diff --git a/conf/RAINCELL_APP_BAMAKO/metadata/doi_observatory.csv b/conf/RAINCELL_APP_BAMAKO/metadata/doi_observatory.csv index affeb79fecb17308613fb5b472d0037c755c3363..e952cb20f74b098b63495584f542b829191bd422 100644 --- a/conf/RAINCELL_APP_BAMAKO/metadata/doi_observatory.csv +++ b/conf/RAINCELL_APP_BAMAKO/metadata/doi_observatory.csv @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ "# Clé";Valeur;;;; identifier:DOI;10.5072/RAINCELL_APP_BAMAKO.all;;;; creatorName;"RainCell App Bamako";;;; -title;"URBAN FLOOD MANAGEMENT AND DECISION SUPPORT TOOL FOR BAMAKO";;;; -title:AlternativeTitle;"URBAN FLOOD MANAGEMENT AND DECISION SUPPORT TOOL FOR BAMAKO";;;; +title;"Urban flood management and decision support tool for Bamako";;;; +title:AlternativeTitle;"An early flood warning system demonstrator over the Bamako great area";;;; title:Subtitle;"RainCell App Bamako is a projet of the french institute IRD";;;; -title:TranslatedTitle;"OUTIL DE GESTION DES INONDATIONS URBAINES ET D'AIDE A LA DECISION POUR BAMAKO";;;; +title:TranslatedTitle;"Outil de gestion des inondations urbaines et d'aide à la décision pour Bamako";;;; publisher;"IRD, KGGTF";;;; publicationYear;2018;;;; subject:main;"Hydrometeorological data set";;;; @@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ format;CSV;;;; format;NETCDF;;;; rights;"Data access and use are ruled by the World Bank data policy.";rightsURI;http://www.worldbank.org/en/about/legal/terms-of-use-for-datasets;; rights;"Licence : CC BY 4.0";rightsURI;https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0;; -rights;"The following acknowledging sentence should appear in publications using RainCell app Bamako data and products: ""… TODO …"".";;;; +rights;"For any publication using RainCell App Bamako data, depending on the contribution of the data to the scientific results obtained, data users should either propose co-authorship to the data providers (doi work package leaders) or at least acknowledge their contribution. +The following sentence should appear in the acknowledgments of the publication: +""The RainCell App Bamako data was set up thanks to a funding of Korean Green Growth Trust Fund through the Word Bank and IRD, that allowed various small scale hydrological and hydrometeorological observing setups over the Bamako Great Area""";;;; description:Abstract;"Urban flood risk is increasing in African cities, often because of inadequate urban planning and building codes, uncontrolled occupation of flood-prone lowlands, and climate variability and change. Flood risk in Bamako, Mali, is a typical. The goal of the RainCell App Bamako project is to demonstrate the feasibility of the real-time monitoring of rainfall and flood risk in Mali's urban areas, particularly Bamako using information from cell phone microwave links networks of telecom companies. The open-source rainfall-runoff modeling platform ATHYS, uses this high-resolution rain maps based on cellular network signal attenuation and provides maps of runoff over the city. Then, national services can deliver in real-time flood-risk information to decision makers.";;;; geoLocationPlace;Bamako;;;; -geoLocationBox;"44.4 2.9 45.3 5.0 (S. W. N. E.)";;;; +geoLocationBox;"12.492 -8.064 12.696 -7.904";"#(S. W. N. E.)";;;