  induction n; simpl; intros. elim H. destruct H; auto.
 (** * Definitions and theorems over boolean types *)
 Definition proj_sumbool (P Q: Prop) (a: {P} + {Q}) : bool :=
@@ -1110,6 +1210,12 @@ Proof.
   intros P Q a. destruct a; simpl. auto. congruence.
+Lemma proj_sumbool_is_true:
+  forall (P: Prop) (a: {P}+{~P}), P -> proj_sumbool a = true.
+  intros. unfold proj_sumbool. destruct a. auto. contradiction. 
 Variable A: Type.
@@ -1141,3 +1247,24 @@ Proof.
+Variable P: Prop.
+Variable dec: {P} + {~P}.
+Variable A: Type.
+Lemma pred_dec_true:
+  forall (a b: A), P -> (if dec then a else b) = a.
+  intros. destruct dec. auto. contradiction.
+Lemma pred_dec_false:
+  forall (a b: A), ~P -> (if dec then a else b) = b.
+  intros. destruct dec. contradiction. auto.
diff --git a/lib/Integers.v b/lib/Integers.v
index fb6eee23e..b443d5435 100644
--- a/lib/Integers.v
+++ b/lib/Integers.v
@@ -2670,15 +2670,15 @@ Qed.
 End Make.
-(** * Specialization to 32-bit integers. *)
+(** * Specialization to 32-bit integers and to bytes. *)
-Module IntWordsize.
+Module Wordsize_32.
   Definition wordsize := 32%nat.
   Remark wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat.
   Proof. unfold wordsize; congruence. Qed.
-End IntWordsize.
+End Wordsize_32.
-Module Int := Make(IntWordsize).
+Module Int := Make(Wordsize_32).
 Notation int :=
@@ -2688,5 +2688,12 @@ Proof.
   exists (two_p (32-5)); reflexivity. 
+Module Wordsize_8.
+  Definition wordsize := 8%nat.
+  Remark wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat.
+  Proof. unfold wordsize; congruence. Qed.
+End Wordsize_8.
+Module Byte := Integers.Make(Wordsize_8).
+Notation byte :=
diff --git a/lib/Intv.v b/lib/Intv.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..834f83d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Intv.v
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*              The Compcert verified compiler                         *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*          Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt                     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(*  Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en     *)
+(*  Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed       *)
+(*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *)
+(*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or  *)
+(*  (at your option) any later version.  This file is also distributed *)
+(*  under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement.     *)
+(*                                                                     *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Definitions and theorems about semi-open integer intervals *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Zwf.
+Require Coq.Program.Wf.
+Require Recdef.
+Definition interv : Type := (Z * Z)%type.
+(** * Membership *)
+Definition In (x: Z) (i: interv) : Prop := fst i <= x < snd i.
+Lemma In_dec:
+  forall x i, {In x i} + {~In x i}.
+  unfold In; intros.
+  case (zle (fst i) x); intros. 
+  case (zlt x (snd i)); intros.
+  left; auto.
+  right; intuition. 
+  right; intuition.
+Lemma notin_range: 
+  forall x i,
+  x < fst i \/ x >= snd i -> ~In x i.
+  unfold In; intros; omega. 
+Lemma range_notin:
+  forall x i,
+  ~In x i -> fst i < snd i -> x < fst i \/ x >= snd i.
+  unfold In; intros; omega.
+(** * Emptyness *)
+Definition empty (i: interv) : Prop := fst i >= snd i.
+Lemma empty_dec:
+  forall i, {empty i} + {~empty i}.
+  unfold empty; intros. 
+  case (zle (snd i) (fst i)); intros.
+  left; omega.
+  right; omega.
+Lemma is_notempty:
+  forall i, fst i < snd i -> ~empty i.
+  unfold empty; intros; omega.
+Lemma empty_notin:
+  forall x i, empty i -> ~In x i.
+  unfold empty, In; intros. omega.
+Lemma in_notempty:
+  forall x i, In x i -> ~empty i.
+  unfold empty, In; intros. omega.
+(** * Disjointness *)
+Definition disjoint (i j: interv) : Prop :=
+  forall x, In x i -> ~In x j.
+Lemma disjoint_sym:
+  forall i j, disjoint i j -> disjoint j i.
+  unfold disjoint; intros; red; intros. elim (H x); auto. 
+Lemma empty_disjoint_r:
+  forall i j, empty j -> disjoint i j.
+  unfold disjoint; intros. apply empty_notin; auto.
+Lemma empty_disjoint_l:
+  forall i j, empty i -> disjoint i j.
+  intros. apply disjoint_sym. apply empty_disjoint_r; auto. 
+Lemma disjoint_range:
+  forall i j,
+  snd i <= fst j \/ snd j <= fst i -> disjoint i j.
+  unfold disjoint, In; intros. omega.
+Lemma range_disjoint:
+  forall i j,
+  disjoint i j ->
+  empty i \/ empty j \/ snd i <= fst j \/ snd j <= fst i.
+  unfold disjoint, empty; intros.
+  destruct (zlt (fst i) (snd i)); auto.
+  destruct (zlt (fst j) (snd j)); auto.
+  right; right.
+  destruct (zlt (fst i) (fst j)).
+(* Case 1: i starts to the left of j. *)
+  destruct (zle (snd i) (fst j)).
+(* Case 1.1: i ends to the left of j, OK *)
+  auto.
+(* Case 1.2: i ends to the right of j's start, not disjoint. *)
+  elim (H (fst j)). red; omega. red; omega.
+(* Case 2: j starts to the left of i *)
+  destruct (zle (snd j) (fst i)).
+(* Case 2.1: j ends to the left of i, OK *)
+  auto.
+(* Case 2.2: j ends to the right of i's start, not disjoint. *)
+  elim (H (fst i)). red; omega. red; omega.
+Lemma range_disjoint':
+  forall i j,
+  disjoint i j -> fst i < snd i -> fst j < snd j ->
+  snd i <= fst j \/ snd j <= fst i.
+  intros. exploit range_disjoint; eauto. unfold empty; intuition omega.
+Lemma disjoint_dec:
+  forall i j, {disjoint i j} + {~disjoint i j}.
+  intros. 
+  destruct (empty_dec i). left; apply empty_disjoint_l; auto.
+  destruct (empty_dec j). left; apply empty_disjoint_r; auto.
+  destruct (zle (snd i) (fst j)). left; apply disjoint_range; auto.
+  destruct (zle (snd j) (fst i)). left; apply disjoint_range; auto.
+  right; red; intro. exploit range_disjoint; eauto. intuition. 
+(** * Shifting an interval by some amount *)
+Definition shift (i: interv) (delta: Z) : interv := (fst i + delta, snd i + delta).
+Lemma in_shift:
+  forall x i delta,
+  In x i -> In (x + delta) (shift i delta).
+  unfold shift, In; intros. simpl. omega.
+Lemma in_shift_inv:
+  forall x i delta,
+  In x (shift i delta) -> In (x - delta) i.
+  unfold shift, In; simpl; intros. omega. 
+(** * Enumerating the elements of an interval *)
+Section ELEMENTS.
+Variable lo: Z.
+Function elements_rec (hi: Z) {wf (Zwf lo) hi} : list Z :=
+  if zlt lo hi then (hi-1) :: elements_rec (hi-1) else nil.
+  intros. red. omega. 
+  apply Zwf_well_founded.
+Lemma In_elements_rec:
+  forall hi x,
+  List.In x (elements_rec hi) <-> lo <= x < hi.
+  intros. functional induction (elements_rec hi). 
+  simpl; split; intros.
+  destruct H. clear IHl. omega. rewrite IHl in H. clear IHl. omega.
+  destruct (zeq (hi - 1) x); auto. right. rewrite IHl. clear IHl. omega.
+  simpl; intuition. 
+Definition elements (i: interv) : list Z :=
+  elements_rec (fst i) (snd i).
+Lemma in_elements:
+  forall x i,
+  In x i -> List.In x (elements i).
+  intros. unfold elements. rewrite In_elements_rec. auto.
+Lemma elements_in:
+  forall x i,
+  List.In x (elements i) -> In x i.
+  unfold elements; intros. 
+  rewrite In_elements_rec in H. auto. 
+(** * Checking properties on all elements of an interval *)
+Section FORALL.
+Variables P Q: Z -> Prop.
+Variable f: forall (x: Z), {P x} + {Q x}.
+Variable lo: Z.
+Program Fixpoint forall_rec (hi: Z) {wf (Zwf lo) hi}:
+                 {forall x, lo <= x < hi -> P x}
+                 + {exists x, lo <= x < hi /\ Q x} :=
+  if zlt lo hi then
+    match f (hi - 1) with
+    | left _ =>
+        match forall_rec (hi - 1) with
+        | left _ => left _ _
+        | right _ => right _ _
+        end
+    | right _ => right _ _
+    end
+  else
+    left _ _
+Next Obligation.
+  red. omega. 
+Next Obligation.
+  assert (x = hi - 1 \/ x < hi - 1) by omega.
+  destruct H2. congruence. auto. 
+Next Obligation.
+  elim wildcard'0. intros y [A B]. exists y; split; auto. omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  exists (hi - 1); split; auto. omega.
+Next Obligation.
+  omegaContradiction.
+Next Obligation.
+  apply Zwf_well_founded.
+Definition forall_dec
+       (P Q: Z -> Prop) (f: forall (x: Z), {P x} + {Q x}) (i: interv) :
+       {forall x, In x i -> P x} + {exists x, In x i /\ Q x} :=
+ forall_rec P Q f (fst i) (snd i).
+(** * Folding a function over all elements of an interval *)
+Section FOLD.
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable f: Z -> A -> A.
+Variable lo: Z.
+Variable a: A.
+Function fold_rec (hi: Z) {wf (Zwf lo) hi} : A :=
+  if zlt lo hi then f (hi - 1) (fold_rec (hi - 1)) else a.
+  intros. red. omega. 
+  apply Zwf_well_founded.
+Lemma fold_rec_elements:
+  forall hi, fold_rec hi = List.fold_right f a (elements_rec lo hi).
+  intros. functional induction (fold_rec hi).
+  rewrite elements_rec_equation. rewrite zlt_true; auto. 
+  simpl. congruence. 
+  rewrite elements_rec_equation. rewrite zlt_false; auto. 
+End FOLD.
+Definition fold {A: Type} (f: Z -> A -> A) (a: A) (i: interv) : A :=
+  fold_rec A f (fst i) a (snd i).
+Lemma fold_elements:
+  forall (A: Type) (f: Z -> A -> A) a i,
+  fold f a i = List.fold_right f a (elements i).
+  intros. unfold fold, elements. apply fold_rec_elements. 
+(** Hints *)
+Hint Resolve
+  notin_range range_notin
+  is_notempty empty_notin in_notempty
+  disjoint_sym empty_disjoint_r empty_disjoint_l
+  disjoint_range
+  in_shift in_shift_inv
+  in_elements elements_in : intv.
diff --git a/lib/Maps.v b/lib/Maps.v
index 4c0bd5078..cdee00cd0 100644
--- a/lib/Maps.v
+++ b/lib/Maps.v
@@ -124,6 +124,17 @@ Module Type TREE.
   Hypothesis elements_keys_norepet:
     forall (A: Type) (m: t A), 
     list_norepet ( (@fst elt A) (elements m)).
+  Hypothesis elements_canonical_order:
+    forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) (m: t A) (n: t B),
+    (forall i x, get i m = Some x -> exists y, get i n = Some y /\ R x y) ->
+    (forall i y, get i n = Some y -> exists x, get i m = Some x /\ R x y) ->
+    list_forall2
+      (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y))
+      (elements m) (elements n).
+  Hypothesis elements_extensional:
+    forall (A: Type) (m n: t A),
+    (forall i, get i m = get i n) ->
+    elements m = elements n.
   (** Folding a function over all bindings of a tree. *)
   Variable fold:
@@ -901,6 +912,72 @@ Module PTree <: TREE.
     intros. change (list_norepet (xkeys m 1)). apply xelements_keys_norepet.
+  Theorem elements_canonical_order:
+    forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) (m: t A) (n: t B),
+    (forall i x, get i m = Some x -> exists y, get i n = Some y /\ R x y) ->
+    (forall i y, get i n = Some y -> exists x, get i m = Some x /\ R x y) ->
+    list_forall2
+      (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y))
+      (elements m) (elements n).
+  Proof.
+    intros until R.
+    assert (forall m n j,
+    (forall i x, get i m = Some x -> exists y, get i n = Some y /\ R x y) ->
+    (forall i y, get i n = Some y -> exists x, get i m = Some x /\ R x y) ->
+    list_forall2
+      (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y))
+      (xelements m j) (xelements n j)).
+    induction m; induction n; intros; simpl.
+    constructor.
+    destruct o. exploit (H0 xH). simpl. reflexivity. simpl. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence.
+    change (@nil (positive*A)) with ((@nil (positive * A))++nil).
+    apply list_forall2_app.
+    apply IHn1.
+    intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence.
+    intros. exploit (H0 (xO i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence.
+    apply IHn2.
+    intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence.
+    intros. exploit (H0 (xI i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence.
+    destruct o. exploit (H xH). simpl. reflexivity. simpl. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence.
+    change (@nil (positive*B)) with (xelements (@Leaf B) (append j 2) ++ (xelements (@Leaf B) (append j 3))).
+    apply list_forall2_app.
+    apply IHm1.
+    intros. exploit (H (xO i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [y [P Q]]. congruence.
+    intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence.
+    apply IHm2.
+    intros. exploit (H (xI i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [y [P Q]]. congruence.
+    intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence.
+    exploit (IHm1 n1 (append j 2)). 
+    intros. exploit (H (xO i)). simpl; eauto. simpl. auto.
+    intros. exploit (H0 (xO i)). simpl; eauto. simpl; auto.
+    intro REC1.
+    exploit (IHm2 n2 (append j 3)). 
+    intros. exploit (H (xI i)). simpl; eauto. simpl. auto.
+    intros. exploit (H0 (xI i)). simpl; eauto. simpl; auto.
+    intro REC2.
+    destruct o; destruct o0.
+    apply list_forall2_app; auto. constructor; auto. 
+    simpl; split; auto. exploit (H xH). simpl; eauto. simpl. intros [y [P Q]]. congruence.
+    exploit (H xH). simpl; eauto. simpl. intros [y [P Q]]; congruence.
+    exploit (H0 xH). simpl; eauto. simpl. intros [x [P Q]]; congruence.
+    apply list_forall2_app; auto.
+    unfold elements; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem elements_extensional:
+    forall (A: Type) (m n: t A),
+    (forall i, get i m = get i n) ->
+    elements m = elements n.
+  Proof.
+    intros. 
+    exploit (elements_canonical_order (fun (x y: A) => x = y) m n). 
+    intros. rewrite H in H0. exists x; auto.
+    intros. rewrite <- H in H0. exists y; auto.
+    induction 1. auto. destruct a1 as [a2 a3]; destruct b1 as [b2 b3]; simpl in *.
+    destruct H0. congruence.
+  Qed.
   Definition fold (A B : Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) (tr: t A) (v: B) :=
      List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (elements tr) v.
diff --git a/powerpc/Asm.v b/powerpc/Asm.v
index 60c3d34d6..fe6cf8640 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asm.v
+++ b/powerpc/Asm.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Inductive instruction : Type :=
   | Peqv: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction                 (**r bitwise not-xor *)
   | Pextsb: ireg -> ireg -> instruction                       (**r 8-bit sign extension *)
   | Pextsh: ireg -> ireg -> instruction                       (**r 16-bit sign extension *)
-  | Pfreeframe: int -> instruction                            (**r deallocate stack frame and restore previous frame *)
+  | Pfreeframe: Z -> Z -> int -> instruction                  (**r deallocate stack frame and restore previous frame *)
   | Pfabs: freg -> freg -> instruction                        (**r float absolute value *)
   | Pfadd: freg -> freg -> freg -> instruction                (**r float addition *)
   | Pfcmpu: freg -> freg -> instruction                       (**r float comparison *)
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ lbl:    .long   0x43300000, 0x00000000
   This cannot be expressed in our memory model, which does not reflect
   the fact that stack frames are adjacent and allocated/freed
   following a stack discipline.
-- [Pfreeframe ofs]: in the formal semantics, this pseudo-instruction
+- [Pfreeframe lo hi ofs]: in the formal semantics, this pseudo-instruction
   reads the word at offset [ofs] in the block pointed by [r1] (the
   stack pointer), frees this block, and sets [r1] to the value of the
   word at offset [ofs].  In the printed PowerPC assembly code, this
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ Module Pregmap := EMap(PregEq).
   [Vzero] or [Vone]. *)
 Definition regset := Pregmap.t val.
-Definition genv := Genv.t fundef.
+Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
 Notation "a # b" := (a b) (at level 1, only parsing).
 Notation "a # b <- c" := (Pregmap.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level).
@@ -651,12 +651,16 @@ Definition exec_instr (c: code) (i: instruction) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : outcome
       OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.sign_ext 8 rs#r1))) m
   | Pextsh rd r1 =>
       OK (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Val.sign_ext 16 rs#r1))) m
-  | Pfreeframe ofs =>
+  | Pfreeframe lo hi ofs =>
       match Mem.loadv Mint32 m (Val.add rs#GPR1 (Vint ofs)) with
       | None => Error
       | Some v =>
           match rs#GPR1 with
-          | Vptr stk ofs => OK (nextinstr (rs#GPR1 <- v)) ( m stk)
+          | Vptr stk ofs =>
+              match m stk lo hi with
+              | None => Error
+              | Some m' => OK (nextinstr (rs#GPR1 <- v)) m'
+              end
           | _ => Error
@@ -874,23 +878,23 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
       exec_instr c i rs m = OK rs' m' ->
       step (State rs m) E0 (State rs' m')
   | exec_step_external:
-      forall b ef args res rs m t rs',
+      forall b ef args res rs m t rs' m',
       rs PC = Vptr b ->
       Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (External ef) ->
-      event_match ef args t res ->
+      external_call ef args m t res m' ->
       extcall_arguments rs m ef.(ef_sig) args ->
       rs' = (rs#(loc_external_result ef.(ef_sig)) <- res
                #PC <- (rs LR)) ->
-      step (State rs m) t (State rs' m).
+      step (State rs m) t (State rs' m').
 (** Execution of whole programs. *)
 Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
-  | initial_state_intro:
+  | initial_state_intro: forall m0,
+      Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
       let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
-      let m0 := Genv.init_mem p in
       let rs0 :=
         (Pregmap.init Vundef)
         # PC <- (symbol_offset ge p.(prog_main)
diff --git a/powerpc/Asmgen.v b/powerpc/Asmgen.v
index 2c65ca4de..ca42d5639 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asmgen.v
+++ b/powerpc/Asmgen.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
@@ -487,12 +487,12 @@ Definition transl_instr (f: Mach.function) (i: Mach.instruction) (k: code) :=
       Pmtctr (ireg_of r) :: 
       Plwz GPR12 (Cint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) GPR1 ::
       Pmtlr GPR12 ::
-      Pfreeframe f.(fn_link_ofs) :: 
+      Pfreeframe (-f .(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: 
       Pbctr :: k
   | Mtailcall sig (inr symb) =>
       Plwz GPR12 (Cint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) GPR1 ::
       Pmtlr GPR12 ::
-      Pfreeframe f.(fn_link_ofs) :: 
+      Pfreeframe (-f .(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: 
       Pbs symb :: k
   | Mlabel lbl =>
       Plabel lbl :: k
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ Definition transl_instr (f: Mach.function) (i: Mach.instruction) (k: code) :=
   | Mreturn =>
       Plwz GPR12 (Cint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) GPR1 ::
       Pmtlr GPR12 ::
-      Pfreeframe f.(fn_link_ofs) ::
+      Pfreeframe (-f .(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) ::
       Pblr :: k
diff --git a/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v b/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v
index a2fc6108e..5be47347f 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v
+++ b/powerpc/Asmgenproof.v
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Lemma functions_translated:
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
   exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = Errors.OK tf.
-  (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef TRANSF).
+  (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial transf_fundef _ TRANSF).
 Lemma functions_transl:
   forall f b,
@@ -776,13 +776,25 @@ Proof.
   rewrite <- H. apply eval_operation_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
+Remark loadv_8_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m a v,
+  Mem.loadv Mint8signed m a = Some v ->
+  exists v', Mem.loadv Mint8unsigned m a = Some v' /\ v = Val.sign_ext 8 v'.
+  unfold Mem.loadv; intros. destruct a; try congruence.
+  generalize (Mem.load_int8_signed_unsigned m b (Int.signed i)).
+  rewrite H. destruct (Mem.load Mint8unsigned m b (Int.signed i)).
+  simpl; intros. exists v0; split; congruence.
+  simpl; congruence.
 Lemma exec_Mload_prop:
   forall (s : list stackframe) (fb : block) (sp : val)
          (chunk : memory_chunk) (addr : addressing) (args : list mreg)
          (dst : mreg) (c : list Mach.instruction) (ms : mreg -> val)
          (m : mem) (a v : val),
   eval_addressing ge sp addr ms ## args = Some a ->
-  loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+  Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
   exec_instr_prop (Machconcr.State s fb sp (Mload chunk addr args dst :: c) ms m)
                E0 (Machconcr.State s fb sp c (Regmap.set dst v ms) m).
@@ -797,11 +809,7 @@ Proof.
   try (eapply transl_load_correct; eauto;
        intros; simpl; unfold preg_of; rewrite H6; auto).
   (* Mint8signed *)
-  generalize (loadv_8_signed_unsigned m a).
-  rewrite H0. 
-  caseEq (loadv Mint8unsigned m a);
-  [idtac | simpl;intros;discriminate].
-  intros v' LOAD' EQ. simpl in EQ. injection EQ. intro EQ1. clear EQ.
+  exploit loadv_8_signed_unsigned; eauto. intros [v' [LOAD EQ]].
   assert (X1: forall (cst : constant) (r1 : ireg) (rs1 : regset),
     exec_instr tge (transl_function f) (Plbz (ireg_of dst) cst r1) rs1 m =
     load1 tge Mint8unsigned (preg_of dst) cst r1 rs1 m).
@@ -815,30 +823,46 @@ Proof.
                 Mint8unsigned addr args 
                 (Pextsb (ireg_of dst) (ireg_of dst) :: transl_code f c) 
                 ms sp rs m dst a v'
-                X1 X2 AG H3 H7 LOAD').
+                X1 X2 AG H3 H7 LOAD).
   intros [rs2 [EX1 AG1]].
   exists (nextinstr (rs2#(ireg_of dst) <- v)).
   split. eapply exec_straight_trans. eexact EX1.
   apply exec_straight_one. simpl. 
   rewrite <- (ireg_val _ _ _ dst AG1);auto. rewrite Regmap.gss. 
-  rewrite EQ1. reflexivity. reflexivity. 
+  rewrite EQ. reflexivity. reflexivity. 
   eauto with ppcgen.
+Lemma storev_8_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m a v,
+  Mem.storev Mint8signed m a v = Mem.storev Mint8unsigned m a v.
+  intros. unfold Mem.storev. destruct a; auto.
+  apply Mem.store_signed_unsigned_8.
+Lemma storev_16_signed_unsigned:
+  forall m a v,
+  Mem.storev Mint16signed m a v = Mem.storev Mint16unsigned m a v.
+  intros. unfold Mem.storev. destruct a; auto.
+  apply Mem.store_signed_unsigned_16.
 Lemma exec_Mstore_prop:
   forall (s : list stackframe) (fb : block) (sp : val)
          (chunk : memory_chunk) (addr : addressing) (args : list mreg)
          (src : mreg) (c : list Mach.instruction) (ms : mreg -> val)
          (m m' : mem) (a : val),
   eval_addressing ge sp addr ms ## args = Some a ->
-  storev chunk m a (ms src) = Some m' ->
+  Mem.storev chunk m a (ms src) = Some m' ->
   exec_instr_prop (Machconcr.State s fb sp (Mstore chunk addr args src :: c) ms m) E0
                   (Machconcr.State s fb sp c ms m').
   intros; red; intros; inv MS.
   generalize (wt_function_instrs _ WTF _ (INCL _ (in_eq _ _))).
   intro WTI; inversion WTI.
-  rewrite <- (eval_addressing_preserved symbols_preserved) in H.
+  rewrite <- (eval_addressing_preserved _ _ symbols_preserved) in H.
   left; eapply exec_straight_steps; eauto with coqlib. 
   destruct chunk; simpl; simpl in H6;
   try (rewrite storev_8_signed_unsigned in H0);
@@ -928,14 +952,15 @@ Qed.
 Lemma exec_Mtailcall_prop:
   forall (s : list stackframe) (fb stk : block) (soff : int)
          (sig : signature) (ros : mreg + ident) (c : list Mach.instruction)
-         (ms : Mach.regset) (m : mem) (f: Mach.function) (f' : block),
+         (ms : Mach.regset) (m : mem) (f: Mach.function) (f' : block) m',
   find_function_ptr ge ros ms = Some f' ->
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
   load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
   load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
+ m stk (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
           (Machconcr.State s fb (Vptr stk soff) (Mtailcall sig ros :: c) ms m) E0
-          (Callstate s f' ms (free m stk)).
+          (Callstate s f' ms m').
   intros; red; intros; inv MS.
   assert (f0 = f) by congruence. subst f0.
@@ -953,9 +978,9 @@ Proof.
   set (rs6 := rs5#PC <- (rs5 CTR)).
   assert (exec_straight tge (transl_function f)
             (transl_code f (Mtailcall sig (inl ident m0) :: c)) rs m 
-            (Pbctr :: transl_code f c) rs5 (free m stk)).
+            (Pbctr :: transl_code f c) rs5 m').
   simpl. apply exec_straight_step with rs2 m. 
-  simpl. rewrite <- (ireg_val _ _ _ _ AG H6). reflexivity. reflexivity.
+  simpl. rewrite <- (ireg_val _ _ _ _ AG H7). reflexivity. reflexivity.
   apply exec_straight_step with rs3 m.
   simpl. unfold load1. rewrite gpr_or_zero_not_zero. unfold const_low.
   change (rs2 GPR1) with (rs GPR1). rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ _ AG). 
@@ -966,13 +991,13 @@ Proof.
   apply exec_straight_one. 
   simpl. change (rs4 GPR1) with (rs GPR1). rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ _ AG).
   unfold load_stack in H1; simpl in H1. 
-  simpl. rewrite H1. reflexivity. reflexivity.
-  left; exists (State rs6 (free m stk)); split.
+  simpl. rewrite H1. rewrite H3. reflexivity. reflexivity.
+  left; exists (State rs6 m'); split.
   (* execution *)
   eapply plus_right'. eapply exec_straight_exec; eauto.
   change (rs5 PC) with (Val.add (Val.add (Val.add (Val.add (rs PC) Vone) Vone) Vone) Vone).
-  rewrite <- H7; simpl. eauto.
+  rewrite <- H8; simpl. eauto.
   eapply functions_transl; eauto. 
   eapply find_instr_tail.
   repeat (eapply code_tail_next_int; auto). eauto. 
@@ -983,7 +1008,7 @@ Proof.
     unfold rs4, rs3, rs2; auto 10 with ppcgen.
   assert (AG5: agree ms (parent_sp s) rs5).
     unfold rs5. apply agree_nextinstr.
-    split. reflexivity. intros. inv AG4. rewrite H12. 
+    split. reflexivity. intros. inv AG4. rewrite H13. 
     rewrite Pregmap.gso; auto with ppcgen.
   unfold rs6; auto with ppcgen.
   change (rs6 PC) with (ms m0). 
@@ -996,7 +1021,7 @@ Proof.
   set (rs5 := rs4#PC <- (Vptr f'
   assert (exec_straight tge (transl_function f)
             (transl_code f (Mtailcall sig (inr mreg i) :: c)) rs m 
-            (Pbs i :: transl_code f c) rs4 (free m stk)).
+            (Pbs i :: transl_code f c) rs4 m').
   simpl. apply exec_straight_step with rs2 m. 
   simpl. unfold load1. rewrite gpr_or_zero_not_zero. unfold const_low.
   rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ _ AG). 
@@ -1007,13 +1032,13 @@ Proof.
   apply exec_straight_one. 
   simpl. change (rs3 GPR1) with (rs GPR1). rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ _ AG).
   unfold load_stack in H1; simpl in H1.
-  simpl. rewrite H1. reflexivity. reflexivity.
-  left; exists (State rs5 (free m stk)); split.
+  simpl. rewrite H1. rewrite H3. reflexivity. reflexivity.
+  left; exists (State rs5 m'); split.
   (* execution *)
   eapply plus_right'. eapply exec_straight_exec; eauto.
   change (rs4 PC) with (Val.add (Val.add (Val.add (rs PC) Vone) Vone) Vone).
-  rewrite <- H7; simpl. eauto.
+  rewrite <- H8; simpl. eauto.
   eapply functions_transl; eauto. 
   eapply find_instr_tail.
   repeat (eapply code_tail_next_int; auto). eauto. 
@@ -1025,7 +1050,7 @@ Proof.
     unfold rs3, rs2; auto 10 with ppcgen.
   assert (AG4: agree ms (parent_sp s) rs4).
     unfold rs4. apply agree_nextinstr.
-    split. reflexivity. intros. inv AG3. rewrite H12. 
+    split. reflexivity. intros. inv AG3. rewrite H13. 
     rewrite Pregmap.gso; auto with ppcgen.
   unfold rs5; auto with ppcgen.
@@ -1191,12 +1216,13 @@ Qed.
 Lemma exec_Mreturn_prop:
   forall (s : list stackframe) (fb stk : block) (soff : int)
-         (c : list Mach.instruction) (ms : Mach.regset) (m : mem) (f: Mach.function),
+         (c : list Mach.instruction) (ms : Mach.regset) (m : mem) (f: Mach.function) m',
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
   load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
   load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
+ m stk (- f.(fn_framesize)) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
   exec_instr_prop (Machconcr.State s fb (Vptr stk soff) (Mreturn :: c) ms m) E0
-                  (Returnstate s ms (free m stk)).
+                  (Returnstate s ms m').
   intros; red; intros; inv MS.
   assert (f0 = f) by congruence. subst f0.
@@ -1206,7 +1232,7 @@ Proof.
   set (rs5 := rs4#PC <- (parent_ra s)).
   assert (exec_straight tge (transl_function f)
             (transl_code f (Mreturn :: c)) rs m 
-            (Pblr :: transl_code f c) rs4 (free m stk)).
+            (Pblr :: transl_code f c) rs4 m').
   simpl. apply exec_straight_three with rs2 m rs3 m.
   simpl. unfold load1. rewrite gpr_or_zero_not_zero. unfold const_low.
   unfold load_stack in H1. simpl in H1. 
@@ -1216,18 +1242,18 @@ Proof.
   simpl. change (rs3 GPR1) with (rs GPR1). rewrite <- (sp_val _ _ _ AG).
   unfold load_stack in H0. simpl in H0.
-  rewrite H0. reflexivity.
+  rewrite H0. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
   reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity.
-  left; exists (State rs5 (free m stk)); split.
+  left; exists (State rs5 m'); split.
   (* execution *)
-  apply plus_right' with E0 (State rs4 (free m stk)) E0.
+  apply plus_right' with E0 (State rs4 m') E0.
   eapply exec_straight_exec; eauto.
   inv AT. econstructor.
   change (rs4 PC) with (Val.add (Val.add (Val.add (rs PC) Vone) Vone) Vone). 
-  rewrite <- H3. simpl. eauto.
+  rewrite <- H4. simpl. eauto.
   apply functions_transl; eauto.
-  generalize (functions_transl_no_overflow _ _ H4); intro NOOV.
-  simpl in H5. eapply find_instr_tail. 
+  generalize (functions_transl_no_overflow _ _ H5); intro NOOV.
+  simpl in H6. eapply find_instr_tail. 
   eapply code_tail_next_int; auto.
   eapply code_tail_next_int; auto.
   eapply code_tail_next_int; eauto.
@@ -1249,7 +1275,7 @@ Lemma exec_function_internal_prop:
   forall (s : list stackframe) (fb : block) (ms : Mach.regset)
          (m : mem) (f : function) (m1 m2 m3 : mem) (stk : block),
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
-  alloc m (- fn_framesize f) (fn_stacksize f) = (m1, stk) ->
+  Mem.alloc m (- fn_framesize f) (fn_stacksize f) = (m1, stk) ->
   let sp := Vptr stk (Int.repr (- fn_framesize f)) in
   store_stack m1 sp Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) (parent_sp s) = Some m2 ->
   store_stack m2 sp Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) (parent_ra s) = Some m3 ->
@@ -1258,7 +1284,7 @@ Lemma exec_function_internal_prop:
   intros; red; intros; inv MS.
   assert (WTF: wt_function f).
-    generalize (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_fundef wt_prog H); intro TY.
+    generalize (Genv.find_funct_ptr_prop wt_fundef _ _ wt_prog H); intro TY.
     inversion TY; auto.
   exploit functions_transl; eauto. intro TFIND.
   generalize (functions_transl_no_overflow _ _ H); intro NOOV.
@@ -1307,19 +1333,19 @@ Qed.
 Lemma exec_function_external_prop:
   forall (s : list stackframe) (fb : block) (ms : Mach.regset)
          (m : mem) (t0 : trace) (ms' : RegEq.t -> val)
-         (ef : external_function) (args : list val) (res : val),
+         (ef : external_function) (args : list val) (res : val) (m': mem),
   Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (External ef) ->
-  event_match ef args t0 res ->
+  external_call ef args m t0 res m' ->
   Machconcr.extcall_arguments ms m (parent_sp s) (ef_sig ef) args ->
   ms' = Regmap.set (Conventions.loc_result (ef_sig ef)) res ms ->
   exec_instr_prop (Machconcr.Callstate s fb ms m)
-               t0 (Machconcr.Returnstate s ms' m).
+               t0 (Machconcr.Returnstate s ms' m').
   intros; red; intros; inv MS.
   exploit functions_translated; eauto.
   intros [tf [A B]]. simpl in B. inv B. 
   left; exists (State (rs#(loc_external_result (ef_sig ef)) <- res #PC <- (rs LR))
-                m); split.
+                m'); split.
   apply plus_one. eapply exec_step_external; eauto. 
   eapply extcall_arguments_match; eauto. 
   econstructor; eauto.
@@ -1367,14 +1393,14 @@ Proof.
   intros. inversion H. unfold ge0 in *.
   econstructor; split.
+  eapply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial; eauto.
   replace (symbol_offset (Genv.globalenv tprog) (prog_main tprog)
      with (Vptr fb
-  rewrite (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial _ _ TRANSF).
   econstructor; eauto. constructor.
   split. auto. intros. repeat rewrite Pregmap.gso; auto with ppcgen.
   unfold symbol_offset. 
   rewrite (transform_partial_program_main _ _ TRANSF). 
-  rewrite symbols_preserved. unfold ge; rewrite H0. auto.
+  rewrite symbols_preserved. unfold ge; rewrite H1. auto.
 Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/powerpc/Asmgenproof1.v b/powerpc/Asmgenproof1.v
index 7329e5393..60c496904 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asmgenproof1.v
+++ b/powerpc/Asmgenproof1.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/powerpc/Asmgenretaddr.v b/powerpc/Asmgenretaddr.v
index d414752c3..d55635b1d 100644
--- a/powerpc/Asmgenretaddr.v
+++ b/powerpc/Asmgenretaddr.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Locations.
diff --git a/powerpc/ConstpropOpproof.v b/powerpc/ConstpropOpproof.v
index 2e28d23f1..b5e2e8eec 100644
--- a/powerpc/ConstpropOpproof.v
+++ b/powerpc/ConstpropOpproof.v
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Op.
 Require Import Registers.
diff --git a/powerpc/Op.v b/powerpc/Op.v
index c6e196f3e..7a9aa500f 100644
--- a/powerpc/Op.v
+++ b/powerpc/Op.v
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memdata.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Set Implicit Arguments.
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ Definition offset_sp (sp: val) (delta: int) : option val :=
 Definition eval_operation
-    (F: Type) (genv: Genv.t F) (sp: val)
+    (F V: Type) (genv: Genv.t F V) (sp: val)
     (op: operation) (vl: list val): option val :=
   match op, vl with
   | Omove, v1::nil => Some v1
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ Definition eval_operation
 Definition eval_addressing
-    (F: Type) (genv: Genv.t F) (sp: val)
+    (F V: Type) (genv: Genv.t F V) (sp: val)
     (addr: addressing) (vl: list val) : option val :=
   match addr, vl with
   | Aindexed n, Vptr b1 n1 :: nil =>
@@ -360,9 +361,9 @@ Qed.
-Variable F1 F2: Type.
-Variable ge1: Genv.t F1.
-Variable ge2: Genv.t F2.
+Variable F1 F2 V1 V2: Type.
+Variable ge1: Genv.t F1 V1.
+Variable ge2: Genv.t F2 V2.
 Hypothesis agree_on_symbols:
   forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol ge2 s = Genv.find_symbol ge1 s.
@@ -480,25 +481,14 @@ Definition type_of_addressing (addr: addressing) : list typ :=
   | Ainstack _ => nil
-Definition type_of_chunk (c: memory_chunk) : typ :=
-  match c with
-  | Mint8signed => Tint
-  | Mint8unsigned => Tint
-  | Mint16signed => Tint
-  | Mint16unsigned => Tint
-  | Mint32 => Tint
-  | Mfloat32 => Tfloat
-  | Mfloat64 => Tfloat
-  end.
 (** Weak type soundness results for [eval_operation]:
   the result values, when defined, are always of the type predicted
   by [type_of_operation]. *)
-Variable A: Type.
-Variable genv: Genv.t A.
+Variable A V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t A V.
 Lemma type_of_operation_sound:
   forall op vl sp v,
@@ -548,8 +538,7 @@ Proof.
   destruct v; destruct chunk; exact I.
   intros until v. unfold Mem.loadv. 
   destruct addr; intros; try discriminate.
-  generalize (Mem.load_inv _ _ _ _ _ H0).
-  intros [X Y].  subst v.  apply H.
+  eapply Mem.load_type; eauto.
@@ -560,8 +549,8 @@ End SOUNDNESS.
-Variable F: Type.
-Variable genv: Genv.t F.
+Variable F V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
 Definition find_symbol_offset (id: ident) (ofs: int) : val :=
   match Genv.find_symbol genv id with
@@ -746,8 +735,8 @@ End EVAL_OP_TOTAL.
-Variable F: Type.
-Variable genv: Genv.t F.
+Variable F V: Type.
+Variable genv: Genv.t F V.
 Ltac InvLessdef :=
   match goal with
@@ -834,7 +823,7 @@ End EVAL_LESSDEF.
 Definition op_for_binary_addressing (addr: addressing) : operation := Oadd.
 Lemma eval_op_for_binary_addressing:
-  forall (F: Type) (ge: Genv.t F) sp addr args v,
+  forall (F V: Type) (ge: Genv.t F V) sp addr args v,
   (length args >= 2)%nat ->
   eval_addressing ge sp addr args = Some v ->
   eval_operation ge sp (op_for_binary_addressing addr) args = Some v.
diff --git a/powerpc/ b/powerpc/
index 10170f9e7..a1e5afe36 100644
--- a/powerpc/
+++ b/powerpc/
@@ -288,7 +288,8 @@ let print_instruction oc labels = function
       fprintf oc "	extsb	%a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
   | Pextsh(r1, r2) ->
       fprintf oc "	extsh	%a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
-  | Pfreeframe ofs ->
+  | Pfreeframe(lo, hi, ofs) ->
+      (* Note: could also do an add on GPR1 using lo and hi *)
       fprintf oc "	lwz	%a, %ld(%a)\n" ireg GPR1  (camlint_of_coqint ofs)  ireg GPR1
   | Pfabs(r1, r2) ->
       fprintf oc "	fabs	%a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
diff --git a/powerpc/SelectOp.v b/powerpc/SelectOp.v
index 2f4d76e50..d03645ef1 100644
--- a/powerpc/SelectOp.v
+++ b/powerpc/SelectOp.v
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Cminor.
 Require Import Op.
diff --git a/powerpc/SelectOpproof.v b/powerpc/SelectOpproof.v
index 2736e9e92..d4a45dab8 100644
--- a/powerpc/SelectOpproof.v
+++ b/powerpc/SelectOpproof.v
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Require Import AST.
 Require Import Integers.
 Require Import Floats.
 Require Import Values.
-Require Import Mem.
+Require Import Memory.
 Require Import Events.
 Require Import Globalenvs.
 Require Import Smallstep.
@@ -657,25 +657,18 @@ Qed.
 Lemma loadv_cast:
   forall chunk addr v,
-  loadv chunk m addr = Some v ->
+  Mem.loadv chunk m addr = Some v ->
   match chunk with
-  | Mint8signed => loadv chunk m addr = Some(Val.sign_ext 8 v)
-  | Mint8unsigned => loadv chunk m addr = Some(Val.zero_ext 8 v)
-  | Mint16signed => loadv chunk m addr = Some(Val.sign_ext 16 v)
-  | Mint16unsigned => loadv chunk m addr = Some(Val.zero_ext 16 v)
-  | Mfloat32 => loadv chunk m addr = Some(Val.singleoffloat v)
+  | Mint8signed => v = Val.sign_ext 8 v
+  | Mint8unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 8 v
+  | Mint16signed => v = Val.sign_ext 16 v
+  | Mint16unsigned => v = Val.zero_ext 16 v
+  | Mfloat32 => v = Val.singleoffloat v
   | _ => True
-  intros. rewrite H. destruct addr; simpl in H; try discriminate.
-  exploit Mem.load_inv; eauto. 
-  set (v' := (getN (pred_size_chunk chunk) (Int.signed i) (contents (blocks m b)))).
-  intros [A B]. subst v. destruct chunk; auto; destruct v'; simpl; auto.
-  rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem; auto. compute; auto.
-  rewrite Float.singleoffloat_idem; auto.
+  intros. destruct addr; simpl in H; try discriminate.
+  eapply Mem.load_cast. eauto.
 Theorem eval_cast8signed:
@@ -686,7 +679,7 @@ Proof.
   intros until v; unfold cast8signed; case (cast8signed_match a); intros; InvEval.
   EvalOp. simpl. subst v. destruct v1; simpl; auto.
   rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem. reflexivity. compute; auto.
-  inv H. econstructor; eauto. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
+  inv H. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H7. decEq. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
@@ -698,7 +691,7 @@ Proof.
   intros until v; unfold cast8unsigned; case (cast8unsigned_match a); intros; InvEval.
   EvalOp. simpl. subst v. destruct v1; simpl; auto.
   rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem. reflexivity. compute; auto.
-  inv H. econstructor; eauto. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
+  inv H. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H7. decEq. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
@@ -710,7 +703,7 @@ Proof.
   intros until v; unfold cast16signed; case (cast16signed_match a); intros; InvEval.
   EvalOp. simpl. subst v. destruct v1; simpl; auto.
   rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem. reflexivity. compute; auto.
-  inv H. econstructor; eauto. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
+  inv H. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H7. decEq. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
@@ -722,7 +715,7 @@ Proof.
   intros until v; unfold cast16unsigned; case (cast16unsigned_match a); intros; InvEval.
   EvalOp. simpl. subst v. destruct v1; simpl; auto.
   rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem. reflexivity. compute; auto.
-  inv H. econstructor; eauto. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
+  inv H. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H7. decEq. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
@@ -733,7 +726,7 @@ Theorem eval_singleoffloat:
   intros until v; unfold singleoffloat; case (singleoffloat_match a); intros; InvEval.
   EvalOp. simpl. subst v. destruct v1; simpl; auto. rewrite Float.singleoffloat_idem. reflexivity.
-  inv H. econstructor; eauto. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
+  inv H. econstructor; eauto. rewrite H7. decEq. apply (loadv_cast _ _ _ H7). 
diff --git a/runtime/stdio.h b/runtime/stdio.h
index de573a334..9aa3ae17e 100644
--- a/runtime/stdio.h
+++ b/runtime/stdio.h
@@ -58,22 +58,39 @@ extern int	 compcert_ungetc(int, compcert_FILE *);
 #define stdout compcert_stdout
 #undef stderr
 #define stderr compcert_stderr
+#undef clearerr
 #define clearerr compcert_clearerr
+#undef fclose
 #define fclose compcert_fclose
+#undef feof
 #define feof compcert_feof
+#undef ferror
 #define ferror compcert_ferror
+#undef fflush
 #define fflush compcert_fflush
+#undef fgetc
 #define fgetc compcert_fgetc
+#undef fgets
 #define fgets compcert_fgets
+#undef fopen
 #define fopen compcert_fopen
+#undef fprintf
 #define fprintf compcert_fprintf
+#undef fputc
 #define fputc compcert_fputc
+#undef fputs
 #define fputs compcert_fputs
+#undef fread
 #define fread compcert_fread
+#undef freopen
 #define freopen compcert_freopen
+#undef fscanf
 #define fscanf compcert_fscanf
+#undef fseek
 #define fseek compcert_fseek
+#undef ftell
 #define ftell compcert_ftell
+#undef fwrite
 #define fwrite compcert_fwrite
 #undef getc
 #define getc compcert_getc
@@ -83,7 +100,9 @@ extern int	 compcert_ungetc(int, compcert_FILE *);
 #define putc compcert_putc
 #undef putchar
 #define putchar(c) compcert_putc(c, compcert_stdout)
+#undef rewind
 #define rewind compcert_rewind
+#undef ungetc
 #define ungetc compcert_ungetc