VTK 9.2/9.3 compatibility
I found several issues while trying to build camitk for VTK 9.3 in Ubuntu/Debian.
In sdk/components/vtkimage/RawDataDialog.cpp, vtkConfigure.h is not packaged anymore and vtkType.h should be included instead
In sdk/actions/mesh/basicmesh/MeshQuality.cpp, VTK 9.2 has renamed SetHexQualityMeasureToMaxEdgeRatios and SetQuadQualityMeasureToMaxEdgeRatios: the trailing 's' is removed
In sdk/actions/mesh/basicmesh/MeshQuality.cpp, VTK 9.2 "vtkMeshQuality and vtkCellQuality [...] no longer supports the AspectBeta tetrahedron metric", and I'm not sure what to do as this could impact the library's API.