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  • saubatn's avatar
    FIXED : Volume rendered from 2D images is now a vtkprop of the image... · 78775699
    saubatn authored
    FIXED : Volume rendered from 2D images is now a vtkprop of the image component. The arbirtrary slice holds the volume rendered prop and is displayed with the arbitrary slice, if computed. As a consequence, the volume rendered prop is deleted once the component is closed. Also the prop is only computed once. It should correctly work for the Labex ECCAMI.
    TODO: Use a InterfaceRepresentation interface to correctly delegate the get/remove... prop methods in Component.h using the delegation pattern. Also, the volume rendered 3D image could be a kind of "Single Component" and being displayed as axial/coronal ... slice (right clicking a check-box in a pop-up menu). To be decided next.
    git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ec899d31-69d1-42ba-9299-647d76f65fb3