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LIG-Aikuma v3.0.0

Rough changelog:

Visual upgrade:
  + Waveform visualizer on the Respeaking and Translation modes (possibility to zoom in/out the audio signal)
  + File explorer included in all modes, to facilitate the navigation between files
  + New Share mode to share recordings between devices (by Bluetooth, Mail, NFC if available)
  + French and German languages available. In addition to English, the application now supports French and German languages. Lig-Aikuma uses by default the language of the phone/tablet.
  + New icons, more consistent to discriminate all type of files (audio, text, image, video)

Conceptual upgrade:
  + New name for the root project: ligaikuma –> /!\ Henceforth, all data will be stored into this directory instead of « aikuma » (in the previous versions of the app). This change isn’t involve issues for compatibility. In the file explorer of the mode, the default position is this root directory. Just go back once with the left grey arrow (on the lower left of the screen) and select the « aikuma » directory to access to your old recordings
  + Generation of a PDF consent form (from informations filled in the metadata form) that can be signed by linguist and speaker thanks to a pdf annotation tool (like Adobe Fill & Sign mobile app)
  + Generation of a CSV file which can be imported in Elan software: it will automatically create segmented tier, as it was done during a respeaking or a translation session. It will also mention by a « non-speech » label that a segment contains no speech.
  + Géolocalisation of the recordings
  + Respeak an elicit file: it is now possible to use in Respeaking or Translation mode an audio file initially recorded in Elicitation mode

Structural upgrade:
  + Undo button on Elicitation to erase/redo the current recording
  + Improvement session backup on Elicitation
  + Non-speech button in Respeaking and Translation modes to indicate by a comment that the segment not contains speech (but noise or silent for instance)
  + Automatic speaker profile creation to quickly fill in the metadata infos if several sessions with a same speaker