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  • promayon's avatar
    FIXED all binary generated by application_extension macro are prefix with... · a15d63f5
    promayon authored
    FIXED all binary generated by application_extension macro are prefix with camitk- (this means "imp" becomes camitk-imp and "wizard" becomes camitk-wizard)
    FIXED imp argument -noConsole becomes --noConsole (standard policy for options on the command line)
    NEW commandline management for imp (a list of files can be given on the command line, imp answers to --help and --version), using gengetopt
    NEW man pages for imp and wizard
    FIXED component and action CMakeLists.txt should specify all the directory explicitely to respect inner dependency
    FIXED wrong include in LaplacianRecursiveGaussian
    FIXED gcc compilation for RegionGrowing
    FIXED some minor command line management for wizard
    git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ec899d31-69d1-42ba-9299-647d76f65fb3