change the Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID ... string in cep wizzard
As a | CEP developer |
I would like to | not forget anything and have a clearer understanding of some generated code |
So that | I can avoid mistakes when I manipulate extension after they are generated by the wizard |
Epic/Topics |
Description / Overview
Change the
Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "fr.imag.camitk.wizardgenerated.component.myNewComponentExtension")
string to something like
or anything that does not include wizardgenerated as this is very confusing.
When users copy this code to manually to create new components/actions they might be rightfully tricked into leaving this line out.
Modify corresponding cepgenerator
Acceptance tests
tmpDir=$(mktemp -d)
cd /path/to/buildir
bin/camitk-cepgenerator -f /path/to/camitk/sdk/libraries/cepcoreschema/testdata/actionAndComponent.xml -d $tmpDir
found=$(find $tmpDir -name "*.h" | xargs grep wizardgenerated)
if [ "$found" == "" ]; then echo "Passed"; else echo "Failed"; fi
Edited by Emmanuel Promayon