diff --git a/lang/en/vpl.php b/lang/en/vpl.php
index da11daa3b2c599071345960727a1091ca294e40b..06143b19ba2d4e32a0af0b88fd7576e0d4b958a3 100644
--- a/lang/en/vpl.php
+++ b/lang/en/vpl.php
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ $string ['browserupdate'] = 'Please update your browser to the last version<br /
 $string ['calculate'] = 'Calculate';
 $string ['changesNotSaved'] = 'Changes have not been saved';
 $string ['check_jail_servers'] = 'Check execution servers';
+$string ['checkforcourse'] = 'Check for course {$a}';
+$string ['checkgroups'] = 'Check groups consistency';
+$string ['checksitewide'] = 'Check sitewide';
 $string ['clipboard'] = 'Clipboard';
 $string ['closed'] = 'Closed';
 $string ['comments'] = 'Comments';
diff --git a/views/checkvpls.php b/views/checkvpls.php
index 79a9b08641ce1d85959e5ad63c171a74f883f3e8..46e452c62d2f977f539b10b3ecce40aca893b848 100644
--- a/views/checkvpls.php
+++ b/views/checkvpls.php
@@ -38,20 +38,40 @@ if (! $course = $DB->get_record( "course", array ( 'id' => $id ) )) {
 require_course_login( $course );
 $PAGE->set_url( '/mod/vpl/views/checkvpls.php', array ( 'id' => $id ) );
+$admin = is_siteadmin();
+$sitewide = $admin && optional_param('sitewide', 0, PARAM_INT);
 $strvpls = get_string( 'modulenameplural', VPL );
+$pagetitle = get_string( 'checkgroups', VPL );
+$coursename = format_string( $course->fullname );
+if (!$sitewide) {
+    $pagetitle .= ' (' . $coursename . ')';
 $PAGE->navbar->add( $strvpls );
-$PAGE->set_title( get_string('checkall') );
-$PAGE->set_heading( $course->fullname );
+$PAGE->set_title( $pagetitle );
+$PAGE->set_heading( $coursename );
 echo $OUTPUT->header();
-echo $OUTPUT->heading( get_string('checkall'));
+echo $OUTPUT->heading( $pagetitle );
 $einfo = array ( 'context' => \context_course::instance( $course->id ),
         'objectid' => $course->id,
         'userid' => $USER->id
 \mod_vpl\event\vpl_checkvpls::log( $einfo );
-$admin = is_siteadmin();
 if ($admin) {
+    $url = $PAGE->url;
+    $filterurls = array(
+            $url->out(true, array('sitewide' => 0)),
+            $url->out(true, array('sitewide' => 1))
+    );
+    echo $OUTPUT->url_select( array (
+            $filterurls [0] => get_string( 'checkforcourse', VPL, $coursename ),
+            $filterurls [1] => get_string( 'checksitewide', VPL )
+    ), $filterurls [$sitewide], null );
+    echo '<br>';
+if ($sitewide) {
     $ovpls = $DB->get_records( VPL, array(), 'id' );
 } else {
     $ovpls = get_all_instances_in_course( VPL, $course );
@@ -59,8 +79,8 @@ if ($admin) {
 // Get and select vpls to show.
 foreach ($ovpls as $ovpl) {
     $vpl = new mod_vpl( false, $ovpl->id );
-    $instance = $vpl->get_instance();
     if ( $vpl->is_group_activity() ) {
+        $instance = $vpl->get_instance();
         // Check groups concistence.
         $groupingid = $vpl->get_course_module()->groupingid;
         $groups = groups_get_all_groups($vpl->get_course()->id, 0, $groupingid);
@@ -98,8 +118,8 @@ foreach ($ovpls as $ovpl) {
         $title = '';
-        if ($admin) {
-            $title = $vpl->get_course()->shortname . ': ';
+        if ($sitewide) {
+            $title = $vpl->get_course()->shortname . ' > ';
         $title .= $vpl->get_printable_name();
         $icon = 'check';